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Sports Medicine


A Systematic Review of Collective Tactical Behaviours in Football Using

Positional Data
Benedict Low1 · Diogo Coutinho2,3 · Bruno Gonçalves2,3 · Robert Rein1 · Daniel Memmert1 ·
Jaime Sampaio2,3

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

Background Performance analysis research in association football has recently cusped a paradigmatic shift in the way tacti-
cal behaviours are studied. Based on insights from system complexity research, a growing number of studies now analyse
tactical behaviours in football based on the collective movements of team players.
Objective The aim of this systematic review is to provide a summary of empirical research on collective tactical behaviours
in football, with a particular focus on organising the methods used and their key findings.
Methods A systematic search of relevant English-language articles was performed on one database (Web of Science Core
Collection) and one search engine (PubMed), based on PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and
Meta-analyses) guidelines. The keywords ‘football’ and ‘soccer’ were each paired with all possible combinations of the fol-
lowing keywords: ‘collective movement behaviour’, ‘collective behaviour’, ‘tactical behaviour’, ‘interpersonal coordination’,
‘space’, ‘Voronoi’, ‘synchronisation’, ‘tactical analysis’, ‘constraints’, ‘ecological dynamics’, and ‘dynamic positioning’.
Empirical studies that were related to tactical analyses of footballers’ positional data were sought for inclusion and analysis.
Results Full-text articles of 77 studies were reviewed. A total of 27 tactical variables were identified, which were subse-
quently organised into 6 categories. In addition to conventional methods of linear analysis, 11 methods of nonlinear analysis
were also used, which can be organised into measures of predictability (4 methods) and synchronisation (7 methods). The
key findings of the reviewed studies were organised into two themes: levels of analysis, and levels of expertise.
Conclusions Some trends in key findings revealed the following collective behaviours as possible indicators of better tactical
expertise: higher movement regularity; wider dispersion in youth players and shorter readjustment delay between teammates
and opponents. Characteristic behaviours were also observed as an effect of playing position, numerical inequality, and task
constraints. Future research should focus on contextualising positional data, incorporating the needs of coaching staff, to
better bridge the research-practice gap.

Electronic supplementary material The online version of this 1 Introduction

article (https​://​9-019-01194​-7) contains
supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. In association football, the analysis of players’ positional data
* Benedict Low
has existed for more than 10 years [1, 2]. These data are typi- cally captured at various frequencies from different types of
player-tracking systems such as: semi-automatic computer
Institute of Exercise Training and Sport Informatics, German vision-based tracking [1–4], global positioning systems
Sport University Cologne, Am Sportpark Müngersdorf 6,
50933 Cologne, Germany
(GPS) [5–8], and local position measurement systems (LPM)
[9, 10]. With the collected data, players’ movements can be
Research Center in Sports Sciences, Health Sciences
and Human Development, CIDESD, CreativeLab Research
represented by a time series of Cartesian coordinates (x- and
Community, Quinta de Prados, Ap. 202, 5000‑911 Vila Real, y-coordinates), and the spatiotemporal patterns of play that
Portugal emerge from the dynamics of a game can be used to provide
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Quinta de novel information about performance. Despite their pervasive
Prados, Ap. 202, 5000‑911 Vila Real, Portugal use in elite teams, player-tracking systems, in both research

B. Low et al.

players in cooperation or competition [17, 20, 23]. In one

Key Points position paper, several authors have argued that movement
behaviours in team sports can be modelled after collective
This systematic review examined the methods and find- behaviours in complex sociobiological organisms such as ant
ings of studies addressing collective tactical behaviours colonies or schools of fish [24]. In this conceptualisation, a
from positional data in football. team of players working together can be viewed as an entity
Tactical variables used were related to players’ pitch in itself—rather than just an aggregate of eleven individu-
positions, distances, spaces, and numerical relations. In als—exhibiting its own peculiar behaviours. Consequently,
addition, due to the complex nature of the game, nonlin- examining players’ coordination of labour can help improve
ear analysis was a key characteristic observed in analys- the understanding of how teammates can be well integrated,
ing these variables. such that the team, as a collective entity, is stronger than the
simple aggregate of its constituent individuals, and presents
Some trends in key findings indicate small, but sure, different properties that cannot be observed individually.
steps in scientific progress in this growing body of A related paradigm to the dynamical systems approach
research. Practical applications for future work should is the concept of constraints, a framework originally con-
focus on integrating such positional data analysis into ceived by Newell [25], and later proposed for its applications
training and competition. This could include develop- to football [17, 19]. Newell defined constraints as features
ing user-friendly dashboards; having real-time data; and limiting the degrees of freedom of a system, and further
synchronising video footage with position data to get described the three different types of constraints based on
multiple perspectives in analysing performance. their origins: organismic constraints, environmental con-
straints, and task constraints. Organismic constraints are
those that are internal to the system being analysed (player,
and applied settings, are predominantly used in the domain sub-group, team, or match). Environmental constraints are
of time–motion analysis [3, 11], helping players to optimise those that are external to the analysed system and could
physical performance while minimising injuries. However, include factors such as weather, temperature, altitude,
published research on footballers’ time–motion demands is crowd support, friction, and the type of playing surface.
arguably becoming saturated, and in recent years, a new body Task constraints are specific to the task being performed
of research has emerged that instead uses positional data to and are related to the goals being performed or the rules
study players’ collective tactical behaviours [12–14]. governing the task. The offside trap, for instance, is a coordi-
These studies have adopted various theoretical approaches nated defensive manoeuvre collectively performed by play-
from system complexity research to help link training and ers of the defending team to restrict the playable space of
match behaviours to performance outcomes (for a critical the opponents and/or pressure them to violate the offside
view, see Rein et al. [15]). One of these approaches is the law. In this collective behaviour, the defending team tries
conceptualisation of football as a complex system, exploring to gain an advantage over the offensive team using a task
their nonlinear and dynamic properties [16–21]. Many char- constraint—the offside law. As further examples, researchers
acteristics of complex systems also manifest in the nature of may also use this framework to examine differences in team
a football game. Players and teams are adaptive and goal-ori- behaviours between expert and novice players (organismic
ented; players in a match exist in interdependence and inter- constraint) or home and away matches (environmental con-
act dynamically and nonlinearly (Perl and Memmert [22]); straint). Therefore, the constraints framework complements
the interactions can change according to constraints within the dynamical systems approach by helping to organise sys-
the system; and a football game, as an open system, inter- tem interactions.
acts constantly with the environment. When being viewed Another paradigm of keen focus in recent research is the
as a dynamical system, it has been proposed that a football ecological dynamics approach [26–29]. This approach uses
game can be characterised by a system state, which varies the concepts of nonlinear dynamical systems to understand
over time; in response to these changes in system states, observed phenomena occurring at a performer–environment
self-organisation takes place amongst elements of the system interaction [28]. This paradigm builds on the work of Gib-
as match interactions change [17, 18, 20]. Several authors son [30] who suggested that facets of the environment such
have also proposed that a football match can be analysed at as substances, surfaces, and objects provide organisms in
various organisational levels of play: the match level, repre- the ecosystem with opportunities for action known as affor-
sented by two opposing teams; the team level, represented dances. Applying this paradigm to football, players’ exhib-
by teammates working in cooperation; sub-group level, ited behaviours can be considered as intentional adaptions
represented by a smaller group of players cooperating or to the constraints imposed by the environment during task
competing; and even the dyadic level, between two specific performance. The dynamic interactions in a football match
Collective Tactical Behaviours in Football

mean that players’ sources of information—such as ball situations encountered. In another example, many teams in
position, positions of teammates and opponents, etc.—are a league may decide to play with a 4-2-3-1 formation, after
also constantly changing. Thus, decision-making in players careful consideration by their coaches (strategy), but their
emerges based on their perceptions of the recurring avail- resulting movement behaviours will not be identical, because
able information presented to them, and a course of action is players perform actions based on their real-time adaptations
taken based on these perceptions. Different players will also to the unique situations presented to them in a match (tacti-
perceive affordances differently based on their perceptual cal behaviour). Tactical behaviours can also be studied at
attunement acquired through experience and learning [31]. the various organisational levels described earlier [18, 32,
Overall, the perspectives given from nonlinear dynamical 33, 39], especially since information sources in a football
systems, constraints, and ecological dynamics allow us to environment can exist as an affordance to an individual or a
view collective tactical behaviours as emergent, dynamic shared affordance perceived by a group of players trained to
actions performed based on match interactions, and provide be attuned to them [40]. An example of tactical behaviour
a better understanding of the underlying processes contribut- analysis at an individual level could be studying a player’s
ing to performance outcomes. movements in relation to his (her) immediate opponent or
In analysing tactical behaviour, the concept of tactics has teammate (e.g., a full-back marking an opposite winger
been defined by several authors as the actions performed by or two centre-backs moving in relation to each other). At
players in adaptation to the dynamically changing match sit- the sub-group level, the collective tactical movements of a
uations [32–35]. The same authors have also distinguished it selected group of players can be analysed for better context
from strategy which can be described as the elements of play (e.g., the coordinated movement of the backline performing
that are planned in advance, after considering the impact an offside trap described earlier). At the team level, tactical
of available information. In this perspective, one difference behaviour can be analysed by studying variables that capture
between tactics and strategy is their relations to time. Strat- the collective movement of all team players (e.g., spaces
egy allows for more planning and deliberation, while tacti- occupied by a team). Tactical behaviours at the match level
cal behaviours are made under strong time–pressure. Other can be studied by examining the interaction of collective
perspectives on tactical behaviour in team sports have also movements between two opposing teams (e.g., the inter-
expressed similar relations to time, directly or indirectly, team distance). In some cases, a successful strategy requires
even though they may not have used the same nomencla- tactical success at different organisational levels. For
ture. In ecological psychology, Gibson [36] distinguished example, to execute a successful counter-pressing strategy
between ‘knowledge of’ the environment and ‘knowledge (gegen-pressing), the nearest individual to the ball must first
about’ the environment, where the former refers to direct recognise when ball possession has been lost, and imme-
responses based on stimulus information from the continu- diately put pressure on the ball carrier (individual level);
ous interaction with the environment; and the latter refers the remaining teammates then either jointly pressure the
to indirect responses that constrain future action based on ball carrier, or move appropriately to mark the next nearest
stimulus sources communicated by another individual. opponent (sub-group or team level). In this instance, tactical
Araujo et al. [37] also linked the former to tactical decision- behaviours are operationalised from a local-to-global level
making, and the latter to strategic decision-making, which of self-organisation. Conversely, a team leading with a 1–0
can include instructions from the coach, images or videos score may decide to defend conservatively in the last 3 min
communicated to players prior to competition. In a recent of a match by remaining deep in their own half (team level);
perspective, Balague et al. [38] described these concepts a substitute player who comes on will have to adapt to this
using task constraints, and argued that task constraints, orig- team behaviour, even though he (she) may have the energy
inating solely from the organism–environment interaction, or desire to apply pressure on opponents in more advanced
can be instructional or informational in nature, and act at pitch positions (individual level). This represents tactical
different timescales. While instructional task constraints are behaviour operationalised from a global-to-local level. In
emergent by design (coach’s instructions or rules) informa- summary, performance in football can also be described as
tional task constraints emerge spontaneously based on the the outcome of a complex process encompassing strategic
continuous affordances perceived by a goal-directed player. decisions made before a match and tactical behaviours made,
As an example of these concepts, a fullback may decide at varying organisational levels, in the course of a match.
beforehand to adopt an offensive strategy, by performing In the current literature, tactical behaviours in football
more overlapping runs to support attacking teammates, in a have been extensively studied from a notational analysis
match that his (her) team badly needs to win,; but the deci- approach and physical approach [41, 42], whereas fewer
sions of when to perform an overlapping run, where to run studies have examined players’ collective movements from
to, etc. are tactical actions which the player needs to make positional data. Sarmento et al. [14] performed a systematic
according to personal perceptions of the immediate match review of articles from 2012 to 2016 about match analysis in
B. Low et al.

general, and identified studies on collective group behaviours and Meta-analyses) guidelines [48, 49]. The databases of
(16 articles) as a new body of research that has progressively PubMed and Web of Science Core Collection were searched
emerged in this short period of time, particularly after com- by pairing the two keywords football and soccer with various
paring it to an earlier review [42]. In reviews of small-sided combinations of the following keywords: collective move-
games (SSGs), Ometto et al. [43] examined studies manipu- ment behaviour, collective behaviour, tactical behaviour,
lating their task constraints and found differences in collec- interpersonal coordination, space, Voronoi, synchronisa-
tive group behaviours in 13 studies as an effect of manipu- tion, tactical analysis, constraints, ecological dynamics, and
lating pitch dimensions, number of players or (and) scoring dynamic positioning. In addition, filters for ‘English’ and
targets; Sarmento et al. [44] presented a summary of SSG ‘articles’ were also applied. The last search was performed
methodology from a multidisciplinary approach (11 studies on 23 May 2018.
analysing collective movement behaviour), but majority of The following inclusion criteria were used: publications
the findings were reported based on the technical, physical, in English; original studies; studies in the sport of associa-
and physiological aspects of performance. These reviews tion football; and studies on tactical behaviour from posi-
provided insightful perspectives on their respective topics, tional data. The following records were excluded: confer-
but gaining an overview of collective tactical behaviours in ence abstracts; studies examining tactical behaviour from a
football using positional data can still be fragmented due in notational analysis approach; and studies examining tactical
part to some of the delimitations used that precluded studies behaviour from a network approach (e.g., passing networks).
analysing data on youth football [14], women’s football [14, However, studies that adopted a multidisciplinary approach
44] and other constraints of independent variables applied were included if they also performed analyses of tactical
[43]. In 2017, Memmert et al. [12] presented the state of the behaviour from positional data. Since this is a relatively new
art of tactical behaviour analyses in football using position body of research, no restrictions were applied on publication
data. The authors showed that: certain intra-team coordi- dates, publication status, or study participants.
nation variables can improve our understanding of overall Eligibility assessment was performed by one review
team organisation; examining inter-team coordination before author (BL). All identified records were first screened by
critical events such as goals or opportunities may help in title and abstract. Studies that raised any uncertainty in
understanding the dynamic processes before they occurred; exclusion were conservatively retained for subsequent full-
and that artificial neural networks can help classify complex text review. Any ambiguity toward inclusion or exclusion
tactical patterns such as playing formations or movement of a specific study was raised to the attention of two other
speeds aimed at recovering ball possession. Earlier, other reviewers (DC, BG). Disagreements on final inclusion or
authors have also similarly proposed state-of-the-art vari- exclusion of studies were resolved by consensus.
ables for dynamic analysis of collective movement behaviour
[45–47]. Despite this, little is known about the extent to 2.2 Quality of Studies
which the use of these approaches transcended other inves-
tigations made by the wider research community. Therefore, After all included studies were finalised, the study quality
a systematic search and presentation of the related literature of each publication was evaluated using a 16-item checklist
can provide a more comprehensive summary and consoli- adapted from that used in the previous reviews [14, 44]. This
dation of what the scientific community has yielded in this was assessed based on questions pertaining to: (1) clarity of
body of research thus far. The main questions that are of purpose; (2) relevant background literature; (3) appropriate
particular interest are: what tactical variables have been used study design; (4) study sample; (5) sample size justifica-
to measure tactical behaviour? What methods of analysis are tion; (6) informed consent; (7) reliability of outcome meas-
more frequent and appropriate? What are their key findings? ures; (8) validity of outcome measures; (9) detailed method
In answer to these questions, this systematic review aims description; (10) results reporting; (11) analysis methods;
to provide a summary of empirical research on collective (12) described practical importance; (13) description of
tactical behaviours in football, with a particular focus on drop-outs (if any); (14) appropriately drawn conclusions;
organising the methods used and their key findings. (15) implications for practice; and (16) acknowledgement
of study limitations. These criteria were scored on a binary
scale (1 = yes, 0 = no), except for two items (6 and 13),
2 Methods where the option of “not applicable” was also available. A
quality score was then calculated for each study by sum-
2.1 Article Search, Inclusion, and Exclusion ming its binary scores and dividing that by the maximum
possible score the study could have achieved. This was then
A systematic review of the literature was conducted based on expressed as a percentage to reflect a measure of methodo-
PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews logical quality. The quality scores were classified as follows:
Collective Tactical Behaviours in Football

