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Pellet boilers

KWB Easyfire 10- 30 kW

Installation and Maintenance
Manual Biomass Heating Systems

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This manual contains all information required for specialists. Read it carefully.

There is no warranty claim for damage due to failure to comply with the maintenance instructions.

Our desire is to continuously improve our products and services, we would be pleased to get your feedback.

KWB – Kraft und Wärme aus Biomasse GmbH

Industriestr. 235
A – 8321 St. Margarethen an der Raab
Tel.: 0043 (3115) 6116-0
Fax: 0043 (3115) 6116-4
Web site:

Instructions that must always be complied with

in your own interest are marked as shown.

Dated: 08. October 2008 – art. no. 21-2000097

Subject to change. No responsibility accepted for errors and omissions!

© 2008, KWB – Kraft und Wärme aus Biomasse Gesellschaft mbH

All content of this document is the property of KWB and thus is protected by copyright. Any form of duplication, forwarding to third par-
ties or use for other purposes without the owner’s written consent is prohibited.
Hereinafter KWB – Kraft und Wärme aus Biomasse Gesellschaft mbH, including its national representatives and the authorised
KWB Competence Partners are referred to as KWB.

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Table of contents

Table of contents
1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... 9
1.1 Safety instructions ...................................................................................................................................9
1.2 Warranty..................................................................................................................................................9
1.3 Structural prerequisites ...........................................................................................................................9
1.3.1 Boiler room requirements ........................................................................................................................................ 9
1.3.2 General requirements for pellet storage rooms ...................................................................................................... 10
1.3.3 Chimney requirements ........................................................................................................................................... 10
2 SYSTEM INSTALLATION ..................................................................................................... 13
2.1 Installation of the boiler .........................................................................................................................13
2.1.1 Bringing in the boiler .............................................................................................................................................. 13 Dismantling the system ......................................................................................................................................... 13 Bringing the dismantled system into the boiler room ............................................................................................. 19
2.1.2 Left / right system conversion ................................................................................................................................ 20
2.1.3 Changing the stop side of the boiler room door...................................................................................................... 22
2.1.4 Boiler set-Up .......................................................................................................................................................... 22
2.1.5 Automatic ash removal (AR) .................................................................................................................................. 23
2.1.6 Final inspection ...................................................................................................................................................... 26
2.1.7 First commissioning, ash removal ......................................................................................................................... 26
2.1.8 Emptying the ash container ................................................................................................................................... 26 Removing the ash container .................................................................................................................................. 26
2.1.9 Smoke pipe connection and induced draft fan ....................................................................................................... 27
2.1.10 Water connection .................................................................................................................................................. 27
2.1.11 Electrical connection.............................................................................................................................................. 28 Electrical connections of the system ..................................................................................................................... 28 Mains supply ......................................................................................................................................................... 31 Junction box .......................................................................................................................................................... 31 Cabling guidelines .................................................................................................................................................. 33 Control units & heating circuit expansion modules (HCM) ..................................................................................... 35 Boiler control unit / digital room control unit (OPTION) ......................................................................................... 35 Analogue room control unit (OPTION)................................................................................................................... 36 Heating circuit expansion module (HCM): ............................................................................................................ 37 Plug-in module 1 (suction conveyor system, second boiler, heating circuit 0) ....................................................... 40 Suction conveyor system and / or second boiler switchover ................................................................................ 40 Heating circuit 0 and/or second boiler switchover ............................................................................................... 40 Boiler master-and-slave circuit .............................................................................................................................. 40 External smoke extractor ....................................................................................................................................... 40 Stop switch ........................................................................................................................................................... 40 Equipotential bonding ............................................................................................................................................ 41 Sensor check ......................................................................................................................................................... 41
2.2 Installation, suction conveyor unit (see also section 13 to 16)............................................................... 42
3 COMMISSIONING ............................................................................................................... 43
3.1 Switching on the main switch ...............................................................................................................43
3.2 Setting the parameters ..........................................................................................................................43
3.3 Function check of the system parts .......................................................................................................44
3.4 Switching on the boiler in the menu ......................................................................................................45
4 OPERATION SPECIALIST .................................................................................................... 47
4.1 Menu item – Heating Circuits ................................................................................................................47
4.1.1 Operating values .................................................................................................................................................... 47
4.1.2 Dependant on outdoor temperature ....................................................................................................................... 49
4.1.3 Legionella protection.............................................................................................................................................. 49
4.2 Menu item – Basic Settings ..................................................................................................................50
4.2.1 Boiler temperature ................................................................................................................................................. 50
4.2.2 Return flow boost .................................................................................................................................................. 50
4.2.3 Mixer return flow boost ......................................................................................................................................... 51
4.2.4 Pellet conveyor system .......................................................................................................................................... 51

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4.2.5 Pump afterrun ........................................................................................................................................................ 51

4.2.6 Boiler pump ........................................................................................................................................................... 52
4.2.7 Language ............................................................................................................................................................... 52
4.2.8 Second boiler ......................................................................................................................................................... 52
4.2.9 Cleaning ................................................................................................................................................................. 52
4.2.10 Network settings ................................................................................................................................................... 53 Boiler ..................................................................................................................................................................... 53 EXT 2 .................................................................................................................................................................... 53 Power output......................................................................................................................................................... 53 Heating circuit ....................................................................................................................................................... 53 DHWC.................................................................................................................................................................... 54 Buffer ..................................................................................................................................................................... 54 Digital remote control ............................................................................................................................................ 55
4.2.11 Hardware ............................................................................................................................................................... 55
4.2.12 Frost protection ..................................................................................................................................................... 56
4.2.13 Outputs: ................................................................................................................................................................. 56
4.2.14 Menu item – Rotary Grate ..................................................................................................................................... 57
4.3 Menu item – Relay Test .........................................................................................................................57
4.3.1 Boiler ..................................................................................................................................................................... 57
4.3.2 Heating circuits...................................................................................................................................................... 58
4.3.3 DHWC.................................................................................................................................................................... 58
4.3.4 Buffer ..................................................................................................................................................................... 58
4.3.5 Fuel extractor......................................................................................................................................................... 58
4.3.6 Second boiler ......................................................................................................................................................... 59
4.4 Menu item – Network Analysis .............................................................................................................59
4.4.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................................................... 59
4.4.2 Boiler module ......................................................................................................................................................... 59
4.4.3 Heating circuit module ........................................................................................................................................... 59
4.4.4 Dig. remote control unit ......................................................................................................................................... 59
5 OPERATION, FACTORY CUSTOMER SERVICE .................................................................... 61
5.1 Menu item – Basic Settings ..................................................................................................................61
5.1.1 Fan ......................................................................................................................................................................... 61
5.1.2 Boiler output .......................................................................................................................................................... 61
5.1.3 Ignition ................................................................................................................................................................... 61
5.1.4 Serial number......................................................................................................................................................... 62
5.1.5 Operating hours ..................................................................................................................................................... 62
5.2 Menu item – Ash Extractor ....................................................................................................................62
5.3 Menu item – Save / Reset ......................................................................................................................63
5.4 Menu item – Start / Stop Log .................................................................................................................63
6 BOILER, MEASURING ......................................................................................................... 65
6.1 Menu item – Measure Boiler .................................................................................................................65
6.2 Preparations for measuring the boiler ....................................................................................................65
6.3 Adjusting combustion (CO2 value) .........................................................................................................66
6.4 Re-adjusting the air stages ....................................................................................................................67
6.5 Boiler analysis: Fuel ...............................................................................................................................68
6.6 Boiler analysis: Flame aspect ................................................................................................................69
6.7 Boiler analysis: Odour ............................................................................................................................69
6.8 Boiler analysis: Ash ...............................................................................................................................69
6.9 Boiler analysis: Coatings in the combustion chamber............................................................................69
7 MEASURING FLUE GAS – GENERAL INFORMATION ......................................................... 71
7.1 Brief information on flue gas values .......................................................................................................71
7.1.1 Emission value units .............................................................................................................................................. 71
7.1.2 Conversion factors for emission values for wood-fired furnaces ........................................................................... 72
7.1.3 Conversion, combustion efficiency ....................................................................................................................... 73
7.1.4 Information on carbon dioxide (CO2) ...................................................................................................................... 74
7.1.5 Residual oxygen (02) .............................................................................................................................................. 74

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7.1.6 Air ratio number ..................................................................................................................................................... 74

7.1.7 Carbon monoxide (CO) ........................................................................................................................................... 74
7.1.8 Nitrogen oxides (NOX)............................................................................................................................................ 75
7.1.9 Hydrocarbons (HC, CxHy, Corg) ............................................................................................................................. 75
7.1.10 Dust ....................................................................................................................................................................... 75
7.1.11 Efficiency (η) ........................................................................................................................................................ 76
7.1.12 Draught .................................................................................................................................................................. 76
7.2 Incorrect measurements – causes.........................................................................................................76
7.2.1 Causes associated with operation ......................................................................................................................... 76
7.2.2 Causes associated with the measuring device ...................................................................................................... 77
7.2.3 Causes associated with the boiler ......................................................................................................................... 77
7.2.4 Causes for the measurement sensor...................................................................................................................... 77
8 SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE............................................................................................... 79
8.1 Software transfer with PC .....................................................................................................................79
8.1.1 Prerequisites .......................................................................................................................................................... 79
8.1.2 Software transfer to the boiler control unit ............................................................................................................ 80
8.1.3 Software transfer to the handheld programming unit............................................................................................. 81
8.2 Software transfer with handheld programming unit ...............................................................................83
8.2.1 Prerequisites .......................................................................................................................................................... 83
8.2.2 Description, handheld programming unit ............................................................................................................... 83
8.2.3 Software transfer to the boiler control unit ............................................................................................................ 83
8.3 Troubleshooting ....................................................................................................................................84
9 FABRIC TANK ...................................................................................................................... 85
9.1 General information about the fabric tank ..............................................................................................85
9.2 Fabric tank and fuel extractor ................................................................................................................85
9.3 Room size ..............................................................................................................................................86
9.4 Room fixtures ........................................................................................................................................86
9.5 Room condition ......................................................................................................................................86
9.6 Room ventilation ....................................................................................................................................87
9.7 Fire safety ..............................................................................................................................................87
9.7.1 Austria ................................................................................................................................................................... 87
9.7.2 Switzerland ............................................................................................................................................................ 87
9.7.3 Germany ................................................................................................................................................................ 87
9.8 Completion and concluding inspection ..................................................................................................87
9.9 Filling instructions
(see also the posted information in the storage room and the last page of this manual) ......................89
9.9.1 Prior to filling.......................................................................................................................................................... 89 Fill pressure ........................................................................................................................................................... 90
9.9.2 Number and position of the fill nozzles: .................................................................................................................. 90
9.9.3 Filling ..................................................................................................................................................................... 90
9.9.4 Emptying the fill line: ............................................................................................................................................. 90
9.10 Fabric tank scope of delivery .................................................................................................................91
9.11 Installing the fabric tank and filling system ............................................................................................92
9.12 Installing the fill system .........................................................................................................................95
9.13 Final inspection......................................................................................................................................95
10 FUEL EXTRACTOR TYPE S – worm extractor ..................................................................................99
10.1 Pellet storage room requirements (FE type S)........................................................................................99
10.2 Installation instructions, FE type S .......................................................................................................100
10.3 Installing the pellet worm ....................................................................................................................100
10.4 Mounting the extensions .....................................................................................................................102
10.5 Installing the elbow worm ...................................................................................................................104
10.6 Installing the head piece with drop shaft .............................................................................................106
10.7 FE connection on the burner ................................................................................................................107
10.8 Final inspection....................................................................................................................................107

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11 FE “S” INCLINED WORM, FABRIC TANK.......................................................................... 109

11.1 Pellet storage room requirements (FE type S with fabric tank) ........................................................... 109
11.2 Installing the inclined worm extraction system....................................................................................110
11.2.1 FE connection on the burner see point 10.7 ............................................................................................. 113
11.3 Final inspection....................................................................................................................................113
12 FE “S”, PELLET STIRRER PLUS, ELBOW WORM .............................................................. 115
12.1 Pellet storage room requirements (FE type S with Pellet Stirrer Plus) ............................................. 115
12.2 Installation instructions, FE type S .......................................................................................................116
12.3 Installing the pellet worm ....................................................................................................................116
12.4 Mounting the extensions .....................................................................................................................117
12.5 Installing the elbow worm ...................................................................................................................120
12.6 Installing the head piece with drop shaft .............................................................................................120
12.7 FE connection on the burner ................................................................................................................120
12.8 Installing the Stirrer Plus ......................................................................................................................120
12.9 Final inspection....................................................................................................................................124
13 FE “GS” SUCTION CONVEYOR, PELLET WORM ............................................................... 125
13.1 Requirements, pellet storage room (type GS fan, pellet worm, V-sloping floor) .................................. 125
13.2 Installing the pellet worm see point 10.3 ............................................................................................. 126
13.2.1 Connection, pellet worm – connecting piece ....................................................................................................... 126
13.2.2 Installing the pellet worm drive ............................................................................................................................ 127
13.3 Installing the transport hose ................................................................................................................127
13.3.1 Equipotential bonding .......................................................................................................................................... 127
13.3.2 Hose connection and grounding (storage system) ................................................................................... 128
13.3.3 Fire safety ............................................................................................................................................................ 129
13.3.4 Hose connection (boiler room) ............................................................................................................... 129
13.4 Final inspection....................................................................................................................................130
14 FE “GS” SUCTION CONVEYOR, PELLET STIRRER PLUS ................................................... 131
14.1 Pellet storage room requirements (FE type GS with Pellet Stirrer Plus) ............................................ 131
14.2 Installation instructions FE type GS .....................................................................................................132
14.3 Final inspection....................................................................................................................................132
15 FE “GL” LANCE, FABRIC TANK ......................................................................................... 133
15.1 Pellet storage room requirements (FE type GL with lance and fabric tank) ......................................... 133
15.2 Installation, removal pot with lance .....................................................................................................134
15.3 Lay out transport hose see point 13.3.................................................................................................. 134
15.4 Fabric tank see section 9 ..................................................................................................................... 134
15.5 Final inspection....................................................................................................................................134
16 RA “GL” SUCTION CONVEYOR, LANCE WITH BURIED TANK .......................................... 135
16.1 Pellet storage room requirements (FE type GL, fan and lance with buried fabric tank) ....................... 135
16.2 Lay out transport hose see point 13.3.................................................................................................. 136
16.3 Buried tank ..........................................................................................................................................136
16.4 Final inspection....................................................................................................................................136
17 FUEL EXTRACTOR SYSTEM, TYPE R pellet stirrer....................................................................... 137
17.1 Requirements, pellet storage room (for type R) ................................................................................... 137
17.2 Install the fuel extractor (FE) ................................................................................................................138
17.3 FE connection on the burner see point 10.7. ........................................................................................ 142
17.4 Final inspection....................................................................................................................................142
18 TECHNICAL DATA SHEETS FOR SPECIALISTS ................................................................. 143

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Technical data sheets

for specialists
18.1 Dimension sheets
Dimensions and minimum fitting dimensions, KWB Easyfire ..........................................................................................................................145
Fitting dimensions, KWB Easyfire ...................................................................................................................................................................146
Pellet blow-in nozzle ........................................................................................................................ MBEZ0001_d sheet 1/3 .........................147
Pellet blow-in nozzle ........................................................................................................................ MBEZ0001_d sheet 2/3 .........................148
Pellet blow-in nozzle ........................................................................................................................ MBEZ0001_e sheet 3/3 .........................149
Fitting dimensions, KWB Easyfire S .........................................................................................TDB-MBL-USP-S-Einbaum_c .........................150
Sectional drawing, pellet storage room .......................................................................................TDB-MBL-USP-MBDK0008 .........................151
Sectional drawing, pellet storage room ...........................................................................................................................................................152
FE conveyor worm system, construction kit ...........................................................................TDB-MBL-USP-MBDK0001_e .........................153
Fitting dimensions, FE ascending worms (elbow worms) .......................................................TDB-MBL-USP-MBDK0002_d .........................154
Construction kit, FE type S (pellet worms and suction conveyor) .............................. TDB-MBL-USP-MBDS0001_d (part 1) .........................155
Construction kit, FE type S (pellet worms and suction conveyor) .............................. TDB-MBL-USP-MBDS0001_d (part 2) .........................156
Fitting dimensions KWB Easyfire S with inclined worm and fabric tank .........................................................................................................157
Installation example, KWB Easyfire GL
with suction conveyor unit and lance.................................................................. TDB-EBB-USP-Einbaubsb. 7_B sheet 7/11 .........................158
Fitting dimensions, KWB Easyfire GL, GS with suction conveyor unit and worm ............................................................................................159
Pellet fabric tank, dimension sheet for all sizes ......................................................................TDB-MBL-USP-MBDK0007_d .........................160
Fitting dimensions, KWB Easyfire R stirrer................................................................TDB-MBL-USP-Einbaumaße_d sheet 2 .........................161

18.2 Hydraulic diagrams

Return flow boost, hydr. circuit boiler circuit ...................................................................................................MBEH0001_e .........................163
Base module with weather-sensitive control system......................................................................MBEH0002_b sheet 1/2 .........................164
Base module with weather-sensitive control system...................................................................... MBEH0002_a sheet 2/2 .........................165
Base module with weather-sensitive control system......................................................................MBEH0003_b sheet 1/2 .........................166
Base module with weather-sensitive control system...................................................................... MBEH0003_a sheet 2/2 .........................167
Base module with weather-sensitive control system, combination load-balancing tank.................MBEH0004_b sheet 1/2 .........................168
Base module with weather-sensitive control system, combination load-balancing tank................. MBEH0004_a sheet 2/2 .........................169
Base module with weather-sensitive control system & second boiler switchover .........................MBEH0005_b sheet 1/2 .........................170
Basic module with weather-sensitive control system & second boiler switchover ......................... MBEH0005_a sheet 2/2 .........................171
Basic module with weather-sensitive control system, one expansion module
and a buffer as long-term buffer ......................................................................................................MBEH0006_b sheet 1/2 .........................172
Basic module with weather-sensitive control system, one expansion module
and a buffer as long-term buffer ...................................................................................................... MBEH0006_a sheet 2/2 .........................173
Base module with weather-sensitive control system, one expansion module
and a combination buffer as load compensator...............................................................................MBEH0007_b sheet 1/2 .........................174
Base module with weather-sensitive control system, one expansion module
and a combination buffer as load compensator.............................................................................. MBEH0007_A sheet 2/2 .........................175
Basic module with weather-sensitive control system
and boiler master-and-slave system ...............................................................................................MBEH0009_b sheet 1/2 .........................176
Basic module with weather-sensitive control system
and boiler master-and-slave system ............................................................................................... MBEH0009_a sheet 2/2 .........................177
Basic module with weather-sensitive control system, expansion module
and buffer as long-term buffer ......................................................................................................... MBEH0010_c sheet 1/2 .........................178
Basic module with weather-sensitive control system, expansion module and buffer as long-term buffer ......................................................179
Basic module with weather-sensitive control system, one buffer with solar register
and a fresh-water module as long-term buffer ....................................................................................MBEH0011 sheet 1/2 .........................180
Basic module with weather-sensitive control system, one buffer as long-term buffer and a fresh-water module as long-term buffer ............181

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18.3 Electrical diagrams

KWB Easyfire, analogue & digital inputs .......................................................................................TDB-ELS-USP-EBAA1011 .........................183
KWB Easyfire, outputs, basic module .......................................................................................TDB-ELS-USP-EBAA1012_a .........................184
KWB Easyfire, ABM motor connection .....................................................................................TDB-ELS-USP-EBAA1014_b .........................185
Bus data cable, KBG..................................................................................................................TDB-ELS-USP-EBAA1015_a .........................186
KWB Easyfire, analogue inputs and safety thermostat..............................................................TDB-ELS-USP-EBAA1016_b .........................187
KWB Easyfire, HCM connection diagram ............................................................................................. ELS-TYÜ-HKM_XL_a .........................188
Bus cabling ...............................................................................................................................TDB-ELS-USP-EBAA1018_g .........................189
KWB Easyfire, outputs, heating circuits ....................................................................................TDB-ELS-USP-EBAA1019_c .........................190
KWB Easyfire, analogue and digital inputs heating circuits .......................................................TDB-ELS-USP-EBAA1020_a .........................191
Boiler, plug-in module 1 HC-0+second boiler ............................................................................TDB-ELS-USP-EBAA1021_f .........................192
Boiler, Burner plug-in panel ...........................................................................................................TDB-ELS-USP-EBAA1022 .........................193
Boiler, burner drive ........................................................................................................................TDB-ELS-USP-EBAA1023 .........................194
Boiler, induced draught/cleaning system...................................................................................TDB-ELS-USP-EBAA1024_b .........................195
Boiler, supply I/O+plug-in module ............................................................................................TDB-ELS-USP-EBAA1025_a .........................196
Boiler, plug-in module 1 suction system + second boiler ..........................................................TDB-ELS-USP-EBAA1026_e .........................197
Boiler, Easyfire GS, Easyfire GL .................................................................................................TDB-ELS-USP-EBAA1027_c .........................198
Fitting dimensions, KWB Easyfire I/O module (board) ...............................................................TDB-ELS-USP-EBAA1028_a .........................199
KWB Easyfire I/O plug-in module 1 ...........................................................................................TDB-ELS-USP-EBAA1029_a .........................200
House junction box for KWB Easyfire .......................................................................................TDB-ELS-USP-EBAA1030 _a .........................201
KWB Easyfire – ash removal system ............................................................................................TDB-ELS-USP-EBAA1031 .........................202
KWB Easyfire – mains cable .........................................................................................................TDB-ELS-USP-EBAA1046 .........................203
KWB Easyfire – chimney sweep button ........................................................................................TDB-ELS-USP-EBAA1042 .........................204
KWB Easyfire – STOP SWITCH ................................................................................................... TDB-ELS-USP-EBAA1044a .........................205
KWB Easyfire – fan with Hall sensor ebm .....................................................................................TDB-ELS-USP-EBAA1032 .........................206
KWB Easyfire – Hall sensor Hanning .............................................................................................TDB-ELS-USP-EBAA1048 .........................207
KWB Easyfire – induced draught Hanning ...................................................................................TDB-ELS-USP-EBAA1034b .........................208
KWB Easyfire – induced draught with Hall sensor ebm ................................................................TDB-ELS-USP-EBAA1033 .........................209
KWB Easyfire – safety thermostat ................................................................................................TDB-ELS-USP-EBAA1040 .........................210

18.4 Chimney
Data capture for chimney cross-section calculation .......................................................................................................................................211
Chimney – cross-section measurement..........................................................................................................................................................212

18.5 Hinweise für Pellet-Zulieferbetriebe .............................................................................213

18.6 Aufkleber und Warnhinweise ........................................................................................215

Index ......................................................................................................................................217

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1 Introduction


1.1 Safety instructions

The systems manufactured by KWB GmbH are state-of-the-art and satisfy the applicable safety regulations. Boiler
and fuel supply operate with electrical power. Improper installation can mean life-threatening danger. Heating
boilers are firing systems and are a hazard source if not handled properly. Therefore installation, commissioning and
service should only be executed by sufficiently qualified specialists in compliance with all applicable regulations
and the manufacturer’s instructions. Knowledge of the operating and maintenance manual is the prerequisite for
performing these tasks.

Strictly comply with all instructions with this symbol.

Compliance with these instructions prevents personal injury and damage to the system!

1.2 Warranty
The manufacturer’s warranty specifies proper installation and commissioning of the boiler system as the prerequisite.
Defects and damage due to improper installation, commissioning and operation are excluded from the warranty.
The manufacturer’s instructions must be complied with to ensure proper system function. In addition, only original
parts, or parts expressly approved by the manufacturer, should be installed in the system.

1.3 Structural prerequisites

When establishing the structural prerequisites the locally applicable legal construction permits, building, and
execution guidelines, as well as the dimension specifications in the installation guidelines (see section 17),
installation examples, and technical data must be complied with! Compliance with the locally applicable guidelines,
and proper execution of the structural measures lies solely within the system owner’s sphere of responsibility
and such compliance is the prerequisite for the warranty. KWB does not accept any liability, nor does it offer any
warranties for any type of constructional measures. Without laying claim to an exhaustive treatment of the issue
at hand and without suspension of any conditions imposed by the authorities, based on the Austrian directive
TRVB H 118 and ÖKL technical bulletin No. 56 and No. 66, we recommend the configurations described below.
1.3.1 Boiler room requirements
Concrete flooring, plain or tiled; height-adjustable grille with a mesh width < 5 mm must be fitted on
boiler feet or shims can be used to compensate minor the outside of ventilation openings to the outside.
unevenness. All materials for floors, walls, ceilings must Permanently installed lighting and electrical supply
be fire resistant F90; (see Table 1) fire protection doors line to the heating system; light switch and marked
(T30) executed as automatically closing doors that open stop switch (emergency-stop) for the heating system
in the direction of escape, connection door to the fuel in an easily accessible location outside the boiler room
storage room executed as an automatically closing fire near the boiler room door. A portable fire extinguisher
door (T30), boiler room windows, non-opening G30; (6 kg filling weight, EN3 standard) must be installed
non-closing air intake opening 5 cm² per kW fuel thermal outside the boiler room near the boiler room door. The
output of the heating system, however at least. 400 cm². boiler room as well as water lines and district heating
For boiler output > 60 kW it is necessary to provide one pipes must be frost resistant. No storage of flammable
ventilation opening near the floor and another ventilation materials in the boiler room outside the boiler system,
opening near the ceiling; the supply-air ducting must be storage container or hopper; no direct connection to
routed directly into the open; if it crosses other rooms, rooms where flammable gases or liquids (garage) are
the air duct must feature an F90 envelope; a protective stored.

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1 Introduction

Clear door widths for bringing in the boiler, in cm, width x height
Boiler type Dismantled Not dismantled
Easyfire USP 10/15/20 75 x 180 85 x 180
Easyfire USP 25/30 80 x 180 95 x 180

1.3.2 General requirements for pellet storage rooms

The constructional on-site requirements for the boiler dustproof sealing of the fuel storage room is required.
room also apply to the fuel storage room. If it is possible The escaping air is removed through a second earthed
to store a volume of 50 m³ or more of fuel, then a fire pipeline and hose coupling, or it is blown off into the
extinguisher with manual release with a frost-proof open air after having passed through a filtering section.
connection (from the boiler room) must be connected Suction removal or filtration of the transport air is the
to a pressurised water line executed as empty piping responsibility of the fuel supplier. The walls, windows
of at least 3/4” or DN 20, must be installed directly and doors must withstand the excess pressure that
above the passage of the fuel extractor trough in the occurs during the filling process. Wood planking is
fuel storage room The armature must be marked with necessary on the inside in order to open the door when
the warning: “Fire extinguisher – fuel storage room”. If the pellet storage room is full. The fuel storage area
a pumping car is used to fill the fuel storage room with must be designed in such a manner that it is dry and
wood chips or pellets, it is necessary to install hose dust-proof! Specific requirements for the fuel extractor
couplings and pipelines (that must be earthed). These variants are provided in section 10.
are available from KWB. If this filling method is selected,
Ignition sources (lights, switches, power outlets and distributor boxes) are prohibited!
Electrical installations must be established in explosion-protected design in accordance
with the local applicable regulations.
Rule of thumb for dimensioning the storage room: (*Average variables: Weather, detached house, fuel quality)
Fuel Pellets 10 % water content 6 mm diameter
Storage space for 1 year = 0.9 m³ heat load in kW
Consumption for 1 year = 400 kg heat load in kW

1.3.3 Chimney requirements

Due to the high boiler efficiency, the chimney design should circumstances are not less favourable than the conditions
be resistant to moisture. A moisture-resistant chimney specified in the cross-section diagrams. If conditions differ,
design means that there will be no moisture penetration or if conditions are less favourable in terms of space, it is
or damage to the brickwork, even though the temperature necessary to execute a chimney calculation in accordance
level in the flue-gas path remains permanently below the with EN 13384. The boiler parameters required for the
flue-gas dew point (see DIN 18160)! calculation are specified in the technical boiler data. A data
Exceptions are only possible if the flue gas temperature is
entry sheet is available as an electronic form from KWB
increased due to interventions in the device. However boiler
(section 17). Upon request, KWB will provide the chimney
efficiency is reduced through such a measure. The guide
calculation based on the information provided on the form.
values for chimney diameter are specified in the technical
data (see operating manual, point 8). They are valid for This is a chargeable service. The local expert for these
the applicable system size, given average constructional issues is your responsible chimney sweep. It is advisable
conditions, i.e.: Effective chimney height 8 - 10 m, smoke- to involve the chimney sweep during the planning phase
pipe length 1.5 m, 2 90° segment bends, 1 contraction, as he is the one who will have to issue the acceptance
1 T-connection at 90°. The cross-section diagrams provided certificate for the flue gas system.
by the chimney manufacturer are a quick reference aid, if the

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1 Introduction

Flue gas pipes Example, chimney structure

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2 System installation

The system parts must be installed by qualified personnel from KWB, or by KWB’s competence partner in
accordance with the set-up plan/submitted plan and the manufacturer’s instructions. The connection (smoke pipe,
water, electrical) must be executed by certified HVAC engineers and electricians. This manual only describes the
boiler installation. Installation of the fuel extractor is described in separate manuals.

2.1 Installation of the boiler

2.1.1 Bringing in the boiler
The system is delivered ready to be plugged-in and can be brought directly into the room where it will be set up. Due
to the not inconsiderable weight of the boiler, we recommend preparing the transport path, e.g. cover stairs with
wooden planking or place steel pipes underneath the pallet as rollers, in order to more easily move the boiler in sliding
or rolling movements. Strictly ensure that you have implemented measures to prevent unintentional slipping. Dismantling the system
If the system must be dismantled in order to bring it into the set-up room (door clearances are too small, transport
path is too difficult, etc.), or if a left/right conversion must be executed, then the following dismantling steps are

1.) Open the cladding cover

Delivery variants:
Burner design cladding (Fig.)
Suction tank (type GL, GS) executed.

Lift the boiler cover.

Delivery status

2.) Remove the front cladding

Pay attention to the connecting cable!

Lift the front cladding out of the holder.
Lean the front cladding on the system with the outside facing the system.
This will prevent damage.
The connecting cable can only be detached after dismounting
the control unit cover, (connector 26).
Front cladding

3.) Dismount the boiler cover

Remove the insulating block.

