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SEMESTER 4 cor corny Ca er eau brie [a ‘Advanced Academic Reading and Writing ENGL2116 3 (340) 2 Ideology of Pakistan PAKS1112 3 (340) B Curriculum Design and instruction EDUC2I18 3 (3+0) 4 Business Finance BUSA2112 3 (3+0) f Principles of Marketing BUSA2114 3 (340) 6 Human Resource Management BUSA2115, 3 (340) [ Total Credit Hours 18 31 Advanced Academic Reading and Writing ENGI2116 ‘Advanced Academic Reading and Writing Credit Hours: 3 (340) Prerequisite(: Language in Use; Academic Reading and Writing Specific Objectives of course: To enable the students to: read academies text critically, write well organized academic text e.g. assignments, book/article reviews. Course Outline: Advanced Academic Reading: Reading various articles/texts following the reading strategies: Skimming Practices, Scanning Practices, Intensive reading Practices, Extensive reading Practices; Speed reading practices with different articles and texts in class room Advanced Academic Writing: Writing summaries of articles, Writing books/articles reviews, APA citation and referencing, Writing research proposal, Writing a research report, Resume writing, Cover letter Writing. Recommended Books: 1) Aaron, J. 2003. The Compact Reader, New York: Bedford. 2) Axelrod, R. B and Cooper, C. R. 2002, Reading Critical Writing Well: A Reader and Guide. 3) Barnet, S. and Bedau, H, 2004, Critical Thinking, Reading and Writing: A Brief Guide to Writing. 6th Ed, 4) Behrens & Rosen, 2007. Reading and Writing Across the Curriculum. 5) Gardner, P. S. 2005, New Directions: Reading, Writing and Critical Thinking, 6) George, D. and Trimbur, J. 2006. Reading Culture: Context for Critical Reading and Writing. 6th Ed 7) Goatly, A. 2000. Critical Reading and Writing: An Introductory Course. London: Taylor & Fran 8) — Grellet, F., Writing for Advanced Learners of English. CUP. 9) Jordan, K. M. and Plakans, L. 2003. Reading and Writing for Academic Success 10) Jordon, R. R. 1999, Academic Writing Course. CUP. 11) Belcher,W.L. 2009."A Guide to Academic Publishing Success" Sage Publications. Ideology of Pakistan Course Code: PAKS1112 Course Title: Ideology of Pakistan Credit Hours: 3(340) Prerequisite(s): None Specific Objectives of Course: After completion of this course, the students will to: ‘+ Develop vision of historical perspective, government, politics, contemporary Pakistan, ideological background of Pakistan. ‘+ Study the process of governance, national development, ‘+ Know issues arising in the modern age and posing challenges to Pakistan. COURSE OUTLINE Detintts n of Ideology Lessons of History Two nation theory Factors creating the idea of a separate Muslim state Decli 1¢ of Muslim rule in India Rise of British rule and after affects Communal conflicts in In War of 1857 Sir Syed’s Idea Basic points of ideology of Pakistan Pre- partition conclusions leology of Pakistan Recommended Study: (Latest Editions) Jinnah of Pakistan By Stanley Wolpert, Struggle for Pakistan By IH Queshi The Quaid As | Knew Hi By Begum Shah Nawaz Iqbal : Poet Philosopher of Pakistan By Malik Hafeez Muslim Nationalism in india and Pakistan Iqbal’s Address to the Allahabad Session 1930 Jinnah’s first Address to the Constituent Assembly on August 111947 Note: In addition to the above, any other text or book referred by Instructor can also be included. Curriculum Design and Instruction Course Code Course Title Credit Hours EDUC2118 Curriculum Design and Instruction 3(3+0) Course Deseription This course is intended to orient the prospective teachers about the principle, process and procedure of curriculum design and development. The participants will be informed about various foundations on which the curriculum is based, defining, and delineating the lection of content, its scope and outcomes, teaching strategies, curriculum evaluation, design of instructional materials, This course will also instructional proc ious curriculum development models. The course will be delivered within the context of existing curriculum and the bodies and procedures adopted for curriculum development process in Pakistan. objectives clude description of s to achieve the goals of curriculum, Students will be provided exposure to Learni 1g Outcomes At the end of the course, the students will be able to: + understand the concept of curriculum + awvare about the process of curriculum development in Pakistan + examine the components of curriculum development + differentiate between different types of curriculum + write curriculum objectives in behavioral terms - state the critical issues, problems, and trends in curriculum * Define and understand the process of instruction * Understand the importance of instruction for implementation of curriculum Course Outline 1. Introduetion to Curriculum and Instruetion LA, The definition of Curriculum 1.2, Various forms of Curriculum 1.3, Elements of Curriculun ion, Curriculum implementation, evaluation of curriculum. Objectives, Content selei 1.4, Needs assessment for curriculum. 