(1) low methodological quality for scores ≤ 50%; (2) good achieved the maximum score of 100% or scored below 50%.
methodological quality for scores between 51% and 75%; Eleven studies were classified with good methodological
and (3) excellent methodological quality for scores > 75%. quality (quality score between 51 and 75%), while 66 studies
These methods of scoring and classification are consistent had excellent methodological quality (quality score > 75%).
with those used in other reviews [14, 44]. An independent The inter-rater reliability analysis achieved a Kappa value
inter-rater reliability analysis was also performed on the of 0.87, indicating very good agreement between observers.
quality scores by calculating Cohen’s Kappa value [50]. The main deficiencies in methodological quality were
related to: item 5—justification of the study sample size
2.3 Data Extraction and item 16—acknowledgement and description of study
From each study, relevant data were extracted by one review
author (BL) and checked by a second author (BG). Disagree- 3.3 Basic Characteristics of Included Studies
ments between the two authors were resolved by discussion,
and if no agreement could be reached, a third author (JS) The publication years of all reviewed studies ranged from
would make the final decision. The following information 2011 to 2018. The geographic origins of the included studies
were extracted from each included study: (1) the study sam- were: Portugal (n = 40), Spain (n = 12), Brazil (n = 7), Eng-
ple, e.g., the number of participants, type of participants, land (n = 6), Netherlands (n = 4), Austria (n = 1), Australia
number of matches, or number of repeated trials; (2) tactical (n = 1), Finland (n = 1), Germany (n = 1), and Italy (n = 1).
variables analysed—the measures used by study authors to Two studies analysed UEFA Champions League matches,
characterise tactical behaviour; (3) independent variables— comprising teams from different European countries, while
variables tested for effects against the tactical variables; (4) one study analysed the 2006 FIFA World Cup Final between
type of player-tracking system used and tracking frequency; France and Italy.
and (5) key findings of tactical behaviours. In multidisci- Sample participants included professionals, amateur
plinary studies, only data pertaining to tactical behaviour footballers, youth footballers; children; and elite women
were extracted. For example, if a study published data on footballers. The majority of sample participants were male
time–motion analysis and tactical behaviour, only data per- professional footballers (n = 1587), calculated from 23 stud-
taining to the latter were reported. For studies in which the ies; this was a conservative number, because a further 13
required information was not clear (n = 35), the respective studies did not report the number of participants, but instead
study authors were contacted for clarification. reported the number of official matches analysed (n = 806).
The second largest group of sample participants was male
youth footballers (n = 832) with ages ranging from under-9
3 Results to under-20. The next group of participants were amateur
footballers (n = 199), which typically comprised semi-pro-
3.1 Search Results fessional players, amateur players or university students.
Only three studies performed investigations with female
The initial search returned 1756 records. After the removal participants; two of them reported the number of matches
of duplicates 1497 records remained, and were subsequently analysed (n = 8) instead of the number of players, while one
screened by title and abstract, where 1392 records were fur- study had 16 primary school girls.
ther excluded. The full-text articles of the remaining 105 There was a mix of studies adopting correlational and
records were assessed, and 38 more articles were excluded. experimental approaches. Thirty-four studies adopted an
The main reasons for exclusion were: not tactical behaviour overtly correlational approach, which were observational
(n = 8), not from positional data (n = 23) and not empirical analyses of official matches (n = 31) or simulated matches
(n = 7). This resulted in 67 remaining articles; subsequently, replicated in training (n = 3). The remaining studies adopted
10 articles were added to the study after a hand search of a field-based experimental approach (n = 43) and had various
related journals and references pages; this also included manipulations of constraints.
two studies added in the course of manuscript preparation.
Eventually, a total of 77 studies were fully reviewed, and the 3.4 Summary of Individual Studies
complete flow diagram is presented in Fig. 1.
A summary of all the individual studies reviewed is pre-
3.2 Quality of Studies sented in Table 1. It provides information on the study sam-
ple, tactical variables used, independent variables, track-
In the evaluation of methodological quality, the mean quality ing system, and key findings. A summary of the different
score of the included studies was 85%. None of the studies nonlinear analysis methods used is presented in Table 2. In
B. Low et al.

Fig. 1  Flow diagram of study

selection process

addition, two more tables are provided as supplementary analyses techniques. A total of 11 methods of nonlinear
material: (1) an overview of the tactical variables used and analysis techniques were found, which can be organised
(2) a list of independent variables which the reviewed stud- into measures of predictability (4 measures) and measures
ies manipulated. These can be obtained from the electronic of synchronisation (7 measures). The findings from the
supplementary material section. reviewed studies were organised into two themes: levels
of analysis, comprising dyadic-level studies to match-level
studies and level of expertise, relating collective tactical
4 Discussion behaviours to performance.

The aim of this systematic review was to provide a summary 4.1 Tactical Measures
of original research on collective tactical behaviours in foot-
ball. A total of 27 tactical variables were identified, which In all the reviewed articles, the tactical variables used were
were organised into six categories. The two main types related to position, distances, spaces, and numerical relations
of analysis methods observed were linear and nonlinear of players. Players’ positional coordinates were the basic
Table 1  Studies listed in reverse-chronological order by year, followed by alphabetically for studies published in the same year. Participants were male footballers unless otherwise stated
Study Sample Tactical variables Independent variables Tracking Key findings Quality
score (%)

Baptista et al. [91] 23 semi-professional footballers Distance to own team centroid and Playing formation in 7-a-side GPS (5 Hz) The 4-3-0 formation promoted 67
6 bouts of SSG (GK + 7v7 + GK), opponent centroid (including football players’ space exploration with
played by three teams (duration ApEn) 4-3-0 moderate physical efforts
5 min per bout) Individual area (Voronoi) (includ- 4-1-2 4-1-2 formation promoted com-
ing ApEn) 0-4-3 pactness and regularity with
Team length, width (including higher physical efforts
ApEn) 0-4-3 formation promoted team
EPS (including ApEn) balance and adaptability on
space coverage with increased
physical efforts
Collective Tactical Behaviours in Football

Clemente et al. [107] 10 Portuguese amateur footballers Centroid Pitch size GPS (10 Hz) Greater values of centroid-to- 73
2 simulated matches (11v11) Stretch index Full pitch centroid distances and stretch
(duration 30 min) Half-pitch index were found in games on
full-sized pitches as opposed to
half-sized pitches
On a full-sized pitch, team cen-
troid was in the opponent’s half,
but on a half-sized pitch, team
centroid was in their own half
Coutinho et al. [133] 10 Portuguese amateur youth Dyadic distance (including ApEn) Muscular fatigue GPS (5 Hz) Under muscular fatigue, players’ 93
footballers (13.7 ± 0.5 yrs) Stretch index Mental fatigue dyadic distances decreased
9 bouts of SSG (GK + 5v5 + GK) Dyadic synchronisation (relative Control condition and longitudinal synchronisa-
played by two teams (duration phase) tion increased 7% compared to
6 min) control condition
Synchronisation was 14% higher
in muscular fatigue compared to
mental fatigue
Under mental fatigue, dyadic
distances were more predictable
than when under muscular
Coutinho et al. [130] 30 Portuguese youth footballers Stretch index per minute Training programme GPS (5 Hz) After the 10-week programme, 93
(attackers) of U15 and U17 age Spatial exploration index 10-week differential learn- U15 attackers demonstrated
6 bouts of SSG (5v5 + GK) per- Positioning regularity—longitudi- ing training programme higher team dispersion (stretch
formed at pre-test (3 bouts) and nal and lateral (ApEn) Control group index), and higher unpredict-
post-test (3 bouts) per age group ability in longitudinal and lateral
(duration 6 min) positioning
U17 attackers showed higher
spatial exploration index
Figueira et al. [134] 44 Portuguese elite youth players Dyadic distance (including CV, Mixed age groups GPS (5 Hz) U17 players exhibited higher intra- 80
aged U15 and U17 ApEn) U15 vs U15 team coordination when playing
3 simulated matches (11v11) Dyadic synchronisation (relative U17 vs U17 in mixed teams, than when
(duration 50 min) phase) Mixed vs mixed playing among themselves
Spatial exploration index U15 players showed higher intra-
team coordination when playing
amongst themselves than when
playing in mixed teams, but only
for the first half
Table 1  (continued)
Study Sample Tactical variables Independent variables Tracking Key findings Quality
score (%)

Folgado et al. [113] 77 players in the English Premier Dyadic synchronisation (relative Match outcome Semi-automatic (10 Hz) Analysed team exhibited lower 87
League phase) movement synchronisation
4 matches (11v11) of an analysed when losing
team Dyads of defensive players present
more synchronised behaviour
than dyads of offensive players
Folgado et al. [128] 30 professional footballers Dyadic synchronisation (relative Pre-season training GPS (5 Hz) Players displayed higher levels 80
11 bouts of GK + 8v8 + GK in the phase) First 2 weeks of positional synchronisation
first 2 weeks, and 14 bouts in the Last 2 weeks in the last pre-season period,
last 2 weeks of pre-season train- Playing position indicating improved tactical
ing (duration 6-10 min) Defenders performance
Professional experience
Low experience
Medium experience
High experience
Gonçalves et al. [135] 20 professional footballers of a EPS (including ApEn, CV) Sub-groups GPS (5 Hz) EPS and EPS regularity increased 87
Portuguese first league team Player speed 3–10 players with player numbers
The first halves of 6 matches Largest increase was from 3 to 4
(11v11) players
EPS-CV decreased with player
Players’ mean speed decreased
after 8 s
Low et al. [125] 19 professional footballers of a Inter-team centroid distance Defending strategy GPS (5 Hz) The high-press bout resulted in 60
Spanish second division team (including ApEn) Deep-defending closer inter-team centroid dis-
2 bouts of LSG (11v10) (duration Distance to own team centroid and High-press tances and more regular player
10 min) opponent centroid (including movement
ApEn) Teams’ EPS patterns displayed
EPS (relative phase) anti-phase synchronisation dur-
LpW ratio (relative phase) ing the deep-defending bout
Menuchi et al. [54] 20 Brazilian youth footballers aged Interpersonal distances Age groups Semi-automatic (25 Hz) Strong in-phase coupling rela- 93
U13, U15, U17 and U20 Passer to marker U13, U15, U17, U20 tionships were found for all
134 trials of rondo performed in 4 Passer to receiver Playing space conditions
different space conditions Marker to receiver Expanded space (9 m In reduced space, the coupling
Pass diameter) was stronger, particularly during
Pass velocity Restricted space (6 m one-touch passing
Pass angle (marker–passer– diameter) Players in older age groups dis-
receiver angle) Ball possession played more synchrony
Ball distance Any number of touches The oldest age group (U20)
Ball and marker (including One-touch only showed higher correlation and
running correlation and cross shorter time lag, while younger
correlation) age groups (U13, U15, U17)
Ball and group centroid (includ- had lower correlations and some
ing running correlation and temporal delay
cross correlation)
B. Low et al.
Table 1  (continued)
Study Sample Tactical variables Independent variables Tracking Key findings Quality
score (%)

Olthof et al. [60] 148 youth players from three Inter-team centroid distance Pitch size LPM (42–100 Hz) Playing on a large pitch yielded 93
Dutch professional youth foot- (longitudinal) Small pitch higher inter-team centroid dis-
ball academies LpW ratio Large pitch tances; GK–defender distances;
U13, U15, U17 and U19 age Surface area stretch index; surface areas; and
groups Stretch index (longitudinal and LpW ratios
90 bouts of SSG (GK + 4v4 + GK) lateral) On a large pitch, variability in
(duration 4 min) GK–defender distance inter-team distances was lower,
but variability in intra-team
measures were higher
Palucci Vieira et al. [127] 120 Brazilian youth and profes- Surface area (including FFT) Age groups Semi-automatic (30 Hz) Team surface area and team 93
Collective Tactical Behaviours in Football

sional players at U11, U13, U15, Team spread (including FFT) U11, U13, U15, U17, U20, spread increased with age from
U17, U20 and professional age Pro U11 to U15
groups FFT of surface area and team
12 matches (11v11), two per age spread were higher for younger
group; duration ranged from age groups than professional
40 min (U11) to 90 min (pro) players
U20 players present values close
to or above professional players
FFT of surface area and team
spread decreased from first half
to second half in all age groups
Santos et al. [131] 40 Portuguese youth footballers Dyadic distance (including CV, Training programme GPS (5 Hz) Both U13 and U15 experimental 93
aged U13 and U15 ApEn) 40 sessions of differential groups showed increased CV in
4 bouts of SSG (GK + 5v5 + GK) Player’s distance to own target learning training pro- dyadic distances, while that of
performed at pre-test (2 bouts) (including ApEn) gramme control groups decreased
and post-test (2 bouts) per age Player’s distance to opponent Control group Higher regularity of positional
group (duration 6 min) target (including ApEn) behaviours were found after
the training programme (ApEn
Aguiar et al. [102] 10 elite youth players of U19 age Distance to own and opponent 2-step cluster analysis was GPS (5 Hz) Significant differences between 87
in a Portuguese club team centroid (including ApEn) performed to classify clusters existed between all the
75 sequences of play (ball pos- Long sequences variables
session) from 6 bouts of SSG Short sequences Regularity of distance to centroid
(GK + 5v5 + GK) (duration discriminated short and long
6 min) sequences of play
Significant moderate interac-
tion between type of relation
(intra-team vs inter-team) and
sequences of play (short vs
long) independent of variable
dividing clusters
Short sequences displayed higher
unpredictability than longer
In longer sequences, inter-
team interactions were more
unpredictable than intra-team
Table 1  (continued)
Study Sample Tactical variables Independent variables Tracking Key findings Quality
score (%)

