The Washington Post - September 22 2023 - The Washington Post

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Zelensky GOP’s
pleads for
aid during funding
blitz of D.C. plan is
Visit to Hill, Oval Office, upended
DOD comes as GOP’s
support for Kyiv wanes Defense bill again
stalls in House
A BIGAIL H AUSLOHNER, Lack of a path forward
A LEXANDRA H EAL raises shutdown chances

When Ukrainian President Vo- BY M ARIANNA S OTOMAYOR,

lodymyr Zelensky last visited L EIGH A NN C ALDWELL
Washington, it was a top-secret AND P AUL K ANE
journey and his first trip outside
his country since Russia invaded House Republicans for the sec-
Ukraine. He received a hero’s wel- ond week in a row failed to move
come at the White House and on forward on any legislation related
Capitol Hill that day in December, to funding the government, stun-
evoking comparisons to British ning many in their ranks as a
Prime Minister Winston government shutdown looms
Churchill’s wartime visit to Wash- next week.
ington in 1941. The status of negotiations on
Zelensky returned here on both a short-term funding solu-
Thursday to dramatically differ- tOm BREnnER fOR tHE WAsHinGtOn POst tion and long-term appropria-
ent circumstances. A growing ukrainian President Volodymyr zelensky exits a meeting on capitol hill, flanked by Senate leaders mitch mcconnell (r-ky.), left, and tions legislation declined so se-
number of Republicans are vow- charles E. Schumer (d-n.y.). house Speaker kevin mccarthy (r-calif.) denied zelensky’s request to address a joint meeting of congress. verely Thursday that lawmakers
ing to reject additional aid for began to return home, with no
Ukraine as a U.s. government votes scheduled for the rest of the
shutdown looms. House speaker week.
Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) denied Republicans’ inability to pass a
the Ukrainian leader’s request to
address a joint meeting of Con-
gress, and Zelensky was unable to
Murdoch hands down control of Fox media empire single funding provision since re-
turning to Washington last week
— including twice failing to start
tout any major breakthroughs in debate on a Defense Department
his military’s current counterof- Thursday, Murdoch, 92, an- challenging Despite decades of mutually appropriations bill — is the latest
fensive against Russia. nounced plans to become chair- period for the beneficial relationships with pol- embarrassment for the confer-
For Zelensky, the immediate
Conservative news head man emeritus at both companies. companies and iticians, the Murdochs have ence whose direction is being dic-
challenge on Thursday was to ca- retires after 70-year run, His son Lachlan, 52, will become their founder. struggled with how to navigate tated not by leaders but a handful
jole lawmakers to support the the sole chair of News Corp. — Fox’s record- their complicated relationship of stubborn holdouts.
Biden administration’s latest re-
with his son as successor which oversees the Wall street breaking with former president Donald Unable to overcome the opposi-
quest for $24 billion in military Journal as well as other print and $787.5 million Trump — a candidate whose for- tion, House speaker Kevin Mc-
and humanitarian aid for digital media properties — and settlement of a tunes Fox News bolstered in 2016 Carthy (R-Calif.) has scrapped
see zElEnSky ON a12 BY S ARAH E LLISON continue as executive chair and rupert defamation but on whom the elder Murdoch see houSE ON a6
CeO of Fox Corporation. murdoch lawsuit in has soured in recent years.
Grain fight: Poland threatens to Rupert Murdoch is stepping Murdoch’s blending of news April came af- Yet Fox News remains the top- Blame game: A calm White House
stop sending weapons to Kyiv. A11 down as the chairman of Fox and entertainment reshaped the ter a meandering deposition by rated cable news channel and has watches House GOP struggle. A6
Corporation and News Corp. — norms of an entire industry. His Murdoch, in which he acknowl- seen some of its post-Carlson
the business empire he once willingness to use his outlets to edged he had done nothing to losses reversed with a new prime-
vowed to leave “feet first” — advance his political and busi- stop Fox News hosts from airing time lineup.

Jack Smith ending a 70-year career that saw

him rise from publisher of a small
ness interests — most notably
with Fox News — made him a
baseless accusations of vote-rig-
ging in the 2020 presidential
While a family succession plan
has been more or less set for

built stout
Australian newspaper to become
a driving force in global con-
servative media and politics.
figure of admiration and fear, his
counsel sought by politicians and
business leaders.
election. shortly thereafter, Fox
fired popular opinion host
Tucker Carlson, leading to a
several years — Lachlan Mur-
doch’s younger brother, James,
left the company in 2020 — the
team to
In a memo to employees But his exit comes after a downturn in ratings. see murdoch ON a16
betting big
try Trump Reprimanded for teaching a book on race on Iowa as
A S.C. educator’s students reported her. Now she hopes their bond can survive political rifts. his rescue
Attorneys are deeply
experienced in fraught, BY H ANNAH N ATANSON With polling and support
high-profile cases IN CHAPIN, s.C.
from donors slipping,

A a turn to 1st caucus state

s gold sunlight filtered
into her kitchen, english
BY P ERRY S TEIN teacher Mary Wood shoul-
dered a worn leather bag packed
One prosecuted white suprem- with first-day-of-school items: BY H ANNAH K NOWLES,
acists. Another won a high-profile Three lesson-planning note- J OSH D AWSEY
case against Reality Winner, the books. Two peanut butter grano- AND I SAAC A RNSDORF
government worker found guilty la bars. An extra pair of socks,
in 2018 of leaking sensitive intel- just in case. DES MOINES — During the sum-
ligence information to the media. everything was ready, but mer a canvasser for Ron Desantis
They’ve gone after alleged cor- Wood didn’t leave. For the first knocked on the parsonage of
ruption by elected officials, with time since she started teaching st. Olaf Lutheran Church in Bode,
some victories and some re- 14 years ago, she was scared to go Iowa — population roughly 300 —
sounding defeats. back to school. and asked the pastor what she
And they’ve helped put notori- six months earlier, two of thought of the Republicans run-
ous drug cartel leaders behind Wood’s Advanced Placement ning for president.
bars. english Language and Composi- The pastor said she liked De-
The attorneys special counsel tion (AP Lang) students had santis. soon she was recruited.
Jack smith has recruited to pros- reported her to the school board The Florida governor showed
ecute former president Donald for teaching about race. Wood up at the door last month with his
Trump come from several divi- had assigned her all-White class family for a home-cooked meal
sions of the Justice Department, readings from Ta-Nehisi Coates’s complete with Iowa corn. On
joining to work full time on two of “Between the World and Me,” a saturday, the pastor drove two
the most highly scrutinized cases book that dissects what it means hours to see him again, huddling
in the nation. to be Black in America. around Desantis for a prayer at a
One group of prosecutors is The students wrote in emails Will CROOKs fOR tHE WAsHinGtOn POst church event. “I’m not that politi-
investigating Trump’s alleged that the book — and accompany- mary Wood outside chapin high School in chapin, S.c., on aug. 6. Wood, who was once a student cal of a person,” said the pastor,
mishandling of classified materi- ing videos that Wood, 47, played at the school, faced backlash for using ta-nehisi coates’s “Between the World and me” in a lesson. Joyce schmidt, 70, laughing a bit
als at Mar-a-Lago, his Florida about systemic racism — made at her involvement. “But all of a
residence and private club. The them ashamed to be White, vio- “reading hate propaganda to- mand in her file. It instructed system that raised her. The high sudden . . . ”
other is examining his alleged lating a south Carolina proviso wards white people,” one stu- her to keep teaching “without school Wood teaches at is the The courtship illustrates the
efforts to overturn the results of that forbids teachers from mak- dent wrote. discussing this issue with your same one she attended. organizing underway as Desantis
President Biden’s 2020 election ing students “feel discomfort, At least two parents com- students.” It had been a long summer banks heavily on evangelical
victory — a case that parallels a guilt, anguish, or any other form plained, too. Within days, school Wood finished out the spring since. Wood’s predicament, Christians, far-flung campaign-
separate, state-level investigation of psychological distress” on ac- administrators ordered Wood to semester feeling defeated and when it became public in a local ing and intensive fieldwork to
in Fulton County, Ga. count of their race. stop teaching the lesson. They betrayed — not only by her newspaper, divided her town. At revive the long-shot hopes of his
The federal investigations have Reading Coates’s book felt like placed a formal letter of repri- students, but also by the school see lESSon ON a8 struggling bid to best former
see Smith ON a15 see dESantiS ON a4

in the news ThE ECONOmy

With no deal in sight,
the montgomery
tony P’s ordinary life as
BusINEss NEws.........................A14
OpINION pAGEs..........................A17
the UAW strike against County inspector gener- a young D.C. resident OBITuArIEs..................................B4
fraud trial A court hearing in New York will ThE NATION ThE wOrLd Detroit’s Big Three al will investigate al- finds an extraordinary TELEvIsION...................................C4

help define the impending $250 million civil nearly half a million after a relatively quiet could expand as soon as leged misconduct by a Instagram following. C1 wOrLd NEws.............................A10

children and others period in Gaza, fears of a midday Friday. A14 former principal. B1
case against former president Donald Trump were improperly cut off new conflict there are two Black former em- in Virginia, some edu- wEEkENd
CONTENT © 2023
and his company. a3 from Medicaid. A2 mounting. A10 ployees of TikTok owner cators are concerned as we transition from The Washington Post

coronavirus tests will india ordered Canada ByteDance accused the about quick implemen- summer into fall, it’s Year 146, No. 53616
antitrust case Closed-door dealings that be available free from to cut staffing at its em- company of retaliating tation and staffing for time to celebrate the
cooler days with pump-
make Google the default search engine on the government again bassy, citing “diplomatic after they alleged dis- Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s
kin patches, petting zoos
starting next week. A2 interference.” A11 crimination. A15 tutoring plan. B1
Apple products are under scrutiny. a14 and corn mazes.
A2 EZ rE the washington post . friday, september 22 , 2023

After nearly 500,000 cut off, states restore Medicaid coverage
For home delivery comments
or concerns contact us at large numbers of children is the ately stop removing anyone from beneficiaries they had incorrect-
most serious problem to materi- Medicaid for paperwork reasons ly removed were all children. The or
send us an email at
CMS anticipates alize with the unwinding since “The fact we have 30 — known as procedural termina- District and Maryland dropped or call ‘significant number’ the government in the spring
states [in violation] is a tions — until the problem was fewer than 10,000 children, the
allowed states to resume assess- fixed. figures show, while Virginia re-
202-334-6100 or 800-477-4679
of wrongly dropped kids ing who is eligible for Medicaid. In a news briefing after CMS’s moved between 10,000 and
800-753-Post (7678) For three years before then, an- good indication this announcement, a group of state 50,000.
nual renewals stopped as part of Medicaid directors pointed out The preliminary data gives
TO ADVERTISE BY A MY G OLDSTEIN the government’s response to the particular piece of that CMS officials did not raise estimated ranges of people af-
coronavirus pandemic. As a re- the distinction between individ- fected in each state, and it says
classified: 202-334-6200
Nearly a half-million children sult, enrollment in the nation’s guidance [on assessing ual assessments and household five states were still assessing the
Display: 202-334-7642
and other individuals in 30 states largest public health insurance reviews as an issue in the months numbers of those improperly cut
MAIN PHONE NUMBER have been improperly dropped swelled because no one left the Medicaid coverage] is of preparation leading up to the off from coverage.
from Medicaid rolls, prompting program. unwinding. New York’s Medicaid director,
TO REAcH THE NEWSROOM federal health officials to shut Thursday’s disclosure follows relatively new.” “The fact we have 30 states [in Amir Bassiri, said during the
Metro: 202-334-7300; down parts of a massive cam- an announcement by CMS in Kevin Bagley, violation] is a good indication briefing that the state’s program paign to figure out who qualifies August that the agency had dis- nebraska’s Medicaid director this particular piece of guidance estimates 70,000 people — about
national: 202-334-7410; for the safety-net health insur- covered some states were im- is relatively new,” said Kevin 5 percent of the state residents ance in more than half the properly dropping children and Bagley, Nebraska’s Medicaid di- removed from Medicaid in June,
Business: 202-334-7320; country. certain other groups from Medic- uita Brooks-LaSure declined to rector. July and August — were dropped Leaders of the Centers for aid. Federal officials called the answer repeated questions about “If you would have asked me inappropriately because of the
sports: 202-334-7350; Medicare and Medicaid Services flaw a “systems glitch” and said it how many children were among before we got this letter whether computer flaw. About 41,000 of (CMS) on Thursday revealed the involved renewals that were the 500,000 improperly removed we were in complete compliance, them were age 18 or younger, he
investigative: 202-334-6179; scope of the trouble, caused by evaluated by computer, using from Medicaid. Tsai said that the I would have said yes,” said Cindy said. computer systems failing to de- wage records and other electron- figures from states were prelimi- Beane, commissioner of the West Bassiri said a temporary com-
style: 202-334-7535; termine whether individual fam- ic data, rather than directly ask- nary and that CMS did not have a Virginia Department of Health puter workaround is enabling ily members qualify for Medic- ing beneficiaries to fill out appli- breakdown, though he said the and Human Resources’s medical those improperly removed to be
reader advocate: 202-334-7582; aid. CMS discovered the problem cations. Such computerized eval- agency anticipates “a significant services bureau and president of reinstated starting this week, late last month and ordered uations are supposed to look at number.” the National Association of Med- and the state will send follow-up
every state to report whether it each member of a household Joan Alker, the director of the icaid Directors board. notices offering to reimburse
TO REAcH THE OPINION PAGES was doing things wrong. individually, but the 30 states Georgetown University Center If CMS had told states about them for any medical expenses
Letters to the editor: or call
The officials said Thursday were assessing households as a for Children and Families, said the distinction in January, short- they incurred while their insur-
202-334-6215 that states are in the process of whole. the “vast majority” of those who ly after Congress adopted the law ance had stopped.
opinion: reinstating everyone who should That wrong method had the were dropped almost certainly that allowed renewals to resume, Among 16 states that publicly not have been cut off from Med- effect of improperly removing were children because they are “we never would have rolled off provided age breakdowns of
Published daily (issn 0190-8286). icaid. Daniel Tsai, the federal some children because, in virtu- more likely to be eligible. She any of these children,” Beane those dropped from Medicaid
PostMastEr: send address changes to
the Washington Post, 1301 k st. nW, Washington,
Medicaid director, said at least ally every state, children may pointed out that Nevada an- said. through the unwinding because
D.c. 20071. some states will be in position to stay on Medicaid even if their nounced last week it was rein- According to preliminary data they were ineligible or for paper-
Periodicals postage paid in Washington, D.c., and resume all of their Medicaid parents do not qualify. The flaw stating 130,000 people erro- released Thursday by CMS, work reasons, nearly 1.4 million
additional mailing office.
unwinding, as the undertaking is also snagged some households neously cut off from Medicaid, Pennsylvania and Nevada had children lost coverage, according
known, by the end of this month. with members of mixed immi- many of whom were children. removed the largest number of to tracking by KFF, a health
c OR R E c TI O N S But he did not identify how many gration statuses, as well as po- On Aug. 30, CMS sent a letter people — more than 100,000 policy organization. CMS offi-
— or which — states are able to tentially affecting families in to every state about the problem. each. cials did not say whether some of
make rapid corrections, ac- which one adult has a disability The six-page missive directed The data also shows that D.C., the children who were removed
l A headline with a Local Digest knowledging that some will need that keeps them eligible. them to evaluate within two Maryland and Virginia reported because of the computer flaws
item in the Sept. 19 Metro months. In a briefing for reporters, Tsai weeks whether they were in they were using the wrong com- might be found ineligible any-
section incorrectly said a 34- The unwarranted removal of and CMS Administrator Chiq- violation and, if so, to immedi- puter methods, and that the how.
year-old man was fatally shot in
Northwest Washington. The
shooting occurred in Northeast

l A photo caption with the “A

U.S. government to resume providing free coronavirus tests
Capital Summer” feature in the
Sept. 8 Metro section, about BY F ENIT N IRAPPIL ters for Disease Control and Pre- and many people don’t have the
diversity in Maryland, vention guidance on when to end ability to go to buy a pack of tests
incorrectly identified the Just as a summer covid wave masking after infection. when they cost $25 or $20 to get at
location of a Fourth of July shows signs of receding, the The return of free tests might the pharmacy.”
parade as Gaithersburg. It was in Biden administration has an- be too late to blunt the summer The next batch of free tests
Montgomery Village. nounced that it is reviving a pro- wave. could come in handy ahead of a
gram to mail free rapid coronavi- While coronavirus surveillance respiratory virus season when
rus tests to Americans. has been drastically curtailed, RSV and influenza are also circu-
the Washington Post is committed to Starting Sept. 25, people can available metrics suggest the vi- lating. Coronavirus cases and hos-
correcting errors that appear in the request four free tests per house- rus has peaked. Weekly hospital pitalizations have risen every
newspaper. those interested in hold through Offi- admissions have been rising since winter since the pandemic started
contacting the paper for that purpose cials say the tests are able to July and surpassed 20,000 in the as people gather indoors because
detect the latest variants and are week of Sept. 9, but the rate of of cold weather and to celebrate
call: 202-334-6000, and ask to be intended to be used through the increase is slowing. That same holidays. In addition, many of the
connected to the desk involved — end of the year. week, the percentage of emergen- tests Americans stockpiled have
national, Foreign, Metro, style, sports, The return of the free testing cy room visits involving the coro- expired, although the Food and
Business or any of the weekly sections. program comes after Americans navirus declined for the first time Drug Administration extended
comments can be directed to the navigated the latest uptick in since July. some of the expiration dates.
Post’s reader advocate, who can be covid cases with free testing no The presence of the virus in Officials have stressed vaccina-
reached at 202-334-7582 or longer widely available. The larg- wastewater has declined in the tion as the best way for Americans est insurance companies stopped Southeast and is plateauing in to protect themselves against se-
reimbursing the costs of retail other parts of the country, accord- vere covid illness. An updated
Download The at-home testing once the require- Patrick sison/aP ing to the firm Biobot Analytics. coronavirus vaccine targeting the
ment to do so ended with the Experts say free coronavirus testing, halted months ago, was an An HHS spokesman did not latest versions of the virus, recom-
Washington Post app public health emergency in May. effective public health tool while it was in place. Its resumption immediately return a request for mended last week by the CDC, is
stay informed with award-winning The Biden administration comes as an updated coronavirus vaccine also has been approved. comment on why the administra- now available at some pharma-
national and international news, stopped mailing free tests in June. tion did not restart the program cies and doctor’s offices.
PLUs complete local news coverage The Department of Health and duction levels of domestic at- vaccinated. It also enables people earlier as covid infections were Becerra announced the return
of the D.c. metro area. create Human Services also announced home COVID-19 rapid tests and to start antiviral treatments in the climbing. Gregg Gonsalves, an as- of the free testing program while
customized news alerts, save Wednesday that it was awarding help mitigate the spread of the early days of infection to prevent sociate professor of epidemiology visiting a D.C. pharmacy on
articles for offline reading in My $600 million to a dozen coronavi- virus,” HHS Secretary Xavier Bec- severe disease. at the Yale School of Public Health Wednesday to receive his updated
Post, browse the daily print edition rus test manufacturers. Agency erra said in a statement. Federal officials say they who has frequently criticized the coronavirus vaccine. White
and scroll through our the Discover officials said the funding would Experts say free coronavirus mailed 755 million free tests in the Biden administration’s handling House officials said President
tab to find stories that interest you. improve domestic manufacturing testing proved to be an effective first four rounds of giveaways. But of the coronavirus, said the return Biden plans to get the vaccine,
capacity and provide the federal public health tool, allowing peo- more recently, Americans accus- of free testing is a “welcome devel- too, but have not said when or
Free to download on the app store
government with 200 million ple to check their status before tomed to free tests had to decide opment.” whether he would do so publicly
and Play store, subscribers enjoy over-the-counter tests to use in attending large gatherings or whether it was worth spending “The first thing in public health as he did with earlier shots.
unlimited access. the future. spending time with older or medi- roughly $10 to $15 per test to is to know your status,” Gonsalves
“These critical investments cally vulnerable people at risk of verify whether every sniffle or said. “We only have tools if we toluse olorunnipa contributed to this
will strengthen our nation’s pro- severe disease even after being cough was covid or to follow Cen- have the resources to access them, report.

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69678 | WV027473

Senate confirms two military leaders

C AUSE Posts filled despite GOP
Tuberville’s blockade
With the votes to allow George
and Smith to officially step into
their new positions, the Senate
ise Wednesday night to continue
with the tactic after Senate Ma-
jority Leader Charles E. Schumer

has approved three of President (D-N.Y.) chose to peel away three
over abortion policy Biden’s military nominees since
Wednesday despite Tuberville’s
senior military nominations for
individual votes under the cham-
virtual blockade. But more than ber’s cloture rules.
300 other senior officers remain George, 58, has served as vice

BY ensnared in Tuberville’s months- chief of staff of the Army since
D AN L AMOTHE long hold on promotions with no August 2022, and as the service’s
AND A BIGAIL H AUSLOHNER clear path to immediate advance- acting chief since last month,
ment in most cases. when Gen. James McConville
The Senate voted Thursday to Typically, senior officer promo- stepped down. George previously

make Gen. Randy A. George the tions are approved in blocs by the served as a senior military assis-
next Army chief of staff and Gen. Senate through unanimous con- tant to Defense Secretary Lloyd
Eric M. Smith the next comman- sent to avoid lengthy floor de- Austin. He also has commanded
dant of the Marine Corps, con- bates and the politicization of soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan.
firming two more senior military votes around military command- Smith, 58, has served as the
officers whose promotions had ers. But Tuberville (R-Ala.) has assistant commandant of the Ma-
been stalled by Sen. Tommy Tu- used Senate rules to block swift rine Corps since October 2021,
berville amid a prolonged dispute approval of such promotions. and as the service’s acting admin-
over a Pentagon abortion policy. He doubled down on his prom- istrator since July, when Gen.
David Berger stepped down as
commandant to retire. Smith pre-

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alexandra Heal contributed to this
friday, september 22 , 2023 . the washington post eZ re A3

Politics & the Nation

Trump, company face $250 million fraud trial in N.Y.
the [financial statements] and trial cannot proceed in fairness
then used those [financial state- without Engoron first establish-
He says suit should be ments] repeatedly in business ing the parameters of the case in
dismissed; AG seeks to transactions to defraud banks compliance with the June deci-
and insurers,” lawyers for James sion. On Sept. 13, a duty judge for
limit business, executives wrote in an Aug. 4 summary the New York Supreme Court
judgment motion. Appellate Division issued an in-
The Trump Organization and terim stay in favor of Trump to
BY S HAYNA J ACOBS its executives — including two of allow a full panel to review the
Trump’s adult children and two matter.
NEW YORK — A state court hear- longtime employees — are al- In a response filed Wednesday,
ing Friday will help define the leged to have released false an- the attorney general’s office
contours of a multimillion-dollar nual financial statements that called the request by the defense
business fraud lawsuit against drastically boosted the value of 23 a delay tactic that has no purpose
Donald Trump, a civil case that is properties in the United States because Engoron has yet to make
scheduled for trial Oct. 2 and has and Scotland as well as other his final pretrial rulings.
been overshadowed by the for- assets including Mar-a-Lago, The outcome of that dispute
mer president’s four indictments. Trump’s private club and resi- could significantly reduce the
Attorney General Letitia dence in Palm Beach, Fla. number of claims presented at
James has asked New York Su- The courtroom examination of trial, according to the defense.
preme Court Justice Arthur En- the Manhattan-based real estate, The June 27 decision released
goron to decide partial liability hospitality and golf resort com- Ivanka Trump from James’s law-
based on what she describes as pany owned by Trump is one of suit, leaving her brothers Donald
undeniable evidence that Trump several legal proceedings pend- Jr. and Eric as individually
and his company gave false val- ing for the Republican presiden- named defendants along with
ues for assets to gain lending tial candidate. He also faces four their father, his longtime finan-
advantages. indictments in New York, D.C., cial chief Allen Weisselberg and
The lawsuit James filed a year Florida and Georgia, and the his comptroller Jeffrey McCon-
ago seeks $250 million in finan- possibility of multiple criminal BinG Guan/reuters ney. All have denied wrongdoing
cial penalties, plus strict limita- trials during the next year. Former president Donald Trump arrives at Trump Tower in New York on April 13 after giving a through their attorneys.
tions on the company and its Unlike in those cases, Trump is deposition to New York Attorney General Letitia James, who sued him and his Trump Organization. Weisselberg, who was the only
executives conducting any busi- not at risk of going to prison in person charged in the district
ness in New York. James’s team connection with James’s lawsuit. into the Trump Organization’s net worth by reporting bogus part of the case, said that James’s attorney’s criminal tax case,
has argued that a decade’s worth Instead, the judge could order the valuation practices in March property values was indisputable. team can be expected to prove pleaded guilty in August 2022
of false financial reports at the company to pay back ill-gotten 2019. From 2011 to 2021, the company that Trump’s figures were no- and testified against the Trump
center of the case and other gains and impose limitations Vance did not charge Trump valued Trump’s portfolio of prop- where near the actual property Organization at the company’s
documents prove repeated fraud such as permanently barring the with crimes, but he did charge the erties and other real estate assets values. trial late last year. Weisselberg
by the defendants. individually named defendants Trump Organization and its chief at anywhere from $812 million to “You don’t want to get caught placed the bulk of the blame on
Trump and his lawyers have from serving as officers or direc- financial officer with tax fraud. $2.2 billion above their real value, up in the minutiae of whether himself and served a five-month
denied any wrongdoing, saying tors at any New York company Both were convicted. according to the attorney general. one expert might deem this to be jail sentence.
that his business dealings were and blocking the company from Vance’s successor, Alvin Bragg, Trump attorneys were denied $100,000 less than another,” Bad- Another unresolved issue is
above board and that the lawsuit acquiring any real estate in New a Democrat, declined to bring a dismissal at an earlier stage in the er said. “You want to be able to the request by James to sanction
should be dismissed. York for five years. financial-statements-related case. The attorneys have argued establish that this goes beyond Trump’s lawyers for reusing argu-
Engoron, who has said a trial The issues likely to be reviewed case. He did file the first criminal that the company was never in those nuanced differences.” ments Engoron has already
may last nearly three months, at trial stem from what former indictment against a former U.S. default with its lenders and that Regardless of what Engoron called frivolous. Trump attorneys
could decide at the hearing or Trump attorney and confidant president in late March, charging the lenders profited from their rules during or after Friday’s said that the request itself was
later that parts of the case do not Michael Cohen testified before Trump with 34 counts of falsify- business with Trump. hearing, there is a chance the trial frivolous and that their argu-
need to be decided at trial be- Congress in February 2019. At ing business records in connec- The defense has also main- could be delayed by outstanding ments were within proper bound-
cause previously filed documents that session, Cohen called the tion with $130,000 in payments tained that the financial state- legal filings at the appellate court. aries.
from each side are sufficient to then-president a “con man” and during the 2016 presidential cam- ments came with a disclaimer Attorneys for Trump filed a Trump’s name appears on the
make a ruling. He also could rule said Trump routinely lied about paign to keep silent an adult-film that Trump Organization accoun- petition against Engoron and the attorney general’s preliminary
before the trial that the evidence his wealth to cheat lenders, insur- actress who said she had a sexual tants had not verified the calcula- attorney general Sept. 13, arguing witness list, and he is expected to
does not show that Trump and his ance brokers and tax authorities. encounter with Trump years tions behind the reports and that that he has not adhered to a June testify at the trial, according to a
company are liable — though Then-Manhattan District At- earlier. banks and lenders did not rely on 27 appellate decision ordering person familiar with the case who
such dismissals at this stage are torney Cyrus R. Vance Jr., a Dem- James filed her lawsuit Sept. them. Trump lawyers have said the dismissal of claims stemming spoke on the condition of ano-
rare — or to limit the scope of ocrat, began a criminal probe and 21, 2022, including the “state- disagreements over property val- from transactions that wrapped nymity to discuss a sensitive mat-
testimony and exhibits. eventually obtained copies of ments of financial condition” that ues are routine in commercial up before 2014 or 2016. That ter. James will probably draw on
“Based on the undisputed evi- Trump’s tax returns after a sub- the case is built on. real estate — suggesting Trump decision was based on a 2021 Trump’s lengthy April 13 deposi-
dence, no trial is required for the poena dispute was decided by the In a recent filing, James’s office did nothing out of the ordinary. statute of limitations waiver tion, in which he criticized James
Court to determine that Defen- Supreme Court. argued that the Trump Organiza- Cheryl Bader, a former federal agreement. and others he sees as his rivals
dants presented grossly and ma- James, also a Democrat, tion’s alleged yearly practice of prosecutor and law professor at Trump attorneys argued in ap- and defended the valuations at
terially inflated asset values in launched her own investigation significantly inflating Trump’s Fordham University who is not pellate court last week that the issue.

Di ge st

sOUtH CAROLiNA according to court documents. in fines, probably meaning a life NeW YORK closed for several hours. woman from Massapequa and a
The former lawyer stole money of incarceration for Murdaugh A preliminary investigation 77-year-old woman from
Murdaugh admits from clients, including teenagers even if he successfully appeals 2 dead as bus carrying determined “it is likely that a Farmingdale.
to money laundering and a quadriplegic man, to fund the life sentences he received in school band crashes faulty front tire contributed” to Farmingdale School District
the family’s extravagant lifestyle March for fatally shooting his the crash, New York Gov. Kathy officials said in a statement the
Alex Murdaugh pleaded guilty and his addiction to opioid pills wife, Maggie, and youngest son, Two adults were killed and a Hochul (D) said at a news students were traveling to a
Thursday in federal court to that forced him into a Paul. handful of students critically conference Thursday evening. band camp in Greeley, Pa.
financial crimes that factored rehabilitative-care facility three Murdaugh told the judge he injured after a charter bus “Thus far the count is two Students on the other buses were
heavily in the trial earlier this times before the June 2021 wanted to be held accountable carrying a marching band rolled fatalities, two adults, but there stopping at Orange County
year that led to his conviction on slayings. for stealing from his clients and over Thursday afternoon on are five or six students that are Community College to meet with
charges of murdering his wife Prosecutors argued that do right by his surviving son, Interstate 84 in New York state, in critical condition,” Hochul grief counselors before returning
and son. This is the first time Murdaugh killed his wife and Buster. officials said. said. “The bus literally tumbled to Farmingdale High, school
Murdaugh has admitted legal son to shift the focus away from Murdaugh still faces about The bus was one of six that down a 50-foot ravine within officials said.
guilt in a web of lies and violence himself and prevent his financial 100 state charges — including were carrying students from minutes.” Video from the scene showed
that rocked the South Carolina crimes from being uncovered. In insurance fraud for allegedly Farmingdale High School in There were 44 passengers on the large charter bus on its side
Lowcountry and drew national all, Murdaugh is accused of hiring a man to kill him so his Nassau County, N.Y., according to board the bus, said New York in the highway median. The
attention. swindling nearly $9 million. surviving son could receive at school officials. New York State State Police Assistant Deputy location is about 60 miles
Murdaugh pleaded guilty to Altogether, the financial least $10 million in life Police said the westbound Superintendent Lt. Col. Richard northwest of New York City.
22 counts, including money crimes carry decades-long prison insurance. stretch of highway in L. Mazzone. He identified the — Lori Aratani
laundering and bank fraud, sentences and millions of dollars — Ben Brasch and Associated Press Wawayanda, N.Y., would be deceased adults as a 43-year-old and Kyle Rempfer

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A4 eZ re the washington post . friday, september 22 , 2023

Murder suspect released by ‘clerical error’ leads to manhunt in Indiana

BY B EN B RASCH public because deputies didn’t marion County Sheriff’s Col. mason was released just as a which forestal said carries a sen- about to take a trip.
want mason to know they were James martin said mason was al- two-week manhunt some 600 tence of one to six years and possi- After she went outside her nor-
After two years running from a tracking him via his girlfriend. lowed to leave the Indiana jail miles to the east was ending. ma- bly a $10,000 fine. mal route Tuesday night to an area
murder charge in minnesota, Kev- Now, deputies have arrested the because a clerk there thought she son walked out of the marion forestal said mason was re- of Indianapolis with a lot of hotels,
in mason was finally arrested near girlfriend and the manhunt has was correcting duplicate bookings County jail just a couple of hours leased at 11:05 a.m. on Sept. 13 and forestal said they arrested oliver.
Indianapolis last week. But a cleri- gone from covert to overt. by removing two of the inmate’s after Pennsylvania authorities called oliver, who came and forestal said that, as he spoke
cal error at the jail put him right “our plan is to look throughout three counts. But then the juris- captured Danilo Cavalcante, a picked him up. Wednesday, investigators had her
back on the lam two days later. the city with this uniformed pres- diction in minnesota removed the murder suspect whose daring es- “We’ve been tracking that girl- in an interrogation room but that
Investigators at the marion ence and make it uncomfortable final charge, martin said, prob- cape from jail garnered national friend since that point in time,” he she hadn’t been cooperative so far.
County Sheriff’s office in Indiana for anybody who might be keeping ably because it wouldn’t extradite attention and terrified Philadel- said on Wednesday. When asked how this could
are working with the U.S. mar- him,” forestal said. him on a weapons-possession phia suburbanites as he survived oliver allegedly drove to a have happened, forestal was
shals Service to find the 28-year- mason is accused of shooting charge when he was facing a more on stream water, stolen watermel- Walmart, forestal said, where she blunt: They are short 25 to 30
old suspect. mason was booked 29-year-old Dontevius A. Catch- serious murder conviction, and on and cunning. got mason underwear, a travel kit civilian workers at the jail. Some
into an Indianapolis jail Sept. 11 ings outside a minneapolis funer- mason was “mistakenly released.” Cavalcante had no help, but In- and slippers. Deputies watched clerks make $38,000 a year, he
and erroneously released Sept. 13, al home in August 2021, then flee- “We didn’t want to give away diana police say that isn’t the case oliver, a health-care worker in the said, and it’s a difficult job deci-
Sheriff Kerry forestal said. ing the state. When he was arrest- our tactical advantage, didn’t for mason. Indianapolis region, take her car phering legal writings from courts
The agency waited until Tues- ed this month in Indiana, it was on want to let him know exactly mason’s girlfriend, Desiree in for an oil change and tire repair all over the country. forestal said
day, nearly a week after mason’s charges of homicide, parole viola- [that] we’re out looking for him,” oliver, was arrested Wednesday on monday, which forestal said he fired the two jail clerks respon-
accidental escape, to notify the tion and firearms possession. martin said at a news conference. on a charge of assisting a criminal, could have indicated that she was sible for the mistake.

DeSantis campaign pins his presidential hopes on Iowa

DesAntIs from A1

president Donald Trump, who “We have the only

holds a widening lead over him in
national and early-state polls. candidate that can beat
Abandoned by some of his larg-
est donors, bashed by House both Joe Biden
Speaker Kevin mcCarthy
(r-Calif.) and polling behind oth- and Donald Trump.
er Trump alternatives in New
Hampshire and South Carolina, And the team and
DeSantis and his allies are in-
creasingly focused on Iowa — robust ground game
where Trump has alienated
prominent republicans such as ready to go
Iowa Gov. Kim reynolds and this
past week denounced the six- the long haul.”
week abortion bans that Iowa and James Uthmeier,
other states have passed. campaign manager
But past insurgent campaign for GOP presidential hopeful
victories have also rested on can- ron DeSantis
didates’ ability to forge a personal
connection with caucusgoers, lo-
cal republicans said. DeSantis said of the other candidates. “The
was a brusque emcee at times rest are Trump-lite.”
during the Saturday church The effect of Trump’s public
event, and his efforts to woo clashes with reynolds is another
voters face-to-face have repeated- variable in the race. Trump’s ad-
ly spawned viral videos of terse visers say he only attacked her
and distant interactions. after deciding she was privately
DeSantis has also run up for DeSantis, though he was en-
against a singular loyalty to couraged not to attack reynolds
Trump, whose popularity with by his team and went ahead
republicans appears immune to anyway with a social media
faux pas, scandals and criminal broadside this year. But they also
indictments that would tank an- say they have polled a potential
other candidate as polls show endorsement of DeSantis from
him far ahead in Iowa. Brad chArlie neiberGAll/AP reynolds and that it does not
Cranston, who along with While making his presidential pitch, Florida Gov. Ron Desantis (R) visits the Field of Dreams site in Dyersville, Iowa, in August. move the needle much in Iowa.
Schmidt is a member of DeSan-
tis’s recently announced faith co- Santis to a football game attended by DeSantis or any other presi- ble boost at the polls — the kind of state, said two of these people, ‘We should not have
alition, lamented that “as each by multiple 2024 candidates — he dential contender who spoke. surge Cruz saw after the last who like others spoke on the beaten trump’
day slips by,” DeSantis and other ramped up attacks this week on They seemed “more excited round of public surveys before condition of anonymity to de- DeSantis’s focus on Iowa
Trump challengers don’t seem to Trump’s approach to abortion, about Ashley Hinson’s fiddle,” the caucuses. scribe private conversations or comes as he and his allies have
be gaining ground. responding to the former presi- said one GoP operative present, “We have the only candidate thinking. pulled back or placed less empha-
“That’s the reality of it,” said dent’s comments the past week- referencing an Iowa congress- that can beat both Joe Biden and Trump advisers tout their large sis on other states. DeSantis has
Cranston, the Iowa-based found- end calling a six-week ban DeSan- woman’s musical performance. Donald Trump,” said DeSantis polling advantage and crowds in traveled less frequently to other
er of Baptists for Biblical Values. tis signed in florida “terrible.” campaign manager James Uth- the state. “When you’re losing key battlegrounds like South
“I try to live in ‘realville.’ ” DeSantis is trying to connect in ‘He’s got to work for it’ meier. “And the team and robust 20-plus points and desperate,” Carolina and New Hampshire,
Pursuing a strategy with many other ways. on Saturday, stand- officials from Never Back ground game ready to go the long LaCivita said, “we generally don’t and Never Back Down said last
echoes of recent GoP caucus win- ing in front of a towering wooden Down, a pro-DeSantis super PAC haul.” find those people worthy of re- month it had ended its door-
ners such as Sen. Ted Cruz (Tex.), cross at fort Des moines Church that has taken on many tradition- But other GoP operatives said sponding to.” knocking operations in Nevada
and aided by some of the same of Christ, DeSantis decried “the al campaign responsibilities, DeSantis is not Cruz. He does not A republican organizer in the and some Super Tuesday states.
operatives who helped orches- religion of leftism” and the views think there are about 217,000 have the same deep Christian state who opposes Trump offered Andrew romeo, a campaign
trate a late surge over Trump, of three liberal-leaning justices Iowa republicans likely to cau- community ties and they don’t a different perspective, saying spokesman, said DeSantis will be
DeSantis allies think that if the on the Supreme Court. rep. mari- cus, and Trump has about 30 to think he evokes the same passion they didn’t see evidence of the back in New Hampshire by mid-
governor can beat Trump in an annette miller-meeks (r-Iowa) 35 percent of them locked down. among evangelical voters. And commitment and framework october. Never Back Down has
early 2024 state, that would punc- took the podium next for a fiery They think they can locate and the current race is far more lop- needed to win the state. “They’re extensive door-knocking efforts
ture the feeling among republi- speech that hit many of DeSan- woo the others with extensive sided than in 2016. relying on brand and momen- ongoing in New Hampshire and
cans that Trump is the inevitable tis’s common targets, including digital, door-knocking and com- While Trump is overwhelming- tum. That has not historically South Carolina, where it also re-
nominee and will force some oth- “this new religion of transgender- munity-led efforts. ly ahead, said Iowa pollster Ann been a recipe for success,” said the cently rolled out a faith coalition
er candidates to drop out. The ism.” The pastor at fort Des The organization has rolled Selzer, many Iowa voters said organizer. and a parents’ coalition.
calculation has turned the Hawk- moines, michael Demastus, said out local chairs in all 99 counties, they viewed DeSantis as the sec- Still, the enthusiasm for Trump But Jim merrill, a prominent
eye State into an Alamo of sorts he prayed with DeSantis and his says it has knocked on hundreds ond-best candidate — or were at was clear this week as he barn- operative in New Hampshire,
for DeSantis, who has traveled wife backstage before the first of thousands of doors, and is least open to considering his can- stormed back into eastern Iowa. said DeSantis seemed to have
much less to New Hampshire and GoP debate. showering the state with ads until didacy — in follow-up questions His supporters lined the highway scaled back efforts there.
South Carolina. While DeSantis one by one, guests came up to Halloween. for a poll she did in the state. to wave flags or pulled over to “It feels like a lighter touch
advisers say they are prepared for describe workplaces hostile to “In Iowa, you need to build an “There’s opportunity for De- record the former president’s mo- from them the last month or two.
a long fight, multiple people close their religion, pressure to per- organizational structure that is Santis, but he’s got to work for it,” torcade. It feels like there is less public-
to the governor say he has to form same-sex weddings, or man- block-by-block, neighbor-by- Selzer said. one family waved from a flat- facing activity here. The DeSantis
perform well there or his cam- dates to get the coronavirus vac- neighbor and precinct-by-pre- bed truck as Trump passed. campaign not only through their
paign is effectively over. cines that DeSantis bashes. one cinct. . . . The disadvantage the trump team taking notice on his way to the airport, words and deeds seems to be
It is an uphill battle. Asked how of them, Navy Lt. Cmdr. Levi former president is in is that he Trump and his team have no- Trump stopped at the Treehouse focused on Iowa,” merrill said.
he’d try to persuade Trump sup- Beaird, grew emotional as he didn’t do that in 2016,” said Kris- ticed DeSantis’s attention toward Pub restaurant in Bettendorf, The pro-DeSantis mailers that
porters to back DeSantis, Crans- recounted punishment for refus- tin Davison, the chief operating the Hawkeye State. The former where he signed the shirt and blanketed South Carolina earlier
ton was blunt. ing to get the shot. officer of Never Back Down. “He president made his seventh trip forearm of the owner’s daughter in the race have slowed, said
“I’m not sure they want to His story drew gasps of disgust, didn’t win. He didn’t have to do it to Iowa since may on Wednesday, while her family watched proud- Katon Dawson, a former chair-
listen at this point,” he said. at least one cry of “Jesus!” and the in 2020.” and advisers say he has four more ly. The former president passed man of the South Carolina GoP
most rapt applause of the day — a The DeSantis team says the trips planned in the next month. out pizzas to chants of “We love who is backing former U.N. am-
struggles to connect standing ovation — after he value of that organizing won’t be In that same time period, Trump Trump!” bassador Nikki Haley for the
The battle for Iowa’s evangeli- choked up. fully clear until caucus night, has only been to South Carolina “With Trump, we’ve seen the presidential nomination. “De-
cal communities was palpable But DeSantis moved along when it pays off in turnout. David and New Hampshire twice each. results,” said Al richmann, who Santis spent a lot of money early
last weekend at Soteria Des brusquely when Beaird finished, Polyansky, a former Cruz adviser There is some concern in attended a maquoketa event on and didn’t get much for it,”
moines, where the more than presenting an odd contrast that who worked for Never Back Trump’s circle about Iowa, ac- wearing a “Thin Blue Line” cap Dawson said.
1,000 congregants include Bob underscored how stiff he can ap- Down and then became DeSan- cording to three people close to and a T-shirt with Trump’s mug A DeSantis adviser described
Vander Plaats — a prominent pear on the trail. “Great, thanks tis’s deputy campaign manager, the former president, and politi- shot captioned “Never Surren- the strategy like this: “We’re still
voice in the primaries who is so much,” he said. “okay, we have said on-the-ground organization cal adviser Chris LaCivita closely der.” doing things in New Hampshire.
openly critical of Trump and has pastor Alfred Johnson . . . ” in his experience leads to a nota- monitors the happenings in the “I’ve listened to them all,” he He’s been to South Carolina a few
drawn public and private ire from DeSantis supporter Steve times. But it’d be goofy to say the
the former president. DeSantis Deace, an Iowa-based conserva- preponderance of the resources
accompanied Vander Plaats to a tive commentator who also are not being spent in Iowa. There
Sunday service last month and backed Cruz in 2016, said the is a belief by him and others in the
chatted with voters in the chic governor “would benefit from a campaign that the evangelical
lobby complete with a coffee bar. better understanding of the pa- community gives him a good shot
“I’ll say what everybody says — tronage aspect of politics.” Deace there, and Kim reynolds is going
he’s kind of everything Trump gravitated easily to DeSantis be- to help,” the adviser said.
was without being Trump. I cause of his record in florida but This person said DeSantis
mean, a straight shooter,” said said he didn’t have a lengthy needs to come in first or second in
Lyle Veach, an HVAC technician one-on-one conservation with the Iowa and then hope others drop
who met DeSantis there and re- governor until the day he en- out.
called asking him how he’d deal dorsed — and observed dryly that The Iowa strategy is driven in
with “lies” from the news media. “ron DeSantis pursued me less part by Jeff roe, now a top strat-
Cruz narrowly beat Trump in than anybody I’ve ever endorsed egist at Never Back Down, who
Iowa in 2016 with strong show- in my entire life.” oversaw Cruz’s 2016 win in the
ings among rural voters and with “A lot of people are not like me state. “We should not have beaten
evangelical voters who made up — a lot of people do need that Trump,” said Deace, who was
nearly two-thirds of that year’s kind of connection,” he said. highly involved. “He should have
caucusgoers, Like past victors Deace also suggested DeSantis won. But our organization was so
mike Huckabee and rick Santor- should talk more about how faith superior.”
um, who also failed to win the plays a role in his personal life: At the same time, he acknowl-
GoP nomination, Cruz appealed for example, wife Casey DeSan- edged that the network DeSantis
to religious conservatives and tis’s fight with breast cancer. The is building in Iowa can only get
built a large turnout operation governor did that on Saturday him so far.
and attacked Trump as liberal on evening at the Iowa faith and “The candidate has to go in
social issues, especially abortion. freedom Coalition dinner, a there and make the sale. . . . If he
DeSantis is trying something sim- showcase for 2024 candidates goes in there and doesn’t close the
ilar. With an assist from reynolds that Trump skipped. But the nicOle neri fOr the WAShinGtOn POSt sale, then that’s on him,” Deace
— who recently accompanied De- crowd didn’t appear bowled over A prayer is said before a Desantis appearance in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, on May 31. said.
friday, september 22 , 2023 . the washington post EZ RE A5


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A6 Ez rE the washington post . friday, september 22 , 2023

Republicans’ funding plan falls apart as shutdown looms

house from A1 support. In an idea to appease
Greene, leaders floated adding
discussion of a stopgap funding provisions to the defense appro-
bill to keep the government open priation bill that made clear mon-
after the fiscal year ends Sept. 30, ey would not be sent to Ukraine,
significantly increasing the al- just hours after Ukrainian Presi-
ready high chances of a govern- dent Volodymyr Zelensky met
ment shutdown. with mcCarthy and other congres-
In an attempt to appease the sional leaders.
demands of the far-right members Even if republicans were to
who vowed to oppose any stopgap find a short-term funding solution
measure — called a continuing deal that appeases the conference,
resolution and colloquially re- it would be dead on arrival in the
ferred to as a “Cr” — until there is Senate, where leaders of both par-
progress on long-term appropria- ties support a clean extension of
tions bills, mcCarthy and his lead- current fiscal levels that includes
ership team will focus on passing President Biden’s requests for aid
the 11 remaining individual bills. to Ukraine and natural disaster
“The Cr is dead,” said one re- relief.
publican aide who, like others, rep. Dan Crenshaw (r-Tex.),
spoke on the condition of ano- who flew back to Washington this
nymity to speak frankly. week after missing votes follow-
If there is enough progress on ing the birth of his first child,
the individual funding bills to sat- suggested that the group of far-
isfy the demands of the holdouts, right renegades won’t explain
republicans could resume discus- their opposition to legislation and
sions on how to keep the govern- appear to coordinate on who will
ment open in the short term. vote no to block mcCarthy.
“I came up here to be responsi- “There’s varying explanations.
ble. We’re gonna be responsible,” None of them make a lot of sense,”
said rep. Tim Burchett (r-Tenn.), Crenshaw told reporters, adding
who is part of a group that would that some opposition might have
block a short-term funding bill been meant as a slight to Zelensky
and is demanding the passage of a as he visited the Capitol and some
budget and individual funding could have been just to hurt mc-
bills. “I’m going to hold firm.” Carthy.
But with just more than a week “It switches in both directions,
until the end of the fiscal year and so, just like, who knows. … There’s
no votes expected in the House probably some personal animosi-
until Tuesday, a shutdown seems ty there,” he said.
likely. ElizAbETh frAnTz for ThE WAshingTon PosT As the pathway to avert a shut-
“obviously, the timetable is Republicans who represent districts that Joe Biden won in 2020 talk to reporters outside the Capitol on Tuesday. down remained too distorted to be
very short,” said rep. Chip roy seen, the calls among republicans
(r-Tex.). “And you know, getting this week. ing a government shutdown after on Tuesday, five lawmakers — to work with Democrats strength-
stuff out of the House and then “It’s frustrating in the sense Sept. 30. During the closed-door including Bishop, Biggs and ened. Some republicans are con-
getting agreement in the Senate that I don’t understand why any- “It’s frustrating in meeting, a majority of the House rosendale — voted against the sidering getting behind a shell bill
and so forth doesn’t seem highly body votes against bringing the republican conference found rule after leaders had already de- that could, as soon as next week,
likely. But there’s a number of idea and having the debate,” mc- the sense that I don’t consensus around more than layed consideration of it last week, serve as the vehicle that allows
options that are out there.” Carthy said leaving the House $1.5 trillion in discretionary prompting republican colleagues moderates to supersede mcCar-
The Senate has been preparing chamber after the failed vote. understand why spending for the upcoming fiscal to publicly lambaste the holdouts thy’s control of the House floor
to have to move first on a short- “This is a whole new concept of year, a demand hard-liners want- as grandstanding obstructionists. and force a vote to keep the gov-
term funding plan should the individuals that just want to burn anybody votes against ed before voting on the Defense Greene and Crane voted yes in ernment open. It would also keep
House fail to act. Senators have a the whole place down. That Department funding bill. And that vote but flipped to no on the speaker’s fingerprints off a
continuing resolution bill written, doesn’t work.” bringing the idea and while they reported progress on a Thursday’s effort. compromise bill, which republi-
according to two people familiar Lawmakers immediately hud- bill to keep the government open After casting his vote Thursday, cans say could help him avoid
with the internal workings of the dled in mcCarthy’s office to find a having the debate. in the short term after moderate Crane said “there’s nothing” that being targeted for removal.
chamber, but it’s not clear if or path forward that would appease New York lawmakers insisted on would get him to vote yes on the Lawmakers familiar with sev-
when that bill would move. numerous holdouts. many of This is a whole new such a trade-off, a plan to avoid a defense appropriation bill as a eral possible pathways to avert a
The Senate had been waiting on those holdouts said they would shutdown was not finalized be- protest of the way republican shutdown — including another
the House to move first to avoid never vote for a short-term spend- concept of individuals cause holdouts remained. leadership has handled funding deal that could be struck between
any parliamentary challenges ing deal in protest of republicans finding consensus did sway the government at the last minute. the republican Governance
since spending bills are constitu- not passing the remaining 11 ap- that just want to burn two republicans, reps. ralph “They just keep trickling out Group and New Democrat Coali-
tionally required to originate in propriations bills necessary to Norman (S.C.) and Ken Buck little bills one at a time with no tion — initially said that any com-
the House. fund the government for a full the whole place down. (Colo.), to flip. But any good feel- plan on how to get to the top-line promise with Democrats would be
After several setbacks over the year — which in part includes the ings out of that meeting crumbled number that was agreed to back in a worst-case scenario for republi-
past two weeks, a majority of legislation they blocked Thursday. That doesn’t work.” when five republicans — reps. January,” Crane said. Lawmakers cans, but that has started to
House republicans believed their mcCarthy may need to relent House Speaker Kevin McCarthy marjorie Taylor Greene (Ga.), Dan largely did agree on a top-line change. on Wednesday, the bipar-
luck would change early Thursday on his insistence to pass funding (R-Calif.), leaving the chamber Bishop (N.C.), Andy Biggs (Ariz.), number to fund the government tisan Problem Solvers Caucus put
after finding a solution hours ear- measures with only republican after the failed vote Elijah Crane (Ariz.) and matthew for a full year on Wednesday. forth its proposal, which would
lier to end a blockade that pre- votes, a demand made by many in m. rosendale (mont.) — on Thurs- Greene objected because she fund the government until Janu-
vented them from advancing the the far-right House freedom Cau- day voted against advancing the refuses to support any measure ary so that the House can pass
Defense Department appropria- cus who say they will introduce a measure to a final vote. rules that includes funding for Ukraine. appropriation bills funding the
tions bill. But in a stunning defeat motion to remove him from the the fiscal fight. Committee Chairman Tom Cole Leaders and lawmakers across government at the level approved
that mcCarthy admitted he did speakership if he relies on Demo- The failed vote Thursday came (r-okla.) eventually switched his the ideological spectrum went in during the fiscal fight by mcCar-
not foresee, two new objectors crats to pass legislation. With only after an almost three-hour meet- vote from a yes to no, which allows and out of mcCarthy’s speaker- thy and Biden.
emerged and caused the typically a four-vote margin, House repub- ing Wednesday that focused both republicans to bring up the mo- ship suite Thursday as they again
noncontroversial procedural licans have been — and will con- on long-term spending bills and tion again later if they have the scrambled to find a solution that a Mariana Alfaro contributed to this
hurdle to fail for the second time tinue to be — tested throughout the more immediate task of avoid- votes. majority of their conference could report.

