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1.2. Extraction of rocks and minerals

1. Rocks and minerals and from the Earth
their exploitation
1.1. Formation of rocks
The rock cycle: a representation of the changes between
the three rock types and the processes causing them.

Exploring for minerals:

Prospecting: a process of searching for minerals by

examining the surface of the rocks
Ore: A rock with enough important mineral to make it
worth mining

Methods of exploration

Remote sensing: a process in which information is

gathered about the Earth’s surface from above.
Types of Rocks Photographs of the area are taken from air.
The images are carefully analysed for mineral
Igneous rocks: presence.
Made when liquid magma cools to form solid rock. Aerial photography can cover more ground than a
Molten rock below the surface is called magma, person on the surface.
and lava when it reaches the surface. Satellite signals:
Extrusive igneous rock: if the rock cools quickly, small Some satellites send signals to the Earth’s surface and
crystals are formed e.g. basalt. collect the re ected signals, indicating the presence of
Intrusive igneous rock: if the rock cools slowly, large minerals.
crystals are formed e.g. granite. The unique radiation pattern is processed and
Examples: Granite and Basalt analyzed by computers
Sedimentary rocks: The system works in all weather conditions.
Formed by the weathering of existing rocks at the The GPS gives the exact location
Earth’s surface. Large area covered in low cost
Fossils may be present. Most e cent method
Sediments (small particles of rocks) accumulate into Geochemical analysis and feild surveys
layers and get pressurized due to the newer deposits Geochemical analysis: analyzing the chemical properties
above them. of rocks (by taking samples).
The sediments are transported by water and wind The samples can be taken from stream sediments, soil or
(erosion). rocks (using shallow drilling).
Particles like clays, silts, sands, gravels, and small The location of the sample points can be accurately found
boulders are found in sediments. using the Global Positioning System (GPS).
Examples: limestone, sandstone, and shale.
Metamorphic rocks:
Formed from the existing rock when heat and/or
pressure causes changes in the rock crystals without
melting it.
The changes can be physical, chemical, or both.
Examples: marble and slate.


The vegetation is cleared and topsoil removed.

Geophysics: method to identify mineral ores present in

rocks using their physical properties.
A series of vibrations (seismic waves) are sent
through the Earth’s surface.
Several sensors are placed at di erent distances from
the source of vibrations on the surface.
The vibrations create shock waves that travel down
into the rock layers.
They are re ected back to the sensors on the surface.
The shock waves record di erent patterns depending
on the mineral present in the rock layers.
The rocks are broken up and loosened with explosives.
The loose rock is removed using diggers.
The rock or mineral is tipped into trucks or railway
Building materials such as sand, gravel, and stone
are removed from open pits called quarries.
Strip mining is used to mine a seam of mineral.
The overburden (the unwanted overlying rock and soil)
is removed as a thin strip. \n

Methods of extraction:

There are two methods of extraction

Surface mining
Sub- surface mining

Surface mining: includes open-cast (open-pit,

open-cut) and strip mining.

Open-pit mining is used when a valuable deposit is

located near the surface.
It is mainly used to mine coal and lignite

Sub-surface mining: includes deep and shaft


A vertical shaft is sunk to the rock layer containing

A horizontal tunnel is made, following the mineral


If the demand falls, working mines may get into a loss

due to the transport and extraction expenses.

1.3. Impact of rock and mineral

Environmental impacts:

Ecological impacts:
Loss of habitat as the vegetation is cleared ∴ plants
do not have a place to grow,so the animals depending
The minerals are extracted by digging (by machines
and miners). on them for food and shelter are a ected.
The loose rock is brought from the mine and piled up
Noise pollution: due to machinery and explosives ∴
on waste heaps on the surface.
The minerals are brought to the surface and disturbs the behavior of animal species and causes
hearing problems for people.
transported in trucks or trains
Water pollution: water supplies may also be polluted,
Resources: Gold and Diamonds
making it unsafe for people to drink.
Factors that a ect the decision to extract rocks The water may become acidic and dissolve toxic
metal ions-this combination kills many aquatic
and minerals:
Bioaccumulation: organisms absorb the ions and
retain them in their body, reaching a concentration
High-grade ores yield more of the required chemical
elements than low-grade ores. higher than that in water.
Biomagni cation: the concentrations increase
Small deposits of high-grade ore are worth mining.
higher up in the food chain and cause the death of
Small deposits of low-grade ore that cannot be mined
top consumers.
at a pro t is left as reserves.
Land pollution: toxic nature of the waste doesn’t allow
Transporting the ore from the mine to processing plant growth even years after the mining is stopped.
Air pollution: dust particles settle on the vegetation,
plants can be di cult and expensive.
not allowing sunlight to reach the leaves and thus,
The cost of building road or rail links to the processing
reducing the rate of photosynthesis.
plant or to the nearest port for export has to be
considered. Breathing in dust that remains in the lungs can
Carrying out some processing at the mine reduces cause serious lung diseases.
transport costs. Visual pollution: the landscape is damaged.
The mining company must be given a licence before
extracting a deposit.
Economic impacts:
A long-term agreement between the government and
Jobs are created in the extraction and transporting of
mining companies must be reached to avoid rapid
rises in the tax, which makes mining unpro table.
Increase in the Country’s economy
Environmental impact assessment:
Earn foreign exchange.
For the license application to be approved, the
The income earned can be used for buying goods and
company must have a plan to keep the loss of habitat
services and investing in infrastructure projects.
minimal, followed by the restoration of land
Improvements to transport
proceeding with the completion of mining.
The choice of site for mine waste should also be
Social Impacts:
Supply and demand: the relation between how much of a
commodity is available and how much is needed or
Better standard of life due to economic gain
wanted by the consumers.
Improvements to services, like healthcare and
An increase in world demand for any mineral ore will
elevate the prices. Investing in infrastructure projects can help the
The pro t from a working mine depends on changes in
country in building more well-designed communities.
supply and demand.
If the demand is too high, mines that were not
pro table before becoming worth mining.
A ects health of the labour workers


A ects health of civillans due to pollution the ground becomes less toxic.
Lack of safety
Making lakes and natural reserves:
1.4. Managing the impact of rock and
Several tree and herb species are introduced. This will
mineral extraction help maintain the biodiversity
As their populations grow, they create habitats for many
Safe disposal of mining waste: species.
These nature reserves become valuable green spaces for
Mine waste must be stored to prevent collapse. human recreation and help in maintaining biodiversity.
The site of the mine must prevent the chances of water If the rock lining the hole (created by the extraction) is
pollution. non-toxic and impervious to water, it can be lled with
The waste must be monitored to detect any movement or water to form a reservoir or lake.
further pollution. It is used for irrigating farmland or processing to
provide clean, safe drinking water for humans.
Land restoration:

Soil improvement:
1.5. Sustainable use of rocks and
After (sanitary) land lling, mine waste can be covered minerals
by a layer of soil, that can be enriched with fertilizers.
Sustainable resource: a resource that can be continuously
replenished e.g. agriculture, forestry, etc.
Sustainable development: development that meets the
needs of the present, without compromising the ability of
future generations to meet their own needs.

Land lling: the waste is tipped into a hole; from time to Strategies for the sustainable use of rocks and
time it is leveled o and compacted.
Sanitary land lling: As in land lling, the waste is used
to ll the hole, but alternating layers of waste and
Increasing the e ciency of the extraction of
sand are used.
Tree planting:
rocks and minerals:
After improving soil fertility, plants and trees can be
Mine wastes must be processed for the second time.
grown in that area, helping an ecosystem to be
This allows the valuable minerals to be recovered
and reduces the risk of pollution due to mine
It is a process of removing pollutants from waste using
Chemical treatment of the waste and biological
living organisms.
treatment (using microorganisms) extracts much of
In situ treatment: treatment of contaminated waste
the valuable mineral still within it.
where it’s left.
Improvements in the performance of the machines
Ex-situ treatment: removal of contaminated waste
used in mining and processing.
from a site to a treatment plant.
Greater use of data analysis by computers (to predict
Often happens slowly (can be sped up by providing
geological conditions).
oxygen and nitrogen).

Increasing the e ciency of the use of rocks and


Engineering solutions e.g. design of steel beams with

the same strength but using less steel.

The need to recycle rocks and minerals:

Microorganisms, like bacteria, can absorb
pollutants and metabolize them into less harmful Recycling uses less energy than processing the ores.
substances. Recycling also produces less waste and thus, reduces
Some plants have the ability to bioaccumulate the risk of pollution.
toxic metals.
After these plants grow for a while, the parts of the
plants aboveground are removed so the waste in


The governments pass laws that require

2.2. Energy resources and the
manufacturers to become responsible for recycling
and reuse. generation of electricity
The demand for energy is increasing worldwide due to:
2. Energy and the Increasing population size.
Increasing industrialisation and urbanisation.
environment Improvements in standards of living and expectations.
Types of energy sources:
2.1. Fossil fuel formation Non-renewable Renewable
Can be used over and over
Fossil fuels: carbon-based fuels, formed over millions of Limited
years ago from the decay of living matter.
Coal: formed from plants. Take millions of years to get Can be replenished in a short
Oil and natural gas: formed from sea creatures. replenished period of time
Formation of coal: Fossil fuels (coal, oil and
Geothermal power
Huge forests grew millions of years ago covering most natural gas)
of the Earth. Nuclear power (using
Hydro-electric power
Tidal power
Wave power
Wind power
Solar power
Biofuels e.g. bioethanol,
biogas and wood

Nuclear fuels last for centuries and are a good

replacement for fossil fuels, but the source material
The vegetation died and formed peat. (uranium) is limited.
The peat was compressed between layers of Biofuels may become limited, but it can be renewed by
sediments to form lignite (low-grade coal). replacing the cut-down trees with new ones to obtain
Further compression formed coal. bioethanol and wood.
Formation of oil and natural gas: Biogas can be obtained by recycling waste products.
Small animals and plants die and fall to the bottom of How energy sources are used to generate electricity:
the sea. Turbine: a machine, often containing ns, that is made to
Their remains are covered by sediments. revolve by gas, steam or air (it is connected to a
As the sediments start forming layers, they start to generator).
change into sandstone as the temperature and Generator: a machine that converts mechanical energy
pressure increase. into electrical energy.
Fossil fuels and biofuels:

The heat and pressure turn the remains into crude oil
and natural gas.
They separate and rise through the sandstone, lling
in the pores.
The rock above the oil and gas is impervious (non- These produce a massive amount of energy during
porous). combustion that is used to heat water and convert it
So, they get trapped underneath it. into steam, which thereby drives the turbines.
Nuclear power:


Uranium, a radioactive element, releases huge

amounts of energy when nuclear ssion (splitting of
the atom) occurs.
This energy is used to heat the water, produce steam,
and rotate the turbines.
Geothermal power:

Uses photovoltaic cells that produce a small electric

charge when exposed to light.
A bank of cells organised into solar panels produce a
signi cant amount of electricity.
Cold water is pumped under pressure into a layer of Tidal power:
hot rocks.
The rocks heat the water.
The hot water returns to the surface under pressure
and heats the second supply of water using a heat
The steam produced in the second supply moves the
turbine, generating electricity.
Wind power:

