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1. Location
I’m from a small village on the outskirts of Hanoi. It’s quite far from the
university I go to. That’s why I rent a mini flat in the city centre to facilitate my
My hometown is located in the suburbs of Saigon. Actually, it’s just a small town
with around 500 residents.
I was born and bred in Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam, so I would say it’s my
hometown although my grandparents are actually from Nam Định province. They
joined the mass rural exodus last century to the capital and have settled here
since then.
Well, actually I am not really a city dweller. My hometown is situated in Central
Vietnam where small towns run along the coastline and my town is one of them.
I’ve just moved here recently to attend college.
Giải thích từ vựng:
- on the outskirts of something (prepositional phrase): ở ngoạ i ô
ENG: in the parts of a town or city that are furthest from the centre
- facilitate something (verb): tạ o điều kiện thuậ n lợ i
ENG: to make an action or a process possible or easier
- located + adv./prep. (adj): tọ a lạ c, ở
ENG: if something is located in a particular place, it exists there or has been put
- born and bred (idiom): sinh ra và lớ n lên
ENG: born and having grown up in a particular place with a particular
background and education
- rural exodus (noun phrase): di cư từ vù ng nô ng thô n lên thà nh thị
ENG: the migratory pattern of peoples from rural areas into urban areas
- settle + adv./prep. (verb): định cư
ENG: to make a place your permanent home
- city dweller (noun phrase): cư dâ n thà nh phố
ENG: a person that lives in the city
- situated + adv./prep. (adj): tọ a lạ c, ở
ENG: if something is located in a particular place, it exists there or has been put
Câu hỏi luyện tập: Where are you from?
2. People
The residents in my hometown are generally amiable and outgoing. We live so
close together and are willing to lend each other a helping hand when needed.
When I get back to my hometown, I really feel a sense of community.
Actually I don’t know jack about the people in my hometown in general. The
hustle and bustle of the city makes it hard for us to socialize with one another. I
don’t even communicate with my neighbours. We act like we’re strangers.
The people in my hometown are really supportive. Even though we are
constantly up to our ears in work and study, we are willing to give each other a
hand when needed.
Giải thích từ vựng:
- amiable (adj): thâ n thiện
ENG: pleasant; friendly and easy to like
- outgoing (adj): hò a đồ ng
ENG: liking to meet other people, enjoying their company and being friendly
towards them
- lend somebody a helping hand (idiom): giú p đỡ
ENG: to help somebody
- feel a sense of community (verb phrase): cả m thấ y thuộ c về mộ t cộ ng đồ ng
ENG: to feel that you belong to a community
- not know jack about somebody/ something (idiom): chẳ ng biết gì
ENG: not to understand somebody/ something
- the hustle and bustle of the city (noun phrase): sự xô bồ , hố i hả ở thà nh
phố ENG: busy and noisy activities
- socialize with somebody (verb): giao du, kết bạ n
ENG: to meet and spend time with people in a friendly way, in order to enjoy
- supportive (adj): có ích, hay giú p đỡ ENG: helpful
- constantly up to one’s ears in something (idiom): suố t ngà y bậ n rộ n
ENG: busy at all times
Câu hỏi luyện tập: What are the people in your hometown like?

3. Landscape

Well, there is nothing special about the landscapes in my hometown. It’s just a
typical village in the countryside with vast paddy fields, long winding rivers and
majestic mountains.
I’m living in the centre of Hanoi where there are tons of town-house complexes
and high-rises. These housing units are built to accommodate a tidal wave of
people gravitating towards the city in search of work.
Well, my hometown, Danang, is a coastal city. Coming there, you can feel a burst
of energy between its fast modernization and the charm of the old towns. Mỹ Khê
beach has a long stretch of white sand and the water is crystal clear.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:
- vast paddy fields (noun phrase): đồ ng lú a mênh mô ng bá t ngá t
ENG: extremely large paddy fields
- long winding rivers (noun phrase): nhữ ng con sô ng dà i uố n lượ n
ENG: long, curving and twisting rivers
- majestic mountains (noun phrase): nhữ ng ngọ n nú i hù ng vĩ
ENG: impressive mountains because of their size or beauty
- tons of somebody/ something (noun phrase): rấ t nhiều
ENG: a lot of somebody/ something
- town-house complex (noun phrase): khu phứ c hợ p nhà phố
ENG: rows of houses that are joined together as a complex
- high-rise (noun): tò a nhà cao tầ ng
ENG: a building that is very tall and has a lot of floors
- accommodate somebody (verb): cung cấ p chỗ ở
ENG: to provide somebody with a room or place to sleep, live or sit
- a tidal wave of somebody/ something (noun phrase): số lượ ng lớ n độ t ngộ t
ENG: a sudden large amount/ number of somebody/ something
- gravitate towards something (phrasal verb): đổ về, hướ ng về
ENG: to move towards somebody/something that you are attracted to
- in search of somebody/ something (prepositional phrase): tìm kiếm ENG:
to search for somebody/ something
- coastal city (noun phrase): thà nh phố ven biển ENG: city near a coast
- stretch of white sand (noun phrase): dả i cá t trắ ng ENG: an area of white
sand, especially a long one
- crystal clear (adj): trong vắ t
ENG: (of glass, water, etc.) completely clear and bright
Câu hỏi luyện tập: How does your hometown look?

4. Transportation

Well, motorcycles are among the most prevalent means of transportation in my

hometown. Even an economically underprivileged family would try to purchase
one to commute every day.
I find that more and more people in my city can afford to buy a car. Now, we can
easily notice the ubiquity of cars in every nook and cranny of the city. It proves
that city dwellers are getting richer and richer.
The people in my hometown are really environmentally aware. We rely largely
on bicycles and public transport to get around. That’s why air pollution and
traffic congestion have never been considered big problems there.
My hometown is highly accessible by any means of transport from motorcycles to
cars. Moreover, the public transport system really comes in handy, so it’s
convenient for the residents to get around there.
Well, my hometown is located in remote areas so getting there from here is really
problematic. There are no direct flight routes so motorcycles are the only means
that can take us there. The roads are seriously degraded, which has caused a lot
of accidents.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:
- prevalent (adj): thịnh hà nh, phổ biến
ENG: that exists or is very common at a particular time or in a particular place
- economically underprivileged (adjective phrase): gặ p khó khă n về kinh tế
ENG: having less money than most people in society
- commute (verb): đi lạ i (để đi là m)
ENG: to travel regularly by bus, train, car, etc. between your place of work and
your home
- ubiquity (noun): sự hiện hữ u ở mọ i nơi
ENG: the fact that something seems to be everywhere or in several places at the
same time; the fact that something is very common
- in every nook and cranny of something (idiom): ở mọ i ngó c ngá ch ENG: in
every part or aspect of something.
- city dweller (noun): cư dâ n thà nh phố ENG: a person that lives in the city
- environmentally aware (adjective phrase): quan tâ m đến mô i trườ ng ENG:
interested in and knowing about the environment, and thinking it is important
- largely (adv): phầ n lớ n ENG: mainly
- get around (phrasal verb): đi lạ i
ENG: (informal) to go to a lot of different places
- traffic congestion (noun phrase): tắ c nghẽn giao thô ng ENG: the state of
being crowded and full of traffic
- highly accessible (adjective phrase): dễ dà ng đến, tiếp cậ n ENG: that can be
easily reached, entered, used, seen, etc.
- come in handy (idiom): thuậ n tiện ENG: to be useful
- problematic (adj): khó khă n, nan giả i
ENG: difficult to deal with or to understand; full of problems; not certain to be
Câu hỏi luyện tập:
- What is the most popular means of transport in your hometown?
- Is it easy to get to your hometown?
5. Tourist Attraction
Definitely yes, not only a busy and vibrant city, Hanoi has a lot of tourist
attractions that are really worth coming to. The city has its own uniqueness and
is synonymous with many museums and other historical sites.
I would consider the whole city as a tourist attraction. Coming to Danang,
tourists can experience vibrant coastal city life as well as the relaxing
countryside at the same time. They can enjoy both local foods at food stalls
overrunning the streets and international foods in gourmet restaurants.
Well, my village is just ordinary as compared to others. There are no tourist
attractions or whatever. I actually don’t like the idea of my hometown being
overrun by a tidal wave of tourists. They would definitely ruin tranquility there.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:
- vibrant (adj): sô i độ ng ENG: full of life and energy
- tourist attraction (noun): điểm hú t khá ch du lịch ENG: an interesting or
lively place for tourists to go
- uniqueness (noun): sự độ c đá o
ENG: the quality of being very special or unusual
- synonymous with something (adj): nổ i tiếng vớ i, đi liền vớ i
ENG: so closely connected with something that the two things appear to be the
- overrun something (verb): trà n ngậ p, chạ y ầ m ầ m
ENG: (especially of something bad or not wanted) to fill or spread over an area
quickly, especially in large numbers
- gourmet restaurant (noun phrase): nhà hà ng sang chả nh ENG: a restaurant
of high quality and often expensive
- ordinary (adj): bình thườ ng, khô ng có gì đặ c biệt ENG: not unusual or
different in any way
- or whatever (idiom): hay bấ t kỳ thứ nà o tương tự ENG: (informal) or
something of a similar type
- a tidal wave of somebody/ something (noun phrase): nhiều độ t ngộ t ENG: a
sudden large amount/ number of somebody/ something
- tranquility (noun): sự yên bình
ENG: a peaceful, calm state, without noise, violence, worry, etc.
Câu hỏi luyện tập:
- Are there any tourist attractions in your hometown?
- Does your hometown have a lot of tourists?
6. Changes in recent years

Well, in former days, people in my hometown relied largely on agriculture, I

mean crops, to earn a living. But recently we’ve been gravitating towards
manufacturing as many industrial parks have sprung up in the area.
Well, in the past, my hometown just had long winding alleys and narrow streets.
But it’s the gateway to the capital. Traffic congestion used to be really
That’s why many new large roads have been constructed in recent years to
tackle the problem.
The most significant betterment in my hometown recently is public transport.
Most of the residents in my place can’t afford private vehicles like motorcycles or
cars. So, for the most part, we got around on foot. But with the advent of the bus
system, it’s much easier for us to move from place to place.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:
- in former days (prepositional phrase): ngà y trướ c ENG: in the past
- earn a living (idiom): kiếm số ng
ENG: to be paid enough money to live on
- gravitate towards somebody/ something (phrasal verb): thiên về, hướ ng
về, đổ về
ENG: to move towards somebody/ something that you are attracted to
- industrial park (noun phrase): khu cô ng nghiệp
ENG: an area especially for factories, on the edge of a town
- spring up (phrasal verb): mọ c lên
ENG: to appear or develop quickly and/or suddenly

- gateway to the capital (noun phrase): cử a ngõ thủ đô ENG: a place through
which you can go to the capital
- traffic congestion (noun phrase): tắ c nghẽn giao thô ng ENG: the state of
being crowded and full of traffic

- problematic (adj): nan giả i, khó giả i quyết

ENG: difficult to deal with or to understand; full of problems; not certain to be
- construct something (verb): xâ y dự ng ENG: to build something
- tackle a problem (verb phrase): giả i quyết vấ n đề ENG: to solve a problem
- betterment (noun): sự cả i thiện
ENG: the process of becoming or making something/somebody better

- get around on foot (phrasal verb): đi bộ ENG: to go from place to place on

- with the advent of something (prepositional phrase): vớ i sự ra đờ i, xuấ t
hiện củ a …
ENG: with the coming of an important event, person, invention, etc.

Câu hỏi luyện tập: How has your hometown changed in recent years?

1. What you do

I’m currently working as a content writer at a small private English centre, which
is a prevalent job in Vietnam. My main job is to compile academic materials for
the English learners at the centre.
I’m freelancing for different design firms in Hanoi. In other words, I’m a freelance
designer. I work with my clients to create illustrations and images for them. By
using computer applications and software, I can develop layouts and sketches
that bring their ideas to life.
I’ve been doing translation work since I graduated from college 3 years back. I
can work for translation agencies, multinational companies or even occasional
private individuals. So I would call myself a freelance/ freelancer.
I’m a financial analyst working for LTP Group, a multinational corporation based
in Ho Chi Minh city. My job is to examine financial data and use my findings to
help the firm make business decisions in general and investing decisions in
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- work as a/ an + tên cô ng việc (verb phrase): là m việc gì ENG: to do the job

of a/ an ...
- prevalent (adj): phổ biến, thịnh hà nh
ENG: that exists or is very common at a particular time or in a particular place

- compile something (verb): biên soạ n

ENG: to produce a book, list, report, etc. by bringing together different items,
articles, songs, etc.; to collect information in order to produce a book, list, etc.
- freelance (verb): là m việc tự do
ENG: to earn money by selling your work to several different organizations

- freelance designer (noun phrase): nhà thiết kế là m việc tự do

ENG: a designer earning money by selling his work to several different
organizations rather than being employed by one particular organization
- freelance ~ freelancer (noun): ngườ i là m việc tự do ENG: a freelance
- sketch (noun): bả n phá c họ a
ENG: a simple picture that is drawn quickly and does not have many details

- financial analyst (noun phrase): nhà phâ n tích tà i chính

ENG: a person whose job involves examining facts or materials about finance in
order to give an opinion on them
- multinational corporation (noun phrase): tậ p đoà n đa quố c gia ENG: a
corporation existing in or involving many countries
- based in… (adj): có trụ sở ở ...
ENG: if a person or business is based in a particular place, that is where they live
or work, or where the work of the business is done.
Câu hỏi luyện tập: Do you work or are you a student?

2. What you like & dislike

Well, for the most part, I would say the most enjoyable about my job is the
environment. My boss is really understanding. He always encourages us to work
harder and play harder and is willing to forgive us when we do something wrong.
As for my colleagues, it is comforting to know that they support me, cheer for me,
and we can work together as a solid team.
I instantly fell in love with the company right on the first day I went there. The
office is on the 26th floor and it enjoys a panoramic view of the city from a great
height. I think it’s one of the major perks of working there.
Well, the most important perk of freelancing is flexibility. With such freedom
over clients and workload, I have the flexibility that most people dream of. For
instance, if I want to work full-time most of the year and only part-time during
the summer, I have the control to make that decision.
There are not many things I actively dislike about my job. But to answer this
question, I would say it’s the workload. There are always a lot of assignments and
we are constantly under pressure. But to finish all of them is not really
challenging. I mean although my job is quite straightforward to do, it takes time
and energy.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- for the most part (prepositional phrase): thườ ng thì ENG: in most cases;
- enjoyable (adj): thú vị ENG: giving pleasure
- understanding (adj): thấ u hiểu
ENG: showing sympathy for other people’s problems and being willing to forgive
them when they do something wrong
- comforting (adj): khiến mình cả m thấ y an tâ m
ENG: making you feel calmer and less worried or unhappy

- cheer for somebody (verb): khích lệ, cổ vũ

ENG: to show support or praise for somebody, or to encourage them
- solid team (noun phrase): team mạ nh, team đoà n kết ENG: a strong team
- instantly fall in love with somebody/ something (verb phrase): yêu ngay
lậ p tứ c ENG: to love somebody/ something immediately
- panoramic view of something (noun phrase): view toà n cả nh ENG: a view
of a wide area of something
- from a great height (prepositional phrase): từ vị trí cự c kỳ cao ENG: from a
long distance above the ground
- perk (noun): đã i ngộ , lợ i ích
ENG: something you receive as well as your wages for doing a particular job

- flexibility (noun): tính linh hoạ t

ENG: the ability to change to suit new conditions or situations

- actively dislike somebody/ something (verb phrase): rấ t ghét ENG: to

dislike somebody/ something greatly
- under pressure (idiom): chịu á p lự c
ENG: to feel anxious about something you have to do

- challenging (adj): khó , đầ y thử thá ch

ENG: difficult in an interesting way that tests your ability

- straightforward (adj): dễ dà ng
ENG: easy to do or to understand; not complicated

Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p:

- What do you like about your job?

- What do you dislike about your job?

3. Reasons for choosing the job

Although it’s not a really well-paid job, it gives me the satisfaction of making a
contribution to society. I have a liking for education and this work is one kind of
education and training careers. The progress of the students is my motivation for
trying harder.
I would say wages are among the most important considerations when I choose a
job and this job really lives up to my expectations. It’s an easy well-paid job. In
addition, there are many bonuses when we finish a project.
To be honest, never in my wildest dreams did I think of becoming a financial
analyst. As a high schooler, I couldn’t envision what job I would do in the future. I
applied for a place at the Academy of Finance just to satisfy my parents’ desire.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- satisfaction of making a contribution to society (noun phrase): cả m giá c

thỏ a mã n khi mình giú p ích đượ c cho xã hộ i
ENG: the good feeling that you have when you can contribute to society

- have a liking for somebody/ something (verb phrase): thích, quan tâ m

ENG: to have the feeling that you like somebody/something; the pleasure in
- consideration (noun): điều câ n nhắ c
ENG: something that must be thought about when you are planning or deciding
- live up to one’s expectations (phrasal verb): đạ t đến mong đợ i ENG: to do
as well as or be as good as other people expect you to
- never in one’s wildest dreams + đả o ngữ (idiom): có mơ cũ ng khô ng nghĩ
đến ENG: used to say that you did not expect or imagine that something would
- envision something (verb): mườ ng tượ ng
ENG: to imagine what a situation will be like in the future, especially a situation
you intend to work towards
- satisfy one’s desire (verb phrase): thỏ a mã n mong muố n ENG: to meet
one’s wishes
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: Why did you choose the job?

4. Other favourite jobs

If I were not a content writer, I would become an interpreter. Actually, I am a die-

hard fan of my lecturer at university, who works as an interpreter and teaches
interpreting at my university at the same time. I was always immersed in his
stories about the occupation. It’s both challenging and fascinating.

Well, as a little boy, I always dreamt of becoming a police officer. So, if I didn’t
study the English language, I definitely would apply for admission to The
People’s Police Academy. I sometimes feel that it’s my duty to serve society and
the job can give me the satisfaction of making a contribution to society.
My childhood dream job was to become a professional football player. But the job
entails not only great perseverance, but great talents as well. I don’t have a knack
for playing football. That’s why I can’t work as a footballer, but consider football
as a means of entertainment.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- die-hard fan (noun phrase): fan cứ ng

ENG: somebody who is completely 100% obsessed with their favorite game,
band, movie, etc.
- immerse somebody in something (verb): khiến ai đắ m chìm ENG: to make
somebody completely involved in something
- occupation (noun): nghề nghiệp ENG: a job or profession
- police officer (noun phrase): sĩ quan cả nh sá t ENG: a member of the police
- entail something (verb): yêu cầ u, đò i hỏ i
ENG: to involve something that cannot be avoided

- perseverance (noun): kiên trì

ENG: the quality of continuing to try to achieve a particular aim despite

- have a knack for something (verb phrase): có khiếu

ENG: to have a special skill or ability that you have naturally or can learn

Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: Is there some other kind of work you would rather do?

5. Activities after work

I like the idea of having a shower and then cooking myself a meal after work.
Then, I usually crash out on the sofa in front of the TV. I also read or listen to
music but mostly the TV gets the most attention. Later on, before turning in, I
check my email and social media, but I like a few computer-free hours
immediately after work.
I’m a photo freak. After work, I often wander and take snapshots of vivid life on
the streets. Then, when I get home, I post the photos on social networking sites to
share with my friends. I’m the admin of a photography Facebook fanpage which
is followed by tens of thousands of Facebook users.
Well, for the most part, I would hang out with my friends. We often enjoy some
drinks at a coffee shop and have idle chit-chat about what’s going on in our lives.
Otherwise, I would just go home and spend quality time with my family.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:
- crash (out) (verb): ngủ (ở nơi mình khô ng thườ ng ngủ , ví dụ như sofa)
ENG: (informal) to go to sleep, especially suddenly or in a place where you do not
usually sleep
- turn in (phrasal verb): đi ngủ ENG: to go to bed
- computer-free hour (noun phrase): thờ i gian khô ng dù ng má y tính ENG: a
hour when you don’t use computers

- freak (noun): ngườ i cuồ ng …

ENG: (informal) a person with a very strong interest in a particular subject

- snapshot (noun): ả nh chụ p nhanh

ENG: (also snap) a photograph, especially one taken quickly

- hang out (phrasal verb): đi chơi ENG: to spend a lot of time in a place
- have idle chit-chat about something (verb phrase): chém gió linh tinh ENG:
to have a conversation about things that are not important
- quality time (noun phrase): thờ i gian rả nh bên gia đình, bạ n bè
ENG: time spent giving your full attention to somebody, especially to your
children or partner after work
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: What do you often do after work?


1. School & Major

I’m majoring in the English language at Hanoi University, one of the top schools
in the nation. Admission was really competitive, so I feel so proud to be a student
there. As you can guess, I have to deal a lot with something like phonetics and
phonology, lexicology or grammar. They are sometimes overwhelming to me but
I would say I have a knack for linguistics, so it’s OK.
I’m an IT major at Hanoi University of Science and Technology, one of the most
prestigious universities in Vietnam. To me, gaining admission to the school was
like achieving an amazing feat as admission was really competitive. In fact, my
family threw a big party to celebrate this achievement.
Well, I go to the National Economics University, one of the leading universities in
Economics, Public Administration and Business Administration in Vietnam.
However, my major is Tourism and Hospitality, which is an emerging discipline
in recent times.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- major in + tên ngà nh (phrasal verb): họ c chuyên ngà nh gì

ENG: to study something as your main subject at a university or college

- overwhelming (adj): gâ y quá tả i, gâ y ngợ p

ENG: very great or very strong; so powerful that you cannot resist it or decide
how to react

- have a knack for something (verb phrase): có khiếu

ENG: to have a special skill or ability that you have naturally or can learn

- tên ngà nh + major (noun): ngườ i họ c chuyên ngà nh gì

ENG: a student studying a particular subject as the main part of their course

- prestigious (adj): uy tín

ENG: respected and admired as very important or of very high quality

- gain admission to something (verb phrase): đỗ , đượ c nhậ n và o ENG: to be

accepted into an institution, organization
- feat (noun): thà nh tự u, kỳ cô ng
ENG: an action or a piece of work that needs skill, strength or courage

- throw a party (verb phrase): mở tiệc ENG: to hold a party

- go to + tên trườ ng (verb phrase): họ c trườ ng gì ENG: to study at a school
- major ~ discipline (noun): chuyên ngà nh
ENG: the main subject or course of a student at college or university

- emerging (adj): mớ i nổ i
ENG: starting to exist, grow or become known

Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p:

- Do you work or are you a student?

- What is your major?

2. What you like & dislike

Well, for the most part, I would say the most enjoyable about my school is the
environment. We study in English-speaking classes, which really facilitates our
process of learning English. Besides, the facilities are top-notch. All of the
classrooms are well equipped with overhead projectors and air conditioners. My
teachers and friends are amiable as well. All in all, it’s a great place to study.
I instantly fell in love with the school right on the first day I went there. It’s like a
botanical garden with tons of trees and flowers which create a fresh and relaxing
atmosphere. At first glance, I could recognize it’s a college. On top of that, I have a
liking for the library. It really helps me with my self-learning before exams.
There are not many things I actively dislike about my school. But to answer this
question, I would say it’s the workload. There are always a lot of assignments and
we are constantly under pressure. But exams are quite predictable. We generally
can ace them with a bit of revision.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- for the most part (prepositional phrase): thườ ng thì ENG: in most cases;
- enjoyable (adj): thú vị ENG: giving pleasure
- facilitate something (verb): tạ o điều kiện thuậ n lợ i ENG: to make an action
or a process possible or easier
- top-notch (adj): chấ t lượ ng cao, xịn nhấ t ENG: excellent; of the highest

- amiable (adj): thâ n thiện, dễ mến

ENG: pleasant; friendly and easy to like

- instantly fall in love with somebody/ something (verb phrase): ngay lậ p

tứ c yêu ENG: to love somebody/ something immediately
- botanical garden (verb phrase): vườ n bá ch thả o
ENG: an establishment where plants are grown for display to the public

- tons of somebody/ something (noun phrase): rấ t nhiều ENG: a lot of

somebody/ something
- at first glance (prepositional phrase): thoạ t nhìn, mớ i đầ u ENG: when seen
or considered briefly and for the first time
- on top of something (prepositional phrase): ngoà i ra ENG: in addition to
- have a liking for somebody/ something (verb phrase): thích ai/ cá i gì ENG:
to like somebody/ something
- actively dislike somebody/ something (verb phrase): cự c kỳ khô ng thích
ENG: to dislike somebody/ something greatly
- under pressure (idiom): khiến ai thấ y á p lự c
ENG: made to feel anxious about something you have to do

- predictable (adj): dễ đoá n

ENG: if something is predictable, you know in advance that it will happen or what
it will be like
- ace an exam (verb phrase): xử lý gọ n bà i thi, thi rấ t tố t ENG: to be
successful in an exam

Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p:

- What do you like about your study?

- What do you dislike about your study?

3. Reasons for choosing the school/ major

Well, with the advent of globalization, there was a tidal wave of international
companies coming to Vietnam and I thought that English would be the requisite
tool for me to land a job in such companies. That’s why I decided to go for the
English language major at Hanoi University.
The job market in computing and information technology has been growing. As
technology progresses, the need for information technology professionals will
only be on the increase. That’s why I believe majoring in information technology
will expose me to a lot of opportunities and jobs.
Well, it’s undeniable that tourism has been witnessing huge global growth over
the past decades and it is forecast to grow far into the future. It is definitely an
industry of the future. It means that increasing numbers of skilled workers are
needed all over the world. That’s why I enrolled in the course.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- with the advent of something (prepositional phrase): vớ i sự xuấ t hiện, ra

đờ i củ a ...
ENG: with the coming of an important event, person, invention, etc.

- a tidal wave of somebody/ something (noun phrase): rấ t nhiều ENG: a

great amount/ number of somebody/ something
- requisite (adj): cầ n thiết, là điều kiện cầ n
ENG: [only before noun] (formal) necessary for a particular purpose

- land a job (verb phrase): tìm đượ c việc là m ENG: to get a job
- go for something (phrasal verb): chọ n ENG: to choose something
- on the increase (prepositional phrase): đang tă ng
ENG: becoming greater, more common, or more frequent

- expose somebody to something (verb): mang lạ i, giú p ai trả i nghiệm thứ gì

ENG: to let somebody find out about something by giving them experience of it or
showing them what it is like
- undeniable (adj): khô ng thể phủ nhậ n ENG: true or certain; that cannot be
- skilled worker (noun phrase): thợ là nh nghề
ENG: workers having enough ability, experience and knowledge to be able to do
something well
- enroll in + tên khó a họ c (phrasal verb): đă ng ký họ c, theo họ c
ENG: to arrange for yourself or for somebody else to officially join a course,
school, etc.
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: Why did you choose your major?

4. Extracurricular activities

I’m quite an introvert, so after school, I don’t participate in any extracurricular

activities. For the most part, I would go home, indulge myself on the couch and
watch TV. I would like to consider it as an activity but my mom says it’s passivity.
I’m a die-hard fan of football and the only club I join at school is the football club
of the department. Being part of the team, I make the acquaintance of many other
students, especially my seniors by one or two years in the same department. I
often turn to them for advice when I am faced with a problem in my study.
I consider myself really extroverted. I’m part of many clubs at college. Most of
them aim at helping enhance academic skills as well as social skills. I particularly
take a keen interest in the club ‘Future Debaters’ because experiences at the club
really help me perform better in the debate class.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- introvert (noun): ngườ i hướ ng nộ i

ENG: a quiet person who is more interested in their own thoughts and feelings
than in spending time with other people
- indulge yourself (with something): thả mình, đắ m chìm, chiều chuộ ng bả n
thâ n ENG: to allow yourself to have or do something that you like, especially
something that is considered bad for you
- passivity (noun): sự thụ độ ng
ENG: the state of accepting what happens without reacting or trying to fight
against it

- die-hard fan (noun phrase): fan cứ ng

ENG: somebody who is completely 100% obsessed with their favorite game,
band, movie, etc
- make the acquaintance of somebody (idiom): là m quen ENG: to meet
somebody for the first time
- senior by two years (noun phrase): ngườ i hơn mình 2 tuổ i ENG: a person
who is two years older than somebody else
- turn to somebody for advice (verb phrase): tìm đến ai xin lờ i khuyên ENG:
to meet somebody to ask for advice
- be faced with something: gặ p phả i, đố i mặ t vớ i
ENG: if you are faced with a particular situation, you have to deal with it

- extroverted (adj): hướ ng ngoạ i

ENG: lively and confident, and enjoying being with other people

- aim at doing something (verb): mụ c đích là , hướ ng đến việc ENG: to try or
plan to achieve something
- take a keen interest in something (verb phrase): đặ c biệt quan tâ m, đặ c biệt
ENG: to get the feeling that you want to know or learn more about something

Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: What do you often do after school?/ Do you participate in any

clubs at college?

5. Opinions of the Vietnamese education system

Honestly, I think that the education system in our nation still focuses on
impractical exam-oriented curriculums, which put a lot of pressure on students.
The reason is that it is the parents that care way too much about grades. In fact,
many high schoolers considered as good at English can’t say a single word in
English. I think it needs changing.
In my opinion, there’s a lot of problems with the education system, when it
comes to teaching method and approach. There’s still a fear of teachers, in
general, especially in public schools. It makes students scared of asking
questions, thereby reducing the chances of them learning. Being wrong or asking
a stupid question is often looked down on.
Well, education in Vietnam has widely been criticized as impractical or
ineffective and I agree with this viewpoint. But recently I’ve seen some signs of
betterment as the government is making every effort to make school free of
charge. Standards for teachers have also been raised. I believe the Vietnamese
education system will have a completely new face in the not-too-distant future.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- exam-oriented curriculum (noun phrase): chương trình họ c để phụ c vụ thi

cử ENG: a curriculum in which exam results determine how good a student is
- put pressure on somebody (verb phrase): gâ y á p lự c
ENG: to make demands on or expect something from someone

- when it comes to something (clause): khi nhắ c đến

ENG: used to identify the specific topic that is being talked about

- look down on somebody (phrasal verb): coi thườ ng ENG: to think that you
are better than somebody
- criticize somebody/ something + adj. (verb): chỉ trích
ENG: to say that you think somebody/something is bad; to say what you do not
like or think is wrong about somebody/something
- betterment (noun): sự cả i thiện
ENG: the process of becoming or making something/somebody better

- make every effort to do something (verb phrase): cố mọ i cá ch ENG: to try

one’s best to do something
- make school free of charge (verb phrase): miễn họ c phí ENG: to make
tuition free
- in the not-too-distant future (prepositional phrase): trong tương lai khô ng
xa ENG: in the near future
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: Do you think that education in Vietnam is effective and


1. Your family
My immediate family is not very big but I have a close-knit large extended family
including many uncles, aunts, and cousins. We keep in touch with one another, so
celebrations are always crowded and noisy.
Well, we are a nuclear family consisting of my parents and me. Yes, I’m the only
child in my family. So, I’m so close to my parents and can have free and frank
discussions about my problems with them which helps for the better
development of my personality.
We’ve been living in an extended family with different generations under the
same roof. We really get on well with each other and generational conflicts rarely
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- immediate family (noun phrase): gia đình trự c hệ

ENG: people who are very closely related to you, such as your parents, children,
brothers, and sisters
- close-knit (adj): khă ng khít
ENG: having strong relationships with each other and taking a close, friendly
interest in each other’s activities and problems
- keep in touch (idiom): giữ liên lạ c
ENG: to communicate with somebody, especially by writing to them or phoning
- nuclear family (noun phrase): gia đình hạ t nhâ n
ENG: a family group consisting of two parents and their children (one or more)

- only child (noun phrase): con mộ t

ENG: a child who has no sisters or brothers

- extended family (noun phrase): đạ i gia đình, họ

ENG: a family that extends beyond the nuclear family, including grandparents,
aunts, uncles, and other relatives, who all live nearby or in one household.
- under the same roof (prepositional phrase): dướ i cù ng mộ t má i nhà ENG:
in the same building
- get on well (phrasal verb): hò a thuậ n
ENG: to have a friendly relationship with somebody

- generational conflict (noun phrase): xung độ t thế hệ

ENG: a conflict situation between teenagers and adults or a more abstract conflict
between two generations
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: Do you have a large or small family?
2. Family members

My parents are really caring and willing to give others a hand when needed. They
always want their children, which are my siblings and me, to be able to develop a
sense of sympathy for underprivileged people. They believe in karma.
Well, my parents are patient, understanding and especially have a good sense of
humour. They always create a happy atmosphere in my house which is full of
laughter by cracking jokes. I think I’ve somewhat inherited this quality from
My parents have always been strict people. They attach great importance to
standards of morality and want my siblings and me to become decent citizens
when we grow up.

I’ve got an elder brother who is my senior by just two years; that’s why the
generation gap between us is insignificant. However, we don’t really get along
with each other. We are often not on the same wavelength.
I’ve got an older sister who is 10 years older than me. She’s like my second
mother. Actually as my parents were always occupied with their work, it was my
sister who took care of me when I was a little kid.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- sympathy for somebody (noun): sự đồ ng cả m

ENG: the feeling of being sorry for somebody; showing that you understand and
care about somebody’s problems
- underprivileged people (noun phrase): ngườ i có hoà n cả nh khó khă n
ENG: people having less money and fewer opportunities than most people in
- karma (noun): nghiệp, nhâ n quả
ENG: the sum of somebody’s good and bad actions in one of their lives, believed
to decide what will happen to them in the next life
- have a good sense of humour (verb phrase): vui tính ENG: to be humourous
- crack a joke (verb phrase): kể chuyện cườ i ENG: to tell a joke
- somewhat (adv): tớ i mứ c độ nà o đó , có chú t ENG: to some degree

- inherit something from somebody (verb): thừ a hưở ng

ENG: to have qualities, physical features, etc. that are similar to those of your
parents, grandparents, etc.
- attach great importance to something (verb phrase): coi trọ ng ENG: to
show respect for something
- standards of morality (noun phrase): quy chuẩ n đạ o đứ c
ENG: principles relating to right and wrong or good and bad behaviour

- decent (adj): tử tế
ENG: of a good enough standard or quality

- senior by … years (noun phrase): ngườ i hơn mình … tuổ i ENG: a person
who is older than somebody else
- generation gap (noun phrase): khoả ng cá ch thế hệ
ENG: the difference in attitude or behaviour between young and older people
that causes a lack of understanding
- insignificant (adj): khô ng đá ng kể
ENG: not big or valuable enough to be considered important

- get along (phrasal verb): hò a thuậ n

ENG: to have a friendly relationship with somebody

- on the same wavelength (idiom): hợ p nhau, có cù ng quan điểm

ENG: (informal) to have the same way of thinking or the same ideas or feelings as
somebody else
- occupied with something (adj): bậ n rộ n ENG: busy

Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p:

- What are your parents like?

- Have you got any siblings?

3. Activities with your family

I’ve been living in the city centre which is far from my family. On weekends,
when I get back home, I make sure to spend most of the time with my parents.
We just update ourselves on what’s going on in our lives.
To me, simply being with my family is rewarding. We don’t do anything special.
When I get back from the city, we just cook together, enjoy the reunion meal, and
have idle chit-chat about what’s going on in our lives. That’s it and it’s enough.
My father takes a keen interest in action films and so do I. So when we have some
spare time, we turn on a film of this genre and watch it together. Then we could
discuss the details of the film together.
On weekends, when I have some me time, I spend most of it with my mother.
Recently she has taught me how to cook a simple meal and it really helps as I’ve
been living independently in a mini flat in the city to facilitate my study.
Well, my siblings, my cousins and I really get on well with each other. Actually,
we are kind of the same age and in the same group. We gather around with one
another every weekend and throw parties really often.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- update somebody on something (verb): kể cho ai nghe, cậ p nhậ t cho ai

ENG: to give somebody the most recent information about something; to add the
most recent information to something

- rewarding (adj): đá ng quý, mang lạ i cả m giá c thỏ a mã n

ENG: worth doing; that makes you happy because you think it is useful or
- have idle chit-chat about something (verb phrase): chém gió linh tinh ENG:
to have a conversation about things that are not important
- take a keen interest in something (verb phrase): thích, quan tâ m ENG: to be
interested in something
- spare time ~ me time (noun phrase): thờ i gian rả nh rỗ i ENG: free time
- live independently (verb phrase): số ng tự lậ p
ENG: to live without relying on somebody else for money or support
- facilitate something (verb): tạ o điều kiện thuậ n lợ i ENG: to make an action
or a process possible or easier
- get on well (phrasal verb): hò a thuậ n
ENG: to have a friendly relationship with somebody
- gather (around) (verb): tụ tậ p
ENG: to come together, or bring people together, in one place to form a group
- throw a party (verb phrase): mở tiệc ENG: to hold a party
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p:

- What do you often do with your family members/ father/ mother?

- Who is your favourite family member?
- Do you often hang out with your siblings?

4. Your friends

Well, I have a lot of friends. I would say I am typically a social butterfly and I find
it so easy to strike up a conversation with strangers and make friends with them.
But it doesn’t mean I have many close friends. Most of my friends are superficial
Well, although I enjoy socializing with other people, I just cherry-pick my good
friends from the crowd. In fact, I’ve got three close friends from childhood who
have gone through all the ups and downs with me for years.
I would prefer to have one close friend instead of tons of friends. The reason is
simply that the former will surely be there for you when you need support but
the latter will or will not. That’s why I would go for a good friend who is a
shoulder to cry on.
I believe it depends on each person’s criteria. As for me, I always look for a friend
who gives his word of honor and then keeps his promise. Besides, a good friend
should be caring and supportive. Such a friend would be willing to give others a
hand when needed.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- social butterfly (noun phrase): ngườ i thích xã giao, kết bạ n ENG: someone
who is very social and easygoing
- strike up a conversation (verb phrase): bắ t chuyện ENG: to start a
- superficial friend (noun phrase): bạ n xã giao
ENG: a friend who is only around when things are going good for you

- socialize (verb): xã giao, gặ p gỡ

ENG: to meet and spend time with people in a friendly way, in order to enjoy
- cherry-pick somebody/ something (verb): kén chọ n
ENG: to choose the best people or things from a group and leave those that are
not so good
- go through something (phrasal verb): trả i qua ENG: to experience or suffer
- ups and downs (idiom): thă ng trầ m
ENG: the mixture of good and bad things in life or in a particular situation or
- tons of somebody/ something (noun phrase): rấ t nhiều ENG: a lot of
somebody/ something
- a shoulder to cry on (idiom): ngườ i ở bên độ ng viên, an ủ i
ENG: someone who is willing to listen to your problems and give you sympathy,
emotional support, and encouragement
- word of honor (noun phrase): lờ i hứ a ENG: a promise
- give somebody a hand (idiom): giú p đỡ ai ENG: to help somebody
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p:

- Do you have many friends?

- Do you have many close friends?

- Would you prefer to have one good friend or many friends?

5. Activities with your friends

For the most part, we will go out for a coffee. We are all coffeeholics and take a
keen interest in exploring cafes around the city. Otherwise, we’ll go on a picnic if
the weather favours this activity.
Well, after a long day of study, I go home and gather around with my buddies. We
are all die-hard fans of the computer game League of Legends and playing the
game with them is always exhilarating.
It all depends on the day. We all need some time on our own. After a long and
stressful working day, I just get home and relax, turning on a movie or something.
But on weekends when I have some spare time, I usually hang out with my
friends in the evening.
I think I will gravitate towards hanging out with my friends. When I am in a bad
mood, they are really a shoulder to cry on. They always know how to make me
laugh by cracking a joke or something. When I’m happy, it’s a waste to stay at
home. In short, spending quality time with my friends is always my go-to choice.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- go out for a coffee (verb phrase): ra ngoà i uố ng cà phê ENG: to go out to

grab a cup of coffee
- coffeeholic (noun): ngườ i nghiện cà phê ENG: somebody addicted to coffee
- take a keen interest in something (verb phrase): quan tâ m, thích ENG: to be
interested in something

- favour something (verb): thích hợ p cho, thuậ n lợ i cho

ENG: to provide suitable conditions for a particular person, group, etc.

- die-hard fan (noun phrase): fan cứ ng

ENG: somebody who is completely 100% obsessed with their favorite game,
band, movie, etc.
- exhilarating (adj): thú vị, vui vẻ ENG: very exciting and great fun
- spare time (noun phrase): thờ i gian rả nh ENG: free time
- gravitate towards somebody/ something (verb): hướ ng về, thiên về ENG:
to move towards somebody/something that you are attracted to
- in a bad mood (prepositional phrase): tâ m trạ ng kém ENG: to feel bad
- crack a joke (verb phrase): kể chuyện cườ i ENG: to tell a joke
- quality time (noun phrase): thờ i gian bên gia đình, bạ n bè ENG: free time
you spend with your family or friends
- go-to choice (noun phrase): lự a chọ n số 1, đầ u tiên ENG: the first thing you
think of and choose
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p:

- What do you often do with your friends?

- Do you want to spend time with a friend or spend time alone?

6. Family or friends

As for me personally, I would choose family over friends because they were there
in the beginning, during the process, and I know they will still be there at the end
too. I was able to live and come this far, mainly due to my family’s efforts to put
food on the table, provide the best education, and care for me.
It’s definitely my family. Friends will come and go throughout our life but our
families will always be there for us in most cases. Blood ties are strong. I have
friends that are very kind and truly good people but I realize some will move,
marry and take jobs. I mean they may be out of state people.
I would say it’s my friends. I’ve got a broken family. My parents separated several
years back. They are extremely neglectful and do not really cater to my needs and
attention. Meanwhile, some of my friends are like my soulmates. I consider them
as close as my brothers and sisters.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- put food on the table (idiom): nuô i gia đình

ENG: to provide enough money to cover basic necessities

- come and go (verb phrase): đến rồ i lạ i đi

ENG: to exist or happen somewhere for a short time and then go away

- blood ties (noun phrase): quan hệ má u mủ

ENG: the relationships that exist by birth rather than through marriage

- out of state (adj): nay đâ y mai đó

ENG: used to describe people who do not live permanently in a particular state
within a country, but have traveled there from somewhere else

- separate (verb): ly thâ n

ENG: to stop living together as a couple with your husband, wife or partner

- neglectful (adj): lơ là
ENG: not giving enough care or attention to somebody/something

- cater to somebody/ something (phrasal verb): phụ c vụ , đá p ứ ng

ENG: to provide the things that a particular type of person wants, especially
things that you do not approve of
- soulmate (noun): tri kỷ
ENG: a person that you have a special friendship with because you understand
each other’s feelings and interests
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: Do you think friends or families are more important?

1. Where you live

For the better part of the last 4 years, I’ve been living in a mini flat in a small side
street in the heart of the city. All amenities are available in the proximity of my
home, like supermarkets, restaurants, fashion stores, cinemas or hospitals. I can
easily grab anything I need in just a few minutes.
Well, I live in a detached house on the outskirts of Hanoi. I’ve been living there
since I was born and I’ve grown so attached to this place.
Well, the flat is not really roomy, but it’s just right for us. It is styled in a
minimalist way. All the walls are painted plain white. All the rooms have big
windows with bright curtains adding a decorative touch to them. The interior
design is simple, yet convenient.
I live in a two-storey house with an amazing rooftop as its specialty. My home has
three bedrooms; one spacious living room and a beautiful kitchen. All the rooms
are comfortably furnished.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- for the better part of something (time) (prepositional phrase): phầ n lớ n

(thờ i gian)
ENG: for most of something (time)
- side street (noun phrase): ngõ (dẫ n ra cá c con phố chính) ENG: a less
important street leading off a road in a town

- amenity (noun): tiện nghi

ENG: a feature or service that makes a place pleasant, comfortable or easy to live
- in the proximity of something (prepositional phrase): ở gầ n ENG: near
something in distance or time
- detached house (noun phrase): nhà đơn lậ p, nhà riêng lẻ
ENG: a house that is not joined to another house on either side

- on the outskirts of something (prepositional phrase): ở ngoạ i ô , ở ngoà i rìa

ENG: in the parts of a town or city that are furthest from the centre
- grow attached to something (verb phrase): gắ n bó , yêu mến ENG: become
liking somebody/something very much
- roomy ~ spacious (adj): rộ ng rã i, thoá ng ENG: having a lot of space inside
- style something (verb): thiết kế
ENG: to design, make or shape something in a particular way

- minimalist (adj): tố i giả n

ENG: (of art, music or design) using very simple ideas or a very small number of
simple elements
- touch (noun): điểm nhấ n
ENG: a small detail that is added to something in order to improve it or make it
- comfortably furnish something (verb phrase): sắ p xếp nộ i thấ t ENG: to put
furniture in a house, room, etc. comfortably

Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p:

- Do you live in a house or an apartment?

