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Bridge- it is a path over rivers

Flood( Flad)-it is when a lot of water comes out from the river to the land

Desert- it is a dry area with a lot of sand

Canyon- a deep valley tipically with a river flowing

Eartquake- natural phenomenon when the Earth shakes

Avalanche- natural phenomenon when a lot of snow suddenly comes down from the hill

Dam: it is used to hold back water in a river

Cave- it is a deep system of tunnels underground


Hills: it is smaller than mountains

forest fire- a large, destructive fire that spreads over a forest or area of woodland.

Isle(ájl) - it is a small island

gale- it is a very strong wind



strom at see


Volcano erruption



Landslide-similar to avalanche but with soil and land instead of snow


Lighthouse-a tower or other structure containing a beacon light to warn or guide ships at sea.




leading light






Thaw- olvadás

tremor- remegés


Cavern-odú a small underground tunnel.

draught- huzat

molehills-it is a very small piece of land elevated by moles( undergound mammal.)


Beacon- jelzőfény

Desribe the following geographical features

mountain range: high, rocky, dense forests- woodland, snowcap, capped with snow, teeming
wildlife( teeming- nyűzsgő), there are creeks and rivers

ocean: a big expanse of water, it is bigger than a sea, separates huge landmasses, teeming with fish
and sharks, wide range of species live there

island: it is surrounded by water, it can be uninhabited, Robinson Crusoe and Tom Hanks lived on an
island too.

jungle: it is a dense forest with teeming wildlife, there are tigers, snakes, monkeys

Tarzan lived in the African jungle too

river: it is a flowing water- it can be wide and deep, or shallow enough for a person to wade across. A
flowing body of water that is smaller than a river is called a stream, creek, or brook

volcano: a mountain which spews(köp) lava, it is hot . It can be under water, In the Lord of the rings it
was the final place of the ring.

2. Where is nature at its most beautiful – the mountains, oceans,

deserts, beaches, space, or forests? Why do you think so? Break Out room


Waterfall: steep descent( ereszkedés) of a stream of water like Niagara( Najagra)

Valley: depression( mélyedés) on the earth surface between range of hills

Cliff: it is a steep vertical rock covered with earth or ice

Cave: An underground chamber or storage open from the surface

Forest: A dense growth of trees with animals used for game (levadászható állatok)

Path: It is a trodden way where you can walk or cycle

Hill: A natural rounded elevation that is lower than a mountain

Shore: A coast or beach that borders land to water

to border- elhatárol

What types of geographical features exist in or near the

area where you live? Discuss it in pairs.- Breakout room

jegyzet- megállítom kicsit -miért azt? :)


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