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Alyssa Sarro

Content Marketing
Oliver Franz
MKT 393
I. Background
Introduction to Company and Organization
Minitab is a statistical software firm revolutionizing the analytics market. Minitab
solutions help companies with everything from large scale digital transformation initiatives to
focused projects on improving supply chain or eliminating costs from a specific area. Companies
that use Minitab’s products and services span across industries, sizes, and geographies. Privately
held for over 50 years, they remain a leader in the statistical software industry. This global
company has a large presence in the Americas, Canada, EMEA, and APAC regions. Minitab has
eight different products that each offer a variety of different solutions to analyze data and change
the capabilities of a company. Their mission statement prefaces their dedication to helping
customers around the world leverage the power of data analysis to gain insights and make a
significant impact on their organizations.
In terms of industries they service, Minitab is not limited by any means. They are
statistical software leaders in the automotive, oil and gas, pharmaceuticals, banking and financial
services, energy and natural resources, academic, metals and mining, insurance, government and
public sector, manufacturing and industrial, software and technology, medical equipment and
devices, food and beverage, semiconductors, and service industries. Minitab's large reach
highlights their ability to cater to a diverse range of clients and industries, solidifying their status
as a key player in the solutions world. Each of Minitab’s key capabilities solve different needs
through the power of data analytics.

II. Environments
Minitab operates in the ever so competitive statistical software industry. There are
numerous companies that perform similar services that Minitab software performs with a few
variations across the list. This industry is characterized by statistical analysis and data
visualization tools. Tools like this are ultimately necessary for all businesses to improve their
initiatives, however they primarily service areas such as oil and gas, manufacturing, and research
and development. With the numerous solutions that Minitab has, there are many competitors that
they are fighting against.
• SAS Institute
o Their mission statement explains their commitment to making it easier and faster
for more people to use analytics and shorten the path from data to insights. They
aim to break down data barriers and get results when it matters (10).
• JMP Software
o Their purpose is to empower scientists and engineers through statistical discovery.
They highlight four products that are intuitively interactive, compellingly visual,
and statistically deep, aimed at allowing users to easily explore their data (9).
• Tableau
o Tableau is a visual analytics platform transforming the way we use data to solve
problems—empowering people and organizations to make the most of their data.
Their products are designed to put the user first to aid their experience (11).
• Excel

o The main mission of this service is to analyze, comprehend and visualize data
with ease. It can help identify trends, propose what-if scenarios, and suggest ideas
for improving a business (6).
o Their focus is on bringing all the necessary technology and services to help clients
solve their business problems. They provide consulting, software, and
infrastructure for clients as they pursue the digital transformation of the world’s
mission-critical businesses (3).
According to an article published by LinkedIn, “The global Statistical Analysis Software
market size was valued at USD 6862.38 million in 2021 and is expected to expand at a CAGR of
7.45% during the forecast period, reaching USD 10562.83 million by 2027” (4). Minitab is on
this list of top nine manufacturers within this industry which shows they are one of the leading
competitors globally. Refer to Exhibit 4 to see a visual of the expected growth within the
software industry. Although there have been obstacles that have arose throughout the last decade,
there has still been a clear growth overtime that is increasing exponentially. Throughout the
whole industry, these tools are becoming huge components in the banking, finance, and
insurance industries which aligns with Minitab’s strategic placement. All of these are good
predictors that although the industry remains competitive, there is room for new opportunities
and a need for these services.
Another environment that is technically in a different industry, but a competitor, nonetheless,
is the AI industry. This development has picked up a lot of traction, especially within the last
year, and has made different companies fear for their survival. The worry that AI is going to take
businesses’ competitive advantage away is being felt worldwide. Referring to Exhibit 5, the
expected growth of this technology is already skyrocketing, but is only going to persist. For the
time being, Minitab is confident that there is a large element of human interaction that is
necessary for businesses to improve their data analysis. However, as AI continues to take off,
this may no longer be the case. It is said that this is something that will occur a long way down
the road, which coincides with the growth that is still being seen withing the statistical software
industry. For the time being though, it would be smart for computer software firms to get ahead
of the game and prepare for the AI takeover. Minitab, as well as many other computer software
firms, are AI programs on their own. This puts them at an advantage to combat the switch to
solely relying on AI because they have already been leveraging the tool for years.
While that highlights the fear of AI in the larger industry, my role at Minitab is within the
marketing department. I leverage tools like ChatGPT and AI in different ways than the whole
company does. Withing marketing, AI is a useful tool to streamline the brainstorm process and
fine-tune writing. However, it is just used as a steppingstone. There is no way to just have AI do
a marketer’s job because it is just not that simple. There is a huge part of the human contribution
that is needed in creative writing and the creative process. It is a very helpful tool for marketers
to be able to make their daily tasks much more efficient. It can ultimately help the marketer find
opportunities they may have missed and act on them in real time (2). Instead of fearing AI,
marketers at Minitab and within the larger statistical software industry are encouraged to use it to
their advantage. From the exhibits discussed earlier, it is evident that both the computer software
and the AI industry have opportunities to flourish simultaneously, and it does not have to be one