White House, confident it’s in clear with voters, watches House GOP struggle
BY J EFF S TEIN already contending with a histor-
ic United Auto Workers strike
White House officials have be- and separate geopolitical head-
gun preparing for a government winds. A shutdown could be
shutdown that they are confident broadly felt across the country,
the public will blame on the GoP, with effects ranging from nation-
as Speaker Kevin mcCarthy (r- al park closures to the loss of vital
Calif.) struggles to unify his party economic data produced by fed-
behind a spending bill that the eral agencies.
narrow House majority can pass. But the White House is not
With less than two weeks until ignoring the possibility of a shut-
federal funding lapses, Biden down, even if the GoP may suffer
aides are in communication with more politically. Administration
leaders in the House and Senate officials have begun conversa-
about the best path forward to tions about their shutdown plans
extend the Sept. 30 deadline. But but the specifics remain in flux,
congressional aides and experts according to two people briefed
on both sides of the aisle say a on internal conversations who
shutdown is likely to redound to spoke on the condition of ano-
the White House’s political ben- nymity to describe internal plan-
efit, particularly as the republi- ning.
can House is consumed in a fierce “This is Congress’s responsibil-
internal battle. ity: They’re the ones who have to
The result is that while Biden pass it, and it’s on their shoul-
aides do not want the govern- ders,” said G. William Hoagland,
ment to shut down, the White senior vice president of the Bipar-
House isn’t working as urgently tisan Policy Center, a think tank.
to avert such an occurrence as it “But I think we can expect more
did earlier this year to head off a White House engagement.”
breach of the U.S. debt ceiling. one White House official,
President Biden may not be will- speaking on the condition of
ing to bend much to meet the anonymity to describe the admin-
demands of a relatively small bloc istration’s position, said House
of House republicans, as the GoP republicans are to blame for
is the one more likely to face a failing to abide by the debt ceiling
backlash from voters. agreement reached in June. That
Economists say a government deal was negotiated by mcCarthy DEMETrius frEEMAn/ThE WAshingTon PosT

shutdown would likely shave and Biden with only days left President Biden departs Washington last Friday. The White house is working on its shutdown plan but specifics are in flux, sources say.
growth moderately in this quar- until the Treasury Department
ter, because of the drop-off in would have had to stop borrow- until far-right House conserva- borrow money to make payments House office of management and Budget office found that the
federal spending, but then lead to ing money to pay for spending tives and mcCarthy can resolve it was legally required to make. Budget has preexisting shutdown shutdown decreased economic
greater growth after it ends — Congress had already authorized. their own disagreements and get That would have imperiled not plans that allow for an orderly output by about $3 billion, de-
potentially a benefit to the ad- It specified that the government a bill to the Senate. just government services but also process to unfold. And bondhold- spite particularly severe effects
ministration heading into the would spend about the same “People are asking if we’ll in- the United States’ ability to repay ers and Social Security recipients for federal workers who missed
2024 presidential election. amount next fiscal year as it has tervene. What would we inter- the holders of its debt and even still get paid, because that money consecutive paychecks as well as
“from the point of view of the this year — which, accounting for vene to do exactly?” said an retirement programs like Social isn’t provided by annual spend- federal contractors who never get
White House, it’s very clear the inflation, may mean small spend- administration official, also Security and medicare. mark ing laws. backpay.
circular firing squad inside the ing cuts in many programs. But speaking on the condition of Zandi, chief economist at re- There have been four govern- In the event of breaching the
GoP will result in a shutdown House republicans have inter- anonymity to describe internal search firm moody’s Analytics, ment shutdowns in U.S. history debt ceiling, “we’d permanently
where the republican Party gets preted the legal spending limit as thinking. estimated this spring that a U.S. that lasted a full business day or and abruptly be on a worse path,”
blamed for any hit the economy a ceiling rather than a floor, and Because a government shut- default could have wiped out longer, according to the Commit- said Wendy Edelberg, director of
takes,” said Joe Brusuelas, chief they’ve pushed for even steeper down is likely to be far less 8 million jobs and $10 trillion in tee for a responsible federal the Hamilton Project and a senior
economist at rSm. “The short- cuts to federal agencies. painful for the economy than household wealth, possibly pro- Budget, a Washington-based fellow in economic studies at
term optics around economics If the House can pass a tempo- breaching the debt ceiling would voking a global financial crisis. think tank, including a 34-day the Brookings Institution, a
and politics all favor the White rary bill to fund the government have been, the shutdown looks In a government shutdown, shutdown during the Trump D.C.-based think tank. “A shut-
House.” past the Sept. 30 deadline, negoti- likelier to happen. funding for federal agencies laps- administration. Even that fund- down is largely temporary — or at
Still, a government shutdown ations with the Senate and White failure to raise the debt limit es and the administration is re- ing lapse had no major effect on least, the persistent economic
could fuel voters’ sense of uncer- House could begin. The adminis- would have meant the U.S. Treas- quired to suspend a broad range the U.S. economy more broadly. effects are small, and hard to
tainty while the administration is tration, however, has little role ury Department could no longer of payments. But the White The nonpartisan Congressional tease out of the data.”
friday, september 22 , 2023 . the washington post EZ RE A7

No story is
more global.
More profound.
More extreme.

This is
N0642 6x21
A8 eZ re the washington post . friday, september 22 , 2023

S.C. teacher fears a

new law eroded a
lifetime of trust
leSSon from A1 a voice mail with the mom.
“Please call me back,” she remem-
school board meetings, and in bers saying. she figured they
online facebook groups, the citi- would chat and that would be the
zens of wealthy, White and con- end of it.
servative Chapin debated wheth- Wood thought she was on safe
er Wood should be fired. republi- ground. she had taught Coates’s
can state representatives showed book — and accompanying You-
up to a June meeting to blast her Tube videos titled “systemic rac-
as a lawbreaker. The next month, ism explained” and “The Un-
a county nAACP leader declared equal opportunity race” — the
her an “advocate for the educa- year prior. no one complained.
tion of all students.” The county she also counted on the fact AP
GoP party formally censured the Lang is supposed to be a high-lev-
school board chair for failing to el class. The College Board curric-
discipline Wood. ulum says it can address “issues PhoTos by Will Crooks for The WashingTon PosT

Wood’s case drew national, po- that might, from particular so- Mary Wood, Ryan Satterwhite, and Maddex Satterwhite, at the family home in Chapin, S.C. Wood, who grew up in Chapin, a
larizing attention. Conservative cial, historical, or cultural view- largely conservative, Christian town, was a self-professed liberal by the time she left college and returned to her hometown.
outlets and commentators de- points, be considered controver-
cried Wood’s “race-shaming sial, including references to … liberal. of their race. They were supposed
against White people.” Left-lean- races.” Wood’s supervisor, eng- satterfield capped his long ca- to remind her of school rules
ing media declared her a martyr lish department chair Tess Pratt, reer in education by winning a stipulating that “teachers will not
to “cancel culture,” the latest had signed off on Coates’s book. seat on the school board in no- attempt, directly or indirectly, to
casualty of raging debates over Plus, Wood had required AP Lang vember 2022 — and that made limit or control students’ judg-
how to teach race, racism and students to read a speech from Wood feel safe, too. (satterfield ment concerning any issue” —
history that have engulfed the former president Donald Trump, declined to comment beyond and that “the principal must ap-
country since the coronavirus a balancing conservative voice. writing in an email that said: “I prove supplementary materials”
pandemic. And Wood believed the school love my daughter very much and for classes.
south Carolina is one of 18 district had come to accept her — respect her for the person that They were supposed to “let her
states to restrict education on respecting her students’ 80-plus she is.”) talk” about Coates’s book and her
race since 2021, according to an percent AP exam passage rates she knew most students reason for assigning it. But the
education Week tally. And at least year after year, above the national leaned right and guessed that verdict was already determined:
half the country has passed laws average — even if not everyone many of her colleagues did, too, “This assignment could run in
that limit instruction on race, liked her methods. Chapin was based on their social media pres- conflict with proviso and pol-
history, sex or gender identity, per her hometown. Chapin High ence and offhand remarks. The icies,” the talking points said. “We
a Washington Post analysis. school had been her school, the popular circles at school are red, need to cease this assignment.” (It
Wood is not the first teacher to place she began to question the current and former students said. is unclear who wrote the talking
get caught in the crossfire: The conservative, Christian views es- But amid a red sea, Chapin’s points; the school did not answer
Post previously reported that at poused by her classmates, friends english department was a blue a list of emailed questions about
least 160 educators have lost their and family. island. And Wood was known as Wood tried to sum up her feelings in a journal entry after the the document.)
positions since the pandemic due no teacher ever assigned her the bluest of the bunch — con- news of her canceled lesson had broke in early June. Wood said the meeting pro-
to political debates. Among them someone like Coates, Wood said, spicuous for decorating her class- ceeded almost exactly as the talk-
was a Tennessee teacher who was but her father, mike satterfield, a room with posters of malcolm X, lessons unsettling — especially assigned “Between the World and ing points laid out. she tried to
terminated for telling White stu- teacher and later principal at ruth Bader Ginsburg quotes and the classes focused on mass me.” The student thanked Barn- defend herself. she cited the AP
dents that White privilege is a Chapin, encouraged her to pur- LGBTQ pride stickers. shootings or transgender rights, hardt for “looking into this mat- Lang course description, quoting
fact. A Texas principal who lost sue whatever outside reading she “she had that granola-crunchy during which Wood held up left- ter.” the part that said it was okay for
his job for allegedly promoting found interesting. That led her to vibe,” said a former Chapin teach- leaning viewpoints for students’ “I understand in AP Lang we teachers to assign controversial
critical race theory. And a Wis- left-leaning authors. By the time er, who spoke on the condition of inspection. Jordan could not un- are learning to develop an argu- texts. she said the purpose of the
consin teacher who was dis- she graduated from the Univer- anonymity for fear of profession- derstand why Wood was asking ment and have evidence to sup- lesson was for students to hear a
missed after criticizing her dis- sity of north Carolina at Wilm- al and personal retaliation. “It high-schoolers to discuss contro- port it, yet this topic is too heavy stimulating argument they could
trict’s decision to ban the song ington, she was a self-professed wouldn’t be difficult to guess how versial current events. to discuss,” the student wrote, explore and critique.
“rainbowland,” which lauds in- she votes walking into her room. I “All I was thinking was, ‘This according to school records ob- magee and Walters let her talk.
clusivity. think that’s what made her a sort isn’t allowed, this just isn’t al- tained by The Post. “I actually felt After she finished, Wood recalls,
The months Wood had hoped of lightning rod.” lowed,’” Jordan said. “Just be- ashamed to be Caucasian.” Walters delivered a two-word or-
to spend hiking, doing yoga and “She had that Aubrey Hume, a recent Chapin cause it was a complete 180 from Another student email fol- der: “Pause instruction” related
vacationing carefree on the beach graduate, recalls seeing the mal- anything I had known.” (south lowed at 9:35 p.m. “I feel, to an to Coates’s book. The district did
turned into a summer spent granola-crunchy colm X poster and immediately Carolina had not yet passed its extent, betrayed by mrs Woods,” not answer questions about the
avoiding people’s gazes at the clocking that Wood thought dif- legal restrictions on what teach- the second student wrote. “I feel meeting nor make magee or Wal-
grocery store and the gas station. vibe. It wouldn’t ferently from most people in ers can say on these topics.) like she has built up this idea of ters available for interviews. su-
now she had to go back to town. she also taught Black, fe- over the course of the year, expanding our mind through the perintendent Akil e. ross sr. de-
school. Which meant confronting be difficult to guess male and queer voices that most though, Jordan’s opinion shifted. introduction of controversial top- clined to discuss any aspect of
the conundrum she had avoided students never heard in other she noticed how students seemed ics all year just to try to subtly Wood’s lesson or its fallout, not-
all summer. how she votes classrooms nor at home — which to pay more attention in Wood’s indoctrinate our class.” ing the district does not comment
Wood said she believes trust is Hume said she liked. But other class. she noticed that Wood nev- especially troublesome, the on specific staff members or inci-
fundamental to the classroom. walking into her students didn’t. er pushed students to adopt view- student wrote, was one of dents.
she has to trust her students. “It was like, ‘oh, I got miss points but challenged them to Coates’s sentences stating: “In ross wrote in a statement that
They and their parents have to room. I think Wood, and now I have to scoff and account for their convictions. America, it is traditional to de- “we want our students to be
trust her. But trust, she said she roll my eyes because she’s going now a junior in college, Jordan stroy the black body — it is critical thinkers with the ability
believes, is impossible without that’s what made to teach me things I don’t want to still remembers the debate that heritage.” to develop their own understand-
authenticity. And for Wood, learn,’” Hume, 18, recalled. “A lot followed after a popular boy, the The student names were re- ing of the world.” He added,
teaching authentically means as- her a sort of of kids did not like her.” student body president, said dacted from the emails obtained “There will be times when stu-
signing writers like Coates — elizabeth Jordan, now 20, was transgender athletes should not by Wood through a records re- dents or parents disagree with
voices unfamiliar, even discon- lightning rod.” one of those students. raised in a be allowed to play sports. quest and provided to The Post. A issues discussed in class. The best
certing, to students in her lake- conservative, Christian house- “okay,” Jordan recalls Wood parent who complained about way to resolve these matters is
A former Chapin teacher,
side town. Because of what hap- hold, Jordan was unhappy to saying, “can you explain that a Wood’s course to the school board communication between the
who spoke on the condition of
pened last year, though, Wood learn Wood would be her AP little bit more?” did not answer a list of emailed family and the teacher.”
anonymity for fear of
now worried anything, from the english teacher back in 2019, By 2023, when Wood assigned questions. Barnhardt, who was The school gave Wood two days
professional and personal
most provocative essay to the Jordan’s junior year. Coates, her strategy hadn’t endorsed by moms for Liberty off teaching for “professional de-
least interesting comment about At first, Jordan found Wood’s changed: she still gave difficult last year, did not respond to a velopment,” she said, so she could
her weekend, might be resisted, texts about hot-button issues, request for comment. come up with something to re-
recorded and reported by the convinced it was the best way to The following monday after- place Coates’s book, which she
children she was supposed to be keep students’ attention — and noon, Wood had finished teach- was supposed to teach for the
teaching. teach them how to argue, an AP ing and was preparing to leave next three weeks. A substitute
And if she couldn’t trust them, Lang exam requirement. she still school when she received a call taught her classes in the mean-
how was she supposed to make demanded students consider from a school secretary. The time.
them trust her? novel perspectives, setting the woman told her she had an un- Wood struggled to figure out
“I should probably head out,” essay question: “explain Coates’ scheduled meeting with Chapin’s what to do. It was bad enough
Wood said to her husband, ryan problem with America’s tradition assistant principal of instruction, that she was supposed to over-
satterwhite, glancing at the time of retelling history. explain your melissa magee, and the district’s haul a whole unit in two days.
on her oven’s digital clock: 7:38 support or disagreement with his director of secondary instruction, Worse, Wood said, magee and
a.m. But she didn’t move. “I just position.” neshunda Walters, at 4 p.m. Walters had revealed the com-
don’t know what’s going to hap- for the two days Wood got to The woman didn’t say what the plaints came directly from stu-
pen.” teach “Between the World and meeting was about, but Wood dents — not parents, as was more
“It’ll be fine,” satterwhite told me,” classroom discussions were guessed. she grabbed Pratt, the usual. They wouldn’t say who,
her, setting his mug down and lively and open, said Connor Bry- english department chair and Wood said. They wouldn’t pro-
crossing the room. ant, 17, one of the students who one of her best friends, hoping for vide copies, not even anonymous
she looked up at him and took AP Lang last year. Bryant, protection. And she pulled up the ones.
placed a hand on his chest. They whose father is a Chapin english AP Lang course description on Wood agonized over how to
stood framed in the front window teacher, said his peers debated her laptop, figuring she might face her classroom again. she
for a moment. He bent down to systemic racism and what it’s like need it. wasn’t angry with her students,
kiss her. to be Black in America, agreeing Wood and Pratt were kept she said. she expected high-
“Hopefully,” she said. Her and disagreeing with Coates, waiting outside a conference schoolers to get upset about some
mouth quirked into a half-smile, without Wood picking a side. room for over half an hour, they of the things she taught. But
half-frown. “she did a really good job of later recalled. Through a window before, teenagers and their par-
she readjusted her bag, keeping things not boring,” Bry- in the door, Pratt said, she could ents had always brought their
gripped her car keys and walked ant said. “People spoke up and see magee and Walters sifting complaints to her. And she had
out the door. they had different opinions — I through pages of documents in a always defused the situation.
honestly didn’t hear a single com- manila folder. Around 4:30, What frustrated her now was
A long-held strategy plaint about the book from any- Wood and Pratt said, they were let that she’d been skipped over: The
The first complaint didn’t one.” into the room — but Walters students had gone directly to the
alarm Wood. still, Bryant did remember a dismissed Pratt over her protests, school board. And school officials
It was early february. A day handful of disengaged students the department chair said. she were listening to the teens, not
after she gave out copies of “Be- in the back of the room. They kept waiting outside as Wood her.
tween the World and me,” a moth- whispered to each other during underwent what the english “Taking the word of a couple of
er emailed asking to speak about class. teacher later described as an in- students over the professional
“an assignment.” Wood didn’t see As in years past, Wood’s style of terrogation. integrity of a seasoned educator
it as different from the parental teaching had left some students A set of administrative talking is damaging to the relationship
objections she was used to field- feeling uncomfortable. But this points prepared ahead of the between all parties involved,”
ing in Lexington-richland school time, they didn’t come to respect meeting, obtained through she wrote in an email to her
District 5, which serves roughly her. Wood’s records request and given principal and the superintendent
17,000 students and is about two- They reported her. to The Post, show that magee and on feb. 8.
thirds White. In interviews, sev- Walters were supposed to start by But most of all, she was scared.
eral teachers recalled dealing ‘Pause instruction’ telling Wood her teaching had “I didn’t know who did it,”
with opinionated Chapin parents The student email arrived in sparked “concerns.” They were Wood said. “And I — I didn’t know
who pushed back against lessons school board member elizabeth supposed to mention the south how to talk after that.”
or for better grades. Wood has her morning coffee at home before her first day of Barnhardt’s inbox at 8:51 p.m. on Carolina policy against making she decided the safest course
Wood emailed, phoned and left school after coming back from summer break on Aug. 7. a sunday, four days after Wood students uncomfortable because see leSSon on A9
friday, september 22 , 2023 . the washington post eZ re A9

LeSSon fRom A8 Wood told him that, some- come-back teacher breakfast,
times, good people get bad infor- Wood nibbled on casseroles as
was to teach examples of old AP mation from the wrong places — her English department friends
exam questions for the rest of the like fox News, popular in Chapin. shared details of their summers:
semester. She wouldn’t allow de- Summit nodded, face tight. He playing pickle ball, hiking in the
bate anymore. She wouldn’t so said he’d tackled one of the stu- High Sierras. She joked in reply
much as mention “Between the dents who called her racist and that her own summer had been
World and me,” a decision rein- didn’t want to be friends with “pretty boring.”
forced by the letter of reprimand, those people anymore. She would be teaching AP Lang
which arrived in early march. Wood knew the friend group again. Her son, Summit, would be
But her students still had cop- he was talking about. They were taking the class. She wasn’t sure
ies of Coates’s book. all boys she liked: They’d eaten how she felt about that.
So, on her first day back, five lunch in her classroom many She saw two students had re-
other English teachers — includ- times the year prior. She swal- quested to switch out of another
ing Pratt — walked with her to lowed the hurt and told her son English class she was teaching
first period, AP Lang, which all of what she knew she should say. without sharing why. She won-
them had free. At a regular Eng- “You can be friends with them,” dered if it was because of what
lish department meeting that she said. “You just have to talk to happened. A few teachers who
morning, Wood’s colleagues had them about it.” she knows disagree with her po-
decided to gather the books on Summit considered. “All right,” litically didn’t respond when she
her behalf. They also wanted to he said after a moment, and went said “Hi” to them in the hallways.
collect the titles as speedily and upstairs to play video games. She wondered, again, if it was
professionally as possible, Pratt The board meeting on TV because of what happened.
recalled, to minimize stress and stretched onward. Speaker after A week later, on the day stu-
awkwardness for Wood and her speaker denounced her. dents returned to campus, her
students. They figured more Wood didn’t sleep well that phone buzzed with a text during
teachers would pick up the books night. or most of the summer. morning assembly: “I love you,”
more quickly. The five teachers Will CrookS for tHe WaSHington PoSt A bright spot was the next Summit wrote. Then a second
lined up near the door as students Wood holds a pile of shells she collected while on vacation. She gave each of her AP Lang school board meeting, in mid-Ju- message: “Thanks for always do-
filed in. Wood sat behind her students a shell on Day 1, embracing that though they are not whole, they are also not broken. ly. This time, a dozen teachers ing what is right.”
desk. and residents spoke out in Wood’s Wood’s AP Lang class met in
once the last teen had sat favor. Coates himself traveled to the early afternoon. At 1:15 p.m.,
down, Wood delivered three stilt- day of school. J. “RJ” may III (R), who had Chapin to meet her. They went as the last students settled into
ed sentences, screened and scru- on a steamy monday after- “Taking the word of a driven 30 minutes from his home out to dinner. Coates came with their chairs, Wood rose and intro-
tinized by most of the English noon in late June, Wood pulled up near South Congaree to reach her to the board meeting, sitting duced herself. She looked out at
department in advance. Stripped the live stream link for that couple of students over Chapin. In an interview with The silently in the back. He signed her the 25 teens, spotting her son,
of all possible controversy. month’s school board meeting. Post, he said worried parents and copy of “Between the World and three of his good friends, two
“We will no longer be reading Her golden lab mix, Saint, and the professional students, some of them in Wood’s me.” He told her he appreciated children she’d taught before and
this book,” she said, according to Yorkie poo, Happy, jumped onto class, contacted him asking him her courage, she said. (Coates did three others who went to pre-
six people in the room and a the couch as she cast the meeting integrity of a seasoned to speak at the meeting. not respond to an interview re- school with Summit. She told the
contemporary, written account of onto the television screen. He was happy to do it because quest.) room she grew up in Chapin, too.
the day’s events provided by News of Wood’s canceled les- educator is damaging to he thinks Wood broke state law She went on vacation to ocra- Wood pulled out a plastic sand-
Pratt. “We will be collecting it son had broken two weeks earlier and acted outside the parameters coke Island, N.C., in late July, wich bag filled with shell frag-
now. Please look at the Smart in regional newspaper the State. the relationship of her job by assigning Coates’s where she tried to sum up her ments she collected on the beach
Board so that I can direct you to She had mostly stayed inside the book — which may said presents feelings in a journal entry. in during her ocracoke vacation.
today’s lesson.” house since. She figured the between all parties the author’s biased views of his- “Teachers are afraid,” she She gave the bag to a student and
The five teachers walked up board meeting, with its opportu- tory as fact. He said books that wrote. “Teachers are silent. asked him to pass it around the
the five aisles between students’ nity for public comment, was one involved.” deal with systemic racism should Teachers cave.” room. She told each teen to take
desks. They lifted copies of “Be- way to take the temperature of be taught in social studies, gov- one.
tween the World and me” from the town. Mary Wood, an english teacher at
ernment or politics courses. If Back to school The shells had once been
Chapin High School
desks as they walked. Some stu- The first speaker was a woman they are taught at all. As Wood pulled into the Chap- whole, she said. Like a promise
dents began rereading under- in a white striped dress, her blond “We should be a colorblind in High parking lot on Aug. 7, her kept. A trust fulfilled.
lined or favorite passages as hair piled into a bun. She said awesome. I hope that means society,” may said that night. stomach twisted. But they broke. maybe in
teachers approached, said Bry- South Carolina was making the we’re all Christians.” She, too, on her sofa, Wood shouted at She wouldn’t have to face her stormy waters, or when they were
ant, the AP Lang student. news for the wrong reasons: “We called for Wood’s firing. Watch- the screen. “You’ve got to be students. It was a “professional dragged across the bottom of the
A boy sitting next to Bryant now know that there have been ing, Wood recognized none of the kidding me!” development” week: Time for ocean, or because a beachgoer
had plastered his copy with what teachings in a school, here in this women. The front door banged open teachers to knock out trainings, stepped on them.
looked like five sticky notes per district, of systemic racism. … (The district declined to an- behind her, admitting Summit, organize their classrooms, pre- Sometimes, “we start to feel
page. A teacher, Pratt, stood and This is not only inappropriate swer questions about Wood’s em- her 16-year-old son and a student pare their lessons. But she did broken,” she said, “tossed around
waited until the boy had pulled and divisive, this is illegal.” ployment, but board members at Chapin High. Turning to greet have to see her colleagues, many kind of like those shells. We’re
out each note. It took almost half Then came another woman, have previously said the power to him, Wood saw his lips pressed for the first time since her debacle chipped away at … broken from
a minute. who declared herself “surprised punish teachers rests with into a line. went public. each other.”
“Looks like you wrote a lot,” to learn that this teacher is still school-level administrators. “What happened?” she remem- Seven minutes before the start She watched her students
Pratt remembers telling him. employed.” Still another, who Wood said she has received no bers asking. of school, sitting in her car, Wood plunge their hands into the bag
A teacher placed the collected said she was a grandmother in discipline beyond the reprimand “mom, did you break the law?” texted another English teacher: and fish for shells.
copies of the books on a shelf in the district, began by thanking letter.) he said, according to his and “Will you walk in with me? I’m “But the thing is,” Wood said,
the classroom. They remained the board: “You opened this The fifth speaker was South Wood’s recollection of that night. scared.” “that’s not true.”
there, untouched, until the last meeting with a prayer. That was Carolina State House Rep. Robert “my friends called you racist.” The day went okay. At a wel- She hoped she was right.

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A10 eZ re the washington post . friday, september 22 , 2023

The World
Tensions ‘beginning to boil’ in Gaza
in Gaza citY

A as fears of a new conflict mount

s Palestinians in the nearby
West Bank have endured
their deadliest year in dec-
ades, it has been a rare summer of
quiet in the Gaza Strip. Raed asad
hoped he could finally secure a
permit to work on an israeli farm
or construction site.
But in late august, israel put a
halt to new work permits — accus-
ing Hamas, the islamist militant
group that governs this blockad-
ed territory, of being behind ter-
rorist attacks in the West Bank.
Hamas and israel traded familiar
threats. in Gaza’s latest lurch be-
tween calm and chaos, asad saw
his long-shot chance vanish.
“Getting [a work permit] was
my only light of hope,” asad, 30,
said on a recent day as he cleared
fallen leaves from a fruit orchard
for a few shekels. the unem-
ployed father of three has a de-
gree in medical administration
but has only ever found work in
the fields.
Fears of another military esca-
lation have continued to build
this month. On Sept. 4, after is-
raeli border agents found what
they said was a cache of explosive
materials being smuggled into
the country in a shipment of blue
jeans, officials shut down all ex-
ports from Gaza.
neither side wants to return to
a full military confrontation, se-
curity experts said, but both need
to demonstrate resolve to appease
hard-liners. in Gaza, the next war
never feels far off.
Hamas put its forces on high
alert recently, stopping cars near
the border to check for israeli
infiltrators. the group held field
exercises last week with islamic
Jihad and other armed factions,
conducting drills on rocket
launches, kidnapping soldiers
and “storming settlements,” ac-
cording to local Gazan media.
in the deadliest shift, Hamas
has also permitted — some ana- PhoTos by LoAy Ayyoub for The WAshingTon PosT

lysts say orchestrated — the re- Hamas has recently permitted the return of Friday protests at Gaza’s eastern border, such as this one on Sept. 15 in which Palestinian demonstrators burned rubber tires.
turn of Friday protests at Gaza’s
eastern border, where young beyond expressing general sup- Hasira said.
demonstrators have faced off port for the attacks and claimed israel allowed some trucks to
with israeli soldiers. On Sept. 13, the Huwara and Hebron shooters cross after six days, including one
five Palestinians were killed when as members of its armed wing, the laden with abu Hasira’s fish.
they attempted to detonate an Qassam Brigades. Other Gazans have felt the
explosive at the barrier wall. “it is an honor for us to support squeeze when applying for work
in the aftermath, israel indefi- resistance in the West Bank, Jeru- permits in israel, where they can
nitely barred workers with per- salem, anywhere,” naim told the make double what they earn here.
mits from entering the country. Post, but he would not elaborate Last year, the israeli government
“it has been quiet, but it is on the group’s role in the West said it would increase the number
beginning to boil,” Basem naim, Bank’s surging militancy. of permits for Gazans, currently
head of Hamas’s Political and in- israel’s security cabinet voted at 18,500.
ternational Relations Depart- in august to give Prime Minister But in august, israel’s public
ment, said in an interview with Benjamin netanyahu authority broadcaster reported that offi-
the Washington Post. “there is a “to attack terrorists and those cials had changed their minds,
lot of pressure under the water.” who dispatch them,” a measure citing Hamas’s support for the
For months, the West Bank has widely interpreted as an assassi- West Bank attacks. the israeli
been the center of the conflict. nation threat against Hamas military’s coordinator of Govern-
More than 175 Palestinians there leaders. ment activities in the territories
have been killed since January, Later that month, young Ga- (cOGat), the unit responsible for
most in israeli military raids tar- zans were allowed to gather at the administering permits, con-
geting a new generation of mili- eastern border in an echo of the firmed that a planned increase to
tants; at least 29 israelis have violent “March of Return” dem- 20,000 was on hold.
been killed in shootings, stab- onstrations in 2018 and 2019, “the quota increase is contin-
bings, car rammings and other when israeli forces killed more gent upon the security stability
attacks by Palestinians in the than 190 Palestinians and wound- both within and emanating from
West Bank and israel. ed thousands. the Gaza Strip,” cOGat said in a
in June, israeli soldiers mount- Dozens have been injured in written response to the Post.
ed a two-day incursion into Jenin, the protests in recent weeks. at a asad’s social media chats lit up
the largest military operation in gathering Friday, a group of about at the news. “the permits are all
the occupied West Bank in dec- hundred men were prevented we talk about,” he said.
ades. at least five Palestinians from getting close to the fence by Raed Asad with his wife, Salwa, and two of their children in the northern Gaza Strip on Sept. 7. Asad, Workers are scrambling now to
were killed tuesday in raids in Hamas security agents. On other 30, has a degree in medical administration but has only ever found work in the fields. find other options. a riot broke
Jenin and Jericho that included a occasions, hundreds have been out at the office for turkish work
drone airstrike. allowed to approach, sometimes some militants for cooperating killed.” a year, officials said. visas last week as security guards
Gaza’s 2 million people, mean- throwing explosive devices. with israel and “exchanging quiet islamic Jihad has kept a low “You cannot have an ‘economic struggled to keep applicants from
while, have been enjoying relative Experts said a full-scale return for jobs,” abu Sada said. profile in Gaza since the strikes. peace’ and ban all exports,” he overwhelming the building.
calm, allowing Hamas and israel of the demonstrations is unlikely. Hamas was faulted in May for “it’s not just that they lost their said. Waiting there on a recent
to quietly nurse an unofficial eco- the last round created hundreds not coming to the aid of its rival commanders, it’s that now they awni abu Hasira had already morning was a 24-year-old who
nomic peace of work permits and of amputees, often seen begging faction, islamic Jihad, as israeli know they can’t count on Hamas bought more than 2,000 pounds works at construction sites for
trade, designed to keep tensions at Gazan intersections. airstrikes decimated its military to help,” abu Sada said. “it may of shrimp, crabs and fish caught $5 to $8 a day. Salem, who only
in check. “there is no support for the leadership — part of a short-lived change their calculation about by Gazan fishermen when he got gave his first name out of fear of
But in august, israel directly protests in the public,” said exchange of fire that killed when and how to act.” word that israel had shut down reprisals from Gazan authorities,
blamed Hamas for a string of Mkhaimer abu Sada, a political 33 people in Gaza and two people naim blamed israel for ratch- exports. His shop near the water- spent hours in line with his pass-
attacks against israeli settlers in science professor at al-azhar Uni- in israel. eting up tensions and for stran- front, normally crowded with port, bank statements and the
the West Bank, including the fatal versity in Gaza city. “But this is “People don’t always under- gling Gaza’s economy with re- men loading iced coolers into $180 application fee, only to learn
shootings of a father and son in another way of Hamas pulling stand your choice not to respond,” strictions that amounted to “a trucks bound for the West Bank, he was ineligible.
Huwara, and a woman driving israel’s strings and saying, ‘Don’t naim said. “Hamas is trying to catastrophe.” Gaza exports more was empty. “You have to be married,” he
near Hebron. go too far.’” avoid an escalation. a lot of our than $130 million worth of cloth- “if it goes for more than a week, said. “i can’t afford to get mar-
in a rare move, Hamas went in Gaza, Hamas is criticized by sons and daughters would be ing, fish, produce and other goods i could be out of business,” abu ried.”

Di ge st

BULgARiA some protesters threw eggs. president after a 2021 coup, told Manuel López Obrador said Abbas says peace requires Militant violence in Ghana is
Others carried signs reading the U.n. General assembly that thursday that prosecutors had full rights for Palestinians: rare, but its neighbors togo and
Nationalists protest “american bases out! Bulgaria is beyond decrying coups, global requested more arrests of Palestinian authority President ivory coast have seen militants
government, NATO a zone of peace,” referring to the leaders must also “look to and military officials in the 2014 Mahmoud abbas told the U.n. cross their northern borders to
opening of a new military base in address the deep-rooted causes.” disappearance of 43 student General assembly that Middle wage sporadic attacks. the
Bulgarian police scuffled the natO member. Guinea is one of several West teachers in Guerrero state. East peace is not achievable until attackers shot into two vehicles
thursday with supporters of the the protesters ended their and central africa nations that Sixteen new arrest warrants the Palestinians are granted full carrying traders on their way to a
ultranationalist Revival party walk at a monument to the have had coups since 2020, were sought in May by the rights. He spoke as the United market town, abdulai said.
who were protesting the policies Soviet army, and clashed with including two — niger and attorney general’s office, he said, States appeared to make
of the country’s pro-Western police trying to keep them away. Gabon — in recent months. showing a letter outlining the progress in brokering a Haiti’s presses on with canal
government, calling for it to — Reuters He also rebuffed Western request, which he said had not normalization deal between project: Haiti’s government
resign and seeking the closure of efforts to intervene in the previously been made public. israel and Saudi arabia. doubled down on the building of
natO military bases. gUiNeA continent’s politics, saying the letter to the army said the “Whoever thinks peace in the a canal on Haitian soil that
Hundreds of protesters africans are “exhausted by the 16 suspects had “presumably Middle East is possible before would divert water from a river it
opposing the E.U. member’s Leader defends coups categorizations with which maintained ties with organized our people achieved their full shares with the Dominican
support for Ukraine in its war and rebuffs the West everyone wants to box us in.” crime, and hence did not right is delusional,” abbas said. Republic, which in response last
with Russia gathered outside the “today, the african people are prevent” the disappearances. week shuttered land, air and sea
parliament in Sofia, waving Recent coups in africa have ... determined to take their Last year a judge ordered the 9 killed in ambush in northern borders between the neighbors.
Bulgarian and Russian flags, been attempts by militaries to destiny into their own hands.” arrest of 83 officials in the case, Ghana: nine people were killed Haiti said on social media that
blowing whistles and demanding save their countries from — Associated Press including soldiers, police and and several injured in an the agriculture Ministry is
an early election in the country, presidents’ “broken promises,” state personnel. not all the ambush by unknown assailants working with a group of Haitians
which has gone through five the head of Guinea’s junta said MeXiCO arrests were carried out, and in northern Ghana, said zubeiru building the canal to ensure that
votes in the past two years. thursday as he accused the West 21 warrants were withdrawn. abdulai, head of the local district it meets technical standards and
Many shouted “Resignation,” of boxing in the continent of 16 arrests sought in López Obrador took office in of Pusiga. the attack took place won’t negatively affect crops and
while riot police protected more than 1 billion people. 2014 disappearances 2018 vowing to uncover the truth near the border with Burkina people in the nearby Maribaroux
government buildings, including col. Mamady Doumbouya, about the disappearances. Faso, where islamist militants plain, which is under a drought.
the Defense Ministry, where sworn in as Guinea’s interim Mexican President andrés — Reuters are waging an insurgency. — From news services
friday, september 22 , 2023 . the washington post EZ RE A11

India demands cuts in Canada’s embassy, citing ‘diplomatic interference’

BY G ERRY S HIH, are still being worked out, and it is government “to work with us to soil while arguing that he needed “We expect India to provide for Canadian intelligence and se-
K ARISHMA M EHROTRA, unclear how many Canadian dip- take seriously these allegations to be brought to justice. the security of our accredited dip- curity officials made several trips
E LLEN F RANCIS lomats will have to leave India. and to allow justice to follow its In sharply worded remarks lomats and consular officers in to India in recent months to pri-
AND A MANDA C OLETTA But that number — and the dam- course.” Thursday, Bagchi accused India, just as we are for theirs vately raise the issue with their
age to bilateral ties — is probably After Trudeau’s announce- Trudeau of making a “primarily here,” it said in the statement. counterparts. Canada also briefed
NEW DELHI — India went on the significant. ment, Canada’s foreign minister, politically driven” allegation On Wednesday, an updated several allies before it made the
diplomatic offensive against Can- “We have seen Canadian diplo- Mélanie Joly, expelled the Indian against India. travel advisory from India urged allegations public. While many
ada on Thursday, ordering the matic interference in our internal intelligence service’s station chief, Bagchi also said India had its citizens to “exercise extreme allies said they are concerned by
country to reduce staffing at its affairs,” Bagchi said at a briefing who was operating under diplo- stopped issuing new visas to Ca- caution” when traveling in Cana- the allegations, they have avoided
embassy and suspending the issu- in New Delhi. “This is a factor matic cover. India retaliated Tues- nadians, attributing the pause to da, citing what it said were “anti- harshly rebuking India, a power
ance of new visas for Canadians, taken into account for seeking day by expelling a Canadian dip- security threats against Indian India activities and politically- they’ve been courting as a coun-
as the fallout from allegations parity and rank equivalence in lomat, identified in Indian media diplomats in Canada and a staff- condoned hate crimes” in the terweight to China.
that New Delhi was behind the our mutual diplomatic presence.” as an intelligence official. The two ing shortage there. country. “There is no question that In-
killing of a Sikh separatist leader Bagchi noted Canada had a countries had already announced BLS International, the Indian Canadian officials have said dia is a country of growing impor-
in British Columbia widened dra- much larger diplomatic staff in a pause in trade talks this month. company that processes visa ap- Canada is a safe country. tance and a country that we need
matically. New Delhi than India does in The tit-for-tat moves escalated plications in Canada, cited “oper- The 45-year-old Nijjar, who to continue to work with, not just
Arindam Bagchi, spokesman Ottawa. sharply Thursday with the Indian ational reasons” for the suspen- was wanted by India on terrorism in the region but around the
for India’s External Affairs Minis- Canadian Prime Minister Jus- demand for Canada to draw down sion of visa services “till further charges, championed the world,” Trudeau said. “We’re not
try, disclosed India’s demand sev- tin Trudeau stunned the world by its diplomats, a step in line with notice,” without elaborating. Khalistan movement calling for looking to provoke or cause prob-
eral hours after Canada’s embassy announcing in Parliament on India’s increasingly muscular and The Canadian High Commis- the creation of an independent lems, but we are unequivocal
in New Delhi announced that it Monday that there were “credible independent foreign policy. sion in India declined to comment Sikh state in the Punjab region of around the importance of the rule
would “temporarily adjust staff allegations” that agents of the In recent months, India has on whether it was requested to India. The movement is outlawed of law and unequivocal about the
presence” to protect its diplomats Indian government were linked brushed aside Western pressure cut down its presence but said in in India, where authorities con- importance of protecting Cana-
from threats on social media, and to the execution of Hardeep Singh to criticize Russia for its war in an email that it was reducing its sider it a top national security dians and standing up for our
days after the two governments Nijjar, a Canadian citizen, outside Ukraine, dismissed questions footprint after some diplomats threat. values.”
expelled senior diplomats identi- a Sikh temple in Surrey, B.C., on over its continued purchases of “received threats on various social Canadian authorities have not
fied as intelligence officers. June 18. Russian oil, and this week stri- media platforms” and “in light of detailed the allegations because Francis reported from London.
Indian and Canadian officials The Canadian leader on Thurs- dently rebutted suggestions that the current environment where they say they want to avoid jeop- Andrew Jeong in Seoul contributed to
said the details of the reduction day repeated a call for the Indian it assassinated Nijjar on Western tensions have heightened.” ardizing the investigation. this report.

Poland threatens to stop sending weapons to Ukraine in a fight over grain

BY L OVEDAY M ORRIS Thursday, as President Andrzej agreement with the European Warsaw on Tuesday when, dur- but the interests of Polish farm- experts have questioned the im-
AND E MILY R AUHALA Duda called for calm and warned Union expired. ing his speech to the U.N. General ers “will certainly always be the pact of an embargo given that
against an “over-interpretation” For Poland, the end of the Assembly, he insinuated that Po- most important to me,” he said. prices are more closely linked to
WARSAW — Poland, one of of the prime minister’s com- E.U.-sanctioned embargo oc- land was playing into the hands On Thursday, the Polish Em- global market fluctuations than
Ukraine’s staunchest backers in ments. He said Morawiecki curred just a month ahead of of Russia. He accused “some in bassy in Washington elaborated local conditions.
the fight against Russia’s inva- meant that Poland wouldn’t elections, in which the right- Europe” of feigning solidarity in on the government’s position When it decided not to extend
sion, said it was halting new transfer new weapons from the wing populist Law and Justice “political theater” and creating a with a nine-point statement, con- the restrictions last week, the
weapons shipments to Kyiv, as stocks it had purchased from party is battling to stay in power. “thriller from the grain.” cluding that while Poland contin- European Commission said
tensions over grain exports con- countries such as the United The party presents itself as the “They may seem to play their ues to support the beginning of “market distortions” caused by
tinued to escalate between States and South Korea. Speak- champion of Polish farmers and own role, but in fact, they are negotiations over Ukraine’s Ukrainian imports had disap-
Ukraine and its Central ing to Polish reporters at the U.N. had amped up rhetoric against helping set the stage to a Moscow membership in the E.U., those peared.
European neighbors. General Assembly in New York, the E.U. at campaign events, actor,” Zelensky said. talks “will need to take into On Thursday, a senior U.S.
“We are no longer transferring he said it was still possible that promising to protect Polish grain Poland summoned the Ukrai- account Polish interests.” government official played down
any weapons, because we will weapons from old army stocks producers. nian ambassador in Warsaw on The fight between Warsaw and the rift, casting it as a heat-of-the-
now arm ourselves with the most could be transferred to Kyiv “just Ukrainian officials pledged Wednesday in response to the Kyiv demonstrates that Moscow moment bit of electioneering.
modern weapons,” Polish Prime as we have done before.” this week to take legal action comments. has achieved some success with “I know some folks feel like the
Minister Mateusz Morawiecki Russia has targeted Ukraine’s against Poland, Hungary and Slo- Speaking to Polsat, its brutal and sustained attacks prime minister’s remarks maybe
said in a Wednesday evening vital agricultural sector, disrupt- vakia to overturn the ban, though Morawiecki condemned Zel- on Ukraine’s agriculture sector. were a reflection that the unity is
interview with Polsat News. ing transit routes in the Black Sea Kyiv’s chances of achieving a ensky’s “very strong words,” Morawiecki’s Law and Justice finally cracking, and I just don’t
Poland will only fulfill existing and repeatedly bombing the quick remedy seemed virtually which he said Poland “funda- party counts the agricultural ar- see any evidence of that at every
contracts and deliver previously country’s grain infrastructure. nonexistent. mentally” rejects. eas along the border with level,” the official said, speaking
agreed-upon supplies of weap- That has left Ukraine desperate The increasingly bitter dispute “We send words of warning to Ukraine as its center of support on the condition of anonymity to
ons, Polish government spokes- for other export routes, but it also has upended the relationship be- Kyiv not to play such notes, and is battling ahead of next discuss sensitive diplomatic rela-
man Piotr Müller clarified to the prompted Poland and other tween Ukraine and one of its which were in fact immediately month’s elections to maintain the tions. “Throughout the bureau-
Polish Press Agency on Thursday, neighboring countries to seek to strongest backers. Poland is the picked up on in Poland by the backing of voters there, including cracy in Poland, we saw a firm
saying that included Polish-made protect their farmers from a mar- sixth-biggest military donor to so-called Russian trolls,” he said. those who have been considering commitment to stay the course.
Howitzers. He cited “totally un- ket flooded with low-cost Ukrai- Ukraine, according to the Kiel Given Poland’s support for the extreme right-wing They see no alternative.”
acceptable statements and public nian grain. Institute for the World Economy, Ukraine, including by lobbying Konfederacja party, known for its
gestures” by Ukraine in the deci- Poland, Hungary and Slovakia and it has taken in more than Germany to send arms, such anti-Ukraine rhetoric. Rauhala reported from Brussels.
sion. said last week they would keep in 1.5 million refugees. words are “doubly unfair,” While many farmers have de- Niha Masih in Seoul, Victoria Bisset
But Poland appeared to at- place a ban on the import of Ukrainian President Volod- Morawiecki said. Talks between cried the imports of cheap Ukrai- in London and Anastacia Galouchka
tempt to ease tensions later Ukrainian grain products as an ymyr Zelensky caused fury in Ukraine and Poland are ongoing, nian grain and support a ban, in Kyiv contributed to this report.
A12 eZ re the washington post . friday, september 22 , 2023

war in ukraine

This visit far different

from Zelensky’s last
ZElENsky from A1 quested.” and some of mccarthy’s
allies suggested he was favorably
ukraine. “i am in Washington to inclined toward providing
strengthen ukraine’s position to ukraine with more weapons.
defend our children, our families, “the speaker, like me, has
our homes, freedom and democra- shown strong support,” House
cy in the world,” Zelensky said at foreign affairs committee chair-
the start of his meeting with presi- man michael mccaul (r-tex.) told
dent Biden in the oval office. reporters after meeting with Zel-
in private, his request was even ensky. “But we’re frustrated with
more dire: “if we don’t get the aid, the administration’s slowness in
we will lose the war,” Zelensky told [providing] the weapons.”
members of the Senate in a closed- He said that mccarthy’s “take-
door meeting, according to Senate away” was that ukraine needs
majority Leader charles e. Schu- atacmS missiles — a type of long-
mer (d-n.Y.). range precision artillery that
perhaps the most high-stakes many hawks in congress have
meeting of Zelensky’s trip to been pushing for — as well as f-16
Washington was with mccarthy, warplanes, and needs these things
who is navigating a right-wing re- “yesterday.”
bellion among House republicans Biden announced a new pack-
on spending for ukraine and other age of military assistance for
matters. instead of convening a ukraine that includes artillery,
large forum for Zelensky to appeal ammunition and air defense capa-
to House lawmakers — as Senate bilities. White House national se-
minority Leader mitch mcconnell curity adviser Jake Sullivan said
(r-Ky.) did in his chamber — mc- that atacmS missiles were not
carthy met privately with the part of this package but that Biden
ukrainian leader and peppered has not taken them “off the table in
him with questions related to ac- the future.” Tom Brenner for The WAshIngTon PosT

countability, strategy and tactics, ukraine has promised it will

said people familiar with the not use Western weapons to strike ABOVE: President Biden, first
meeting, who spoke on the condi- targets inside russia, preferring lady Jill Biden, Ukrainian
tion of anonymity to discuss a instead to strike at arms depots President Volodymyr Zelensky
sensitive exchange. and logistic centers in russian-oc- and his wife, Olena Zelenska,
mccarthy zeroed in specifically cupied areas of ukraine. outside the White House.
on how open-ended the conflict But while democrats have lined RIGHT: Zelensky and his wife
might be and whether ukraine’s up behind Biden’s proposed aid lay flowers at the National 9/11
military is using u.S.-provided package, republican hard-liners Pentagon Memorial.
weapons in a responsible manner, want to see the flow of assistance
the people said. cut off entirely, and mccarthy has both sides of the aisle.
the ukrainians did not view declined to publicly support more mccarthy on thursday also was
mccarthy’s tough questioning as ukraine funding. at times, the conspicuously absent from Zel-
isolationist or politicized, the peo- speaker has echoed the skepticism ensky’s photo ops on capitol Hill,
ple familiar with the meeting said. from some of his conference’s which were joined by other con-
Kyiv views mccarthy as a sympa- most conservative members, rais- gressional leaders, including Sen-
thetic, albeit embattled, figure ing concerns about a lack of ac- ate minority Leader mitch mc-
whose speakership is under tre- countability around the funding connell (r-Ky.).
mendous strain. Both sides felt the and arguing that ukraine lacks a Biden, in contrast, has re-
meeting was productive despite “plan to win.” mained unequivocal in his sup-
ukraine’s trepidation about a col- mccarthy, who has spent the port for ukraine, arguing that if
lapse of support among House re- week struggling to calm a tumul- the world’s democracies abandon
publicans, the people said. tuous dispute among House re- ukraine, it would have devastat-
mccarthy on thursday sig- publicans over funding the u.S. ing consequences and encourage
naled appreciation for Zelensky’s government, rejected Zelensky’s other autocrats to invade neigh-
leadership, applauding his efforts request to deliver a joint address boring countries. at the united
to root out corruption by replacing to congress because of “what nations this week, the president
his defense minister and remov- we’re in the middle of.” Zelensky sought to rally the world to contin-
ing other officials working in de- gave such an address when he ue supporting ukraine, despite
fense procurement, changes that visited Washington last year, re- the economic pain some countries
mccarthy suggested had been “re- ceiving rapturous applause from continued on next page BrendAn smIAloWskI/AfP/geTTy ImAges

Friday, Sept. 22 at 9:00 a.m.

Abutaleb discusses Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s speech at the United
Nations and meetings in Washington. Next, Marcus and McArdle break down the week’s big
stories, including growing anxiety in the Democratic Party over President Biden’s political
vulnerabilities as another government shutdown threatens Washington.


White House Reporter Associate Editor Opinions Columnist

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friday, september 22 , 2023 . the washington post eZ Re A13

war in ukraine SPECIAL FEATURE

A capital summer Through the lens:

Portraits of a season in the Washington region

obTained by The WashingTon PosT

From left, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), Zelensky and

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) on Thursday.

from previous page for the second time this week,

House republicans lost a vote
are feeling as a result. Thursday to move forward a De-
at the White House on Thurs- fense Department appropriations
day, Biden said the united states is bill, part of a wider battle between
committed to “supporting a just the party’s far-right and moderate
and lasting peace, one that re- factions over funding the govern- Explore
spects ukraine’s sovereignty and
territorial integrity.”
republican leaders are also cuisines
“No nation can be truly secure struggling to move forward on a Search our database of tested
in the world if, in fact, we don’t stopgap bill that would fund the recipes by ingredient or name.
stand up and defend the freedom u.s. government beyond the end
of ukraine from the face of this of the fiscal year on sept. 30. That
aggression, brutality and aggres- bill would continue providing
sion,” Biden said. funding for the ukrainian war ef-
for Zelensky, the visit to Wash- fort at current levels, which is
ington came just after russia opposed by some hard-line con-
st photography departm
launched its biggest missile at- servatives who want to end u.s.
tacks against ukraine in weeks, support for Kyiv altogether. enjoy The Washington Po apes
increasing the urgency of his plea after meeting with lawmakers, man and natural landsc
for additional funding. sullivan Zelensky told reporters he’d had exploration of the rich hu
said Zelensky is keenly aware of “frank and constructive dialogue” that make up our region.
the u.s. political climate as on Capitol Hill. in the senate,
month and online.
ukraine aid hangs in the balance members of both parties de- in the Metro section this
while Congress remains mired in scribed the gathering as respectful


spending battles. but said Zelensky’s message also
“president Zelensky is not com- conveyed a sense of urgency.
ing here like a babe in the woods, sen. richard Blumenthal (D-
not having any understanding Conn.) said senators did not shy
that, you know, we have to work away from asking Zelensky diffi-
through as we approach the end of cult questions during the closed-
the fiscal year funding for the gov- door meeting. See a selection of images from this feature
ernment going forward,” sullivan “‘What would you say to my
said. “He recognizes that that’s constituents who question wheth- on display Sept 18-22 at MGM National Harbor
going to be contested.” er we should be spending all this in The Conservatory.
still, sullivan said, the White money?’” Blumenthal said, giving
House remains confident Con- an example of the types of ques-
gress will ended up passing the tions that were asked. “and, of
additional funding for Kyiv. course, the answer is, ‘They’re on
“There is a vocal, quite small the front lines against putin, and
minority of members who are rais- he will keep going if he’s not
ing questions,” he said. “There is a stopped there.’”
very strong, overwhelming major- sen. angus King (i-maine), who
ity of members, both Democrats asked Zelensky what ukraine

no story is
and republicans, who want to see most urgently needs, said the
aid continue.” ukrainian leader reiterated his
S0315 1x12

But in the end, despite the pleas for air defense.

White House’s ardent support for “Not only for their military, but

more global.
ukraine, u.s. officials have made to protect their energy system,
clear their ability to help Kyiv will their water and electricity,” said
be severely restricted if Congress King.
does not approve the White During his day in Washington,

More profound.
House’s aid package. The future of Zelensky, who was joined by his
that funding remains unclear, es- wife, olena Zelenska, visited the Did you hear
pecially as the House republicans’ pentagon and laid flowers at the The Post
disarray seems to be bringing a National 9/11 pentagon memorial. today.

More extreme.
u.s. government shutdown closer. He also met with Defense secre-
“i am counting on the good tary Lloyd austin; gen. mark a.
judgment of the united states milley, chairman of the Joint
Congress,” Biden said. “There is no Chiefs of staff; and other military
S0263 1x2

alternative.” leaders.

