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IEEE Africon 2002


SWH de Haan’, B Roodenburg’, J Morren’, H Prins’ ?
Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands
The Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO)

ABSTRACT to 500Hz) to guarantee that the desired number ofpulses is

applied to food particles during their passage through the
Food can he preSeNed with pulses of electric fields with chamber.
a magnitnde of 10 to 50 kVlcm and a duration of 1 to 10
ps. To apply this technique both a treatment chamber
(applicator) and a n electronic pulse generator is
required. Ib this paper a n overview is given of types of
pulse generators for pulsed electric fields (PEF).
Further limitations ofthe technology as imposed by the
limited switching power of switches are discussed with
respect to the availability of switches.

1. INTRODUCTION Fig. 1 BIock diagram of a continuousflow systemfor

PEF with a specijic power supply
The possibility of inactivation of microorganisms with
electricity is known for over a century. in 1879 Cohn and During the application of a pulse a current will flow
Mendelsohn reported research on sterilisation by passage of through the food as an unwanted side effect, because the
a dc-current through a nutrient solution. Since then several food is more or less conductive. This current causes heat
methods of sterilisation of foodstuff with electricity have development in the food, which is the main reason for
been reported. Among these are: sterilisation based on limiting the pulse duration.
heating of the foodstuff by an ac current [I] and In this paper an overview is given of types of pulse
inactivation by a high-voltage arc discharge [2]. Although generators for pulsed electric fields (PEF) and some
these techniques lead to inactivation of the associated treatment chambers. Further limitations of the
microorganisms, they also lead to the contamination ofthe technology as imposed by the limited switching power of
food with chemical products caused by electrolysis and switches are discussed with respect to the availability of
disintegration of the food. switches.
These drawbacks are avoided by applying electric field
pulses of high intensity and short duration, typically in the 2. POWER REQUIREMENTS
range E = 2 to 5 kV/nun and 0.1 to 25 ps duration. In the The treatment chamber can be considered as a purely
last decennia there is an increasing interest in this so-called resistive load R as the productRCis much smaller than the
Pulsed Electric Field technology (PEF) because it is a considered pulse duration. Here C i s capacitance of the
viable alternative for thermal food pasteurisation. The most electrodes which can be neglected. The required peak
impottant advantages of PEF pasteurisation in comparison power for PEF technology at an industrial scale is one of
with thermal pasteurisation are: Preservation of the fresh- the limiting factors, where the power increases with the
like characteristics, reduction of the required processing flow rate Q (m’hr). The theoretical lower limit for the
energy, less contamination of the processing unit and thus required peak power at the chamber terminals can easily be
less use of aggressive cleansing fluids. calculated from:
In literature both batch systems and continuous-flow
systems for PEF pasteurisation have been described. For = (T E’ Vch
Pmin (1)
application of PEF at an industrial scale only continuous with V,, thevolume ofthe treatment zone (shortlyreferred
flow systems are applicable. The major components in a to as ‘chamber’), E the field strength and U the specific
continuous-flow treatment system are shown in fig. I ; it conductivity of the food. The chamber volume V,, is
consists of the flowthrough treatment chamber, a high- calculated from the product of cross section and chamber
voltage repetitive pulse generator and a preconditioning length, or:
unit which establishes the required flow rate, pressure and n
temperature. While flowing through the treatment chamber, v =-D’
eachfoodparticle i s subjected to anumber ofelectric field
pulses of specified intensity and duration, where the pulse where Dis the diameterofacylindrical supposedchamber.
repetition rate should be sufficiently high (in the range 10

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The minimum value of the required diameter D can be have the required lifetime as the total number of switching
calculated from the flow rate Q ( d / s ) and the maximum operation per year is inthe range 108-1010.Semiconductor
allowable flow velocity v: switches do have the required lifetime, however their
7r switchingpower is rather limitedand nowadays only suited
Q = - D ~V (3) for products that have a low specific conductivity
Application of stacks of semiconductorsor splitting system
It is further assumed that the ratio between chamber length in parallel units may reduce the requirements for the
L and diameter D is constant with L=.W. From (2) en (3) switches and enable the technology for a wider variety of
the following relation between flow rate and minimum products. For pilot scale equipment (for instance 0.1 m3lhr)
chamber volume as a function of flow rate can be obtained or laboratory scale (for instance0.001 m 3 h ) the required
power can be handled more easily by semiconductors.