Uses the natural rise and fall in the level of water in an

When the levels drop, water is held back by a tidal
barrage (a small dam that releases water back
through a turbine).
Wave power:
Also uses turbine and generator.
Uses the smaller di erences in water levels that are
caused by wind.
Hydro-electric power:

Wind turbines have shafts (blades) that rotate due to

Gearbox maximises the rotation of the shaft.
Brakes slow down or stop the rotor in very windy
conditions, preventing damage to the blade.
As the turbine rotates, the generator produces
Solar power: Uses a dam on a river to store water in a reservoir.
Water is released from the reservoir that ows
through the turbine, rotating it.
The turbine then activates a generator that generates
Advantages and disadvantages of:
Fossil fuels:


Advantages Disadvantages Increase in demand for the product;

Carbon dioxide and toxic Increase in demand for energy (for production).
gases are released when If economic conditions are poor:
Plentiful supply; Families have less money to spend on luxury items;
burnt contributes to global
Need to make savings;
Reduce the use of fuel;
Provides job opportunities
Damages local area; Reduce the purchase and use of electrical items;
(mining and processing);
Decrease in the demand for energy.
The technology used is well- Decline in the economy of one country can have a global
Limited supply (non-
known and the methods of impact.
extraction are well-practised. Reduction in the economy of China meant a worldwide:
Reduction in production of steel.
Biofuels: Decrease in the amount of manufactured goods
(transported by ships).
Advantages Disadvantages Decrease in the price of oil (energy source).
Carbon dioxide and toxic Climate:
Renewable source; gases are released when The demand for energy with regard to climate depends
burnt; on the country.
Lot of land needed. People living in a temperate climate are likely to
Growing more plants uses
Shortage of land for experience colder winters, so the energy demand for
carbon dioxide;
agriculture heating would be far higher.
Removal of natural They also experience fewer hours of daylight.
Plentiful supply. This increases the usage of electrical lighting.
Climate change (excessive heat or cold) increased the
energy consumption (particularly in urban areas).
2.3. Energy demand Need for additional heating.
Installation and operation of air-conditioning units.
Domestic demand:
Created by a ordability, availability and social status.
Most of the purchases that are considered as necessities
2.4. Conservation and management of
now increase the demand for energy supplies, notably energy sources
Example: Strategies for the e cient management of energy
Fruits and vegetables, that aren’t naturally available in resources:
the season locally, are produced in glasshouse or in Reducing consumption:
areas with a favourable climate and are then
transported. Reducing the amount of energy used to heat a
In both the scenarios (glasshouse operation and building.
transport), the energy cost is signi cant.
Industrial demand:
Manufacturing requires the use of large amounts of
energy throughout the production e.g. iron and steel
Advanced manufacturing techniques made the products,
that were once luxury items, cheaper.
So, more people want to buy them.
The demand for the product increases.
The demand for energy (needed for production) also
Manufacturers supply customers across the globe.
Insulation: constructing using material with good
This decreases production costs in countries that import,
insulation properties prevents loss of heat.
but increases the transport costs as they require large
Loft insulation: adding an insulation layer into the roof
amounts of fossil fuels to operate.
Personal and national wealth:
Under oor insulation: adding an insulation layer on
If economic conditions are good:
the oor e.g. carpet.
Higher employment;
More money to spend on luxury items;


Cavity wall insulation: a gap between inside and Scrapping older, ine cient cars, that emit more
outside walls is lled with an insulating material, pollutants.
causing the heat to pass through more slowly. Exploiting existing energy resources:
Double glazing: two panes of glass with a gap in the The type of energy source used depends on social,
middle to act as an insulator. environmental and economic factors.
This sealed gap is usually lled with air or an inert gas
e.g. argon. The current solution is to use a renewable resource as
Triple glazing can also be used, but it is too expensive. a primary energy source when possible and have a
Electrical devices must be turned o when not in use. fossil-fuel (or biofuel) powered station available as a
Devices can be left in ‘standby’ mode and can be backup when weather conditions are not suitable.
accessed rapidly.
More energy-e cient devices must be bought.
Developing alternative fuels for vehicles and further
development in engine technology.
‘Scrappage’ schemes: remove ine cient machines
from use (electrical appliances or vehicles).
Energy from waste:
Reusing existing materials to extract energy from
them before they are disposed.
Anaerobic digestion: breaking down of organic matter
(waste food and vegetation) using bacteria.
This process takes place in a sealed container and
releases methane (a ammable gas) that can be used
for heating purposes.
The composted waste can be used as organic matter
to improve soil structure.
Household rubbish can be incinerated (burnt) to This is a reliable source for industry and households
produce heat, that can be used to generate electricity; and reduces the amount of fossil fuels used.
Transport policies:
Advantages Disadvantages Regulations regarding the quality of exhaust gases
Waste from burning (ash) is from vehicles;
Produces poisonous gases
small in volume. Thus, it Check on the fuel e ciency;
during combustion.
doesn’t take up much space. Restrictions on where vehicles may go;
Taxation on fuels;
Vegetable oils, once used, should be disposed; Surcharges for travelling to certain places at peak
These oils can be collected and recycled into biofuels times;
suitable for running vehicles; Improving public transport so it is easier and cheaper
It can be used exclusively or as an additive. than using cars;
Improving routes for cyclists and pedestrians;
Education: Encouraging car-sharing;
Bene ts of the technology must be communicated to Restricting when cars can be used e.g. odd even rule
others; in Delhi;
Promote new ways of thinking; Providing incentives to buy more fuel-e cient vehicles
The message must be that signi cant savings in and for vehicles using cleaner technology.
energy bills can be made over the longer term, Development of new resources:
reducing energy use; Fracking: obtaining oil or gas from shale rock by splitting
Energy-e ciency ratings must be provided for new them open using water, sand and chemicals.
products to compare with the old ones. A vertical hole (2-3 km deep) is drilled to reach the fuel-
Laws passed by the government to make changes rich rocks (shale rocks).
Stricter building regulations: new constructions must
be more energy e cient.
Preventing the sales of ine cient types of electrical
Incentives to encourage the purchase of more
e cient technologies:
Insulating older houses that are energy e cient;
Replacing older, ine cient electrical devices;


Organism or habitat Impact of oil

Shortage of food as sh and other
creatures die;
May consume oil when eating sh
When hunting for food, feathers get
covered with oil, a ecting their
ability to y.
Mammals Food sources are depleted;
Mammals may also swallow oil
while feeding (toxic);
Coating of oil will a ect their skin.
Complete devastation of the reef
Water, sand and chemicals are pumped down into the due to lack of oxygen (species die);
shale rock layer. Areas may be covered in oil.
This causes the rock to fracture, releasing oil and natural Beaches Oil (washed by tides) coats rocks;
gas, which are forced back to the surface and collected.
Organisms in shallow water and
Purpose of the three components:
rock pools may die due to toxic
Water: easy to handle (in high pressure).
e ects of the oil;
Chemicals: stop the blockage of pipes.
Sand: keeps the cracks in the rock open. Animal food sources and tourism
are a ected.
Advantages Disadvantages

Access to more oil and gas;

Risk of toxins entering the 2.6. Management of oil pollution
water table;
Less pollution than burning Chemicals are toxic and may Reducing oil spills in marine environments:
coal; a ect local residents; MARPOL (Marine Pollution): International Convention for
Uses a lot of water; may the Prevention of Pollution from Ships.
The need to import reduces; Regulations of the MARPOL:
cause water scarcity;
Supervise the transport of oil at sea;
Noise pollution;
All tankers must be certi cated to show they have
Natural areas damaged;
Provide many jobs locally. appropriate systems in use;
May cause additional Earth
Else, it can result in a heavy ne or the ship may not
be permitted to leave port.
Tanker design:
2.5. Impact of oil pollution Oil spill can be caused by damage to the hull (a hole in
the hull of the boat causes its contents to leak).
Main causes of marine oil spills: Increase in the number of compartments within the
O shore oil extraction: leakage from the rigs. hull of the ship: if one of the compartment’s damaged,
Oil pipelines: leaks in the oil pipework. the contents of the whole ship aren’t lost.
Shipping: risk of collision or damage to oil tankers. Double-hulled tankers: if the outer layer’s damaged,
E ects of an oil spill: the contents are still secure by the inner plate.

Organism or habitat Impact of oil

Oil oats on the surface of the water
and blocks the sunlight from
entering. The phytoplankton can’t
photosynthesise, so they die.
Shortage of food; reduction in
Oil oating on the surface prevents Though double-hulled tankers cost more than single-
gas exchange. Fish become short of hulled, the risks of oil spill are far less.
Minimising the impact of oil spills:
oxygen and die; Direct contact of
the sh with oil a ects their gills. Floating booms: a oating barrier is used to surround
the oil slick, preventing it from spreading.


This process works well when the spill covers a Air enters the soil by di usion.
relatively small area and the sea is calm.
Detergent sprays: detergents help break down the oil
slick into smaller droplets, that eventually degrade,
and disperse it.
They are e ective on smaller spills, but cause damage
to the coral reefs themselves as they’re not tolerant to
Skimmers: clean the water using a material that oil
easily attaches to.

Water: held within the pore spaces (water that is available

for plant growth).
Water enters the soil when there’s precipitation or when
the soil is irrigated.
The proportion of these components depends on:
Type of soil;
Way it has been managed;
The skimmer drags oil o the seawater surface, that is
Local climatic conditions;
then scrapped o into a container.
Size of the mineral particles.
This system is used when oil slick is contained within a
Soil can be classi ed into three groups:
boom and the sea is calm.
When the oil reaches beaches, it can only be removed
Type Size Texture
by hand (di cult and time-consuming).
Sand 2.0-0.02 mm Gritty
Silt 0.02-0.002 mm Silky or soapy
3. Agriculture and the Sticky when wet and Hard when
clay <0.002 mm
3.2. Soils for plant growth
3.1. Soil composition
Soil is the cheapest and most abundant medium in which
Mineral particles: combination of rock fragments and water, mineral nutrients, anchorage and oxygen can be
other inorganic substances. supplied to a plant.
They are formed due to physical, chemical and biological Plants require a supply of nitrogen, phosphorus,
weathering of the parent rock. potassium and a range of other elements to construct
Organic content: mixture of living plants, animals, proteins and carry out life processes.
microorganisms and their dead remains.
Air: held within the pore spaces (between the mineral Element Supplied as
particles and organic content). Nitrogen Nitrate ions (NO3-)
Phosphorus Phosphate ions (PO43-)
Potassium Potassium ions (K+)

Organic content: decomposers that produce humus (rich

in nutrients):
Earthworms: break down vegetation; mix the soil; aerate
the soil; spread organic matter through the soil.
Fungi: feed directly on dead matter; digest hard woody
items; aid plants to take up nutrients through their roots.
Bacteria: work on organic matter; convert waste products
to simple chemicals; some convert nitrogen to nitrates
important in nitrogen cycle.