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A14 eZ re the washington post . friday, september 22 , 2023

Economy & Business

Deals over search on Apple products key to antitrust case
According to the government, Google pays billions to be the default search engine on iPhones and other devices, essentially shutting out competitors
BY E VA D OU which Apple has access to are
AND T RISHA T HADANI very lucrative but hard to target
for advertising companies such as
Lucrative, closed-door deal- Google due to Apple’s walled gar-
ings between two of the world’s den,” he said.
most powerful tech companies This arrangement has been
are under scrutiny at the Google one Apple has been loath to dis-
antitrust trial in Washington, as cuss in public.
the first of two senior Apple exec- “We actually went back and
utives began testifying. looked at earnings calls in the
Apple AI chief John Giannan- past, and Apple never once men-
drea, who headed Google’s search tioned this relationship,” Bern-
business until 2018, appeared stein tech analyst Toni Saccon-
briefly on the stand late Thursday aghi told investors when the Jus-
and will continue testimony on tice Department filed the lawsuit
Friday. He will be followed by in 2020. “In the previous 10 years,
Eduardo Cue, Apple’s services Apple had actually never talked
chief, who previously led Apple’s about this.”
negotiations to update their con- Apple unsuccessfully attempt-
tract with Google. Apple unsuc- ed to quash the subpoenas seek-
cessfully fought to keep them off ing executive testimony ahead of
the stand. the trial, saying that the company
The pair of tech giants have — a third party in the case — has
been tight-lipped about the esti- been “the subject of uncharacter-
mated $19 billion that Google istically overbroad and burden-
pays Apple per year to ensure its some demands throughout this
search engine remains the de- case.”
fault on iPhones and other Apple Apple said it has provided the
devices — a deal that spans 18 Justice Department with more
years. Both companies have than 125,000 documents and over
sought to keep details of the 21½ hours of executive deposi-
transactions out of the public eye, tions. The information, the com-
with filings in the case heavily pany said in court filings, reflects
redacted. “its most sensitive internal com-
Even so, the public parts of the mercial deliberations.”
case are providing new insight Adrian Perica, Apple’s vice
into how a once-furious rivalry president of corporate develop-
between Apple and Google over ment, was also deposed but is not
smartphones — what Steve Jobs JaBin BoTsford/The WashingTon PosT expected to appear in person.
once declared a “thermonuclear Apple CEO Tim Cook leaves the House of Representatives on Sept. 14. Two other Apple executives are testifying in Google’s antitrust trial. As for Google’s deal with Apple,
war” — has mellowed into a Mehta would have the power to
peaceful partnership that ana- that the deal with Apple does not volved in the deal with Google, product. hopefully clarify the intent be- order the terms changed or even
lysts describe as a duopoly. keep consumers from using other even if they couldn’t specify num- Apple declined to comment. hind Google’s payments: Was it scrap it if he judges Google acted
“Our vision is that we work as if search engines if they prefer. bers. The case marks the first time in an aboveboard business deal, or a illegally through it. When the
we are one company,” a senior “Making it easier for people to “Google pays Apple billions,” nearly two decades that the Jus- scheme to shut out competition? European Union reviewed a simi-
Apple employee wrote a Google get the products they want ben- Dintzer said. tice Department is taking a major “Google is paying billions of lar case against Google, it ordered
counterpart in a 2018 email, cited efits consumers and is supported “I think that’s generally true,” tech company to court on anti- dollars to Apple to have that devices to have a “choice screen”
in the Justice Department com- by American antitrust law,” he Giannandrea responded. trust charges. The decision could privileged status,” she said. “Any out of the box so consumers had a
plaint. wrote. “In sum, people don’t use Dintzer also asked Giannan- have broad effects on the high- competitor to Google would also chance to pick which search en-
These deals ensure that virtu- Google because they have to — drea about a new feature in iOS 17, tech landscape for the next dec- want access.” gine they wanted.
ally all smartphones sold in the they use it because they want to.” Apple’s latest mobile operating ade and beyond, if it curbs Equity research firm Sanford In his opening statement last
United States, both iPhones and Justice Department lawyers system released Monday, that al- Google’s reach amid an industry Bernstein estimates Google will week, Justice Department attor-
Android, come out of the box with clashed with Apple at the end of lowed users to choose different scramble for emerging AI tech- pay Apple between $18 billion ney Dintzer cited an email a
Google search pre-installed front the day over what topics could be default search engines for private nologies. and $19 billion this year for de- Google executive sent internally
and center. At issue is whether discussed in open session on Fri- and regular browsing. The move Judge Mehta will consider le- fault search status, more than the in 2007 to recount a meeting with
this agreement is monopolistic day. Prosecutors requested Judge could dilute Google’s power over gal questions that are both wonky market capitalization of Best Buy his counterpart at Apple.
and shuts out Google’s competi- Amit Mehta allow them to ques- the iPhone, since it makes it easi- and technical. Being a monopoly or the GDP of Mongolia, and “I then told him we have two
tion from having automatic ac- tion Giannandrea on the record er to use multiple search engines. is not illegal, but abusing such nearly 5 percent of Apple’s 2022 options,” the Google executive,
cess to Apple’s users. about documents related to Ap- Prosecutors are expected to power to quash competition is. revenue. Jeff Shardell, wrote. “1) No default
“It’s playing both sides of the ple’s search capabilities and inter- grill Giannandrea and Cue about The Justice Department is argu- Neil Shah, vice president of placement — no revenue share on
street,” Justice Department attor- nal Apple documents analyzing the Apple-Google accords, seek- ing that Google strong-armed Ap- research at Counterpoint Re- Safari/Windows. 2) Yes default
ney Kenneth Dintzer declared in the search quality of Google and ing evidence that Google used its ple and other smartphone-mak- search, points out that while Ap- placement — we will share in
his opening argument last week, the Microsoft search engine Bing. monopoly power to accumulate ers into these deals. “The exclu- ple has 52 percent of the U.S. revenue under the current con-
about the contracts Google used An attorney for Apple disagreed, 90 percent market share in gener- sive default was not Apple’s smartphone market overall, it tract.”
to land its search engine as the saying those “general subjects” al search, dictate terms and pre- choice,” Dintzer told the court last commands a whopping 80 per- Dintzer argued that the email
default. were considered confidential by vent Apple from experimenting week, citing Apple’s interest in cent of the premium smartphone showed Google was the one call-
In a blog post published ahead Apple. with other search engines. Google also dealing with Yahoo, before market. Google is paying to get its ing the shots.
of the trial, Google’s president of In Giannandrea’s 10 minutes is expected to try to elicit evi- Google demanded exclusivity. ads in front of these high-rollers “This is not a negotiation, Your
global affairs, Kent Walker, said under questioning on Thursday, dence from the executives that Rebecca Haw Allensworth, a using iPhones, and it is splitting Honor,” Dintzer told Mehta. “This
that the Justice Department’s Dintzer pressed him to acknowl- Apple chose Google search freely, Vanderbilt antitrust law profes- the profits with Apple. is Google saying, ‘Take it or leave
lawsuit is “deeply flawed” and edge that large sums were in- simply because it was the best sor, said Apple’s testimony will “These ‘premium eyeballs’ it.’”

With no deal in sight, UAW strike against Big Three is set to expand today
BY L AUREN K AORI G URLEY vehicles, a shift that potentially rate from the Big Three work stop- in wages and receive fewer ben- “untenable” as the company tran- firmed on Wednesday that it was
AND J EANNE W HALEN includes plant closures. Automak- pages but centers on similar issues efits than veteran workers. And sitions to “an all-EV future.” idling its Fairfax Assembly plant
ers are offering raises of about — raising pay, improving health- many can be stuck in “temporary” GM spokesperson David Bar- in Kansas City, Kan., which em-
The United Auto Workers and 20 percent. care benefits and scrapping em- status for years, making it hard for nas said in a statement Thursday ploys roughly 2,000 workers. The
Detroit’s Big Three automakers “We’re going to keep hitting the ployment tiers. them to move up the pay scale. that the company is “continuing to company attributed the layoffs to
spent Thursday in talks as union company where we need to, when The UAW’s Fain has not said The union is demanding that all bargain in good faith with the a shortage of product that is typi-
leaders warned that an ongoing we need to,” UAW President which plants would be affected workers reach top pay after union to reach an agreement as cally supplied by its Wentzville,
labor strike could spread to new Shawn Fain said in a video posted next — the union’s stated strategy 90 days on the job. The companies quickly as possible.” Mo., plant, which is on strike.
facilities as soon as midday Friday. late Monday. If there is not “seri- is to “keep the companies guess- have made some concessions, of- Ford said it has given signifi- Also, Stellantis said Wednesday
An expanded work stoppage ous progress” by noon Friday, Fain ing.” Rather than striking all of the fering to shorten the time it takes cant ground in the talks and re- that more than 350 additional lay-
over wages and benefits for some added, more workers will be called companies’ plants at once, the workers to reach the top wage rate mains focused on getting a deal. offs could take place at its Jeep
150,000 autoworkers could wors- to join the strike. UAW has taken the unconvention- and proposing to lift starting wag- Beyond 20 percent raises over four facilities “as a consequence of
en disruptions to an industry that Stellantis, which owns Jeep and al approach of striking at a few es for temporary workers by years, Ford is offering some cost- strike action,” including 68 em-
makes up about 3 percent of the Chrysler, on Wednesday made a plants while other union employ- 20 percent, to $20 an hour. of-living adjustments to wages, in- ployees confirmed to be laid off at
nation’s gross domestic product. counteroffer to the UAW, the de- ees continue working. This has Leaders at General Motors and creased contributions to workers’ the Toledo Machining Plant in Per-
Close to 13,000 UAW members tails of which have not been re- allowed the union to tap its Ford have been pushing back retirement savings and more paid rysburg, Ohio, because of limited
walked off the job last Friday at leased and which the union said it $825 million strike fund more against messaging from the union time off. storage space. The company also
three factories — a General Mo- is reviewing. It marks the first slowly. It is paying striking work- on the companies’ offers. GM Pres- As the strike moved into a sev- said it anticipates layoffs at facili-
tors plant, a Ford plant and a offer from any of the companies ers $500 a week out of the fund. ident Mark Reuss, in an op-ed enth day, the companies appeared ties in Kokomo, Ind.
Stellantis plant. The union is seek- since the strike began last week. Another sticking point for the published Wednesday by the De- to be issuing more temporary lay- GM and Ford have said that
ing a 36 percent wage increase Meanwhile, 190 UAW members union has been the tiered pay troit Free Press, rejected the offs, following announcements of workers are ineligible for unem-
over four years and more job pro- at a Mercedes axle supplier in Tus- structure, adopted during the UAW’S claims that with record layoffs of some workers at Ford ployment insurance, but the UAW
tections as the industry transi- caloosa, Ala., went on strike 2008 financial crisis. Under this profits, GM can afford to adopt the and GM facilities last week at has been offering laid-off workers
tions toward producing electric Wednesday. Their action is sepa- model, newer employees earn less union’s demands, calling them plants not on strike. GM con- $500 a week from the strike fund.

Di ge st

teCHnologY largest software companies and antitrust scrutiny. One analyst The series dramatized the running the sex crimes unit of successful. Charters won’t
will accelerate Cisco’s business also raised concern about the story of five Black and Hispanic the Manhattan district attorney’s receive the service under the
Cisco to buy Splunk in transformation to more “underwhelming” transition to teenagers who spent five to 13 office when the 28-year-old current plan. According to
software expansion recurring revenue,” a joint the cloud at Splunk. years in prison after being jogger, later identified as Trisha Alphaliner data, 122 of the 259
statement said. — Reuters wrongfully convicted in the April Meili, was attacked. ships that Hapag-Lloyd operates
Cisco Systems has agreed to Cisco already has a 1989 rape of a white jogger in Backlash from the series are company-owned.
buy cybersecurity firm Splunk data-security partnership with stReAMing seRViCes Central Park. Another man caused Fairstein to lose her
for about $28 billion in its Splunk, whose more than 15,000 confessed in 2002. publisher, resign under pressure The heirs of a musician who
biggest-ever deal to beef up its customers include many Netflix ordered to face Castel in a 67-page decision from several boards and be co-wrote Marvin Gaye’s “Let’s
software business and capitalize prominent companies such as Fairstein’s lawsuit found evidence that in depicting attacked on social media Get It On” have agreed to drop
on the rising use of artificial Coca-Cola, Intel and Porsche. Fairstein as a villain emblematic including under the hashtag their appeal of a U.S. jury verdict
intelligence, the companies said After a surge in revenue Netflix was ordered by a of broader problems in criminal #CancelLindaFairstein. clearing British pop star Ed
on Thursday. growth last year to nearly federal judge to face a justice, the defendants — Reuters Sheeran of allegations his song
The deal will help reduce 40 percent, Splunk has grappled defamation lawsuit by “reverse-engineered plot points “Thinking Out Loud” illegally
Cisco’s reliance on its massive with an industry-wide slowdown best-selling author and former to attribute actions, Also in Business copied Gaye’s classic. A court
networking equipment business, in demand in 2023 wrought by Manhattan prosecutor Linda responsibilities and viewpoints Elon Musk’s satellite internet filing on Wednesday said that
which has suffered in recent rising interest rates and sticky Fairstein over her portrayal in a to Fairstein that were not hers service is heading deeper into songwriter Ed Townsend’s estate
years from supply chain issues inflation. 2019 crime drama about the and are unsupported in one of the world’s oldest and vast would withdraw the appeal with
and a post-pandemic slowdown Its acquisition will accelerate Central Park Five case. defendants’ substantial body of economic frontiers: the high prejudice, which means it cannot
in demand. revenue growth and gross U.S. District Judge Kevin research materials.” seas. Hapag-Lloyd, the biggest be refiled. Sheeran’s lawyer, Ilene
Cisco offered $157 in cash for margin expansion at Castel this week said Fairstein Netflix, based in Los Gatos, container shipping line based in Farkas, on Thursday said the
each share of Splunk, hardware-reliant Cisco in the plausibly alleged that Netflix, Calif., and the defendants’ Germany, said Thursday it will estate “recognized that an appeal
representing a 31 percent first fiscal year after the deal’s director Ava DuVernay and lawyers did not immediately install SpaceX’s Starlink service would end up with the verdict
premium to the company’s last close, according to the writer-producer Attica Locke respond to requests for aboard the ships it owns and being affirmed but also with
closing price. companies. acted with actual malice as to comment. A lawyer for Fairstein manages after a pilot program them being exposed to legal fees
“Combined, Cisco and Splunk The overlap in the security five scenes in “When They See had no immediate comment. involving four vessels proved and costs, and wisely withdrew.”
will become one of the world’s business could, however, invite Us.” Fairstein, 76, had been — From news services
friday, september 22 , 2023 . the washington post ez re A15

Trump prosecution team is seasoned on high-profile cases

SmITH from A1 the federal prosecutors’ office in Powell, an attorney involved in up against attorneys who are
Nashville, where he started as a Trump’s election-denying efforts. ready to make accusations
led to indictments totaling 44 prosecutor in 2015 and then ran Powell fits the description of one against the prosecutors — and
charges, to which Trump has the office on an interim basis in of six unnamed co-conspirators perhaps say things that are un-
pleaded not guilty. Trump also 2017. And at least one worked in Trump’s D.C. indictment. true — Julie is exactly the person
denies wrongdoing in Georgia, with Smith at The Hague, where Not all the prosecutors work- you would want to get up and
where he faces 13 state-level he was tasked with charging Kos- ing on the Jan. 6 case spent time calmly state what the facts are
charges, and New York, where he ovo war crimes starting in 2018. in the public integrity unit. and explain why the govern-
faces 34 charges of falsifying busi- The prosecutors far outnum- Thomas Windom, a veteran ment’s decisions are correct.”
ness records in a state case relat- ber Trump’s legal defense team, a prosecutor from the U.S. attor- Some lawyers who are familiar
ed to hush money payments dur- rotating roster of a half-dozen or ney’s office in Greenbelt, md., has with the special counsel team
ing the 2016 election campaign. so lead attorneys — some of investigated alleged election ob- said the downside of attorneys
The Justice Department has whom are working on more than struction by Trump and his allies coming from counterintelligence
been reluctant to disclose the one of the former president’s four since 2021 — long before Smith units is that they tend not to have
names of individual prosecutors criminal cases. was tapped as special counsel. significant amounts of trial ex-
on Smith’s team, citing a rise in Their experience prosecuting Before joining the probe, he perience. Compared with drug
threats against them that has fraught, high-profile cases will be frequently worked cases related cases, for example, prosecutions
prompted extensive security pre- crucial, other veteran litigators to national security in maryland. involving spies and breaching
cautions. That’s a departure from said, as they prepare for two In 2017 he prosecuted a National classified document rules are not
the practice of former special unprecedented trials that have Security Agency computer devel- as common, can last for years and
counsel robert S. mueller III, already divided the nation. oper who removed a huge often result in guilty pleas before
who confirmed which prosecu- “There are people who are go- amount of highly classified na- JuLio Cortez/aP a trial.
tors were investigating russia’s ing to accuse you, the case and the tional defense information and Thomas Windom investigated election obstruction allegations Because of that, outside ob-
interference in the 2016 presiden- office of having political motives stored it at home. And he success- against Donald Trump even before joining Jack Smith’s team. servers said, having South flori-
tial election and potential ties to in every single case,” said Dan fully prosecuted members of a da prosecutors on the special
the Trump campaign if reporters Schwager, a former federal pros- white supremacist group, known counsel team as well is critical. At
asked. ecutor who worked in the public as the Base, on gun-related least two prosecutors from the
Still, as the Trump investiga- integrity unit and is now an attor- charges. Southern District of florida are
tions have moved into the pretrial ney at American oversight, a Harvey Eisenberg, a recently involved in the Trump case, with
phase — and more documents nonprofit watchdog group. “So retired assistant U.S. attorney in some of them working on it at
that require prosecutors’ signa- the specialty is knowing how to maryland who has prosecuted least since fBI agents searched
tures are filed on public dockets let the facts and laws reign su- cases with lawyers on both spe- mar-a-Lago for documents in Au-
— a clearer picture is starting to preme over any political consid- cial counsel teams, said Windom gust 2022.
emerge. eration.” is known for working well with one of them is Karen Gilbert,
The effort involves at least 40 fBI agents to find holes in cases based in miami. Vanessa Singh
lawyers, plus fBI agents and sup- D.C. case: Jan. 6, 2021, and determine what evidence is Johannes, who worked in that
port staff, based on court filings election team needed for a conviction. office until 2021, said Gilbert is a
and interviews with people famil- Smith took over the public “formidable” veteran prosecutor
iar with the special counsel’s of- integrity unit at a time when the Florida case: Classified who is very comfortable in the
fice. Some were working on the section was struggling, having documents team courtroom and was responsible
investigation even before Attor- botched the high-profile criminal Some prosecutors working for for training young lawyers for
ney General merrick Garland case of Sen. Ted Stevens (r-Alas- Smith on the florida-based clas- trials.
tapped Smith in November to ka). sified documents case came from Gilbert and others in her office
serve as a special counsel — a Smith’s top deputy from that the Justice Department’s public were formally reprimanded in
designation that gives him more period, raymond Hulser, who integrity unit, but most did not. 2009 after her team of prosecu-
independence from Justice De- eventually succeeded him as lead- David Harbach spent time in tors secretly recorded witnesses
partment leaders than other fed- er of the unit, is on the special public integrity at Justice and wiLfredo Lee/aP in a narcotics case being inter-
eral prosecutors have. Garland counsel team. later was a legal adviser to then- David Harbach was the Justice Department’s lead prosecutor in its viewed by defense attorneys. The
made that decision once Trump Hulser was the lead prosecutor fBI Director James B. Comey. unsuccessful case alleging John Edwards misused campaign money. recording was part of an investi-
formally announced his third run in the Justice Department’s failed more recently, he prosecuted war gation into alleged witness tam-
for the White House. case against Sen. robert menen- crimes at The Hague before going pering in the case, which involved
The mostly mid- and upper- dez (D-N.J.), which ended with a into private practice. At public prescription pain pills. A court
level career prosecutors do not all hung jury and a federal judge integrity, he was the lead prosecu- found the prosecutors had acted
work in the same place. Some are dismissing the charges. tor in the government’s failed improperly, though an appeals
based in the special counsel’s more recently, Hulser was in- case against former senator John court later overturned a part of
Northeast Washington office — a volved in the case against former Edwards (D-N.C.), which alleged that ruling that said the govern-
satellite office of the Justice De- Trump White House trade advis- that Edwards broke campaign ment needed to pay the defen-
partment located near Union Sta- er Peter Navarro, who failed to finance laws when he used cam- dant’s legal bills.
tion. others work from their U.S. comply with a subpoena related paign money to pay his pregnant After the incident, which is still
attorney or fBI offices in differ- to the House’s Jan. 6 investiga- mistress during his 2008 presi- widely known in miami’s crimi-
ent states. In all, the investigation tion. Navarro was convicted of dential bid. A jury deadlocked on nal defense legal circles, Gilbert
cost taxpayers more than contempt of Congress earlier this five charges and acquitted Ed- voluntarily stepped down from
$5.4 million in salaries, equip- month. wards on one charge, and the her position leading the narcotics
ment and travel between Novem- J.P. Cooney, another member of government decided not to retry section. She most recently served
ber and April, according to public the special counsel’s 2020 elec- the case. as national security section chief
expense reports the special coun- tion team, worked as Hulser’s A few years later, he was in the South florida office.
sel must submit every six months. deputy at public integrity and had involved in the prosecution on Johannes said michael Thakur,
The prosecutors are already also worked with Smith in the corruption charges of former Vir- another miami-based prosecutor
being attacked as “SleazeBags” unit. ginia governor robert f. mcDon- on Smith’s team, also has a repu-
and “deranged” by Trump on so- Cooney was involved in the nell (r), whose conviction at trial tation as a talented arguer in the
cial media and called out in on- menendez case. He also investi- was later overturned by the courtroom.
line extremist forums. Court fil- gated former fBI Deputy Direc- Supreme Court. aNdrew Harrer/bLoomberg News Legal experts said that every
ings and hearings are closely tor Andrew mcCabe over alleged Harbach also prosecuted for- Raymond Hulser, who once was Smith’s top deputy in Justice’s federal court district has a slight-
scrutinized by news organiza- false statements mcCabe made to mer congressman rick renzi, a Public Integrity Section, is now on Smith’s 2020 election case team. ly different culture and rules, so
tions and by pundits from across the fBI about the bureau’s inves- republican from Arizona, on cor- it’s helpful to have local attorneys
the political spectrum. tigation of potential links be- ruption and money-laundering position. eventual indictment. on a case who know the particu-
meanwhile, millions of Ameri- tween russia and the 2016 Trump charges. renzi was sentenced to He’s on leave from that job to Edelstein worked for Bratt at larities of the judges and the
cans are looking to the teams to campaign. The Justice Depart- three years in prison. work on the Trump documents Justice Department headquar- district.
prove that the Justice Depart- ment decided not to prosecute Two of the other most visible case full time and has spoken in ters and was a lead prosecutor Neither Smith nor the prosecu-
ment can handle a defendant who mcCabe, whom Trump continues prosecutors in the documents front of the florida judge presid- against Winner, a former Nation- tors on his team have granted
is the former president, wanting to openly criticize for his role in case, Jay Bratt and Julie Edel- ing over the case at multiple al Security Agency contractor interviews about the Trump pros-
the prosecutors to ensure that the russia investigation. stein, have specialized in counter- pretrial hearings so far. who pleaded guilty to mishan- ecutions, and they have made
Trump — accused of obstructing molly Gaston, another mem- intelligence and espionage cases Bratt was the senior Justice dling government secrets and almost no public appearances
an election and mishandling ber of Smith’s election team, also at Justice. That experience is rel- Department official who showed was sentenced to five years in outside the federal courthouses
highly sensitive national secrets investigated mcCabe. Gaston has evant because Trump is charged up to mar-a-Lago in June 2022 to prison. David Aaron, a former in D.C. and florida.
— is not treated as if he is above worked in the Public Integrity with improperly retaining na- collect materials Trump was re- prosecutor who worked with After each grand jury indict-
the law. Section within the U.S. attorney’s tional defense information under turning to the government after a Edelstein on that case, said she is ment, however, Smith stood in a
At least a few members of the office in D.C. and was part of the a subsection of the Espionage Act, subpoena demanding them back. known to have an encyclopedic Justice Department news confer-
special counsel teams served un- team that prosecuted Trump ad- as well as obstructing govern- federal authorities soon devel- knowledge of all the evidence in ence room to briefly address re-
der Smith between 2010 and 2015 viser Stephen K. Bannon last year ment efforts to retrieve the oped evidence that the 38 docu- her cases, easily able to refer to porters, vowing to bring the cases
when he led the Justice Depart- for contempt of Congress. Ban- material. ments with classified markings any previous court filing. to trial quickly and saying he
ment’s Public Integrity Section — non was found guilty. She also Bratt is the chief of the Justice that the former president handed “There is a real skill that comes hoped people would read the
a prestigious division that over- signed the September 2021 sub- Department’s counterintelli- over were not the only classified with keeping track of everything charges in full.
sees election crimes and investi- poena that sought financial rec- gence and export control section documents in his possession, that goes over to the defense,” Both times, a few dozen mem-
gations into public officials. At ords relating to fundraising or- within the National Security leading to an fBI search of the Aaron said. “It can sound like bers of his team stood in the back
least one worked with Smith in ganizations launched by Sidney Division, a senior supervisory property in August 2022 and the bookkeeping. But when you are of the room, quietly watching.

Ex-workers allege TikTok’s owner retaliated after their racism complaints

BY N AOMI N IX tion that often leads to being oust- workers who have alleged unfair as a lawyer, alleges she was im- Later, matima alleges she policy manager who held the
ed by the company,” Carter and treatment, in an industry with mediately treated differently learned from a colleague that she same title, the complaint says.
Two Black ex-employees are ac- matima wrote in their complaint. paltry numbers of women and from her mostly White peers. oth- was commonly referred to by Carter’s requests to receive a dif-
cusing TikTok owner ByteDance It will be up to the EEoC to Black and Hispanic workers. er colleagues were given more managers as a “black snake” and ferent manager were denied.
of retaliating against them after determine whether to investigate Though some tech companies time to complete training mod- that her direct supervisor said In february 2023, Carter com-
they complained about racial dis- just their individual claims or in- boosted diversity during the pan- ules, while she was forced to begin that “black snake” was the “spirit plained about racial discrimina-
crimination in the workplace. vestigate ByteDance for systemat- demic when they lured employees her sales outreach right away and animal” that he associated with tion by his manager to TikTok’s
Nnete matima, 42, and Joël ic patterns of discrimination and from different backgrounds and train other employees. Less than her. Human resources Department.
Carter, 27, filed a complaint retaliation. from there, the EEoC locations with remote work op- two weeks after starting, she re- “I can’t stress enough how de- But the company’s investigators
against ByteDance on Thursday will determine if there is a reason- tions, rounds of layoffs have erad- ceived a letter from her supervi- humanizing it was to learn of found the manager had “engaged
morning with the Equal Employ- able chance that ByteDance vio- icated many of the gains. sor deeming her responsible for that,” she said in an interview. in no wrongdoing” and that the
ment opportunity Commission lated laws barring discrimination China-based ByteDance has 75 percent of her four-person After matima formally com- problem was Carter was “frustrat-
(EEoC), the federal agency that against people on the basis of race gained prominence in the tech team’s sales goals. plained again about discrimina- ed, angry, and tense” because of
administers civil rights laws in or disability status, said Peter industry in recent years because That August, matima filed a tion from her manager, the manager’s leadership style,
employment. matima, who sold romer-friedman, the lawyer rep- its video-sharing app has become written complaint to the compa- ByteDance earlier this year let according to the complaint.
ByteDance’s business collabora- resenting Carter and matima. one of the fastest-growing social ny’s Human resources Depart- both matima and her supervisor Afterward, Carter alleges his
tion tool Lark, and Carter, who “We believe there are other media platforms in the world. ment, alleging her manager was go, according to the complaint. manager retaliated against him
worked as an advertising policy people whose rights have been TikTok’s dominance among treating her differently than her The company told her she was by giving him a negative perform-
manager at TikTok, allege in their violated and will be violated if this younger audiences has prompted colleagues and had created a hos- being fired for poor performance, ance evaluation based on un-
complaint that their direct man- pattern or practice doesn’t end,” competitors like facebook parent tile work environment. The com- according to the complaint. founded allegations. one thing he
agers routinely sabotaged their said romer-friedman, who has meta and YouTube to attempt to pany cleared the supervisor of Carter, the TikTok ads policy was accused of was “slamming
work performance while simulta- also represented clients who have copy the success of its personal- “wrongdoing” and later promot- manager, alleges in the complaint doors” in the office despite the
neously disparaging them with filed EEoC charges against meta. ized delivery of short, engaging ed him. Hr said the manager was that in June 2022 a month after fact that the doors were not capa-
negative stereotypes. “I’ve not seen such strong retalia- videos. cleared in part because her col- receiving “a glowing performance ble of being slammed because
But when they formally com- tion claims in a very long time, in matima and Carter said in in- leagues had said the discrimina- evaluation,” his supervisor start- they close softly, the complaint
plained to the company, they al- my professional opinion.” terviews that they were excited to tion couldn’t be that bad since ed treating him far worse than his says.
lege, the discrimination they ex- ByteDance didn’t immediately join ByteDance at first because of “Nnete is doing so well” in her mostly White peers. Carter at the Both Carter and matima said in
perienced only got worse. The comment on the complaint. the impressive growth and cultur- work, the complaint says. time was the only Black employee interviews their experiences at
complaint, which is seeking class- TikTok spokesman michael al relevance of TikTok among matima also alleges she was on the 80-person ad policy team. ByteDance hurt their mental
action status, alleges it was Hughes said in a statement that younger generations. later assigned to be Lark’s only Carter joined the company in health. Through the ordeal, Cart-
ByteDance’s “standard operating the company has a strong record “When you’re young, you’re ea- sales representative at a diversity- June 2021 as a risk analyst and er said the psychological strain
procedure” to “brazenly” retaliate of “championing diversity and in- ger and you come across an op- focused technology conference, then migrated to the ad policy was so high that he was pre-
against workers who complain clusion.” portunity that you think that you but was told she could not sell to team in february 2022. scribed medication to deal with
about discrimination. “We take employee concerns are well suited for you, take that anyone she met there. Her super- Carter’s supervisor blocked anxiety. matima said she had
“This case represents the di- very seriously, and have strong risk,” Carter said. “It was por- visor redistributed the list of leads him from attending meetings, trouble sleeping and gained more
lemma that way too many Black policies in place that prohibit dis- trayed in the media at the time as she generated from the confer- where the supervisor later took than 20 pounds in a short amount
professionals face today: they can crimination, harassment, and re- this overnight success. I really ence to other business develop- credit for his ideas, Carter alleges of time because of the stress.
ignore discrimination and let bi- taliation in the workplace,” thought I was going to be part of ment representatives, according in the complaint. He was removed “I got tired of this,” matima said
ased supervisors sabotage their Hughes said. something meaningful.” to the complaint, hurting her abil- from other projects altogether in an interview. “I got tired of
careers or they can report that With the complaint, the work- After starting her job in July ity to meet her sales quota for that and at one point reassigned to giving my all, going above and
discrimination and suffer retalia- ers join a chorus of minority tech 2022, matima, who used to work quarter. work as an assistant to a White ad beyond, and being met with this.”
A16 eZ re the washington post . friday, september 22 , 2023

After 70 years, Murdoch leaves legacy in conservative news

MuRdoCh from A1 phone-hacking scandal that en- hosts advanced Trump’s false
veloped his British newspapers claims of election fraud, leading
handoff to the next generation in 2011 — leading to the closure of the company into legal peril, even
came as something of a surprise. his News of the World tabloid, as executives behind the scenes
rupert murdoch had seemed resignations and prison time for hoped to break from the former
reluctant to scale back his work some of his top executives, and president.
schedule. When he beat prostate the loss of major business oppor- Documents uncovered this
cancer in 2000, he famously tunities, such as an attempt to year in the blockbuster defama-
quipped, “I’m now convinced of buy full control of satellite broad- tion lawsuit from Dominion
my own immortality,” and he caster BSkyB. Voting Systems revealed that
often reminded people that his Two years later, murdoch split murdoch and other top execu-
mother, Dame Elisabeth his beloved News Corp. in two, a tives harbored animosity toward
murdoch, lived until 103. move that sequestered the seem- Trump, both before and after the
“our companies are in robust ingly toxic assets of his British Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S.
health,” murdoch said in his part- newspapers from his television Capitol by the outgoing presi-
ing statement to employees and movie properties, which dent’s supporters.
Thursday, “as am I.” were rebranded as 21st Century In early 2021, murdoch wrote
He was in the company’s Los fox. Nonetheless, murdoch sold in a private email that he hoped
Angeles office every day this the bulk of 21st Century fox to “to make Trump a non person.”
week and was seen walking Disney for $71.3 billion in 2017 — fox News board member Paul D.
through the fox lot, according to motivated in part by a daunting ryan, a former House speaker,
a person familiar with his move- competitive landscape as well as told a fox executive around the
ments. His deep ongoing involve- his inability to get Lachlan and same time that both rupert and
ment in his media properties was James to agree on a plan for the Lachlan were on board with what
on display over the past several company’s future, according to they saw as a “huge inflection
months, not just with the firing of people familiar with the family’s point to keep Trump down and
Carlson — whose increasingly dynamics who spoke on the con- move on.”
anti-Ukraine on-air rhetoric and dition of anonymity to discuss for a while, murdoch’s media
behind-the-scenes disrespect for private family deliberations. The properties seemed to lavish more
fox executives bothered mur- remaining company, branded MAry AltAffer/AP attention on a key Trump chal-
doch — but also with the hiring of fox Corp., was composed primar- Rupert Murdoch in New York in 2019. Murdoch announced plans in a Thursday memo to step down as lenger for the 2024 nomination,
Emma Tucker, a veteran of the ily of fox News, fox Sports and chairman at Fox Corporation and News Corp. — the business empire he once vowed to leave “feet first.” florida Gov. ron DeSantis (r).
U.K. Sunday Times who was close fox television stations. more recently, though, mur-
to murdoch’s inner circle, as edi- While murdoch dreamed of committed to the cause.” right politics espoused by Trump doch made direct, personal ap-
tor in chief of the Journal. reuniting the two halves of his Even though his father’s retire- and the opinion hosts on fox peals to republican Gov. Glenn
Yet he has also struggled with empire under the same corporate “With [Rupert] ment solidifies his position, News who championed him. Youngkin of Virginia to run for
health issues in recent years, structure, an attempt to make Lachlan murdoch may not have a murdoch was never a full- president, The Washington Post
including a serious fall and a dire that happen fell short this year Murdoch, Fox News stranglehold on the company’s throated supporter of Trump. But reported last month.
case of covid-19. Last year, he after major shareholders balked. future. People close to James once the New York real estate meanwhile, Trump has contin-
divorced his fourth wife, the for- His decision to step down so- faces a situation more murdoch — whose politics are magnate solidified his position as ued to engage with fox News,
mer actress and model Jerry Hall, lidifies Lachlan murdoch’s execu- decidedly more centrist than that the republican front-runner in though the relationship remains
and then became briefly engaged tive role atop the two companies. perilous than the typical of his father and brother — have the 2016 race, murdoch and fox fraught and he frequently bashes
to another woman before break- rupert murdoch still retains his privately floated the idea that both settled in for a mutually the network and the family that
ing up weeks later. position in the family trust that executive succession. after rupert murdoch’s death, beneficial ride. The sale to Disney runs it — notably after a tough
murdoch took his inheritance controls the business, holding James could attempt to rally his sailed through with no regulato- interview by fox News anchor
at age 21 of a single newspaper in four votes of his own while his Typically, the longer the sisters and outside investors to ry pushback from the Trump Bret Baier over the summer.
Adelaide and built it into a world- adult children — Lachlan, Elisa- his vision of fox News as a more administration, and Trump had a murdoch was known through-
spanning media empire that, in beth, James and Prudence — tenure of the executive, center-right outlet. seemingly open invitation to ap- out his career as an avid gossip
addition to fox News and fox each have a single vote. When he Current and former executives pear on fox News. and workaholic. He regularly
Sports, includes the New York dies, each of them will have an the trickier and more of fox also privately cite the But their relationship started called his top news executives to
Post, publishing giant equal vote in the future of the possibility of a sale of the compa- to cool in the months leading up weigh in on the news of the day.
HarperCollins, and the British family empire. murdoch’s two challenging the ny, something that felt nearly to the 2020 election. murdoch And his parting memo to staff
newspapers the Sun and the youngest, college-age children, impossible when rupert mur- disapproved of Trump’s handling indicated that may not change,
Times. with his third wife, Wendi mur- transition will be.” doch was CEo. of the coronavirus pandemic and even after retirement.
In 1985, he became a natural- doch, have no voting power in the Lynne Vincent, an associate “With murdoch, fox News fac- started telling associates that he “I will be watching our broad-
ized citizen to satisfy the require- trust. professor at Syracuse University’s es a situation more perilous than felt Trump was likely to lose the casts with a critical eye, reading
ment that only American citizens While Lachlan murdoch has Whitman School of Management the typical executive succession,” race to Joe Biden. The night that our newspapers and websites
were permitted to own U.S. tele- shied away from the kind of said Lynne Vincent, an associate fox News projected that the state and books with much interest,
vision stations. He created fox political relationships his father professor at Syracuse Univer- of Arizona would flip for Biden, and reaching out to you with
broadcasting and fox News, up- cultivated, they share a conserva- sity’s Whitman School of man- an infuriated Trump directed thoughts, ideas, and advice,” he
ending both industries. His net tive ideology. In his parting note agement. “Typically, the longer son-in-law Jared Kushner to im- wrote. “When I visit your coun-
worth is estimated at between to staff — which took characteris- the tenure of the executive, the plore murdoch to reverse the call. tries and companies, you can
$8.26 billion (according to tic swipes at “self-serving bureau- trickier and more challenging the murdoch declined, and Trump expect to see me in the office late
Bloomberg News) and $17.4 bil- cracies” and “elites” — rupert transition will be.” became increasingly vocal in his on a friday afternoon.”
lion (according to forbes). murdoch wrote that his own murdoch’s legacy in business criticism of fox News.
But his empire had suffered a father “firmly believed in free- and media will be intertwined But to win back its Trump-sup- Will Sommer contributed to this
number of blows, starting with a dom, and Lachlan is absolutely with that of the increasingly far- porting audience, some of fox’s report.


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friday, september 22 , 2023 . the washington post eZ re a17

FRIDAY Opinion
Megan McaRdle

Children will
benefit if we face
this fact: Married
parents are ideal
f we want to build a healthy society in which
everyone has the best possible chance to
flourish, we need to be able to say that bad
things are bad.
You might be thinking that this is self-evident.
I’m sure readers can come up with any number of
ills that should be identified and boldly named —
cancer deaths, racism, the various depredations of
Donald Trump.
But let’s talk about family structure. The evi-
dence is overwhelming that the decline of marriage
over the past few decades has been very bad for
children and, by extension, society. For various
reasons, however, this truth is too often left unsaid.
In her new book, “The Two-Parent Privilege,”
University of Maryland economist Melissa S. Kear-
ney lays out all the dispiriting facts. My colleague
Alyssa Rosenberg has done a wonderful deep dive
into the data that Kearney marshals, and I won’t
duplicate her efforts here, but to sum up: More
than 1 in 5 American children now live with an
unpartnered mother. The trend is particularly
pronounced among children whose mother does
not have a college degree. Forty percent of those
children are without the benefit of married par-
ents. And this change is mostly driven not by DuSTIn BrADfOrD/geTTy IMAgeS

divorce, nor by partnerships that are marriage- Colorado Coach Deion Sanders with quarterback Shedeur Sanders, his son, after a touchdown against Colorado State on Sept. 16.
in-everything-but-name, but by the rise in never-
married parents. TheodoRe R. Johnson
No matter how heroic their efforts, mothers (or
fathers) alone have a hard time mustering the
resources — emotional as well as financial — of a
two-parent family. They are more likely to live in
poverty and can spend less time with their
Coach Prime is the American Dream
children, so their kids start life at a disadvantage.

Boys appear to especially suffer from the lack of a he University of Colorado football team is In ror1, Travis Hunter, a two-way talent, became you and your people couldn’t escape. Are they right?
father in the home. They are less likely to finish undefeated, and the sports world is in a tizzy. the first No. 1-ranked prospect ever to sign with an If you do succeed, it comes with an asterisk. “You’re
high school or graduate from college, more likely to It’s not just the winning; it’s what the HBCU. Asked how he won the star over, Sanders different from your people,” they imply. “An excep-
be incarcerated, more likely to have children of winning has come to represent. responded matter-of-factly, “He came to the home- tion.” Even in the military, I got snide remarks about
their own outside marriage. And there are spillover First, some context. Playing Saturday against rival coming, and you can’t let a kid come to an HBCU being an affirmative-action charity case, selected for
effects to the families around them — one of the Colorado State, the Buffaloes endured their oppo- homecoming if you’re another school and you want to competitive positions because of an imaginary diver-
best predictors of economic mobility is growing up nent’s efficient offense and unsportsmanlike conduct keep him. . . . If he comes to our homecoming, then sity quota. My old Navy buddy and I are both HBCU
in a neighborhood full of two-parent families. to win in double overtime. A team that was a it’s a wrap. It’s over. It’s done deal.” If you know, you graduates who were challenged to defend the
So the decline in marriage has been bad not just miserable 1-11 last year is now 3-0 and ranked in the know. “Blacks-only” institutions, as another guy I served
for individual kids but for everyone. It amplifies top 20. with once described them.
and hardens social inequality and blunts individu- They’re doing it under the spotlight. Colorado’s Few things are sweeter than seeing the negative
al potential. We should work as hard as we can to opening game was an upset of Texas Christian stereotypes about people like you proved wrong.
reverse these trends. Yet it feels nearly impossible University, the most watched season opener in Fox Few things are sweeter than seeing Coach Prime and Colorado embody the most
to say “this is a very bad thing” as frankly — and as Sports history. The next week, the city of Boulder empowering answer to that haunting question
often — as we’ll need to if we’re going to address brought in an estimated $18 million in revenue from the negative stereotypes about people “What if they’re right?” That’s why celebrities de-
this critical issue, both because the first step to fix the team’s first home game, a win over Nebraska. scended on Boulder. That’s why my Mississippi
any problem is admitting we have one, and because Then this past weekend, rapper Lil Wayne led the like you proved wrong shipmate flew to Colorado with his crew. They came
saying “that’s bad, actually” is one of the ways that team onto the field wearing a Buffaloes jersey, with to see it in person, the moment the country learned
we remove risky behaviors from our cultural script. Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, NBA all-star Kawhi yet again that it has misjudged us. The moment one
At the moment, we’re still struggling with Step 1. Leonard and many more Black celebrities in attend- By the time the University of Colorado hired of you does the thing that couldn’t be done.
A new report from the Institute for Family Studies, ance. Even a dude from Mississippi who served with Sanders late last year, his success was being ques- Sanders’s coaching job at Colorado has captured
released on Wednesday, shows that, as co-author me in the Navy was there with family and friends, tioned. It was said that he was winning because the country because he is proving his doubters
Brad Wilcox told me, “not only is Melissa Kearney despite having no connection to the state or to either HBCU competition is weak. That his coaching ability incorrect. There’s a righteous satisfaction in it,
right but she is righter than ever on many school. was not likely to translate to big-time football against watching the people who questioned your ability
outcomes, from college graduation to school sus- Why? They had gathered to see a marvel. powerhouse universities. That par excellence in have the revelation that they were wrong. They are
pensions to young adult economic success. Kids Credit the Buffaloes’ new head coach, Deion all-Black spaces is inherently lesser than excellence not right about us. We are not inferior. Or deficient.
benefit even more today from two parents than Sanders, and the roster of new players drawn by his in the main. Or broken.
they did 16 to 40 years ago.” charisma and philosophy. An NFL Hall of Famer — Here is where the marvel appears — the true This isn’t news, of course. Not to us, anyway. But
Yet the same report suggests, in line with other the multisport athlete is the only person to appear in reason for the team’s sensation. it’s still something to see the proof of it take the
polls, that today only 30 percent of college-educated both a Super Bowl and a World Series — Sanders was One of the most consequential questions people nation’s breath away. With proper resources and
liberals agree that it’s important for children to so talented and flashy as a player that his nicknames can ask of themselves is this: “What if they’re right?” support and room to breathe, our hard work and
have two married parents. For those on the left, were Neon Deion and Prime Time. He brings the What if they’re right about you and the reason you talent can thrive.
saying such a thing might feel racially loaded, same energy to the helm, now as Coach Prime. haven’t yet reached your goals? You’re too tempera- There is a phrase for what Sanders is achieving
because Black and Hispanic mothers are more Sanders became the talk of college football as head mental, too uncompromising, too uneducated, too without compromising his identity one bit. The
likely to be raising children outside of marriage. It coach at Jackson State University, a historically Black unattractive, too bossy, too inexperienced, too smart American Dream — but a more accurate version.
might also feel like conceding that social conserva- institution in Mississippi just over an hour from for your own good. Each of us, in one way or another, When his team took a surprising lead going into
tives might have had at least half a point. where my shipmate grew up. Coach Prime successful- has quietly wondered whether there’s a kernel of halftime during the season opener, Coach Prime said
Yet even those of us on the center-right who ly recruited some of the most sought-after athletes in truth in the disparaging perceptions others have of to his players: “You were a little apprehensive. You
privately tell pollsters that marriage is important the country. Players who could choose among luxu- us. None of us is immune. really didn’t know what we had. You really didn’t
might be reluctant to say so forthrightly in public. ries at major and well-funded universities chose If you grow up poor in a place that tells you poverty believe. But now you should.”
No one wants to add to the burdens of single Prime and an HBCU instead. is personal failure, it’s natural to wonder why it is that How can you not? It is a marvel, a sight to behold.
motherhood by pointing out how risky their
situation is for their kids. Especially since it’s
inevitably personal: By this point, all of us have
friends, colleagues and relatives who are parenting
on their own. And it’s always fraught to make
judgments about something as sensitive and
personal as family. I cannot get through even half a
sentence without an overwhelming urge to load it
The all-volunteer force is dying. Here’s how to save it.
down with caveats, for example, that no one should
ever stay with an abusive partner for the sake of the BY M ARK T . E SPER explain military life. Today, that number is far lower, ate to the occupational specialties the military needs
children. creating a “knowledge gap” that inhibits most from and that young people are allowed more time, tools

So the temptation is to talk about something merica’s all-volunteer force is slowly dying. even considering serving. It also explains why nearly and attempts to pass it. Medical requirements for
else, to play down the facts or, at least, sugarcoat And unless we take action soon to reverse 80 percent of today’s recruits have a relative who has service, such as allowing more waivers for kids with
them. In the introduction to her book, Kearney the trend, we are putting our nation’s future served. A military caste seems to have emerged over allergies, long-past conditions and old sports inju-
talks about the urge to keep the discussion with security at risk. time, further isolating the military from society and ries, should be simplified.
other economists behind closed doors, centered on This year, the all-volunteer force’s 50th, has been undermining civilian-military relations. JROTC, a proven program that not only helps
dry data. It is tempting now, in writing this, to focus another tough one for military recruiting. The The scope and scale of these trends are beyond the teenagers develop important life skills but also
on policy rather than culture. largest services will all miss their recruiting targets. means of the Pentagon alone to remedy. Given the familiarizes them with the military, should be
It would be much more comfortable to drop the The Army, which fell short last year by 15,000 re- consequences, this is a challenge to our national expanded nationally with its own funding to ensure
“unmarried parenting is bad” frame and just talk cruits — 25 percent of its annual goal — expects to security that must be addressed at the highest levels. better geographic representation and opportunity
about how we could make up for the time and fall short by over 15 percent this year. The Navy and for all. Fewer than 20 percent of high schools offer
financial deficits of single parenting with govern- Air Force will also miss their marks by thousands. JROTC. At the same time, Congress must once and
ment programs like expanded child tax credits and Experts point to a variety of reasons, such as for all give military recruiters the same access to
mentoring. Alternatively, I could discuss the struc- insufficient pay and benefits, a difficult work-life Given the consequences, U.S. high schools that colleges and prospective
tural economic changes, such as stagnant wages for balance, fear of personal harm, and a relatively good employers enjoy. This is not happening, and many
working-class men, that have made marriage less job market. Some on the right say military “woke- this is a challenge to our national young adults are being denied a credible career path
attractive to working-class women. Or advocate an ness” is the problem; some on the left blame sexual as a result.
end to the marriage penalties embedded in tax assault and discrimination in the ranks. security that must be addressed While these initiatives and others are being
codes and various government programs. Military professionals tell me all these factors are explored, the Pentagon must steer away from
We should absolutely spend more and do more at play. But even if these issues were “fixed,” the at the highest levels. lowering standards, reducing the military’s size, and
to lift children out of poverty and make up for all all-volunteer force’s long-term decline would contin- creating hollow — i.e., undermanned — combat
sorts of disadvantages, including family structure. ue. formations. We must field the force we need to win
We should reform any program that penalizes a The fact is, the pool of Americans ages 17 to The White House and Congress need to work our nation’s wars, not take shortcuts.
couple for marrying. And I’m all for raising the 24 who are qualified and interested in serving together to reverse the slide. They should begin by Our elected leaders must also educate and inspire
wages of working-class men, if anyone can figure continues to shrink. When I was Army secretary in setting up a bipartisan commission of esteemed our youths by addressing their concerns and mis-
out how to do it. But no government program can 2017, 71 percent of these 34 million young people leaders, much as was done in 1969 to create the conceptions, extolling the virtues of military duty
replicate the benefits of two parents in the home, could not meet the military’s entry requirements, all-volunteer force — but this time, the mission and discussing the benefits and opportunities that
and no amount of economic tinkering will keep mostly because of obesity, drug abuse, and physical would be to save it. To do that, commissioners would come with service. They should also seek the
both parents there unless we can also change the and mental health problems. That number is even have to focus on two key issues: increasing the pool assistance of sports figures, entertainers and others
culture. higher now. About half of the 23 percent remaining of young people qualified to serve and raising their who exert influence over young Americans to help
Obviously, this change will not happen overnight who are eligible to serve today decide to attend interest in doing so. promote these messages.
— it took decades to get here, and it will probably college. At the same time, the share of the entire For reasons that also extend beyond the military’s With threats from China and elsewhere growing,
take decades to get back. Also, change won’t come cohort with a propensity to serve has dropped from needs, such a commission should look at ways to we cannot ignore this issue. Most solutions will take
simply because a columnist says “this is bad.” But it 13 percent to 9 percent. That leaves fewer than improve the health and fitness of the nation’s years to bear fruit. But if we are to deter war, be
will come if a lot of people say “this is bad” and act 500,000 potential recruits. It’s hard to believe that a youths, from resurrecting the long-abandoned victorious if it comes and safeguard our democracy,
as if they mean it — especially the progressive nation of 333 million people can’t produce a larger Presidential Fitness Test to ensuring that physical we will need to maintain a sizable high-quality force
tastemakers of the entertainment industry, who pool. education classes are part of every student’s daily of volunteers. That means today’s leaders must act
spin the stories and live the lives that shape our The numbers are all heading in the wrong schedule. According to the Centers for Disease now to entice the next great generation of Ameri-
dreams. direction, driven by broader cultural and lifestyle Control and Prevention, fewer than 30 percent of cans to serve.
These people used to treat two-parent families as trends and a society unfamiliar with the 0.5 percent today’s high school students exercise on a daily basis
the ideal, even if one that was sometimes honored of their fellow citizens who defend them. When the The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, Mark T. esper was defense secretary from 2019 to 2020
in the breach. If all of us would do so again, it could draft ended in 1973, many young people had a family the military’s enlistment test for academic eligibili- and is the author of “A Sacred Oath: Memoirs of a
help a lot of kids. connection to the armed forces, someone who could ty, should be overhauled to ensure that it’s appropri- Secretary of Defense During extraordinary Times.”
a18 eZ re the washington post . friday, september 22 , 2023

pIa GUErra aNd IaN bOOThby



lE TTE r s TO ThE E dIT Or

A healthy approach to crime gas service can have only one wire or
pipe coming into the house. It is feasible
nic antaya For the washington Post The Sept. 13 front-page article “Around to have only one organization in a
Steve Summers, 60, pickets outside Ford’s assembly plant in Wayne, Mich., on Saturday. the city, cracks in residents’ peace of community providing service via that
mind” quoted a D.C. community member wire or pipe under regulated prices and

Settle the auto strike before

as saying, “These young people don’t have terms and conditions.
any limits to what they’ll do because they The problem identified by Mr. Me-
don’t value life.” nand and Mr. Ricks, the need to safe-
Let’s not fall into dehumanizing our guard the funds of depositors held by

it crashes the EV revolution

youth. It is our job to instill hope, provide depositary financial institutions, is not
leadership and invest in them, even when a problem of market structure but
we don’t understand them. rather one of allocating the consequenc-
Though we have different back- es of risk among institutions and cus-
grounds, one thing we should all under- tomers.
stand — and glean from the article — is Effective competition exists in the
At stake is U.S. automakers’ future in the green economy. that this violence affects us all. We are financial market space; the issue they
human, we are connected and we all need pose is how best to protect depositors. I