Castellano et al. [108] 28 youth footballers aged U13 Intra-team Pitch length GPS (10 Hz) Length, convex hull and stretch 93
and U14 Team length and width 60 m index at intra-team and inter-
4 bouts of SSG (GK + 6v6 + GK) Convex hull 50 m team level, as well as inter-team
(duration 7 min) Stretch index 40 m centroid distance, increased with
Inter-team 30 m pitch length; values of width
Centroid distance (including Age groups only changed minimally
ApEn) U13 Differences were larger in the U13
Length and width of two teams U14 players compared to the U14
(including ApEn) players
Convex hull of two teams (includ- U14 players showed greater unpre-
ing ApEn) dictability in the intra-team
Stretch index of two teams variables
(including ApEn)
Coutinho et al. [136] 12 amateur youth players (age Team length and width Mental fatigue and pitch with GPS (15 Hz) Small decrease in time spent in 93
15.9 ± 0.8 yrs) Team dispersion and contraction reference lines lateral synchronisation and a
12 bouts of SSG (GK + 6v6 + GK) Spatial exploration index Mental fatigue (normal moderate decrease in contrac-
(duration 6 min) Dyadic synchronisation (relative pitch) tion speed in the mentally
phase) Mental fatigue (pitch with fatigued group playing on a
reference lines) normal pitch
Pitch with reference lines Small decrease in time spent in
(no mental fatigue) longitudinal synchronisation
Pith with reference lines in the mentally fatigued group
(mental fatigue) playing on a pitch with reference
lines compared to playing on a
normal pitch
Filetti et al. [90] 360 professional players K-regions (Voronoi), combined Technical proficiency index Semi-automatic (25 Hz) Correlation between TEI and PEI 93
70 matches of the Italian Serie A with other parameters to estab- (TEI) were significant
lish a technical proficiency index Physical efficiency index TEI displayed a higher likelihood
(PEI) of winning than PEI
Dependent variable Higher TEI, and TEI + PEI dif-
Match outcome ferences between teams were
associated with greater likeli-
hood of winning, but not PEI
Gonçalves et al. [92] 44 Portuguese elite youth players Dyadic distance (including ApEn) Performance (shots and % of GPS (5 Hz) Higher regularity in intra-team 80
in U15 and U17 age groups Dominant region (Voronoi) goals from shots) dyadic distances were found
2 friendly matches (11v11) for the (including CV) Lower performance team in defensive and midfield sub-
U15 team and 1 match for the Higher performance team groups, and nearer teammates
U17 team (duration 50 min) Central defenders and centre
forwards had higher individual
play area (Voronoi)
Negative moderate correlation
between number of passes and
regularity of dyadic distance for
the under-15 team
B. Low et al.
Table 1  (continued)
Study Sample Tactical variables Independent variables Tracking Key findings Quality
score (%)

Gonçalves et al. [85] 19 professional footballers in the Spatial exploration index (SEI) Pitch-area restrictions GPS (5 Hz) Free-spacing conditions presented 87
Spanish second B division Dyadic synchronisation (relative Restricted-spacing higher SEI compared to contig-
6 bouts of LSG (11v10) (duration phase) Contiguous-spacing uous-spacing and restricted-
5 min) Dyadic distance (including CV Free-spacing spacing conditions
and ApEn) Dyadic synchronisation was higher
for contiguous and free-spacing
Laakso et al. [55] 15 amateur U15 players (all right- Relative dyadic distance Pitch locations near the goal Semi-automatic (6 Hz) Higher values of relative distance 87
footed) Relative dyadic angle Left and angle were found in the
129 bouts of 1v1 Middle middle zone
Collective Tactical Behaviours in Football

Right Left-zone showed lower relative

distance values
When attackers and defenders
swapped roles, lower values of
relative distance emerged
Rein et al. [89] 103 Bundesliga matches from 3 Space dominance (Voronoi) Pass type Semi-automatic (25 Hz) Passes from the midfield zone to 93
seasons Outplayed defenders Defensive third to midfield the attacking zone led to the
third largest gain of space control,
Within midfield third followed by passes within the
Midfield third to attacking attacking third
third Passes crossing pitch zones led
Within attacking third to significantly more defenders
Match outcome being outplayed than passes
Goals scored within pitch zones; also passes
from midfield third to attacking
third resulted in higher number
of outplayed defenders com-
pared to passes from defensive
third to midfield third
Outplayed defenders and space
dominance are related to suc-
cessful game play with respect
to number of goals scored and
probability of winning a game
Ric et al. [137] 19 professional players Distance to nearest opponent Spatial constraints GPS (5 Hz) Restricting players’ movements 93
6 bouts of LSG (11v10) (duration (dynamic overlap) Space restriction in allo- to specific zones increased
5 min) Distance to target zone (dynamic cated zone (except for ball their short-term exploration
overlap) carrier) but decreased their long-term
Movement speed (dynamic Movement to adjacent zone exploration
overlap) possible Reducing players’ spatial restric-
Free movement tions increased the speed of ball
flow dynamics
Table 1  (continued)
Study Sample Tactical variables Independent variables Tracking Key findings Quality
score (%)

Santos et al. [63] 510 ball recoveries from 13 Ball recovery location Match location Semi-automatic (25 Hz) When losing, ball recovery 93
matches of an elite Spanish Position of defensive line Home locations were significantly
football team Position of offensive line Away advanced compared to when
Quality of opposition drawing or winning; the
Similar-opponent offensive line was also more
Top-opponent advanced compared to when the
Match status scores were even
Winning Playing away resulted in deeper
Drawing ball recovery locations, defen-
Losing sive lines and offensive lines
compared to playing at home
Playing against strong opponents
decreased the ball recovery
location and the defensive line
compared with playing against
similar-strength opponents
Santos et al. [132] 40 children from Primary school at Distance to team centroid (includ- Skills4Genius training pro- GPS (5 Hz) The experimental group increased 93
3rd and 4th grade ing ApEn) gramme (5 months) its positioning regularity after
4 bouts of SSG (GK + 3v3 + GK), Distance to opponent team cen- Pre-test the training programme. The
2 bouts at pre-test and 2 bouts at troid (including ApEn) Post-test control group showed more
post-test (duration 4 min) irregular positioning
Aquino et al. [138] 18 youth footballers of U16 age Team spread Match period Semi-automatic (30 Hz) Team spread and team surface 73
from a Brazilian first league club Team surface area First half area increased significantly in
1 simulated match (11v11) (dura- Second half the second half
tion 60 min)
Aquino et al. [129] 15 youth players (age 15.4 ± 0.2 Team surface area Periodisation training with Semi-automatic (30 Hz) Team surface area and team 87
yrs) from a first division team Team spread emphasis on technical and spread showed an increasing
in Brazil tactical ability (22 weeks) trend throughout the duration of
4 simulated matches at various Early preparatory stage periodised training
points of periodization training End of preparation stage
(duration 60 min) Final competitive stage 1
Final competitive stage 2
Match period
First half
Second half
Barnabe et al. [103] 36 youth footballers aged U16, Surface area (including SampEn, Age group GPS (15 Hz) Clear age-related variations in col- 80
U17, U19 cross-SampEn) U16 lective behaviours analysed
240 attacking moments and 240 Stretch index (including SampEn, U17 In attack, older and more experi-
defending moments from 9 bouts cross-SampEn) U19 enced players occupied larger
of SSG (5 + GK vs GK + 5) (3 Team length and width (including Ball possession surface areas and higher values
bouts per age group) (duration SampEn, cross-SampEn) Attacking of team width and stretch index
8 min) Defending In all ages, higher values of
surface area, stretch index and
team width were found in attack
compared to defence
Cross-SampEn analysis showed
greater synchronisation between
offensive and defensive surface
areas and team width in older
age groups (U17, U19)
B. Low et al.
Table 1  (continued)
Study Sample Tactical variables Independent variables Tracking Key findings Quality
score (%)

Castellano et al. [112] 24 undergraduate students (age Team length and width SSG format GPS (10 Hz down-sampled to 2 Hz) Length and width were higher in 87
19.1 ± 1.2 yrs) Team shape (LpW ratio) GK + 5v5 + GK (7-a-side attack than in defence
Attacking and defending phases Team separateness goals) Team shapes were more elongated
in 6 bouts of SSG in various 5v5 (2 small goals at each in defence in all SSG formats
formats (duration 6 min) end) except small goals
GK + 5v5 + GK (2 extra Players were closest to their near-
lateral floaters) est opponents in GK + 5v5 + GK
Ball possession format
Attacking phase SSG using small goals and SSG
Defending phase with floaters elicited increased
Collective Tactical Behaviours in Football

team width during defending

Clemente et al. [82] 3 official home matches of a pro- Tactical position Match outcome Semi-automatic (30 Hz down-sampled Highest numbers of defensive 87
fessional team in the Portuguese Defenders Win to 1 Hz) players were found in the drawn
Premier League (1 win, 1 draw, Midfielders Draw match
1 loss) Forwards Loss Lowest numbers of defensive play-
Periods of stoppage were excluded Defensive play area Match period ers occurred in the lost match,
Defensive backward region First half where the highest numbers of
Defensive middle region 1 Second half midfielders and attackers were
Defensive middle region 2 also observed
Defensive attacking region Lowest numbers of attacking play-
Triangulations ers were found in the won match
Number of triangles in each The two midfield regions occupied
defensive play area listed above the largest areas across all three
Highest area in all four defensive
play areas was observed in the
drawn match
Higher area in all four defensive
play areas was found in the first
half compared to second half
More triangulations were formed
in the 2 midfield regions in the
won match
More triangulations were found
in the midfield and attack-
ing regions in the second half
compared to first half
Table 1  (continued)
Study Sample Tactical variables Independent variables Tracking Key findings Quality
score (%)

Gonçalves et al. [76] 22 professional footballers and 22 EPS (including ApEn) Magnitude of opposition GPS (5 Hz) EPS increased with the number of 87
undergraduate students Distance to own team and oppo- GK + 4v3 + GK players, while ApEn decreased
12 bouts of SSG in various formats nent centroid (including ApEn) GK + 4v5 + GK in the same way
(duration 3 min) Distance to nearest opponent GK + 4v7 + GK For the professional players,
(ApEn) Magnitude of cooperation increasing the number of oppo-
GK + 3v4 + GK nent superiority (GK + 4v5 + GK
GK + 5v4 + GK and GK + 4v7 + GK) resulted in
GK + 7v4 + GK more regular distances to own
team and opponent centroids
Increasing the magnitude of oppo-
sition decreased the distance to
nearest opponent (GK + 4v3 +
GK > GK + 4v5 + GK > GK + 4
v7 + GK)
In amateurs, low cooperation
games (GK + 3v4 + GK) tactical
variables had more unpredict-
Increasing the number of team-
mates (GK + 5v4 + GK and
GK + 7v4 + GK) resulted in
more regularity in spatial
Moura et al. [124] 10 official matches of the Brazilian Team spread (including cross- Possession success Semi-automatic (30 Hz) Team spread between two oppos- 87
First Division Championship correlation and vector coding Possessions ending in shots ing teams show a predominantly
257 players from 20 teams technique) on goal in-phase relationship
Possessions ending in defen- Sequences of possession ending in
sive tackles shots on goal had greater anti-
phase behaviour and parallel
coupling angle (0° or 180°) in
the beginning of attacking play
than sequences of possession
ending in defensive tackles
No coordinative differences were
found in the middle and final
part of possession sequences
Ric et al. [117] 20 professional footballers from 29 categories derived from 8 Hierarchical PCA GPS (5 Hz down-sampled to 1 Hz) The most stable movement pat- 87
one team variables Timescales terns were related to defensive
1 official pre-season match Stretch index Match period behaviour: team contraction and
Speed of contraction and expan- First half drop-back of geometrical centre
sion Second half
Team length
Team width
Longitudinal speed of geometrical
Lateral speed of geometrical
B. Low et al.
Table 1  (continued)
Study Sample Tactical variables Independent variables Tracking Key findings Quality
score (%)

Shafizadeh et al. [57] 20 GKs in the English Premier Time to contact 1v1 outcomes Semi-automatic (25 Hz) In sequences of play that resulted 93
League 2013/2014 Relative velocity Saved shots in intercepted shots at goal, GKs
42 trials of 1v1 from differ- Interpersonal distance Conceded goals closed down outfield players
ent matches that resulted in in the x-axis, whereas when a
conceded goals (n = 20) or saves goal was conceded, there was
performed (n = 22) a significant delay in closing
down the opponent
In saved shots, significant cor-
relations were found between
interpersonal distance and
Collective Tactical Behaviours in Football

relative velocity in the critical

period 760–480 ms before the
final strike and 80 ms before the
final strike
In conceded goals, temporal
pattern was shorter in the initial
part of interaction and longer
just before the final strike
Silva et al. [52] 29 university students Radial distance to goal centre Weekly football practice over GPS (10 Hz) Practicing once a week led to 87
12 bouts of 11v11 (one match per Dyadic synchronisation of players’ 15 weeks small improvements in the
week) (duration 30 min) distance to goal centre (relative readjustment delays between co-
phase) positioned teammates, allowing
Co-positioning delay of team- faster regulation of coordinated
mates’ movements (cross movements
correlation) Player coupling and team coupling
Team coupling (number of dyads showed only limited improve-
in the team that had strong ments
coupling, i.e., − 30° to 30°)
Silva et al. [84] 10 youth footballers at U15 age Players’ dispersion (stretch index Varying numbers of SSG GPS (15 Hz) Players’ dispersion increased but 93
group of total match centroid)—longi- players (using the same teams’ separateness were identi-
3 bouts of SSCG with varying tudinal, lateral and magnitude pitch size) cal across all SSGs
number of players (duration Team separateness 3v3 Coupling strength and time delay
5 min) Time delay of team–team cen- 4v4 were consistent across all SSGs
troids (longitudinal and lateral 5v5
directions) (cross correlation)
Coupling strength of team–team
centroids (synchronisation using
zero lag time delay) (longitudi-
nal and lateral directions)
Aguiar et al. [65] 10 professional players (age Distance to own team centroid Number of SSG players GPS (5 Hz) Distance to own and opponent 87
18.0 ± 0.67 yrs) (including ApEn) GK + 2v2 + GK team centroid increased with the
24 bouts of various SSG formats Distance to opponent team cen- GK + 3v3 + GK number of players (moderate to
(2-, 3-, 4- and 5-a-side) over troid (including ApEn) GK + 4v4 + GK perfect effect sizes)
8 weeks (duration 6 min) Distance between centroids GK + 5v5 + GK Distances between team–team
(including ApEn) centroids decreased from 2- to
4-a-side SSG, but increased in
5-a-side SSG
Higher number of players were
associated with lower ApEn
values, suggesting better tactical
Table 1  (continued)
Study Sample Tactical variables Independent variables Tracking Key findings Quality
score (%)

