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File 1
How many days do we have to organize the convention?
A. There are three hundred brochures.
B. Don’t worry, it’s later than last year.
C. We’ll choose the cheapest one.
File 2
How do you turn the packaging machine on?
A. Next to the storage area.
B. Push the green button.
C. No, I haven’t seen her.
File 3
1. Flight …………………………… 8. Turn off ……………………………
2. Machine …………………………… 9. Press ……………………………
3. Business trip …………………………… 10. Attend tham dự
4. Inspection kiểm tra 11. Get to ……………………………
5. Presentation …………………………… 12. Commute đi lại
6. Proposal …………………………… 13. handle ……………………………
7. Plan kế hoạch

Check - up (file 4)
1. (A) I love blue jeans
(B) they’re comfortable
2. (A) It is too difficult
(B) It’s going slowly
3. (A) 3 years ago
(B) We just moved in
4. (A) I have three more
(B) It’s this Friday
5. (A) I’ll need a least two more days
(B) I worked on it for three hours
6. (A) Let’s finish this section first
(B) I’m taking a vacation next week
7. (A) My boss is Lucy Reynolds
(B) Early this month
8. (A) I am not positive about that
(B) You’re doing fine right now

File 5
Why are you transferring to the San Francisco branch?
A. To be closer to my family.
B. Probably in February.
Yes, it’s been for a while.

File 6
Why didn’t you take the bus today?
A. Outside my apartment.
B. Because Wendy drove me.
A three-day workshop.
File 7
1. Look for …………………………… 6. transfer ……………………………
2. renovation sự cải cách 7. confirm xác nhận
3. direction sự chỉ dẫn 8. submit nộp
4. invoice …………………………… 9. late ……………………………
5. delay …………………………… 10. early ……………………………

Check - up: ((file 8)

1. (A) I wear them only for reading
(B) I need a new pair of glasses
2. (A) Because she really likes the group
(B) she just bought tickets last night
3. (A) the supplies are running low
(B) everyone works in this office
4. (A) We had a great time there
(B) Because the weather was not nice
5. (A) Mr. Glenn is the company manager
(B) I just filed the request
6. (A) The repairman is working hard
(B) They’re still waiting for a part
7. (A) because he needs to go there
(B) I already have
8. (A) we were more organized
(B) We made huge profits from it
File 9
Would you like me to bring you another soft drink?
A. That’s Ok, I don’t want one.
B. No, that’s the first time I’ve heard it.
C. The dinner reservation’s at eight.
File 10
Did you hear the news about the merger?
A. A small construction firm.
B. No, was it announced?
C. He’s a department head.

Check - up (file 11)