LREADY ALMOST a week old, the United Auto union contract to battery plants operated by the Big to be in community on this. suggest the solution might well lie in
Workers’ strike against the three big Detroit- Three’s joint ventures. Another community member was how the market is structured:, i.e. what
based carmakers could soon escalate. That is in The union’s economic demands are understandable, quoted as saying, “I’m not sure why things risks should depositary institutions be
large part because the stakes in this labor- especially given the impact of recent inflation and have gotten worse, so I’m not sure how it’ll allowed to take on, and how should that
management conflict are higher than usual, for the longer-term stagnation in the auto sector’s wages. The get better.” These sentiments are under- assumption of risk be regulated? That is
workers, the companies and, indeed, the country. The UAW has a strong case for a significant wage increase — standable; crime is mystifying to many not what public utility regulation is
outcome could help determine how and whether major maybe not 36 percent over four years, as it’s demanding, people, and violence is not an easy or about.
U.S. automakers prosper in the coming transition to but probably more than the 20 percent or so the quick problem to solve. But enough re- David P. Yaffe, Arlington
electric vehicles. companies propose. The two-tier wage structure, under search is available to inform us why it is a
The UAW so far has selectively targeted just one which new employees get significant less than veterans, pandemic: how poverty is linked to vio-
assembly plant each at Ford, General Motors and could also be modified, perhaps by shortening the time lent crime; young people exposed to vio- Something to smile about
Stellantis, with 12,700, out of a total 150,000 union between when a worker is hired and when he or she lence in the home are more likely to enact
members, walking out. UAW President Shawn Fain, qualifies for the higher tier. The companies are highly violence; and trauma is generational. We I appreciated the Sept. 14 Style article
however, has blasted the companies for what he says is profitable, as the UAW slogan — “Record profits, record need to intervene at the root. Calling in “Have you noticed that everyone’s teeth
intransigence and warned of wider contracts” — implies. the National Guard, as some have recom- are a little too perfect?” Tooth diversity is
stoppages Friday unless there is Yet it’s simplistic to suggest the mended, would not solve any of these the final frontier in body positivity. I’ve
“serious progress” in the talks. What companies are so flush that they can underlying factors. It would only serve to wondered for years why the positivity
really needs to happen is for both An extended labor conflict assume much higher permanent la- further marginalize and alienate commu- movement has never extended to teeth.
sides to get serious about settling bor costs, in the form of nities that desperately need resources. You can see models of all shapes, sizes,
this strike. An extended labor con- is in no one’s best interest. defined-benefit pensions or the We all have a fundamental need to feel ethnicities, medical conditions, etc., and
flict is in no one’s best interest: not union’s proposal that workers made safe — and our youths, even those who every single one of them has even, glis-
the American consumer, who al- jobless by plant closings should get might have partaken in criminal behav- tening, white teeth. I guess it’s too much
ready finds it difficult to get an affordable new vehicle; paid for community service work. High costs for such iors, share that need. of a marker of money and privilege to
not the U.S. economy, which can ill afford disruptions as items were part of the reason General Motors and Chrysler Katherine Russell and Charnal Chaney, give up.
the Federal Reserve tries to bring inflation down without (Stellantis’s corporate ancestor) went bankrupt and took a Washington As for the claim that it’s innately
triggering a recession; not the companies; and, last but federal bailout during the Great Recession; they could The writers are the creators of the pleasing to see symmetry in a face, that
not least, not autoworkers themselves. damage the companies’ competitiveness today. Healing Outlet, a violence intervention it’s a marker of good health, etc., I will
The entire U.S. automotive industry — the Big Three as Yes, some companies might have shown political app specifically for D.C. residents. note that when I first Googled how to get
well as Japanese, German and Korean companies with cluelessness by awarding their executives huge pay pack- rid of my snaggletooth, I was staggered to
nonunion workforces here — faces an expensive, complex ages (albeit lower for the Ford and GM CEOs last year than see a number of sites about how to get a
shift to electric vehicles. The Biden administration is in 2021). However, their argument that retained earnings A prophecy on age snaggletooth. Apparently, this is very
subsidizing it through the Inflation Reduction Act and are needed for investment in new EV production reflects desirable in some cultures as a sign of
mandating it via a proposed emissions standard that reality, not corporate greed. Tesla’s hourly labor costs are Colbert I. King was right in his Sept. 16 youthfulness, and there are dentists
could require two-thirds of all new cars sold to be electric about $45; for nonunion plants in the South, it’s $55 or so. op-ed, “Ignore the ageist calls. Biden has ready to give you one in exchange for
by 2032. The UAW strike is in part a consequence of this The Big Three, which spend about $65 an hour on labor, earned another term.,” that President your cash.
transition and, unless resolved intelligently, could ham- are already struggling to compete. And that’s before taking Biden has earned another term if he At the end of the day, all of this comes
per it. account of booming auto industries in Mexico and China. thinks he can handle it well. Being 92, I down to making people unhappy with
The union has been lukewarm about moving from Surely the UAW understands it would be folly to make it am not impressed by what younger peo- their natural selves so they feel forced to
internal combustion engines to batteries. Its attitude is harder for unionized companies to keep up. ple believe healthy older people can or buy something to make themselves feel
based on rational self-interest. Batteries take fewer work- Mr. Fain’s militant new posture has shaken up Detroit can’t do. Tell me about it when you have better. Why don’t we just short-circuit
ers to build than engines and transmissions; industry and caused discomfiture in the White House, where the experience. that vicious cycle and start enjoying our
analysts project that the EV transition could shave President Biden has voiced measured sympathy for the There’s a continuing barrage of criti- own natural, unique bodies right now?
30 percent off the auto sector’s labor force. Electric workers but undoubtedly — and understandably — frets cism from the right wing. And the sup- Linda Falcão, North Wales, Pa.
vehicles and battery plants have so far been the forte of the possible political downside of an extended walkout. An posedly middle-ground media, including
difficult-to-organize nonunion companies such as Tesla, unintended consequence of the strike has been to create The Post, have added to the president’s
or joint ventures between U.S. automakers and interna- an opening for former president Donald Trump to court burdens. In almost every discussion of A danger of sea missiles
tional firms. the union rank and file by blaming all their problems on his hopes, plans or achievements, the
Among more conventional trade-union demands relat- Mr. Biden’s EV push. And yet in a sense, the UAW chief has media keep mentioning polls supposedly In their Sept. 16 letter, “The nuclear-
ed to wages and benefits, the UAW is seeking a “just done a public service by drawing attention to the sacrifices reflecting his unpopularity or adding force structure of the past will not suffice
transition” to EVs, which could include a right to strike his members have absorbed, and by dramatizing the “yes buts” about what might not work. If now,” Sens. Deb Fischer (R-Neb.) and An-
over plant closings — bound to occur as production shifts trade-offs and tensions within the transition to a greener you keep pounding on the “yes buts” and gus King (I-Maine) challenged The Post’s
to EVs — and compensation when closings cannot be economy. He and his union have made their point. What the unpopularity theme in headlines and Aug. 10 editorial “The weapon the war-
avoided. Mr. Fain has also talked about extending the really counts, though, is making a deal. texts, eventually people come to believe riors don’t want,” claiming the editorial
them — it’s a self-reinforcing loop. What “didn’t provide key information on why a
is probably meant as evenhandedness bipartisan coalition in Congress agree
becomes a negative bias in practice. that the program is necessary.” But
Thornton Parker, Rockingham, Va. Ms. Fischer and Mr. King also failed to
address why, shortly after the collapse of
the Soviet Union in late 1991, the United
Regulating banks as utilities States and Russia unilaterally agreed to
remove nuclear-armed cruise missiles
The Sept. 15 Friday Opinion commen- from naval ships and submarines.
tary by Lev Menand and Morgan Ricks, A key reason was demonstrated at the
“Banks provide a public service. Let’s Black Sea Experiments in 1989, for which
make them public utilities.,” addressed a I lead the U.S. scientific team: The pres-
real problem in financial regulation but ence or absence of nuclear-armed cruise
made an incorrect analogy to propose a missiles on naval ships cannot be ad-
seriously flawed solution. equately verified, thus, their deployment
Though the theory of public utility hinders arms-control efforts to reduce
regulation occupies many books and is global nuclear arsenals. Moreover, had
still developing, it is based on two President George H.W. Bush and Russian
singular concepts. First, that electricity President Boris Yeltsin not agreed to re-
and natural gas are essential services. move nuclear-armed cruise missiles from
Second, that the physical realities of ships in 1991, the Moskva, the flagship of
how electricity and natural gas are to be the Black Sea fleet, would have been nu-
delivered to any customer, wholesale or clear-armed when it was sunk by Ukraine
retail, precludes market competition for in April 2022. Ms. Fischer and Mr. King
customers that will result in fair prices might want to contemplate whether Rus-
and reliable service absent price and sian President Vladimir Putin would have
emily elconinbloomberg news service regulation. In other words, most responded with tactical nuclear weapons.
UAW members outside the Stellantis NV Toledo Assembly Complex in Toledo on Monday. retail consumers of electric or natural- Thomas B. Cochran, Arlington

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friday, september 22 , 2023 . the washington post EZ rE a19

CatheRine Rampell

That $1.50
slice of pizza
is never going
to be $1 again
eople sometimes ask me when
prices are going to “come back
down” to what they were pre-
pandemic. I hate to say it, but
the short answer is: probably never.
For example, if a slice at your local
pizza joint cost a buck back in 2019 and
it’s $1.50 today, it’s likely never going
back, even if “99¢ PIZZA” is still literally
emblazoned on the eatery’s awning. The
nation’s premier pizza-inflation-fight-
ing agency, the Federal Reserve, is not
really trying to get prices to fall. The Fed
wants prices to grow a little less quickly
than has been the case in recent years,
but grow nonetheless.
If that slice is, say, $1.53 by this time
next year, the Fed can reasonably de-
clare mission accomplished.
None of this is particularly intuitive
or satisfying. But here’s the basic idea:
In the modern era, we’ve almost
HoSSEIn BErIS/mIDDLE EaSt ImagES/aFP/gEttY ImagES never seen price growth turn negative
Two Iranian girls, neither wearing the mandatory hijab, look out over Tehran on Sept. 9. in the United States. Still, it’s not obvi-
ously silly to think big price declines

The new Iranian revolution is just beginning might be possible. We’ve all seen prices
for plenty of individual products swing
up and down before.
This is quite common after an unex-
pected shock or supply disruption —
BY A TENA D AEMI her husband. I was forced to go under- e.g., last year, bird flu killed millions of
ground, leaving my family behind, mov- chickens, and egg prices spiked; as

t has been one year since the killing ing from city to city by night. Along with flocks were replenished, prices fell back
by police of a young Kurdish Irani- other activists, I continued to gather down. Same with, say, a hurricane
an woman named Jina Mahsa troubling news from across the country knocking out an oil refinery and caus-
Amini inspired the largest anti- to communicate to the outside world: ing gas prices to temporarily rise.
government outcry the Islamic Repub- Over the course of several months, more So, individual product prices might
lic of Iran has seen in ages. Spontaneous than 500 protesters were killed in cold fluctuate. But over the long run, the
street protests in scores of cities across blood, including dozens of children; overall price level across an economy —
the country, marked by scenes of jubila- hundreds were intentionally blinded; basically, the average price of all the
tion and daring, made the slogan “Zan, and more than 20,000 were detained. things consumers buy — still trends
Zendegi, Azadi” — Woman, Life, Free- Protesters have been executed, sen- upward. That’s by design.
dom — a cause around the world. And tenced to long prison terms or exiled. Economists generally consider an up-
though it is true that the movement has There are reports of sexual assault, death ward trend in prices a good thing, as
since moved into a less pyrotechnic by torture and death caused by unknown long as it’s happening at a modest,
phase, no longer showcased daily by medications forced upon prisoners. steady and predictable pace. Some lim-
international news outlets, it would be a Yet there is hope. The expulsion of ited level of price growth is believed to
mistake to assume it has run out of the Islamic Republic from the United help facilitate economic expansion, re-
steam. On the contrary, it is only Nations’ Commission on the Status of duce the risk of recession, and help
beginning. Women and the establishment of a businesses and consumers plan. For
A brutal crackdown followed the first U.N. Fact-Finding Mission come as a these reasons, for many years, the Fed
wave of demonstrations last fall. Count- mIDDLE EaSt ImagES/aFP/gEttY ImagES relief to Iranians; any sign that interna- has targeted annual price growth of
less women and men were arrested for Iranian women, none wearing the mandatory hijab, display a peace sign in tional institutions are keeping watch 2 percent. That is, the Fed wants prices
civil disobedience, many of them tor- Tehran in November 2022. feels meaningful. to be growing, just a little.
tured, their families threatened. Some As I write, a group of Iranian political In fact, if prices overall are falling —
were trotted out before television cam- er Ali Khamenei for the blood on his early 2000s, I was inspired by the activi- prisoners is on hunger strike to mark the or if inflation is so minuscule that prices
eras to make coerced confessions. Oth- hands. Even amid waves of violent ties of the Voice of Iranian Women, the anniversary of Amini’s death. In the look to be at risk of falling soon — it can
ers were executed. crackdowns, these brave people have Center for Iranian Women and the One women’s ward at Evin Prison, where I mean an economy is in serious trouble.
But the resistance was never broken. continued to protest, week after week, Million Signatures for Gender Equality once was an inmate, nine women, in- Why? Among other things, when
In the past year, sacred taboos have been knowing there is always a price to pay. campaign. Despite the Islamic Repub- cluding prominent human rights de- prices are falling (known as “deflation”),
smashed. The Islamist regime built its I, too, have paid a price, spending lic’s efforts to throttle them, these initia- fender Narges Mohammadi, have taken people hold off on making purchases
dictatorship on mandatory hijab and the seven of the past 10 years in prison. In tives have battled discriminatory laws, part in a sit-in in the prison yard. In the because they keep expecting prices to
denial of social freedoms, but the Wom- 2014, I was jailed for campaigning defended human rights and raised pub- past week, a diverse assortment of drop even further. No one wants to be
an, Life, Freedom movement has pushed against capital punishment and held in lic awareness. Our movement today groups including the Writers’ Associa- the chump who bought a new phone or
back against the religious patriarchy, solitary confinement for 31/2 months, my stands on the shoulders of these intrep- tion of Iran, students from Shahid winter coat today only to see its price
broken the fear barrier and made civil interrogations lasting up to 10 hours at a id women and the generations that pre- Beheshti University and the Iran Uni- slashed tomorrow.
disobedience a daily reality. Women are time. ceded them. versity of Science and Technology, and Delaying purchases when you expect
walking the streets without the hijab; In prison, I saw firsthand the coura- We keep fighting in part because we oil workers have publicly called for peo- prices to drop is a rational calculation
they ride motorcycles or dance and sing geous resistance of ordinary Iranians. In have nothing to lose. Over the past ple to return to the streets. for an individual consumer. But if every-
in public spaces. In even the most reli- the public wards, I met women who’d decade, skyrocketing housing and food While the resistance might seem one stops buying things simultaneously,
gious cities, women are standing up challenged the government’s discrimi- costs have pulled vast swaths of Iranian more quiet today, the greatest hope re- the economy falls into recession. While
against an Islamic Republic that has natory legal regime — patriarchal laws society into poverty. People have dared mains in the streets — in the knowing consumers are waiting on the sidelines,
long deemed them second-class citizens. that promote child marriage and un- to take to the streets despite a massive glances exchanged among people who stores can’t sell their wares, so they lay
Protesters, trade unionists, public fig- equal inheritance rights, ban abortion imbalance of power. During a protest in have tasted rebellion, in the expressions off workers, who in turn cut back
ures and others continue to raise their and fail to protect victims of sexual Tehran’s Haft-e-Tir Square last fall, an of solidarity on the bread line, in the spending even more, which leads to
voices — often far from the reach of assault. In prison, we held sit-ins and 18-year-old was shot by police and col- spontaneous compliments extended to more sales declines, and so on.
international journalists who have went on hunger strikes. lapsed before my feet. We ferried him to women who dare to appear on subways, Japan’s “lost decade” beginning in
scant access to the country. Marginal- This is nothing new, of course. Irani- a hospital, where I noticed that his buses and city streets without a hijab. the 1990s is largely the story of deflation
ized communities, including members an women’s campaigns for equal rights pockets were filled with tiny rocks. The This is what Amini died for, and to those getting entrenched. More recently, Chi-
of the Baloch minority in Sistan and are almost two centuries old, and have Islamist regime has tear gas and fully who would silence our voices, we say: nese government officials have been
Baluchistan province, one of the most included demands for equal access to automatic guns, while we come bearing There is no going back. freaked out by official data showing
impoverished corners of Iran, have piled education and political participation, as pebbles. But we will not stop. falling prices and have insisted that
into the streets, demanding their rights well as freedom of choice as regards the This past year, in an effort to silence the writer is an Iranian human rights “there is no deflation in the Chinese
and denouncing Iranian Supreme Lead- hijab. As a student coming of age in the me, the regime detained my sister and defender and former political prisoner. economy, and there will be no deflation
in the future.” Here in the United States,
the last time we had a sustained period
of falling prices (at least by some head-
line metrics) was the Great Recession.
Josh Rogin Besides the risk of recession, there’s
another reason it would be mechanical-

Ukraine aid is hanging by a thread ly difficult for overall U.S. prices to fall
back down: Wages have risen, too.
Maybe they haven’t risen enough, but
they are going up. By some measures,

s Washington turns its focus toward the with 57 voting against. In the Senate, only 11 Republicans this bipartisan consensus we had that we are for wage growth seems to be catching up to
2024 presidential campaign, U.S. aid to Ukraine voted against the funding. If Waltz’s rough estimate is democracy and for freedom.” consumer price growth. And labor is
is becoming increasingly vulnerable to partisan correct, those opposed to additional funding could Waltz and Ryan are both decorated military veterans also a significant input into the stuff you
politics and the culture wars. When the next double this time around. Senate GOP aides tell me that who sit on the Armed Services Committee. They both buy.
tranche comes up for a vote in Congress, the number of the number of Republicans prepared to vote against the agree that the United States has an interest in stopping In other words, the vendors who sell
Republicans voting no will be high. If the Biden adminis- aid in that chamber will rise significantly. Putin’s aggression now, lest he succeed and then attack you pizza, mow your lawn or cut your
tration wants to preserve the flow of support to Kyiv, it more countries. Where they diverge is on whether the hair would have difficulty returning to
will need to mount a more robust, more honest case American public is still committed to giving Ukraine the retail prices they charged a few
about the expected costs and length of the war effort to what it needs to win. years ago, given that their own cost
lawmakers and the American people. By playing into the idea that To be sure, Waltz’s concerns about aid oversight have structures have changed. Ingredients
Since the full-scale Russian invasion began in Febru- merit and his call for more clarity on U.S. objectives in and other materials have gotten more
ary 2022, the United States has committed $113 billion to the United States must choose between Ukraine is valid. In fact, the European countries current- expensive, and they’re paying their
military, economic and humanitarian aid for Ukraine ly provide more overall aid than the United States. But by workers more. They also don’t have
and other countries impacted by the war. The Biden solving problems at home and fighting playing into the idea that the United States must choose huge profit cushions today that they
administration is set to ask Congress to approve an between solving problems at home and fighting aggres- could give up in service of lower retail
additional $24 billion. With Congress already in chaos aggression abroad, Republicans are sion abroad, Republicans are prepping the ground for prices, even if they suddenly wanted to.
amid a looming shutdown of the federal government, aid what could amount to abandoning the Ukrainians at the Despite out-of-date talking points you
for Ukraine is likely to be considered separately, at least prepping the ground for what could worst possible moment. might hear from politicians, corporate
in the House. This means it can no longer expect a free “That would dramatically undercut the foundational profits have been falling for about a
ride on a separate piece of must-pass legislation. amount to abandoning the Ukrainians support of the Ukrainians right at the time that they are year.
The number of Republicans to vote against more aid, showing some real momentum in the counteroffensive,” Again, I realize none of this is a
unless Biden meets a list of GOP conditions, will be “at at the worst possible moment. said Ryan. “The signaling and the message that sends, for satisfying answer. Even if the prices you
least half,” Rep. Michael Waltz (R-Fla.), a member of the us to back away in this critical time, not only resonates in pay are always trending upward on
House Armed Services Committee, told me during a Europe but resonates in the Asia-Pacific as well.” average, they’re usually growing so
panel discussion I moderated on Monday at the Concor- Biden officials often tell journalists that the GOP This is the message Ukrainian President Volodymyr slowly that you have time to get accli-
dia Annual Summit on the sidelines of the U.N. General opposition to helping Ukraine is limited to a small group Zelensky brings to Washington this week as he meets mated to the new levels. Over the past
Assembly. Waltz laid out those conditions in an op-ed of far-right MAGA members — and that Senate Minority with senators after speaking on Tuesday at the United few years, prices rose so fast that you’re
published under the headline “The era of Ukraine’s Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) can keep his caucus in Nations in New York. In contrast to the warm welcome probably still experiencing constant
blank check from Congress is over.” line. But even some Democratic lawmakers are now he received on Capitol Hill last December, he was not sticker shock. Most people have a men-
Waltz says he wants the Biden administration to sounding the alarm, saying that more must be done to invited to speak to a joint session of Congress during this tal model of how much a weekly grocery
provide better accounting of the aid and to spell out defend the aid in public and private. trip. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) said he bill or dinner out “should” cost, and it’s
exactly how it plans to help bring the war to an end. He Rep. Pat Ryan (D-N.Y.) said during our panel that the has “questions” for Zelensky about accountability and not matching up with reality.
also wants to see new financial commitments from tide is turning inside the GOP in ways advocates for the future of the war. Pundits have sometimes struggled to
European partners. Otherwise, he says he’ll vote no. Ukraine aid have not properly acknowledged. He said The governments in Kyiv and Washington should be understand why consumers remain so
“I think it’s absolutely in America’s interest to stop more must be done to make the case to the American honest about the fact the war is not going to be over mad about the economy even as infla-
[Vladimir] Putin cold. . . . However, the era of blank people that the aid is not only crucial to Kyiv but delivers anytime soon and that more sacrifices will be necessary. tion has slowed. Maybe the answer is
checks for aid, at least coming from Congress, is over,” he a high return on investment for U.S. security as well. Then, they should ramp up their efforts to convince that Americans don’t want slower infla-
said. “Without those conditions . . . I don’t think I can get “A significant percentage of the Republican caucus is lawmakers and the people they represent that the costs tion; they want deflation — which (for
to yes’ anymore.” no longer supportive of this,” Ryan said. “The very of abandoning Ukraine aid are far greater than the costs good reason!) no one in charge is trying
In May 2022, 149 Republicans voted for Ukraine aid, extreme right has hijacked the Republican Party and lost of continuing to support it. to achieve.
A20 EZ RE the washington post . friday, september 22 , 2023


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METRO friday, september 22 , 2023 eZ Su b

high today at VirGiNiA VirGiNiA obitUAries
approx. 3 p.m.
A judge declines to revoke Lawmakers are seeking Mangosuthu Buthelezi,
8 a.m. Noon 4 p.m. 8 p.m.
76° bond for the mother of a federal recognition of a 95, a South African Zulu
Precip: 5% boy who shot his teacher tribe that was erased by leader, was a political rival
63 72 74 68
° ° ° ° Wind: Ne
8-16 mph in Newport News. b2 “paper genocide.” b6 of Nelson Mandela. b4

Plan for New

tutoring probe
concerns of Md.
Youngkin’s Va. program
comes as many schools
already are short-staffed complaints lodged
against principal
County watchdog to look
some Virginia educators and into MCPS response
administrators are concerned
about finding staffing and meet-
ing timelines for a new intensive BY N ICOLE A SBURY
“high-dosage” tutoring program AND A LEXANDRA R OBBINS
designed to boost test scores and
combat learning loss. Montgomery County’s inspec-
The program, part of the All in tor general will investigate the
VA education plan announced school system’s handling of mis-
sept. 7 by Gov. Glenn Youngkin conduct complaints related to a
(R), will require some students in middle school principal, accord-
grades three through eight to ing to a letter sent to the school
receive three to five hours of board president Wednesday.
tutoring per week for 18 to 36 County Inspector General Me-
weeks based on their scores on PhoToS By MichAeL S. WiLLiAMSoN/The WAShiNgToN PoST gan Davey Limarzi said her office
the standards of Learning, or will open two inquiries: The first
soLs, the state’s annual assess- will scrutinize the school district’s
ment. A detailed “playbook” sent handling of misconduct com-
to school superintendents last
week outlines how school dis- Hoof it to the plaints against school system em-
ployees, and the second will look
tricts are expected to implement
the program by oct. 16 — just five fairgrounds into all allegations of misconduct
by former Farquhar Middle
weeks after the plan was an- school principal Joel Beidleman
nounced and nearly two months Equine competitors received by July 2023 and any
into the school year. previous allegations that were not
The plan was announced after in a horse pull event, investigated.
statewide soL scores showed lit- above, kick up some The Washington Post reported
tle to no improvement from the in August that at least 18 verbal or
year before and a continued lag dust Saturday at the written reports were submitted to
behind pre-pandemic levels. It Great Frederick Fair, the school district about Beidle-
applies to any students who failed man by staff members, parents
or were identified as being at risk which runs through and union stewards dating to
of failing, defined as any student this week. At right, 2016. The complaints alleged a
scoring under 400 on their math pattern of harassment, threats, re-
or reading soLs. educators antic- Reeves Meisenheimer taliation, workplace bullying and
ipate that in some districts more gets some help from other inappropriate conduct.
than half of the students in grades Despite the number of reports,
three through eight will qualify his father, Zach, Beidleman was promoted to be
while trying to toss a see INVESTIGATION oN B2

ping-pong ball into a

fishbowl as part of a
D.C. rolls
game at the fair.

For sale: A out rebates

rare link to to propel
Lincoln’s A D.C. neighborhood takes on the Russian Embassy e-bike use
final night The sunflowers
persisted this
summer —
Incentive plan aims
2 Ford’s Theatre tickets soaring above six to get commuters out of
across from president’s
feet, their fat,
golden heads
their cars, ease gridlock
box going up for auction dvorak
covered in fuzzy
oblivious to past BY L UZ L AZO
BY M ICHAEL E . R UANE “The first year they planted The District this week ap-
fully grown ones,” said Connor proved rebates for purchasing
It was the last night of actress o’Brien, one of the sunflower e-bikes, becoming the latest U.s.
Laura Keene’s 11-show stand at keepers. “They got ripped up city to embrace the method to
Ford’s Theatre in Washington, and torn to shreds. I’m not help get more people out of cars
this time in the comedy “our accusing the Russians, I have no and onto bicycles while advanc-
American Cousin.” It was also evidence. But.” ing goals to cut pollution and
Good Friday, April 14, 1865. And The small, urban field is congestion.
word had come that President planted in tree boxes across the The D.C. Council unanimously
Abraham Lincoln would be there. street from the Russian embassy approved legislation to create fi-
Among the crowd were two in D.C., where an entire block of nancial incentives for hopeful
people who had tickets for prime residents has been in a e-bike buyers, mainly for lower-
front-row seats on the second- slow-burn cold war with the income residents, with vouchers
level — Nos. 41 and 42 D in the diplomats behind the heavily ranging from $75 for bike locks to
Dress Circle. The tickets were guarded, wrought-iron security $2,000 for an e-bike. The bill is
green. They were stamped with gates since the country invaded headed to Mayor Muriel e. Bows-
the date, and the corners had Ukraine. er (D) for her signature.
been clipped off, probably by the This involves surveillance The program mirrors efforts in
doorkeeper. cameras, countermeasures, PeTuLA DvorAk/The WAShiNgToN PoST other cities that issue rebate
The patrons probably walked negotiations and confrontations. A group of neighborhood activists and local Ukrainians have planted a sunflower garden across the checks or other incentives to help
down carpeted steps and sat in Hostilities have escalated street from the Russian Embassy. Hostilities have escalated between locals and the embassy staff. residents cut the cost of e-bikes, a
wooden chairs with cane seats. To between embassy staff and a recognition of the high cost of the
the right they could see the pri- neighbor with a projector, at financial support after 19 Zelensky told senators that protest, gathering at each of the vehicles and their potential to
vate box where at about 8:30 p.m. times drawing a hulk of a months of conflict, passersby what Ukraine needs most right plantings and watching their reduce car reliance. The legisla-
Lincoln, his wife, Mary, and two human who stands in silence stopped and took sunflower now is air defense not only to ambassador, oksana Markarova, tion is the latest indication of the
friends entered. The play and is known to the selfies at the protest garden. It help the military, but to also shove her hands into the earth city’s desire to expand and en-
stopped. everyone stood up. The neighborhood simply as happens every day. protect the country’s energy and to plant replacements for the courage bike usage after years of
band played “Hail to the Chief.” “Umbrella Man.” The secret “some people might know water systems. The Ukrainian ones that had been uprooted building a bike lane network and
Those tickets, whose owners service shows up. what sunflowers mean,” said counteroffensive has been and destroyed. The sunflowers becoming one of the nation’s
are believed to have been present The people of D.C. are waging o’Brien, a Washington grinding forward, and on have their own Instagram most bike-friendly cities.
for the assassination of Lincoln their own war against Russia, in consultant who named the Thursday the country account. The D.C. program resembles
moments later, are going up for miniature, one middle finger at garden Polonne after the small announced that it had targeted a Benjamin Wittes, the an e-bike program in Denver,
auction saturday at a Boston auc- a time. Ukrainian town where he had Russian air base overnight in projection man, explained the which has spent nearly $5 million
tion house that says it is certain on the day Ukrainian worked as a Peace Corps english Crimea, the land Russia illegally sustained, aggressive gardening, in e-bike vouchers while becom-
they are authentic. President Volodymyr Zelensky teacher. “It’s important that the annexed in 2014. despite the ongoing vandalism. ing a national model for cities
Being sold with the tickets is visited Washington to ask D.C. community shows that we The Ukrainian community is “every sunflower we plant turning to the bikes as a way to
see RETROPOLIS oN B3 Congress for continuing are standing behind Ukraine.” supporting the neighborhood see DVORAK oN B3 see E-BIKES oN B3
B2 eZ sU the washington post . friday, september 22 , 2023


Judge does not revoke bond for mother of boy who shot teacher
BY J IM M ORRISON especially given the shooter’s of Virginia, argued in court that The development is the latest ties discovered a large amount of his backpack before heading to
AND J USTIN J OUVENAL young age. Taylor should be held until her twist in the ongoing case. The the drug and drug paraphernalia school on Jan. 6. Prosecutors said
In declining a prosecutor’s sentencing for testing positive for Newport News schools’ superin- when searching her car and resi- the boy had gotten hold of the
NEWPORT NEWS, Va. — A mother request for Taylor to be jailed, marijuana or cocaine on three tendent was removed after the dences after the shooting. gun in the past as well.
who pleaded guilty to charges miller warned her to steer clear of occasions and missing drug tests shooting, and Zwerner filed a $40 In a separate case in state Zwerner alleges in her lawsuit
related to her 6-year-old son’s illicit substances. in violation of the terms of her million lawsuit accusing a rich- court, Taylor pleaded guilty to that the boy showed the gun to a
shooting of a local elementary “I’m giving you credit for as far release. neck assistant principal of failing one count of felony child neglect fellow student and that staff
school teacher will remain free as you have come,” the judge said. “This is not just one instance of to heed multiple warnings that in connection with the shooting members repeatedly warned
while awaiting sentencing after a Taylor pleaded guilty in June to her making a mistake,” mcKeel the boy had a gun. as part of a deal with prosecutors. assistant principal Ebony Parker
judge Thursday declined to jail possessing a gun while using said. “It is repeated mistakes over In filings before the revocation She admitted the gun was stored the boy might have a weapon
her for failing drug tests. illegal drugs and lying about her a period of time.” hearing, Taylor did not dispute in such a way that her son could throughout the day on Jan. 6.
U.S. magistrate Judge Douglas marijuana use on a background Taylor’s attorney, James Ellen- that she used drugs, but her access it. The terms of the plea Parker and her attorney have not
E. miller said he thought the fact check during the purchase of the son, argued that she had not attorneys said that Taylor’s pro- deal call for Taylor to receive up to responded to requests for com-
that Deja Taylor, 26, tested clean handgun her son took from her received adequate mental health bation officers were pleased with six months of state incarceration, ment.
for drugs earlier this month indi- purse and used to shoot 25-year- or drug counseling and that jail- her progress, that she had ab- in addition to her federal term The boy pulled out the
cated she could remain drug-free old first-grade teacher Abigail ing her would exacerbate her stained from drugs since her pos- when she is sentenced by a Vir- handgun and shot Zwerner while
until her oct. 18 sentencing on Zwerner in her classroom at rich- issues. itive tests and that she has been ginia judge on oct. 27, although she was teaching a lesson as the
federal charges connected to the neck Elementary School in New- “She has been smoking pot for attending counseling sessions. the judge could depart from the school day was nearing an end.
January classroom shooting. port News. Taylor was granted 10 years,” Ellenson said. “She has federal prosecutors previously agreement. Zwerner was gravely injured by
Amid national anxiety over gun bond afterward. mental health issues. This is the wrote in court filings that Taylor Taylor’s son took the gun, the bullet, which struck her hand
violence in schools, the incident Lisa mcKeel, an assistant U.S. first time any of these are being admitted to being a marijuana which was stored without a lock, and shoulder. She is still recover-
received widespread attention, Attorney in the Eastern District addressed.” user for 11 years and that authori- from her purse and stowed it in ing.

Tight timeline for ‘high-dosage’ tutoring program worries some Va. educators
TUTORING from B1 because of a lack of funding or ing schedules or finding bus driv-
ability to find staff. ers to accommodate after-school
for tutoring under the guidance. “I think there’s a huge potential tutoring.
one of the biggest concerns for to incrementally integrate more Still, Perrigan was optimistic
school leaders is how they can individualized and personalized that school districts would make
find tutors to serve such a large instruction into the public school it work because it was moving
group of students when many day to improve the ways in which toward an important goal.
school districts are still strug- we support student learning,” “We can sit around and com-
gling to fill classrooms with said matthew Kraft, an associate plain about it,” he said. “or we can
teachers. A report released last professor of education at Brown get to work.”
week from the Joint Legislative University. “But we would be na- The playbook is clear that there
Audit and review Commission ive to think that you can snap is room for flexibility in how
(JLArC), a watchdog for state your fingers and set up a large- schools implement their tutoring
lawmakers in the General Assem- scale program at the drop of a programs, and that school dis-
bly, showed that the number of hat.” tricts should develop a plan that
teachers in Virginia’s K-12 system Harry Holloway, math special- will best serve their students. But
was declining. About 4.8 percent ist and curriculum coordinator at experts raised concerns that the
of teaching positions were vacant Clarke County Public Schools, plan allows schools to use a maxi-
at the start of the 2023-2024 processes SoL data for the dis- mum ratio of 10 students to 1
school year, up from 3.9 percent trict. He estimates that between tutor, which is significantly high-
in the prior school year. The 40 and 60 percent of the district’s er than the maximum ratio of 3 or
figure hovered around less than 1 roughly 800 students in the af- 4 to 1 that research suggests.
percent in years before the pan- fected grades will qualify to re- The playbook acknowledges
demic. ceive tutoring and is concerned the ratio is not in line with re-
Although schools around the about getting an effective pro- search but says it allows flexibili-
country are employing high- gram up and running for that salWan geoRges/tHe WasHington Post ty and “time to build a strong
dosage tutoring to improve learn- many students in a short period Parents read books to their children during a Coates Family Academy program at Lutie Lewis Coates tutor pool.”
ing outcomes after pandemic of time. Elementary School in the Herndon area of Fairfax County on May 11. Nancy Waymack, director for
learning loss, it requires intense “The timeline appears unrea- research partnerships and policy
resources and funding. High- sonable right now,” Holloway gests that 70 percent be used for of intensive tutoring for every lic Schools, said his district had for the National Student Support
dosage tutoring is a form of tutor- said. the tutoring program, 20 percent child who’s at risk in Virginia,” the seventh highest SoL perform- Accelerator at Stanford Univer-
ing that takes place for at least 30 Holloway said the goal of the be used to expand the Virginia Youngkin said. “And second of all, ance in the state. But after look- sity, said high-dosage tutoring is
minutes three or more times a plan was laudable, echoing simi- Literacy Act, and 10 percent be we’ve got to roll it out and make it ing at data under the guidance, an extremely effective approach.
week in one-on-one or in small lar sentiments from other educa- used to respond to chronic absen- work. It’s important for us to do. more than half of the students While there will probably be
group settings, and experts say it tors interviewed by The Washing- teeism. We’re going to lose a whole gener- would qualify for tutoring. bumps in the program’s imple-
is most effective when imple- ton Post. It’s an ambitious at- Youngkin said in an interview ation if we don’t.” Perrigan, who is also the presi- mentation, she’s excited to see
mented correctly. tempt to serve a large number of with reporters last week that he The Virginia Education De- dent of the Coalition of Small and more tutoring brought into pub-
According to the Institute of students with buy-in from the understood rolling out the tutor- partment did not answer ques- rural Schools of Virginia, said lic schools.
Education Sciences, the research schools, districts and the state ing program would be a chal- tions about how long schools that smaller school districts will “for families with means, tu-
arm of the U.S. Education Depart- and there’s significant funding lenge, but he encouraged school were expected to run the tutoring have even more challenges in toring has been the go-to solution
ment, 37 percent of public schools behind it. The governor and Gen- leaders to be creative in their program or whether funding setting up a tutoring program, for years and years,” Waymack
reported providing high-dosage eral Assembly included $418 mil- approach. would be withheld if they did not not only because of a smaller pool said. “This is moving it into public
tutoring in December. But almost lion in the budget specifically for “The first thing we did was get launch the program by oct. 16. of tutors but also because they schools where more and more
half of those schools reported learning loss recovery. The Vir- the funding, and the funding is Keith Perrigan, superinten- often have smaller central offices students can access it that really
that their efforts were limited ginia Education Department sug- there to pay for three to five hours dent of Washington County Pub- to sort through issues like adjust- need it.”

Montgomery inspector general will investigate principal’s alleged misconduct

INVESTIGATION from B1 operative, responsive, and sup- tion of anonymity because she
portive of the IG’s office through- feared retaliation for discussing
principal of Paint Branch High out this investigation, and will the matter publicly. “Now there’s a
School in Burtonsville — a posi- take the necessary and subse- sense of relief that someone in
tion that raised his salary by about quent actions to make clear that power cares and takes this seri-
$32,000, to $191,000. montgom- harassment, bullying, intimida- ously.”
ery County Public Schools placed tion, and retaliation have abso- montgomery County Executive
Beidleman on administrative lutely no place in our communi- marc Elrich (D) said he hasn’t
leave in August after The Post sent ties, and especially in the mCPS received the full report from Jack-
it a list of questions about the community.” son Lewis, nor a formal briefing
claims against him. According to documents ob- from any school system leader. But
Beidleman did not immediately tained by The Post and interviews he said he was disturbed by the
respond to questions Thursday. with more than 60 educators summary of the report that was
He has previously denied many of across mCPS, Beidleman was released. He said he understands
the allegations of misconduct. known for inappropriate behav- that there are some personnel de-
The school system — mary- ior. He targeted one social studies tails in the report that can’t be
land’s largest, with about 160,000 teacher for years, telling her in disclosed publicly, but he expects
students — hired Baltimore-based front of her peers, “You should just the district to hold “people who
law firm Jackson Lewis to investi- f--- me,” and urging her to “shave failed to adequately report what
gate the findings in The Post’s your p---- and sell the hair,” she they knew” publicly accountable.
report. But legal scholars and wrote in an official complaint. He “People have a right to know
teachers questioned its independ- Robb Hill foR tHe WasHington Post told an eighth-grade girl, accord- what folks did and how it’s going
ence, because the firm represent- Farquhar Middle School in Olney, where Joel Beidleman allegedly harassed and bullied staff members ing to the child’s mother: “Don’t be to be handled. … But again, with-
ed the district in other legal mat- while serving as principal. He was promoted in June to run Paint Branch High School in Burtonsville. like [your friend]. She’s a whore.” out a full report, I don’t know
ters and was engaged to defend (He denied this allegation.) He who’s sanctioned,” Elrich said dur-
the system, not necessarily root and burdensome, so the Board separate letter addressed to Sil- The summary did not name any of invited a former colleague to apply ing a media briefing Thursday. “I
out wrongdoing. montgomery would not want that.” mCPS has vestre obtained by The Post, Hen- the officials who mishandled com- for a job as his assistant principal can’t judge how bad the situation
County Council members argued referred questions to the school ry wrote that his office wasn’t the plaints or advocated Beidleman’s and then sent her dozens of sexu- was, because you don’t know who
that inspectors general, either for board. proper authority to investigate vi- promotion while knowing about ally suggestive texts. When she knew what and when they knew
the state or the county, should take Limarzi said her first inquiry olations of Title IX, a federal law them. The school board did not rejected his advances, he asked, it.”
over the investigation because will assess whether the school dis- that bars gender-based discrimi- answer questions about when or “So why cant my lips just get out He said he didn’t blame mc-
they are more independent. trict has “effective procedures for nation. He also wrote that his of- whether it would name or repri- on that kitty.” Nine staff members Knight for the processes failing,
The law firm filed a report last the receipt, assignment, investiga- fice previously “engaged mCPS re- mand those individuals. who left farquhar this year told because this was a problem that
week that “found significant and tion, referral, resolution, docu- garding these matters,” and those Schools Superintendent moni- The Post that they quit because of she inherited. He added that the
troubling failures by senior man- mentation and retention of all al- interactions are outlined in the fa B. mcKnight said in a statement Beidleman. school board members needed to
agement” during the first phase of legations of misconduct by its em- report by Jackson Lewis. As such, Thursday: “While it’s imperative mCPS staff members said that, be more forthcoming about the
its inquiry. Karla Silvestre, the ployees.” Jackson Lewis had found his team would be prohibited that the Inspector General take while they were leery of speaking report and its findings.
school board president, did not the school system received many from investigating further to “en- the time necessary to conduct a with Jackson Lewis after its client “I frankly don’t think these
respond to questions about informal complaints but investi- sure that no potential bias would thorough and comprehensive re- took no action on their complaints questions are too hard to answer.
whether Jackson Lewis would gated only those complaints filed exist.” The county inspector gener- view, I remain eager and ready to about the principal, they would Nobody’s asking anybody to opine
continue the second phase of its to the central office on a specific al’s investigation “would ensure take decisive action based on the cooperate with the inspector gen- on whether someone’s guilty,” El-
investigation, which would exam- form. Limarzi said the office will public trust,” he said. IG’s findings — including holding eral. “Hopefully with this actually rich said. But he thought members
ine the allegations of misconduct review records and interview staff The montgomery County Board anyone implicated in wrongdoing independent investigation, those should “express some kind of con-
by Beidleman. Asked in August if members during its investigation. of Education has not made public to full account, and developing an of us who went through the abuse cern” publicly.
the board would continue to em- maryland Inspector General for the full contents of the Jackson aggressive and comprehensive ac- will actually be heard, and mCPS
ploy Jackson Lewis if an inspector Education richard Henry said his Lewis investigation and would not tion plan to ensure no one is failed and Beidleman will be held ac- Robbins, a freelance journalist, has
general opened their own investi- office will refer an investigation to answer further questions about its by the system again.” countable for their actions and substitute-taught in Montgomery
gation, she told The Post, “Concur- the county watchdog, rather than contents beyond a four-page sum- She continued: “my team and I inactions,” said a former farquhar County in a different school cluster
rent investigations are duplicative conducting its own inquiry. In a mary it posted online last week. look forward to being fully co- teacher who spoke on the condi- from the ones described in this article.

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friday, september 22 , 2023 . the washington post eZ re B3

Petula Dvorak

Russian security, countermeasures and the Secret Service: A very D.C. protest
DVORAK fRom B1 Wittes said. of that “Z.”
Some nights, the neighbors “Last spring, we had Umbrella
outside the embassy is likely to gather for the light show. man,” Wittes said. (That
be destroyed. That is the point,” It takes a few projectors to interaction, and many others, is
Wittes said. “There are the paint the tall and thick main posted on YouTube.) “This big
people who plant. There are building rising from the guy comes from across the street
people who destroy what is embassy compound with their and tries to block the projections
planted. There are people who colorful, lit-up messages. There’s with an umbrella. He’s right in
come back and plant after the the Ukrainian flag, protest front of the projectors. Standing
destruction. We cannot prevent poems and essays, political art, there for about 45 minutes. He
evil. But we can always be the and, frequently, the fBI and CIA doesn’t speak any English.”
people who rebuild after evil.” contact numbers for any They’ve been unable to verify
Every house on that block Russians who want to defect. whether he’s an embassy
across the street has a display — “They’re always trying to employee.
Ukraine’s blue and yellow flag in interfere with the projections So the neighbors took
the windows, signs, posters. using countermeasures,” said countermeasures of their own.
There’s a teddy bear with a sign Wittes, who worked in The “Someone went and got a
urging Russians to defect. one Washington Post’s editorial ladder,” he said.
homeowner even painted his section a decade ago and is now The most preposterous
entire fence in the nation’s with a Washington think tank. exchange came when Secret
colors. He’s not a lighting expert but Service officers were dispatched
Drew Cooper’s paint job isn’t quickly had to learn the with a message from the
precise. Some online critics have complicated art of casting large Russians.
pointed this out. projections over a distance after “The Secret Service ended up
But that’s because he has to he suggested it on social media doing these elaborate
repaint it over and over again. and got a rousing response. He negotiations, talking through
over the equal blue and sets up his production across the gate, talking to me,” Wittes
yellow fields (he worked with Wisconsin Avenue, a courtesy to said. “Then the Russians would
the local paint store to get the PeTula Dvorak/The WashingTon PosT make it easier on the Secret send back counterproposals.”
colors just right), vandals have Every house across the street from the Russian Embassy in Northwest Washington displays signs of Service officers who are usually He told them he’d take down
scrawled big, fat Zs — which support for Ukraine. One homeowner even painted his entire fence in the nation’s colors. called in to help manage the one of his projectors if they took
symbolize support for Russia’s spectacles. down a spotlight.
invasion of Ukraine. Quickly, Cooper feels a sense of duty in “Every time you’re going to beloved Ukrainian artist, with Every night the projectors are “I took down one of mine and
before he heads to work at his using his “prime canvas” — look out your east side,” he surveillance cameras on them. fired up, the embassy staff casts then they balked and reneged on
law office, Cooper brings out the about 40 feet of fencing — to imagines telling them, “you’re Nearly every print has been their own spotlights on the the deal,” he said. “So we sat
cans of blue and yellow paint telegraph a message to the going to see this.” ripped down, the vandals projections, trying to obscure down there all night, until the
and slaps another coat over the Russians working across the They’ve added prints of art looking straight into the lens. the messages. They’ve also sunlight washed away all our
pro-Russian graffiti. street. pieces done by Nikita Titov, a None have been identified, created projections in the shape lights.”

Auction offers tickets to grim history

RETROPOLIS fRom B1 ford’s Theatre presented an at- man!”
mosphere of theatrical gaiety His fiancee, Clara H. Harris,
the envelope in which they once coupled with the religious mys- who was with him, screamed:
were enclosed. on the envelope is tery of Good friday,” National “The president is shot!”
an old notation in ink: “front Park Service historian George J. “People began pushing one an-
Seats, Dress Circle, Reserved, olszewski wrote in his 1963 re- other aside and knocked one an-
Complimentary, fords Theatre, port on the theater’s restoration. other down to squeeze through
April 14, 1865. (Night of assassina- “The glimmer … of the huge the exits,” historian James
tion of President Lincoln.)” gas lamp standing in front of the Swanson wrote in his 2010 book
It’s not known who wrote the theater … was enhanced by the about the assassination, “Bloody
note. sickly, yellowish flame of black Crimes.”
The tickets have not been for smoking tar torches stuck in bar- “many screamed,” Swanson
sale in over 20 years. The current rels running down the street to wrote. “others wept. Soon more
owner is a manuscript collector Pennsylvania Avenue,” he wrote. than one thousand panicked
from Southern California who “At each barrel stood a barker playgoers were crowded in the
has asked not to be identified, yelling, ‘This way to ford’s,’” front of the theater.”
said Bobby Livingston, executive olszewski wrote. many watched as a few min-
vice president of RR Auction, The patrons probably saw this utes later the president was car-
which is hosting the auction. scene as they entered the lobby ried out of the theater, across
The manuscript collector pur- and went to their seats. There, Tenth Street and into Petersen’s
chased them in 2002 at an auc- they had a great view of the stage boarding house, where he died
tion of items from the collection below, and a clear view of the the next morning.
of the late magazine publisher presidential box. No one knows how the people
malcolm forbes. The price was “Whoever they were, they nev- in seats D41 and D42 — who had
$83,650. The current value is esti- er would have seen the actual front-row seats to the tragedy —
mated to be about $100,000, RR assassination,” Livingston said in reacted. What did they hear and
says on its website. a telephone interview Tuesday. see?
forbes had bought the tickets The murder happened in the Because the tickets stayed to-
in 1992 from an anonymous own- shadows of the presidential box gether all these years, the patrons
John McDonnell/The WashingTon PosT er. It is not known who owned where the assassin, John Wilkes may have been a couple. All that is
A full bike rack in April near Nationals Park. The D.C. program is expected to go into effect later this them before that, Livingston said. Booth, crept up behind Lincoln known for sure is that the tickets
year, but it is unclear when e-bike purchases will be eligible for rebates. And the names of the two pa- and fired his gun, he said. were saved.
trons? “Unfortunately, that’s kind “But they certainly would have Livingston said he is certain
of lost to history,” Livingston said. seen Booth jump out of the box” they are authentic. “There are

Rebates target lower-income residents Their tickets were “reserved,”

“complimentary” and were for
seats that were among the best in
and down onto the stage, he said.
“They would have a perfect line of
sight to that, I believe.”
several indications of such,” he
said. “one is they’re both stamped
with that date on it. It’s faded but
the house. After firing a single bullet from you can still see it: April 14, 1865.
E-BIKES fRom B1 voucher size to $1,500 for an tional bicycle because of age, Washington was swarming a small pistol into the back of Good for this night only.”
e-bike and $2,000 for a cargo disability or limited physical fit- with happy people that week. The Lincoln’s head, Booth, with a “It’s [an] extremely big deal for
cut emissions and ease traffic. In e-bike. ness. Some commuters also pre- main Confederate army under knife, slashed the arm of Army collectors of Lincoln, and ticket
the first year of the program, The program also calls for fer them because they make for a Gen. Robert E. Lee had just sur- maj. Henry Rathbone, who was collectors,” Livingston said. “You
Denver officials said e-bikes from rebates for battery replacements, less strenuous, and less sweaty, rendered six days earlier, essen- sitting with the Lincolns, and just don’t see these. This is the
the program replaced more than the cost of bike locks and the ride. But bike advocates say the tially ending four years of civil jumped down onto the stage. first time these have been back on
100,000 miles of driving every costs for adaptive components cost can be a major barrier for war, and the city was filled with “Sic semper tyrannis!” Booth the market in 20 years.”
week. for riders with disabilities. The potential users. E-bikes, which soldiers. yelled. Thus always to tyrants. “What a tragic night,” he said.
Council member Charles Allen legislation would authorize the have a motor and battery to “on Tenth Street that evening, Rathbone cried out, “Stop that “And something to witness.”
(D-Ward 6), the bill’s chief spon- District Department of Transpor- propel riders, can cost about
sor, said the program will be tation to issue grants to bike $2,000, putting them out of reach
particularly important to bring shops ahead of the projected for many. BEFORE
e-bike access to low-income resi- increase in demand for them to Transportation officials for
dents, while he said the legisla- boost their number of bike me- years have said they can’t ignore A BATHROOM YOU’LL LOVE
tion is likely to have a significant chanics. demand for e-bikes if they want IN AS LITTLE AS ONE DAY
effect on residents’ reliance on The council has approved to encourage bike commuting.
private cars. $500,000 for the program in the DDoT is planning a bike give-
“An e-bike can cut the time of a fiscal year that will start oct. 1. At away at an event next month,
trip through the city in half least half of the funds are re- coming after the city recently
without ever breaking a sweat,” quired to go to residents who subsidized an expansion of Capi-
Allen said in a statement. “With qualify for public assistance. tal Bikeshare’s e-bike fleet. LIMI

$500 OFF
more bicycle infrastructure built E-bikes have grown more pop- Allen’s office said the program OFF D TIME
every year, your trips become ular in the United States — and in is expected to go into effect later
safer and quicker. You’re doing the Washington region — in the this year, but it is unclear when
your part to fight climate change past several years. Research by purchases will be eligible for + NO INTEREST
and improve air quality in the the National Institute for Trans- rebates. DDoT will be tasked
Valid with purchase
of bath or shower
District.” portation and Communities with setting up the program in replacement.
Offer valid until
The program has two tiers of found that people who buy e- the coming months.
incentives: one offers up to $750 bikes are reducing their reliance In a statement Wednesday, FOR 24 MONTHS! 9/30/2023. Call for

to any city resident for the pur- on cars. DDoT said Bowser and the agen-
chase of an e-bike or $1,000 for a Users say e-bikes eliminate cy support the program, which it
cargo e-bike. for low-income resi- barriers for people who may be said would help to encourage
dents, a second tier increases the discouraged from riding a tradi- sustainable travel in the city.
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in a park in Northeast homicide victim of the year. The suspect, Erin Sheffey, 28, AFTER
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Two men were shot, one was conscious when taken to a with a dangerous weapon and
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continues to climb. According to shootings. By Thursday 16th Street SE, according to an
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point in any year since the late — Emily Davies maddox, 32, of Southeast
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The shootings occurred incident.
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We work with the VA on behalf of Veterans.