- Can you describe it?

2. Who you live with

I've been living with three of my best friends. We go back a long way. Our
hometown is quite far from the colleges we go to. Therefore, 4 years back, we
decided to rent this mini flat to facilitate our study.
Well, I’ve been living independently from my parents since I started going to
college. At first, I was faced with some problems but I would say I am used to
living alone. It has done wonders for me as I feel I’m more and more mature.
I’ve still been living with my family since I was born. Actually, I can’t imagine
leaving home and settling somewhere on my own. I am just so used to being with
my family in my daily life.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- go back a long way (idiom): đã quen nhau từ lâ u

ENG: (of two or more people) to have known each other for a long time

- facilitate something (verb): tạ o điều kiện thuậ n lợ i ENG: to make an action

or a process possible or easier
- live independently (verb phrase): số ng tự lậ p
ENG: to live without relying on somebody else for money or support

- be faced with something: đố i mặ t vớ i (vấ n đề)

ENG: if you are faced with a particular situation, you have to deal with it

- be used to (doing) something: quen vớ i

ENG: to be familiar with something because you do it or experience it often

- do wonders for somebody/ something (idiom): mang lạ i nhiều lợ i ích ENG:

to have a very good effect on somebody/something
- mature (adj): trưở ng thà nh
ENG: (of a child or young person) behaving in a sensible way, like an adult

- settle (verb): định cư, sinh số ng

ENG: to make a place your permanent home

Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: Who do you live with?

3. What you like & dislike

It’s definitely my own bedroom. It's where I can do whatever I want without
getting disturbed and irritated by others. I call it my comfort zone or hideaway.
After a long and stressful working day, I just want to be alone in my bedroom,
chilling out with a movie or something.
Well, the balcony is my favourite. It has a panoramic view of the city. I love windy
afternoons when I bring the armchair to the balcony. Then I chill out there with a
cup of coffee or a book.
Well, my current residential area is very noisy because the children living in the
flats next door are really naughty. We are planning to soundproof the walls of our
flat so that we can avoid being annoyed by them.
I actively dislike the colour of the walls. They are painted yellow and yellow is
not my favourite colour. If I can, I would repaint them plain white so that the flat
will look brighter.

Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- disturb somebody (verb): là m phiền

ENG: to interrupt somebody when they are trying to work, sleep, etc.

- irritate somebody (verb): khiến ai tứ c điên

ENG: to annoy somebody, especially by something you continuously do or by
something that continuously happens
- comfort zone (noun phrase): vù ng an toà n
ENG: a place or situation in which you feel safe or comfortable, especially when
you choose to stay in this situation instead of trying to work harder or achieve
- hideaway (noun): nơi mộ t ngườ i tìm đến để ở mộ t mình, chỗ trố n ENG: a
place where you can go to hide or to be alone
- chill out (phrasal verb): thư giã n
ENG: (informal) to spend time relaxing; to relax and stop feeling angry or
nervous about something
- panoramic view of something (noun phrase): gó c nhìn toà n cả nh, view toà n
cả nh
ENG: a view of a wide area of something

- naughty (adj): nghịch ngợ m

ENG: (especially of children) behaving badly; not willing to obey

- soundproof something (verb): cá ch â m

ENG: to make something so that sound cannot pass through it or into it

- actively dislike somebody/ something (verb phrase): rấ t khô ng thích ENG:

to dislike somebody/ something greatly
- paint something + adj (colour) (verb): sơn mà u gì ENG: to cover a surface
or object with paint
- plain white (adj/ noun phrase): trắ ng trơn ENG: white without marks or a
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p:

- What do you like about your house/ flat?

- What do you dislike about your house/ flat?

4. Your ideal house

In fact, I’ve been dreaming of purchasing a townhouse in the city. I know that the
price of it is not inexpensive and I always try to stay motivated and work hard for
my dream. I used to go to a townhouse complex in Hanoi and was instantly
impressed by the elegant designs and fresh air there.
I love the idea of constructing a two-storey house in the countryside which would
be cosy enough for a small family. Leading a minimalist lifestyle, I want the house
to be painted plain white and the interior design to be as simple as possible.
When it comes to a place to settle in, what I attach great importance to is
tranquility. That’s why my dream house should be located in a peaceful country
setting far away from the hustle and bustle of the city. It should have a garden so
that I can do the gardening in my me-time.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- townhouse (noun): nhà phố

ENG: a house that is one of a row of houses that are joined together on each side
- inexpensive (adj): rẻ
ENG: not costing a lot of money

- instantly impressed by somebody/ something (adjective phrase): ngay lậ p

tứ c bị ấ n tượ ng bở i
ENG: immediately admiring somebody/something because you think they are
particularly good, interesting, etc.
- elegant design (noun phrase): thiết kế thanh lịch, tao nhã
ENG: a design that is attractive and shows a good sense of style

- cosy (adj): ấ m cú ng
ENG: warm, comfortable and safe, especially in a small space

- lead a minimalist lifestyle (verb phrase): số ng tố i giả n

ENG: to intentionally live with only the things a person really needs - those items
that support his purpose
- attach great importance to something (verb phrase): đặ t nặ ng, coi trọ ng
ENG: to consider something as very important
- tranquility (noun): sự yên bình
ENG: the state of being quiet and peaceful

- the hustle and bustle of the city (noun phrase): sự xô bồ ở thà nh phố ENG:
busy noisy activity of a lot of people in the city

- do the gardening (verb phrase): là m vườ n

ENG: to work in a garden, especially for pleasure

- me-time (noun phrase): thờ i gian rả nh rỗ i

ENG: time when a person who is normally very busy relaxes or does something
they enjoy
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: What is your ideal house?

5. Current trend in choosing where to live

As far as I’m concerned, living in an apartment is now the pattern among

youngsters in Vietnam. But for the most part, they just can afford to live in rented
accommodation because the price of an apartment is usually well beyond their
budget, let alone that of a house.
Over the past decades, a tidal wave of people from rural areas have gravitated
towards urban areas in search of work and they have a tendency to purchase
apartments to live in. However, I’ve seen some reversing recently as an
increasing number of affluent people have come back to the countryside, built
houses or villas and enjoyed the peaceful life there.
Well, I must say having our own house is so much better than renting one. What
really matters is whether we can afford it or not. On the one hand, owning a
house is important to have a stable life, I suppose. Besides, in Vietnam, the price
of property has been on the rise in recent years and shown no signs of reduction.
That’s why I believe purchasing a piece of land and constructing a house on it is a
good investment.
People, especially youngsters, tend to be out of state. They change their jobs and
relocate to different places so often. That’s why I believe living in rented
accommodation is the better option as compared to buying a house or a flat.
during their retirement, they should think of having their own house because it’s
when they settle down.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- as far as I’m concerned (clause): theo tô i ENG: according to what I think or

- afford something/ to do something (verb): có khả nă ng mua/ là m gì ENG:
to have enough money to be able to buy or do something
- beyond one’s budget (prepositional phrase): vượ t khả nă ng tà i chính ENG:
beyond the amount of money one has
- let alone (idiom): huố ng chi là , huố ng hồ là
ENG: used after a statement to emphasize that because the first thing is not true
or possible, the next thing cannot be true or possible either
- a tidal wave of somebody/ something (noun phrase): rấ t nhiều mộ t cá ch
độ t ngộ t
ENG: a sudden large amount/ number of somebody/ something

- gravitate towards somebody/ something (phrasal verb): thiên về, hướ ng

về ENG: to move towards somebody/something that you are attracted to
- in search of somebody/ something (prepositional phrase): tìm kiếm ENG:
searching for somebody/ something
- have a tendency to do something (noun phrase): có xu hướ ng ENG: to tend
to do something
- affluent (adj): già u có ENG: very rich

- on the rise (prepositional phrase): đang trên đà tă ng ENG: becoming

greater or more numerous; increasing
- out of state (prepositional phrase): nay đâ y mai đó
ENG: used to describe people who do not live permanently in a particular state
within a country, but have traveled there from somewhere else
- relocate (verb): di chuyển, chuyển đi
ENG: (especially of a company or workers) to move or to move
somebody/something to a new place to work or operate
- settle down (phrasal verb): an cư
ENG: to start to have a quieter way of life, living in one place

Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: What is the current trend in choosing accommodation in


1. Interest in history

Honestly speaking, I paid no attention to history when I was a high schooler.

Back then, I found other subjects, like maths, literature, and English more
significant for my future career. However, as I get older I get more interested in
historical stories and movies.
Well, I am into reading about the past events of Vietnam and other countries. The
historical period of the Nguyen dynasty which was the last imperial family of my
country is always of interest to me.
Actually, I’ve always shown a love for history, especially international history. I
take a keen interest in World War I and World War II and their effects on humans
as a whole. Reading about such events is always exhilarating.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- pay no attention to somebody/ something (verb phrase): khô ng chú ý đến

ENG: to ignore somebody/ something
- be into something (idiom): rấ t thích
ENG: (informal) to be interested in something in an active way

- of interest to somebody (prepositional phrase): là mố i quan tâ m củ a ai, hấ p

dẫ n ai
ENG: interesting to somebody

- take a keen interest in something (verb phrase): quan tâ m, thích ENG: to be

interested in something

- show a love for somebody/ something (verb phrase): thể hiện tình yêu
ENG: to love somebody/ something
- exhilarating (adj): hấ p dẫ n, mang lạ i niềm vui ENG: very exciting and great
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p:

- Do you like learning history?

- Did you like learning history when you were a child?

2. Learning history
When I was a child, I had a history class at school but I was not into this subject
because there were too many need-to-remember details. My teacher just read the
information out loud and we jotted them down. The class was always
As a student, I studied history largely at school. But learning about important
events in history through textbooks is really dry. I believe that going to museums
or searching for objective facts on the Internet is far more intriguing.
Well, I learn about historical events through TV. I have watched a lot of history
movies especially the ones that depict my country in the Indochina war and the
Vietnam war. Watching this genre, I appreciate life more.
I am more motivated to learn about history when watching a TV programme
about history. For me, watching TV programmes about history is interactive and
entertaining as such programmes illustrate historical events and figures very
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- be into something (idiom): quan tâ m, thích

ENG: (informal) to be interested in something in an active way

- out loud (idiom): (đọ c, cườ i,..) to

ENG: in a voice that can be heard by other people

- jot something down (phrasal verb): ghi chú nhanh ENG: to write something
- monotonous ~ dry (adj): khô khan, đơn điệu, tẻ nhạ t ENG: boring
- largely (adv): phầ n lớ n ENG: mainly
- intriguing (adj): thú vị
ENG: very interesting because of being unusual or not having an obvious answer
- depict somebody/ something (verb): mô tả , phá c họ a
ENG: to describe something in words, or give an impression of something in
words or with a picture
- Indochina War (noun phrase): khá ng chiến chố ng Phá p ENG: Anti-French
Resistance War in Vietnam
- Vietnam War (noun phrase): khá ng chiến chố ng Mỹ ENG: Resistance War
Against America
- interactive (adj): có tính tương tá c
ENG: that involves people working together and having an influence on each
- vividly (adv): sinh độ ng
ENG: in a way that produces very clear pictures in your mind

Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p:

- How did you learn history as a child?

- How do you learn history?

3. Going to museums

Well, to be honest, I just pay a visit to a museum once in a while because these
days, I’m constantly up to my ears in work and study and don’t have much time
for this activity. Although I’m into visiting museums and agree that they provide
a reservoir of knowledge, I believe the ones in Vietnam are not really interactive.
I have visited the Hoa Lo Museum in Hanoi several times. This museum was
originally a prison for Vietnamese prisoners by the French and then for
Americans by the Vietnamese. Its highlights are graphic photos and military
weapons in war times.
Last year when I was still part of a local tour guide club in Hanoi, I led a tour to
the Hoa Lo museum. We really had a whale of a time. The Hoa Lo museum is truly
a must- see place for any tourists visiting Hanoi. The museum gives a general
overview of the period of the French domination of Vietnam and our resistance
war against France.
When I was a student at primary school, the teacher arranged a visit to the
Museum of Ethnology, which highlights the lives and cultures of the 54 ethnic
groups in Vietnam. As a child, I took no interest in such a topic. I vividly
remember the visit was really dry and monotonous.

The museums in my hometown are crucial in broadening people’s horizons

about the history of the nation. Besides, they are a great source of information for
those who are doing research and want to gain deeper insights into their field of
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- pay a visit to somebody/ something (verb phrase): thă m ENG: to visit

somebody/ something
- constantly up to one’s ears in something (idiom): suố t ngà y bậ n rộ n ENG:
to have a lot of something to deal with all the time
- a reservoir of something (noun phrase): rấ t nhiều
ENG: a large amount of something that is available to be used
- originally (adv): trướ c đâ y, ban đầ u
ENG: used to describe the situation that existed at the beginning of a particular
period or activity, especially before something was changed
- highlight (noun): điểm nhấ n
ENG: the best, most interesting or most exciting part of something

- have a whale of a time (idiom): có mộ t thờ i gian rấ t vui vẻ

ENG: (informal) to enjoy yourself very much; to have a very good time

- must-see/must-read/must-have, etc (idiom): khô ng đượ c phép bỏ lỡ

ENG: used to tell people that something is so good or interesting that they should
see, read, get it, etc.
- vividly remember something (verb phrase): nhớ rấ t rõ ENG: to remember
something clearly

- crucial in (doing) something (adj): rấ t quan trọ ng

ENG: extremely important, because it will affect other things

- broaden one’s horizons (verb phrase): mở mang tầ m mắ t

ENG: to increase the range of one's knowledge, understanding, or experience

- gain deeper insights into something (verb phrase): hiểu rõ hơn ENG: to
understand something more
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p:

- Have you ever been to a historical museum?

- How often do you go to a museum?
- What are some benefits of going to museums?

4. Benefits of learning history

Studying history is important because it allows us to understand our past, which

in turn allows us to understand our present. If we want to know how and why
our world is the way it is today, we have to take a look at history for answers.
We have to look to the past to understand why the country is what it’s like today.
History gives us the reflection of ourselves in former days. And when we reflect
on our mistakes in the past, we can avoid them at present and in the future. So
everything including a country is able to become a better version thanks to
history, I suppose.
Learning history is gaining an insight into our identity. Nations are made up of a
collection of stories, legends and how they’ve contributed to where we are today.
Looking back at incredible fellow countrymen is a way of establishing our own
identity, I suppose.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- take a look at somebody/ something (verb phrase): nhìn ENG: to look at

somebody/ something
- in turn (idiom): vì thế, kết quả là
ENG: as a result of something in a series of events

- in former days (prepositional phrase): trong quá khứ ENG: in the past
- reflect on something (verb): suy nghĩ kỹ
ENG: to think carefully and deeply about something

- incredible (adj): tuyệt vờ i ENG: really amazing

- fellow countryman (noun phrase): đồ ng hương
ENG: a person born in or living in the same country as somebody else

Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: What are some benefits of learning history?

5. Local and international history

I would go for learning about local history. I believe having profound insights
into what happened in the past in our homeland develops our patriotism. In
Vietnam, students are taught about how our ancestors defended our land against
outside intruders and reclaimed sovereignty. Therefore, we grow up taking pride
in our origin and treasuring the life we know as it is today.
I think world history is more important. Acquiring knowledge about the world’s
historical events equips us with a more well-rounded perspective of life because
the history of all the nations combined creates the history of the whole world
which would help learners enhance their understanding of various aspects of the

It’s hard to say which one is better. But to opt for one, I would gravitate towards
learning the history of the whole world. I think that being taught about other
countries’ historical backgrounds would benefit young learners in their future
careers. For example, understanding the Japanese culture is a golden selling
point for a person to work for Japanese enterprises who highly value company
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- go for something (phrasal verb): chọ n ENG: to choose something

- profound (adj): sâ u sắ c
ENG: showing great knowledge or understanding

- reclaim sovereignty (verb phrase): già nh lạ i chủ quyền lã nh thổ

ENG: to get back the state of being a country with freedom to govern itself

- take pride in something (verb phrase): lấ y là m tự hà o

ENG: to feel pleased or satisfied when you or people who are connected with you
have done something well or own something that other people admire
- equip somebody with something (verb): trang bị
ENG: to provide somebody with the things that are needed for a particular
purpose or activity
- well-rounded (adj): toà n diện
ENG: providing or showing a variety of experience, ability, etc.

- opt for somebody/ something (verb): chọ n

ENG: to choose to take a particular course of action

- gravitate towards somebody/ something (phrasal verb): nghiêng về,

hướ ng về ENG: to move towards somebody/something that you are attracted to
- selling point (noun phrase): ưu điểm độ c nhấ t
ENG: a feature of something that makes people want to buy or use it

- highly value something (verb phrase): đá nh giá cao, coi trọ ng ENG: to think
that somebody/something is really important
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: Should we learn about local history or world history?

1. Where you live

I’ve been living in a rented flat in the city centre. My parents’ house is quite far
from the college I go to. That’s why I’ve rented this flat to facilitate my study.
I was born and bred in an ordinary family in the countryside. I’ve grown so
attached to this place and I can’t imagine moving elsewhere in the future.
I’ve been living in my current residential area for the better part of the last 4
years since I started going to university. As I said, I had to leave my parents’
house and live independently there.
Actually, I just moved there 4 months back and I haven’t got used to the hectic
pace of life in the city. But, in general, I quite enjoy life in the fast lane.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- facilitate something (verb): tạ o điều kiện thuậ n lợ i ENG: to make an action

or a process possible or easier
- born and bred (idiom): sinh ra và lớ n lên
ENG: born and having grown up in a particular place with a particular
background and education
- ordinary (adj): bình thườ ng
ENG: not unusual or different in any way

- grow attached to somebody/ something (verb phrase): trở nên gắ n bó , yêu

thích ENG: to like somebody/ something very much

- for the better part of something (time) (prepositional phrase): phầ n lớ n

ENG: for most of something (tine)
- get used to something (verb phrase): là m quen vớ i
ENG: to become familiar with something because you do it or experience it often
- hectic pace of life (noun phrase): nhịp số ng bậ n rộ n hố i hả ENG: busy life
- in the fast lane (idiom): ở nơi nhộ n nhịp
ENG: where things are most exciting and where a lot is happening

Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p:

- Where do you live?

- How long have you been living there?

2. What you like

My current neighbourhood is highly accessible by public transportation

especially buses, so going to school by bus is very convenient. On top of that, I
love the fact that there is a street full of amazingly scrumptious street food
Well, in the locality of my house, all amenities are available like supermarkets,
restaurants, fashion stores, cinemas or hospitals. I can easily grab anything I need
in just a few minutes. Yeah, everything just comes in handy.
What I enjoy the most about my neighbourhood is the atmosphere. It’s a sparsely
populated area in the outdoors. I love the atmosphere of peace and tranquility
there. The air is also unpolluted. All in all, it’s a great place to settle.

My all-time favourite place is An Binh park which has been established recently.
It is within walking distance of my house. We enjoy having a walk around the
park to decompress after a busy tiring day.
My place of choice is the area of paddy fields, rivers and such like in my village.
My friends and I often hung out there when we were still little country boys. We
did a lot of activities like swimming or fishing.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- highly accessible (adjective phrase): dễ dà ng đến, dễ tiếp cậ n ENG: that can

be easily reached, entered, used, seen, etc.
- scrumptious (adj): tuyệt ngon ENG: tasting very good
- in the locality of something (prepositional phrase): ở xung quanh
ENG: in the area that surrounds the place you are in or are talking about

- amenity (noun): tiện ích

ENG: a feature or service that makes a place pleasant, comfortable or easy to live
- come in handy (idiom): tiện lợ i, hữ u ích ENG: to be useful
- sparsely populated area (noun phrase): khu vự c dâ n cư thưa thớ t ENG: an
area that contains few people
- the outdoors (noun phrase): nô ng thô n ENG: the countryside

- tranquility (noun): sự yên bình

ENG: the state of being quiet and peaceful

- unpolluted (adj): trong là nh, khô ng bị ô nhiễm

ENG: that has not been polluted (= made dirty by harmful substances)

- settle (verb): định cư, sinh số ng

ENG: to make a place your permanent home

- within walking distance of something (prepositional phrase): ở gầ n, đi bộ

là đến
ENG: not very far
- decompress (verb): thư giã n, xả hơi ENG: to relax
- hang out (phrasal verb): đi chơi ENG: to spend a lot of time in a place
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p:

- What do you like about your current residential area?

- What is your favourite place in your neighbourhood?

3. What you dislike/ recommendations for improvement

I wish more trash bins would be placed around the area. The exterior of my
apartment block is dirty because people often litter the streets due to a lack of
trash bins. It’s a shame to see such a horrible thing happening.
I recommend that the government (should) set up more open green space in my
area in particular and around the city in general. Most city dwellers are leading a

lifestyle and such a scheme can give them a place to do exercise and decompress
after work.
Well, living in the countryside, we largely get around on foot. I think the public
transport system should be more developed in my area so that we could travel
from place to place with ease.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- litter the streets (verb phrase): xả rá c ra đườ ng ENG: to drop litter on the
- a shame (noun): điều đá ng tiếc
ENG: used to say that something is a cause for feeling sad or disappointed

- city dweller (noun phrase): cư dâ n thà nh phố ENG: residents in the city
- lead a sedentary lifestyle (verb phrase): số ng cuộ c số ng thụ độ ng, hay ngồ i
trướ c mà n hình là m việc
ENG: to live a life in which you spend a lot of time sitting down

- largely (adv): phầ n lớ n ENG: mainly

- get around (phrasal verb): đi lạ i ENG: to travel from place to place
- with ease (prepositional phrase): dễ dà ng ENG: easily
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: What do you dislike about your place and what are some of
your recommendations for improvement?
4. Recent changes

Well, there is a public park built in the proximity of my flat recently. It’s called An
Binh park. This park is an ideal place to get around, have some fresh air, and do
physical exercises to get lean.
Well, to accommodate the residents’ wishes, the local authority has recently
erected a large playground. It’s an excellent place for children to gather around
and play games like hide-and-seek and for the elderly to do some taichi in the
The most significant change in my current residential area is the advent of the
modern public transport system. This helps us a lot in commuting to and from
Well, industrialization has totally changed my neighbourhood in recent years.
Loads of industrial parks have sprung up and created many jobs. As a result,
most of the dwellers there have gravitated from agriculture to manufacturing to
earn a better living.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- in the proximity of something (prepositional phrase): ở gầ n ENG: near

something in distance or time
- get lean (verb phrase): giữ vó c dá ng ENG: to become thin and fit
- accommodate somebody’s wishes (verb phrase): đá p ứ ng mong muố n
ENG: to consider somebody’s needs and be influenced by it when you are
deciding what to do or explaining something
- erect something (verb): xâ y dự ng ENG: to build something

- do taichi (verb phrase): tậ p dưỡ ng sinh

ENG: to practice a Chinese martial art and system of exercises consisting of sets
of very slow movements
- significant (adj): đá ng kể
ENG: large or important enough to have an effect or to be noticed

- commute (verb): đi lạ i đi là m
ENG: to travel regularly by bus, train, car, etc. between your place of work and
your home
- loads of somebody/ something (noun phrase): rấ t nhiều ENG: a large
number or amount of people or things; plenty
- spring up (phrasal verb): mọ c lên
ENG: to appear or develop quickly and/or suddenly
- gravitate from … to … (verb): dịch chuyển
ENG: to move towards somebody/something that you are attracted to

- earn a living (idiom): kiếm số ng

ENG: to be paid enough money to live on

Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: What are some changes in your neighbourhood in recent


5. Relationships with your neighbours

Honestly, I don’t know jack about them. We never talk to each other. Actually, we
just act like strangers. So I don’t know who they are. I think it’s the norm there
and it’s something I don’t like about city life.

My neighbours are really nice. They help watch our house whenever we go on
holiday and take delivery of stuff when something arrives by post and we are not
at home. In general, we get on well with each other and are willing to lend each
other a helping hand.
I would say I’ve got terrible neighbours as they usually get on my nerves. They
very often throw parties and blast out music at full volume at night. Despite tons
of complaints from us and other families, they haven’t changed.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- not know jack about somebody/ something (idiom): khô ng biết gì ENG: not
to know anything about somebody/ something
- the norm (noun phrase): chuyện thườ ng thấ y, kiểu phổ biến
ENG: a situation or a pattern of behaviour that is usual or expected

- get on well with somebody (phrasal verb): hò a thuậ n, quan hệ tố t ENG: to

have a friendly relationship with somebody
- lend somebody a helping hand (idiom): giú p đỡ ENG: to help somebody
- get on somebody’s nerves (idiom): là m tứ c điên ENG: to annoy somebody
- throw a party (verb phrase): mở tiệc ENG: to hold a party
- blast (out) something (verb phrase): mở nhạ c xậ p xình ENG: to make a loud
unpleasant noise, especially music

Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: Do you have a good relationship with the people living next
door to you?
1. Habits of reading newspapers and magazines

I’ll go for reading magazines in my spare time because they have in-depth
information on specific topics and my go-to choice is sports. As for news updates,
I prefer watching TV to reading newspapers.
I think I would gravitate towards reading newspapers. Well, between gaining
insights into specific topics and being updated on current affairs, I would go for
the latter. It’s because I take a keen interest in politics.
Well, sadly, I’ve never developed the habit of reading, so I would say I’m into
neither of them. Instead, I prefer watching news programs on TV and browsing
the Internet for informative videos.
I make sure to pick up a newspaper in the morning on a daily basis. My all-time
favourite topics are sports and politics.
There is no exact answer to this question. Every day, I just browse some news
websites when I have some spare time and opt for several outstanding articles to
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- go for something (phrasal verb): chọ n ENG: to choose something

- spare time (noun phrase): thờ i gian rả nh ENG: free time
- go-to choice (noun phrase): lự a chọ n số 1 ENG: the first thing you think of

- gravitate towards somebody/ something (phrasal verb): nghiêng về ENG:

to move towards somebody/something that you are attracted to
- the latter (noun phrase): lự a chọ n thứ 2, lự a chọ n sau ENG: the second of
two things or people mentioned
- take a keen interest in something (verb phrase): quan tâ m, thích ENG: to be
interested in something
- neither (determiner; pronoun): khô ng ai/ cá i gì cả (trong 2 lự a chọ n) ENG:
not one nor the other of two things or people
- browse the Internet (verb phrase): lướ t web
ENG: to look through websites without reading everything

- on a daily basis (prepositional phrase): hằ ng ngà y ENG: every day

- all-time favourite (adjective phrase): thích nhấ t từ trướ c đến nay ENG:
favourite of all times
- opt for somebody/ something (verb): chọ n ENG: to choose somebody/
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p:

- Do you prefer reading newspapers or magazines?

- How often do you read newspapers and magazines?

2. Methods of reading newspapers and magazines

I definitely will go for reading news online because of all the benefits it can bring.
With a smartphone and the Internet, I can have access to up-to-the-minute news
around the world.
Without a doubt, it’s print newspapers. Reading them is a completely different
experience from reading smartphone feeds. I always feel much more deeply
informed after reading a real newspaper as opposed to staring at a screen that
also has Facebook, Youtube, etc., killing my attention span.
I believe that these days, printed newspapers cannot gain as much popularity as
they used to in former days. I mean many of the elderly in Vietnam still read
newspapers as a means of news updates but youngsters tend to read online
Talking about online reading in Vietnam nowadays, I believe that it’s one of the
most prevalent ways to be updated on all the up-to-date news around the world.
Loads of people go for it because reading online articles is a fast, convenient and
inexpensive process with the advent of the Internet and smartphones.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- have access to something (verb phrase): tiếp cậ n

ENG: to have the opportunity or right to use something or to see somebody/
- up-to-the-minute (idiom): mớ i nhấ t, nó ng hổ i nhấ t ENG: having the latest

- without a doubt (idiom): chắ c chắ n rồ i, khỏ i cầ n nghĩ

ENG: used when you are giving your opinion and emphasizing the point that you
are making
- as opposed to (idiom): trá i vớ i
ENG: used to make a contrast between two things
- attention span (noun phrase): quã ng tậ p trung
ENG: the length of time that someone can keep their thoughts and interest fixed
on something
- in former days (prepositional phrase): ngà y xưa, trướ c đâ y ENG: in the past
- prevalent (adj): thịnh hà nh
ENG: that exists or is very common at a particular time or in a particular place

- up-to-date (adj): nó ng hổ i, mớ i nhấ t

ENG: having or including the most recent information

- loads of somebody/ something (noun phrase): rấ t nhiều ENG: a large

number or amount of people or things; plenty
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p:

- Do you prefer reading print newspapers/ magazines or reading online?

- Do Vietnamese people prefer reading print newspapers/ magazines or

reading online?

3. Reasons for reading newspapers and magazines

When it comes to the influence or benefits of reading, I can think of the two most
important ones. First, the ability to read opens the door to all aspects of
education. Reading can really broaden our horizons and update us on the up-to-
the-minute news around the world. Besides, when we have to be faced with
countless issues in daily life, a well-written engaging article can make tensions
drain away and allow us to decompress.
Well, I read newspapers because I like to keep abreast of current affairs.
Newspapers can provide news about all events happening in the country and all
over the world: political and economic situations, sports, games, entertainment,
trade and commerce.
Well, reading newspapers and magazines really enhances my writing and
reading skills as many uncommon words come when I read a passage. Then, I
utilize my dictionary to look up their meanings, thereby broadening my
I am a fitness freak. I am really conscious of my well-being and always feel eager
to learn more about healthy lifestyles. That’s why I read health and fitness
magazines on a regular basis. They are such an excellent source of information
that helps me lead a healthy life.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:
- broaden one’s horizons (verb phrase): mở mang tầ m mắ t, kiến thứ c ENG:
to broaden the limit of your desires, knowledge or interests
- up-to-the-minute (idiom): nó ng hổ i, mớ i nhấ t ENG: having the latest

- drain away (phrasal verb): tan biến

ENG: If something drains away, it disappears completely

- decompress (verb): thư giã n ENG: to relax

- keep abreast of something (idiom): cậ p nhậ t thô ng tin
ENG: to make sure that you know all the most recent facts about a subject

- utilize something (verb): sử dụ ng ENG: to make use of something

- freak (noun): ngườ i cuồ ng, ngườ i đam mê
ENG: a person with a very strong interest in a particular subject

- conscious of something (adj): nhậ n thứ c ENG: aware of something

- well-being (noun): thể trạ ng (cả thể chấ t và tinh thầ n) ENG: general health
and happiness
- on a regular basis (prepositional phrase): thườ ng xuyên ENG: regularly
- lead a healthy life (verb phrase): số ng là nh mạ nh ENG: to have a healthy

Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p:

- Why do you like reading newspapers/ magazines?

- What are some effects of reading newspapers/ magazines?

4. Changes in newspapers and magazines

In former days, newspapers were the most prevalent source of news but over the
last few decades, there has been a significant decline in its readership because of
the advent of satellite TV channels and the Internet. In fact, these new sources
bring news to the consumers much faster and in a more “visually-appealing”
manner than newspapers. These days, only low-tech people rely on printed
newspapers, I suppose.
It’s safe to say that with the advent of the Internet and modern gadgets, people
have been turning to online sources over the past decades. But recently, I’ve seen
the reverse as an increasing number of print newspapers and magazines have
been sold. As far as I’m concerned, the reason is because many have lost faith in
online news which either is fake or exaggerates issues. Meanwhile, it’s not the
case for traditional print newspapers and magazines which are censored by the
I think that newspapers and magazines are likely to disappear in the future in
their current forms. The internet has been gaining so much popularity and
Internet users are increasingly turning online to receive all kinds of news and
information for free. Besides, some argue that newspapers and magazines will
fall into disuse because they are not eco-friendly. The production takes tons of
wood materials and electricity and the cost of transport is not low at all.
I believe that print newspapers and magazines will survive forever. The simple
reason is that there is nothing quite like holding a newspaper in our hands with
the comforting scent of the pages. There is still a strong contingent of people who
prefer printed

versions of news. Besides, there is a universal perception that physical pieces are
authentic as each one of them has undergone proofreading and review.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- prevalent (adj): thịnh hà nh

ENG: that exists or is very common at a particular time or in a particular place

- visually appealing (adjective phrase): đẹp mắ t

ENG: attractive in a way that is connected with seeing or sight

- low-tech (adj): mù cô ng nghệ

ENG: not involving the most modern technology or methods

- reverse (noun): điều ngượ c lạ i

ENG: the opposite of what has just been mentioned

- lose faith in somebody/ something (verb phrase): mấ t niềm tin ENG: to

lose trust in somebody’s ability, knowledge, promise, etc.
- exaggerate something (verb): phó ng đạ i
ENG: to make something seem larger, better, worse or more important than it
really is
- censor something (verb): kiểm duyệt
ENG: to remove the parts of a book, film, etc. that are considered to be offensive
or a political threat
- fall into disuse (verb phrase): khô ng cò n đượ c sử dụ ng
ENG: to be in a situation in which something is no longer being used

- eco-friendly (adj): thâ n thiện vớ i mô i trườ ng ENG: not harmful to the


- a contingent of somebody (noun phrase): nhiều, nhó m, độ i ngũ

ENG: a group of people at a meeting or an event who have something in common,
especially the place they come from, that is not shared by other people at the
- proofread something (verb): hiệu đính
ENG: to read and correct a piece of written or printed work

Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p:

- How have newspapers changed over the last few decades in your country?

- Do you think electronic media will replace traditional one?

5. Press censorship

I believe the government is already censoring the media, but I think this is very
bad. I believe we are only given parts and pieces of stories from around the world
and very often our sources are biased. I do not believe the media should be
censored and I believe they should be able to carry out fact-finding missions and
help people blow the whistle on something wrong.
It’s important to bear in mind that media censorship has its advantages when
used with the best of intentions. It stops fake news. If more content was closely
monitored, it could cut down on the mass amounts of fraudulent information
including false advertising.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- biased (adj): thiên vị, chủ quan

ENG: tending to show favour towards or against one group of people or one
opinion for personal reasons; making unfair judgements

- blow the whistle on something (idiom): tố giá c

ENG: to bring something to the attention of other people in order to stop
something bad from happening
- bear in mind somebody/ something/ that ... (idiom): ghi nhớ , nhớ kỹ ENG:
to remember somebody/ something; to remember or consider that…
- cut down on something (phrasal verb): cắ t giả m
ENG: to reduce the size, amount or number of something

- fraudulent (adj): lừ a gạ t, lừ a đả o
ENG: intended to cheat somebody, usually in order to make money illegally

Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: Do you think the government has the right to censor the press?


1. Favourite sports

Well, my all-time favourite sport is football. I took up this sport when I was still a
little kid, a four-or-five-year-old boy. In Vietnam, it’s the most prevalent sport.
We often call it the king of sports.
Well, it’s definitely running. Running is right up my alley. It’s the kind of exercise
I do on a daily basis despite the fact that many people may find it dry and
If walking counts, I think it’s my go-to choice. To be honest, it’s the only option I
opt for because I don’t take a keen interest in sports in general.

Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- all-time favourite (adj): yêu thích nhấ t từ trướ c đến nay ENG: favourite of
all time
- take up something (phrasal verb): bắ t đầ u chơi
ENG: to learn or start to do something, especially for pleasure

- prevalent (adj): phổ biến

ENG: that exists or is very common at a particular time or in a particular place

- right up one’s alley (idiom): sở trườ ng

ENG: very suitable for you because it is something that you know a lot about or
are very interested in
- count (verb): đượ c tính
ENG: to be officially accepted; to accept something officially

- go-to choice (noun phrase): lự a chọ n đầ u tiên ENG: the first thing you think
- opt for somebody/ something (verb): chọ n ENG: to choose somebody/
- take a keen interest in something (verb phrase): thích, quan tâ m ENG: to be
interested in something
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: What is your favourite sport?

2. Playing sports

I would say playing football is part and parcel of my daily activities. Even though
I’m constantly occupied in study and work, I make sure to spare some time to
play this sport with my friends on a daily basis.
As I’m constantly up to my ears in work and study, I can only go for a run once in
a while. I know the amazing benefits of running but I just don’t have the luxury of
time to do that kind of exercise.
I’m not a frequent walker but I sometimes enjoy strolling around my
neighbourhood in the evening, especially in a scenic park in the proximity of my
house. I find walking is a good way to get lean and relieve stress after a long
stressful day of work.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- part and parcel of something (idiom): phầ n khô ng thể thiếu ENG: an
essential part of something
- occupied in something (adj): bậ n rộ n ENG: busy

- on a daily basis (prepositional phrase): hằ ng ngà y ENG: daily; every day

- up to one’s ears in something (idiom): bậ n rộ n ENG: busy
- once in a while (idiom): thỉnh thoả ng ENG: occasionally
- have the luxury of time (verb phrase): có nhiều thờ i gian rả nh
ENG: have pleasant and convenient time (that you are not always able to have) to
do something
- scenic (adj): rấ t đẹp
ENG: having beautiful natural scenery

- in the proximity of something (prepositional phrase): gầ n ENG: near

- get lean (verb phrase): giữ dá ng ENG: to become thin and fit
- relieve stress (verb phrase): giả i tỏ a că ng thẳ ng ENG: to reduce stress
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: How often do you play football/ go for a running/ go for a
walk/ …

3. Watching sports

I am a die-hard fan of Chelsea - an English football club. I’ve been rooting for
them since I was still a primary schooler. I always look forward to weekends
when I can turn the television on and watch them play the games.
Unlike many others who may find running races monotonous, I have a liking for
watching this sport. I idolize Usain Bolt - a Jamaican sprinter, widely considered
to be the greatest sprinter of all time. He’s so energetic and inspirational.
I don’t support any clubs or sportspeople. Many of my friends go crazy about
football matches. They watch and talk about the so-called “El Clasico” or “English
Derby matches” year after year without getting bored. I find watching sports is
just a waste of time.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- die-hard fan (noun phrase): fan cứ ng

ENG: somebody who is completely 100% obsessed with their favorite game,
band, movie, etc.
- root for somebody (phrasal verb): ủ ng hộ , cổ vũ
ENG: to support or encourage somebody in a sports competition or when they
are in a difficult situation
- look forward to (doing) something (phrasal verb): há o hứ c, mong chờ ENG:
to be thinking with pleasure about something that is going to happen (because
you expect to enjoy it)
- monotonous (adj): đơn điệu, nhà m chá n ENG: dry; boring

- have a liking for something (verb phrase): thích ENG: to like somebody
- idolize somebody (verb): thầ n tượ ng
ENG: to admire or love somebody very much, possibly too much

- energetic (adj): đầ y nă ng lượ ng

ENG: having or needing a lot of energy and enthusiasm

- inspirational (adj): mang lạ i nhiều cả m hứ ng

ENG: providing exciting new ideas; making somebody want to create something
- go crazy about something (verb phrase): phá t cuồ ng ENG: to be very
enthusiastic or excited about something
- so-called (adj): cá i gọ i là
ENG: used to show that you do not think that the word or phrase that is being
used to describe somebody/something is appropriate
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: Do you like any sports teams or sportspeople?

4. Changes in doing physical activities

With the advent of many modern conveniences, humans have increasingly

worked indoors, which means we do physical activities less often. These days,
manual jobs entailing working outside are generally considered as low class. The
increase in indoor jobs and people leading a sedentary lifestyle lead to the fact
that people don’t get sufficient amounts of exercise and become weaker and
more prone to sickness.
I believe we partake in physical activities less than we did in former days and
walking is a good case in point. In the past, we largely had to rely on our feet to
get around. But

now, we hardly travel on foot. We now travel by many means of transport like
motorcycles, cars, buses or planes. We order food, drinks, clothes and such like
on apps and get them delivered to our place. We only walk once in a while when
we have the luxury of time for it.
It’s safe to say that these days, most people lead a sedentary lifestyle and take
part in fewer physical activities. Many children get addicted to video games and
squander hours on them every day, leaving very little time for playing sports.
Meanwhile, adults, especially office workers, often go for a drink after work, thus
leaving no time for physical activities. I mean people nowadays are attracted to a
lot of temptations, their time is just occupied with such stuff and this leads to a
lack of time spent on physical activities.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- entail something (verb): yêu cầ u, đò i hỏ i

ENG: to involve something that cannot be avoided

- lead a sedentary lifestyle (verb phrase): số ng cuộ c số ng thụ độ ng, ngồ i là m

việc nhiều
ENG: to live a life in which you spend a lot of time sitting down
- prone to something (adj): nhạ y cả m, dễ mắ c
ENG: likely to suffer from something or to do something bad

- partake in something (verb): tham gia ENG: to take part in something

- in former days (prepositional phrase): ngà y trướ c ENG: in the past

- a good case in point (noun phrase): trườ ng hợ p điển hình ENG: a good
example of something you have just mentioned
- squander something on something (verb): lã ng phí
ENG: to waste money, time, etc. in a stupid or careless way

- temptation (noun): cá m dỗ
ENG: a thing that makes somebody want to do or have something that they know
is bad or wrong
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: Do people nowadays do physical activities more often than
they used to in the past?

5. Extreme sports

I believe a ban on risky sports is necessary. In fact, even when participants are
well- prepared and have all the right equipment to participate in these sports, the
dangers are still present. This means that prohibiting all those sports can help
prevent individuals from being seriously injured or having fatal consequences
which are caused by these hidden dangers.
I believe that so-called extreme sports are not as dangerous as many people
think. Every sport entails certain elements of risks, and there should always be
clear regulations and safety procedures to minimize the possibility of accidents.
People taking part in risky sports are usually required to undergo appropriate
training so that the dangers can be zeroed out.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- well-prepared (adj): chuẩ n bị tố t

ENG: ready and able to deal with something

- fatal (adj): gâ y chết ngườ i

ENG: causing or ending in death

- entail something (verb): đò i hỏ i, yêu cầ u, bao gồ m ENG: to involve

something that cannot be avoided
- zero something out (phrasal verb): giả m thiểu đến hết
ENG: reduce something to zero; eliminate or remove entirely

Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: Should extreme sports be banned?


1. The park where you live

Well, the city is just like a concrete jungle full of high-rises. The government
makes use of every square meter for construction work, so there is no space for a
park. It’s regrettable that greenery is gradually disappearing in the city.
Well, yes. There are loads of public parks in the city centre. Several years ago, my
neighbourhood was like a concrete jungle surrounded by apartment blocks.
Recently, new public parks have been constructed nearby to create green spaces
for the dwellers.
Actually, there are no parks in my neighbourhood. I was born and bred in the
countryside where I would say green spaces are everywhere. I mean there is no
need to erect a public park in the outdoors.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- concrete jungle (noun phrase): ‘rừ ng bê tô ng’ (á m chỉ thà nh phố ngộ t ngạ t)
ENG: a modern city or urban area, especially when perceived as an unpleasant or
challenging place to live
- high-rise (noun): tò a nhà cao tầ ng
ENG: a building that is very tall and has a lot of floors

- regrettable (adj): đá ng tiếc

ENG: that you are sorry about and wish had not happened

- greenery (noun): câ y cỏ
ENG: attractive green leaves and plants

- loads of somebody/ something (noun phrase): rấ t nhiều ENG: a large

number or amount of people or things; plenty
- construct something ~ erect something (verb): dự ng lên, xâ y dự ng ENG: to
build something
- dweller (noun): cư dâ n
ENG: (especially in compounds) a person or an animal that lives in the particular
place that is mentioned
- born and bred (idiom): sinh ra và lớ n lên
ENG: born and having grown up in a particular place with a particular
background and education
- the outdoors (noun phrase): vù ng nô ng thô n ENG: the countryside
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: Are there any parks near your home?

2. Going to parks

These days, I’m constantly up to my ears in work and study so I don’t have the
luxury of time to visit parks on a regular basis. I just visit the park near my house
once in a while to immerse myself in nature.
Well, despite the fact that these days, I’m constantly occupied in work and study,
I make sure to spare some time in the evening every day to stroll around the park
near my home.
My friends and I often go for a walk in the park because it’s surrounded by
massive trees and the paths really favour walking. It’s also like a playground
where children can play football or other sports.