High levels of organic matter: Crop rotation: the principle of growing di erent types of
Increase the water-holding capacity (like a sponge); plants in di erent plots each year.
Increase air spaces in the soil; Legumes: have nitrogen- xing bacteria in their root
Increase no. of decomposers, tunnels and burrows in nodules.
the soil, Leafy crops: vegetables that are required for their leaves
providing additional drainage and less compaction; (require a lot of nitrogen left by legumes).
Prevent the loss of mineral nutrients (humus holds on Root crops: have deep root systems.
to mineral Fallow: the land is ploughed but left barren for a period to
nutrients). restore soil fertility and to avoid surplus production.
Soil pH: Advantages of crop rotation:
Depends on the type of parent rock and pH of water Diseases in the soil a ecting the plant are left behind;
that ows into Pests need to nd a new site their population is
the area; reduced;
A ects the uptake of nutrients by plant roots; The soil in the new plot is likely to have the essential
A ects the availability of nutrients; nutrients;
Farmers can try changing the pH of the soil either to Crops ready to harvest at di erent times less
acidify it potential waste, less labour and machinery needed.
(using fertilisers that have an acidic e ect) or make it Fertilisers: contain minerals such as nitrogen, potassium
alkaline (adding ground limestone). and phosphorus. Add on to the nutrients available in the
Sand Clay
Larger air spaces Poor air spaces Type Advantages Disadvantages
Drains well Poor drainage Organic Uses natural resources Unpleasant to handle
Poor retention of humus Retains humus Supplies organic matter Harder to transport
Easier to cultivate Hard to cultivate Variable in composition
Inorganic Meet a particular need Cost of manufacture
Drainage: capacity of the soil to drain water must be Easier to store Transportation costs
medium (no water loss; no surplus amount of water). quick De ciency problems are Easily leach out in heavy
Ease of cultivation: how easily the soil can be ploughed. acting dealt with swiftly rain
3.3. Agriculture types No need to reapply Little immediate impact

Subsistence Commercial Irrigation: supplying water to the crops.

Cultivation of food to meet the Cultivation of food with the Large percentage of a plant is made up of water;
needs of the farmers and main aim of selling them for Essential for cell activity;
their families; cash; Used in photosynthesis;
Surplus is bartered for other Some food may be used by Mineral nutrient uptake requires water in the soil;
goods (or cash). the farmers. The water must be free from pollution and low in salt.
Examples: tea, co ee, cocoa, Common water application methods:
Overhead Sprinklers
Examples: wheat and rice. sugarcane, cotton, rice, wheat
and corn.
Advantages Disadvantages
Large droplets may cap the
Arable Pastoral Easy to setup
Production of plants for Production of animals or
Can cover a large area from Small droplets may be blown
consumption by humans. animal-related products.
one sprinkler away by wind
Examples: grass/grain (to
Examples: rice, wheat, maize No need to attach pipes to Water lands on leaves and
feed the animals), milk, wool
and soybeans. each plant soil, which evaporates quickly
and eggs.

Clay Pot Irrigation System

Farms that grow crops for food and rear animals. Advantages Disadvantages
Only suitable for permanent
Simple technology;
3.4. Increasing agricultural yields plants;
Easy to check the amount of
Large labour cost.


Advantages Disadvantages biological control: nd natural

High e ciency. predators
Pests may breed faster
No impact of sprays;
Trickle Drip System than the predator;
Predator may feed on an
Advantages Disadvantages No need of reapplication;
unintended plant.
Water placed directly at the Expensive to install; complex The predators will die naturally
base of the plant; to maintain. when the pests are controlled.
Automated and controlled via
Grit can block tubes;
computer; Mechanisation:
In exible; cannot be moved Larger area can be cultivated;
Water is used very e ciently.
easily. Reduces labour cost;
Ploughing can be done even when soil is heavy
Flood Irrigation Additional attachments can be done to apply fertilisers
and pesticides.
Advantages Disadvantages Selective breeding:
Inexpensive; Ine cient use of water; Choose parents that exhibit the desired
Can cover large areas quickly. Damages soil structure. characteristics of the species;
Raise the o spring from these parents;
Select the best o spring that shows the desired
Pest: an animal that attacks or feeds upon a crop plant.
Pesticide: used to control pests. characteristics;
Repeat the process.
Weed control: weed-killing chemicals are known as
herbicides. Examples: beef cattle, dairy cattle, wheat and rice.
Drawbacks: slow process; less success rate.
They must be controlled because they:
Genetically Modi ed Organisms (GMO): the DNA of one
Compete with crops for light, water and nutrients;
Reduce the quality of a seed or grain crop; organism is inserted into another.
Might be poisonous;
Advantages Disadvantages
Make cultivation di cult;
Can block drainage systems with excessive growth;
Unknown impact of the new
Disease and pest-resistance
Can be a source of pests and diseases;
characteristics on human
may increase
Can look untidy (impact on tourism areas). health
Advantages of herbicides: Nutritional value may
Products are not natural
Easier to manage; increase
Alternatives may be less e ective; Genes might get into wild
Crops can be grown in
Cheaper; plants if they interbreed with
inhospitable areas
Results are more predictable; GMOs reducing biodiversity
Less labour needed; Herbicide resistance may
E ect is more rapid. Reduction in the gene pool
Alternatives to herbicides are cultural controls:
Crops with longer storage
Hand weeding and hoeing;
Weed barriers;
Flame guns.
Controlled environments:
A crop disease is caused by fungi, bacteria or viruses
Greenhouse: used to manage the environment for plant
The most common are fungal diseases and are
controlled by fungicides.
Insect control: insect-controlling chemicals are called How to increase How to Decrease
Alternative to insecticides:
Operate heating
temperature Open roof ventilators.
system (e.g. insulation).
biological control: nd natural Supplementary Shading material in the
predators lighting. roof.
ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES humidity Misting units. Open roof ventilators.
Not as instant as Supplementary Shading material and
No chemical residues; day length
chemical control; lighting. curtains.


Growth Waste of storage space: may take longer to sell a crop;

How to increase How to Decrease
factor some crops need special conditions.
Drainage material Waste of transportation: to sell a crop, a farmer may need
water Sprinkler or irrigation. to travel longer distances.
Waste of quality products: low quality means less
3.5. Impact of agriculture Waste of labour: not an e cient use of time and labour if
too much is produced.
Overuse of herbicides and insecticides:
Regular use of one insecticide can cause resistance Exhaustion of mineral ion content:
within the pest population. Solution: use a range of The farmers use the soil over and over again with little
di erent pesticides. to no rest which leaves the soil depleted of nutrients
Unintended environmental damage: bene cial insects and minerals.
like bees are also a ected and food web is disturbed. Solution: crop rotation, mixed cropping and leaving the
Spray drift: herbicides stay longer in the soil and may land fallow.
a ect the next crop. Soil erosion:
Overcultivation: soils that are cultivated regularly lose
Heavy rainfall can cause leaching of the chemicals into soil structure and are more vulnerable to erosion as
nearby lakes. they break down to smaller particles.
Cash crops replacing food crops:
Overuse of fertilisers:
Most commercial farmers prefer to grow crops that
Addition of extra mineral nutrients is waste of money and
generate more cash. This causes a decline in the
resources if the soil has reached its maximum level;
staple food available.
Heavy rain can dissolve the nutrients and cause leaching;
Excess water containing dissolved fertilisers drain into
nearby lakes and rivers, leading to eutrophication; 3.6. Causes and impacts of soil erosion
Nitrates from fertilisers if consumed can cause diseases
such as blue-baby syndrome; Causes of soil erosion:
Large quantities can a ect the pH of the soil and in turn, Removal of natural vegetation: no more roots to bind
the availability of minerals; the soil together or slow down the torrents of water,
Too much of trace elements can be toxic to the plant. so ash ooding and rainwater run-o pick the soil
Too much fertiliser dehydrates the plant (scorching); and carry it away.
Imbalance of nutrient makes the plant produce lots of Overcultivation: ploughing breaks the soil into smaller
foliage, but no ower. and lighter particles. These are more easily carried
Solution: strict limits on where, when and how the away by wind.
fertilisers must be applied; can replace with organic Overgrazing: livestock reduces the vegetation to
fertilisers. nearly ground level, sometimes leaving no roots to
Mismanagement of irrigation causing salinization and hold the soil.
water logging: Animals trample down the plants and their hoofs
Damage to soil structure soil is compacted; compact the ground.
Death of plant roots as waterlogged soils prevent plant
Wind erosion: deforestation (due to need for space,
roots from getting enough oxygen;
excessive grazing, increase in development of arable
Loss of nutrients as they are dissolved and washed away
crops) increases the chance of soil getting eroded by
with water;
High levels of run o soil erosion.
Water erosion: heavy rainfall carries the particles away.
Soil capping: surface of the soil becomes hard.
Excess run-o water that can’t be absorbed by soil
Salinization: salt content of the soil can increase.
transports the soil from that area;
Irrigation water soaks into the soil to a great depth; Soil compaction reduces in ltration;
Salts dissolve in the water at a great depth; Gully erosion (volume of water erodes local soil
Water evaporates from the eld; further) forms deeper and deeper crevices.
Water and salts are drawn up to the surface; Impacts of soil erosion:
Salt remains at the surface and kills plant roots. Topsoil is removed: the most productive layer is
absent (subsoil lacks in nutrients ad air spaces).
Prevents soil cultivation as it’s di cult to cultivate soil with Organisms living in the topsoil lose their habitat:
a high-water content. impact on the entire ecosystem.
Overproduction and waste: Silting up of water courses: ooding occurs as water
Waste from overproduction: the unsold proportion of the bodies can’t hold excess water (space taken up by silt).


Silt deposits can form lagoons: providing breeding

grounds for mosquitoes.
Silt a ects the quality and availability of water for
Aquatic organisms are buried under the silty layer:
preventing light from reaching the underwater plants
(low oxygen levels in ecosystem no photosynthesis).
Deserti cation: the process by which fertile land
becomes desert.
Severe droughts lead to migration of the whole
community. Useful for crops that require moist soils e.g. rice.
Risk of famine and malnutrition, leading to lesser The water is retained on the terrace.
food source. Increases the quantity and fertility of the soil.
Windbreaks: a permeable barrier used to reduce the
3.7. Managing soil erosion impact of wind on an area.

Terracing: prevents the erosion of soil by rainwater on

steep slopes.

Without windbreaks, the soil is eroded away.

Solid structures, like walls, force the wind into smaller
spaces, increasing wind speed and causing eddy currents.
Permeable structures, like vegetation, allow some wind to
In a natural slope: water runs down, increasing in speed pass through, decreasing its speed and thus, the amount
and volume, carrying soil in the run-o . of wind erosion.
In a terraced slope: water is held in the at terraced Advantages: additional habitats for bene cial insects;
areas, causing less risk of run-o and more chance of roots of the windbreak prevent erosion due to run-o .
in ltration. Maintaining vegetation cover:
Often used for cultivation of rice. Sowing legumes immediately after a crop has been
Contour ploughing: ploughing of land along the contour in harvested prevents soil erosion.
a parallel way. It also provides more nitrogen to the soil, increasing its
fertility, for the next major crop.
When cultivating, the legumes can be simply ploughed.
‘No dig’ method:
Existing vegetation is left until the new crop is grown.
Rather than cultivating the soil, herbicides are applied to
kill the weeds.
Roots of the existing vegetation bind the soil until the
major plant is established.
Risks: herbicide residues build up. If the control of the
cover vegetation is ine ective, it may compete with the
main crop as a weed.
Ridges and troughs (furrows) run along the contour. Addition of organic matter to improve soil structure:
Each furrow holds water and prevents large torrents of Provides additional air gaps in the soil improves soil
water running down the slope, preventing the formation structure;
of gullies and run-o of topsoil. Increases decomposers in the soil as they feed on the
Useful for all gradients of slopes. matter;
Bunds: arti cial banks at the edges of growing spaces to Adds nutrients to the soil after decomposition.
hold back water. Acts like a sponge, holding the extra water, preventing
dehydration of the soil;


Reduces soil erosion as the organic matter acts like a Crop rotation: (refer to section 3.4 Increasing agricultural
base to smaller particles. yields; Crop rotation).
Planting trees: Use of pest-resistant varieties of crops: reduces pesticide
Row of trees acts as windbreak; use.
Tree canopy can provide shade for smaller plants that Use of drought-resistant varieties of crops: reduces water
don’t thrive for sunlight; usage for irrigation.
Provide a natural habitat for animals, that feed on pests; Use of herbicide-resistant varieties of crops: reduces
Tree leaves fall to the ground and add on to the organic herbicide use.
matter. Trickle drip irrigation: (Refer to section 3.4 Increasing
Mixed cropping: growing more than one type plant in the agricultural yields; Irrigation).
same area. Rainwater harvesting: the collection of rainwater, for
example from the roofs of buildings, and its storage in a
tank or reservoir for later use.

