Full Length Mock 1 - FM - Descriptive - Mahe P Mohrule

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1|P a g e W W W . E D U T A P . C O . I N QUERY? HELLO@EDUTAP.CO.IN / 8146207241

Section - I
Ques.2) “Financial Inclusion is increasingly getting support from
World community”. Explain with examples. Also discuss the
efforts being made by India in this direction.
[Marks: 10, Word Limit: 400, Difficulty Level: Easy]
According to the World Bank financial inclusion means that the
individuals and businesses across the globe have access to
affordable and adequate financial services and products, that meet
their needs- transactions, payments, savings, insurance and credit.
Delivered at responsible and sustainable ways.

Multilateral institutes across the world, like the World Bank group
Read Remarks in the
considers financial inclusion as the key enabler to reduce the
end given by the
extreme poverty and promote shared prosperity. It targets for
reaching 1 billion people by lending, advising the other banks and evaluator

Other global level steps include:

Financial inclusion plays huge role in enabling the inclusion and
achievement of 7 out of 17 SDG for 2030. To bridge the gap of
financial inclusion, reducing the cost and boosting the speed and of
offering financial services IMF has committed to address the digital
divide, as 1.7 billion people lack the access to mobile money wallets
or banks. Big corporate like Bill and Milenda foundation has been
funding various programs across the world to support and
accelerate global level reforms to target universal financial access.

For India, financial inclusion plays crucial and catalytic role for
inclusive development. The Reserve Bank along with its primary
objective have also facilitated financial inclusion at large scale
through various steps. The government of India is also doing
commendable job for reaching the underserved and un-served
areas, yet we are far from reaching the last mile. Some of the
magnificent steps are as follows: -
JAM Trinity, a combination of India Stack Aadhar card, Mobile
phones and Basic savings account under Jan Dhan Yojana. As per
data more than 300 million people have benefited so far.
Interoperable payment system, safety, security and ease offered by
fintech instruments like UPI, BBPS, AEPS, and other products have
made it easy for individuals to access the financial main-stream. For
SMEs application network like TREDS, open network digital network
and Open Network credit enablers made it easy to access the
financial products boosting ease and economic activities for
betterment. Introduction of CBDC, which expected to reach last
mile, is currently launched by the Reserve Bank.

2|P a g e W W W . E D U T A P . C O . I N QUERY? HELLO@EDUTAP.CO.IN / 8146207241

Along with the push to technological innovations India has taken a
step towards financial inclusion but dream is far. Robust monitoring
and supervision of the RBI, and governments push for inclusive
development with private collaboration is required for the long

For the Use of Faculty only:

Points of Evaluation Very Poor Poor Average Good Excellent
Introduction Competence
1) Relevance
2) Conciseness
3) Links to the Body

Body Competence
1) Content Competence
2) Structure Competence
3) Example/Reports/etc.
Conclusion Competence
1) Synthesis
2) Optimistic/solution
Language Competence
(Spelling/ Grammar/

3|P a g e W W W . E D U T A P . C O . I N QUERY? HELLO@EDUTAP.CO.IN / 8146207241

1. You have started the answer directly by addressing the core demand of the question, which is a
good thing to do.
2. Moreover, here you could have stated some facts regarding financial inclusion and then discuss
the reasons in the body part.

1. All the points given by you satisfies the main demand of the question.
2. Moreover, please use the bullet points like 1.2.3. or A.B.C, that will make the answer look more
3. Content in the body part, is good to go, but please use the full forms like of JAM, CBDC and at
other places
4. Moreover, its 8 SDGs not 7, which enable financial inclusion.

1. The conclusion part looks incomplete, you have followed an optimistic approach, but a forward-
looking approach is missing in the question.
2. You could have mention that how financial inclusion will help the Indian and world economy to
3. Refer to the model question and answer

This attempt was good, your content competency is good, but do work on the structure part of the

All the best

Team EduTap!

4|P a g e W W W . E D U T A P . C O . I N QUERY? HELLO@EDUTAP.CO.IN / 8146207241

Ques.3) Discuss Herzberg’s theory of motivation and also bring
out its limitation.
[Marks: 10, Word Limit: 400, Difficulty Level: Easy]
2. Motivation, a force which engages person into consistent efforts,
to behave in certain way or work to achieve specific goal, a
persistent effort and goal directed behavior. Various scholars have
put plethora of theories about motivation, some studies the process
of motivation, called as process based theories and some focuses on
the needs which causes motivation, called as content based
theories. Herzberg's theory is one of the content based theories.
Read Remarks in the
end given by the
Frederick Herzberg developed the theory based on two factors
motivators and hygiene or maintenance factors, hence also called
as two factor theory or motivation hygiene theory. His research was
based on the engineers and accountants. Followings are the
suggested factors od the theory: -
Hygiene factors- This are mostly lower level needs, according to
theory these are nor responsible for the satisfaction of the
employees rather are factors related to dissatisfaction. He stated
that these factors do not have any result on the motivation of the
employees. Examples- Workplace environment, personal life and
materialist things.
Motivators or satisfiers - These factors are responsible for the
motivation and satisfaction od the employees. Mostly the higher
level needs example of which are recognition, the job itself and
growth needs.