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said. Dwain francis Day, 64, of A Northeast Washington man bond pending prosecution. Hygiene Systems, Aging in Place, Mobility and Accessibility. MD136343, VA2705170348, WV058033.
Southwest Washington, was has been charged with second- — Emily Davies
B4 eZ su the washington post . friday, september 22 , 2023

Mangosuthu Buthelezi, 95

Zulu leader was Mandela’s political rival in South Africa

BY B RIAN M URPHY opposing the ANC’s calls for nor of forgetting the past, nor
armed resistance to apartheid. even of learning to like one
Mangosuthu Buthelezi, a He did not, however, shy away another.”
South African Zulu leader who from fighting any challenges to “It was,” the statement added,
directed a bloody power struggle his iron-fist control of the Zulu- “simply about determining to get
that threatened to mar the his- led Inkatha Freedom Party, on together.”
toric break from apartheid in the which claimed to have more than Mr. Buthelezi was also prag-
1990s, only to reach a last-min- 1 million members at his peak. matic in his assessment of why
ute pact with political rival Nel- He would at times put aside he backed off his showdown with
son Mandela before elections his Western-style suits and take the ANC. “We did it,” he told
that brought the country’s first on the mantle of a Zulu warrior, Reuters in 2003, “to end a low-i-
Black-led government, died Sept. wearing leopard skins and bran- ntensity civil war.”
9 at 95. dishing spears to fire up support-
The death was announced by ers. “Violence is not alien to us. Zulu royalty
South Africa’s president, Cyril War is not alien to us,” he told Mangosuthu Gatsha Buthelezi
Ramaphosa, but no cause was more than 8,000 people at a 1986 was born Aug. 27, 1928, in Mahla-
noted. South African media re- ceremony honoring Shaka Zulu, bathini, South Africa. His father
ported that Mr. Buthelezi died at an exalted Zulu king from the was a Zulu chief, and his mother
his home in Ulundi in the Kwa- early 19th century. was a princess and descendant of
Zulu-Natal province. A contest between the ANC King Cetshwayo, who led Zulu
A scion of Zulu royalty in one and Inkatha for political control forces against the British during
of South Africa’s most influential of KwaZulu and elsewhere an 1879 war. Mr. Buthelezi played
ethnic groups, Mr. Buthelezi touched off years of internecine the monarch in the 1964 film
(pronounced boo-teh-LAY-zee) bloodshed, which included hor- “Zulu,” which chronicled a Brit-
built a political base during rific retributions known as ish contingent facing a Zulu
apartheid that tapped into Zulu “necklacing,” in which a tire siege.
nationalism and opposition to filled with gasoline was placed Mr. Buthelezi studied at the
then-jailed Mandela and his Afri- around the victim’s neck and set University of Fort Hare from
can National Congress. Mr. blaze. Thousands of people were AlexAnder Joe/AFP/getty ImAges 1948 to 1950 before being ex-
Buthelezi broke with the group killed in clashes from 1987 to Mangosuthu Buthelezi in 1994 after South Africa’s first elections open to all voters. Nelson Mandela’s pelled for joining political pro-
in the 1970s and carved out an 1991. African National Congress won in a landslide, and Mandela became the nation’s first Black president. tests with the ANC’s youth wing.
enigmatic political brand that At the same time, apartheid He later received a degree from
juggled apparent contradictions was heading toward its end. vote. The results were attributed the University of Natal.
and multiple identities. Mandela was freed in 1990 after in part to backlash over deals He rose through various terri-
Mr. Buthelezi fiercely de- 27 years in custody, and the ban made by Mr. Buthelezi to control torial posts, including winning a
nounced South Africa’s White- on the ANC was lifted, opening KwaZulu, including revelations seat in the KwaZulu legislative
rule system but was seen by the way for talks with the govern- in 1991 that de Klerk’s govern- assembly in 1972. In the mid-
many Black critics, including ment of President F.W. de Klerk ment had secretly channeled 1970s, he began rebuilding the
members of Mandela’s ANC, as to draft a new constitution and money to Mr. Buthelezi’s forces Inkatha movement as his power
complicit in apartheid by becom- phase out White rule. Suddenly, in their battles against the ANC. base. He stepped down as party
ing prime minister of KwaZulu, Mr. Buthelezi was worried about But Mandela recognized Mr. leader in 2019.
one of the Black “homelands” set being left on the sidelines. Buthelezi was better in the fold He married Irene Mzila in
up to further entrench segrega- With his mix of charisma, than outside. He was appointed 1952 and declined to take addi-
tion and divide Black South Afri- connections and firebrand self- minister of home affairs, a posi- tional wives as permitted under
cans along tribal lines. confidence, Mr. Buthelezi tion he kept until 2004 under Zulu customs. She died in 2019.
During the 1980s, Mr. worked his way into the dia- Mandela’s successor, Thabo They had eight children. Survi-
Buthelezi increasingly ran Kwa- logue, saying he represented is- Mbeki. De Klerk served as depu- vors include a son and two
Zulu according to his own sues outside the ANC’s main ty president from 1994 to 1996. daughters.
whims, cracking down on oppo- agenda such as free-market prin- South Africa’s Truth and Rec- For years, Mr. Buthelezi wore
nents and doling out patronage ciples and tribal and ethnic onciliation Commission, created a ribbon to draw attention to
and jobs to allies. rights. He also had numbers on to examine policies and abuses HIV and AIDS, which he said
While Mandela remained his side. Zulus account for nearly during the apartheid decades, claimed the lives of three of his
jailed at the Robben Island pris- a quarter of the nation’s Black concluded as part of a 3,500-page children. (Two others died in car
on, Mr. Buthelezi also adopted a population. AFP/getty ImAges report in 1998 that Mr. Buthelezi crashes.) He was among the first
statesman’s role seeking to “Too weak to rule Black South Mr. Buthelezi sings as Zulus march through Johannesburg in 1992, participated in human rights public figures in South Africa to
squeeze out the ANC — meeting Africa himself, and he is too defying a ban on carrying traditional weapons in public. violations during Inkatha’s at- talk openly about family mem-
with leaders such as President strong for someone else to run it tacks against the ANC. Mr. bers who died because of HIV-re-
Ronald Reagan and British without him,” wrote journalist splintered and at risk of more “I think Mr. Buthelezi looked Buthelezi challenged the find- lated health problems, which
Prime Minister Margaret Michael Massing in a 1987 profile unrest. over the brink and blinked,” ings, and his name was taken out became a politically charged de-
Thatcher. of Mr. Buthelezi in the New York Just days before the voting, South African affairs scholar of the report as part of a court bate after Mbeki questioned the
Mr. Buthelezi presented a pro- Review of Books. Mr. Buthelezi made a stunning Robert Schrire told The Wash- settlement in 2003. scientific evidence that HIV
business alternative that reject- Still, Mr. Buthelezi refused to turnabout: backing the election ington Post at the time. Mr. Buthelezi’s complicated caused AIDS.
ed the ANC’s demands for inter- cool his opposition to the ANC. and saying he would run for The election also left Mr. legacy was evident even in trib- “People [were] always trying
national economic boycotts, say- He threatened a Zulu boycott of president. The decision brought Buthelezi humbled. The ANC utes after his death. A statement to hide the death because there
ing the sanctions hurt Black the country’s first elections open an outpouring of relief from won in a landslide, and Mandela from the Nelson Mandela Foun- was some kind of stigma,” he told
South Africans most of all. Mr. to all voters in 1994, raising deep world capitals and financial mar- became the country’s first Black dation said the two leaders rep- the South African broadcaster
Buthelezi also gained stature fears that apartheid would be kets — as well as a scramble to president; Mr. Buthelezi’s resented a type of reconciliation SABC. “I was trying to get rid of
among White South Africans by replaced by a country politically update the ballots. Inkatha took 10.5 percent of the that “had no need of forgiveness, the stigma.”

Marc Bohan, 97

French fashion designer defined elegance at Dior for nearly 30 years

BY B RIAN M URPHY chief. “[Hartnell] never did anything
The success of Mr. Bohan’s 1961 vulgar, so I thought, ‘Why not?’”
Marc Bohan, a French fashion debut was a huge relief. Boussac he told the Los Angeles Times.
designer who embraced classic felt vindicated. And Mr. Bohan Mr. Bohan stayed until 1992.
lines and understated elegance knew he survived a make-or- During his long career, Mr.
over three decades as creative break moment, with many in Par- Bohan always wore a traditional
director at Christian Dior, elevat- is’s fashion community still sym- white smock used in couture stu-
ing the house’s status as a pillar of pathetic to the young and brash dios making clothes sought by
Parisian couture with clients in- Saint Laurent. clients. “I gladly leave,” he said,
cluding Lauren Bacall, Sophia Lo- During a 1963 interview with “the abstract creations to others.”
ren and Monaco’s Princess Grace, Vogue magazine, Mr. Bohan gave Roger Maurice Louis Bohan
died Sept. 6 at his home in Châtil- Dior another boost with a com- was born in the southern Paris
lon-sur-Seine, France. He was 97. ment that long endeared the suburb of Sceaux on Aug. 22,
A statement by Dior an- house to its clients: “N’oubliez 1926. His father worked in a bank,
nounced the death but did not pas la femme,” or “Don’t forget and his mother was a milliner.
mention a specific cause. the woman.” She introduced her son to fashion
Mr. Bohan was among the last “I’m not showing clothes as if but discouraged him from the
designers from an era when they were in a store window,” he volatile world of haute couture.
French ateliers dominated the told the New York Times in 1990. Mr. Bohan enrolled in univer-
fashion world and later, as ready- “I’m interested in why women sity to study finance. He soon left
to-wear lines took control, he was dress the way they do.” for apprenticeships in couture
caretaker of Dior’s reputation for In his 1966 fall couture collec- houses in Paris starting with Rob-
tradition and sophistication. tion, he borrowed from movie ert Piguet, who had mentored
When off-the-rack labels copied scenes of snowbound Russia in Christian Dior, and then under
parts of his couture designs, he the popular 1965 film “Doctor Edward Molyneux. (He said a
took it as a sign he was doing Zhivago,” with fur-trimmed coats colleague at one studio had his
something right. tailored in Russian style. Some same name; he then adopted
“What I’m trying to do is create called it his “tin soldier” look. In Marc and kept using it.)
luxury,” he told Women’s Wear guy mArIneAu/getty ImAges 1968, Mr. Bohan evoked North Mr. Bohan opened his own
Daily in 1970. “Quality. By taste. Marc Bohan with models in Dior’s design studio in Paris in 1986. “My style remained constant over my African Berber culture with tur- Paris salon on the prestigious
By simplicity. Something very re- career,” he said. “I wasn’t designing for anybody except for the women who were my clients.” ban-wrap hats and flowing dress- Avenue George V but struggled
fined. Very elegant. Not showy at es cinched by belts. financially and was forced to
all. That is true elegance. And so es. Mr. Bohan went on to design attendants began wearing Mr. Bo- an war for independence. He re- For a 1987 runway show, Mr. close.
few understand it.” for other stars including Bacall, han’s designs of dresses with turned emotionally scarred, suf- Bohan went back to some of At Dior, he moved beyond cou-
With his debut 1961 collection Loren and Melina Mercouri and waist-length jackets. fering from what was described Christian Dior’s favorite patterns, ture to reach new customers,
at Dior, Mr. Bohan made an in- crafted outfits for films including “My style remained constant as a “nervous breakdown.” lilies and panther spots, after he launching ready-to-wear lines for
stant mark. He surprised review- the psychological thriller “Secret over my career,” he said. “I wasn’t Mr. Bohan had just two years founded the house in 1946. “It women and men as well as chil-
ers with 1920s-influenced styles Ceremony” (1968) starring Taylor. designing for anybody except for under his belt at Dior, hired by was a bit of 50’s spirit in the air,” dren, called Baby Dior. He won
emphasizing slim silhouettes on In the 1964 drama “Hush … Hush, the women who were my clients.” Marcel Boussac, a cotton mag- Mr. Bohan told The Washington the Golden Thimble Award, a
floral-print dresses, tailored suits Sweet Charlotte,” Olivia de Havil- Yet his influence in the fashion nate whose fortune helped create Post. It also was one of his last prize from international fashion
and his own take on Dior’s little land wore a green silk chiffon world was not matched by recog- the house. collections for Dior. journalists, in 1983 and 1988.
black dress by adding flapper- dress by Mr. Bohan in one scene, nition among the general public. Boussac had always been un- He stepped down in 1989 un- Mr. Bohan’s first wife, Dom-
style layers. These touches of creating a wispy contrast as Char- Mr. Bohan’s designs nearly always easy about Saint Laurent’s youth- der pressure by the fashion inique Gaborit, was killed in a car
playfulness began recurring lotte (Bette Davis) slipped deeper carried the name Dior rather than oriented designs and experimen- house’s owner, investor Bernard accident in 1962. His second wife,
themes for Mr. Bohan, who often into madness. his own. Meanwhile, the designer tation, which included a 1960 Arnault, who acquired Dior in Huguette Rinjonneau, died in
added elements such as subtle Grace Kelly, the princess of he replaced as Dior’s chief style show of beatnik-esque turtle- 1984 to later become part of his 2018. He had a daughter from his
beading or bows as counterpoints Monaco, became a loyal client visionary, Yves Saint Laurent, necks and leather jackets. Mr. growing luxury brand empire, first marriage.
to his refined lines. and asked Mr. Bohan to design built one of the world’s best- Bohan had learned the haute cou- LVMH. Arnault’s choice for Mr. Complete information on sur-
The show received a glowing the wedding dress for her daugh- known personal brands. ture trade under established de- Bohan’s replacement, Italian de- vivors was not immediately avail-
reception. French state radio ter Princess Caroline in 1978. He Mr. Bohan appeared content at signers such as Jean Patou and signer Gianfranco Ferré, stirred able.
called it the house’s best work created a white gown for the letting the Dior name shine. He was seen by Boussac as someone some protests in France over an Mr. Bohan found inspiration in
since the death of its namesake Empress Farah, wife of Iran’s described it as his way of honor- who better understood clients “outsider” gaining creative con- unexpected places. In 1980, he
and founder, Christian Dior, in shah, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, ing the trust bestowed by the and their needs. trol. unveiled a line of parkas in silk
1957. Mr. Bohan was mobbed by for his coronation in 1967. fashion house during what was Mr. Bohan was sent to head A few months later, Mr. Bohan and terry cloth with a drawstring
well-wishers at the event. “Chairs Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis so dubbed “Dior’s dilemma.” Dior’s London operations in 1958. received an offer to design for the at the waist. The idea came from
were toppled. Champagne glasses admired Bohan’s designs that she Saint Laurent, who was named When it became evident that London couture house founded discount racks.
were broken,” fashion journalist had them reinterpreted by her the fashion house’s artistic chief Saint Laurent needed time to by the late Norman Hartnell, who “‘We kept buying them in
Carrie Donovan wrote in the New official stylist, Oleg Cassini, and after the founder’s death, was recover, Boussac paid off his con- had dressed Queen Elizabeth II Army-Navy stores in America,” he
York Times. the couture copy studio Chez Ni- conscripted to French military tract and brought Mr. Bohan back and the Queen Mother for dec- said, “because they were so com-
Elizabeth Taylor ordered dress- non. In 1962, Air France flight service in 1960 during the Algeri- to Paris as Dior’s new design ades. fortable.”
friday, september 22 , 2023 . the washington post EZ RE B5

“Bernie” On Thursday, September 21,
Bernard “Bernie” James Rafferty of Clarks- 2023, DAVID HILLEL TOPOL of
ville, Maryland passed away on Wednes- Bethesda, MD. Devoted hus-
day, September 13, 2023. He was the be- band of Stacey Topol. Beloved
loved husband to Mary Riley Rafferty. He is father of Samuel, Benjamin
survived, beloved, and remembered by his and Hannah Topol. Loving
daughters, Jessica and Maeve; his sons-in- brother of Rebecca Topol (Emil Mertzel),
law, Eric and Matthew; his four grandchil- Deborah (Lawrence) Topol Rosenberg and
dren, William, Amos James, Julian and Ivy Daniella (Joseph) Topol Slott. Also survived
Marie; his sisters Joan (Chip), Cathy, and by many loving nieces, nephews, family
Colleen (Harry); his brother Michael (Eloy); members and friends. Funeral services
and sister-in-laws, brother-in-laws, nieces, will be held on Sunday, September 24,
nephews, cousins, and friends. A Mass will 2023, 9:30 a.m. at Congregation Beth El
be held on Tuesday, September 26, 2023 at of Montgomery County, 8215 Old George-
11 a.m. at St. Francis of Assisi, 8300 Old town Road, Bethesda, MD. Interment fol-
Columbia Road, Fulton, MD 20759, fol- lowing at Garden of Remembrance Me-
lowed by a Celebration of Life on Tuesday, morial Park, Clarksburg, MD. Shiva will be
September 26, 2023 from 12:15 p.m. to announced. Memorial contributions may
4 p.m. at Ten Oaks Ballroom, 5000 Signal
Bell Lane, Clarksville, MD 21029. In lieu of be made to Congregation Beth El of Mont-
After six years our hearts still ache for you, flowers, please consider a donation to The
(Age 92) Team Drea Foundation www.teamdrea. to TORCHINSKY HEBREW FUNERAL HOME, 11/21/1978 ~ 09/22/2000 (Age 103)
your smile and hugs. A mother’s heart nev- Passed away peacefully at home on Sep- 202-541-1001. Tennyson wrote Passed away on Thursday, September 14,
er heals from the loss of an only child. A org/donate/
tember 5, 2023, exiting as gracefully as “Life is brief but love is long.” 2023. She was preceded in death by her
bright light is your daughter Kennedy. She she lived after a weekend with her fami- Jordan, we think of you husband Leonard Proctor, Sr., and grand-
is a mini-Dillon with your smile, heart and ly. Graduate of Foxcroft School and Bryn with love every day. sons Leonard, III and Gregg Proctor. Left to
laugh. We look forward to the day we are Mawr College, founder & CEO of women’s Your Devoted Family cherish her memory are her son, Leonard;
united with you and your Dad. Love, Mom, fashion retailer Maggie’s (Wayzata and granddaughters, Kimberly Manning and
Steve, Kennedy Shea Collins, Uncle Ron, Minneapolis, MN, Locust Valley, NY and Christina Johnson; great-granddaughter,
Uncle Bob, the Shanahan Clan and your Washington, DC), avid tennis player, scuba Vivian Blue, a sister-in-law; nieces, neph-
Gonzaga brothers 2005. diver and family cheerleader. Beloved wife, ews, other relatives and friends. Cornelia

When the
mother and grandmother. Predeceased by was a lifetime member of Delta Sigma The-
her husband Charles J. (Chuck) Kelly, she ta Sorority, Inc. and several social clubs.
is survived by three daughters, 10 grand-
children and two great-grandchildren. No
services are planned. In lieu of flowers,
the family requests donations to Mission need arises, Visitation will be held at 10 a.m. on Thurs-
day, September 28, 2023, followed by
Mass of Christian Burial at 11 a.m. at St.
Blue (, or The Army Distaff
Foundation ( let families Gabriel Catholic Church, 26 Grant Circle,
NW, Washington, DC 20011. Interment Pri-

PASCHALL find you in the


Funeral Services
(Age 70)
Mark Henry Paschall, of Alexandria, VA,
passed away Wednesday, September 13,
2023. Loving father to Melissa Marie Pas-
chall and Kimberly Ann Paschall; beloved To be seen in the
brother to eight siblings; grandfather to
Ava Smith and Ailey Hanifen. He is also
survived by the loving mother of his chil-
Funeral Services RANCOURT
dren, Vilma Bania Paschall. He will truly be Directory, please call DEATH NOTICE
missed by many. Relatives and friends may
paid Death Notices at
call at Jefferson Funeral Chapel, 5755 Cas-
tlewellan Drive, Alexandria, VA 22315 Sun-
day, September 24, 2023, 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. 202-334-4122.
Memorial service at Our Lady of Lourdes
DEATH NOTICE Catholic Church, 830 23rd Street South, Ar-
lington, VA 22202, Monday, September 25,
2023, 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Inurnment, imme-
diately following Columbia Gardens, 3411
COLICK Arlington Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22201.
Contributions may be made to Kimberly DEATH NOTICE DEATH NOTICE
Paschall, portions of which will be given to
(Age 78)
Of Clinton, MD, passed away on September
a charity in Mark’s name. MALACHIN
13, 2023, after a brief illness. Friends are BONIFACIA IBARRA MALACHIN
invited to a visitation on Saturday, October June 5, 1934 - September 12, 2023 were committed to managing the house-
7, 2023. Visitation 2 p.m. Service to follow Bonifacia, lovingly known as, Bonnie, passed holds of prominent families in the capital
at 3 p.m. at Pope Funeral Homes, 5538 away peacefully at the age of 89 on Sep- city. In 1989, Bonnie transitioned profes-

When the
Marlboro Pike, Forestville, MD 20747. tember 12, 2023 at Carriage Hill in Bethes- sions and began her customer service jour-
da, MD. Born in Curuzú Cuatiá, Argentina ney with Nordstrom. LOUISE RANCOURT
on June 5, 1934. Preceded in death by her Louise Rancourt (nee Was-

need arises,
husband, Pasquino Malachin, her father, Bonnie’s next and, undoubtedly, most som) died on Thursday, Sep-
Leoncio Ibarra and mother, Marcelina Aqui- meaningful chapter in life was that of grand- tember 14, 2023. She was

HARTLEY no, and survived by her younger half-broth-

er, Santos Ibarra. She is also survived by her
mother. She treasured every moment with
her granddaughters. MARY ELIZABETH GONET
born on November 7, 1952
to the late Evelyn (Davis) and


Joan Hattersley Hartley of Vienna, VA,
let families only daughter, Anna Maria (Malachin) Stew-
art and son-in-law, John H. Stewart; and
her two beloved granddaughters, Gabriella
Relatives and friends can visit at Pumphreys
Funeral Home, 7557 Wisconsin Ave., Bethes-
JULY 7, 1929 – SEPTEMBER 13, 2023
On Wednesday September 13, 2023. Rel-
atives and friends are invited to Mary’s
Perry Wassom. She is sur-
vived by her husband of 42 years, Donald
Rancourt and her sister, Leila Wassom of

find you in the

passed away at Reston Hospital Vienna (Gabbi) Stewart and Sofia (Sofie) Stewart. da, MD, Friday, October 6, from 5 to 7 p.m. life celebration at Money & King Funeral Greenbelt, MD.
September 13, 2023. Beloved mother, She is further survived by numerous niec- and a Mass of Christian Burial will be held on Home, 171 West Maple Avenue, Vienna, VA
grandmother, great grandmother and es, nephews, extended relatives and close Saturday, October 7 at 11 a.m. at the Shrine on Monday, September 25, 2023 from 2 to Louise worked for the State of Maryland as
a Property Tax Assessor. She and Don lived

Funeral Services
teacher. friends. of the Most Blessed Sacrament, 3630 Que- 4 and 6 to 8 p.m. Mass of Christian Buri-
sada St. NW, Washington, DC 20015. Private al will be celebrated at Our Lady of Good in Maryland until 2013 when they moved
She is survived by her sons; Paul, Christo- Bonnie was born in the small town of interment. Counsel, 8601 Wolftrap Road, SE, Vienna, to The Villages, FL.
Curuzú Cuatiá in Northern Argentina. At the

pher and his wife Heidi, and David and his VA on Tuesday, September 26, 2023 at 11
wife Pearl; her grandchildren, Christopher, age of 18, she moved to the capital city, Bue- In lieu of flowers, please consider donat- a.m. Interment will follow at Fairfax Memo- Louise was a kind-hearted, outgoing, and
Andrew, Kristina, Jonathan, Benjamin, and nos Aires, to work as a full-time nanny and ing to one of the very worthy charities that rial Park. Full obituary and link to streamed energetic person who enjoyed her daily
Kate. She is also survived by five nieces cook for a family that would later become were meaningful to Bonnie. church service can be found at cups of Dunkin coffee. Her main hobbies
and nephews, and eight great grandchil- like her own. In 1966, Bonnie made the bold were cruising and playing Mah Jongg.
dren. decision to leave her homeland and travel to Alzheimer’s Association
the USA to find new opportunities. ( Viewing will be held at Borgwardt Funer-
There will be a viewing Friday, September
22 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Money and King,
To be seen in the Washington, DC is where Bonnie began to
American Red Cross
al Home, 4400 Powder Mill Rd., Beltsville,
MD on Tuesday, September 26, from 2 to
4 and 6 to 8 p.m. where a prayer service
171 Maple Ave., Vienna, VA 220180.
Funeral Services establish new roots. In 1972, Bonnie married
Pasquale Malachin during a small civil cere-
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
( will be held on Wednesday, September 27,
mony in Washington, DC, and in 1973 they Lupus Foundation of America at 10 a.m. Interment will be held at George
A funeral service will be Saturday, Septem-
ber 23 at 1 p.m. This Service will be on the Directory, please call had their first and only child, Anna Maria
(Malachin) Stewart. The next two decades
( Washington Cemetery, Adelphi, MD at 11
Churches Facebook for those who cannot
make the Service. There will be a reception
at the Church following the service, Em-
paid Death Notices

manuel Lutheran, 2589 Chain Bridge Rd.,

Vienna, VA 22181.
at 202-334-4122. MARGOLIS
In lieu of flowers you may also consider
donating to Emmanuel Lutheran Youth She worked in labor relations at the News-
Programs at paper Association of America and then as
an administrative assistant for Millennium
Please view and sign the family’s guest- Bank for several years each.
book at
Debby is preceded in death by her husband,
DEATH NOTICE David Margolis, and her parents, David and
Ruth Lipman.
DREILINGER Debby is survived by her daughter, Cheryl
Margolis, of Fairfax, VA; her daughter, Kim-
MONDAY- FRIDAY 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
SATURDAY-SUNDAY 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.
berly Margolis (James Mackie), of Bristow,
DR. CRAIG LEWIS DREILINGER (Age 73) VA; grandchildren, Nathaniel, Owen, and
To place a notice, call:
On Wednesday, September 20,
in a volunteer capacity as chairman of the
board for over ten years at Innisfree Village,
Audrey Mackie, of Bristow, VA; and will be
missed by her dogs, Luca and Lacy, of Res- NORRIS 800-627-1150 ext 4-4122
PhD., of Cabin John, MD. He a community for adults with disabilities, ton, VA
was a beloved husband, father, where his brother was a resident.
grandfather, mentor, and psy- Craig enjoyed being behind-the-scenes, Memorials may be given to The American Email and faxes MUST include
chologist. Husband of 48 years coaching both seasoned executives and Cancer Society. name, home address & home phone #
to N. Amanda Ford. Father of Aaron (Jaime) emerging leaders to succeed in their roles. The family of Debby wishes to extend our of the responsible billing party.
Dreilinger and Rebecca (Andrew) Einhorn. He loved helping young professionals dis- sincere thanks to the staff at Reston Hos- Email deadline - 3 p.m. daily
He so loved his family, including his five cover their full career potential. He was a DEBORAH L. MARGOLIS pital, Prince William Hospital, INOVA Fairfax Phone-In deadline
grandchildren. seasoned traveler; lover of books, movies (Age 80) Hospital, INOVA Fairfax Inpatient Rehabili- 4 p.m. M-F
Craig grew up in Long Island, New York and and classical music; pursuer of knowledge tation, Virginia Cancer Specialists, The Gar- 3 p.m. Sa-Su
Deborah L. Margolis of Reston, VA, passed
became graduate of Hofstra University and and learning; animated storyteller, much to away after a year-long battle with lung can- dens of Fair Oaks, and ProMedica Hospice
for all of their phenomenal care over the CURRENT 2023 RATES:
an outspoken political advocate in his youth. his grandkids’ delight; and longtime mem- cer on September 14, 2023 in Fairfax, VA. ( PER DAY)
He went on to receive his PhD in psychology ber of Congregation Beth El of Bethesda past year.
from the University of Maryland and taught Maryland. Debby was born in New Britain, CT to David
at the University of Michigan and the George Funeral services will be held on Friday, A memorial/reception will be held 1 p.m. to MONDAY-SATURDAY
and Ruth Lipman on November 11, 1942. Black & White
Washington University. September 22, 2023, 12:30 p.m. at Con- She attended Conard High School in West 3 p.m. Sunday, October 1, 2023 at Nation-
al Funeral Home, 7482 Lee Highway, Falls 1" - $155 (text only)
Known by many as Dr. Craig, he was gen- gregation Beth El of Montgomery County, Hartford, CT. She married David Margolis on 2" - $355 (text only)
erous with his time and poignant with his 8215 Old Georgetown Road, Bethesda, MD May 25, 1969. She graduated from Katherine Church, VA. Arrangements are by National 3" - $505
advice and support, both professionally 20814. Interment following at Garden of Gibbs School. Funeral Home. 4" - $555
and personally. He was known for asking Remembrance Memorial Park, Clarksburg, 5" - $700
questions that cut to the heart of things MD. Memorial contributions may be made ------
and being truly invested in the response. to Congregation Beth EL of Montgomery SUNDAY

As a licensed clinical and management psy- County. Please also consider donating blood Black & White
chologist, he was widely recognized for his to the American Red Cross or to the charity PATRICIA EILEEN NORRIS 1"- $185 (text only)
work assisting organizations to engage in of your choice. Arrangements entrusted to Patricia Eileen Norris, passed away peace- 2" - $390 (text only)
strategic planning and cultural change, and TORCHINSKY HEBREW FUNERAL HOME, 202- fully Wednesday, September 13, 2023. 3" - $560
he was instrumental in the formation of the 541-1001. wedding director and head deaconess at Memorial service will be held on Monday, 4" - $590
Ethics Officers Association. He also served Central Union Church in Honolulu, a choir di- September 25, 2023 at Bennie Smith Fu- 5" - $765
rector and organist at Trinity United Church, neral Home, 717 W. Division St., Dover, DE
and a volunteer receptionist at her daugh- at 11 a.m. Professional services entrusted 6"+ for ALL Black & White notices
to Bennie Smith Funeral Home. Letters of $155 each additional inch Mon - Sat
ter’s business in McLean, Virginia, Sports $185 each additional inch Sunday
Therapy Services Inc. (STS) where she was condolence may be sent and guestbook --------------------
known as “Mrs. P” and welcomed hundreds signed at MONDAY-SATURDAY
of clients by their first names, memorizing Color
They married in 1963 and had two children, their stories and entertaining them with 3" - $650
Michael and Pamela. Ralph worked in the hers. 4" - $700
biomedical and health professions for sev- Mrs. Pickering met her late husband of 5" - $855
eral decades. He was an executive at Sci- 38 years, Kenneth Halpenny, at a dance ------
ence Applications Inc., CDP Associates Inc., for Canadian WW2 soldiers on leave. Mr. SUNDAY

When the
and National Medical Advisory Services Inc. Halpenny and Mrs. Pickering started their Color
In 1983, Ralph and Marian founded R.O.W. journey with music being at the forefront 3" - $685
Sciences Inc., a successful biomedical con- of their relationship. They also won count- 4" - $785
sulting firm, of which he was CEO until his less jitterbug contests dancing to Kay Kyser 5" - $955
retirement in 1997. Active in the community,
he was a board member of Easter Seals and
Co-Chairman of the Healthy Montgomery
and Tommy Dorsey. Together they started
a family, which included their daughters,
Pamela Shestalo of Ottawa, Ontario, and
need arises, 6"+ for ALL color notices
$260 each additional inch Mon - Sat
$290 each additional inch Sunday
Ralph was deeply devoted to his fami-
ly, extended family and “adopted family,”
Phyllis Doreen Pickering, a longtime resi-
Gillian Rowan (Robert) of McLean, Virginia
and Honolulu, Hawaii. Mrs. Pickering and Mr.
Halpenny moved to Honolulu in 1971 where let families Notices with photos begin at 3"
(All photos add 2" to your notice.)

find you in the

which often included Pamela and Michael’s dent of The Jefferson in Arlington, Virginia she lived for 24 years. She then moved to
friends. He was the kind of person who passed away peacefully on September London, Ontario for two years to be fol- ALL NOTICES MUST BE PREPAID
could make you feel at home while leaving 7, 2023 at the age of 100. Mrs. Pickering lowed by her move to McLean to be with
you awestruck at the same time. He loved was the daughter of the late Hubert Smith her daughter and grandchildren. Mrs. Pick- MEMORIAL PLAQUES:


to be surrounded by his family and friends
and told the best stories - the kind you nev-
er forget. He was the first person you called
Armstrong and Maude Armstrong of Sher-
brooke, Quebec, Canada.
Raised in Sherbrooke, Mrs. Pickering at-
ering met her future husband, the late Lang-
don “Pick” Pickering 1990 while in Honolulu
where she spent her winters.
Funeral Services All notices over 2" include
complimentary memorial plaque
Additional plaques start at $26 each

Ralph (Joe) Williams passed away on Mon- when advice was needed (he was usually tended Trafalgar School for Girls in Montre- In addition to her daughters, Mrs. Pickering and may be ordered.
day, September 18, 2023 at his home in Po- right) and was generous beyond measure. al. Her mother, a gifted singer, surrounded is survived by her treasured son-in-law, Rob-
tomac, MD with his family by his side. He loved jokes and took pride in coming Mrs. Pickering with music, no doubt mold- ert Rowan, of McLean, Virginia and Honolu- All Paid Death Notices
Ralph was the beloved husband of 60 years up with puns to fit every occasion. When ing her future as a talented musician. Mrs. lu. She has seven grandchildren to include appear on our website through
to Marian Watkins Williams; devoted father he wasn’t entertaining family and friends, Pickering started her musical journey as a Matthew Rowan (Claire), Daniel Merriam
of Michael DeVere Williams (wife, Brooke he enjoyed traveling with Marian, listening child, quickly becoming a highly accom- (Sarah), Christian Rowan (Heather), Carrie
Lehmann) and Pamela Ruth Mebane (hus- to calypso with his now late brother Calvin,
band, Adrian); cherished grandfather of Jus- teasing his grandchildren, playing the piano
plished and recognized classical pianist. She
lived and breathed music with Chopin and
Merriam, Megan Rowan-Martin (Peter), Mi-
chael Merriam, and Heather Dupuis (Simon). To be seen in the LEGACY.COM
Included in all death notices
tin, Eva, Dessa, Rhys and Rose; and loving (even though he really didn’t know how to) Debussy as her favorite composers. Her last She is also survived by her step-daughter, Optional for In Memoriams
brother of Avis, Vilma, Bobby, Wayne, Donna,
and Calvin (deceased 2014).
and coming up with nicknames for every-
recital was on her 90th birthday.
Mrs. Pickering, like her father, was also a
Rachel Bunner (Pickering) of Honolulu. She
will be missed by her 15 great-grandchil-
Funeral Services
He is also survived by his sister-in-law, a
host of brothers-in-law, nieces, nephews,
Family will receive friends on Tuesday, Sep-
tember 26, 2023 from 10 to 11 a.m. at River
gifted artist. She could be found feverishly
sketching people in restaurants and waiting
dren. As Mrs. Pickering’s mobility declined,
she relied on the loving staff at the Jefferson Directory, please call PLEASE NOTE:
Notices must be placed via phone or
and friends. Road Unitarian Universalist Church, 6301
Ralph (known as Joe to close friends and River Road, Bethesda, MD, where a funeral
rooms, offering them her creations upon
their departure.
and her aid, our angel, Zeynia Hassan. We
are also grateful for the love and support paid Death Notices email. Photos must be emailed. You can
no longer place notices, drop off photos
family) Williams was born on May 21, 1938 service will be held at 11 a.m. Interment to Always the proper Canadian, Mrs. Pickering she was given by her aids, Seada Ebrahim,
in Mt. Rose, Grenada, West Indies to the
late Ruth Nyack and Ralph Williams, a well-
follow at Parklawn Memorial Park, Rockville,
MD. Consider making a donation in Ralph’s
reflected elegance and dignity through her
impeccable dress and gracious manners.
Meseret Wrufael, and her nurses, Alicia and
Jane. She will be deeply missed by her fam-
at 202-334-4122. and make payment in person.
Payment must be made via phone with
debit/credit card.
known businessman and politician. Ralph name at: Through the years, Mrs. Pickering sat on ily, many dedicated friends and caretakers.
left his home country in 1958 to attend DCMDVA/ Please view and sign the family multiple boards to include Armstrong Dis- A memorial service will be held on Saturday,
Howard University in Washington, DC, where guest book at: tributors, Armstrong Realtors, Sherbrooke October 7, at 11 a.m. at St. John’s Episcopal
he earned his B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Biology. Hospital, The Kachoo Club, and The Jeffer- Church in McLean, VA.
While at Howard, he met his wife, Marian. son. She was also an active volunteer, a

POST YOUR When the need arises, POST YOUR

CONDOLENCES let families find you in the CONDOLENCES
Now death notices on Funeral Services Directory. Now death notices on allow you allow you
to express your sympathy with greater ease. To be seen in the Funeral Services Directory, to express your sympathy with greater ease.
Visit today. please call paid Death Notices at 202-334-4122. Visit today.

B6 eZ re The washingTon posT . friday, sepTember 22 , 2023

The Weather . TwiTTer: @capiTalweaTher .

Increasing clouds Today Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday OFFiCiaL rEC O rD
Partly cloudy tropical a little rain low clouds turning cloudy clouds and
Clouds will lower and thicken rainstorm sun Temperatures aVeraGe recorD actual forecast

through the day, but it should

stay dry. We’ll see mid- to
upper 70s for highs in most
spots, with rain approaching by
the evening.

76° 60 ° 63° 59 ° 68° 59 ° 74° 60 ° 72° 58 ° 71° 56 °

feels*: 74° feels: 59° feels: 64° feels: 72° feels: 71° feels: 73°
chNce PreciP: 5% P: 95% P: 80% P: 20% P: 20% P: 25%
WiND: nE 8–16 mph W: nnE 10–20 mph W: nW 10–20 mph W: nnW 7–14 mph W: nnE 6–12 mph W: nnW 3–6 mph
huMiDity: Moderate h: Moderate h: Moderate h: Moderate h: Moderate h: Moderate
su M tu W Th f sa su M tu W Th f sa su
statistics through 5 p.m. Thursday

rEgiOn naTiO n Weather map features for noon today.

national Dulles BWi
high 80° 2:00 p.m. 81° 2:12 p.m. 79° 1:41 p.m.
low 60° 6:11 a.m. 54° 5:00 a.m. 54° 5:36 a.m.
harrisburg Philadelphia
74/59 Normal 79°/62° 77°/56° 78°/57°
75/58 record high 96° 1895 92° 1965 96° 1931
hagerstown record low 41° 1956 33° 1962 37° 1962
75/59 Dover Difference from 30–yr. avg. (national): this month: +2.8° yr. to date: +1.9°
Davis cape May Precipitation PreVious year NorMal latest
Washington annapolis
65/49 76/60 73/63
73/62 oceaN: 69°

charlottesville ocean city

76/57 74/67
oceaN: 70°
75/62 Virginia Beach
76/68 national Dulles BWi
Norfolk oceaN: 72°
76/67 Past 24 hours 0.00" 0.00" 0.00"
total this month 1.34" 3.61" 3.93"
kitty hawk
Normal 2.78" 2.74" 3.08"
oceaN: 75° total this year 23.83" 22.83" 28.83"
Normal 30.69" 31.96" 32.86"
Pollen: High air Quality: Moderate
Grass low Dominant cause: ozone
trees low
Weeds Moderate Uv: Moderate Moon Phases Solar system
Mold high 4 out of 11+
rise Set
Sun 6:55 a.m. 7:06 p.m.
Blue ridge: today, partly sunnyshine; areas of morning Moon 2:40 p.m. 11:35 p.m.
t-storms rain showers snow flurries ice cold front Warm front stationary front Sep 22 Sep 29 Oct 6 Oct 14
fog. high 55 to 64. Winds northeast 7–14 mph. tonight, Yesterday's national World
first full last New
venus 3:39 a.m. 5:00 p.m.
a little rain at times. cloudy in central parts; increasing High: eagle lake, tX 103° High: omidieh, iran 114° Mars 8:24 a.m. 7:49 p.m.
Quarter Quarter
<–10 –0s 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100s 110+ Low: klamath falls, or 26° Low: stefansson island, canada 18° Jupiter 9:03 p.m. 10:49 a.m.
clouds elsewhere. low 48 to 52. Winds northeast 8–16 for the 48 contiguous states excludes antarctica Saturn 6:01 p.m. 4:45 a.m.
mph. saturday, tropical rainstorm.
naTiOnaL today tomorrow Des Moines 77/65/t 82/64/t Oklahoma City 87/71/t 91/68/t WOrLD today tomorrow Islamabad 88/70/pc 90/70/t Rio de Janeiro 85/74/s 81/73/s
atlantic beaches: today, mostly cloudy, breezy; a little Detroit 78/57/s 76/53/s Omaha 82/64/t 80/54/r Addis Ababa 70/55/sh 73/56/pc Istanbul 80/66/s 84/67/s Riyadh 108/82/pc 109/82/s
rain, wind this afternoon; however, dry in the north. high Albany, NY 74/52/pc 65/51/r El Paso 96/70/s 98/70/s Orlando 88/68/t 89/69/pc Amsterdam 61/51/sh 62/49/sh Jerusalem 87/65/s 89/65/s Rome 82/66/pc 77/57/sh
72 to 76. Winds northeast 12–25 mph. tonight, tropical Albuquerque 84/59/s 78/59/c Fairbanks, AK 46/31/c 47/29/pc Philadelphia 74/59/pc 64/60/r Athens 87/70/s 89/71/s Johannesburg 85/59/s 85/58/pc San Salvador 90/69/t 89/70/t
rainstorm; watch for coastal flooding and beach erosion. Anchorage 52/38/pc 53/38/pc Fargo, ND 80/63/t 73/59/r Phoenix 96/75/pc 98/75/pc Auckland 65/59/r 67/54/r Kabul 84/55/s 81/56/s Santiago 62/50/c 66/45/pc
low 62 to 67. Atlanta 83/61/s 83/60/s Hartford, CT 73/53/pc 60/51/r Pittsburgh 76/53/pc 68/52/c Baghdad 111/77/s 109/76/pc Kingston, Jam. 94/81/t 93/81/t Sarajevo 84/55/pc 77/57/c
Austin 98/76/pc 98/74/pc Honolulu 90/76/sh 91/77/sh Portland, ME 67/49/pc 61/49/r Bangkok 94/79/t 93/79/t Kolkata 89/80/t 90/80/t Seoul 82/59/s 83/63/pc
Waterways: Upper Potomac River: today, sunshine, some clouds. Baltimore 75/59/c 63/59/r Houston 95/76/pc 94/75/s Portland, OR 79/56/pc 69/56/r Beijing 84/59/c 76/57/s Kyiv 79/59/s 82/61/s Shanghai 75/68/r 76/70/r
Wind northeast 7–14 knots. Waves 2 feet or less. Visibility clear. Billings, MT 61/51/r 65/47/r Indianapolis 85/57/s 83/53/pc Providence, RI 71/55/pc 62/56/r Berlin 67/53/sh 67/49/s Lagos 86/75/t 83/75/t Singapore 85/77/t 89/77/pc
• Lower Potomac and Chesapeake Bay: today, a little rain in the Birmingham 84/61/pc 89/62/s Jackson, MS 92/67/pc 94/68/s Raleigh, NC 77/61/r 67/60/r Bogota 70/48/pc 69/49/sh Lima 70/64/pc 70/65/pc Stockholm 67/51/r 62/48/pc
afternoon. Wind northeast 8–16 knots. Waves 1–2 feet on the lower Bismarck, ND 66/58/r 65/56/r Jacksonville, FL 84/58/c 84/62/pc Reno, NV 73/47/s 77/47/s Brussels 60/49/sh 62/46/pc Lisbon 74/58/pc 80/60/pc Sydney 67/52/pc 68/52/pc
Boise 69/47/pc 76/51/s Kansas City, MO 81/67/c 83/63/t Richmond 75/62/c 68/57/r Buenos Aires 61/55/c 63/55/pc London 64/47/pc 63/53/pc Taipei City 94/78/s 94/77/s
Potomac; 2–4 feet on the chesapeake Bay.• River Stages: The stage
Boston 69/57/s 63/57/r Las Vegas 85/69/pc 88/66/c Sacramento 82/54/s 82/54/s Cairo 92/73/s 93/72/s Madrid 71/51/s 74/53/s Tehran 86/68/s 85/67/s
at little falls will be around 2.70 feet today, falling to 2.60 saturday. Buffalo 78/52/s 71/52/c Little Rock 88/69/t 91/68/pc St. Louis 81/64/t 87/65/pc Manila 90/78/t 87/78/t Tokyo 84/71/t 77/68/sh
Caracas 79/66/t 81/66/t
flood stage at little falls is 10 feet. Burlington, VT 74/54/s 69/52/c Los Angeles 75/62/c 78/59/pc St. Thomas, VI 91/81/t 91/81/s Copenhagen 67/56/c 64/51/sh Mexico City 82/56/pc 83/55/s Toronto 71/55/s 71/56/c
Charleston, SC 80/65/c 80/60/c Louisville 88/61/s 85/56/s Salt Lake City 64/48/t 71/50/s Dakar 91/80/t 91/80/pc Montreal 74/54/s 72/54/s Vienna 81/57/c 66/54/r
Charleston, WV 80/52/s 69/54/pc Memphis 88/66/pc 90/71/pc San Diego 73/66/c 75/63/pc Dublin 57/40/pc 60/56/r Moscow 75/53/pc 76/54/s Warsaw 79/61/pc 69/54/c
Today’s tides (high tides in Bold)
Charlotte 78/61/pc 72/58/r Miami 88/74/t 87/75/t San Francisco 72/56/pc 70/58/pc Edinburgh 59/39/pc 58/51/pc Mumbai 88/79/t 86/79/r
Key: s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, r-rain,
Washington 1:05 a.m. 8:32 a.m. 1:41 p.m. 8:15 p.m. Cheyenne, WY 75/46/t 71/44/s Milwaukee 76/65/pc 76/62/c San Juan, PR 92/80/t 93/80/t Frankfurt 68/48/pc 66/44/s Nairobi 80/59/c 82/59/pc sh- showers, t-thunderstorms, sf-snow flurries,
Chicago 80/62/pc 79/58/pc Minneapolis 76/62/t 80/59/t Seattle 76/53/pc 66/50/r New Delhi 94/81/t 91/79/sh sn-snow, i-ice
annapolis 5:41 a.m. 9:55 a.m. 4:49 p.m. none Geneva 66/48/sh 64/45/sh
Cincinnati 84/56/s 79/54/s Nashville 87/60/s 89/56/s Spokane, WA 61/47/s 69/50/pc Oslo 63/48/r 61/45/sh sources:; us army centralized
Ocean City 12:48 a.m. 6:58 a.m. 1:29 p.m. 8:09 p.m. Ham., Bermuda 84/77/t 85/77/s allergen extract lab (pollen data); (air
Cleveland 78/55/s 72/57/c New Orleans 90/74/s 91/73/s Syracuse 76/52/pc 69/53/pc Helsinki 70/61/pc 64/54/r Ottawa 74/48/s 71/54/s quality data); National Weather service
norfolk 2:43 a.m. 8:44 a.m. 3:16 p.m. 10:02 p.m. Dallas 94/78/pc 96/79/t New York City 71/57/pc 59/55/r Tampa 89/71/t 89/71/s Ho Chi Minh City 91/77/t 90/76/t Paris 65/49/sh 66/47/pc * accuWeather's realFeel Temperature®
combines over a dozen factors for an accurate
Point Lookout 2:14 a.m. 6:33 a.m. 12:16 p.m. 7:47 p.m. Denver 83/50/s 78/47/s Norfolk 76/67/r 75/62/r Wichita 83/69/t 89/58/t Hong Kong 91/80/c 92/80/sh Prague 64/49/r 64/46/c measure of how the conditions really “feel.”


Lawmakers seek recognition of tribe that was erased by ‘paper genocide’

BY J USTIN W M. M OYER years. said a statement from Rep. Abigail made with us in the past and ereignty, or the right to self-
If passed, the Patawomeck In- Spanberger (D-Va.), a sponsor of broken,” Hatch said in an inter- government — ensuring that deci-
A bipartisan group of Virginia dian Tribe of Virginia Federal Rec- the bill. view. “It creates a government-to- sions about tribes’ property and
legislators introduced a bill in ognition Act would offer federal Brad Hatch, the chair of the government relationship between citizens are made with their par-
Congress this week to secure fed- benefits to the tribe, including tribe’s history, culture and educa- us and the United States. It’s im- ticipation and consent. Most
eral recognition for an Indian resources for economic develop- tion committee and a member of portant to us to maintain our self- tribes received federal recogni-
tribe whose connections to the ment, health care and education, its tribal council, said federal rec- determination.” tion status through treaties, acts
region reach back thousands of as well as access to grant money, ognition would open up opportu- There are more than 570 feder- of Congress, presidential execu-
nities to a historically under- ally recognized tribes, according tive orders, federal administrative
served group devastated by colo- to the Bureau of Indian Affairs, actions or federal court decisions.
nialism. including seven in Virginia. Such The bill, introduced Monday by
“It acknowledges the treaties status means they have tribal sov- Spanberger and co-sponsored by
Rep. Jen A. Kiggans (R-Va.) and

Rep. Jennifer Wexton (D-Va.), said
the Patawomeck Tribe “occupied a
prominent place in the document-
ed history of the first half-century courtesy of chief charles “Bootsie” Bullock

of European contact with the Na- Patawomeck Chief Charles

tive Virginians,” including a meet- “Bootsie” Bullock says federal
ing with Captain John Smith in recognition is “long overdue.”
Oil Heat Natural Gas 1608.
In 1666, the bill said, Virginia Potomac Creek. These communi-
Summer is HERE! declared war on the Patawom- ties, which traded with Virginia’s
BUSINESS Installing Multilayer
ecks, killing most of the men and
enslaving most of the women and
Jamestown colony, are the people
whom Smith encountered cen-
The Narcan battle: Health officials agree that children not already living in Eng- turies later.
easier public access to the overdose antidote Foil Attic Insulation, lish families. By the early 19th In an interview, Spanberger
Narcan is essential in combating the nation’s opioid Blown Insulation and century, many community mem- said she represents nearly 2,000
epidemic. So why did it take a five-year battle for it Air Sealing Can Have bers settled in Stafford and King members of the Patawomeck
to become available over-the-counter? an Immediate Impact George’s counties — but were writ- Tribe. Federal recognition would
on Your Energy Bill! ten out of history by a 1924 state not only bring economic benefits,
law that required all people to be she said, but validate the tribe’s
ARTS & STYLE identified as White or “colored,” place in history.
Rise of the megadealers: Several of the world’s
largest commercial art galleries now have the power
18 Months according to the bill.
“This law, in addition to other
“At the most basic level, it’s the
basic recognition that the United
and influence to rival museums, and their actions are
with aspects of the racialized society States recognizes the history of
upending the art world’s delicate ecosystem.
payments and that existed in Virginia starting in our country,” she said. “It’s the
no interest the late 1600s, effectively erased recognition that, hundreds of
Virginia Indians from the official years ago, there was a vibrant
SPORTS records of the Commonwealth un-
til the middle of the 1900s,
community active in Stafford . . .
and that those individuals contin-
Coaching’s ‘Madden’ generation: Many younger 20% off amounting to a paper genocide,” ue to play an integral part of our
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friday, september 22, 2023

Style eZ Re C

theater review

Putin meet
their match
in Mama

You may have read of Ukraini-

an President Volodymyr Zel-
ensky’s meeting with President
Biden at the White House. But he
has already been appearing
nightly in D.C. — sharing time on
a stage with a prickly old lady in
Kyiv who’s not sure he fully
grasps the gravity of the situation
back home.
That, anyway, is the vision of
AI-aided accessibility in “My
Mama & the Full-scale Invasion”
at Woolly Mammoth Theatre,
sasha Denisova’s sassy world
premiere comedy about the pow-
er of mothers to make the world
safe. Or at least, the way we wish
they could. The play is an irrever-
ent yet affectionate portrait of
the dramatist’s own mother, a
bombastic city dweller who re-
fuses to let a little thing like a
Russian missile dislodge her. In
that sense, it is a study in the
wonderful absurdity of a stub-
bornly resistant woman under
The great gift bestowed on
Denisova and director Yury Urn-
ov is that Mama is played by
Holly Twyford, who again gets
winningly under the skin of an
ebullient character and allows us
to share the saucy pleasure. Her
gravel-voiced, chain-smoking
Mama (the program IDs her as
“Mother,” but naw, she’s Mama) is aMaNda aNdRade-RhoadeS FoR the WaShINgtoN PoSt

a dish of drama queen served

For Tony P, it’s an earnest living

with wry. The portrayal is en-
hanced by the contributions of
two other protean actors, suli
Holum and Lindsay smiling, in
roles credited blandly as “Daugh-
ter” and “Man.”
There’s nothing so neutrally
conceived, though, about “My
Mama & the Full-scale Invasion.” An affable 25-year-old from D.C. mesmerizes fans on Instagram with the blissful banality of his daily routine
The Ukrainian-born Denisova
seizes on an American audience’s
natural heartstrings, both for a BY T RAVIS M . A NDREWS He’s got more than 66,000 on Instagram, where he watching.”

mom who insists on cooking documents his life as an average “25-year-old bachelor

hearty meals while bombs fall n a top floor of a glass-walled apartment in D.C.” eekends are for golfing or nationals games.
and for the country enduring the building on a brutalist stretch of Pennsylva- His life is basic. People love it. This month he’s been sometimes he’ll dance like nobody’s watching,
heartless bombing. (Don’t get nia Avenue, somewhere between the Oval getting hundreds of new followers every day. though he’s aware that tens of thousands are.
Mama started on Russian Presi- Office and the senate chamber, past a bored During the week, he walks 35 minutes to his He records and broadcasts his day-to-day life on
dent Vladimir Putin — whom she concierge, up an elevator, down an endless consulting job, shedding calories that he replaces with Instagram and TikTok. each video is more quotidian
derisively refers to as “the Putin”; hallway, in a sterile apartment filled with rented extra double-chocolate cookies from subway, where he than the last. There are no traces of Gen X irony or
he has a cameo, as does a certain furniture, Tony P studies his salmon. devours “the Tony P special”: a tower of turkey, bacon, cynicism in his content. no snarky anxiety-fueled
more sympathetically evoked He softly sings the “Mister Rogers’ neighborhood” green peppers, lettuce, spinach, onions, a little bit of memes that millennials indulge in. The self-described
leader of the free world, in signa- theme song, even though there are no neighbors rotisserie chicken, dressed with the MVP parmesan “husband-in-waiting” seems, simply, like a kind, young
ture aviator sunglasses.) around. He mounds red and white miso paste into a vinaigrette, on toasted wheat. guy with a life that’s familiar to anyone who spent their
As you may intuit, “My Mama bowl, douses it with rice vinegar, soy sauce and honey, By now you could probably guess that Tony P is in a mid-20s working and dating in Washington.
& the Full-scale Invasion” takes and mixes it into a beige sludge to bathe two meaty kickball league. After games on the national Mall, he “It’s so mundane,” says Tony P. “I’m still like, ‘Wow,
liberties with Aristotelian values, filets. He’s never touched most of these ingredients might hit a happy hour at Astro Beer Hall or one of the this stuff actually does appeal to people.’ They find it
as Denisova reflects on life with before and is going mostly on feel. When the food other Miller Lite-soaked bars every 20-something endearing, I guess, which is nice.”
her charismatic mother, an engi- finishes cooking, he exclaims, “It’s a Christmas mira- professional in D.C. flip-cups through. In the evening, He posts about one video a day, sleeping only five
neer, often from the safety of the cle,” even though it isn’t. It’s just a quiet Tuesday in the he attempts new cod and salmon recipes and winds hours a night to keep up with work and this side hustle.
Daughter’s exile in Poland. some life of Tony P. down with an episode of the original “Law & Order.” His Cameo inbox is full of requests for personalized
ingenious fantasy interludes in- “I’m learning along with my followers,” he says. “If Lennie Briscoe’s not in it,” Tony P says, “I’m not see TONY P On C2
volve Mama’s FaceTime confabs
with the likes of Zelensky, French
President emmanuel Macron “It’s so mundane,” Tony P says about his Instagram posts. “I’m still like, ‘Wow, this stuff actually does appeal to people.’ They find it endearing, I guess, which is nice.”
and German Chancellor Olaf
scholz, which are made to seem

movies in weekend
Aparna Nancherla mines Mystery of the vanishing true crime fan
her mind for laughs BY H OPE C ORRIGAN A recent example is the high-
budget netflix series, “Dahmer:
With any trend, a downturn
can happen as people become
When Paige sciarrino saw her Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer oversaturated with too much of
BY S ONIA R AO neighbor’s car still parked on the story,” starring evan Peters as the the same type of content, said
street after many days, she spi- serial killer, which passed 1 bil- Jean Murley, a professor at sa-
everyone on the internet raled. Have they been murdered? lion hours of viewing time to vannah College of Art and Design
seems to be joking about their Should I go check on them? she become one of the most popular who studies the cultural impact
expend4bles deteriorating mental health these grew more agitated, convincing shows on the streaming service. of the true crime genre. “I think
 days, and it makes Aparna herself that her neighbors were But many families of Dahmer’s we’ve reached the peak with it
explosions + tough-guy quips. 26 nancherla squirm. But also, she victims of a grisly crime. victims spoke out against the right now, and it is going to start
gets it. she did make a name for They were, in fact, on vacation. production, saying they had not waning. I don’t see how long this
herself in the comedy sphere by But sciarrino realized her un- been consulted or even made sustained attention to the genre
sharing her own experiences with founded fears about her neigh- aware of the dramatization of the could last,” she said.
mental illness, after all — often on bors rose from a sense of anxiety last moments their loved ones A steady trickle of defectors
Twitter, where she once posted and paranoia. After examining had. see TRUE CRIME On C3
that “if you can’t handle me at my her habits, one stood out as part
depression then you don’t de- of the problem: her near-
serve me at my sURPRIse! it’s constant consumption of true
anxiety now.” crime. she quit the genre cold
Those memes can act as a cop- turkey for a new Year’s resolu-
invisible Beauty ing mechanism. You’re an “anxi- tion, replacing her many listen-
 ety queen”? Yeah, me too. ing hours of true crime podcasts
lessons of a fashion trailblazer. 27 What baffles nancherla is cor- with music. she found her men-
porations cashing in on this sort VIkINg PeNguIN tal state improved after several
of thing. In her new book, “Unreli- Aparna Nancherla’s new book months.
able narrator: Me, Myself, and isn’t exactly a memoir, but it For years, true crime has been
Impostor syndrome,” the comedi- offers a glimpse into her brain. one of the most popular enter-
an, 41, reflects on how “against all tainment genres, now spanning
odds, anxiety and depression be- any topic gets commodified or movies, shows, books and pod-
came the popular girls, via several swallowed up by the market, it casts. Despite the boom in true
VC-backed makeovers that threw does kind of distort the meaning crime content, the pendulum
off their glasses, de-frizzed their of it. Like, is it a pin I can wear?” may be swinging in the other
hair, and erased their pores.” (It is, technically, because you can direction as some fans, and even
it Lives inside now you can pay real money also pay real money for a “Lex- podcast hosts, grapple with
 for an “Anxiety Queen” T-shirt. apro Girly” pin.) heightened anxiety and qualms
a unique new voice in horror. 28 “It’s a bit surreal. I think once see NANCHERLA On C3 over exploitation of victims. IlluStRatIoN by lucy NalaNd/the WaShINgtoN PoSt; MaRquIS PeRkINS; IStock
C2 eZ Re the washington post . friday, september 22 , 2023

When the trolls come out, Tony P’s fans have his back
TONY P frOm C1

video greetings. In one, he advises

a new D.C. resident named James
to visit all the Smithsonian mu-
seums and to find a signature
brunch place. He also specializes
in decaf roasts, friars Club-style.
“How the hell can you not be good
at chess?” he says to a guy whose
girlfriend requested one, adding:
“You have more time to make a
decision than a quarterback does
in a clean pocket, for the love of
Over the summer, people have
been finding Tony P on Instagram
and TikTok. The algorithm has
been serving him up, too.
Here’s Tony P, trying on dress
Here’s Tony P, going furniture
Here’s Tony P, cooking fish. phoTos by AmAndA AndRAde-RhoAdes FoR The WAshingTon posT

And here’s plenty of Washing- LEFT: Tony P, center, with friends Hugh Jones, left, and Johnny Sterin watching a college football game. RIGHT: A schedule for Tony P’s social media postings.
tonians, all tuning in to Tony P’s
daily schedule of chores and er- He says he was raised “by a arship, was difficult. His dad’s old ing the classmates that he felt “I’m just amazed how someone making cod and spending Sat-
rands. village” that included his grandfa- 2004 Infiniti stood out in the privileged to know.” could talk for nine, 10 hours,” says urdays cleaning is not community
ther Dan ferraro, who would parking lot among all the shinier Still, he seemed to prefer dis- Tony P, “and do it in a way that is service. But he hopes his mundan-

fan account, the P-Hive, quote Shakespeare’s “Twelfth BmWs and mercedes. The aca- cussing philosophical ideas in the so structured, but almost like a ity conveys a version of “positive
posts Tony P-themed Night” — “Some are born great, demics daunted him. Small strug- company of adults. Jason La- lullaby. You’ve heard of ASmr? masculinity.” Or “vibrant mascu-
memes and videos of other some achieve greatness, and gles suddenly felt enormous. He rocque, a St. John’s administrator Johnnie Cochran is ASmr.” linity,” which he partly defines as
people emulating some of his sig- some have greatness thrust upon began losing his temper on the and former red Sox bullpen “showing compassion and empa-

nature moves, such as the “triple- them” — and marie Donahue, his golf course. He fell into a deep catcher, says he was impressed by n the midst of his depression, thy” and “being emotionally vul-
arm cross” in which he widely great-aunt, who became like a depression. He thought about sui- Tony P’s maturity. Tony P decided to run for stu- nerable with people.” related:
crosses his arms three times while second mother to him. When she cide. “I’ve had my challenges in try- dent council. “That’s when He’s considering making mental
showing off an outfit. died in 2012, she left Tony P her One day, after losing a round, ing to figure out my own mascu- things started to change,” he says. health a part of his videos in the
Unbeknownst to Tony P, the fan collection of 70 vinyl records of he chucked two golf balls into the linity and what I believe and val- He started therapy. He leaned on future.
account is run by a group of his Neil Diamond. Two now hang on water. His coach reprimanded ue,” says Larocque, who became a his Catholic faith. The day a dear “I didn’t have a lot of girl-
friends. They thought it could be the wall in his apartment. He him, reminding him that no one is sort of mentor to Tony P. “And I family member died, he got a call friends,” says Tony P. “That always
fun to bolster his content, because wants her close by. bigger than the game. This small think that he was in a similar that he was no longer waitlisted at stuck in my craw a little bit. I was
they love Tony P. from a young age, he was an incident, to Tony P, felt like a place when we started the dia- the University of richmond. always kind of questioning my
“You never feel bad after watch- old soul. That’s what everyone wake-up call. logue about healthy masculinity.” “I’m a religious guy,” says Tony own manhood because of it.”
ing a Tony P video,” says a friend of says. What do I want to be in the P. “I don’t showboat it, but I do In a world in which many

Tony P’s who is the clandestine Tony P pins down how old: 35. hen people meet him, world? Tony P wondered. What believe in things like fate.” young men follow influencers like
manager of the P-Hive and spoke “I’m more of a 35-year-old they can initially think kind of man? At richmond he was elected Andrew Tate, the former kickbox-
on the condition of anonymity. trapped in this body,” says Tony P. it’s sort of an act, that it’s co-president of the student body. er and self-described misogynist,

“It’s not mind-boggling to me sort of fake,” says Jay Pawlyk, Tony ony P has a superpower, “I was never exactly the ath- Tony P is busy listening to the

that he’s getting so much atten- he old soul grew up fast. His P’s high school English teacher. according to his mother. lete,” says Tony P, and “I wasn’t a Carpenters.
tion,” says Tony P’s college friend mother got hooked on pills. “Like, no one is just this upbeat “People are just drawn to ladies man either.”