or the other. However, while they can be used in conjunction, they may one day turn into
competitors which is something to be conscious of as AI continues to get more and more
The current economic situation is characterized by several factors, including high
inflation, supply chain disruptions, and labor shortages. These factors are having a mixed impact
on the statistical software market. Within the economy there is a high demand for computer
software in general. According to a blog by Bala Krishna Ragala, the increase in statistical
software is due to the rapid advent of tech advancements: the world is moving online, code
requires timely upgradation or changes, a need for innovative software, and the increasing
complexity of projects (8). Along similar lines, there is a huge labor shortage right now in the
current economy. Across the computer software industry, this means that there are a lot of
opportunities for employment which is a great thing for laborers. However, it could also be a bad
thing if the industry cannot keep up with demands.
The high inflation rate and supply chain disruptions are increasing the cost of developing
and maintaining statistical software. This could lead to higher prices for statistical software
licenses and support services. While this could be a good thing for the industry to make more
money, it could also mean that there are not enough potential customers willing to pay this high
price. However, it could also mean that other industries are looking to become more efficient and
need statistical analysis to do so. Overall, the economy is very mixed in its current state. The
high demand for statistical software is expected to continue, but the high inflation rate, supply
chain disruptions, and labor shortage could lead to higher prices and longer lead times for new
software development and support.
Another economic factor affecting the global industry is the current situation in China.
Since Minitab is a global company, these disruptions in China have led to a huge decrease in
productivity in this area. According to an article written by Ashley White, there are numerous
barriers that make doing business in the APAC, and particularly in China and in recent times,
more difficult than others (12). The Chinese government has strict regulations and rules that
foreign companies must follow when designing, developing, selling, and using products in
China. This can be a challenge for many foreign companies that are used to following the rules
of their home countries, as the regulations and standards in China can be different and complex.
Even though China is not Minitab’s main headquarters, like other software firms, there are many
standards and different policies that must be met when doing business here. Global companies
get hit hard when conflict arises because there are many resources being put into these regions
that then are out of their control when things go array. It is risky to do business globally, even
though it has its benefits when things are operating smoothly.