Insulating block

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2 System installation

Loosen the 4 fixing screws:

Turn the boiler cover counter clockwise.
Remove the boiler cover.

Boiler cover

4.) Remove the combustion chamber parts

Remove the combustion chamber cover.

Combustion chamber cover

Lift the post-combustion ring out of the holder.

Post-combustion ring

5.) Open the junction box

Loosen the screws.

Remove the cover.

Control unit cover

6.) Dismount the burner cladding

6a Design cladding:
Slightly lift the cladding and remove it.
Loose the screws under the cover if necessary.

Design cladding

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2 System installation

6b Suction tank GS, GL:

Loosen the screws of the cover.

Lift off the cover from the top.

Cover of the full cladding

Loosen the two fixing screws.
Unhook the full cladding.

Tip: If space is at a premium:

Remove the bolted connection of the division joint
on the full cladding.

Full cladding

7.) Dismount the suction tank GS, GL:

Loosen the 4 screws of the acoustic insulation hood.

Lift the acoustic insulation hood off from the top.

Acoustic insulation hood

Loosen the screw of the cable channel.
Pull the cable channel upward and out of the guide

Cable channel
Unplug the connector.

Suction removal

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2 System installation

Disconnect the earth connection on the burner.

Unplug the plug-type connector 23 (overfill-protection sensor).

Unplug the plug-type connector

Remove the hose clamp from the connecting hose between the suction
tank and the cellular wheel sluice.

Connecting hose
Loosen the screws.
Unhook the suction tank.

Tank holder

All types

Unplug all connectors from the plug-in panel.

Unplug the connector of the radial fan.

Unplug the burner

8.) Dismantle the burner

Unscrew the burner from the boiler.

Loosen the burner flange

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2 System installation

Pull the burner straight out of the boiler.

Dismantle the burner

9.) Dismount the cabling

Dismount the plug-in panel.

Dismantle the plug-in panel

Disconnect all plug-type connectors from the boiler I/O module.
Thread these connectors through the penetration rings.

Disconnect the boiler I/O

Dismount the holder bracket for main switch, chimney sweep button and
safety thermostat.

Switch panel
Disconnect the earth connections on the corner points.

Disconnect the ground connections

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2 System installation

Detach the cable ties on the rear wall.

Detach cable ties

Unscrew the connectors from the rear wall.

Unscrew connectors

10.) Take off the cladding cover

Unscrew the screws of the hinge.

Unscrew the hinge

Unscrew the hinge from the cover.
Take off the cover.

Unscrew the cover hinge

11.) Dismount the junction box

Loosen the 4 fixing screws and unhook the junction box from the front.

Unhook the junction box

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2 System installation

12.) Take off the cladding

Unscrew the wing screws.

Unhook the rear wall.

Dismount the rear wall

Unscrew the screws of both side cladding elements.

Remove the side cladding

Unhook the side cladding elements.

Unhook the side cladding elements

To convert the system from left orientation to right orientation, continue with point 2.1.2 “Left / right system
The steps for bringing the system into the boiler room in dismantled status are provided in the next section. Bringing the dismantled system into the boiler room

After the system has been prepared to be brought into the boiler room in dismantled status as specified in point,
proceed as follows.

11.) Take off the door cladding

Unscrew the side screws of the door cladding.

Take off the door cladding.

Dismount the cladding for transport with the hand truck!

This will prevent damage to the cladding.
Door cladding

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2 System installation

The boiler is now completely dismantled and can be transported

via hand truck.

Dismantled boiler

In this manner the system can be transported on almost all substrates

without damage.

Bring the boiler into the boiler room

Always have a second person assist you in difficult passages!

Moving the boiler over steps, steep ramps. etc.

Assemble the boiler in the reverse sequence listed in steps and

2.1.2 Left / right system conversion

Dismantle the system as specified in section

Dismount the blind flange.

Mount the blind flange on the desired side.

Burner blind flange

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2 System installation

Transfer the screws of the side cladding elements from the front
to the rear.

Transfer screws (1)

Transfer the following screws into the adjacent pressed-in nuts:

Screws for the burner cover

screws for fastening the suction tank

Transfer screws (2)

Assemble the boiler in the reverse sequence of steps and

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2 System installation

2.1.3 Changing the stop side of the boiler room door

Secure the burner room door in position!

Loosen the screws of the door holder.

Boiler room door – bolted connections

Unscrew the screws of the locking bracket.

Boiler room door – locking bracket

Turn the boiler room door 180°.
Mount the holding bracket on the opposite side of the boiler room door

Then fasten the locking bracket.

Mount the door handle on the boiler room door.

Use the holder and locking bracket to adjust the boiler room door until
Boiler room door – install the door handle it seals when it closes.

Attention! Install the boiler room door in such manner that it seals when it closes. After
closing (sealing), when opening the door again you should see the continuous imprint of
the boiler room door frame all around the door perimeter on the sealing cord.

2.1.4 Boiler set-Up

The floor on the boiler area must be level and capable of bearing
a load.
The fire-safety requirements are specified under point 1.3.1.

Place 4 surface mats under the boiler (included in the scope

of delivery).
These mats prevent acoustic transmission to the floor.

Red surface mats

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2 System installation

2.1.5 Automatic ash removal (AR)

External drive Stirrer Ash worm External ash container

Cover, drive

Installation plate
Sealing plate

Sealing ring

Insulation plate

Limit switch Ash worm Ash container

(Safety STOP switch) Front cover

Parts of the auto. ash removal system

Please note:
In the front cover there is a limit switch (safety STOP switch). The system is switched off when the ash container
is removed.

1.) Introduce the ash worm

Open the boiler door.

Guide the ash worm through the round opening below the door frame,
from the front.
Push it further through the middle bearing in the ash chamber.

Introduce the ash worm

2.) Thread the adjusting ring onto the ash worm

Thread the adjusting ring onto the ash worm.

Turn the ash worm so that it can be guided past the wiper wheel.

Adjusting ring

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2 System installation

3.) Introduce the ash worm into the rear bearing bush – secure the
ash worm

Turn the ash worm in the bearing bush until the stop.
Pull the adjusting ring forward. Maintain 2 mm clearance to the middle
bearing (play in the longitudinal movement).
Tighten the bolt in the adjusting ring.
Adjust the middle bearing until the ash worm can be turned by hand.
Bearing arrangement of the ash worm

Install and cable the ash worm motor (rear of boiler).

4.) Connect the ash worm motor

Connect the ash worm motor.

Diagram EBAA1031, section 17
Fasten the cable tie on the motor (strain relief).

Cabling, drive
5.) Thread on the sealing plate

Thread on the sealing plate

6.) Install the ash worm motor

Slide the drive shaft into the ash worm from the rear.
The gear unit will be pointing upward.

Screw the ash worm motor with sealing plate onto the holder bracket.

Installation, ash worm motor

7.) Mount the cover for the ash worm motor

Ensure that the cable is properly routed.

Lay the cable within the cladding.
Screw down the cover.
(screws are included in the scope of delivery)

Installation, drive cover

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2 System installation

Adapt and mount the front cover.

7.) Mount the limit switch

The thread of the switch must seal flush with the hex nut.

Installation, limit switch

8.) Mount the cover panel

Thread the insulating plate onto the pipe of the cover panel.

Installation, cover panel

9.) Mount the cover panel

Slide the cover panel onto the openings of the lower frame of the boiler
door, from the front.
Tighten both hex nuts.

Position the sealing ring as shown.

Installation, cover panel

Adapting and installing the ash container.

10.) Adjust the set screw of the ash container

Adjust the height of the ash container with the set screw.
If the ash container is connected with the boiler the opening in the ash
container should be centred above the tube of the cover panel.
(This facilitates subsequent maintenance)

Set screw, ash container

11.) Mount the ash container

Slide the ash container over the tube of the cover panel.
Hook the two closure elements right and left into the cut-out of the cover
Close the tension locks.

Installation, ash container

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2 System installation

2.1.6 Final inspection

Ensure that all components have been properly mounted.

Check all electrical connections before you energise the system!

2.1.7 First commissioning, ash removal

Read section 3 and 4 before commissioning.
2.1.8 Emptying the ash container
The ash container is filled automatically by the ash worm. Check the fill level several times during the heating
season. The ash container must be emptied one to four times during the heating season depending on the size of
the system. The accumulating ash contains the remains of the fuel in concentrated form. It is a high-quality fertiliser
and can be disposed of on the compost heap or scattered in the forest. Removing the ash container
1.) Open the toggle-type fasteners

Open both of the side toggle-type fasteners. Pull the ash container off
straight, from the front.

Open the toggle-type fasteners

Attention: When the ash container is pulled out the control unit displays a fault message – the system shuts off.
The fault message is automatically reset when the ash container is re-installed.
2.) Close the fill pipe

Seal the ash container before transport. To do this turn the cover plate
Comment: Prior to attaching the ash container to the boiler the cover
must be moved up again.

Close the fill pipe

3.) Pull out the transport handle

Press the two arrests on the container handle and pull the transport
handle carefully upward, ensuring that it is straight until again locks in

Pull out the transport handle

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2 System installation

4.) Transport

The ash container can be conveniently pulled via the transport handle
or it can be carried via the side handles.

Use the reverse sequence to attach the ash container to the boiler

Transport, ash container

2.1.9 Smoke pipe connection and induced draft fan

As a general rule, the dimensions of the smoke-pipe connection between boiler and chimney should be identical to
the dimensions of the connection on the boiler. The chimney connection must be at least as high as the smoke-pipe
connection on the boiler. If not required by local regulations, we nonetheless recommend that a draft limiter and
a detonation damper be built into the smoke pipe or chimney flank and arranged in such a manner as to exclude
any danger of injury. Route the smoke pipe in such a manner that it is sealed and ascends slightly towards the
chimney, preferably with an inclination of less than 45°. The smoke pipe should be thermally insulated and feature
suitable easily accessible cleaning openings. The chimney connection should be 20 mm larger than the smoke-pipe
diameter. This makes it possible to integrate a suitable acoustic transmission decoupler between the smoke pipe
and the chimney. The KWB system has an induced-draft fan as standard equipment.

2.1.10 Water connection

For pellet boilers, the return-flow inlet temperature into the boiler must be at least 50 °C, otherwise there is an
increased risk of corrosion, which also has the effect of voiding the warranty. To increase the temperature of the
return flow boost, the boiler control unit can activate a mixing control unit or a mixing pump. For systems to 60 kW
the return flow boost can also be executed via a thermal control valve. Suitable fittings to increase the return flow
temperature are available from KWB. With the exception of return flow boost with mixing pump, the heating system
must feature a pressureless distribution system (switch, distributor, load-balancing tank, buffer, etc.) and a safety
group that complies with the relevant regulations (e.g. ÖNORM B 8130, or ÖNORM B 8131, DIN EN 4751 T1-4).
A load-balancing tank or buffer tank is not required, but it is useful in some cases; for instance if a solar heating
system or a unit load boiler is connected, or if there is a need to achieve a very low permanent heat output during
the summer months.
Components of acoustically-insulated water connections must be impermeable to oxygen, otherwise there is an
increased risk of corrosion, which also has the effect of voiding the warranty. If plastic pipes for underfloor heating
or district heating pipes are connected, it is necessary to integrate a limiting thermostat for the circulation pumps
to provide additional protection against excessive temperatures.

Boiler circuit pumps –

Min. required volume flow V / delivery head H RF mixer
characteristic values
Spread [K] via the boiler 10 15 20
Boiler output Min.-ø, forward V H V H V H KVS
[kW] flowreturn flow [m³/h] [m] [m³/h] [m] [m³/h] [m] [m³/h]
10 1” 0.86 0.12 0.57 0.05 0.43 0.03 6.5
15 1” 1.29 0.64 0.86 0.28 0.64 0.16 6.5
20 1” 1.72 1.16 1.15 0.51 0.86 0.29 6.5
25 5/4“ 2.15 0.72 1.43 0.32 1.07 0.18 6.5
30 5/4“ 2.58 1.00 1.72 0.44 1.29 0.25 6.5
Configuration data The pump data applies for average local conditions and
for the boiler circuit must be checked by the installer or building equipment planner.

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2 System installation

2.1.11 Electrical connection

The entire system-internal wiring is executed in the factory or is executed plug-ready by installation personnel.
Locally, only the mains connection and the boiler-external cabling of all system parts (e.g. heating circuit pumps,
mixing valves, sensors, communication devices, remote switches, analogue room control units, etc.), and if there is
a network, the bus cabling of the heating circuit expansion module and the digital room control unit must be cabled
by a qualified electrical installation company. A single-phase mains connection (230 VAC, fusing 13 A) is required.
We recommend installation of a type “C” surge arrester near the house distribution board as lighting protection.
The applicable directives, particularly EN 602041-1, Electrical equipment of machines – general requirements, must
be complied with when executing the installation work. In addition ensure that the possibility of damage to electrical
system components due to heat radiation is excluded.

Always unplug the mains plug or switch off the main switch before opening the junction
box. Electrical connections of the system

Mains connection:
Single-phase connection (230 VAC, fusing 13 A)
Required Supply 3-pole (L/N/PE) / 13 A
connections Type C surge arrester at the distribution board of the house
to be provided (recommended as lightning protection)
by customer: Escape switch (“stop switch”)

Scope of delivery variants

1 boiler I/O board without released heating circuits
Without 1 safety thermostat
heating circuit completely cabled and mounted
1 boiler temperature sensor
(Boiler I/O
1 DHWC sensor (pin sensor Ø 6 mm)
board without
heating circuit) 2 buffer sensor (pin sensor Ø 6 mm)
1 return flow sensor (contact sensor)

1 boiler I/O board with 1 released heating circuit

1 safety thermostat
completely cabled and mounted
1 boiler temperature sensor
1 DHWC sensor (pin sensor Ø 6 mm)
2 buffer sensor (pin sensor Ø 6 mm)
Optional 1 return flow sensor (contact sensor)
1 heating circuit 1 outdoor sensor with enclosure
(Boiler I/O board with 1 forward flow sensor (contact sensor)
1 heating circuit) 1 analogue room control unit +
room sensor
or in addition for heating circuit configuration
1 digital room control unit +
room sensor
(Room control units
must be ordered for this.)

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2 System installation

1 boiler I/O board with 2 released heating circuits

1 safety thermostat
completely cabled and mounted
1 boiler temperature sensor
1 DHWC sensor (pin sensor Ø 6 mm)
2 buffer sensor (pin sensor Ø 6 mm)
Optional 1 return flow sensor (contact sensor)
2 heating circuits 1 outdoor sensor with enclosure
(Boiler I/O board with 2 2 forward flow sensors
heating circuits) (contact sensors)
2 analogue room control units +
room sensors
in addition for heating circuit configuration
2 digital room control units +
room sensors
(Room control units
must be ordered for this.)

1 outdoor sensor with enclosure

2 forward flow sensors
(contact sensors)
1 boiler sensor (pin sensor Ø 6 mm)
Optional Heating circuit 2 buffer sensors (pin sensors Ø 6 mm)
2 analogue room control units + bus-capable expansion module,
expansion module
room sensors distributed placement
2 digital room control units +
room sensors
(Room control units
must be ordered for this.)

suction conveyor +
Optional second boiler switchover
Plug-in module 1 heating circuit 0 + specific pin assignment according to the configuration:
(Only for type GL second boiler switchover see connection diagrams
and GS) (When ordered for HC 0 1 forward flow sensor
(contact sensor) is also supplied.)

Connection diagrams (section 17)

The following devices can be connected:

Boiler I/O without heating circuits 1 Boiler heating circuit pump, 1 return flow mixer,
(basic module): 1 boiler pump,
Boiler I/O with 1 heating circuit: 1 supply pump, 1 return flow mixer, 1 DHCW pump, 1 heating circuit pump,
1 heating circuit mixer, 1 analogue or digital room control unit (optional)
Boiler I/O with 2 heating circuits: 1 supply pump, 1 return flow mixer, 1 DHCW pump, 2 heating circuit pumps,
2 heating circuit mixers, 2 analogue or digital room control units (optional)
Heating circuit expansion module (HCM): 1 supply pump, 1 DHCW pump, 2 heating circuit pumps, 2 heating circuit mixers,
2 analogue or digital room control units (optional)
Pump connection: 230 VAC, max. 200 W, speed-controlled output for boiler circuit pump
(suitable for speed control of fixed-speed pumps).
Mixer motor connection: 230 VAC, open/off/closed (three-step)

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2 System installation

Boiler I/O without heating circuits 1 Boiler heating circuit pump, 1 return flow mixer,
(basic module): 1 boiler pump,
Boiler I/O with 1 heating circuit: 1 supply pump, 1 return flow mixer, 1 DHCW pump, 1 heating circuit pump,
1 heating circuit mixer, 1 analogue or digital room control unit (optional)
Boiler I/O with 2 heating circuits: 1 supply pump, 1 return flow mixer, 1 DHCW pump, 2 heating circuit pumps,
2 heating circuit mixers, 2 analogue or digital room control units (optional)
Heating circuit expansion module (HCM): 1 supply pump, 1 DHCW pump, 2 heating circuit pumps, 2 heating circuit mixers,
2 analogue or digital room control units (optional)
Pump connection: 230 VAC, max. 200 W, speed-controlled output for boiler circuit pump
(suitable for speed control of fixed-speed pumps).
Mixer motor connection: 230 VAC, open/off/closed (three-step)

Outputs: Floating contacts with max. 2 A switched current, 230 VAC

Fault output: Summary fault warning contact (e.g. for remote warning through telephone dialling)
Fault 1: NC contact to indicate faults
Fault 2: NO contact to indicate faults
Power output: NO, configurable for
• Burner operating display (output stage “partial load / medium load / nominal load”)
• Boiler master-and-slave circuit to request a second boiler
• Automatic grate cleaning
Smoke extractor: NO contact for activating an external smoke extractor.
The boiler is released in this case by the control unit of the external smoke extractor
via External 1 (floating contact).
Inputs: 24 VDC supply to connect floating contacts.

External 1: This is where you connect external safety devices (low water pressure switch,
release ext. smoke extractor, etc.) If this input is not used, it must be short-circuited.
External 2: Multi-function input
• Heat to target2: To request the boiler with the second boiler target temperature
or as a request contact for external third-party control systems (request duration
should be at least 30 minutes).
• Holiday remote control: (Does not function if there is an external boiler request)
Stop switch*: Connect the emergency stop switch here
* Emergency stop switch in accordance with the latest version of prTRVB H 118

Never apply voltage to the inputs!

Always check “External 1” and “External 2” in this regard!

Sensor cable must be at least 1 m in length. Shorter cables absorb water – causing
the sensors to fail. Extend sensor cable with 2 x 0.5 mm²!

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2 System installation Mains supply

The system’s mains supply is executed via a 3-pole Wieland plug-in connector (labelled “Power”) on the rear wall
of the boiler.

Open the provided coupling and connect the power supply.

Ensure that the polarity is correct!

Mains supply
From this point the power supply is routed via the main switch 1 to the
boiler I/O module of the system.

Main switch Junction box

All connection points for the electrical installation are provided in the junction box that is arranged below the boiler
cladding. Proceed as follows to obtain access to the junction box:

Lift the front cladding out of the holder and put it down to the side.

To avoid damage to front cladding if it should fall, position the front

cladding with the outside facing the side wall. After opening the
control unit cover, you can unplug the connecting cable and put the
front cladding down to the side.

Front cladding
Loosen the two screws of the control unit cover and remove them.

Cover, junction box

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2 System installation

Disconnect the connecting cable to the boiler control unit (ST 26). Now
you can put the front cladding down to the side and you have convenient
access to all connection points on the I/O modules.

I/O module (masterboard)

You must be able to switch off the system via an escape switch. The “stop switch must be installed outside of the
boiler room. (Connection, “stop switch – plug-type connector, section 17).

When connecting sensors and motors, strictly ensure that the control system
is de energized, for the following reasons:
• Protection against electric shock
• Connections are not short-circuit proof
• Control system must be switched off to initialise.

All cabling diagrams and connection diagrams required for professional installation are provided in section 17.
Wiring that is more extensive than that shown in the diagrams, or that deviates from that shown in the diagrams is
beyond our sphere of responsibility and invalidates warranty claims.

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2 System installation Cabling guidelines

Boiler control unit Digital remote control unit

Bus RS 485 Supply Supply Bus RS 485

2-pole A+B 24 VDC 2-pole 24 VDC 2-pole 2-pole A+B

Bus RS 485
2-polig A+B
2-pole A+B

Heating circuit expansion module

Boiler I/O module

Simple circuit

Cabling diagram for networks for the KWB Comfort control unit Dated: December 2007

Control option
Bedienoption Control option
Bedienoption Control option
22 DFBG 1 1DFBC,
BCU Boiler control unit

DRCU Digital remote control unit

ARCU Analogue remote control unit

Heating circuit
expansion module

BM Base module (I/O board)

NWC Network card

Bus RS 485 2-pole

Analogue line for sensor

Data line
with 24 V DC supply


HCM 4 toto 18
HCM 4 16 16


Modem SMS module

GSM module – antenna

Open interface
module (GM)

Cabling, network

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2 System installation

• Bus cable: 8-pole shielded, CAT 5e LF-2YACVY 4 × 2 × 0.52 – 100GR, max. length 850 m

• Laid out in a separate conduit (not together with 230 / 400 VAC)

• Network stations in one line (no branches, no ring!)

• When using the BCU in the room you must install the supplied empty wall socket.

• A maximum of 2 digital room control units (DRCU) can be jointly supplied with power (24 VDC) from one HCM
or the boiler I/O module. The supply should not be further terminated.
However the bus cable must be consistently looped through.

• The network can be extended with a boiler I/O module (2 heating circuits) with up to 16 heating circuit expansion
modules (two heating circuits each), and 34 digital room control units.

• For each heating circuit, an analogue room control unit (ARCU), can be used independent of the bus stations.
The cabling is executed as is usual for analogue room sensors, i.e. it is routed directly to the boiler I/O module
or to the HCM (because there are no bus stations!).

The total length of the bus lines should not exceed 850 m and must always be wired
in series (in a row). The relative position of the houses can be freely selected.
(Fig. 2 Cabling, network)

Execution example with one terminal point:

Type CAT 5e LF-2YACVY 4 × 2 × 0.52 – 100GR

1. – Insulate the wires (with shrink hose) 4. – Connect the wires (through twisting)
2. – Strain relief (with a cable tie) 5. – Terminate the shielding (with cable clamp)
3. – Mark the cables coming / going
(e.g. with arrows)

Terminals of the bus cable

Bus cable: 8 pole, shielded, CAT 5e LF-2YACVY 4 × 2 × 0.52-100GR, max. length 850 m
Laid out in a separate conduit (not together with 230 / 400 VAC).
Network stations in one line (no branches, no ring!)
When using the BCU in the room you must install the supplied empty wall socket.

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2 System installation

A maximum of 2 dig. room control units (DRCU) can be jointly supplied with power (24 VDC) from one HCM or the
boiler I/O module. The supply should not be further terminated. However the bus cable must be consistently looped
through. The network can be extended with a boiler I/O module (2 heating circuits) with up to 16 heating circuit
expansion modules (two heating circuits each), and 34 digital room control units.
For each heating circuit, an analogue room control unit (ARCU) can be used independent of the bus nodes. The
cabling is executed as is usual for analogue room sensors, i.e. directly to the boiler I/O module or to the HCM
(because there are no bus stations!). Control units & heating circuit expansion modules (HCM)

All control units and heating circuit modules (HCM) are manufactured in a 2-shell enclosure design made of plastic.
A screw-less locking mechanism for the enclosure parts enables easy and fast unlocking. The undershell serves
as a wall or install base, and is fitted with one or two RIA block terminals where the cabling must be connected as
specified in the connection diagram (section 17). The upper shell bears the control elements in the front and bears
the electronics in the rear with pin connectors. When the two shells are joined together the electrical connection
to the block terminals is established.

To prevent damage to the enclosure or to the pin connectors, the instructions in this
manual must be strictly followed! Room control units with room sensor influence should
be not mounted, installed, or integrated in-wall. Only install room control units with
room sensor influence free on-wall. Boiler control unit / digital room control unit (OPTION)

With the digital room control unit, operating and monitoring functions of the heat distribution and dissipation system
(with the boiler control unit, operating and monitoring functions of the boiler as well) can be located in the living
room. The mounting location, if room sensor influence is used, should be in the main room on an inside wall, but
not in the vicinity of heating elements or other heating devices, and not on doors or windows. For installation or
connection of the dig. room control unit or of the boiler control unit (only when used as dig. room control unit), the
plastic enclosure must be opened as described below.

• Carefully guide a flat-head screwdriver (width = 4 mm) into the slot

provided for this purpose on the upper long side of the enclosure
• Carefully press the screwdriver in the direction shown.
• Go to the other long side and repeat the previously described process
in the same manner.

Open the control unit 1

Pull the upper half of the enclosure out of the undershell. In this process
ensure that the parts do not tilt.

Open the control unit 2

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2 System installation

Now you have the wall-mount base as a separate unit.

Use the undershell to mark the bores on the desired mounting location
on the wall.
Drill the holes and mount the undershell using the supplied fastening
Connect the boiler control unit in accordance with EBAA1015; connect
the dig. room control unit in accordance with EBAA1018 (section 17).
Introduce the upper shell with the pin connector into the block terminal.
Join the upper and lower shells together (take care not to tilt the unit)
Wall-mount base until the locking mechanism engages. Analogue room control unit (OPTION)

With the analogue room control unit a room influence of +/-5 °C can be exerted on the connected heating circuit
from the living room. In addition the modes Frost protection , Continuous day mode , Continuous night lowering
operation , Automatic according to heating program can be set. The mounting location should be in the main
room of the respective heating circuit, on an inside wall, not in the vicinity of heating elements, or in the vicinity of
other heating devices, and not on doors or windows.
For mounting or connection of the analogue room control unit the plastic enclosure must be opened as described

• Carefully introduce a flat-head screwdriver (width = 4mm) into the

slot provided for this purpose on the upper long side of the enclosure
• Carefully press the screwdriver in the direction shown.
• Go to the lower side and repeat the previously described process in
the same manner.

Open the analogue control unit 1

Pull the upper half of the enclosure out of the undershell. In this process
ensure that the parts do not tilt.

Open the analogue control unit 2

Now you have the wall-mount base as a separate unit.
Use the undershell to mark the bores on the desired mounting location
on the wall.
Drill the holes and mount the undershell using the supplied fastening
GND set.

Analogue control unit, open

Connect the prepared cable 2 x 0.5 mm² as specified in the included connection diagrams no. EBAA1017, EBAA1020
or EFAA1021, to the terminals I and GND of the inputs for the analogue room control unit (remote thermostat).
Introduce the upper shell with the pin connector into the block terminal.

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2 System installation

Close the housing without tilting until the locking mechanism engages.
Check the sensor resistance with the upper shell removed, on the contacts “S” and “GND”.
See point 2.8.2 “Sensor check” (type KTY81-110) for the temperature-dependent setpoints. Only the total resistance
can be tapped on contacts “I” and “GND”, which is comprised of the fixed resistance of the respective set mode, the
resistance of the setpoint thermostat (dial +/-5 °C) and the resistance of the room sensor. The resistance differential
when changing the slide switch setting can be measured again for fault diagnostics. The target difference between
the two switch settings is 500 ohm. Check the setpoint thermostat (dial +/-5 °C) by determining the resistance
differential between the left stop and right stop. The target difference is 72 ohm. Heating circuit expansion module (HCM):

The system can be extended in a distributed manner via network technology with the heating circuit expansion
modules. It is essential in this regard that the expansion modules be placed where the sensors and actuators,
which are activated with these modules, are also located, e.g. at the heat distributor station of each building in
the network.

Supply pumps, zone valves or buffer charge pumps for distributed stations should also
be placed in a distributed arrangement. If this is not the case (additional to the bus
cabling) the 230 V activation must be routed back to the respective device.

• Outputs: O3 - O10, relay outputs 230 VAC, 2 A, according to the connection diagram, none of the
other outputs are currently used
• Inputs: I1 - I8: Analogue inputs according to the connection diagram,
I11: Analogue input 0 - 20 mA (connection heat meters for power measurement)
• Mains connection: 230 VAC 3-pole
• LED Power: Flashes every second if there is voltage; off if the power is switched off;
fast flashing if the fuse is defective.
• LED Bus: Flashes in one second intervals if the bus communication is intact .
• LEDs for the outputs: Indicate whether the output is switched on.
• If bus communication is interrupted for longer than 10 seconds, all outputs switch off.
• If a defective fuse or phase is detected, all outputs switch off.

Installation instructions:

• Open the enclosure with a screwdriver

• Cable strain relief: The cabling to the module must be routed in cable ducts or
customer-supplied strain relief must be provided.
• Set the station number switch with screwdriver
• Apply the safety sticker in the national language.
• Check the conductors and N-conductors from the power side – do not swap!

Attention! The heating circuit module only functions with a software version greater than 3.38.
(“Customer Service” menu)

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2 System installation

Scope of delivery:
Heating circuit expansion module (2-pc. enclosure)
Replacement fuses: 1 x 250 V 6.3 A T, 1 x 250 V 3.15 A T
Fastening set
Safety sticker, art. no.: 27-2000099
Connection diagram, heating circuit expansion module and bus cabling

For installation or connection of the heating circuit expansion module the plastic enclosure must be opened as
described below.

• Carefully introduce a flat-head screwdriver (width = 4mm) into the

slot provided for this purpose on one of the narrow sides of the
enclosure division.
• Carefully press the screwdriver in the direction shown.
• Go to the other narrow side as shown and repeat the previously
described process in the same manner.

Open the HCM 1

• Press on the long side approximately 1 cm off-centre with the

screwdriver in the direction shown, on the side wall of the division
• If the locking mechanism does not release with the preceding step,
press the side wall of the undershell via a lever movement of the
screwdriver to the outside, as shown.
• Go to the other long side as shown and repeat the previously described
process in the same manner.
Open the HCM 2

Pull the upper half of the enclosure out of the undershell. In this process
ensure that the parts do not tilt.

Open the HCM 3

Now you have the wall-mount base as a separate unit.

