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Evidencia 4

San Nicolás de los Garza, NL, UANL. (11 de Noviembre de 2021)



In contemporary society, physical and mental health and interpersonal relationships occupy
a very important place in people's daily lives. The importance of disease prevention is
increasingly recognized, which is a great gap and opportunity to provide solutions to this
problem through products and services aimed at prevention and wellness. However, equal
access to these resources is not always a reality; various economic, geographic and cultural
barriers often hinder the possibility of accessing high quality medical and pharmaceutical

This work focuses on the creation and evaluation of a mobile application called "MedAfford".
The purpose of this application is to provide convenient access to quality health services and
to promote disease prevention. To achieve this goal, a questionnaire has been developed
that seeks to collect data related to users' perception of preventive health services and
access through a mobile application.

Throughout this paper, the problem to be solved will be addressed, the research objectives
will be described, and a relevant theoretical framework will be provided. A congruence table
summarizing the key aspects of the research will also be presented. Subsequently, we will
proceed to modify and restructure the questions of the questionnaire based on the
observations in Evidence 2 so that they are fully in line with our research objectives, followed
by a pretest of the questionnaire, with the purpose of identifying areas that require
improvement. Based on the observations obtained, the necessary adjustments will be made.
Finally, the main objective of the activity is to come up with the final survey to be applied in
order to collect valuable data that will contribute to the promotion of equal access to quality
health services and the general well being of the population.

Problem statement:

In today's society, unequal access to preventive health services represents a significant

challenge. Economic, geographic, and cultural factors create disparities in access to quality
health care, resulting in a gap in the health and well-being of the population. To address this
problem, the creation of the "MedAfford" mobile application is proposed. This application
seeks to provide convenient and affordable access to quality health services, with a focus on
disease prevention.

Research Objectives.

General Objective: This work primarily aims to create and evaluate the mobile application
"MedAfford" to facilitate affordable and convenient access to quality health services. It aims
to address disparities in access to health care and promote disease prevention.

Specific Objectives:

● Modify and improve the existing questionnaire based on the observations in

Evidence 2.
● Conduct a pretest of the questionnaire to identify areas for improvement.
● Adjust the questionnaire based on the observations from the pretest.
● Apply the survey to collect valuable data related to user perception of preventive
health services and access through a mobile application.

Theoretical Framework

Equitable access to health services is a fundamental pillar of contemporary health care.

Despite efforts, disparities in access persist due to economic, geographic, and cultural
factors. Equity in health care is critical to ensure that all people have the opportunity to
maintain and improve their health.

Disease prevention plays a crucial role in health promotion. Identifying risk factors early and
the promotion of good healthy lifestyle habits are critical to prevent diseases from becoming
chronic, in some cases untreatable and above all mentally and physically painful.

Mobile technology, especially mobile applications, has proven to be an effective tool for
improving access to health care. These applications provide health information, facilitate
access to telemedicine services, and enable personal health monitoring, which can be
especially advantageous for people facing geographic or economic barriers.

The "MedAfford" application justifies its existence on these concepts by seeking to provide
good quality health services in a simple, fast and convenient way and to promote disease
prevention in society. Making use of mobile technology, to which a large part of the
population has access or can have recourse in a much cheaper way, the application aims to
overcome traditional barriers in access to medical care and empower users to actively take
care of their health without a great effort, the research focuses on evaluating the
effectiveness of this application in promoting equal access to health services and disease


Problem Research Variables Objectives Limiting Justification

approach question

Physical and How can a -People Provide - There are

mental health- without easy and Adaptation many factors
health are related app health convenien that can
increasingly be problems t access to - WIFI make people
important in accessible quality not
our daily life, to all health - Privacy interested in
unfortunately people? services using an
- People -
there are through a application
with a Requireme
products that mobile to take care
health nts
help us lead application of their
a healthier problem. , in order health.
lifestyle but to improve Sometimes
due to the health people are
demand and and well- afraid of
price, these being of knowing that
are not the they may
accessible to population have an
anyone. , reduce illness, so
barriers to they do not
access to like to check
medical their health
care and very often.
promote But there is
disease also another
prevention group that
. likes to be

more alert to

Cuestionario (incluir cada uno de los reactivos y el enlace al mismo. El enlace, debe
de estar vigente. Si se encuentra cerrado, no se tomará en cuenta el cuestionario,
por lo que la calificación de la evidencia será comprometida)


1- ¿Cuantos años tienes?