4. Water and its management

4.1. Global water distribution

Resources in the soil, like nutrients, are used more

e ciently.
Intercropping: rows of a di erent crop are grown between
the rows of the main crop. This maximises the use of
space and other resources.
Crop rotation: (refer to section 3.4 Increasing agricultural
yields; Crop Rotation).
Oceans cover 71% of the Earth’s surface.
3.8. Sustainable agriculture Oceans and seas contain 97% of all the Earth’s water.
Only 3% of water on Earth is fresh-water.
Aims of sustainable agriculture: Nearly two thirds (65%) of this 3% fresh-water is in the
Meeting the needs of the population for agricultural ‘deep freeze’ in the ice sheets.
Making e cient use of non-renewable resources;
4.2. The Water Cycle
Supporting the natural ecosystem by following natural
processes with farming techniques;
Sustaining the economic independence of farmers.
Organic fertilisers:
Are slow acting reduces the risk of eutrophication;
Are a waste product using them saves on disposal
Are already present on many farms minimal transport
Do not require energy for their manufacture
Also improve soil structure.
Managed grazing:
Prevention of overgrazing;
Ensure su cient grazing;
Maintaining appropriate soil fertility by animal waste;
Maintaining good drainage prevents compaction of
the soil.


Precipitation: moisture that reaches the surface in the Aquifers: water stored in porous rocks under the ground.
form of rain, sleet, snow, or hail.
Rain is the most common type.
Surface run-o : precipitation that ows over the ground
surface, eventually nding its way into streams and rivers.
Interception: precipitation that doesn’t reach the Earth’s
surface due to being obstructed by trees and plants.
In ltration: precipitation soaks into sub-surface soils and
moves into rocks through cracks and pore spaces.
Through- ow: downslope movement of water through the
soil, roughly parallel to the ground surface.

Alternating layers of permeable and impermeable rocks

Ground water ow: slow horizontal movement of water trap the water in permeable rock;
Folded layers of rock so water accumulates the most in
through rock.
the down fold;
Evaporation: water from oceans, seas and other water
Permeable rocks outcropping on the surface receive new
bodies is changed from water droplets to water vapour
supplies of rainwater;
(invisible gas) in the atmosphere due to heat.
Transpiration: evaporation or di usion of water from Water is stored in the limestone and sandstone (porous)
rocks below the water table;
plant leaves.
Mechanical pumps, or human labour are used to raise
Condensation: water vapour converted back into liquid
water to the surface.
(water droplets) or solid (particles of ice) due to a
Artesian aquifer: an aquifer in which the water is
decrease in temperature with increasing height by air
currents, e.g. clouds. under pressure.

4.3. Water supply

Surface water: water in lakes, rivers and swamps.
Ground water: water in the soil, and in rocks under the
surface of the ground.

Water from a well sunk into an artesian aquifer will

rise to the surface without the need for a pump.
Potable: safe to drink.
Reservoirs: an arti cial lake used as a source of water
supply, usually created behind a dam or by the side of a
river (bank-side reservoir).
Service reservoir: a reservoir where potable water is
stored e.g. Water tower and Cistern.
Wells: a hole bored or dug into rock to reach the water
stored in them.
Rivers: a large, natural stream of water owing in a
channel to the sea, a lake, or another river.


They provide surface transfers of water to low-land areas Washing cars

where farms, villages, towns and cities are concentrated. Lost in leaks.
Desalination: removal of salt from seawater by:
Distillation: water is boiled and released as vapour, Industrial
leaving salt behind.
In factories for:
Mixing and making products such as dyes and paints;
Bottling and canning in food and drink industries;
Power generation.


Mainly for irrigation (plants need water for transporting

minerals, for photosynthesis, and for the prevention of
For domestic animals.

4.5. Water quality and availability

The vapour is then condensed as liquid water and can
be used. Water-rich countries: countries with plentiful fresh water
10-30% e cient and uses a lot of energy. supplies:
Provision of energy and salt water (brine) is a source Some are large countries with plenty of land for rain to fall
of pollution. on e.g. Russia, Canada, China, and some with the world’s
Reverse osmosis: pumping water at high pressure greatest rivers owing through them e.g. Amazon,
through a ne membrane. Yangtze, Mississippi.
However, big areas do not ensure water availability e.g.
Australia, Argentina, Sudan, due to containing substantial
areas of desert within its borders.
Water-poor countries: countries with scarce fresh water
Dominated by desert countries.
Except Singapore and Mauritius since they receive high
precipitation totals, but are tiny island states that have
only small areas for rain to fall on.
Water con ict: con ict between countries, states, or
groups over an access to water resources.
Physical water scarcity: not enough water to meet both
human demands and those of ecosystems to function
e ectively.
Arid regions frequently su er from physical water
It also occurs where water seems abundant, but
resources are over-committed.
Economic water scarcity: caused by a lack of investment
in water infrastructure or insu cient human capacity to
30-50% e cient and requires lesser energy than satisfy the demand of water in areas where the
distillation. population cannot a ord to use an adequate source of
4.4. Water usage Unlike Rural areas, Urban areas have higher access to
safe drinking water because:
Domestic Cities are more wealthy places with factories and o ces;
On average, people’s incomes are higher;
At home for drinking and cooking (3% of domestic water) Easier to put pressure on the politicians or leaders to
MEDCs make improvements;
Washing and ushing the toilet (50%) Wealthy people are more likely to live in cities;
Washing clothes (20%) Water pipes are easier and cheaper to build when a lot of
Gardening people live close together.


Reservoir can become silted due to material carried

4.6. Multipurpose dam projects
into it by rivers;
Dam structure under a lot of pressure can deteriorate
Example: the Ramganga Dam, Uttarakhand, India.
and eventually fail;
Choice of site:
Have negative e ects on the environment and sh
High precipitation to provide su cient water;
Low temperature to prevent evaporation;
Built on strong impermeable rock so water doesn’t drain
and has a good foundation; 4.7. Water pollution and its sources
Built high up in order to have good potential for hydro-
electric power; Sewage: waste matter that is rich in organic matter, thus
Narrow, steep sided valley for economic reasons; microbial organisms can thrive in it.
Rivers and lakes nearby to provide water; It is usually disposed in water bodies, and thus has to be
Away from developed areas to reduce the risk of pollution treated.
in reservoirs; Domestic waste: sewage from rural and urban
Easily accessible; settlements carry many pathogenic micro-organisms,
increasing the content of nitrates and phosphates in
Advantages Disadvantages rivers.
Generation of electricity in Detergents, metals and other manufactured products
Relocating people;
hydro-electric power plants; contain traces of toxic chemicals.
Flood control; Flooding land; Industrial processes: use of chemicals, the processing of
metal ores, and the leaching of metals from waste heaps
Disrupting the life cycles of
and dumps cause the presence of metals in rivers (e.g.
Irrigation sh and other aquatic
manganese, mercury, copper).
Gases from industrial chimneys enter the atmosphere,
Creates recreational land for Dam may become redundant where they dissolve in water and form acid rain.
tourism and leisure due to sediment build up Agricultural practices: surpluses of phosphorous and
Provision of water Very expensive to build nitrogen not absorbed by the plants are washed from the
Creation of habitat for land or percolate into the ground water.
Requires maintenance
wetland species On farms, animal manure, synthetic fertiliser, and
Access by boat to otherwise Reduces jobs for farmers if chemical pesticides are main sources.
inaccessible areas natural sheries are a ected Agrochemicals: pesticides, herbicides and fertiliser.

Altering water supply for

Renewable source of energy 4.8. Impact of water pollution
people downstream the dam
Doesn’t produce greenhouse Reducing soil enrichment
Global inequalities in sewage and water treatment:
gases downstream of the dam
developing countries have di culty treating water and
Reduces fossil fuel sewage compared to developed countries as people
consumption aren’t educated and can’t put pressure on the
Creates more jobs government.
Risk of infectious bacterial diseases, typhoid and cholera:
Maximises water storage capacity. water-borne diseases are caused by drinking
contaminated water.
Accumulation of toxic substances from industrial
processes in lakes and rivers: reduces oxygen in lakes
and rivers, causing reduction in photosynthesis and death
of sh and insect larvae.
Biomagni cation of toxic substances in food chains:
increases concentration of a toxic substance (e.g.
mercury and pesticides) in the tissues of organisms at
successively higher levels in a food chain, causing illness.
Bioaccumulation: accumulation of a toxic chemical in the
tissue of a particular organism.
Sustainability of dams: Formation of acid rain: burning fossil fuels such as coal
Alternative for burning of fossil fuels as no and oil produce sulfur dioxide (SO2) and oxides of
greenhouse gases are produced. nitrogen (NOx) that are blown long distances and react
Unsustainability of dams:


with water in the atmosphere. Flush toilet: uses a holding tank for ushing water, and a
water seal that prevents smells.
Pour toilet: has a water seal but uses water poured by
hand for ushing.
Pit latrine: type of toilet that collects human faeces in a
hole in the ground that is sometimes ventilated to take
away smells.
Composting toilet: dry toilet in which vegetable waste,
straw, grass, sawdust, and ash are added to the human
waste to produce compost.