Castellano and Casamichana [59] 42 professional teams in the first Team width and depth League position Semi-automatic (25 Hz) Teams use the width of the pitch 93
and second divisions of the Height of defence (distance from 1st division, top 10 more than the length
Spanish football league (2013- goal line to last defender) 1st division, bottom 10 Depth of play decreased as the
2014 season) 2nd division, top 10 level of teams decreased (second
655 official matches 2nd division, bottom 12 division, bottom 10 teams were
the lowest)
Teams in first division display
greater depth than teams in the
second division
Teams in top 10 of first division
had higher defensive lines than
teams in the bottom 10
Folgado et al. [114] 23 professional footballers of an Dyadic synchronisation of Fixture schedule Semi-automatic (10 Hz) Players spent more time synchro- 93
English professional team positional coordinates (relative Congested fixtures (3 nised during non-congested
6 home matches phase), overall and at different matches) fixtures than congested fixtures,
speed zones Non-congested fixtures (3 particularly at the lower speed
matches) zones, and between dyads that
are positioned far apart
Leser et al. [105] 20 youth footballers aged U15 Kinematic variables at various key 1v1 success LPM (50.7 Hz) In the unsuccessful attempts, the 93
75 bouts of 1v1 performed over 3 1v1 moments Attacker passed defender speed of the defender was found
training sessions x-coordinate of defender (successful) to be lower at a critical point of
Space gained by defender Attacker did not pass passing, compared to the suc-
Distance between attacker and defender (unsuccessful) cessful attempts
defender At the critical point of passing,
Velocity of attacker defenders had higher accelera-
Max velocity of attacker tions in the successful attempts
Acceleration of attacker than the unsuccessful attempts
Velocity of defender Similarly, attackers had higher
Max velocity of defender accelerations at the critical point
Acceleration of defender of passing in the successful
Velocity loss of attacker attempts compared to the unsuc-
Difference in velocity (defender cessful attempts
and attacker)
Difference in acceleration
B. Low et al.
Table 1  (continued)
Study Sample Tactical variables Independent variables Tracking Key findings Quality
score (%)

Olthof et al. [83] 39 elite youth footballers aged U17 Longitudinal and lateral inter-team Age group LPM (43 Hz) Team–team centroid interactions 87
(n = 23) and U19 (n = 16) centroid distance (including U17 showed high correlations in
24 bouts of SSGs (4 + GKvGK + 4) correlation, running correlation U19 longitudinal and lateral direc-
(duration 6 min) and CV) tions in both age groups (higher
Longitudinal and lateral stretch in longitudinal direction)
index (including running cor- No significant differences in
relation and CV) longitudinal and lateral inter-
LpW ratio (including running cor- team distances between both
relation and CV) age groups
Synchronisations of team–team
Collective Tactical Behaviours in Football

centroids, stretch indices and

LpW ratios showed large pro-
portions of in-phase behaviour
for both age groups
U19s showed significantly larger
lateral stretch index, and
significantly lower LpW ratio
compared to U17s
Silva et al. [73] 24 youth footballers aged U15 Effective relative space per player Player numbers (con- GPS (10 Hz) Manipulating player numbers had 93
18 bouts of SSCG over 2 weeks Radius of free movement stant pitch dimension: a larger effect than manipulating
varying the relative space per Spatial distribution variability 57.3 × 37.1 m) field dimensions in adjusting
player (118 m2, 133 m2 and (ShannonEn) 9v9 the effective relative space
152 m2 per player) via player Numerical relations inside relative 8v8 per player and radius of free
numbers or field dimension space per player 7v7 movement
(duration 6 min) Field dimensions (constant Manipulating field dimensions had
player numbers: 6v6) a larger effect than manipulat-
Small field ing player numbers in adjusting
Intermediate field players’ spatial distribution
Large field variability
For relative space per player of
118 m2, manipulating field
dimensions was better at
achieving equal numerical rela-
tions than manipulating player
numbers; but manipulating
player numbers allowed more
time in free numerical relations
(no opponent or teammate in
vicinity) than manipulating field
For relative space per player of
152 m2, manipulating field
dimensions resulted in more
numerical equality and superior-
ity of one teammate, whereas
manipulating player numbers
resulted in more numerically
free instances, and numerical
inferiority of one opponent
Table 1  (continued)
Study Sample Tactical variables Independent variables Tracking Key findings Quality
score (%)

Tenga et al. [116] 8 official league matches from La Playing length (match level) Ball location Semi-automatic (25 Hz) In both male and female matches, 93
Liga (n = 4) and La Superliga Playing width (match level) 6 zones of the pitch playing lengths tended to
(women’s league) (n = 4) Gender decrease, while playing widths
Male teams tended to increase, as the ball
Female teams moved from the goal area to the
midfield zones
Male teams displayed significantly
shorter playing lengths than
female teams, in all sectors
except zones 1 and 2 (zones
nearest their own goal)
Male teams displayed significantly
higher playing widths than
female teams in all sectors
Clemente et al. [68] 1 official match of the Portuguese Weighted centroid Ball possession Semi-automatic (30 Hz) Strong positive correlation of 73
Premier League With ball possession both teams’ centroid over time,
Periods of stoppage excluded from Without ball possession in longitudinal and lateral
analysis directions
Without possession of the ball,
teams move closer to their
defensive zones (small effect
Clemente et al. [67] 3 home matches of a professional Weighted centroid Score status Semi-automatic (30 Hz down-sampled Teams increase their longitudinal 67
football team Weighted stretch index Losing to 1 Hz) position when losing
Periods of stoppage excluded from Surface area Drawing When losing, teams displayed a
analysis Effective area of play Winning tendency to shift their centroid
to the left side of the field
Weighted stretch index, surface
area and effective area of
play tended to be larger when
Clemente et al. [94] 3 home matches of a professional Penetration Match outcome Semi-automatic (30 Hz down-sampled Teams utilised with higher 60
football team Width and length Win to 1 Hz) frequency, the tactical vari-
Periods of stoppage excluded from Offensive unit Lose able of offensive unity, while
analysis Draw penetration was least frequently
No statistical differences were
found between matches for the
three tactical variables
Clemente et al. [95] 3 home matches of a Portuguese Ratio of effective cover in support Match outcome Semi-automatic (30 Hz down-sampled Teams utilised with higher 67
professional football team (including CV) Win to 1 Hz) frequency, the tactical variable
Periods of stoppage excluded from Ratio of effective cover in vigi- Lose of cover in vigilance and depth
analysis lance (including CV) Draw mobility
Ratio of effective cover (including Match period
CV) First half
Depth mobility ratio (including Second half
B. Low et al.
Table 1  (continued)
Study Sample Tactical variables Independent variables Tracking Key findings Quality
score (%)

Folgado et al. [126] 20 professional footballers Dyadic synchronisation of Strength of opponents GPS (10 Hz) Competing against superior 87
First half of 6 pre-season matches positional coordinates (relative First league (2 teams) level teams resulted in more
of a Portuguese first league team phase) Second league (2 teams) time spent in synchronised
(duration 45 min) Amateurs (2 teams) behaviours overall, and during
high-intensity running
Folgado et al. [81] 30 youth players aged U9 (n = 10), Team length and width Age-group Semi-automatic (25 Hz) Younger players exhibited higher 87
U11 (n = 10) and U13 (n = 10) LpW ratio U9 LpW ratio
6 bouts of SSG in two for- Inter-team centroid distance U11 Variability of LpW ratio decreased
mats (GK + 4v4 + GK and U13 with age
GK + 3v3 + GK) (duration Inter-team centroid distances
Collective Tactical Behaviours in Football

8 min) increased with age in the

GK + 3v3 + GK format, while
that of the GK + 4v4 + GK
format remained consistent
regardless of age
Gonçalves et al. [66] 20 elite youth footballers (age Distance to own and other position Playing position GPS (5 Hz) Players’ displacements were 87
18.1 ± 0.7 yrs) centroid—defender, midfielder Defenders nearer and more coordinated
1 simulated match (11v11) for and forward centroid (including Midfielders with their own position centroid
two periods of 25 min (duration ApEn) Forwards than with other centroids
50 min) Synchronisation of inter-position Coupling effect was stronger in
centroids (relative phase) midfield players and weaker in
All players’ dynamic positioning
displayed more irregularity
when related to the forwards’
Sampaio et al. [111] 24 footballers (age 20.8 ± 1.0 yrs) Distance to team centroid (includ- Game pace GPS (5 Hz) Randomness in distance to team 87
14 bouts of SSGs (GK + 5v5 + GK, ing ApEn) Slow centroid was a strong predictor
GK + 5v4 + GK, Normal variable of game pace, game
GK + 4v5 + GK) (duration Fast status and team unbalance
5 min) Numerical imbalance and Distance to team centroid (and
match status ApEn) were lower when losing
Inferiority (GK + 4v5 + GK) and lower when numerically
and losing inferior
Inferiority (GK + 4v5 + GK) Randomness to team centroid
and winning increased when winning in
Superiority numerical superiority
(GK + 5v4 + GK) and
(GK + 5v4 + GK) and
Table 1  (continued)
Study Sample Tactical variables Independent variables Tracking Key findings Quality
score (%)

Silva et al. [104] 20 youth footballers (U17) playing Spatial distribution variability Pitch size GPS (15 Hz, down-sampled to 1 Hz) Smaller pitch sizes yielded more 87
at national level and regional (ShannonEn) Small pitch variability in players’ pitch
level (data collected from n = 10 Player-to-locus distances (includ- Intermediate pitch action zones; larger pitches
players) ing CV and SampEn) Large pitch resulted in more restricted
6 bouts of SSCG (GK + 4v4 + GK) Skill level action zones and higher distance
over 3 different SSG pitch National-level players values from personal spatial
dimensions (small, medium and Regional-level players positional references
large) (duration 7 min) National-level players were more
sensitive to pitch modifications
and displayed more variability
in small and medium pitches
Silva et al. [72] 20 youth footballers (U17) playing EPS Pitch size GPS (15 Hz, down-sampled to 2 Hz) Significant increases in EPS and 87
at national-level and regional- LpW ratio Small pitch team separateness (for both
level Team separateness Intermediate pitch groups) as pitch sizes increase
6 bouts of SSCG (GK + 4v4 + GK) Distance to nearest opponent Large pitch LpW ratio increased with pitch
over 3 different SSG pitch (SampEn) Skill level size for national-level players,
dimensions (small, medium and Team centroids (AMI) National-level players but was maintained constant by
large) (duration 7 min) Regional-level players regional-level players
8 longest playing sequences in ball National-level players had more
possession were extracted and irregularity in distances to
analysed during each SSG nearest opponents in small and
intermediate pitches
From AMI values, centroids’
mutual dependence is slightly
higher in longitudinal move-
ments than lateral movements
B. Low et al.
Table 1  (continued)
Study Sample Tactical variables Independent variables Tracking Key findings Quality
score (%)

Silva et al. [71] 20 U19 footballers at national-level Major range Numerical imbalance GPS (15 Hz, down-sampled to 0.25 Hz) Based on major range illustrations, 87
and regional-level Stretch index 5v5 + GK national-level players displayed
3 bouts of SSCGs (5v5 + GK; Distance of team centre to goal 5v4 + GK more balanced occupation of
5v4 + GK; 5v3 + GK) (team Distance between teams’ opposing 5v3 + GK different sectors of the pitch,
without GK defended 3 mini- horizontal lines and opposing Skill level compared to the superimposed
goals) (duration 6 min) vertical lines National-level players tendencies of regional-level
Regional-level players players
National-level players showed
larger dispersion than regional-
level players in all three formats;
Collective Tactical Behaviours in Football

Underloaded teams tend to

reduce their dispersion
As numerical difference increased,
forward line of the overloaded
team were closer to the backline
of the underloaded team for the
national-level players; distance
between backline for the over-
loaded team and forward line for
the underloaded team increased
for both groups
As numerical difference increased,
the overloaded team played
closer to their opponents’ goal,
while the underloaded team
played closer to their own goal
Travassos et al. [115] 20 professional footballers divided Inter-team centroid distance SSG format GPS (15 Hz) Increasing the number of targets 87
into 4 teams of 5 Stretch index (relative stretch GK + 5v5 + GK increases the distance between
2 bouts of SSG per team in 2 for- index) 5v5 with 3 mini-goals teams and the playing time in
mats (GK + 5v5 + GK and 5v5 Above variables assessed for the behind each team lateral corridors, especially in
with 3 mini-goals behind each entire pitch, and in pre-defined the defensive sectors
team) (duration 5 min) zones: Small decrease in stretch index
8 bouts used for analysis 3 longitudinal corridors (left, and relative stretch index were
centre and right) also observed when additional
3 lateral sectors targets were added
(defensive third, midfield third and When the game was played in
offensive third) lateral corridors or defensive
sectors, differences between
game conditions increased
Travassos et al. [51] 15 undergraduate students grouped Dyadic synchronisation (relative Numerical balance and Semi-automatic (25 Hz) Defending in numerical disad- 87
into 3 teams of 5 phase of polar coordinates) imbalance vantage increases dyadic syn-
60 longest sequences of ball Synchronisation—defender–ball; GK + 4v4 + GK chronisation between defending
possession (without transi- attacker–ball; centroid-ball; GK + 4v3 + GK players, and between defending
tion) from 12 bouts of team–team (relative phase) players and the ball
SSG (GK + 4v4 + GK and Distance to own and opponent Surface area and distances to own
GK + 4v3 + GK) (duration centroid team centroid, for attacking and
5 min) Inter-team centroid distance defending team, were reduced
Surface area in numerical inequality, while
inter-team distances were higher
Table 1  (continued)
Study Sample Tactical variables Independent variables Tracking Key findings Quality
score (%)

Vilar et al. [74] 15 amateur footballers (age Interpersonal distance (between Pitch dimensions Semi-automatic (25 Hz) A decrease in pitch dimensions 93
21.87 ± 1.96 yrs) divided into 3 each attacker and nearest Small (28 m × 14 m) allowed fewer opportunities to
teams of 5 players defender) Medium (40 m × 20 m) maintain ball possession due to
18 bouts of SSG (GK + 4v4 + GK) Relative distance to intercept a Large (52 m × 26 m) shorter interpersonal distances
in 3 days, on three different pitch shot between attackers and defenders
dimensions (duration 10 min) Relative distance to intercept a No significant differences were
90 longest sequences of ball pass observed for opportunities to
possession (without transition), shoot at goal or pass to team-
trimmed to the last 8 s before mates
possession ended (30 for each
pitch condition)
Vilar et al. [75] 15 intermediate-level footballers Interpersonal distance (between Numerical imbalance Semi-automatic (25 Hz) Interpersonal distances were 87
(age 19.60 ± 1.99 yrs) divided each attacker and nearest GK + 4v4 + GK lowest in the GK + 4v4 + GK
into 3 teams of 5 players defender) GK + 3v3 + GK + 1 floater format, followed by
18 bouts of SSCG in 3 days, with Relative distance to intercept a GK + 2v2 + GK + 2 floaters the GK + 3v3 + GK + 1
different formats (duration shot floater format, and then
5 min) Relative distance to intercept a GK + 2v2 + GK + 2 floater
90 longest sequences of ball pass format
possession (without transition), Relative distance to inter-
trimmed to the last 10 s before cept a shot, and relative
possession ended (30 for each distance to intercept a pass
SSCG) were significantly higher in
GK + 2v2 + GK + 2 floater
format than in GK + 4v4 + GK
Castellano et al. [80] 6 official matches of a Spanish Team length and width (including Strength of opponents Semi-automatic (25 Hz) Collective team play is affected by 87
professional team were analysed ApEn) Playing against stronger the quality of the opposition
against different opponents (3 Surface area (ApEn) teams Offensively, higher length, width
home, 3 away; 2 wins, 2 draws Playing against weaker and surface area frequencies
and 2 losses) teams were found when playing
Opponents were also classified as Analysed team was classified against weak teams; defensively,
‘strong’ and ‘weak’ as ‘weak’ team higher length and width frequen-
6793 periods of ball possession cies were found when defending
were analysed against strong teams
ApEn of team length, width and
surface area showed similar
results, while ApEn was more
predictable in offensive phases
than defensive phases
B. Low et al.
Table 1  (continued)
Study Sample Tactical variables Independent variables Tracking Key findings Quality
score (%)