Along similar lines, there are many legality issues that hits the computer software
industry that are out of individual companies’ direct control. Minitab is a private company,
however, there are still many larger policies that they must abide by that may deter immediate
growth. Within the software industry, there are a few recent policies that have affected the legal
ends of the business. For example, the Algorithmic Accountability Act of 2022 is just one the
many government-issued polices that regulates how statistical software companies manage the

insides of their business. To directly quote the act, “The Algorithmic Accountability Act of 2022
requires companies to assess the impacts of the automated systems they use and sell, creates new
transparency about when and how automated systems are used, and empowers consumers to
make informed choices about the automation of critical decisions” (1). This legislation could
have a significant impact on the way that statistical software companies develop and distribute
their software. In addition, statistical software is protected by copyright and other intellectual
property laws. These laws can impact how statistical software companies develop and distribute
their software. For example, statistical software companies may need a license from partner
companies to develop and distribute their software. In addition, their licenses need to be kept
very secure and private. At Minitab, there is a very strict and proper security system because of
the confidentiality of internal information. It’s like a secret recipe that someone would want to
keep only within their family because if everyone is able to figure it out, it's lost its value.
This can also be seen at the government level, in terms of what information must be
shared and what can be kept private. Governments around the world are enacting increasingly
strict data privacy and security regulations. These regulations can impact the way that statistical
software companies collect, store, and use data. For example, the General Data Protection
Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union imposes strict requirements on how businesses can
collect and process personal data. There are a few main principles of this regulation as taken
from an article by Maja Lazarovska:
• Lawfulness, fairness, and transparency: information must be processed lawfully and
transparently, ensuring fairness towards the individuals whose personal data is being
• Purpose limitation: clearly state and limit collected data to a specific purpose.
• Data minimization: only gather information crucial to the process.
• Accuracy: accurate and up-to-date information.
• Compatibility: only use data for compatible purpose.
• Storage limitation: only store the information to accomplish what it was required for (5).
Refer to Exhibit 6 to see how the overall way GDPR is called into action within the statistical
software industry. Initiatives like this have led to software being more expensive because of the
increased work on the company’s end. In addition, it has added to the competition because it may
become harder to target customers and make sales. Similarly, within the business to business and
business to consumer software industry, there are plenty of contracts that are a part of the overall
process. Every time a purchase is made for a software product, there are many privacy and
protection contracts that must be evaluated to ensure that the buyer and the seller understand
their relationship. In terms of Minitab and other similar companies, products are sold typically
for a certain amount of time, and buyers get charged every so often to renew their membership or
license. There are rules outlined in the contracts that explain these things to ensure the company
get paid and that the customer knows what they should be receiving.
Customer Trends
There are a variety of trends that are being seen within the statistical software industry
now. To start, on-premises statistical software is becoming less popular, as it offers several
disadvantages compared to cloud-based software, such as higher upfront costs, more difficult
scalability, and less frequent updates. This just means the software is housed within the physical

location of the business, rather than in the cloud or on hosted servers in a remote location. With
Covid-19, everything had to transition to remote and cloud services to be efficient. Companies
that were not able to keep up, died out because customers learned to love this accessibility and
flexibility. Naturally, not many statistical software customers are looking for on-premises
software because of the needed flexibility that comes with cloud. So, on the opposite end of this
trend, is the increase in cloud-based software. By looking at Figure 7, they list twelve different
benefits to using cloud-based computing. These factors range from authentication ease, logging,
reporting, to access controls. In addition, systems like these are beneficial to companies because
they may be more cost efficient, lead to more sales, and allow for quicker updates or
In general, traditional statistic methods are becoming less and less popular. It is rare that
a company would manually be performing statistical analysis because of the ease that comes
with automated processes. As mentioned earlier, there is a fear for some companies surrounding
AI and ML methods. However, these tools are how they really can be leveraging their software
to become easier for users to use while still making it necessary for them to buy the products.
Most customers do not actually care to know what the software is doing when performing
analysis, but just what it means for their company. They care about discovering where there are
opportunities for growth and how they can make that happen. It typically is less about the
statistical method, so the more automated the process, the better.
One more trend that customers are moving towards in no-code development. A user that
does not know computer programming but needs to perform analysis typically wants nothing to
do with code. There is a trend away from coding-based programs to ones that rely on little to no
code. In addition, customers are interested in 5G networks and technology. In an article written
by Ann Morelock on the statistical software trends, she simply writes, “It will completely change
the landscape of how people communicate digitally throughout the world” (7). This relates to
companies like Minitab because customers are becoming more and more impatient. They have
more needs than in the past and no longer have the patience to wait on technology. All computer
software companies are expected to perform at basically lightning speed and customers get
agitated when this is not the case. Although it is a big ask, 5G networks are what the norm is now
and if companies cannot keep up, then there will probably no longer be a use for them.

