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Cause/Effect—Draft paper

A discussion piece for Peoples Academy1, Speakers Corner,2 London

Attention to symptoms is
important. They point to possible
causes and to the need for first-aid Inter

responses to minimise suffering.

sp a
However, finding and
eliminating root cause(s) is the causes

sa l
main task.

Rock-bottom level of causal space
For want of a nail the shoe was lost.
For want of a shoe the horse was lost.
For want of a horse the rider was lost.
For want of a rider the message was lost.
For want of a message the battle was lost.
For want of a battle the kingdom was lost.
And all for the want of a horseshoe nail.

1 Wikipedia for general knowledge—missing from the years of

2 Information about discussion events from
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Small errors lead to irreparable damage. Correct them while possible
Why was a kingdom lost?...
Why was a battle lost?...
Why was the message lost?...
Why was rider lost?...
Why was the horse lost?...
Why was the shoe lost? For want of a nail a kingdom was lost
Historically persistent root causes of relative poverty among working
● Lack of sophisticated mechanical work-slaves (until 19th C.
● Gap between ruling minority&ruled majority(Persistent
● State-enforced schooling system (established 19/20th C. Why?
● …
Thoughts on the effects of industrial/cultural changes in 19/20th
• A vast array of robotic slaves and production systems are creating
enormous wealth throughout global society.
• This wealth is not distributed equitably to enhance individual well-
• A necessary reform to remedy this injustice is the establishment of
a modern social security system known as
Universal/Unconditional Basic Income (UBI).
But the status quo is resisting this evolutionary social change by all
the secret means it has in its power to deploy.
This resistance has to be forced into the public arena by invigorating
the legal process known as “Class
A proposal for informed deliberation:
Scrap the Department of Work and Pensions and with it Universal
credit, Job Centers, Jobseekers Allowance; Instead universalise
Basic State Pension into Unconditional Basic Income for every
adult over age 18. Retain other supplementary Social State

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Cause/Effect—Draft paper
A discussion piece for Peoples Academy3, Speakers Corner,4 London

Attention to symptoms is
important. They point to possible
causes and to the need for first-aid Inter

responses to minimise suffering.

sp a
However, finding and
eliminating root cause(s) is the causes

sa l
main task.

Rock-bottom level of causal space
For want of a nail the shoe was lost.
For want of a shoe the horse was lost.
For want of a horse the rider was lost.
For want of a rider the message was lost.
For want of a message the battle was lost.
For want of a battle the kingdom was lost.
And all for the want of a horseshoe nail.

3 Wikipedia for general knowledge—missing from the years of

4 Information about discussion events from
705056030.odt 3/4 15 Nov 2023
Small errors lead to irreparable damage. Correct them while possible
Why was a kingdom lost?...
Why was a battle lost?...
Why was the message lost?...
Why was rider lost?...
Why was the horse lost?...
Why was the shoe lost? For want of a nail a kingdom was lost
Historically persistent root causes of relative poverty among working
● Lack of sophisticated mechanical work-slaves (until 19th C.
● Gap between ruling minority&ruled majority(Persistent
● State-enforced schooling system (established 19/20th C. Why?
● …
Thoughts on the effects of industrial/cultural changes in 19/20th
• A vast array of robotic slaves and production systems are creating
enormous wealth throughout global society.
• This wealth is not distributed equitably to enhance individual well-
• A necessary reform to remedy this injustice is the establishment of
a modern social security system known as
Universal/Unconditional Basic Income (UBI).
But the status quo is resisting this evolutionary social change by all
the secret means it has in its power to deploy.
This resistance has to be forced into the public arena by invigorating
the legal process known as “Class
A proposal for informed deliberation:
Scrap the Department of Work and Pensions and with it Universal
credit, Job Centers, Jobseekers Allowance; Instead universalise
Basic State Pension into Unconditional Basic Income for every
adult over age 18. Retain other supplementary Social State

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