I would say such a green space is really suitable for many outdoor activities like
running, playing football or kite flying. On weekends, many families even get
there to go on a picnic. This place really gives a sense of tranquility.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- constantly up to one’s ears in something ~ constantly occupied in

something (idiom; adj): bậ n bịu suố t ngà y
ENG: busy

- have the luxury of time (verb phrase): có nhiều thờ i gian rả nh

ENG: have pleasant and convenient time (that you are not always able to have) to
do something
- on a regular basis (prepositional phrase): thườ ng xuyên ENG: regularly
- once in a while (idiom): thỉnh thoả ng ENG: occasionally
- immerse somebody in something (verb): khiến ai đắ m chìm
ENG: to become or make somebody completely involved in something

- spare something (verb): dà nh ra

ENG: to make something such as time or money available to somebody or for
something, especially when it requires an effort for you to do this
- stroll (verb): đi dạ o
ENG: to walk somewhere in a slow relaxed way

- go for a walk (verb phrase): đi dạ o

ENG: to participate in a journey on foot, usually for pleasure or exercise

- favour something (verb): thuậ n lợ i, phù hợ p vớ i

ENG: to provide suitable conditions for a particular person, group, etc.

- go on a picnic (verb phrase): đi dã ngoạ i

ENG: to pack a meal and take it to eat outdoors, especially in the countryside

- a sense of tranquility (noun phrase): cả m giá c yên bình ENG: the state of
being quiet and peaceful
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p:

- How often do you go to a park?

- What do people often do in a park?

3. Benefits of parks

To me, the construction of the park is a lifesaver. My current residential area

used to suffer from the deleterious effects of air pollution. Since the
establishment of the park, the issue has been somewhat alleviated as massive
trees in the park have really helped clean the air.
Well, the park provides the city dwellers with green spaces. Many people, instead
of being couch potatoes in their spare time, have taken up new activities in the
park like playing sports or exercising. Their new habits have really helped
enhance their well- being.
I believe that this park along with any other urban parks is far more than the
lungs of the city. They help to fight pollution, encourage biodiversity in the city
centre and help to control temperatures and humidity. Green zones in the city
are also crucial to social cohesion.

Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- lifesaver (noun): cứ u cá nh
ENG: a thing that helps somebody in a difficult situation; something that saves
somebody’s life
- deleterious (adj): có hạ i, tiêu cự c ENG: harmful and damaging
- somewhat (adv): ở mứ c nà o đó ENG: to some degree
- alleviate something (verb): giả m thiểu ENG: to make something less severe
- couch potato (noun phrase): ngườ i lườ i biếng hay nằ m xem TV
ENG: a person who watches a lot of television and does not have an active life

- take up something (phrasal verb): bắ t đầ u chơi

ENG: to learn or start to do something, especially for pleasure

- well-being (noun): thể trạ ng (vậ t chấ t lẫ n tinh thầ n) ENG: general health
and happiness
- fight something (verb): chố ng lạ i
ENG: to try hard to stop, deal with or oppose something bad or something that
you disagree with
- social cohesion (noun phrase): đoà n kết xã hộ i ENG: the act or state of
keeping society together
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: What are some benefits that parks can bring?

4. How to encourage people to go to parks

I think that adding park amenities that appeal to both older adults and children is
a great way to encourage grandparents to bring their grandchildren to a park.
For example, chess and checkerboard tables may be included in an area near the
playground to encourage adults to socialize with one another while children and
grandchildren play nearby.
Well, I always think of installing outdoor fitness equipment in every park as a
good idea to attract more visitors. People may feel like they are in an outdoor
gym but don’t have to pay any fees.
Actually, I’ve never thought about this issue before. Maybe, the authorities should
organise some professional sports trainers to conduct a free demonstration in
parks on a regular basis to promote healthy living and outdoor workouts. It is an
excellent way to keep people interested in these parks and they are more likely
to come back.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- amenity (noun): tiện ích

ENG: a feature or service that makes a place pleasant, comfortable or easy to live
- socialize with somebody (verb): giao lưu
ENG: to meet and spend time with people in a friendly way, in order to enjoy
- install something (verb): lắ p đặ t
ENG: to fix equipment or furniture into position so that it can be used

- demonstration (noun): buổ i demo, buổ i hướ ng dẫ n minh họ a

ENG: an act of showing or explaining how something works or is done

Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: How can we encourage people to go to parks more often?

5. Parks of the future

I don’t think there will be changes in the form of urban parks. Typical parks will
still feature greenery, lakes, and such like. However, I’m sure that more parks will
be constructed in the city as both the government and populace are increasingly
conscious of the importance of parks.
I believe when we run out of space, public parks and gardens will be constructed
beneath our feet. Actually, this idea has already been implemented in some
countries such as the UK or the US as the governments of these nations
repurposed abandoned networks of tunnels to create parks.
I just guess that in the future, parks may take the form of islands lying right off
coasts, or even lie on the rooftops of skyscrapers. Who knows what the future
holds. Science has proved that even the craziest thing can happen.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- feature something (verb): bao gồ m thứ gì (như mộ t đặ c điểm nổ i bậ t) ENG:

to include a particular person or thing as a special feature
- populace (noun): ngườ i dâ n
ENG: all the ordinary people of a particular country or area

- conscious of something (adj): nhậ n thứ c ENG: aware of something

- run out of something (phrasal verb): hết

ENG: to use up or finish a supply of something

- implement something (verb): triển khai, thự c hiện

ENG: to make something that has been officially decided start to happen or be
- repurpose something (verb): sử dụ ng cho mụ c đích khá c
ENG: to change something slightly in order to make it suitable for a new purpose
- what the future holds (noun phrase): chuyện xả y ra trong tương lai ENG:
what is likely to happen in the future
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: What do you think parks will look like in the future?


1. Favourite foods and drinks

Actually, it’s impossible to list all my favourite foods. There are tons of
scrumptious foods that I love eating. One of them is Vietnamese traditional sweet
soup because I have a sweet tooth. Besides, I have a liking for chocolates as well.
Without a doubt, I would say it’s Phở or Vietnamese rice noodle soup with
chicken or beef. It’s among the best-known delicacies in Hanoi - my hometown.
It’s light, not fattening, yet nutritious, scrumptious and fragrant with many
different Vietnamese spices.
Well, it’s definitely coffee. I couldn’t imagine life without coffee. Drinking coffee is
part and parcel of my daily routine. Without it, I couldn’t work efficiently most
especially when I need to burn the midnight oil.
Well, I’m a big fan of tea. Grabbing a cup of tea in the morning is a must for me. It
gives me an excellent energy boost and helps me stay energetic throughout the
I love cola and Coca-Cola is my all-time favourite brand. Just like a morning cup of
coffee, Coca-Cola offers a good whack of the stimulant caffeine. If my attention
levels are dipping, a mouthful or two of Coke could get me back up to speed.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- scrumptious (adj): ngon ENG: tasting very good

- have a sweet tooth (idiom): hả o ngọ t
ENG: to like food that contains a lot of sugar

- without a doubt (idiom): chắ c chắ n, khỏ i bà n cã i

ENG: used when you are giving your opinion and emphasizing the point that you
are making
- delicacy (noun): mó n ngon, đặ c sả n
ENG: a type of food considered to be very special in a particular place

- light (adj): thanh nhẹ

ENG: not containing much fat, sugar or other rich ingredients and therefore easy
to digest
- fattening (adj): béo ngậ y ENG: likely to make you fat
- fragrant (adj): thơm
ENG: having a pleasant smell

- part and parcel of something (idiom): phầ n khô ng thể thiếu ENG: an
essential part of something
- burn the midnight oil (idiom): là m việc chă m chỉ lú c đêm khuya ENG: to
study or work until late at night
- must (noun): điều bắ t buộ c phả i là m
ENG: something that you must do, see, buy, etc.

- energetic (adj): trà n đầ y nă ng lượ ng

ENG: having or needing a lot of energy and enthusiasm

- a whack of something (noun phrase): mộ t lượ ng ENG: a share of

something; an amount of something

- a mouthful of something (noun phrase): mộ t miếng, mộ t ngụ m

ENG: an amount of food or drink that you put in your mouth at one time

- up to speed (idiom): phong độ cao nhấ t, thể hiện ở mứ c tố t nhấ t

ENG: (of a person, company, etc.) performing at an expected rate or level

Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: What is your favourite food/ drink?

2. Foods and drinks you dislike

I’m not a big fan of eating fish. I hate the smell of it and I feel uncomfortable with
texture when I start chewing and swallowing it. Maybe I am too picky.

I have intolerances to seafood, in particular shellfish, despite the fact that I love
its taste and smell. It’s weird. I’d had shellfish without any problems before I
started developing an allergy to it several years back.
I don’t dislike tea or coffee but I avoid drinking these two kinds of drinks as much
as I can. They contain too much caffeine that sometimes can keep me up at night.
I wouldn’t say I hate Cola but I actively dislike it. There is too much sugar in it
and it leads to much more than just obesity. It also contributes to rotting teeth,
higher risks of cancer or heart diseases and such like.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- texture (noun): cả m giá c khi thứ c ă n đượ c nhai trong miệng

ENG: the way food or drink tastes or feels in your mouth, for example whether it
is rough, smooth, light, heavy, etc.
- picky (adj): kén chọ n
ENG: liking only particular things and difficult to please

- intolerance to something (noun): dị ứ ng

ENG: the fact of not being able to eat particular foods, use particular medicines,
etc. without becoming ill
- allergy to something (noun): dị ứ ng
ENG: a medical condition that causes you to react badly or feel ill when you eat or
touch a particular substance
- keep somebody up (phrasal verb): khiến ai thứ c ENG: to prevent somebody
from going to bed
- actively dislike something (verb phrase): cự c kỳ khô ng thích ENG: to
dislike something greatly
- rot one’s teeth (verb): là m sâ u ră ng
ENG: to make one’s teeth decay, naturally and gradually

- such like (noun phrase): vâ n vâ n

ENG: a person or thing that is similar to another

Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: What food/ drink do you dislike?

3. Diets

I don’t stick to any particular diet. I just eat what I fancy and avoid what I dislike
or what I cannot eat. For instance, I love eating meat but for the most part, I
prefer beef and chicken over lamb and duck meat.
Well, I am really conscious of the high risk of getting obese and now I’m following
a low-fat diet. With the diet, I can reduce overall calorie intake and improve
cholesterol levels, which helps lower the risk of heart disease, I suppose.
Several years back, I got overweight, so I decided to go vegan. And as you can see,
now I really get myself into shape. Many people think that vegans can’t get
enough protein or something. But vegans eating varied diets containing
vegetables, beans, grains, nuts, and seeds rarely have any difficulty getting
enough protein.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- stick to something (phrasal verb): theo, gắ n bó

ENG: to continue doing something despite difficulties

- fancy something (verb): thích ENG: to feel like something

- conscious of something (adj): nhậ n thứ c ENG: aware of something
- follow a … diet (verb phrase): ă n theo chế độ ă n uố ng ...
ENG: to eat what a particular diet plan suggests

- intake (noun): lượ ng thứ c ă n đồ uố ng nạ p và o cơ thể

ENG: the amount of food, drink, etc. that you take into your body

- go vegan (verb phrase): ă n chay ENG: to become a vegan

- get oneself into shape (idiom): thon gọ n, khỏ e khoắ n
ENG: to take exercise, eat healthy food, etc. in order to become physically fit

Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: Do you follow any particular diets?

4. Cooking skills

To be honest, I didn’t learn how to cook a meal as a little boy. My parents and
siblings pampered me and always did the cooking when I was young. Now I’m
living independently and most of the time, I eat out.
Well, I’m not a chef or an excellent cook but I think my cooking skills are
acceptable. I like preparing a special meal for family or friends who visit, but
everyday cooking is monotonous; it's something that has to be done, and it's not
really fun.
To be honest, my cooking skills are bad. I just learnt how to cook a simple meal
recently when I started going to college and living independently in the dorm.
But I believe it’s worth it. Learning to cook, I also can learn life skills like eating
healthy, budgeting my money, and cleaning.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- pamper somebody (verb): nuô ng chiều

ENG: to take care of somebody very well and make them feel as comfortable as
- do the cooking (verb phrase): là m việc nấ u nướ ng ENG: to do the process of
preparing food by heating it
- eat out (phrasal verb): ă n ngoà i
ENG: to have a meal in a restaurant, etc. rather than at home

- chef (noun): đầ u bếp chuyên nghiệp đã qua đà o tạ o

ENG: a person whose job is to cook, especially the most senior person in a
restaurant, hotel, etc.

- cook (noun): ngườ i nấ u ă n, đầ u bếp

ENG: a person who cooks food or whose job is cooking

- monotonous (adj): nhà m chá n ENG: boring

- dorm (noun): ký tú c xá
ENG: a building for university or college students to live in

- it’s worth it: bõ cô ng, đá ng

ENG: important, good or pleasant enough to make somebody feel satisfied,
especially when difficulty or effort is involved
- budget something (verb): tính toá n chi tiêu
ENG: to be careful about the amount of money you spend; to plan to spend an
amount of money for a particular purpose
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: Are you a good cook?

5. Doing the cooking in a family

It’s my mother who is the home-maker of my family. She goes grocery shopping
every morning and does most of the cooking as well. But sometimes, we cook
together as a family.
When I was a little kid, my parents shared household chores because they both
went to work and brought home the bacon. Now, I take the responsibility to do
most of the housework including cooking.
It might sound strange but it’s my father who is usually in charge of preparing
food and looking after the menu. Honestly, he cooks way better than my mother.
my elder sister assists my parents in cooking but this is a very rare occasion as
she is often occupied in her study.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- homemaker (noun): ngườ i xâ y tổ ấ m, ngườ i chă m lo gia đình

ENG: a person, especially a woman, who manages a home and takes care of the
house and family
- go grocery shopping (verb phrase): đi chợ ENG: to go to a grocer’s to buy
- bring home the bacon (idiom): kiếm tiền
ENG: to be successful at something; to earn money for your family to live on

- in charge of something (prepositional phrase): đả m nhậ n

ENG: in a position of having control over somebody/ something or taking
responsibility for somebody/ something
- way (adv): rấ t nhiều
ENG: very far; by a large amount

- occupied in something (adj): bậ n rộ n ENG: busy

Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: Who does the cooking in your family?

1. Wild animals
I have seen wild animals several times in person and plenty of times on TV
through National Geographic TV shows. I vividly remember the first time when I
went to the zoo in the city centre with my family. I was instantly smitten by all
the wild animals when seeing them.
Well, to be honest, I’ve never seen any wild animals in real life before. In the
countryside where I’ve been living, there are no zoos, nature reserves or such
like. I just see some on TV in nature shows.
My all-time favourite wild animals are lions. I admire how fierce they are and
how they value unity when hunting prey. The lion is the king of the jungle but it’s
a myth because they inhabit grasslands, but not jungles.
I don’t take any keen interest in wild animals, so it’s hard to answer this question.
But in case I have to give a definite answer, I will opt for mammoths - a group of
elephants that lived thousands of years ago and is now extinct. They are the main
characters in the blockbuster Ice Age.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- vividly remember something (verb phrase): nhớ rõ , nhớ như in

ENG: to remember something in a way that produces very clear pictures in your
- smitten by somebody/ something (adj): cả m nắ ng
ENG: suddenly feeling that you are in love with somebody

- nature reserve (noun phrase): khu bả o tồ n thiên nhiên

ENG: an area of land where the animals and plants are protected

- fierce (adj): mạ nh mẽ, quyết liệt, dữ tợ n

ENG: (especially of people or animals) angry and aggressive in a way that is
- myth (noun): chuyện hoang đườ ng, lờ i đồ n đạ i
ENG: something that many people believe but that does not exist or is false

- inhabit something (verb): số ng ở đâ u ENG: to live in a particular place

- grassland (noun): thả o nguyên
ENG: a large area of open land covered with wild grass

- take a keen interest in something (verb phrase): quan tâ m, hứ ng thú ENG:

to be interested in something
- opt for something (verb): chọ n ENG: to choose something
- blockbuster (noun): bom tấ n
ENG: something very successful, especially a very successful book or film

Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p:

- Have you ever seen wild animals?

- What is your favourite wild animal?

2. Going to zoos
Well. Going to zoos is one of my greatest pleasures. Visiting zoos can really
broaden my horizons about behaviours of different wild animals that I couldn’t
learn at school. Besides, I love the tranquillity of nature at zoos.
I love visiting zoos. Seeing wild animals in person really fulfils my curiosity about
them. I’m always eager to learn about the way they behave. It’s always
exhilarating being close to wild animals.
I believe visiting zoos is just a pastime of kids. As a little boy, I used to jump for
joy whenever my parents took me to the zoo in the city. But now, I no longer have
this great excitement. I am now occupied with work so I can’t spare any time for
this activity.
Actually, I’m against zoos or any kinds of establishments keeping wild animals
for entertainment and commercial purposes. That’s why I will never pay any
visits to zoos during my lifetime. Such animals look so miserable in cages.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- broaden one’s horizons (verb phrase): mở mang kiến thứ c

ENG: to broaden the limit of your desires, knowledge or interests

- tranquility (noun): sự yên bình

ENG: the state of being quiet and peaceful

- fulfil one’s curiosity (verb phrase): thỏ a mã n sự tò mò ENG: to find out

something that you want to know
- eager to do something (adj): hứ ng thú , ham
ENG: very interested and excited by something that is going to happen or about
something that you want to do

- exhilarating (adj): thú vị, vui vẻ ENG: very exciting and great fun
- pastime (noun): trò tiêu khiển
ENG: something that you enjoy doing when you are not working

- jump for joy (verb phrase): nhả y cẫ ng lên vì sướ ng ENG: to be very pleased
and happy
- spare something (verb): dà nh ra
ENG: to make something such as time or money available to somebody or for
something, especially when it requires an effort for you to do this
- establishment (noun): tổ chứ c
ENG: a business or other organization, or the place where an organization
- pay a visit to somebody/ something (verb phrase): thă m ENG: to visit
somebody/ something
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: Do you like going to zoos?

3. Pets
Yes, I have! I used to take care of my cat 5 years back. Andy is such a lovely and
playful cat. He’s actually my best friend! Unfortunately, he went away and never
came back. I don’t know what happened to him. I still miss him dreadfully.
To be honest, I’m not much of an animal lover. Dogs and cats are sometimes
really annoying and keeping them as pets is not as easy as I thought. Looking
after a pet is like looking after a kid. It takes time, money and energy.

I love pets but my current situation doesn’t favour raising an animal. I’ve been
living in a mini flat in the city centre and animals are not allowed in the building.
On top of that, raising an animal means I’m likely to go beyond my budget as I
have to buy them food and other stuff.
I would say I’m an animal lover and I absolutely adore cats and dogs. But, sadly,
allergic to their hair. That’s why I can’t keep them in my home.

Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- take care of somebody ~ look after somebody (phrasal verb): chă m só c

ENG: to care for somebody/ something
- dreadfully (adv): vô cù ng nhiều ENG: extremely; very much
- playful (adj): tinh nghịch
ENG: full of fun; wanting to play

- not much of a ...: khô ng phả i là mộ t … tố t

ENG: to be not a very good thing of a particular kind

- favour something (verb): ủ ng hộ , tạ o điều kiện thuậ n lợ i

ENG: to provide suitable conditions for a particular person, group, etc.

- on top of that (prepositional phrase): bên cạ nh đó ENG: in addition

- go beyond one’s budget (verb phrase): vượ t quá ngâ n sá ch ENG: to spend
more money than you have
- adore somebody/ something (verb): yêu quý, cưng ENG: to love
somebody/ something very much

- allergic to something (adj): dị ứ ng ENG: having an allergy to something

Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: Do you keep a pet at home?

4. Reasons for keeping pets

Well, keeping Andy is good for my mood. He, of course, doesn’t speak our
language but he can hear me loud and clear. He’s quite aware of my emotional
needs. I always confide in him when I have a problem. He can’t help tackle the
problem but at least, I can feel relieved when doing so.
Well, the cat is like my companion on the journey of losing weight. I used to be a
lazy obese boy until he came. Now, I walk him around the park in the locality on a
daily basis and this activity really helps me get myself into shape.
I was an introvert finding it hard to befriend others. I mean I had few friends.
That’s why I adopted Mike from a dog rescue organization in the city and treated
him as a family member and my best friend as well. He was loyal and playful, not
to mention the fact that he could serve as a guard in our home.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- loud and clear (idiom): rõ rà ng

ENG: very clear and easy to understand

- confide in somebody (phrasal verb): tâ m sự

ENG: to tell somebody secrets and personal information because you feel you can
trust them
- tackle a problem (verb phrase): giả i quyết vấ n đề
ENG: to make a determined effort to deal with a difficult problem or situation

- relieved (adj): nhẹ nhõ m

ENG: feeling happy because something unpleasant has stopped or has not
happened; showing this
- in the locality (prepositional phrase): ở trong vù ng ENG: in the area that
surrounds the place you are in
- get oneself into shape (idiom): khỏ e khoắ n, thon gọ n
ENG: to take exercise, eat healthy food, etc. in order to become physically fit

- introvert (noun): ngườ i hướ ng nộ i

ENG: a quiet person who is more interested in their own thoughts and feelings
than in spending time with other people
- befriend somebody (verb): kết bạ n
ENG: to become a friend of somebody, especially somebody who needs your help
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: Why did you keep that dog/ cat?

5. Humans’ effects on wild animals

Well, our populations are growing so fast and we take up more space on Earth for
our homes and cities. We occupy natural habitats and take resources away from
wildlife. As far as I’m concerned, wild animals are now disappearing 1000 times
faster than they were in ancient times due to the loss of the living environment.
I believe that humans have been so cruel to Mother Nature. With the advent of
industrialization, tons of industrial parks have been springing up over the last
decades and many of them have unlawfully released toxic waste into the
environment, causing the death of many animals and plants as well. The
extinction of an individual species

can lead to an ecological imbalance because each organism has a unique place in
the food chain.
Well, I think we are all aware of the repercussions of what we’ve done to the
wildlife. We created wars that caused tremendous damage to all species on this
planet. We’ve been destroying natural habitats for commercial purposes.
Consequently, the number of species has declined at an unprecedented rate. I
believe if we don’t take action promptly, the damage will run out of control and
doomsday will come closer.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- take up something (phrasal verb): chiếm ENG: to fill or use an amount of

space or time
- as far as I’m concerned: theo như tô i biết, theo tô i thì ENG: used when you
are giving your opinion
- cruel to somebody/ something (adj): độ c á c, tà n nhẫ n
ENG: having a desire to cause physical or mental pain and make somebody suffer
- spring up (phrasal verb): mọ c lên
ENG: to appear or develop quickly and/or suddenly

- unlawfully (adv): phạ m phá p

ENG: in a way that is not allowed by the law

- repercussion (noun): hậ u quả

ENG: an indirect and usually bad result of an action or event that may happen
some time afterwards

- tremendous (adj): cự c kỳ lớ n, khủ ng khiếp ENG: very great

- unprecedented (adj): chưa từ ng có
ENG: that has never happened, been done or been known before

- promptly (adv): kịp thờ i, đú ng lú c, ngay lậ p tứ c ENG: without delay;

- run out of control (idiom): vượ t ngoà i tầ m kiểm soá t ENG: to be or become
impossible to manage or to control
- doomsday (noun): ngà y tậ n thế
ENG: the last day of the world when Christians believe that everyone will be
judged by God
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: What are some effects human activities have on wild animals?

1. Languages you can speak

My mother tongue/ first language is Vietnamese. Besides, I can speak English at

conversational level. When I speak a language, I feel like I am part of that culture.
For instance, when I speak English, I usually get straight to the point while the
Vietnamese often beat around the bush.
English is the only foreign language I can speak. I find learning a new language
really challenging. It takes a decade for me to be able to speak English at a
conversational level and I’ve never thought of learning another language.
Well, I learned to speak English when I was still a primary schooler. At that time,
English was the dominant language spoken all over the world. Then, I picked
Chinese as my major at college as China became a superpower.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- mother tongue ~ first language (noun phrase): tiếng mẹ đẻ

ENG: The language that you learn to speak first as a child; the language that you
speak best
- at conversational level (prepositional phrase): ở mứ c có thể giao tiếp đượ c
ENG: A speaker at conversational level can have a decent conversation about
almost any topics and be able to convey his ideas to others
- get straight to the point (verb phrase): đi thẳ ng và o vấ n đề
ENG: To reach the most important or crucial part of something at once

- beat around the bush (idiom): nó i vò ng vo tam quố c

ENG: to talk about something for a long time without coming to the main point

- challenging (adj): khó

ENG: difficult in an interesting way that tests your ability

- dominant language (noun phrase): ngô n ngữ phổ thô ng, nhiều ngườ i sử
dụ ng ENG: the language that is widely spoken
- superpower (noun): siêu cườ ng quố c
ENG: one of the countries in the world that has very great military or economic
power and a lot of influence, for example the US
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: What languages can you speak?

2. Reasons for learning foreign languages

For the better part of the last decades, a tidal wave of major enterprises around
the world have been coming to Vietnam and I believe English would be an
essential precondition for anyone to land a job in such organizations. That’s why
I chose English as my major at college.
I always have a love of exploring different cultures and I believe that learning a
new language is learning a new culture. I’m actually thinking of learning Chinese
simply because I want to gain deeper insights into the Chinese culture.
Well, I learned Korean just because I idolized DBSK - a five-member boy band in
South Korea. I was desperate to understand what my idols were singing.
Ironically, later on, when I was finally proficient in Korean, I realized that they
were singing Japanese songs.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- for the better part of something (prepositional phrase): phầ n lớ n (thờ i

gian) ENG: for almost all of something
- a tidal wave of somebody/ something (noun phrase): rấ t nhiều ENG: a
sudden large number/ amount of somebody/ something
- precondition (noun): điều kiện cầ n
ENG: something that must happen or exist before something else can exist or be
- land a job (verb phrase): tìm đượ c cô ng việc ENG: to get a job
- gain insights into something (verb phrase): hiểu rõ ENG: to understand
something deeply
- idolize somebody (verb): thầ n tượ ng ENG: to admire somebody greatly
- desperate to do something (adj): rấ t muố n
ENG: [not usually before noun] needing or wanting something very much

- ironically (adv): trớ trêu thay

ENG: in a way that is strange or funny because it is very different from what you
- proficient in something (adj): thà nh thạ o
ENG: able to do something well because of training and practice
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: Why did you choose to learn that language?

3. Methods of learning foreign languages

I make sure to expose myself to the languages in my daily life. Apart from English
classes at school, in my spare time, I binge-watch foreign movies with English
subtitles, listen to the USUK music and read online articles written in English.
YouTube is my all-time favorite resource to practice English. I often watch
YouTube on topics that I’m interested in. Then, I jot down words, phrases and
grammar in a notebook and review them on a regular basis.
Well, I believe that talking with foreigners is the most effective way to learn a
foreign language. I joined a tour guide club in Hanoi and had opportunities to
meet and talk with people from different parts of the world. It’s how I practiced
and absorbed English.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- expose yourself to something (verb): trả i nghiệm, tiếp xú c ENG: to

experience something
- binge-watch something (verb): xem rấ t nhiều, cà y
ENG: to watch several episodes of a TV show on one occasion, usually by means
of DVDs or digital streaming
- all-time favourite (adj): yêu thích nhấ t từ trướ c đến nay ENG: that is liked
the most of any time
- jot down something (phrasal verb): ghi lạ i ENG: to note down something
- on a regular basis (prepositional phrase): thườ ng xuyên ENG: regularly

- absorb something (verb): tiếp thu, hấ p thụ

ENG: to take something into the mind and learn or understand it

Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: How have you learned the language?

4. Using dictionaries

Countless times a day, and seven days a week, I have to say. I’m an English
learner so I look up new or uncommon words in dictionaries each time I
encounter them. Using dictionaries is part and parcel of my daily activities.
Of course, I utilize dictionaries to look up the meanings as well as pronunciation
of words which I am not familiar with when I am learning or reading. Besides, a
good dictionary can give me the synonyms or antonyms of a word or ways of
combining words to form collocations.
As a high-schooler without a smartphone, I largely relied on my thick paper
dictionary. Since I started going to college, I’ve turned to e-dictionaries. I have a
liking for monolingual dictionaries because they explain the contexts in which a
word can be used in detail.
I’ve used quite a lot of dictionaries; but the one that I make use of the most is the
Oxford Learner’s Dictionary. As its name suggests, it’s absolutely necessary for
any English learners, I believe.
Well, the Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary is kind of a boon companion of mine
on my English learning journey. It’s compact but really powerful especially when
I’m on the way to school or home.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- countless (adj): vô hạ n, khô ng đếm đượ c

ENG: very many; too many to be counted or mentioned

- look up something (phrasal verb): tra cứ u

ENG: to look for information in a dictionary or reference book, or by using a
- encounter somebody/ something (verb): bắ t gặ p
ENG: to meet somebody, or discover or experience something, especially
somebody/ something new, unusual or unexpected
- part and parcel of something (idiom): phầ n khô ng thể thiếu, rấ t quan trọ ng
ENG: an essential part of something
- utilize something (verb): tậ n dụ ng, sử dụ ng
ENG: to use something, especially for a practical purpose

- familiar with something (adj): quen vớ i ENG: knowing something very well
- largely (adv): phầ n lớ n, chủ yếu ENG: mainly
- have a liking for somebody/ something (verb phrase): thích ENG: to like
somebody/ something
- monolingual dictionary (noun phrase): từ điển sử dụ ng mộ t ngô n ngữ ENG:
a dictionary using only one language
- make use of somebody/ something (idiom): tậ n dụ ng ENG: to use
something, especially for a practical purpose

- boon companion (noun phrase): trợ thủ đắ c lự c, bạ n đồ ng hà nh rấ t quan

trọ ng ENG: a very close and helpful friend
- compact (adj): nhỏ gọ n
ENG: (usually approving) smaller than is usual for things of the same kind

Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p:

- Do you use any dictionaries? How often do you use them?

- What dictionaries do you use?

5. Criteria for a good dictionary

I believe an excellent dictionary should give us everything related to a word such

as meanings, pronunciation, examples, word families and such like. Such
information helps us gain insights into a word and apply it naturally and
I believe the standards for dictionaries vary from person to person. As far as I’m
concerned, the more examples a dictionary offers, the better it is. I believe that a
good dictionary must give example sentences for every word. Such sentences
show how a word is used by natives and in which contexts it is acceptable.
Well, it all depends. As a beginner, I believe a good dictionary has to be written in
two languages. I mean bilingual dictionaries. Such dictionaries have words listed
in English and their equivalents in another language. It is very straightforward to
find out what words mean quickly.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- word family (noun phrase): nhó m từ cù ng họ

ENG: a group of related words that are formed from the same word

- such like (noun phrase): vâ n vâ n

ENG: a person or thing that is similar to another

- vary from person to person (verb phrase): mỗ i ngườ i có mộ t quan điểm

riêng (về mộ t vấ n đề nà o đó )
ENG: to change or be different according to each person’s perspective

- native (noun): ngườ i bả n xứ

ENG: a person who was born in a particular country or area

- bilingual dictionary (noun phrase): từ điển song ngữ ENG: a dictionary

written in two languages
- equivalent (noun): thứ tương tự
ENG: a thing, amount, word, etc. that is equal in value, meaning or purpose to
something else
- straightforward (adj): dễ dà ng
ENG: easy to do or to understand; not complicated

- find out something (phrasal verb): tìm ra

ENG: to get some information about something by asking, reading, etc.

Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: What is a good dictionary in your opinion?

6. A common language of the whole world

I reckon that the idea of creating a global language has its own merits and
demerits. On the one hand, it surely will aid understanding between individuals
all over the world, which can enhance our relationships. Besides, removing
language barriers can promote trade between countries, thereby boosting the
growth of economies. However, as I said,

languages are like cultures. When everyone shares the same language, cultural
diversity will gradually disappear, I suppose.
No, I don’t think so. A diversity of languages helps preserve the diversity of
people who speak them and their cultures. To me, a people’s language is the
single most important artefact of their culture rather than clothing, food or tools.
If the whole world spoke the same language, it could lead to the extinction of
many customs and cultures. I believe that instead of trying to create a common
language, we should focus on preserving and promoting existing languages.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- merit (noun): lợ i ích

ENG: the quality of being good and of deserving praise or reward

- demerit (noun): bấ t lợ i
ENG: a fault in something or a disadvantage of something

- aid something (verb): hỗ trợ , giú p đỡ

ENG: to help or encourage something to happen

- people (noun): dâ n tộ c
ENG: all the people who live in a particular place or belong to a particular
country, race, etc.
- artefact (noun): vậ t tạ o tá c
ENG: an object that is made by a person, especially something of historical or
cultural interest
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: Do you think humans should speak the same language?


1. Favourite genre

Well, personally, I have a liking for EDM. I love dancing and dancing hard. The
unique combination of beats and rhythms always makes for an exhilarating
I take a keen interest in Pop music. I love its intricate rhythm and catchy melody.
It’s the most prevalent kind of music in the world as its name suggests.
I’m a die-hard fan of RnB, which stands for Rhythm and Blues. As well as giving
me a real buzz, R&B is also capable of uplifting me and improving my mood.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- have a liking for somebody/ something (verb phrase): cả m thấ y thích ENG:
to have the feeling that you like somebody/something; to have the pleasure in
- make for something (phrasal verb): tạ o nên ENG: to help to make
something possible
- an exhilarating experience (noun phrase): trả i nghiệm vui vẻ, thú vị ENG:
an exciting and fun experience
- take a keen interest in somebody/ something (verb phrase): cự c kỳ quan
tâ m đến
ENG: the feeling that you have when you want to know or learn more about

- an intricate rhythm (noun phrase): nhịp điệu hay, khủ ng, tinh vi
ENG: a rhythm which has a lot of different parts and small details that fit together
- a catchy melody (noun phrase): giai điệu hấ p dẫ n
ENG: a melody which is pleasant and easily remembered

- a die-hard fan of somebody/ something (noun phrase): fan cứ ng

ENG: somebody who is completely 100% obsessed with their favorite game,
band, movie, etc.
- give somebody a real buzz (verb phrase): khiến ai vô cù ng vui, phấ n khích
ENG: to give somebody a strong feeling of pleasure, excitement or achievement
- uplift somebody (verb): khiến ai vui, phấ n chấ n
ENG: to make somebody feel happier or give somebody more hope

Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: What music do you often listen to?/ What is your favourite
music genre?

2. Favourite song

Well, for the most part, the song “Perfect” by Ed Sheeran has been my all-time
favourite pop song since it was released in 2017. I never get bored with listening
to this song which has an incredibly catchy melody and impressive lyrics.
I fancy listening to an RnB song called “Believe in yourself” by Jones Wack - a
phenomenal name in the Vietnamese showbiz. Its lyrics talk about overcoming a
struggle and succeeding, so the song is really inspirational.

Recently, I came across an EDM song called “Season” on Youtube and I can’t help
turning on this song whenever I have some me-time. The melody and lyrics are
really intriguing.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- all-time favourite (adj): (cá i gì) yêu thích nhấ t từ trướ c đến nay ENG: that is
liked the most of any time
- get bored with (doing) something (verb phrase): chá n ENG: to lose interest
in something
- fancy (doing) something (verb): thích ENG: to feel like (doing) something
- phenomenal (adj): ấ n tượ ng, tuyệt vờ i ENG: very great and impressive
- inspirational (adj): đầ y cả m hứ ng
ENG: providing exciting new ideas; making somebody want to create something,
especially in art, literature or music
- come across somebody/ something (phrasal verb): tình cờ bắ t gặ p ENG: to
meet or find somebody/something by chance
- can’t help doing something (idiom): khô ng thể khô ng là m gì
ENG: used to say that it is impossible to prevent or avoid something

- me-time (noun): thờ i gian cho bả n thâ n

ENG: time when a person who is normally very busy relaxes or does something
they enjoy
- intriguing (adj): hấ p dẫ n, thú vị
ENG: very interesting because of being unusual or not having an obvious answer
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: What is your favourite song?

3. Favourite singer

Well, I’ve always been rooting for Son Tung MTP, a megastar in the Vietnamese
music industry. His music is simply the best. He’s also the one who usually sets
fashion trends among youngsters.
I’m a big fan of Ed Sheeran - an English musician and singer. He began playing
guitar at a young age and soon after started writing his own songs. His
outpouring of creativity added up to many beautiful songs like ‘Perfect’ or
I’ve idolized My Tam - a Vietnamese singer with a beautiful voice. Not only is she
a talented singer she’s also synonymous with doing a lot of charity activities.
She’s such a kind-hearted person.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- root for somebody (phrasal verb): ủ ng hộ

ENG: [no passive] (usually used in the progressive tenses) (informal) to support
or encourage somebody in a sports competition or when they are in a difficult
- megastar (noun): siêu sao
ENG: (informal) a very famous singer, actor, musician, etc.

- set fashion trends (verb phrase): tạ o nên xu hướ ng thờ i trang ENG: to
create fashion trends

- a big fan of somebody (noun phrase): ngườ i hâ m mộ cuồ ng nhiệt

ENG: a person who admires somebody/something or enjoys watching or
listening to somebody/something very much
- outpouring of creativity (noun): sứ c sá ng tạ o có thừ a, vô cù ng nhiều ENG: a
large amount of creativity produced in a short time
- add up to something (phrasal verb): dẫ n đến
ENG: to lead to a particular result; to show something

- idolize somebody (verb): hâ m mộ cuồ ng nhiệt

ENG: to admire or love somebody very much, possibly too much
- synonymous with something (adj): đi cù ng vớ i, nổ i tiếng vớ i
ENG: so closely connected with something that the two things appear to be the
- kind-hearted (adj): có tâ m, nhâ n hậ u ENG: kind and generous
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: Who is your favourite singer?

4. Habit of listening to music

Listening to music is part and parcel of my daily activities and I cannot imagine
my life without music. Listening to music is an excellent way to unwind after a
long working day.
Well, whenever I have some spare time, I turn on some music to relax. I usually
listen to cheerful music when I need motivation whereas sad music is my go-to
choice when I’m in a bad mood.

I prefer working in a quiet environment, so no music is allowed during my

working hours. After a long day at school, I probably want to chill out for like half
an hour with music to help me stay energetic.
I personally prefer to be alone when listening to music. There would be no
or disturbance so that I can relax and concentrate on the music tune and lyrics.

I personally gravitate towards listening to music with others, especially my

friends. I enjoy singing and listening to karaoke songs; dancing with them always
makes a lot of fun.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- part and parcel of something (idiom): phầ n khô ng thể thiếu ENG: an
essential part of something
- unwind (verb): thư giã n, xả stress ENG: to relax
- spare time (noun phrase): thờ i gian rả nh ENG: free time
- cheerful music (noun phrase): nhạ c vui
ENG: music giving you a feeling of happiness

- go-to choice (noun phrase): lự a chọ n số mộ t, hà ng đầ u ENG: ideal choice;

the first thing you think of
- in a bad mood: (prepositional phrase): có tâ m trạ ng khô ng tố t ENG: to feel
- chill out (phrasal verb): thư giã n
ENG: (informal) to spend time relaxing; to relax and stop feeling angry or
nervous about something
- energetic (adj): đầ y nă ng lượ ng, sứ c số ng
ENG: having or needing a lot of energy and enthusiasm

- distraction (noun): điều khiến mình mấ t tậ p trung

ENG: a thing that takes your attention away from what you are doing or thinking
- disturbance (noun): sự là m phiền
ENG: actions that make you stop what you are doing

- gravitate towards somebody/ something (phrasal verb): hướ ng đến, thiên

về, chọ n
ENG: to move towards somebody/something that you are attracted to

Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p:

- How often do you listen to music?

- Do you want to listen to music alone or with someone?

5. Changes in musical taste over time

I believe people of different ages are into different genres. When I was younger, I
was fond of rock music. However, at the moment, classic music is a particular
favourite of mine because its slow melody can relax my mind.
My taste in music has remained unchanged since I was a little kid. I vividly
remember I first came to know the USUK music when I was a secondary schooler

now I still listen to classic songs like ‘My Love’ by Westlife or ‘One Thing’ by One

Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- be into something (idiom): thích

ENG: (informal) to be interested in something in an active way

- fond of something (adj): thích

ENG: finding something pleasant, especially something you have liked or enjoyed
for a long time
- favourite (noun): ngườ i/ thứ mình yêu thích
ENG: a person or thing that you like more than the others of the same type

- taste in music (noun phrase): gu â m nhạ c ENG: music a person likes or

- remain unchanged (verb phrase): khô ng đổ i ENG: to stay the same
- vividly remember somebody/ something (verb phrase): nhớ như in
ENG: to remember somebody/ something in a way that produces very clear
pictures in your mind
- classic (adj): kinh điển
ENG: accepted or deserving to be accepted as one of the best or most important
of its kind
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: Has your taste in music changed?

6. Paying for music

Well, I think that paying for music we listen to really makes good sense.
Musicians invest time, blood, sweat and tears into their music. A chef or a doctor
could do the same, yet they are paid for their services. So there are no reasons
why music should be free of charge. Although I agree that music should be
produced for fun, getting no income from record sales would influence the
starters in the music world.
I strongly believe that music should be free. The music industry relies largely on
touring currently. It used to be the pattern that a singer went on a tour to
promote an album but now an album is released to promote a tour. Albums are
just a small fraction of income whereas most of an artist’s income comes from
advertising, concert or merch revenues.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- make good sense (idiom): thự c tế, hợ p lý ENG: to be a sensible thing to do

- free of charge (idiom): miễn phí ENG: without payment
- record sales (noun phrase): doanh thu bá n đĩa
ENG: sales of thin, round pieces of plastic on which music, etc. is recorded

- strongly believe something (verb phrase): tin tuyệt đố i ENG: to believe in a

definite and serious way
- rely largely on somebody/ something (verb phrase): chủ yếu phụ thuộ c và o
ENG: to rely mainly on somebody/ something
- release an album (verb phrase): ra mắ t album ENG: to make an album
available to the public
- merch (noun): sả n phẩ m quả ng cá o
ENG: things you can buy that are connected with or that advertise a particular
event or organization
Câ u hỏ i ô n tậ p: Do you think music should be free?

1. Favourite Genres & Films

I love watching all genres. I try to absorb and enjoy as many different kinds of
films as I can, whether it be the blockbuster Avengers: End Game or the comedy-
drama musical film La La Land.
My movie of choice is Parasite, a 2019 South Korean black comedy film directed
by Bong Joon-ho. It won a leading award for Best Picture at the Academy Awards,
becoming the first Korean film to receive the award.
When it comes to favourite genres, I am quite picky. The only genre I watch is
comedy. Actually, I rarely watch films these days because I’m constantly occupied
with work but when I feel stressed out, watching comedies is an excellent option.
My all-time favourite comedy series is “Weekend Gatherings”. This series has
been really popular in Vietnam since it was released. Its content is suitable for
audiences of any age from the elderly, youngsters to children.
It’s hard to speak for others. I believe it all boils down to each person’s taste in
movies. Many people think that youngsters would go for action films but as a
young person, I don’t take a keen interest in this genre. My go-to choice is
comedy. So it’s safe to say each person has his own favourite genre whether he is
young or old.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- genre (noun): thể loạ i (phim, nhạ c, sá ch,...)

ENG: a particular type or style of literature, art, film or music that you can
recognize because of its special features

- blockbuster (noun): phim bom tấ n

ENG: something very successful, especially a very successful book or film
- one’s movie of choice (noun phrase): bộ phim yêu thích ENG: one’s
favourite movie
- picky (adj): kén chọ n
ENG: (of a person) liking only particular things and difficult to please

- occupied with something (adj): bậ n rộ n ENG: busy

- stressed (out) (adj): á p lự c, că ng thẳ ng
ENG: too anxious and tired to be able to relax

- all-time favourite (adj): thích nhấ t từ trướ c đến nay ENG: favorite of all
choices, during all times
- boil down to something (phrasal verb): vấ n đề là
ENG: (of a situation, problem, etc.) to have something as a main or basic part

- go for somebody/ something (phrasal verb): chọ n ENG: to choose

somebody/ something
- take a keen interest in something (verb phrase): thích, quan tâ m ENG: to be
interested in something
- go-to choice (noun phrase): lự a chọ n số 1 ENG: the first thing you think of
and choose
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p:

- What is your favourite film genre?

- What is your favourite film?