Clemente et al. [69] An official match (GK + 6v6 + GK) Weighted centroid Ball possession Semi-automatic (30 Hz) Without ball possession, teams’ 73
of the U13 district final in Weighted stretch index With ball possession weighted centroids are closer
Portugal Surface area Without ball possession to their defensive zones (small
Data analysed for both teams with Effective area of play effect size) than with ball pos-
and without ball possession session
Teams’ surface area increase when
in possession of the ball and
decrease without the ball (small
effect sizes); similar results for
effective area of play, but with
Collective Tactical Behaviours in Football

large effect sizes

Negligible to small differences
were found in weighted stretch
index with and without ball
Clemente et al. [53] 11 footballers (age 17.91 ± 1.04 Distance from goal Instructional constraints to Semi-automatic (30 Hz) Speed and angular positioning 87
yrs) Speed of players attacker increases when attacker over-
30 bouts of 1v1 + GK per player Angular positioning of attacker Conservative takes the defender
under three different instruc- with respect to defender Risk Under risk condition, time taken
tional constraints (n = 10) Time taken by attacker Neutral to complete the 1v1 trial is
Heat maps significantly shorter
In the conservative condition,
attacker’s trajectories had more
variability and dispersion in
the lateral areas; time taken to
complete the trial is also signifi-
cantly higher
Clemente et al. [70] 3 official matches of a professional Weighted centroid Match period Semi-automatic (30 Hz) Team dispersion and average pitch 60
football team (win, lose and Weighted stretch index First half position decreased during the
draw) were analysed with and Surface area Second half second half of the match
without ball possession Effective area of play
Table 1  (continued)
Study Sample Tactical variables Independent variables Tracking Key findings Quality
score (%)

Duarte et al. [120] 28 professional footballers in the Player-team and team–team Ball possession Semi-automatic (10 Hz) Within-team synchrony 80
English Premier League synchronisation (cluster phase Attacking Larger synchronisation, together
1 official league match was analysis, SampEn and Cross- Defending with less variability and more
analysed SampEn) Match period regularity, was found in the
First half longitudinal direction compared
Second half to the lateral direction
Teams Ball possession did not influence
Home team team synchronisation levels
Away team Team–team synchrony
Direction Significant associations were
Longitudinal found in the longitudinal and
Lateral lateral directions (stronger in
Player-team synchrony
General tendency for near in-
phase mode of synchronisation
between player and team
Also, higher standard deviation
was found in the lateral direction
than longitudinal direction indi-
cating more stability in players’
coordination with longitudinal
team movement
However, players’ coordination
with team movement was more
regular in the lateral directions
than longitudinal directions
More regularity was also found in
the second half than first half
Duarte et al. [119] 28 professional footballers in the Surface area Match period Semi-automatic (10 Hz) Surface areas and stretch indices 80
English Premier League (including CV, ApEn) 6 time periods of 15-mins of both teams showed similari-
1 official league match was Stretch index duration (3 in each half) ties in their variations
analysed (CV, ApEn) Inverse linear relationship was
Team length and width found between CV and ApEn
(CV, ApEn) of tactical variables—teams
Geometric centre appeared to be more regular and
(CV, ApEn) predictable in the course of the
match despite higher variation
in their organisational shape
(ApEn decreased, while CV
B. Low et al.
Table 1  (continued)
Study Sample Tactical variables Independent variables Tracking Key findings Quality
score (%)

Fradua et al. [61] Four Spanish first division Length and width (rectangle com- Pitch zones Semi-automatic (25 Hz) All variables differed significantly 93
matches, consisting five teams, prising all outfield players) Zones 1–6 across various parts of the pitch,
were analysed Individual playing area (rectangu- where the ball was located
Data were collected every five lar area comprising all outfield Individual playing area decreased
seconds, and only when ball was players divided by 20) as the ball approached the
in play Distance from defending and central areas of the pitch
attacking GKs to their nearest Rectangle length was shorter when
teammate the ball was in the central area
of the pitch; however, width was
widest in this area
Collective Tactical Behaviours in Football

Distance between GK and nearest

teammate increased as play was
further away
Individual playing areas ranged
from 78.97 ± 15.05 and
93.87 ± 16.25 m2, which is
smaller than those used in previ-
ous studies on SSG
Frencken et al. [122] 10 amateur players (age 22 ± 3 yrs) Longitudinal and lateral centroid Pitch dimension LPM (100 Hz) Smaller pitches yielded smaller 93
4 bouts of SSG (GK + 4v4 + GK) distance (including Pearson 30 m × 20 m inter-team distances (longitudi-
played on four different pitch correlation, R2 and running cor- 24 m × 20 m nal and lateral) and surface areas
sizes (duration 8 min) relation—3 s) 30 m × 16 m Coupling strength of surface area
Surface area difference (including 24 m × 16 m is near zero for all conditions
Pearson correlation and R2) of SSGs; running correlations
Surface area (running correla- of surface area had ‘no-pattern’
tion—3 s) found most frequently
Moura et al. [139] 10 official matches of the Brazilian Surface area (including FFT) Match period Semi-automatic (30 Hz) Median frequencies for surface 87
first division championship, Team spread (Frobenius norm) First half area time series and team spread
comprising 20 teams and 277 (including FFT) Second half time series were significantly
players Ball possession time series higher in the first half than
(including FFT) second half
Siegle and Lames [106] 22 professional footballers Relative phase of mean team cen- Match period Semi-automatic (25 Hz) Strong in-phase coupling was 71
First half of the 2006 World Cup tres (longitudinal and lateral) From kick-off to first half found at the team–team, group
Final (Italy vs France) Relative phase of midfield centres and attacker–fullback level
(longitudinal) Perturbations in teams’ relative
Relative phase of attacker–fullback phase signal could be linked
coupling (longitudinal) to scoring opportunities of the
Tightness of coupling (standard attacking team
deviation of relative phase
Table 1  (continued)
Study Sample Tactical variables Independent variables Tracking Key findings Quality
score (%)

Vilar et al. [93] 28 professional players par- Numerical advantage (including Area of play (match-level Semi-automatic (10 Hz) Comparisons of numerical differ- 79
ticipated in an English Premier ShannonEn) in sub-areas of play convex hull) divided into 7 ences in the various sub-areas
League match sub-areas of play showed a focus of defensive
Longitudinal channels: left, stability
right, centre The centre-middle sub-area of
Left and right channel: front play displayed the high-
and back; centre channel: est uncertainty in numerical
front, back and midfield advantage; this was followed by
the centre-front and centre-back
The winning team was signifi-
cantly more effective in creating
numerical dominance in the
form of defensive stability and
offensive opportunity
Zubillaga et al. [62] 4 Spanish women’s first division Length and width (match level) Pitch zones Semi-automatic (25 Hz) Distribution of players was signifi- 93
matches were analysed accord- Individual playing area Zone 1 to zone 6 cantly wider and shallower when
ing to 6 pitch zones Distance from last defender-to- the ball was in the central zones,
Data was only analysed when the goal line compared to the “building-up
ball was in play Distance from GK to last defender play” zone and “scoring” zone
Individual playing areas varied
from 77.91 and 96.19 m2
depending on the ball location
The spaces behind defenders
(attacking and defending teams)
changed depending on ball
Bartlett et al. [78] 5 official matches of the UEFA Team centroid –longitudinal and Successful and unsuccessful Semi-automatic (10 Hz) Correlation coefficients for all 87
Champions League lateral (including Pearson cor- attacks variables were stronger in the
10 different teams relation) Attacks leading to goals, longitudinal direction than
305 possessions in open play Surface area—magnitude, longi- shots, headed attempts lateral direction
tudinal and lateral (including Attacks leading to tackles The longitudinal correlations of
Pearson correlation) or other forms of lost team centroids were signifi-
Stretch index—magnitude, lon- possession cantly stronger for the successful
gitudinal and lateral (including attacks than unsuccessful attacks
Pearson correlation) No crossing of centroids (longitu-
Team spread (Frobenius norm)— dinally) were observed for all 14
magnitude, longitudinal and goals from open play
lateral (including Pearson Few differences in coordination
correlation) dynamics between successful
and unsuccessful attacks
B. Low et al.
Table 1  (continued)
Study Sample Tactical variables Independent variables Tracking Key findings Quality
score (%)

Duarte et al. [58] 8 youth players (age 11.8 ± 0.4 Dyadic synchronisation of each 1v1 outcomes Semi-automatic (25 Hz) High levels of in-phase synchro- 87
yrs) were analysed in 82 trials of player’s minimum distance to Success for attacker nisation, and unpredictability of
1v1 + GK as attacker–defender end line (relative phase) (includ- Success for defender synchronisation, characterised
82 trials were analysed including ing ApEn) attackers’ success
successful trials for attacker Defending players’ success was
(n = 55) and successful trials for associated with a leading rela-
defender (n = 27) tionship and more predictable
coordination mode
Variability (standard deviation)
of relative phase did not distin-
Collective Tactical Behaviours in Football

guish attacker’s and defender’s

Duarte et al. [121] 14 youth footballers (age Team centroid (including running Key moments of play Semi-automatic (25 Hz) Teams’ centroids demonstrated 87
11.8 ± 0.4 yrs) performed correlation) First touch of ball control strong symmetric coordination
4 bouts of SSG (GK + 3v3 + GK) Longitudinal distance of centroid by the player making final in the attacking-defending sub-
(duration 5 min) to defensive line (including run- pass in a move phases of play
20 playing sequences that fulfilled ning correlation) Last touch in the assisted There was a tendency of a meeting
the following conditions were Surface area (including running pass made by the same of centroids (even cross-
randomly selected for analysis: correlation) player ing) immediately before key
play ended in a shot at goal; ball Time of ball crossing the moments of play
was kept on the ground; and no defensive line No clear coordination pattern was
change of ball possession found for the analyses of teams’
surface area
But the difference in occupied
area between the attacking and
defending teams significantly
increased before an assisted pass
was made
Frencken et al. [118] 25 elite professional players Inter-team centroid distance: lon- Match period Semi-automatic (10 Hz) Match events related to longitu- 87
1 official UEFA Champions gitudinal and lateral (including First half dinal inter-team distance were
League quarterfinal match Pearson correlations, variability, Second half mainly due to defending players
and rate of change) Critical match events moving forward–backward after
a longitudinal pass
Match events related to lateral
inter-team distance were mainly
due to defending players moving
laterally following sideways
One of two goals and two of
fourteen goal attempts were
preceded by a period of high
variability in centroid distances
Periods of high variability were
associated with collective
defensive actions and team reor-
ganisation in dead ball moments
rather than goals or attempts
Table 1  (continued)
Study Sample Tactical variables Independent variables Tracking Key findings Quality
score (%)

Headrick et al. [56] 12 youth footballers (age 15.3 ± 0.5 Defender-to-ball distance Pitch locations Semi-automatic (25 Hz) Attacker’s and defender’s 87
yrs) Attacker-to-ball distance Attacking the goal distances to ball stabilised at
71 trials of 1v1 as attacker– In midfield greater distances attacking the
defender at three different pitch Advancing away from the goal than advancing away from
locations goal the goal
Moura et al. [79] 223 professional players Coverage area Ball possession Semi-automatic (30 Hz down-sampled When defending, teams displayed 87
8 official matches of the Brazilian Team spread (Frobenius norm) With ball possession to 7.5 Hz) a greater area and spread when
national championship (16 dif- Without ball possession they suffered shots on goal than
ferent teams) when they performed tackles
When attacking, teams displayed
greater area and spread when
they suffered tackles than when
they performed shots on goal
Graphical inspection of team
spread time series show an anti-
phase relation, even though the
coverage area did not
Sampaio and Maçãs [64] 12 university students (age Positional data (including ApEn) 13-week training programme GPS (5 Hz) ApEn values were lower in post- 87
20.0 ± 0.1 yrs) Distance to geometrical centre of Pre-test test suggesting more regularity
1 bout of SSG (GK + 5v5 + GK) team (including ApEn and rela- Post-test in players’ tactical movements
at pre- and post-test (duration tive phase) arising from increased expertise
12 min) Distance of nearest player to Relative phase analysis in the post-
geometrical centre of team test showed increased patterns
(including ApEn) of anti-phase synchronisation
Distance of furthest player to between players’ distances to the
geometrical centre of team geometric centre of the team
(including ApEn)
Frencken et al. [77] 10 elite youth footballers (age Team centroids: longitudinal, Match time LPM (45 Hz) Strong correlations seen between 80
17.3 ± 0.7 yrs) lateral and radial (including Goals centroid positions for all three
3 bouts of SSG (GK + 4v4 + GK) Pearson correlation) games; strongest correlation
(duration 8 min) Length and width (including was in the forward–backward
Pearson correlation) direction
Surface area (including Pearson In 10 out of 19 goals scored, a
correlation) crossing in the centroids was
No negative linear correlation was
found for surface area

AMI average mutual information, ApEn approximate entropy, CV coefficient of variation, EPS effective playing space, FFT Fast Fourier Transform, GK goalkeeper, GPS global positioning
system, HR heart rate, Hz hertz, LPM local position measurement, LpW length per width, LSG large-sided games, m metres, min minutes, ms milliseconds, PCA principal component analysis,
pro professionals, SampEn sample entropy, ShannonEn Shannon entropy, SSCG small-sided conditioned games, SSG small-sided games, U under-, yrs years, ApEn approximate entropy, Cross-
SampEn cross-sample entropy, SampEn sample entropy, ShannonEn Shannon entropy
B. Low et al.
Table 2  Summary of nonlinear analysis techniques used
Nonlinear analysis technique Measure of Used in n studies Description Equation Output values Further reading

