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Prowling Wolhund a Prowling Wolhund a Prowling Wolhund a (engin ig Pet an shores anethor pectoris pretor comes int lay enusied If re is anerhor prea in play this predtor comes se lay anrauste, tthe i anther aredator in ply, predator comes a pay onnauste Sitka Buck sitka Buck ol Sitka Buck eg ey Manga Ba ey! Pre arn peer oeeerer oes Nae pe erer eeots eaerregaymoniotipcnseay Earn euaenalsieniris parr epennsire Cee eee ees eee ed Cee ees aerate’ eS airs eet oes Sunberry Bramble Sitka Doe Bene ee Being attache tre bring donot onc 43.6 son:his bem, you cannot val ne @-or ths bromeld conch be moved except by FIT + @: Wrest (2 nom foo ofthe mut {jose ehaast Pia biomed, then remove 0: Shoe sway the stitch grazer to ‘@ orunasach a being tom t Hyou nates 2 move Ws bene ain, place the seme asa a this Bor AWA + Bs Puck 2 he thorn singe fuiteo fd 1 tis fae and soothe 2 ane uf tsar ties you Pp enna rrneneneenny potiererecies See ee ener Re TT Peres @xrnens og AWA. + Bi: Pack 2} bo 0-0 dd Tos Teetute and socthe 2 of aur fat 0s you ue a Hl ¢ 9: Scare [2 off the loitering caro Satta place he being an toa of De path eck you fn ir ny Porinont ae ‘Overgrown Thicket if Oorerrs en Obie AWA. tin 0 ous ve eA hanno saree Obstacle AWA + Qe Meise Par ace Dy Circling rie a Bouncing Atrox a Elia eisai Guertopes tlebeng ontop te path eck Fou fa ier jay ore nr Died Y cca 1+ stent nacolarsonaet Es Leen forthe mesciutak'ssong oh ve you © 0s beng sayrng te move your & tof beng. Response: lor a beng moves ot enters say Response Before beng moves o enters aay sethn rach, you may semana your som it seth rsch, you may orave your Hom sit prey to exaust tha beng pry ta exhaust ta beng Fresh sitka Careass H AWA + watch a ores fo mows you' @ to ths festure Shale Scree Opsaee, AWA + @:Seramble [21 9 9 so 0 Ding cts 1 ae) 3A, this feat for eery 2 oon you fl rene tea calonge stock Pere: D> fatigues eee Lutrinal Holt Come] th ial ack to Isla” fade ire thi feature. You nay lscard 1 ioeen From on eau ped food to omit sor ‘lose Soutle a Rorging Luninalingoshe path tack ir each hrs on ta fete Fractalwire Obstacle FOC + Break (2) he badd cos aus Tee to ths fete for over 2 ofr. you fl fer niu Shale Scree a AWA + @:Serambie aloe sore Shhing ont ela that fr ery Foto ly iak echo Salrge oe Cee tee ned Pee cai Romping Lutrinal Preece! Peanpewern neater ees Fractalwire Obstacle FOC + @: Break 2 ie biodos co's 1 add NB tos feotre for every 2 for you fer ni Spiderline Stanchion [Dutng your ti your @ ton tis fate, you thay tat caries aif they id not heve the Sosacokeyners + Bs Bree iy rove you tots este, ortho ide to Response: When you tal a @ a8 on this feature you may travel ta alocaton up t02 pathy: Use te tea of he secon ath ‘shen buliing the pth deck Romping Lutrnal u ‘in Pid rae etc Peesnpneeen eater Esc ED Romping Lutrinal comping Lutrinal Serie rns Sime E> Siexve Soom Codd te thi feature qual so your FIT spect and rrnve your fr ta oot GS 0 | (GB fresh Blue Kelpweed Ss # fresh Blue Kelpweed Sie . FOC + Wrap is puoertons rd 1h theft an froma Ranger o ecard 29 Tebutary Stream uo Tebutay Stream ul + Soak 21 your fo wate tomowe your to th feature and sothe fatique equ ta youre + Follow 21 Tove you @ to ths fate 2iatigue Foc + a Follow [2 3 srviomove your 1 thi osu and we 1A helen Dozing Bearsloth a Dozing Bearsloth a Kleptic Raccoon os and your eft yu fa srw Spat card Clear A Search your Ranger daca for «goer Cloudhive Clouahive Swarm ‘Cloudhive Swarm Response: tradeing arrow tos Era ceed concer Refresh: Ad bee tah nor Refresh Ad bee to this arm You cana masa of 1% per tet You can adda maximum of 1p tet to sven hisses Xn eau wo the nunber of Bes on this swarm X's easel w the nunber of bes on this swarm Puffercrawler a Hanging Cherry Moss Hanging Cherry Moss ifbisbeing isatachd aro o abe g with + Bs Climb up 16 roach ve: 06.9 mt eel sre ew cs a 1a et, Snvemrr en | eral ize $B clin vot ac oo fooshe 1 fatgue Rotting Dolewood a Rotting Dolewood a Dolewood Canopy o =< Wile your is on tha feature, reat ach woh feaes esorhoustes utyoueannot ad A, toeatirs orth location. Obstet ‘lear Discard each ren play. Ech Ranger ‘fers igus acval 02 pure combines presnce cal fora dacerded th way Ee ery Panacea B Lunn, Outpost Tender (BY ‘A Trick of the Light AWA + Qi Hide rove your'e ta hs Whe your ton Wis esture you can ie tel folowing response: Response: When a being at ques you, you may dd any nbs f to fate fo reve mod au Clear A: (2139 233 Hanging Gardens % Topside Mast oO 4+ Os Hunt (2 wn Kondo to nd 1910 eM being or every 2 effort Then add an equa AWA + As Ext th ito edd Smount of At Kors, TBiowafn, [cote fatigue, andes! ane FOC Wc nn oe ; 1 urgeneyof your mission to move you t0 om Fina FOC + @ share 2} Nas sncrstancing ot Io unvoree toad 1 thang fo ovary 2 (fort and scout challenge cad AWA+ A: local plats forthe aed FIT + @: Swim [3] in oe uncortor ‘done teeta of your equipped gear to your hand and rove your @ to hs fear. You al sue" EA While your @ is on this card, prevent al fatigue i You waa seFerhom te weather greenies Clear 662150 Vira, Lake Guide Elder Murtok Gral a Find FOC + A: Listen 8 othe wisson of ho der fretur a momert fom your hand 0 pe Cle cinoma stating ett. FOC + Fish 2} hth affble ancler ‘exhaust AT tere tar carina From your eolection that you meat fe aspoct coins 2 fatigue and aT token o oa Ak or guidance to acard titer or and 438 0 your hare ia ‘uipped food. Sieraton to you dedkis permanent) Quisi Vos, Rascal a Ren Kobo, Merchant Sil Bela, Artist een/ommiign ps Being tonne ‘in hota FOC + @: Aa oui stu hor asventures ithe Valay todd A to hs being equa to your efor. Then cuba ve being L608 Friongly, Porson Fina <7 7 + Bs: Powe 2) horicly 0 a6 8A to lose A or 9: C8 Clear oF 9: £083 hie. you ase feu os @ karst & Aecology sinkhole ‘Oura Vos, Traveler ganar, Foy FOC + asia AWA + Qe Search as cher yn ore un rst the fest move your @ to this feature. Then you ‘nay search your deck equ you fe mows your tsi emir you ‘may eda token 1a one of your equipped gear Clear 6: Each ange shes 2 cats em ther Ranger dear in tha ace @ Ses hae estos BY Ben Amon, Swift Pilot

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