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Download this Document for Free The dough maker machine isused for mixing the flour withother additives to make the pasteneeded for biscuits making.Power: 1.5kwCapacity: 20kg/loadDimension: 0.8*0.6*1m Paste Feeder Machine

The paste feeder machineis used to send the pasteto the hopper of overlapping machine androller-printing machine. Biscuit Molding Machine-: Flour paste will bepressed to biscuits shape after processingby this equipment. Baking oven-: Baking oven isone of theessentialequipment of theproduction line. Itis used for baking

biscuits. Oil-spraying machine-: The oil-spraying machine iswidely used for spraying the oilon the surface of biscuits. Thecolor, flavor and taste of biscuits are greatly improvedafter oil spraying so it's anecessary machine to producetop grade biscuits. Cooling conveyor-:

This cooling conveyor is used forcooling the biscuits after bakingand molding the biscuits in a fixedshape. SWOT ANALYSIS OF PARLESTRENGTH: Parle brand Diversified product


Extensive distribution network Low and mid price range

Catering to mass Better understanding of consumer psyche WEAKNESS : Dependence on grocery stores & retailer Dependence on Parle-G flagship OPPRTUNITY: Estimated annual growth Low per capita consumption Changing consumer preference Increasing demand for sugar free Diet biscuit THERETS: Hike in raw material price

Increasing distribution system cost Local bakery products Entry of various new entrants like ITC.BRITANIAETC . EXPERINCE OF FACTORY VISIT The student of GNIM 2009-11 batch sectionA&Bvisited Parle products factory Bahadurgarh in

Harayana,approx 2houre from GNIM.on 1 st Apr 2010.As the bus reaching the factory, adelicious aroma greeted the student and they come toknow that they are reaching there destination. as theyreached the factory we were

sent to the auditorium,where we all of us greeted warmly by the staff of Parle plant.followed by half an hour presentationsand documentary about Parle .later we were taken for factory production process visit. where all studentsaw why Parle world largest biscuit manufacturingcompany. The student were saw Asias largest oven.The student also got opportunity to learn practicallythe 5s, the Japanese best practice in operations and production: Seirne-organisation Seiton-place fixing Seiso-neat and clean Seiketsu-standerdisation Shitsuke-disciplineJUST IN TIME:-Inventory strategy that strives to improve a business return

on investment by reducing in-processinventory and associated carrying cost. JIT improve manufacturing unitquality and efficiency.KAIZEN:-Continuous improvement by top level of management to lower level of management.The students were experienced all the sevenstages from raw material to till packaging. After thevisit the Parle staff offered biscuits and tea all of us.Than again we settled in auditoriumthere HR MANAGER face to face with all of us withsome brilliant and intelligent in the Q&A session.lastly we thanks to Parle staff and memorandum of GNIM given by the student and they were givenParle-G biscuit as a memorandum of Parle family. QUESTION AND ANSWER SESSION Q.Why Parle-G leading seller biscuit in India?Ans: Parle-G biscuits is made by wheat floor and mixing other nutrientswhich are easily digestable ,and also cheap price and they found all the eraof nation. so it is popular brand since

long period in Indian market.Q.whats aworkforce culture of parle?

Ans: work force culture of Parle is very systematic. in Parle plant permanentworker and contract worker both work. And time schedule of the work is 24hour and shift divided in three equal parts 8 hour shift. And we follow therule of Indian labour rule. Q. how you motivate the employee of parle?Ans: we have very good relationship between Parle family means employeeof Parle and management. when we know the problem of employee we givea suitable solution.For example if worker of Parle .got some family problem thanour 2-3 staff goes their house with some gift for their children and they givethe solution of problem.Also we give spiritual treatments at Barahamkumari and we also guidelinefor theirs children education etc. Q. How you manage supply chain management?Ans: good question supply chain management is the back bone of our business.

We manage it very carefully. We have contract with supplier andtransporter under the very strict rule for supply the quality product withstandard of Parle and at right time.Q. How you manage the cost of product in current scenario of commodity price always up and down?Ans: we contract with stokist of commodity and fix the rate for certain time period and if price hike than we only hike the price of other item excludingParle-G Monaco and krackjak .we use technology which are help in costcutting. A Project Report on Industrial Visit of Parle Plant at Bahadurgarh Download this Document for FreePrintMobileCollectionsReport Document Info and Rating Follow Nitesh Singh Share & Embed

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