Treatment of sewage: aims to reduce the Biological

Oxygen Demand (BOD) of the sewage.
Sewage outfall: waste water from homes and industries is
taken to a sewage treatment plant in sewers.
SO2 dissolves in water to form sulfuric acid, and NOx
Screening tank: large objects are removed from the waste
dissolves to form nitric acid that fall in the form of rain.
using a coarse grid.
pH: measured by acidity or alkalinity.
Primary treatment, rst settling tank: solid organic matter,
mainly human waste, settles at the bottom of the tank
(sludge), which is treated in a sludge-digester.
Clean water then over ows the sides of the tank and is
taken to the next stage.
Secondary treatment, oxidation: water is pumped into a
tank where oxygen is bubbled through it.
This encourages the growth of bacteria and other
microbes that break down organic matter, which
cause BOD.
Secondary treatment, second settling tank: water enters,
Ranges from very acidic, 1, to very alkaline, 14.
where bacteria settle to the bottom, forming more sludge.
7 is neutral.
This cleaner water over ows the sides of the tank as
The e ect of acid rain on organisms in rivers and lakes:
e uent, usually discharged into a river.
Lower pH makes the environment intolerable for aquatic
Sludge digester: oxygen-free conditions are created that
encourage the growth of bacteria which can break down
Fish egg-laying is reduced, and young sh are malformed;
the sludge, releasing methane, that can be burnt.
Leaching of heavy metals such as aluminum, lead and
Treated sludge can be dried in sludge lagoons and
mercury from the soil into the water;
used as organic fertiliser on farmland.
Aluminum clogs sh gills and causes su ocation;
Tertiary treatment: further ltering out of its e uent or its
Minerals essential for life, notably calcium and potassium,
chlorination which produces even cleaner e uent that
are washed out of the lake or river, reducing algae growth
protects the habitat in which it is released.
and leaving less food for sh and other animals.
Nutrient enrichment leading to eutrophication:
Water treatment: Water is made potable by undergoing
Increase in nutrients, such as nitrates and phosphates, in
coagulation treatment, being ltered and disinfected.
a water body causes algae bloom (rapid growth of algae).
Death of algae causes an increase in organic matter that
acts as food for bacteria as they decompose the dead
Bacteria use up oxygen, reducing oxygen content in the
water and causing the death of organisms.

4.9. Managing pollution of fresh water

Improve sanitation: separates human excreta from
contact with humans, achieved by toilets and latrines.
Waste can be removed by:
Connection to a system of sewer pipes or sewerage, that
collects human faeces, urine and waste water. Coagulation: Particles in the water are stuck together and
Connection to a septic system, which consists of an settle to the bottom of the container.
underground, sealed settling tank. Water is then ltered through sand.


Chlorination: to kill remaining pathogens, chlorine is Strategies to control malaria:

added as a disinfectant. Sleeping under mosquito nets and using antimalarial
Pollution control and legislation: puts pressure on drugs in and around homes;
polluters to nd ways to reduce pollutants. Draining marshes and stagnant pools to eliminate
Industries are required to monitor the pollution they breeding grounds;
cause and keep it within set level. Put kerosene over the tops of pools to choke the
Bi-national Great lakes water quality agreement larvae;
(GLWQA): a loading limit of phosphorus was set at 11000 Spray antimalarial drugs on stagnant areas of water
metric tonnes year-1 (per year) in response to to kill the larvae;
eutrophication issues in the Great Lakes of USA and Use vaccinations;
Canada. Educate people on the risks of malaria by setting up
Fines for exceeding set limits. campaigns and programmes.
Companies may be prosecuted and in extreme cases, Strategies to control cholera:
forced to shut down. Ensure that sewage and drinking water are kept
Companies may need government agreement on separate;
strategic plans to reduce pollution levels. Sewage removed directly into a treatment works;
Incentives may be used to encourage companies to take Water being treated before it’s delivered into homes;
part, such as grants or tax relief, for those that do achieve Do not use contaminated water to wash food;
a reduction in pollution. Hands should be washed after contact with any faecal
Boiling water and chlorination
4.10. Managing water-related disease
Water-borne disease: spread by consuming contaminated 5. Oceans and Fisheries
water due to poor sanitation and untreated sewage, or by
washing food, pots and pans, or hands and face in dirty
water. 5.1. Oceans as a Resource
Examples: cholera and typhoid.
Cholera: intestinal infection that causes severe diarrhoea Food: sh that includes true sh, n sh, shell sh and
that may lead to dehydration and eventually death. other sea animals that can be eaten.
Causes: poor sanitation, contamination of water and food, Fishes are the main resources of the ocean
disruption of piped water supplies after a natural disaster They are located on the continental shelves where the
occurrence. water is shallow, this means that light is able to
Water-bred disease: the carrier breeds in water and penetrate, leading to a more oxygen rich habitat
spreads the disease by biting its victims. It’s a good area for plants to grow as well
Example: malaria. Chemicals and building materials: many materials in the
Malaria: a life-threatening disease which is transmitted oceans have been eroded from the land, where rain and
through the bite of an infected Anopheles mosquito wind break down rocks, and are carried into the oceans
(vector) that carries the Plasmodium parasite. Once via rivers.
bitten, the parasite reaches your bloodstream. Salt from seawater
Symptoms: high temperature and fever, diarrhoea, Diamonds are mined from the bottom of the ocean,
dehydration and feeling weak. this can be a di cult process though as the ocean
Life cycle of the malaria parasite: oor needs to be dredged
Sand and gravel are also mined for construction,
though it should be done carefully as there might be
some physical damage to the seabed
Oil is a chemical that is extracted by o shore drilling
Fine particle clouds that are produced resettle and
interfere with photosynthesis; they also act as a
source of heavy metals that can enter food chains.
Wave energy: an enormous amount of energy in the
waves is estimated to produce twice the present world
energy production if harnessed.
Due to the gravitational pull of the moon and the sun,
the tides moves up and down twice a day
Tidal energy: due to the varying gravitational pull of the
sun and moon, water in the sea moves up and down on a


twice-daily basis.
This causes it to come onto land and later recede,
which can be harnessed to generate electricity.
Tourism: seaside is a major tourist attraction. People of
MEDCs are attracted to marine sites of great natural
beauty, especially coral reefs.
Diving, snorkeling, windsur ng, jet skiing, deep-sea
shing or simply sunbathing on the beach are some
adventurous activities.
There’s a business in boat trips to view sea creatures, Limiting factor: of all the factors that might a ect a
especially whales and dolphins. process, that one is in the shortest supply.
Transport: ships are important to transport people and Not all areas with continental shelves have signi cant
goods; however, shipping is less common to transport sheries because:
people now due to the advent of aviation. Phytoplankton need not just light, CO2, and water,
Pleasure cruises are still an important economic which allow it to make carbohydrates such as sugars,
sector and bulk freight is best transported from but they also require mineral nutrients to make
country to country on ships. proteins.

5.2. World Fisheries El Nino Southern Oscillation ENSO

Surface currents: movement of the surface water of the Upwelling: areas where minerals on the ocean oor are
sea in a constant direction. brought up to the surface by currents.
Prevailing wind: the direction from which the wind nearly An example is the Peruvian anchovy o the west coast of
always blows in a particular area. South America.
Currents Over shing: when the number of sh that is caught is
Currents in the Southern Hemisphere are usually anti- greater than the rate at which the sh reproduce, leading
clockwise to a fall in sh numbers in an area.
Cold currents are near the north and south poles El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO): the change in the
Warm currents are near the equator and the tropics prevailing winds that lead to a change in the pattern of
currents in the oceans of the South Paci c.
The upwelling of cold, nutrient-rich water is disturbed
due to the change of prevailing winds
Leading to the upwelling of warm, nutrient-poor water
No nutrients mean the phytoplankton does not grow
well, so there is less food for the sh.
This a ects the shing industry (namely anchovy
shes) negatively

Distribution of major sh populations:

They are found in shallow continental shelves due to the

large abundance of oxygen and phytoplankton
They’re part of the food web, starting with the
phytoplankton. Thus, sh are found where there are
plentiful phytoplankton.
Phytoplankton produce their own food by photosynthesis
which requires light, water, and carbon dioxide (CO2).
Water is abundant in the oceans and CO2 dissolves in the
water from the atmosphere, therefore light is likely to be
the limiting factor for photosynthesis.
5.3. Impact of Exploitation of the
Causes of over shing:


Demand for sh as food due to increasing world

Economic gain
Creation of huge nets that scoop up everything in an
area, often half of which is discarded as bycatch
Bycatch- animals caught by shers that are not the
intended target of their shing e ort

5.4. Management of the Harvesting of

Marine Species

Impact of over shing on marine sh species:

Reduced catch leading to loss of jobs and reduction in
food supply
The size of sh gets progressively smaller, increasing
the demand for food
Increase in shing e orts
Harvest of untargeted/protected/endangered marine
species that are discarded at the sea or shore
Reduction in marine biodiversity, causing a disruption If the mesh size is too small, juvenile sh will be caught
in the food chain. which reduces the number of sh that grow to maturity
Farming marine species : and reproduce.
Due to the increasing human population, the A diamond-shaped mesh catches sh more easily, thus a
increased demand for sh as food is above the square mesh the panel is often included in an otherwise
production capacity of oceans and seas; diamond net.
Overexploitation of the sheries leads to a decline in
wild sh populations; Other Methods of Fishing
So, sh are farmed in controlled environments.
Fish Aggregation Device (FAD)
Aquaculture: farming freshwater sh.
These devices baits all the sh together and uses a
Mariculture: aquaculture practiced in marine
net to collect it
environments e.g. closed sections of an ocean, tanks,
ponds, and raceways lled with seawater. Leading to a large bycatch and more younger shes
It reduces the pressure on the wild population,
allowing their population to increase;
Production is constant;
No bycatch, as non-interest species are unlikely to be
present on the farm;
No erosion of seabed, which is usually caused by trawl
More prone to diseases
Less likely to be successful due to pollution from waste


Quotas can easily be avoided by simply not declaring

how many sh are being caught;
Overstretched authorities may not be able to check
every boat, and shers may be willing to risk under-
declaring the size of their catch and not being
Usage of the net with an illegally small mesh size, and
in areas where patrols are inadequate;
Fishers frequently trespass in areas where they are
not supposed to sh.

6. Managing natural hazards

Pole and line 6.1. Earthquakes and volcanoes
Very selective method leads to almost no bycatch
The structure of the Earth:

Legislators e.g. government set limits on how many and

what type of sh can be caught;
The limits are set according to the information
gathered from networks across the world about sh
These limits ensure enough sh are left to reproduce
and replenish the shery for the following season.

Closed Seasons:

Governments close down sheries for a part of the year,

usually during the breeding season
Protected areas and reserves: some sheries are
protected by preventing shing in certain areas, often
where the target species is known to breed.

International Agreements (Implementing and

Economic exclusion zone- the zone around a country’s Layer State Material
coastline that is under the control of that country
International agreements: needed to regulate sheries in Solid (intense
INNER 5000 –
international waters, leading to the UN Convention on the pressure from Iron and nickel.
CORE 6000
Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). overlying rocks).
Countries can monitor varying levels of success OUTER 4000 –
Liquid. Iron and nickel.
Conservation laws are used to aim to- CORE 5000
Conserve sheries and the territorial waters Liquid ( ows slowly
1000 – Mainly silicate
Conserve shing resources MANTLE due to conventional
1200 minerals.
Protecting sh habitats currents from core).
Enforcing international shing agreements
E ectiveness of these strategies: Tectonic plate: a piece of lithosphere that moves slowly. It
Because of the vastness of the oceans, it is di cult to is made of crust and upper mantle.
monitor shery laws and agreements; Where the convention currents rise to the surface, the
Monitoring organizations based in ports have more plates move away from each other (and vice-versa).
success; Plate boundaries: where two or more plates meet.
Fishing is important for both income and food for
many people, and there is a huge incentive for illegal


Constructive (divergent) plate boundary: mountains.

Two plates move away from each other.

