SECATEUR Electrique - 20220331 - 0001

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Please read all safety warnings and instructions carefully

Failure to comply with the relevant warnings and instructions may result in electric
shock, fire and severe burns
Electric pruning shears shall not be used or exposed in rain
When operating the electric pruning shears, do not put your hands near the cutting
area to avoid injury
Do not touch the scissors with electrified objects to avoid injury

*The fixed and moving blades can be replaced separately; when replacing, there is no
need to worry about the opening size of the blade, and the normal opening size will be Name and schematic diagram of each part
automatically restored after power on 1. Moving blade
2. Fixed blade
3. Pin
Precautions for use and maintenance 4. Trigger
Operation and maintenanGe precautions of electric pruning shears 5. Power regulating switch
1 not cut branches beyond the scope of work of scissors. Do not cut hard thi ngs such as
. Do
6. Lithium battery charger
metal; stone and other non plant materials. Do not clamp tools with vise. lf the scissors are
7. Lithium battery pack button
worn or damaged, please replace the scissors
2. Keep the equipment clean. Use clean cloth to clean the electric pruning scissors, battery
and charger (please
Do not use any corrosive or solvent based cleaner), use a soft brush or dry cloth to clean the
dust on the scissors head
3. Do not immerse electric pruning shears, batteries and chargers in any liquid such as water
4. Please use the equipment correctly according to the instructions. Do not use the electric
pruning scissors, battery and charger when they are damaged
5. lf the switch cannot be switched on or off normally, do not use the electric pruning shears.
The electric pruning shears that cannot be controlled by the switch are dangerous and must
be repaired
6. Make sure that the switch is closed during any adjustment, replacement of accessories or
storaqe of electric pru n ing shea rs. Th is protective mea su re will reduce the risk of accidenta

start up ofelectric pruning shears

7. Please store the idle electric pruning shears out of children's reach when the blade is closed,
and do not let people who are not familiar with the electric pruning shears or do not know
the operation instructions. lt is forbidden for untrained users to use them
8. When u sing the electric pru n i ng shears a nd accessories, the use i nstructions and methods
should be followed. At the same time, the working environment and the work to be completed
should be considered. Using the electric pruning shears as an operation that does not meet
the requirements may lead to danger
9. After use, the dirt of moving blade and fixed blade should be removed first, and then
lu bricating oil or oil shou ld be a pplied to the contact pa rt to ma ke the blade in norma

ma intena nce state. The resista nce will be red uced and the se rvice life of blade will be
extended next time

5 b
Use and maintenance of products
Precautions for use and maintenance of battery
Start operation charge under 0 'c or above 45 "c, which may damage the baitery and charger
1. Do-not
2. Befo.reconnecting the battery, ma ke sure that the iwitch ii in the off poiition whe-n
1. Open the package and insert the battery pack into the battery pack ofthe electric the switch is on it is easy to cause accidents when the battery is connecied to the electric
scissors into the interface pruning shears
2. Tu rn onthe power control switch, and the working ind icator will be green the cha rger specified by the ma n ufactu rer ca n be u sed to c ha rge the battery,
which is not compatible with the battery when the charger is used to Jharge the baliery,
3. When powered on for the fi rst time, press the power switch to activate, and pull the it may cause fire and other dangerous tests
trigger twice continuously to enter the working state. 4. when not in use, kee.p it away from paper clip, coin, key, n3 il a nd screw
4. Normal cutting: press the trigger blade to close and release the trigger blade to open nails and other small metal objects that can ihort-ciriuit the batteiy. §hort circuit of the
battery may cause burns or fire
the blade to close: press the trigger continuously for more than 5 seconds, and the blade 5. do not disassemble or reassemble the batterv
is closed 6. do not short circuit the battery
7. do not use near heat source
5. Before working, press the trigger intermittently to close the blade without l.oad for
B. Do not put the battery into fire or water
severaltimes to check whether it is normal 9. do not charge near fire or in sunlight
6. Start working after normal operation. 10. lt is forbidden to insert the nail into the battery, im pact or throw it by ha mmering or
7. After the machine enters the working state, the knife edge size can be adjusted
foot stepping throw the battery
1 1. Do not use batteries that are seriously damaqed or deformed
according to the diameter of the cutting branches: it is convenient to work in a narrow 12. Direct welding on the battery is prohibited -
space. ln the first gear, the indicator light is on at the first gear, and the knife edge 1 3. lt is forbidden to reverse chaige, reverse pole connection
or excessive discharge ofthe
opening size is 10 mm; in the second gear, the indicator light is on at the first and second battery
1 4. Do not connect the battery to the charging socket or
gear, the knife edge opening size is 15mm, the third gear light is on, the knife edge
the socket ofthe automobile
cigarette lighter
opening size is 20 mm, and the first, second, third and fourth gear lights are on, and the 1 5. Do not use on non specified equipment

knife edge opening size is 30mm 16. Direct contact with lithium batteries is prohibited
7. lt is forbidden to put the battery in high temperature and high pressure container


Thesecondqedrcdnbe Jhe{ourthqearcanbe lhefourlhqearcanbe
adju\led to 1 5mm ddjusted to 30mm ddiusted to-Jomm
such as microwave oven
1 B. Do not use leaky batteries

19. Keep batteries away from children's reach

20. lt is forbidden to use or place the battery on the vehicle in the sunlight (or direct
sunlight), otherwise it may cause battery overheating and fire, resultin-g iniunctional
$ failure and shortened service life
21 . lt is forbidde n to use batteries in places with static e lectricity (more tha n 64V)
22. When the battery is used for the first time, if there is corrosioî, bad smell or abnormal
phenomenon, it is forbidden to use use and return to point of sale
23. lf the skin or clothes are stained with the electric liquid on the battery, please rinse
with water
24. lf the electric pruning shears are not used for a long time, the battery should be fully
charged for storage
Packing operation
1 . Press and hold the trigger for more than 5 seconds, release the trigger blade to close
Safety precautions
and no longer open Warning! Please read all instructions ca.refully. Failure to follow all instructions below may
2. Turn off the power and take out the battery result in electric shock, fire or other serious injuryl
3. Sorting, cleaning and packing Workplace safety instructions
i.t(""p the workplace clean and bright. Chaotic and dark workplaces may cause accidents
2 do not operate electric pruning shears in exprosive, flammabie unJnr.Âlà
3' Let the children and bystanders leave before normal operation of the electric
scissors,soastoavoiddistractionintheoperationandcàuseaccidentalinjury chargè«i'for

7 8

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