Use the undershell to mark the bores on the desired mounting location
on the wall.
Drill the holes and mount the undershell using the supplied fastening

HCM opened

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2 System installation

The pin connectors installed in the undershell of the heating circuit expansion module are pre-wired as shown
below. Comply with the following cable introduction sequence to prevent lines from crossing and to keep the
terminal compartment clear and organized.


sensor 1, 2





HC1, 2



27 remote thermostat HC2 13 Reserve
28 remote thermostat HC1 12 Reserve

Protective conductor bar

25 Buffer sensor 2 (bottom) 11 Supply pump

Neutral conductor bar

24 Buffer sensor 1 (top) 10 DHWC pump
Earthing bar

23 Outdoor sensor 9 Pump HC2

22 DHWC sensor 8 Mixer HC2 closed
21 Forward flow sensor HC2 7 Mixer HC2 open
20 Forward flow sensor HC1 6 Pump HC1
19 Reserve 5 Mixer HC1 closed
18 GND 4 Mixer HC1 open

17 485 A
16 485 B Bus / 24 VDC 3L
15 +24V 2 N Mains 230 VAC
14 GND 1 PE
flow sensor HC 1, 2

Mains 230 VAC

Bus / 24 VDC

Mixer HC 2

Mixer HC 1
Pump HC 2

Pump HC 1

HCM terminal compartment

All cables (except bus and sensor) must be connected with YMM 1.5 mm², flexible data / bus cable as specified in
the included connection diagram no. EBAA1018, (section 17).

Do not switch the polarity of the (HCM) supply under any circumstances!
Live parts (pole conductor bars) would be exposed in this process!

After completing and checking the cabling introduce the upper shell with the pin connectors into the block terminals
and join the two shells together, tilt-free, until the locking mechanism engages.

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2 System installation Plug-in module 1

(suction conveyor system, second boiler, heating circuit 0)
A hardware plug-in module is installed in the terminal box for extended functionality, which is required for example,
for a suction conveyor unit, second boiler switchover, or an additional single heating circuit. This module can be
configured for multiple functions and can be used individually or combined for multiple functions depending on the
system type. The system detects available hardware automatically. You must set the desired use in the “Basic
settings/hardware”, as specified in the installation / service manual.
Comply with the following for second boiler switchover: Connection of the second boiler thermostat (overheating
protection thermostat) is OPTIONAL. If the thermostat is not connected the overheating protective function is
triggered by the second boiler sensor when the set value is exceeded (preset is 80 °C). In this case the flue gas
thermostat should only be connected if both boilers use the same chimney. The hydraulic circuit of a second boiler
(log wood boiler) is executed in accordance with diagram no. MBEH0005 in section 17. Suction conveyor system and / or second boiler switchover
The options “Suction” for the suction conveyor unit (system type GS or GL) and “SB” for automatic switchover
between a manually charged second boiler and the pellet boiler can be configured independently or jointly. Use this
setting to assign use of the respective outputs/ inputs.
See the included connection diagram no. EBAA1026 for pin assignment and the associated cabling.
Because the cable lengths for suction conveyor units (types GS, GL) between the 6-pole Wieland plug-type connector
(marked “FE GS-GL”) attached to the rear of the boiler and the fuel extractor drive, can vary greatly depending on
the constructional situation, this connection must be established by the customer with 3 poles in accordance with
diagram EBGA1027 in section 17. For extractor type GL the winding protection of the fuel extractor motor (Klixon)
must be bypassed in the Wieland plug-type connector. Heating circuit 0 and / or second boiler switchover
The options “HC0-2” for use of a single heating circuit (heating circuit 0) and “SB” for an automatic switchover
between a manually charged second boiler and the pellet boiler can be configured independently or jointly. With
this setting the use of the respective outputs/inputs is assigned. Configuration-specific assignment and associated
cabling must be executed in accordance with electrical diagram EBAA1021 section 17. Boiler master-and-slave circuit
The power output can be configured as request contact for a slave boiler. If the function is activated in the “Basic
settings/outputs” as described in the installation / service manual, then the power output (ST 7) of the master boiler
must be connected with the input “EXTERNAL 1” (plug-type connector 22) of the slave boiler, as shown in hydraulic
diagram MBEH0009 (section 7) (cable 2 x 0.5 mm²). External smoke extractor
Activation of an external smoke extractor can be executed via plug-type connector no.: 7.4 (NC contact) of the
I/O board. The cabling is shown in diagram EBAA1019. The system is released by the control unit of the external
smoke extractor via external 1 (floating contact). Stop switch
The system must be capable of being switched off via an escape switch (stop switch installed outside of the
boiler room). Connect the escape switch on plug-type connector 44. Cabling diagram EBAA1044, section 17

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2 System installation Equipotential bonding

The boiler system must be connected to the equipotential bonding busbar as prescribed, via the connected pipeline
system as well as the pellet blow-in nozzle and suction nozzle.

The earthing strand of the conveyor hose must be connected to the fuel extractor and it
must be further connected to the earthing connection in the motor terminal box, so that it
is electrically conductive. This measure prevents static charges of the conveyor hose! Sensor check

Please see the temperature/resistance characteristics below to function check the installed sensor:
All sensors, except flue gas sensor (KTY 81-110):

Temperature Resistance Temperature Resistance Temperature Resistance

[°C] [ohm] [°C] [ohm] [°C] [ohm]
– 20 684.62 –3 794.55 14 915.66
– 19 690.78 –2 801.36 15 923.14
– 18 696.98 –1 808.21 16 930.65
– 17 703.21 0 815.11 17 938.20
– 16 709.48 1 822.04 18 945.79

Short circuit – 30 °C
Interruption 130 °C
– 15 715.79 2 829.01 19 953.42
– 14 722.14 3 836.02 20 961.00
– 13 728.53 4 843.06 25 1000.00
– 12 734.96 5 850.15 30 1040.00
– 11 741.42 6 857.27 40 1122.00
– 10 747.93 7 864.44 50 1209.00
–9 754.47 8 871.64 60 1299.00
–8 781.06 9 878.88 70 1392.00
–7 767.67 10 886.16 80 1490.00
–6 774.33 11 893.48 90 1591.00
–5 781.03 12 900.83 100 1696.00
–4 787.77 13 908.23

Flue gas sensor (PT100):

Temperature Resistance Temperature Resistance Temperature Resistance

[°C] [ohm] [°C] [ohm] [°C] [ohm]
0 100 100 139 200 176
10 104 110 142 210 179
Short circuit – 30 °C
Interruption 350 °C

20 108 120 146 220 183

30 112 130 150 230 187
40 115 140 154 240 190
50 119 150 157 250 194
60 123 160 161 260 197
70 127 170 165 270 201
80 131 180 168 280 204
90 135 190 172 290 208
300 212

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2 System installation

2.2 Installation, suction conveyor unit (see also section 13 to 16)

The entire transport hose and fuel extractor system must be connected so that it is
electrically conductive and it must be earthed via the equipotential busbar.

Fuel extractor type GS, fuel extractor type GL with fabric tank, fuel extractor type GL with buried tank.

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3 Commissioning

Only qualified specialists should commission the pellet boiler.

Before you can start the commissioning process, installation of the boiler system and installation of the hydraulic
system must be concluded.

Check whether the installation and establishment of all connections (water, chimney, electrical) have been properly
executed in accordance with section 2 “System installation”.
If the fuel storage room or the storage container has not yet been adequately filled with fuel, complete this task as
specified in point 4.3 – “Filling / adding fuel” of the operating manual.

If all prerequisites are satisfied, ensure that the entire heating system is filled with water and that the heat can be
dissipated. If this is the case you can start the commissioning process.

3.1 Switching on the main switch

The main switch of the system is under the boiler cover on the front of the side cladding. (See operating manual
point 5.1 “Main switch”). Shortly after switching the system on the header screen will appear on the display of
the boiler control unit.

Reasons why alarms appear on the display:

• The control system is not completely adjusted
• Some parameter-assigned devices are not connected
• The connected devices are defective

Activate the “Set” button to delete the alarm shown in the display – however the alarm is still active!
(Alarm icon in the lower right corner of the display).
Use the “Esc” button or use the dial to display other alarms that may have occurred. You must acknowledge each
of these alarms in the manner described. (More detailed information is provided in section 7 “Troubleshooting” in
the operating manual)

3.2 Setting the parameters

Information on operating the KWB Comfort control system is provided in point 5.2 “Menu-driven operation” of
the operating manual.
If the alarm, “00 The control system is not completely set” occurs when switching on the main switch, you must
set date and time in accordance with point in the operating manual.

In the main menu select the item “Specialist Level” and enter the code “100”. Now you have access to the settings
for the specialist level.

Proceed chronologically through the following menu levels of section 4 “Operation, specialist” Make the desired

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3 Commissioning

Basic settings see 4.2

Boiler temperature see 4.2.1
Return flow boost see 4.2.2
Mixer return flow boost see 4.2.3
Pellet conveyor system see 4.2.4
Pump afterrun see 4.2.5
Boiler pump see 4.2.6
Language see 4.2.7
Second boiler see 4.2.8
Cleaning see 4.2.9
Hardware see 4.2.11
Network settings see 4.2.10
Boiler see
EXT 2 see
Power output see
Boiler-dependent see
Heating circuit see
DHWC see
Buffer see
Digital remote control see
Frost protection see 4.2.12
Outputs: see 4.2.13
Heating circuits see 4.1
Operating values see 4.1.1
Dependant on outdoor temperature see 4.1.2

If all parameters are set save them with the menu item 5.2 “Save / Delete” (see point 5.2).
The settings are now permanently saved. They will not be lost if there is a power failure.

3.3 Function check of the system parts

A complete relay test and network analysis is only possible after all settings have been made, particularly the
settings for the network components. To check the sensors and actuators and the communication of the network
components go through the function units in accordance with the following overview.

Relay test see 4.3

Boiler see 4.3.1
Heating circuits see 4.3.2
DHWC see 4.3.3
Buffer see 4.3.4
Fuel extractor see 4.3.5
Second boiler see 4.3.6
Network analysis see 4.4
Overview see 4.4.1
Boiler module see 4.4.2
Heating circuit module see 4.4.3
Dig. remote control unit see 4.4.4

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3 Commissioning

3.4 Switching on the boiler in the menu

Now switch the system “on” with the main menu item “System On / Off”. For suction conveyor units bear in mind
that the suction tank is not automatically filled during the block times. In this case filling must be executed in
accordance with point of the operating manual with the function “Manual filling: Yes”. Ensure that a heat
request is present (e.g. activate boiler charging). Thereafter the system will start up as follows:

The fuel supply to the burner starts (“Ignition filling”). If the fuel extractor is completely empty (S, R) it can take up
to ½ hour for the conveyor line to fill to the level of the overfill switch of the stoker trough.

The boiler first pushes fuel ON to the burner plate (“Ignition feeding”) and then starts the ignition process (“Ignition
heating”). When commissioning the stoker worm is empty; this means that multiple ignition attempts are required.
This process can be shortened by switching the system off and on again after the “Ignition feeding” cycle to bypass
“ignition heating”.

After successful ignition the flue gas temperature increases – the fuel bed forms a ring. (“Complete ignition”).

The system then switches to “Nominal load”, heats up the boiler, and starts to supply consumers. When heat
consumption abates the boiler automatically cuts back its capacity and finally transitions to (“Ready (+req)”)
operating status when the target boiler temperature is reached.

Taking system measurements is an important step, however this step can only be
completely executed after an extended period of operation!
Reason: Residues of the boiler paint finish influence the emission values!

At least the CO2 content of the flue gases should be measured during the commissioning process, in accordance
with section 6 “Measuring, pellet boiler”.

Schedule an appointment for a second commissioning process for optimal firing adjustment. The customer should
be offered the opportunity to sign a maintenance contract, in this regard.

Now instruct the system owner in how to operate the system; proceed as specified in the operating manual
for this.

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4 Operation, specialist

In the main menu select the item “Specialist Level” and enter the code “100”. Now you have access to the settings
for the specialist level.

4.1 Menu item – Heating Circuits

4.1.1 Operating values

Maximum temp.: Maximum forward flow temperature

Minimum temp.: Minimum forward flow temperature
Gradient: The control unit calculates the necessary forward flow temperature for the heating circuits
from the outdoor temperature, the target room temperature, and the heating curve gradient.
This temperature is adjusted through mixer control (colder return flow water mixed with the
forward flow water).
Base shifting For the heating curves, setting of a reference point offset of +/– 10 °C is possible. The
gradient of the heating curve is changed automatically in this process so that the forward
flow temperature remains constant at – 20 °C.
Ambient influence: Here you can enter the extent to which the calculated forward flow temperature will be
corrected by the room sensor. If the actual temperature is greater by 1 °C than the target room
temperature, then the forward flow temperature at 100 % (200 %) room influence, will be
calculated for a room temperature that is 1 °C (2 °C) under the target room temperature.
Fast lowering: On: The heating circuit pump switches off when the actual temperature is one degree
Celsius higher than the target room temperature. (The release is executed according
to the spread)
Off: The heating circuit pump always runs and constantly maintains the temperature at
the target level. (Recommended setting for underfloor heating systems)
Pump release: Specifies how the pump release is executed
Auto: Pump release, if the boiler or buffer temperature is greater than the target forward
flow temperature.
On: Pump release, regardless of boiler or buffer temperature.
Temp: The pump is released depending on the value in the next menu item, “Release
temperature” if this value is under the actual boiler or buffer temperature.
Release Pump release, if in the previous menu item, “Pump Release” > “Temp” was selected and
temperature: the boiler temperature or buffer temperature is greater than the set Release temperature.
Runn. time, mixer: Runtime of the mixer at a cycle in seconds (factory setting 5 s).
Pause mixer: Idle time of the mixer at a cycle in seconds (factory setting 10 s).

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4 Operation, specialist

Heating curve diagram – KWB Comfort

Room temperature 20 °C, reference point offset *0, **+ 10, ***– 10° C
2 2,25 2,5 2,75 3







Forward flow temperature °C



0,2 **+ 10 °C

*0 °C

***– 10 °C


Outdoor temperature °C

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4 Operation, specialist

The heating curve shows the relationship between outdoor temperature and forward flow temperature at a specific
room temperature. It must be adjusted by changing the gradient on the house and heating system. The heating
curves at different gradients are shown in Fig. 72. This diagram only applies for a room temperature of 20 °C. If the
room temperature deviates the curves will shift upward or downward accordingly. If room temperature deviates,
only the level changes, the gradient will remain the same.
Usual values for the gradient:
Underfloor heating: 0.3 - 1.0
Radiator heating: 1.2 - 2.0
Convector heating: 1.5 - 2.0

Well-insulated structures with low-temperature heating elements require small gradients. Poorly-insulated
structures with high-temperature heating elements require large gradients.
Switch off the fast reduction and room influence when you set the heating curve.
Every day the steepness is increased by 0.1 (room is too cold) or lowered (room is too hot) until the target temperature
agrees with the actual temperature. The heating element valves should be open during the adjustment process. The
outdoor temperature should be under 0 °C. Additional heat sources (chimney) or consumers (ventilation) should not
be used during this period.
Runtime and idle time determine the set speed of the mixer motor when opening and closing. It can be adjusted to
the sluggishness of the temperature measurement on the forward flow sensor. If the mixer motor is fast and the
temperature sensor responds slowly (e.g. contact sensor without insulation) overshooting of the control system can
occur. In this case the mixer will open and close constantly. A uniform temperature is not set on the forward flow.
Overshoot is corrected by reducing the runtime or increasing the idle time. Mixer travel is limited to 50 cycles in one
direction. Consequently the runtime must be at least as great as 1/50th of the time that the mixer requires to move
from the “Closed” position to the “Open” position in continuous operation.
4.1.2 Dependant on outdoor temperature

Outdoor temp. dep. If this function is switched on, the heating circuit switches to “Off” in heating programs
switch-off: 1 and 2, when the heating limit is exceeded on the outdoor sensor.
Heating limit day: Temperature limit for operation with the day room temperature.
Heating limit night: Temperature limit for operation with the night room temperature.
4.1.3 Legionella protection

Legionella are bacteria. They thrive at temperatures between 25 and 55 °C; they die at temperatures greater than
60 °C. With the legionella protection function the DHWC temperature is heated to 65 °C on a selectable day of the
This function can also be switched off.
Mon, Tues … Sat., Once a week the DHWC unit will be heated to 65 °C on the selected day.
Off: The legionella function is switched off.

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4 Operation, specialist

4.2 Menu item – Basic Settings

4.2.1 Boiler temperature

Actual temp.: Actual temperature of the boiler water

Desired temp. 1: Target temperature of the boiler water at normal operation. In the example above the boiler
temperature fluctuates between 62 and 70 °C.
Heating limit night: Target temperature of the boiler water at request via input “External 2”. (External 2 mode
must be set to “Heat to target2, see point

The control system has an automatic setpoint calculation feature. The value set for “Target” (1st or 2nd setpoint) is
the minimum setpoint (setting range 65 to 80 °C) of the boiler water temperature. If the value determined from the
highest requested consumer forward flow temperature is +3 °C greater, it is specified as the calculated setpoint. In
this manner the setpoint can slide between the set minimum value and max. 80 °C. In the example above “Target 1”
can slide between 70 and 80 °C depending on the consumer request. “Target 2” is the max. boiler target temperature,
it is the high limit so that sliding is not possible. If there is no specification from the consumers (e.g. without heating
circuit module) then the system is regulated to the adjusted minimum setpoint.
4.2.2 Return flow boost

Thermal valve: The minimum temperature on the boiler return flow is regulated by a thermal valve.
Mixer control The minimum temperature on the boiler return flow is regulated by a mixer connected to the
system: control system.
Bypass pump: The minimum temperature on the boiler return flow is governed by a speed-regulated pump
in the bypass between boiler forward flow and boiler return flow. This hydraulic circuit is not
possible in combination with a buffer.

The set variant is shown by the initials in the header.

The possible wiring variants of the return flow boost are provided in diagram MBEH0001 in section 17.

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4 Operation, specialist

4.2.3 Mixer return flow boost

Setting of the regulating speed of the return flow boost mixer.

4.2.4 Pellet conveyor system

Adjustment, pellet conveyor system: The current setting is displayed by the abbreviation in the header. Settings
that are not possible due to the available hardware (for example “GS” without plug-in module 1), are corrected
automatically. (Runtime and idle time settings are ignored for types “S”, “R”, and “V”.)

General information on the suction conveyor system (GS + GL)

If the suction tank requests fuel, the vacuum fan starts up. Approximately 10 seconds later the motor of the
extractor worm starts up and moves pellets into the air current. At runtime “100 s” (factory setting) the extractor
motor runs for 100 seconds until the tank is full. If an idle time is not entered (“0 s” is factory setting), the extractor
will immediately run another 100 seconds, etc. Thus the idle time always interrupts the runtime phases. (There
are no settings for the vacuum fan – it runs independently until the tank is full and switches off approximately
10 seconds later)

S Fuel extractor with worm conveyor (Runtime and idle time settings are ignored)
R Fuel extractor with stirrer (Runtime and idle time settings are ignored)
V Storage container system (Runtime and idle time settings are ignored)
GL Suction conveyor unit with Use idle time and runtime to control the intervals and duration
suction lance in which no pellets are transported to the conveyor hose.
We recommend “runtime 10 s” and “idle time 3 s” for
GS Suction conveyor unit with significant fine content, long conveyor distances,
worm significant height differential
high quantities of pellets in the conveyor hose (buried tank)

4.2.5 Pump afterrun

After switching off the boiler the boiler circuit pump and the last consumer pump will still run for another 300 seconds
to prevent heat accumulation in the boiler due to the residual heat of the fuel bed. If in spite of this measure, problems
occur due to the boiler overheating, then the afterrun time can be increased.
For troubleshooting it may be helpful to briefly set the afterrun time to 0. With this measure you can immediately
tell whether the observed aggregate actually switches off at the control system’s command.

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4 Operation, specialist

4.2.6 Boiler pump

Speed: Setting of the maximum speed of the boiler circuit pump in %.

4.2.7 Language

System operation is possible in German, Italian, French, Slovenian, English, and Spanish.
4.2.8 Second boiler

If the plug-in module is installed, a log wood boiler (second boiler) can be controlled:
Switchover at: If this temperature is exceeded the pellet boiler is switched off.
(Status of the second boiler “Normal mode”)
Overheating at: When this temperature is exceeded, all heat consumers are switched to maximum heat
intake. (Status of the second boiler “Overheating”)
Boiler pump: On: The boiler pump of the automatic boiler runs in tandem with the second boiler pump.
Off: The boiler pump of the automatic boiler does not run in tandem.
The hydraulic circuit of a second boiler (log wood boiler) is executed in accordance with diagram no. MBEH0005 in
section 17.
4.2.9 Cleaning

Time: At this time the heat exchanger cleaning system is switched on for 40 seconds. Ash
compaction is operated simultaneously with automatic boiler cleaning. There is a swivelling
flap in the ash box that is activated via a linkage mechanism from the cleaning motor. The
mixer and pump blocking protection are coupled with the heat exchanger cleaning system.
The pumps and mixers are also activated for 20 s to prevent blocking after a longer period
of standstill.
Information on ash removal is provided in the operating manual, sections 4, 5, and 6.

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4 Operation, specialist

4.2.10 Network settings

The function units available in the total system are configured in the network settings. The settings must be made
beforehand in the “Hardware” menu. Boiler EXT 2
Specification of the function of the “External 2” input.
Heat to desired 2: If the input is closed, the boiler heats up to the “Target 2” temperature, regardless of the
temperature of an existing buffer. Otherwise it works in normal mode. Thus for example you
can implement: the legionella program from an external control system, activation of the
cheese factory boiler for disinfection, or of the veneer press for cabinet-maker‘s shops, or
a request from the supplemental control system for additional heating circuits.
Holiday remote If the input is closed the boiler works in normal mode. If the contact is open boiler and
control: heating circuit are switched to frost protection mode, and the set date of holiday end is not
effective. Thus telephone remote switching for the heating system of vacation homes, for
example, can be implemented. Power output
Specification of the function of the power output.
Heating operation: The output is set if the burner is running.
Boiler sequ. circuit Request of a second boiler via this output (for information on setting the parameters, see
point 4.2.13 “Outputs”).
Revolv grate: If the output is configured for rotary grate, the rotary grate will be activated. Runtimes can
be set in the “Fuel factor” menu. Heating circuit

Room sensor: Specification of the room sensor assignment to the selected heating circuit
Boiler/0: Room sensor is connected on plug-in module 1 (plug-in connector 52)
Boiler/1: Room sensor is connected on the boiler I/O module (plug-in connector 27)
Boiler/2: Room sensor is connected on the boiler I/O module (plug-in connector 31)
HCM 1/1: Room sensor is connected on the heating circuit expansion module 1 (terminal 26)
HCM 1/2: Room sensor is connected on the heating circuit expansion module 2 (terminal 27)
HCM 2/1, etc.: As above for the other heating circuit expansion modules
DRCU 1: Room sensor on the digital remote control unit 1

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DRCU 2, etc.: Room sensor on the other digital remote control units
Boiler CU: Room sensor on the boiler control unit. Optimally an analogue room control unit should be
placed next to it, because the sensor of the boilerCU can only be used if the boiler CU is
plugged into the wall socket.
Outdoor sensor: Specification of the outdoor sensor assignment to the selected heating circuit
Boiler: Outdoor sensor is connected on the boiler I/O module (plug-in connector 35)
HCM 1: Outdoor sensor is connected on the heating circuit expansion module 1 (terminal 23)
HCM 2, etc.: Outdoor sensor is connected to the additional heating circuit expansion modules
Function: Specifies whether the selected heating circuit is used. If “No” is specified then the sensors
do not need to be connected for the heating circuit and the other settings in this menu are
Group no: A group is assigned to each heating circuit. The group number is the same as the number of
the heating circuit expansion module to which the shared supply pump for the entire group
is connected. DHWC

Function: Specifies how the selected DHWC is used.

Yes If a DHWC is present.
No: A DHWC sensor does not need to be installed.
Priority: If the DHWC will be charged with priority at request – all heating circuits in the same group
are switched off.
Group no. Same as point Buffer

Function: Specifies how the selected DHWC is used.

No: If a buffer is not present.
VAR1: Buffer as load-balancing buffer (buffer switched in bypass): The buffer is always charged
from the boiler if the consumers require less heat than is offered by the boiler. The consumers
are supplied by the buffer or by the boiler, depending on which one first provides the required
temperature level.
VAR“: Buffer as central heat accumulator and distributor (buffer switched directly). First the buffer
is heated up to target temperature, before the heat consumers obtain a release.

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4 Operation, specialist Digital remote control

Adjustment of the function units that are shown on the selected remote control unit, and that can be operated via
the selected remote control unit.
Outer sensor: Displayed outdoor temperature value (see point
Heating circuit: Range of the heating circuits (closed number range). If no heating circuit should be displayed,
the setting “–” must be used. The number 0 is also available here. The same applies for
DHWC and buffer.

4.2.11 Hardware

Adjustment of the hardware modules that are available in the system:

Boiler module: Version number of the I/O module, configured heating circuits

Heating circuit Set the number of heating circuit expansion modules (0 - 16). You must set a station number
modules: on each module via the coding switch, starting with the number 1. The numbers must be
assigned in sequence without any gaps.
Dig. remote control Set the number of digital remote control units (0 - 34)
units: On each dig. remote control unit the station number must be set, starting with number 1.
The numbers must be assigned in sequence without any gaps. If the device is not detected
when it is inserted in the wall outlet (supply voltage must be present), press the “Esc” button
5 times. Enter the access code “100” (specialist level) to go to station number entry.
Plug-in modules: Some of the existing hardware components are detected automatically by the control unit
itself (plug-in module 1, heating circuit configuration on the boiler I/O module). The use of
the plug-in module can be set. Invalid entries are corrected automatically. Meaning of the
Off Boiler I/O module without addition
HC 0 Single heating circuit (heating circuit 0) on plug-in module 1.
HC 0 – 2 Heating circuit 0 on plug-in module 1, heating circuit 1, 2 configured on the boiler I/O
HC 1 – 2 Heating circuits 1, 2 configured on the boiler I/O module, without plug-in module 1
SB Second boiler
Suction Suction conveyor unit

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4 Operation, specialist

Additional combinations:
HC 1 – 2/
HC 1 – 2/SB
See above for the meaning of the abbreviations
HC 0 – 2/SB
HC 1 – 2/SB/
SB / suction

Hardware: Off
Software: Off

4.2.12 Frost protection

Room temperature: Target room temperature in frost protection mode for all heating circuits
Heating limit: If this temperature is exceeded on the outdoor sensor, then all heating circuits in frost
protection mode switch to “Off”

4.2.13 Outputs:

Time delay
Switch-on: Switch-on delay for boiler master-and-slave circuit
Shut down: Switch-on delay for boiler master-and-slave circuit
Temp. difference: Switch-on delay for boiler master-and-slave circuit

In this menu the individual parameters for power output can be set, if under point the setting “Boiler sequ
circuit” is selected. The switch-on delay starts to elapse as soon as the actual boiler temperature (forward flow
temperature) drops below the boiler setpoint temperature, minus the boiler temp. differential and the “temperature
difference” of the power output, and a boiler request is present. After the switch-on delay has elapsed the second
boiler is requested. As soon as the forward flow temperature exceeds the described temperature, the switch-off
delay starts running and again cancels the boiler request after the set time.
The output is not set when the input “External 1” is open (stopfunction). The output is also set when the boiler is
switched off with the “Boiler on/off”, function or if a fault occurs.

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4.2.14 Menu item – Rotary Grate

Fuel factor: This factor takes the pellet density (“energy content”) into account.The higher the density
the smaller the factor (push-in quantity) that can be selected.Pellets of an average quality
have a pellet factor of 100 %.
Rotary grate: ON: The rotary grate is activated.
OFF: The rotary grate is not activated.
Idle time: Use the idle time to control the duration of rotary grate inactivity. Runtime of 5 sec. is
permanently specified. The factory setting for idle time is 7 min. For pellets with higher ash
content, set the idle time appropriately shorter.

4.3 Menu item – Relay Test

In the relay test all outputs can be switched by hand. In this menu all other control system functions are inactive.

4.3.1 Boiler

Primary relay: This relay switches the main drive motor, the fuel extractor drive motor, the fan, the induced
draft fan, and the boiler circuit pump.
Main motor: Triac main drive motor
Cleaning: Relay, cleaning motor
Ignition: Relay, electrical ignition
The relay can only be switched on if the fan is running. (Prevents destruction of the electrical
heating elements due to overheating)
Ash removal ON: Ash worm runs in continuous operation,
system: OFF: Ash worm does not run

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Fan level: Speed level of the combustion air fan

n fan Actual speed of the fan
Suction level: Speed level of the induced draft fan
n suction Actual speed of the induced draught fan
Smoke suct. fan: Relay output, smoke extractor
Boiler pump: Speed level of the boiler circuit pump
Mixer RFTMD: Mixer output for the return flow boost
Fire shutter: Relay, fire shutter drive. Below, the status of the limit switch is displayed for diagnostic
purposes. 0 limit switch off, 1 limit switch on.
Power output: Relay output (NO contact) for power, rust removal system, or boiler master-and-slave circuit
Fault 1: Relay output, fault 1 (NC contact)
Fault 2: Relay output fault (NO contact)
4.3.2 Heating circuits

Mixer: Mixer output for the forward flow temperature control system
Pump: Relay, heating circuit pump
4.3.3 DHWC

Pump: Relay, DHWC charge pump

4.3.4 Buffer

Pump: Relay, buffer charge pump or supply pump for the group with the number of the selected
buffer. Buffer 0 is charged with the boiler circuit pump and thus it does not have its own
charge pump.
4.3.5 Fuel extractor

Drive: Drive motor of the conveyor worm

Suction turbine: Conveyor fan for the pellets
Filter cleaning
system: Cleaning drive for the dust filter of the suction turbine

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4.3.6 Second boiler

Boiler pump SB: Boiler pump of the second boiler

4.4 Menu item – Network Analysis

The network analysis function is used to analyze problems of individual bus stations. The counters are reset to 0
each time there is a power failure. Additional analyses are possible with the alarm log and the alarm statistics.