When two oceanic plates move away, magma rises to
the surface (convention current) and solidi es when it
comes in contact with cold ocean water.
The magma turns to lava and forms new basaltic Earthquakes occur, but no volcanic activity as there’s
ocean crust. no subduction of oceanic plate.
They can also form shield or basic volcanoes Conservative plate boundary:
(submarine) and have non-explosive eruptions. Two plates slide past each other.
This is known as sea- oor spreading or ridge push. They move in di erent speeds.
Small Earthquakes are triggered. The plates get locked together and pressure builds up
If two continental plates move away from each other, until it is released as an Earthquake.
a rift valley may form.
Destructive (converging) plate boundary:

Two plates move towards each other.

When an oceanic plate and continental plate move The magnitude (strength) of an Earthquake is measured
towards each other, the denser (oceanic) plate is using a seismometer on the Richter scale.
forced down (subducted) under the lighter
(continental) plate.
This happens in the subduction zone and an ocean
trench is formed.
The friction between the plates triggers Earthquakes.
The heat produced due to friction turns the
descending plate into magma.
The magma starts to rise and erupt (due to pressure)
through a weakness in the crust as an explosive
composite volcano.
Fold mountains are also formed.
The magma that erupts at the surface forms a chain
of volcanic islands called an island arc.
If two continental plates move towards each other, the
sediments between the two plates are compressed
(collision zone) and pushed upwards to form fold


Ocean surface temperature of at least 27°C.

Warm water provides the energy to evaporate more
water, that rises, condenses, releasing huge amounts
of energy.
Ocean depth of at least 60m deep.

These conditions occurring between 5° and 20° north and

south to have su cient Coriolis e ect, making the air
Distribution and causes of volcanoes: Very little wind shear (change in wind speed or direction).
Allows the vertical development of the storm.
Distribution of tropical cyclones:

Caused due to the tectonic activity (refer to 6.1; Plate

Found on constructive and destructive plate boundaries
and hotspots.
Between 5° and 20° north and south.
Distribution and causes of Earthquakes:
They do not form on the equator because the Coriolis
Caused due to the tectonic activity (refer to 6.1; Plate
e ect there is 0.
The air at the equator tends to ow straight from high
Occur mostly on the destructive and conservative plate
pressure to low pressure, without any rotation.
boundaries (and sometimes on the constructive plate
Earthquakes: 6.3. Flooding
Focus: where the Earthquake begins underground.
Epicentre: point on the surface above the focus. Physical cause impact
Seismometer: an instrument used to measure the Reduces the in ltration capacity
heavy rainfall
magnitude of an Earthquake (on the Richter scale). of the soil;
Factors that a ect the impact of an Earthquake: Increase in overland ow.
Location of the epicentre;
prolonged rainfall Saturates the soil;
Time of the Earthquake;
Geology of the area; Causes the water table to rise,
Relief of the area;
reducing in ltration capacity.
Severity of aftershocks; Overland ow occurs due to rapid
Level of development of human settlement; snowmelt.
Population density; Steeper gradients lead to faster
Building density and strength. land relief overland ow spanwater has/>
.little time to in ltrate
6.2. Tropical cyclones
Causes of tropical cyclones:


Physical cause impact (refer to Section 5.2 World Fisheries; El Niño Southern
The more saturated the soil is Oscillation (ENSO))
E ect of climate change:
(before the rainfall), lesser
saturated soil Warmer worldwide temperatures cause the rainfall to
in ltration and more overland
decrease in some parts of the world, leading to
Flooding of low-lying coastal
storm surges, tsunamis
6.5. The impacts of natural hazards
Human cause IMPACT
Impacts of tectonic events:
Deforestation Reduces interception and in ltration. Damage to buildings and infrastructure;
Ploughing down rather than across Fires from ruptures of gas pipes;
slopes increases the water ow. Tsunamis hit coastlines;
Concrete and tarmac are impermeable Landslides cover buildings and roads;
Urbanisation surfaces (no in ltration spanhigh/> Destruction of farmland, leading to starvation;
.(overland ow Loss of wildlife habitats;
Water-related diseases because victims are in temporary
Global warming may lead to rise in sea
Climate change accommodation with no sanitation or clean water;
levels and more rainfall in some areas.
Water is also contaminated by broken sewage pipes
or untreated sewage.
6.4. Drought Loss of life;
Trauma, poor mental health;
Causes of drought: Financial losses when repairing the damage.
Lack of rain caused by prolonged high pressure: Impacts of tropical cyclones:
Air in a high-pressure system sinks and doesn’t form Flooding from storm surges and heavy rainfall;
rain clouds. Loss of life;
E ect of El Niño Southern Oscillation and La Niña: Damage to buildings and infrastructure;
El Niño causes the surface water in the Paci c Ocean Disruption of electricity, transport and water supply;
along South America to be warmer. Water-borne diseases;
Economic loss as production is halted;
Damage to crops, food shortages and loss of export
Loss of wildlife habitats.
Impacts of ooding:
Loss of life;
Damage to buildings and infrastructure;
Contamination of water supplies leading to disease;
Loss of crops and livestock leading to food shortages;
Deposition of silt from the ood waters;
These warmer waters alter storm patterns and can Recharge of groundwater stores;
cause droughts in Australia. Rivers may change course;
Whereas, La Niña causes the temperature of the Financial losses when repairing the damage.
water along South America to Impacts of droughts:
decrease. Water sources dry up, forcing people to travel long
distances to fetch water;
Decline in crop yields;
Loss of crops, livestock, plants and wildlife;
Decrease in land prices as production declines and
farmers lose money;
Migration from rural to urban areas;
Increase in food prices;
Health problems due to malnutrition;
Soil erosion, leading to deserti cation;
The cooler conditions cause drought in parts of North Increased risk of wild res and poor air quality;
and South America. Con icts over water usage and food.


6.6. Managing the impacts of natural

Seismometers can be used to monitor tremors caused
by rising magma;
Satellites using heat-seeking cameras can be used to
monitor increasing ground temperatures;

Smart meters to switch o gas supplies, preventing

Land-use planning: important services (schools,
hospitals) must be built in low-risk areas.
Tropical cyclones:
Tracked using satellites.
Preparation and protection:
Cyclone shelters;
Tiltmeters (measure very subtle changes in the
Embankments along the coast;
surface of the Earth as magma accumulates) and GPS
Preserve mangrove swamps to absorb the energy of
can be used to monitor changes in volcano shape;
Emissions of steam and gas (sulfur dioxide) can be storm surges.
Preparation and protection:
Volcano hazard map (study past eruptions);
Lava diversion channels and lava barriers ;
Spraying lava with water;
Halting lava advance by dropping concrete slabs into
the ow;
Building reinforcements (sloping roofs to protect
against ashfall).
Monitor tremors (using seismometers), groundwater
levels and radon gas; Prediction:
Epicentres and frequencies of past events can be
Monitoring the amount of rainfall and river discharge
mapped to check if a pattern is developing; using an ADV;
Measurement of local magnetic elds;
Using the features of the drainage basin and type of
Hazard zone map can be drawn (geological info and storm to determine the severity of the ood.
ground stability);
Unusual animal behaviour.
Preparation and protection:
Earthquake-proof or aseismic buildings. Older
buildings can be modernised;


Preparation and protection: After a volcanic eruption, fertile soils are created that
produce high crop yields.
The scenery can be spectacular;
Geothermal energy can be obtained easily;
Possibility of mining minerals such as sulfur, diamonds
and gold.
Living near rivers may provide a source of food, water for
drinking and irrigation.
Communications may be easier;
Flat land on either side is available for building on.

Hard engineering projects (levees, ood barriers and 7. The atmosphere and
Soft engineering projects (a orestation and storage human activities
Increasing the river channel (clearing vegetation);
7.1. The Atmosphere
Land-use planning to restrict development on
The composition of the atmosphere:
Use of sandbags and pumps;
Adapt houses to position power sockets 1.5 m above
ground level to prevent electrocution.
Monitoring precipitation and temperature.
Preparation and protection:
Increase water supplies (dams, reservoirs, wells,
percolation ponds, aquifers, pumps, water transfer by
pipeline and desalination);

% in importance to life on
atmosphere Earth
nitrogen (N2) 78.09 Growth of plants.
Water conservation (storage tanks, spray irrigation,
drought-tolerant crops, recycling water and reducing Produced by
oxygen (O2) 20.95
deforestation); photosynthesis;
Agricultural improvements (shelterbelts to decrease Used in respiration.
wind and evaporation, bunds to increase in ltration Source for
and fencing to control overgrazing); water vapour (H2O) 0.2-4
Government stockpiling supplies of water, food and
Provides most of the
natural greenhouse
6.7. Opportunities presented by natural Vital for existence of
hazards life.
Used by plants in
carbon dioxide (co2) 0.03
Individuals may want to be near family and friends. photosynthesis;
Con dence in prediction, preparation and protection. Greenhouse gas.
Employment opportunities e.g. tourism.
No choice in moving if there is pressure on land or if it is
too expensive to move.


% in importance to life on Temperature inversion: a weather condition when the air

atmosphere Earth temperature increases with altitude, rather than
Can create an inert decreasing.
argon (Ar) atmosphere that
Helium (He), Neon protects materials
(Ne), Krypton (Kr) from reacting with
oxygen or other gases.

Number of years gas stays in the atmosphere

Carbon dioxide 200 years

Methane 12-17 years
CFCs 1000 years
Nitrous Oxides 114 years

During the day, the surfaces is heated due to

7.2. Atmospheric pollution and its longwave radiation.
causes On calm and clear nights, the Earth surface cools very
quickly, emitting radiation, cooling the air above it.
Acid rain: precipitation with a pH value of less than 7. At higher altitude, the air doesn’t cool as quickly, so
this air becomes warmer than the air below it.
This layer of warm air is the inversion layer, that
disrupts the regular convection currents.
The concentration of smog (pollutants) increases,
often in valleys surrounded by steep-sided hills.
Enhanced greenhouse e ect: created by addition of
greenhouse gases to the atmosphere through human
More heat retained in the atmosphere.
Increased temperature of the Earth’s surface, leading to
global warming and climate change.