2- ¿En qué tipo de vivienda vives?

A)Apartamento con una habitación
B)Apartamento de 2 o más habitaciones.
C)Casa con una habitación
D)Casa con 2 o más habitaciones

3- ¿En qué parte de México vives?


4- ¿En qué estado y municipio vives?

5- ¿Cuál es tu ocupación?

6-¿Has oído hablar de este producto o de alguno similar?

C)Tal vez

7-¿Qué probabilidades hay de que compre nuestro producto?

Sí, lo compraría 1-5
No, no lo compraría 1-5

8-¿Qué características de nuestro producto son más importantes para usted?

A) Calidad
B) Adaptabilidad y comodidad
C) Sentido práctico

9- ¿Qué porcentaje esperaría ahorrar al utilizar nuestro producto como alternativa al

cuidado de su salud?

10- ¿En qué dispositivo comprarías normalmente este producto?

B) Android
C) Windows
D) Otros

11-¿Con qué frecuencia compra productos de esta categoría en un periodo de 3


A) A veces
B) Ocasionalmente

C) A menudo
D) Siempre
E) Nunca

For us it is very important to be careful with the order of the questions since in certain
scenarios the questions can make the person uncomfortable because personal information
is collected in many cases.

We also have this order established so that respondents understand better and can respond
more accurately. We use an attractive order so that the respondent can finish it, that's why
we start with personal information in general and then with product questions so that they
have the necessary context, which makes it easier for them to have more coherent answers.


In this survey, likert and importance scales’ like questions are used. Both the Likert scale
and the importance scale share similarities in their function of gathering information in
surveys. Both are used to obtain the opinions and preferences of the respondents. In the
Likert scale, the degree of agreement or disagreement with statements is measured,
revealing people's opinions on a subject. On the other hand, the importance scale focuses
on the priority or value assigned to different factors or attributes, also providing information
about the preferences of the respondents. In both scales, the aim is to quantify the
responses so that researchers can better understand the attitudes and values of the
respondents, which is essential for making informed decisions and developing effective
strategies. In summary, both the Likert scale and the importance scale are valuable tools for
obtaining information about people's opinions and preferences in a survey.
There are also some open-ended questions to learn more about potential customers.



To start with this part it is important to mention what validity and reliability are.

Validity and reliability in research are concepts used to evaluate the quality of research,
mainly in quantitative research, to indicate the degree to which a method, technique or test
effectively measures something for which it is used.

Now, there are several ways to measure the reliability of a survey. The most common
reliability measures are:

Test-retest reliability: In this strategy, a survey is conducted on a certain group of people

and then the same group is surveyed again after a certain period of time. Test-retest
reliability is calculated by comparing respondents' responses from both survey

Internal consistency reliability: This measure is calculated by comparing respondents'

responses to various survey questions. The internal consistency reliability of a survey is high
when respondents' responses to different questions are correlated with each other.

The pre-test has detailed questions to get the information we need from our possible
customers, their age, the specification of the place they live, where they live and their
occupation. Our service is aimed at people who cannot afford medical services or without
social help, also people who do not have time enough to go to hospitals and waste time in
the processes that everyone has to pass when going to the doctor for a check.

After doing the questions to know the profile of the customers, we wanted to know what
would be the preferred way to purchase our service, as well as what would be the probability
of acquiring the service.

The results after applying the pre-test showed that most of people live in a house with two or
more rooms, we applied the test in a little scale so 100% of the people who answered lives
in the north of the country, in cities such as Monterrey, San Nicolás, Guadalupe, Apodaca y
San Pedro.

0% of the people have heard about something similar as this service and 75% would buy a
service like this.

The 100% would buy it by the price and expect a savings of 75%, also 100% would like to
acquire it by an online provider on mobile devices such as phones with iOS and android, and
pcs with windows.