4.4.1 Overview

In this screen all possible bus nodes are presented in order to analyze failures. A “–” indicates that communication
with the network station is functioning. If this is not the case the last digit of the failed node is displayed.
4.4.2 Boiler module

The error counter shows the number of communication errors with the boiler I/O module.
4.4.3 Heating circuit module

The error counter shows the number of communication errors with the heating circuit expansion modules. In
columns two to five the errors are displayed for four devices, starting with the device that has its station number
in the first column.
4.4.4 Dig. remote control unit

The error counter shows the number of communication errors with the digital remote control units. In columns
two to five the errors are displayed for four devices, starting with the device that has its station number in the first

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5 Operation, factory customer service


5.1 Menu item – Basic Settings

5.1.1 Fan

Air: Speed levels for the combustion air fan for the three power stages Partial load (P), Medium
load (M) and Nominal load (N)
Suction: Speed stages for the induced draught fan for the three power stages Partial load (P), Medium
load (M) and Nominal load (N)
Switch-off delay: Switch-off delay for the fan
Shut down: Multiplier for the switch-off delay of the combustion air fan when switching off the burner
Switch-on delay: Switch-on delay for the fan
The air quantities are pre-set when the system is commissioned. Thus the control system is adapted to the different
nominal boiler output levels and chimney draught conditions. It is only possible to precisely set the air quantities
with a flue gas measurement device. The fan speed is regulated in the lower output stages. There are 51 air stages
(0 - 50) available; and 0 corresponds to idle and 50 corresponds to the maximum speed.
To prevent boiler puff-back when switching down from nominal load to medium load, or from medium load to partial
load, all fans continue to run at the higher speed (switch-off delay, 180 seconds for example). When switching down
to ready status the primary fan continues to run for a multiple of this time (e.g. 3 x 180 s) to completely burn off the
fuel in the burner plate. When switching up to a higher output, the switch-up process of the fan speed is delayed
by 20 seconds (switch-on delay).

5.1.2 Boiler output

KWB USP: Enter the boiler size as specified on the type plate (nominal output in kW)
Nominal load, Specification of the push-in power in kW (precise specification only with exact adjustment
medium load, of the pellet factor) for the different output stages. Partial load should not exceed 30 % of
partial load: nominal load. If these settings are changed then the air stages of the fans must be adapted
to the changed settings.

5.1.3 Ignition

Feeding: Time for filling the burner with pellets

Heating: Maximum runtime of the electrical heater in the ignition lance
Complete ignition: Time until the fuel bed is completely formed

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Trials: Number of ignition attempts until an alarm is output

Flue-gas ° rise: Flue gas temperature increase at which the electrical heating switches off.

The fuel is ignited via electrically heated hot air. Prior to the ignition process fuel is pushed in during the “feeding”
time. In this phase the control system checks whether ember remnants can be kindled into flame with the fan. This
protects the ignition system and consumption of electrical energy is reduced. If the flue gas temperature does not
increase the electrical ignition switches on.
If flue gas temperature still does not increase after the set ignition time, additional fuel is pushed in (2nd attempt).
After the max. number of unsuccessful ignition attempts the control system reports a fault and switches the boiler
off (see the operating manual, point 7 “Troubleshooting”).

5.1.4 Serial number

The serial number provides the customer service organization with precise information concerning the system. It is
entered into the control system at KWB. The serial number is located on the type plate (rear of boiler).

000-0023456 / 4. Example of a serial number on the type plate

Indicates the series production status of the system
Serial number of the system

5.1.5 Operating hours

Nominal load
Medium load
Partial load: Operating hours in the three load stages
Full load hours: Full load hours (calculated from the runtime proportions)
Full load hours are the operating hours converted to the nominal load of the boiler. After 1500 full load hours at the
latest, the boiler needs to be serviced. An alarm will be displayed.
When replacing the control system, operating hours can be transferred.

5.2 Menu item – Ash Extractor

Hour: Adjustable time for the start of ash removal runtime.

Duration: Duration of ash removal system runtime

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5 Operation, factory customer service

5.3 Menu item – Save / Reset

Save: Saves the settings to read-only memory

Reset: Resets the read-only memory, activation of the factory settings
The control system parameters are stored in volatile data memory. This memory loses its values several weeks
(power reserve) after switching off the mains voltage. Consequently the parameters are copied to read-only memory
every 15 minutes.
When commissioning, or after control unit reset, the settings must always be saved once. If they are not saved then
the factory settings are reactivated. In addition, the settings must be saved if within 15 minutes after a change, the
power supply (main switch) is switched off and will remain switched off over a period of several weeks (e.g. when
commissioning in summer).

Resetting the control system resets all parameters to the factory settings.
The menu item “Reset” is shown in the specialist level, however it is only active in the KWB customer service level.

5.4 Menu item – Start / Stop Log

Index: Number of the entry in the ring memory

Start: Switch-on time
Stop: Switch-off time

The start / stop log is used to analyse the power supply for the boiler. The times of the last switch-on and switch-
off processes are recorded in a ring memory. When opening the screen, the last entry is displayed (display of last
switch-on time). Changing the index allows the previous entries to be shown.

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6 Measuring the boiler

The procedure for measuring a wood-fired boiler system is more complex than the procedure for measuring a gas-
fired or oil-fired boiler system. The wood flame reacts more slowly to adjustment and consequently requires more
time for stabilisation after changing the parameters.
It takes approximately 45 minutes (for an experienced pellet boiler installer) to 90 minutes to execute the described
work steps, in the interest of combustion quality, efficiency, and economical system operation.

6.1 Menu item – Measure Boiler

Use this function to automatically switch the automatic power control system off. Firing will remain on one load
stage. Only activate the function if the preparations for measuring have been concluded.

Normal operation: Normal heating operation boiler temperature control system

Measuring PL / Measuring partial load / medium load/nominal load Use this setting for fine adjustment of the
Measuring ML / individual power stages with flue gas measuring device.

Measuring NL:
The system does NOT switch off automatically in this function.
Only select this function if you are prepared to constantly monitor the system!

6.2 Preparations for measuring the boiler

The following points must be complied with in order to obtain meaningful measurement results:
The boiler should have been in operation for an extended period. If this is not the case the emission values
(CO and HC) will be too high due to the evaporation of the paint finish on the boiler and of the oil covering applied in
manufacturing. However the CO2 content of the flue gas can also be adjusted when commissioning.

1. The measuring device must be in order (measuring cells OK, hoses impermeable and free of obstructions,
checked regularly).
2. Set the fuel: Wood dry (theoretical maximum CO2 value at ideal combustion: CO2 max = 19.4 %)
3. The measuring device must be calibrated in pure air.
4. The measurement must be taken in the core flow of the flue gas (particularly at low power levels).
The flue gas temperature is highest in the core flow.
5. The boiler should have no leaks. Infiltrated air reduces the efficiency.
6. The measured values must be stable. If there are strong fluctuations the fuel bed must be inspected.
7. Measurements (chimney draught and emission measurements) must be taken with the boiler room door
8. The measurement should be possible in “Measuring NL” mode (see point 6.1), control measurements are
possible in the other output stages.

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6 Measuring the boiler

6.3 Adjusting combustion (CO2 value)

Estimate the pellet factor (= fuel factor)

(Factory setting: 100 %). The pellet factor is used to adjust the boiler to the density and the energy content of the
pellets. Pellets of normal quality burn at a pellet factor of approximately 100 % with the right CO2 value of 10 - 11.5 %.
Adjustment of the pellet factor is described in the operating manual, point “Menu item – Fuel Factor”

Pellets with hard wood content or pellets that are pressed at high temperature (extremely
hard, extremely glassy surface), require more time for complete burnout. In this case a
lower pellet factor (e.g. 80 %) may be required.

Measuring mode is only permitted under supervision, because the system does not
switch off when the boiler temperature is reached. Ensure that there is adequate heat


Combustion can be roughly estimated based on the burner plate Combustion

at stable operation. Carbonisation

Allow boiler to run for approximately 10 minutes at nominal Feed

load (Setting on “Measuring NL”, see point 6.1).

Check the draught (setpoint 0.1 to 0.2 mbar = 10 to 20 Pa) and

adjust via the draught control shutter.

Check the flame aspect: 6 Combustion process on the burner plate

Combustion on the burner plate at stable operation should show a ring of ash, 1 - 3 cm in width on the outer edge
(see Fig. 73). There should be no unburned pellets on the edge of the burner plate, or in the ash box. The fuel bed
should be formed uniformly over the perimeter of the plate.

Measure CO2 (setpoint: 10 % - 11.5 %):

Usually the CO2 value fluctuates slightly. However fluctuation should not exceed 11.5 %.

If necessary adjust the fuel factor until CO 2 oscillates between 10 % and 11.5 %:
If there is excessive CO2 content, decrease the fuel factor in 5 % increments or
If there is insufficient CO2 content, increase the fuel factor in 5 % increments.

Only change the pellet factor in nominal load mode! Occasionally re-adjust the chimney
draught as needed. Wait approximately 5 minutes between readjustment of the draught
or fuel factor and taking new measurements; allow the CO2 value to stabilise!

After concluding the measurements store the settings, (see point 5.2) and set the user code “0” (operator level) in
the main menu item “Specialist level”.

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6 Measuring the boiler

6.4 Re-adjusting the air stages

Usually it is only necessary to adjust the blower stages when adjusting the output (e.g. boosting the partial load
stage, to avoid flue gas temperatures that are too low: In the “Basic Settings / Fan” menu). An effective chimney
height that is too low can also require a boost in power in the partial load range to achieve greater draught in this
case. Here usually the factory settings for medium load are transferred into the settings for partial load. However
they can also be used for fine adjustment of the CO2 in the specific load stages and/or they can be used for fine
adjustment of the chimney draught.
The air stages can only be changed on the customer service level.

The factory settings are:

Easyfire Fan P/M/N 9, 12, 18
USP-10: Induced draught P/M/N 9, 12, 18
Easyfire Fan P/M/N 12, 18, 31
USP-15: Induced draught P/M/N 12, 18, 31
Easyfire Fan P/M/N 16, 31, 42
USP-20: Induced draught P/M/N 16, 31, 42
Easyfire Fan P/M/N 24, 35, 43
USP-25: Induced draught P/M/N 24, 35, 43
Easyfire Fan P/M/N 27, 40, 47
USP-30: Induced draught P/M/N 27, 40, 47
Fan: Fan stage of the combustion air fan (stages 6…50)
Induced draft: Fan stage of the induced draught fan (stages 9…50)
P/M/N: Partial load / medium load / nominal load

Rules for adjusting the air stages

Prior to changing the air stages the pellet factor must be correctly set in nominal load operation (see 6.3).
After each change you must check the CO2 (after combustion stabilises).
If chimney draught is insufficient (setpoint 0.1 to 0.2 bar = 10 to 20 Pa) it can be boosted via the speed level of the
induced draught fan. However the level should not be increased by more than 3. If in this process CO2 content drops
excessively this can be compensated by lowering the level of the combustion air fan.
For CO2 fine adjustment in partial load: The induced draught fan level should be equal to, or 3 levels lower (not
greater!) than the combustion air fan stage. Combustion air enters into the combustion chamber from below. If in
this process the quantity of combustion air is too low, then in partial load operation a lambent flame develops that
is no longer specifically directed in the direction of the post-combustion ring.
Cases where fan levels deviate by more than 3 from the factory settings are rare.
After concluding the adjustment process, save the settings, (see point 5.2) and set the user code “0” (operator level)
in the main menu item “Specialist level”.

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6 Measuring the boiler

6.5 Boiler analysis: Fuel

The seal of quality of the Pellet Association (PVD/PVA) and DIN CERTCO certification offer effective assurance that
you have received quality pellets. However we always recommend that you perform several simple tests when
pellets are delivered. These are simple tests that anyone can perform, although some of these tests are quite

• Visual inspection of condition and size:

Only a small proportion of dust and abraded particles should be contained. The prescribed pellet diameter
is 6 mm. The majority of pellets should be 20 mm in length (10 to 35 mm), individual pellets to 45 mm in
length can be included. Pellets that are too long can cause blockages in systems with type GL and GS fuel
• Visual inspection of surface and colour:
The pellets should have a smooth, shiny surface that is free of transverse or longitudinal cracks. They should
have the colour of wood chips, or they should only be slightly darker. Often pellets that are too dark are too
hard. Also pellets that are too dark can have excessive bark content.
• Rubbing test:
Take a handful of pellets and rub them between your hands with moderate pressure for 2 - 3 s; there should
only be a few abraded particles.
• Pulling test:
Hold a single pellet on both ends and pull it without twisting it or bending it. The pellet should yield to the
pulling force and break apart. This means that expenditure of force is required to pull the pellet apart: however
you should be able to pull the pellet apart.
• Float test:
The pellets should sink in clean, cold water. If you leave them in water, after approximately 20 - 30 sec.
a dissolving process starts, which is concluded after 2 - 3 min.

The following always applies:

Obtain a guarantee of pellet quality from your supplier.
The quality is more important than the price!

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6 Measuring the boiler

6.6 Boiler analysis: Flame aspect

• Orange: with wine-red tips that transition to black threads: Lack of oxygen
• Inside blue to dark red: Combustion temperature (to) low
• Glistening white: Combustion temperature (too) high
• Sparking: A lot of sparks means a lot of fly ash

6.7 Boiler analysis: Odour

• “Smokehouse odour”: Stings the eyes when opening the combustion chamber door: High hydrocarbon content
and CO values, wet, resinous fuel.
• “Coal-burning stove odour”: Lack of oxygen, high CO values, soot

6.8 Boiler analysis: Ash

• Cement-like, heavy, snow-white to dark grey, does not get black: Wood ash, colour depends on the ash
composition and on the combustion temperature: In order.
• Extremely fine, light, mealy: Paper ash! Should not occur.
• Coarse, angular: Soil, sand, glass, cement content in the fuel! Should not occur.
• Coarse, rounded, melted: Metal, grain content sinters the ash together, ash melts due to high temperatures
(extremely rare)! Should not occur.
• Charcoal pieces, fine: Fine fuel particles are blown off of the plate! Should not occur, measurements are
• Charcoal pieces, coarse: Coarse fuel particles are overthrust! Should not occur, measurements are required.
• Ash quantity: A lot of ash (more than 2 % of the fuel quantity) always means impurities and unusual ash behaviour.
(For example bark has up to 10 % ash (10 x the quantity) relative to standard pellets)! Should not occur.

6.9 Boiler analysis: Coatings in the combustion chamber

• Glossy soot (glossy black, hard): Poor combustion or no after combustion (puff-back); the unburned flue gases
condense on the boiler wall.
• Black shreds hanging from the combustion chamber ceiling: Boiler leak; glossy soot occurs when the boiler
is at a standstill and burned off at full load. Danger of chimney fire!
• Soot (dull black, mealy, stringy, beard formation): Lack of air or combustion is too cold; carbon precipitates
when the flue gas cools.
• Light to white, mealy: High combustion temperature; volatile ash content condenses on the boiler wall.
• Light to white, beard formation: With proportion of volatile ash; grain, grass impurities.

Maintenance instruction:
The flue gas channels must be cleaned regularly in accordance with the chimney sweep

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7 Flue gas measurement


7.1 Brief information on flue gas values

Designation Abbreviation Good value Comment

Carbon dioxide CO2 10 - 11.5 % Jointly responsible for the greenhouse effect. The CO2 that
occurs with combustion is bonded as a plant nutrient by the
growing wood. Consequently wood is “CO2 neutral”.
Oxygen O2 8.5 - 10 % Residual oxygen from the combustion air
Carbon monoxide CO <500 - Strong blood toxin; prevents transport of oxygen in the blood,
1000 mg/Nm³ is quickly decomposed in air.
13 % O2
Nitrogen oxide NOx <200 - Respiratory toxin; highly dependent on the nitrogen content
500 mg/Nm³ of the fuel; the limit values must only be complied with for
13 % O2 nitrogen content < 0.15 % by weight.
Hydrocarbons HC A wide variety of harmful compounds, “wood fire odour”, they
behave like CO, complex measurement
Dust <50 mg/Nm³ Fine fly ash and particles of soot, depending on the dust content
13 % O2 of the fuel
Firing efficiency Eta [η] >88 - 95 % depends on CO2 content and flue gas temperature, (approximate
boiler efficiency + 2 %)

7.1.1 Emission value units

Unfortunately a standard unit is not used for emission values in the different directives and standards. To be
precise, the conversion is quite complex because many influence factors must be taken into consideration. The
accompanying table suffices for an approximate estimate calculation.

Abbreviation Designation Comment

% CO2 and O2 Percentage by volume (m³/m³) Measured in dry flue gas (without water vapour)
ppm parts per million (cm³/m³) = 0.0001 percentage by volume

mg/Nm³ 10 % O2 Milligrams per standard cubic Reference value is 1 cubic meter flue gas at 0 °C and 1.013 bar
meterResidual oxygen in the flue and a residual oxygen content of the flue gas of 10 %
gas 10 %
mg/MJ Milligrams per mega joule Reference value is the lower heating value of the fuel in MJ
mg/kWh Milligrams per kilowatt hour Reference value is the lower heating value of the fuel in kWh

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7 Flue gas measurement

7.1.2 Conversion factors for emission values for wood-fired furnaces

(Coniferous wood in accordance with ÖNORM M7312 at 30 % w, source: BLT Wieselburg)

Carbon dioxide CO [ppm] at [ppm] at [mg/Nm³] [mg/Nm³] [mg/MJ] [mg/kWh]

13 % O2 10 % O2 at 13 % O2 at 10 % O2
1 [ppm] at 13 % O2 = 1.00 1.38 1.25 1.72 0.85 3.07
1 [ppm] at 10 % O2 = 0.73 1.00 0.91 1.25 0.62 2.23
1 [mg/Nm³] at 13 % O2 = 0.80 1.10 1.00 1.38 0.68 2.45
1 [mg/Nm³] at 10 % O2 = 0.58 0.80 0.73 1.00 0.5 1.78
1 [mg/MJ] = 1.17 1.61 1.47 2.02 1.00 3.60
1 [mg/kWh] = 0.33 0.45 0.41 0.56 0.28 1.00
Nitrogen oxide [ppm] at [ppm] at [mg/Nm³] [mg/Nm³] [mg/MJ] [mg/kWh]
13 % O2 10 % O2 at 13 % O2 at 10 % O2
1 [ppm] at 13 % O2 = 1.00 1.38 2.05 2.82 1.40 5.03
1 [ppm] at 10 % O2 = 0.73 1.00 1.49 2.05 1.02 3.66
1 [mg/Nm³] at 13 % O2 = 0.49 0.67 1.00 1.38 0.68 2.45
1 [mg/Nm³] at 10 % O2 = 0.35 0.49 0.73 1.00 0.50 1.78
1 [mg/MJ] = 0.72 0.98 1.47 2.02 1.00 3.60
1 [mg/kWh] = 0.20 0.27 0.41 0.56 0.28 1.00
Hydrocarbons [ppm] at [ppm] at [mg/Nm³] [mg/Nm³] [mg/MJ] [mg/kWh]
13 % O2 10 % O2 at 13 % O2 at 10 % O2
1 [ppm] at 13 % O2 =
1 [ppm] at 10 % O2 =
1 [mg/Nm³] at 13 % O2 = 1.00 1.38 0.68 2.45
1 [mg/Nm³] at 10 % O2 = 0.73 1.00 0.50 1.78
1 [mg/MJ] = 1.47 2.02 1.00 3.60
1 [mg/kWh] = 0.41 0.56 0.28 1.00
Dust [ppm] at [ppm] at [mg/Nm³] [mg/Nm³] [mg/MJ] [mg/kWh]
13 % O2 10 % O2 at 13 % O2 at 10 % O2
1 [ppm] at 13 % O2 =
1 [ppm] at 10 % O2 =
1 [mg/Nm³] at 13 % O2 = 1.00 1.38 0.68 2.45
1 [mg/Nm³] at 10 % O2 = 0.73 1.00 0.50 1.78
1 [mg/MJ] = 1.47 2.02 1.00 3.60
1 [mg/kWh] = 0.41 0.56 0.28 1.00

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7 Flue gas measurement

7.1.3 Conversion, combustion efficiency

Combustion efficiency in %
Air intake temperature 20 °C Flue gas temperature °C
O2 CO2 Lambda 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260
% by vol. % by vol.
1 19.8 1.05 98.1 97.1 96.2 95.2 94.3 93.3 92.4 91.4 90.5 89.5 88.6
2 18.8 1.10 98.0 97.0 96.0 95.0 94.1 93.1 92.1 91.1 90.1 89.1 88.1
3 17.8 1.17 97.9 96.9 95.9 94.8 93.8 92.8 91.7 90.7 89.7 88.6 87.6
4 16.8 1.23 97.8 96.8 95.7 94.6 93.5 92.4 91.3 90.3 89.2 88.1 87.0
5 15.8 1.31 97.7 96.6 95.5 94.3 93.2 92.0 90.9 89.8 88.6 87.5 86.4
6 14.8 1.40 97.6 96.4 95.2 94.0 92.8 91.6 90.4 89.2 88.0 86.8 85.6
7 13.9 1.50 97.5 96.2 94.9 93.7 92.4 91.1 89.9 88.6 87.3 86.1 84.8
8 12.9 1.61 97.3 96.0 94.6 93.3 91.9 90.6 89.2 87.9 86.5 85.2 83.8
9 11.9 1.75 97.1 95.7 94.2 92.8 91.4 89.9 88.5 87.0 85.6 84.1 82.7
10 10.9 1.90 96.9 95.3 93.8 92.2 90.7 89.1 87.6 86.0 84.5 82.9 81.4
11 9.9 2.09 96.6 94.9 93.3 91.6 89.9 88.2 86.5 84.8 83.1 81.5 79.8
12 8.9 2.33 96.3 94.5 92.6 90.8 88.9 87.1 85.2 83.4 81.5 79.7 77.8
13 7.9 2.62 95.9 93.8 91.8 89.7 87.7 85.6 83.6 81.5 79.5 77.4 75.4
14 6.9 2.99 95.4 93.1 90.7 88.4 86.1 83.8 81.5 79.2 76.9 74.5 72.2
15 5.9 3.49 94.7 92.0 89.3 86.7 84.0 81.4 78.7 76.0 73.4 70.7 68.0
16 4.9 4.18 93.7 90.5 87.4 84.2 81.1 77.9 74.8 71.6 68.5 65.3 62.2
17 4.0 5.23 92.2 88.3 84.5 80.6 76.7 72.8 68.9 65.0 61.1 57.3 53.4
18 3.0 6.97 89.8 84.7 79.6 74.5 69.4 64.2 59.1 54.0 48.9 43.8 38.7
19 2.0 10.45 84.9 77.3 69.8 62.2 54.7 47.1 39.6 32.0 24.5 16.9 9.4
Mathematical combustion efficiency as a function of the combustion air at various flue gas temperatures for the combustion of wood

Combustion efficiency, wood W20 at various flue gas temperatures


95,0 60
90,0 100


Efficiency %

80,0 160
70,0 220
65,0 260
4,0 6,0 8,0 10,0 12,0 14,0 16,0
% byVol%

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7 Flue gas measurement

7.1.4 Information on carbon dioxide (CO2)

• Unit: %, to be more precise: Percentage by volume based on the dry flue gas
• Occurs each time carbon is combusted (even when breathing, approximately 3 %), plant nutrient, greenhouse
• Odourless and colourless gas, non-toxic but asphyxiating
• CO2 also occurs naturally when wood is burned. However because it is used again in the same year by growing
trees the greenhouse effect is not increased
• Maximum value when burning wood (CO2 max): 19.4 %
• The CO2 content should be between 10 and 11.5 %
• Values above 14 % (lack of air) cause boiler soot
• Values under 9 % result in low efficiency, with damp fuel they result in low combustion temperatures.

7.1.5 Residual oxygen (02)

• (Residual) oxygen: Remains after combustion
• Unit: %, to be more precise: Percentage by volume based on the dry flue gas
• Is required for all combustion and for every life process (breathing, decomposition)
• Odourless and colourless gas, total combustion in pure O2
• Air has an O2 content of 21 %
• The O2 content can be calculated directly from the CO2:
%O2 = 21 – %CO2

7.1.6 Air ratio number

• Ratio of combustion air quantity to the minimum air requirement
• The minimum air requirement for combustion is the minimum air quantity that theoretically is required for
combustion of a fuel (CO2 = 21 %, λ = 1)
• The air ratio λ should be between 1.9 and 2.3.
• The air ratio can be directly calculated from the O 2 content or the CO2 content:
λ = 21/ %CO = 21/(21– %O2)

7.1.7 Carbon monoxide (CO)

• Units: ppm, mg/Nm³ at 13 % O2, mg/MJ
• CO occurs if there is incomplete combustion of carbon due to a lack of oxygen, or combustion temperatures
that are too low
• Odourless and colourless gas
• Blocks transport of oxygen in the blood (death due to gas, flue gas poisoning)

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7 Flue gas measurement

Concentrations and effects on human beings:

>2.500 ppm Death after a few minutes

1000 ppm Heart palpitations after 30 minutes, dizziness after 1.5 hours, headache, confusion, delirium,
nausea after 2 hours, death after 6 hours
400 ppm Headache and nausea after 1 to 2 hours
100 ppm Significant impairment to health only after continuous inhalation

Limit value: 30 ppm – Maximum workplace concentration (MAK value)

7.1.8 Nitrogen oxides (NOX)

• Nitrogen oxide (approximately 95 %) and NO2
• Units: ppm, mg/Nm³ at 13 % O2, mg/MJ
• NOx occurs when wood is combusted; from the nitrogen of the wood. Currently it can barely be influenced by
the boiler setting.
• NO is measured. NOx is calculated from the measurement.
• NO2 is a red-brown gas
• Irritates the lungs and causes ozone formation and acid rain

With natural wood (nitrogen content < 0.15 % by weight) the limit value must be maintained. If there are impurities
(clay, grain, etc.) that contain nitrogen the nitrogen oxide values increase. Significantly increased measured values
always indicate such impurities.

7.1.9 Hydrocarbons (HC, CxHy, Corg)

• Hydrocarbons, many different substances (gases, tar, smoke, acids)
• Units: ppm, mg/Nm³ at 13 % O2, mg/MJ
• CxHy occur with gasification of the wood, before it burns. They are only found in the flue gas if there is
incomplete combustion, due to combustion temperatures that are too low.
• Difficult to measure due to the many compounds. However the emissions behave like the CO emissions behave
in the combustion of pure wood.
• “Smokehouse odour”, stinging heavy smoke, causes smog

7.1.10 Dust
• All solid particles in the flue gas: Fly ash, soot and fuel particles
• Unit: mg/Nm³ at 13 % O2, mg/MJ
• The dust values are increased with fine fuels and if there is significant lack of oxygen (soot formation). In the
first case dust values can be lowered slightly with less primary air. In the second case dust values can be
lowered by supplying more oxygen.
• Different measurement processes are used:
Ringelmann scale: Soot content is determined via the degree of blackening of a filter disk or
Gravimetric determination: Flue gas is suctioned through a glass fibre filter. This filter is weighed before and
after the measurement. (1st Ordinance on Waste Incineration and Co-Incineration (BimSchV), type test).

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7 Flue gas measurement

7.1.11 Efficiency (η)

• Combustion efficiency measures the content of fuel energy that remains after subtracting the flue gas losses
(approximately 5 - 10 %) and the losses due to incomplete burnout (extremely low).
• Boiler efficiency is the measure of the content of fuel energy that remains after subtracting the flue gas
losses, the losses due to incomplete burnout, and the casing losses of the boiler surface (approximately
0.5 - 2 %).
• Flue gas losses depend on the flue gas temperature and on the CO 2 content of the flue gas.
• Annual efficiency coefficient (65 - 80 %) is the ratio of thermal energy required per year to the fuel energy
consumed. Here standstill, start-up and distribution losses of the heating system are taken into account.
• Flue gas temperature increases with
- higher combustion temperature,
- higher levels of excess air or
- a heavier ash coating of the heat exchanger
• Combustion temperature increases with
- lower levels of fuel moisture or
- lower levels of excess air

7.1.12 Draught
• Draught is the negative pressure in the smoke pipe relative to the ambient pressure.
• Units: 1 hPas (hectopascal) = 100 Pas = 1 mbar
• Optimal value: 0.1 – 0.2 mbar
• Chimney draught can be adjusted via the draught regulating shutter. With the induced draught fan the
conveyor pressure is increased and the draught requirement is decreased, however the chimney draught is
not increased!
• Poor draught at: Lower flue gas temperature (insulate the smoke pipe) narrow smoke pipe/chimney (fly ash)
horizontal or angled smoke pipe/chimney, down draught, or permeable smoke pipe (draught control shutter)
• Excessive draught: Causes high levels of excess air, a lot of fly ash, high standstill losses.
• Insufficient draught: Causes a lack of air with large boilers, smoke escapes in the boiler room, heat
accumulation in the substructure, puff-back into the tank and the fans.

7.2 Incorrect measurements – causes

7.2.1 Causes associated with operation
Suction nozzle is not in the core flow: If the flue gas is suctioned out in a “dead” corner in terms of flow, the
measured values change too slowly. The flue gas temperature is incorrect.
No reliable value: Because the measured values fluctuate, a mean value must be expressed. To do this the measured
values must be observed for at least 5 minutes.
Unstable burner condition: Only take the measurement when the fuel bed is stabilised (does not increase, does
not decrease). This can take up to 30 minutes at low output levels.

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7 Flue gas measurement

7.2.2 Causes associated with the measuring device

Measuring cells are not in order:
Pay attention to the display when calibrating. The function can be checked under “Service”.

Measuring device leaks:

All hose connections and condensate tanks must be sealed. Check by keeping the intake opening closed briefly. The
pump noise must be clearly muffled.

Measured gas flow is insufficient (intake path is blocked or pump is defective):

Recognizable if there is no suction on the intake opening and the measured value only changes extremely slowly.
A cause can be a water drop in the pump valve (device must dry out for an entire day with hoses disconnected). Never
blow through the hoses with the device connected! (This will render pump and draught measurement defective).

Calibration executed in air that is not clean:

Often the CO and CO2 values are slightly increased on the floor of the boiler room. Measurement device filters and
hoses that are blocked with soot also give off CO and CO 2 when they are warm.

7.2.3 Causes associated with the boiler

Secondary air discharge in the combustion chamber:
The boiler door and the ash box must be sealed. For ash removal systems, fill the ash worm holes in the ash box
with ash and press lightly.
Entry of secondary air between flue gas collector and measurement bore:
The measurement bore should be 50 cm behind the induced draught fan. The flue gas path (maintenance cover,
shackle, muffs) must be completely sealed. If there is a strong chimney draught, air can enter at the shaft of the
induced draught fan. If in doubt drill a second bore in the smoke pipe box and compare the CO 2 value.
Undesired fuels increase CO2 and CO values:
With new boilers there is an outgassing of paint, lubricating grease, and the binders in the insulating materials of the
boiler doors. With old boilers existing soot coatings or unburned content in the ash can also combust.