The required power can now be expressed as a function of 3 CIRCUITS FOR PULSE GENERATION
flow rate, conductivity, and field strength.
To generate pulses of short duration several techniques can
be applied. The choice for a certain circuit depends on the
specific requirements and the feasibilityto construct such a
This equation clearly shows which parameters affect the circuit. The most important aspects concerning
power, where the effect of field strength is dominant. requirements are:
Further the power increases more than proportional with - controllability of the pulse duration, pulse amplitude
the flow rate Q. In Fig. 2 the required peak power is shown and repetition rate
as a function of flow rate with product conductivity as - suited for variable load impedance; when the type of
parameter. treated food is changed, the conductivity and thus the
chamber impedance will change;
Theoretical lower limit for L=1.6D - preferably the type of pulse should be rectangular and
have the same value in all p a m of the treahnent
As shown in Fig. 2 the peak power during the pulse is high,
however the average power is much lower and is also
determined by the duty ratio (pulse widthhepetition period)
of the pulse. To enable short rise times an energy buffer is

EB required that can relinquish in a sufficient short time.

Therefore the pulse power supply basically consists of the
followine comvonents (See Fie. 3):
a charger io charge'the en&& buffer from the grid
an energy buffer to store the pulse energy
a switch
a transmission section that effectively transmit the
power from the buffer to the load
a transformer to adapt the impedance of the
transmission network to the impedance of the load
Flow rate [mwhr]
sigma = 0.1 Wm
sigma = 0.5 S/m
sigma = 3 Slm

Fig. 2 Theoreticallower limit ofpeakpowerfor PEFasa OC..h..,.. .101.,= .*/ICLI l,.l.l,..lO. ,m,.d..<. 8
function offlow rate with product conductivity sigma as
parameter. Further: v=lm/s. E = 4.106,k =1.6 Fig. 3 Block diagram ofpulsedpower supply

The graph shows that for at an industrial scale flow rate of In most cases the energy buffer consists ofa capacitorwith
Q=5 m3ihr, and a conductivity o f o = 3 S/m the theoretical low inductance.
lower limit for the required power at the terminals of the Three types of circuits for pulse generation can be
chamber is just below 5 GW at a voltage in the range 50 kV distinguished
to 500 kV, depending on specific chamber and circuit a) circuit generating a square pulse and with odoff
design. For products with a lower conductivity, the
required peak power may be much less. Because of the b) circuits generating an exponential pulse hy connecting
high peak power the switch is a limiting component for the loadto a capacitor circuits with a transmission line
industrial PEF application. Non-semiconductor switches c) circuits with RCor RLC-circuit
such as spark gaps approach the required power but do not

0 2002 IEEE
IEEE Africon 2002

These basic circuits are shown in Fig. 4 where these

circuits can be extended with transformers or can be
configured in bridge configurations for bipolar pulsing.

ad a) Circuits with onloff switching

With the circuit shown in Fig. 4a a fairly ideal block pulse
can be created by simply connecting the treatment chamber
to the energy buffer via a switch which is closed for the
intended pulse duration. An important feature ofthis circuit
is that the pulse width can easily be controlled and that the ' " f "
pulse shape is insensitive to variations in load impedance.
This technique requires a switch that can both be opened
and closed via a control signal and that has a switch
transition time that is much shorter then the desired pulse
duration. Several types of semiconductor switches can be
11 D T 1000
used for this purpose such as MOSFETs, IGBT's and a4:ooo a'' 12:38:30
GTO's. Semiconductor switches like GTO's are
characterised by a slow turn on and turn offbehaviour with Fig. 5 Burstofpulses thataregenerated with alaboratory
typical switching times in the microsecond range. T h i s scale PEFpulser based on circuit a) with Behlke MOSFET
limits its application to pulses with a duration ofmore than switch stack with a blocking voltage of 35kV and a
tens of microseconds. maximum current o f 12.5A. The Dulse width can be
controlledfrom 200 ns up to tens of us @Iser deveiopedat
n TUDelft)