2. Who to watch films with

I believe I will gravitate towards watching movies with my friends despite the
fact that the idea of watching movies alone is fascinating. I enjoy being in the
company of friends. Then, we can discuss movie details later on.
Well, I enjoy it more when watching films alone. When I watch a film, I feel that I
get the chance to escape reality for a few hours. When I watch films, I want peace
of mind and quiet surroundings. Watching films with others is not exactly that
relaxing for me.
Well, whether I fancy watching a film alone or with others really depends on the
day. If I feel upbeat, I will invite my friends out to watch a film in the cinema. If I
feel a bit down, being alone is the better option.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:
- gravitate towards somebody/ something (phrasal verb): chọ n, hướ ng về,
thiên về
ENG: to move towards somebody/something that you are attracted to

- in the company of somebody (prepositional phrase): ở bên cạ nh ENG:

together with somebody
- escape reality (verb phrase): thoá t khỏ i thự c tạ i, tạ m quên đi vấ n đề trong
cuộ c số ng
ENG: to forget one’s concerns in life

- fancy doing something (verb): thích ENG: to feel like doing something

- upbeat (adj): lạ c quan, vui vẻ ENG: optimistic

Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: Do you prefer to watch movies alone or with others?

3. Where to watch films

I would say I’m a film freak. My friends and I share the same interest in films and
we try to see as many films in the cinema as we can. It’s exhilarating to spend
time together. Afterwards, we discuss and debate the details of the films.
Well, the Internet really comes in handy today when it comes to watching movies
online, so I rarely spend time watching movies in cinemas. Besides, I don’t need
to spend too much money on things like tickets or popcorn.
Cinemas have become increasingly prevalent among people in my country,
especially youngsters. On weekends, going to cinemas is often an activity that
they would choose. As the demand is increasing, more and more cinema
enterprises have been springing up and erected tons of cineplexes all over the
country, even in rural areas.
Well, I would say a typical cinema can attract thousands of visitors every
weekend. However, most of them are youngsters. As for the elderly in Vietnam,
they have a tendency to watch films at home. Perhaps they prefer the cozy
atmosphere of their homes and actively dislike crowded places.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- film freak (noun phrase): ngườ i nghiện phim, biết rấ t nhiều về phim ENG: a
person with a very strong interest in films
- exhilarating (adj): thú vị, hấ p dẫ n, mang lạ i niềm vui ENG: very exciting and
great fun
- come in handy (idiom): thuậ n tiện, có ích ENG: (informal) to be useful
- when it comes to somebody/ something (idiom): khi nó i đến ENG: when it
is a question of something
- prevalent (adj): thịnh hà nh
ENG: that exists or is very common at a particular time or in a particular place

- erect something (verb): xâ y dự ng ENG: to build something

- spring up (phrasal verb): mọ c lên
ENG: to appear or develop quickly and/or suddenly

- have a tendency to do something (verb phrase): có xu hướ ng ENG: to tend

to do something
- actively dislike somebody/ something (verb phrase): cự c kỳ khô ng thích
ENG: to dislike somebody/ something greatly
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p:

- Do you often go to a cinema to watch a film?

- Do people in Vietnam like going to cinemas to watch films?

4. Purposes for watching films

Well, watching films is one of my pastimes. These days, I’m up to my ears in work
and study. After a long week of study or work, spending quality time with family
or friends watching a comedy film is an excellent way to alleviate stress.

Many people consider watching films as a means of entertainment. But as for me,
for the most part, I see films as a source of education. For example, Parasite gives
me insights into hidden issues behind the glamour of Korean society which are
class conflict and social inequality.
Well, going to a cinema to watch a film is a great date option. Some couples tend
to be terribly shy on their first date and can’t break the ice. Watching a movie
together can help them a lot in that case as later on they can talk about the film
and the conversation can become more natural.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- pastime (noun): thú vui tiêu khiển

ENG: something that you enjoy doing when you are not working
- up to one’s ears in something (idiom): bậ n
ENG: (informal) to have a lot of something to deal with
- quality time (noun phrase): thờ i gian bên gia đình, bạ n bè
ENG: time spent giving your full attention to somebody, especially to your
children or partner after work
- alleviate stress (verb phrase): xả stress ENG: to reduce stress; to relax
- give somebody insights into something (verb phrase): khiến ai hiểu đượ c
ENG: to help somebody to understand something deeply
- glamour (noun): sự hà o nhoá ng
ENG: the attractive and exciting quality that makes a person, a job or a place
seem special, often because of wealth or status
- terribly shy (adjective phrase): cự c kỳ ngạ i
ENG: really nervous or embarrassed about meeting and speaking to other people

- break the ice (idiom): phá bỏ sự thẹn thù ng ban đầ u bằ ng cá ch mở lờ i

trướ c ENG: to say or do something that makes people feel more relaxed,
especially at the beginning of a meeting, party, etc.
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p:

- Why do you like watching films?

- Why do so many people like watching films?

5. Technologies’ effects on films

Everything related to movies has changed especially the way we watch them.
What we experience today is basically unrecognizable from the past. In former
days, movies used to be only accessible in theaters but now we have easy access
to thousands of films at any given time with a smartphone and internet
connection. As for movies themselves, there are more genres today as compared
to the past such as action movies and they also have a higher quality with
additional visual and sound effects.
There is still value left in the big-screen movie experience. Even as digital media
have badly affected newspapers, books, and traditional television, the cinema
business has stood relatively firm and even flourished. Many people choose to go
to cinemas when they go on a date or hang out with their friends. Besides, sitting
in the auditorium in the proximity of others and enjoying laughter, shock, or
excitement spreading across the audience is really exhilarating. Finally, I believe
seeing a movie with big screens, big images, and great sound is the best.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- unrecognizable (adj): khô ng thể nhậ n ra

ENG: (of a person or thing) so changed or damaged that you do not recognize
them or it
- accessible (adj): có thể tiếp cậ n
ENG: that can be reached, entered, used, seen, etc.

- have easy access to something (verb phrase): dễ dà ng tiếp cậ n

ENG: to have the opportunity or right to use something or to see somebody/
- visual and sound effects (noun phrase): hiệu ứ ng hình ả nh và â m thanh
ENG: lights, sounds, special scenery, computer images, etc. used in a play or film,
especially in order to show things that do not normally exist or happen
- stand firm (verb phrase): đứ ng vữ ng
ENG: to remain in the same place or at the same level

- flourish (verb): phá t triển mạ nh

ENG: to develop quickly and become successful or common

- go on a date (verb phrase): hẹn hò

ENG: to go to a meeting that you have arranged with a boyfriend or girlfriend or
with somebody who might become a boyfriend or girlfriend
- auditorium (noun): khá n phò ng
ENG: the part of a theatre, concert hall, etc. in which the audience sits

- in the proximity of somebody/ something (prepositional phrase): bên cạ nh

ENG: near somebody/ something in distance or time
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p:

- Do you think films have changed since you were a child?

- As the technology for home viewing improves, do you think people will
stop going to the cinema in future?


1. Frequency

Well, I do some travelling on a monthly basis in order to escape from the hustle
and bustle of the city for the weekend. You know, it’s kinda a great way for me to
recharge my batteries and be willing to start a new week.
I go travelling from time to time. Though I’m fully occupied with my full-time
work and taking care of my kids, I still spend a bit of time unwinding in remote
areas whenever I’m in need of some rejuvenation.
Well, to be quite honest, I do some travelling once in a blue moon. As I’m up to
my ears in the study, I don’t find much idle time to go travelling more frequently.
But in the near future, after I leave school, I will spend more time on my travels.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- escape from the hustle and bustle of the city (verb phrase): thoá t khỏ i cuộ c
số ng xô bồ củ a thà nh phố
ENG: avoid busy noisy activity of a lot of people in the city

- recharge one’s batteries (idiom): nạ p lạ i nă ng lượ ng

ENG: to rest and relax for a period of time so that you feel energetic again

- from time to time (idiom): thỉnh thoả ng ENG: occasionally

- fully occupied with something (adj): quá bậ n rộ n vớ i việc gì ENG: busy with

- take care of somebody (phrasal verb): chă m só c ai đó ENG: look after

- rejuvenation (unc. noun): sự nạ p lạ i nă ng lượ ng
ENG: the act or process of making someone look or feel young and energetic
- once in a blue moon (idiom): hiếm khi ENG: rarely
- up to one’s ears in something (idiom): quá bậ n rộ n vớ i việc gì ENG: busy
with something
- idle time (unc. noun): thờ i gian rả nh ENG: free time
- on one’s travels (noun phrase): đi du lịch ENG: go travelling
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: Do you often go travelling/ How often do you go travelling?

2. Travelling companion

Well, actually I’m a solo traveller since I just wanna explore a new destination on
my own. As for me, choosing the right travel partner is really difficult and wastes
a great deal of time, I opt for travelling independently instead of going with other
In order to have a great experience and make snap decisions, I think it’s crucial to
be on the same page with a travel buddy. That’s why I always go travelling with
my close friends. They’re the ones who make my travel experience much more
fulfilling and fun.

Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- a solo traveller (noun): ngườ i đi du lịch mộ t mình ENG: a person who

travels alone
- a travel partner = a travel buddy (noun): bạ n đồ ng hà nh đi du lịch ENG:
another adult who travels with you
- opt for (doing) something (verb): chọ n là m gì ENG: choose to do something
- make snap decisions (verb phrase): đưa ra quyết định nhanh chó ng ENG:
decide quickly
- on the same page with somebody (idiom): hợ p vớ i ai ENG: to have the
same ideas as someone else
- fulfilling (adj): vui vẻ
ENG: causing somebody to feel satisfied and useful

Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: Who do you travel with?

3. Favourite types of holiday

I prefer to go on a self-catering holiday since it’s much cheaper. Also, I know for
sure what I’m eating, so I can ensure food safety.
I prefer to go on a guided tour as it helps me save a great deal of time. You know,
this type includes all of the planning for my trip, including making reservations
and travel arrangements. Besides, it’s much safer when travelling with a tour
guide who is familiar with local weather conditions and aware of danger zones.

Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- a self-catering holiday (noun phrase): kỳ nghỉ tự tú c

ENG: a holiday which provides you with accommodation and the equipment that
is necessary to cook your own meals
- make a reservation (verb phrase): đặ t trướ c

ENG: to book a seat on a plane or train, a room in a hotel, etc. to be kept for you
- travel arrangement (noun): lên kế hoạ ch cho chuyến đi ENG: create a plan
for a trip
- danger zones (noun): vù ng nguy hiểm

ENG: an area in which there is a high risk of harm

Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: What kind of holiday do you like?

4. Activities

Well, the very first thing that I have to do when I go to the beach is doing some
sunbathing. I’m really into sunbathing in the morning when the sun is not so hot.
You know, sun exposure can help me to reduce depression. Besides, it also helps
the body absorb calcium, which leads to stronger bones.
In addition to that, I really like to go for a swim if I have a chance to go to the
beach. Deep into water helps me feel refreshed and get in shape as it provides an
all-body workout.

When I travel to a mountainous area, the first thing I have to do immediately

after reaching a destination is to do some sightseeing and snap some landscape
photos simultaneously. From then, I can explore spectacular landscapes there.
Besides, I also take photographs to capture memorable moments and bookmark
my travel experience so that I can have a once-in-a-lifetime photo.
Furthermore, I also wanna sample as many local delicacies as possible, especially
street stalls as I have a great passion for exploring local specialities.

Last but not least, I do something that is renowned for a particular place I pay a
visit to. For example, if I travel to Sapa, I will try a cable car to the top of
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- be really into something (idiom): thích cá i gì

ENG: to be interested in something in an active way

- sun exposure (noun phrase): tiếp xú c vớ i á nh nắ ng mặ t trờ i ENG: the fact

of experiencing the sun
- depression (uncountable noun): trầ m cả m

ENG: a medical condition in which a person feels very sad and anxious and often
has physical symptoms such as being unable to sleep, etc.
- absorb something (verb): hấ p thụ cá i gì

ENG: to take in and keep heat, light, energy, sound, etc. instead of reflecting it

- go for a swim (verb phrase): đi bơi ENG: to go swimming

- feel refreshed (verb phrase): cả m thấ y sả ng khoá i ENG: to feel more

energetic and relaxed
- get in shape (idiom): khỏ e khoắ n

ENG: (of a person) (to get/stay) in good physical condition

- an all-body workout (noun phrase): bà i tậ p toà n thâ n

ENG: a period of physical exercise that you do to keep fit for the whole body

- do some sightseeing (verb phrase): đi tham quan

ENG: visit interesting buildings and places as a tourist

- simultaneously (adv): là m gì cù ng mộ t lú c ENG: at the same time as

something else
- once-in-a-lifetime (idiom): mộ t lầ n trong đờ i

ENG: used to describe something special that is not likely to happen to you again
- capture memorable moments (verb phrase): ghi lạ i nhữ ng khoả nh khắ c
đá ng nhớ
ENG: to keep memories

- local delicacy = local speciality (noun phrase): mó n ă n địa phương ENG:

local food
- street stall (noun): quầ y hà ng ở đườ ng phố

ENG: a table or small shop with an open front that people sell things from, on
- renowned for something (adj): nổ i tiếng vớ i cá i gì ENG: famous for
- pay a visit to somewhere (verb phrase): đi du lịch đến mộ t nơi nà o đó ENG:
visit somewhere
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p:

- What do you do while you are travelling?

- When you visit new places, what do you like to do?

5. Benefits

I always have a blast on my travels. That’s why whenever I feel down in the
dumps, I just do some travelling with my travel buddy. It’s usually just a round-
to-city trip rather than far-away places.
As for me, going travelling is a completely eye-opening experience that forces me
out of my comfort zone and immerses myself in new cultures. So, it kinda helps
me broaden my cultural horizons.
Travelling is also a great way for me to cement a relationship with my friends.
And I had a once-in-a-lifetime experience with my friends when we went to Sapa
last year.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- have a blast (verb phrase): vui vẻ ENG: to have fun

- on one’s travels (noun phrase): đi du lịch ENG: go travelling

- travel buddy (noun): bạ n đồ ng hà nh đi du lịch ENG: another adult who
travels with you
- far-away place (noun phrase): địa điểm xa ENG: a place that is a long way
- a completely eye-opening experience (noun phrase): mộ t trả i nghiệm hoà n
toà n mở rộ ng tầ m mắ t
ENG: an experience causing a feeling of a surprise because it shows you
something that you did not already know
- out of one’s comfort zone (noun phrase): ra khỏ i vù ng an toà n
ENG: go out of a place or situation in which you feel safe or comfortable

- immerse yourself in something (verb): đắ m mình và o cá i gì

ENG: to become or make somebody completely involved in something

- broaden one’s horizons (verb phrase): mở rộ ng tầ m nhìn

ENG: to increase the range of things that someone knows about or has
- once-in-a-lifetime (adj): mộ t lầ n trong đờ i
ENG: used to describe something special that is not likely to happen to you again
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p:

- Why do you enjoy travelling?

- Do you enjoy travelling? Why?

6. Advantages and disadvantages of travelling alone and in a group

In terms of the advantages of solo travel, it gives you a great sense of comfort as
you can do things at your own pace and on your own timetable. Furthermore,
you can get a greater sense of achievement as you have to navigate your way on
your own.
In terms of the disadvantages of solo travel, I think it may be more expensive
because you don’t have someone to share costs with. Moreover, it’s easier to feel
a sense of loneliness when travelling alone.
As for the advantages of travelling in a group, it gives you a blast because there’s
always somebody around to do things with. Travel buddies are also the ones who
can help take your picture. Besides, you can get reduced rates for a group, like
accommodation or means of transport as you have someone to split on costs.
Moreover, group travel is much safer as when you journey with a companion, you
have someone to watch your back.
As for the disadvantages of travelling in a group, you are restricted by a fixed
schedule and can’t choose to stay somewhere longer when you wanna explore
more. Besides, it’s not easy to find travel companions who have something in
common with you, you may clash with them over stuff.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- navigate one’s way (verb phrase): tìm ra cá ch giả i quyết cho vấ n đề gì ENG:
to find the right way to deal with a difficult or complicated situation
- feel a sense of loneliness (verb phrase): cả m thấ y cô đơn ENG: to feel lonely
- a blast (noun): vui vẻ ENG: fun

- travel buddy = travel companion (noun): bạ n đồ ng hà nh đi du lịch ENG:

another adult who travels with you
- get reduced rates (verb phrase): giả m chi phí
ENG: to get a lower amount of money that is charged or paid for something

- split on something (verb): chia cá i gì

ENG: to divide, or to make a group of people divide, into smaller groups that have
very different opinions
- journey with somebody (verb): đi du lịch cù ng vớ i ai ENG: to travel,
especially a long distance
- watch one’s back (phrasal verb): bạ n đồ ng hà nh đi du lịch ENG: to protect
yourself against danger
- have something in common with somebody (verb phrase): có điểm gì
chung ENG: to have the same things with somebody
- clash with somebody (over something) (verb): tranh cã i vớ i ai về vấ n đề
ENG: to argue with somebody
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p:

- Do you prefer travelling alone or in a group?

- What are the advantages and disadvantages of travelling alone?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of travelling in a group?


1. Favourite types of clothes/ fashion

Well, I’m a big fan of sporty outfits like oversize sweatshirts, hoodies or leggings
because they give me a great sense of comfort, but I still look fashionable.
Besides, I can easily mix and match them with a pair of sneakers.
I have a nine-to-five job in the office, so I really love classic style. I often wear
blazers, pencil skirts, and khakis most of the time, not only when I go to work but
also hang out with friends. That’s why my buddies always tell me that I take
much pride in my appearance.
I love smart-casual clothes like T-shirts, shirts and blazers because I do not only
feel comfy, but also look elegant and professional. I always wanna appear
presentable, but don’t wanna waste a lot of money to buy clothes that dress for
the occasion. So, I opt for this style as I can wear almost anywhere and be
appropriately dressed.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- sporty outfit (noun): trang phụ c thể thao

ENG: clothes that are bright, attractive and informal

- give somebody a great sense of comfort (verb phrase): cho ai cả m giá c

thoả i má i
ENG: make somebody comfortable

- mix and match (verb): phố i đồ

ENG: to combine things in different ways for different purposes

- a nine-to-five job (noun phrase): cô ng việc giờ hà nh chính ENG: a job that
works the normal working hours in an office
- classic style (noun phrase): phong cá ch cổ điển
ENG: style that’s attractive, but simple and traditional in style or design; not
affected by changes in fashion
- hang out with somebody (phrasal verb): ra ngoà i vớ i ai ENG: to spend a lot
of time in a place with somebody
- take pride in one’s appearance (verb phrase): chă m chú t vẻ bề ngoà i ENG:
to wear very carefully and well, in a way that gives you a lot of satisfaction
- smart-casual clothes (noun phrase): quầ n á o lịch sự
ENG: clothes that are neat and stylish, but not too formal, especially when this is
the accepted way of dressing for a particular situation, place, or social occasion
- presentable (adj): ă n mặ c chỉnh tề
ENG: looking suitable or good enough, especially in the way you are dressed

- dress for the occasion (verb phrase): mặ c phù hợ p vớ i cá c dịp cụ thể ENG:
(of clothes) wear for a particular occasion
- opt for something (phrasal verb): chọ n gì ENG: choose something

- appropriately dressed (adj phrase): ă n mặ c phù hợ p ENG: wearing

something suitable for a certain situation
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: What type of clothes do you like to wear?

2. Types of clothes/ fashion don’t like

Well, to be honest, I never wear eccentric clothes or flashy clothes because I’m
the sort of person who doesn't wanna stand out in a crowd. Moreover, these
outfits are usually much more expensive than others, so I don’t wanna splurge on
these items.
I don’t like to wear ripped blue jeans because I don’t look elegant. Also, I think
that this type of clothes is just suitable for several informal situations. I mean I’m
the sort of person who prefers clothes that can wear almost anywhere, not just
for certain occasions.
I feel uncomfortable in high heels, so I never wear this pair of shoes. Every time I
high-heeled shoes on, my feet get injured.

Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- eccentric clothes (noun phrase): quầ n á o kỳ quặ c ENG: strange or unusual
- flashy clothes (noun phrase): quầ n á o hà ng hiệu ENG: bright and expensive
- stand out (phrasal verb): nổ i bậ t ENG: to be easily seen or noticed
- splurge on something (verb): tiêu xà i lã ng phí và o cá i gì
ENG: to spend a lot of money on something that you do not really need
- ripped blue jeans (noun phrase): quầ n bò rá ch ENG: badly torn blue jeans

- high heels = high-heeled shoes (noun phrase): già y cao gó t ENG: shoes that
have very high heels, usually worn by women
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: What type of clothes don’t you like to wear?

3. Places to buy clothes

Since I have a great passion for designer clothes, I often go to shopping malls like
Royal City to buy clothes. You know, there are lots of first-class fashion brands
there, so I have a wider range of options to buy what I want. Furthermore,
although these items have prohibitive prices, I can know for sure they’re
authentic, not fake.
Well, you know, I mostly buy clothes at markets because they’re quite affordable
for a poor student like me. Moreover, I like to make a real bargain with street
vendors. Actually, I feel a sense of triumph whenever I succeed in bargaining.
As I’m up to my ears in work, I don’t find any idle time to hit the brick-and-
mortar stores on a regular basis. Therefore, I usually go shopping for clothes on
the Internet because you know, it helps me save a great deal of time. Besides, I
can avoid spending extravagantly on unnecessary items.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- designer clothes (noun phrase): quầ n á o hà ng hiệu

ENG: fashionable or luxury clothing made by, or carrying the label of, a well-
known fashion designer
- shopping mall (noun phrase): trung tâ m hà ng hiệu
ENG:a large building or covered area that has many shops, restaurants, etc. inside

- first-class fashion brand (noun phrase): thương hiệu thờ i trang hạ ng nhấ t
ENG: fashion brand with the best quality
- prohibitive price (noun phrase): giá cả đắ t đỏ ENG: very expensive
- authentic (adj): (hà ng) thậ t
ENG: known to be real and what somebody claims it is and not a copy

- make a real bargain with somebody (verb phrase): trả giá vớ i ai

ENG: to discuss prices, conditions, etc. with somebody in order to reach an
agreement that is acceptable
- street vendor (noun phrase): ngườ i bá n hà ng ENG: seller
- a sense of triumph (noun phrase): cả m giá c chiến thắ ng ENG: a great
success, achievement or victory
- up to one’s ears in something (idiom): bậ n rộ n vớ i việc gì ENG: busy
- idle time (noun phrase): thờ i gian rả nh ENG: free time
- hit the brick-and-mortar stores (verb phrase): đến cử a hà ng ENG: go to the
stores existing as a physical building
- spending extravagantly (verb phrase): tiêu xà i phung phí
ENG: spend a lot more money or use a lot more of something than you can afford
or than is necessary
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: Where do you usually shop for clothes?

4. Brand of clothing is important

Personally, I don’t really care about the brand of clothing or clothes that are on
trend. To be honest, designer clothes are too unaffordable for me, so I don’t
wanna spend extravagantly on these items. Instead, I save money to pursue my
hobbies like travelling or taking photographs.
Well, I’m the sort of person who is concerned much about keeping up with the
latest fashion, so the brand of clothing is of great importance to me. Also, I always
wanna be stylishly dressed in front of others, so only wearing outfits from
fashion houses can meet my requirement.
As I’m a fashionista, I’m really into fashion, especially designer labels. In other
words, I’m the sort of person who creates fashion trends, so fashion brands are
indispensable to me.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- on-trend (adj): hợ p thờ i trang ENG: very fashionable

- designer clothes (noun): quầ n á o hà ng hiệu
ENG: fashionable or luxury clothing made by, or carrying the label of, a well-
known fashion designer
- unaffordable (adj): đắ t đỏ
ENG: too expensive for people to be able to buy or pay for
- spend extravagantly (verb phrase): tiêu xà i phung phí
ENG: spend a lot more money or use a lot more of something than you can afford
or than is necessary

- keep up with the latest fashion (verb phrase): bắ t kịp xu hướ ng thờ i trang
mớ i nhấ t
ENG: to learn about or be aware of the current fashion

- be stylishly dressed (adj phrase): ă n mặ c sà nh điệu ENG: wearing

- fashion house (noun): nhà mố t
ENG: an establishment in which fashionable clothes are designed, made, and sold
- fashionista (noun): tín đồ thờ i trang
ENG: someone who works in or writes about the fashion industry

- designer label (noun): nhã n hiệu thờ i trang nổ i tiếng

ENG: a famous company that makes expensive clothes, bags, etc. and that is a
well-known brand
- indispensable to somebody/ something (adj): khô ng thể thiếu vớ i ai/ cá i gì
ENG: too important to be without
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: Is the brand of clothing important to you?

5. Wearing a uniform at work

Personally, I’m enthusiastically willing to wear a uniform at workplaces for a lot

of reasons. Firstly, it helps me save a great deal of time because I don’t have to
waste time working out what to put on or figuring out the right mix every
morning. Secondly, I feel part of a team when I don the same type of clothing as
other coworkers. It instils a sense of belonging to the company. Last but not least,
I think that work uniforms are helpful for businesses as they promote brand

Well, to be quite honest, I don’t concur in the idea of wearing uniforms at

workplaces. As I’m a slave to fashion, I always want to be dressed to kill so that I
can stand out in the crowd. Moreover, I feel uncomfortable wearing standardised
clothing all the time, particularly pencil skirts and shirts. Also, I think that
wearing uniforms curtails the freedom of employees, and it might restrict their
- enthusiastically (adv): mộ t cá ch thích thú
ENG: in a way that shows a lot of excitement and interest about
- work something out (phrasal verb): nghĩ ra cá i gì ENG: to discover an
- figure something out (phrasal verb): nghĩ ra cá i gì ENG: to discover an
- don something (verb): mặ c ENG: to wear something
- coworker (noun): đồ ng nghiệp
ENG: a person that somebody works with, doing the same kind of job

- instil something (verb): tạ o cả m giá c gì

ENG: to gradually put an idea or attitude into somebody's mind

- a sense of belonging (noun): có cả m giá c gầ n gũ i

ENG: the feeling of being comfortable and happy in a particular situation or with
a particular group of people
- promote brand awareness (verb phrase): thú c đẩ y nhậ n thứ c về thương
hiệu ENG: increase knowledge of the name of a company and the products it sells

- concur (with somebody) in something (verb): đồ ng ý vớ i ai về việc gì ENG:

to agree
- a slave to fashion (idiom): nô lệ củ a thờ i trang ENG: to be influenced too
much by fashion
- dressed to kill (idiom): ă n diện
ENG: wearing the kind of clothes that will make people notice and admire you

- stand out (phrasal verb): nổ i bậ t ENG: to be easily seen or noticed

- curtail something (verb): hạ n chế cá i gì
ENG: to limit something or make it last for a shorter time

Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: Are you willing to wear uniform at work?


1. Frequency
I do some shopping on a regular basis, not only to purchase basic necessities but
also to stroll in shopping malls with my buddies on the weekend in order to
release stress after a hard-working week.
You know, I’m such a social butterfly; I always want to be in fashion in front of
other people. That’s why I go shopping every week so that I can follow the latest
fashions and acquire better taste in fashion.
As I’m still a student, I don’t take a lot of pride in my appearance. Hence, I go
shopping for clothes every now and then. Moreover, I wear a uniform most of the
time, so going shopping to purchase some posh items isn’t really necessary for
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- stroll (verb): đi dạ o
ENG: to walk somewhere in a slow relaxed way
- shopping mall (noun phrase): trung tâ m mua sắ m
ENG: a large building or covered area that has many shops, restaurants, etc.
inside it
- release stress (verb phrase): giả i tỏ a că ng thẳ ng ENG: to reduce stress
- a social butterfly (noun phrase): ngườ i hướ ng ngoạ i ENG: someone who is
very social and easygoing
- in fashion (adj): hợ p thờ i trang ENG: fashionable

- follow the latest fashions (verb phrase): theo kịp xu hướ ng thờ i trang mớ i
nhấ t ENG: to do what is popular at the time
- acquire good taste in fashion (verb phrase): có đượ c gu thờ i trang tố t ENG:
be able to discover what looks good on them
- take a lot of pride in one’s appearance (verb phrase): chú trọ ng nhiều và o
hình thứ c
ENG: to wear very carefully and well, in a way that gives you a lot of satisfaction
- every now and then (adv): hiếm khi ENG: not very often
- posh item (noun phrase): đồ vậ t xa xỉ ENG: attractive and expensive thing
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p:

- How often do you go shopping?

- When do you usually go shopping?

2. Companion

Well, I often shop with my mom as I regard her as such a wise woman. When
buying daily necessities, she is able to choose fresh and gourmet food. Besides,
she has an eye for fashion since she can choose outfits that always look good on
me. Furthermore, I’m never worried about running out of money while buying
stuff with her.
I usually spend the weekend doing a bit of shopping with a circle of my friends.
They’re the ones who have a lot in common with me and have great taste in
clothes, so I can not only choose suitable attire, but also take advantage of this
time to shoot the breeze with my friends.

To be quite honest, I'm one of those fiercely independent types, so I mostly go

shopping on my own. Besides, my buddies are always up to their ears in work, so
I don’t wanna bother them.
- daily necessities (noun phrase): nhu yếu phẩ m hà ng ngà y ENG: a thing that
you must have and cannot manage without
- gourmet (adj): (thứ c ă n) chấ t lượ ng cao
ENG: (of food, wine, etc.) of high quality and often expensive
- have an eye for fashion (verb phrase): có gu thờ i trang ENG: to be aware of
the fashionable items
- look good on somebody (verb phrase): ai đó trô ng hợ p vớ i cá i gì
ENG: a person's hair cut, makeup, or clothes match that person well, and make
that person look good
- run out of something (phrasal verb): hết gì ENG: to use up or finish a
supply of something
- do a bit of shopping (verb phrase): đi mua sắ m ENG: to shop
- a circle of somebody/ something (noun): mộ t nhó m ngườ i/ cá i gì ENG: a
thing or a group of people or things that is like a circle in shape
- have a lot in common with somebody (verb phrase): có điểm gì chung vớ i
ai ENG: to have common things with somebody
- have great taste in clothes (verb phrase): có gu thờ i trang tố t ENG: to be
aware of the fashionable items
- attire (uncountable noun): quầ n á o
ENG: clothes, especially fine or formal ones
- take advantage of somebody/ something (phrasal verb): lợ i dụ ng ai, tậ n
dụ ng cá i gì
ENG: to make use of something well; to make use of an opportunity

- shoot the breeze (idiom): chém gió

ENG: to have a conversation in an informal way
- fiercely independent types (noun phrase): kiểu ngườ i cự c kỳ độ c lậ p
ENG: a person who is very confident and free to do things without needing help
from other people
- up to one’s ears in something (idiom): bậ n rộ n vớ i việc gì ENG: busy with
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: Who do you like to go shopping with?

3. Benefits

Going shopping is an enjoyable pastime to me, so this activity sorta helps me

relieve my stress. That’s why whenever I feel overloaded with work or feel down
in the dumps, I just do some shopping, even aimless window-shopping uplifts me.
Well, I think hitting the stores might be a good work-out for me because I have to
shop from one department store to the next while carrying heavy bags. As I lead
a sedentary life, this physical activity is actually helpful for my health.
Well, as I’m a shopaholic, I regard doing a bit of shopping every day as a reward
for me after working hard. In other words, it helps me recharge my batteries and
work harder on the next day.
You know, I’m on the go with my study all day, shopping on the weekend is a
great chance for me to spend quality time with my beloved people like my mom
or sister. Thus, this activity is kinda a way to cement the relationship between me
and my family members.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- pastime (noun): sự giả i trí

ENG: something that you enjoy doing when you are not working
- overloaded with something (adj): quá tả i vớ i việc gì ENG: having too much
of something to do
- down in the dumps (idiom): buồ n ENG: feeling unhappy
- aimless window-shopping (noun): hà nh độ ng đi ngó vò ng vò ng mộ t cá ch
khô ng có chủ đích và ý định mua
ENG: the activity of spending time looking at the goods on sale in shop windows
without intending to buy any of them aimlessly
- uplift somebody (verb): khiến ai vui
ENG: to make somebody feel happier or give somebody more hope
- hit the stores (verb phrase): đến cử a hà ng ENG: go to stores
- a work-out (noun): sự vậ n độ ng
ENG: a period of physical exercise that you do to keep fit
- lead a sedentary life (verb phrase): số ng mộ t cuộ c số ng ít vậ n độ ng ENG:
live a life in which you spend a lot of time sitting down
- shopaholic (noun): ngườ i nghiện mua sắ m
ENG: a person who enjoys shopping very much and spends too much time or
money doing it
- a reward (noun): phầ n thưở ng
ENG: a thing that you are given because you have done something good, worked
hard, etc.
- recharge one’s batteries (idiom): nạ p lạ i nă ng lượ ng
ENG: to get back your strength and energy by resting for a while

- on the go (with something) (idiom): bậ n rộ n vớ i việc gì ENG: busy (with

- cement the relationship (verb phrase): củ ng cố mố i quan hệ ENG: to make
a relationship stronger
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: Why do you enjoy shopping?

4. Advantages and disadvantages of online shopping

When it comes to the benefits of shopping on the Internet, I think we can get
more inexpensive deals than buying at brick-and-mortar stores because items
usually come to us directly from manufacturers without middlemen involved.
Besides, shopping online helps us save a great deal of time and energy as we
don’t waste time hitting the stores or making a bargain. Moreover, online stores
are usually high on inventory, so they can offer a far greater selection of colors
and sizes. In other words, there’re a wider range of options for us to purchase.
However, online shopping brings several great drawbacks. First, we don’t have
the experience of actually seeing and touching the item that we consider buying.
For example, we can’t try on clothes to see whether it looks good on us or not. So,
it might not live up to our expectations. Second, the risk of fraud is quite high
when buying stuff on the Internet. Sellers might send an item that doesn’t look
like its pictures or description.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- get inexpensive deals (noun phrase): mua đượ c đồ giá rẻ ENG: buy cheap
- brick-and-mortar stores (noun phrase): cử a hà ng ENG: stores existing as a
physical building

- middlemen (noun): ngườ i trung gian

ENG: a person who buys goods from the company that has produced them and
makes a profit by selling them to a shop or a user
- hit the stores (verb phrase): đến cử a hà ng ENG: go to stores
- make a bargain (verb phrase): trả giá
ENG: to try to make someone agree to give you something that is better for you,
such as a better price or better working conditions
- high on inventory (adj phrase): có nhiều hà ng trong kho ENG: many goods
in a store
- try on something (phrasal verb): thử quầ n á o
ENG: to put on clothes to see how they look or if they fit
- look good on somebody (verb phrase): ai đó trô ng hợ p vớ i cá i gì
ENG: a person's hair cut, makeup, or clothes match that person well, and make
that person look good
- live up to one’s expectations (verb phrase): đá p ứ ng đượ c kỳ vọ ng củ a ai đó
ENG: to achieve what is expected, esp. high standards
- fraud (noun): lừ a đả o
ENG: the crime of getting money by deceiving people

Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p:

- Do you like online shopping?

- Do you like shopping on the internet?
- What are some possible disadvantages of buying things from online shops?


1. Favourite toys

When I was young, I loved my teddy more than any other toys. Whenever I felt
sad, I would just talk to it. He was really a shoulder to cry on. If I needed comfort,
I would hug him and cry, and I would feel better afterwards.
Our childhood favorite toy was a bubble blowing machine. Actually, it was a total
impulse buy when my family went shopping at the supermarket. It turned out to
be a huge hit as my siblings and I were really into it.
I was always something of an introvert and I had far too much imagination for
my own good. My plastic army men were worth their weight in gold. I was
forever reenacting World War II throughout the house. I still remember one
specific playset that my big sister brought home on my 8th birthday that was by
far my favorite gift.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:
- a shoulder to cry on (idiom): mộ t bờ vai để dự a và o khi gặ p khó khă n ENG:
used to describe a person who listens to your problems and gives you sympathy
- impulse buy (noun): mó n đồ mua khô ng có chủ đích, mó n đồ mua vộ i ENG:
something that you buy without planning to do so in advance, and without
thinking about it carefully
- turn out to be/ have something (phrasal verb): hó a ra là ENG: to be
discovered to be; to prove to be

- huge hit (noun phrase): ngườ i/ thứ phổ biến, đượ c yêu thích ENG: a person
or thing that is very popular
- be into something (idiom): thích
ENG: to be interested in something in an active way

- for one’s own good (idiom): vì lợ i ích củ a ai đó

ENG: if you do something for someone’s own good etc, you do it to help them
even though they might not like it or want it
- worth one’s weight in gold (idiom): rấ t có giá trị, hữ u dụ ng ENG: very
useful or valuable
- reenact something (verb): tá i hiện
ENG: to repeat the actions of a past event, especially as an entertainment

Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: What was your favourite toy when you were a child?

2. Keeping childhood toys

Toys and stuffed animals can be hard to let go of because they are filled with
memories of when we were little. As a kid, I used to have a hard time prioritizing
which items are more special than others. Then I kept all of them in a big wooden
box in the basement and it’s still there until now.
Some people like to keep their childhood junk because it brings a lot of
memories. A lot of people are afraid of forgetting the time that has gone by, so
keeping childhood toys may be an excellent way to help them recollect their good
old days. Or maybe they are just in the habit of not throwing away anything.
I believe that to some people, their childhood toys are like a treasure. Such toys
inextricably linked with stories in their childhood and more valuable than
else with even exorbitant prices. My father is a good case in point. He still keeps
his torn teddy bear because it reminds him of my grandma who passed away
several years back.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- stuffed animal (noun phrase): thú nhồ i bô ng

ENG: a toy in the shape of an animal, made of cloth and filled with a soft
- let go of something (idiom): vứ t đi
ENG: to stop holding somebody/something

- prioritize something (verb): ưu tiên

ENG: to treat something as being more important than other things

- junk (noun): thứ vụ n vặ t, khô ng cò n sử dụ ng

ENG: things that are considered to have no use or value

- go by (phrasal verb): (thờ i gian): trô i qua ENG: to pass

- recollect something (verb): nhớ
ENG: to remember something, especially by making an effort to remember it

- in the habit of doing something (prepositional phrase): có thó i quen

ENG: if you are in the habit of doing something, you do it regularly or often.

- inextricably linked (adjective phrase): liên hệ mậ t thiết

ENG: if two or more things are inextricably linked etc, they are very closely
related and affect each other.

- exorbitant (adj): (giá cả ) cắ t cổ ENG: (of a price) much too high

- a good case in point (idiom): ví dụ điển hình
ENG: a clear example of the problem, situation, etc. that is being discussed

- pass away (phrasal verb): qua đờ i

ENG: to die. People say ‘pass away’ to avoid saying ‘die’.

Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: Why do some people keep their childhood toys?

3. Advantages of playing with toys

Well, there’re a myriad of great benefits of children playing with toys.

Toys like ride-on toys help babies learn to master developmental skills like
sitting, crawling or even riding a means of transport.
Besides, this facilitates toddlers exploring the world enthusiastically. For
example, stack and match allows kids to actively learn how to recognize different
colors or letters. So, these educational toys help kids broaden their horizons and
develop skills like spatial awareness or motor skills.
Furthermore, I suppose all toys encourage kids to use their imagination and
creativity to spark joy, so these toys help them stimulate creativity. Moreover,
kids consider toys as their playmates, so they don’t feel a sense of loneliness and
depression thanks to them.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- a myriad of something (noun phrase): rấ t nhiều ENG: an extremely large

number of something

- ride-on toy (noun phrase): đồ chơi để ngồ i lên, cưỡ i lên,..và đi ENG: a toy
car that a child can sit in and move
- toddler (noun): trẻ mớ i biết đi
ENG: a child who has only recently learnt to walk

- enthusiastically (adv): nhiệt huyết, say mê

ENG: in a way that shows a lot of excitement and interest about somebody/
- broaden one’s horizons (verb phrase): mở mang kiến thứ c
ENG: to broaden the limit of your desires, knowledge or interests

- spatial awareness (noun phrase): nhậ n thứ c về khô ng gian ENG: the ability
to judge the positions and sizes of objects
- spark something (verb phrase): khơi lên, tạ o ra
ENG: to cause something to start or develop, especially suddenly

- stimulate creativity (verb phrase): thú c đẩ y sự sá ng tạ o ENG: to encourage

and promote creativity
- playmate (noun): bạ n chơi cù ng
ENG: a friend with whom a child plays

- feel a sense of loneliness and depression (verb phrase): cả m thấ y cô đơn,

buồ n chá n
ENG: to feel lonely and depressed
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: What are some benefits of children playing toys?

4. Disadvantages of playing with toys

Personally, I think playing with toys brings several drawbacks to kids.

Firstly, it may put kids at risk because toys that usually contain small parts could
swallowed. In other words, kids can choke on such tiny parts.

Secondly, that children play with dolls all day might make them bad at social
skills. They might not wanna go out to partake in outdoor activities, and lead a
sedentary life. Eventually, they might become not sociable.
Thirdly, some toys, particularly modern ones are highly addictive, which causes
children to pester their parents constantly.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- put somebody at risk (idiom): đưa ai và o tình thế nguy hiểm

ENG: to put somebody in danger of something unpleasant or harmful happening
- swallow something (verb): nuố t
ENG: to make food, drink, etc. go down your throat into your stomach

- choke on something (verb): nghẹn

ENG: to be unable to breathe because the passage to your lungs is blocked or you
cannot get enough air; to make somebody unable to breathe
- partake in something (verb): tham gia ENG: to take part in an activity

- lead a sedentary life (verb phrase): số ng cuộ c số ng ít vậ n độ ng, hay ngồ i

trướ c mà n hình má y tính
ENG: to live a life in which you spend a lot of time sitting down

- sociable (adj): hò a đồ ng
ENG: (of people) enjoying spending time with other people

- addictive (adj): gâ y nghiện

ENG: if a substance or activity is addictive, it makes people unable to stop using it
or doing it
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: What are some disadvantages of children playing toys?

1. Description of weather

Well, the weather is baking hot today, and it seems completely still. So, I don’t
wanna go out in such an extreme weather condition. I just wanna sit in front of
the fan all day and do nothing.
The temperature today is below freezing. I’m gonna go out on a date with my
friends, so I have to bundle up so that I can’t catch a cold.
It’s chucking it down, and the sky is heavily overcast. So, I will sit at home to kick
back on a comfortable sofa and be engrossed in reading books all day. I just
bought several real-page turners that my friend recommended for me.
Well, the wind picks up, so I guess it’s almost a gale. I shouldn’t go out right now
to avoid being soaked to the skin.
Well, the weather in my country is really changeable, especially in summer.
There are periods of time with cloudless skies, but suddenly we get caught in a
torrential downpour. That’s why we always bring an umbrella or raincoat with
us when going out.
There’re four seasons in my country, which are spring, summer, fall and winter
respectively. But as a whole the weather is typically either boiling hot or freezing.
My country experiences a blanket of snow once in a blue moon.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- baking hot = boiling hot (adj): nắ ng nó ng ENG: very hot

- completely still (adj phrase): khô ng có gió ENG: with no wind
- freezing (adj): lạ nh buố t ENG: very cold
- go out on a date with somebody (verb phrase): có hẹn vớ i ai ENG: go out
with somebody
- bundle somebody up (in something) (phrasal verb): bậ n rộ n vớ i việc gì
ENG: to put warm clothes or thick material on somebody
- It’s chucking it down (idiom): trờ i đang mưa ENG: it’s raining heavily
- heavily overcast (adj phrase): u á m ENG: covered with clouds; not bright
- engrossed in something (adj): chìm đắ m và o cá i gì
ENG: so interested or involved in something that you give it all your attention
- real page-turner (noun phrase): sá ch hay ENG: a book that is very exciting
- kick back (phrasal verb): thư giã n ENG: to relax
- a gale (noun): cơn lố c, cơn gió mạ nh ENG: an extremely strong wind
- be soaked to the skin (adj phrase): ướ t sũ ng ngườ i ENG: completely wet
- changeable (adj): hay thay đổ i ENG: often changing

- cloudless skies (noun phrase): trờ i khô ng mộ t gợ n mâ y ENG: skies with

clear; with no clouds
- a torrential downpour (noun phrase): mộ t trậ n mưa xố i xả ENG: rain falling
in large amounts
- a blanket of snow (noun phrase): mộ t lớ p tuyết phủ ENG: a thick layer or
mass of snow
- once in a blue moon (idiom): hiếm khi ENG: rarely
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p:

- What’s the weather today?