ApEn Regularity n = 20 Measures repeatability in a time series by ApEn(m, r, N) = 𝛷m (r) − 𝛷m+1 (r), 0 ≤ ApEn(m, r, N) ≤ 2 [140, 141]
measuring the likelihood that similar patterns
where 𝜙m (r) = (N − m + 1)−1 i=1 ln Cim (r) Values closer to zero
of observations will not be followed by subse- reflect highly predictable
Cim (r) measures the regularity of patterns similar

quent similar observations sequences of data

to the pattern in the window length m, within the
values closer to two reflect
tolerance level r
highly unpredictable
N = length of data set
SampEn Regularity n=4 The negative natural logarithm of the conditional SampEn (m, r, N) = − ln A 0 ≤ SampEn(m, r, N) < ∞ [99–101]
probability (A/B) that two sequences within B zero reflects an entirely
m = window length
a tolerance range r for a window length of m predictable data set,
r = tolerance for accepting matches
points, remain within r of each other at the while infinity reflects a
Collective Tactical Behaviours in Football

N = length of data set

next point completely unpredict-
A = total number of forward matches of length m + 1,
able one
within tolerance level r
B = total number of template matches in length m,
within tolerance level r
ShannonEn Regularity n=3 The summation of the product between the prob- H(x) = − P(xi ) logb P(xi ) Information that are unpre- [142]
ability of independent events occurring and P(xi) = probability of the ith event occurring in the dictable will have higher

their negative logarithm data set x entropy values, while

predictable information
will have lower entropy
Can be presented in abso-
lute or normalised (zero
to one) form
Dynamic overlap Regularity n=1 A data set compared against itself using a cosine qd (t) = (1 − qstat )t−𝛼 + qstat 0 ≤ qd (t) ≤ 1, [137]
auto-similarity with increasing time lags t = time lag where zero reflects a
qstat = horizontal asymptote, where the function tends completely unpredictable
to infinity data set, and one reflects
α = gradient a perfectly predictable
data set
Relative phase Synchronisation n = 15 Computes phase difference between two signals 𝜙(t) =𝜙
𝜙(t) = −𝜙
(t) −
𝜙1 (t) (t)
𝜙2 (t) In-phase synchronisation [143]
1 2
using a Hilbert transform H1(t)s2(t) − s1(t)H2(t) − 30° ≤ ϕ ≤ 30°
= tan−1 , Anti-phase synchronisation
s1(t)s2(t) + H1(t)H2(t) − 180° ≤ ϕ ≤ − 150° or
where H1(t) and H2(t) are Hilbert transforms of the
150° ≤ ϕ ≤ 180°
two signals s1(t) and s2(t), respectively
No pattern
All other ϕ
Windowed correlation Synchronisation n=5 Computes Pearson correlation in a moving n( xy)−( x)( y) −1≤r≤1 [54, 83, 84, 121, 122]
∑ ∑ ∑

window In-phase synchronisation:

n x −( x) n y −( y)
values closer to 1
∑ 2 ∑ 2 �� ∑ 2 ∑ 2 �

n = sample size of time-series data sets x and y Anti-phase synchronisation:

values closer to − 1
No pattern: values closer
to 0
Cross correlation Synchronisation n=4 Sum of products of matched pairs of data sets (x −̄x)(y −̄y) − 1 ≤ rxy(ℓ) ≤ 1 [144]

at different time lags, normalised against the Values closer to 1 indicate

i=1 (xi −̄ y)
i=1 (yi −̄
power of the two signals. Unmatched data stronger correlation for
rxy (𝓁) = √∑ni=1 i 2 ∑ni−𝓁

should be ignored unless the data sets are rxy = cross-correlation coefficient of x with respect to y the time lag ℓ
circular ℓ = time lag Values closer to − 1 indicate
negative correlation for
the value of ℓ
Table 2  (continued)
Nonlinear analysis technique Measure of Used in n studies Description Equation Output values Further reading

Cross-SampEn Synchronisation n=1 The average number of vectors in one time Am (r)(v∥u) Asynchronous pairs of time [99]
series that can be matched with the second
Cross − SampEn(m, r, N) = − ln Bm (r)(v∥u)
, series will yield higher
{ }

time series, in a window length m, is counted where Bm(r)(v||u) is the probability that the two values of cross-SampEn,
(where the tolerance for matching is deter- templates match for m points and Am(r)(v||u) is the while values closer
mined by r); this counting is again repeated probability that the two templates match for m + 1 to zero reflect higher
on the next increment of m, and the value of points synchrony
cross-SampEn is then the negative logarithm m = window length
of the ratio of the two averages—the second r = tolerance for accepting matches
over the first N = length of data set
Vector coding Synchronisation n=1 Assesses the coupling between two data sets In-phase synchronisation [145, 146]
based on their relative motion plots 1 22.5° ≤ θvc < 67.5° or
| 𝜃 (i+1)−𝜃 (i) |

Measures, θvc, the coupling angle between the where i = 1, 2, …, n − 1 202.5° ≤ θvc < 247.5°
𝜃vc (i) = tan−1 | 𝜃2 (i+1)−𝜃2 (i) |,

vector formed by two consecutive points and coupling angles in the second, third and fourth Anti-phase synchronisation
| 1 |

the right horizontal quadrant should be adjusted accordingly (i.e., π − θvc, 112.5° ≤ θvc < 157.5° or
π + θvc and 2π − θvc) 292.5° ≤ θvc < 337.5°
Attacking team phase
0° ≤ θvc < 22.5° or
157.5° ≤ θvc < 202.5° or
337.5° ≤ θvc ≤ 360°
Defending team phase
67.5° ≤ θvc < 112.5° or
247.5° ≤ θvc < 292.5°
Mutual information Synchronisation n=1 Reflects the mutual dependence between two p(x,y) Higher values of mutual [147]
I(X;Y) = x∈X y∈Y p(x, y) log p(x)p(y)
data sets, and computes how knowledge of one information represent
∑ ∑

data set reduces the uncertainty in knowledge where X and Y are the two data sets and p(x, y) rep- large reductions in uncer-
of the other resents their joint probability distribution and p(x) tainty, while lower values
Calculated as the relative entropy between the and p(y) are their marginal probability distribution represent less reduction in
joint probability distribution and the product functions uncertainty. Zero mutual
distribution between two random variables. information represents
two random variables that
are independent
Cluster phase analysis Synchronisation n=1 Measures synchrony in a group of phase oscil- Cluster phase for group as a whole 0 ≤ ρgroup, i or ρgroup ≤ 1 [120, 148, 149]
lators The cluster amplitude
First, individual phase time series can be derived returns values from zero
� ∑n �� ���

to group synchronisation is to one; zero representing

𝜌group,i = � 1n k=1 exp i 𝜙k (ti ) − 𝜙̄ k �
� �

the cluster phase time series by averaging the 𝜌group = N1 i=1 𝜌group,i , a completely unsynchro-
natural exponential function of its imaginary nised group, and one
using the Hilbert transform before calculating Mean degree ∑

part. The relative phase for individual data sets where i = −1 when not used as a time index, n representing the highest
is the number of players, ϕk is the relative phase

with respect to cluster phase is then calculated, degree of group synchro-

and the group synchrony, known as its cluster between each player and the group cluster, and N is nisation
amplitude, can be calculated by averaging its the number of time-steps ρgroup represents a single
natural exponential function measure of group syn-
chrony for the analysed
duration, whereas
ρgroup, i provides a con-
tinuous measure of group

ApEn approximate entropy, Cross-SampEn cross-sample entropy, SampEn sample entropy, ShannonEn Shannon entropy
B. Low et al.
Collective Tactical Behaviours in Football

level of tactical analysis. These were x- and y-coordinates of a team’s playing style, such as its tendencies to defend (or
captured at various frequencies using different player- keep possession) in deeper or more advanced pitch positions.
tracking systems, and processed using signal smoothing One approach that was frequently used in the study of
techniques. Although majority of studies analysed players’ collective team tactics is the determination of a team cen-
Cartesian coordinates, some studies analysed their polar troid. By definition, it is the mean x- and y-coordinates of all
coordinates, determined by a distance to a reference point analysed players in a team, and hence represents a measure
and (or) angle from a reference direction [51–53]. Silva et al. of a team’s central position [64]. This was used in 30 studies,
[52] explained that this reduces the need to differentiate sometimes in various other nomenclatures such as ‘geomet-
between longitudinal and lateral movements for two reasons: ric centre’ or ‘team centre’. This variable was either ana-
the typical attacking-defending nature of a match predomi- lysed on its own, or further processed to study other tactical
nantly manifests in the longitudinal direction anyway and behaviours. For example, the distance between the centroids
players can enter into coordinated movements both laterally of two competing teams was frequently used to characterise
and longitudinally, such as a fullback moving laterally to inter-team distance. Players’ distances to their team centroid,
create space, while a winger moves forward to an advanced opponents’ team centroid [65], or position-specific centroid
position. Several studies have also analysed players’ polar (e.g., defender centroid, midfield centroid, and forward
coordinates in a non-inertial frame of reference, where play- centroid) [66] were also calculated as a form of measuring
ers’ displacement and (or) angular positioning are measured position in a non-inertial frame of reference. This measure
with respect to a reference point that is also moving in an provides researchers with context in understanding play-
inertial frame [53–57]. Menuchi et al. [54] used the mov- ers’ positioning in relation to the dynamic team (or group)
ing ball as a reference position in the game of rondo, a drill position instead of static pitch coordinates. A variation of
commonly used in football practice. In 1v1 investigations, the team centroid is the weighted centroid, which incorpo-
Headrick et al. [56] also used the moving ball as a refer- rates a weight factor from zero to one based on players’ dis-
ence in determining attacker- and defender-to-ball distances; tances to the ball [67–70]. Two variations to the inter-team
Laakso et al. [55] measured the relative distance and relative centroid distance are the comparison between confronting
angle of attacker and defender; Shafizadeh et al. [57] ana- teams’ horizontal and vertical lines [71], and the tactical
lysed the relative velocity, time to contact, and interpersonal variable of team separateness [72]. The distance between
distance between goalkeepers and attackers in 1v1 situa- two teams’ horizontal lines was the distance between the
tions during official matches; and Duarte et al. [58] analysed backline of one team and the forward line of the other, and
attacker and defender’s minimum distances to the end line. vice versa, while the distance between their vertical lines
Mathematically, players’ pitch positions can be accurately was the distance between the right line of one team and the
determined using either Cartesian or polar coordinates, since left line of the other, and vice versa. Team separateness was
both systems analyse data in two dimensions (longitudinally calculated as the sum of distances between each player and
and laterally for Cartesian coordinates; magnitude and angle the closest opponent, and presents an overall radius of space
for polar coordinates). However, researchers should exercise free of opponents. The authors preferred these variables to
caution when reducing the analysis to only one dimension, the inter-team centroid distance for two reasons: horizon-
e.g., analysing distance to the goal centre but not angle [52], tal and vertical lines allow for the examining of interactive
because other critical information can be obscured, making behaviours, laterally at the wings and longitudinally at the
it difficult to separate signal from noise. In this instance, the sectors; and team separateness also provides a measure of
magnitude of a player’s distance to the goal centre is more players’ proximity to their closest opponents. Other authors
sensitive to longitudinal movements than lateral movements, also examined the distance to nearest opponent, but without
whereas angular displacement provides more sensitivity to its summation [72–76]. The inter-team centroid distance
the latter, particularly at closer distances to the origin. In quantifies distance between two opposing teams at a match
practical application, positional coordinates can be used to level of analysis, whereas the distance to nearest opponent
generate heat maps or dot plots as a form of data visualisa- represents this concept at an individual level of analysis.
tion. These can be used to understand characteristic move- Therefore, these two variables can be paired in their com-
ment patterns of an individual, a group of players or a team. plementary usage to give researchers a more holistic repre-
In other applications, practitioners can use these measures sentation of inter-team distance from global to local levels
to study the height of a team’s defence line, represented as of analysis. In summary, the analysis of a team centroid in
the distance magnitude of the least advanced defender to isolation may not provide meaningful insights into perfor-
his (her) own goal [59], or to his (her) goalkeeper [60–62] mance or behaviour, but allows a different perspective in
or simply his (her) longitudinal distance from the goal line understanding players’ dynamic positioning in relation to the
[62, 63]. Santos et al. [63] combined this variable with ball team, and can also be useful in analysing inter-team interac-
recovery locations. Such analyses can provide suggestions tion. In practical application, the inter-team centroid distance
B. Low et al.

and distance to nearest opponent can show how close two the weighted stretch index [67, 69, 70], closely linked to the
teams are playing to each other, giving information about weighted centroid described previously; the effective play
the defending strategy of a team, e.g., applying pressure or area [67, 69, 70] formed when the Delaunay triangulations
defending deep. The distance to nearest opponent can quan- of attacking and defending teams are integrated based on
tify how tightly marked a player is, the frequency of tight pre-defined conditions; and the defensive play area, clas-
marking, or the identity of the player performing the tight sified based on players’ tactical positions during defending
marking. The distance between a team’s position-specific [82]. While the calculations of EPS, stretch index and team
centroids can help quantify the inter-line distances between spread may seem to provide similar outcomes of team dis-
defenders, midfielders and forwards during defending; this persion, some inherent differences exist in their computa-
can help coaches in determining the optimal inter-line dis- tional methods. First, the computation of EPS only involves
tances during defending. peripheral players, while that of stretch index and team
Another approach commonly investigated by research- spread involves all outfield players. The studies by Bartlett
ers is the study of playing spaces, quantifying players’ dis- et al. [78] and Moura et al. [79] reported strong positive cor-
persion in a group, either through calculations of the area relations among these three variables; yet, the latter study
they occupy, or various measures of inter-player distance. described that moments of large EPS areas did not always
Playing spaces were analysed in 41 studies of the review yield correspondingly large spread values, and vice versa.
using various methods. One of these methods is the effec- This could happen when a peripheral player spreads out,
tive playing space (EPS) [77], which measures the polygonal while other players remained close together, creating a high
area of teammates on the periphery of play using a convex EPS area but low spread values. Another difference between
hull approach. It is also referred to in various terms such the variables is that the computations for team spread and
as ‘surface area’, ‘coverage area’, or ‘playing area’ and was stretch index are versatile in that they can be analysed in
the most frequently used measure of playing space (n = 24 magnitude or in their longitudinal and lateral components
studies). A second method used to analyse playing spaces [60, 78, 83, 84]. EPS, however, provides only a single meas-
is the stretch index [78] (n = 13 studies). This is the mean ure of magnitude; longitudinal and lateral components have
distance of all teammates to their team centroid, and gives a to be assessed using group length and width, which has been
measure of team dispersion from the centre of the team. A highlighted by several authors as an insensitive measure of
third method found was that of team spread [79] (n = 7 stud- group behaviour, particularly in 11v11, because it involves
ies), which utilises a Frobenius norm to calculate the square only two players [78]. A team’s EPS or length and width
root of the sum of squares of all combinations of dyadic dis- should also not be analysed in isolation, since these are col-
tances between teammates. Thus, the team spread character- lective variables that may be derived from only small num-
ises how close players are to each other. While the latter two bers of players; it is perhaps recommended to complement
variables described may not be computations of area per se, their use with other variables such as stretch index or team
they do provide a representation about the dispersion char- spread. Future research could examine the rate of change of
acteristics of a team. Similarly, 12 studies analysed playing a team’s dispersion in response to transitions in possession.
spaces through length and width measures. At the team level, Such findings could inform coaches and analysts about how
length was defined as the longitudinal distance between the quickly a team increases its playing space when possession
most advanced and the least advanced outfield teammates, is won, or reduces its playing space when possession is lost,
while width was the lateral distance between the two wid- particularly during transitions in play.
est outfield teammates. Two studies [61, 62] extended the While a majority of studies analysed playing areas occu-
length and width parameters to a match level of analysis, pied by a team in aggregate, some studies analysed the play-
whereby length was the furthest longitudinal distance, and ing areas occupied by individual players. One method of
width was the furthest lateral distance, amongst the twenty analysing this was the method of calculating players’ major
outfield players—goalkeepers were excluded from the analy- range, which is an ellipsoidal area centred at the mean
sis. The same two studies, and a third study [80], calculated Cartesian coordinates of a players’ movement, with semi-
playing areas by multiplying length and width values. Fur- major and semi-minor axes being the standard deviations
ther analysis of length and width characteristics included in the longitudinal and lateral directions, respectively [71].
the length per width ratio. This variable was introduced by A variation of this method is the spatial exploration index
Folgado et al. [81] as a measure of team depth with respect (SEI) developed by Gonçalves et al. [85], which calculates
to its width. Although it is not entirely a variable calculating the mean positioning coordinates of every player, and then
area, it gives a representation of team shape, whereby larger drawing a circular boundary around that mean position,
values of LpW ratio represent an elongated playing shape, with radius corresponding to the mean distance of that
while smaller values indicate a flattened playing shape [72]. central position to every other position in the player’s time
Some variations to the calculations of playing space include series. It represents the mean radius of exploration of each
Collective Tactical Behaviours in Football