1. (A) I’m having steak for dinner
(B) I’d love to, but I have other plans
2. (A) It start in a few minutes
(B) Yes, you can count on it
3. (A) Sure, if I can finish this report by then
(B) I love classical music!
4. (A) Yes, I do
(B) Sure, is that all?
5. (A) I’d appreciate that
(B) I don’t have enough time
6. (A) Just a few regarding the colors
(B) we are changing everything
7. (A) No, I just got here.
(B) I don’t usually surf the Net.
8. (A) He’s such a nice person.
(B0 Yes, he really deserved it.
File 12
Can you give me a tour of property on Thursday?
A. An empty corner lot.
B. Leave the door open.
C. Let me check my calendar.
Shouldn’t our food have been served by now?
A. It was delicious.
B. Yes, the service is rather slow tonight.
C. I’ll order the tomato pasta.
Check - up (file 14)
1. Why don’t you buy a new suit for the presentation?
A. Did you win the award?
B. Hmm…I’ll follow your advice.
C. It’ll suit your company’s needs.
2. Why don’t we take a tour of the house?
A. No, I already saw this exhibit.
B. Sure, I’d like to take a look too.
C. Because the tenant will be moving out soon.
3. Should we hire a new employee to handle this project?
A. Yes, we’ll need help.
B. Turn the handle.
C. A little higher, please.
4. Shouldn’t we inform our customers of the policy change soon?
A. Yes, it’s custom furniture.
B. That was my application form.
C. I’ll let them know.
5. Why don’t we send the parcel express?
A. It still won’t arrive in time.
B. Throughout the press conference.
C. They deliver supplies to your doorstep.
Exercise 1:
Question 1 (file 15)
Questions with HOW (1)
Possible answers
1. For as long as I could remember
2. Roughly two years
3. She started in 2007
4. She was here before I got here
Recognising incorrect options
(A) She works closely with Jack
(B) For about a year now.
(C) At the Accounting Department
(D) Yes, she works in my department
(E) She’s only been here a month
Question 2 (file 16)
Question with HOW (2)
Possi ble answers
1. I ‘d say another week or so
2. I’ll let your know in a few days
3. I really don’t have a clue
4. Probably another couple more days
Recognising incorrect options
(A) It depends on how fast we get started on it
(B) As soon as the general manager approves it
(C) The program is expected to be sucessful
(D) I’d say around a month or so
(E) Let’s think about it more later
Question 3 (file 17)
Questions with HOW(3)
Question ansewers
1. I know the manager at the shop
2. They were having a sale
3. I got an employee discount
4. I found this amazing little shop near my place
Recognising incorrect options
(A) The deal is final
(B) Yes, it suits you fine
(C) The store near my place was having a grand opening sale
(D) We should reduce our prices to complete with them
(E) I’ll place the order after I come back from lunch
Question 4 (file 18)
Questions with HOW (4)
Possible answers
1. the receptionist told me
2. I received an email from the boss
3. I read a notice on the bulletin board
4. Everyone in the office knows about it
Recognising incorrect options
(A) Sarah called me last night and told me
(B) Okay I will let him know when I see him
(C) By booking the flight ticket early
(D) Yes, I really need to do something different
(E) I bumped into Jeff, and he told me
Question 1: (file 19)
Questions with WHY (1)
Possible answers
1. The parts we nees have not arrived yet
2. Some of the drivers called in sick today
3. Your guess is as good as mine
4. The warehouse people packed the wrong goods
Recognising incorrect options
(A) The shipment is filled with our latest products
(B) The warehouse workers forgot all about the order
(C) The post office is going to close soon
(D) There were some problems at the warehouse
(E) Probably until next Wednesday
Question 2: (file 20)
Questions with WHY (2)
Possible answers
1. They apparently are working out some last minute details
2. I’m not sure. I’ll go and find out what’s going on.
3. I think the contract was signed this morning
4. Dave apparently is not happy with the pricing
Regcognising incorrect options
(A) It depends on what kind of deal it is
(B) Rob is going to work on it soon
(C) I heard it’s going to take a few more days
(D) Actually, the contract was signed yesterday
(E) This deal is going to be the biggest ever.

Question 3: (file 21)