- What’s the weather like in your country?

2. Each season and activities

I love spring most because it’s the ideal period of time that I don’t have to suffer
from long-summer heatwaves or the freezing wind of winter. Besides, as I’m a
nature lover, I have chances to see many fruit trees like apricot trees in full
blossom. Moreover, this is an occasion for family reunions and many festivals, so
I can spend more quality time with my beloved ones to cement our relationship.
It’s a real blast for me.
Summer is my all-time favourite season. I love still summer’s days because I can
grasp this opportunity to hang out with my friends, and snap a lot of superb
photographs. Furthermore, summer usually experiences heatwaves, so I can
spend every afternoon sunbathing and swimming, which is one of my hobbies. I
also can take advantage of a three-month vacation to go on a trip to the
countryside and mountainous areas so that I can escape from the hustle and
bustle of the city.

Autumn is my all-time favourite season since the weather is really nice. I

particularly enjoy gentle breezes in this season. Moreover, this period is specially
suitable for outdoor activities like camping or fishing. I also cycle around the city
on the weekend without worry about heatstroke like in the summer or colds in
the winter.
Personally, I’m really into winter as I have a chance to see blankets of snow and
make a snowman. Though it’s always windy, and usually dull and overcast in this
season, I still love that feeling. Also, it is the right time for me to put on stylish
clothes like overcoats or cardigans. That makes me more fashionable and elegant.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- long-summer heatwave (noun phrase): đợ t nắ ng nó ng kéo dà i mù a hè ENG:

a period of unusually hot weather in summer
- freezing (adj): lạ nh buố t ENG: very cold
- a nature lover (noun phrase): ngườ i yêu thiên nhiên ENG: a person who
loves nature
- in full blossom (noun phrase): (hoa) nở rộ ENG: a flower has reached full
- family reunion (noun phrase): đoà n tụ gia đình
ENG: a social occasion or party attended by family members

- cement the relationship (verb phrase): củ ng cố mố i quan hệ ENG: improve

the relationship
- a real blast (noun phrase): niềm vui thự c sự ENG: fun

- grasp the opportunity (verb phrase): tậ n dụ ng cơ hộ i ENG: to take an

opportunity without hesitating and use it
- hang out (with somebody) (phrasal verb): ra ngoà i đi chơi vớ i ai ENG: to
spend a lot of time in a place with somebody
- snap (verb): to take a photograph ENG: chụ p ả nh
- superb photograph (noun phrase): bứ c ả nh đẹp, chấ t lượ ng cao ENG:
excellent, very good quality photograph
- sunbathe (verb): tắ m nắ ng
ENG: to sit or lie in the sun, especially in order to go brown (get a suntan)

- take advantage of something/ somebody (phrasal verb): tậ n dụ ng cá i gì, lợ i

dụ ng ai
ENG: to make use of something well; to make use of an opportunity

- go on a trip (to somewhere) (verb phrase): có chuyến đi đến đâ u ENG: to

make a trip to somewhere
- escape from the hustle and bustle of the city (verb phrase): thoá t khỏ i cuộ c
số ng xô bồ củ a thà nh phố
ENG: to be far away from a large amount of activity and work, in a noisy city

- all-time favourite (adj): (cá i gì) yêu thích nhấ t từ trướ c đến nay ENG: that is
liked the most of any time
- gentle breeze (noun phrase): cơn gió nhẹ ENG: a light wind
- heatstroke (noun): say nắ ng
ENG: an illness with a high temperature and often loss of consciousness, caused
by being in too great a heat for too long
- a blanket of snow (noun phrase): mộ t lớ p tuyết phủ ENG: a thick layer or
mass of snow
- dull and overcast (adj): (bầ u trờ i) u á m ENG: covered with clouds; not
- overcoat (noun): á o choà ng
ENG: a long warm coat worn in cold weather

- cardigan (noun): á o nịt

ENG: a jacket made of wool like a sweater but fastened with buttons down the
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p:

- What is your favourite season of the year?

- What activities do you usually do during this season?

3. Effect of weather on mood

My mood depends a lot on what the weather’s like. I’m usually in a negative
frame of mind in winter. Specifically, I often experience drowsiness when it’s
overcast and freezing outside because I can’t hang around and chit chat with my
friends. Besides, I usually feel in a gloomy mood whenever it’s raining cats and
dogs. But summer sunlight can uplift my mood as I can participate in a lot of
outdoor activities. So, as a whole, the weather has a significant effect on my

The weather doesn’t affect my mood a lot as I know what to do in different

weather to lift my mood up. You know, I’m a couch potato, so on rainy days I just
sit in front of the TV all day to watch a series of drama films or reality shows. It’s
actually a real blast for me. But when it’s sunny, I usually hit the town to do a bit
of shopping with my buddies or spend the whole afternoon in idle chit-chat with
them. We share with each other about different stuff. So, I just don’t care much
about how nice the weather is.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- frame of mind (noun): tâ m trạ ng

ENG: the way you feel or think about something at a particular time
- drowsiness (uncountable noun): cả m giá c mệt mỏ i và buồ n ngủ ENG: the
state of being tired and wanting to sleep
- overcast (adj): (bầ u trờ i) u á m
ENG: covered with clouds; not bright
- freezing (adj): lạ nh giá ENG: very cold
- hang around (with somebody) (phrasal verb): ra ngoà i đi chơi vớ i ai ENG:
to spend time with someone
- chit chat (with somebody) (phrasal verb): chém gió vớ i ai ENG: to talk
informally about matters that are not important
- in a gloomy mood (noun phrase): tâ m trạ ng tồ i tệ ENG: in a bad mood
- be raining cats and dogs (idiom): mưa to ENG: to rain heavily
- uplift somebody (verb) = lift one’s mood up (phrasal verb): khiến ai vui vẻ
lên ENG: to make somebody happier

- have a significant effect on somebody/ something (verb phrase): có ả nh

hưở ng lớ n đến ai/ cá i gì
ENG: to influence greatly somebody/ something
- a couch potato (adj): ngườ i nghiện xem TV
ENG: a person who spends a lot of time sitting and watching television
- reality shows (noun phrase): chương trình thự c tế
ENG: a television programme about ordinary people who are filmed in real
- a real blast (noun phrase): niềm vui ENG: fun
- hit the town (verb phrase): xuố ng phố ENG: go to the town
- idle chit-chat (noun phrase): chém gió vớ i ai
ENG: conversation about things that are not important

Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p:

- Does the weather affect your mood?

- Do you think the weather affects how people feel?
- Do you think that weather affects people’s behaviour?
- How does bad weather affect people?
- How does bad weather affect people's mood?

4. Effect of weather on playing sports

Well, I think it depends much on what kind of sport you are playing. To be more
specific, the weather has a great impact on people playing sports, especially those
who engage in outdoor sports. For example, if it’s chucking it down, the chances
are some outdoor sports like football or biking have to be rained off. Besides,
high temperature

can have a significant influence on the performance of players as it’s likely to

cause heat illnesses like heatstroke or heat cramps. However, it doesn’t affect a
lot if people play indoor sports like badminton or boxing because they play in
sports complexes.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- have a great impact on somebody/ something = have a significant influence

on somebody/ something (verb phrase): có ả nh hưở ng lớ n đến ai/ cá i gì
ENG: to influence greatly somebody/ something
- engage in something (phrasal verb): tham gia và o hoạ t độ ng gì ENG: to take
part in something
- it’s chucking it down (idiom): mưa to ENG: to rain heavily
- the chances are (idiom): khả nă ng là ENG: it is likely that
- be rained off (phrasal verb): (hoạ t độ ng) bị hoã n do mưa
ENG: (of an event) to be cancelled or to have to stop because it is raining
- heatstroke (uncountable noun): say nắ ng
ENG: an illness with a high temperature and often loss of consciousness, caused
by being in too great a heat for too long
- heat cramp (noun phrase): chuộ t rú t do nhiệt
ENG: a sudden pain that you get when the muscles in a particular part of your
body contract, caused by high temperature
- sports complex (noun phrase): tò a nhà chơi thể thao
ENG: a group of buildings of a similar type together in one place to play sports

Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: Do you think the weather is more important to you/ people

who play sports?

5. Climate change

The weather has become growingly abnormal during the last several years.
We’re suffering long-summer heatwaves and seeing out-of-season downpours
every year. Especially, central Vietnam is experiencing the rainy season and the
floods that come late but happen repeatedly and last longer than usual. This
leads to some extreme weather like devastating floods and landslides that cause
substantial damage to property and local people. On top of that, there are also
concerns about rising sea levels in my country.
Climate change causes a lot of devastating effects on both people and property.
First, there appears more severe, frequent droughts and floods which cause a lot
of crops to be destroyed completely. Also, this leads to the increasing frequency
of wildfires occurring all over my country. Second, warmer temperatures
increase the risk of many diseases like mosquito-borne diseases that pose a great
threat to human health. Particularly, the spread of these diseases to human
beings leads to millions of deaths annually.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- abnormal (adj): bấ t thườ ng

ENG: different from what is usual or expected, especially in a way that worries
somebody or is harmful or not wanted
- long-summer heatwave (noun phrase): đợ t nắ ng nó ng kéo dà i mù a hè ENG:
a period of unusually hot weather in summer
- out-of-season downpour (noun phrase): nhữ ng trậ n mưa trá i mù a ENG: a
heavy fall of rain that’s not the right time of year for them
- extreme weather (noun phrase): thờ i tiết khắ c nghiệt ENG: unexpected,
unusual, severe, or unseasonal weather

- devastating flood (noun phrase): lũ lụ t tà n khố c

ENG: flood that causes a lot of damage and destroying things
- landslide (noun): sạ t lở
ENG: a mass of earth, rock, etc. that falls down the slope of a mountain or a cliff
- substantial damage to somebody/ something (noun phrase): thiệt hạ i lớ n
đến cá i gì
ENG: greatly harmful effects on somebody/something
- on top of that (linking words): thêm và o đó ENG: in addition
- rising sea level (noun phrase): mự c nướ c biển tă ng cao
ENG: the increase in the average height of the sea, used as the basis for
measuring the height of all places on land
- devastating effect (noun phrase): ả nh hưở ng nặ ng nề ENG: greatly harmful
- drought (noun): hạ n há n
ENG: a long period of time when there is little or no rain
- destroy a crop (verb phrase): phá hủ y vụ mù a
ENG: to damage a crop so badly that it cannot be used
- wildfire (noun): chá y rừ ng
ENG: a very big fire that spreads quickly and burns natural areas like woods,
forests and grassland
- mosquito-borne disease (noun phrase): bệnh do muỗ i truyền ENG:
diseases that are spread to people by mosquitoes
- pose a great threat to somebody/ something (verb phrase): đặ t ra mộ t mố i
đe dọ a lớ n
ENG: to have the possibility of trouble, danger or disaster

Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p:

- How has the weather in your country changed in recent years?

- Do you think the weather is changing due to global warming?
- Do you think the world's weather (or climate) is changing?
- Do you believe that climate change is a serious problem?

1. Ideal age to get married

I think the right time to tie the knot doesn’t depend much on a particular age, but
I take other different factors into account to make up my mind whether or not it’s
an ideal time for me to get married.
First, it’s about the maturity of the two people. I will get married only when my
partner and I are mature enough, both physically and emotionally. I mean it’s
when we’re well aware of life issues and marriage problems, and know how to
handle these issues with rationale and thorough consideration.
Second, the financial independence of the two people also plays an important
part in this once-in-a-lifetime decision. You know, before getting ready to step
into the new phase of life, I have to ensure my partner and I have enough income
to fully cover not only the bare basics but also to pursue our hobbies like money
to go travelling on a monthly basis or to eat out from time to time.
Third, of course, I get married only when I find my Mr Right to come along
because I don’t wanna get married in a hurry. I would prefer to stay single rather
than end up with the wrong person. You know, I just don’t wanna take a gamble
on the rest of my life.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- tie the knot (idiom): kết hô n ENG: to get married

- take something into account (idiom): câ n nhắ c đến điều gì

ENG: to consider particular facts, circumstances, etc. when making a decision
about something
- make up one’s mind to do something (idiom): đưa ra quyết định là m gì
ENG: to decide to do something
- well aware of something (adj phrase): biết rõ về điều gì ENG: full knowing
about something
- rationale (noun): lý luậ n
ENG: the principles or reasons which explain a particular decision, course of
action, belief, etc.
- thorough consideration (noun phrase): sự câ n nhắ c kỹ lưỡ ng
ENG: the act of thinking about something carefully and with great attention to
- financial independence (noun phrase): tự chủ về tà i chính
ENG: the status of having enough income to pay one's living expenses for the rest
of one's life without having to be employed or dependent on others
- play an important part in something (verb phrase): đó ng vai trò quan trọ ng
trong vấ n đề gì
ENG: to help to achieve something

- once-in-a-lifetime (adj): mộ t lầ n trong đờ i

ENG: used to describe something special that is not likely to happen to you again

- cover the bare basics (verb phrase): chi trả cho nhữ ng nhu cầ u thiết yếu
ENG: be able to pay for the most basic needs
- eat out (phrasal verb): ă n ngoà i
ENG: to have a meal in a restaurant, etc. rather than at home

- from time to time (idiom): thỉnh thoả ng ENG: sometimes

- Mr Right (noun): ngườ i chồ ng lý tưở ng
ENG: the man who would be the right husband for a particular woman

- come along (phrasal verb): xuấ t hiện ENG: to arrive; to appear

- in a hurry (idiom): mộ t cá ch nhanh chó ng ENG: very quickly or more
quickly than usual
- end up with somebody/ something (phrasal verb): kết thú c vớ i ai/ cá i gì
ENG: to finally be in a particular place or situation
- take a gamble on something (verb phrase): đá nh cượ c và o cá i gì
ENG: to take an action that you take when you know there is a risk but when you
hope that the result will be a success
2. Arranged marriage

I can’t accept the idea of allowing my parents to choose who I will marry for a
number of reasons.
Since marriage is a lifelong commitment to a person, I don’t wanna leave it to
chance. Specifically, a marriage needs unconditional love from both sides so that
we can

together overcome a lot of inevitable ups and downs of marriage, and still be
there for the other instead of easily ending up splitting up when a problem arises.
But how we can love each other unconditionally if we just meet a couple of times
before marriage.
Besides, there needs to be mutual understanding and common hobbies between
my life partner and me. I don’t wanna get married to a person who knows little
about me and has nothing in common with me. You know, I have to spend the
rest of my life living with this person under the same roof, so having too much to
share in casual conversation plays a crucial part in success in family life.
Moreover, the ultimate purpose of marriage is companionship between two
persons in terms of spirit, emotion, recreation rather than a long-term business
transaction between parents. So, letting parents take an active part in this once-
in-a-lifetime decision isn’t a good idea.
On top of that, if I’m at liberty to choose my life partner, I’m entirely responsible
for my own choice and happiness. You know, I just don’t wanna blame my
parents for any failure.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- a lifelong commitment to somebody/something (noun phrase): sự cam kết

cả đờ i vớ i ai/ cá i gì
ENG: a promise to support somebody/something in the whole life
- leave it to chance (idiom): phó mặ c cho số phậ n ENG: wait and see what
happens without planning
- unconditional love (noun phrase): tình yêu vô điều kiện ENG: a love
without any conditions or limits

- overcome inevitable ups and downs (verb phrase): vượ t qua nhữ ng thă ng
trầ m khô ng thể trá nh khỏ i
ENG: to succeed in dealing with the mixture of good and bad things in life or in a
particular situation or relationship that you cannot avoid or prevent
- be there for somebody (idiom): luô n bên cạ nh ai
ENG: to be available if somebody wants to talk to you or if they need help

- split up (with somebody) (phrasal verb): mộ t cá ch nhanh chó ng ENG: to

stop having a relationship with somebody
- a problem arises (verb phrase): vấ n đề nả y sinh ENG: a problem happen;
start to exist
- mutual understanding (noun phrase): sự thấ u hiểu lẫ n nhau ENG:
sympathy of each person for the other
- have something in common with somebody (verb phrase): có điểm gì
chung vớ i ai
ENG: to have the same thing with somebody

- casual conversation (noun phrase): cuộ c nó i chuyện bình thườ ng hà ng

ngà y ENG: chit-chat
- play a crucial part in something (verb phrase): đó ng vai trò quan trọ ng
trong việc gì
ENG: to help to achieve something

- ultimate (adj): tố i thượ ng ENG: most extreme

- companionship (uncountable noun): sự đồ ng hà nh

ENG: the pleasant feeling that you have when you have a friendly relationship
with somebody and are not alone
- business transaction (noun phrase): giao dịch kinh doanh
ENG: activities and events that affect the financial position of a business

- take an active part in something (verb phrase): tham gia mộ t cá ch chủ độ ng

trong việc gì
ENG: participate actively in something

- once-in-a-lifetime (adj): mộ t lầ n duy nhấ t trong đờ i

ENG: used to describe something special that is not likely to happen to you again
- on top of that (linking words): thêm và o đó ENG: in addition
- at liberty to do something (idiom): tự do là m gì ENG: having the right or
freedom to do something
- blame somebody for something (verb): đổ lỗ i cho ai về việc gì
ENG: to think or say that somebody is responsible for something bad

Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: Is it easy for you to accept an arranged marriage?

3. Couples living with parents or own their own

I really want co-living with my parents or my in-laws after marriage. They’re the
ones who bring me and my husband up really well, so I wanna take good care of
them when they grow older. In other words, I just wanna maintain an enduring
relationship with my parents. Furthermore, as parents retire from work, they can
lend us a helping hand.

They can help us look after my children. Well, to be quite honest, I feel safer
knowing that my kid is in the hands of my family relatives instead of a babysitter.
They also help prepare for home-cooked meals so that we don’t have to eat from
take-aways when we’re fully occupied with our work. So, they kinda help us lead
a healthier lifestyle.
Actually I don’t want to reside with my in-laws after marriage. I don’t feel
comfortable living with them as most in-laws usually attempt to interfere in
marriage problems like how to raise my kids. Sometimes, they can keep minding
my business too far. Second, living in an extended family might lead to family
conflict due to the generation gap. This might cause a broken relationship
between us.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- co-living with somebody (noun phrase): số ng chung vớ i ai

ENG: the practice of living with other people in a group of homes that include
some shared facilities
- in-laws (noun): bố mẹ chồ ng
ENG: your relatives by marriage, especially the parents of your husband or wife
- bring somebody up (phrasal verb): nuô i dưỡ ng ai đó
ENG: to care for a child, teaching him or her how to behave, etc.
- take good care of somebody/ something = look after somebody/ something
(phrasal verb): chă m só c ai/ cá i gì tố t
ENG: to care for somebody/something/yourself really well
- maintain an enduring relationship with somebody (verb phrase): duy trì
mố i quan hệ lâ u dà i vớ i ai
ENG: to keep a close relationship with somebody
- lend somebody a helping hand (idiom): giú p đỡ ai ENG: to help somebody

- babysitter (noun): ngườ i trô ng trẻ

ENG: a person who takes care of babies or children while their parents are away
from home and is usually paid to do this
- take-away (noun): cử a hà ng bá n đồ ă n mang đi
ENG: a restaurant that cooks and sells food that you take away and eat
somewhere else
- lead a healthy lifestyle (verb phrase): có lố i số ng khỏ e mạ nh ENG: to live
- reside with somebody (verb): số ng vớ i ai ENG: to live with somebody
- interfere in something (verb): can thiệp và o chuyện gì
ENG: to get involved in and try to influence a situation that should not really
involve you, in a way that annoys other people
- mind your business (idiom): can thiệp và o chuyện củ a ai
ENG: think about your own affairs and do not ask questions about or try to get
involved in other people’s lives
- an extended family (noun): gia đình gồ m nhiều thế hệ số ng chung ENG: a
family group with a close relationship among the members that
includes not only parents and children but also uncles, aunts, grandparents, etc.
- the generation gap (noun): khoả ng cá ch giữ a cá c thế hệ
ENG: a situation in which older and younger people do not understand each
other because of their different experiences, opinions, habits, and behaviour
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: Do you want to live with your parents after marriage?/ Do you
think couples should live with their parents or on their own?

4. Responsibilities of husband and wife

Personally, I don’t think that husbands and wives should have different roles
within the family. Instead, they should share the same responsibilities for
earning money and doing household chores.
In the past, men used to be the sole breadwinner of the family, and they were
fully responsible for the financial situation of the family. Meanwhile, women just
stayed at home, and took on housekeeping and parenting responsibilities.
However, recently, both husbands and wives land a full-time job outside; or in
other words, they both fulfill the financial needs of the family. So, wives are no
longer the sole home-maker or just stay-at-home moms. That’s why men should
also take an active part in taking care of children and handling household chores.
So, as a whole, husbands and wives should equally share earning money and
upbringing rather than have clear-cut roles in the family.

Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- household chore (noun phrase): việc nhà ENG: a task that you do regularly
at home
- breadwinner (noun): trụ cộ t gia đình
ENG: a person who supports their family with the money they earn
- take something on (phrasal verb): có trá ch nhiệm là m gì ENG: to accept a
particular job or responsibility
- housekeeping (uncountable noun): dọ n dẹp vệ sinh
ENG: the management of a home and the work that needs to be done in it, such as

- land a job (verb phrase): có việc là m ENG: to have a job

- home-maker (verb): nộ i trợ
ENG: a person, especially a woman, who manages a home and takes care of the
house and family
- stay-at-home (adj): (bố / mẹ) ở nhà chă m só c con cá i
ENG: a stay-at-home mother or father is one who stays at home to take care of
their children instead of going out to work
- take an active part in something (verb phrase): tham gia mộ t cá ch chủ độ ng
trong việc gì
ENG: participate actively in something

- take care of somebody/ something (phrasal verb): chă m só c ai/ cá i gì ENG:

to care for somebody/something/yourself
- upbringing (noun): nuô i dưỡ ng
ENG: the way in which a child is cared for and taught how to behave while it is
growing up
- clear-cut (adj): rõ rà ng
ENG: definite and easy to see or identify

Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: Should husbands and wives have different roles within the


1. Living in the city or the countryside

I want to live in urban areas because I enjoy the hectic pace of life instead of a
monotonous life in the countryside.

In addition, there are a myriad of sources of recreation I can take part in when
living downtown. For example, I usually do a bit of shopping at shopping malls or
go to the movies on the weekend so that all daily stress can be relieved.
Furthermore, there are more job opportunities in big cities, so I can land a
fulfilling job.
I prefer to live in rural areas for a number of reasons. As I’m a nature lover, I have
a chance to live closer to nature when living in the countryside. Specifically, I
have a chance to take care of trees and flowers while hearing birds singing.
Besides, I’m able to enjoy fresh air, so I can lead a healthy life in such a pollution-
free place.
Moreover, the cost of living is quite low, so I don’t have to burn the midnight oil
to pay for daily expenses like living in a big city. That’s how I can get the right
work- life balance.
On top of that, the countryside has a strong sense of community. You know,
neighbours come to talk to each other on a daily basis, so they can give me a
helping hand when a problem arises. As a whole, I enjoy the relaxed pace of rural
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- the hectic pace of life (noun phrase): nhịp số ng hố i hả

ENG: a life that is very busy and involves a lot of rushed activity
- monotonous (adj): buồ n tẻ
ENG: not changing and therefore boring
- a myriad of something (noun): nhiều cá i gì ENG: a lot of something
- downtown (adj/ adv): thà nh phố ENG: in or to the central part of a city
- shopping mall (noun): trung tâ m thương mạ i
ENG: a large building or covered area that has many shops, restaurants, etc.
inside it
- go to the movies (verb phrase): đi xem phim ở rạ p ENG: to go to the theatre
- land a fulfilling job (verb phrase): có cô ng việc tố t ENG: to have a good job
- a nature lover (noun phrase): ngườ i yêu thiên nhiên ENG: a person who
loves nature
- lead a healthy life (verb phrase): có lố i số ng khỏ e mạ nh ENG: to live
- pollution-free (adj): khô ng ô nhiễm ENG: unpolluted
- the cost of living (noun phrase): chi phí sinh hoạ t ENG: the amount of
money that a person needs to live
- burn the midnight oil (idiom): họ c hà nh/ là m việc đến đêm khuya ENG: to
study or work until late at night
- daily expenses (noun phrase): chi phí hà ng ngà y ENG: the money that you
spend on daily bills
- get the right work-life balance (verb phrase): rõ rà ng
ENG: maintain the equal amount of time you spend doing your job compared
with the amount of time you spend with your family and doing things you enjoy
- a strong sense of community (noun phrase): rõ rà ng ENG: very sociable
- give a helping hand (verb phrase): giú p đỡ ai ENG: to help somebody
- the relaxed pace of life (noun phrase): nhịp số ng chậ m ENG: a life that isn’t
very busy
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p:

- Do you like to go to the countryside?

- Do you prefer living in the countryside or in a big city?

2. Activities

Well, there’re a ton of things I can do while living downtown.

When I’m down in the dumps, I often hang around with my buddies so that we
can do a bit of sightseeing and take some photographs to uplift me.
Also, I usually go to a coffee shop to sip a cup of cappuccino that is my all-time
favourite drink.
In addition, I hit the gym every afternoon to keep fit and avoid a sedentary
lifestyle. But, in summer, I choose to go swimming because this activity provides
me with a full- body workout.

I also spend the weekend trying street foods that are die-to-for in every corner of
the city because I have a big passion for exploring new things.
I engage in a lot of activities in the countryside.

I’m an early bird, so I go to the market early every morning. I love making a
bargain with vendors.
Besides, as I have a lovely garden in front of my house, I spend every morning
growing crops and feeding animals. Well, to be quite honest, I have a great sense
of accomplishment after harvesting the plants I took good care of.
Also, I usually walk in nature to enjoy the breathtaking sceneries in my

Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- downtown (adj/ adv): thà nh phố ENG: in or to the central part of a city
- down in the dumps (idiom): buồ n ENG: sad
- hang around with somebody: ra ngoà i vớ i ai ENG: to spend time with
- sightseeing (uncountable noun): tham quan
ENG: the activity of visiting interesting buildings and places as a tourist
- uplift somebody (verb): khiến tâ m trạ ng ai tố t hơn
ENG: to make somebody feel happier or give somebody more hope
- sip something (verb): nhâ m nhi
ENG: to drink something, taking a very small amount each time
- all-time favourite (adj): (cá i gì) yêu thích nhấ t từ trướ c đến nay ENG: that is
liked the most of any time

- hit the gym (verb phrase): đến phò ng tậ p ENG: to go to the gym
- a sedentary lifestyle (noun phrase): lố i số ng ít vậ n độ ng
ENG: a lifestyle in which you spend a lot of time sitting down
- full-body workout (noun phrase): bà i tậ p toà n thâ n
ENG: a period of physical exercise that you do to keep fit for your whole body
- die-to-for (adj): ngon, rấ t muố n cá i gì ENG: excellent or to be strongly
wished for
- have a big passion for something (verb phrase): có đam mê vớ i cá i gì ENG:
am interested in something
- engage in something (phrasal verb): tham gia và o việc gì ENG: to take part
in something
- an early bird (idiom): ngườ i thứ c dậ y sớ m
ENG: a person who gets up, arrives, etc. very early
- make a bargain (with somebody): trả giá
ENG: a thing bought for less than the usual price
- a great sense of accomplishment (noun phrase): cả m giá c đạ t đượ c gì ENG:
an impressive thing that is done or achieved after a lot of work
- take good care of somebody/ something (phrasal verb): chă m só c ai/ cá i gì
tố t ENG: to care for somebody/something very well
- breathtaking (adj): (cả nh) đẹp
ENG: very exciting or impressive (usually in a pleasant way)

Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p:

- What do you usually do in the countryside?

- What do you usually do in big cities?

3. Problems in big cities and solutions

City dwellers have to experience a myriad of problems.

First, I think traffic jams might be one of the most severe issues when living
downtown. Commuters usually get stuck in traffic congestion, especially in the
rush hour due to the very high volume of traffic in every corner of the city.
Second, the atmosphere becomes more and more polluted. And this causes
respiratory diseases and other health-related problems. In other words, people
living in big cities might suffer from more serious ailments than those in the
Third, the crime rate tends to be much higher in a metropolis. People are usually
charged with several common crimes like driving while intoxicated, or robbery.

Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- city dweller (noun): ngườ i dâ n thà nh phố ENG: people living in a city
- a myriad of something (noun): nhiều cá i gì ENG: a lot of something
- downtown (adj/ adv): thà nh phố ENG: in or to the central part of a city
- traffic congestion (noun phrase): tắ c đườ ng
ENG: the state of being crowded and full of traffic
- rush hour (noun): giờ cao điểm
ENG: the time, usually twice a day, when the roads are full of traffic and trains are
crowded because people are travelling to or from work
- respiratory disease (noun phrase): bệnh liên quan đườ ng hô hấ p ENG:
diseases connected with breathing

- metropolis (noun): thà nh phố ENG: a large city

- be charged with something (verb phrase): bị buộ c tộ i gì
ENG: to accuse somebody formally of a crime so that there can be a trial in court
- driving while intoxicated (noun): lá i xe trong khi say
ENG: the crime of driving a vehicle after drinking too much alcohol or taking
drugs that affect your ability to drive
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: What problems do people in big cities have to deal with?

4. Problems in the countryside

People residing in rural areas have to deal with a number of problems.

First, the countryside usually doesn’t have enough basic amenities like clean
water, not to mention a lack of infrastructure such as hospitals or transport. So,
rural residents suffer from the much lower standard of living as compared with
those in urban areas.
Second, it’s difficult for people to find a fulfilling job in the countryside because
there are few companies and factories running there. This is especially acute for
young people because they have difficulty making a living.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- reside (verb): số ng ở đâ u ENG: to live in somewhere

- basic amenity (noun phrase): tiện nghi cơ bả n
ENG: things considered to be necessary to live comfortably, such as hot water
- not to mention (idiom): đấ y là cò n chưa kể đến
ENG: used to introduce extra information and emphasize what you are saying

- the standard of living (noun phrase): mứ c số ng

ENG: the amount of money and comfort people have in a particular society
- acute (adj): nghiêm trọ ng ENG: very serious or severe
- have difficulty (in doing something) (verb phrase): gặ p khó khă n trong việc
gì ENG: to be in the state or quality of being hard to do or to understand
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: What problems do people in the countryside have to deal

1. Frequency of using the Internet

Well, I surf the Internet on a daily basis since it assists me not only in working,
studying, but also in entertainment. Also, I usually keep abreast of current affairs
and stay in touch with my old friends by surfing Facebook.
Honestly speaking, the Internet is indispensable to me. As I’m a streamer, I have
to stream on the web nearly 15 hours a day. That’s why my computers need to
connect to the Internet at all times.
I use the Internet from time to time. You know, I have to burn the midnight oil in
the factory, so I don’t have anything to do with the Internet. Sometimes I just
make a video call via Zalo or Facetime thanks to Internet connection.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- surf the Internet (verb phrase): sử dụ ng Internet ENG: to use the Internet
- keep abreast of something (idiom): cậ p nhậ t cá i gì mớ i
ENG: to make sure you know all the most recent facts about a subject or situation
- current affairs (noun phrase): thờ i sự
ENG: events of political or social importance that are happening now
- stay in touch with somebody (phrasal verb): giữ liên lạ c vớ i ai ENG: see
someone or communicate with someone regularly
- indispensable to somebody/ something (adj): khô ng thể thiếu ENG: too
important to be without

- at all times (idiom): luô n luô n, mọ i lú c ENG: always

- from time to time (idiom): thỉnh thoả ng ENG: sometimes
- burn the midnight oil (idiom): họ c tậ p/ là m việc muộ n đến khuya ENG: to
study or work until late at night
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p:

- How often do you use the internet?

- How important is the internet to you?

- Do you think you use the internet too much?

- What do you usually do on the internet?

- Has the Internet made your job / studies easier?

2. Technological device

I use my mobile phone for different purposes every day.

First, I use it to stay in touch with my relatives and my friends more easily. You
know, just by making a video call or sending a message, I can know what they’re
up to irrespective of long distance.
Second, I use it to improve my english ability. This smartphone has a myriad of
apps that play a vital part in my english acquisition. For example, I usually learn
new english words via flashcards and audios in Quizlet.
Third, I browse a lot of websites to do a bit of online shopping on a regular basis.

Well, my laptop is an indispensable part of my daily life as I use it every day. In

other words, I can describe myself as a mouse potato. Every morning, I write
blogs about my experience to learn english so that I can post them on my
Recently, I have enrolled in an Internet-based course to learn Korean, so I use my
laptop to video conference with my teacher every evening.
Also, thanks to this laptop, I can binge-watch any entire season of a film on the
weekend without going to the movies.
I use a house-cleaning robot every morning. You know, this is one of the most
cutting- edge technological devices. Thanks to this gadget, I don’t have to worry
much about tedious household chores like cleaning.
Also, it helps me save a great deal of time and energy. And I have more me-time
immerse myself in real page-turners.

Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- stay/ keep in touch with somebody (phrasal verb): giữ liên lạ c vớ i ai ENG:
to see someone or communicate with someone regularly
- be up to something (idiom): đang là m gì ENG: to be doing something
- irrespective of (prep): bấ t kể
ENG: without considering something or being influenced by it
- a myriad of something (noun): có nhiều cá i gì ENG: an extremely large
number of something
- play a vital part in (doing) something (idiom): đó ng vai trò quan trọ ng
trong việc gì
ENG: to help to achieve (doing) something

- acquisition (noun): đạ t đượ c kỹ nă ng, kiến thứ c gì

ENG: the act of getting something, especially knowledge, a skill, etc.
- browse a website (verb phrase): lướ t web
ENG: to look through a website without reading everything
- indispensable (adj): khô ng thể thiếu ENG: too important to be without
- a mouse potato (idiom): ngườ i nghiện dù ng má y tính
ENG: a person who spends too much time using a computer
- an Internet-based course (noun phrase): khó a họ c trên mạ ng ENG: a course
that is done using the internet
- video conference (with somebody) (verb): đang là m gì ENG: watch and
listen to each other using video screens
- binge-watch (verb): cà y phim
ENG: to watch several episodes (= separate parts) of a television series or
programme, one after another
- go to the movies (verb phrase): đến rạ p chiếu phim ENG: to go to the
- cutting-edge (adj): (cô ng nghệ) tâ n tiến
ENG: at the newest, most advanced stage in the development of something
- gadget (noun): thiết bị cô ng nghệ
ENG: a small tool or device that does something useful
- me-time (uncountable noun): thờ i gian cho bả n thâ n
ENG: time when a person who is normally very busy relaxes or does something
they enjoy
- immerse yourself in something (adj): chìm đắ m và o cá i gì
ENG: to become or make somebody completely involved in something

- a real page-turner (noun): sá ch hay ENG: a book that is very exciting

Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p:

- What do you mainly use a computer for?

- Do you use any gadgets on a daily basis?

3. Positive and negative impacts of technology

Well, honestly speaking, state-of-the-art technological devices affect our daily

lives both positively and negatively.
As for its benefits, a gadget like a smartphone enables families and friends
worldwide to keep in closer touch with each other. For example, parents can see
and talk to their son who is studying abroad via making a video call.
Besides, technology helps to increase productivity. You know, labour-saving
gadgets like washing machines, dishwashers or house-cleaning robots help
people save a great deal of time. So, they can grasp this opportunity to work their
fingers to the bone, which helps to increase efficiency.
On top of that, technological advancement facilitates learning. To be more
specific, distance learning is becoming more and more popular. Thanks to this,
IELTS learners from Vietnam are able to sign up for an English course run by
Simon, the most eminent IELTS teacher from the UK. I mean, they have a chance
to access top-notch knowledge to gain English acquisition.
But, it also affects our daily lives badly.

First, the development of technology causes technology addiction among

youngsters. I mean, a legion of teenagers are addicted to playing video games,
surfing the web, and social networking. In other words, they’re kinda mouse
potatoes who are glued to the screen all day instead of going out to take part in
outdoor activities. So, this causes them to lead a sedentary lifestyle.
Second, communication devices cause the gradual disappearance of the face-to-
face contact that was such an important part of our lives in the past. I mean
instead of engaging in face-to-face conversations, people now opt to use social
media to chat about stuff. As a result, they become less sociable than previously.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- state-of-the-art = cutting-edge (adj): tố i tâ n

ENG: at the newest, most advanced stage in the development of something
- stay/ keep in touch with somebody (phrasal verb): giữ liên lạ c vớ i ai ENG:
to see someone or communicate with someone regularly
- labour-saving gadget (noun phrase): thiết bị tiết kiệm sứ c lao độ ng ENG: a
device that saves a lot of effort and time
- grasp the opportunity (to do something) (verb phrase): tậ n dụ ng cơ hộ i để
là m gì
ENG: to take an opportunity without hesitating and use it
- work one’s fingers to the bone (idiom): là m việc chă m chỉ ENG: to work
- facilitate learning (verb phrase): tạ o điều kiện họ c tậ p ENG: to make
learning possible or easier
- on top of that (linking words): thêm và o đó ENG: in addition

- sign up for something (phrasal verb): đă ng ký và o khó a họ c gì

ENG: to arrange to do a course of study by adding your name to the list of people
doing it
- eminent (adj): nổ i tiếng
ENG: (of people) famous and respected, especially in a particular profession
- top-notch knowledge (noun phrase): kiến thứ c chấ t lượ ng ENG: excellent
- gain English acquisition (verb phrase): thà nh thạ o tiếng Anh ENG: to
master the English ability
- a legion of somebody (noun): nhiều ngườ i
ENG: a large number of people of one particular type
- social networking (uncountable noun): sử dụ ng cá c trang mạ ng xã hộ i
ENG: the use of websites and other internet services to communicate with other
people and make friends
- mouse potato (noun): ngườ i nghiện xem má y tính
ENG: a person who spends too much time using a computer
- glued to the screen (idiom): dá n mắ t và o mà n hình ENG: to give all your
attention to a computer
- lead a sedentary lifestyle (verb phrase): có lố i số ng ít vậ n độ ng ENG: to live
a life in which you spend a lot of time sitting down
- face-to-face (adj): mặ t đố i mặ t
ENG: involving people who are close together and looking at each other
- engage in (doing) something (phrasal verb): tham gia và o hoạ t độ ng gì
ENG: to take part in something; to make somebody take part in something
- opt to do something (verb): chọ n là m gì
ENG: to choose to take or not to take a particular course of action

Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p:

- How does technology affect our daily life?

- Nowadays, people are using mobile phones and computers to communicate
with each other. Do the advantages outweigh the advantages?

4. Advantages of robots in the workplace

First, taking advantage of robotic automation in workplaces helps to increase

productivity. While humans need breaks during the working hours, robots
cannot only work 24/7 but also still keep working at 100% efficiency.
Second, using robots can improve the quality of products. As humans easily have
a lapse of concentration due to having to do repetitive tasks, industrial robots can
do these tasks with ease and precision.
Third, automated robots help humans to work in hazardous environments. You
see, some tasks like working on construction sites are deemed too dangerous or
laborious for humans to carry out. So, humans can have better working
conditions and avoid getting their hands dirty.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- take advantage of something (phrasal verb): tậ n dụ ng cá i gì ENG: to make

use of something well; to make use of an opportunity
- efficiency (uncountable noun): sự hiệu quả
ENG: the quality of doing something well with no waste of time or money
- a lapse of concentration (noun phrase): sự mấ t tậ p trung ENG: a temporary
failure in focus

- a repetitive task (noun phrase): chọ n là m gì

ENG: a task that has to do the same thing many times, so that it becomes boring
- with ease (adv): mộ t cá ch dễ dà ng ENG: lack of difficulty
- with precision (adv): mộ t cá ch chính xá c
ENG: the quality of being exact, accurate and careful
- hazardous (adj): nguy hiểm
ENG: involving risk or danger, especially to somebody’s health or safety
- construction site (noun phrase): cô ng trườ ng
ENG: an area or piece of land on which construction works are being carried out
- deem somebody/ something + adj (verb): câ n nhắ c ai/ cá i gì như thế nà o
ENG: to have a particular opinion about somebody/something
- laborious (adj): (việc) nặ ng nhọ c ENG: taking a lot of time and effort
- get one’s hands dirty (idiom): là m việc nặ ng nhọ c ENG: to do physical work
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p:

- What are the advantages of using robots in the workplace?

5. Disadvantages of robots in the workplace

First, robots take humans’ jobs, which leads to an increase in job losses. For
some, it might be the bread and butter of their families. In other words, some
people can’t make a living anymore as the fact that robots force people out of
work they’ve done their entire lives.

Second, businesses have to spend a fortune to buy these robots. And then, they
still have to pay for maintenance and get it repaired. So, this kinda leads to a fall
in profits.
Third, factories might be too reliant on robots when over-using them. When they
suddenly malfunction, there would be no replacement for them. As a result, the
operations of factories can be interrupted.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- job loss (noun phrase): sự mấ t việc ENG: unemployment

- bread and butter (uncountable noun): thu nhậ p chính ENG: a person or
company’s main source of income
- make a living (verb phrase): kiếm số ng ENG: to earn money
- out of work (adj): thấ t nghiệp ENG: unemployed
- spend a fortune (verb phrase): chi tiêu mộ t khoả n tiền lớ n ENG: to spend a
large amount of money
- maintenance (uncountable noun): sự bả o trì
ENG: the act of keeping something in good condition by checking or repairing it
- a fall in profits (noun phrase): giả m lợ i nhuậ n
ENG: the money that you make in business or by selling things decreases
- reliant on somebody/ something (adj): phụ thuộ c và o ai/ cá i gì
ENG: needing somebody/something in order to survive, be successful, etc.
- malfunction (verb): (má y mó c) bị trụ c trặ c
ENG: (of a machine, etc.) to fail to work correctly

- replacement for somebody/ something (uncountable noun): sự thay thế

ENG: the act of replacing one thing with another
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: What are the disadvantages of using robots in the workplace?