7.2.4 Causes for the measurement sensor

The following faults also occur when the measurement has been absolutely correctly executed. However they are
negligible for boiler adjustment:

Measurement tolerances of the device (MRU Nova H8):

Temperature: ± 2 °C
O2 content ± 02 % by volume
CO content: ± 25 ppm
Draught: ± 0.03 mbar

Standard values for the conversion in the measurement device:

The measurement device calculates the other values from the measured values cited above, on the display panel.
In this process standard values are assumed for fuel characteristic values (calorific value, water content, chemical
analysis that do not agree with the characteristics of the fuel used (emission values in mg/MJ, efficiency).

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8 Software maintenance

The KWB Comfort 3.xx control system is always delivered with the latest software version. So that the control
system can be updated to future software versions as easily as possible, the boiler control unit is equipped with
flash memory that is updated via a programming interface. There are two possibilities for this. The existing handheld
programming devices can be used. The other possibility is to transfer the software directly to the boiler control unit
from a personal computer.

Do not execute a software update on the digital room control units. Although these
devices do have the same connector, they can only be updated in the factory. If this
instruction is not complied with the devices can be damaged!

8.1 Software transfer with PC

With a personal computer the software can be transferred to the handheld programming device as well as directly
to the boiler control unit.
8.1.1 Prerequisites
The prerequisites for executing a software update from a personal computer are listed below:

• IBM PC, PS/2 or compatible from Pentium 133

• Microsoft Windows from 95 or Windows NT from 4.0
• VGA graphic card or higher value
• RAM in accordance with the minimum requirement for the operating system
• Hard disk size at least 1 GB
• Serial interface (D-SUB 9 male)
Software download toolAs a Competence Partner the download tool for the respective software version can either
be sent to you per mail, or you can download it onto your PC from the partner area of the KWB web site.
• Cable:

Null modem cable (KWB art. no. 50080001) Programming adapter (KWB art. no. 50080002)

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8 Software maintenance

8.1.2 Software transfer to the boiler control unit

To transfer software to the boiler control unit proceed as follows:
1. Note the setting data of the controller, if this data will need to be re-entered.
2. Switch off the boiler control unit (must be de-energized for the connection)
3. Connect the null modem cable to a serial interface of your PC.
4. Connect the other end of the null model cable to the programming adapter.
5. Connect the programming adapter to the programming connector of the boiler control unit.

Connecting the programming adapter

6. Switch on the boiler controller unit again to transfer the software.

7. On the PC start the download tool for the software version that will be transferred.

Start Download

8. Select the serial port that is connected to the null model cable.

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8 Software maintenance

9. Activate the transfer with max. baud rate.

10. Click “Start Download”.

Start Download?

11. Confirm the query with “Yes” to execute the download to the boiler control unit.
The download process will now be executed. It takes approximately 3 minutes.

8.1.3 Software transfer to the handheld programming unit

Power supply: Connect to a 9V battery (rechargeable) or the supplied power supply.

1. Switch off the handheld programming unit prior to connecting the cable (connect in a de-energised state).
2. Connect the null modem cable to a serial interface of your PC.
3. Connect the other end of the null model cable to the handheld programming unit.

Slide the on/off switch up; “HAND-PG 7.2 1” will be displayed in the first line.

Check the battery voltage:

Press the F2 function key

Check the content of the memory locations:

1. Select the program memory location.
2. Activate the F1 key.

Prepare the program storage location:

When re-allocating the program storage location, to ensure that old data does not remain in the memory location,
you must delete the previous programs in the memory location.
1. Select the desired program memory location (P1 - P4).
2. Activate the F4 key.
3. Activate the F4 key again (if this program memory location should not yet be deleted, simply press any key
other than the F4 key).

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8 Software maintenance

1. Select the program memory location (the number in the upper right corner shows the current program memory
2. Press the upload button (so that the device is ready to receive).
3 On the PC, start the download tool for the software version that will be transferred.

Start Download

4. Select the serial port that is connected to the null model cable.
5. Activate the transfer with max. baud rate.
6. Click “Start Download”.

Start Download?

7. To execute the download on the handheld programming unit confirm with “Yes”.

The download process will now be executed and it lasts approximately 3 minutes.

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8 Software maintenance

8.2 Software transfer with handheld programming unit

8.2.1 Prerequisites
The current software version that will be transferred to the boiler control unit must already be saved on the handheld
programming unit. If this is not the case then the software version must first be transferred from a personal
computer to the handheld programming unit as described in point 8.1.
• Null modem cable (see point 8.1.1)
• Programming adapter (see point 8.1.1)
• Handheld programming unit

8.2.2 Description, handheld programming unit

The handheld programming unit is used to transfer the current software version to the electronics. It has four
program memory locations. This means that four software versions can be stored. (For example for different boiler

Interface Connection
for power supply

On / off switch Display

Program keys


Function keys

Handheld programming device (KWB art. no. 13-1000093)

8.2.3 Software transfer to the boiler control unit

Power supply: Connect to a 9 V battery (rechargeable) or the supplied power supply.

Switch-on: Slide the on / off switch up; “HAND-PG 7.2 1” will be displayed in the first line.
Check the battery voltage: Press the F2 function key

Check the content

of the memory locations: Select the 1st program memory location.
2. Activate the F1 key.
HAND PG 1 Program 1 contains
V: ComfortPE305.mtk Comfort Version 3.05 user interface
A: --- No AWL program
C: main.x C-program

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8 Software maintenance

Transfer software:
1. Note the setting data of the controller, if this data will need to be re-entered.
2. Switch off the boiler control unit (must be de-energized for the connection).
3. Connect the handheld programming device to the supplied null modem cable.
4. Connect the other end of the null model cable to the programming adapter.
5. Connect the programming adapter to the programming connector of the boiler control unit.

Connecting the programming adapter

6. Switch on the boiler control unit for transfer.

7. Select the program that will be installed:
Program key Controller type Hardware revision according to type plate Boiler type
P1 50014000+50014001 31.0006 Easyfire
P2 50015000+50015001 21.0004 Multifire
P3 50015100+50015101 12.0005 Classicfire
P4 Powerfire
Standard assignment of the program memory locations

Naturally the assignment can also be different, since each Competence Partner can custom-assign a program
memory location from the PC with the download tool.The number in the upper right corner shows the current
program memory location.
8. Click the download button.
After the complete transfer you will hear a beep and the handheld programming device will return to the switch on
message. During the transfer process all buttons are blocked. If a transfer error is present, the handheld programming
device will beep five times and the display will show the message “TRANSFER ERROR – press button”. Press any
key to return to the switch-on message.
Deleting a program memory location:
This function deletes the selected program. It must be executed if you want to re-assign the program memory
locations from the personal computer:
1. Select the program memory location.
2. Activate the F4 key.
3. Activate the F4 key again. (If this project memory location should not yet be deleted, then simply press
a different key)
Transferring the program onto the handheld programming device:
As Competence Partner you can execute this yourself from a PC as described in point 8.1.3.

8.3 Troubleshooting
If the program transfer did not work, check:
• Whether the null modem cable and/or the programming adapter is firmly seated.
• For the handheld programming device: check whether the supply cable is connected.
• For the handheld programming device: Check whether the supply voltage is sufficient (F2 key).
• For the handheld programming device: Check whether it functions after delete and re-installation.
• For the PC: Check whether you have set the right interface.
• For the PC: Check whether it functions with a different serial interface.

Repeat the transfer. If the problem persists contact the KWB customer service organization.

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9 Fabric tank


Fabric tank with inclined worm

9.1 General information about the fabric tank

For pellet storage without fabric tank the customer must be provide the sloped floor.
When installing the fabric tank, thanks to its design you are also installing the sloped floor.

Ensure that all structural requirements are strictly satisfied:

• Point 1.3 to 1.3.2 in the introduction
• Point 9.2 to 9.7.3
Inform the owner of the system of any defects that might be present.
The fire safety regulations must be satisfied before commissioning!

9.2 Fabric tank and fuel extractor

Pellets can be supplied from the fabric tank to the KWB Easyfire with the following KWB fuel extractors:
• Inclined worm Type S
• Fan with removal pot Type GL

KWB fuel extractors are described in sections 10 to 16.

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9 Fabric tank

9.3 Room size

The minimum required room size can be determined with information provided in the technical data sheet MBL-USP-
MBDK0007 or in the following table.
Minimum room height of 220 cm is strictly required!
Tank type– square Fabric tank Fabric tank Fabric tank
ZG 3000 ZG 3500 ZG 5000
Length Width Length Width Length Width
Minimum room dimensions [cm] 205 205 235 235 295 295
Fill side [cm] + 30 – + 30 – + 30 –
Minimum room size* [cm] 235 205 265 235 325 295
Fill quantity ** [t] 2,8 - 3,2 3,1 - 3,6 4,6 - 5,4
Tank type– rectangular Fabric tank Fabric tank Fabric tank
ZG 3400 ZG 4000 ZG 4800
Length Width Length Width Length Width
Minimum room dimensions [cm] 235 205 295 205 295 235
Fill side [cm] + 30 – + 30 – + 30 –
Minimum room size* [cm] 265 205 325 205 325 235
Fill quantity ** [t] 3,0 - 3,4 3,5 - 4,0 4,2 - 4,8
9 Tank dimensions

* On the sides of the room where the fill units are attached, the room width must be at least 30 cm greater than
the minimum dimension. After cleaning re-check the minimum room size.
** Minimum fill quantity at a room height of 220 cm
** Minimum fill quantity at a room height of 240 cm

Please re-check the room dimensions before you start with the set-up.

9.4 Room fixtures

Room fixtures, such as drain pipes, ceiling hooks, water pipes, must be removed before setting up the fabric tank,
if these elements impair installation. There should be no pointed or sharp objects in the area of the fabric tank. If you
cannot remove such objects you must cover them.

9.5 Room condition

The floor must be horizontal or unevenness must be corrected with
substrates. The bearing capacity of the floor must be suitable for a
point load per vertical support of at least 1500 kg.
ZG5000: 286 cm, ZG4800: 226 cm
ZG3500: 226 cm, ZG4000: 196 cm
ZG3000: 196 cm, ZG3400: 196 cm

Fabric tank – base plates

Normal cellar-moist walls are not a problem – however condensation
Configuration, foundation:
should not occur. at least 1500 kg per plate

ZG3000: 196 cm, ZG3400: 226 cm

ZG3500: 226 cm, ZG4000: 286 cm
ZG5000: 286 cm, ZG4800: 256 cm

Fabric tank – base plates


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9 Fabric tank

9.6 Room ventilation

The air with which the pellets are blown in must be able to escape. A cross section of at least 170 cm² must be
provided. Wall penetrations, windows, empty chimneys are permissible. The fabric tank consists of filter fabric -
therefore dust does not accumulate. Extraction of the blow-in air is not necessary.

9.7 Fire safety

9.7.1 Austria
The fabric tank must be set up in a different room that is separated from the boiler. The enclosing walls and the
ceiling of the set-up room must satisfy the specifications of fire resistance class F90. Doors in the set-up room must
be executed as T30 fire safety doors – this also applies for doors between the heating room and the set-up room.

– 12 cm gypsum plaster, plastered on both sides
– 12 cm clay brick, plastered on both sides
– 17 cm hollow block, plastered on both sides
– 10 cm concrete wall
– Single-plank wall construction with F90 planking

For outdoor setup F90 cladding is not required if the minimum clearances for flashover are maintained (information:
Municipal authorities).
Lights, switches, and power outlets are permitted in the set-up room (no dust concentration). However lights must
be outside of the fabric tank area.
Fill and vent lines that are routed through adjacent rooms must in this case only satisfy F90 fire requirements if they
are routed through areas that are subject to fire hazard (garages, boiler room, etc.).

9.7.2 Switzerland
The Austrian regulations apply analogously. However instead of F90 only fire resistance class F60 is required.

9.7.3 Germany
For pellet heating systems to 50 kW nominal output the fabric tank can be set up in the same room where the
boiler is set up. However a minimum distance of 1.0 meter between fabric tank and boiler must be maintained. This
minimum distance can also be underranged if a non-flammable heat protection shield is installed between boiler
and fabric tank.

Explain the hazard sources to the customers. Fire safety regulations must be satisfied
prior to commissioning.

9.8 Completion and concluding inspection

Ensure that the extractor nozzle is now located in the centre of the fabric tank.

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9 Fabric tank

If this is not the case then push the fabric tank unit far enough until the location is right.
right wrong wrong

Final inspection

You must check the vertical supports and the horizontal supports
to ensure that they are also vertical or horizontal. If this is not
the case then for vertical supports compensate with metal plates
or strong wooden boards. Ultimately the vertical supports will be
anchored to the floor with frame bolts and floor plugs.

Fastening, base plates

After completely installing the fabric tank, you must re-check the following installation steps and correct any
installation defects that may have occurred.

• Proper fastening of the bolts on the fabric tank!
• Proper fastening of the fabric tank on the floor!
• Proper placement of the vertical supports in the floor plates.
• Slightly loosen the bolts between the base plate and vertical support. Then check whether the vertical supports
are solidly seated on the base plates. Then retighten the screws.
• Check the inclination of the vertical supports with a water level
• Check the entire fabric tank frame for stability!
• Check whether the hanger loops of the fabric tank are centred!
• Ensure that the fill openings on the fabric tank that are not used are tightly sealed.
• Ensure that the fill tube is fastened in a stable manner!
• Verify that the fill nozzle on the filling tube is properly fastened by tightening the hose clamp!
• Verify that the fabric tank nozzle on the gate valve and removal system is properly fastened by tightening the
hose clamp!

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9 Fabric tank

9.9 Filling instructions (see also the posted information in the storage room and the last page
of this manual)

9.9.1 Prior to filling

Strictly ensure that you switch off the heating system via the control system before
filling the fabric tank!

Comply with the following points before filling:

• When filling the KWB fabric tank it is not necessary to extract the blow-in air and thus an extraction process
is not required. The blow-in air escapes through the fabric of the fabric tank.
• However the set-up room for the fabric tank must have a window, door or a vent opening with at least
170 cm².
• It is not necessary to seal the emergency gate for the removal unit.If the removal unit is missing the included
emergency gate must be pushed in.
• Ensure that all openings on the fabric tank that are not fitted with a fill unit are sealed air-tight.
• Ensure that the fill nozzle is mounted in such a manner that the adjustment angle cannot be changed during
the fill process.
• The holder of the blow-in nozzle is fitted with an earth connection. Ensure that all parts of the fill system are
connected together so that they are conductive!

The incline and setting of the fill nozzle is adjusted when the fabric tank is installed and it depends on the room
height or the set-up variant.

1.) Fill nozzle engaged in the stop bolt

The angle of incline of the fill nozzle is permanently set.
2.) Fill nozzle installed horizontally
The M10 screw with M10 lock nut must be firmly tightened so that adjustment is impossible.

Check the fill angle before filling!

The fill nozzle (blow-in nozzle) should not touch the storage room ceiling.
The pellets should not be blown on the storage room ceiling.

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9 Fabric tank Fill pressure

The max. permissible fill pressure of the fabric tank is 1.5 bar!

The minimum fill pressure depends on the vehicle type and the hose length and should be between 0.8 bar (at 10 m)
and 1.2 bar (at 30 m). The maximum fill pressure should be 1.5. The fill pressure and the air supply for blowing in
depends on the respective installation situation. The installation position must be such that the pellets are distributed
in the entire fabric tank with appropriate pressure. When filling, the fabric tank completely inflates and is then filled
entirely with pellets.

Procedure if a second fill nozzle is present:

1. Fill via 1st nozzle to approximately the height of the load-bearing spar
2. Filling via nozzle 2 to maximum
3. Filling via nozzle 1 to maximum

9.9.2 Number and position of the fill nozzles:

The number and position of the fill units (blow-in nozzles) depend on the size of the tank and the available space. To
optimally exploit the tank volume as of model ZG3400, two fill units are mounted.

provided opening in the tank for attaching the fill unit

9 Fill nozzle positions

When filling on the long side for ZG5000, ZG4000 or for tank ZG4800 two fill nozzles are provided.

9.9.3 Filling
Filling of the KWB fabric tank can be executed:
1.) Directly Through a direct connection on the fill nozzle
2.) Indirectly Through connection to a fill line that is located on the outer wall of the building or on a firewall.

Attention, do not use the second fill nozzle for extraction!

9.9.4 Emptying the fill line:

Empty the fill line by swinging the fill nozzle (disengage the bolt) or by shaking. The bolt will later engage in position
automatically. For indirect filling (e.g. external filling), in addition to the fill nozzle a flexible adapter is used to swing
the fill nozzle.

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9 Fabric tank

9.10 Fabric tank scope of delivery

Base plate
Fabric sack
for vertical support

Vertical support Horizontal support

Braces A-Storz fill coupling

Fill unit
with hose clamps Bolts M10 x 35
90 - 110 mm

Clamp, fill coupling Bolts M10 x 25

Bolts M10 x 80 Nuts M10

Shims, M10 Nylon plug 12

Frame boltM10 x 80

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9 Fabric tank

The complete “fabric tank” storage and conveyor system consists of:
• Fabric sack
• Bearing metal frame
• Fill units – one or two blow-in nozzles (see “Filling instructions”)
• Possibly an extended fill system (pipes and connections to the blow-in nozzles)
• Fuel extractor (section 10)
• Installation parts

The fabric sack hangs on the bearing metal frame. At least one blow-in nozzle protrudes into the fabric sack. This
is where an extended filling system can be connected. Alternatively a flexible hose is laid out to the blow-in nozzle
for direct pellet delivery. The KWB removal and conveyor system is connected below on the removal opening of the
fabric sack.

9.11 Installing the fabric tank and filling system

1.) Forming pairs of braces

Take 2 braces and join them together at this point with the 3 bores.
Use 2 M10 x 25 bolts, 2 M10 washers, and 2 M10 nuts to connect the
braces. Use the two outer bores for the bolted connection.
Join all 16 braces together to form 8 pairs of braces.

For rectangular (long) fabric tanks you must always join two braces
of the same length together.
Brace pairs
2.) Bolting the vertical support units together

Take 2 vertical supports and position them with the foot end toward the
wall. The outsides of the vertical supports must point upward.

Vertical support units

Now bolt one together with a completed brace top and bottom. To do
this use one M10 x 35 bolt for each connection.

Cross the two braces and bolt the loose ends to the second vertical
To do this also use one M10 x 35 bolt for each connection.

Brace connection

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9 Fabric tank

Now you can bolt the two middle bores together. For this use
1 M10 x 35 bolt, 1 M10 washer and 1 M10 nut.

3.) Connect the vertical support units

When all bolts have been firmly tightened stand up the first bolted
together vertical support unit and lean it against the wall.

Prepare the second vertical support unit in the same manner and place
it on the opposite end of the room.

Connect the vertical support units

4.) Mount the saddles for the vertical supports

Slightly lift one vertical support of the fabric tank and place the saddle
with the plate facing down on the floor under the vertical support. Now
place the vertical support in the opening provided in the saddle. Slide
the M10 x 80 lock bolt through the bore and tightly bolt the saddle to
the vertical support with the M10 shim and M10 nut. Do the same for
all four vertical supports.
Install the base plate
Now bolt one finished vertical support unit together with a completed
brace top and bottom. To do this use one M10 x 35 bolt for each
Cross the two braces and bolt the loose ends to the second vertical
support unit. Here as well use 1 M10 x 35 screw for each connection.
Connect the crossed braces in the middle with 1 M10 x 35 screw,
1 M10 shim, and 1 M10 nut.
Repeat this process on the other side.
After bolting together, the vertical supports of the frame will stand on
Frame their own. Anchor the vertical supports to the stable floor.
5.) Prepare the fabric tank

Place the fabric tank in the middle of the tank frame and turn the fabric
tank until the extractor nozzle (large central hole) points towards the
floor, and the loops for the horizontal supports are on top.
Turn the fabric tank 90° until the fill nozzle points to the location where
the filling system will be installed later.

Fabric tank preparation

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9 Fabric tank

6.) Thread the horizontal supports into the fabric tank

Now thread the first two horizontal supports through the loops of the
fabric tank.
If space to thread in the horizontal supports is limited, turn the fabric
tank 90° and pull the two loops together at door height so that you
can introduce the horizontal supports into the loops through the door

Thread in the horizontal supports

Turn the fabric tank with the horizontal supports back 90° so that the fill
nozzle is once again at the right place.

Hook the first horizontal support into the vertical support unit. Thereafter
you can also hook the second horizontal support into the opposite
vertical support unit.

Hook in the horizontal supports

Now you can introduce the other two horizontal supports.
If space is limited for threading in the horizontal supports, pull the two
loops of the fabric tank together at door height and guide the horizontal
supports into the loops through the door opening.

Introduce the horizontal supports

7.) Install the blow in nozzle

One or two blow-in nozzles are installed depending on the position of
the fill connection.

For rectangular fabric tanks, the remaining fill openings

must be tightly sealed with the sewn-in straps provided for the fill

Push the fill unit that is already installed into the fill opening in the fabric
tank after the clamp element is loosened, and then push it onto the
Install the blow-in nozzle cross brace and again bolt in position with the loosened bolts.
The opening on the fabric tank is strapped as before to the fill pipe with
the permanently mounted strap, and is secured in addition with the
hose clamp.

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9 Fabric tank

8.) Adjustment possibility, blow-in nozzle

Use the lock bolt to change the angle of incline of the fill pipe.
When filling the lock bolt remains in the arrest opening provided for this
purpose, so that there is angle of incline of the fill tube of approximately
If the fabric tank is filled the lock bolt is released and the fill tube is
swung upward to support the complete emptying of the fill hose.
The fill tube can remain in this position because the fill tube automatically
engages in the arrest opening when pellets are removed.
9 Adjustment possibility, blow-in nozzle

In special cases, such as insufficient room height, overhead lines, etc. the nozzle can also be
set horizontally. In this process you must strictly ensure that the M10 x 30 bolt is tightened
with a self-locking M10 nut.

9.12 Installing the fill system

Use the supplied clamp to install the A-Storz fill coupling on the fill tube. Naturally the fill line can be extended.
Elbow, straight pipes, and connecting clamps are available for this. Contact one of our KWB sales partners in this
regard. However ensure that the fill line is only as long as necessary and that no unnecessary bends are installed.

When permanently installing a fill line, e.g. through an exterior wall, a flexible adapter
with flared flanges on both sides must be attached to the blow-in nozzles. The holder
is fitted with an earth connection.
All parts of the fill system must be connected together so that they are conductive
and earthed!

9.13 Final inspection

Ensure that ALL components and connections are correctly installed!
To conclude, ensure that the conveyor system is free of foreign objects!

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KWB fuel extractors

Overview view – KWB fuel extractors (FE)

For all fuel extractors comply with the instructions in points 1.3 and 1.3.2 in the introduction!
Comply with all instructions concerning the boiler room and storage room!
The following fuel extractors can supply the KWB Easyfire with pellets:

Storage container: For type V the pellet container is attached directly on the boiler. Thus
Type “V” can only be considered as a fuel extractor under certain conditions; it is mentioned here in
the interest of providing a complete list of all types.
Elbow worm
Pellet conveyor worm
Elbow worm Extension Conveyor worm
acoustically decoupled)

Section Comply with floor load specifications

10 Fire-safety collar
Drop hose ; 7.5 cm

Version with drop shaft

Solid ceiling F90

Worm can be extended with

worm conveyor extension

Inclined worm and fabric tank

Min. RL 235
Extractor worm 1 – L1=184.2
Extractor worm 2 – L2=139.2

Type S

Ricochet protection mat

Wooden boards

Elbow worm
Pellet Stirrer Plus
12 Mount the drive outside of the storage room
Wall penetration 35 x 35 (seal after installation – trough acoustically decoupled)

Ceiling opening ; 10 cm (seal

after installation – trough is
acoustically decoupled)

Solid ceiling F90 Comply with floor load specifications!

Version with drop shaft Max. 25 °

Fire-safety collar
Drop hose ; 7.5 cm

Solid ceiling F90

Boiler Min.
Room Hose Guide
• Max. total lift 5 m
• Max. total lift without step 3 m
Min. RL 200

• At the latest after 3 m height difference 1 m route horizontally

• All conveyor hose bend radii at least 30 cm.

FE Section Suction conveyor

Ceiling opening ; 70 mm
Fire-safety collar

Solid ceiling F90 Ricochet protection mat Solid ceiling F90

Type GS 13 Pellet worm Min. 100

Wooden boards
without step max. 300
Total lift 5 m

per “step”

Pellet transport hose Inclined floor

max. length 25 m
Conveyor Worm

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KWB fuel extractors

Solid ceiling F90 Solid ceiling F90

Ricochet protection mat

FE Section Suction conveyor

Conveyor height without step max. 300

Wooden boards

Type GS 14 Pellet Stirrer Plus

Solid ceiling F90 Solid ceiling F90

ank Room

Section Suction conveyor

Pellet Storage Room

let transport hose
ax. length 25 m

without step max. 300

15 Lance with fabric tank

FE y

Type GL Solid ceiling F90

Pellet transport hose

Section Suction conveyor max. length 25 m

16 Lance with buried tank Buried Tank

Solid ceiling F90 F90

20 cm
Ricochet protection mat
damper Ø 15 cm with

FE Section
explosion damper


Pellet Stirrer
Wooden boards

Type R 17

Min. 70 cm
Inclined floor

WL = ope
WL = worm length WL = tota n Max. 15°
l (max. 320

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10 Fuel extractor, type S

10 FUEL EXTRACTOR TYPE S – worm extractor

Mount the drive outside
of the storage room Wall opening 35 x 35
(Seal after installation – trough
Ceiling opening ; 10 cm (seal acoustically decoupled)
after installation – trough is
acoustically decoupled)

Comply with floor load specifications

Fire-safety collar
200 - - 0 0 - 430 Drop hose ; 7.5 cm
250 - - 0 0 - 330
300 - - - 0 - 190
350 - - - 0

Elbow worm and pellet worm Extension Conveyor worm Pellet worm and drop shaft

10.1 Pellet storage room requirements (FE type S)

Comply with the instructions in points 1.3 and 1.3.2 in the introduction!

Enclose the conveyor trough with a rock wool shell for the wall penetration (acoustic insulation). After installing
the FE the customer must provide a sloping floor that is as smooth possible, that slopes toward the worm trough at
an angle of less than 35° (the sloping floor should consist of formwork panels or planking with hard-fibre coating).
The sloping floor must be aligned so that it seals flush with the worm trough (min. thickness of 27 mm). The
subconstruction must be sufficiently stable to bear the weight of the pellets (approximately 1700 kg/m² at 2.5 m
height of bulk material).
Boiler room and storage room construction
KWB USP S Fuel extractor with elbow worm

Cleaning door, top Energy-saving damper Fill nozzle and suction nozzle
Sweep door, bottom Detonation damper Distance 50 – 100 cm
20 cm to the ceiling

Ricochet protection mat

Vent opening
extinguisher Pellet storage


Wood planks
to slide in

Rock wool Incline 35° Storage room door

Boiler room door Boiler room Both sides T30 80/120
Wall duct
T30 100/120 20 x 20 cm or ø 30 cm

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10 Fuel extractor, type S

10.2 Installation instructions, FE type S

The conveyor worm system is a versatile modular system (MBDK0001) in section 17). Place the supplied insulating
elements under all support brackets. This measure acoustically decouples the FE. The fastening bolts are anchored
in the floor with plugs and enclosed on all sides by insulating elements.

The axis of the extractor worm is offset 80 mm to the middle of the conveyor trough!

Prior to installing the worm, mark the position of the support brackets on the storage room floor. Check the floor for
evenness or incline use shims to align the support points. Follow the set-up plan relative to install position in the
storage room.

To ensure accessibility for possible

repairs wall clearances of at least
10 cm on the penetration side, and
least 15 cm to the flange plate must
be maintained. The resulting dead space
should be covered.

To minimize projections on the adjacent

room side or to align the eject point,
the worm can be variably pushed into
the storage room, maintaining the wall
clearances specified above.
Ensure that you maintain the necessary
removal areas, e.g. for the gear motor.
(MBDK0001 in section 17)

Sloped floor connection – FE type S (GS)

10.3 Installing the pellet worm

1.) Bring the parts into the storage room

If space is at a premium in the storage room, or for a one-piece worm

conveyor, place the worms in the associated troughs before bringing
them into the room.

Bring the conveyor troughs and associated worms into the storage
room through the fire protection doors and put them on the floor in the
proper sequence (MBDK0001 in section 17).
Bring in the parts
Then guide the worms into the associated troughs.

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10 Fuel extractor, type S

2.) Install the intermediate bearing

For multi-piece worm conveyors an intermediate bearing must be

installed near the butt end of the trough. Guide the support bracket into
the channel in such a manner that the collar of the slide bearing bush
points to the flange side.

Intermediate bearing of the fuel extractor

Place the bearing cover plate on the trough from above and align the
Place the fixing bolts including lock washers.
While tightening align the intermediate bearing so that the bearing bush
is flush with the flange plane. Guide the shaft end of the worm in the
trough into the bearing seat of the intermediate bearing.

Cover plate of the intermediate bearing

3.) Connecting multi-piece worms

For multi-piece worm conveyors put on the next trough piece with
enough clearance that it is flush with the preceding piece. Place the
trough ends without permanently welded-on support brackets. Pull the
worm a little out of the trough. Use shims to bring the worm ends to
axis height. Turn the worms so that the angle position of the transverse
bores is in agreement (the ends of the worm should be offset by 180°
in the open trough!).
Multi-piece room extractor worm
Slide the hollow shaft of the extension worm far enough onto the free
shaft end that the bores are flush.
Now insert the connecting bolt (bolt with flattened head) in such
a manner that it cannot twist. Then screw-on the self-locking nut.

Now slide the extension trough to the counter flange, lifting the
extension worm, and bolt the flange connection.

The inner surfaces of the trough must be aligned so that

they are flush before tightening the bolted connection.
Repeat steps 2 and 3 as necessary until the room extractor part is
assembled. Only proceed to step 4 after this has been done.

Extension, room extractor

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10 Fuel extractor, type S

4.) Mount the support bracket on the end of the trough

First remove the shim materials for the worm from the trough. In this
process do not release the end of the worm until you have guided it
through the support bracket (bearing support bracket).
For one-piece worms without intermediate bearing use a spacer
sleeve (Fig. left).
Use shims for axial compensation between shaft collar and the inner
ring of the flange bearing.

