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A) i) Quadrat
ii) The students can throw quadrats in their respective areas to estimate its species.
iii) Climate

b) The students threw quadrats at their given area then they counted the species found
in the smaller squares of the quadrat and recorded them.

Crab grass
total number of individual species
Density =
number of quadrat × quadrat ¿ ¿ ¿

= 2
5× 1 m

= 5m2

Frequency = 25 ×100 %
= 25 %

Turtle grass
total number of individual species
Density =
number of quadrat × quadrat ¿ ¿ ¿
= 2
5× 1 m
= 2m2

Frequency = 10 ×100 %
= 10 %

Seaside yam
total number of individual species
Density =
number of quadrat × quadrat ¿ ¿ ¿

= 2
5× 1 m

= 11m2

Frequency = 55 ×100 %
= 55 %

chart showing the denisty of 3 species

seaside yam

turtle grass

crab grass

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Density Column1 Column2

measuring tape /string


Grass snake

Slug blackbirds


Leaves caterpillar
Predator – mangoes
Prey – blackbird

It helps in maintaining the diversity of the ecosystem and helps in controlling the

 It will cause an increase in the earthworm population

 The mangoes will have less food causing it to hunt more grass snakes.

Because as you go up the trophic levels there is less and less energy present. Therefore, there
is less energy to support those organisms.

Rhizobium. they share a symbiotic relationship.

Rhizobium benefits from this relationship by forming root nodules on legume plants that
enhance plant growth through nitrogen fixation. Legumes use the converted convert
atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia.
The carbon cycle is nature's way of reusing carbon atoms, which move from the atmosphere
into organisms in the Earth and then back into the atmosphere repeatedly. It is the continuous
process by which carbon is exchanged between organisms and the environment.

 The use of HFC

 Deforestation

 Rise in temperatures resulting in droughts and famine

 Melting of polar caps which causes a rise in sea level
 Change in climatic conditions

 Using renewable fuels

 Planting more trees

 Having most of the world concreted. Concrete hardens the soil and can cause soil
erosion etc.

 The digging of the earth’s crust for oil, etc. can cause earthquakes and other horrible
climatic disasters.
 The digging of oil can also pollute waters and air.

 An increase in fertility rates. Women over the past 150 years have been married off at
an early age because of this they tend to have more children. This then causes an
increase in fertility rates.
 Because of modern medicine and more awareness of a healthy lifestyle persons are
living longer. Hence an increase in longevity.
 Production of large amount of resources /food this goes hand in hand with longevity
because without the food produced persons would lack nourishment and the ability to
fight off bacteria
Marine ecosystems are aquatic environments with prominent levels of dissolved salt.
Examples are open ocean, the deep-sea ocean, coral reefs, mangroves etc.
Wetlands are found inland where saltwater, from tides and coastal flooding, cannot reach
them. Examples are swamps and marshes.

 The drilling of oil in these area causes pollution in the water.

 Persons are littering in these areas again polluting the waters and animals within them

Destruction of the ecosystems within the areas

Diseases carrying mosquitos and animals
Humans unknowingly consuming these infectious animals and being sick or worse

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