T.J. Tann, “because he’s one of the He spent years exercising and nice.” him, and he’s compassionate and He says he helped roll out an avid foster Wallace once
most genuine dudes I’ve ever empathy in church basements full In 2017, at the end of senior loving and caring,” says Judie Pol- app to allow victims to bypass argued that irony and ridi-
come across.” of recovering addicts. He saw the year, Tony P — then known as A.J. cari. “He wasn’t a star athlete, and Title IX when reporting sexual cule no longer have a useful
As Tony P racked up more than holes in the social safety net. He — won the school’s Loyalty and he wasn’t a star student. What assault. He helped petition the place in art, calling them “agents
40,000 new followers over the saw his mom work two jobs to pay Service Award, and was he asked came easy to him was people school to remove the names of of a great despair and stasis in U.S.
summer, he became something of rent. Eventually, Tony P presented by the St. John’s administration to being attracted to him.” enslavers from campus buildings, culture.” What is truly radical, he
rorschach test, especially for peo- her with her 15-year sobriety med- give a speech at an awards cer- He’s a practiced talker and which led to a nasty, year-long suggested, is unabashed earnest-
ple in this violently cynical town al. emony for students. Typically the smooth storyteller. He’s watched battle with the board of trustees. ness.
he calls home. His earnestness He also struggled with his own speaker reflects on his or her own the entire trial of O.J. Simpson He insists that others did the “TonyPinDC Instagram ac-
seems otherworldly. His whole- mental health. The transition to experiences at school. three times, and Johnnie Coch- hard work. count — this can’t be real, right?”
someness seems impossible. the prestigious St. John’s Prep in “As is typical of A.J.,” Pawlyk ran’s closing argument 10 to 15 reads the title of one recent red-

Is it a prank or the new punk Danvers, mass., on a partial schol- says, “he gave a speech highlight- times. e graduated in 2021, dit thread about Tony P.
rock? worked briefly in account- Says one comment under-
Who is Tony P, and why can’t ing in Boston, and last year neath: “at first I thought it was a
we stop watching? got a consulting job in D.C., where parody but after watching a
he’s building a life made of noisy bunch of his videos I think he

hen I first stumbled upon happy hours and bespoke Subway really might just be wholesome.”
Tony P’s page, I thought it sandwiches and “morning Joe.” And another: “glad to see
was a bit. my cynical He hints at vague aspirations of someone bucking the hill staffer/
mind, raised on Andy Kaufman running for office eventually. He consultant/etc. stereotype (even if
and Nathan fielder and poisoned recently announced that he is it’s played up for social media it’s
by this job and this town, couldn’t part of “the Subway Squad,” a clearly at least a bit genuine)”
accept that someone could just be brand collaboration that brought At times, the incredulity turns
himself. Be so normal. Be so seem- him to Kansas City earlier this to cruelty on Instagram.
ingly happy, so effortlessly. Nor month for a showcase of his be- “Homies 24 going on 53.”
could I grasp that so many people loved sandwiches. “Consult deez nuts.”
would want to watch someone “most of the time, being Tony P “I just know your grandma
simply live their uneventful life — is great,” says Tony P. “It’s fantas- thinks you’re her most handsome
not in this perpetually frantic age tic.” little consultant!”
of social media. But. Tony P laughs off some of it, like
I had to explore all this — why “But not having somebody, not the comment on Instagram call-
he is doing this, why people are having been with someone for a ing him “short, liberal and lonely.”
watching — which led me to his while — things get a little lonely “I’m taller than ron DeSantis
dining-room table, and a plate of sometimes. They just do. And I and taller than mike Pence,” says
miso salmon and green beans. hope the person’s out there. I Tony P.
Tony P later posted a video of really do.” “He triggers people,” says Tony
our dinner to Instagram. Nearly The question keeps him up at P’s mom. might have something
1,800 people liked it, and many night. to do with his sincerity. Jerks can’t
had a burning question: “Dinner “Am I going to end up alone?” handle sincerity. “I thought the
for 2? Who’s filming? Wine? Cook- wonders Tony P. trolls would kill him,” adds Tony
ing date night?? We need answers P’s mom, “but they only made him

Tony P” ony P never expected to be stronger.”
The answer is just me, a curious recognized on the streets of The cruel comments, says Tony
35-year-old reporter asking about D.C. This is now a near daily P, can be “tough to hear.” His
Tony P’s life. occurrence. All because he took a followers often fight the trolls on
“I was born in methuen, massa- timeout from Washington’s dat- his behalf. An outfit video from
chusetts, a town on the border of ing scene. After two relationships early July attracted particular vit-
New Hampshire,” says Tony P. “I ended back-to-back earlier this riol. “Shirt to jacket cuff ratio is
could crawl to New Hampshire if I year, Tony P took a break from the atrocious,” said one commenter,
wanted to …” game to teach himself domestic “please go to a tailor.”
skills in preparation for that spe- members of the P-Hive — the

is full name is Anthony cial someone. sneaky friends, the gentle strang-
John Polcari. He was a “I want to be the best damn ers — have his back.
working-class townie kid husband I can be,” says Tony P. “I love your page!” commented
north of Boston. “The best father I can be.” one fan. “Comments can be cruel,
His parents divorced when he He decided to record himself don’t let them get to you!”
was 4 years old and he split his learning how to be those things. “Tony P hate will not be tolerat-
time between them. His mother, “I noticed there weren’t a lot of ed,” posted another.
on the way to work, would drop male influencers in their early-to- And another: “WHY ArE U
him off for the day at Whirlaway mid-twenties that did things like GUYS HATING THIS DUDE IS
Golf Shop, by the merrimack riv- cooking, cleaning or running a JUST ENJOYING HImSELf”
er. He developed a swing good CLOCKWISE FROM TOP: Tony P, left, takes a selfie with Zachary Wheeler, who says he’s a fan of house,” he says. “Now that I’m Tony P is indeed enjoying him-
enough to compete on the New Polcari’s. Tony P eats eggs for breakfast at his home. Tony P shows some mementos, including ticket getting a platform, how can I use self, he says. And maybe that’s
England PGA Junior Tour. stubs from Neil Diamond shows he attended with his great-aunt Marie Donahue. it to better benefit people?” enough.

Irreverent ‘My Mama’ explores the power of mothers to make the world safe
THEATER REVIEW frOm C1 cion the Daughter was switched Ukrainian bomb shelter, imagin- implacable American president
at birth. ing Putin on trial for war crimes. and Holum to slither into view as
like two-way conversations by Even if that’s just one of “my mama” gives Denisova the the russian autocrat. The main
projections whiz Kelly Colburn. mama’s crazy notions, the gap opportunity to purge more of her event, however, in costume de-
They’re not so much expressions between them helps explain why rage, and who in an American signer Ivania Stack’s loopy fur-
of mama’s delusions as of the the mother stayed and the audience, not wound up in their lined (bulletproof ?) vest is Twy-
desperation anyone would feel in daughter left. And although Den- own self-serving agendas, ford, asserting mama’s moral au-
dire circumstances for a direct isova never shies from portraying wouldn’t empathize? The play thority. In a play in which even
pipeline to the powerful. mama as an agitated fly-off-the- has that going for it, though the the utilities are under siege, the
The play at other times feels handle type — “Are you trying to mind of beloved mama, whipped actress’s electricity provides the
like the dramatist’s guilty apolo- give me a heart attack?” is the into a patriotic frenzy by the long power, full scale.
gia for leaving Kyiv when her kind of thing mama says to history of Soviet and Putin-led
mother refuses to budge. The offload her anxiety — there is depredations, is itself a vivid My Mama & the Full-Scale
Daughter visits mama in her Kyiv abundant warmth, too, in the window into the toll that oppres- Invasion, by sasha denisova.
flat, a claustrophobic box on picture Denisova draws. sion takes. directed by yury Urnov. sets and
wheels, designed by misha The writer tends to wear her Holum and Smiling, the latter translation, misha Kachman; lighting
Kachman (who also translated own political leanings on her recently named a co-artistic di- Venus gulbranson; costumes, ivania
the script). Their relationship is, sleeve: Another of her recent rector of the Wilma Theater in stack; adapter, Kellie mecleary;
yeah, you guessed it, complicat- works, “The Gaaga” (“The Philadelphia — where “my projections, Kelly Colburn; sound
ed: Science-oriented mama can’t Hague”), produced recently in a mama” will run from Jan. 30 to and music, michael Kiley. About 90
quite believe she had a would-be vacant bar in Cambridge, mass., feb. 18 — get to display their dJ CoRey phoTogRAphy minutes. Through oct. 8 at Woolly
artist in her womb for nine by Arlekin Players Theatre, un- comic chops: Wait especially for Holly Twyford, Suli Holum and Lindsay Smiling in “My Mama & mammoth Theatre, 641 d st. nW.
months, and that feeds her suspi- folded around a little girl in a Smiling to materialize as our the Full-Scale Invasion” at Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company.
friday, september 22 , 2023 . the washington post eZ Re C3

Longtime true crime junkies quit the podcasts, series and more — cold turkey
TRUE CRIME from C1 scared to take a shower alone in ing they no longer label them- crime, but my stomach was crime cold turkey. der mind,” a feeling of paranoia,
her apartment. Consuming true selves a “comedy podcast” after turned by the idea of these two There are ways to engage with anxiety and unease, that required
from the genre is vocal about the crime entertainment felt like an receiving negative feedback. women monetizing the content I these stories that are not addic- her to step back from her writing
pros of quitting. A popular Tik- addiction she could not kick. When the father of a victim had been so hungry for.” tive, murley said. She notes two project and recalibrate by con-
Toker whose bio reads “reformed Whether she was cleaning, show- expressed anger over a live tour Krista Witherspoon, a fitness nonfiction books on the topic, suming other forms of media.
true crime podcaster” uses the ering or driving, the 30-year-old show featuring his daughter’s coach and human resources pro- “Last Call” by Elon Green and Writer Emma Berquist, a sur-
platform to discuss what they would listen to podcasts such as murder case, they canceled that fessional, said she would fall “Killers of the flower moon” by vivor of a random attack, wrote in
consider harmful aspects of the “Crime Junkie,” whose tagline is portion of the show. asleep to television crime series David Grann. (“Last Call” is now Gawker two years ago that she
genre, where fans have been “a weekly true crime podcast The explosion of genre mer- such as “Dr. Death” and “Investi- an HBo docuseries, and martin thinks she “would rather get
known to use epithets such as dedicated to giving you a fix,” and chandise has contributed to the gation ID.” She loved the feeling Scorsese’s movie adaptation of stabbed again than have TikTok
“murderinos,” a person who is “True Crime obsessed,” which growing disquiet. A gift roundup of putting the pieces of a puzzle “Killers of the flower moon” will users descend like vultures on my
interested in murder and serial recaps cases with “humor, heart titled “True Crime Lovers Will together, of getting into the mind be released later this year.) social media.” To her, tales of true
killers, as badges of honor. and sass!” After watching the Kill for These Gifts” includes a of someone else and learning “In the hands of a capable crime are most valuable when
A reddit poster chronicled Dahmer show, she felt uncom- cutting board engraved with what makes them tick. creator, whether it’s a writer or a they reveal mistakes in the sys-
their realization, with the help of fortable he was being idolized Dahmer’s face and the phrase But the allure fizzled when a podcaster or a series creator, true tem that can be righted.
their therapist, that their true online, yet she did not know any “I’ve got to start eating more at podcast host recounted that fam- crime can illuminate some very Chivonna Childs, a counseling
crime consumption was trigger- of the names of his victims. home,” serial killer playing cards ilies of victims would sometimes important things about our jus- psychologist at Cleveland Clinic,
ing their “preexisting fears.” An- “True Crime obsessed” hosts and a doormat that reads “Crime contact them, saying, “Every time tice system, the way it works or said she has suggested to pa-
other said they could not stom- Gillian Pensavalle and Patrick shows have taught me unexpect- you report on this, every time you doesn’t work, things about social tients with anxiety that they
ach the idea of creators profiting Hinds said they recognize the ed visitors are sketchy.” make a big deal of this, new class and race, all of the consider- examine what they consume to
from someone dying. on X, a user impact their podcast can have on mollie Goodfellow, a freelance reporters are coming and asking ations of victims’ voices and who avoid viewing everything
expressed guilt, perhaps in jest, the loved ones of both victims journalist, chronicled her break- us questions, and it’s reopening a gets to tell the story of a murder,” “through a lens of suspicion.” She
over reading true crime stories and listeners. “The genre of true up with true crime after she new wound.” “It’s not just mind- murley said. encourages them to think about
and feeding the demand: “new crime and podcasting has really heard an ad for branded clothing less consumption,” she said. murley said one of her favorite what else they enjoy in life. “We
people have to die for me to get changed a lot. And one of the on a true crime podcast. “I was “This is truly impacting the fami- true crime books is the 2007 are multifaceted people,” she
new content. This is a serious things that’s really important to disgusted,” she wrote in an essay lies of these victims.” In addition memoir “The red Parts” by mag- said. “Who are you besides a true
ethical problem.” us is to sort of stay on top of those for the Guardian. “It’s slightly to being less anxious, Wither- gie Nelson. She wrote that while crime lover? What else do you
Sciarrino, who lives in New changes and to try to change with shameful that this, of all things, spoon said her sleep improved she researched her aunt’s mur- like? Let’s tap into those other
York, said she often would be too the times,” Pensavalle said, add- was what turned me off true after she quit listening to true der, she often slipped into “mur- things.”

Desire to ‘contextualize’ struggles inspired comedy

NANCHERLA from C1 audience: “I also have some de- Nancherla rejects the notion “Unreliable Narrator” isn’t a
pression. I kind of like to do that there is any one way to repre- memoir, nor is it a guide to navi-
released Tuesday, Nancherla’s anxiety for the week, depression sent “a whole group of people who gating a career in entertainment
collection of essays explores this on the weekends. They both have aren’t a monolith.” She compares while dealing with anxiety and
societal conundrum — and oth- custody.” the weight of being a “spokesper- depression. Nancherla would be
ers, including the dogged persis- Her delivery is remarkably son” for people with depression the first to tell you that “there is
tence of impostor syndrome — in nonchalant, if self-deprecating. and anxiety with how entertain- no one-size-fits-all approach to
an attempt to make sense of it all. “If you are sick of hearing about ers from underrepresented racial mental illness,” and the impostor
The desire to “contextualize” her depression & anxiety from me,” backgrounds are often expected syndrome dissuades her from dis-
mental health struggles is what she tweeted in 2019, “imagine to represent their entire commu- pensing advice, anyway.
prompted her to examine them how i feel.” Wedged next to obser- nities. She never really felt “like a The book is, instead, a glimpse
through comedy in the first place, vational jokes on acting classes in good example of a South Asian into the brain of a woman who
a journey that began with an open Los Angeles or the terror of wak- celebrity,” either. works very hard to take care of it.
mic set two decades ago, soon ing up from a nap, the mental “I’ve come to accept only more She started writing the essays
after she started taking antide- health bits come across as just recently that you [can] do some- after worsening anxiety led her to
pressants. “The boundaries of de- that — a bit of her story. thing that’s more specific to you take a break from stand-up. They
pression and anxiety can be so But added up, they become a and it doesn’t have to have huge, tell a story of struggle, skepticism
vague,” she says. “Sometimes, you brand. broad, mainstream appeal,” she and, ultimately, perseverance.
don’t know what’s really you and Though she also acts and has says. “The people who like it, like “Both the comedian brain and
what may be these distorted previously written for shows such it.” a brain subject to anxiety and
thoughts you have.” as “Late Night with Seth meyers” And what would the perfect depression take nothing at face
Stand-up can make things and “Totally Biased with W. Ka- South Asian with anxiety look value,” she writes. “Some of us are
seem less ambiguous. Every joke mau Bell,” Nancherla is known like, anyway? Nancherla has al- lucky to have both — a two-head-
needs a setup and a punchline. most for her material on mental ways forged her own path. Her ed-monster mind.”
on her 2016 comedy album health. The bravery of her candid- first memory of making a crowd
“Just Putting It out There,” ness is underscored by having laugh “in a deliberate and direct
Nancherla states, “I actually find been one of few female South way” was at a youth speech con- Aparna Nancherla started
it weirder to not have anxiety than Asian comedians when she start- test at a Hindu temple in subur- writing her book’s essays after
to have it. Because I feel like if ed out, an experience that also ban Virginia. Asked to talk about worsening anxiety led her to
you’re not scared, you’re not pay- sparked her impostor syndrome. an issue affecting the Indian com- take a break from stand-up. 2022 Photo by iRvin RiveRa/getty iMages foR iMDb

ing attention.” In a Comedy Cen- In “Unreliable Narrator,” she munity, most of her peers re-
tral special that same year, she grapples with these contradic- sponded with the “evergreen
likens anxiety to having “an edgy tions. “maybe being a spokesper- themes of racism, discrimination,
improv group in your brain” that son for anything inherently and representation.” Nancherla
“just needs a one-word sugges- makes you question your rela- stood in front of the gathered LA TIMES CROSSWORD By Laura Dershewitz & Katherine Baicker

tion to spin countless scenarios tionship to it,” she writes. “Per- adults and roasted the Bollywood
that no one’s comfortable with.” haps I should have lawyered up films she grew up watching. ACROSS
Then in a special released as a early on and negotiated a more “To my complete bewilder- 1 Chow down
2018 episode of Netflix’s “The contractual relationship? only ment, my speech went over like 4 Military bigwigs
Standups,” Nancherla informs the partial custody of my brain?” gangbusters,” she writes.
9 Bar codes?
13 Injure severely
15 “This __ to

Volunteer at a nonprofit worries new 16

be good”

fundraising strategy could be dead end 17 College

chem course,
Dear Amy: I have If you still feel strongly about However, friends stay friends by
18 Basketry willow
Ask Amy been a devoted this plan when the next board picking up the pieces when 19 Actress Garr
supporter of a meeting rolls around, you tough things happen, and if it 20 Big name
Amy local nonprofit should openly and with would not break the bank for in 1980s
organization for intention state your concerns, each traveling couple to heartland rock
25 years. I am one without specifically reimburse the covid couple 23 Opening words
of two continuous volunteers undermining this staff member $200, then that is what they 24 “Pomp and
from when the organization was or throwing anyone else under should do. Circumstance”
first founded. When our the bus. The board can then composer
executive director asks, I give take into account your concerns Dear Amy: I was extremely
advice, but I self-monitor and and make a decision about how upset to read your response to
25 Leslie __ Jr. of
don’t insert myself unduly. I to move forward. “Disgruntled Guest” about a
served on the board and at the destination wedding. You noted 28 Not much
end of my term was asked to Dear Amy: four couples agreed that destination weddings 32 Some suede
continue as emeritus to split a very reasonably priced prevent couples from having to kicks
(nonvoting) and attend vacation home with four invite “Grandma Jane and her 37 One who may
meetings. bedrooms and four baths. Each pesky need to use a walker.” I be shorthanded
recently, a staff member couple paid one-fourth of the am seeing absolute red at your at work?
announced a new unrealistic total to the owner in advance. A disrespect for people with 38 Wish undone
financial giving expectation for week before our planned disabilities. © 2023 Tribune Content Agency, LLC. 9/22/23
39 Flag
all board members. Board vacation, one couple contracted — Seeing Red
members promised support, but covid. As two of the other 41 “Baby Cobra” DOWN 30 Part of YOLO 40 Bud 56 Den
their offerings have been weak. travelers were Seeing Red: A handful of comedian 1 Japanese term 31 Wrap that 43 No less than 57 Many an
As a fundraising professional immunocompromised, the covid readers contacted me, very Wong whose similarity shouldn’t be 44 Ark-itect? assignment in
myself, I spoke with the couple chose to cancel, even upset by this phrasing. I 42 Hub city for to “emotion” is microwaved 46 Step up 9-Down
executive director when he though they would probably thought it was obvious through Royal Jordanian coincidental 32 Brit twit 58 Board game
Airlines 47 Low pair
asked and said the approach of have been well enough to travel the context of my response that 2 Crooner Neville with car-shaped
33 Sport that’s big 49 Not now
this staff member was not going by the time the house share was this was a sardonic comment. 45 “If I Were King 3 Snug in Japan tokens
to work. I also met with the to start. my intent was the absolute of the Forest” 52 “Time in
employee at his invitation. And The owner of the house opposite of how some readers 4 Market upswing 34 Sought-after fish a Bottle” 59 “Capisce!”
singer 60 Atkins variant
when I shared best practices, he graciously reduced the price to took it, and I apologize. 5 Scheme 35 Hundred Acre singer
48 Oh so very 61 “Sign me up!”
took over the conversation. He that for three couples and Here is the complete phrase I 6 Spry Wood kid 53 Margins
50 Turn on 62 Gp. headed by
sent a follow-up communication refunded the difference (less used, as a way to illustrate that
an axis 7 Narrow 36 Females with 55 “Will Trent”
showing that he took nothing than one-fourth of the total destination weddings are racing boat pig tails star Rodríguez Jens Stoltenberg
in. It is damaging to set board cost). But this left the covid exclusionary: “marrying couples 51 Medieval
Times prop 8 “__ Nona”:
members up to fail. couple subsidizing the other are using the expense and Tomie dePaola
As a longtime supporter, what three couples by a total of $600. distance as a way to make sure 54 Shot-putter? picture book THURSDAY’S LA TIMES SOLUTION
is my best option here? Should I Some people believe that those that they won’t have to deal 58 Frustratingly 9 English
get more involved, or should I who traveled should equally with Aunt Gladys and her difficult, and major’s course,
step back? As a late-career reimburse the covid couple pickleball obsession, Cousin an apt title for informally
professional, I don’t want to get (who received $0 value) the Steve who is just out of rehab, this puzzle
involved with this employee’s $600, leaving the travelers to or Grandma Jane and her pesky 10 Geometry
63 Brainstorm calculation
unsuccessful strategies, but as a pay the cost of the house. need to use a walker. overall,
deeply committed volunteer I Some think the covid couple the trend reflects a changing
64 Established 11 Wriggly bait
don’t want his efforts to fail and is out of luck since they attitude toward weddings, that 12 Clean up loose
the organization to suffer. Any canceled late, even though the they are not sacred celebrations 65 Tall birds ends, in a way
ideas? owner reduced the total price. bringing two families together, 66 Is appropriate 14 Basketball Hall of
— Dedicated The money is not enough to but photo-ops with spectacular 67 Get 100% Famer Earl “The
change any of their lives in any backdrops.” on the test Pearl” __
Dedicated: As an emeritus way. That is not the issue. 68 Movie theater
board member, your status gives (There was no travel insurance 21 Symphonic finale
amy’s column appears seven days a drink 22 Snags
you an advisory role. You have a involved.) week at 69 Quartet
long-term commitment to this Thoughts? Write to 26 Allowed
for Jennifer
organization. You have — Curious or amy Dickinson, P.o. box 194,
Hudson, 27 Chi-town
professional expertise in freeville, n.y. 13068.  you can also
for short exchange,
fundraising. When this issue Curious: I agree that the covid follow her @askingamy. with “the”
came up during a meeting, you couple is out of luck, much as 70 Question type
29 Dark greenish
should have raised your hand they would be if one had broken © 2023 by amy Dickinson. Distributed by 71 BOS rivals blue
and shared your views. an ankle and could not travel. tribune Content agency.
C4 eZ Re the washington post . friday, september 22 , 2023

Mom-to-be fears that caretaking duties won’t be balanced

Dear Carolyn: me being the “expert” — unless then, though, I wouldn’t gets here. In his belief that the
My partner and I I stop doing extra prep to suggest you split the reading basics are enough, your partner
are expecting our match his level, which doesn’t assignments 50-50. (Nothing, could wind up being the better
first child, and seem fair, either. and I mean nothing, on the list prepared of the two of you for
while we agree in I’ve tried to bring this up of parental responsibilities meeting the unique needs of
theory that we with him — we usually breaks into perfect halves.) your child. Self-confidence and
Carolyn want to do communicate well — but I Instead, I’d urge you to allocate flexibility are not just fancy job
Hax everything 50-50, struggle to articulate my responsibilities based on your titles for slacking.
I am worried that concerns without just accusing natures. You’re the worrier and This is all just speculation,
we are already him of not doing enough. How the reader, so you read. He’s the obviously. But so is your entire
establishing a pattern that can we parent equally with we’ve-got-this guy, so he lives in predicament — which means
could lock me into the role of these very different the chore moment — laundry, you have room and time to try
primary caregiver. We have approaches? dinner prep, being calm … seeing your partner, and your
different approaches: I’m — Meeting in the Middle whatever. There’s enough work partnership, through different
researching different birth for four adults, so you and he lenses. Instead of 50-50 co-
options, plus various debates Meeting in the Middle: Our can certainly find enough to parents, will you work better as
about sleep training, feeding ancestors didn’t learn to be put in his column to balance 100-100 co-parents, where you
schedules, etc., whereas his parents from “The Happiest out your gathering of written both give all you’ve got at what
perspective is that we will be Baby in the Cave.” It is expertise, or other planning, or each of you does best?
taking a birth course and a absolutely valid to go into other preemptive anxiety Articulating that might yield
newborn care course in the parenthood intending to learn management. better results.
next few months, and that we on the job — and your partner If he doesn't have a history
don’t need any additional is engaged well beyond that of letting the big stuff devolve Write to carolyn hax at
preparation. I’m also the one already for having enrolled in to you: then inhale, exhale, get her
carrying the kid, by the way. those two courses with you. trust. column delivered to your inbox
I don’t think his approach is If he has a history of copying Or go one further, and coast each morning at
unreasonable, but I’m still left off your homework, then that on some of his expertise.
feeling that I’m doing way more does make a case for a serious Beyond the basics, you can’t  Join the discussion live at noon
work and prep than he is, and conversation that clears up know what kind of parent your Fridays at
that this will inevitably lead to your roles preemptively. Even child will need until your child nIck gAlIFIAnAkIs FoR the WAshIngton Post chats.

Bob Ross’s first TV painting, dubbed ‘this rascal,’ for sale for $9.9 million
BY J ONATHAN E DWARDS now-defunct PBS station in episode and a third for later use ette and stabbing it into the
Northern Virginia where they in instructional books. In later yellow underbrush of the forest
A little-known painter with a had filmed the episode, Kowalski episodes, Ross marked the TV he had created from nothing. He
poofy perm, aviator eyeglasses said. It was one of three Ross version. explained to his painting proté-
and an unruly brown-gray beard paintings that the station auc- Analysts at Bob Ross Inc. gés that he was adding “sticks
looked into the camera for the tioned off later that year, Nelson synced up footage from the first and stuff ” to build distance and
first time in 1983 and spoke to an wrote. No one remembers the episode with the painting in create depth. He managed to
audience that over the next four exact amount paid by the volun- front of them, checking to see if work in some words of encour-
decades would grow into the teer who bought the painting, his brushstrokes and knife work agement as he did so, asking if
millions and make him one of but if it’s in keeping with others on the small screen jibed with they were “getting excited yet?”
the most famous artists in the sold at that time, she probably the painting in front of them, “You ready to paint with us?”
world. paid less than $100, Nelson add- Kowalski said. After two days, he added. “You can do it.”
“Hi, I’m Bob Ross, and … I’ll be ed. they determined the painting Ross finished “this rascal” by
your host as we experience the After buying it, the woman was authentic. signing his last name in red in
joy of painting,” he said, holding displayed the painting in her “We were able to really zero in the lower left corner. With the
a palette and standing next to a home for the nearly 40 years she watching the video, looking at painting done, he told his audi-
blank canvas. “I think there’s an owned it, Nelson said. He de- the painting and being able to ence that he hoped they enjoyed
artist hidden in the bottom of clined to identify the volunteer really, really tell just from very, watching him paint and looked
every single one of us, and here or the amount Modern Artifact very minute details that it was forward to seeing them for Epi-
we will try to show you how to paid her. definitely that painting,” Kowals- sode 2.
bring that artist out, to put it on bob Ross Inc. “This painting is an invaluable ki said. “We hope you have your brush
canvas.” Bob Ross talks to his audience in 1983 about painting “A Walk in piece of Bob Ross’s collection, After it was authenticated, the ready, a dream in your heart that
Ross spent the next 27 minutes the Woods,” the first work he did for “The Joy of Painting.” something she understood as former volunteer sold it to Mod- you want to put on canvas and
transforming that blank canvas well,” Nelson wrote. “This paint- ern Artifact last year. join us right here for ‘The Joy of
into “A Walk in the Woods,” a still owns Ross’s first TV artwork. of Painting” episodes, have been ing meant a lot to her, and she “She wanted others to be able Painting,’” he said. “And you, too,
life of a gray, rocky path leading What no one knew when Ross viewed more than 610 million found inspirational support in to enjoy the painting,” Nelson can build fantastic pictures.”
away from blue waters to cut painted “A Walk in the Woods” is times. In death, Ross has become looking at it each day.” wrote. “It has also afforded her a Ross finished by driving home
through a forest of brilliant yel- that he would go on to star in one of the most famous painters About two years ago, the vol- chance to invest in her future his belief about the origin of
lowing trees. more than 400 episodes of “The in the United States, beloved for unteer asked Bob Ross Inc. to with the money she gained from artistic creation, something that
More than 40 years later, that Joy of Painting,” which aired his gentle teaching style and verify the authenticity of the the sale.” wasn’t the exclusive purview of
painting from the first episode of from 1983 to 1994, a year before relentless optimism. painting, Kowalski said. Bob Nelson said that his gallery is those “blessed by Michelangelo
Ross’s famous instructional TV Ross died of lymphoma at the “People want to paint. It’s like Ross Inc. set out to determine accepting all offers to purchase at birth” but accessible to every-
show, “The Joy of Painting,” is for age of 52. a secret thing that people want to that it was not only painted by “A Walk in the Woods” but would one, including the person watch-
sale. What Ross donated to a PBS His fame has only grown in do. And it’s just sort of, you know, the company’s namesake but prefer to share it with a museum ing at home who needed only a
station in 1983 so it could be the nearly three decades since he’s blown the lid off of it,” Bob also that it was the one he created or traveling exhibit “to allow as nudge of encouragement to
auctioned off is now on the his death. Bob Ross Inc., the Ross Inc. President Joan Kowals- during the first episode of “The many people as possible to view bring their artistic dreams to life.
market for $9.85 million. company that owns the rights to ki told The Washington Post. Joy of Painting.” such an exciting work of art.” “You can take them from
“It’s a truly irreplicable, one- his TV shows, has more than “He’s telling you constantly that Ross normally made three In the 27th minute of that first here,” Ross said, pointing to his
of-a-kind painting,” said Ryan 5.6 million YouTube subscribers. you really and truly can do it.” paintings for each episode — one episode, Ross wrapped up his heart before gesturing back to
Nelson, owner of Modern Arti- The 635 videos posted by the After Ross painted “A Walk in before taping he could use as a first on-air painting by scraping the canvas, “and put them on
fact, the art dealer that now company, including all “The Joy the Woods,” he donated it to a reference, another for the actual some brown paint from his pal- there.”

Popular authors accuse 9/22/23 7:00 7:30 8:00

8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30

ChatGPT maker of ‘theft’ 4.1 WRC (NBC)

4.2 WRC (IND)
5.1 WTTG (Fox)
+ NBC News + Hollywood

+ Fox 5 + TMZ
+ America's Got Talent

Frasier Frasier Frasier

+ WWE Friday Night SmackDown (Live)
+ Dateline NBC

Roseanne Roseanne
+ Fox 5 News at 10
+ News
The Nanny
(:35) + J. Fallon
The Nanny
+ Fox 5 News + The Final 5

7.1 WJLA (ABC) + Wheel + Jeopardy! + Shark Tank + 20/20 + News + J.Kimmel

BY G ERRIT D E V YNCK 9.1 WUSA (CBS) + Inside Ed. + ET + Celebrity Renovation + Fire Country + Blue Bloods + 9 News (:35) + Colbert
14.1 WFDC (UNI) + La rosa de Guadalupe + Eternamente amándonos + Tierra de esperanza + Minas de pasión + Noticias + Noticiero

Some of the world’s best-known 20.1 WDCA (MNTV) + FamFeud + Family Feud + Fox 5 News On the Plus + FamFeud + FamFeud + FamFeud + Puzzler + Chicago P.D.

novelists banded together this 22.1 WMPT (PBS) + State + Artworks + Midsomer (:45) + Midsomer Murders + American Masters + Week + Variety

week to sue ChatGPT maker Open- 26.1 WETA (PBS) + PBS NewsHour + Week + History + American Masters + Antiques + Amanpour and Company

AI for using their work to train its 32.1 WHUT (PBS) + DW News + Arts Talk + Finding Your Roots + American Experience + BBC News + Legacy
artificial intelligence tools, adding 50.1 WDCW (CW) + Neighbor + Neighbor + Penn & Teller: Fool Us + Inside the NFL Week 2 + DC News Now + Seinfeld + Seinfeld
their efforts to the growing group 66.1 WPXW (ION) + Hawaii Five-0 + Hawaii Five-0 + Hawaii Five-0 + Hawaii Five-0 + Hawaii Five-0
of artists, musicians and writers CABLE CHANNELS
trying to stop tech companies
A&E The First 48 First 48: Mind Witness-Murder Witness-Murder (SF) (:05) The First 48
from benefiting from their work
without paying for it. AMC (5:00) Movie: Goodfellas Movie: The Rock +++ (1996) 101 Scariest Horror
Blockbuster writers such as Robyn beck/AFP/getty ImAges Animal Planet River Monsters River Monsters River Monsters River Monsters River Monsters
George R.R. Martin, Jodi Picoult, Fantasy novelist George R. R. BET (6:00) Movie: Beverly Hills Cop II ++ (:25) Movie: Beverly Hills Cop III ++ (1994) Martin Martin
Jonathan Franzen and George Martin at the 2019 Emmy Bravo Below Deck Down Under Below Deck Down Under Movie: Speed +++ (1994) Movie
Saunders have signed on to the Awards ceremony. Cartoon NetworkKing/Hill King/Hill Burgers Burgers Burgers American American American American Rick
lawsuit, which is being led by the CNN E. B. OutFront (Live) Cooper 360 (Live) The Source With (Live) CNN Primetime (Live) CNN Tonight (Live)
Authors Guild, a group that lob- for damages for the “lost opportu- Comedy Central The Office The Office The Office The Office The Office The Office The Office The Office Movie: Central Intelligence
bies on behalf of writers. It adds to nity to license their works” and for Discovery Gold Rush-Res. Gold Rush Outback Opal Hunters Gold Rush-Res.
a growing list of copyright law- an injunction against OpenAI to Disney Big City Big City Hailey Marvel's Hamster & Hamster & Ladybug Ladybug The Villains The Villains
suits against OpenAI and other AI bar it from continuing to use their E! Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas
companies, including one from co- work in its training data. ESPN Countdown College Football NC State at Virginia (Live) SportsCenter (Live)
median Sarah Silverman and an- A spokesperson for OpenAI de- ESPN2 High School Football Cedar Grove (GA) at Colquitt County (GA) (Live) UFC Live (:25) Formula 1 Racing UFC
other from novelists Mona Awad clined to comment on the pending Food Network Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Guy's Trip Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive
and Paul Tremblay. litigation. Fox News The Ingraham Angle (Live) Jesse Watters (Live) Hannity (Live) Gutfeld! Fox News at Night (Live)
This latest lawsuit alleges Open- The tech companies have ar- Freeform Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy The 700 Club
AI copied the authors’ work gued their use of data scraped FX (6:00) Movie: Despicable Me 3 Movie: Coco +++ (2017) Movie: Despicable Me 3 ++ (2017)
“wholesale, without permission or from the internet to train AI is Hallmark (6:00) Movie: Winter in Vail Movie: Christmas Next Door (2017) Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls
consideration” and used it to train legal under the concept of fair use Hallmark M&M Hannah Swensen Mysteries Haunted Harmony Mysteries Movie: Curious Caterer: Dyi...
their “large language models” — — a provision in copyright law that HBO (6:05) Movie: Unbreakable (:55) Movie: Ronin ++ (1998) Movie: Dawn of the Planet of the Apes +++ (2014)
the giant algorithms that power allows people to draw on the work HGTV Dream Home Dream Home Dream Home Dream Home Dream Home Dream Home House Hunters Hunters Hunters
tools like ChatGPT. “At the heart of of others if the final output is History Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens: Declassified
these algorithms is systematic sufficiently different from the Lifetime Rizzoli & Isles Movie: Don't Sell My Baby (2023) (P) (:05) Movie: Baby Monitor Murders (2020)
theft on a mass scale,” the lawsuit original. Content owners have MASN MLB Baseball Atlanta Braves at Washington Nationals (Live) Nats Xtra 4th Pro Football Plus 4th
says. pointed to the fact that AI tools MSNBC The ReidOut (Live) All In With (Live) Alex Wagner Tonight (Live) Last Word (Live) 11th Hour (Live)
The lawsuit is the latest salvo in often create images that are ex- MTV Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous
the ongoing debate over how AI tremely similar to original work To Catch A Smuggler
Nat’l Geographic To Catch A Smuggler To Catch A Smuggler To Catch A Smuggler To Catch A Smuggler
tools should be trained and wheth- from humans as evidence that Washington Washington Pure Outdoor Short List
NBC SportsNet WA The Immo Greatest Fairways of Life Outdoor Short List
er the companies behind them their creations are being copied. Nickelodeon SpongeBob SpongeBob Movie: PAW Patrol: The Movie ++ (2021) Friends Friends Friends Friends
owe anything to the original cre- Striking Hollywood writers and
NWSN On Balance Cuomo Dan Abrams Live (Live) Banfield Cuomo
ators of the training data. Large actors have said they want com-
PARMT Two Men Two Men Movie: Tombstone +++ (1993) Movie: Tombstone +++
language models are generally mitments from TV and movie pro-
Syfy (4:55) Movie: Mummy Returns (:55) Movie: The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor ++ (2008) (:25) Movie: The Scorpion King ++
trained on billions of sentences of duction companies that AI won’t
TBS Big Bang Big Bang Movie: Hitch +++ (2005) (:20) Movie: Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins ++ (2008)
text pulled from the internet, in- be used to supplant their work.
TCM (6:00) Movie: Mrs. Soffel Movie: Running on Empty +++ (1988) Movie: The Learning Tree +++ (1969)
cluding news stories, Wikipedia News organizations have blocked
and comments on social media AI companies from scraping their TLC 90 Day Fiancé 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days 90 Day 90 Day: The Last Resort 90 Day
sites. OpenAI and other AI compa- websites. At the same time, some TNT Movie Movie: Ant-Man and The Wasp +++ (2018) All Elite Wrestling All Elite Wrestling
nies such as Google and Microsoft publishers have signed deals to Travel Osbournes- Bel. Osbournes- Bel. Osbournes- Bel. Osbournes- Bel. Osbournes- Bel.
do not say specifically what data sell their content directly to the TruTV Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Inside Jokes Inside Jokes Inside Jokes Inside Jokes
they use, but AI critics have long tech companies. The Associated TV Land Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond (:05) King (:40) King
suspected that it includes well- Press licensed its archive to Ope- TV One Cosby Show Cosby Show Cosby Show Cosby Show Cosby Show Cosby Show Cosby Show Cosby Show Cosby Show Cosby Show
known collections of pirated nAI, and Universal Music Group USA Network (6:00) Movie: John Wick: Chapter 2 +++ Movie: John Wick: Chapter 3 -- Parabellum +++ (2019) (:15) Movie: Gridiron Gang
books that have circulated online struck a deal with YouTube to run VH1 (6:00) Movie: Hustlers +++ (2019) Movie: Waiting to Exhale +++ (1995) Movie
for years. experiments on how AI could be WNC8 True Crime MyBiotin 7News at 6 Paid Prog. SportsTalk World News WJLA News Paid Prog. The National Desk (Live)
In the lawsuit, the authors ask used to create music. LEGEND: Bold indicates new or live programs + High Definition Movie Ratings (from TMS) ++++ Excellent +++ Good ++ Fair + Poor No stars: not rated
friday, september 22 , 2023 . the washington post EZ RE C5




♠ A85
♥ KQ74
♦ Q 10
♣ J752
♠ Q74 ♠ J 10 9 3 2
♥ 10 6 5 3 2 ♥ 9
♦ J82 ♦ K9764
♣ K4 ♣ A8
♠ K6
♥ AJ8
♦ A53
♣ Q 10 9 6 3

The bidding:
1♣ Pass 1♥ Pass
1 NT Pass 3 NT All Pass
Opening lead — ♦ 2

football teams are penal-
ized for having 12 men on the
field. The rule obtains when
a lead is known to be fourth-
highest. Subtract the spot led
from 11; the remainder is the
number of higher cards the
other three hands hold.
Against today’s 3NT, West
led a low diamond, and
South guessed to play dum-
my’s 10. He captured East’s
king and led a club. East took
the ace and returned the six
of diamonds: three, eight,
queen. When West won the
next club, he cashed the jack
of diamonds, but South had
the rest.
West should have been
flagged. East’s six was his
original fourth-highest dia-
11, West could find that he,
dummy and declarer held
five diamonds higher than
the six — and West had seen
all five: the king, queen, jack,
10 and eight.
Since South had no more
diamonds higher than the
six, West could unblock his
jack on the second diamond.
When he took the king of
the diamonds for down one.
You hold:
♠ J 10 9 3 2 ♥ 9
Your partner opens one
heart, you respond one
spade and he rebids three
hearts. What do you say?
ANSWER: Since you have
no heart tolerance and not
to pass might be a winning
action. Still, your partner
could have a hand such as A
Q, A K 6 5 4 3, 5 3, K 4 (you
might well make four spades)
or 4, A K J 6 5 4, A Q 2, Q 10
5 (3NT would be a favorite).
Give fate a chance and bid
three spades.
— Frank Stewart




C6 EZ RE the washington post . friday, september 22 , 2023



You are intelligent,
fun-loving and a great
communicator. People
love your positive,
upbeat quirkiness. This is a
slower paced year. It’s time to
rest and rejuvenate yourself.
Concentrate on your needs
and what makes you happy.
You also might have a strong
focus on relationships.

important decisions from
3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. today.
After that, the Moon moves
from Sagittarius into
Capricorn. The Fall Equinox
occurs at 2:49 a.m.
(MARCH 21-APRIL 19).
You will need more sleep in the
next few weeks. Meanwhile,
your focus on close friends,
partners and spouses will
increase now. Actually,
because you have more
objectivity to see your role in
these relationships, you can
make improvements.
(APRIL 20-MAY 20).
The back-to-school fever has
captured you, which is why
you’re keen to work and be
productive. This determination
to achieve results will last for
several weeks, so roll up your
sleeves get ready.
(MAY 21-JUNE 20).
And just like that, you’re in play
mode! Enjoy this feeling; it will
last for a few weeks. Basically,
freedom to express yourself.
It’s a great time for social
outings, vacations and sports!
(JUNE 21-JULY 22).
Home, family and your private
world will become a greater
priority now and in the next
few weeks. This could be
because you’re focused on a
parent more than usual.
(JULY 23-AUG. 22).
Starting today, the pace of
your days will accelerate with
a busy schedule of short trips,
appointments, errands and
increased activity with siblings
and relatives. Oh yes, you’re
on the go!
(AUG. 23-SEPT. 22).
“Show me the money!” Today
you have a stronger focus on
money, earnings and cash
flow. This focus will continue
for the next few weeks as you
look for ways to boost your
income, as well as ways to
organize the possessions that
you already own.
(SEPT. 23-OCT. 22).
Today the Sun moves into your
sign to stay for four weeks.
(This happens only once a
year.) This will boost your
energy and give you a chance
to recharge your batteries for
the rest of the year.
(OCT. 23-NOV. 21).
Welcome a chance to cocoon,
meditate and cogitate in the
next few weeks. This is what
you can do as you wait for your
birthday to arise. Think about
your new year ahead (birthday
to birthday).
(NOV. 22-DEC. 21).
Your popularity will increase
over the next few weeks.
You will have more contact
with friends, as well as more
interaction with clubs and
organizations. Enjoy this
increased socialization.
(DEC. 22-JAN. 19).
Starting today, the Sun is at
the top of your chart for the
next four weeks, shining down
on you and casting you in a
flattering spotlight. You’ll look
attractive to bosses, parents,
teachers and VIPs, even if you
don’t do anything different.
(JAN. 20-FEB. 18).
Your desire to travel and
explore your world is growing
now and will continue for the
next few weeks. If possible,
take a trip somewhere,
because this is what you want
to do. You need a change of
scenery. You can also expand
something new.
(FEB. 19-MARCH 20).
Life will be more intense in the
next few weeks. You will also
be more passionate. It’s time
to come to terms with your
values and what really matters
in life. This also might include
how you handle debt and deal
with shared property.
— Georgia Nicols



More online: Feedback: 1301 K St. NW, Washington, D.C., 20071;; 202-334-4775.

SPORTS friday, september 22 , 2023 M2 D

Irvin is
no match
for loaded
Five-run third inning
dooms young starter


If the Washington nationals

were in a pennant race, Manager
Dave Martinez might not have
been too excited to watch his
rookie starter face the loaded
Atlanta Braves on Thursday. But
since his team is not in a pennant
race — and since the nationals
were officially eliminated from
postseason contention this week
— Martinez was interested to see
how Jake Irvin would navigate
the Braves’ lineup.
Irvin’s first nine batters? not
so bad, even if he battled com-
mand issues to strand two run-
ners that he walked in the sec-
But the next nine? Quite the
opposite. The Braves rode a five-
run third to a 10-3 win at nation-
als Park. Irvin threw 80 pitches
and didn’t make it out of that
JESS rAPfogEl for thE WAShiNgtoN PoSt inning. The victory left Atlanta
veteran capitals center nicklas Backstrom is ready to move on from the injury that kept him out most of last season. “i’m done talking about it,” he said thursday. 301/2 games clear of the nationals
(68-86) in the nL East.