Human activities that increase their

Greenhouse gas
Burning of fossil fuels in factories and power stations abundance
release sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. carbon dioxide Burning of fossil fuels; Deforestation.
Vehicle emissions add further nitrogen oxides.
Cattle and rice production; Coal mine
When these gases mix and react with the water vapour in
methane ventilation; Deforestation; Decomposition
the atmosphere, they form weak solutions of nitric and
of waste (land ll sites).
sulfuric acid.
They are carried by prevailing winds.
Aerosol sprays; Fire extinguishers;
They eventually fall to Earth as acid rain. Refrigeration; Air conditioning.
Smog: Nitrogen Oxides Vehicle exhausts; Chemical fertilisers.
Burning of fossil fuels in industry, homes and vehicles Tropospheric Chemical reactions involving nitrogen
provides particles like smoke and dust for fog to form ozone oxides and unburnt fuel vapours.
Photochemical smog: Ozone layer depletion:
Involves chemical reactions induced by sunlight on Ozone layer protects the Earth from the Sun’s harmful
certain pollutants. radiation.
These reactions convert them into harmful It is formed when oxygen (O2) lters from the top of the
substances, like ground-level or tropospheric ozone troposphere and reacts under the in uence of ultraviolet
(‘bad’ ozone). radiation to form ozone (O3).
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs): It is continually formed, destroyed and replaced naturally,
Chemicals that easily enter the atmosphere as gases, creating a dynamic balance, that is disturbed by human
mainly from evaporation.
Examples: hydrocarbons (like methane), ammonium
nitrate, carbon monoxide (incomplete combustion),


activities. Pollutant impact

Melting of ice sheets, glaciers and
Climate change
permafrost cause a rise in sea-levels;
Damage to low-lying countries from
Forced migration as people lose their
homes and farmland from rising sea-
Loss of biodiversity, habitat or
extinction if animals and plants can’t
Increased droughts could lead to
When CFCs reach the stratosphere, the ultraviolet deserti cation and famine;
radiation breaks them down, releasing chlorine. Sea-level rise leads to the loss of
Chlorine reacts with oxygen in a destructive process,
coastal land and increased erosion.
breaking down the ozone molecules to chlorine
monoxide and oxygen, depleting the layer and forming
a hole. 7.4. Managing atmospheric pollution
This hole allows harmful radiation to enter the Earth’s
atmosphere. Reduction of carbon footprint:
Carbon footprint: a measure of the impact of our activities
on the environment.
7.3. Impact of atmospheric pollution Reduced use of fossil fuels:
Low sulfur coal can be used;
Pollutant impact
Increased use of renewable energy.
Smog Irritation of eyes and throat; Energy e ciency:
Respiratory diseases, like asthma; Using energy e cient appliances.
Fine particles carried into lungs, Carbon capture and storage:
leading to lung cancer, strokes and Waste carbon dioxide from power stations can be
heart attacks; transported via pipelines to storage sites.
Transport policies:
Breathing di culties.
Creation of cycle lanes, bus lanes, metro systems and
Acidi cation of ground water, making
Acid rain trams;
the water undrinkable;
Electric or hybrid cars can be encouraged;
Can cause diarrhoea and stomach Biofuels can be used;
upset if the water is consumed; Vehicles can be banned from certain parts of city by
Aluminium leached from the soil to pedestrianisation;
groundwater; Public transport and residential parking can be made free.
International agreement and policies:
Acidi cation of groundwater damages
tree roots Policies such as Montreal Protocol, Kyoto Protocol and
Paris Climate Conference can be passed on worldwide;
Crop yields decline;
An international cooperation is required.
Nutrients like calcium are leached out CFC replacement:
of the soil; Reduction in the use of CFCs;
Fish die as acidity levels increase; Hydrochloro uorocarbons (HCFCs) can be used as an
Limestone buildings are chemically alternative;
weathered. Safe disposal of items containing CFCs.
Higher levels of ultraviolet radiation Taxation:
Higher road tax to decrease car ownership.
Ozone Depletion cause sun burn, skin cancers, retina
damage and cataracts; Catalytic converters:
Catalytic converters in vehicles reduce sulfur dioxide
Extra ultraviolet radiation limits the
reproduction of phytoplankton,
They also convert nitrogen dioxide and carbon monoxide
a ecting the entire food webs;
to carbon dioxide and nitrogen;
Changes in biochemical composition of Low-sulfur vehicle fuels can also be used.
some plant leaves make them less Flue-gas desulfurisation:
attractive as food.


Scrubbers can be used to remove 95% of sulfur dioxide superabundance.

emissions; Stationary phase: when the growth rate of a population
Lining chimneys with lime also reduce the emissions. has slowed down to zero as the carrying capacity is
Reforestation and a orestation: reached.
Reforestation: replanting an area with trees; Carrying capacity: the maximum size of a population that
A orestation: planting trees in a barren land. an environment can support in terms of food, water and
other resources.
History of human population: about 10000 years ago,
8. Human population there were about 5 million people living as hunter-
gatherers. Signi cant points in the growth of the human
8.1. Human population distribution and population since then are:
About 6000 years ago, humans started growing crops and
density rearing animals, which provided more food and allowed
the population to begin to grow;
Population density: population per area ( gures providing By the time the modern system of counting years started,
an average value). the population was about 250 million;
Population distribution: how the population is spread over It then took another 1800 years to reach 1 billion;
an area. After this, the growth become very rapid;
Example: very few or no people live in deserts and By 1930, it was 2 billion;
mountains, whereas populations are very high in coastal By 1975, it was 4 billion;
areas due to availability of fresh water. By 2016, it was over 7 billion, a rise of 3 billion in just 37
UN predictions for the human population in 2100 based
on evidence:

8.2. Changes in population size

Birth rate: the number of live births per thousand of

population per year.
Death rate: the number of deaths per thousand of
population per year.
Natural increase: the di erence between birth rate and
death rate.
Factors e ecting birth rate:
In countries with a high death rate for the very young
(high infant mortality), birth rates are also high.
In farming economies of many LEDCs, more people are
needed for manual labour hence families tend to be
Population: all the organisms of one species living in a
de ned area at the same time. In MEDCs, it is expensive to have children and pensions
Lag phase: the period of time in population growth when are provided by the state.
an organism is adapting to its new environment and the As pensions are provided, they do not need children to
take care of them in their old age.
growth is slow.
Many social and political factors result in low use of birth
Log/exponential phase: when the growth rate of a
population increases overtime as all requirements are in control in LEDCs, whereas in MEDCs birth control is widely


used, so both birth and death rates are lower. people due to high birth rate.
Migration: the movement of people into (immigration) or
out of (emigration) a region, country or an area.
Most common worldwide movement is from rural to
urban areas in LEDCs.
Sometimes urban to rural migrations also occur, mostly in
Population growth: (birth rate + immigration) – (death rate
+ emigration)

Push factors: factors that Pull factors: factors that

encourage people to move encourage people to move
away from an area. into an area.
Good supplies of food
whatever the weather;
Stationary populations (USA 2016): population that is
Poverty; Well-paid jobs;
almost stationary, with a rectangular shape, except at the
Poor links with outside world; Good roads; top when old people die.
Hospitals, schools, water,
Poor services;
Work on the land only, Factory, shops, o ce work
subsistence; for a wage.
Deserti cation; No comparable pull factors
Sea-level rise;
Seasonal weather events.

8.3. Population structure

Population/age pyramid: a diagram that shows the
proportion of the population that is male and female in
di erent age groups (usually 5-year interval).
Contracting (old) populations (Japan 2016): population is
declining because of low birth rates, and its pyramid is
top-heavy because of low death rates.
Dependant: those people in the population who are not
economically active (working) i.e. the young (<16) and old
(65+) and thus rely on those who are working for their
Independent: those people in the population who are
economically active (working) i.e. the middle-aged
(between 17 and 65).
Taxes from the independent population is used for:
Education for the youngsters and provision of school
places for the children yet to reach school age.
Creating care-home places and hospitals for the ageing
Expanding (young) populations (Afghanistan 2015): a population.
typical pyramid for LEDCs with high proportion of young
8.4. Managing human population size
Family planning: methods used by couples to decide the
number of children to have and when, which is mostly
encouraged by governments
Contraception: used to prevent pregnancy.
Improved health and education: makes people more
aware of methods to limit family size.
Educated women may plan a career as well as having
children, the former frequently limiting how many children


are born. consumers.

Education can also lead to a tendency for later marriages
and thus later child bearing.
High infant mortality causes couples to have more
children. When it is reduced by better healthcare and
sanitation, the trend is reversed.
National population policies:
Pronatalist policy: a national or regional policy that aims
to encourage couples to have children.
In countries like France, couples were encouraged to
have more than 2 children.
Parents are paid the equivalent of the minimum wage
for a year after they have a third child.
They enjoy subsidised train fares, pay less tax the
more children they have, and subsidised day care.
Antinatalist policy: a national or regional policy that aims
to discourage couples to have children.
In LEDCs, population increases too fast, and these
Food web: a diagram showing the relationship between all
policies can form in weak measures such as the
(or most) of the producers, primary, secondary and
provision of family planning, contraceptives and
tertiary consumers in an ecosystem.
education, to laws encouraging couples to have only
one child.
Some countries have no population policies at all and
usually have high birth rates.

9. Natural ecosystems and

human activities
9.1. Ecosystems
Ecosystem: all the living things (biotic components)
together with all the non-living things (abiotic
components) in an area.
Population: all the organisms of one species living in a
de ned area at the same time.
Community: a group of populations of di erent species
that live together in an area and interact with each other.
Habitat: the place within an ecosystem where an
organism lives.
Niche: the role of a species within the ecosystem.
Food chain: a diagram showing the relationship between a Trophic level: a feeding level within a food chain or food
single producer and primary, secondary and tertiary web.
Pyramid of numbers: a diagram that represents the
number of organisms at each trophic level in an
ecosystem by a horizontal bar whose length is


proportional to the numbers at that level. Salinity: how salty something is, measured as ppm or
parts per thousand (ppt) or concentration e.g.
Brackish water: water that is salty (>0ppt) but not
as salty as seawater (<35ppt).
Light: essential for photosynthesis; expressed as
pH: (refer to section 4.8 Impact of water pollution; pH).

Plants trap light energy with the help of chlorophyll.

This green pigment splits water into hydrogen and
The pyramid shape re ects the loss of energy at each The hydrogen is added to CO2 to make glucose.
trophic level. The oxygen not used in respiration is given o to the
Energy is: atmosphere.
Lost during transfer as heat to the environment; Plants obtain CO2 from the atmosphere through their
Used for cellular respiration; stomata in the leaves and water from the soil through
Used for growth; their roots.
Lost as faeces; Glucose is used by plants in respiration to release energy
Lost by incomplete digestion by higher trophic level. and is converted to substances the plant needs eg starch,
Food chains cannot have more than 4 or 5 trophic cellulose, proteins etc.
levels as there’s not enough energy to pass on. Nitrogen is needed to form some substances such as
Biotic factors: proteins, but in every case, chemical energy remains
Producers: organisms within an ecosystem that can stored in the substance.
carry out photosynthesis. Respiration: the process by which living things release
Primary consumers: organisms within an ecosystem energy from food to carry out the process of life, such as
that derive their food from producers. movement.
Secondary consumers: organisms within an
ecosystem that derive their food from primary
Tertiary consumers: organisms within an ecosystem
that derive their food from secondary consumers.
Decomposers: organisms within an ecosystem that
derive their food from the bodies of dead organisms. Biotic interactions:
Abiotic factors: Competition: living things need a range of resources from
Temperature: usually expressed in °C. Living things the environment.
have a range of temperatures within which they can Many younger are produced than will survive, so there
survive. is often competition of resources.
Humidity: a measure of how damp the air is; how Individuals least adapted to the current conditions will
much water vapour it holds. either die or fail to reproduce.
Usually expressed as relative humidity (RH) – RH Predation: when one animal eats another.
expresses the humidity as a % of the amount of Pollination: the transfer of pollen grains (male gametes)
water vapour the air could hold if fully saturated. from the anther to the stigma for it to fuse with the ovule
Water: essential for all life as it’s a raw material for (female gamete).
photosynthesis and a medium for chemical reactions. In plants, male sex cells are found in pollen grain,
Plants obtain water from the soil and water made in the anther.
content of soil is an important factor in Pollen grains are either blown by wind or carried by
determining where exactly a plant species lives. insects.
Oxygen: nearly 21% in the air; decreases with The anther is in the ower, attracting the animals with
increasing altitude. bright colours, scent and the production of nectar.
Usually expressed as parts per million (ppm) in The pollen grain lands on the stigma of another ower
water. and sends out a tube that grows down to where the
Not very soluble in water so all aquatic organisms ovule is.
have adaptations to get enough e.g. gills in sh.


