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Make d'ua after majlis.

Will be accepted as long as you respect your parents, eat

halal, dont break ties with your family and relation and dont take drugs or wine. If
you make dua now so your du'as will be most definitely accepted.

After maghrib start with

1 ) 3 times 3 quls .

2) 3times Aoozubillahi samee ul aleem minash shaytan nir Rajeem.

3) Last verses of surah Hashr so that 70k angels can make d'ua for your maghfirah.

4) 7 times Hasbi Allah Laa illaha illa huwa alaihi tawakaltu wa huwa rabbul arshil
azeem so that Allah taàla can assist yo at all your works.

5) Recite la huwla wala quwata ila billah hil aliyil azeem la man ja a minnal laahi ila ilai
so that you wont have any worries.

6) Bismillahi ala deeni wa nafsee wa waladee wa ahlee wa maalee. You recite it 3

times then Allah Subhan Wa taàla will protect your deen / yourself / your children/
your whole family / protect all your possessions.

Bismillah hil ladhee laa yazuruhu ma a ismihi shy un fil ardhi wala fis samaa wahuwa
samee ul aleem. Recite 3 times nothing will harm you.

Aoozu bikalimatillahi taa maati min shari ma khalaq ( not in the pdf treasure of Quran
and hadith Mufti Sahab Shared in the group ) you ll be protected from all your
Sayyedul istighfar
Sayyidul Istighfar: The Best Dua for Allah's Forgiveness
‫مِّن ش ََِّّر َما‬ َّْ ‫ك‬ ََّ ‫ أَع ُْوذَُّ ِّب‬، ُ‫ط ْعت‬ َ َ‫ِّك َما ا ْست‬ََّ ‫ِّك َو َو ْعد‬ ََّ ‫علَى ع ْهد‬ َ ‫ َوأَنَا‬، َ‫ع ْبدُك‬ َ ‫ َخلَ ْقتَنِّي َوأَنَا‬،َّ َ‫ل أَ ْنت‬ ََّّ ‫ل ِّإلَ ََّه ِّإ‬ ََّ ‫اللَّ ُه ََّّم أَ ْن‬
ََّ ‫ت َر ِّبي‬
ََّ ‫ل أَ ْن‬
‫ت‬ ََّّ ‫ب ِّإ‬ ََّ ‫ل َي ْغف َُِّّر الذُّنُ ْو‬ ََّ َ‫ي َوأَبُو َُّء ل‬
ََّ ُ‫ فَإِّنَّه‬،‫ فَا ْغف َِّّْر لِّي‬،‫ك ِّبذَ ْن ِّب ْي‬ ََّّ َ‫عل‬
َ ‫ِّك‬ ََّ َ‫ أَبُو َُّء ل‬، ُ‫صنَ ْعت‬
ََّ ‫ك ِّب ِّن ْع َمت‬ َ

( not in the pdf)

So that you ll be forgiven.

Recite surah wa'qiah .Allah taàla will taje care of all your finances.

Surah Mulk. Virtues already discussed above.

100 times each la illaha illal lah / durood/ istighfar.

When you go to bed 3 quls and blow over your whole body
Tasbih fathimi.

Ibnu Sunni RA he quotes the hadith that do so much dhikr of Allah taàla that people
will look at you and think you are majnoon ( insane)

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