1. Favourite trees/ flowers

My all-time favourite tree is the cherry tree. You see, all varieties of cherry trees
bear unpalatable fruits or edible cherries. What I love most about this tree is its
blossoms which are nearly pure white, tinged with pale pink. Especially, the
blossoms can cover the tree and uplift everyone. Besides, it’s one of the first signs
of spring. So, whenever I see it’s in blossom, I know for sure that spring is
I’m really into the paddy plant as it plays a vital part in my daily life. You know,
it’s considered as the most widely consumed staple food for a large part of the
world's human population. On top of that, I can behold a panoramic view of the
spectacular landscape a paddy field has. You see, the landscape is carpeted in a
stunning greenish yellow when it’s ripe.
I love roses the most because this flower is considered as the symbol of love. On
Valentine’s Day, a man usually gives a bouquet of red roses to his woman to
express his love. Besides, this blossom has a wide range of colours, such as red,
purple, yellow, white and so on, and each kind has a different meaning. Moreover,
roses have fragrance, so it is used in perfumery.
- all-time favourite (adj): (cá i gì) yêu thích nhấ t từ trướ c đến nay ENG: that is
liked the most of any time
- variety (noun): loà i
ENG: several different sorts of the same thing
- bear something (verb): nở hoa/ kết trá i ENG: to produce flowers or fruit
- unpalatable (adj): khó ă n ENG: not pleasant to taste
- edible (adi): có thể ă n đượ c
ENG: fit or suitable to be eaten; not poisonous

- blossom (noun): hoa

ENG: a flower or a mass of flowers, especially on a fruit tree or bush

- tinge something with something (verb): pha chú t mà u gì đó ENG: to add a

small amount of colour to something
- pale pink (noun phrase): mà u hồ ng nhạ t ENG: pink that’s light in colour
- uplift somebody (verb): khiến tâ m trạ ng ai tố t hơn
ENG: to make somebody feel happier or give somebody more hope

- be in blossom (noun phrase): ( (hoa) nở ENG: to have flowers growing

- be into something (idiom): thích ai/ cá i gì
ENG: to be interested in something in an active way

- paddy plant (noun phrase): câ y lú a ENG: rice

- play a vital part in (doing) something (verb phrase): đó ng vai trò quan
trọ ng trong việc gì
ENG: to help to achieve something

- staple food (noun phrase): lương thự c ENG: a basic type of food that is used
a lot
- behold somebody/ something (verb): nhìn/ ngắ m ai/ cá i gì ENG: to look at
or see somebody/something
- panoramic (adj): (cá i nhìn) toà n cả nh ENG: with a view of a wide area of
- a paddy field (noun phrase): đồ ng ruộ ng
ENG: a field planted with rice growing in water

- be carpeted in/ with something (verb phrase): đượ c bao phủ bở i cá i gì

ENG: to cover something with a thick layer of something
- stunning (adj): ấ n tượ ng
ENG: extremely attractive or impressive

- a bouquet of something (noun): bó hoa

ENG: a bunch of flowers arranged in an attractive way so that it can be carried in
a ceremony or presented as a gift
- fragrance (uncountable noun): mù i hương ENG: a pleasant smell
- perfumery (noun): quá trình là m nướ c hoa ENG: the process of making
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: Describe A Plant, Flower Or Tree That You Like

2. A place that has many trees

As I’m a nature lover, I’m really into living in a place entirely covered with a
myriad of trees. I can grasp this chance to have a closer-to-nature life. Besides,
one of my all-time favourite hobbies is taking care of trees, so living in such a
greenish place is definitely my go-to place. On top of that, it helps me to lead a
healthy life because I can breathe in such clean and fresh air.
My section of town used to be literally surrounded by all sorts of trees. To be
quite honest, I love that place very much because this gives me an atmosphere of
peace and tranquillity. So, whenever I feel stressed out, I just behold the lushness
of the vegetation there. Though I have to migrate to urban areas in search of
work, I spend the weekend returning to my town to enjoy that lush green place.
- a nature lover (noun phrase): ngườ i yêu thiên nhiên ENG: a person who
loves nature
- be into something (idiom): thích ai/ cá i gì
ENG: to be interested in something in an active way

- be entirely covered with something (verb phrase): bị bao phủ hoà n toà n
bở i cá i gì
ENG: to be placed over or in front of something in order to hide, protect or
decorate it
- a myriad of something (noun): nhiều cá i gì ENG: a lot of something
- grasp the chance (to do something) (verb phrase): tậ n dụ ng cơ hộ i để là m
gì ENG: to take an opportunity without hesitating and use it

- a closer-to-nature life (noun phrase): cuộ c số ng gầ n gũ i vớ i thiên nhiên

ENG: a life that you have a chance to live closer to nature
- all-time favourite (adj): (cá i gì) yêu thích nhấ t từ trướ c đến nay ENG: that is
liked the most of any time
- go-to (adj): (ngườ i/ vậ t/ địa điểm) tố t nhấ t
ENG: used to describe the best person, thing, or place for a particular purpose or
- lead a healthy life (verb phrase): có lố i số ng là nh mạ nh ENG: to live
- section (noun): quậ n
ENG: a district of a town, city or county

- tranquillity (noun): yên bình

ENG: the state of being quiet and peaceful

- stressed out (adj): că ng thẳ ng

ENG: too anxious and tired to be able to relax

- behold somebody/ something (verb): nhìn/ ngắ m ai/ cá i gì ENG: to look at

or see somebody/something
- lushness (noun): sự xanh má t
ENG: the fact of having a lot of green, healthy plants, grass, and trees

- migrate to somewhere (verb): chuyển đến đâ u số ng

ENG: to move from one town, country, etc. to go and live and/or work in another

- in search of something (prep): tìm kiếm cá i gì ENG: to find something

Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: Would you like to live in a place that has a lot of trees?

3. Benefits of growing trees

First, growing trees is considered as an enjoyable pastime for people of all ages.
Besides, we can enjoy planting all year round. It’s so rewarding to grow a plant,
particularly when the tree bears flowers and fruits. It’s kinda a sense of
Second, planting trees is a great way to make our living environment better. You
know, they give off oxygen that we need to breathe. Also, they provide clean air
and greenery for us to enjoy.
Third, trees help to beautify landscapes as we can see colorful blossoms in the
spring, lush green leaves in the summer and vibrant hues in the fall. They actually
provide an ever-changing landscape.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- an enjoyable pastime (noun phrase): sở thích thú vị

ENG: something that you enjoy doing when you are not working

- all year round (adv): quanh nă m ENG: throughout the whole year
- bears flowers and fruits (verb phrase): ra hoa, kết trá i ENG: to produce
flowers or fruit
- a sense of accomplishment (noun phrase): cả m giá c đạ t đượ c thà nh tự u
ENG: an impressive thing that is done or achieved after a lot of work
- give off something (phrasal verb): thả i ra khí gì
ENG: to produce something such as a smell, heat, light, etc.

- greenery (uncountable noun): câ y xanh ENG: attractive green leaves and

- beautify somebody/ something (verb): là m đẹp cho ai/ cá i gì ENG: to make
somebody/something beautiful or more beautiful
- blossom (noun): hoa ENG: flower
- vibrant hue (noun phrase): mà u sắ c sặ c sỡ ENG: very bright and strong
- an ever-changing landscape (noun phrase): mộ t cả nh quan luô n thay đổ i
ENG: a landscape that always changes
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: What are the benefits of planting more trees?


1. Favourite desserts

As I have a sweet tooth, I’m really into a myriad of desserts. But my all-time
favourite one is a strawberry cheesecake. It’s made from a soft mixture of cream
cheese, sugar, eggs on a base of biscuits broken into small pieces and topped with
fresh strawberry sauce. For me, this dessert is not only out of this world, but it’s
also a guilt- free cake because it’s made without fat. So, I won’t put on a great deal
of weight compared to the consumption of other sweet cakes.
Well, I’m really keen on lemon, so my favourite dessert dish is a lemon tart. It’s
kinda a pastry shell with a lemon-flavoured filling. I usually dust the tart with
icing sugar prior to serving so that it looks more stunning. I still remember
vividly that when I was in primary school, my mom usually made a lemon tart for
me as a treat whenever I aced an exam.
My signature dish is molten chocolate cake. You know, I fancy chocolate, so I
always discover a recipe for rich chocolate desserts. And I have to say molten
chocolate cake is the most mouth-watering dessert dish I have ever made. While
the outer part of the cake is quite firm and looks super yummy, the runny inner is
kinda moist and a little bit crunchy. That’s why I head over heels in love with this
Giả i thích từ vự ng:
- have a sweet tooth (idiom): thích đồ ngọ t ENG: to like food that contains a
lot of sugar

- be really into something (idiom) = be really keen on something (phrasal

adj): cự c kỳ thích cá i gì
ENG: to be really interested into something

- a myriad of something (noun phrase): nhiều cá i gì ENG: a lot of something

- all-time favourite (adj): (cá i gì) yêu thích nhấ t từ trướ c đến nay ENG: that is
liked the most of any time
- cheesecake (noun): bá nh phô mai
ENG: a cake made from a layer of biscuit, or a sweet pastry base, covered with
soft cheese, eggs, sugar, and sometimes fruit
- be topped by/with something (verb phrase): đặ t cá i gì lên đỉnh củ a cá i gì
ENG: to put something on the top of something else
- out of this world = mouth-watering (adj): (mó n ă n) ngon tuyệt ENG: (of
food) extremely good
- a guilt-free cake (noun phrase): bá nh ă n và o khô ng cả m thấ y tộ i lỗ i
ENG: a cake allowing you to enjoy something without feeling unhappy that you
are doing something bad
- put on weight (phrasal verb): tă ng câ n ENG: to become heavier
- consumption of something (uncountable noun): tiêu thụ ENG: the act of
using energy, food or materials
- a dessert dish (noun phrase): mó n trá ng miệng ENG: a sweet food eaten at
the end of a meal

- lemon tart (verb phrase): bá nh tart (mộ t loạ i bá nh ngọ t hở nhâ n) chanh
ENG: an open pastry case with a lemon-flavoured filling
- a pastry shell (noun phrase): vỏ bá nh ngọ t ENG: the hard outer part of cake
- a lemon-flavoured filling (noun phrase): nhâ n vị chanh
ENG: food put inside a cake having the type of flavour of lemon

- dust something (with something) (verb phrase): phủ cá i gì ENG: to cover

something with fine powder
- prior to something (adj): trướ c cá i gì ENG: before something
- stunning (adj): đẹp mắ t
ENG: extremely attractive or impressive
- remember vividly (verb phrase): nhớ mộ t cá ch rõ rà ng
ENG: to remember in a way that produces very clear pictures in your mind

- as a treat (noun phrase): như phầ n thưở ng cho ai

ENG: something very pleasant that somebody can enjoy, especially something
that you give somebody or do for them
- ace an exam (verb phrase): đạ t kết quả cao trong kỳ thi ENG: to be
successful in an exam
- signature dish (noun phrase): mó n ă n tủ
ENG: used to refer to a dish for which a person is particularly known

- molten chocolate cake (noun): bá nh socola chả y

ENG: a chocolate cake containing hot chocolate sauce which flows out from the
- fancy (doing) something (verb): thích cá i gì ENG: to want something or
want to do something
- rich chocolate dessert (noun phrase): mó n trá ng miệng chứ a nhiều socola
ENG: a dessert containing a large supply of chocolate
- firm (adj): hơi cứ ng ENG: fairly hard
- moist (adj): ẩ m ướ t ENG: slightly wet
- crunchy (adj): giò n
ENG: (especially of food) hard and making a sharp sound when you bite it

- head over heels in love with somebody/ something (idiom): rấ t thích ai/
cá i gì ENG: completely in love with somebody/ something
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p:

- What is your favourite dessert?

- Describe your favourite dessert.

2. Frequency of eating desserts

Well, to be honest with you, I would say I lead a life of indulgence as I always
finish off with a rich dessert. I usually eat some pastries with a cup of tea in my
afters. I know

that this habit causes me to gain a great deal of weight, but it’s actually a great
way for me to relieve my daily stress.
I have to say that I don’t have a sweet tooth, so I eat desserts once in a blue moon.
I just have some kinds of desserts when I hang out with my friends and dine in a
restaurant which serves the dessert. But, actually I don’t eat a lot. That’s why I
never have to worry about cutting down on sweet foods.
Well, in the past I used to have a tiramisu on a regular basis, but after that I
became seriously overweight and suffered from a poor body image. So, now I
have to control my weight. I try my best to avoid sweet foods and work out at the
gym in order to keep in shape.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- lead a life of indulgence (verb phrase): số ng buô ng thả ENG: to live a life
that you have/ do whatever you want
- finish something off (with something) (phrasal verb): kết thú c bằ ng cá i gì
ENG: to do the last part of something
- pastry (noun): bá nh ngọ t
ENG: a type of sweet cake made of special pastry and usually containing
something such as fruit or nuts
- afters (noun): mó n phụ sau
ENG: a sweet dish that you eat at the end of a meal

- relieve daily stress (verb phrase): giả m că ng thẳ ng hà ng ngà y ENG: to

reduce daily stress

- have a sweet tooth (idiom): thích đồ ngọ t ENG: to like food that contains a
lot of sugar
- once in a blue moon (idiom): hiếm khi ENG: rarely
- dine in a restaurant (verb phrase): ă n tố i ở nhà hà ng ENG: to eat dinner in a
- cut down on something (phrasal verb): cắ t giả m cá i gì ENG: to reduce the
size, amount or number of something
- a tiramisu (noun): bá nh tiramisu
ENG: an Italian dessert (= sweet dish) made from layers of cake with coffee,
chocolate and mascarpone cheese
- become seriously overweight (verb phrase): thừ a câ n ENG: fat
- suffer from a poor body image (verb phrase): trả i qua hình ả nh tiêu cự c về
hình thể
ENG: to experience the negative idea that someone has of what their own body
looks like
- work out at the gym (phrasal verb): tậ p thể hình ở phò ng tậ p
ENG: to exercise in order to improve the strength or appearance of your body at
the gym
- keep in shape (verb phrase): giữ dá ng ENG: to keep fit
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: How often do you eat desserts?

3. Places to buy a dessert

Well, to be honest with you, I’m a big fan of desserts, but I have never had a crack
at making a cake by myself. So, I always eat store-bought cakes. My all-time
favourite bakery is Fresh Garden, which is situated near my house.
I would say I never have to squander money on buying desserts in bakeries as my
mom is excellent at making different kinds of desserts. And her signature dish is
Tiramisu, which is really mouth-watering. She usually makes a dessert for me as
a treat after a hard-working day.
I usually buy desserts in notable bakeries like Origato or Nguyễn Sơn bakery.
They serve a wide range of desserts that I can choose freely, but my go-to choice
is always a molten chocolate cake.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- a big fan of something (verb phrase): ngườ i yêu thích cá i gì ENG: a person
who enjoys something
- have a crack at (doing) something (verb phrase): nỗ lự c là m gì ENG: an
occasion when you try to do something
- store-bought cakes (noun phrase): bá nh đượ c mua từ cử a hà ng ENG: cakes
bought from a shop and not made at home
- all-time favourite bakery (noun phrase): quá n bá nh yêu thích nhấ t ENG:
bakery that is liked the most of any time
- squander money on something (verb phrase): tố n tiền và o cá i gì ENG: to
waste money, time, etc. in a stupid or careless way

- signature dish (noun phrase): mó n ă n tủ

ENG: used to refer to a dish for which a person is particularly known

- mouth-watering (adj): (mó n ă n) ngon tuyệt ENG: (of food) extremely good
- as a treat (noun phrase): phầ n thưở ng cho ai
ENG: something very pleasant that somebody can enjoy, especially something
that you give somebody or do for them
- notable bakery (noun phrase): tiệm bá nh có tiếng
ENG: well-known place where bread and cakes are made and/or sold
- a wide range of something (noun phrase): đa dạ ng cá i gì ENG: a variety of
things of a particular type
- a go-to choice (noun phrase): lự a chọ n tố t nhấ t ENG: the best choice
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: Where do you usually buy desserts?

4. Negative impacts of eating too much sweet food

Well, obviously, an excessive consumption of sugar causes you to put on weight.

You know, sweet foods that may be sweet cakes or sugary beverages become
increasingly popular. That explains why more and more people suffer from
In addition to that, a high-sugar diet might be a contributor to diabetes. Actually
this disease becomes more and more prevalent among those who live in the
contemporary time.

Besides, eating too much sugar can increase your chances of developing
depression. As blood sugar swings may be a reason for sugar’s detrimental
impact on mental health, the overconsumption of sugar may make you
Furthermore, eating high amounts of sugar can speed the skin aging process. As
consuming a diet high in sugar leads to the production of AGEs standing for
advanced glycation end products, it may cause your skin to age prematurely.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- an excessive consumption (noun phrase) = overconsumption (uncountable

noun): sự tiêu thụ quá mứ c
ENG: eating too much

- put on weight (phrasal verb): tă ng câ n ENG: to become heavier

- sugary beverage (noun phrase): nướ c uố ng có đườ ng
ENG: any type of drink except water containing a lot of sugar

- obesity (uncountable noun): béo phì

ENG: the quality or fact of being very fat, in a way that is not healthy

- a high-sugar diet (noun phrase): chế độ ă n uố ng chứ a nhiều đườ ng

ENG: the food and drink that you eat and drink regularly containing a lot of sugar
- a contributor to something (noun phrase): nguyên nhâ n gâ y ra thứ gì ENG:
something that helps to cause something
- diabetes (uncountable noun): bệnh tiểu đườ ng
ENG: a medical condition in which the body cannot produce enough insulin to
control the amount of sugar in the blood
- prevalent (adj): phổ biến
ENG: that exists or is very common at a particular time or in a particular place

- the contemporary time (noun phrase): thờ i gian hiện tạ i ENG: the present
- depression (uncountable noun): chứ ng trầ m cả m
ENG: a medical condition in which a person feels very sad and anxious and often
has physical symptoms such as being unable to sleep, etc.
- blood sugar swings (noun phrase): thay đổ i đườ ng huyết ENG: a change in
blood sugar
- detrimental (to somebody/ something) (adj): có hạ i ENG: harmful
- skin aging process (noun phrase): quá trình lã o hó a da ENG: the process of
becoming older
- AGEs = advanced glycation end products (noun phrase): sả n phẩ m glycat
hó a bền vữ ng
ENG: proteins or lipids that become glycated as a result of exposure to sugars

- age prematurely (verb phrase): già sớ m

ENG: to become older before the normal or expected time

Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: What are the negative impacts of eating too much sweet food?

1. Your personality

I would say that I have a great sense of humour. You see, I’m always the life and
soul of the party that I take part in. That’s why I have a wide circle of friends.
Most of my friends told me that my jokes and funny stories could easily crack
them up.
Well, I’m kinda the person who is extroverted. I prefer to hang out with others,
and chit chat with them about this and that. That’s why my friends and I usually
spend every evening sipping a cup of coffee at our all-time favourite coffee shop
and being deep in conversation with one another.
Honestly speaking, I find myself rather unapproachable as it’s very difficult for
me to make new friends. I would prefer to stay at home and immerse myself in a
real-page turner rather than to go out and engage in an outdoor activity. That’s
why I just have a few friends who share the same interest in reading books.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- a great sense of humour (noun phrase): khiếu hà i hướ c ENG: humorous

- the life and soul of the party (idiom): trung tâ m củ a bữ a tiệc
ENG: someone who is energetic and funny and at the centre of activity during
social occasions

- a wide circle of somebody (noun phrase): mộ t nhó m ngườ i ENG: a big

group of people
- crack somebody up (phrasal verb): khiến ai cườ i ENG: to make somebody
laugh a lot
- extroverted (adj): hướ ng ngoạ i
ENG: lively and confident, and enjoying being with other people

- hang out (with somebody) (phrasal verb): ra ngoà i vớ i ai ENG: to spend a

lot of time in a place or with someone
- chit chat with somebody about something (verb): nó i chuyện phiếm vớ i ai
về vấ n đề gì
ENG: to talk informally about matters that are not important

- this and that (idiom): nhữ ng chuyện khá c nhau ENG: various things
- sip something (verb): nhâ m nhi cá i gì
ENG: to drink, taking only a very small amount at a time

- all-time favourite (adj): (cá i gì) yêu thích nhấ t từ trướ c đến nay ENG: that is
liked the most of any time
- deep in conversation (with somebody) (noun phrase): chìm đắ m và o cuộ c
trò chuyện vớ i ai
ENG: to be get fully involved in conversation with somebody

- unapproachable (adj): khó gầ n

ENG: (of a person) not friendly or easy to talk to

- make friends with somebody (verb phrase): kết bạ n vớ i ai ENG: to become

a friend of somebody
- immerse yourself in (doing) something (verb phrase): chìm đắ m trong việc
gì ENG: to become or make somebody completely involved in something
- a real-page turner (noun phrase): cuố n sá ch thú vị ENG: a book that is very
- engage in (doing) something (phrasal verb): tham gia và o hoạ t độ ng gì
ENG: to take part in something
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p:

- How would you describe yourself ?

- Are you similar to your brother(s)/ sister(s) ?

2. A person you admire

I’m gonna describe my father. Unlike other men, he isn’t the breadwinner in my
family. But he’s actually a stay-at-home father who takes really good care of me
and my sisters. He’s a very hard-working person who is an early riser. He always
wakes up very early in the morning and prepares a hearty breakfast for us.
Besides, he’s really kind as he’s always willing to give others a helping hand, even
if it's just a complete stranger.
I would like to tell you about Dung, one of my best friends, whom I admire a lot. I
would say she is such a single-minded person. When she sets a goal, she always
does her level best to accomplish that goal. For example, I still remember vividly
that when she took the entrance exam, she aimed to get 9 in Maths. That’s why
she usually

burnt the midnight oil, and eventually she aced the test. In addition to that, she is
really trustworthy. She’ll always be there for me whenever I’m in trouble.
I’m gonna talk about Min, whom I really look up to. Though she is an A-list
celebrity, she’s very approachable. I still remember vividly that when I came
across her, I grasped this chance to have my photo taken with her and she was
really willing to do so. Besides, she owns a beautiful voice, she just released a
myriad of the greatest hits which are my all-time favourite songs. On top of that,
she is a multilingual person as she is fluent in English and German
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- breadwinner (noun): trụ cộ t chính trong nhà

ENG: a person who supports their family with the money they earn

- a stay-at-home father (noun phrase): bố ở nhà nộ i trợ

ENG: one who stays at home to take care of their children instead of going out to
- take really good care of somebody (phrasal verb): chă m só c ai rấ t tố t ENG:
to care for somebody really well
- an early riser (noun): ngườ i dậ y sớ m
ENG: a person who usually gets out of bed early in the morning

- a hearty breakfast (noun): bữ a sá ng thịnh soạ n ENG: a breakfast that is

large; making you feel full
- give somebody a helping hand (idiom): giú p đỡ ai đó ENG: to help

- a complete stranger (noun phrase): mộ t ngườ i hoà n toà n xa lạ ENG: a

person that you do not know
- single-minded (adj): rấ t quyết tâ m
ENG: very determined to achieve something

- do one’s level best to do something (idiom): cố gắ ng hết sứ c để là m gì ENG:

to try as hard as you can
- accomplish a goal (verb phrase): đạ t đượ c mụ c tiêu ENG: to achieve a goal
- remember vividly (verb phrase): nhớ rõ rà ng
ENG: to remember in a way that produces very clear pictures in your mind

- take the entrance exam (verb phrase): dự thi kỳ thi Đạ i họ c

ENG: to take an exam that you take to be accepted into a school, etc.

- burn the midnight oil (idiom): họ c hà nh/ là m việc chă m chỉ ENG: to study
or work until late at night
- ace the test (verb phrase): đạ t kết quả tố t trong kỳ thi ENG: to be successful
in the test
- trustworthy (adj): đá ng tin cậ y ENG: able to be trusted
- be there for somebody (idiom): luô n ở bên cạ nh ai
ENG: to be available if somebody wants to talk to you or if they need help

- be in trouble (noun phrase): gặ p khó khă n ENG: have difficulty

- look up to somebody (phrasal verb): ngưỡ ng mộ ai đó ENG: to admire

- an A-list celebrity (noun phrase): ngô i sao hạ ng A
ENG: people who are considered to be the most famous, successful or important
- approachable (adj): dễ gầ n
ENG: friendly and easy to talk to

- come across somebody/ something (phrasal verb): tình cờ gặ p ai/ thấ y cá i

gì ENG: to meet or find somebody/something by chance
- grasp the chance/ opportunity to do something (noun): tậ n dụ ng cơ hộ để
là m gì ENG: to take an opportunity without hesitating and use it
- a myriad of something (noun phrase): nhiều cá i gì ENG: a lot of something
- a great hit (noun phrase): mộ t bả n hit lớ n ENG: a successful pop song or
- on top of that (linking words): thêm và o đó ENG: in addition
- multilingual (adj): đa ngô n ngữ
ENG: speaking or using several different languages

- be fluent in something (adj): thà nh thạ o trong việc gì

ENG: able to speak, read or write a language, especially a foreign language, easily
and well
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: Describe a person who you admire

3. Personality traits of a good friend

I would say a good friend needs to be extremely supportive. A faithful friend is

different from a fair-weather friend as he/ she will always stand by you through
thick and thin. He/ she is really willing to give you a helping hand if you’re in
Also, he/ she needs to be trustworthy so that you count on him/ her. To be more
specific, he/ she is always honest, and speaks openly from the heart. He/ she will
be the kind of person who doesn’t divulge your secret to others. And he/ she
won’t gossip about your private life.
In addition to that, he/ she needs to be a good listener who is always ready to
lend an ear to you. For example, if you fail a test and feel down in the dumps, he/
she will listen to your problems sympathetically. So, you and your friend can
easily develop mutual understanding.
Besides, forgiveness is one of the key personality traits of a good friend. You
know, everyone can make a mistake, so a good friend is the kind of person who is
able to forgive this mistake and not hold any grudges.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- supportive (adj): ủ ng hộ
ENG: encouraging somebody or giving them help or sympathy
- a faithful friend (noun phrase): mộ t ngườ i bạ n trung thà nh ENG: staying
with or supporting a particular person

- a fair-weather friend (noun phrase): mộ t ngườ i bạ n chỉ là m bạ n vớ i bạ n khi

mọ i việc dễ dà ng và tố t đẹp và sẽ bỏ mặ c bạ n khi gặ p khó khă n
ENG: somebody who stops being a friend when you are in trouble

- stand by somebody (phrasal verb): bên cạ nh ai

ENG: to help somebody or be friends with them, even in difficult situations

- through thick and thin (idiom): khi gặ p khó khă n ENG: even when there are
problems or difficulties
- give somebody a helping hand (idiom): giú p đỡ ai đó ENG: to help
- be in trouble (noun phrase): gặ p khó khă n ENG: have difficulty
- trustworthy (adj): đá ng tin cậ y
ENG: that you can rely on to be good, honest, sincere, etc.

- count on somebody (phrasal verb): có thể dự a dẫ m và o ai

ENG: to trust somebody to do something or to be sure that something will
- divulge something to somebody (verb): tiết lộ điều gì bí mậ t vớ i ai ENG: to
give somebody information that is supposed to be secret
- gossip about something (verb): bà n tá n về việc gì
ENG: to talk about other people’s private lives, often in an unkind way

- a good listener (noun phrase): ngườ i biết lắ ng nghe

ENG: somebody who you can rely on to listen with attention or sympathy

- lend an ear to somebody (idiom): lắ ng nghe ai đó mộ t cá ch kiên nhẫ n ENG:

to listen in a patient and kind way to somebody
- feel down in the dumps (idiom): buồ n ENG: to feel sad
- sympathetically (adv): mộ t cá ch cả m thô ng
ENG: in a way that is kind to somebody who is hurt or sad, and that shows that
you understand and care about their problems
- develop mutual understanding (verb phrase): phá t triển sự thấ u hiểu lẫ n
nhau ENG: to develop the understanding of two or more people have for each
other equally
- forgiveness (uncountable noun): sẵ n lò ng tha thứ
ENG: the act of forgiving somebody; the quality of being willing to forgive
- hold a grudge (verb phrase): giữ mộ t mố i thù
ENG: to keep a feeling of anger or dislike towards somebody because of
something bad they have done to you in the past
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: What do you think a true friend should be like?

4. Personality traits of successful people

Well, I would say perseverance is the key to success. Successful people always
demonstrate a remarkable single-mindedness in pursuing their goals. When they
set a goal, they will stay really focused on their goal, and work really hard to
accomplish the goal.

Another personality trait of a successful person is hard work. They can work
from dawn till dusk in order to complete their daily tasks. In other words, they
aren’t the kind of person who is bone-idle.
In addition to that, they are the ones who alway think outside of the box. They
always try to come up with a new answer to one problem so that this problem
can be solved most effectively. That’s why they can take the initiative in any
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- perseverance (uncountable noun): tính kiên trì

ENG: the quality of continuing to try to achieve a particular aim despite
- key to something (noun): chìa khó a cho điều gì ENG: the most important
thing to something
- a remarkable single-mindedness (noun phrase): sự quyết tâ m
ENG: the quality of only thinking about one particular aim or goal because you
are determined to achieve something
- pursue a goal (verb phrase): cố gắ ng đạ t đượ c mộ t mụ c tiêu
ENG: to do something or try to achieve a goal over a period of time

- accomplish a goal (verb phrase): đạ t đượ c mụ c tiêu ENG: to achieve a goal

- from dawn till dusk (idiom): từ sá ng đến khuya ENG: from morning till
- bone-idle (adj): cự c kỳ lườ i ENG: extremely lazy
- think outside of the box (idiom): suy nghĩ sá ng tạ o
ENG: to think about something, or how to do something, in a way that is new,
different or shows imagination
- come up with something (phrasal verb): nghĩ ra câ u trả lờ i cho vấ n đề gì
ENG: to find or produce an answer
- take the initiative (verb phrase): chủ độ ng trong vấ n đề gì
ENG: to be the first one to do something, esp. to solve a problem

Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p:

- What personal characteristics do you think most successful people (need

to) have?
- Do you think that all successful people have good character traits?
- Do you think that all successful people are honest?

1. Things make you happy

I’m always in a cheery mood when I ace an exam. It actually gives me a feeling of
achievement, and I feel like all of my hard work paid off. For example, getting 8 in
the IELTS exam can make me full of the joys of spring.
Well, what makes me thrilled to bits is to hang out with my friends and to have
some coffee at our all-time favourite coffee shop. And then, we definitely spend
the whole day in idle chit-chat and share problems with each other.
I feel delighted when I can do whatever I’m really into. For example, as I’m an
avid traveller, especially going backpacking, I always feel over the moon about
my trips to explore different places around the world.
I’m a couch potato, particularly a big fan of comedy shows. So, I can spend hours
watching comedy on television. These shows can easily crack me up. All in all, I
mean having a chance to watch TV for hours can really make me chirpy.

Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- be in a cheery mood (noun phrase): vui vẻ ENG: to be happy

- ace an exam (verb phrase): là m bà i thi đạ t kết quả cao ENG: to be
successful in an exam
- a feeling of achievement (noun phrase): cả m giá c tự hà o về điều gì ENG: a
feeling of pride in something
- pay off (phrasal verb): là m gì và đượ c đền đá p xứ ng đá ng ENG: to be
successful and bring good results
- full of the joys of spring (idiom): rấ t vui ENG: to be very happy
- thrilled to bits (idiom): rấ t vui ENG: extremely pleased
- hang out (with somebody) (phrasal verb): ra ngoà i vớ i ai ENG: to spend a
lot of time in a place or with someone
- all-time favourite (adj): (cá i gì) yêu thích nhấ t từ trướ c đến nay ENG: that is
liked the most of any time
- in idle chit-chat (noun phrase): chém gió vớ i ai
ENG: conversation about things that are not important

- really into something (idiom): thích cá i gì

ENG: to be interested in something in an active way

- an avid traveller (noun phrase): ngườ i đam mê du lịch ENG: a person who
is very enthusiastic about travelling
- go backpacking (verb phrase): du lịch bụ i
ENG: to travel while carrying your clothes and other things that you need in a
backpack, usually not spending very much money and staying in places that are
not expensive
- over the moon (idiom): rấ t vui ENG: extremely happy and excited
- a couch potato (noun): ngườ i nghiện xem tivi
ENG: a person who spends a lot of time sitting and watching television

- a big fan of something (noun): ngườ i thích cá i gì

ENG: a person who admires somebody/something or enjoys watching or
listening to somebody/something very much
- crack somebody up (noun): khiến ai cườ i rấ t nhiều ENG: to make
somebody laugh a lot
- chirpy (adj): vui vẻ ENG: happy
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p:

- What are the things that make you happy?

- Describe an activity or an event that made you happy.

2. Things make you sad

Well, there are many things that could make me feel down in the dumps, but the
most obvious thing might be that I have to do monotonous work. I’m kinda the
person who likes to think out of the box, so having to do the same tasks on a daily
basis really makes me downhearted.
I’m usually in a gloomy mood whenever I flunk an exam. Well, to be quite honest,
nothing can uplift me at that time. I just stay at home and am filled with deep
Honestly speaking, my feelings really depend on the weather. To be more
specific, I’m really on a downer if the rain is coming down in buckets. You see, as
I’m a social butterfly, I can’t go out to chit chat with somebody or engage in an
outdoor activity in such weather. So, I’m bored to death when it’s raining heavily.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- feel down in the dumps (idiom): buồ n chá n ENG: to feel unhappy
- monotonous work (noun phrase): cô ng việc đơn điệu ENG: a job not
changing and therefore boring
- think out of the box (idiom): là m gì sá ng tạ o
ENG: to think about something, or how to do something, in a way that is new,
different or shows imagination
- be in a gloomy mood (noun phrase): cả m thấ y tồ i tệ ENG: to be very sad

- flunk an exam (verb phrase): trượ t kỳ thi ENG: to fail an exam

- uplift somebody (verb): khiến ai vui vẻ hơn
ENG: to make somebody feel happier or give somebody more hope

- fill somebody with something (verb): khiến ai cả m thấ y như thế nà o ENG:
to make somebody have a strong feeling
- deep unhappiness (noun): nỗ i buồ n sâ u sắ c ENG: the feeling of being really
- be on a downer (noun phrase): buồ n ENG: to be depressed
- (the rain) in buckets (noun): (mưa) to ENG: a large amount
- a social butterfly (noun phrase): ngườ i nă ng độ ng, hướ ng ngoạ i ENG: a
person who is socially dynamic, networking
- chit chat with somebody (phrasal verb): chém gió vớ i ai ENG: to talk
informally about matters that are not important
- engage in (doing) something (phrasal verb): tham gia và o hoạ t độ ng gì
ENG: to take part in (doing) something
- bored to death (adj): rấ t chá n ENG: extremely bored
- to death (idiom): rấ t nhiều ENG: extremely; very much
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: What are the things that make you unhappy?

3. Show your emotion when you are anger

Well, I think it depends on different situations. I think that it’s best to tell my
friends or someone in my family that they do something that drives me nuts. It’s
better to give vent to my anger so that my loved ones can understand what is
happening to me and be sympathetic to me. However, I don’t think it helps to
argue with strangers; it’s better to control the anger and just explain what’s
I would say that it is not healthy to suppress your anger. First, if you don’t
express your anger and tell the problem, nothing will be solved. And then, you
still have to bear that problem by yourself. Second, hiding your true feelings
might cause addictive behavior such as alcoholism or binge eating. To be more
specific, you wanna eat as much as you can so that you can forget about the
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- drive somebody nuts (idiom): khiến ai tứ c giậ n ENG: to make somebody

- give vent to anger (idiom): thể hiện sự tứ c giậ n ENG: to express a feeling,
especially anger, strongly
- sympathetic to/ towards somebody (adj): cả m thô ng
ENG: kind to somebody who is hurt or sad; showing that you understand and
care about their problems
- stranger (noun): ngườ i lạ
ENG: a person that you do not know

- suppress anger (verb phrase): kìm nén sự tứ c giậ n

ENG: to prevent yourself from having or expressing a feeling or an emotion

- bear something (verb): chịu đự ng cá i gì

ENG: to accept, tolerate, or endure something, especially something unpleasant

- addictive behavior (noun phrase): hà nh vi gâ y nghiện

ENG: behavior that you are unable to stop using it or doing it

- alcoholism (noun): tình trạ ng nghiện rượ u ENG: the condition of being an
- binge eating (uncountable noun): ă n uố ng vô độ
ENG: eating a lot of food, especially without being able to control yourself

Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: Do you think it’s good to show your emotions when you’re

1. Places to see advertisements

Well, to be quite honest, ads appear here, there and everywhere, from every
corner of streets to social media.
In the past, we just saw TV commercials or radio ads. I mean when we watched
TV, advertisers usually played a couple of adverts in between our programmes.
Especially in prime time, a myriad of advertisements were placed on television
and radio so that businesses could appeal to a larger fan base.
Besides, we also saw that advertisers usually handed out leaflets to passers-by.
Though this method isn’t really effective as compared to other methods, it’s quite
affordable for businesses. So, they can save a great deal of money.
Nowadays, advertisers have an increasing tendency to promote an online
advertisement. Taking advantage of social media like Youtube, Facebook,
Instagram and so on with a huge number of users, businesses advertise their
products on these media so as to not only promote their brand names, but also
increase their customer base. It means that when we surf the Internet, we can
come across a lot of ads.
Commercials embedded in music videos and movies also gain in popularity
because this is an effective way to promote products to potential customers.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- here, there and everywhere (idiom): ở khắ p nơi ENG: everywhere

- commercial (noun): quả ng cá o

ENG: an advertisement on television, on the radio or on a website

- ad = advert = advertisement (noun): quả ng cá o

ENG: a notice, picture or film telling people about a product, job or service

- prime time (uncountable noun): giờ cao điểm

ENG: the time when the greatest number of people are watching television or
listening to the radio
- a myriad of something (noun phrase): nhiều cá i gì ENG: a lot of something
- appeal to somebody (verb): thu hú t ai ENG: to attract or interest somebody
- hand out something to somebody (phrasal verb): phâ n phá t cá i gì cho ai
ENG: to give a number of things to the members of a group
- leaflet (noun): tờ rơi
ENG: a printed sheet of paper or a few printed pages that are given free to
advertise or give information about something
- fan base (uncountable noun): số lượ ng ngườ i hâ m mộ
ENG: the group of people who very much admire a particular musician, band,
team, writer, etc.
- passer(s)-by (noun): ngườ i qua lạ i
ENG: a person who is going past somebody/something by chance, especially
when something unexpected happens

- affordable (adj): rẻ, phả i chă ng

ENG: cheap enough that people can afford to pay it or buy it

- a great deal of something (idiom): nhiều ENG: a lot, much

- have an increasing tendency to do something (verb phrase): có xu hướ ng
là m gì ENG: tend to do something
- take advantage of somebody/ something (idiom): lợ i dụ ng ai, tậ n dụ ng cá i
gì ENG: to make use of something well; to make use of an opportunity
- promote one’s brand name (verb phrase): quả ng bá tên thương hiệu
ENG: to make the name given to a product by the company that produces it
known by a lot of people
- increase one’s customer base (verb phrase): tă ng số lượ ng khá ch hà ng
ENG: to increase the number of people who buy or use a particular product or
- surf the Internet (verb phrase): sử dụ ng Internet ENG: to use the Internet
- come across somebody/ something (phrasal verb): tình cờ gặ p ai/ thấ y cá i
gì ENG: to meet or find somebody/something by chance
- embed something in something (verb): lồ ng ghép cá i gì và o cá i gì
ENG: to include text, sound, images, video, etc. in a computer file, email message,
or on a website
- gain in popularity (verb phrase): trở nên đượ c ưa chuộ ng ENG: to be more

- potential customer (noun phrase): khá ch hà ng tiềm nă ng

ENG: someone who is capable of becoming a purchaser of product and/or
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p:
- What are the various places where we see advertisements?
- Are there many advertisements in your country?

2. Feelings about advertisements

Adverts always drive me nuts, especially TV commercials. When I’m fully

focusing on watching my favourite TV programmes, I’m often interrupted by the
adverts. They’re really annoying. They actually make me in no mood for
continuing to watch the programme.
My niece is really into watching TV commercials. I realize that every ad can keep
her in suspense. I don’t know why the content of these ads can easily crack her
up. But, this brings a great benefit to her mom. Whenever her mom wanna
spoon-feed her, her mom just plays several adverts, and then she can eat like a
It depends on the content of different adverts. I can get inspired if an ad contains
such persuasive content. For example, one of the top-notch adverts of Nike, a
renowned American multinational corporation, placed the importance of women
in this world. This ad includes a motivational statement “If they say you are
crazy, show them what crazy can do. It’s only crazy when you do it.” However, I
can get mad at the ads that just try to exaggerate the features of their products.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- drive somebody nuts (idiom): khiến ai bự c mình ENG: to make someone

upset or annoyed

- commercial (noun): quả ng cá o

ENG: an advertisement on television, on the radio or on a website

- interrupt somebody/ something (verb): là m phiền ai/ cá i gì

ENG: to say or do something that makes somebody stop what they are saying or
- be in no mood for something/ to do something (noun phrase): khô ng có
tâ m trạ ng là m gì
ENG: to not want to do something, often because you are angry

- be really into something (idiom): thích cá i gì

ENG: to be interested in something in an active way
- keep somebody in suspense (verb phrase): khiến ai thấ y hà o hứ ng ENG: to
keep somebody a feeling of worry or excitement
- crack somebody up (phrasal verb): là m cho ai cườ i ENG: to make
somebody laugh a lot
- a great benefit to somebody (noun): lợ i ích đố i vớ i ai ENG: a big advantage
that something gives somebody
- spoon-feed somebody (uncountable noun): đú t cho ai ă n ENG: to feed
somebody, especially a baby, with a spoon
- eat like a horse (idiom): ă n nhiều ENG: to eat a lot
- top-notch (adj): hay, chấ t lượ ng cao ENG: excellent; of the highest quality

- renowned (adj): nổ i tiếng ENG: famous and respected

- multinational corporation (noun): tậ p đoà n đa quố c gia
ENG: a corporate organization that owns or controls production of goods or
services in at least one country other than its home country
- motivational (adj): có tính khích lệ
ENG: making somebody want to do something, especially something that
involves hard work and effort
- get mad at something (adj): tứ c giậ n ENG: to be very angry
- exaggerate something (verb): phó ng đạ i cá i gì
ENG: to make something seem larger, better, worse or more important than it
really is
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: How do you feel about advertisements?

3. Positive and negative impacts of advertisements

Advertisements bring several beneficial effects on both businesses and


Advertisements tell customers about different products and services. So, people
can compare the features, prices and functions of different products so as to find
the one that is most suitable for their needs.
Besides, thanks to advertising, people are getting more and more brand-aware.
In other words, businesses are more likely to reach more potential clients when
they play adverts on different social media. As a result, it helps to increase their
customer base, and helps businesses to boost sales and increase profits.
Additionally, the advertising industry helps to bring more job opportunities for
people. As the demand for products and services increases thanks to advertising,
more people are employed to manufacture or supply those products, not to
mention some emerging jobs like Graphic Designer and Advertising Copywriter.
So, advertising is kinda beneficial to increased employment rate.
However, the advertising industry also has a couple of detrimental effects.

First, the purchase price of a product includes the prohibitive cost of advertising.
It means that consumers have to pay more money for the same items.
Second, advertising manipulates people, and makes them into impulse shoppers
by exaggerating the benefits of products. So, a lot of people tend to buy items that
are unnecessary for them, and this is really a huge waste of money.
Third, children exposed to a myriad of TV commercials every day might end up
pestering their parents to buy a lot of products. This might increase financial
pressures on low-income households.
Fourth, a lot of ads aimed at children promote products like junk food and video
games that aren’t good for children’s health. But, advertisers routinely remind
kids that these are must-have items, so they own these items at all cost. All in all,
I mean advertising has negative effects on children’s health.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- so as to do something (idiom): để là m gì ENG: in order to do something

- brand-aware (adj): nhậ n biết thương hiệu
ENG: knowing the names of companies and the products they sell

- reach somebody (verb): thu hú t sự chú ý củ a ai ENG: to come to

somebody’s attention
- potential clients (noun phrase): khá ch hà ng tiềm nă ng
ENG: someone who is capable of becoming a purchaser of product and/or
- increase one’s customer base (verb phrase): tă ng số lượ ng khá ch hà ng
ENG: to increase the number of people who buy or use a particular product or
- boost sales (verb phrase): tă ng doanh số bá n hà ng ENG: to increase the
number of items sold
- manufacture something (verb): sả n xuấ t cá i gì
ENG: to make goods in large quantities, using machines

- not to mention (idiom): đấ y là cò n chưa kể đến

ENG: used to introduce extra information and emphasize what you are saying
- an emerging job (noun phrase): mộ t cô ng việc mớ i nổ i ENG: a job starting
to exist, grow or become known
- increased employment rate (noun phrase): tă ng tỷ lệ việc là m
ENG: the higher percentage of employed persons in relation to the comparable
total population
- commercial (noun): quả ng cá o
ENG: an advertisement on television, on the radio or on a website

- interrupt somebody/ something (verb): là m phiền ai/ cá i gì

ENG: to say or do something that makes somebody stop what they are saying or
- purchase price (noun phrase): giá mua
ENG: the amount of money that is paid for something

- prohibitive (adj): (giá cả ) cao

ENG: (of a price or a cost) so high that it prevents people from buying something
or doing something
- manipulate somebody (verb): thao tú ng ai đó
ENG: to control or influence somebody/something, often in a dishonest way so
that they do not realize it
- make somebody/something into somebody/something (phrasal verb):
biến ai/ cá i gì thà nh ngườ i/ cá i gì như thế nà o
ENG: to change somebody/something into somebody/something

- impulse shopper (noun phrase): ngườ i mua sắ m bố c đồ ng

ENG: shopper with a sudden strong wish or need to do something, without
stopping to think about the results
- exaggerate something (verb): phó ng đạ i cá i gì
ENG: to make something seem larger, better, worse or more important than it
really is
- a huge waste (of something) (noun): mộ t sự lã ng phí lớ n
ENG: a situation in which it is not worth spending time, money, etc. on something

- expose somebody/something/yourself to something (verb): tiếp xú c vớ i

cá i gì độ c hạ i
ENG: to put somebody/something in a place or situation where they are not
protected from something harmful or unpleasant
- a myriad of something (noun phrase): nhiều cá i gì ENG: a lot of something
- TV commercial (noun): quả ng cá o trên TV ENG: an advertisement on
- end up doing something (phrasal verb): kết thú c trong tình huố ng như thế
nà o ENG: to find yourself in a place or situation at the end of a process or period
of time
- pester somebody to do something (verb): nằ ng nặ c đò i ai là m gì
ENG: to annoy somebody, especially by asking them something many times

- increase financial pressures on somebody (verb phrase): tă ng á p lự c tà i

chính lên ai đó
ENG: to increase strain or stress due to monetary matters

- routinely (adv): thườ ng xuyên

ENG: as part of the way in which things are regularly done

- must-have items (noun phrase): nhữ ng thứ phả i có

ENG: items that are so good or interesting that people should get it

- at all cost(s) (idiom): bằ ng mọ i cá ch

ENG: whatever is needed to achieve something

Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p:

- What are the positive and negative impacts of advertising?

