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Tell me about yourself

I am Alejandra Trujillo; I study industrial automatic engineering at the University of Cauca. My

hobbies are going out with my family or my friends, I like watch movies and documentaries, I
like to sew. I have four siblings and I am the youngest.

2. Strengyhs and weaknesss

My strengths are that I am committed to my work, I am punctual and I like to work in a group

My weakness is that I am insecure of myself or I am impatient

3. What was your previous job

It was an informal job in Pibe Integracion industrial en Mexico, I worked as a machining

assistant and 3D design

4. Education
5. How do you see yourself in a few years

In a few years I see myself as a great integral engineer, having risen in the company that has
performed me by contributing my knowledge to improve

6. Salary expectations

I hope to obtain between 2 and 5 million pesos during the first years

7. What do you know about our company

I know that Omnicon is a Colombian company that was born in Cali, Valle, it is a company that
is dedicated to providing automation solutions applying concepts such as digital
transformation and within its services is consulting, smart manufacturing, automation and

8. Why do you think you are the right for

I am the correct one for the position because I am very responsible, committed and not least
that I want to learn and give my best

9. how do you deal with problems

When I find myself in front of a problem, the first thing I do is keep calm to be able to look for

10. how do you work with other people

I work well with other people, I like to be empathetic, responsible and support the group

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