The properties of switching elements like the IGBT are

between MOSFET and GTO with respectto transition time
and power rating; the maximum blocking voltage is 3.5 kV
at several kA and transition time is 0.3 p to 1 ps,
depending on power rating. The power rating of single
IGBT's is not sufficient for industrial scale PEF, however
several companies are developing series and parallel
connected stacks of IGBT's for voltages up to 60kV @
600A, which results in an apparent power of 36 MW [12].

For a proper square pulse the capacitor should be
sufficiently large to prevent a too large voltage drop of the
capacitor during the pulse. The rise time ofthe load pulse is
basically determined by the parasitical inductances in the
Fig. 4 Basic circuits for pulse generation a) load circuit and the turn-on rate of the switch itself.
connected to big capacitor via a switch with on/off For a fast rise time the parasitical inductance in this circuit
capability b) Load connected to capacitor via a switch should comply with
with turn-on capability only c) load connected to a
lumped transmission line via a switch with turn-on L,,, < RT, (6)
capability d) Load connected to capacitor via a switch where i is themaximum allowable rise time. In lowpower
with turn-on capability circuits, as in laboratory scale equipment from Fig. 5 , this
condition is easily fulfilled because of the relatively I arge
The current and voltage range of a GTO is up to 5 kV at 5 value of R.
kA. Pulses in the sub microsecond range can be generated
with MOSFEY's, because their transition time is in the ad b) Circuits with R C or RLC circuit
order of hundreds of ns. To be able to block a voltage in the Switches with only turn-on capability are available for
multi kV range, the MOSFET's have to be connected in much higher power levels than switches with both turnon
series where the odoffcontrol has to be synchronised with and turn-off capability. Devices such as thyristors,
sufficient accuracy. Stacked MOSFET switches are thyratrons and spark gaps belong to this category.
commercially available with a blocking capability up to Application of these switches in combination with a
about 40kV @ IOA (Behlke) or 5kA @ IkA (Centralp) and capacitor or capacitor and inductor leads to a pulse with a
60kV @ 500A has been demonstrated [8]. For PEF waveform far from a pulse shape. For RC circuits the
equipment at laboratory scale the required power is low, so waveform is an exponentially decaying pulse, where the
for that application MOSFET's can be applied. Fig. 5 risetime is determined bythestray inductanceofthecircuit.
shows actual pulses that have been generated with such a Basically the circuit is identical to the circuit a), where the
type of circuit that has been developed at TUDelft for difference is that in circuit b) the capacitor is fully or
laboratory PEF equipment. almost fully discharged, while in a) the capacitor is hardly

0 2002 IEEE
IEEE Africon 2002

discharged. For RLC-circuits either an oscillating or non-

oscillating pulse is obtained as shown in Fig. 6.