4. Ways to advertise a product

I guess product placement might be the best way to promote a product. Unlike
TV commercials or radio ads that viewers are usually interrupted by ads in
among programmes, a product is placed appropriately in a film or a music video.
So, this advertising method doesn't drive viewers nuts. In other words, this helps
viewers to have a positive attitude towards this product. As a result, businesses
can increase their fan base.
I think celebrity endorsement might be the most effective way to advertise to the
public. By allowing a product to carry an endorsement from a celebrity, this
product’s brand name can reach a larger number of prospective consumers
because the positive image of the celebrity endorser will be passed on to the
product. That’s why businesses usually spend a fortune to employ A-list
celebrities rather than lesser- known ones.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:
- product placement (noun): để là m gì ENG: in order to do something
- promote a product (verb phrase): nhậ n biết thương hiệu
ENG: knowing the names of companies and the products they sell

- TV commercial (noun): quả ng cá o trên TV ENG: an advertisement on

- drive somebody nuts (idiom): khiến ai tứ c giậ n, bự c mình ENG: make
somebody crazy, upset

- have a positive attitude towards something (verb phrase): có cá i nhìn thiện

cả m về cá i gì
ENG: to have a good feeling about something

- increase one’s fan base (verb phrase): tă ng số lượ ng ngườ i hâ m mộ ENG: to

increase the number of the fans of a singer, group, team, etc. considered as a
- celebrity endorsement (noun): quả ng bá thương hiệu bằ ng ngườ i nổ i tiếng
ENG: the fact of a famous person appearing in an advertisement saying that they
use and like a product
- reach somebody (verb): thu hú t sự chú ý củ a ai ENG: to come to
somebody’s attention
- prospective (customers) (adj): (khá ch hà ng) tiềm nă ng ENG: people who
are expected to buy something
- endorser (noun): ngườ i chứ ng thự c (về chấ t lượ ng củ a mộ t sả n phẩ m)
ENG: someone, especially a well-known person, who appears in an
advertisement saying that they use and like a particular product
- pass something on (to somebody) (phrasal verb): truyền lạ i cá i gì cho
ngườ i khá c
ENG: to give something to somebody else, especially after receiving it or using it
- a fortune (noun): mộ t khoả n tiền lớ n ENG: a large amount of money

- A-list celebrity (noun): ngô i sao hạ ng A

ENG: the group of people who are considered to be the most famous, successful
or important
- lesser-known (adj): ít nổ i tiếng
ENG: not as popular or famous as something else
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p:

- What are the best ways for people to advertise something they want to sell
in your country?


1. Environmental problems in your country

The most severe problem in terms of the environment in my hometown might be

air pollution. The air is becoming seriously polluted in recent years. Actually, this
issue results from the heavy volume of traffic on every corner of the hometown.
Also, some factories located surrounding my hometown emit a great deal of
smoke and carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. So, the air in my hometown is
becoming more and more contaminated.
Well, to be quite honest, water pollution might be the most serious
environmental problem in my hometown. This is due to the fact that a great deal
of wastewater from factories and local parks is discharged directly into rivers
and streams. You know, this issue is kinda harmful to our health as it’s one of the
leading causes of chronic poisoning and cancer.
I guess noise pollution might be the most serious problem regarding the
environment in my hometown. I have to suffer from very high noise levels on a
daily basis, which makes me nearly go deaf. This environmental issue stems from
the daily activities of machines and transport by side-by-side industrial and
residential buildings. Those factors result in noise pollution in the residential
areas in my city.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- severe (adj): rấ t nghiêm trọ ng ENG: extremely bad or serious

- in terms of = regarding (idiom): khi nó i về vấ n đề gì

ENG: used to show what aspect of a subject you are talking about or how you are
thinking about it
- air pollution (noun phrase): ô nhiễm khô ng khí
ENG: harmful substances in the air, often consisting of waste from vehicles or
- result from something (phrasal verb): bị gâ y ra bở i mộ t cá i gì đó
ENG: If a situation or problem results from a particular event or activity, it is
caused by it
- the heavy volume of traffic (noun phrase): khố i lượ ng giao thô ng đô ng đú c
ENG: the large amount of traffic
- emit something (into something) (verb): phá t ra cá i gì
ENG: to send out something such as light, heat, sound, gas, etc.

- a great deal of something (idiom): nhiều cá i gì ENG: much; a lot

- contaminated (verb phrase): bị ô nhiễm ENG: poisonous or not pure
- water pollution (noun phrase): ô nhiễm nướ c
ENG: the contamination of water bodies, usually as a result of human activities

- wastewater (uncountable noun): nướ c thả i

ENG: used water that contains waste substances from homes, factories and farms

- discharge something (into something) (verb phrase): xả cá i gì và o đâ u

ENG: when a gas or a liquid discharges or is discharged, or somebody discharges
it, it flows somewhere
- a leading cause of something (noun phrase): nguyên nhâ n chính dẫ n đến
vấ n đề gì
ENG: the most important or most successful cause

- chronic poisoning (noun phrase): ngộ độ c mã n tính

ENG: an illness caused by eating, drinking, or breathing a dangerous substance
that lasts for a long time
- stream (noun): sô ng
ENG: a small, narrow river

- noise pollution (noun phrase): ô nhiễm tiếng ồ n

ENG: noise, such as that from traffic, that upsets people where they live or work
and is considered to be unhealthy for them
- suffer from something (verb phrase): trả i qua cá i gì
ENG: to experience something unpleasant, such as injury, defeat or loss

- go deaf (verb phrase): điếc

ENG: to become unable to hear anything or unable to hear very well

- stem from something (phrasal verb): xuấ t phá t từ cá i gì ENG: to be the

result of something
- side-by-side (idiom): cạ nh bên nhau
ENG: close together and facing in the same direction
- residential building (noun phrase): khu dâ n cư
ENG: an area suitable for living in; consisting of houses rather than factories or
- result in something (phrasal verb): gâ y ra cá i gì ENG: to cause a particular
situation to happen
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p:

- What is the most serious environmental problem in your hometown?

- Are there many environmental problems in your country?

2. Actions to be taken to protect the environment

First, all members in my family prefer to use the environmentally-friendly means

of transport instead of private vehicles. To be more specific, instead of riding a
motorbike, we opt for taking a bus or riding a bike. From time to time, when my
dad has to save time, he drives a fuel-efficient car. We all hope this action can
help to reduce the amount of exhaust fumes caused by the heavy volume of
traffic, and make a modest contribution to protecting the air from being more

Second, when my mom and I go shopping, we use reusable shopping bags rather
than single-use plastic bags. You know, though those plastic bags are lightweight
and inexpensive, we have to pay the prohibitive costs in terms of the
environment when they end up in landfills or as litter in the environment.
Helping to reduce the amount of waste stemming from plastic bags is kinda really
beneficial to the environment.
Third, we try to recycle and reuse as much as we can. I mean instead of throwing
unusable items into trash, we try to take advantage of them, and come up with

so that they can be usable again. Most of the time, those items are made into craft
products that we can use for decorations or beautify our house.
All in all, all members in my family are trying to adopt a greener lifestyle.

Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- the environmentally-friendly means of transport (noun phrase): phương

tiện giao thô ng thâ n thiện vớ i mô i trườ ng
ENG: a vehicle not harming the environment

- from time to time (idiom): thỉnh thoả ng ENG: sometimes

- a fuel-efficient car (noun phrase): xe ô tô tiết kiệm nhiên liệu ENG: a car
working in a way that does not waste fuel
- exhaust fumes (noun phrase): khí thả i
ENG: strong, unpleasant, and sometimes dangerous gas or smoke

- the heavy volume of traffic (noun phrase): khố i lượ ng giao thô ng đô ng đú c
ENG: the large amount of traffic
- severe (adj): rấ t nghiêm trọ ng ENG: extremely bad or serious
- reusable (adj): tá i sử dụ ng ENG: that can be used again
- single-use (adj) [only before noun]: sử dụ ng mộ t lầ n ENG: made to be used
once only and then thrown away

- lightweight (adj): nhẹ

ENG: made of thinner material and less heavy than usual

- pay the prohibitive costs (verb phrase): trả giá đắ t ENG: to pay a very huge
- end up (phrasal verb): kết thú c như thế nà o/ ở đâ u
ENG: to find yourself in a place or situation at the end of a process or period of
- landfill (noun): bã i rá c
ENG: an area of land where large amounts of waste material are buried under the
- litter (noun): rá c thả i
ENG: small pieces of rubbish such as paper, cans and bottles, that people have left
lying in a public place
- stem from something (phrasal verb): xuấ t phá t từ cá i gì ENG: to be the
result of something
- throw something into something (verb): vứ t cá i gì bừ a bã i
ENG: to put something in a particular place quickly and carelessly

- unusable vs usable (adj): khô ng sử dụ ng đượ c/ sử dụ ng đượ c

ENG: in such a bad condition or of such low quality that it cannot be used/ that
can be used; in good enough condition to be used
- take advantage of somebody/ something (phrasal verb): lợ i dụ ng ai/ tậ n
dụ ng cá i gì
ENG: to make use of something well; to make use of an opportunity
- come up with ideas (phrasal verb): nghĩ ra ý tưở ng gì ENG: to find or
produce an answer, a sum of money, etc.
- make somebody/ something into somebody/ something (phrasal verb):
biến ai đó / cá i gì thà nh ai/ cá i gì khá c
ENG: to change somebody/something into somebody/something

- decoration (noun): sự trang trí

ENG: a thing that makes something look more attractive on special occasions

- beautify somebody/ something (verb): là m cho ai đó / cá i gì đẹp hơn ENG:

to make somebody/something beautiful or more beautiful
- adopt a greener lifestyle (verb phrase): có mộ t lố i số ng bả o vệ mô i trườ ng
hơn ENG: to have a lifestyle supporting the protection of the environment
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p:

- What can your family do to help protect the environment?

- What can individuals do to help?

3. Bad habits harming the environment

Well, I think one of our worst habits might be the overuse of private vehicles. We
drive in our own cars to go everywhere, to the supermarket, to our workplaces
or even to hit the gym. As a result, the amount of exhaust fumes increases
rapidly, and it takes a heavy toll on the environment.
In addition to that, smoking releases pollutants into the atmosphere, but a lot of
people smoke everywhere, even in public places like on a bus or in a restaurant.
Therefore, the air is becoming increasingly severe.

Well, we all know that plastic is one of the major pollutants to the environment
because of its inability to decompose naturally. But there has been an excessive
use of plastic during the last several decades. You know, most items in stores are
packaged in plastic containers.
Binge drinking is also one of our very bad habits severely affecting the
environment. You may not know that the production of alcohol requires a huge
number of raw materials and land that might otherwise be taken advantage of to
feed people. And actually this process creates a ton of greenhouse gases that are
devastating to the environment.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- overuse = an excessive use (uncountable noun): sử dụ ng quá nhiều ENG:

the fact that something is used too often or too much
- hit the gym (verb phrase): đến phò ng tậ p ENG: to go to the gym
- exhaust fumes (noun phrase): khí thả i
ENG: strong, unpleasant, and sometimes dangerous gas or smoke

- take a heavy toll on somebody/ something (noun phrase): ả nh hưở ng xấ u

đến ai/ cá i gì
ENG: to have a bad effect on somebody/something

- release something into something (verb): thả i chấ t gì ra đâ u ENG: to allow

a substance to flow out from somewhere
- increasingly severe (adj phrase): ngà y cà ng trở nên nghiêm trọ ng ENG:
more and more serious

- a major pollutant to something (noun phrase): chấ t gâ y ô nhiễm lớ n ENG: a

substance that pollutes something, especially air and water
- decompose (verb): phâ n hủ y
ENG: to break down something into smaller and simpler parts

- package something (verb): đó ng gó i cá i gì

ENG: to put something into a box, bag, etc. to be sold or transported

- binge drinking (uncountable noun): uố ng nhiều

ENG: the activity of drinking too much alcohol on one occasion

- greenhouse gases (noun phrase): khí nhà kính

ENG: a gas that causes the greenhouse effect, especially carbon dioxide

- devastating to somebody/ something (noun phrase): gâ y thiệt hạ i cho ai/

cá i gì ENG: causing a lot of damage and destroying things
- a huge number of something (noun phrase): số lượ ng lớ n ENG: a lot of
- take advantage of somebody/ something (phrasal verb): lợ i dụ ng ai/ tậ n
dụ ng cá i gì
ENG: to make use of something well; to make use of an opportunity

Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: What are our bad habits harming the environment?

4. Responsibilities of governments and businesses for
environment protection
Governments are largely responsible for protecting the environment.

First, governments can propose the introduction of tax incentives to go green. To

be more specific, they should impose a levy on the distribution of single-use
plastic bags in retail outlets so that it helps to reduce the indiscriminate use of
plastic bags.
Second, governments should also propose a crackdown on emissions from
planes, cars and motorbikes. They should force people to cycle and walk or use
public transport like subways or buses instead of using their private vehicles.
Third, governments should enact laws in terms of dealing with industrial waste.
A ton of material that is rendered useless during a manufacturing process from
factories and power plants isn’t treated appropriately. This is the leading factor
to environmental issues, so offenders should be liable to such a heavy fine that
outnumbers the cost of having an appropriate treatment system.
Enterprises also take lead in solving environmental issues.

Businesses should come up with ideas to promote green energy that reduces the
use of fossil fuels. They should take using alternative energy sources from wind
or the sun into account so that it helps to save natural energy for the next
They also have to store waste safely and securely, and ensure that it is treated
In addition to that, they can become more environmentally friendly by producing
green products and adopting green practices. For example, supermarkets can
wrap vegetables in banana leaves instead of using single-use plastic bags.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- propose something (verb): đề xuấ t cá i gì

ENG: to suggest a plan, an idea, etc. for people to think about and decide on

- the introduction of something (noun phrase): á p dụ ng cá i gì

ENG: the act of bringing something into use or existence for the first time

- tax incentives to do something (noun phrase): ưu đã i về thuế để là m điều gì

đó ENG: tax that that encourages you to do something
- go green (idiom): hà nh độ ng bả o vệ mô i trườ ng
ENG: to do more to protect nature and the environment

- impose a levy on something (verb phrase): đá nh thuế và o cá i gì

ENG: to put an extra amount of money that has to be paid, especially as a tax to
the government
- single-use (adj) [only before noun]: sử dụ ng mộ t lầ n ENG: made to be used
once only and then thrown away
- retail outlets (noun phrase): cử a hà ng bá n lẻ ENG: a store that sells goods
to the public
- indiscriminate (adj): bừ a bã i
ENG: not showing careful choice or planning, especially so that harm results

- propose a crackdown on something (verb phrase): đề xuấ t mộ t sự hạ n chế

và o cá i gì
ENG: to give a severe action taken to limit the activities of criminals or of people
opposed to the government or somebody in authority
- emissions (noun): khí thả i
ENG: the production or sending out of light, heat, gas, etc.

- enact laws (verb phrase): ban hà nh luậ t ENG: to pass a law

- industrial waste (noun phrase): rá c thả i cô ng nghiệp ENG: waste produced

by industrial activities
- render something + adj (verb): khiến cá i gì trở nên như thế nà o
ENG: to cause somebody/something to be in a particular state or condition

- power plant (noun phrase): nhà má y điện ENG: a power station

- a leading factor to something (noun phrase): mộ t yếu tố chính cho mộ t vấ n
đề gì đó
ENG: the most important factor to something

- offender (noun): ngườ i phạ m tộ i ENG: a person who commits a crime

- be liable for something (adj): chịu trá ch nhiệm cho mộ t cá i gì đó ENG:
legally responsible for paying the cost of something
- outnumber somebody/ something (verb): nhiều hơn ENG: to be greater in
number than somebody/something
- take lead in something (noun): đi đầ u trong việc gì
ENG: to take the position ahead of everyone else in a race or competition
- come up with ideas (phrasal verb): nghĩ ra ý tưở ng gì ENG: to find or
produce an answer, a sum of money, etc.
- fossil fuels (noun phrase): nhiên liệu hó a thạ ch
ENG: fuels, such as gas, coal, and oil, that were formed underground from plant
and animal remains millions of years ago

- take something into account (idiom): câ n nhắ c đến điều gì

ENG: to consider particular facts, circumstances, etc. when making a decision
about something
- alternative energy (noun phrase): nă ng lượ ng thay thế
ENG: energy from moving water, wind, the sun, and gas from animal waste

- environmentally friendly (adj): thâ n thiện vớ i mô i trườ ng ENG: (of

products) not harming the environment
- green (adj): bả o vệ mô i trườ ng
ENG: relating to the protection of the environment

- single-use (adj) [only before noun]: sử dụ ng mộ t lầ n ENG: made to be used

once only and then thrown away
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: What are the responsibilities of governments and businesses
for protecting the environment?

1. Frequency of a medical check-up
I go for a check-up every 3 months as I wanna make sure that I have no health
problems. Besides, getting screened for diseases kinda helps me to keep track of
my health and find a treatment in a more timely fashion.
Honestly speaking, I just visit a hospital when I’m off-colour. I think that a routine
visit to the doctor costs a fortune, so a dirt-poor person like me can’t afford to do
so. Moreover, I’m up to my ears in work and study, so I don’t find much time to go
to the hospital.
Well, to be quite honest, I pay a visit to a hospital once in a blue moon. As I
always feel as fit as a fiddle, I am not necessarily hospitalized. In addition to that,
I live far from the nearest hospital, so I have to waste a great deal of time
commuting if I wanna get a health check.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- go for a check-up (verb phrase): đi khá m bệnh

ENG: to have an examination of somebody/something, especially a medical one
to make sure that you are healthy
- be/ get screened for something (verb phrase): tầ m soá t bệnh
ENG: to examine people in order to find out if they have a particular disease or
- keep track of somebody/ something (phrasal verb): theo dõ i ai/ cá i gì ENG:
to have information about what is happening or where somebody/something is

- in a more timely fashion (idiom): mộ t cá ch kịp thờ i ENG: happening at

exactly the right time
- off-colour (adj): khô ng khỏ e
ENG: not in good health; looking or feeling ill
- cost a fortune (verb phrase): tố n nhiều tiền ENG: to cost a large amount of
- dirt-poor (adj): rấ t nghèo ENG: very poor
- up to one’s ears in something (idiom): bậ n rộ n vớ i việc gì ENG: to have a lot
of something to deal with
- once in a blue moon (idiom): hiếm khi ENG: rarely
- as fit as a fiddle (idiom): khỏ e mạ nh ENG: in very good physical condition
- be hospitalized (verb): đượ c đưa đến bệnh viện thă m khá m ENG: to send
somebody to a hospital for treatment
- get a health check (verb phrase): nghĩ ra biện phá p, câ u trả lờ i cho câ u hỏ i
gì ENG: to have a medical examination to assess the condition of a person’s body
or mind
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p:
- Do you often have a medical check-up?
- How often do you have a medical check-up?

2. An activity good for health

I just took up swimming recently, and actually I go swimming every afternoon

because this activity helps me to maintain both my physical and mental health.
You know, swimming provides me with an all-over body workout since nearly all
of my muscles

are used during swimming. In addition to that, it allows me to alleviate daily

stress. Whenever I’m under water, I kinda chillax after hectic working hours. On
top of that, this activity helps me to lose some weight and keep fit.
I attend a yoga class every other day. You know, yoga is a perfect blend of
pranayama and meditation, so doing yoga regularly helps me to lead a healthy
lifestyle. To be more specific, this activity is really good for curing headaches and
digestion-related problems. Moreover, I have a chance to wind down after
stressful working hours. I also grasp this opportunity to make friends with those
who have something in common with me.
Well, I go jogging for about 20 minutes every morning. I usually jog around the
local park near my house which is large and full of greenery. You know, mornings
are an ideal time to go out for jogging as it’s when the air is fresh and less
contaminated than any other time of the day. That’s why I always feel refreshed
and more ready to face the day after completing a lap.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- take up something (phrasal verb): bắ t đầ u họ c gì

ENG: to learn or start to do something, especially for pleasure
- maintain physical and mental health (verb phrase): duy trì sứ c khỏ e thể
chấ t và tinh thầ n
ENG: to keep physically and mentally healthy
- an all-over body workout (noun phrase): tậ p luyện toà n thâ n
ENG: a period of physical exercise that you do to keep fit for your whole body
- alleviate daily stress (verb phrase): giả m bớ t că ng thẳ ng hà ng ngà y ENG: to
reduce daily stress

- chillax (verb): thư giã n ENG: to relax

- hectic (adj): bậ n rộ n
ENG: very busy; full of activity
- on top of that (linking words): thêm và o đó ENG: in addition
- keep fit (verb phrase): giữ dá ng
ENG: to stay healthy and strong, especially because you do regular physical
- pranayama (noun): sự điều chỉnh hơi thở ENG: breath control
- meditation (noun): thiền
ENG: the practice of focusing your mind in silence, especially for religious
reasons or in order to make your mind calm
- lead a healthy lifestyle (verb phrase): có lố i số ng khỏ e mạ nh ENG: to live
- digestion-related problems (noun phrase): cá c vấ n đề liên quan đến tiêu
hó a ENG: problems related to the process of digesting food
- wind down (phrasal verb): thư giã n ENG: to relax
- grasp the opportunity/ chance to do something (verb phrase): tậ n dụ ng cơ
hộ i để là m gì
ENG: to take an opportunity without hesitating and use it
- have something in common (with somebody) (verb phrase): có điểm gì
chung vớ i ai
ENG: to share the same interests or have similar characteristics with somebody

- greenery (uncountable noun): câ y xanh ENG: attractive green leaves and

- contaminated (adj): bị ô nhiễm ENG: polluted
- a lap (noun): mộ t vò ng (chạ y/ đi bộ )
ENG: one journey from the beginning to the end of a track used for running, etc.
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p:
- Describe an activity you do for your health or fitness
- In what ways do you try to stay healthy?
- What are the most popular ways of keeping healthy in your country?

3. Benefits of playing a sport

First, it’s universal that playing a sport is highly beneficial to our health. You
know, people tend to lead a sedentary lifestyle, they’re glued to the screen all
day. And this extended period of inactivity might lead to health problems like
obesity and cardiovascular disease. So, taking part in a sport helps people to
reduce the time they spend being sedentary . Besides, playing a sport on a
regular basis helps to strengthen our immune system, so we have fewer chances
to get an ailment.
Second, playing sports is an ideal way to get away from daily strains of life.
People nowadays are snowed under with work, so they usually put themselves
under great pressure. This is one of the leading factors to depression. But, if
people are actively involved in a sport, they can improve their mood.
Third, people can grasp this chance to build better relationships with others.
Engaging in team sports like football or badminton is a great chance for people to
meet new people or make new friends. As a result, we can build up our network,
and this is really helpful for our career.

Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- universal (adj): đú ng
ENG: true or right at all times and in all places
- lead a sedentary lifestyle (verb phrase): bắ t đầ u họ c gì ENG: to live
- glued to the screen (idiom): dá n mắ t và o mà n hình ENG: to give all your
attention to computers
- inactivity (uncountable noun): sự khô ng vậ n độ ng
ENG: the state of not doing anything or of not being active
- obesity (uncountable noun): sự béo phì
ENG: the quality or fact of being very fat, in a way that is not healthy
- cardiovascular disease (noun phrase): bệnh về tim mạ ch ENG: a disease
relating to the heart and the blood vessels
- strengthen one’s immune system (verb phrase): tă ng cườ ng hệ thố ng miễn
dịch ENG: to strengthen the system in your body that produces substances to
help it fight against infection and disease
- get an ailment (verb phrase): mắ c bệnh ENG: to get a disease
- get away from daily strains of life (verb phrase): thoá t khỏ i nhữ ng că ng
thẳ ng hà ng ngà y củ a cuộ c số ng
ENG: to escape from daily stress in life
- snowed under with something (idiom): bậ n rộ n vớ i việc gì ENG: busy with
- put yourself under great pressure (verb phrase): đặ t á p lự c lớ n cho bả n
thâ n ENG: to suffer from great stress

- depression (noun): trầ m cả m

ENG: a medical condition in which a person feels very sad and anxious and often
has physical symptoms such as being unable to sleep
- grasp the chance/ opportunity to do something (verb phrase): tậ n dụ ng cơ
hộ i để là m gì
ENG: to take an opportunity without hesitating and use it
- engage in something (phrasal verb): tham gia và o hoạ t độ ng gì ENG: to take
part in something
- build up one’s network (verb phrase): xâ y dự ng mạ ng lướ i xã hộ i
ENG: to build up a closely connected group of people, companies, etc. that
exchange information
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p:
- What are the health benefits of playing a sport?
- Have you ever had any habits which you consider to be unhealthy?

4. Ways to promote a healthy lifestyle

First, the government should provide more adequate facilities for sport in local
parks. This might make playing sports more accessible to the public, especially to
those who are up to their ears in work and don’t find any idle time to hit the gym
on a regular basis.
Second, the government should bring in healthy food rationing on television or
social media so that people are well aware of a balanced diet. At the same time,
the government can raise taxes on junk food so that people can cut down on
these fatty and unhealthy foods.
Third, the government should make visiting the hospital more affordable and
time- saving for people from all walks of life, not just for high-income people or
those who

have a lot of leisure time. As a result, a larger number of people can have regular
medical check-ups and have more chances to maintain a disease-free lifestyle.
Fourth, the government should help to reduce the working hours of workers and
the heavy workload of students with the same pay. So, they have more free time
to participate in a sport or prepare for their own meals at home.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- accessible to somebody (adj): dễ dà ng tiếp cậ n vớ i ai đó ENG: that can be

reached, entered, used, seen, etc.
- be up to one’s ears in something (idiom): bậ n rộ n vớ i việc gì ENG: be busy
with something
- idle time/ leisure time (noun phrase): thờ i gian rả nh ENG: free time
- hit the gym (verb phrase): đi tậ p ENG: to go to the gym
- bring in something (phrasal verb): giớ i thiệu luậ t ENG: to introduce a new
- rationing (uncountable noun): khẩ u phầ n ă n
ENG: the policy of limiting the amount of food, fuel, etc. that people are allowed
to have when there is not enough for everyone to have as much as they want
- a balanced diet (noun phrase): chế độ ă n uố ng câ n bằ ng ENG: the quantity
and variety of food needed for good health
- raise taxes on something (verb phrase): tă ng thuế và o cá i gì
ENG: to increase money that you have to pay to the government so that it can pay
for public services

- junk food (noun phrase): đồ ă n nhanh ENG: fast food

- cut down on something (phrasal verb): cắ t giả m lượ ng gì ENG: to reduce
the size, amount or number of something
- affordable (adj): rẻ
ENG: cheap enough that people can afford to pay it or buy it
- all walks of life (idiom): mọ i tầ ng lớ p xã hộ i ENG: a person’s job or position
in society
- have regular medical check-ups (noun phrase): đi khá m bệnh thườ ng
xuyên ENG: to have a regular examination of a medical one
- maintain a disease-free lifestyle (verb phrase): duy trì lố i số ng khỏ e mạ nh
ENG: to keep a healthy life
- working hours (noun): giờ là m việc
ENG: the amount of time someone spends at work during a day
- heavy workload (noun): khố i lượ ng cô ng việc nặ ng
ENG: the huge amount of work that has to be done by a particular person or
- participate in (doing) something (verb): tham gia và o việc gì ENG: to take
part in (doing) something
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: How can people be encouraged to stay healthy?

5. Impacts of technology on people’s health

Rapid advancements in technology exert a couple of beneficial impacts on people.

Advances in technology helps to come up with ideas to develop new drugs and
medicines that can reduce symptoms or cure ailments. As a result, people can
enjoy a better quality of life.

The invention of medical technologies like minimally-invasive surgeries and

better monitoring systems allows people to spend less time on the mend and to
enjoy a healthy life.
This development also helps to prevent, diagnose, and treat ailments. Also, it also
plays a vital part in eradicating many diseases, and reducing the prevalence of
others. So, people can have a longer life expectancy as a whole.
Exposing themselves to technological gadgets severely affects people’s health.

An excessive use of electronic gadgets disrupts sleep seriously, and develops

poor sleeping habits. Actually, this can lead to sleep deprivation as a lot of people
are willing to sacrifice their sleep to spending more time on social media.
In addition to that, advances in technology cause people to spend more time
being sedentary. In other words, more and more people become mouse potatoes
as they prefer to spend their free time with electric gadgets rather than to go out
to take part in outdoor activities. This is one of the leading factors to some
diseases like obesity or cardiovascular disease.
Moreover, that technological gadgets like mobile phones, computers or iPads
hold a person’s attention for long periods increases the likelihood of eye strain.
To be more specific, this causes blurred vision and dry eyes for users.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- exert an impact on somebody/something (verb phrase): tá c độ ng lên ai

đó / cá i gì đó
ENG: to affect somebody/ something
- come up with ideas (phrasal verb): nghĩ ra ý tưở ng ENG: to find or produce
an answer

- symptom (noun): triệu chứ ng

ENG: a change in your body or mind that shows that you are not healthy
- cure ailments (verb phrase): chữ a bệnh ENG: to treat an illness
- minimally-invasive surgeries (noun phrase): phẫ u thuậ t xâ m lấ n tố i thiểu
ENG: treatment involving cutting into the body at a minimum
- on the mend (idiom): dễ dà ng tiếp cậ n vớ i ai đó
ENG: getting better after an illness or injury; improving after a difficult situation
- play a vital part in something (verb phrase): đó ng vai trò quan trọ ng trong
việc gì
ENG: to help to achieve something
- eradicate something (verb): xó a bỏ cá i gì
ENG: to destroy or get rid of something completely, especially something bad
- prevalence (uncountable noun): sự phổ biến
ENG: the fact of existing or being very common at a particular time or in a
particular place
- have a longer life expectancy (verb phrase): có tuổ i thọ cao hơn
ENG: to have the higher number of years that a person is likely to live
- expose yourself to something (verb): tiếp xú c vớ i thứ gì độ c hạ i
ENG: to put somebody/something in a place or situation where they are not
protected from something harmful or unpleasant
- gadget (noun): thiết bị cô ng nghệ
ENG: a small tool or device that does something useful
- an excessive use of something (noun phrase): sử dụ ng cá i gì quá mứ c ENG:
use of something too much

- disrupt something (verb): là m cá i gì bị giá n đoạ n

ENG: to prevent something, especially a system, process, or event, from
continuing as usual or as expected
- sleep deprivation (noun phrase): sự thiếu ngủ ENG: a lack of sleep
- sacrifice something to something (verb): hi sinh cá i gì cho cá i gì
ENG: to give up something that is important or valuable to you in order to get or
do something that seems more important for yourself or for another person
- advances in technology (noun phrase): sự phá t triển cô ng nghệ ENG: an
improvement or development in technology
- sedentary (adj): ít vậ n độ ng
ENG: (of people) spending a lot of time sitting down and not moving
- mouse potatoes (noun): ngườ i nghiện sử dụ ng má y tính ENG: a person who
spends too much time using a computer
- leading (adj): quan trọ ng nhấ t
ENG: most important or most successful
- obesity (noun): béo phì
ENG: the quality or fact of being very fat, in a way that is not healthy
- cardiovascular disease (noun phrase): dễ dà ng tiếp cậ n vớ i ai đó ENG:
disease relating to the heart and the blood vessels
- hold someone’s attention (verb phrase): giữ sự chú ý củ a ai ENG: to make
someone notice you
- eye strain (uncountable noun): mỏ i mắ t
ENG: a condition of the eyes caused, for example, by a long period of reading or
looking at a computer screen
- blurred vision (noun phrase): mắ t mờ ENG: eyes cannot see clearly

Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: Would you say modern science and technology has more of a
positive or a negative influence on people’s health?

1. Means of transport

Well, I mostly travel on my own motorbike. You know, it’s easier to get around
the city centre especially in the rush hour by riding a motorbike. Furthermore,
this vehicle saves more gasoline as compared with a car. Also, I can cruise at any
speed I want. Sometimes, when I wanna do a bit of sightseeing, the motorbike
just slows down a bit.
I drive in my own car every day. Though it’s considered as a gas guzzler which
detrimentally affects the environment, I opt for this vehicle as it’s faster than any
other ones. I mean I can save a great deal of time.
Well, I take a bus to go to school on a daily basis. You know, the air is getting
more and more heavily polluted by exhaust fumes, so using public transport on a
daily commute offers a small contribution to dealing with air pollution. Besides,
the bus is the most relatively affordable means of transport, so it kinda helps me
save a lot of money.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- travel by motorbike = travel on one’s/ a/ the motorbike (verb phrase): đi

lạ i bằ ng xe má y
ENG: to go by motorbike
- travel by car = travel in one’s/ a/ the car (verb phrase): đi lạ i bằ ng ô tô
ENG: to go by car
- in the rush hour (noun phrase): giờ cao điểm ENG: in the busiest time
- cruise (verb): chạ y xe rề rề
ENG: (of a car, plane, etc.) to travel at a steady speed

- do a bit of sightseeing (verb phrase): ngắ m cả nh

ENG: to do the activity of visiting interesting buildings and places as a tourist
- slow down (phrasal verb): (phương tiện giao thô ng) giả m tố c độ ENG: to go
or to make something/somebody go at a slower speed
- a gas guzzler (noun phrase): phương tiện ă n xă ng ENG: a car or other
vehicle that needs a lot of petrol
- detrimentally (adv): mộ t cá ch có hạ i ENG: in a way that is harmful
- opt for something (verb): chọ n cá i gì
ENG: to choose to take or not to take a particular course of action
- exhaust fumes (noun): khí thả i
ENG: smoke, gas, or something similar that smells strongly or is dangerous to
breathe in
- commute (noun): sự đi lạ i
ENG: the journey that a person makes when they commute to work
- offer a small contribution to something (verb phrase): đó ng gó p nhỏ và o
việc gì ENG: to have little to give something to help achieve or provide something
- air pollution (noun phrase): ô nhiễm mô i trườ ng ENG: the process of
making air dirty
- relatively affordable (adj): khá rẻ
ENG: cheap enough that people can afford to pay it or buy it

Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p:

- What form of transport do you prefer to use?

- What form of transport do you use every day?
2. Frequency of using public transport

Well, I travel by bus almost everyday. You know, as it's the cheapest way to get
around, it seems to be the most suitable means of transport for a dirt-poor
person like me. Besides, I would say that it’s the vehicle that I can just sit and
admire the view.
To be quite honest, I take a bus from time to time, and it depends mostly on the
weather. If the weather is fine, I prefer to travel on my own motorbike to the bus
because of its mobility and convenience. But if it's pouring with rain, I would
definitely choose to travel by bus because I don’t wanna put a raincoat on.
Besides, it’s too dangerous for me to get around when the road is wet and
Honestly speaking, I rarely travel by bus because it’s always jam-packed.
Moreover, it’s not particularly punctual, so I can always be late for work if I
commute by bus. On top of that, whenever I hop a bus, I feel uncomfortable, and
the smell of a bus always makes me want to vomit.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- get around (phrasal verb): đi lạ i (từ nơi nà y đến nơi khá c) ENG: to move
from place to place or from person to person
- a means of transport (noun phrase): phương tiện giao thô ng ENG: a vehicle
- dirt-poor (adj): rấ t nghèo ENG: very poor
- admire the view (verb phrase): thưở ng thứ c cả nh
ENG: to look at something and think that it is attractive and/or impressive
- from time to time (idiom): thỉnh thoả ng ENG: sometimes

- mobility (noun): dễ dà ng đi lạ i
ENG: the ability to move or travel around easily
- be pouring with rain (verb phrase): mưa to ENG: to rain heavily
- wet and slippery (adj phrase): (đườ ng) ướ t và trơn ENG: difficult to hold or
to stand or move on
- jam-packed (adj): đô ng đú c ENG: very full or crowded
- hop a bus (verb phrase): lên xe bus ENG: to get on a bus
- on top of that (linking words): thêm và o đó ENG: in addition
- vomit (verb): buồ n nô n
ENG: to bring food from the stomach back out through the mouth
- punctual (adj): đú ng giờ
ENG: happening or doing something at the arranged or correct time; not late
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p:

- How often do you take buses?

- Do you often travel by public transport?

3. Public transport vs private transport

Honestly speaking, I prefer to use public transport to get to work because of its
great benefits.

First, I don’t wanna put up with constant traffic jams that occur in the city centre
every day. So, travelling by public transport like buses is a go-to choice that helps
to alleviate the heavy traffic congestion.
Second, if I ride my own bike or motorbike, I will have to expose myself to the
unpredictable weather as well as to air pollution on a daily basis. This is kinda
bad for my health, so I choose to travel by bus in order to avoid these problems.
Third, public transport is much more inexpensive in terms of fees and gasoline
because it caters particularly to large groups of passengers. So, it helps not only
to save money but also to reduce exhaust fumes caused by vehicles.
However, if my sister has to choose between private transport and public
transport, she will definitely opt for the former one.
As it’s her own vehicle, she’s at liberty to go anywhere she wants, and at any time
she desires. In other words, she doesn’t have to follow a fixed route like
travelling by public transport.
In addition to that, she has a chance to enjoy all the comfort and convenience of a
private vehicle. For example, she doesn’t need to check for a schedule in advance
as she does for public transportation.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- put up with somebody/ something (phrasal verb): chịu đự ng ai/ cá i gì

ENG: to accept somebody/something that is annoying, unpleasant, etc. without
- constant traffic jams (noun phrase): khá rẻ
ENG: a long line of vehicles on a road that cannot move or that can only move
very slowly that happens constantly

- a go-to choice (noun phrase): lự a chọ n tố t nhấ t ENG: the best choice
- alleviate the heavy traffic congestion (verb phrase): giả m bớ t tắ c nghẽn
giao thô ng nặ ng nề
ENG: to reduce the state of being crowded and full of traffic
- expose yourself to something (verb): tiếp xú c vớ i thứ gì độ c hạ i
ENG: to put somebody/something in a place or situation where they are not
protected from something harmful or unpleasant
- unpredictable (adj): khô ng thể đoá n trướ c đượ c
ENG: that cannot be predicted because it changes a lot or depends on too many
different things
- air pollution (noun phrase): ô nhiễm mô i trườ ng ENG: the process of
making air dirty
- in terms of something (idiom): khi đề cậ p đến vấ n đề gì
ENG: used to show what aspect of a subject you are talking about or how you are
thinking about it
- cater to somebody/ something (phrasal verb): đá p ứ ng nhu cầ u củ a ai/ cá i
gì ENG: to provide the things that a particular type of person wants, especially
things that you do not approve of
- exhaust fumes (noun): khí thả i
ENG: smoke, gas, or something similar that smells strongly or is dangerous to
breathe in
- opt for something (verb): chọ n cá i gì
ENG: to choose to take or not to take a particular course of action
- the former ... (adj): cá i thứ nhấ t (đượ c đề cậ p trong 2 cá i)
ENG: used to refer to the first of two things or people mentioned

- at liberty to do something (idiom): tự do là m gì ENG: having the right or

freedom to do something
- enjoy all the comfort and convenience (verb phrase): tậ n hưở ng tấ t cả sự
thoả i má i và tiện lợ i
ENG: to be very comfortable
- in advance (idiom): là m gì trướ c ENG: before the time that is expected
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: Do you prefer public transport or private transport?

4. Ways to improve the transportation system

Well, I just came up with several solutions to improve the transportation system
in my country.
First, one of the first steps towards improvement would be to widen the roads.
This might help to reduce overcrowding on the roads.
Second, a couple of overpasses and underpasses can be constructed in the heart
of downtown so that it would allow traffic to move more freely. As a result, they
help to reduce severe traffic congestion.
Third, bus service is improved to make it run more frequently as one of the key
reasons why most people don’t consider buses as their preferred choice is due to
their lateness. In other words, passengers won’t have a long wait to hop a bus. So,
this would lead to a larger number of people travelling by bus instead of their
private vehicles.
Fourth, people should be encouraged to travel by the environmentally-friendly
means of transport like bikes or walking. If so, there will need more cycle lanes
and pedestrianised streets so that cyclists and pedestrians can commute safely.

Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- come up with something (phrasal verb): nghĩ ra biện phá p, câ u trả lờ i cho
câ u hỏ i gì
ENG: to find or produce an answer
- step towards something (noun): bướ c để đạ t đượ c điều gì
ENG: one of a series of things that you do in order to achieve something
- overcrowding (noun): sự đô ng đú c
ENG: a situation when a place contains too many people or things
- overpass (noun): cầ u vượ t
ENG: a bridge that carries one road over another one
- underpass (noun): đườ ng hầ m
ENG: a road or path that goes under another road or railway track
- downtown (noun): trung tâ m thà nh phố
ENG: the centre of a city, especially its main business area
- reduce severe traffic congestion (verb phrase): giả m ù n tắ c giao thô ng
nghiêm trọ ng
ENG: to reduce the state of being crowded and full of traffic
- have a long wait (verb phrase): đợ i lâ u ENG: to wait for a long time
- hop a bus (verb phrase): lên xe bus ENG: to get on a bus
- lead to something (verb): dẫ n đến điều gì ENG: to have something as a
- an environmentally-friendly means of transport (noun phrase): phương
tiện giao thô ng thâ n thiện vớ i mô i trườ ng
ENG: a method of transport that is not harming the environment

- pedestrianised street (noun phrase): đườ ng dà nh cho ngườ i đi bộ ENG:

streets only for people who are walking, not for vehicles
- pedestrian (noun): ngườ i đi bộ
ENG: a person walking in the street and not travelling in a vehicle
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: How could the transportation system be improved in your


1. Birthday gifts

Well, I would say that there are a ton of things that I can get my friends for a
birthday present. But, as a whole, most of my friends share the same interest in
reading books, I mean they’re all bookworms, so I always give them a real page-
turner as a birthday present.
I think all of my friends are fashion-conscious, so my all-time favourite present
for my friends is an item related to clothes. I usually give my friends a dress or a
shirt as a small birthday treat depending on their gender. You know, I’m the kind
of person who has clothes sense, my friends always enjoy what I buy for them
because they know for sure that this item will help them to enhance their
My close friends and I all take a keen interest in travelling. So, on their birthdays,
I usually spend the whole weekend going on a trip to a mountainous area with
them and throw a birthday party for them there. I think this is kinda a special
party treat, and is also a great way for us to strengthen our relationship.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- get somebody for a birthday present (verb phrase): tặ ng quà sinh nhậ t cho
ai đó ENG: to give a birthday gift to somebody
- bookworm (noun): mọ t sá ch
ENG: a person who likes reading very much

- a real page-turner (noun phrase): cuố n sá ch hay ENG: a book that is very
- fashion-conscious (adj): có am hiểu về thờ i trang
ENG: interested in the latest fashions and in wearing fashionable clothes

- as a (small/ special) birthday treat (verb phrase): là mó n quà sinh nhậ t

ENG: something very pleasant that somebody can enjoy, especially something
that you give somebody or do for them
- depend on something (phrasal verb): phụ thuộ c và o cá i gì ENG: to be
affected or decided by something
- have clothes sense (verb phrase): có gu thẩ m mỹ ENG: to know what
clothes look attractive
- enhance one’s appearance (verb phrase): trô ng ai đẹp hơn ENG: to look
more attractive
- take a keen interest in (doing) something (verb phrase): thích cá i gì ENG:
to be interested in (doing) something
- go on a trip to somewhere (verb phrase): có chuyến đi đến đâ u
ENG: a journey in which you go somewhere, usually for a short time, and come
back again
- throw a birthday party (verb phrase): tổ chứ c bữ a tiệc sinh nhậ t ENG: to
hold a birthday party
- strengthen one’s relationship (verb phrase): cả i thiện mố i quan hệ vớ i ai
ENG: to improve a relationship with somebody
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: What kind of birthday gifts do you like to give your friends?