The most important point must be the occupation of the people who answered the survey
because 80% of them are students who probably doesn’t have an assurance so our service
could be the most affordable option for them.

Sample size determination

We decided to use a sample size of 20 people, including students and unemployed

individuals, to gather information about the population that our service is aimed at. This
number was chosen based on a realistic and small scale that could provide us with general
information about the population's thoughts on our service.

We believe that this sample size is enough to gain a better understanding of the
opportunities for our service and can serve as a good starting point for implementing
strategies and new features in the future, all while meeting the requirements of our
potential customers.

Sampling techniques used in the research

The choice of convenience sampling in the research on the "MedAfford" mobile

application is based on a number of key considerations. First, this methodology is
suitable for obtaining quick and valuable initial feedback on the proposed product.
Given that the research is focused on the development and evaluation of a new
health service, it was crucial to obtain responses from potential users relatively
quickly to test and rule out at the same time whether it is something that any
individual would be interested in the service, as obtained data we believe could give
us a bit more background regarding the group we should target our efforts to.

In addition, the use of convenience sampling is justified by the availability of

participants. The research may require direct interaction with respondents, and this
approach allows us to involve individuals who are easily accessible, such as our own
classmates or people within close geographic reach (family, friends). This
streamlines data collection and ensures that a significant number of responses are
obtained, without being too picky about the respondent profile.

However, we are aware that convenience sampling may limit the generalizability of
the results to a larger population. Since participants were selected based on their
availability, they may not accurately represent all potential users of the product. The
technique we consider most suitable would be to make use of Stratified Sampling, to
have data based on the specific characteristics we are looking for and which also
contains data on all the locations you would like to reach. Therefore, this approach is

more suitable for an initial phase of the research, such as the pretest, where the
main objective is to obtain initial information about the perception and disposition of
the participants.

Essentially, the use of convenience sampling in this context is justified by its

efficiency and speed in obtaining valuable preliminary data that will inform the
ongoing "MedAfford" research. Despite its limitations in terms of representativeness,
it is a wise choice for this early stage of the product development process.

Analysis of results

The survey was designed to gather information about potential customers' age, living
situation, occupation, and preferences for purchasing a medical service.

The results showed that:

● Most respondents live in houses with two or more rooms, and the survey was
conducted in cities such as Monterrey, San Nicolás, Guadalupe, Apodaca, and San
Pedro in the north of the country.
● 0% of the respondents had heard about a similar service, and 75% would buy a
service like this.
● 100% of the respondents would buy the service based on price, expecting a
savings of 75%.
● 100% of the respondents would like to acquire the service through an online
provider on mobile devices like iPhones and Android phones, as well as PCs with
Windows .
● 80% of the respondents are students who likely do not have insurance, making the
service an affordable option for them.

The survey has successfully gathered valuable information about the potential customers'
demographics, preferences, and needs, which can help in tailoring the service to meet
their requirements.

The investigation presented highlights three fundamental aspects.

Firstly, the investigation showed the importance of conducting thorough research on how
market research is conducted. This reflects the need to understand how surveys and market
studies are designed and executed, especially by observing examples from leading

companies. Understanding these processes is crucial for developing effective surveys that
are appealing to respondents and contribute to future sales.

Secondly, it underscores the challenge of unequal access to preventive health services in

today's society due to economic, geographical, and cultural factors. The proposal of the
mobile application "MedAfford" to address this issue aims to provide affordable access to

quality health services with a focus on disease prevention. The research focuses on
evaluating the ability of this application to promote equitable access to healthcare. The
theoretical framework highlights the importance of equity in healthcare and the role of mobile
technology in overcoming barriers to healthcare access.

Thirdly, it highlights the importance of research in the development and launch of new
products or services in the market. This process is crucial to ensure that all aspects are
successfully managed, which, in turn, improves the product's performance and projects
positive results.

In summary, this investigation underscores the critical importance of research in health

services area, from understanding how market research is conducted to solving social
issues like unequal access to healthcare services and successfully launching new products.
Research is a key element for development and success in different fields, contributing to
societal well-being and the achievement of business objectives.

Narvaez, M. (2023, June 20). ¿Qué es la validez y confiabilidad en la investigación?.


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