III. The Organization’s Marketing Mix

Target Market
Minitab's target market is businesses of all sizes and across many industries. Minitab's
software is used by businesses to improve their quality, processes, and products all together.
However, since Minitab is so versatile, they also sometimes sell directly to customers. Typically,
considering the price of the products and the types of packages that Minitab offers, most of their
sales are from business-to-business transactions. Even though they typically make sales to other
businesses, their end customer is the consumer, and they do make sales to induvial buyers from
time-to-time. When businesses purchase their products and packages they are typically being
used by all types of employees within the company. Even though they are a statistical software
service, Minitab highlights the ease of their products so that someone outside of the statistics
world can still make use of what it has to offer. So, in terms of their main target market, Minitab

aims to sell to businesses that need assistance leveraging their data and offers numerous types of
services that make it applicable to even entry-level employees.
Offering (Product/Service)
Most people that are familiar with Minitab know their main statistical software that is
typically the first purchase that a new customer makes. However, Minitab has so much more to
offer than just that. There are a total of 8 different products that customers can purchase that each
service a specific data-need within the customer’s industry. For example, Minitab’s Education
Hub is its own product that professionals within the academia industry may be interested in
adding on to their package. It includes things like flexible assessment capabilities, including
instant feedback on quizzes and certificates of completion, provides feedback, and keeps learners
on track.
Exhibit #2 is a perfect example of the numerous different roles that Minitab offers outside
of these physical products. Their biggest competitor is JMP Software however by just looking at
this exhibit it is clear that Minitab extends their services well beyond data analysis which is
something their competitors fail to do. JMP Software services niche industries usually revolving
around the engineering roles while Minitab makes it a point to their customers that their products
go far beyond that. Data analysis within Minitab can be used to even look at things like
marketing campaigns and identify opportunities for improvement. However, their competitors
highlight that their main use is typically stuck within the manufacturing side of things, giving
Minitab the competitive advantage.
Another offering that Minitab advertises is their customer support. This is typically a
huge selling point for customers because of how useful Minitab wants to be to their customers
even after the purchase is made. Exhibit 3 is one of the hundreds of pages located within Minitab
Support. This platform is accessible to anyone that stumbles upon it on the Internet and not just
customers. Here you can find thousands of examples and loads of information on a variety of
statistics topics. Minitab Support is a useful resource for people that are just looking for answers
on their statistics homework to professionals trying to perform a better analysis within their
software. This really highlights their emphasis on customer support and taking care of their
customers for the longevity of their relationship together. This website can be accessed whenever
needed and oftentimes holds the answers that a customer may have.
The final offering that is notable to mention is another area within customer service and
to support. Minitab hosts webinars and conferences each month that typically have one or two
main topics that they will cover. These are offered to customers and potential customers to
showcase what is possible within Minitab and train users on the services. These events are live,
in person, and online, hosted in numerous languages and in numerous countries. As a global
company Minitab has a strong focus on making sure every region that they service is accounted
Minitab’s pricing varies greatly depending on what the customer needs. Like I discussed
in the above sections, there are many different products and add-ons that customers can purchase
when looking to do business with Minitab. When making a business-to-business sale, customers
will explain to our sales team what it is that they need help with, and our sales team will then

