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Engineering Practice

Advances in Chlor-Alkali Technologies

The products of the chlor-alkali process continue to be essential for many purposes
across the global value chain. Modern chlor-alkali technologies can vastly improve
upon the safety and environmental performance of legacy systems
Andy Liu

he chlor-alkali production
process is one of the most
common of all industrial
chemical operations. The
output of a chlor-alkali system in-
cludes chlorine (Cl2), sodium hy-
droxide (NaOH) and hydrogen gas
(H2) — all of which have broad ap-
plication and growing economic
and societal importance. For ex-
ample, the free chlorine produced
by chlor-alkali systems is the most
affordable and widely used drink-
ing-water disinfectant in the world. Shutterstock
It is also highly effective against
nearly all waterborne pathogens. FIGURE 1. As environmental stresses are challenging the availability of potable drinking water, chlorine is
increasingly essential as an affordable and easily applicable treatment solution
Thus, chlorine serves an essential
role as global demand for potable electrolysis cells will be effectively solution, or concentrated brine, is
water continues to rise, alongside limited to using diaphragm cells fed into the anode side of the cell,
climate challenges related to ris- and PEMs. and water is introduced into the
ing temperatures and extreme In addition to the elmination of cathode side. The PEM that sepa-
weather events, which can lead mercury and asbestos in the pro- rates the anode from the cathode
to excess algae growth and in- cess, the advanced membrane is specially formulated so that it
creased sediment in natural water chlor-alkali process using PEMs will conduct only positive sodium
sources (Figure 1). However, de- can enable substantial energy sav- (Na+) ions through it, while prevent-
spite its ubiquity, all chlorine is not ings compared to the two older ing passage of negative hydroxyl
created equally. processes. In fact, the U.S. Depart- (OH–) ions into the cathode side of
ment of Energy’s Office of Energy the cell.
Available technologies Efficiency and Renewable Energy The negatively charged chloride
Today, most free Cl2 is produced (EERE; has ions are attracted to the positively
electrochemically by water elec- stated that, of the three available charged anode, where they give up
trolysis in equipment known as chlorine-producing technologies, an electron to the anode and co-
chlor-alkali cells. In standard the mercury cell is the most en- alesce to form chlorine, which exits
chlor-alkali cell processes, a ergy-intensive, consuming about the anode half-cell as a gas:
clean saltwater solution (brine) 3,700 Kwh of electricity per met-
and water are converted into Cl2, ric ton (kWh/m.t.) of Cl2 produced, 2Cl– → Cl2 + 2e– (1)
H2 and NaOH. Of the three com- while the diaphragm cell consumes
mon cell configurations, one type about 2,900 kWh/m.t. PEM cells At the same time, the negatively
of legacy system uses mercury are the most energy-efficient, at charged cathode attracts the Na+
cells, while the second depends 2,500 kWh/m.t. [1]. ions from the brine (anode) side of
primarily on asbestos diaphragm the cell, through the membrane and
cells. The third, more modern How membrane cells work into the cathode half-cell. On the
type uses polymer electrolyte A chlor-alkali membrane cell is cathode side, the water is electro-
membranes (PEMs). comprised of two half-cells, one lyzed to produce negatively charged
The Minamata Convention, an containing an anode (positively OH– ions:
international treaty signed by 128 charged) and the other a cathode
nations in 2013, set a phaseout (negatively charged), separated by 2H2O + 2e– → 2OH– + H2 (2)
date of 2025 for using mercury in a PEM (Figure 2).
the chlor-alkali manufacturing pro- A direct current is applied to the The Na+ ions that have been
cess. After that date, chlor-alkali cell while a concentrated salt (NaCl) transported from the anode side of


