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Projet spe anglais : the evolution of a fairytale

Folktales are known for changing as they are passed from one generation to another. The
classic Cinderella story has become a part of our collective consciousness. Each retelling of
cinderella reflects universal values and themes. But how has this folktale evolved over the
Rhopodis and the little gilded sandals:
The first known story featuring a Cinderella-like figure is thought to be the tale of “Rhopodis”
written by Strabo a historian and geographer in the first century, mention hearing the story of
a Greek courtesan living in Egypt who later becomes the king’s wife.
Strabo was the first to mention her footwear, how it was snatched by an eagle and carried to
Memphis and flung into the king’s lap. As the story goes the king stirred by the beautiful shape
of the shoes, sent his man all over the country in quest of the woman who wore the sandal.
When she was found, she was brought up to Memphis, and became the wife of the king.
In the 1812, the brothers Grimm a darker and gruesome version of Cinderella in their
collection of folktales.
In this version, when her father asks what she would like as a gift, Cinderella asks for the first
tree branch that brushes against his hat on his way home. She then plants the branch on her
mother’s grave.
As it is watered by her tears, it grows into a large tree, on which a bird lands and begins to
grant her wishes. The king holds a three-day festival for the son and invites all the maidens in
the land to attend. Upon seeing cinderella, the prince falls in love, but each day, she decides to
leave at sunset. On the third day, the prince has the entire stairway smeared with pitch to
prevent her from running away. She leaves behind a golden slipper, which her stepsisters take
drastic measures to fit into. At the end of the story, the birds punish the stepmother and the
stepsisters for their wickedness.
In 1697, Charles Perrault published his collection of fairytales with the version of the
Cinderella story that has influenced most subsequent accounts. Perrault is the one to
introduce the fairy godmother, with the midnight curfew, the pumpkin carriage, and of course
the iconic glass slippers. Most famously adapted by Disney, the 1950 animated film and the
corresponding live action film from 2015 are largely true to Perrault’s version.
In conclusion, fairy tales like cinderella aren’t just for children since they help understand
culture, history and society. After all, cinderella is a story of overcoming oppression and rising
above one’s social status. It also highlights how dependent women were on men to determine
their place in the world, that a woman could make a better life for herself only through
marriage. These stories have evolved or changed over time in order to best fit their time era and
intended audience. This evolution, in turn, caused a difference in plot, characters, and overall
theme in each story. However, several elements remain the same in every version; +the good
hearted, often orphaned heroine. +the helpful character or being that gives a makeover. (the
eagle, the bird, the godmother). +a royal personage who falls in love with the heroine. (the
prince and the king). + an identifying element that serves to reunite them (the sandal or the

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