1.5. How Curriculum defers from: 1.5.1, Syllabus 1.5.2, Course of Study 1.5.3, Educational Programme 1.5.4. Teaching 1.5.5. Instruction 1.5.6, Level of Curriculum 1.6, Foundations of Curriculum 1.7 Concept and process of Instruction 1.8 Relationship Between Curriculum and Instruction Curriculum: Aims, Goals and Objectives 2.1, Distinction between aims, goals & objectives 2.2, Taxonomies of educational objectives 2.2.2, Affective domain 2.2.3. Psychomotor domain 2.3. Solo Taxonomy of edu tional objectives 3. Models of Curriculum 3.1, Tyler Model 3.2. Wheeler Model 3.3. Dynamic Model 4. Designs of Curriculum 4.1, Subject-centered Designs 4.2. Leamer-Centered Designs 43. Teacher-Centered De sign 44, Integrated Curriculum Designs 56 5. Curriculum Development in Pakistan 5.1. Curriculum development processes at elementary and secondary level 5.2. Curriculum Reforms and policies 5.3. Role of teacher in curriculum development process at various levels 5.4, Problems and issues in curriculum development 6. Selecting and Implementing Strategies for Instruction 6.1. Styles of Teaching and Learning 6.2, Selection of Teaching Methods 6.3. Organization and implementation of instruction 7. Curriculum Change and Evaluation 7A. Curriculum Change 7.2. Curriculum Evaluation Recommended Books Farooq, R.A. (1993), Education system in Pakistan, Islamabad: Asia Society for the Promotion of Innovation and Reforms in Education. HarperCollins Murray P, (1993). Curriculum Development & Design, (Sth ed), Sharma R.C (2002). Modern Methods of Curriculum Organization. New Delhi Adeoye, E. A. (2007). Curriculum development: Theory and practice. Lagos: National Open University of Nigeria. Bharvad, A. J. (2010). Curriculum evaluation, International Research Journal, 1, 72-74. MeKimm, J. (2007). Curriculum design and development, O'Neill, G (2010). Programme design: Overview of curriculum models. Pakistan National Curriculums. Retrieved from) Akhtar, M. (2004), Analysis of curriculum process and development of a model for secondary level in Pakistan (doctoral dissertation). University of Arid Agriculture, Rawalpindi. Nunan, D. (2000). Syllabus design. Oxford: Oxford University Press, Oliva, P. F. (2009). Developing the curriculum (7th ed.). Boston: Allyn & Bacon Walker, D. F, (2002). Fundamentals of curriculum: Passion and professionalism (2nd ed.). New York: Routledge. Wiles, J. W. & Bondi, J. C. 2011), Curriculum development: A guide to practice (8th ed.) Boston: Allyn & Bacon. Business Finance BUSA2112 Business Finance 3(3+0) Prerequisite(s): Introduction to Business; ancial Accounting Specific Objectives of course: After the completion this course the students will be able to understand to know different concepts and terminologies of financial management, to do complete ratio analysis of a company, to have understanding of an integrated perspective for the inter- relation between financial markets, financial Institutions and management, to have competence about the latest approaches/tools to critically examine and measure the performance of business concerns, and to develop skills to solve investment and financial problems in the light of specified goals of the firm. ‘COURSE OUTLINE: ‘An Overview Of Financial Management: What is Financial Management?, The Goal of the Firm, The Goal of the Financial Manager, Organization of financial management function, The role of opportunity cost of capital, Agency problems The Business, Tax and Financial Environment: The Business Environment, Sole Proprietorship, Partnerships, Corporations, Limited Liability Companies (LLCs), The Financial Intermediaries, Financial markets, Money Market, Capital Market, Primary Market, Secondary Market Analysis of Financial Statements: Ratio Analysis, Short-term Solvency Ratios or Liquidity Measures, Asset Management or Turnover Ratios, Profitability Measures, Long-term Solvency or Leverage Measures, Market Value Measures The Time Value of Money: Future value and compounding, Objectives, The interest rate, Simple Interest and Compound interest, Future value and compounding, Present value and discounting, Mixed Streams, Perpetuity, Amortization of Loan Valuation of Long Term Securities: Objectives, Distinction among valuation concepts, Bonds and bond valuation, Types of bonds, Preferred stock valuation, Common stack valuation Cash Flow Estimation: The Balance sheet, Liquidity, Debt versus Equity, Market value versus Book value, The Income statement, Non-Cash Items, Time and Costs, Cash flow statement, Cash flow from assets, Cash flow to creditors and stock holders Recommended Study: (Latest Editions) James C. Vanhorne: Fundamentals of Financial Management. Ross, Westerfield, Jordan: Corporate Finance Essentials, Brealey, R. A. & Myers, Principles of corporate finance. Eugene F. Brigham: Fundamentals of Financial Management. Es ” 5. Gitman, J, Lawrence. Principles of Managerial Finance: McGraw Hill. Note: In addition to the above, any other text or book referred by Instructor can also be included. 