Questions with WHY (3)
Possible answers
1. I’m expecting an overseas call this morning
2. I have an early meeting this morning
3. Ms. Owens asked me to come in early
4. There was no traffic on the road today
Recognising incorrect options
(A) I need to catch up on some work
(B) Sorry. I can’t come back early today
(C) I’ll try to be there by three today
(D) Yes, I can come in tomorrow
(E) My meeting with aclient this morning got canceled
Question 4 (file 22)
Questions with WHY (5)
Possible answers
1. he called and said he wouldn’t be able to make it today
2. He was feeling a bit under the weather
3. He had to run an errand for Mr. Smith
4. He is away on a business trip this week
Recognising incorrect options
(A) He’s at home in bed today
(B) He may be able to show it to me later
(C) I think it’s being held in the main conference room
(D) He was rather early, wasn’t he?
(E) I’m not sure. Why don’t we call and ask him?
Question 1: (file 23)
Yes/No Questions with BE
Possible answers
1. Yes, we discussed it during this morning’s meeting
2. No, I have not been informed about it yet
3. Are you kidding? What new policy?
4. Yes, Mr Jackson told me last night
Recognising incorrect options
(A) Yes, I read about it in the company booklet
(B) Sorry, but I have some company this evening
(C) I will let you know later this afternoon
(D) No, I’m not familiar with it
(E) Of course. I will talk to the company president.
Question 2: (file 24)
Yes/No Questions with HAVE/HAS (Present perfect) (1)
Possible answers
1. No, it’s her day off today
2. She’s in her office right now
3. She stepped out to get some coffee
4. She’s away on a business trip this week
Recognising incorrect options
(A) The office downstairs
(B) Yes, she should be around here somewhere
(C) Sorry,but I have not seen her today
(D) Sure, she’s in the conference room right now
(E) Let’s go and talk to her later
Question 3: (file 25)
Possible answers
1. Yes, I overheard him saying that to the general manager
2. Yes, he apparently has a lot of confidence in him
3. Yes, he thinks lan has what it takes to do the job
4. Yes, that’s what I was told
Recognising incorrect options
(A) Lan has been working here for a year now
(B) He said he will be able to finish it on time
(C) Well, I’m not sure, but I really hope lan will be able to pull it off
(D) Well, let’s see if we can get in contact with him
(E) I guess so. That’s why he sent lan to close the deal, right?

Question 1: (file 27)
Questions with CAN (1)
Possible answers
1. Of course. I’ll call you a porter right away
2. Sure, where do you want me to take them?
3. No problem. Just leave them here, and I will get the bellboy to take them to your room
4. I’m sorry, but I have to take off right now.
Recognising incorrect options
(A) Thank you, but I will be fine
(B) Of course. I will be right with you
(C) Yes, that will be very helpful. Thank you.
(D) Yes, can you do that for me?
(E) If it’s not too much of a bother.
Question 2: (file 28)
Questions with CAN (2)
Possible answers
1. I’m sorry, but I’m not going there today
2. What would you like me to say to him?
3. Yes, I think I could do that for you
4. All right, but what is that you want me to talk to him about
Recognising incorrect options
(A) That is great. He’s a great speaker
(B) Is there anything particular you want me to talk to him about?
(C) Sure, I think I can manage that
(D) No, the meeting starts after that
(E) I’m sorry, but I have to take off right after the conference.
Question 3: (file 29)
Possible answers
1. I think I’m going to need more time than that
2. Actually, I’ve already made up my mind
3. I’ll do better than that. I’ll call you before lunch today
4. Tell you what. I’ll talk to my manager and call you this afternoon .
Recognising incorrect options
(A) You are going to have to give me more time
(B) All right. The answer you gave is correct
(C) Sure, let’s get together sometime this week
(D) Okay, I’ll swing by your office this afternoon
(E) Actually, I don’t know how to get to your office.
Question 4: (file 30)
How about…? (1)
Possible answers
1. All right. It’s been a while since I last saw a movie.
2. Sorry. I’m going away this weekend
3. Sure, let’s check out the theater in the new mall
4. Actually, I’d prefer checking out the new museum
Recognising incorrect optión
(A) All right. That would be very nice
(B) Do you have a particular flick in mind?
(C) Yes, it was a very good movie
(D) He is one of my favorite actors
(E) I will be moving this Saturday
Exercise 2:
Check up Test
1. How many people have signed up for the seminar so far?
(A) Wednesday would be good
(B) Just thirty five
(C) Thanks for inviting me
2. How does Nielson spell his name
(A) That’s what I’m talking about.
(B) Kate spilt the milk
(C) N-I-E-L-S-O-N
3. How was it possible for you to assemble what DVD player so fast?
(A) It comes with a remote control
(B) It will make it possible
(C) Pedro helped me with it
4. How much is the package tour to South Africa?
(A) It comes to two hundred and fifty dollars
(B) It includes airfare
(C) At the airport
5. How many applicants applied for the position?
(A) Send your cover letter by e-mail
(B) The position has already been filled
(C) Eight people have sent in resumes
6. How is the book you bought the other day?
(A) He is doing fine
(B) It’s a page turner
(C) I booked it already
7. How long is the trip?
(A) To the moutains
(B) About two weeks
(C) About ten centimeters long
8. How can I register for the course?
(A) I have to consider it first
(B) Yes, it’s due today
(C) Fill out a form