direct them to a certain package and contract that they think fits. For example, if a large business
that has certain needs within manufacturing is looking to do business, they would probably find
use for the general Minitab Statistical Software and the Real Time SPC module. The customer
will explain how many people will be using each service, and sales will then explain the
breakdown of each seat and for how long they will have the service.
While the physical products and contracts are Minitab’s main form of revenue, they also
hold numerous events and seminars each month that customers and potential customers can
attend. A lot of these services are free, but some do come with a cost. Building a strong
relationship with existing customers is how Minitab has a strong recurring revenue and retains
customers year after year.
Minitab products are mainly distributed remotely. Especially since COVID-19, there was
a strong push for phone calls and zoom meetings rather than in-person trainings and product
distributions. this was seen in essentially every industry, so it makes sense that this method has
stuck. Once a customer purchases their Minitab package, they are free to start using it, but likely
will have company specific trainings to help their employees get started. This form of
distribution is typically unanimous within the computer software industry. There is not a strong
need for in-person trainings when it comes to computer software set-up and cloud-based
technology. However, we all know that in-person experiences may sometimes be more effective.
That is why Minitab hosts events like Minitab Insights, where customers and non-customers
gather for different seminars and information sessions. While distribution of the physical product
itself is not that crucial to the marketing mix, the extra initiatives that Minitab takes is what sets
them apart from competitors.
Marketing Communication
Marketing at Minitab has evolved immensely since the company first began. Their main
form of marketing communication is e-mail. Since the company has been around for so many
years, e-mail services the diverse groups of customers that they have acquired. E-mail marketing
for Minitab takes numerous different forms. For example, some e-mails will be promoting new
products or services and will solely go to existing customers to re-engage them while other e-
mails may highlight an upcoming webinar that potential customers can attend to learn more
about the company. Ultimately, it depends on the purpose of the campaign, but e-mail marketing
is highly personalized to service the audience’s needs. With how much marketing has changed
since 1950 though, Minitab has been quick to evolve to newer marketing techniques such as
social media and video marketing.
Minitab has a marketing platform on a couple of different social media apps. LinkedIn
holds their biggest following with over 72,000 followers. They focus their strategy on this
platform for marketing communications because there is a huge potential of acquiring lead
generations in this more professional setting. In comparison to other social media apps, LinkedIn
allows Minitab to better connect with desired audiences for business-to-business sales. Exhibit 1
shows just one type of post that Minitab would highlight on their page. This post is a video that
showcases different professionals associated with the company and encourages engagement from
viewers. Minitab utilizes social media to promote products and events, but also to showcase the
amazing company culture that they have developed. In Exhibit 1, Minitab is marketing to

customers by showing various employees and customers, and their personal opinions, to show
their passion towards the many things Minitab has to offer.
Another social media platform that they have taken on is Instagram. While they have a
Facebook and X as well, Instagram is a great way to show more of their culture and what it's like
to work at Minitab, as well as be creative with their products and services to try and target a new
audience. In exhibit 7, you can see an example of an Instagram post that Minitab has on their
profile. This post includes an employee and celebrates a national holiday that relates to the
statistical software industry. It is a great way to engage a less technical audience while making
the content unique because this platform is meant to be less informational and focus on a new
aspect of the company.
Marketing on Minitab’s social media is deemed successful if they see positive
engagement and growth in their likes, comments, shares, and followers. This is very different
when compared to their e-mail marketing communication. Within their e-mail campaigns
Minitab deems e-mails successes or not depending on if recipients click around to explore
further, or if they end up engaging with a Minitab platform repetitively. For example, an e-mail
campaign that is highlighting a webinar will be successful if the recipient signs up for said event.
Ultimately though, every form of marketing communication that Minitab has is aims to end in a
sale. A lot of these are indirect and take a lot of nurturing, but the marketing team hopes to lead
the customer to a place where they feel confident in making a sale and forming a relationship.