The ovule is then fertilised to form an embryo in a Impacts of habitat loss:

seed that grows into a plant. Extinction: the process by which a species or other named
The carbon cycle: group ceases to exist on Earth or other named area.
Loss of biodiversity: various species die or relocate when
their habitat is destroyed.
Genetic depletion: the loss of species containing
potentially useful genes.
Species and genetic diversity that exist in the wild may
have many currently unknown uses e.g. medicinal,
drought-resistant, etc.
These characteristics of modern crop plants may
prove useful in the future e.g. due to climate change,
drought-resistant strains are needed.
These useful, ancient strains (genes) of important
crop plants should be retained.
However, due to habitat destruction, genetic diversity
is reducing, leading to species becoming extinct,
making the genetic loss irretrievable.
Modern strain of crop plants may not be able to adapt
to future changes.

9.3. Deforestation

Causes of deforestation:
Timber is needed in MEDCs for products ranging from
9.2. Ecosystems under threat luxury furniture to paper, or as a source of energy.
Lumber (planks and boards).
Importance of wetlands:
Clear land for:
Shoreline protection;
Maintenance of water quality;
Roads and settlements (logging tends to be selective
Flood control;
as only a few species create timber, however building
Recharging of aquifers;
roads for transporting logs is the most damaging
Biological productivity;
Provide habitats;
Rock and mineral extraction.
Source of variety of products eg sh, fuel and bres.
Impacts of deforestation:
Causes of habitat loss:
Habitat loss: biodiversity is lost when habitats are lost.
The drainage of wetlands:
Tropical rainforests are centers of great biodiversity,
Drainage for agriculture, forestry and mosquito
so loss of habitat here is serious.
Huge volume of trees acts as massive carbon stores
Dredging for ood protection;
that’s also home for rare species which may be useful
Use for disposal of waste created by road
to us.
Soil erosion and deserti cation:
Discharge of pollutants;
Forests reduce the impact of heavy rainfall on the
Peat removal;
ground, reducing soil erosion.
Removal of groundwater.
Tree roots bind the soil in place and the layer of fallen
Intensive agricultural practices: wetlands are drained and
leaves and branches protect the soil.
other land is occupied to provide for intensive agricultural
Overtime, after deforestation, the area that once
practices, resulting in habitat loss.
supported luxuriant growth may become a desert,
Overcultivation of soil leads to soil erosion, causing
because of deserti cation.
habitat loss for decomposers living in the soil.
(refer to section 3.6 Causes and impacts of soil
Deforestation: Clearance of climax communities that
would otherwise provide habitat for a wide range of tree
Climate change:
and ground dwelling species.
Changes caused in the levels of various greenhouse
Climax community: An ecological community in which
gases in the atmosphere.
populations of plants or animals remain stable and
CO2 and methane are rising and so are atmospheric
exist in balance with each other and their


Greenhouse gas: gas that stops energy in the form of Ecotourism is both a reason to manage forests
heat from being lost from the atmosphere. sustainably and a method by which this can be achieved.
Rise in CO2: due to the burning of fossil fuels, It may be mainly economic in focus, with success
deforestation, industries. measured by income, or focused on sustainability, with
If the rate of trees photosynthesising and respiring success measured by a limit on numbers of visitors.
were equal, removal of trees would have no e ect.
However, permanent removal of trees leads to large 9.5. Measuring and managing
quantities of CO2 when burnt or decomposed.
Moreover, the machinery of burning fossil fuels
releases more CO2.
Measuring biodiversity:
Loss of biodiversity and genetic depletion: (refer to
Types of sampling:
Section 9.2 Ecosystems under threat; Loss of biodiversity
Random sampling: a sampling method in which the
and genetic depletion)
sampling device is placed using random tables or the
roll of dice.
9.4. Managing forests Used when two areas are to be compared e.g. number
of insects in wet and dry areas.
Carbon sinks: a vegetated area where the intake of CO2 Systematic sampling: a sampling method in which the
from the atmosphere in photosynthesis exceeds its output sampling device is placed along a line or a pre-
from respiration, so the net ow of carbon is from the determined pattern, usually a transect.
atmosphere into plants. Used to check how the species change along a
Carbon store: a mature vegetated area where the intake gradient in the environment e.g. from the shade of a
of CO2 from the atmosphere by photosynthesis equals its woodland to an open eld.
output from respiration, so the mature plants store Quadrat: a frame of known area placed on a part of the
carbon. site to be sampled.
Role in water cycle: forests add water to the atmosphere
during transpiration, leading to formation of clouds,
eventually releasing it by precipitation.
During deforestation, this process is reduced and local
droughts are caused in the area.
Forests generate moisture in the atmosphere that can
a ect rainfall around the world.
**Prevention of soil erosion:

Used to sample sedentary organisms e.g. plants.

The number of organisms of the species is then
By intercepting rain, forests reduce heavy rainfall on the counted.
forest oor. Sometimes, the percentage cover of the organism in
Debris such as tree leaves on the oor of the forest slows the quadrat is calculated.
run-o . Transect: a sampling method in which sampling devices
Roots of trees hold soil in place. are laid out along a line already placed across an area.
Forests on the coast reduce erosion by absorbing energy Used to sample sedentary organisms.
from storms. An example of systematic sampling.
(refer to section 3.7 Managing soil erosion).
Ecotourism: responsible travel to a natural area that
promotes conservation of the environment.
Visitors travel with the main aim of appreciating its
natural beauty.


Pitfall traps: Sustainable harvesting of wild plant and animal species

(refer to section 5.4 Management of the harvesting of
marine species):
Many plants have medicinal properties because of the
secondary metabolites they produce.
Secondary metabolites: organic compounds produced by
bacteria, fungi, or plants which are not directly involved in
the normal growth, development, or reproduction of the
Wild plants are preferred source as cultivated varieties
only produce small or none of the chemicals to be used.
Management plan to control harvesting of wild-grown
Used to sample non-sedentary organisms (insects).
Consists of a jar sunk up to its rim in the soil. medicinal plants:
Assessing the abundance of the plant (refer to section 9.5
The jar may or may not be covered (depending on the
Measuring and managing biodiversity).
predicted likelihood of rainfall).
Investigate species’ growth rate, reproductive biology and
Traps should be inspected and emptied regularly.
Can be used randomly or systematically. impact of harvesting.
Assess the yield that can be sustained by the wild
Drawback: measures the activity and number of the
Details of how the harvesting should be monitored.
Sustainable forestry:
Selective logging: removal of only mature trees of species
that are valuable. Other species and immature trees of
value species are left, allowing the forest to repair
Non-valued trees still provide habitat for many species
and immature valued trees can be used years later.
Agroforestry: land management system in which crops
are grown around trees.

Used to sample non-sedentary organisms e.g. insects.

Insects in short vegetation or on trees are usually
trapped in a net.
A pooter is used to transport the organisms, from the
nets or traps to a laboratory, for example. Trees enrich the soil when the leaves fall, provide food
for animals, rewood for people, and sometimes
Method Advantages Disadvantages
Not always very Tree roots bind soil together, and in some cases, x
accurate; Unless many nitrogen, further enriching the soil.
Quick; Inexpensive;
quadrats quadrats are placed, the Farmers obtain food and milk from the farm, and their
sample can be animals enrich the soil with manure.
unintentionally biased. Alley cropping: planting rows of trees at wide spacings
Quick; Inexpensive; Often used in with a companion crop grown in the alleyways
Portable. inappropriate situations. between the rows.
Often kill the organisms Trees are pruned and the prunings are used to
pitfall Inexpensive; Easy to set captured; May improve the soil and provide minerals to the crop. (if
traps up and use. oversample or the tree is a legume, these minerals would include
undersample. nitrates)


Mineral recycling and the suppression of weeds by the

trees are combined with cropping on the same land,
these thereby allow the long-term survival of
National parks: an area of land protected by the
government to preserve entire ecosystems e.g. ora,
fauna and landscape.
Laws that ban/limit activities such as hunting, logging and
collection of wild owers are implemented.
Enforcement requires regular inspection and threat of
hefty nes or imprisonment for breaking the law.
Extensive facilities for tourists are provided, that includes
a system of roadways, carparks and natural trails.
An entry fee charged is used for conservation work.
A guidebook/lea et is provided that includes information
on the dos and don’ts, and the importance of the
conservation of wild nature.
The largest national park in the world is the Northeast The plan is to promote management, research and
Greenland National park, covering 972001km^2. education in ecosystem conservation.
Wildlife and ecological reserves: the practice of protecting Advantages:
wild plant and animal species and their habitat that plays Recognised internationally via UNESCO.
an important role in balancing the ecosystems and Attracts funding and support of experts in the
di erent natural processes eg rainfall, fertility of the soil, conservation community, improving the success of the
etc., thus also meeting the needs of people. reserve.
Extractive reserves: an area of land, generally state-
owned where access and use rights, including natural Core area Bu er zone Transition zone
resource extraction, are allocated to local groups or Local communities
communities. and conservation
Wildlife corridor: a link of wildlife habitat, generally native More research, organisations work
vegetation, which joins two or more larger areas of Ecosystems that
along with tourism together to manage
similar wildlife habitat.
need protection.
and education. the area for the
bene t of the
people living there.
May contain eld
stations with
Monitoring and
laboratories and
some research.

Seed banks: stores seeds to preserve genetic diversity

when it’s not possible to protect the area where the

Corridors are critical for the maintenance of ecological

processes including allowing for the movement of animals
and the continuation of viable populations.
World biosphere reserves: an ecosystem with plants and
animals of unusual scienti c and natural interest.


endangered plant lives. Involved in scienti c research on the control of diseases,

animal behavior and techniques to improve breeding
Captive-breeding programmes increase species
numbers, thus reducing the risk of extinction;
Aim to release captive-bred animals into the wild when
habitats have been restored;
Such programmes try maintaining genetic biodiversity of
a species, as interbreeding leads to a reduction in
diversity and therefore reduces adaptability when the
species is placed back in the wild.
Ways to reduce inbreeding:
Organisms aren’t allowed to breed repeatedly with the
same partner;
A variety of partners for an organism can be achieved
through in-vitro fertilisation and inter-zoo swapping of
Use a database (studbook) to record breeding history of
Wild plants carry genes that could be used in crop plants
individuals in captivity.
to confer resistance to pests and diseases;
Sustainable tourism and ecotourism: management of
Seeds occupy lesser space than plants, thus more species
tourism in a sustainable way to prevent damage to habitat
can be held;
and provide what people want.
Collecting small samples of seeds is unlikely to damage
Key to successful sustainable ecotourism is realising that
the wild population as most plants produce large number
the growth of the tourist industry depends on maintaining
of seeds;
the environment.
Seeds are dormant and need minimal care, thus easier to
Measures are taken to safeguard wildlife and the
store than living plants.
resources are used sustainably.
Role of zoos and captive breeding:
Provide education about the illegal trade in animals and
products, and the need to maintain biodiversity;

Environment Management

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