9. How did you get to the seminar?

(A) I rented a car
(B) It was held at the Plaza Hotel
(C) Actually, it was boring
10. How much rent do you pay each month?
(A) I got a six month lease
(B) I own the house
(C) Seven hundred dollars
WHY (file 32)
1. Why is the bank closed?
(A) I heard there is a strike on
(B) It’s a waste of money
(C) Yes, right across from the public library
2. Why didn’t you call me last night?
(A) Yes, I made a call
(B) I think it will be tomorrow
(C) I was very busy working on a project
3. Why has the factory stopped operating the assembly line?
(A) It’s disappointing me
(B) We have worked for 30 years
(C) It wasn’t profitable
4. Why was the delivery delayed?
(A) No, they delivered it
(B) For about two hours
(C) The heavy traffic slowed it down
5. Why are visitors not allowed on the site?
(A) For safety reasons
(B) It was allowed before
(C) The site is for the new laboratory
6. Why do you prefer to use a guide?
(A) I’ll guide you around the city if you’d like
(B) I find it much more convenient
(C) Actually, I could use a reference book
7. Why did you purchase the more expensive cassette recorder?
(A) No, I didn’t
(B) It has more functions
(C) The recorder can be bought at any electronics store
8. Why didn’t you show up at the reception for our new clients?
(A) Something urgent came up at the company
(B) No, I saw him there last night
(C) I thought it was a very successful show
9. Why didn’t you tell me about the change made in the contract?
(A) I didn’t know about it either
(B) After I check with the manager
(C) Thanks for telling me about it
10. Did they ever say why the delivery was late?
(A) It was due to bad weather
(B) On May 25th
(C) Interest rates are so high these days
1. Do your language courses end soon?
(A) Yes, in a couple of days
(B) Chinese and French
(C) You have to register by tomorrow
2. Is there an express bus to Chicago?
(A) Yes, there is one every hour
(B) No, the press wasn’t operating
(C) I’m here to attend a seminar
3. Have you seen the folder that was sitting on my desk?
(A) No, I believe he is older
(B) Yes, I filed it in the cabinet
(C) No, I didn’t see you there
4. Am I doing something wrong?
(A) It’s the wrong way
(B) Yes, everything’s okay
(C) No, you’re doing fine
5. Did you pay the bills with cash yesterday?
(A) I was charged fifty dollars
(B) No, I paid with my credit card
(C) No, I’d like to cash this check
6. Did you enjoy yourself at the housewarming party last night?
(A) I had a great time there
(B) We need some miscellaneous items for the party
(C) Actually, I’m not feeling well
7. Has the team followed up the suggestion mentioned at the last meeting?
(A) Yes, I followed him all day
(B) Great, I thought you would
(C) Yes, everyone’s doing their part
8. Are you going to hire temporary workers to get this project finished by the deadline?
(A) Because we’re behind schedule
(B) I wish we could, but we don’t have the budget for it
(C) No, they’re all regular employees
1. Do you mind if I close the door?
(A) Not at all
(B) If you could read my mind
(C) I didn’t close the door
2. Would you like me to help you with the boxes?
(A) Yes, it’s in the warehouse
(B) Thanks, but I can manage
(C) No, he wasn’t helpful