IV. SWOT Analysis

Minitab is a leading provider of statistical software for quality improvement and process
control. It is used by businesses of all sizes and across various industries from pharmaceutical
even to government services. It is well known for its ease of use for users that don’t have any
prior training with statistical software. They offer a wide range of products and services,
including software, training, and consulting services. Minitab has a strong track record of
keeping up with trends and advancing their services as technology advances.
Minitab's software may not be as powerful as some of its competitors for more complex
extra-large statistical analysis. It may not be as scalable as some of its competitors for large
enterprises in terms of price and training purposes. Minitab faces increasing competition from
cloud-based and artificial intelligence-based statistical software solutions.
Minitab can expand its market share by increasing brand awareness and targeting new
customer segments that they may be capable of servicing but do not focus on as much, such as
retail. They can develop new products and services to meet the changing needs of their
customers and the market. Minitab can continue to expand into new countries and open offices in
new locations to keep their global presence known. This allows for more global events that are
accessible to a larger audience.

The increasing popularity of cloud-based statistical software solutions is a major threat to
Minitab. In addition, although AI is used within Minitab, new rising companies may take their
crucial and unique features and make it more accessible to potential Minitab customers.
Economic downturns can lead to decreased demand for Minitab's software, especially with the
higher prices that Minitab charges. Changes in government regulations could impact business in
the United States and in foreign countries as conflict arises overseas and more privacy policies
become a part of routine regulations.

V. A Statement of the Benchmark and Marketing Goal

Minitab is one of the largest computer software and statistical software firms in the
world, serving many different industries and types of customers. While they have been one of the
top providers since 1950, many things have changed in terms of the industry and what clients
typically look for when making a purchase like this. In addition, marketing strategies have
changed since Minitab first become the name brand that they are now. Social media services
many different industries and hits new markets that traditional marketing strategies would never
reach today.
Even though Minitab has been active on social media for years, it may be hard to find the
market and make them engage with the niche content. Instagram is one platform that Minitab is
trying to grow on. Even though they have been posting on their account since September of
2022, their size on this app does not reflect their overall position in the statistical software
industry. Minitab wants to reach at least 1,000 followers by March of 2024, and they currently sit
at 562 (November 2023). Social media engagement increases brand awareness and could
potentially help reach a new market of customers that is not as familiar with the company. This
creates a positive feedback loop because the more followers an account has, the more possible
engagement and shares, which leads to greater visibility in a new market.

VI. Solution
What Minitab can do as a New Instagram Account Trying to Build their Brand Presence
As a relatively new Instagram account, Minitab will need to focus on building a following
from nothing. They want to try and target followers that could potentially turn into marketing
leads and become active followers of the company. These are the general guidelines that they
should follow to start building their brand on the app:
• Post consistently.
o Minitab should post new content on a regular basis, such as several times a
week. This can be a mix of stories, reels, and regular posts. This will help to keep

their current followers engaged and coming back for more, while also reaching
new accounts that stumble upon the content.
• Use relevant hashtags.
o Minitab should use relevant hashtags in its posts to reach a wider
audience. Hashtags do not have to be specific to every post but should focus on
popular buzz words withing the statistical software industry like data, analysis,
and more. When people search for hashtags, they will see all the recent posts that
use those hashtags even if they do not follow the account. Minitab can use a mix
of popular and niche hashtags to reach a wider audience and hopefully grab a new
user’s attention.
• Interact with other accounts.
o Minitab should interact with other Instagram accounts in this industry. This can
be done by liking, commenting, and sharing other accounts' posts. Minitab can
also follow other accounts and tag them in their posts if it makes logical
sense. This will help to get Minitab's account noticed by other users that the other
similar accounts have, and potentially form an easy and informal partnership.
• Run contests and giveaways.
o Minitab can run contests and giveaways to generate excitement and
engagement. This is a great way to attract new followers and grow a loyal
relationship with those that engage.
Minitab should aim to keep these guidelines consistent across all posts because there will
eventually be growth and their brand will be seen from their feed. Instagram is a highly
populated app, so it is just a matter of finding their niche and persuading users to follow for
more. With these guidelines, Minitab will have numerous opportunities to build their brand. As a
respected brand and marketing source for the company, they will be able to:

