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Section 1

Arguments for
the Existence
of God
Paper 3 (Section 1) – Arguments for the Existence of God

Specification: Revelation as proof of the existence of Allah; The Qur’an as revelation; Revelation as
shown in the Qur’an as direct Surah 34:50 or through a messenger; what revelation shows about the
nature of Allah for Muslims.

Religious Reference:
Say, "If I should err, I would only err against myself. But if I am guided, it is by what my Lord
reveals to me. Indeed, He is Hearing and near." (Sura 34:50)

Sample Exam Questions:

Explain two examples of revelation in the Qur’an (3m) (Book - CC)

“Revelation is the only way Muslims can know that God truly exists (12m) (Book - CC)

Explain two ways in which revelation might prove the existence of Allah (5m) (2019)

Specification: Visions as proof of the existence of Allah: the nature and importance of visions;
Qur’anic examples of visions; reasons why they might lead to belief in the existence of Allah and
reasons why they might not; what visions show about the nature of Allah for Muslims.

Religious Reference:
The angel who appeared to the Prophet was Jibril – the same angel who had appeared to
the Prophet Ibrahim and to Maryam

“Proclaim! In the name of your Lord and Sustainer who created Man from a clot of
congealed blood, speak these words aloud! Your Lord is the most Generous One – He who
has taught the Pen, who reveals directly things from beyond human knowledge” (Surah

(It was said unto him): O Zachariah! Lo! We bring thee tidings of a son whose name is John;
we have given the same name to none before (him) (Sura 19: 7)

Sample Exam Questions:

Outline three examples of religious visions (3m) (Book - CC)

“Religious visions have no relevance for Muslims today” (12m) (Book - CC)
Specification: Miracles as proof of the existence of Allah: the nature and importance of miracles; the
Qur’an as a miracle including Surah 17:88; examples of miracles; reasons why they might lead to belief
in the existence of Allah and reasons why they might not; what miracles show about the nature of
Allah for Muslims.

Religious Reference:
Say, "If mankind and the jinn gathered in order to produce the like of this Qur'an, they could
not produce the like of it, even if they were to each other assistants." (Sura 17:88)

Sample Exam Questions:

Explain two reasons why a miracle may lead someone to believe in God (4m) (Book - CC)

Explain two reasons why some Muslims see non-Qur’anic miracles as good evidence for
God’s existence. In your answer you must refer to a source of wisdom and authority (5m)
(Book - CC)

Sample Exam Questions:

Outline three Islamic beliefs about miracles (3m) (2018)

Explain two reasons how miracles may lead to belief in God (4m) (SP)

Explain two ways miracles might lead to belief in the existence of Allah (3m) (2019)

Religious Experiences
Specification: Muslim attitudes towards religious experiences: the nature of a religious experience;
Surah 2:118; why some people might feel that religious experiences do not provide proof that Allah
exists including lack of evidence, use of stimulants, hallucinations and wish fulfilment.

Religious Reference:
Those who do not know say, "Why does Allah not speak to us or there come to us a sign?"
Thus spoke those before them like their words. Their hearts resemble each other. We have
shown clearly the signs to a people who are certain [in faith]. (Sura 2:118)

Sample Exam Questions:

“Religious experiences prove the existence of Allah.” (12m) (Sample Material)

Outline three reasons some people do not think religious experience is proof for God’s
existence (3m) (Book - CC)

“Religious experience is genuine proof of God’s existence” (12m) (Book - CC)

Design Argument
Specification: Design argument: the classical design argument for the existence of Allah; the
strengths and evidence supporting the design argument; what the design argument shows about the
nature of Allah; evidence used by atheists to argue against the design argument as evidence for the
existence of Allah.

Religious Reference:
‘Do they not look at the sky above them?-how we have made it and adorned it, and there
are no flaws in it? And the earth- We have spread it out, and set thereon mountains
standing firm, and produced therein every kind of beautiful growth….’ (Sura 50:6-7)

Sample Exam Questions:

Outline three things the design argument shows about the nature of Allah (3m) (Sample

Explain two ways a non-religious person would argue the appearance of design in the world
is not evidence for God’s existence (4m) (Book - CC)

Explain two ways Muslims would argue the design argument is strong argument for God’s
existence. In your answer you must refer to a source of wisdom and authority (5m) (Book -

Explain two reasons why the design argument might prove the existence of Allah. . In your
answer you must refer to a source of wisdom and authority (5m) (2018)

Cosmological Argument
Specification: Cosmological argument: the cosmological argument for the existence of Allah
including reference to kalam; the strengths and evidence supporting the cosmological argument; what
the cosmological argument shows about the nature of Allah; evidence used by atheists to argue against
the cosmological argument as evidence for the existence of Allah.

Religious Reference:
‘…..who created the heavens and the earth in six days…..He draws the night as a veil over
the day…..He created the sun, the moon, and the stars, (all) governed by laws under His
command.’ (Sura 7:54)

Sample Exam Questions:

Explain two ways the cosmological argument proves the existence of Allah
for Muslims. In your answer you must refer to a source of wisdom and authority (5m)
(Sample Material)

Explain two strengths of the cosmological arguments for Muslims (4m) (Book - CC)
“The universe needs a first cause. This is God” (12m) (Book - CC)

Explain two ways the cosmological argument may lead to belief in Allah (4m) (2018)

Outline three things the cosmological argument shows about the nature of Allah (3m)

The Existence of Suffering

Specification: Issues raised by existence of suffering and Allah as compassionate: the problems it
raises for Muslims about the nature of Allah; how the problem may lead some people to reject belief in
Allah or cause believers to question their belief; natural suffering, moral suffering.

Religious Reference:
“God has the key of the unseen...He knows whatever is on land and in the sea; no lead falls
without His knowing it; there is not a grain in the darkness of the earth, or a green or dry
thing, but it is carefully noted” (Sura 6:59)

“On no soul does God place a burden greater than it can bear” (Sura 2:286)

Do the people think that they will be left to say, "We believe" and they will not be tried?
(Sura 29: 2)

Sample Exam Questions:

Outline three reasons Muslims give for the existence of suffering in the world (3m) (Book - CC)

Explain two reasons linked to suffering that a non-religious person may use to reject God
(4m) (Book - CC)

“Suffering proves Allah cannot exist” (12m) (2018)

“Suffering shows the compassion of Allah” (12m) (2019)

Solutions to the Problem of Suffering
Specification: The solutions offered to the problem of suffering and Allah as compassionate within
Islam: Qur’anic, theoretical and practical including life as a test, prayer, and charity; and their success
in solving the problem

Religious Reference:
“Do the people think that they will be left to say, "We believe" and they will not be tried?”
(Sura 29:2)

“Or do you think that you will enter Paradise while such [trial] has not yet come to you as came
to those who passed on before you? They were touched by poverty and hardship and were
shaken until [even their] messenger and those who believed with him said, "When is the help
of Allah?" Unquestionably, the help of Allah is near” (Sura 2:214)

If, as is sure, there comes to you guidance from Me, whosoever follows My guidance, on them
shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. (Sura 2:38)

“Hold to forgiveness; command what is right; but turn away from the ignorant” (Sura 7:199)

Sample Exam Questions:

Explain two ways Muslims respond to the problem of suffering (4m) (Sample Material)

Explain two ways Muslims might respond to the problem of suffering. In your answer you
must refer to a source of wisdom and authority (5m) (Book - CC)

“The Qur’an offers the best solutions to the problems of suffering” (12m) (Book - CC

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