3. Why don’t we select newspapers before we place an ad?

(A) I saw them in the classified ads
(B) I need some printer paper
(C) That’s a good idea
4. How about having some ice cream after lunch?
(A) Treat me to lunch
(B) That sounds good
(C) Dinner is on me
5. How about taking the subway to the bus terminal?
(A) About twenty dollars
(B) That’s a good idea
(C) I didn’t take it
6. Can you review this report for me please?
(A) It was too short
(B) Yes, I reported it to the manager
(C) Sure, I’ll check it this afternoon
7. Would you like to go to a show with me this weekend?
(A) Sure, I would love to
(B) No, she didn’t show up
(C) Yes, I went there
8. Why don’t you bring the documents with you when you come tomorrow?
(A) Yes, I think that would save us some time
(B) The documentary is on televison tonight
(C) I will be arriving tomorrow morning
7. Whose eyeglasses are these?
A. A new prescription.
B. Classes are held weekly.
C. They look like Mira’s.
8. When will Unit 23 be vacated?
A. A lease for a rental space.
B. The tenant moved out yesterday.
C. In that apartment complex.
9. Where can I find a restaurant nearby?
A. Washburn Café is at the end of the block.
B. Just for a quick bite to eat.
C. I was able to find my liense.
10. You work at Riley Industries, don’t you?
A. That’s correct.
B. Her shift will be starting soon.
C. No, I don’t have those tools.
11. Who told you about this art festival?
A. One of my coworkers.
B. It runs pretty late.
C. My art teacher is from Spain.
12. Where will actress Marie Lawson be signing autographs?
A. She appeared in a television drama.
B. You can write your name here.
C. At the Guthrie Theater.

13. Will you place an event program on each chair?

A. Dr. Delahanty’s sitting in this row.
B. The event was in Rome.
C. I can do it in a minute.
14. Has Mr. Harrison forwarded you the memo about holiday bonuses?
A. No, he never asked about the costumes.
B. I just receive it.
C. It’ll be shut down over the holidays.
15. The speech was very informative, don’t you think so?
A. I’m giving one at 5 P.M.
B. When will it most likely start?
C. The lecturer was quite knowledgeable.
16. Is Crystal Spa still in business?
A. Some of these business cards.
B. We’re here until June 24.
C. You’ll have to check its Web site.
17. This budget report seems to have some numerical errors.
A. He works at a pharmaceutical company.
B. Can you point them out to me?
C. I’m having a problem with my phone.
18. Haven’t you already thrown out the garbage?
A. An updated recycling policy.
B. Park it in the garage.
C. Only half of it.
19. The path to Mount Cape is this way.
A. He’s heading our way.
B. With my hiking gear.
C. Are you positive about that?
20. What materials have been prepared for the trade fair?
A. Someone else is handling that.
B. The fares are reasonable.
C. Yes, a booth has been reserved.
21. How often are performance reviews held?
A. Hold on. I’ll give you a tour.
B. The counters are washed every day.
C. Usually once per year.
22. Which assignment should I prioritize next?
A. Before I get home.
B. I agree. You should.
C. Please edit this press release.
23. The lounge area is located on the ground floor, isn’t it?
A. Yes, down the hall from the elevator.
B. No, the floors have been mopped.
C. The lounge is spacious.

24. Why are you returning this monitor?

A. Keep monitoring the situation.
B. I’m interested in something larger.
C. Whenever you get back.
25. When will the company merger be officially announced?
A. I have a question about the new regulation.
B. With another manufacturing firm.
C. At the shareholder meeting.
26. Does this cruise ship feature live entertainment?
A. It’s an entertaining radio program.
B. This pamphlet should say.
C. Passengers require boarding passes.
27. The spare bedroom needs to be cleaned out.
A. Have James give you a hand.
B. A double mattress.
C. The kitchen looks clean to me.
28. Would you rather keep your reward points, or use them for a room upgrade?
A. Well, the banquet was rather long.
B. Both resorts have views of the mountains.
C. I’ll save them for my next visit.

29. I can put in some overtime this evening.

A. Go ahead and set them here.
B. Patrick offered to make some desserts.
C. Let’s discuss the matter later this afternoon.
30. Would you like some milk in your tea as well?
A. I ordered coffee.
B. We provide tea and snacks to clients.
C. I don’t like the new menus.
31. How will we transport the furniture to the new office?
A. Let’s meet near the exit.
B. They tested out the same chairs.
C. It comes fully furnished.

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