1. Create a strong profile.

a. Minitab's Instagram profile should be visually appealing and informative. The
company's bio should clearly state what it does and who its target audience is. The
feed should be cohesive so that a foreign user to Minitab can view their profile
and fully understand the company.
2. Post high-quality content.
a. Minitab's Instagram posts should be high-quality, engaging, and relevant to its
target audience. They can post a variety of content, such as:
i. Educational infographics and videos about their solutions such as data
integration or business analytics.
ii. Customer and employee success stories.
iii. Behind-the-scenes photos and videos of employees at work or the products
in use.
iv. Product announcements and updates.
v. Industry news and trends for statistical software and related fields.
vi. Employee events, parties, and volunteer work to show they value culture.
3. Interact with followers.
a. Minitab should interact with its followers by responding to comments and
questions through direct messages. Minitab can also use Instagram stories to

connect with its followers on a more personal level on a more frequent and
informal basis.
4. Run ads.
a. Minitab can run Instagram ads to reach a wider audience and target specific
demographics. Instagram ads can be very effective in driving traffic to Minitab's
website and generating leads at a relatively low cost.
5. Promote content through influencer marketing.
a. Minitab can partner with influencers in its niche to promote its brand and reach a
wider audience. Influencers are people who have a large and engaged following
on Instagram. They can help to promote Minitab's products and services to their
followers. When choosing influencers to partner with, Minitab should consider
the following factors:
i. Relevance: The influencers should be relevant to Minitab's target
audience. For example, Minitab could partner with influencers who work
in data analysis or as solutions architect.
ii. Engagement: The influencers should have a high level of engagement with
their followers. This means that their followers should like and comment
on their posts regularly. Even if they are a smaller account in terms of
following, a higher engagement makes up for it because the audience is
iii. Quality: It goes without being mentioned, but the influencer needs to take
time when creating the partnered content. If they do not put the same
effort into it, the reach will not be as impactful.

VII. References

1. Algorithmic Accountability Act of 2022 - Ron Wyden,
Accessed 3 Nov. 2023.
2. Campbell, Colin, et al. “From data to action: How marketers can leverage AI.” Business
Horizons, vol. 63, no. 2, 2020, pp. 227–243,

3. IBM. "About IBM." IBM, n.d.,

4. Insight, Hospitality & Health Care. “Statistical Analysis Software Market Size in 2023 :
Share, Trends, Opportunities Analysis Forecast Report by 2030.” LinkedIn, 7 Sept. 2023,
5. Lazarovska, Maya. “What Is GDPR and How Does It Affect Software Companies?” IT
Labs, 12 May 2021,
6. Microsoft. "Microsoft 365 Excel." Microsoft, n.d.,
7. Morelock, Anna. “9 Software Development Trends for 2023.” Insight Global, 14 Sept.
8. Ragala, Bala Krishna. “Software Engineer Demand: Why Is It so High?” KnowledgeHut, Accessed 3
Nov. 2023.
9. SAS Institute. "About Us." JMP, n.d.,
10. SAS Institute. "Vision and Mission." SAS, n.d.,
11. Tableau. "What is Tableau? | Tableau Software." Tableau, n.d.,
12. White, Ashley. “The 10 Challenges of Doing Business in China.” FDI China, 19 Sept.

VIII. Exhibits

Exhibit #1: Company Culture Promotion

External – Minitab’s LinkedIn page

Exhibit #2: Minitab Featured Roles
Internal – Minitab’s website

Exhibit #3: Training and Customer Support
Internal – Minitab Support website

Exhibit #4: Software Industry Revenue Trends
External – Statista article and graph

Exhibit #5: Artificial Intelligence Market Size
External – Precedence Research article

Exhibit #6: What is GDPR?
External – itLabs article

Exhibit #7: Cloud computing benefits
External – Kinsta article

Exhibit #8: Instagram
External – Minitab Instagram account

Exhibit #9: SWOT Analysis
Internal – Personal creation


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