Bu Lying

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Schools are critical for individual development, as they are the first place in which

children undertake a formal learning process that provides them with basic knowledge and thus
enables them to discover and deepen the skills they need to be successful and independent
adults. The result of this initial learning process determines both the probability of having
access to tertiary education as well as long-term outcomes such as future income. For these
reasons, it is essential to understand which factors within schools directly influence the quality
of education that students experience and, accordingly, their learning. Schools that have always
been the hope of students' future sometimes have a bad impact with various factors. An
example of this case is bullying which often occurs.

The Effects of Bullying on Student's Learning Achievement

Bullying is a process in which a person repeatedly uses his or her superior power or
influence to persecute, attack, or coerce another person to do something. Bullying is very
dangerous for victims because they can experience physical, social, emotional, mental, and
academic health problems, and even more sadly, bullying is one of the main problems in the
school environment.

According to CNN Indonesia.com, it says that the result of Program for International
Student Assessment (PISA), 41 percent of Indonesian students reported experiencing bullying,
at least several times a month. The percentage of student bullying in Indonesia is above the
OECD average of 23 percent. From this assessment, we know that bullying is very dangerous
for school students, where a school is a place where students carry out a formal learning process
that will determine their future, and of course, if the student has suffered physically or
psychologically, the learning process will be disrupted, and will certainly affect the learning
achievements of students.

Learning achievement is an important thing for students. Learning achievement is the

level of success in a learning process expressed in the form of scores or report cards. Student
expected to achieve a good learning achievement as evidence of a successful learning.
Unfortunatelly, not all students are able to achieve a good learning achievement because there
are many obstacles faced by students. Such as bullying that is becoming a nightmare for student
to achieve their goal, most students do the bullying, starting with a joke, which is a joke that is
negative and will cause an addiction that can make someone want to do it continuously with a
high desire in seeking pleasure. .
This phenomena can not be allowed to continue, because the worst possibility for
students who are victims of bullying is to stop going to school. We can not imagine if 41 percent
of students in Indonesia quit from the school, then this would be the beginning of Indonesia's
decline. Therefore, we must crush bullying, especially what occurs in the school environment,
by some manners, such:

1. Develop a positive relationship or friendship culture.

2. Participate in making and enforcing school rules related to bullying prevention.
3. Support each other.
4. give severe punishment for students who do bullying

By paying attention to apply these values, it will change and become a positive entity
in students and their future. The cooperation between schools and parents is also very
influential in changing their character and views on bullying.

Katherine Jenkins once said, “Children should be able to live a life free from bullying
and harassment and it is time that we all took a stand against this.” Therefore, let us take part
in preventing bullying which will have a negative impact on students’ learning achievements.
Thus, Bullying is a disgraceful thing that must be avoided and eradicated completely in order
to create a comfortable learning atmosphere for students, so Indonesia's future will be better.

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