PEMs improve the process
Na+ + OH– → NaOH (3) Each chlor-alkali environment dif-
fers depending on the applica-
Thus, the membrane tion, with variables including brine
cell produces a depleted source and purity, water source
brine solution plus three and purity, electrical costs, avail-
saleable products — able capital, and the labor force’s
Cl2, H2 and caustic soda experience level. Yet one thing
— from the original brine remains constant across chlor-
and water input. The H2 alkali facilities — a demand for
is becoming ever more consistent performance and
valuable as an integral energy savings.
component of the grow- Consistency and energy sav-
ing hydrogen economy. ings are crucial when scaling the
The caustic soda has production of commodities. Chlor-
uses across the chemi- alkali membrane cells offer an en-
cal and industrial land- vironmentally sound solution for
scape as one of world’s producing some of the most widely
most-used commodity used commodity inorganic chemi-
chemicals. And finally, cals, through the industrialized
FIGURE 2. A typical chlor-alkali cell employing a polymer electrolyte as mentioned previ- electrolysis of NaCl.
membrane (PEM) is shown here ously, Cl2 can be used The most efficient PEMs are
to help improve water ionomer based, meaning they se-
the cell combine with the OH– ions quality and to make a host of chem- lectively conduct ions over a wide
produced at the cathode to form icals, including sodium hypochlorite range of operating conditions. This
NaOH, commonly known as caustic (bleach), a widely used, economi- unique property enables mem-
soda or lye. The NaOH solution is cal disinfectant that is effective branes to create higher-quality
discharged from the cathode side against a wide variety of viruses and sustainable electrochemical
of the cell: and bacteria. separations, even in harsh environ-

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ments. Additionally, modern, high- The newest low-voltage mem- alkali process can be counted on
performance membranes offer branes can reduce the power con- to further improve energy efficiency
consistent voltage performance, sumption not only in new chlor- and equipment longevity. ■
current efficiency, mechanical du- alkali electrolyzers, but also in Edited by Mary Page Bailey
rability and high impurity resistance existing electrolyzers, if they are
over the lifetime of the membrane. chosen at the time of membrane Reference
This combination of properties replacement. This is especially true 1. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and
leads to a host of advantages, in- if the low-voltage membranes re- Renewable Energy, Industrial Technologies Program,
Advanced Chlor-Alkali Technology, https://www1.eere.
cluding the following: tain the chemical and mechanical
• Fewer process interruptions durability of their higher-voltage pdfs/1797_advanced_chlor-alkali.pdf.
• Limited maintenance downtime counterparts.
• Reduced lifetime costs and total Because electrolyzer types and Author
cost of ownership (TCO) process conditions can vary among Andy Liu (Email: andrew.h.liu@
• Consistent production quantities producers and individual plants, is currently the
product sustainability strategy
• Reduced lifetime energy use operators should consider the leader at Chemours, responsible
versatility of the membranes they for leading the company in its
Recent developments choose. Some membranes for low- Sustainable Offerings Corporate
Approximately 60% of the produc- voltage performance are designed Responsibility Commitment Goal,
which aims to maximize the Che-
tion costs involved in the chlor- with the mechanical strength to mours product portfolio’s contri-
alkali process come from the op- resist damage from handling, in- butions to the United Nations Sus-
eration’s power consumption. Any stallation and in-process pressure tainable Development Goals. He earned his B.S. in
chemistry from the California Institute of Technology and
improvement in membrane voltage differentials and the chemical re- his Ph.D. in inorganic chemistry from Massachusetts
or current efficiency reduces overall sistance to endure brine impurity Institute of Technology. After working at Northwestern
cell energy consumption, thereby spikes and impurity accumulations University as a National Institutes of Health Postdoctoral
Fellow, Liu joined DuPont as a research & development
reducing operating costs. At the on the membrane, even as they re- chemist and served nearly 20 years developing new
same time, the lower energy de- sist degradation from power fluctu- products, processes and applications. In January of
mands reduce the carbon footprint ations. As membrane manufactur- 2009, he assumed responsibilities for developing and
of the generating facility by reduc- ers continue to advance the design executing global strategies for gaining regulatory notifi-
cation and registration approvals for new-substance
ing load and, thus, emissions. and robustness of PEMs, the chlor- commercialization.

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