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M!n! Bear Am!gurum!

Crochet Pattern

H! there...

One of the free am"gurum" crochet patterns we w"ll share today "s the
am"gurum" m"n" bear. You can learn how to crochet these m"n" bear
us"ng the free am"gurum" pattern.

If you don’t know how to often crochet and needles, read our shares.
Start your kn"tt"ng accord"ng to the rate you have accord"ng to the
shape you w"ll make. Shape your toy by "ncreas"ng and decreas"ng
the po"nt. Once you weave the shape you want to f"ll the "ns"de of
your toy and look at the p"ctures to decorate.
Am"gurum" cats, am"gurum" dolls, am"gurum" dogs, am"gurum"
un"corns, am"gurum" lambs, am"gurum" d"nosaurs, am"gurum" foxes,
am"gurum" bears, am"gurum" g"raffes, am"gurum" p"gs, am"gurum"
pengu"ns, am"gurum" panda, am"gurum" llama, am"gurum" bunny,
am"gurum" clowns, am"gurum" elephants, am"gurum" h"ppos,
am"gurum" monkeys w"ll not be d"ff"cult for you…


Yarns: Gazzal baby Cotton or Yarnart Jeans)

Hook: 2,10 mm
Eyes: 8 mm


ch: cha"n
st: st"tch
sc: s"ngle crochet
"nc: "ncrease (2 sc "n the next st)
dec: decrease
ss: sl"p st"tch
dc: double crochet
( )*6 : Repeat whatever "s between the brackets the number of t"mes


1) Mag"c r"ng "nto 6 sc (6)

2) (3 sc "n next the st, 2 sc)*2 (10)
3) sc, 2 "nc, 3 sc, 2 "nc, 2 sc (14)
4) 2 sc, 2 "nc, 5 sc, 2 "nc, 3 sc (18)
5) sc "n each st around (18)
6) 6 sc, (2 dc "n the next st)*6, 6 sc (24)
7) 6 sc, (dc, 2 dc "n the next st)*6, 6 sc (30)
8) (4 sc ,"nc)*6 (36)
9) (5 sc, "nc)*6 (42)
10) (6 sc, "nc)*6 (48)
11-17) sc "n each st around (48) (8 rnds)
Place eyes between round 6th and 7th leav"ng 12 sts between them.
18) (6 sc, dec)*6 (42)
19) (5 sc, dec)*6 (36)
20) (4 sc, dec) * 6 (30)
21) (3 sc, dec) * 6 (24)
22) (2sc, dec)*6 (18)
23) (sc, dec) * 6 (12)
24) 6 dec (6)

Ears (2 pcs.)

1) Mag"c r"ng "nto 6sc (6)

2) 6 "nc (12)
3-5) sc "n each st around (12) (3 rnds )

1) Mag"c r"ng "nto 6 s c (6)

2) 6 "nc (12)
3) (sc, "nc ) * 6 (18)
4) (2 sc, "nc) * 6 (24)
5) (3 sc, "nc ) * 6 (30)
6) (4 sc, "nc) * 6 (36)
7-10) sc "n each st around (36) (4 rnds )
11) (4 sc, dec) * 6 (30)
12-14) sc "n each st around (30) (3rnds)
15) (3 sc, dec ) * 6 (24)
16-17) sc "n each st around (24) (2 rnds )
18) (2 sc, dec ) * 6 (18)
19) sc "n each st around (18)

Arms (2 pcs.)

1) Mag"c r"ng "nto 6 sc (6)

2) 6 "nc (12)
3-4) sc "n each st around (12)
5) 3 sc, 3 dec, 3 sc (9)
6-13) sc "n each st around (9)
Legs (2 pcs.)

1) Mag"c r"ng "nto 8 sc (or 9 ch) (8)

2) 8 "nc (16)
3-5) sc "n each st around (16)
6) 4 sc, 4 dec, 4 sc (12)
7-13) sc "n each st around (12)
14) 6 dec (6)


K: kn"t
P: purl
YO: yarn over
BO: Bond off
CO: cast on

Start w"th any color you l"ke.

Kn"tt"ng needles 3 mm
We collect 26 sts on the needles.
1) K3, YO-K1-YO, K3, YO-K1-YO, K10, YO-K1-YO, K3, YO-K1-YO, K3
2) 34P
3) K4, YO-K1-YO, K5, YO-K1-YO, K12, YO-K1-YO, K5, YO-K1-YO, K4
4) 42P

5) K5, YO-K1-YO, K7, YO-K1-YO, K14, YO-K1-YO, K7, YO-K1-YO, K5

6) 50P
7) K7, 10 CO (to create arm), K16, 10 CO (to create arm), K7 (30)
8) 30P
9) (K5, YO)*5 t"mes, K5 (35)
10) 35P
11) (K6, YO)*5 t"mes, K5 (40)
12) 40P

13) (K7, YO)*5 t"mes, K5 (45)

14) 45P
15) 45K
16) 45P
Kn"t unt"l "t reaches the des"red length
17-19) 45K
20) 45 CO
St"tch"ng from the bottom of the sh"rt to the chest, use a crochet
hook to create late n"ght clothes and attach a button.

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