A healthy outlook
“Just kind of fighting myself at
times,” said Irvin, who had both
his curve and sinker hit hard in
the third. “It’s just tough to face a
lineup like that when you don’t
feel 100 percent. That’s on me. I
got to be better.”
A few surface-level stats to
explain Atlanta’s offensive domi-
Wilson, a hockey ‘unicorn,’ is bridge Backstrom declares his repaired hip nance: The Braves (98-55) en-
tered the night with a slugging
to the post-Ovechkin era in D.C. 100 percent as Capitals camp opens percentage of .500, a 32-point
lead on the next closest team in
the majors. Seven of their nine
It’s almost new arenas from coast to coast BY B AILEY J OHNSON How do you feel about this camp starters Thursday had an OPS of
unimaginable to before he could legally buy a beer. compared with last season? at least .900. Ronald Acuña Jr., a
think about the “There were a couple coaches nicklas Backstrom began his “Way better.” leading candidate for MVP, had a
player Tom at the time, a couple mentors, first interview Thursday with a Last season, Backstrom was 1.009 OPS (and is a homer away
Wilson was upon who were always saying, ‘You’ve steely glare and a firm set to his still recovering from hip resurfac- from the fifth 40-homer, 40-steal
arrival in the got to do something every night jaw. The center, entering his ing surgery the previous summer. season in history).
Barry nHL, back in where it makes it hard for them 17th training camp with the Wash- The lengthy recovery cost him The nationals, on the other
Svrluga 2013. He was 19, a to take you out of the lineup,’ ” ington Capitals, had no time for much of the 2022-23 season — and hand, have no players with an
first-round pick Wilson said Thursday. “Whether the usual niceties typical of a me- left him looking like a shadow of OPS of .900 or higher. The lowest
just the year before. He was good that was a fight or a goal or a dia session on the first day of a new his old self when he returned to for Atlanta’s regulars — Orlando
enough to stick with the check or whatever, I just tried to season. the ice. And it was a regular topic Arcia’s .745 — would have been
Washington Capitals but not leave my impact in that small How was your summer, Nick? of conversation. the third best for Washington
advanced enough to play more sample size.” “Good.” Backstrom made it clear he when the four-game series began.
than eight minutes a night. Most We now have a large sample How did you feel about the first wanted that conversation to be So, yeah, Irvin had his hands
of his peers were in junior size on Tom Wilson, who no day of camp? over. full. And by the third, as he
hockey, and he was walking into SEE Svrluga On d5 “Good.” SEE capitalS On d5 struggled through his second
matchup with each hitter, that
much was loud and clear.
sabres at Capitals (preseason opener): Sunday, 2 p.m., Monumental Sports Network At the top of the Braves’ order,
Acuña batted three times before
the nationals’ seventh, eighth
and ninth hitters batted once.
SEE nationalS On d4

braves at Nationals
today, 7 p.m., MASN

Armstrong’s winding journey Commanders’ offense is busting out the boom

brings him to familiar ground Washington’s once quiet attack has racked up explosive plays in the season’s first two weeks
Former U-Va. quarterback returns with N.C. State BY S AM F ORTIER

BY G ENE W ANG er. Armstrong never grew entirely Yeah, yeah, it’s only been two
comfortable with the playbook weeks. And okay, sure, the Wash-
In 2021, quarterback Brennan and finished with fewer than half ington Commanders have not yet
Armstrong rewrote the Virginia the passing yards and fewer than played a team the betting mar-
record book in virtually every a quarter of the touchdown pass- kets or the ball-watching public
meaningful offensive category, es from the previous year. would consider good. But still,
confounding defenses with a With one season of eligibility the Commanders’ offense is . . .
combination of arm strength, ac- left, he transferred to north Caro- explosive?!
curacy and improvisation that lina State and reunited with of- Explosive plays are defined by
generated speculation he would fensive coordinator Robert Anae, the website TruMedia as rushes
enter the nFL draft. who in the same position with the of 12-plus yards and passes of
After careful consideration, Cavaliers was largely responsible 16-plus, and they’re the most
the dual threat elected to remain for Armstrong’s ascent among the valuable plays in football. A study
in Charlottesville last year for his most prolific quarterbacks in the by the website the 33rd Team
redshirt senior season under a ACC. found that, since 2010, only about
new coaching administration. Armstrong’s nFL aspirations 10 percent of drives without an
The thought of working with have been rekindled heading into explosive play ended in a score.
Tony Elliott was intriguing on his return to Scott Stadium on With one explosive play, the rate
several levels, especially given the Friday night to face his former jumped to about 30 percent, and
fact that Elliott mentored future team in the ACC opener for both with two, it’s over 50.
nFL quarterbacks Deshaun Wat- schools. “When you can get those big
son and Trevor Lawrence as “I played like crap last season,” chunk plays, it just kind of gives
Clemson’s offensive coordinator. Armstrong said. “If I want to get the offense more momentum,
Armstrong envisioned follow- to the nFL, which is my goal, I more energy,” quarterback Sam
ing their path to the nFL after SEE armStrong On d3 Howell said. “You kind of get the
directing an offense that more defense on their heels. . . . Every
closely resembled a pro-style at- N.C. state at Virginia good offense, they always have a
tack. The plan crumbled, howev- today, 7:30 p.m., ESPN lot of explosive plays.”
For years, Washington’s of-
fense has been a dud. From 2017
through 2022, the Commanders
Pro basketball soCCer
had the fewest explosive plays in
the Mystics turn the page retiring Julie Ertz gets an the nFL. The offense never
SEE commanderS On d2
with the future of free emotional send-off in the
agent Elena Delle Donne a U.S. women’s 3-0 win over JohN McDoNNEll/thE WAShiNgtoN PoSt bills at Commanders
big offseason question. D3 South Africa in a friendly. D3 the commanders’ Sam Howell piloted a group that gained 388 yards and scored 35 points Sunday. Sunday, 1 p.m., WUSA-9
d2 eZ M2 the washington post . friday, september 22 , 2023

Team USA enters Solheim Cup as underdog — with firepower nFl notes

BY G ENE W ANG ly in 2021 at Inverness Club in open champion Allisen Corpuz, Vu, meanwhile, is the only playing with Stacy, such a huge
Upon unveiling her picks for
the Solheim Cup a little less than
Toledo. Captain Suzann Petters-
en’s Europeans are bidding to
secure a third in a row for the first
also a Solheim Cup rookie and in
just her second year on the LPGA
Tour. The youthful duo — both are
player in the Solheim Cup field
from either side with multiple
major titles this season.
Yin is one of two players to
place in the top 30 in every major
Diggs tears
a month ago, U.S. captain Stacy
Lewis spoke at length about how
much she was anticipating coach-
“I don’t know what the rank-
ings will show on paper, but I
25 — have combined for three
major championships and four
victories this season along with
She stormed to the final major
championship of the year last
month at the Women’s British
this season.
Ally Ewing, 30, making her
third Solheim Cup appearance, is
ACL, is out
ing the Americans because of the
balance of seasoned veterans and
skilled newcomers, all with deco-
mean, I think Europe has to be
favored,” said Lewis, who will
remain the Team USA captain
five additional top 10 finishes.
Joining Vu and Corpuz as Sol-
heim Cup first-timers are Chey-
open, firing back-to-back
5-under-par 67s for a six-stroke
triumph. five of Vu’s Solheim Cup
one of three captain’s picks, along
with Knight and Yin, who played
on the last U.S. team to win the
for season
rated résumés. when the 2024 Solheim Cup is enne Knight, 26; Andrea Lee, 25; teammates, including Corpuz, Solheim Cup. Also on that team
Among the dozen members of contested at robert Trent Jones and rose Zhang, 20, the former finished in the top 11 at Walton were Danielle Kang, 30, and Lexi F ROM NEWS SERVICES
Team USA, six have won major Golf Club in the Virginia suburbs amateur phenom who became Heath Golf Club outside London. Thompson, 28, both on the roster AND STAFF REPORTS
championships, including two of Washington. the first player in 72 years to win Vu also captured the Chevron this year. Kang and Ewing are the
this year by Solheim Cup rookie “They have won the last two. in her professional debut on the Championship, the first major of only U.S. players in their 30s. off to an impressive start, the
Lilia Vu. All but two are inside the They have got really great players LPGA Tour. the five on the women’s profes- By contrast, five members of Dallas Cowboys’ defense suffered
top 35 in the world rankings, and playing well. We are going over- Zhang’s victory came in a play- sional golf calendar, in a playoff, Team Europe are in their 30s, a blow Thursday when standout
three are in the top 10 heading seas, and that’s not to doubt my off over Solheim Cup teammate rallying from four shots back in including three-time major cornerback Trevon Diggs tore an
into the most prestigious interna- team. I just think Europe is really, and 2022 major winner Jennifer the final round. Birdies on Nos. 17 champion Anna Nordqvist — the ACL during a practice. Diggs, a
tional team event in women’s golf. really strong. They have got all Kupcho, 26, in June at the inaugu- and 18 helped Vu into a playoff oldest on either roster at 36 — this two-time Pro Bowl selection in his
Yet when the Americans tee off the momentum in this event right ral mizuho Americas open at with Solheim Cup teammate An- year serving as a playing assistant fourth year, is expected to miss the
against Europe on friday at finca now.” Liberty National Golf Course in gel Yin, 24, and she won on the captain. rest of the season.
Cortesin in Andalusia, Spain, The United States, however, the shadow of manhattan. first playoff hole at Carlton “I wouldn’t consider ourselves Including a pick off the New
they will do so as underdogs, not features plenty of firepower, if not “I’m not worried about the Woods outside of Houston. underdogs, but I think we can York Jets’ Zach Wilson in a 30-10
just according to oddsmakers but Solheim Cup experience, in its chemistry at all,” Lewis said. “I feel like I’m playing really come in here with nothing to lose Dallas win last week, Diggs has
also Lewis, a first-time captain quest to regain the trophy for the “These five, they are rookies, but well,” said Yin, who did not quali- because there’s really nothing to 18 interceptions, tied for the most
who did not hesitate to explain first time since it trounced Eu- they are so experienced, just as far fy for the 2021 Solheim Cup. lose,” Vu said. “I think we’re a since he entered the NfL in 2020.
why her side is perceived to be at a rope, 161/2-111/2, in 2017 at Des as the amount of golf they have “obviously I missed it two years pretty young team, but I think over the past three seasons, no
disadvantage. moines Golf and Country Club. been able to play. rose is the only ago, so it makes me want to make we’re going to come out really defensive back has held quarter-
Her reasoning started with the At the heart of Team USA’s true rookie, but she’s probably got this team even more, especially strong, and we’re going to have backs to a lower passer rating as
fact that Europe has won consec- lineup are Vu, ranked second in more experience than a lot of us because Stacy is captain, and fun, and our game will show on the nearest defender in coverage
utive Solheim Cups, most recent- the world, and U.S. Women’s combined — in big events, that is.” growing up watching Stacy and the course.” (via ESPN).
This season, Diggs helped the
Cowboys begin 2-0 while their de-
fense held opponents to NfL lows

Commanders’ o≠ense is racking up explosive plays work calling runs, screens and
shorter passing concepts. robin-
son ran outside left for 13 yards.
in average passing yards (107.0)
and total yards (193.0). Dallas is
also pacing the league in intercep-
Then he got a handoff, showed tions (five), turnover differential
Commanders from d1 tremendous patience and bruised (plus-seven), sacks (10, tied with
ahead for 27, a run that fired up Washington) and opposing yard-
boomed on more than 10 percent the entire sideline. age lost on sacks (66).
of its plays in a single season. “They want to keep us in front In July, the Cowboys gave Diggs
Basically, if the Kansas City of them, [it’s a] great opportu- a five-year, $97 million contract
Chiefs’ offense was a nuclear nity,” rivera said. “You run the extension, with more than $42
bomb, Washington’s was a fourth ball, you run your draws, you run million reportedly guaranteed. Af-
of July sparkler. new traps, your gap scheme stuff. ter Thursday’s injury, the team
on Sunday, Washington (2-0) I mean, those are things that help said that while “a timetable for
will host the Buffalo Bills (1-1), a you keep the drive going.” Diggs’ return to play has not been
team that booms at one of the In the fourth quarter, on two established . . . he is currently pro-
league’s highest rates behind straight second and longs from jected to miss the remainder of the
rocket-armed quarterback Josh near midfield, Bieniemy dialed up current season.”
Allen. Coach ron rivera and his running back screens. Antonio — Des Bieler
players are calling the game a Gibson took the first one 36 yards. l BenGaLs: Cincinnati quar-
measuring stick, a chance to test robinson hit the second for 21. The terback Joe Burrow said he’s day-
themselves against one of the plays both led to points, giving the to-day and doesn’t know whether
league’s best, and Buffalo’s de- Commanders the lead and then a lingering calf injury will keep
fense often plays top-down cover- providing a critical cushion after him out of monday’s night’s game
age to limit explosive plays. But if the Broncos hit a late Hail mary to against the Los Angeles rams.
Washington wants to keep up nearly tie it. Burrow said he “tweaked” the
with Buffalo, it will need to boom And on those late-game screens, calf injury late in Sunday’s loss to
— and luckily for the Command- with offensive linemen sprinting Baltimore.
ers, the unit led by offensive down the field, the benefits of a Asked whether the Bengals’ 0-2
coordinator Eric Bieniemy has a difficult training camp with Bieni- start creates more urgency for him
chance. emy showed up in conditioning. to get back on the field, he said:
The offense ranks in the top “It’s fun; it’s tiring,” right guard “It’s in my head, for sure. I’m
third of the league in many met- Sam Cosmi said. He laughed be- thinking about it.”
rics, including points scored, ex- JoHN MCDoNNeLL/THe WASHINGToN PoST cause, on the Gibson screen, left l sTeeLers: Pittsburgh safe-
pected points added and explosive running back Brian robinson Jr. had several of Washington’s explosive plays in sunday’s victory. guard Saahdiq Charles had acci- ty minkah fitzpatrick said the hit
plays (16). The offense hit 11 explo- dentally tripped him downfield. that ended Browns running back
sive plays against Denver, tied for way we did it on Sunday was a zontal run, a jet sweep for Curtis of eight, nine or 10-plus plays can But then he grew more serious Nick Chubb’s season monday
the second most by any team in a snapshot of how good we can be.” Samuel, whose burst helped him be exacting and draining. and pointed out that explosive night was unfortunate but not
game this season, and it got them In Denver, the Commanders at get the edge and gain 13 yards. “It's easy to not score points plays had been a big reason the dirty.
in myriad ways: Downfield darts times yo-yoed the Broncos’ de- And just before halftime, on third [on long drives],” Howell said. team dug itself out of a hole fitzpatrick dove at Chubb’s legs
from Howell, well-designed fense. Early on, Howell zipped and long when the Commanders “You have to be so perfect, and against the Broncos. in an effort to stop the Cleveland
screens, a jet sweep and a mid- intermediate throws to soft spots had to pass, Howell threw a dart you can't make any mistakes. “[In past years, we] wouldn’t star near the Pittsburgh goal line.
zone scheme in which running in zone coverage, and Bieniemy to tight end John Bates for 35 Definitely when you have those have come back from that,” he “No chance that I would ever try
back Brian robinson Jr. simply ran threw in a curveball with a well- yards. The throw set up a critical big explosive plays and chunk said, adding that there’s a grow- to purposely injure somebody,”
over defenders for a 27-yard gain. timed running back screen to field goal and illustrated how the plays, it makes it easier.” ing optimism in the locker room. fitzpatrick said. “We play a physi-
“There’s a multitude of ways robinson. quarterback and coordinator can In the second half, after Howell “We have that type of offense that cal game and people get hurt, and
you can create explosive plays,” Then, on a second and short, complement one another. stretched the field again on can put up points.” you know, people sit behind a
said wide receiver Terry mcLau- the Broncos put seven in the box Chunk gains gave players and mcLaurin’s touchdown, the Bron- And a key part of sustaining screen and tell me how I should
rin, who caught a 30-yard touch- to stop the run. Instead of rushing play-callers mental and emotion- cos backed off and played softer that belief will be by continuing have done it and what they would
down against the Broncos. “The vertically, Bieniemy called a hori- al boosts because lengthy drives coverage. So Bieniemy went to to boom. done. They’ve never played the
l PanTHers: Carolina
spokesman Bruce Speight con-

49ers stymie Giants for 13th consecutive regular season victory firmed to the Associated Press that
rookie quarterback Bryce Young is
not expected to play Sunday
against the Seattle Seahawks after
down passes, and the San francis- 3-0 start in 25 seasons. left guard Ben Bredeson, the Gi- run and couldn’t get anything injuring his ankle last Sunday.
49ers 30, co 49ers won their 13th straight The defense did the rest ants struggled to move the ball going downfield. He went 22 for Veteran Andy Dalton probably
giants 12 regular season game with a 30-12 against the shorthanded Giants and finished with 150 yards of 32 for 137 yards and an intercep- will start in Young’s place.
l BILLs: Linebacker A.J. Klein,
victory over the New York Giants (1-2), who fell behind by double offense. tion.
on Thursday night. digits at the half for the third time They managed two field goals Purdy threw for 310 yards with who has 10 years of NfL experi-
BY J OSH D UBOW The 49ers weren’t particularly in three games this season. in the first half and scored on a nine-yard touchdown pass to ence, is back in Buffalo after being
sharp on offense in their home With the running game ham- matt Breida’s eight-yard run on a rookie ronnie Bell in the first half signed to the Bills’ practice squad
SaNTa ClaRa, Calif. — Chris- opener but got enough from mc- pered by the absence of injured third-quarter drive that needed and a 27-yarder to Samuel in the to replace Christian Kirksey, who
tian mcCaffrey scored a touch- Caffrey and on big runs after the star Saquon Barkley and the of- just 15 yards thanks to two penal- fourth quarter to improve to 8-0 informed the team he intends to
down in his 12th straight game, catch by Deebo Samuel and fensive line overmatched without ties on the 49ers. as a starter in the regular season. retire.
Brock Purdy threw two touch- George Kittle to earn their second left tackle Andrew Thomas and Daniel Jones was often on the — Associated Press — Associated Press

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cancer, the school announced its year since 1999.
Thursday night. The tour sent a memo to aUto RaCing Men’s College soCCeR
Associate head coach darnell players Thursday that it will be 10:30 p.m. Formula one: Japanese grand Prix, practice » eSPN2 5 p.m. sMU at south Florida » eSPNU
Haney will take over in her back at Kapalua for the Jan. 4-7 2 a.m. (Sat.) Formula one: Japanese grand Prix, qualifying » eSPN2 6 p.m. Clemson at Wake Forest » ACC Network
absence. opener. The tour previously had 8 p.m. Virginia at notre dame » ACC Network
Butts was diagnosed with said Hawaii Gov. Josh Green told WoMen’s College VolleYball
7:30 a.m. dP World tour: French open, second round » Golf Channel
advanced stage breast cancer in them to “go forward” with plans 3 p.m. Korn Ferry tour: Children’s Hospital Championship, second round » 7 p.m. Michigan state at Michigan » Big Ten Network
2021. The diagnosis inspired the for the tournament and volunteer Golf Channel 7 p.m. south Carolina at arkansas » SeC Network
Tasha Tough campaign, which registration opened. 6 p.m. Pga tour Champions: Pure insurance Championship, first round » 9 p.m. ohio state at nebraska » Big Ten Network
has brought awareness and raised The wildfires killed at least Golf Channel 10 p.m. oregon state at oregon » Pac-12 Network
money to bring quality care to 97 people, with at least 31 people 2 a.m. (Sat.) solheim Cup, day 2 » Golf Channel
HigH sCHool Football
women who can’t afford it still missing.
7 p.m. Cedar grove (ga.) at Colquitt County (ga.) » eSPN2
through the Kay Yow Cancer The property at Kapalua
fund. resort was not affected, though a where he will become the first MisC.
The 41-year-old Butts was hired third of the staff who live in the Black head coach for the Liverpool marked its return to
as Georgetown’s coach in April Lahaina area lost their homes. . . . powerhouse American squad at the Europa League with a come- The U.S. track and field one touchdown and ran for
after several years as a college South Korean Tom Kim carded the olympics. from-behind 3-1 victory over olympic trials are heading back another as Georgia Southern
assistant elsewhere, including at a rainy 7-under-par 64 and take a Nesty’s selection was Austrian club LASK in Linz, to Eugene, ore., for the fifth defeated Coastal Carolina, 30-17,
Georgia Tech and LSU. She one-shot first-round lead at the announced by USA Swimming, Austria. straight time. in a Sun Belt Conference opener
replaced James Howard, whose DP World Tour’s french open in which also appointed Virginia’s The three-time winner of the USA Track & field announced in Conway, S.C.
contract was not renewed after Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, Todd desorbo to head the second-tier competition rallied that next summer’s trials, which satou sabally of the Dallas
four consecutive losing seasons at france. women’s squad next summer. with second-half goals from Luis will be held to pick the team that Wings was named the WNBA’s
the school. Nesty, the University of florida diaz and mohamed salah. goes to the Paris olympics, will be most improved player after
sWiMMing coach, works with top American romelu Lukaku scored the held at the University of oregon’s averaging career bests with
golF anthony nesty made history swimmers such as Katie second-half winner for last year’s Hayward field from June 21 to 18.6 points, 8.1 rebounds and
The PGA Tour is returning to when he was picked to lead the Ledecky, Caeleb dressel and runner-up, roma, in Group G in a June 30. . . . 4.4 assists.
maui to start the new season with U.S. men’s team next year in Paris, Bobby Finke. 2-1 win over moldova’s Sheriff. . . . darren Grainger threw for — From news services
friday, september 22 , 2023 . the washington post eZ sU D3

Mystics face offseason of uncertainty Retiring Ertz is honored

Delle Donne headlines a group of veteran free agents for a team that appears to be in transition with emotional send-off
BY K AREEM C OPELAND slot in central defense, the posi-
united stAtes 3, tion she filled alongside Sauerb-
mike Thibault sat on the event south AfricA 0 runn during the 2015 World Cup
level of Entertainment and championship campaign before
Sports Arena on Thursday, fol- moving to defensive midfield for
lowing his first season as the BY S TEVEN G OFF the successful title defense in
Washington mystics’ general 2019.
manager without coaching re- Julie Ertz could have contin- This World Cup turned sour
sponsibilities, and acknowledged ued playing soccer, through the quickly but not because of Ertz,
the organization has reached a Paris olympics next summer and who marshaled the back line
transitional period. perhaps to another World Cup, with unforgiving tackles and
The mystics’ 2023 season end- dispensing bone-rattling tackles thumping clearances. She men-
ed in overtime against the New to opponents and sound advice tored defensive partner Naomi
York Liberty on Tuesday night, to young colleagues on the U.S. Girma, who, at 23, was playing in
when Washington was eliminat- women’s national team. her first World Cup. The Ameri-
ed in the first round of the After all, Ertz is just 31. At an cans were eliminated in the
postseason for the third time otherwise bummer of a World round of 16 by Sweden, the
since it won the 2019 WNBA Cup for the Americans last earliest exit at a major tourna-
championship. The loss may ulti- month, she played every minute ment in program history.
mately mark the beginning of a on a defense that conceded one on Thursday, that disappoint-
significant shift in what the team goal in four games. ment was cast aside to toast
has looked like since franchise Life, though, moves on. Her Ertz’s career and get back to
cornerstone Elena Delle Donne son, madden, is 13 months old. work. Interim coach Twila Kil-
arrived before the 2017 season. And though she was capable of gore, a World Cup assistant,
“[Transition] is a word that continuing to contribute on the replaced Vlatko Andonovski. A
can be used a little bit,” Thibault field, Ertz was ready to walk off permanent hire is not expected
said. “I think we have to make a it. for several weeks.
decision about what this is going “It’s not because momma can’t for this 10-day camp, Kilgore
to look like going forward. And play. momma can play,” she said drew primarily from the World
it’s not an easy one.” this week. “She just has adapted Cup roster and invited eight
The mystics have been operat- priorities.” others. The entire starting lineup
ing with a core group they felt And so Thursday night in came from the World Cup squad.
was championship caliber since Cincinnati, in the first U.S. match Defender m.A. Vignola debuted
they traded for Delle Donne, a since the World Cup and her in the second half, and Ashley
two-time league mVP. This year’s retirement announcement, Ertz Hatch, one of the last roster cuts
roster featured Delle Donne, Ari- took the pitch in red, white and before the World Cup, played the
el Atkins, Natasha Cloud, myisha blue for the 123rd and final last 28 minutes.
Hines-Allen, Tianna Hawkins, occasion. on the early corner kicks,
Shatori Walker-Kimbrough and Wearing the captain’s arm- Lindsey Horan targeted Ertz,
Kristi Toliver. All seven were on band for the second time, she led who had scored 15 of her 20 ca-
the rosters that made back-to- the team onto the field. Joined by reer goals off set pieces. A near-
back finals appearances in 2018 her parents, David and Kristi, post bid streaked high, and a
and 2019 and won the 2019 title. and her sister melanie, Ertz re- back-side bid was saved easily.
Hawkins, Walker-Kimbrough ceived flowers and a framed South Africa, which last
and Toliver all went elsewhere jersey. Tears flowed. month advanced to the World
and returned, but those have Anchoring the midfield, she Cup round of 16 for the first time,
been the key pieces of the past six played a preplanned 35 minutes used speed in transition to create
seasons. before leaving to another stand- half-chances.
Injuries have been a major ing ovation from the 22,016 at In a span of less than two
hindrance for multiple years — John McDonnell/the WashInGton Post TQL Stadium. minutes, the Americans scored
players missed a combined Elena Delle Donne has been the focus for Washington since 2017 but also has battled multiple injuries. The United States defeated twice. A defender beat Ertz to
53 regular season games this South Africa, 3-0, as Lynn Wil- Horan’s corner kick, but the ball
season — but Delle Donne admit- I’m really the strongest I’ve ever we’re having, and I really can’t lead. I’m going to be able to liams scored twice and Trinity flew to Williams for a close-range
ted that any season that doesn’t been. I’m in great shape. I feel like give you that answer,” mike Thi- orchestrate. I’m QB1.” rodman added a goal, all coming header and a 1-0 lead. Then,
end in a championship is a disap- I have a lot more basketball to bault said. “I would say that The mystics have missed the before intermission. capping a quick and elegant
pointment. That’s the standard play, and I want to win.” anytime you have some of your playoffs just twice since mike This was just the start of teary buildup out of the U.S. end,
the mystics have set. The mystics, meanwhile, must players getting older, whether Thibault arrived before the 2013 farewells. on Sunday in Chicago, Horan supplied Alex morgan,
Now there are decisions to determine how Delle Donne fits she was a free agent or not, we season, with six of their nine 38-year-old winger megan rapi- who crossed to rodman for an
make. Delle Donne, Cloud, Haw- in their plans. She played well need to make sure that we have postseason appearances during noe will make her last appear- easy finish.
kins and Toliver are unrestricted enough to earn the all-star ap- other players that we can make his tenure coming since Delle ance in a 17-year international Amid the goal celebration,
free agents, and both the players pearance and had strong efficien- focal parts of what we do. It can’t Donne arrived. Championship career as the United States and Ertz recognized her night — and
and the organization must figure cy stats, shooting 48.5 percent just be one player.” aspirations remained this season South Africa tangle again. Unlike career — was over.
out how they want to proceed. from the field, 39.3 percent from Cloud also will be a major before the injuries derailed them. Ertz, rapinoe will not hang it up “I was really excited we scored
Delle Donne is the biggest three-point range and 93.8 per- factor this offseason because she Now the team enters a period for good until the National Wom- right before,” she said on TNT’s
question. She’s a seven-time all- cent from the free throw line. But is expected to draw significant that mike Thibault said will be en’s Soccer League season ends postgame show. “It just felt like a
star, including this season, and her 16.7 points per game were a interest from other teams. She hard to predict. The team holds this fall. really good ending to say bye.”
an olympian who has long been career low for seasons in which gave a strong final impression, three picks over the next two Ertz had stepped away from There were more hugs and
considered one of the best play- she played more than three scoring a career-high 33 points years in drafts that are expected soccer after the 2021 olympics. more tears. She removed the
ers on the planet. A pair of back games. She has averaged and adding nine assists, six re- to be deep with talent. Also on the She and her husband, Arizona captain’s armband and handed it
surgeries, plus two ankle injuries 11.3 points and 3.7 rebounds in bounds and four steals in the horizon are possible changes in Cardinals tight end Zach Ertz, to Horan. At the sideline, she
and a hip injury this season, have the mystics’ past three playoff elimination game Tuesday to be- the league’s collective bargaining were ready to start a family. hugged her replacement, Andi
limited her to just 51 games since games dating from last season, come the first player in WNBA agreement, potential expansion Injuries were also taking a toll, Sullivan.
she signed a supermax deal be- and the team is 0-5 in the post- history to record 30 or more and a new media deal. All of those and after madden was born in Williams added her second
fore the 2020 season. Delle season since it was crowned points, five or more assists, five or factors could affect team financ- August 2022, no one, including goal late in the half, using her
Donne said she hadn’t thought champion. more rebounds and four or more es, and many players are expect- Julie, knew whether she would stomach to redirect Sullivan’s
much about free agency when she “I think the most encouraging steals in a playoff game. Cloud av- ed to sign two-year deals in antic- play again. corner kick that Horan had
met with reporters Wednesday, thing is that she clearly views eraged a career-high 12.7 points ipation of possible structural Early this year, after getting flicked through the six-yard box.
but she said she and her wife, herself as having a lot of really this season after she was forced changes in 2025. herself back into playing condi- The night, though, belonged to
Amanda, would do what’s best for good basketball left in her,” to carry more of an offensive load The key word for mike Thiba- tion and engaging in deep con- Ertz.
their family. Coach Eric Thibault said. “And when the team was missing three ult is flexibility because the path versations with her husband, she “You remember all the hardest
Delle Donne has previously that gives me a lot of confidence starters for a long stretch. Last to improvement isn’t as clear as it decided to give it another go. She times of the sport, and in that
said she didn’t ever plan to play that that’s true, quite frankly. year, Cloud led the league with has been in previous offseasons. rejoined the national team, moment, you’re like: ‘This sucks.
for another organization, but she “I don’t think it’s fair necessar- seven assists per game. She has “We have to kind of really signed with Angel City in the I want this to be gone,’ ” Ertz said.
did not say that Wednesday. ily to ask her to carry the load she been a starter since 2018 and is a spend this offseason nitpicking a NWSL and made the World Cup “And now when you’re older,
“I think you always need to carried when she was 27, 28, 29. leader in the locker room and the lot of things,” mike Thibault said. squad. you’re like, ‘I’m so grateful for
take a little bit of time to just kind But she can still be a big-time community. “. . . There is no easy, quick fix for With the tournament ap- that time.’ If I just knew in that
of reflect and see what your next player, there’s no doubt about “I feel like I’m a player that you anything. proaching, the U.S. team needed moment that I was actually in
steps are going to be,” Delle that.” should want to play with, you “You can’t box yourself into a Ertz’s grit and experience. Her such an incredible time. You’re
Donne said. “I just want to win. But can the team still build should want to coach,” Cloud corner where you’re an old team importance grew in the weeks just like, ‘Dang, it goes by so
That’s truly what I care about around Delle Donne at 34 in the said. “I’m fiery. I’m gritty. Going and you have older players on before the opener when captain fast.’ ”
most. It’s been my whole career, same way it did when she first to run through a wall every single long-term contracts. That’s the Becky Sauerbrunn withdrew
but especially coming back from arrived in Washington? night. I’m going to give it my best simplest way I can answer that with a foot injury. South Africa at United States
all the back stuff and feeling like “I think that’s the discussion every single night. I’m going to right now.” Ertz would take Sauerbrunn’s sunday, 5:30 p.m., tnt

Armstrong set records as a quarterback at Virginia. Now he’s on the other side.
ArmStroNg from D1 liott, Armstrong was front and regular season, including the an- feelings,” Doeren said of friday’s
center with a handful of team- nual finale against archrival Vir- game. “He loved that place, has
can’t play like that. There’s a lot at mates at the introductory news ginia Tech, out of deference for great friends and memories
stake, but I feel like I have a good conference welcoming their new the families of their slain team- there, but he’s playing for our
mind-set going into it because coach, who was tasked with mates and so they could attend team, and he knows that, and he’s
there can be pressure, and I can building upon the growth the each of the memorial services going in there to win a football
put pressure on myself, which I program had seen under mend- without the distraction of having game and to make it about us and
do because I expect a lot from enhall. to prepare for an opponent. how he has to play, and that’s kind
myself. . . . Armstrong was set to be the “I feel like I’ve done a really of where it is.”
“I mean, I don’t know if you’ve centerpiece of the next chapter of good job at least handling it A handful of Cavaliers defen-
looked at 2022, but I ain’t going to Cavaliers football. The elusive personally,” Armstrong said. sive players hinted this week they
the NfL like that, so we’ve got to left-hander instead never came “Having the funerals was more of plan on trying to spoil Arm-
get back on track.” close to recapturing the wizardry a celebration. The way they did it strong’s homecoming based on
Armstrong has had an uneven that saw him become the school’s was awesome. I’m telling you his track record for throwing
start to the season for the Wolf- career leader in multiple catego- what, I’ve never experienced any- interceptions. He had at least 10
pack (2-1), completing 66 of ries, including total offense thing like it in my life, the way we in each of his three seasons as the
105 passes with three touch- (10,301), passing yards (9,034), got to celebrate their lives with Cavaliers’ full-time starter.
downs and three interceptions in passing touchdowns (58), their families and our team. It Elliott, however, revealed he
his first three games. In his big- 300-yard passing games (12) and really put a lot of the feelings to has no intention of using Arm-
gest test, he completed 22 of 400-yard passing games (six). lance KInG/Getty IMaGes bed.” strong’s return to Scott Stadium
47 passes for 260 yards with two “There was no pinpoint of Brennan Armstrong, who holds several career passing marks with Armstrong waited until after as a motivational tactic. That
touchdowns and three intercep- what it was,” Armstrong said of the Cavaliers, transferred to N.C. State to improve his NFL stock. he and his teammates had said Virginia is off to an 0-3 start for
tions in a 45-24 loss to Notre his final season with the Cava- their final goodbyes to Davis, the first time since 2016, its first
Dame on Sept. 9. He is seeking liers, in which he completed 185 mates because of the inseparable the time, “and I think he’s going to Chandler and Perry before in- season under mendenhall, ought
performances that are more in of 338 passes (54.7 percent) for bond they formed in the wake of be a great player.” forming Elliott he was entering to be more than enough to re-
line with 2021, when he passed 2,210 yards and seven touch- the on-campus shooting in No- The final time Armstrong and the transfer portal. Elliott re- mind players of what’s at stake.
for 4,449 yards and 31 touch- downs with a career-high 12 in- vember that claimed the lives of Davis connected on a pass was called giving Armstrong his bless- “What I will say about BA is I’m
downs and generated 4,700 yards terceptions. “There was a lot of Cavaliers players Lavel Davis Jr., oct. 29, 2022, at Scott Stadium in ing and wishing him nothing but grateful for two reasons,” Elliott
of total offense, all records at different things going on. I was Devin Chandler and D’Sean Perry. a 14-12 loss to miami. on the the best wherever he landed. said. “one, for everything that he
Virginia. trying to have a great attitude Armstrong and Davis shared fourth snap of the third quarter, North Carolina State initially did for the University of Virginia
After the final regular season toward it all, but it was frustrat- the field for the first time Sept. 26, Armstrong completed a 47-yard caught Armstrong’s attention and this football program as a
game that year, then-coach Bron- ing week in and week out. 2020, sparking a 38-20 win over throw to Davis, who did not play when quarterback Devin Leary, player here. I’m [also] grateful for
co mendenhall abruptly stepped “You try to restart, flip the page Duke at Scott Stadium. Arm- the next two games while nursing the school’s record holder for how he handled his departure. He
down for personal reasons. most and say, ‘Let’s come back out next strong was making his debut as a an injury. passing touchdowns in a single handled it the right way with me,
of his assistants soon followed, week,’ and after like six next starter. Davis was playing the first A little more than two weeks season, entered the transfer por- and when he was here, man, he
including Anae, who spent last weeks, it’s like you’re dead tired, game of his college career and later, Armstrong and his team- tal the day it opened, Dec. 5. A made an effort to transition, to
season as the offensive coordina- you’re frustrated, so that’s kind of caught his first pass early in the mates were processing unimagi- week later, Wolfpack Coach Dave help myself and this coaching
tor at Syracuse before accepting where it got to. Just don’t want to second quarter before finishing nable grief from the rampage that Doeren announced the hiring of staff with this team. for me,
the same position with the Wolf- go back to that.” with four catches for 101 yards also left running back mike Hol- Anae. there’s nothing personal about
pack. Even after Armstrong moved and two touchdowns. lins severely wounded. “When [Armstrong] gets into this game when it comes to BA
Not long after Virginia Athletic on from Virginia, he remained in “I’m really, really proud of The Cavaliers elected not to [Scott Stadium] for the first time, other than he’s the opposing
Director Carla Williams hired El- touch with many of his ex-team- him,” Armstrong said of Davis at play the final two games of the I’m sure he’s going to have some quarterback.”
d4 eZ M2 the washington post . friday, september 22 , 2023

national league american league
EaST W l pcT GB l10 STr cEnTral W l pcT GB l10 STr WEST W l pcT GB l10 STr EaST W l pcT GB l10 STr cEnTral W l pcT GB l10 STr WEST W l pcT GB l10 STr
z-atlanta 98 55 .641 — 4-6 W-1 Milwaukee 87 66 .569 — 7-3 W-3 xz-los angeles 93 58 .616 — 7-3 l-1 y-baltimore 95 58 .621 — 4-6 l-2 Minnesota 81 72 .529 — 6-4 W-2 houston 85 68 .556 — 4-6 W-1
Philadelphia 84 69 .549 14 6-4 W-2 chicago 79 74 .516 8 3-7 l-2 arizona 81 72 .529 13 6-4 W-5 y-tampa bay 94 60 .610 11/2 6-4 W-1 cleveland 73 81 .474 81/2 5-5 W-1 seattle 84 68 .553 2 5-5 W-3
Miami 79 74 .516 19 5-5 l-1 cincinnati 79 75 .513 8 1/
2 6-4 l-2 x-san Francisco 76 76 .500 17 1/
2 4-6 l-2 toronto 85 68 .556 10 5-5 l-1 x-Detroit 71 81 .467 9 1/
2 6-4 W-1 texas 84 68 .553 2 6-4 W-2
new york 71 82 .464 27 6-4 l-1 Pittsburgh 72 81 .471 15 6-4 W-2 san Diego 75 78 .490 19 8-2 W-7 new york 77 76 .503 18 6-4 W-1 chicago 58 95 .379 23 3-7 l-2 los angeles 69 84 .451 16 3-7 l-1
Washington 68 86 .442 301/2 3-7 l-1 st. louis 67 86 .438 20 4-6 l-3 colorado 56 96 .368 371/2 5-5 l-4 boston 75 78 .490 20 2-8 l-2 Kansas city 51 102 .333 30 7-3 W-3 x-oakland 46 106 .303 381/2 2-8 l-7
x-Late game; z-Clinched division x-Late game; y-clinched playoff berth

Braves 10, nationals 3

Acuña Jr. rf .........6
H bI bb SO AVg
1 0 0 0 .335
Atlanta’s n oT ES

big bats are

Wall rf.................0 0 0 0 0 0 .333
Albies 2b.............6 2 4 4 0 1 .274 pErSonnEl dEpT.
Riley 3b...............5 1 3 1 0 1 .279
Olson 1b..............6 2 2 1 0 3 .279 Blue Jays: 1b/Dh
Ozuna dh.............5 0 0 1 1 4 .269 Vladimir guerrero Jr. was
Harris II cf...........5 2 3 1 0 0 .294

too much
d'Arnaud c ..........3 0 1 1 2 1 .231 out of the lineup for the
Rosario lf ............5 1 1 0 0 1 .259
Arcia ss...............4 1 3 1 1 0 .268 second straight game and
TOTALS 45 10 18 10 4 11 — remains day-to-day with
right knee inflammation.

for Nats
Abrams ss...........5 0 0 0 0 0 .245
Thomas rf ...........5 0 1 0 0 1 .271 cardinals: c Willson
Meneses 1b ........4 0 0 0 0 2 .280 contreras was placed on
Ruiz dh................4 0 0 0 0 2 .248
Kieboom 3b.........3 1 0 0 1 1 .211 the 10-day injured list with
García 2b.............4 1 2 0 0 1 .260
Millas c ...............4 0 2 1 0 1 .304 left wrist tendinitis.
Call lf ..................3 1 2 1 1 0 .199
Young cf..............3 0 1 1 1 2 .250
NaTIoNals from D1 Giants: ss brandon
TOTALS 35 3 8 3 3 10 — crawford landed on the
ATLAnTA ........005 010 112 — 10 18 0 Acuña also started the third-inning 10-day il with a strained
wASHIngTOn 001 000 002 — 3 8 0 rally, ripping a triple down the left right hamstring.
LOb: Atlanta 13, Washington 8. 2b: Al- field line. Had Alex Call read the wall
bies (27), Harris II 2 (29), Riley (28). 3b:
Acuña Jr. (4). HR: Olson (53), off Abbott; correctly, he might have limited Acu- Marlins: RhP sandy
Albies (32), off Abbott; Call (8), off Fried.
ña to a double. But five of the next six alcantara (right Ucl
RbI: Albies 4 (103), Riley (92), Ozuna
(87), Harris II (54), d’Arnaud (39), Arcia Braves punched hits, making Call’s sprain) began a rehab
(61), Olson (132), Call (37), Millas (5),
Young (7). Sb: Albies (13), Acuña Jr. (68). misplay moot. Among those hits was assignment with
bRAVES Ip H R ER bb SO ERA an rBI double for ozzie Albies — class aaa Jacksonville.
Fried ................... 6 3 1 1 1 7 2.55
Jiménez ............... 1 1 0 0 0 1 3.19 capping an 11-pitch at-bat — an rBI Tigers: Jeff greenberg, a
Yates ................... 1 1 0 0 0 2 3.24 single for Austin riley, an rBI double former executive with the
Stephens ............. 1 3 2 2 2 0 3.52
for michael Harris II and an rBI chicago cubs and
Irvin ................. 22/3 7 5 5 3 1 4.61
single for Travis d’Arnaud. By then, blackhawks, was hired as
Machado........... 11/3 1 0 0 0 1 4.73 Andrés machado was warming in the the team’s new general
Ferrer.................. 1/3 2 1 1 1 1 3.90
Abbott .............. 42/3 8 4 4 0 8 7.01 bullpen. manager as the club tries
wp: Fried (8-1); Lp: Irvin (3-7). Inherit- “You got to attack. You can’t fall
ed runners-scored: Machado 2-0, Abbott to end Mlb’s longest
2-0. Hbp: Abbott (Riley). T: 3:12. A:
behind,” martinez said. “Jake just fell
postseason drought that
28,100 (41,376). behind a lot of good hitters. And when
you fall behind, you got to give them dates from 2014.
HOw THEY SCORED good pitches to hit. That’s what hap- STar of ThE day
bRAVES THIRD pened tonight.” Photos by John McDonnell/the Washington Post
Ronald Acuna Jr. triples. Ozzie Albies
on Harris’s double, Call broke Nationals Manager Dave Martinez removes starter Jake Irvin, who gave up five runs and seven hits in 2 2/3 innings. Wade Miley, Brewers
doubles, Acuna Jr. scores. Austin Riley
singles, Albies scores. Matt Olson sin- straight in when he should have the left-hander allowed
gles. Riley to third. Marcell Ozuna
grounds out, Olson to second, Riley sprinted back on contact. His reads naTionalS on dEck
Nationals’ top pitching prospects, un- three hits and two walks
scores. Michael Harris II doubles, Olson
scores. Travis d’Arnaud singles, Harris II
have generally been sound this sea- derwent Tommy John surgery this in six scoreless innings in
scores. Eddie Rosario grounds out. d’Ar- son, in which he has typically played vs. atlanta Braves month, according to two people famil- a 6-0 win over st. louis.
naud to second. Orlando Arcia walks.
Acuna Jr. grounds out. center field, but he started in left iar with the situation. The surgery,
braves 5, nationals 0 Thursday because the Nationals faced today 7:05 Masn which also included internal bracing
Drew Millas pops out. Alex Call homers. the left-handed max fried. In the tomorrow 1:05 Masn in Bennett’s left elbow, should keep To d ay
Jacob Young called out on strikes. CJ
Abrams grounds out. third, Call collected Washington’s first him out for the entirety of next season.
braves 5, nationals 1 hit, a solo homer to left. otherwise, sunday 1:35 Masn Bennett, 22, was Washington’s sec-
Harris II singles. d’Arnaud walks. Harris II though, fried shut the Nationals ond-round pick last summer. He post- nl games
to second. Rosario strikes out swinging.
Arcia singles, d’Arnaud to second, Harris
down for six innings. He yielded just at Baltimore orioles ed a 3.14 ErA in the minors this bRAVES AT nATIOnALS, 7:05
II scores. Acuna Jr. reaches on a fielder’s three hits, struck out seven and season, though he missed two months w-L ERA TEAM
choice. Arcia out at second. d’Arnaud to tuesday 6:35 Masn,
third. Albies called out on strikes. walked one. between June and August. In his final Morton (R) 14-12 3.66 16-13
braves 6, nationals 1 The Braves, meanwhile, finished appearance Aug. 30, he yielded seven Corbin (L) 10-13 5.00 15-15
d’Arnaud pops out. Rosario singles. Arcia with 18 hits off Irvin (seven), machado Wednesday 6:35 Masn, runs on 10 hits. His Tommy John ROCKIES AT CubS, 2:20
singles. Rosario to second. Acuna Jr.
flies out. Rosario to third. Albies singles,
(one), Jose A. ferrer (two) and Cory Masn2 surgery was first reported by 106.7 the Davis (R) 0-2 9.58 0-4
Arcia to second, Rosario scores. Riley Abbott (eight in 42/3 innings). With fan. . . . Taillon (R) 7-10 5.27 10-17
strikes out swinging.
braves 7, nationals 1 eight strikeouts, Abbott set a Nation- at atlanta Braves The Nationals announced their mi- bREwERS AT MARLInS, 6:40
Olson homers. Ozuna strikes out swing-
als record for a reliever in one appear- nor league awards Thursday, high- Burnes (R) 9-8 3.56 16-14
ing. Harris II doubles. d’Arnaud strikes ance. He threw 58 strikes in 71 pitches sept. 29 7:20 Masn2 lighting James Wood for his offense,
out swinging. Rosario flies out. TBD ---- ---- ----
braves 8, nationals 1 of mop-up work. matt olson padded sept. 30 7:20 Masn Commanders owner Josh Harris lefty Andrew Alvarez for his pitching,
bRAVES nInTH Atlanta’s lead with a solo shot off threw out the ceremonial first pitch infielder Trey Lipscomb for his de-
Arcia singles. Acuna Jr. flies out. Albies oct. 1 3:05 Masn2 Ortiz (R) 4-5 4.85 6-8
homers, Arcia scores. Riley hit by pitch. Abbott in the eighth. Albies padded it at Nationals Park on Thursday. fense, outfielder Johnathon Thomas
Abbott (L) 8-5 3.68 14-5
Olson strikes out swinging. Ozuna
strikes out swinging.
even more with a two-run homer off Radio: WJFK (106.7 FM) for his base running and outfielder
braves 10, nationals 1 Abbott in the ninth. would only dent a large deficit, doing Jacob Young for best representing the
nATIOnALS nInTH Megill (R) 8-8 4.94 10-13
Keibert Ruiz lines out. Carter Kieboom Washington rallied in the ninth, little to hide the sharp contrasts “Nationals Way.”
Walker (R) 15-5 4.40 20-9
walks. Luis Garcia singles. Kieboom to pushing two runs across against re- between a first- and last-place team.
second. Millas singles, garcia to third, CARDInALS AT pADRES, 9:40
Kieboom scores. Call walks. Millas to liever Jackson Stephens. But that Notes: Jake Bennett, one of the andrew golden contributed to this report.
second. Young singles, Call to second, Hudson (R) 6-2 5.12 7-3
Millas to third, garcia scores. Abrams
Waldron (R) 1-3 5.16 1-3
pops out. Lane Thomas grounds out.
braves 10, nationals 3 gIAnTS AT DODgERS, 10:10

pct wCgb
.549 +5
Baltimore’s AL East lead cut to 1 games after tough loss Manaea (L)

Arizona 81 72 .529 +2
nl scores
Chicago 79 74 .520 — blowing a late lead to the team chasing able trend for the orioles (95-58) as the blooped a ball to right field that fell for wEDnESDAY’S RESuLTS

guardians 5, Baltimore in the American League postseason approaches. In 20 Septem- a hit. Philadelphia 6, at Atlanta 5 (10)
x-San Francisco 76 76 .500 3
x-Late game
orioles 2 East. ber games, they are undefeated in the runners advanced one base each on at Arizona 7, San Francisco 1
at San Diego 3, Colorado 2
Come Thursday night, Hyde could 12 contests they have scored at least the bloop, with a run-scoring ground- N.Y. Mets 8, at Miami 3
Pittsburgh 13, at Chicago Cubs 7
have described his actual team’s out- five runs and lost the eight in which out following. After another walk from Milwaukee 8, at St. Louis 2