60 Principles of Marketing Course Code: BUsAzI14 Course Tith Principles of Marketing Credit Hours: 3(3+0) Prerequisite(s): Basic understanding of Organizational Hirarchies, organizational designs and management styles Specific Objectives of course: Understand the basic concepts of Marketing and relevant skills. Know the importance and different ways of market segmentation, market positioning and how to select target market, Understand different marketing strategies to attract the target customers. Develop marketing mix for targeted segment. Know the importance of building strong customer relationships and ethics involved in it. Develop a sense of social responsibility in the field of marketing. Understand the issues involved while marketing the product globally. ‘COURSE OUTLINE: Introduction of marketing basic concepts: Definition of marketing, scope of marketing, the core concepts of marketing, the production concept, the product concept, the selling concept, the ‘marketing concept, the social marketing concept. Market offerings; products, services, experiences, Customer value and satisfaction, exchanges and relationship. ‘Marketing strategy and the marketing mix: Defining a market-oriented mission statement, setting ‘objectives and goals. Designing the business portfollo, SBUS and their analysis. Developing strategies for growth and downsizing ‘Marketing Environment: The micro-environment, company, suppliers, competitors, publics, customers. Macroenvironment, major forces in the company environment and their impact. Consumer Markets: model of consumer behavior, characteristics of consumer behavior, cultural, social, personal and psychological factors. Types of buying decision behavior. The buyer decision process Consumer driven marketing strategy: market segmentation, types of segmentation, requirements for effective segmentation. Market targeting, selecting target markets segments, choosing a targeting strategy. Positioning, selecting and overall positioning strategy, developing a positioning statement. Products, Services and Brands: defining the product, services and experiences, levels of product, products and services classifications, products and services decisions, product line decisions and product mix decisions, Characteristics of services. Building brands, brand equity, building strong brands. Price and Strategy: what Is a price? Major pricing strategles, new product pricing strategies; market skimming pricing, market penetration pricing, Product mix pricing strategies, price adjustment strategies. 61 Product development and Life Cycle: new product development strategy, the new product development process. product life cycle strategies for introductory, growth, maturity and decline stage. ‘Marketing Channels The Promotion mix: Elements of promotion mix, advertising, direct marketing, sales promotion, personal selling and public relation. Place: Channels of Distribution & Distribution Strategy, Needs & Significance of intermediaries, Functions of Intermediaries, Channels of Distribution, Selecting Channel of Distribution, Recommended Study: (Latest Editions) 1) Kotler, P., Armstrong, G., & Cunningham, M. H. (2016). Principles of marketing. Toronto: Pearson Prentice Hall. 2), Jobber, D. and Ellis-Chadwick, F. (2013). Principles and Practices of Marketing. Berkshire: McGraw-Hill 3) Jerome McCarthy & William, D. Pareanth, Basics Marketing, 4) Kotler, P. and Keller, K. (2012), Marketing management. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall Note: In addition to the above, any other text or book referred by Instructor can also be included. Human Resource Management BUSA2115 Human Resource Management 3(3+0) Prerequisite(s): Basic understanding of Organizational Hirarchies, organizational designs and management styles Specific Objectives of Course: At the end of this course, students will 1. Understand various HR functions 2, Recognize how HRM as a function contributes to an organization 3, Identify the emerging challenges of HRM 4, See the Islamic perspective of HRM 5. Learn how important decisions are made and executed regarding various HR functions COURSE OUTLINE: Introduction: HRM functions Meeting present human resource requirements, role of HRM in the organization, Emerging Human resource management challenges: Trends in HRM, HRM challenges, technology ‘and HRM practices, global vs. local HRM practices, legal issues and ethics related to HRM Islamic Perspective of HRM: Basic Islamic philosophy of managing human resource Human Resource Planning: HRS and succession planning, labor demand forecasting, determining labor supply, balancing labor demand and supply Job Analysis: Job description, job evaluation, job specification Recruiting Employees: Factors affecting recruitment effort, internal recruitment, external recruitment sources Selection: Selection process, validation of selection procedure : Orientation and socializing, orientation responsibility, orientation length timing, follow Training: Training definition, steps in training process, methods of training, evaluating training Organization Development: Management development definition, needs assessment, methods used in management development, evaluation of management development, assessment center, organizational development steps, career management Performance Management System: Performance management system, performance appraisal, appraisal process, appraisal methods, factors that may distort performance appraisal Compensation and Benefits: Managing compensation, types of compensation, rewarding performance, pay for performance, designing and administering benefits, types of benefits Maintenance: Employee relations, health and safety issues, conflicts management, employee unions and bargaining Recommended Study (Latest Editions): Human Resource Management by DeCenzo and Robins Human Resource Management by Lloyd L. Byars and Leslie W. Rue Human Resource Management, by Gary Desller Human Resource Management by David B, Balkin, Luis R. Gomez-Mejia, and Robert L. Cardy Handouts/ other texts suggested by the instructor Note: In addition to the above, any other text or book referred by Instructor can also be included.

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