2. Frequency of celebrating your birthday

I have a birthday bash on a yearly basis. Actually my friends are usually the ones
who throw a birthday party for me every year. On my birthday, all of my friends
usually flock together at my house and hold a surprise party for me.
I’m not a very big birthday fan, so I just celebrate my birthday from time to time,
maybe every other year. It won’t definitely be a lavish party, but just a small one
that I have all of my nearest and dearest surrounding me.
Well, to be honest with you, in the past, I never thought about the idea of
throwing a birthday party. I even couldn’t remember that special day. But now,
my buddies usually hang out with me, and we usually party in a restaurant on my
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- a birthday bash (verb phrase): tiệc sinh nhậ t ENG: a birthday party
- on a yearly basis (verb phrase): mỗ i nă m ENG: every year
- throw a birthday party (verb phrase): tổ chứ c tiệc sinh nhậ t ENG: to give a
birthday party
- flock (verb): tụ tậ p ở đâ u
ENG: to go or gather together somewhere in large numbers

- hold a surprise party (for somebody) (verb phrase): tổ chứ c tiệc sinh nhậ t
bấ t ngờ cho ai đó
ENG: a secretly planned party for someone who is not told about it until he or she

- a very big birthday fan (noun phrase): ngườ i yêu thích tiệc sinh nhậ t ENG:
a person who admires holding a birthday
- from time to time (idiom): thỉnh thoả ng ENG: sometimes
- every other year (idiom): 2 nă m 1 lầ n ENG: every two years
- a lavish party (noun phrase): bữ a tiệc thịnh soạ n
ENG: a party large in amount, or impressive, and usually costing a lot of money
- one’s nearest and dearest (idiom): ngườ i nhà và bạ n bè thâ n thiết ENG:
your close family and friends
- think about something (phrasal verb): nghĩ tớ i điều gì
ENG: to consider somebody/something when you are doing or planning
- buddy (noun): bạ n bè ENG: a friend
- hang out (with somebody) (phrasal verb): ra ngoà i vớ i ai ENG: to spend a
lot of time in a place or with someone
- party (verb): mở tiệc
ENG: to enjoy yourself by drinking and dancing, especially at a party

Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: Do you usually celebrate your birthday?

3. A birthday party you took part in

I’m gonna describe the last birthday party of my bestie. I still remember vividly
that on that day my friend and I planned to throw a surprise party for her
because we knew that she was up to her ears in work and would not remember
her birthday at all. As soon as she arrived, we played a birthday tune and wished
her all the best. You know, it took her completely by surprise. And then, we went
out to wine and dine her. This event is unforgettable for me as this was the first
time my bestie to be thrown a birthday party.
I would like to talk about my attendance at a recent party. It was a birthday party
of my co-worker who turned 30 that day. I think he invited all of his colleagues,
so we all congregated and bought him a present. We dined in a French restaurant
and had a delicious feast. While he cut the birthday cake, we sang the birthday
song and wished him a prosperous life afterwards. After that, we spent the whole
evening in idle chit- chat. And actually this helped us develop our mutual
Giả i thích từ vự ng:
- bestie (noun): bạ n thâ n ENG: a person's best friend
- remember vividly (verb phrase): nhớ rõ rà ng
ENG: to remember in a way that produces very clear pictures in your mind

- hold a surprise party (for somebody) (verb phrase): tổ chứ c tiệc sinh nhậ t
bấ t ngờ cho ai đó
ENG: a secretly planned party for someone who is not told about it until he or she

- up to one’s ears in something (idiom): bậ n rộ n vớ i việc gì ENG: to have a lot

of something to deal with
- a birthday tune (noun phrase): bà i há t sinh nhậ t ENG: a birthday song
- take her completely by surprise (idiom): khiến ai hoà n toà n bấ t ngờ ENG:
to surprise somebody
- wine and dine (somebody) (idiom): chiêu đã i ai đó
ENG: to go to restaurants, etc. and enjoy good food and drink; to entertain
somebody by buying them good food and drink
- throw a birthday party (verb phrase): tổ chứ c bữ a tiệc sinh nhậ t ENG: to
hold a birthday party
- attendance (uncountable noun): sự tham dự
ENG: the act of being present at a place, for example at school

- co-worker (noun): đồ ng nghiệp

ENG: a person that somebody works with, doing the same kind of job

- turn + age (verb phrase): đến tuổ i bao nhiêu ENG: to reach a particular age
- congregate (verb): tụ tậ p
ENG: to come together in a group

- dine (verb): ă n tố i ENG: to eat dinner

- have a delicious feast (noun phrase): có bữ a ă n thịnh soạ n

ENG: to have a large or special meal, especially for a lot of people and to celebrate
- a prosperous life (noun phrase): cuộ c số ng thịnh vượ ng ENG: a rich and
successful life
- in idle chit-chat (noun phrase): chém gió vớ i ai
ENG: conversation about things that are not important
- develop mutual understanding (noun phrase): phá t triển sự thấ u hiểu lẫ n
nhau ENG: to develop the sympathy of each person for the other
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: Describe a birthday party you took part in

4. Why to need to hold a birthday party

Well, I think throwing a birthday party is kinda to mark a milestone in every

stage of a human’s life. We all work hard, so we deserve to have a special day in
every year of our life.
In addition to that, I think a birthday is a great time to get somebody for a present
so that you can express your love to somebody. You know, that’s why children
might be the ones who adore a birthday party the most, as they will be spoilt
with a myriad of presents and toys on that day.
On top of that, it's an ideal time for you to spend the quality time with your
nearest and dearest and bond with your relatives and friends. I mean it's time to
flock together with your beloved ones.
Furthermore, you can grasp this opportunity to indulge yourself with a lavish
meal, which can help you to decompress after hectic working days.

Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- throw a birthday party (verb phrase): tổ chứ c bữ a tiệc sinh nhậ t ENG: to
hold a birthday party
- mark a milestone (verb phrase): đá nh dấ u mộ t cộ t mố c quan trọ ng
ENG: to mark a very important stage or event in the development of something

- adore something (verb): thích cá i gì rấ t nhiều ENG: to like something very

- spoil somebody (with something) (verb): tặ ng ai cá i gì
ENG: to make somebody/yourself happy by doing something special

- a myriad of something (verb): nhiều cá i gì ENG: a lot of something

- on top of that (linking words): thêm và o đó ENG: in addition
- spend the quality time (with somebody) (verb): tặ ng quà sinh nhậ t cho ai
đó ENG: to spend time giving your full attention to somebody, especially to your
children or partner after work to somebody
- one’s nearest and dearest (idiom): ngườ i nhà và bạ n bè thâ n thiết ENG:
your close family and friends
- bond with somebody (verb): củ ng cố mố i quan hệ vớ i ai
ENG: to develop or create a relationship of trust with somebody

- flock (verb): tụ tậ p ở đâ u
ENG: to go or gather together somewhere in large numbers

- grasp the opportunity to do something (verb): tậ n dụ ng cơ hộ i để là m gì

ENG: to take an opportunity without hesitating and use it
- indulge yourself with something (verb): nuô ng chiều bả n thâ n vớ i cá i gì
ENG: to allow yourself to have or do something that you like, especially
something that is considered bad for you
- a lavish meal (noun phrase): mộ t bữ a ă n thịnh soạ n
ENG: a meal large in amount, or impressive, and usually costing a lot of money

- decompress (verb): thư giã n ENG: to calm down and relax

- hectic (adj): tấ t bậ t
ENG: very busy; full of activity

Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: Is it important to celebrate one’s birthday? Why?

5. Holding a party is a waste

Well, I don’t think holding a birthday celebration is wasteful because of a couple

of reasons.
It’s actually a good way to stay in touch with relatives and friends. Nowadays, we
tend to lead a hectic life, and we seem not to have so many face-to-face
conversations with our beloved ones. So, a birthday party kinda reminds people
about hanging out with somebody and expressing their love.
In addition to that, having a birthday party helps us enjoy life. You see, if we just
worked from dawn till dusk, and we had no parties, how we could have any sense
of purpose in life. I mean we need to get the right work-life balance so that we
can live comfortably.

Besides, indulging yourself in a sumptuous meal and birthday presents is also a

great way to wind down after nerve-racking working days. We all need
something to recharge our batteries so that we can try our damnedest to work
productively in the following days.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- a birthday celebration (noun phrase): tiệc sinh nhậ t ENG: a birthday party
- wasteful (adj): lã ng phí
ENG: using more of something than is necessary; not saving or keeping
something that could be used
- stay in touch (with somebody) (uncountable noun): giữ liên lạ c vớ i ai đó
ENG: to communicate with somebody, especially by writing to them or phoning
- lead a hectic life (verb phrase): có cuộ c số ng bậ n rộ n ENG: live a life very
busy; full of activity
- a face-to-face conversation (noun phrase): cuộ c trò chuyện trự c tiếp
ENG: a conversation in a way that involves people who are close together and
looking at each other
- remind somebody about something (verb): nhắ c nhở ai đó về điều gì
ENG: to help somebody remember something, especially something important
that they must do
- hang out (with somebody) (phrasal verb): ra ngoà i vớ i ai ENG: to spend a
lot of time in a place or with someone

- work from dawn till dusk (verb phrase): là m việc từ sá ng tớ i đêm ENG: to
work from morning till night
- a sense of purpose in life (noun phrase): mụ c đích trong cuộ c số ng ENG:
meaning that is important and valuable to you
- get the right work-life balance (verb phrase): có đượ c sự câ n bằ ng giữ a
cô ng việc và cuộ c số ng
ENG: to get the equal amount of time you spend doing your job compared with
the amount of time you spend with your family and doing things you enjoy
- indulge yourself with something (verb): nuô ng chiều bả n thâ n vớ i cá i gì
ENG: to allow yourself to have or do something that you like, especially
something that is considered bad for you
- a sumptuous meal (noun phrase): sự tiêu thụ quá mứ c ENG: a meal very
expensive and looking very impressive
- wind down (phrasal verb): thư giã n
ENG: to rest or relax after a period of activity or excitement

- nerve-racking (adj): đau đầ u

ENG: making you feel very nervous and worried

- recharge one’s batteries (idiom): nạ p lạ i nă ng lượ ng

ENG: to get back your strength and energy by resting for a while
- try one’s damnedest (to do something) (idiom): cố hết sứ c để là m gì ENG:
to try as hard as you can (to do something)
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: Is holding a birthday party a waste?


1. A morning person or a night person

Well, I would say I’m an early bird. I can wake up very early in the morning, but I
can’t stay up late at night. My day usually begins around 5 a.m. And the first thing
in my mind is always indulging in a cup of coffee as it kinda helps me to feel alive
and be ready for the day.
To be honest with you, I’m a night owl. I usually get out of the bed quite late, at
around 10 a.m, and hit the sack at around 2 a.m. I don’t know why but I can only
fully focus on work at night. Every morning I just wanna lie in till almost lunch
I’m an early riser, I usually wake up at about 5 a.m, and then take gentle exercise
in the park located near my house. Getting up early is really beneficial to me. It
kinda helps me feel refreshed and productive. Besides, it also prevents my skin
from having wrinkles.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- an early bird (idiom) = an early riser (noun phrase): ngườ i thứ c dậ y sớ m

ENG: a person who gets up, arrives, etc. very early
- wake up (phrasal verb): thứ c giấ c ENG: to stop sleeping
- stay up late (phrasal verb): đi ngủ muộ n ENG: to go to bed later than usual

- indulge in (doing) something (verb): nuô ng chiều bả n thâ n vớ i cá i gì ENG:

to allow yourself to have or do something that you like, especially something that
is considered bad for you
- feel alive (verb phrase): cả m thấ y số ng độ ng
ENG: to feel full of emotion, excitement, activity, etc.

- a night owl (noun phrase): cú đêm

ENG: a person who enjoys staying up late at night

- hit the sack (idiom): đi ngủ ENG: to go to bed

- lie in (phrasal verb): ngủ nướ ng
ENG: to stay in bed after the time you usually get up
- take gentle exercise (verb phrase): tậ p thể dụ c nhẹ nhà ng ENG: to take not
violent, severe, or strong exercise
- feel refreshed (verb phrase): cả m thấ y sả ng khoá i ENG: to feel more
energetic and relaxed
- productive (adj): (là m việc) nă ng suấ t ENG: doing or achieving a lot
- wrinkle (noun): nếp nhă n
ENG: a line or small fold in your skin, especially on your face, that forms as you
get older
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: Are you a morning person or a night person?

2. All days are the same

No, I don’t. On weekdays, as I work nine to five, I usually go to work in the early
morning, and come home at around 6 p.m. And then, I do nothing but watch my
favourite TV shows in order to decompress after a hectic working day. But, on
the weekends, I either hang out with friends or spend this quality time with my
family members. This breathes new life into my daily rigid routine.
Yes, as I’m a freelancer, most of the days are the same. Every morning I go to a
coffee shop, sip a cup of coffee and work simultaneously. After that, I hit the gym
in the afternoon to get in shape. And then I have some me-time in the evening. I
usually look after my skin, and immerse myself in a real page-turner. It’s only on
holidays when I spend time with my nearest and dearest. We either visit a near-
by place or dine in a restaurant.
I’m a tour guide, so for most of the time I’m travelling, and I think every minute is
different. Each day I travel to a particular tourist attraction, and meet up with
new people. I don’t really know what is going to happen in the next days.
However, as I don't really fancy leading a monotonous life, I love the routine that
isn’t so rigid.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- nine to five (idiom): (cô ng việc) giờ hà nh chính ENG: the normal working
hours in an office
- decompress (verb): thư giã n ENG: to calm down and relax
- hectic (adj): bậ n rộ n, tấ t bậ t ENG: very busy; full of activity

- hang out (with somebody) (phrasal verb): dà nh thờ i gian ra ngoà i vớ i ai

ENG: to spend a lot of time in a place or with someone
- quality time (uncountable noun): thờ i gian chấ t lượ ng
ENG: time spent giving your full attention to somebody, especially to your
children or partner after work
- breathe new life into something (idiom): đưa mộ t là n gió mớ i và o cá i gì
ENG: to improve something by introducing new ideas and making people more
interested in it
- rigid (adj): cứ ng nhắ c
ENG: (of rules, methods, etc.) very strict and difficult to change

- sip (verb): nhâ m nhi

ENG: to drink something, taking a very small amount each time

- simultaneously (adv): là m gì đó cù ng lú c ENG: at the same time as

something else
- hit the gym (verb phrase): đi đến phò ng tậ p ENG: to go to the gym
- get in shape (idiom): khỏ e mạ nh
ENG: (of a person) (to get/stay) in good physical condition

- me-time (uncountable noun): thờ i gian cho bả n thâ n

ENG: time when a person who is normally very busy relaxes or does something
they enjoy
- immerse yourself in something (verb): đắ m mình trong mộ t cá i gì đó ENG:
to become or make somebody completely involved in something

- a real page-turner (noun phrase): cuố n sá ch hay ENG: a book that is very
- your nearest and dearest (idiom): ngườ i thâ n thích ENG: your close family
and friends
- dine (verb): ă n tố i ENG: to eat dinner
- tourist attraction (noun): địa điểm thu hú t khá ch du lịch
ENG: a place that people visit for pleasure and interest, usually while they are on
- meet up with somebody (phrasal verb): có buổ i hẹn gặ p vớ i ai
ENG: to see and talk to someone after making an arrangement to do so

- fancy (doing) something (verb): thích cá i gì ENG: to want something or

want to do something
- lead a monotonous life (verb phrase): số ng mộ t cuộ c số ng đơn điệu ENG: to
live a life that is never changing and therefore boring
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p:
- Are all your days the same?
- Do you usually have the same daily routine?

3. Benefits of having a daily routine

Well, I would say that forming a proper daily routine brings a myriad of great

A daily routine helps to organise your time during the day as you’re following a
specific pattern of activities instead of doing things spontaneously. As a result, it
doesn’t waste your time and helps to increase your work efficiency.
In addition to that, it’s a means for getting the right work-life balance. Thanks to
it, you can clearly know when things get out of your hands. So, you can
reorganise your schedule and adjust to possible changes if there is something not
sensible. So, you cannot only work efficiently, but also have time to let your hair
down or pursue your personal interests.
Besides, it helps to eliminate distractions because you concentrate only on those
things that need to be done. As a result, you can increase your productivity.
On top of that, it’s a good way to learn new things about yourself, what triggers
the positive parts of your personality and what affect them negatively. So, you
can eliminate those bad ones, and see what works best for you by the trial and
error method. For example, by following a daily routine, you know when you can
work most effectively.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- a myriad of something (noun): nhiều cá i gì ENG: a lot of something

- spontaneously (adv): là m gì mộ t cá ch tự phá t
ENG: in a way that is not planned but done because you suddenly want to do it

- a means to do something (noun): mộ t cá ch để đạ t đượ c điều gì

ENG: an action, an object or a system by which a result is achieved; a way of
achieving or doing something

- get the right work-life balance (verb phrase): có đượ c sự câ n bằ ng giữ a

cô ng việc và cuộ c số ng
ENG: to get the equal number of hours per week you spend working, compared
with the number of hours you spend with your family, relaxing, etc.
- adjust to something (verb): điều chỉnh để phù hợ p vớ i cá i gì
ENG: to get used to a new situation by changing the way you behave and/or think
- let one’s hair down (idiom): thư giã n
ENG: to relax and enjoy yourself, especially in a lively way

- distraction (noun): sự sao nhã ng

ENG: a thing that takes your attention away from what you are doing or thinking
- increase productivity (verb phrase) = increase work efficiency (verb
phrase): tă ng nă ng suấ t cô ng việc
ENG: increase the rate at which a worker, a company or a country produces
goods, and the amount produced, compared with how much time, work and
money is needed to produce them
- on top of that (linking words): bên cạ nh đó ENG: in addition
- trigger something (verb): gâ y ra cá i gì ENG: to cause something to start
- trial and error (idiom): phép thử và sai
ENG: the process of solving a problem by trying various methods until you find a
method that is successful

Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: Is it important to have a daily routine?

4. How to get the work-life balance

Well, the very first thing people need to do is to form a sensible daily routine.
With this routine, people can have enough time to complete all of their daily
tasks, and still manage time to put their feet up and pursue their personal
interests each day.
In addition to that, people need to prioritize their tasks. In such a fast-paced life,
people have a ton of things to deal with each day, but they can’t complete all of
them just in a short period of time. So, people need to divide them into different
categories namely “urgent and important”, “important but not urgent” and
“neither important nor urgent”. And then, people should focus on the first group
Besides, people should set a schedule according to your peaks and troughs. For
example, if you are an early bird, you should assign high-concentration tasks to
mornings so that you can complete these tough tasks in the shortest period of
time. And don’t leave them until it’s night time when you need some rest and
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- sensible (adj): hợ p lý
ENG: able to make good judgements based on reason and experience rather than
emotion; practical
- put one’s feet up (idiom): thư giã n
ENG: to sit down and relax, especially with your feet raised and supported

- prioritize something (verb): ưu tiên cá i gì trướ c

ENG: to put tasks, problems, etc. in order of importance, so that you can deal with
the most important first

- a fast-paced life (noun): cuộ c số ng nhịp độ nhanh

ENG: a moving, changing or happening very quickly life

- deal with something (phrasal verb): giả i quyết vấ n đề gì ENG: to solve a

problem, perform a task, etc.
- peaks and troughs (noun): lên đỉnh và đạ t đá y
ENG: a period of time when the level of something is high and low

- an early bird (idiom): ngườ i thứ c dậ y sớ m

ENG: a person who gets up, arrives, etc. very early

- assign something to something (verb): để cá i gì và o khi nà o

ENG: to say that something has a particular value or function, or happens at a
particular time or place
- unwind (verb): thư giã n
ENG: to stop worrying or thinking about problems and start to relax

Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: How can people maintain the work-life balance?


1. Favourite types of books

I would say my interest in books has developed dramatically. Now I have a

particular liking for non-fiction books such as biographies or history books
whereas before, this would never spark my intention.
I consider myself a bookworm and I read all sorts of things from fiction books to
non- fiction books. I realize that each genre has its own distinctive characteristics
that are so fascinating, so I’ve tried to absorb as many books as I can.
Well, as a child, I was a die-hard fan of comic books and my passion for this genre
has never changed since then. My all-time favourite series is Doraemon - a
Japanese anime series. I’ll bet you that almost all Vietnamese children read this
series because of its exhilarating storylines and vivid illustrations.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- dramatically (adv): rấ t nhiều, độ t ngộ t

ENG: very suddenly and to a very great and often surprising degree

- spark something (verb): châ m ngò i, khở i đầ u

ENG: to cause something to start or develop, especially suddenly

- bookworm (noun): mọ t sá ch
ENG: a person who likes reading very much

- distinctive characteristic (noun phrase): đặ c điểm riêng biệt

ENG: a quality or characteristic that makes something different and easily
- die-hard fan (noun phrase): fan cứ ng
ENG: somebody who is completely 100% obsessed with their favorite game,
band, movie, etc.
- bet somebody (that) (verb): cá vớ i ai rằ ng
ENG: used to say that you are almost certain that something is true or that
something will happen
- exhilarating storyline (noun phrase): cố t truyện hấ p dẫ n ENG: an
interesting basic story in a novel, play, film, etc.
- vivid illustration (noun phrase): hình ả nh minh họ a số ng độ ng ENG: a
picture that can be produced very clearly in your mind
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: What is your favourite book genre?

2. How to read books

Well, in former days, reading printed books was the only option I could choose.
But, since the Internet burst on the scene, I’ve gravitated towards reading online
because of all the benefits it can bring.
I would definitely go for reading printed books. It’s undeniable that with the
advent of online versions, printed books can’t gain as much popularity as they
used to in the past. But the problem is that glaring at a screen is really
detrimental to my eyesight. That’s why I rarely go online when I read.
Well, whether I opt for printed books or e-books depends on the situation. If I’m
at home lounging around, I prefer to hold a paperback. I love the smell of a new
book and the feeling of touching it. But in case I’m on the way to work or home on
a bus, I would go for reading online because my portable smartphone really
comes in handy.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- burst on the scene (idiom): xuấ t hiện và trở nên nổ i tiếng, phổ biến ENG: to
suddenly gain fame, attention, or recognition
- gravitate towards somebody/ something (phrasal verb): hướ ng về, thiên
về ENG: to move towards somebody/something that you are attracted to
- go for something (phrasal verb): chọ n ENG: to choose something
- detrimental to somebody/ something (adj): gâ y hạ i ENG: harmful to
somebody/ something
- go online (verb phrase): lên mạ ng ENG: to use the Internet
- opt for something (verb): chọ n ENG: to choose something
- lounge around (verb): là m biếng và thư giã n ENG: to stand, sit or lie in a
lazy way
- paperback (noun): sá ch bìa cứ ng
ENG: a book that has a thick paper cover

- in case (idiom): trong trườ ng hợ p

ENG: because of the possibility of something happening

- portable (adj): di độ ng, dễ mang, gọ n gà ng tiện lợ i ENG: that is easy to carry

or to move
- come in handy (idiom): tiện lợ i, hữ u dụ ng ENG: to be useful
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: Do you like reading printed books or reading online?

3. Where to read books

I usually read books at home because it is the coziest place for me. When I want
to read a book, I like to be at the most comfortable corner of my house, which is
my bed so that no distractions can come my way.
Well, I’ve become a regular at a book cafe in the locality in recent months because
I love the playlists that are often streamed there. Listening to soothing music
while reading is simply the best.
Well, actually, where to read a book doesn’t really matter to me. Even when I’m
at home, on public transport, at school or in a book cafe, I can read a book
without feeling annoyed about the noise around me. I’ve sharpened my focus
capacity for years.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- cozy (adj): ấ m cú ng
ENG: warm, comfortable and safe, especially in a small space

- come one’s way (idiom): đến vớ i ai

ENG: to happen to you by chance, or when you were not expecting it

- regular (noun): khá ch quen

ENG: a customer who often goes to a particular shop, pub, restaurant, etc.

- in the locality (prepositional phrase): ở khu mình số ng

ENG: the area that surrounds the place you are in or are talking about

- stream music (verb): mở nhạ c trự c tuyến

ENG: to play video or sound on a computer by receiving it as a continuous
stream, from the internet for example, rather than needing to wait until the
whole of the material has been downloaded
- soothing music (noun phrase): â m nhạ c nhẹ nhà ng
ENG: music that makes somebody who is anxious, upset, etc. feel calmer

- matter (verb): là vấ n đề, quan trọ ng

ENG: to be important or have an important effect on somebody/something

- sharpen focus capacity (verb phrase): rèn khả nă ng tậ p trung

ENG: make the ability to stay focused better, more effective, etc. than before

Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: Where do you often read?

4. Benefits of reading

I believe that reading is among the most vital life skills that people should learn
at a young age. The ability to read opens the door to all aspects of education in
Well, reading is part and parcel of my daily activities because it’s an excellent
means of entertainment. As an introvert, I don’t befriend many people and books
have become the closest friends of mine.
Reading books, newspapers and any other sources of information is the most
effective way to keep abreast of everything happening around us and to gain
insights into particular subjects. Things like how to cook a simple meal or what
makes humans superior to other animals are all included in books.

Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- vital (adj): quan trọ ng

ENG: necessary or essential in order for something to succeed or exist

- life skill (noun phrase): kỹ nă ng số ng

ENG: a skill that is necessary or extremely useful to manage well in daily life

- part and parcel of something (idiom): phầ n quan trọ ng khô ng thể thiếu
ENG: an essential part of something
- introvert (noun): ngườ i hướ ng nộ i
ENG: a quiet person who is more interested in their own thoughts and feelings
than in spending time with other people
- befriend somebody (verb): kết bạ n
ENG: to become a friend of somebody, especially somebody who needs your help
- keep abreast of something (idiom): liên tụ c cậ p nhậ t thô ng tin
ENG: to make sure that you know all the most recent facts about a subject

- gain insights into something (verb phrase): hiểu rõ ENG: to get an

understanding of what something is like
- superior to somebody/ something (adj): vượ t trộ i
ENG: better in quality than somebody/ something else; greater than somebody/
something else
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: What are some benefits of reading?

5. Changes in reading habits in the future

It’s safe to say that people are reading fewer books and fewer people are reading
books. But it’s just the case when it comes to reading printed books in particular.
With regard to reading in general, I believe that humans will still read as much as
we’ve been doing. The difference lies in the way we read. More people are
gravitating towards online versions of books because of all the benefits modern
gadgets and the Internet bring. Technology really comes in handy these days.
Well, I don't think so. Although paperback sales are already declining and
purchases made in-store for physical books are seeing dramatic decreases,
people still buy books. Kindle and other e-books remain popular and easy to
access. One format has supplanted the other. Even I know there are still many
people who prefer physical copies of books to electronic ones.
Yes. Our society is in a state of de-evolution. People want only to be entertained.
They are so often glued to screens. They play video games for hours and hours.
They prefer to hang out with friends and go for a drink rather than sitting at a
corner at home and reading a book. Serious people who want to grow their
minds and accomplish great things tend to read but these types of people are
becoming fewer and fewer.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- when it comes to (doing) something (idiom): khi nó i về ENG: when it is a

question of something
- with regard to somebody/ something (idiom): liên quan đến, nhắ c đến
ENG: relating to somebody/ something
- in-store (adv): ở cử a hà ng lớ n ENG: within a large shop

- Kindle (noun): tên mộ t loạ i má y đọ c sá ch ENG: the name of an e-book

- supplant somebody/ something (verb): thay thế ENG: to replace
somebody/ something
- de-evolution (noun): tiến hó a ngượ c
ENG: the notion that species can revert to supposedly more primitive forms over
- be glued to something (idiom): dá n mắ t và o
ENG: to give all your attention to something; to stay very close to something

Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: Do you think people will read less in the future?


1. Celebrities you like and dislike

I’m a die-hard fan of football so I have a particular liking for famous football
players. My all-time favorite one is Messi, but I wish I can meet him in person
someday. Just watching him play football on TV can be really enjoyable.
I’m a music freak and I idolize Mỹ Tâ m - a megastar in the Vietnamese music
industry. Her velvety voice is just perfect for lyrical melodies. Not only is she a
talented singer she’s also synonymous with doing a lot of charity activities.
Despite the fact that Odlanor is an excellent wonderkid in the football world, I
have never really sympathized with him because of all the controversies and
scandals he’s been involved in. Assaulting fans, sex scandals and such like are
unacceptable to me.
Honestly, I thoroughly despise MCIK - a music producer in the Vietnamese
Showbiz. What I’m about to say may upset his fans but I actively dislike his
arrogant attitude. Although young, he often behaves so insolently. It’s clear that
childhood fame takes its toll on every young star.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- die-hard fan (noun phrase): fan cứ ng

ENG: somebody who is completely obsessed with their favorite game, band,
movie, etc.

- in person (idiom): trự c tiếp, ngoà i đờ i

ENG: if you do something in person, you go somewhere and do it yourself,
instead of doing it by letter, asking somebody else to do it, etc.
- freak (noun): ngườ i cuồ ng
ENG: a person with a very strong interest in a particular subject

- idolize somebody (verb): thầ n tượ ng

ENG: to admire or love somebody very much, possibly too much

- velvety voice (noun phrase): chấ t giọ ng mềm mạ i ENG: a pleasantly smooth
and soft voice
- lyrical melody (noun phrase): giai điệu trữ tình
ENG: a melody expressing strong emotion in a way that is beautiful and shows
- synonymous with something (adj): nổ i tiếng vớ i, gắ n liền vớ i
ENG: so closely connected with something that the two things appear to be the
- wonderkid (noun): tà i nă ng trẻ
ENG: a young person whose excellence in his or her discipline is appropriate to
someone older and more experienced
- sympathize with somebody (verb): ủ ng hộ , thiện cả m ENG: to support
somebody/ something
- thoroughly despise somebody (verb phrase): cự c kỳ ghét ENG: to dislike
and have no respect for somebody/ something

- arrogant (adj): ngạ o mạ n

ENG: behaving in a proud, unpleasant way, showing little thought for other
- insolently (adv): xấ c lá o
ENG: in an extremely rude way that shows a lack of respect for somebody

- take its toll on somebody/ something (idiom): gâ y hạ i

ENG: to have a bad effect on somebody/something; to cause a lot of damage,
deaths, pain, etc.
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: Do you like/ dislike any celebrities?

2. Advantages and disadvantages of being famous

Well, yes. Being well-known means I’m likely to make a good living. Endorsement
deals can bring me in a tidal wave of money. Luxurious homes and cars, fancy
gifts, expensive clothes and other such materialistic pleasures of life can convert
from a dream to a reality when I become famous.
Well, I don’t really fancy the idea of being a celebrity. I don’t have any particular
talent for acting, singing, or dancing. Besides, I value privacy, but being famous
means you are constantly surrounded by paparazzi and public attention. I just
can’t imagine having that kind of life.
Well, there are always two sides of the same coin and I believe that being famous,
apart from some benefits, has its own price.
On the one hand, fame generally brings lots of fortune. Celebrities, such as
football players, can have six-figure incomes from their weekly salaries and

contracts. On top of that, they have fans. Fan mail and other forms of appreciation
that celebrities receive can be inspirational and motivational.
On the other hand, tabloids, newspapers and other forms of media constantly
judge celebrities on their personalities, bodies, and a lot more. Celebrities have to
accept that and be mentally prepared for any lies or exaggerations. Additionally,
famous people are often harassed by phone or mail by followers who cross the
line and become obsessed. Obsession can turn into threats and even physical
Giả i thích từ vự ng:
- make a good living (idiom): kiếm nhiều tiền ENG: to earn a lot of money
- endorsement deal (noun phrase): hợ p đồ ng quả ng cá o
ENG: a deal in which somebody famous or important says that they use and like a
particular product
- bring somebody in something (phrasal verb): mang lạ i ENG: to make or
earn a particular amount of money
- fancy something (verb): thích ENG: to feel like something
- value somebody/ something (verb): coi trọ ng
ENG: to think that somebody/ something is important

- paparazzo (noun): phó ng viên să n ả nh

ENG: (plural: paparazzi) a photographer who follows famous people around in
order to get interesting photographs of them to sell to a newspaper

- two sides of the same coin (idiom): hai mặ t củ a mộ t vấ n đề

ENG: used to talk about two ways of looking at the same situation

- fortune (noun): rấ t nhiều tiền ENG: a large amount of money

- earn a fortune (verb phrase): kiếm rấ t nhiều tiền ENG: to earn a lot of
- six-figure income (noun phrase): thu nhậ p 6 con số ENG: an income that is
$100 000 or more
- tabloid (noun): bá o lá cả i
ENG: a newspaper of this size with short articles and a lot of pictures and stories
about famous people, often thought of as less serious than other newspapers
- exaggeration (noun): lờ i phó ng đạ i
ENG: a statement or description that makes something seem larger, better, worse
or more important than it really is; the act of making a statement like this
- cross the line (idiom): đi xa quá mứ c chấ p nhậ n, quá giớ i hạ n
ENG: to do something that is not considered to be acceptable behaviour

Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: What are some advantages/ disadvantages of being famous?

3. High incomes of celebrities

No, celebrities are not overpaid for what they are worth because they work as
hard as most people. We have to recognize that celebrities' salaries are paid by
us, our choice. We can choose whether we will go to Justin Bieber’s concerts, or
watch Ronaldo at a
football game. They don’t demand our money at gunpoint. It's a want in our lives,
not a must.
Well, no. Celebrities can earn a fortune because they are influencers and brands
are keen to profit from their prestige through endorsement deals. Both sides
stand to benefit from such deals, so their high income is what they deserve.
Yes, I think celebrities are way overpaid. Of course, it takes hard work and talent
to be at where they are but compared to average people, famous people are
overpaid. Well, life is unfair. There are tons of people with the same amount of
talent and devotion making less than a fraction of what celebrities earn.
Yes, I believe they're overpaid for what they're worth. A lot of famous people
today don't really have talent but it's their attractive appearance that helps them
grab the limelight. In fact, the values they bring don't contribute much to society
as compared to what doctors or firefighters do.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- at gunpoint (idiom): (bị) dí sú ng dọ a

ENG: while threatening somebody or being threatened with a gun

- want (noun): điều mộ t ngườ i muố n là m/ có ENG: something you need

- must (noun): điều bắ t buộ c
ENG: something that you must do, see, buy, etc.

- earn a fortune (verb phrase): kiếm rấ t nhiều tiền ENG: to earn a lot of

- stand to benefit from something (verb phrase): hưở ng lợ i ENG: to be in a

better position because of something
- way (adv): rấ t, cự c kỳ ENG: very
- fraction (noun): mộ t xíu, mộ t tỉ lệ nhỏ ENG: a small part or amount of
- grab the limelight (verb phrase): chiếm só ng, thu hú t chú ý ENG: to take the
centre of public attention
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: Do you think celebrities are overpaid?

4. Kinds of people who are likely to become famous

Well, most people become famous because of their natural talents. These people
might be synonymous with singing, acting, or hitting a baseball. In addition,
natural beauty might even lead a person to become a famous supermodel one
These days, in the world of technology and sudden Internet fame, one might
become well-known merely by posting a funny video of him and his friends that
goes viral. Internet websites, such as YouTube, have made many people “Internet
famous" for a short period of time.
Perhaps, one has superior intelligence or a special talent that could lead to fame
one day. He may invent something that would revolutionize the way people live
in the future. That would probably make him a household name. Or he might be
able to set a world record of some sort that would get his name in the Guinness
Book of World Records!

We definitely don’t want to become famous for doing something bad but it’s
actually the case that some guys get fame after violating laws and getting caught.
Khá Bả nh is a good case in point as this Internet gangster was sent into prison for
illegal gambling. He was once in the spotlight for so long.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- synonymous with something (adj): nổ i tiếng, gắ n liền vớ i

ENG: so closely connected with something that the two things appear to be the
- merely (adv): chỉ, đơn giả n
ENG: used meaning ‘only’ or ‘simply’ to emphasize a fact or something that you
are saying
- revolutionize something (verb): cá ch mạ ng hó a
ENG: to completely change the way that something is done

- household name (noun phrase): cá i tên phổ biến, nổ i tiếng, nhà nhà đều
biết đến
ENG: a person, thing or name that has become very well known

- violate a law (verb phrase): phạ m luậ t ENG: to go against or refuse to obey
a law
- a good case in point (noun phrase): ví dụ điển hình
ENG: an instance or example that illustrates what is being discussed.

- Internet gangster (noun phrase): giang hồ mạ ng

ENG: someone who uses the internet as a front for acting like a tough guy gang
member, usually because they are hoping to gain the respect that they lack in
their real life
- n the spotlight (prepositional phrase): là tâ m điểm củ a sự chú ý, nổ i tiếng
ENG: If someone is in the spotlight, he/ she is getting a great deal of public
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: What kinds of people can become famous?


1. Favourite colours

Well, I am really fond of blue. It seems to be the colour of calmness as it carves a

picture of endless sky and oceans in the eyes. It occurs only rarely in nature and
that makes it really unique and captivating.
I am a die-hard fan of green. Thinking of green, I can get the feeling of mint herbal
- my favourite drink - in my mouth which is inviting and invigorating. On top of
that, it’s the colour of nature and vegetation. After a long stressful working day,
just looking at green trees on the way home can help me to relax my eyes.
My all-time favourite colour is black. I find that everyone and everything can look
good in black. The colour represents power and elegance. When I go shopping, I
can’t resist buying black clothes because it is a shade that makes me feel so
It’s definitely yellow. It’s the colour of sunshine which filters in through my
window heralding a new morning during summertime. It really leaves me
energised. Or even a small candle with a sliver of a yellow flame can dispel
darkness and bring warmth to the dreariest of places.
I adore the colour pink. I don’t think anyone around this colour can ever feel sad;
it makes everything look gorgeous. This fancy and elegant colour is definitely the
colour of happiness.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- fond of something (adj): thích

ENG: finding something pleasant, especially something you have liked or enjoyed
for a long time
- carve something (verb): khắ c họ a
ENG: to make objects, patterns, etc. by cutting away material from a piece of
wood or stone, or another hard material
- captivating (adj): hấ p dẫ n, thú vị
ENG: taking all your attention; very attractive and interesting

- inviting (adj): hấ p dẫ n, mờ i gọ i
ENG: making you want to do, try, taste, etc. something

- invigorating (adj): tiếp thêm sinh lự c, là m phấ n chấ n ENG: making

somebody feel healthy and full of energy
- represent something (verb): đạ i diện cho, là biểu tượ ng củ a ENG: to be a
symbol of something
- elegance (noun): sự thanh lịch
ENG: the quality of being attractive and showing a good sense of style

- resist doing something (verb): cố cưỡ ng lạ i khô ng là m gì

ENG: to stop yourself from having something you like or doing something you
very much want to do
- comfy (adj): thoả i má i ENG: comfortable
- filter + adv./ prep. (verb): (á nh sá ng, â m thanh) len lỏ i chầ m chậ m
ENG: (of light or sound) to come into a place slowly or in small amounts

- herald something (verb): là dấ u hiệu củ a, bá o trướ c ENG: to be a sign that

something is going to happen
- dispel something (verb): xua tan
ENG: to make something, especially a feeling or belief, go away or disappear

- dreary (adj): ả m đạ m
ENG: that makes you feel sad; not bright or interesting

- adore somebody/ something (verb): yêu, thích ENG: to love somebody/

something very much
- gorgeous (adj): cự c kỳ xinh đẹp
ENG: very beautiful and attractive; giving great pleasure

- fancy something (verb): cả m thấ y thích ENG: to feel like something

Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: What is your favourite colour?

2. Colours that you dislike

Well, I actively dislike black, grey, and such like. I call them depressing colours
and I tend to consider those wearing shirts with those colours pessimistic. I have
a positive outlook on life so you can never see me wearing shirts in those colours.
I hate the colour yellow despite the fact that someone calls it the colour of hope.
This bright and cheery colour can easily grab attention. So it’s usually used in
advertisements that can drive me crazy when I’m watching TV or browsing the

I’m really not a fan of bright colours. They can cause headaches. I don’t know
whether it’s scientifically proven or not but just seeing flashy colours such as
neon colours can drive me mad. That’s why I always avoid wearing clothes with
those colours.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- actively dislike somebody/ something (verb phrase): cự c kỳ khô ng thích

ENG: to dislike somebody/ something greatly
- pessimistic (adj): bi quan
ENG: expecting bad things to happen or something not to be successful

- have a positive outlook on life (verb phrase): nhìn đờ i theo hướ ng tích cự c
ENG: to have a positive attitude to life and the world
- cheery (adj): vui vẻ
ENG: (of a person or their behaviour) happy and cheerful

- drive somebody crazy/ mad (verb phrase): khiến ai phá t điên ENG: to
make somebody very angry and crazy
- browse the Internet (verb phrase): lướ t web ENG: to use the Internet
- flashy (adj): nổ i (vì nó sá ng, đắ t, lớ n,...)
ENG: attracting attention by being bright, expensive, large, etc.

Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: Are there any colours that you dislike?

3. Popular/ special colours in your country

Well, many say red and yellow are the colours of Vietnam. Just look at the
national flag of our country, which is a large yellow star centered on a red field.
The red field
represents the bloodshed during the struggle for liberation, while yellow
represents the skin colour of the majority of Vietnamese people.
I would say green and yellow are the colours which represent our country. We’ve
been largely relying on agriculture, rice cultivation in particular, to make a living
and develop the economy for so long and green is the colour of young rice
sprouts while yellow is the colour of paddy fields amid harvest seasons. We’ve
grown so accustomed and attached to these colours since we’re born.
Red is the most popular and most meaningful colour in the traditional culture of
Vietnam. For the concept of Vietnamese people, red is a lucky colour, bringing
happiness and often used in weddings and festivals. In contrast, the colour black
symbolizes misfortune and evil and thus is often used in funerals.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- bloodshed (noun): sự đổ má u
ENG: the killing or wounding of people, usually during fighting or a war

- struggle for liberation (noun phrase): chiến đấ u vì tự do

ENG: a hard fight in which people try to free their country from the control of
- largely (adv): phầ n lớ n ENG: mainly
- make a living (idiom): kiếm số ng ENG: to earn enough money to live on
- young rice sprout (noun): mạ non
ENG: a young rice plant which is ready to be grown in the paddy field

- amid something (preposition): giữ a

ENG: in the middle of or during something, especially something that causes
excitement or fear
- grow accustomed to something (verb phrase): trở nên quen vớ i
ENG: to become familiar with something and accepting it as normal or usual

- grow attached to something (verb phrase): trở nên thích ENG: to like
- symbolize something (verb): là biểu tượ ng củ a ENG: to be a symbol of
- misfortune (noun): sự xui xẻo ENG: bad luck
Câ u hỏ i luyện tậ p: Are there any special colours in your country?

4. Colours and personality

I suppose colours can speak volumes about who you are. We can learn about
people’s personality, such as whether they’re grumpy or amiable, or whether
they are introverted or extroverted, based on their favourite colours. For
instance, I’ve got a positive outlook on life so I tend to wear clothes with bright
Many people may think that colours can’t help us get to know more about a
person’s personality. But as far as I’m concerned, some scientists say they are
inextricably linked. For example, if your favourite colour is blue, you are likely
very calm and non- temperamental. However, if your favourite colour is red, you
are likely filled with passion and can get heated at any moment.

I believe that colours have nothing to do with personality. That I love black
clothes doesn’t mean I have a negative outlook on life and vice versa. In contrast,
I’m quite a talkative optimist. It’s merely a matter of preference, I suppose.
Giả i thích từ vự ng:

- speak volumes about somebody/ something (idiom): nó i lên rấ t nhiều điều

ENG: to tell you a lot about somebody/ something
- grumpy (adj): hay quạ u, khó tính ENG: easily annoyed; in a bad mood
- amiable (adj): dễ tính, thâ n thiện
ENG: pleasant; friendly and easy to like

- inextricably linked (adjective phrase): liên quan mậ t thiết

ENG: if two or more things are inextricably linked, they are very closely related
and affect each other.
- non-temperamental (adj): điềm tĩnh
ENG: not tending to become angry, excited or upset easily, and to behave in an
reasonable way
- get heated (verb phrase): nổ i nó ng ENG: to get angry
- have nothing to do with somebody/ something (idiom): khô ng liên quan
ENG: to have no connection with somebody/something
- vice versa (adv): ngượ c lạ i
ENG: used to say that the opposite of what you have just said is also true
- merely (adv): chỉ, đơn giả n
ENG: used meaning ‘only’ or ‘simply’ to emphasize a fact or something that you
are saying
Câu hỏi luyện tập: Do you think a person’s favourite colours can say something
about him?

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