Support bracket with moveable bearing

5.) Mount the connecting piece
Guide the assembled room extractor part through the wall penetration
with the projecting worm end in front. Slide the connecting piece over
the end of the worm.

When sliding the connecting piece over the end of the worm, remove
the shim material from the trough. However do not lower the free shaft
end, but rather support it at axis height with shims or hold it at axis
Bolt the connecting piece to the room extractor part. If you require a
Mount the connecting piece worm extension go to step 6, if not continue with step 11.

10.4 Mounting the extensions

6.) Extension of the worm conveyor system

Different possibilities are available for extending the conveyor system

(MBDK0001 in section 17).
If an intermediate bearing is not required continue with step 9.

If an intermediate bearing is required for the extension, slide the

intermediate bearing onto the extension worm and guide the shaft
end through the hollow shaft as shown. The two worm ends must be
Extending the worm
twisted in such a manner that they are positioned approximately
180° relative to each other and the cross hole is flush. Insert the
connecting bolt and tighten the threaded union.
The free shaft end must still be supported at axis height until
the intermediate bearing is fastened in the trough.
The short extension worms do not require any support.

7.) Prepare the intermediate bearing

The trough extensions must be prepared for the intermediate bearing.

To do this enlarge the small bore in the side wall of the trough to
Ø 10 mm.
For extension KWB art. no ZSV 24 a second intermediate
bearing must be placed. (MBDK0001 in section 17)

Enlarge the bearing point bore

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10 Fuel extractor, type S

8.) Install the intermediate bearing

Guide the extension trough over the worm and bolt the two flanges

Connect the flanges

Guide the fastening bolts of the intermediate bearing through the
prepared bore of the side wall of the trough. Tighten the connection
and ensure that the bearing bush is in the aligned position. To do
this maintain the intermediate bearing at the appropriate position.
At this point a support is no longer necessary for the worm, as the
ends of the long worm elements are already permanently supported.
Repeat the procedure steps from step 6 for additional extensions.
If there are no extensions continue with step 11.
Fasten the intermediate bearing
9.) Extension trough without intermediate bearing

Guide the extension trough over the projecting worm and bolt the
flanges together.

Channel extension without intermediate bearing

The prepared bore for the intermediate bearing is not required and it
must be sealed with the provided bolt.

Seal the bearing bore

10.) Mount the conveyor worm extension

Guide the extension worm through the extension trough into the
hollow shaft. Twist the winding ends so that they are positioned
approximately 180° to each other and so that the cross hole is flush.
Insert the connecting bolt and bolt the connection together.
If additional extensions are necessary repeat the process from step 6
(with intermediate bearing) or step 9 (without intermediate bearing).
Otherwise continue with step 11.
Worm extension without intermediate bearing
If additional extensions are necessary repeat the process from step 6
(with intermediate bearing) or step 9 (without intermediate bearing).
Otherwise continue with step 11.

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10 Fuel extractor, type S

11.) Install the intermediate flange and support bracket

Guide the intermediate flange that forms the transition from the square
to the round cross section at the end of the worm trough with its four
reduced-shank bolts into the trough flange.

A support bracket is provided starting from an extension of

1.2 m (see module drawing).
Install the support bracket
Guide the foot to the trough flange from the rear. Screw the foot onto
the bolts that protrude through the channel trough of the facing plate,
moderately tight. The support element must again be set-up at the final
installation position as part of the alignment of the fuel extractor.
When installing an elbow worm proceed with step 12.
When installing a worm with drop shaft proceed with step 18.

10.5 Installing the elbow worm

12.) Install the universal joint

Insert the connecting shaft into the hollow shaft end. Align the cross
hole so that it is flush. Insert the connecting bolt and tighten it.

Connecting shaft
Slide the intermediate bearing and the universal joint onto the connecting
shaft. Align the cross hole so that it is flush. Insert the connecting bolt
and tighten it.

Universal joint
13.) Installing the ascending trough

Join the ascending trough to the flange on the bolts of the facing plate.
Tighten the bolts but only tighten them moderately.

Only tighten the bolts completely when the entire fuel

extractor has been aligned and is in final install position.

Ascending trough

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10 Fuel extractor, type S

14.) Install the intermediate bearing on the universal joint

Guide the fastening bolts of the intermediate bearing through the

prepared bore of the lower part of the bend.

Intermediate bearing on the universal joint

Tighten the nut of the intermediate bearing. In this process the
intermediate bearing twists as play allows. So that the bearing is flush
with the axis, turn it back a little in the opposite direction.

Tighten the intermediate bearing

15.) Install the ascending worm

Guide the ascending worm into the universal joint from above. Align the
feather key so that it is flush with the hub. Use a rubber mallet to knock
on the drive end of the shaft, if necessary.

Install the ascending worm

16.) Install the fixed bearing

First remove the feather key on the end of the shaft and then slide on
the intermediate bearing. Bolt the intermediate bearing on with the two

Re-insert the feather key. To do this use a rubber mallet to avoid

Install the fixed bearing
17.) Install the drive motor

Slide the drive motor onto the motor shaft. Bolt the end of the motor
shaft including the large shim. Tighten the bolted connection.

To complete the elbow worm, execute step 22

Install the drive motor

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10 Fuel extractor, type S

10.6 Installing the head piece with drop shaft

18.) Install the motor shaft

Connect the motor shaft to the conveyor worm using connecting bolts.
Tighten the bolted connection.

Install the motor shaft

19.) Fit the drop shaft

Dismount the drop shaft cover. Now fit on the drop shaft by sliding the
motor shaft through the round opening on the facing side.

Bolt the drop shaft onto the worm trough and tighten the connection.

Attach the drop shaft

20.) Install the flange bearing
Mount the bearing on the motor shaft.

In this process ensure that the feather key has been removed from the
motor shaft, if this is not the case the bearing cannot be pushed on.
Manually lift the motor shaft so that you can align the bearing. Bolt the
bearing housing tightly with the two bolts and re-insert the feather key.
To do this use a rubber mallet to avoid damage.
Install the flange bearing
21.) Install the drive motor

Slide the drive motor onto the motor shaft. Bolt the end of the motor
shaft with the large shim and tighten this connection.

The direction of motor rotation is right-hand rotation, i.e. clockwise


Set up the drive motor

22.) Seal the troughs

Ensure that there are no foreign objects (tools, shim material, etc.) that
have been forgotten in the fuel extractor.

Close all open covers.

Close the cover of the elbow piece last.

Close the trough covers

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10 Fuel extractor, type S

10.7 FE connection on the burner

Point 10.7 applies in the same manner for connectable FE systems (elbow worm, inclined worm, stirrer).

1.) Burner connection

Align the FE and boiler in such a manner that eject point and burner
connection are in line one above the other. Cut the connecting hose to
size and fasten it on the eject connection and on the burner connection
with the supplied clamps.

10 Burner connection
2.) Install the burner design cladding

The burner cladding is equipped with a key hole locking mechanism.

Screw the bolts into the press-in nuts of the side cladding and then
hook in the burner cladding.
This step concludes the installation of the burner cladding.

10 Design cladding

10.8 Final inspection

Ensure that ALL components and connections are correctly installed!
To conclude, ensure that the conveyor system is free of foreign objects!

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11 Fuel extractor, type S with fabric tank


No sharp objects above the fabric tank

Solid ceiling F90

Worm can be extended with

worm conveyor extension

Min. RL 235
Extractor worm 1 – L1=184.2
Extractor worm 2 – L2=139.2

If the fabric tank will be set up in a separate room,

ventilation with at least 400 cm2 must be provided.

11.1 Pellet storage room requirements (FE type S with fabric tank)
Comply with the instructions in points 1.3 to 1.3.2 in the introduction!

Boiler room and storage room construction

KWB Easyfire GL Suction system and lance (Extraction pot on the fabric tank)

Cleaning door, top Fire-safety

Sweep door, bottom collar

Vent opening
Fabric tank

SWITCH Storage room door
T30 80/120
Extraction pot
with lance

Boiler room
Boiler room
T30 100/120

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11 Fuel extractor, type S with fabric tank

11.2 Installing the inclined worm extraction system

1.) Install the flange plate

Dismount the flange plate from the pre-installed gate valve. Fit the
flange over the sown-on flange of the fabric tank.

Thread on the flange plate

Bolt the flange plate, the sewn-on flange of the fabric tank and the gate
valve together so that they are permanently connected.

Insert the screws through the flange ring from ABOVE!

This prevents the tank fabric from being damaged by the protruding

Install the gate valve

2.) Connect the inclined worm

Bring the worm trough into the storage room with previously inserted
conveyor worm.
Mount the flange bearing and unscrew the worm screw from the inner
ring of the flange bearing.
Connect the gate valve to the inclined worm. To do this use the
connecting clamp and tighten it.
If you require a worm extension go to step 3, if not continue with
step 8.
Connect the worm
3.) Extension of the inclined worm
To extend the conveyor system various possibilities are available.

Technical data sheet MDB-USP MBK006

If an intermediate bearing is not required continue with step 6.
If an intermediate bearing is required slide the intermediate bearing onto
the extension worm and guide the connecting bolt into the hollow shaft
as shown. The two worm ends must be twisted in such a manner that
they are approximately 180° relative to each other and the cross bore is
flush. Insert the connecting bolt and tighten the screw connection.
Worm extension with intermediate bearing

The free shaft end must be supported at axis height until the intermediate bearing
is fastened in the trough. Short extension worms do not require support.

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11 Fuel extractor, type S with fabric tank

4.) Prepare the intermediate bearing

The trough extensions are prepared for the intermediate bearing with
a small bore.
Enlarge this bore (target diameter Ø 10 mm).

For the extension, install KWB art. no. ZSVF 24

Two intermediate bearings. (MBDK0006 section 17)
Bore for intermediate bearing
5.) Intermediate bearing

Guide the extension trough over the worm.

Bolt the two flanges together.

Channel extension with intermediate bearing

Guide the fastening bolts of the intermediate bearing through the
prepared bore of the side wall of the trough. Tighten the connection
and ensure that the bearing bush is in the aligned position. To do this
maintain the intermediate bearing at the appropriate position.

From this point on it is no longer necessary to support the worm.

Repeat the step for additional extensions.
Step 3.
If there are no extensions continue with step 8.

Fasten the intermediate bearing

6.) Extension trough without intermediate bearing

Guide the extension trough over the projecting worm and bolt the
flanges together.

Channel extension without intermediate bearing

The prepared bore for the intermediate bearing is not required and it
must be sealed with the provided bolt.

Seal the bearing bore

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11 Fuel extractor, type S with fabric tank

7.) Install the conveyor worm extension

Guide the extension worm through the extension trough into the hollow
shaft. Twist the winding ends so that they are approximately 180°
relative to each other and so that the cross hole is flush. Insert the
connecting bolt and bolt the connection together.

If additional extensions are necessary repeat the process from step 6

(with intermediate bearing) or step 6 (without intermediate bearing).
Otherwise continue with step 8.
Worm extension without intermediate bearing
8.) Install the trough support

Adjust the height of the trough support as needed.

Mount the trough support as close as possible to the boiler. Bolt the
saddle on the trough.

Anchor the trough support on the solid floor and tighten all bolts.

Install the trough support

9.) Install the motor shaft

Connect the motor shaft to the conveyor worm using connecting bolts.
Tighten the connection.

Install the motor shaft

10.) Fit the drop shaft

Dismount the drop shaft cover. Now fit on the drop shaft by sliding the
motor shaft through the round opening on the facing side.

Bolt the drop shaft onto the worm trough and tighten the connection.

Fit the drop shaft

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11 Fuel extractor, type S with fabric tank

11.) Install the flange bearing

Mount the bearing on the motor shaft.

In this process first remove the feather key from the motor shaft, if you
have not removed the feather key the bearing cannot be pushed on.
Manually lift the motor shaft so that you can align the bearing.
Bolt the bearing housing tightly with the two bolts and re-insert the
feather key. To do this use a rubber mallet to avoid damage.

Install the flange bearing

12.) Install the drive motor

Slide the drive motor onto the motor shaft. Bolt the end of the motor
shaft with the large shim and tighten the bolt.

The direction of motor rotation is right-hand rotation, i.e. clockwise

rotation (see photo).

Set up the drive motor

13.) Seal the troughs

Ensure that there are no foreign objects (tools, shim material, etc.) that
have been forgotten in the fuel extractor.

Seal all opened covers with the bore bolts 5.5 x 16

Close the troughs

11.2.1 FE connection on the burner see point 10.7

11.3 Final inspection

Ensure that ALL components and connections are correctly installed!
To conclude, ensure that the conveyor system is free of foreign objects!

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12 Pellet Stirrer Plus


p ( g

Ceiling opening ; 10 cm (seal

after installation – trough is
acoustically decoupled)

Solid ceiling F90 Comply with floor load specifications!

Ricochet protection mat
Fire-safety collar
Max. 25 ° Drop hose ; 7.5 cm
Wooden boards
200 - - 0 0 - 430
250 - - 0 0 - 330
300 - - - 0 - 190
350 - - - 0

Elbow worm Elbow worm Elbow worm

Pellet Stirrer Plus Pellet Stirrer Plus
Version with drop shaft

12.1 Pellet storage room requirements (FE type S with Pellet Stirrer Plus)
Comply with the instructions in points 1.3 and 1.3.2 in the introduction!

Enclose the conveyor trough with a rock wool shell for the wall penetration (acoustic insulation).

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12 Pellet Stirrer Plus

12.2 Installation instructions, FE type S

The conveyor worm system is a versatile modular system (MBDK0001) in section 17).

Modules that can be combined: Stirrer, channel extension, elbow worm, drop shaft, suction system

Acoustically decouple the fuel extractor

Place the supplied insulating elements under all support brackets. The bolted connection of the fuel extractor must
be surrounded by insulating elements on all sides. (Point 10.8, step 10, 11, 13)

Before installation
• Comply with the instructions in all diagrams. Install the FE so that the storage room space is optimally utilised.
• Ensure that the eject point is correctly positioned. Ensure that there is adequate space for maintenance tasks.
• Mark the position of the support brackets on the storage room floor.
• Check the evenness and incline of the floor.
• Use shims to align the support points horizontally.

Maintenance distances, storage room (MBDK0001 in section 17)

Wall penetration side, at least 10 cm
Worm end side, at least 15 cm wall distance to the flange plate
After installation cover these areas.

12.3 Installing the pellet worm

Bring the parts into the storage room

Place the conveyor channel and worms in the storage room in the correct sequence. (MBDK0001 section 17).
Slide the worms into the associated trough.

If there is a lack of space, or for single-piece fuel extractor the worms can be slid into the troughs beforehand.

1.) Wrap the connecting piece with rock wool

Wrap the connecting piece with rock wool. (Scope of delivery)

Fasten the rock wool with aluminium adhesive tape.

2.) Install the trough supports on the connecting trough

Mount the supplied trough supports on the storage room side of the
connecting trough.

First place the connecting trough at the lowest point of the trough
supports and initially tighten the bolts lightly. Execute final fastening
after aligning the entire fuel extractor system.

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12 Pellet Stirrer Plus

12.4 Mounting the extensions

3.) Remove the trough cover
Remove the cover for fuel extractors with trough extension.

4.) Prepare the bore of the first intermediate bearing

Enlarge the prepared small bore for fastening the intermediate bearing
to a Ø of 10 mm.

For extension KWB art. no. ZSV 24 a second intermediate bearing must
be set (see drawing MBDK0001 in the attachment)
Seal bores that are not required with the supplied bolt.

5.) Mount the intermediate bearing

Mount the intermediate bearing and align it so that is flush. The collar of
the bearing should point in the direction of the bearing.

The free shaft end must still be supported at axis height until the
intermediate bearing is fastened in the trough.

6.) Seal the flange connection

Apply a small, continuous bead of silicon on the facing side of the flange
before joining the elements together.

7.) Bolt the flange

Bolt the two troughs together so that they are flush.

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12 Pellet Stirrer Plus

8.) Extension of the worm conveyor system

Different possibilities for extending the conveyor system are available

(MBDK0001 in section 17).
If an intermediate bearing is not required continue with step 9.

If an intermediate bearing is required for the extension, slide the

intermediate bearing onto the extension worm and guide the shaft end
through the hollow shaft as shown.
Extending the worm

The two worm ends must be twisted in such a manner that they are
positioned approximately 180° relative to each other and the cross
hole is flush.
Fasten the connecting bolt.

The free shaft end must be supported at axis height until the
intermediate bearing is fastened in the trough.
Short extension worms do not need to be supported.

9.) Prepare the intermediate bearing

The trough extensions must be prepared for the intermediate bearing.

To do this enlarge the small bore in the side wall of the trough to
Ø 10 mm.
For extension KWB art. no. ZSV 24 place a second intermediate
bearing. (MBDK0001 in section 17)

Enlarge the bearing point bore

10.) Install the intermediate bearing

Guide the extension trough over the worm and bolt the two flanges

Connect the flanges

Guide the fastening bolts of the intermediate bearing through the
prepared bore of the side wall of the trough. Tighten the connection
and ensure that the bearing bush is in the aligned position. To do
this maintain the intermediate bearing at the appropriate position.
At this point a support is no longer necessary for the worm, as the ends
of the long worm elements are already permanently supported.
For additional extensions repeat the steps from step three. If there are
no additional extensions go to step 11.
Fasten the intermediate bearing

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12 Pellet Stirrer Plus

11.) Extension trough without intermediate bearing

Guide the extension trough over the projecting worm and bolt the
flanges together.

Channel extension without intermediate bearing

The prepared bore for the intermediate bearing is not required and it
must be sealed with the provided bolt.

Seal the bearing bore

12.) Install the conveyor worm extension

Guide the extension worm through the extension trough into the
hollow shaft. Twist the winding ends so that they are positioned
approximately 180° to each other and so that the cross hole is flush.
Insert the connecting bolt and bolt the connection together.
If additional extensions are necessary repeat the process from step 6
(with intermediate bearing) or step 9 (without intermediate bearing).
Otherwise continue with step 11.
Worm extension without intermediate bearing
If additional extensions are necessary repeat the process from step 6
(with intermediate bearing) or step 9 (without intermediate bearing).
Otherwise continue with step 11.

13.) Install the intermediate flange and support bracket

Guide the intermediate flange that forms the transition from the square
to the round cross section at the end of the worm trough with its four
reduced-shank bolts into the trough flange.

A support bracket is provided starting from an extension

of 1.2 m (see module drawing).
Install the support bracket
Guide the foot to the trough flange from the rear. Screw the foot onto
the bolts that protrude through the channel trough of the facing plate,
moderately tight. The support element must again be set-up at the final
installation position as part of the alignment of the fuel extractor.
When installing an elbow worm proceed with step 12.
When installing a worm with drop shaft proceed with step 18.

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12 Pellet Stirrer Plus

12.5 Installing the elbow worm

See point 10.5.

12.6 Installing the head piece with drop shaft

See point 10.6.

12.7 FE connection on the burner

See point 10.7.

12.8 Installing the Stirrer Plus

Combined FE components: Ascending worm, suction head, drop shaft

1.) Install the trough supports.

Install the trough supports on the connecting trough or suction head.
For suction head and drop shaft also install the trough supports on the
motor side.
Place the completely assembled parts as shown in the plans. For
ascending worm systems ensure proper connection to the boiler
(connecting hose should be installed vertically if possible).

2.) Adjust the support angle of the gear unit bracket

Adjust the height of the gear unit using the two gear unit support
brackets. The trough centre should be at the same horizontal height as
the middle of the drive shaft.
It is possible to adjust the gear unit support brackets in 20 mm
increments. Use the support brackets to make fine adjustments to the
3.) Place the gear unit

Place the gear unit at the mid point of the storage room as shown and
turn it in such a manner that the shaft joint points in the direction of the
worm trough, with no offset angle if possible.

4.) Measure the length of the conveyor worm

Measure the distance from the bore of the last conveyor worm to
the beginning of the shaft joint on the gear unit. From this dimension
subtract 20 mm (used for fine adjustment of the shaft joint).

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12 Pellet Stirrer Plus

5.) Transfer the length of the conveyor worm

Transfer the measured distance to the conveyor worm.

Attention! Always take the dimension from the centre bore.
Attention! The end of the worm with the bore should always point
in the direction of the boiler room in installed status. Do not install
a worm that is cut off or twisted under any circumstances!

6.) Cut the conveyor worm to size

Cut off the conveyor worm with 90° angle grinder.

Deburr the cut edges.

7.) Mount the drilling template

Mount the drilling template on the shaft joint.

8.) Install conveyor trough

Connect the conveyor worm of the stirrer to the connecting

FE components: For example:
• Front conveyor worm of the extensions
• Drive shaft for suction conveyor or
• Drop shaft
Attention! To do this always use the worm end with the prepared
Prior to executing step 9, bearing and drive motor must be installed.

9.) Bore the stirrer worm

Thread the conveyor worm onto the shaft for stirrer. Between shaft
joint and worm a max. distance of approximately 20 mm should be
adjusted. Drill a passage bore 8 mm. Use the drilling template as a
centring element.
Ensure that the position of the conveyor worm relative to the
existing intermediate bearings is correct. If necessary adjust the
worm or gear unit longitudinally!
Do not use the worm end with the bore on the gear unit side under
any circumstances!

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12 Pellet Stirrer Plus

10.) Screw on the stirrer worm

Dismount the drilling template and conveyor worm, bolt the connecting
bolts and shaft joint together.

11.) Place the insulating boards underneath

2 pc. Insulating boards should be placed under each leg.

12.) Place insulating boards under the fuel extractor

2 pc. insulating boards should be properly shortened and placed


Ensure that the gear unit shaft and the trough centre are horizontal
and at the same height.

13.) Bores for floor plugs

For the gear unit holder and for all adjustable feet, drill bores for the
floor plugs.

14.) Prepare floor plugs

To avoid acoustic transmission prepare the floor plugs with washer,

acoustic insulation washer and rubber hose.

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12 Pellet Stirrer Plus

15.) Bolt on the fuel extractor

Anchor the complete fuel extractor to the floor with the floor plugs.
The fuel extractor, in particular, must be aligned in such a manner
that the conveyor worm can be easily turned (by hand) and is not
under tension. If this is not the case, loosen the floor plugs or re-
adjust the support brackets.

16.) Place the stirrer disk

Ensure the correct seat of the feather key of the vertical gear unit

Grease the gear unit shaft and place the stirrer disk on the gear unit

17.) Mount the spring arms

Mount the spring arms

If the spring arms are too long for the storage room, select the
appropriate bores.

If the spring arms project opposite of the direction of rotation then
you must shorten the spring arms after the bores.

18.) Install the bearing housing

Install the bearing housing

19.) Install the stirrer plate

Install stirrer plate

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12 Pellet Stirrer Plus

20.) Secure the stirrer plate

Secure the stirrer plate axially with the lock ring.

21.) Install the protective cap

Install protective cap

Floor cladding in the storage room

If you have a solid, smooth, dry floor you can dispense with cladding. The low residual quantity of pellets can be
used as an “iron reserve”.
If you clad the floor in the storage room follow the instructions below:

• Lay out the cladding to the inner edges of the conveyor trough

• The cladding must be at least 20 mm lower than the two

spring blades (see the diagram below).

Strictly ensure that you maintain the minimum distances!

> 27


12.9 Final inspection

Ensure that ALL components and connections are correctly installed!
To conclude, ensure that the conveyor system is free of foreign objects!

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13 Suction conveyor


Chimney diameter and smoke-pipe
execution in accordance with the
“Technical Data Table“ energy saving
damper ; 15 cm with explosion door

Solid ceiling F90

Boiler Min.
Room Hose Guide
• Max. total lift 5 m
• Max. total lift without step 3 m

Min. RL 200
• At the latest after 3 m height difference 1 m route horizontally
• All conveyor hose bend radii at least 30 cm.

Ceiling opening ; 70 mm
Fire-safety collar

Solid ceiling F90 Ricochet protection mat Solid ceiling F90

Wooden boards
Min. 100
without step max. 300
Total lift 5 m

per “step”

Pellet transport hose Inclined floor

max. length 25 m
Conveyor Worm

13.1 Requirements, pellet storage room (type GS fan, pellet worm, V-sloping floor)
Comply with the instructions in points 1.3 to 1.3.2 in the introduction!

Boiler room and storage room construction

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13 Suction conveyor

13.2 Installing the pellet worm see point 10.3

13.2.1 Connection, pellet worm – connecting piece
1.) Assemble the conveyor channel with head piece

Guide the assembled room extractor part through the wall penetration
with the projecting worm end in front. Guide the head piece (closed
trough piece) through the wall penetration from the outside.
When fitting the connecting piece, remove the shim
material from trough. However do not lower the free shaft end;
keep it at axis height.
Mount the connecting piece
Bolt the head piece to the fuel extractor part using the supplied
fasteners. Prior to tightening align the inner surfaces of the troughs so
that they are flush!

Install the drive worm

2.) Install the drive-side flange bearing (fixed bearing)

First install the flange bearing on the support bracket (lubricating nipple
pointing upward). Do not tighten the screws yet.
Remove the worm screws of the inner bearing ring – these are no longer
Introduce the worm shaft into the intermediate bearing or flange bearing
that is at the end of the trough.
Remove the last of the shim material and slide the bearing bracket onto
Install the fixed bearing bracket
the shaft end

Bolt the support bracket to the head piece. Tighten the screws of
the flange bearing just tight enough that the worm shaft can still be
Turn the worm shaft several times all the way through to ensure that
the worm runs free.
Tighten the screws of the flange bearing.

Install the fixed bearing

3.) Install the flange bearing on the end of the channel
(moveable bearing)

Remove the worm screws from the inner ring of the bearing. Slide
the worm firmly against the stop (toward the drive). Mount the flange
bearing on the support bracket (lubricating nipple pointing upward).
Only tighten the nuts slightly. Ensure that axial play is at least 1 mm.
Install the moveable bearing Adjust the play by adding or removing shim rings.

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13 Suction conveyor

Align the extension worm so that it is centred.

Tighten the flange bearing. Turn the worm several times all the way through – it must be easy to move and it must
run freely.

Check whether the play on the intermediate bearings is distributed

adequately and uniformly on both sides.

13.2.2 Installing the pellet worm drive

4.) Install the drive motor

Place the feather key in the shaft groove (if necessary use the rubber
mallet to avoid damage) and turn the worm so that the drive motor can
be slid into the position shown.

Fasten the drive motor (fixing screw and shim)

Align the assembled fuel extractor in accordance with its final install position. Place the shim material under the
brackets at all support points. Check for horizontal alignment and correct if necessary. Fasten the acoustically
decoupled FE onto the storage room and boiler room floor.
Close all inspection covers!

13.3 Installing the transport hose

13.3.1 Equipotential bonding
The earthing strand of the conveyor hose must be connected to the fuel extractor
and it must be further connected to the earthing connection in the motor terminal
box, so that it is electrically conductive. This measure prevents static charges of the
conveyor hose!
• Keep the hose lines as short as possible. Use as few redirectors as possible.
This minimises problems associated with different pellet sizes.
Standard conditions are: 20 m in length, 3 m height differential
(Max. height differential 4.5 m at a length of 15 m)
• Maintain a minimum bend radii (hose bend) of 400 mm when laying out the hose line!
• Contractions in the cross section are impermissible!
• Do not walk on the hose – do not lay it out in the walking area
• Route the hose in such a manner that it does not sag.
• The hose can be routed vertically to room height without horizontal areas.
If there are greater height differences you must install a horizontal adapter with a minimum length
of 0.5 m. Thus in the event of power failure for example the transfer or plugging due to falling
pellets is prevented.

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13 Suction conveyor

• The hose is held on the wall or ceiling with acoustically insulated hose clamps.
Pay attention to heating pipes or flue gas pipes that are not insulated.
The hoses can be used for temperatures to + 65 °C.
Standard hose diameter Ø 50 mm (penetration for transport hose A Ø 60 mm).
• Hoses should always be accessible – do not attach any cladding!
• The hose material is only suitable for indoor application – it is not UV resistant.
• Do not cut the transport hose into sections!
Connection directly from the suction tank to the worm or lance connection:
• Fasten the hoses with hose clamps.
(Fig. “13 Hose connection on the tank” and “13 Hose connection”)
The transport hose must be fastened to the container connection nozzle with an overfit hose and
two hose clamps (Fig. 13 “Hose connection on the container“)
• The hose system, incl. suction tank must be sealed.
The connection of third-party storage tank systems (buried, above-ground) must be
expressly approved by KWB. Comply with the required adaptations for hoses with
Ø 60 mm and adapter pieces for the container.

13.3.2 Hose connection and grounding (storage system)

Earth connection for the hoses

Strip the earth strand 5 cm.

Bend the earthing strand into the hose.

Earthing wire
Slide the hose clamp over the inner nozzle.

Slide the hose clamp completely over the inner nozzle.

The exposed earthing strand must be bent into the hose.

Tighten the hose clamps – the connection must be sealed and secured
so that it cannot be pulled off.

Hose connection
Connect the conveyor hose:

1 Return air hose (from the suction turbine)

2 Pellet hose (to the suction tank)

2 1
Hose arrangement

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13 Suction conveyor

In order to reliably dissipate electrostatic charges of the conveyor

system you must connect the trough system of the fuel extractor and
the housing of the drive motor with an YM 10 mm² (yellow-green)
earthing cable in a manner that is electrically conductive.

13 Earthing cable

13.3.3 Fire safety

If hoses are routed through an adjacent room from the storage room to the heating room then a fire safety sleeve
(KWB special accessory) is required on the boiler room side of the hose passage.
All additional fire safety requirements naturally apply without limitation.

KWB art. no.: 80302070

Incl. bolt set and plug set
Conveyor trough diameter: 63 mm – 75 mm
Install depth: 62 mm

Fastening with

M6 bolts 12




Fig. 71: Fire safety sleeve

13.3.4 Hose connection (boiler room)

The connection ducts are on the tank lid. They are configured for a 50 mm hose (inner diameter). The special
accessories (hose, wide clamp for the tank connection or fastening clamps, fire safety sleeves) are available from
KWB on request.

Dismount the suction turbine hood from the tank cover.

Take off the suction turbine hood.

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13 Suction conveyor

Connect the return flow hose to the turbine via hose clamps.

If the hoses are difficult to connect moisten them with water.

Do not use grease!