Herzberg's theory is useful for management of white collar

employees but in case of lower level jobs like line worker is not

Critics of this theory says; This theory is not applicable to

everywhere as it has only based on the engineers and accountants
for which salary and relationship does not matter much but for
many people this lower level needs also act as motivators.
The theory also focuses on the enrichment of job but it overlooked
the satisfaction of employees. For example, people who do not have
friends or family may find it difficult to address the mental
wellbeing, as the social relation can help them be more happy and
satisfied but this theory neglect the idea of social relations as

Herzberg's theory is based on the needs of the human, out of which

lower level needs are not considered as motivators unlike other
theories. And it is of use only at limited organizational level where
materialistic things and other lower level needs may not matter to
the employees but for many people this theory is not useful.

5|P a g e W W W . E D U T A P . C O . I N QUERY? HELLO@EDUTAP.CO.IN / 8146207241

For the Use of Faculty only:
Points of Evaluation Very Poor Poor Average Good Excellent
Introduction Competence
1) Relevance
2) Conciseness
3) Links to the Body

Body Competence
1) Content Competence
2) Structure Competence
3) Example/Reports/etc.
Conclusion Competence
1) Synthesis
2) Optimistic/solution
Language Competence
(Spelling/ Grammar/

6|P a g e W W W . E D U T A P . C O . I N QUERY? HELLO@EDUTAP.CO.IN / 8146207241

1. All the content in the introduction part is correct and its good to go.
2. However certain tweaking is required in the definition of the word motivation, refer to some
standard definition of the word motivation.
3. Linkage to the body part is good.

1. You have defined the two factors, in a very good manner, all the examples given by you are
2. When it comes to the limitations of the Herzberg theory of motivation, give your answer in
bullet points, that will make your answer look more presentable.

1. The conclusion part is incomplete.
2. Again that forward looking approach is missing in the conclusion part.
3. Like you can mention that, in conclusion, Herzberg's theory of motivation provides a positive
outlook on understanding and enhancing employee motivation. By recognizing the significance
of intrinsic factors and job satisfaction, organizations can create a more fulfilling and engaging
work environment, which in return will help to achieve the short- and long-term organizational

Your core concepts are clear, keep practicing to excel the skills of descriptive writing.

All the best

Team EduTap

7|P a g e W W W . E D U T A P . C O . I N QUERY? HELLO@EDUTAP.CO.IN / 8146207241

Section- II
Ques.1) Discuss the Big Five Model of personality. What are its
[Marks: 15, Word Limit: 600, Difficulty Level: Easy]
Personality is described as unique pattern of traits, behavior,
thoughts and feelings that distinguish people from one another.
Example of personality can be, how people describes someone,
these are the set of traits for which a person know for, such as she
is generous and honest.
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Personality is consistent and hence behavior of that person is end given by the
predictable according to the personality type of the person. Various evaluator
scholars have given different types of personality traits which can
tell about the personality of the person. To name there are a
plethora of traits such as courage, Openness, shyness and
extraversion etc. One of the theories of personality categorized five
broad personality types this model is called the BIG FIVE personality

According to the BIG FIVE model of personality there are namely five
traits according to which a person's personality can be determined.
These traits are, Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion,
Agreeableness and Neuroticism in short OCEAN as acronym, so this
theory is also called as OCEAN model of personality. These traits can
be described as follows: -
OPENNESS; Also referred to as openness to experience, new things)
this emphasis imagination ability, and insight the most out of all five
personality traits. People having high openness are creative in
nature, ready for change and innovation. They accept new
challenges and can be engaged in long abstract concepts. Otherwise
people who are low on openness are subjected to resistance to
change and do not like idea of new things they rather go with the
established traditional ways.
CONSCIENTIOUSNESS; Defined as high level of thoughtfulness and
good management of impulses, and are mostly goal directed in
nature. They are reliable for work and complex problems. They tend
to be highly organized and think before taking action about the
results. This personality trait make people, preparing for something
EXTRAVERSION; This are excited, enthusiastic, talkative and
assertive type of people. They like to be around other people and
share their thoughts. They enjoy social settings and tend to be
friendly in nature. This people get energy in the social gathering
while person low on this trait needs alone time for recharging the
AGREEABLENESS; Personality of trust, altruism, kindness and
affection. People high on this trait tend to be more cooperative
otherwise low on this trait find it difficult to cooperate with others.