Fig. 7 Pulses that are generated with a pilot scale PEF

pulser based on circuit e) with a thyratron osswitch with a
*/". /,".,
blocking voltage of 40kV
Fig. 6 Pulse from an RLC-circuit, enveloping a desired
The drawback of both RC and RLC circuits is that the One can distinguish between chambers for batch
pulse shape is hardly a block, however their power rating is processing and continuous treatment processing. For
unsurpassed as a wide variety of high power switches can continuous treatment processing flowthrough chambers
be used. With power rating from 7kV @ 5kA for thyristors are required.
going up to 500kV @ 20kA for high-pressure spark gaps, It is assumed that for effective PEF treatment a field should
however the last with a relatively short lifetime. be established in the chamber that is just above the
threshold level for inactivation. At regions where the field
ad c) Circuits with transmission line is below the threshold no inactivation occurs, while it
When both a high power level and a block pulse is needed, causes losses and unwanted heat development. In the ideal
the combined application of turn-on switches and pulse case a chamber should establish a uniform field throughout
forming networks, as shown in Fig. 4c, can bring a the chamber.
solution. There is a wide variety ofpulse forming networks, In literature several options for flowthrough chamber
but they are all based on a series of LC circuits, either geometries have been proposed and investigated, where the
lumped or distributed. In these circuits the capacitors are uniformity of the field differs for the different cases.
precharged to a certain value. When the switch is closed a Further there is a big difference in impedance for different
more or less block shaped pulse appears across the load, geometxy with the same flowthrough cross section. InFig.
provided that the impedance of the circuit (Z=d(L'Cj )is 8 three of these chamber geometries are shown [2-61
matched to the load impedance and the number ofstages is Chamber a) has a more or less axial field when the
sufficiently large. For a lumped line with equalL's and Cs electrode gap distance g is large in comparison to the tube
the pulse width follows from: diameter D,nevertheless large field concenkations will
T, =?-SI (7) occur at the circular edges where the electric field lines
where Z refers to the total inductance and capacitance leave the electrodes. These high field concentrations cause
respectively. The pulse rise becomes shorter when the local heating followed by dissolution of gases, which may
number of stages is increased. in tum initiate partial discharges. Because of its simple
When the circuit impedance is not matched to the load, the tubular cross section the construction can easily be cleaned
pulse will be distorted and power will be reflected. This is which is an advantage for industrial application. At a larger
one of the drawbacks of the circuit as it is less suited for gap distance g, also the treatment volume, the impedance
applications with varying loads as PEF. With PEF the load and the required voltage are increased.
resistance depends on the conductivity of the food, which In chamber b) the fluid flows in between two coaxial
mayv;uyfroma=0.01 S/mcircuitsforspawaterto3 S/m electrodes, so the field is more or less uniform whenRURl
for tomato juice, depending on temperature. Another
is close to I . Because of the relative large electrode surface
drawback ofthe system is that voltage at the load is halfthe and small gap distance the impedance of the radial field
chamber is an order of magnitude smaller than the
value ofthe initial voltage on the capacitors. By application
of special pulse forming networks, such as the so-called impedance of chamber a) when both have the same
volume. In practice chamber b) is sensitive to inaccurate
Blumlein circuit [13], this reduction can be avoided
however. Fig. 7 shows an example of a waveform that was positioning of the cylinders. At locations where the gap
distance issmaller, the current will be higher, which causes
obtained with a pilot PEF system with fourLCstages that
extra heat development. Because the conductivity increases
was built at our university. Because the circuit stray
with temperature, the current increases further, which may
inductance ms of the same order of magnitude as the
result in thermal instability. At small gap distances the
inductors in theLCsection (1.7p), thecircuit behavesas a chamber is also sensitive to blockage when the food
system with a single LCstage as c). contains solid particles. With chamber c) the field is also
perpendicular to the flow direction. For a fairly uniform

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IEEE Africon 2002

field both the electrode length I and electrode width w switches approach the required power, but do not have the
should be larger then the gap distance g. For a given required lifetime. Special semiconductor switch systems
chamber volume, the impedance ofthis chamber is roughly with stacks of semiconductor switches or distributed
between the impedances of chambers a) and b). circuits seem to be more promising for reliable industrial
The chambers are operated close to the electric breakdown application. For continuous flow systems three chamber
voltage ofthe food, whichmeans that special attention has geometries have been described.
to be paid to the design of the electrode geometry at the
edges where field concentrations will occur. To avoid
breakdown it is sometimes needed to pressurise the system
to suppress the formation of gas bubbles that could act as
trigger points for discharges.

D .“se!

Fig. 8 Three drffereni types of treatment chambers a)

‘axial’fieldchamber b) radialfield chamber c) crossfield
Fig. 9 a) lumped circuit with swiich stack b) disiributed
6. SWITCHES circuii

