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Lesson plan focus: Skills: Speaking

Level and age of learners: Young learners, pre-intermediate

Self-appraisal Yes/ No Comments


Is the aim of the Yes The aim is included at the top of the lesson plan. As this is a skills
lesson clear? lesson, the aim is focused on improving speaking skills.

Are the activities Yes The activities allow for fluency practice with limited input from the
appropriate for the teacher to allow the students to converse.

Is there a variety of Could be Although there is interaction between pairs and teacher and
interaction patterns? improved students, the plan could include some more group work.

Does the plan follow Yes The plan includes a clear structure for a speaking lesson- pre, while
a clear structure? and post speaking activities.
(PPP, TBL etc.)

Is all the necessary Yes The necessary information is included in the lesson plan.
information included
in the lesson plan
-age, level, aim,
timings, interactions

Are the timings Yes The timings are appropriate for the activities with the speaking task
appropriate for the given the most time- this is to give the students the opportunity to
stages? speak for most of the lesson and minimise teacher talk time.

Reasons for The use of a zoo map is useful as it is an authentic material and
choosing materials gives the task more of a real-life feel. It is also a good use of a
teaching aid for students to use and touch.

Strengths of the lesson plan:

 The plan uses a real-life task which is more interesting and practical for students. Furthermore, the
topic of animals engages young learners and ensures that they have the relevant vocabulary as
they are familiar with this vocabulary range.
 The use of the pre-speaking stage also provides the students with a clear structure to discuss- this
will keep them on track and give the task a focus. I decided to include this so that they had an aim
for the task.

Points to improve:

 The teacher could consider providing target language for the students to practise (agreeing and
disagreeing, opinions, zoo vocabulary) in order to focus on a specific area of speaking.
 The teacher could think about incorporating technology into the classroom by having the students
research information about local zoos on their phones or tablets. This would be interactive for the

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