8|P a g e W W W . E D U T A P . C O . I N QUERY? HELLO@EDUTAP.CO.IN / 8146207241

Team work and group setting for jobs are easy for this type of
personality. This people have great interest in others, they are ready
to assist and contribute to the happiness of other.
NEUROTICISM; This one is negative type of personality type,
sadness, moodiness and emotional instability is shown by the
persons' high on this personality. This type of person tends to be in
anxiety, feel mood swings and are emotionally not resilient. People
low on this trait are happy and have strong emotional resilience.

This five traits are considered for the determination of personality

type of an individual however there are many more personality
traits which are not considered in this model. And cultural and
demographic differences are not considered for the same.

Personality is for what the human is known for, in an organization

whenever people talk about someone they mostly tend to talk
about the behavior, actions and way a person follows in certain
situations. Determining the personality can help people know
others behavior and act accordingly with the person. So personality
plays huge role in individual as well as organizational space.

For the Use of Faculty only:

Points of Evaluation Very Poor Poor Average Good Excellent
Introduction Competence
1) Relevance
2) Conciseness
3) Links to the Body

Body Competence
1) Content Competence
2) Structure Competence
3) Example/Reports/etc.
Conclusion Competence
1) Synthesis
2) Optimistic/solution
Language Competence
(Spelling/ Grammar/

9|P a g e W W W . E D U T A P . C O . I N QUERY? HELLO@EDUTAP.CO.IN / 8146207241

1. The introduction part is looking good, the way you have presented your case, that is, by giving
definition of personality and then turning to the OCEAN model, here the flow is looking very
2. However, I think you have expanded the introduction part little bit, you could have saved some
time and words over here, and use the same in the body or in the conclusion part.

1. All the components of the OCEAN model are correctly defined and the examples given by you
are looking good.
2. Again, requesting you to please use the bullet points in body part.
3. However, the second part of the question, related to the limitations of OCEAN, could have been
addressed properly, that is by explaining the content in points.

1. The conclusion part is looking fine but again that forward looking approach is missing in your
answers, You could have mentioned that how OCEAN model can be used by the managers in
the organization to fulfil the personal objectives of the employees.

Your content competency is very good. Keep it up, but some tweaking is required in the conclusion part.

All the best

Team EduTap!

10 | P a g e W W W . E D U T A P . C O . I N QUERY? HELLO@EDUTAP.CO.IN /
Ques.2) What is money market? Explain the various Money
Market Instruments?
[Marks: 15, Word Limit: 600, Difficulty Level: Easy]
Financial market is the one where creation of various financial
instruments took place, financial assets are being sold and bought.
Where financial transaction happen it could e issue of shares,
purchase of currency or other instruments such as bonds, debts and
equity. This market mobilize funds from savings to the economic
Read Remarks in the
activities help meet the investors and fund raiser who needs the
end given by the
finance. The financial market is categorized on the basis of maturity
of the financial instrument involved in the transaction, it could be of
duration more than one year which is capital market and less than
one year maturity is called money market.

Money market is the platform for short term maturity financial

instruments, it is further categorized as Call market and Notice
money market. This market is for raising short term fund
requirement such as day-to-day operating cash requirements,
overnight borrowings etc. Major participants of this market are The
Reserve Bank of India on behalf of the Government. Commercial
banks, NBFCs, State government, Mutual funds and large
Followings are some of the instruments traded over money market:
Organized money market involves instruments like Treasury bills,
REPOs, Certificate of deposit and commercial papers. Un-Organized
money market includes Indigenous bankers/ money lenders and

T-bills: Issued by the RBI on behalf of government of India. These

are of 91 days, 182 days and 364 days maturity. They are purchased
on their discounted value and are bought back at face value, the
difference is the profit margin of the initial buyer. They are eligible
for statutory reserves mandated by the RBI.

11 | P a g e W W W . E D U T A P . C O . I N QUERY? HELLO@EDUTAP.CO.IN /
For the Use of Faculty only:
Points of Evaluation Very Poor Poor Average Good Excellent
Introduction Competence
1) Relevance
2) Conciseness
3) Links to the Body

Body Competence
1) Content Competence
2) Structure Competence
3) Example/Reports/etc.
Conclusion Competence
1) Synthesis
2) Optimistic/solution
Language Competence
(Spelling/ Grammar/

1. The introduction part is looking good, the way you set the overall theme of the question is very
much appreciated from my end.
2. Moreover here, you could have discussed the role of RBI in managing the money market,
because RBI is the regulator of money market in India.

1. This part of your answer is looking incomplete.
1. This part of your answer is looking incomplete.

Please re-attempt this question.

All the best

Team EduTap!

12 | P a g e W W W . E D U T A P . C O . I N QUERY? HELLO@EDUTAP.CO.IN /
13 | P a g e W W W . E D U T A P . C O . I N QUERY? HELLO@EDUTAP.CO.IN /

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