Mount the conveyor hose (return flow hose)

Connect the pellet hose to the tank cover.

Install the conveyor hose (supply hose)

Place the suction turbine hood on the tank cover and bolt it on tightly.

Install the suction turbine hood

13.4 Final inspection

Ensure that ALL components and connections are correctly installed!
To conclude, ensure that the conveyor system is free of foreign objects!

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14 Suction conveyor, Pellet Stirrer Plus


g p g;
Fire-safety collar

Solid ceiling F90 Solid ceiling F90

Ricochet protection mat

Conveyor height without step max. 300

0 3
Wooden boards


14.1 Pellet storage room requirements (FE type GS with Pellet Stirrer Plus)
Comply with the instructions in points 1.3 and 1.3.2 in the introduction!

Enclose the conveyor trough with a rock wool shell for the wall penetration (acoustic insulation).

Boiler room and storage room construction

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14 Suction conveyor, Pellet Stirrer Plus

14.2 Installation instructions FE type GS

Acoustically decouple the fuel extractor
Place the supplied insulating elements under all support brackets. The bolted connection of the fuel extractor must
be surrounded by insulating elements on all sides.

Before installation
• Comply with the instructions in all diagrams. Install the FE so that the storage room space is optimally utilised.
• Ensure that the eject point is correctly positioned. Ensure that there is adequate space for maintenance tasks.
• Mark the position of the support brackets on the storage room floor.
• Check the evenness and incline of the floor.
• Use shims to align the support points horizontally.

Maintenance distances, storage room (MBDK0001 in section 17)

The specific installation steps for this FE system are described in section 12 and 13

14.3 Final inspection

Ensure that ALL components and connections are correctly installed!
To conclude, ensure that the conveyor system is free of foreign objects!

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15 Suction conveyor, lance + fabric tank


If the fabric tank will be set up in a separate room,
Ceiling opening ; 70 mm ventilation with at least 400 cm2 must be provided.
Fire-safety collar

Solid ceiling F90 Solid ceiling F90

No sharp
Outline Boiler objects above
USP GL with fabric tank Room the fabric tank
and suction system

Pellet Storage Room

Pellet transport hose

max. length 25 m

without step max. 300

15.1 Pellet storage room requirements (FE type GL with lance and fabric tank)

Comply with the instructions in points 1.3 to 1.3.2 in the introduction!

Fabric tank

Storage room room

Storage door d
T30 T30
Extraction pot
with lance

Boiler room and storage room construction – KWB Easyfire GL

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15 Suction conveyor, lance + fabric tank

15.2 Installation, removal pot with lance

1.) Flange ring

Dismount the flange ring from the removal pot.

Fit the flange ring over the sown-on “collar” of the fabric tank.

Flange ring
2.) Removal pot

Insert the screws through the flange ring from ABOVE!

This prevents damage to the tank fabric.

Bolt the flange ring, collar, and extractor pot together.

Removal pot
3.) Earth connection for the hoses

To ensure that static discharges do not occur when transporting the

bulk material, the entire transport hose and fuel extractor system
must be connected in a manner that is electrically conductive and
it must they grounded via the equipotential busbar!

Strip the earth strand 5 cm.

Earthing wire Bend the earthing strand into the hose.

4.) Connecting the hoses

Slide 2 hose clamps over the nozzles.
1 Slide the hose clamp completely over the inside connector.
Connect the return flow hose 1 on the upper connecting piece.
(Hose from the turbine)
Connect the pellet hose 2 on the upper connecting piece.
(Hose to the suction tank cover)

Connect hoses
Tighten the hose clamps – the connection must be sealed and secured
so that it cannot be pulled off.

15.3 Lay out transport hose see point 13.3

15.4 Fabric tank see section 9

15.5 Final inspection

Ensure that ALL components and connections are correctly installed!
To conclude, ensure that the conveyor system is free of foreign objects!

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16 Suction conveyor, lance + buried tank


Hose Guide
• Max. total lift 5 m
• Max. total lift without step 3 m
Protective pipe HT pipe
• At the latest after 3 m height difference 1 m route horizontally
Ceiling opening ; 70 mm at least ; 15 cm
• All conveyor hose bend radii at least 30 cm.
Fire-safety collar

Solid ceiling F90

USP GL with fabric tank
and buried tank Pellet transport hose
max. length 25 m

Buried Tank

16.1 Pellet storage room requirements

(FE type GL, fan and lance with buried fabric tank)

Comply with the instructions in points 1.3 to 1.3.2 in the introduction!

KWB Easyfire USP GL

Pellet boiler with suction system and buried tank

Buried tank

Vent opening

Cleaning door (top)
Sweep door (bottom)

Boiler room door

T30 100/120

Boiler room

room undand storage room construction
Lagerraumausführung – KWB Easyfire –
GLKWB Easyfire GL

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16 Suction conveyor, lance + buried tank

16.2 Lay out transport hose see point 13.3

16.3 Buried tank

The buried tank and its components are not included in the scope of delivery or services provided by KWB.

16.4 Final inspection

Ensure that ALL components and connections are correctly installed!
To conclude, ensure that the conveyor system is free of foreign objects!

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17 Pellet stirrer


Pellet storage room

17.1 Requirements, pellet storage room (for type R)

Comply with the instructions in points 1.3 to 1.3.2 in the introduction!

Boiler room and storage room construction

KWB Easyfire Fuel extractor with stirrer

Cleaning door, top Energy-saving damper Fill nozzle and suction nozzle
Sweep door, bottom Detonation damper (Distance 50 – 100 cm
20 cm to the ceiling

Ricochet protection mat

Vent opening

Fire extinguisher Pellet storage


Wood planks
to slide in

Boiler room door Rock wool Incline Storage room door

Boiler room max. 30° T30 80/120
T30 100/120

Boiler room and storage room execution KWB Easyfire R

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17 Pellet stirrer

17.2 Install the fuel extractor (FE)

1.) Set up the worm trough

Bring the worm trough into the storage room with previously inserted
conveyor worm. Guide the worm trough with the drop shaft in front
through the wall penetration in the direction of the boiler room. Bolt the
gear unit box supports to the gear unit box.
Set up the worm trough
Align the worm trough in such a manner that the drop shaft is concentric
with the fill nozzle.

The worm trough is supported in the wall penetration until the trough
supports are installed.

Align the trough

2.) Installation of the gear unit

First dismount the worm trough cover on the open trough section.

Dismount cover
Lift the gear unit into the gear unit box with the shaft end in front. Fix it
in place on the underside of the gear unit box with 4 hex bolts.

Install gear unit

Next pull the O-ring into the groove of the drive section and coat it all
around with an anti-friction paste.

Mount the O-ring

After the intermediate piece is placed on the shaft end, push the drive
section of the conveyor worm into the adapter.

Place the adapter on the shaft end

Bolt the worm trough cover onto the worm trough.

16 Close the trough cover

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17 Pellet stirrer

3.) Install the trough support

Lift the worm trough far enough that the distance between the drop shaft
and burner connection is approximately 8 - 10 cm. Slide the channel supports
under the worm trough, insert the threaded rod and bolt it on both ends.
Install the trough support
4.) Set up and fasten the stirrer

Lightly mark: Centre of the storage room (1)

Clearly mark: Target position, centre stirrer (2)

10 - 15 cm offset to the left
2 1 (Looking toward the boiler)
Info: The fuel is better conveyed to the FE trough due to the offset.
Fasten the stirrer

Align the hollow shaft to the target position, centre stirrer (2).

Align the stirrer

5.) System alignment

If, after aligning the worm trough, the drop shaft is no longer concentric
with the burner connector on the pellet boiler, you must either slide the
boiler or the worm trough far enough that the drop shaft and fill nozzle
are positioned one above the other.

Align the system

If the stirrer is shifted again for alignment then the distances to the
centre of the stirrer (mid-point of the hollow shaft in the worm gear unit)
must be re-measured and set up and arranged in the storage room.

Optimisation, stirrer position

To determine the optimal height of the worm trough, position the laser
flat on the worm gear unit. Set up a board at a distance of 150 cm from
the centre of the stirrer and lift the stirrer until the laser point at the
lowest position is approximately 3 cm away from the floor.
Positioning the stirrer height

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17 Pellet stirrer

6.) Set up the trough supports

Fasten the screws on the trough supports and the feet of the gear unit
box in accordance with the optimal height of the worm trough.
If acoustic insulation plates are placed underneath the
supports this must be done before adjusting the height.
Acoustic insulation plates are not in the KWB scope of delivery.

Height of the trough support

Fasten the feet of the gear unit with anchor bolts.

Fasten the feet of the gear unit box

Slightly lift the worm trough, wrap the penetration sleeve around the
worm trough, bond it together and attach the sleeve cladding on the
boiler room side of the penetration.

Penetration sleeve
7.) Install the connecting hose
Measure the length of the connecting hose and cut it to size.
Lift the worm trough and connect the connecting hose including the
hose clamps to the nozzles on the drop shaft and burner.
Connecting hose
Use hose clamps to fasten the two ends of the connecting hose to the
Place anchor bolts on the floor of the storage room to fasten the trough
supports and tighten the anchor bolts.
Burner & floor connection
8.) Support the conveyor worm

Apply silicon on the trough flange on the motor side all around the

Apply sealing compound

Place the flange bearing on the face side cover and fix it in place hand
tight with spring-lock washers and nuts. Align the bearing so that it is
centred and tighten the nuts. Unscrew both worm bolts on the bearing
slightly so that they are not an obstruction when sliding the bearing
onto the shaft.

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17 Pellet stirrer

Remove the feather keys and slide the pre-assembled bearing onto the
shaft. Bolt the facing side cover on the worm trough.

Install the bearing flange

Re-tighten the worm bolts so that the bearing is firmly connected to
the shaft.
Bond the insulating plate to the flange with silicon.

Preparation, motor installation

9.) Install the drive motor

Carefully knock the feather key into the shaft groove with a rubber
mallet. Slide the motor onto the shaft end, in this process ensure that
the direction of rotation is correct.
Install the drive motor
Use the bolt and large washer to fasten the motor. Tighten the

Fix in place axially

10.) Cable the fuel extractor

Connect the fuel extractor connector to the connector strip on the


Connect the fuel extractor

11.) Mark the sloping floor

Position the laser on the worm gear unit in the direction of the boiler
and measure the distance from the point of the laser to the upper edge
of the worm trough.
Use the laser to mark two points on each storage room wall and apply
the previously measured distances downward at right angles to the
stirrer plane. Connect the points with a levelling rod or a chalk line.
Mark the sloping floor

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17 Pellet stirrer

12.) Install the stirrer disk

First insert the feather key in the shaft groove, and if necessary it must
be carefully struck in with the rubber mallet.

Install the feather key

Insert the stirrer disk with the long shaft end in front onto the gear
unit. On the underside of the gear unit it must be bolted with the fixing
washer, a spring lock washer and a hex bolt.

Place the spacer sleeve on the drive shaft.

Place the stirrer disk on the gear unit

Slide the bearing housing onto the drive shaft. The long part of the
bearing sleeve must be on top. Then place the stirrer cover disk with
the reinforcements on top, on the bearing housing and fasten with the
spring-lock washers and hex bolts.
Install bearing housing + cover disk
The last step is to close the bearing housing with the cover

Seal the bearing housing

13.) Fastening the spring leafs

Fasten the two spring leafs to the suction conveyor system with
washers, spring-lock washers and hex bolts.
Install leaf springs

17.3 FE connection on the burner see point 10.7.

17.4 Final inspection

Ensure that ALL components and connections are correctly installed!
To conclude, ensure that the conveyor system is free of foreign objects!

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18 Technical data sheets


18.1 Dimension sheets

18.2 Hydraulic diagrams

18.3 Electrical diagrams

18.4 Chimney

18.5 Instructions for pellet suppliers

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18.1 Dimension sheets

Dimensions and minimum fitting dimensions, KWB Easyfire

Dimensions in cm


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18.1 Dimension sheets

Fitting dimensions, KWB Easyfire

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18.1 Dimension sheets

Pellet blow-in nozzle MBEZ0001_d sheet 1/3

Specific parts for special solutions

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18.1 Dimension sheets

Pellet blow-in nozzle MBEZ0001_d sheet 2/3

Routing through other rooms

Dimensions in cm

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18.1 Dimension sheets

Pellet blow-in nozzle MBEZ0001_e sheet 3/3

Variants for light shafts

KWB art no. Z0000020 Dimensions in cm

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18.1 Dimension sheets

Fitting dimensions, KWB Easyfire S TDB-MBL-USP-S-Einbaum_c

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18.1 Dimension sheets

Sectional drawing, pellet storage room TDB-MBL-USP-MBDK0008

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18.1 Dimension sheets

Sectional drawing, pellet storage room

Suction connector Pellet blow-in nozzle

Useable volume
is emptied
automatically by
the conveyor worm
Sloping floor support or
squared timber, e.g. 8 x 8 cm
Attachment at least 27 mm
thick, plates with smooth For room widths
surface or rough boarding, greater than 3 m
25 mm with hard fibre provide additional
support surface support
Provide cross
connection when
using unplaned

Empty space

Section in the closed trough


Wall penetration

200 x 200 or Ø 300

Centre storage room

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18.1 Dimension sheets

FE conveyor worm system, construction kit TDB-MBL-USP-MBDK0001_e

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18.1 Dimension sheets

Fitting dimensions, FE ascending worms (elbow worms) TDB-MBL-USP-MBDK0002_d

Ascending worm with deviation B depending on storage room lowering

Ascending worm 1 Ascending worm 2 Ascending worm 3 Ascending worm 4
12-1001448 12-1001451 12-1001454 12-1001457
Storage A= 785 mm A= 910 mm A= 1010 mm A= 1160 mm
room lowering C= 487 mm C= 599 mm C= 679 C= 808 mm
0 0 0 - 350 0 - 470 440 - 640
50 0 0 - 270 0 - 420 350 - 600
100 - 0 - 120 0 - 340 220 - 550
150 - 0 0 - 240 0 - 500
200 - - 0 0 - 430
250 - - 0 0 - 330
300 - - - 0 - 190
350 - - - 0

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18.1 Dimension sheets

Construction kit, FE type S

(pellet worms and suction conveyor) TDB-MBL-USP-MBDS0001_d (part 1)

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18.1 Dimension sheets

Construction kit, FE type S

(pellet worms and suction conveyor) TDB-MBL-USP-MBDS0001_d (part 2)

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18.1 Dimension sheets

Fitting dimensions KWB Easyfire S with inclined worm and fabric tank
Outline No sharp objects above the fabric tank

Solid ceiling F90

Worm can be extended with

worm conveyor extension

Min. RL 235
Extractor worm 1 – L1=184.2
Extractor worm 2 – L2=139.2

< 30°

Ground plan ** at least 30 on the fill side min.



min. min.

* The rear of the boiler must be accessible! (On one side at least 60 cm – on the other side at least 20 cm)
** At least 30 cm must remain free on the fill side of the fabric tank!
The fire door control system (F90 wall) is only necessary in Austria!
Germany: Minimum distance 100 cm between fabric tank and boilers to 50 kW!
Chimney / smoke pipe connection from the floor: 10 - 20 kW at least 70 cm, 25 - 30 kW at least 85 cm, at least 20 cm to the ceiling

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18.1 Dimension sheets

Installation example, KWB Easyfire GL

with suction conveyor unit and lance TDB-EBB-USP-Einbaubsb. 7_B sheet 7/11

Ceiling opening ; 70 mm If the fabric tank with
will be set upatinleast 400 cm2
a separate must be provided.
USP GL with fabric tank Fire-safety collar ventilation with at least 400 cm2 must be provided.
and suction system
Solid ceiling F90 Solid ceiling F90 No sharp
objects above
Boiler the fabric tank
fabric tank Room

Pellet Storage Room

Pellet transport hose

max. length 25 m

without step max. 300

lift without step 3 m

Protective pipe HT pipe
st after 3 m height difference 1 m route horizontally
Ceiling opening ; 70 mm at least ; 15 cm
or hose bend radii at least 30 cm.
Fire-safety collar

Solid ceiling F90

fabric tank
nk Pellet transport hose
max. length 25 m

Buried Tank

Hose installation (valid for all versions of the suction conveyor):

Back-up prevention: Fastening:
• Max. delivery head • Max. distance between holders 80 cm
• At the latest after a 3 mm height differential route 1 m • the hose should not sag between holders
horizontal • Do not mechanically stress the conveyor hose
• Max. total delivery head 5 m (e.g. twist, crush, etc.
• Max. length of the transport hose 25 m • Do not install the conveyor hose near hot surfaces
• All conveyor hose bend radii at least 30 cm

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18.1 Dimension sheets

Fitting dimensions, KWB Easyfire GL, GS

with suction conveyor unit and worm
GS, GL 10 - 20 kW 25GS, GL 25 - 30 kW
- 30 kW

Chimney diameter and smoke-pipe

execution in accordance with the
“Technical Data Table“ energy saving
damper ; 15 cm with explosion door

Solid ceiling F90

Boiler Min.
Room Hose Guide
• Max. total lift 5 m
• Max. total lift without step 3 m
Min. RL 200

• At the latest after 3 m height difference 1 m route horizontally

• All conveyor hose bend radii at least 30 cm.

Ceiling opening ; 70 mm
Fire-safety collar

Solid ceiling F90 Ricochet protection mat Solid ceiling F90

Wooden boards
Min. 100
without step max. 300
Total lift 5 m

per “step”

Pellet transport hose Inclined floor

max. length 25 m
Conveyor Worm

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18.1 Dimension sheets

Pellet fabric tank, dimension sheet for all sizes TDB-MBL-USP-MBDK0007_d

D im e n s io n n o . D im e n s io n d e s c rip tio n U n it ZG 3 0 0 0 ZG 3 4 0 0 ZG 3 5 0 0 ZG 4 0 0 0 ZG 4 8 0 0 ZG 5 0 0 0
F ra m e e x te rio r d im e n s io n s (le n g th ) [m m ] 1970 2270 2270 2870 2870 2870
Length dimensions

L2 A x ia l d im e n s io n , flo o r p la t e (le n g t h ) [m m ] 1780 2080 2080 2680 2680 2680
L3 M a x . le n g t h fo r in je c tio n n o z z le 1 5 ° [m m ] 2138 2438 2438 3038 3038 3038
L4 M a x . le n g t h fo r in je c tio n n o z z le 0 ° [m m ] 2233 2533 2533 3133 3133 3133

L5 M i n . ro o m l e n g th [m m ] 2350 2650 2650 3250 3250 3250

B1 F ra m e e x te rio r d im e n s io n s (w id th ) [m m ] 1970 1970 2270 1970 2270 2870

Width dimensions

B2 A x ia l d im e n s io n flo o r p la te (w id t h ) [m m ] 1780 1780 2080 1780 2080 2680

B3 M a x . w id t h fo r n o z z le 1 5 ° lo n g s id e [m m ] 2138 2138 2438 2138 2438 3038
B4 M a x . w id t h fo r n o z z le 0 ° lo n g s id e [m m ] 2233 2233 2533 2233 2533 3133
B5 M i n . ro o m w id th w i th o u t n o z z l e lo n g sid e [m m ] 2050 2050 2350 2050 2350 2950
B6 M i n . ro o m w id th w i th n o z z le lo n g si d e [m m ] 2350 2350 2650 2350 2650 3250
N u m b e r o f fill n o z z le s Pc. 1 1 - 2 1 1 - 3 1 - 3 1 - 2

L o n g e s t in d ivid u a l p a rt [m m ] 1920 2175 2175 2775 2775 2775

W e ig h t w it h o u t fillin g a n d w ith o u t n o z z le [k g] ~ ( 1 9 5 - 2 6 0 )
F il l q u a n ti ty [t] 2 ,8 - 3 ,2 3 , 0 - 3 ,4 3 ,1 - 3 , 7 3 , 5 - 4 ,0 4 ,2 - 4 , 8 4 , 6 - 5 ,4

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18.1 Dimension sheets

Fitting dimensions, KWB Easyfire R stirrer TDB-MBL-USP-Einbaumaße_d sheet 2


at least 50 cm to the edge of the drop shaft

Ground plan

Dimensions in cm
min. min.

* The rear of the boiler must be accessible! (On one side at least 60 cm – on the other side at least 20 cm)
** At least 30 cm must remain free on the fill side of the fabric tank!
The fire door control system (F90 wall) is only necessary in Austria!
Germany: Minimum distance 100 cm between fabric tank and boilers to 50 KW!
Chimney/smoke pipe connection from the floor: 10 - 20 KW at least 70 cm, 25 - 30 kW at least 85 cm, at least 20 cm to the ceiling

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18.2 Hydraulic diagrams

Return flow boost, hydr. circuit boiler circuit MBEH0001_e

Variant 1: Return flow boost with bypass pump

– Only for distributors under pressure (no short-circuit!)

– No buffer, hydraulic shunt is not possible!
– Bypass pump is speed-regulated (output, see terminal diagram)


Variant 2: Return flow boost with motor mixing valve (or thermal valve)
– Use for installation of a buffer or a hydraulic shunt
– No distributor short circuit
– Either thermal valve or motor mixer (mixer output, see terminal diagram)

USP, USV, SHV, TDS (TDS only with motor mixing valve) Hydr. shunt or buffer


USP: Min. 55°
USV, SHV, TDS: Min. 55°

Variant 3: Return flow boost with thermal mixing valve (or motor mixing valve)
– Without buffer or hydr. shunt the distributor must be de-pressurized (short circuit!)
– Short circuit: DN should equal DNv, however minimum DNk! Pressure loss < 5 mbar
– Either thermal valve or motor mixer (mixer output, see terminal diagram)
(Pressure loss must be less than 5 mbar)


Short circuit


Valve core 55 °C°

These illustrations are principle representations. The hydr. configuration/detail planning must be executed by
the installer. Suitable return flow boost armatures are available from KWB.

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18.2 Hydraulic diagrams

Base module with weather-sensitive control system MBEH0002_b sheet 1/2

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18.2 Hydraulic diagrams

Base module with weather-sensitive control system MBEH0002_a sheet 2/2

System description:
The hydraulic system consists of boiler circuit and distributor and is de-coupled by a switch.
The return flow boost is executed via a thermal valve at min. 50 °C. The base module for
boiler/DHWC & buffer regulation is equipped with a weather-sensitive control system for 2 heating
circuits (option). One heating circuit is equipped with an analogue room control unit (option),
the second heating circuit is equipped with a digital room control unit (option) for remote control.

Menu basic settings

Parameters Settings

Return flow boost Thermal valve

Network settings Boiler External 2 Heat to target 2

Power output Heating mode
Boiler dependence Yes

Heating circuit/
heating circuit 0 Room sensor Boiler/0
Outdoor sensor Boiler
Function No
Group no. 0

Heating circuit/
heating circuit 1 Room sensor Boiler/1
Outdoor sensor Boiler
Function Yes
Group no. 0

Heating circuit/
heating circuit 2 Room sensor DRCU 1
Outdoor sensor Boiler
Function Yes
Group no. 0

DHWC/DHWC 0 Function Yes or before

Group no. 0

Buffer/Buffer 0 Function No

Digital remote control/ Outdoor sensor Boiler

Digital remote control 1 Heating circuit 1–2
DHWC 0-0
Buffer ---

Hardware Heating circuit modules 0

Digital remote control 1
Plug-in modules Off

Subject to change!
Tech. data sheet HYD-USP-MBEH0002_a sheet 2/2, date: 13-07-06 StHo

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18.2 Hydraulic diagrams

Base module with weather-sensitive control system MBEH0003_b sheet 1/2

Subject to change!

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18.2 Hydraulic diagrams

Base module with weather-sensitive control system MBEH0003_a sheet 2/2

System description:
The hydraulic system consists of the boiler circuit (without main pump), and a distributor that is under
pressure. The return flow boost is executed via a bypass pump (4) in fixed speed execution, which is
activated via speed-regulation. Speed level switching must be set to the highest speed. The basic module
for boiler/DHWC & buffer control is equipped with a weather-sensitive control system for 2 heating circuits
(option). One heating circuit is equipped with an analogue room control unit (option), the second heating
circuit is equipped with a digital room control unit (option) for remote control.

Menu basic settings

Parameters Settings

Return flow boost Bypass pump

Network settings Boiler External 2 Heat to target 2

Power output Heating mode
Boiler dependence Yes

Heating circuit/
heating circuit 0 Room sensor Boiler/0
Outdoor sensor Boiler
Function No
Group no. 0

Heating circuit/
heating circuit 1 Room sensor Boiler/1
Outdoor sensor Boiler
Function Yes
Group no. 0

Heating circuit/
heating circuit 2 Room sensor DRCU1
Outdoor sensor Boiler
Function Yes
Group no. 0

DHWC/DHWC 0 Function Yes or before

Group no. 0

Buffer/Buffer 0 Function No

Digital remote control/ Outdoor sensor Boiler

Digital remote control 1 Heating circuit 1–2
DHWC 0–0
Buffer ---

Hardware Heating circuit modules 0

Digital remote control 1
Plug-in modules Off

Subject to change!
Tech. data sheet HYD-USP-MBEH0003_a, sheet 2/2, Date: 13-07-06 StHo

© KWB – Kraft und Wärme aus Biomasse GmbH IM Easyfire 10/2008 Page 167

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18.2 Hydraulic diagrams

Base module with weather-sensitive control system,

combination load-balancing tank MBEH0004_b sheet 1/2

Subject to change!

Page 168 IM Easyfire 10/2008 © KWB – Kraft und Wärme aus Biomasse GmbH

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18.2 Hydraulic diagrams

Base module with weather-sensitive control system,

combination load-balancing tank MBEH0004_a sheet 2/2

System description:
The hydraulic system consists of the boiler circuit, the distributor, and a combination buffer that is switched as load
compensator (VAR 1) in the bypass. The return flow boost is executed via a thermal valve on at least 50 °C. The
basic module for boiler / DHWC & buffer control is equipped with a weather-sensitive control system for 2 heating
circuits (option). One heating circuit is equipped with an analogue room control unit (option), the second heating
circuit is equipped with a digital room control unit (option) for remote control.

Menu basic settings

Parameters Settings

Return flow boost Thermal valve

Network settings Boiler External 2 Heat to target 2

Power output Heating mode
Boiler dependence Yes

Heating circuit/
heating circuit 0 Room sensor Boiler/0
Outdoor sensor Boiler
Function No
Group no. 0

Heating circuit/
heating circuit 1 Room sensor Boiler/1
Outdoor sensor Boiler
Function Yes
Group no. 0

Heating circuit/
heating circuit 2 Room sensor DRCU 1
Outdoor sensor Boiler
Function Yes
Group no. 0

Buffer/Buffer 0 Function VAR 1

Digital remote control/ Outdoor sensor Boiler

Digital remote control 1 Heating circuit 1–2
DHWC 0–0
Buffer 0–0

Hardware Heating circuit modules 0

Digital remote control 1
Plug-in modules Off

Comment: None

Subject to change!
Tech. data sheet: HYD-USP-MBEH0004_a, sheet 2/2, date: 13-07-06 StHo

© KWB – Kraft und Wärme aus Biomasse GmbH IM Easyfire 10/2008 Page 169

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18.2 Hydraulic diagrams

Base module with weather-sensitive control system

& second boiler switchover MBEH0005_b sheet 1/2

Subject to change!

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18.2 Hydraulic diagrams

Basic module with weather-sensitive control system

& second boiler switchover MBEH0005_a sheet 2/2
System description:
The hydraulic system, consists of boiler circuit and distributor and is de-coupled by a switch. The return flow boost
is executed via a thermal valve on at least 50 °C. The basic module for boiler / DHWC & buffer control is equipped
with a weather-sensitive control system for 2 heating circuits (option). One heating circuit is equipped with an
analogue room control unit (option), the second heating circuit is equipped with a digital room control unit (option)
for remote control. Automatic second boiler switchover is activated via plug-in module 1 (option) After heating
up the second boiler, the automatic boiler is switched off via the flue gas thermostat (22) that is only required
for a shared chimney, or via the second boiler sensor (3) at the switchover temperature (65 °C, adjustable). The
second boiler pump is switched on. When exceeding the overheating temperature (80 °C adjustable), the connected
heating circuits run at maximum temperature and the boiler is charged until it reaches the target temperature. If the
second boiler cools off to a temperature below the switchover temperature the automatic boiler goes into operation
again. The second boiler pump switches off.

Menu basic settings

Parameters Settings

Return flow boost Thermal valve

Second boiler Switchover at 65 °C

Overheating at 80 °C
Operation boiler pump Off

Network settings Boiler External 2 Heat to target 2

Power output Heating mode
Boiler dependence No

Heating circuit/
heating circuit 0 Room sensor Boiler/0
Outdoor sensor Boiler
Function No
Group no. 0

Heating circuit/
heating circuit 1 Room sensor Boiler/1
Outdoor sensor Boiler
Function Yes
Group no. 0

Heating circuit/
heating circuit 2 Room sensor DRCU 1
Outdoor sensor Boiler
Function Yes
Group no. 0

DHWC/DHWC 0 Function Yes or before

Group no. 0

Buffer/Buffer0 Function No
Digital remote control/ Outdoor sensor Boiler
Digital remote control1 Heating circuit 1–2
DHWC 0–0
Buffer ---

Hardware Heating circuit modules 0

Digital remote control 1
Plug-in modules SB

Comment: If the second boiler hydraulics are looped through the automatic boiler, then “Boiler pump mode” must
be set to “On” so that the boiler circuit pump (4) runs together with the second boiler pump.
Subject to change!
Techn. data sheet:HYD-USP-MBEH0005_a, sheet 2/2, date: 13-07-06 StHo

© KWB – Kraft und Wärme aus Biomasse GmbH IM Easyfire 10/2008 Page 171

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18.2 Hydraulic diagrams

Basic module with weather-sensitive control system,

one expansion module and a buffer as long-term buffer MBEH0006_b sheet 1/2

Subject to change!

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18.2 Hydraulic diagrams

Basic module with weather-sensitive control system,

one expansion module and a buffer as long-term buffer MBEH0006_a sheet 2/2
System description:
The hydr. system consists of the boiler circuit, the buffer switched as long-term buffer (VAR 2), and the distributor. The
return flow boost is executed via a thermal valve (28) on at least 50 °C. The basic module for boiler / DHWC & buffer
control is equipped with a weather-sensitive control system for 2 heating circuits (option), and is combined with a bus-
capable heating circuit expansion module (25). Two heating circuits are equipped with analogue room control units
(option), the two other heating circuits are equipped with digital room control units (option) for remote control.