player. Another method of analysing individual space was should be aware of their respective attributes when working
performed by Fradua et al. [61] (professional male players) with them; however, significantly more variables and studies
and Zubillaga et al. [62] (professional female players), who analyse playing spaces at team and match levels compared
divided the rectangular area of 20 outfield players by the to individual levels and this could be a possible area for
same number of players, calling it the individual playing future research.
area. A more sophisticated approach that calculates indi- The last group of tactical variables analysed the numeri-
vidualised spaces dynamically is the method of dominant cal relations of players. Four studies analysed the number
region, also known as Voronoi regions. This computation of confronting players in defined spaces. Vilar et al. [93]
was first introduced in team sports by Taki and Hasegawa divided the area of the match-level convex hull into seven
[86–88], and was used in four studies of this review [89–92]. sub-areas, which were partitioned based on three longitudi-
A player’s dominant region is defined as the region of space nal channels, comprising: forward and rear segments in the
on the pitch, where he or she will likely arrive earlier than peripheral channels and forward, rear and middle segments
other players due to closer proximity. Integrating these data in the middle channel. Silva et al. [73] used the individual
with all teammates and opponents provides a holistic picture playing area described earlier, and represented it as a circu-
of the spatiotemporal relations between teams. A critical lar area surrounding each player; the numerical difference
inspection of these four tactical variables shows some trade- between the number of teammates and opponents was then
offs arising from their characteristics. The variables of major computed. Rein et al. [89] computed outplayed opponents,
range and SEI are summary measures that help visualise by counting the number of opponents beaten from each pass
movement variability. Both variables achieve this using the made. Silva et al. [52] defined player coupling as the mean
standard deviation, which only captures 68% of variability number of a player’s teammates with strong in-phase cou-
in a data set (assuming normal distribution). Thus, both vari- pling (relative phase from − 30° to 30°) and team coupling
ables contain significantly less information compared to a as the total number of dyads (out of 45) in a team with strong
heat map or dot plot. However, this could still be an advan- in-phase coupling. Other variables of numerical relations
tage in practical application, because as researchers have include several offensive measures that were related to the
illustrated [71, 85], the major range or SEI for all players on offensive definition zone, as described by Clemente et al.
a team can be simultaneously presented on a single diagram, [94, 95]. Most of these tactical variables analyse the game
giving coaches a succinct overview about the movement var- of football at a sub-group level, assessing directly or indi-
iability of different players on a team. In contrast, a heat map rectly if numerical superiority can be achieved in certain
or dot plot of every player’s movement results in too much sub-areas of a game. One limitation of the variables comput-
visual clutter to make meaningful inferences. While these ing numerical inequality is that the boundaries determining
variables provide single-value summary measurements, the the numerical differences are somewhat arbitrary. Instead, a
variables of individual playing area and dominant region methodological tool that future research can consider using
provide dynamic values of players’ individual space, albeit is hypernetworks [96, 97], where numerical inequality in
with some contrasting features. The individual playing area sets of players is computed more organically; this meth-
assumes the same individual area for every player, whereas odology is also useful in analysing player interactions at
the dominant region calculation is uniquely individualised. different levels (match-, team-, group-, and dyadic levels).
One resulting characteristic of the latter variable is that goal- Another area for future research would be to examine the
keepers and peripheral players tend to have large values and link between numerical inequality and success. Amongst
large variability in playing areas, making it difficult to sepa- the mentioned variables, the number of outplayed defenders
rate signal from noise. One way of addressing this could was the only one to be successfully related to performance
be to narrow the focus of analysis from a match level to a outcomes (goals scored and win probability) [89]. Future
lower level, such as that performed by Rein et al. [89] who research should assess if other variables can have similarly
analysed Voronoi areas only in the attacking third of the predictive abilities to performance outcomes.
team in ball possession. For the individual playing area, the
assumption of equal playing area per player raises questions 4.2 Nonlinear Analyses
about the representativeness of such an analysis approach,
and is, therefore, best used in aggregate level analysis (team A key characteristic of analysing tactical behaviours from an
or match level). Another practical application, as mentioned approach of system complexity is nonlinear analysis. This is
by Fradua et al. [61] and Zubillaga et al. [62], include using because the interactions in a football game are complex, and
individual areas to design appropriate SSG pitch sizes, signals generated from players’ position data are often non-
in coaching and coach education courses, and are further linear and noisy. Nonlinear analysis techniques, therefore,
described later. As an overview of playing spaces, there are take into account the time series, and hence dynamic nature,
many tactical variables analysing dispersion and researchers of players’ interactions, characterising complex situations
B. Low et al.

not achievable by linear techniques (e.g., mean, standard cross-sample entropy (cross-SampEn), vector coding,
deviation, and coefficient of variation) [98]. The nonlinear mutual information, and cluster phase. Unlike the measures
analysis techniques used in the reviewed studies measured of predictability, little is known about the most appropriate
the predictability and synchronisation of tactical behaviour techniques for measuring synchronisation. The analysis of
variables (Table 2). cluster phase can measure synchrony in two or more data
The measures of predictability generally examined time sets, and provide measures of group synchrony (summary
signals for periodicity or patterns of repeatability. These measure), or individual synchrony (continuous measure).
techniques included approximate entropy (ApEn), sample The cross-correlation function, in addition to measuring
entropy (SampEn), Shannon entropy (ShannonEn), and similarity, can determine time delay and the identity of lead-
dynamic overlap. Only a few studies have critically compared ing and lagging signals, because it calculates the amount of
the usage of these different nonlinear tools. Richman and shift needed for one signal to achieve maximum correlation
Moorman [99] developed SampEn as a variation of ApEn, with another signal. This is useful in understanding the lead-
because the authors reported that ApEn values tend to be ing and reciprocating relationship in players, because tactical
lower than expected for short data sets, and lack consistency movements are made in response to nuanced perceptual cues
across different input parameters of window length and tol- within short timescales. In practical application, synchrony
erance level. In comparison, SampEn has been reported to can be used to detect the presence (or absence) of man-
be more reliable for short data sets, less sensitive to changes marking between directly opposing players; the analysis
in data length and possesses more relative consistency of opposition team data can also identify groups of players
[99–101]. Regardless the use of ApEn or SampEn, research- with synchronised tendencies during defending moments. In
ers have refrained from using data sets that were too short; summary of this section, nonlinear analysis techniques are
Aguiar et al. [102] only calculated ApEn of ball possession essential in deriving deeper insights into the complexities of
sequences that were longer than 50 data points, while Barn- football tactical behaviours, but more critical investigations
abe et al. [103] used a minimum length 100 data points. This are needed to assess the advantages and disadvantages of
is somewhat aligned with the findings of Yentes et al. [101] the various methods, so that researchers can use the most
who reported that both ApEn and SampEn are sensitive to appropriate tools for analysis.
very short data sets (N < 200). Two studies also addressed
the problem of comparing ApEn of different lengths of time 4.3 From 1v1 to 11v11: Collective Tactical
series by normalising each ApEn sequence with the mean Behaviours from Dyadic‑ to Match‑Level
ApEn of 100 normally distributed random time series [58, Interactions
102]. Between-study comparisons of ApEn and SampEn are
difficult to perform, because different studies use different While football is an 11-a-side game, players’ collective tac-
values of window length and tolerance level. Even when tical behaviours were analysed at dyadic, sub-group, team,
these parameters are the same, the frequency of data capture and match levels. From a perspective of system complexity,
also affects the computation, e.g., a football match captured at football games at dyadic and sub-group levels are viewed
25 Hz should not be compared with a football match captured as sub-systems of the more complex 11-a-side game [17,
at 5 Hz, even if the window length and tolerance used are the 20]. Each increment in sub-system level also increases the
same. In view of these differences, statistical inferences can amount of information that players need to process, such as
only be limited to within-study comparisons, while between- the pitch boundaries, their own location on the pitch, move-
study comparisons (e.g., meta-analyses) cannot be made with ments of teammates and opponents, etc. Therefore, this spec-
the same statistical accuracy. Future research could expand trum of analysis levels has shown how different amounts of
this discourse to include ShannonEn and dynamic overlap information and interactions lead to different tactical behav-
in critical comparison. In practical application, Silva et al. iours that are reflected in position data.
[73, 104] demonstrated that ShannonEn can be used to quan- One-versus-one investigations formed the most basic
tify the variability of a player’s movement on a pitch during level of dyadic interaction. Five experimental studies
SSGs; large values indicate a player’s irregular and extensive reported characteristic behaviours in different locations of
coverage of pitch movements, while lower values indicate the pitch (2 studies) and in differentiating 1v1 success (4
a tendency to predictably remain in a restricted area; this studies). Laakso et al. [55] measured the relative distance
provides a quantifiable value in addition to an illustrated heat and relative angle of attacker and defender, and found larger
map or dot plot. values in the middle zone of the pitch, compared to the sides,
While measures of predictability compared a signal with with the left side showing the closest distances due to char-
itself, measures of synchronisation assessed for similarity acteristic behaviours from right-foot dribbling. Headrick
in two or more different signals. These techniques included et al. [56] observed that the attacker- and defender-to-ball
relative phase, windowed correlations, cross correlation, distances stabilised at greater distances closer to the goal
Collective Tactical Behaviours in Football

than when far away from it. Both these studies suggest that of players constant while increasing the pitch size resulted
defenders adopt a more conservative approach closer to goal, in larger inter-team distances [60, 72, 107, 108]. Vilar et al.
compared to further away, and in the middle zone, com- [74] reported that smaller pitches led to shorter interper-
pared to the sides. In 1v1 success, Leser et al. [105] and sonal distances between attacker and defender, resulting in
Clemente et al. [53] reported various kinematic observa- fewer opportunities to maintain ball possession, even though
tions at critical points of passing when the attacker drib- opportunities to shoot at goal or pass to teammates were not
bled past the defender. Duarte et al. [58] found that high significantly affected. In relation to movement variability,
levels of in-phase synchronisation and unpredictability in Silva et al. [104] showed that smaller pitches also resulted
their minimum distances to the end line characterised attack- in more movement variability in players’ pitch zones, while
ers’ success, while defenders’ success was associated with a larger pitches led to more restricted movement zones. The
leading relationship and more predictable positioning. This study by Silva et al. [73] was the only study that examined
association between a leading relationship and defender suc- collective tactical behaviour from the effects of both pitch
cess was similarly reported in a correlational study when size and SSG player numbers. The authors reported that
Shafizadeh et al. [57] observed goalkeepers (GK) and attack- manipulating player numbers had a larger effect than manip-
ers in 1v1 situations during official matches, and observed ulating field dimensions in adjusting the effective relative
that, in conceded goals, a significant time delay occurred in space per player and radius of free movement, but manipu-
closing down the opponent, whereas in saved shots, GKs lating field dimensions had a larger effect than manipulating
closed down the attackers in the longitudinal axis quickly. player numbers in adjusting players’ spatial distribution vari-
Another correlational study by Siegle and Lames [106] ability. The findings from these studies have direct implica-
found higher values of dyadic synchronisation in directly tions on informing coaching practice, specifically: increasing
competing opponents such as full backs and wingers along SSG numbers leads to more regular positioning; using larger
the same confronting sides of the pitch, suggesting that 1v1 pitches reduces players’ movement variability; and adjusting
coupling can also be seen as a microcosm of the 11-a-side SSG player numbers is more effective than adjusting pitch
game. This suggests that the analysis of sub-groups within sizes in controlling players’ available space. In comparisons
an 11-a-side game provides relevant information with with existing literature, reviews on SSGs have reported a
respect to overall team tactics. The findings from these stud- general trend of higher physiological and physical loads
ies can help in 1v1 practice: defenders can be taught the when player numbers are decreased or when pitch sizes are
appropriate defender–attacker distances depending on pitch increased [44, 109, 110]. The present review, therefore, adds
location; defenders should also aim to make the path of the to these findings by suggesting a concomitant increase in
attacker predictable; attackers should aim to accelerate at unpredictable movements when SSG player numbers are
the appropriate critical moment; and goalkeepers should aim reduced [65, 73], and larger inter-team distances and team
to close down attackers quickly. In summary, these studies dispersion when pitch sizes are increased [60, 72, 107, 108].
contributed to both research and practice by presenting some This suggests that the higher physiological cost in smaller
attributes of 1v1 success and demonstrating characteristic SSG formats (e.g., 2v2, 3v3) could be linked to a need for
tactical behaviours at the individual and dyadic level based more movement variability, and in larger pitch sizes, the
on different constraints presented. higher intensity could be linked to competing teams being
A wide variety of experimental methods were used in the further apart and teammates being further from each other.
analysis of collective tactical behaviours at the sub-group Future research could, therefore, explore this association.
level. The majority of reviewed studies analysed collective Another group of studies at the sub-group level found
tactical behaviour after manipulating the number of SSG characteristic tactical behaviours from the effects of numeri-
players, the pitch size, or both. Aguiar et al. [65] examined cal inequality in SSGs. These effects included lower dis-
players’ distances to their own and their opponents’ team persion for the numerically inferior team [51, 71, 76, 111],
centroids in 2-, 3-, 4-, and 5-a-side SSGs while keeping indi- accompanied by higher regularity [76, 111], higher synchro-
vidual play area constant. The authors reported an increas- nisation [51], and longer time spent playing closer to their
ing trend in distances but a decreasing trend in the ApEn of own goal [71]. This demonstrates that numerical inequal-
these values. This shows that with increasing SSG numbers, ity tends to lead to a more predictable game pattern as the
players are more dispersed, further away from their oppo- numerically inferior team displays economy of movement by
nents and adopt more regular positioning patterns. Using reducing their playing space and remaining closer to their
a constant pitch size, Silva et al. [84] similarly reported an own goal. Two studies manipulated numerical inequality
increasing trend of player dispersion with SSG numbers using the role of a floater, where a designated player would
(3v3, 4v4, 5v5), but team separateness was similar across always play for the team in possession of the ball. There-
all SSGs; coupling strength and time delay did not show fore, instead of fixed numerical inequality, this arrangement
significant changes as well. Conversely, keeping the number results in a dynamic way of creating numerical inequality,
B. Low et al.