Fig. 2 showed that the theoretical lower limit for the

required peak power for PEF is considerable, depending on
product conductivity a,production volume Q and field
strength E. In practice the actual power will be higher S. Palaniapan, S.K. Sashy, E.R. Richter, ‘Effects of
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because of non-uniformity of the field, non-block shaped
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the switch and the load, so that a wider pulse can be Applic, Vol34, No.1, pp 43-50, JadFeb 1998,
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distributed circuits. Fig. 9 shows both options. and S.cerevisea by pulsed electric fields under
controlled temperature conditions.’, Trans. ASEA,
With switch stack the voltage and current sharing between Vol. 37, no. 2, pp 581-587, 1994.
switches needs special attention [9,10,1 I]. With a
B.L. Qin, Q. Zhang, A. Monsalve-Gonzalev, G.V.
distributed type of circuit, the current and voltage
Barbosa-Canovas, B.G. Swanson. ‘Pulsed electric
distribution is automatically guaranteed. Further the
impedance of the circuit can easily be adapted to varying fields pasteurisation of foods with coaxial treatment
load impedances by activating/deactivating a part of the chamber’, 37th Conf Canadian Inst. Food Science
circuit. and T e c h , Vancouver, Canada, 1994, Paperp 103
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“Snubberless voltage sharing of series-connected
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In this paper an overview is given of equipment that is pp. 132-141, Jan. 2001.
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needed for sterilisation offood with pulsed electric fields.
It has been shown that the pulse peak power that is ~-
and D. Lafore. “Hieh reliabilitv hieh voltaee fast
switches,” in: iroc. Euro. Power Electron.Aiplicai.
needed may well be in the range IOMW to IGW
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volume. For industrial scale application non-solid state IO.

0-7803-7570-X/02/$17.000 2002 IEEE

IEEE Africon 2002 796

[9] P.R. Palmer and A.N. Githiari, “The series connection

of IGBTs with active voltage sharing,” IEEE Trans. Co-author: Bart Roodenburg
on Power Electron., vol. 12, pp. 637-644, July 1997. (1968) received the B.Sc. degree
[IO] V. Chitta, S. Hong and D.A. Torrey, “Series in Electrical Engineering from the
connection of IGBTs with active voltage balancing,” H.T.S. of Rijswijk, The
IEEE Trans. on Ind. Applicar., vol. 35 pp. 917-923, Netherlands, in 1992. From 1992
July/Aug. 1999. to 2000 he was employed by
[ I l l H.L. Hess and R.J. Baker, “Transformerless :: HMA bower systems) where he
capacitivecoupling ofgate signals for series operation was an electrical drive engineer
of Power MOS devices,” IEEE Trans. on Power for dredge pumps and propulsion
Electron., vol. 15, pp. 923-930, Sept. 2000 systems and later Research and
[I21 M.P.J. Gaudreau, T. Hawkey, J. Petry and M.A. Development engineer. He is
Kempkes, “A solid state pulsed power system for currently working at the Dele
foodprocessing,” presented at the 24th Pulsed Power University of Technology for the EET-PEF project. His
Plasma Science Conference, 18-22 June 2001, Las main research interests are power electronics and
Vega, NV, U S A . simulation.
1131W.J.Sarieant. R.E. Dollineer. Hieh-Powerelechunics.
L .

TAB BOOKS Inc., 1989,jSBN-O-8306-9094-8 Co-author: Johan Morren

. . received hisM.Sc. degree
in Electrical Engineering in TO00
ADKNOWLEDGEMENT from the Dele University of
Technology. He is now a research
The work in this paper is supported with the Dutch E.E.T. assistant at the unit Electrical
grant (Economy, Ecology, and Technology) ofthe Ministry Power Processing. He worked on
of Economic Affairs, the ministry of Education, culture and projects regarding the grid-
Sciences and the ministry ofHousing, Spatial planning and connection of renewable energy
Environment. This project concerning PEF is camed out in sources and a project regarding
cooperation with and was also supported hy ATO, FCDF, sterilizing of liquid foods with
TNO,Unilever and Stork. Pulsed Electric Fields (PEF).

. is presented bv. Sioerd
The .paper . de Haan
Principal Author : Sjoerd de
Haan (1948) is associate professor
in power electronics at the
Elecmcal Power Processing group
of the DelR Universiry of
Technology His current
researchcoverselecmc systems for
renewable energy sources and
pulsed power supplies for vanous

0-7803-7570-X/02/$17.00 0 2002 IEEE

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