Menu basic settings

Parameters Settings
Return flow boost Thermal valve
Network settings Boiler External 2 Heat to target 2
Power output Heating mode
Boiler dependence Yes
Heating circuit/
heating circuit 0 Room sensor Boiler/0
Outdoor sensor Boiler
Function No
Group no. 0
Heating circuit/
heating circuit 1 Room sensor DRCU 1
Outdoor sensor Boiler
Function Yes
Group no. 0
Heating circuit/
heating circuit 2 Room sensor Boiler/2
Outdoor sensor Boiler
Function Yes
Group no. 0
Heating circuit/
heating circuit 3 Room sensor DRCU 2
Outdoor sensor Boiler
Function Yes
Group no. 0
Heating circuit/
heating circuit 4 Room sensor HCM 1/2
Outdoor sensor Boiler
Function Yes
Group no. 0

DHWC/DHWC 0 Function No
Group no. 0
DHWC/DHWC 1 Function Yes or before
Group no. 0
Buffer/Buffer 0 Function VAR2
Buffer/Buffer 1 Function No
Digital remote control/ Outdoor sensor Boiler
Digital remote control 1 Heating circuit 1 – 2 or 1 – 4
DHWC 1–1
Buffer 0-0
Digital remote control/ Outdoor sensor Boiler
Digital remote control 2 Heating circuit 3 – 4 or 1 – 4
DHWC 1–1
Buffer ---
Hardware Heating circuit modules 1
Digital remote control 1
Plug-in modules Off

Comment: None
Subject to change!
Tech. data sheet HYD-USP-MBEH0006_a; Blatt2/2 date: 14-07-06 StHo

© KWB – Kraft und Wärme aus Biomasse GmbH IM Easyfire 10/2008 Page 173

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18.2 Hydraulic diagrams

Base module with weather-sensitive control system,

one expansion module
and a combination buffer as load compensator MBEH0007_b sheet 1/2

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18.2 Hydraulic diagrams

Base module with weather-sensitive control system,

one expansion module
and a combination buffer as load compensator MBEH0007_A sheet 2/2
System description:
The hydraulic system consists of the boiler circuit, the distributor, and a combination buffer that is switched as load
compensator (VAR 1) in the bypass. The return flow boost is executed via a thermal valve (28) on at least 50 °C. The basic
module for boiler / DHWC & buffer control is equipped with a weather-sensitive control system for 2 heating circuits
(option) and is combined with a bus-capable expansion module (25). Two heating circuits are equipped with analogue
room control units (option), the two other heating circuits are equipped with digital room control units (option) for
remote control.

Menu basic settings

Parameters Settings
Return flow boost Thermal valve
Network settings Boiler External 2 Heat to target 2
Power output Heating mode
Boiler dependence Yes
Heating circuit/
heating circuit 0 Room sensor Boiler/0
Outdoor sensor Boiler
Function No
Group no. 0
Heating circuit/
heating circuit 1 Room sensor DRCU 1
Outdoor sensor Boiler
Function Yes
Group no. 0
Heating circuit/
heating circuit 2 Room sensor Boiler/2
Outdoor sensor Boiler
Function Yes
Group no. 0
Heating circuit/
heating circuit 3 Room sensor DRCU 2
Outdoor sensor Boiler
Function Yes
Group no. 0
Heating circuit/
heating circuit 4 Room sensor HCM 1/2
Outdoor sensor Boiler
Function Yes
Group no. 0

DHWC/DHWC 0 Function Yes or before

Group no. 0
DHWC/DHWC 1 Function No
Group no. 0
Buffer/Buffer 0 Function VAR1
Buffer/Buffer 1 Function No
Digital remote control/ Outdoor sensor Boiler
Digital remote control 1 Heating circuit 1 – 2 or 1 – 4
DHWC 0–0
Buffer 0–0
Digital remote control/ Outdoor sensor Boiler
Digital remote control 2 Heating circuit 3 – 4 or 1 – 4
DHWC 0–0
Buffer ---
Hardware Heating circuit modules 1
Digital remote control 2
Plug-in modules Off

Comment: None
Subject to change!
Tech. data sheet HYD-USP-MBEH0007_a, sheet 2/2, date: 14-07-06 StHo

© KWB – Kraft und Wärme aus Biomasse GmbH IM Easyfire 10/2008 Page 175

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18.2 Hydraulic diagrams

Basic module with weather-sensitive control system

and boiler master-and-slave system MBEH0009_b sheet 1/2

Subject to change!

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18.2 Hydraulic diagrams

Basic module with weather-sensitive control system

and boiler master-and-slave system MBEH0009_a sheet 2/2

System description:
The system consists of boiler circuit and distributor and is de-coupled by a switch. The return flow boost is
executed via a thermal valve on at least 50 °C. The basic module for boiler / DHWC & buffer control is equipped with
a weather-sensitive control system for 2 heating circuits (option). One heating circuit is equipped with an analogue
room control unit (option), the second heating circuit is equipped with a digital room control unit (option) for remote
control. If the lower boiler temperature value of the control hystereses on the master boiler is underranged by the
“temperature differential” (5 C, adjustable), then after a “switch-on delay” (30 min., adjustable) a slave boiler will
be requested via the power output. The request comes even if the master boiler has been switched off via the
software. If the boiler temperature of the master boiler increases above the described value after the “switch-off”
delay (30 min., adjustable) the request will be cancelled.

Menu basic settings

Parameters Settings

Return flow boost Thermal valve

Outputs Switching on 30 min

Switch-off 30 min
Temp. differential 5 °C

Network settings Boiler External 2 Heat to target 2

Power output Boiler master-and-slave
Boiler dependence No

Heating circuit/
heating circuit 0 Room sensor Boiler/0
Outdoor sensor Boiler
Function No
Group no. 0

Heating circuit/
heating circuit 1 Room sensor Boiler/1
Outdoor sensor Boiler
Function Yes
Group no. 0

Heating circuit/
heating circuit 2 Room sensor DRCU1
Outdoor sensor Boiler
Function Yes
Group no. 0

DHWC/DHWC0 Function Yes or before

Group no. 0

Buffer/Buffer0 Function No

Digital remote control/ Outdoor sensor Boiler

Digital remote control 1 Heating circuit 1–2
DHWC 0–0
Buffer ---

Hardware Heating circuit modules 0

Digital remote control 1
Plug-in modules Off

Comment: None
Subject to change!
Tech. data sheet HYD-USP-MBEH0009_a, sheet2/2, date: 14-07-06 StHo

© KWB – Kraft und Wärme aus Biomasse GmbH IM Easyfire 10/2008 Page 177

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18.2 Hydraulic diagrams

Basic module with weather-sensitive control system,

expansion module and buffer as long-term buffer MBEH0010_c sheet 1/2

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18.2 Hydraulic diagrams

Basic module with weather-sensitive control system,

expansion module and buffer as long-term buffer
System description:
The hydr. system consists of the boiler circuit, the buffer switched as long-term buffer (VAR 2), and the distributor.
The return flow boost is executed via a thermal mixing valve (28) on at least 55 °C. The base module for DHWC
& buffer control is equipped with a weather-sensitive control system for 2 heating circuits (option), and is combined
with a bus-capable heating circuit expansion module (25). Two heating circuits are equipped with analogue room
control units (option), the other two heating circuits are equipped with digital room control units (option) for remote
Basic settings menu
Parameter Settings
Return flow boost Thermal valve
Network settings Boiler External 2 Heat to target 2
Power output Heating mode
Heating circuit /
heating circuit 0 Room sensor Boiler / 0
Outdoor sensor Boiler
Function No
Group no. 0
Heating circuit /
heating circuit 1 Room sensor DRCU 1
Outdoor sensor Boiler
Function Yes
Group no. 0
Heating circuit /
heating circuit 2 Room sensor Boiler / 2
Outdoor sensor Boiler
Function Yes
Group no. 0
Heating circuit /
heating circuit 3 Room sensor DRCU 2
Outdoor sensor Boiler
Function Yes
Group no. 0
Heating circuit /
heating circuit 4 Room sensor HCM 1 / 1
Outdoor sensor Boiler
Function Yes
Group no. 0
DHWC / DHWC 0 Function Yes or No
Group no. 0
DHWC / DHWC 1 Function No
Group no. 0
Buffer / buffer 0 Function VAR 2
Buffer / buffer 1 Function No
Digital remote control / Outdoor sensor Boiler
Digital remote control 1 Heating circuit 1 - 2 or 1 - 4
DHWC 0-0
Buffer 0-0
Digital remote control / Outdoor sensor Boiler
Digital remote control 2 Heating circuit 3 - 4 or 1 - 4
DHWC 0-0
Buffer ---
Hardware Heating circuit modules 1
Digital remote control 2
Plug-in modules Off

Comments: None Subject to change!

Tech. data sheet HYD-USP-MBEH0010_b, sheet 2/2, date: 12-02-07 StHo

© KWB – Kraft und Wärme aus Biomasse GmbH IM Easyfire 10/2008 Page 179

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18.2 Hydraulic diagrams

Basic module with weather-sensitive control system,

one buffer with solar register
and a fresh-water module as long-term buffer MBEH0011 sheet 1/2

Page 180 IM Easyfire 10/2008 © KWB – Kraft und Wärme aus Biomasse GmbH

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18.2 Hydraulic diagrams

Basic module with weather-sensitive control system,

one buffer as long-term buffer
and a fresh-water module as long-term buffer
System description:
The hydraulic system consists of boiler circuit and a buffer switched as long-term buffer (VAR 2). The return flow
boost is executed via a motor valve (5) on at least 50 °C. The basic module for DHWC & buffer control is equipped
with a weather-sensitive control system for 2 heating circuits (option). One heating circuit is equipped with an
analogue room control unit (option), the second heating circuit is equipped with a digital room control unit (option)
for remote control.
Basic settings menu
Parameter Settings
Return flow boost Thermal valve
Network settings Boiler External 2 Heat to target 2
Power output Heating mode
Boiler dependence Yes
Heating circuit /
heating circuit 0 Room sensor Boiler / 0
Outdoor sensor Boiler
Function No
Group no. 0
Heating circuit /
heating circuit 1 Room sensor DRCU 1
Outdoor sensor Boiler
Function Yes
Group no. 0
Heating circuit /
heating circuit 2 Room sensor Boiler / 1
Outdoor sensor Boiler
Function Yes
Group no. 0
DHWC / DHWC 0 Function Yes
Group no. 0
Buffer / buffer 0 Function VAR 2
Buffer / buffer 1 Function No
Digital remote control / Outdoor sensor Boiler
Digital remote control 1 Heating circuit 1-2
DHWC 0-0
Buffer 0-0
Hardware Heating circuit modules 0
Digital remote control 1
Plug-in modules Off

Comments: None Subject to change!

Tech. data sheet HYD-USP-MBEH0011, sheet 2/2, date: 07-10-2008 MaSa

© KWB – Kraft und Wärme aus Biomasse GmbH IM Easyfire 10/2008 Page 181

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18.3 Electrical diagrams

KWB Easyfire, analogue & digital inputs TDB-ELS-USP-EBAA1011

© KWB – Kraft und Wärme aus Biomasse GmbH IM Easyfire 10/2008 Page 183

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18.3 Electrical diagrams

KWB Easyfire, outputs, basic module TDB-ELS-USP-EBAA1012_a

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18.3 Electrical diagrams

KWB Easyfire, ABM motor connection TDB-ELS-USP-EBAA1014_b

© KWB – Kraft und Wärme aus Biomasse GmbH IM Easyfire 10/2008 Page 185

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18.3 Electrical diagrams

Bus data cable, KBG TDB-ELS-USP-EBAA1015_a

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18.3 Electrical diagrams

KWB Easyfire,
analogue inputs and safety thermostat TDB-ELS-USP-EBAA1016_b

© KWB – Kraft und Wärme aus Biomasse GmbH IM Easyfire 10/2008 Page 187

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18.3 Electrical diagrams

KWB Easyfire, HCM connection diagram ELS-TYÜ-HKM_XL_a

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18.3 Electrical diagrams

Bus cabling TDB-ELS-USP-EBAA1018_g

© KWB – Kraft und Wärme aus Biomasse GmbH IM Easyfire 10/2008 Page 189

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18.3 Electrical diagrams

KWB Easyfire, outputs, heating circuits TDB-ELS-USP-EBAA1019_c

Page 190 IM Easyfire 10/2008 © KWB – Kraft und Wärme aus Biomasse GmbH

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18.3 Electrical diagrams

KWB Easyfire,
analogue and digital inputs heating circuits TDB-ELS-USP-EBAA1020_a

© KWB – Kraft und Wärme aus Biomasse GmbH IM Easyfire 10/2008 Page 191

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18.3 Electrical diagrams

Boiler, plug-in module 1 HC-0+second boiler TDB-ELS-USP-EBAA1021_f

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18.3 Electrical diagrams

Boiler, Burner plug-in panel TDB-ELS-USP-EBAA1022

© KWB – Kraft und Wärme aus Biomasse GmbH IM Easyfire 10/2008 Page 193

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18.3 Electrical diagrams

Boiler, burner drive TDB-ELS-USP-EBAA1023

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18.3 Electrical diagrams

Boiler, induced draught / cleaning system TDB-ELS-USP-EBAA1024_b

© KWB – Kraft und Wärme aus Biomasse GmbH IM Easyfire 10/2008 Page 195

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18.3 Electrical diagrams

Boiler, supply I/O+plug-in module TDB-ELS-USP-EBAA1025_a

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18.3 Electrical diagrams

Boiler, plug-in module 1

suction system + second boiler TDB-ELS-USP-EBAA1026_e

© KWB – Kraft und Wärme aus Biomasse GmbH IM Easyfire 10/2008 Page 197

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18.3 Electrical diagrams

Boiler, Easyfire GS, Easyfire GL TDB-ELS-USP-EBAA1027_c

Page 198 IM Easyfire 10/2008 © KWB – Kraft und Wärme aus Biomasse GmbH

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Buffer DHWC FF sensor Remote Chimney External External Supply Boiler / bypass Return flow mixer HC pump 1 HC pump 2 HC mixer 2 DHWC pump Smoke Power Fault 1 Fault 2
sweep button
HC mixer 1
sensor 1 sensor Hc1 therm.HC1 1 2 230 V AC pump extractor

Outdoor Buffer RF sensor FF sensor Remote Bus/24 V DC

sensor sensor 2 Hc2 therm. HC2 RC supply

Flue-gas Fill-level
sensor sensor

Boiler TM
Fitting dimensions,

Downloaded from manuals search engine


Limit sw.

Stoker trough Klixon

temperature stoker

© KWB – Kraft und Wärme aus Biomasse GmbH

Bus/24 V DC




Reserve Ash container


Klixon f. extractor


KWB Easyfire I/O module (board)

Speed, induced
Ash removal system

draught reserve
Heat exch. Cleaning system

Plug-in module 1
Safety Fuel extractor

draught fan

All connection work must be executed by manufacturer's specialised

employees or by a licensed electrical company when the system is

IM Easyfire 10/2008
Biomass heating systems

KWB art. No Operation

7 Bus

Page 199
18.3 Electrical diagrams
18.3 Electrical diagrams

KWB Easyfire I/O plug-in module 1 TDB-ELS-USP-EBAA1029_a

If only the second boiler is
connected it must be connected
as specified for the pin assignment
suction system / second boiler!

Configuration-specific plug-in connector pin assignment You must tick the selected
pin assignment as part of the
Software configuration
Plug-in module 1

connection task.
Eingestellt ‡ ‡
Stecker-Nr. Heat. circuit /
Heizkreis/Zweitkessel Suction system /
51 second boiler
VL-Fühler HK 0 second boiler
52 Fernversteller HK0 0 Boiler sensor
- –
FF – sensor HC
53 Kesselfühler-Zweitkessel second - boiler
54 Remote thermostat
- HC 0 -–
55 Boiler sensor – second
Thermostat-Zweitkessel Thermostat-Zweitkessel

Rauchg.thermostat- Rauchg.thermostat-
54 –
Zweitkessel –
57 Thermostat, -second boiler Thermostat, -second boiler
56 -
Flue gas thermostat, -
Flue gas thermostat,
59 HK-Pumpe 0
second boiler second- boiler
60 –
HK-Mischer 0

58 Filterreinig.
– –
61 Pumpe Zweitkessel Pumpe Zweitkessel
59 HC pump 0 –
Versorgung Versorgung
60 HC
VAC0 Suction
Filter cleaning L 
61 Pump, second boiler Pump, second boiler
62 Supply 230 VAC Supply 230 VAC

KWB art. no.: 50014002

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18.3 Electrical diagrams

House junction box for KWB Easyfire TDB-ELS-USP-EBAA1030 _a

© KWB – Kraft und Wärme aus Biomasse GmbH IM Easyfire 10/2008 Page 201

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18.3 Electrical diagrams

KWB Easyfire – ash removal system TDB-ELS-USP-EBAA1031

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18.3 Electrical diagrams

KWB Easyfire – mains cable TDB-ELS-USP-EBAA1046

© KWB – Kraft und Wärme aus Biomasse GmbH IM Easyfire 10/2008 Page 203

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18.3 Electrical diagrams

KWB Easyfire – chimney sweep button TDB-ELS-USP-EBAA1042

Art. no.: 13-1000639

Cable Ö-OZ 2 x 0.5

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18.3 Electrical diagrams


© KWB – Kraft und Wärme aus Biomasse GmbH IM Easyfire 10/2008 Page 205

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18.3 Electrical diagrams

KWB Easyfire – fan with Hall sensor ebm TDB-ELS-USP-EBAA1032

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18.3 Electrical diagrams

KWB Easyfire – Hall sensor Hanning TDB-ELS-USP-EBAA1048

© KWB – Kraft und Wärme aus Biomasse GmbH IM Easyfire 10/2008 Page 207

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18.3 Electrical diagrams

KWB Easyfire – induced draught Hanning TDB-ELS-USP-EBAA1034b

Page 208 IM Easyfire 10/2008 © KWB – Kraft und Wärme aus Biomasse GmbH

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18.3 Electrical diagrams

KWB Easyfire – induced draught

with Hall sensor ebm TDB-ELS-USP-EBAA1033

© KWB – Kraft und Wärme aus Biomasse GmbH IM Easyfire 10/2008 Page 209

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18.3 Electrical diagrams

KWB Easyfire – safety thermostat TDB-ELS-USP-EBAA1040

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18.4 Chimney

Data capture for chimney cross-section calculation

Client: Construction project:

Altitude above sea level: m

Boiler data:

Make: KWB Type: Year of manufacture: Fuel:

Joining piece data:

Material: Sheet steel Stainless steel Other: Insulation thickness: mm

Diameter (Dv): mm Effective length (Lv): m Effective height (Hv): m

Wall thickness (Sv): mm Redirectors (z) x 45° x 90° x °

Chimney flue data:

Make/type: Flue installation Flue of pre-assembled pieces Flue gas line Other

Form: Round Rectangular Clear width: x mm Position: In the building On the building Free-standing

Offset: No Yes horizontal , vertical m

Eff. length: m Connection: T-45° T-90°

Eff. height (Hw): , Cold area (Hk): , Free (Hf): m

Head cladding: No Yes material Thickness mm

Roof cowl: No Yes distance (Ad): m

Thermal resistance group: II III

Structure: Layer thickness 1 mm material

Layer thickness 2 mm material

Layer thickness 3 mm material
Secondary air fixture: No Yes

In the flue In the joining piece

Existing chimney prior to reconstruction:

Form: Round Rectangular Clear width: x mm

Structure: Layer thickness 1 mm material

Layer thickness 2 mm material

Layer thickness 3 mm material

For the correctness of the data:

Place, date:


© KWB – Kraft und Wärme aus Biomasse GmbH IM Easyfire 10/2008 Page 211

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18.4 Chimney

Chimney – cross-section measurement

Pellet fired
boiler diagram

Wood pellets in accordance with ÖNORM M 7135

Calorific value 4.9 kWh/kg
Water content max. 10 % by mass
Bulk weight 650 kg/m³
Flue gas temperature 190 °C
Heating system boiler with draft required

Clear chimney diameter in cm

Nominal heat output in kW

Effective chimney height in meters

Basic data:
• Combustion temperature 190 °C
• Necessary conveyor pressures of the fireplace in accordance with manufacturer’s information
• Connecting piece: – Thermally insulated
– Ø identical to flue Ø or boiler connection
– Effective length 1/7 of the effective height, max. 3.0 m
– Redirectors 2 bends 90°, 1 inlet 90° + 1 contraction

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18.5 Instructions, pellet delivery


( The outgoing air must be able to escape via minimum 170 cm² opening!
A extractor system is not required.
The air that is blown in escapes through the fabric of the tank and is filtered in this process.
The pressure can also be compensated via opened windows or doors.

( Maximum fill pressure: 1.5 bar!

( Only change the incline of the fill nozzle for residual emptying! (Step 4).
Details in this regard are provided under point 9.9.4.

Filling instructions – KWB fabric tank

1.) Switch off the pellet heating system!

2.) Connect all parts of the filling system together so that they are electrically
Details are provided under point 9.9 “Filling instructions”.

3.) 2 fill couplings on the fabric tank

For optimal filling:
1. First fill to the height of the load-bearing spars via nozzle 1
2. Then fill to maximum capacity via nozzle 2
3. Finally fill to maximum capacity via nozzle 1.

4.) Emptying residues from the fill hose

Disengage the lock bolt to tilt the fill nozzle as desired.
To conclude fix the nozzle in place in the original position.

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18.6 Stickers & warnings

The stickers listed below must be affixed to the system:

Sample sheet:
(200x115mm = 5 x 6 Stk. pro Bogen = 1/30-Bogen) 12.08.04 - KWB - DEU/USP

Unplug the power plug before opening!

Install 55 °C return flow boost! Mains 230 V

Return flow Forward flow

Forward flow draft GS/GL
Return flow Main switch thermostat

Strictly ensure that the warning “Prior to opening, unplug the mains plug” is easily visible on
! the cover of the I/O board!

front back

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18.6 Stickers & warnings

Affix this sticker in the entry area of the storage room (storage room door) where it is easily visible!
Instruct the system owner in this regard!

Warnhinweis Lagerraum KWB-Art. Nr.: 27-2000101

Vor Betreten des Brennstoff-Lagerraums Anlage abschalten und
D gegen Wiedereinschalten sichern!
WARNUNG NICHT ohne Aufsicht den Brennstofflagerraum betreten!

Before entering the fuel storage room,

GB switch off the system and safeguard it from being restarted!
WARNING Do not enter the fuel storage without the assistance of a second person!
Avant de pénétrer dans le local de stockage du combustible, mettre l‘installation
F hors circuit et la sécuriser contre toute remise en marche intempestive.

typen- & sprachübergreifend_21.7.2008_

AVERTISSEMENT Ne pas pénétrer sans surveillance dans le local de stockage du combustible !

Prima di entrare nel deposito combustibile disattivare l’impianto

I e metterlo in sicurezza contro eventuali riattivazioni!
AVVERTENZA Non entrare nel deposito combustibile senza sorveglianza!

Maße: 245 x 170 mm; Hintergrund: RAL 1007; Aufdruck RAL 6005 |
¡Antes de entrar al silo de almacenamiento,
E desconectar la instalación y asegurarla contra nueva conexión!
ADVERTENCIA ¡No entrar sin supervisión al silo de almacenamiento!

Preden vstopite v kotlovnico za skladiščenje kuriva,

SLO napravo izklopite in jo zavarujte pred ponovnim vklopom!
POZOR V kotlovnico za skladiščenje kuriva ne vstopajte brez nadzora!

Affix this sticker outside on the blow-in nozzle!

Vor Befüllung des Lagers
Pelletheizung ausschalten.
Caution! Switch off pellet-fired heating system
before filling storage room.
¡Atención! Antes de llenar el depósito desconectar
la calefacción de pelets.

KW B - U S P

Arrêtez l’installation de chauffage

avant de remplir le dépôt de combustible !
. N r.


Prima di riempire il deposito del combustibile,

spegnere l‘impianto di riscaldamento.
Pozor! Pred polnjenjem zalogovnika 108 mm
izklopite ogrevalno napravo Aufkleber
na pelete. 19.10.2007
Art.Nr. 27-2000097

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Basic settings 40, 44, 50, 61, 67 Fabric tank 87, 88, 93, 94
Block terminal 35, 36, 39 Fast reduction 47
Blow-in nozzle 95 Fault 30, 56
Boiler circuit pump 27, 29, 30, 51, 52, 57, 58, 171 Final inspection 88
Boiler control unit 32, 35, 36, 43, 54, 79, 80, 81, 83, 84 Flange plate 110
Boiler I/O 17, 28, 29, 30, 31, 34, 35, 55, 59 Flue-gas dew point 10
Boiler master-and-slave circuit 30, 40, 53, 56, 176, 177 Flue gas thermostat 40, 171
Boiler module 44, 55 Foreign object 113
Boiler output 9, 27, 61 Forward flow temperature 47
Boiler pump 44, 52, 59, 171 Front cladding 13, 31, 32
Boiler request 30, 56 Frost protection 36, 44, 53, 56
Boiler room 87 Fuel extractor 10, 13, 40, 42, 44, 45, 51, 57, 58, 85, 92, 97,
Boiler temperature 28, 29, 44, 45, 50, 56, 65, 66, 177 99, 115
Buffer 27, 28, 29, 37, 44, 47, 50, 53, 54, 58, 171, 172, 173, Fuel storage room 9, 10, 43
175, 177 Fusing 28
Burner 16, 20, 45, 53, 61, 76, 107, 113, 120, 139, 140,
142, 193, 194 G
Bus cable 34 Gate valve 110
Bypass pump 50 Guarantee 68

Cable layout 34, 127 Hardware 40, 44, 51, 53, 55, 84
Cabling 33, 34 Heat exchanger cleaning system 52
Chimney 10, 27, 40, 43, 49, 61, 65, 66, 67, 69, 76, 77, 87, Heating circuit 28, 29, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, 40, 44, 47, 49,
157, 161, 171, 211, 212 50, 53, 55, 58, 169, 171, 173, 175, 177, 190, 191
Cleaning 44, 52, 57, 58, 195 Heating circuit module 35, 44, 50, 55, 59
Completion 87 Heating circuit pump 28, 47, 58
Connection bolt 110, 112 Heating curve 47, 48, 49
Control system 32, 47, 49, 50, 51, 53, 55, 57, 58, 61, 62, Heating curve gradient 47
63, 79, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, Heating limit 49, 50, 56
174, 175, 176, 177 Heating mode 53, 65
Heating program 36, 49
D Holiday remote control 53
DHWC 28, 29, 44, 45, 49, 53, 54, 58
Drive motor 113 I
Dust concentration 87 Idle time 47, 49, 51
Ignition 45, 57, 61
E Inclined worm removal 85
Efficiency 73 Injection connector 89
Electric shock 32 Inputs 30, 36, 40, 183, 187, 191
Emission 45, 65, 71, 72, 75, 77 Intermediate bearing 110, 111, 112
Escape switch 9, 28
Expansion module 29, 30, 34, 35, 37, 39, 53, 55, 59, 173, J
175 Junction box 14, 18, 28, 31, 40, 201
Extension 110, 111
External 30, 40, 50, 53, 56 L
Language 52
Level 47, 49, 54
Lightning protection 28
Limit switch 23
Load-balancing tank 27

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Mains plug 28 Safety STOP switch 23
Mains supply 28, 31 Second boiler 40, 44, 52, 55, 56, 59, 170, 171, 192, 197
Main switch 17, 28, 31, 43, 63 Second commissioning 45
Maintenance contract 45 Sensor check 37, 41
Medium load 30, 61, 62, 65, 67 Sensor resistance 37
Middle bearing 23 Setpoint 37, 45, 50, 66, 67
Minimum room height 86 Short circuit 41
Minimum room size 86 Smoke pipe 10, 13, 27, 76, 77, 157, 161
Mixer 27, 29, 30, 44, 47, 49, 50, 51, 52, 58 Software 79, 80, 81, 83, 84, 177
Mixer control 27, 50 SPECIALIST 47
Mixer motor connection 29, 30 Specialist 43
Mixer return flow boost 44, 51 Specialist level 43, 47, 55, 63, 66, 67
Motor shaft 113 Speed 29, 30, 50, 52, 58, 61, 67
Multi-function input 30 Stop switch 9, 28, 32, 56
Supply 28, 30, 31, 34, 39, 55, 63, 81, 83, 84, 196
N Surge voltage 28
Network 28, 33, 34, 35, 37
Network analysis 44, 59 T
Network settings 44, 53 Taking system measurements 45, 65, 66, 69
Nominal load 30, 45, 61, 62, 65, 66, 67 Terminals 34
Thermal valve 50
O Third-party control system 30
Operating values 44, 47 Transport hose 134
Outdoor sensor 49, 54, 56
Outputs 30, 40, 44, 56, 57 V
Output stage 30, 61, 62, 65 Vertical support unit 93
Overheating protection 40
P Wall socket 34
Partial load 30, 61, 62, 65, 67 Warranty 9, 27, 32
Plug-in module 40, 51, 52, 53, 55, 171, 192, 196, 197, 200 Water connection 27
Post-combustion ring 14, 67
Potential 30, 41, 42
Power output 40, 44, 53, 56, 177
Pump afterrun 44, 51
Pump connection 29, 30

Relay test 44, 57
Remote control unit 44, 53, 55, 59
Removal nozzle 87
Requirement 9, 10, 22, 28, 30, 40, 45, 50, 53, 54, 56, 85,
99, 109, 115, 125, 131, 133, 135, 137, 177
Return flow boost 27, 44
Room control unit 28, 34, 35, 36, 54, 79, 169, 171, 173,
175, 177
Room influence 47
Room sensor 34, 35, 37, 47, 53
Runtime 47, 49, 51, 61, 62

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Downloaded from manuals search engine

Downloaded from manuals search engine
for Life!
We provide Energy

Printed with Öko-Plus vegetable dyes – dyes have mineral-oil free base to protect the environment.
Biomass Heating Systems

KWB - Kraft und Wärme aus Biomasse GmbH . Industriestr. 235, A-8321 St. Margarethen/Raab
Tel.: +43 (3115) 6116-0 Fax DW 4 . . . Dated: August 2008.
Subject to alterations . Photos: Thomas Kunz, panthermedia . Art. no. 21-2000098

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