because the defending team will always be numerically investigations), or experimental setups with high levels of
inferior. Vilar et al. [75] reported that by increasing the representative design. At a match level of interaction, three
number of floaters (GK + 4v4 + GK to GK + 3v3 + GK + 1 studies found that the rectangular length and width, compris-
floater to GK + 2v2 + GK + 2 floater), interpersonal distances ing all competing players, were shortest and widest when
between each attacker and his nearest defender increased, the ball was in the central areas of the pitch, respectively
and the relative distances for defenders to intercept a shot [61, 62, 116]. Individual playing areas were also signifi-
and intercept a pass were higher. Castellano et al. [112] uti- cantly smaller, suggesting that the central midfield zone is
lised two lateral floaters situated along the lengths of the a keenly contested space. Furthermore, two of the studies
pitch, which elicited larger team widths for the defending reported that the individual playing areas found were sig-
team and larger values of team separateness. In designing nificantly lower than those used in SSGs, raising questions
practice sessions, floaters represent an efficient way for play- about valid representative design in the pitch dimensions
ers to practice defending when outnumbered, and attacking of conventional SSG training [61, 62]. The authors recom-
with an extra teammate. From the present findings, it also mended using pitches with larger individual playing areas
seems that the use of floaters increases players’ distances to when training build-up play and using pitches with smaller
their nearest opponent; and using lateral floaters stretches the individual playing areas to simulate the confined spaces in
defending team laterally. However, as these findings are only the centre of midfield. Another study by Vilar et al. [93]
based on single studies, more investigations are still needed divided the match-level convex hull into seven sub-areas
to expand knowledge on this common coaching practice. of play, and found that numerical inequality was a common
Future research could also investigate if these behaviours occurrence in these sub-areas in the course of a match. In
of numerical inequality in SSG can be extended to 11v10 particular, the centre midfield areas displayed the highest
situations, to simulate numerical inequality due to red-card uncertainty in numerical inequality, and the winning team
offences. was the team that created significantly more instances of
Many studies performed sub-group levels of analysis numerical superiority in defence and attack. From those
according to playing positions. Amongst different playing findings, it is possible to infer that numerical inequality in
positions, synchronisation tended to be higher in defensive SSG investigations can also be manifested in the 11-a-side
and midfield players compared to forwards [66, 113, 114]. game. The study also reported that teams tended to focus on
Gonçalves et al. [92] also found higher regularity in the numerical advantage for defensive stability as opposed to
intra-team dyadic distances of defensive and midfield sub- attacking play. This finding was similarly reported by Ric
groups. In another study, Gonçalves et al. [66] investigated et al. [117] who used a hierarchical principle component
players’ distances to their own position-specific centroid and analysis to show that defensive behaviours were the most
found the highest regularity in midfielders’ values, while stable movement patterns, specifically team contraction and
that of forwards were the most irregular. These findings the drop-back of the team centroid.
show that unpredictability in movement may be an impor- From 1v1 to 11v11, one common theme observed was the
tant characteristic of forwards, whereas players in defensive effort of researchers to empirically model the game of foot-
roles exhibit characteristically regular and stable movement ball as a dynamical system. Many studies demonstrated that
behaviours. Future research could examine if these effects football is a game with tightly coupled movements between
are moderated by different playing formations, and also to opposing units. This can be observed from the in-phase cen-
explore if these behavioural trends can be useful for talent troid coupling in 11v11 [68, 78, 118–120], SSGs [72, 77, 83,
identification purposes (e.g., determining suitable playing 121] and even 1v1 [55, 56, 58]. This coupling also tended to
positions for youth players). be stronger in the longitudinal direction of play, possibly due
Other forms of analysis at the sub-group level were also to the attacking-defending nature of the game. Some of these
performed. Two studies examined the collective behaviour studies investigated if the transient state of perturbation pre-
differences when conventional SSG goals were replaced ceding a goal, as suggested by inference from dynamical
with multiple mini-goals. Travassos et al. [115] reported an systems theory, can be demonstrated in the inter-team cen-
increase in inter-team distance and increases in playing time troid behaviour. This was met with varying levels of success,
in lateral corridors and defensive sectors. Castellano et al. notably: Frencken et al. [77] reporting a crossing of team
[112] similarly reported increased team width during defend- centroids in 10 out of 19 goals scored during SSGs; Duarte
ing. These findings can help coaches in designing practice et al. [121] observing tendencies of meeting (and even cross-
sessions by understanding how the manipulation of such ing) of the centroids prior to key moments of attacking play
constraints elicits specific team behaviours—greater utili- in 3v3; Bartlett et al. [78] observing no crossing of the cen-
sation of pitch width, but with larger inter-team distances. troids in fourteen goals from open play, and in only six out of
Studies performed at the 11v11 level of analysis were 305 attacking plays; and Frencken et al. [118] reporting high
either analyses of actual football matches (post hoc variability in centroid distances in an 11v11 match, but only
Collective Tactical Behaviours in Football

before one out of two goals, and two out of fourteen goal Amongst professionals, differences in collective tacti-
attempts. Therefore, not all perturbations preceding changes cal behaviours were also reported in some correlational
in system state can be exemplified in the variability of inter- studies. Castellano and Casamichana [59] studied the top
team centroid distances before key events. and bottom teams in the first two divisions of the Span-
There was also significant interest in the interaction of ish football league, and reported that the top teams had the
surface areas between two opposing teams; in particular, largest depth of play, and team depth decreased as the level
if a contrasting relationship between their dynamic playing of teams decreased. The top teams also tended to display
spaces existed [77, 78, 121, 122], as a manifestation of foot- higher defensive lines than bottom teams. In another study,
ball principles of play—the attacking team increasing space Castellano et al. [80] observed an analysed team for six
to create scoring opportunities, while the defending team games, and reported effects of playing against strong and
decreases space to minimise opponents’ scoring opportuni- weak opponents. Specifically, higher surface area frequen-
ties [123]. However, no such relation was found from the cies were found when attacking against weak teams, and
cited studies, while two studies even found predominantly higher surface area frequencies occurred when defending
in-phase behaviour [78, 124]. The study by Moura et al. against strong teams. Moura et al. [79] reported a similar
[79] compared the interaction of opposing teams’ usage of finding that a team defending with larger dispersion tended
space using EPS and team spread, and did report an anti- to concede shots on goal, instead of performing tackles.
phase relation in the team spread time series displayed, even Other effects found when playing against strong teams
though EPS did not. However, this finding was only reported include: an increase in synchronised movements, overall,
using visual inspection, instead of more robust techniques and during high-intensity running [126]; and decreased ball
of synchronisation described earlier. One study did find an recovery locations and defensive lines [63]. In relation to
anti-phase relationship using the technique of relative phase success, Rein et al. [89] reported, based on 103 games of
[125], but this was only under the instructional constraints German first division matches, that increased space domi-
of the head coach to adopt a deep-defending position after nance, based on passes into or within the attacking third, was
ball possession was lost. Despite the efforts, the endeavour related to the number of goals scored and the probability of
to holistically model the game of football as a dynamical winning a game. Similarly, Filetti et al. [90] used a K-region
system is still incomplete. computation to approximate the Voronoi calculation, which
was subsequently input into a technical efficiency index,
4.4 From Novices to Experts: Collective Tactical and a logistic regression model then demonstrated a team’s
Behaviours and Performance predictive likelihoods of winning. In relation to contextual
variables, Folgado et al. [113] reported lower movement
Findings from some of the reviewed studies presented some synchronisation when an analysed team had a losing match
differences in collective tactical behaviours between nov- status. Santos et al. [63] reported that ball recovery loca-
ices and experts. Four experimental studies were found tions were significantly advanced compared to when draw-
comparing collective tactical behaviour between elite and ing or winning; the offensive line was also more advanced
non-elite players. Gonçalves et al. [76] compared different compared to when the scores were even; and playing away
degrees of numerical inequality in professional and amateur matches tended to result in deeper ball recovery locations,
footballers, and found that professional players were better defensive lines and offensive lines. Folgado et al. [114] also
attuned to increase their distances to their nearest opponent observed higher synchronisation in an analysed team during
when numerical superiority increased; however, amateur non-congested fixtures than congested fixtures, particularly
players displayed no significant changes. In youth players, at the lower speed zones. These studies on professional foot-
Silva et al. [104] found that national-level players were more ballers demonstrate that characteristic tactical behaviours
sensitive to pitch modifications compared to regional-level can be found based on the strength of the team, strength of
players, based on their variability in spatial distribution. the opponents and different contextual variables.
Other studies showed that national-level players had bet- Further insights into the links between collective tactical
ter utilisation of width as evidenced by a lower LpW ratio behaviours and performance can also be inferred in vari-
[72] and a larger dispersion [71]. The latter study even dem- ous study designs. Cross-sectional studies performed across
onstrated that national-level players showed more efficient various age groups are one such example, and is based on
use of space due to more balanced distributions of major the assumption that older players possessed better tacti-
range movements, compared to the regional-level players cal maturity than younger players. In a study by Menuchi
who showed large areas of overlap. These findings show that et al. [54], U13, U15, U17, and U20 players were analysed
expert-level players collectively exhibited better perceptive in a game of rondo, a drill commonly performed in train-
responses to changes in their environment. ing, and found that the older players displayed higher syn-
chrony between the ball and the marker, and the ball and
B. Low et al.

the group centroid; time lag was also lower, indicating that and lateral positioning after a 10-week differential learning
the defender responds quickly to the movement of the pas- training programme; U17 players, however, only displayed
sers and vice versa. One consistent finding that was reported a higher spatial exploration index. Santos et al. [131] also
across various studies was the utilisation of larger dispersion investigated the effects of a 40-session differential learning
in older age group teams compared to younger age groups. training programme in U13 and U15 players, and found that
Barnabe et al. [103] reported increasing values of surface both groups increased their coefficient of variation in dyadic
area, team width and stretch index in U16, U17, and U19 distances, while that of the control groups decreased; both
players, respectively. Olthof et al. [83] reported similar find- experimental groups also showed higher regularity of posi-
ings with U19 s showing significantly larger lateral stretch tional movements after the training programme. This finding
index and LpW ratio compared to U17s. Folgado et al. [81] of higher positioning regularity was also reported by Santos
also reported a decreasing trend of LpW ratio in U9, U11, et al. [132] in 3rd and 4th grade primary school students
and U13 players. Even in professionals, male footballers at the end of a 5-month training programme in thinking,
displayed significantly larger playing widths compared to motor and in-game creative skills in team sports. A critical
female footballers [116]. While these findings substanti- underlying assumption of these studies is that players indeed
ate a positive relationship between dispersion and tactical improved in tactical expertise after the training programme.
maturity, this increasing trend does seem to plateau. Palucci
Vieira et al. [127] investigated team spread and surface area
in U11, U13, U15, U17, and U20 and professional players, 5 Conclusion
but only observed this increasing trend from U11 to U15;
furthermore, the U20 players exhibited dispersion values In summary, this systematic review presented the tactical
that are close to or even above professional players. The variables, analysis methods and key findings of 77 original
study on numerical inequality by Gonçalves et al. [76] also studies on collective tactical behaviour in football. The vari-
found that professional players had lower dispersion values ables used to analyse collective tactical behaviour can be
than amateurs. What this seems to suggest, at present, is broadly classified into measures of position, distances, play-
that larger dispersion values may be an indicator of tactical ing spaces and numerical relations. In addition to traditional
maturity in the formative years of youth players, but beyond methods of linear analysis, many studies also analysed these
a certain level of tactical expertise, this variable loses its tactical variables using nonlinear methods, which provided
distinguishing ability. Although it may also be possible that measures of predictability or synchronisation. These tactical
older players, with advanced physical maturity, are simply variables and analysis methods were also studied under the
able to cover more ground compared to younger players, effects of widely different comparator variables.
the study by Silva et al. [71] found that national-level play- Some trends in key findings could be observed, as sev-
ers had wider dispersions than regional-level players even eral studies led to similar conclusions. First, higher regu-
though age groups were the same. Nevertheless, future larity in collective team movements can be observed to be
research needs to examine if physical maturity indeed plays an effect of improved tactical expertise, particularly after a
a mediating factor in this trend. training programme. Another effect of better tactical exper-
Longitudinal studies were also able to provide insights tise was wider player dispersions in youth players; this was
into how collective tactical behaviours improved with tacti- reported in higher skilled players, older youth players, and
cal performance. These studies examined the differences in within-team comparisons after a period of training, but this
collective tactical behaviours after the effects of a training effect diminishes beyond a certain level of tactical exper-
programme, usually lasting several months. In professional tise. A shorter readjustment delay between the movements
players, Folgado et al. [128] found higher levels of positional of teammates and between those of confronting opponents
synchronisation in the last 2 weeks of pre-season training, was a third effect of better tactical behaviour. In situations of
compared to the first 2 weeks. In university students, Silva numerical inequality, higher regularity in players’ positional
et al. [52] found that practicing once a week, over a 15-week movements tended to be observed as the numerically infe-
period led to reduced time delays between co-positioned rior team adopted a more conservative approach, remaining
teammates, allowing faster readjustment of coordinated closer to their own goal. Players’ coordination dynamics also
movements. Sampaio and Maçãs [64] found more regular- had a position-specific effect, as defenders tended to exhibit
ity in players’ distances to their team centroid after a similar regular and more synchronised movement behaviours com-
training programme. In youth players, Aquino et al. [129] pared to forwards who exhibited more unpredictable move-
found that team spread and surface area showed an increas- ments. Finally, many studies have demonstrated the sport of
ing trend throughout the duration of periodised training. football to be a game comprising predominantly in-phase
Coutinho et al. [130] reported that U15 players exhibited coupling; however, its nature as a dynamical system has yet
higher dispersion and higher unpredictability in longitudinal to be conclusively modelled.
Collective Tactical Behaviours in Football

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