BY N ATHAN R UIZ come the same way. The orioles came they have scored three or fewer. Balti- Webb, Hyde called on his third reliever THuRSDAY’S RESuLTS
Team w L pct wCgb to life in the eighth inning to even their more hasn’t won with fewer than four of the inning and fifth of the game. Atlanta 10, at Washington 3
Milwaukee 6, at St. Louis 0
Tampa Bay
CLEVELAND — Baltimore orioles man- series opener with the Cleveland runs since Aug. 12. José ramírez flew out to the warning at Philadelphia 5, N.Y. Mets 4
Pittsburgh 8, at Chicago Cubs 6
Seattle 84 68 .553 — ager Brandon Hyde did not hide his Guardians, only to surrender three All three runs in the game’s decisive track off mike Baumann to end the San Francisco at L.A. Dodgers, late
Texas 84 68 .553 — rooting interests after watching the runs in the next half inning in a 5-2 frame belonged to Cionel Pérez, who inning.
Tampa Bay rays rally for an afternoon loss. Paired with the rays’ victory, hit the first batter he faced before Baltimore got its first two runners
victory against the Los Angeles Angels. Baltimore’s lead in the division race allowing a walk and a single to load the on in the ninth but was unable to
nl leaders “We just came up a little short,” fell to 11/2 games, with the club’s magic bases. Jacob Webb entered and walked capitalize. Gunnar Henderson flew al games
Entering Thursday’s games.
Hyde quipped, as if he or his players number remaining at seven. in a run. Then, after the orioles got a out to left field to end the game. ORIOLES AT guARDIAnS, 7:10
Arraez, Mia ...................................... .354
had any role to play in the Angels The loss continued an uncomfort- force out at the plate, Bo Naylor — Baltimore Sun w-L ERA TEAM
Acuña Jr., Atl ................................... .337 Kremer (R) 12-5 4.17 23-7
Freeman, LA .................................... .333
Bellinger, Chi ................................... .310 Bieber (R) 5-6 3.77 7-12
Betts, LA ......................................... .310
Harris II, Atl ..................................... .291
Guardians 5, orioles 2 Brewers 6, cardinals 0 rays 5, angels 4 yankees 5, Blue Jays 3 phillies 5, Mets 4 pirates 8, cubs 6 bLuE JAYS AT RAYS, 6:40
ORIOLES Ab R H bI bb SO AVg Victor caratini hit a Manuel Margot flared a gerrit cole retired the nick castellanos hom- Miguel andújar had thee Bassitt (R) 14-8 3.78 18-13
Olson, Atl ............................................ 52 Henderson ss......4 0 0 0 1 1 .258 three-run homer and blake run-scoring single to right first 16 hitters and pitched ered and drove in four runs hits and drove in three Glasnow (R) 9-6 3.53 11-8
Rutschman c.......4 1 3 0 0 0 .273
Alonso, NY .......................................... 45
Santander dh ......4 0 0 1 0 1 .253 Perkins added a solo shot, field to complete a two-run eight outstanding innings to set a career high for Rbi runs, Joshua Palacios hit a wHITE SOx AT RED SOx, 7:10
Schwarber, Phi ................................... 45
Betts, LA ............................................ 39 O'Hearn 1b..........4 0 1 1 0 0 .309 leading Milwaukee to a win rally in the ninth inning, lift- to strengthen his cy young in a season with 103, and pinch-hit three-run homer, Toussaint (R) 4-7 5.40 6-8
Acuña Jr., Atl ...................................... 39 Mullins cf............4 0 0 0 0 2 .243
Hays lf ................3 0 0 0 1 2 .279 over st. louis. ing tampa bay over los an- award credentials as new Philadelphia maintained and Pittsburgh held off a Sale (L) 6-4 4.66 11-7
Muncy, LA ........................................... 36
Soler, Mia ........................................... 36 Hicks rf ...............4 0 2 0 0 0 .293 the brewers could wrap geles. york beat toronto. its hold on the top nl wild- late rally by chicago.
Riley, Atl ............................................. 36 Frazier 2b............4 0 0 0 0 2 .244 MARInERS AT RAngERS, 8:05
Westburg 3b.......1 0 0 0 1 1 .265 up the division title as soon harold Ramírez scored cole struck out nine and card spot. the loss was the 10th in
Miller (R) 8-5 3.88 13-10
ERA Kjerstad ph .........1 0 1 0 0 0 .278 as Friday in Miami with an- the tying run on isaac Pare- walked none in his longest alec bohm also went past 13 games for the
Snell, SD .......................................... 2.33 Urías pr-3b..........1 1 0 0 0 1 .264 Dunning (R) 10-6 3.78 11-12
Senga, NY ........................................ 2.96 TOTALS 34 2 7 2 3 10 — other victory and two chi- des’s Rbi single in the ninth. outing for the yankees deep for the Phillies, who cubs, who are now tied for
Steele, Chi ....................................... 3.00 cago cubs losses. AngELS Ab R H bI bb SO AVg since april 16 while lower- opened a seven-game the final nl wild-card spot.
Webb, SF ......................................... 3.35 guARDIAnS Ab R H bI bb SO AVg Ragans (L) 6-4 3.34 5-5
Kelly, Ari .......................................... 3.37 Kwan lf ...............4 1 1 0 1 0 .275 Wade Miley tossed six Grichuk lf.............5 0 2 0 0 2 .215 ing his al-best eRa to 2.75. homestand with their fifth pIRATES Ab R H bI bb SO AVg
Garrett, Mia ..................................... 3.53 Neto ss ................5 0 1 0 0 1 .226 Valdez (L) 12-10 3.20 16-13
Ramírez 3b .........4 0 2 1 1 0 .279 scoreless innings for the Drury 1b ..............5 0 0 0 0 2 .255 Jake bauers hit a three- win in the past seven Joe dh .................... 5 1 3 1 0 0 .241
Burnes, Mil ...................................... 3.56 J.Naylor 1b .........1 1 0 1 1 1 .310 Reynolds lf............. 4 0 0 0 1 1 .269
Calhoun dh..........3 0 0 0 0 1 .227 brewers, striking out seven O'Hoppe c............4 0 0 0 0 4 .219 run shot and aaron Judge games. Hayes 3b ................ 5 2 2 0 0 1 .277
AngELS AT TwInS, 8:10
STRIKEOuTS Cron dh ................4 0 0 0 0 1 .200
Freeman ph-dh ...0 0 0 0 1 0 .244 while conceding three hits. and estevan Florial added METS Ab R H bI bb SO AVg Suwinski cf-rf-cf ... 3 2 1 0 2 1 .216 Daniel (R) 0-0 0.00 0-0
Strider, Atl ....................................... 270 Giménez 2b.........4 1 2 0 0 1 .251 Walsh rf ..............2 2 1 0 0 1 .138
Escobar ph...........1 0 1 0 0 0 .213 Andujar rf .............. 4 0 3 3 0 1 .275
Snell, SD ........................................... 227 Laureano cf-rf.....3 1 1 1 1 1 .254 bREwERS Ab R H bI bb SO AVg Rbi doubles for new york. Nimmo cf ............4 0 1 0 1 0 .272 Williams ss............ 0 0 0 0 0 0 .208
López (R) 10-8 3.58 17-13
Peralta, Mil ....................................... 206 Brennan rf ..........4 0 0 0 0 3 .264 Adell cf-rf............3 2 2 2 1 0 .240 Mauricio 2b.........5 0 0 0 0 1 .277
Frelick rf...............5 0 2 1 0 0 .273 Palacios ph-rf ........ 1 1 1 3 0 0 .234 TIgERS AT ATHLETICS, 9:40
Gallen, Ari ......................................... 205 B.Naylor c ...........3 1 1 1 1 0 .238 Fletcher 2b ..........3 0 1 1 1 0 .234 bLuE JAYS Ab R H bI bb SO AVg Alonso 1b............4 0 0 0 1 1 .220
W.Contreras dh ...4 0 1 0 1 2 .284 Stefanic 3b..........4 0 2 0 0 0 .235 Triolo 1b................. 3 1 0 0 2 2 .265
Keller, Pit .......................................... 204 Arias ss...............4 0 1 1 0 1 .215 Springer rf ..........4 0 1 0 0 1 .259 Lindor ss .............4 1 2 0 0 1 .251 Gipson-Long (R) 1-0 2.70 2-0
Canha lf................4 0 1 0 0 0 .307 Rodríguez c ............ 5 0 0 0 0 2 .210
Wheeler, Phi ..................................... 201 TOTALS 36 4 10 3 2 11 — Bichette ss .........4 1 0 0 0 2 .303 Vientos dh ..........4 1 1 1 0 2 .226
TOTALS 30 5 8 5 6 8 — Adames ss ...........3 1 1 0 1 2 .213 Peguero ss-2b-ss... 4 0 0 0 0 1 .243
3 tied ................................................. 194 Biggio 2b.............3 0 0 0 1 1 .230 McNeil rf.............4 2 3 1 0 0 .271 Waldichuk (L) 3-8 5.40 8-12
Tellez 1b...............4 1 1 0 0 0 .215 Bae 2b-cf-2b .......... 3 1 1 1 1 0 .237
bALTIMORE... 000 000 020 — 2 7 0 RAYS Ab R H bI bb SO AVg Schneider dh.......3 0 0 0 0 3 .280 Alvarez c.............3 0 0 1 0 1 .214
Monasterio 3b .....4 1 1 1 0 1 .268 Baty 3b ...............4 0 1 1 0 1 .213 TOTALS 37 8 11 8 6 9 —
CLEVELAnD... 000 020 03x — 5 8 0 Caratini c..............4 1 2 3 0 0 .253 Díaz 1b ................3 2 2 0 2 0 .324 Guerrero Jr. ph ...1 0 0 1 0 0 .264
B.Lowe 2b ...........2 0 0 0 1 2 .231 Chapman 3b........4 1 1 0 0 0 .244 Locastro lf ..........3 0 0 0 0 3 .214 CubS Ab R H bI bb SO AVg
LOb: Baltimore 8, Cleveland 9. 2b: Turang 2b.............4 1 0 0 0 0 .218
Mead 3b ..............1 0 0 0 0 0 .264 Horwitz 1b..........4 0 0 0 0 0 .256 TOTALS 35 4 8 4 2 10 — al scores
al leaders Rutschman 2 (29), O’Hearn (22). RbI: Perkins cf .............4 1 1 1 0 1 .217
Paredes 3b-2b .....5 0 2 2 0 2 .252 Merrifield lf ........3 0 0 0 0 1 .278
Tauchman cf........5 1 2 1 0 2 .255
Santander (86), O’Hearn (60), Ramírez TOTALS 36 6 10 6 2 6 — Hoerner 2b ..........4 0 2 1 1 0 .286 wEDnESDAY’S RESuLTS
Entering Thursday’s games. Arozarena lf ........5 0 0 0 0 3 .254 Kirk c...................3 0 1 0 0 0 .249 pHILLIES Ab R H bI bb SO AVg Happ lf.................4 1 1 0 1 1 .248
(79), J.Naylor (94), Laureano (14), Kiermaier cf........3 1 1 0 0 1 .270 at Houston 2, Baltimore 1
B.Naylor (27), Arias (26). Sb: Ramírez CARDInALS Ab R H bI bb SO AVg J.Lowe rf .............3 2 1 0 2 1 .281 Schwarber dh .....3 1 0 0 1 3 .196 Bellinger 1b .........3 1 1 0 2 0 .311
bATTIng Margot cf ............4 0 2 2 0 0 .256 TOTALS 32 3 4 1 1 9 — Turner ss ............2 1 0 0 2 0 .266 Swanson ss .........5 1 2 3 0 1 .249
at Texas 15, Boston 5
Seager, Tex ...................................... .331 (27), J.Naylor (10). SF: J.Naylor. Edman 2b ............4 0 0 0 0 1 .239 at Kansas City 6, Cleveland 2
Walls ss...............4 0 1 0 0 0 .204 Bohm 3b..............4 1 1 1 0 2 .278 Suzuki rf..............5 0 0 0 0 1 .277
Díaz, TB ........................................... .322 ORIOLES Ip H R ER bb SO ERA Nootbaar cf .........4 0 0 0 0 2 .265 YAnKEES Ab R H bI bb SO AVg Seattle 6, at Oakland 3
Aranda dh............4 0 0 1 0 2 .194 Harper 1b............4 1 2 0 0 1 .289 Morel dh ..............5 0 0 0 0 2 .242
Bichette, Tor .................................... .305 Rodriguez ............ 5 5 2 2 3 7 4.49 Goldschmidt 1b...3 0 2 0 0 1 .271 L.A. Angels 8, at Tampa Bay 3
Pinto c .................3 0 0 0 0 0 .253 LeMahieu 1b .......4 2 1 0 1 2 .242 Realmuto c .........4 0 1 0 0 2 .248 Gomes c...............2 1 0 0 2 0 .268
Ohtani, LA ....................................... .304 Hall ................... 11/3 0 0 0 0 1 4.20 Baker 1b..............1 0 0 0 0 0 .200 Toronto 6, at N.Y. Yankees 1
H.Ramírez ph ......1 0 1 0 0 0 .300 Judge dh .............4 0 2 1 0 1 .259 Castellanos rf .....3 1 2 4 0 0 .274 Mastrobuoni 3b...4 1 2 0 0 0 .236
Yoshida, Bos .................................... .285 J.López ............... 2/3 1 0 0 0 0 6.75 Arenado dh .........3 0 0 0 0 1 .266
Basabe pr ............0 1 0 0 0 0 .213 Torres 2b ............4 1 1 0 0 1 .273 Stott 2b ..............3 0 0 0 1 1 .282 THuRSDAY’S RESuLTS
Rodríguez, Sea ................................. .285 Pérez ................... 0 1 3 3 1 0 3.68 Palacios ph-dh ....1 0 0 0 0 0 .262 TOTALS 37 6 10 5 6 7 —
Yepez lf ...............4 0 0 0 0 1 .196 TOTALS 35 5 9 5 5 10 — Bauers rf.............4 1 1 3 0 1 .199 Rojas cf...............4 0 1 0 0 3 .299
Webb .................. 2/3 1 0 0 2 0 3.15 Volpe ss ..............4 0 1 0 0 2 .209 at Cleveland 5, Baltimore 2
HOME RunS Walker rf.............2 0 1 0 2 0 .274 Pache lf...............3 0 0 0 0 1 .254 pITTSbuRgH . 002 010 023 — 8 11 0 at Tampa Bay 5, L.A. Angels 4
Baumann ............ 1/3 0 0 0 0 0 3.76 L.A. ................. 000 202 000 — 4 10 0 Kiner-Falefa 3b...4 1 2 0 0 0 .244 CHICAgO........ 000 000 132 — 6 10 2
Ohtani, LA .......................................... 44 Knizner c .............4 0 1 0 0 1 .242 TOTALS 30 5 7 5 4 13 — at N.Y. Yankees 5, Toronto 3
TAMpA bAY... 100 101 002 — 5 9 1 Florial cf..............3 0 1 1 1 0 .200
Robert Jr., Chi ..................................... 37 guARDIAnS Ip H R ER bb SO ERA Fermín 3b............3 0 2 0 0 0 .229 E: Swanson (10), Mastrobuoni (3). LOb: Detroit at Oakland, late
Winn ss ...............3 0 0 0 0 2 .170 O.Cabrera lf ........4 0 1 0 0 1 .221 nEw YORK .... 020 101 000 — 4 8 0
García, Tex .......................................... 35 Gaddis ................. 3 1 0 0 2 1 4.50 Two outs when winning run scored. Pittsburgh 8, Chicago 11. 2b: Andujar
Rortvedt c...........3 0 0 0 1 0 .109 pHILA............. 202 001 00x — 5 7 1
Devers, Bos ......................................... 33 Morgan ................ 2 0 0 0 0 3 3.84 TOTALS 32 0 6 0 2 9 — E: J.Lowe (1). LOb: Los Angeles 8, Tampa (5), Hayes 2 (29), Hoerner (27), Tauch-
Judge, NY ............................................ 32 Bay 11. 2b: Grichuk (9), Paredes (23), TOTALS 34 5 10 5 3 8 — E: Turner (21). LOb: New York 8, Phila- man (16), Bellinger (28). 3b: Bae (2).
Hentges............... 1 1 0 0 0 1 3.60
Seager, Tex ......................................... 31 MILwAuKEE . 001 014 000 — 6 10 0 Walls (12), Margot (20). HR: Adell (2), delphia 6. 2b: McNeil (25), Nimmo (29). HR: Palacios (10), off Merryweather;
Rodríguez, Sea .................................... 31
R.López................ 1 1 0 0 0 2 0.00
ST. LOuIS....... 000 000 000 — 0 6 2 off Armstrong. TOROnTO ...... 000 000 012 — 3 4 0
3b: McNeil (4). HR: Vientos (8), off Swanson (22), off Bednar.
interleague game
Stephan............... 1 3 2 2 0 1 3.97 nEw YORK .... 300 001 10x — 5 10 1
Clase.................... 1 1 0 0 1 2 2.97 E: Walker 2 (4). LOb: Milwaukee 5, St. AngELS Ip H R ER bb SO ERA Suárez; Bohm (18), off Peterson; Cas- pIRATES Ip H R ER bb SO ERA
ERA E: Torres (13). LOb: Toronto 3, New tellanos (28), off Brigham. DIAMOnDbACKS AT YAnKEES, 7:05
wp: Stephan (7-7); Lp: Pérez (4-2); S: Louis 7. 2b: Canha (9), Willi.Contreras Canning................ 5 3 2 2 3 7 4.39 Oviedo ................. 6 4 0 0 5 5 4.12
Cole, NY ........................................... 2.81 Marte ................... 1 1 1 1 1 1 4.91 York 8. 2b: Kirk (16), Chapman (39), METS Ip H R ER bb SO ERA w-L ERA TEAM
Clase (42). Inherited runners-scored: (36), Adames (26), Goldschmidt (29). Selby.................... 1 2 1 1 0 0 7.48
Gray, Min ......................................... 2.85 Volpe (21), Kiner-Falefa (12), Florial (1),
Webb 3-3, Baumann 3-0. Hbp: Pérez HR: Perkins (3), off Mikolas; Caratini Soriano ................ 1 1 0 0 0 1 3.60 Peterson.............. 4 5 4 4 2 7 5.37 Holderman.......... 2/3 2 3 3 1 0 3.86 Pfaadt (R) 2-8 5.86 7-9
Bradish, Bal ..................................... 3.01
(7), off Mikolas. Joyce.................... 1 0 0 0 0 0 2.25 Judge (13). HR: Bauers (12), off Berríos.
Castillo, Sea ..................................... 3.06 (J.Naylor). T: 3:11. A: 25,226 (34,788). Brigham............ 12/3 2 1 1 2 3 5.26 Borucki ............... 1/3 0 0 0 0 0 2.72
bREwERS Ip H R ER bb SO ERA Estévez ................2/3 4 2 2 1 1 3.56 bLuE JAYS Ip H R ER bb SO ERA Hartwig ............ 21/3 0 0 0 0 3 5.06 Bednar ................. 1 2 2 2 0 2 2.11 TBD ---- ---- ----
Valdez, Hou ..................................... 3.20
Berríos.............. 52/3 7 4 4 0 6 3.58
Gausman, Tor .................................. 3.29 Miley ................... 6 3 0 0 2 7 3.20 RAYS Ip H R ER bb SO ERA pHILLIES Ip H R ER bb SO ERA CubS Ip H R ER bb SO ERA
Mayza................. 2/3 1 1 1 1 1 1.40
Eflin, TB ........................................... 3.44 Bukauskas........... 1 2 0 0 0 2 0.00 Eflin ..................... 5 6 2 2 1 10 3.44 Pearson ............ 12/3 2 0 0 2 1 4.85 Suárez .............. 62/3 5 4 4 2 6 3.89 Hendricks ............ 6 7 3 1 2 5 3.66
ORIOLES’ LEADERS Teheran ............... 2 1 0 0 0 0 4.59 Armstrong ........... 1 1 2 2 1 0 1.09 Hoffman ............. 1/3 0 0 0 0 0 2.54 Smyly .................. 1 0 0 0 1 2 4.99
interleague scores
STRIKEOuTS Entering Friday’s game. YAnKEES Ip H R ER bb SO ERA
CARDInALS Ip H R ER bb SO ERA Diekman............... 1 0 0 0 0 1 2.34 Kimbrel................ 1 2 0 0 0 2 3.18 Boxberger............ 1 2 2 2 1 0 4.95
Gausman, Tor ................................... 232
batters Avg Ab R H 2b HR RbI Poche ................... 1 1 0 0 0 0 2.06 Cole...................... 8 2 1 1 0 9 2.74 Merryweather .... 1/3 2 3 3 2 0 3.48
López, Min ........................................ 221 Mikolas................ 5 9 6 5 1 4 4.95 Alvarado.............. 1 1 0 0 0 2 1.88
O'Hearn .309 320 47 99 22 14 60 Kittredge ............. 1 2 0 0 0 0 3.38 Holmes ................ 1 2 2 1 1 0 3.00 Palencia.............. 2/3 0 0 0 0 2 4.68 at Washington 13, Chicago White Sox 3
Cole, NY ............................................ 208 Liberatore............ 1 0 0 0 0 0 5.28 wp: Suárez (4-6); Lp: Brigham (1-3); S: Minnesota 5, at Cincinnati 3
Castillo, Sea ...................................... 207 Hicks .293 181 34 53 6 7 29 Suárez ................. 3 1 0 0 1 2 7.29 wp: Kittredge (2-0); Lp: Estévez (5-5). wp: Cole (14-4); Lp: Berríos (11-11). In- wp: Oviedo (9-14); Lp: Hendricks (6-8).
Alvarado (9). Inherited runners-scored: Detroit 4, at L.A. Dodgers 2
Cease, Chi ......................................... 196 Hays .279 501 75 140 36 16 66 Hbp: Canning (B.Lowe), Armstrong herited runners-scored: Mayza 1-1, Hbp: Oviedo (Gomes). wp: Selby, Hold-
wp: Miley (9-4); Lp: Mikolas (7-13). Hartwig 2-0, Hoffman 1-0. Hbp: Suárez
Giolito, Cle ........................................ 195 Rutschman .273 560 82 153 29 19 75 (Walsh), Joyce (Margot). wp: Soriano. T: Pearson 1-1. wp: Pearson (2), Cole. T: erman, Smyly. pb: Rodríguez (5). T: THuRSDAY’S RESuLTS
wp: Suárez. T: 2:18. A: 37,105 (44,494). (Locastro). T: 2:48. A: 30,116 (42,901).
Valdez, Hou ...................................... 183 Mountcastle.269 413 63 111 20 18 67 3:03. A: 12,966 (25,025). 2:32. A: 37,646 (47,309). 3:02. A: 31,544 (41,363). No games scheduled.
friday, september 22 , 2023 . the washington post eZ M2 d5

w eek e nd t v a nd ra d io
Backstrom is done talking, ready to play
Mlb capitals From D1 right now.”
1 p.m. atlanta at washington » Masn, WJfK (106.7 fM) But in contrast to where Back-
1 p.m. arizona at new york yankees » MlB network “I’m done talking about it. . . . strom was at the end of last season,
4 p.m. toronto at tampa bay » MlB network I’ve got nothing more to say about a positive first day is a step for-
6 p.m. baltimore at Cleveland » Masn2, WiYY (97.9 fM), WsBn (630 aM) it. I mean, I’m 100 percent. I’ve ward. The next step is for Back-
7 p.m. seattle at texas » MlB network done everything I can this sum- strom to maintain a solid level
10 p.m. san Francisco at los angeles dodgers » MlB network (joined in progress) mer. I worked really hard and real- throughout camp, which would
College Football ly excited to be here for the train- indicate that he’s physically ready
noon Florida state at Clemson » WJla (Ch. 7), WMar (Ch. 2) ing camp. Love this team, love this for the grind of a full season.
noon oklahoma at Cincinnati » Wttg (Ch. 5), WBff (Ch. 45) city, love the fans. And with the Capitals hoping to
noon auburn at texas a&M » esPn “There’s nothing I’m more ex- return to the playoffs, a healthier
noon virginia tech at Marshall » esPn2 cited about than going back and Backstrom believes he’s ready to
noon sMu at tCu » fox sports 1 playing hockey. I can only control go.
noon western kentucky at troy » esPnU the things that I can control. And “I’m just going to control the
noon kentucky at vanderbilt » seC network
that’s being as prepared as possi- things that I can [and] be as pre-
noon rutgers at Michigan » Big ten network
noon army at syracuse » aCC network
ble, and that’s what I’ve done.” pared as possible,” Backstrom
noon tulsa at northern illinois » CBs sports network Five months ago, Capitals Gen- said. “I’m excited. I mean, I really
3:30 p.m. Colorado at oregon » WJla (Ch. 7), WMar (Ch. 2) eral manager Brian macLellan am.”
3:30 p.m. Mississippi at alabama » WUsa (Ch. 9), WJZ (Ch.13) wasn’t optimistic that Backstrom
3:30 p.m. uCla at utah » Wttg (Ch. 5), WBff (Ch. 45) would be able to improve much No timeline on pacioretty
3:30 p.m. Maryland at Michigan state » WrC (Ch. 4), WBal (Ch. 11), WteM (980 aM) from what he showed in the Forward max Pacioretty wasn’t
3:30 p.m. byu at kansas » esPn 39 games he played last season. Jess raPfogel for the Washington Post in Arlington for the first day of
3:30 p.m. Miami at temple » esPn2 Though the surgery took away center Nicklas Backstrom looked strong and fluid thursday camp. macLellan said he’s getting
3:30 p.m. Florida atlantic at illinois » Big ten network
Backstrom’s lingering pain in his skating with the capitals’ top line on the first day of training camp. a treatment as part of his recovery
3:30 p.m. boston College at louisville » aCC network
3:30 p.m. duke at Connecticut » CBs sports network
left hip — before the procedure, he from an Achilles’ tendon tear he
4 p.m. norfolk state at towson » Monumental sports network couldn’t tie his own shoes or get on strength and fluidity he regained practice or play with ovi, it’s amaz- suffered in January. The tear was
4 p.m. oklahoma state at iowa state » fox sports 1 the floor to play with his kids — it over the summer were evident. ing,” Backstrom said. “Feels like Pacioretty’s second in five months;
4 p.m. rice at south Florida » esPnU was clear that recovering his skat- Speed wasn’t Backstrom’s calling back in the day.” he tore the same tendon last sum-
4 p.m. texas san antonio at tennessee » seC network ing stride was going to be a bigger card even before the surgery, but macLellan, who said in April mer.
6:30 p.m. georgia tech at wake Forest » WDCW (Ch. 50), WnUV (Ch. 54) task. he kept pace with his group and that Backstrom might need to When the Capitals signed Pa-
7 p.m. oregon state at washington state » Wttg (Ch. 5), WBff (Ch. 45) Backstrom, though, was confi- didn’t look labored as he went up “make a decision” on his career, cioretty in July, they had no time-
7 p.m. arkansas at lsu » esPn dent that a normal offseason filled and down the ice. The same was had a different perspective Thurs- line for his recovery beyond the
7 p.m. arizona at stanford » Pac-12 network
with training, instead of rehab, true as Backstrom moved through day — though he was quick to fact that he wouldn’t be ready for
7 p.m. appalachian state at wyoming » CBs sports network
7:30 p.m. texas at baylor » WJla (Ch. 7), WMar (Ch. 2)
would allow him to make signifi- the rest of practice, centering a point out that Backstrom’s out- the start of the season. That re-
7:30 p.m. iowa at Penn state » WUsa (Ch. 9), WJZ (Ch.13) cant progress. line with Alex ovechkin and An- look will depend on what he shows mains the case as training camp
7:30 p.m. ohio state at notre dame » WrC (Ch. 4), WBal (Ch. 11) “I’m optimistic that I’ll get thony mantha. While reading too throughout camp. begins.
7:30 p.m. uab at georgia » esPn2 some more strength back in the much into the line combinations “He had a really good offsea- Pacioretty has yet to resume
7:30 p.m. Memphis at Missouri » esPnU leg,” he said in April. on the first day of training camp son,” macLellan said. “Every- skating, but macLellan said that
7:30 p.m. Mississippi state at south Carolina » seC network Early Thursday morning, as can be a fool’s errand, Backstrom thing’s positive. It’ll be how he when he returns from his treat-
7:30 p.m. Minnesota at northwestern » Big ten network Backstrom completed the skating was back in the top-line center progresses here through camp, ment, the Capitals will have a bet-
8 p.m. uCF at kansas state » fox sports 1 test that marks the official begin- role — at least for a day. through exhibition games and ter idea of when he will be able to
8 p.m. north Carolina at Pittsburgh » aCC network
ning of training camp, the “Every time you get a chance to into the season. It’s all positive get on the ice.
10:30 p.m. southern California at arizona state » Wttg (Ch. 5), WBff (Ch. 45)
10:30 p.m. California at washington » esPn
10:30 p.m. kent state at Fresno state » CBs sports network

auto raCing
12:30 p.m. nasCar Cup series: echoPark automotive 400, practice and qualifying »
Usa network
3:30 p.m. nasCar Xfinity series: andy’s Frozen Custard 300 » Usa network
1 a.m. (sun.) Formula one: Japanese grand Prix » esPn2

7:30 a.m. dP world tour: French open, third round » golf Channel
3 p.m. korn Ferry tour: Children’s Hospital Championship, third round »
golf Channel
6 p.m. Pga tour Champions: Pure insurance Championship, second round »
golf Channel

10 a.m. english Premier league: nottingham Forest at Manchester City »
Usa network
11 a.m. French ligue 1: » lorient at nantes bein sports
12:30 p.m. english Premier league: everton at brentford FC » WrC (Ch. 4),
WBal (Ch. 11)
1 p.m. turkish super lig: galatasaray at istanbul basaksehir » bein sports
3 p.m. French ligue 1: olympique lyonnais at brest » bein sports
7:30 p.m. Mls: new york red bulls at d.C. united » apple tV Plus, WonK (104.7 fM)

7:30 a.m. atP: Zhuhai Championships, early rounds » tennis Channel
4 p.m. laver Cup, day 2 » tennis Channel
8 p.m. wta: guadalajara open, final » tennis Channel

Men’s basketball
3 a.m. Fiba intercontinental, third-place game » nBa tV

1 p.m. buffalo at washington » WUsa (Ch. 9), Big (100.3 fM)
1 p.m. indianapolis at baltimore » WJZ (Ch. 13), WBal (1090 aM), WBal (101.5 fM),
WiYY (97.9 fM)
1 p.m. new orleans at green bay » Wttg (Ch. 5), WBff (Ch. 45)
4:25 p.m. dallas at arizona » Wttg (Ch. 5)
4:25 p.m. Chicago at kansas City » WBff (Ch. 45)
8:20 p.m. Pittsburgh at las vegas » WrC (Ch. 4), WBal (Ch. 11), WJfK (106.7 fM)

Mlb Jess raPfogel for the Washington Post

1 p.m. toronto at tampa bay » MlB network tom Wilson, 29, the youngest member of the capitals’ core, signed an extension last month worth $45.5 million that runs through 2030-31.
1:30 p.m. atlanta at washington » Masn, WJfK (106.7 fM)
1:30 p.m. baltimore at Cleveland » Masn2, WiYY (97.9 fM), WsBn (630 aM)
4 p.m. st. louis at san diego » MlB network barry svrluga
7 p.m. san Francisco at los angeles dodgers » esPn

wnba PlayoFFs — seMiFinals

1 p.m.
5 p.m.
game 1: Connecticut at new york » esPn
game 1: dallas at las vegas » esPn2
Wilson is the Caps’ constant — and bridge to the future
nHl Preseason svrluga From D1 will have five more years — the improved.” you go back and get a puck.
2 p.m. buffalo at washington » Monumental sports network Capitals’ ‘C’ will go from above This is a guy who could have You’re reading everything:
5 p.m. new york rangers at boston » nhl network longer scraps for ice time, who the heart of No. 8 to above the been pigeonholed as a physical Where am I? Do I have to be the
8 p.m. vegas at san Jose » nhl network
no longer needs to fight to stay in heart of No. 43. down-the-lineup forward, a guy to the puck? Do I have time
auto raCing the lineup. And as the Capitals “He has a good presence,” modern-day tough guy who to beat him to the puck? And if
2 p.m. nHra: Carolina nationals » fox sports 1 opened training camp Thursday General manager Brian would spend his career it’s him coming, that’s another
3:30 p.m. nasCar Cup series: echoPark automotive 400 » Usa network in Arlington, it became apparent macLellan said. “He brings protecting others. In his first factor.”
that the 29-year-old who is leadership. He brings character. four seasons, he managed The Capitals have a mixed
entering — get this — his He does the right things off the 69 points and racked up history with contracts that
5 a.m. solheim Cup, final round » golf Channel
11th NHL season is perhaps their ice. I think the whole package of 619 penalty minutes — less than extend into a player’s late 30s.
7:30 a.m. dP world tour: French open, final round » golf Channel
3 p.m. korn Ferry tour: Children’s Hospital Championship, final round »
most important character, not that combined with the way he a quarter of a point each time ovechkin, who turned 38 this
golf Channel just now but going forward. plays. He’s elite in conditioning. out, with just a hair under two month, is holding up as he
6 p.m. Pga tour Champions: Pure insurance Championship, final round » Yes, this is still Alex Comes to work every day the minutes in the penalty box every pursues Gretzky. Backstrom,
golf Channel ovechkin’s team, and it will be right way. A good example for night. who turns 36 in November,
until the Great 8 passes Wayne our young guys, and he’s a good Now? When new coach seems certain to be a victim of
soCCer Gretzky for the most goals all- player.” Spencer Carbery flips on tape, he the hip issues that cost him most
7 a.m. French ligue 1: strasbourg at Metz » bein sports time, grabs a cane and hobbles Plus, when it came to the is drawn not to Wilson’s size but of last year and have severely
9 a.m. French ligue 1: toulouse at lens » bein sports
into the russian sunset. Nicklas summer before his current to his skill. limited his production. Carlson,
9 a.m. english Premier league: aFC bournemouth at brighton and Hove albion »
Usa network
Backstrom and John Carlson contract was up, Wilson was “Everybody thinks about the 33, needs to rebound from a
11 a.m. French ligue 1: rennes at Montpellier » bein sports have more games and more direct to both his agent and physicality and the strength and season that was mostly lost to a
11:30 a.m. english Premier league: newcastle united at sheffield united » history. Evgeny Kuznetsov is the macLellan: I want to be a the power,” Carbery said. “He freak puck-to-the-face injury. T.J.
Usa network mercurial wild card whose Capital. make it happen. No made three or four touch plays oshie, who turns 37 in
noon italian serie a: napoli at bologna » CBs sports network production — or lack thereof — negotiating during the season. off the wall that some of the best December, missed 62 games the
2:45 p.m. French ligue 1: olympique Marseille at Paris saint-germain » bein sports will help determine whether this No worrying about the trade players in the world . . .” and he past two seasons with all
5:30 p.m. women’s friendly: south africa at united states » tnt old core can return to the deadline. No lame-duck year. trailed off, almost at a loss. manner of injuries.
7:30 p.m. Mls: inter Miami at orlando City » fox sports 1 playoffs or be a factor there. “I just wanted to be here,” he “It’s world-class plays, under Wilson will turn 37 during the
9:30 p.m. Mls: la galaxy at austin » fox sports 1
Wilson? By now, he’s the said. “I wasn’t going to play pressure, off the yellow [at the final year of his contract and is
tennis constant, a rock. It’s hard to say hardball. I wasn’t going to say, base of the boards],” Carbery himself coming off a season that
3 p.m. laver Cup, day 3 » tennis Channel what’s more noticeable: the ‘Hey, I might test the market.’ continued. “There’s a prime he began on the shelf after
10 p.m. atP: Zhuhai Championship and Chengdu open, semifinals; impact Wilson has on the entire That’s not my style. I wanted to example of how unique his skill surgery to repair a blown-out
wta: tokyo open, early rounds » tennis Channel Capitals lineup when he plays or be here in D.C.” set is. And, frankly, how valuable knee. But as camp for his —
the gaping hole that is revealed man, that’s the kind of stuff he is.” again, this seems staggering —
Men’s basketball
when he’s out. fans love to hear. It helps that That shows in production, 11th season opens, he is full go.
7 a.m. Fiba intercontinental, final » nBa tV
more than that, after signing Wilson means it. It helps more sure, because in the past five About a year after his operation,
a seven-year, $45.5 million deal that the teenager who fought for seasons, Wilson is up to two- the creakiness and soreness was
PreMier league laCrosse that kicks in next season, he is his eight minutes a night is now thirds of a point per game while gone, and the explosiveness
3 p.m. Championship: waterdogs vs. archers » WJla (Ch. 7), WMar (Ch. 2) the bridge between the a multifaceted force who has to his penalty minutes have returned.
ovechkin Era and whatever lies be accounted for by the other dropped to 1.7 an outing. If he “It was kind of like a switch
woMen’s College soCCer
in the wilderness beyond. team. He is immovable from the plays 80-ish games this year, flipped,” Wilson said. “I felt
noon Florida state at north Carolina » esPnU “It’s hard thinking that far top of the lineup, has spent mark him down for more like myself.”
2 p.m. kentucky at Florida » esPnU
into the future,” Wilson said. seasons at a time playing the 20-something goals, plus time That is exactly who the
2 p.m. Clemson at boston College » aCC network
3 p.m. auburn at Mississippi » seC network
“I’m really happy with the right wing opposite ovechkin on on the penalty kill and the Capitals want around. To help
7 p.m. tennessee at south Carolina » esPnU leadership group we have here the left and will some day be power play. And yet numbers return to the playoffs. To help
now. I don’t want to think about able to show the youngest up- don’t come close to fully ovechkin to Gretzky’s mark and
woMen’s College volleyball when that’s not going to be the and-comers how to be a pro capturing how and why he’s beyond. And to navigate
noon Miami at virginia tech » aCC network same.” because he learned it on the fly, important. whatever lies beyond that.
3 p.m. tennessee at kentucky » esPn Understood. So we’ll do the too, all while developing a deep “People always say, ‘This guy “He’s a true pro that got what
4 p.m. south Carolina at arkansas » esPnU thinking for you, Tom. and varied game. creates space,’ ” Carlson said. was definitely deserved,” Carlson
5 p.m. alabama at Mississippi state » seC network
Whenever ovechkin retires — “What is so striking about “Well, that’s not true, usually. said, “and I think that they value
7 p.m. georgia at Florida » seC network
and his current contract runs him,” said Carlson, the veteran But for him, it is. As a him like they should — because
through 2025-26, when Wilson defenseman, “is how much he’s defenseman, it changes the way he’s a unicorn.”
d6 EZ M2 the washington post . friday, september 22 , 2023


Ascendant Wildcats run away with statement victory to remain undefeated

yards to keep the chains and the cended to the point that they’re at chael Nesmith, the Panthers post- pable group and said before the with an array of run-pass option
Walter Johnson 22, clock moving. home among the area’s heavy- ed a winning record in 13 of the season that he hoped to “keep this plays from Blessing and Byrd.
paint branch 7 Instead, he squeezed through a weights. past 15 seasons. thing going.” They took the lead with a quick
hole and found daylight. The sen- “People have this thing about “We thought this would be a A physical, composed perform- drive late in the third, with Bless-
ior sprinted down the sideline for a WJ, saying we’re not a football great early season test,” said Wild- ance against the Panthers kept the ing plunging through the line for a
BY M ICHAEL E RRIGO 61-yard touchdown, untouched school,” Blessing said. “I say play cats Coach Aaron Fiddler, in his wins coming. The offense strug- touchdown. The Wildcats’ de-
until a trio of joyous teammates us next week. We’ll have fun.” first year at the helm. “We knew gled in the first quarter as Blessing fense, strong all night, provided
Charlie Blessing received the took him down in the end zone. The Wildcats began this latest they had great players. Huge play- threw two interceptions and Paint two more stops before Blessing
shotgun snap and took a few ten- Blessing’s game-sealing score push in 2019, when they posted a ers. So we worked really hard at it Branch jumped out to a 7-0 lead. ran away with the victory.
tative steps to his right, scanning was the final highlight in a 22-7 winning record for just the fifth and tried to find some ways to But the Wildcats settled in, tying “We’ve had good opponents,
his line for the running lane he statement win for the Wildcats in time since 1974. In the years since, make plays.” the score before halftime on a but we knew this would be a better
hoped would appear. With his Bethesda on Thursday night. The Walter Johnson has garnered Fiddler took over the Wildcats short run from sophomore run- one,” Wildcats senior lineman Joe
team leading Paint Branch by victory over Paint Branch, a peren- more respect around the county. after Larry Hurd Jr., the architect ning back Dylan Byrd. Flynn said. “We felt really good
eight points late in the fourth nial contender in Montgomery But a convincing win over Paint of the program’s recent rise, was The Wildcats stuck with the about our energy all night, and we
quarter, the Walter Johnson quar- County, provided further evidence Branch (2-2) represents a new lev- elevated to athletic director. Fid- ground game after the break, pun- took another step in the right di-
terback was just looking for a few that the Wildcats (4-0) have as- el of success. Under Coach Mi- dler knew he was inheriting a ca- ishing a sizable Panthers front rection.”




nfc fIRST ROUnD eAST w l T pts gf gA w l T pts gf gA mARYlAnD
THURSDAY’S ReSUlTS Best of three Cincinnati ........................17 4 8 59 47 33 Portland ............................9 5 5 32 40 25
eAST w l T pcT. pf pA SOUTH Orlando City ....................14 7 8 50 45 36 San Diego ..........................9 7 3 30 27 22
Northern 40, Lackey 18
Dallas ............................ 2 0 0 1.000 70 10 Georgia State 30, Coastal Carolina 17 lIBeRTY elImInATeD mYSTIcS, 2-0 Richard Montgomery 49, Northwood 13
Columbus ........................14 9 6 48 60 41 Gotham FC ........................8 5 6 30 23 19 Walter Johnson 22, Paint Branch 7
Philadelphia .................. 2 0 0 1.000 59 48 Alabama A&M 31, Arkansas Pine Bluff 24 Game 1: at New York 90, Washington 75
Philadelphia ....................14 8 6 48 51 35 North Carolina...................8 7 4 28 27 21 Watkins Mill 27, Wheaton 13
Washington .................. 2 0 0 1.000 55 49 Game 2: at New York 90, Washington 85 (OT)
fRIDAY’S gAmeS New England ...................13 6 9 48 47 34 OL Reign............................8 8 3 27 25 23
N.Y. Giants .................... 1 2 0 .333 43 98 AceS elImInATeD SKY, 2-0 Atlanta............................12 8 10 46 57 46 Washington ......................6 5 8 26 24 27 fRIDAY’S gAmeS
Game 1: at Las Vegas 87, Chicago 59 Nashville .........................12 9 7 43 35 27 Orlando .............................8 10 1 25 23 25 D.c.
SOUTH w l T pcT. pf pA Brown (1-0) at Harvard (1-0), 7 Game 2: at Las Vegas 92, Chicago 70 CF Montréal ....................11 14 4 37 29 41 Angel City .........................6 6 7 25 24 27 Anacostia at Cardozo, 6
Atlanta .......................... 2 0 0 1.000 49 34 SOUTH SUn elImInATeD lYnx, 2-1 D.C. United ........................9 12 9 36 38 39 Louisville...........................5 5 9 24 22 19 Bell at Ron Brown, 6
New Orleans ................. 2 0 0 1.000 36 32 North Carolina State (2-1) at Virginia (0-3), 7:30 New York City FC ..............7 10 13 34 30 36 Houston ............................5 6 8 23 13 15 Bishop McNamara at Douglass, 4
Tampa Bay .................... 2 0 0 1.000 47 34 Game 1: at Connecticut 90, Minnesota 60 Chicago..............................8 12 9 33 32 45 Kansas City .......................7 11 1 22 21 29
mIDweST Game 2: Minnesota 82, at Connecticut 75 Charlotte FC ......................7 9 12 33 36 45 Chicago..............................6 10 3 21 24 41
Friendship Collegiate at H.D. Woodson, 6
Carolina ......................... 0 2 0 .000 27 44 McKinley Tech at Coolidge, 6
Wisconsin (2-1) at Purdue (1-2), 7 Game 3: Connecticut 90, at Minnesota 75 Inter Miami CF ..................9 15 4 31 36 44 Paul Public at Digital Pioneers, 6
nORTH w l T pcT. pf pA weST wIngS elImInATeD DReAm, 2-0 New York...........................7 12 10 31 25 34 SATURDAY’S mATcHeS Urbana at Ballou, 6
Detroit .......................... 1 1 0 .500 52 57 Boise State (1-2) at San Diego State (2-2), 10:30 Game 1: at Dallas 94, Atlanta 82 Toronto FC ........................4 15 10 22 24 45 Kansas City at Washington, 7
Green Bay ..................... 1 1 0 .500 62 45 Air Force (3-0) at San Jose State (1-3), 10:30 Game 2: at Dallas 101, Atlanta 74 Louisville at Chicago, 8 mARYlAnD
Chicago ......................... 0 2 0 .000 37 65 weST w l T pts gf gA San Diego at Portland, 10:30 Blair at Einstein, 6:30
SATURDAY’S gAmeS SemIfInAlS Blake at Sherwood, 6:30
Minnesota ..................... 0 2 0 .000 45 54 St. Louis City SC .............15 10 5 50 56 38
eAST Best of five; x-if necessary Seattle ............................12 9 9 45 37 31 SUnDAY’S mATcHeS Broadneck at Glen Burnie, 6
Virginia Tech (1-2) at Marshall (2-0), noon lAS vegAS vS. DAllAS Los Angeles FC................12 9 8 44 44 34 Houston at Gotham FC, 6:30 Calvert at Westlake, 7
weST w l T pcT. pf pA Army (2-1) at Syracuse (3-0), noon Sunday’s game: Connecticut at New York, 1 Houston ..........................12 10 7 43 41 33 North Carolina at OL Reign, 8 Chopticon at North Point, 7
San Francisco ................ 3 0 0 1.000 90 42 Cornell (1-0) at Yale (0-1), noon Tuesday’s game: Connecticut at New York, 8 Vancouver .......................11 9 8 41 46 41 Crofton at Meade, 6
L.A. Rams ...................... 1 1 0 .500 53 43 Georgetown (2-1) at Columbia (0-1), 12:30
Seattle .......................... 1 1 0 .500 50 61 Friday, Sept. 29: New York at Connecticut, 7:30 Real Salt Lake .................11 11 7 40 40 44 mOnDAY’S mATcHeS Damascus at Poolesville, 7
Lehigh (1-2) at Dartmouth (0-1), 1:30 x-Sunday, Oct. 1: New York at Connecticut, TBD San Jose..........................10 10 10 40 35 39 Glenelg at Reservoir, 7
Arizona ......................... 0 2 0 .000 44 51 Colgate (0-3) at Holy Cross (2-1), 2 Orlando at Angel City, 10
x-Tuesday, Oct. 3: Connecticut at New York, TBD Portland ..........................10 11 9 39 38 46 Howard at Wilde Lake, 7
Afc Rhode Island (2-1) at Villanova (2-1), 2 FC Dallas .........................10 10 8 38 33 32 Huntingtown at La Plata, 7
Bryant (1-2) at Princeton (1-0), 3 new YORK vS. cOnnecTIcUT Minnesota United .............9 10 10 37 37 38 Kennedy at Bethesda-Chevy Chase, 7
eAST w l T pcT. pf pA New Mexico (1-2) at Massachusetts (1-3), 3:30 Sunday’s game: Dallas at Las Vegas, 5 Sporting KC .......................9 13 8 35 39 43 Leonardtown at Thomas Stone, 7
Miami ............................ 2 0 0 1.000 60 51 Texas Tech (1-2) at West Virginia (2-1), 3:30 Tuesday’s game: Dallas at Las Vegas, 10 Austin FC ..........................9 13 7 34 40 46
champions League Long Reach at River Hill, 7
Buffalo .......................... 1 1 0 .500 54 32 Duke (3-0) at Connecticut (0-3), 3:30 Friday, Sept 29: Las Vegas at Dallas, 9:30 LA Galaxy ..........................8 11 9 33 39 48 fIRST ROUnD Magruder at Clarksburg, 6:30
N.Y. Jets ....................... 1 1 0 .500 32 46 Penn (1-0) at Bucknell (1-1), 3:30 x-Sunday, Oct. 1: Las Vegas at Dallas, TBD Colorado ............................4 14 10 22 19 42 Marriotts Ridge at Hammond, 7
New England ................. 0 2 0 .000 37 49 Miami (3-0) at Temple (2-1), 3:30 x-Tuesday, Oct. 3: Dallas at Las Vegas, TBD Top two in each group advance North County at Old Mill, 6
Richmond (1-2) at Stony Brook (0-3), 3:30 weDneSDAY’S ReSUlTS Northeast at Arundel, 7
Norfolk State (1-2) at Towson (1-2), 4 fInAlS gROUp A
SOUTH w l T pcT. pf pA Northwest at Seneca Valley, 6:30
New Hampshire (2-1) at Delaware (2-1), 6 OcT. 8-20 Atlanta 1, at D.C. United 1 gp w D l gf gA pts
Oakland Mills at Mt. Hebron, 7
Indianapolis .................. 1 1 0 .500 52 51 Best of five Philadelphia 2, at Charlotte FC 2 Bayern Munich................. 1 1 0 0 4 3 3
Albany (N.Y.) (1-2) at Morgan State (1-2), 6 Patuxent at McDonough, 7
Jacksonville .................. 1 1 0 .500 40 38 Las Vegas/Dallas winner vs. New York/Connecticut at Columbus 3, Chicago 0 Copenhagen ..................... 1 0 1 0 2 2 1
Iowa (3-0) at Penn State (3-0), 7:30 Quince Orchard at Churchill, 6:30
Tennessee ..................... 1 1 0 .500 42 40 winner at Miami 4, Toronto FC 0 Galatasaray ..................... 1 0 1 0 2 2 1
North Carolina (3-0) at Pittsburgh (1-2), 8 Rockville at Springbrook, 6:30
Houston ........................ 0 2 0 .000 29 56 Manchester United.......... 1 0 0 1 3 4 0
SOUTH Cincinnati 1, at CF Montréal 1 Severna Park at Chesapeake, 6
Kentucky (3-0) at Vanderbilt (2-2), noon Austin FC 1, at New York 1 weDneSDAY’S ReSUlTS South River at Annapolis, 6
nORTH w l T pcT. pf pA Whitman vs. Thomas Johnson, 7
Baltimore ...................... 2 0 0 1.000 52 33 Florida State (3-0) at Clemson (2-1), noon T ENN iS at New York City FC 2, Orlando City 0 at Galatasaray 2, Copenhagen 2
Wootton at Gaithersburg, 7
Cleveland ...................... 1 1 0 .500 46 29 Western Kentucky (2-1) at Troy (1-2), noon at Houston 4, Vancouver 1 at Bayern Munich 4, Manchester United 3
Pittsburgh ..................... 1 1 0 .500 33 52 Wofford (0-3) at VMI (1-2), 1:30 Nashville 3, at Sporting KC 0 vIRgInIA
Cincinnati ...................... 0 2 0 .000 27 51 Maine (0-3) at William & Mary (3-0), 3:30
Texas A&M Commerce (0-2) at Old Dominion (1-2), 3:30
WTA Los Angeles FC 0, at St. Louis City SC 0
Copenhagen vs. Bayern Munich, 3 Alexandria City at W.T. Woodson, 7
Seattle 2, at Colorado 1 Manchester United vs. Galatasaray, 3 Battlefield at Freedom (South Riding), 7
Mississippi (3-0) at Alabama (2-1), 3:30 gUADAlAjARA Open FC Dallas 3, at Real Salt Lake 1 Centreville at Oakton, 7
weST w l T pcT. pf pA Boston College (1-2) at Louisville (3-0), 3:30
Kansas City ................... 1 1 0 .500 37 30 At Panamerican Tennis Center; in Guadalajara, Mexico at LA Galaxy 4, Minnesota 3 gROUp B Dominion at Broad Run, 7
UTSA (1-2) at Tennessee (2-1), 4 purse: $2,788,468 gp w D l gf gA pts Falls Church at Washington-Liberty, 7
Las Vegas ...................... 1 1 0 .500 27 54 Rice (2-1) at South Florida (1-2), 4 at Portland 2, San Jose 1
Denver ........................... 0 2 0 .000 49 52 Surface: Hardcourt outdoor Arsenal ............................ 1 1 0 0 4 0 3 FCA Bucks at Jefferson, 7
Eastern Michigan (2-1) at Jacksonville State (2-1), 5 SATURDAY’S mATcHeS Lens ................................. 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 Freedom (Woodbridge) at Gar-Field, 7
L.A. Chargers ................ 0 2 0 .000 58 63 Central Michigan (1-2) at South Alabama (2-1), 5 SIngleS — QUARTeRfInAlS
New York at D.C. United, 7:30 Sevilla .............................. 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 Gainesville at Osbourn Park, 7
x-Late game Gardner Webb (1-2) at East Carolina (0-3), 6 Sofia Kenin, United States, def. Leylah Annie Fernandez, PSV Eindhoven ................ 1 0 0 1 0 4 0 Hayfield at South County, 7
Liberty (3-0) at FIU (3-1), 6:30 Canada, 6-4, 6-7 (8-6), 6-1; Caroline Garcia (3), France, CF Montréal at Atlanta, 7:30
Hylton at Woodbridge, 7
weeK 2 Georgia Tech (1-2) at Wake Forest (3-0), 6:30 def. Victoria Azarenka (10), Belarus, 6-3, 6-4. Charlotte FC at Cincinnati, 7:30 weDneSDAY’S ReSUlTS James Madison at Chantilly, 7
THURSDAY, SepT. 14 Arkansas (2-1) at LSU (2-1), 7 Toronto FC at New York City FC, 7:30 at Arsenal 4, PSV Eindhoven 0
Charlotte (1-2) at Florida (2-1), 7 DOUBleS — QUARTeRfInAlS John Champe at Heritage, 7
at Philadelphia 34, Minnesota 28 Los Angeles FC at Philadelphia, 7:30 at Sevilla 1, Lens 1 Justice at Westfield, 7
St. Andrews (0-0) at Davidson (1-2), 7 Gabriela Dabrowski, Canada, and Erin Routliffe (3), New
New England at Chicago, 8:30 Lake Braddock at Fairfax, 7
SUnDAY’S ReSUlTS Kennesaw State (1-2) at Tennessee Tech (0-3), 7 Zealand, def. Ulrikke Eikeri, Norway, and Ingrid Neel, TUeSDAY, OcT. 3
Estonia, 7-5, 0-6, 10-7. Columbus at FC Dallas, 8:30 Lewis at Mount Vernon, 7
Washington 35, at Denver 33 Colorado State (0-2) at Middle Tennessee (1-2), 7 Lens vs. Arsenal, 3
Houston at Sporting KC, 8:30 Lightridge at Langley, 7
Baltimore 27, at Cincinnati 24 Nicholls (0-2) at Tulane (2-1), 7 PSV Eindhoven vs. Sevilla, 3 Loudoun County at Loudoun Valley, 7
Buffalo (0-3) at Louisiana Lafayette (2-1), 7:30 St. Louis City SC at Minnesota, 8:30
at Atlanta 25, Green Bay 24 Vancouver at Real Salt Lake, 9:30 gROUp c Manassas Park at Armstrong/Kennedy, 7
at Buffalo 38, Las Vegas 10
Mississippi State (2-1) at South Carolina (1-2), 7:30 gUAngZHOU InTeRnATIOnAl wOmen’S Open Marshall at McLean, 7
UAB (1-2) at Georgia (3-0), 7:30 Colorado at Portland, 10:30 gp w D l gf gA pts
Indianapolis 31, at Houston 20 At Guangzhou (China) International Tennis Center Napoli............................... 1 1 0 0 2 1 3 Meridian at Brentsville, 7
mIDweST purse: $259,303 Nashville at San Jose, 10:30 Oakton at Centreville, 7
Kansas City 17, at Jacksonville 9 Real Madrid ..................... 1 1 0 0 1 0 3
Seattle 37, at Detroit 31 (OT) Rutgers (3-0) at Michigan (3-0), noon Surface: Hardcourt outdoor SUnDAY’S mATcHeS Braga ............................... 1 0 0 1 1 2 0 Patriot at Unity Reed, 7
Tulsa (1-2) at Northern Illinois (1-2), noon Union Berlin..................... 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 Potomac at Forest Park, 7
at Tampa Bay 27, Chicago 17
Oklahoma (3-0) at Cincinnati (2-1), noon SIngleS — QUARTeRfInAlS Miami at Orlando City, 7:30 Potomac Falls at Tuscarora, 7
at Tennessee 27, L.A. Chargers 24 (OT) Western Michigan (1-2) at Toledo (2-1), 1:30 Greet Minnen (7), Belgium, def. Lucia Bronzetti (4), LA Galaxy at Austin FC, 9:30 weDneSDAY’S ReSUlTS Rock Ridge at Luray, 7
N.Y. Giants 31, at Arizona 28 Georgia Southern (2-1) at Ball State (1-2), 2 Italy, 6-7 (10-8), 6-4, 6-1; Yulia Putintseva, Kazakhstan, at Real Madrid 1, Union Berlin 0 South Lakes at Herndon, 7
San Francisco 30, at L.A. Rams 23 Louisiana Tech (2-2) at Nebraska (1-2), 3:30 def. Tatjana Maria (3), Germany, 6-4, 6-7 (8-6), 6-0; Napoli 2, at Braga 1 Stone Bridge at Good Counsel, 7
Magda Linette (1), Poland, def. Rebeka Masarova (5),
at Dallas 30, N.Y. Jets 10 BYU (3-0) at Kansas (3-0), 3:30
Spain, 7-5, 7-6 (8-6); Wang Xiyu, China, def. Viktoria
Sounders 2, Rapids 1 TUeSDAY, OcT. 3
Wakefield at Edison, 7
West Potomac at Robinson, 7
Miami 24, at New England 17 Maryland (3-0) at Michigan State (2-1), 3:30
mOnDAY’S ReSUlTS Delaware State (0-3) at Miami (Ohio) (2-1), 3:30 Hruncakova, Slovakia, 6-4, 4-6, 6-3. Late Wednesday Union Berlin vs Braga, 12:45 West Springfield at Yorktown, 7
Ohio (3-1) at Bowling Green (1-2), 3:30 DOUBleS — QUARTeRfInAlS Napoli vs. Real Madrid, 3
New Orleans 20, at Carolina 17 FAU (1-2) at Illinois (1-2), 3:30 SeATTle 1 1 2 pRIvATe
at Pittsburgh 26, Cleveland 22 Oklahoma State (2-1) at Iowa State (1-2), 4 Nadiia Kichenok, Ukraine, and Anna-Lena Friedsam, cOlORADO 0 1 1 gROUp D Belen Jesuit (Fla.) at Gonzaga, 7
Missouri (3-0) vs. Memphis (3-0) in St. Louis, 7:30 Germany, def. Sabrina Santamaria, United States, and first Half: 1, Seattle, Chu, 5 (Joao Paulo), 34th minute. gp w D l gf gA pts Calvert Hall at Archbishop Spalding, 7
weeK 3 Minnesota (2-1) at Northwestern (1-2), 7:30 Yana Sizikova (1), Russia, 6-3, 7-5. Second Half: 2, Seattle, Rusnak, 4 (Roldan), 56th; 3, Red Bull Salzburg ............ 1 1 0 0 2 0 3 Coventry Christian (Pa.) at Model, 7
THURSDAY’S ReSUlT Ohio State (3-0) at Notre Dame (4-0), 7:30 Colorado, Bassett, 4, 80th. Inter Milan....................... 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 Gilman at Pallotti, 7
DOUBleS — SemIfInAlS Real Sociedad .................. 1 0 1 0 1 1 1
at San Francisco 30, N.Y. Giants 12 Akron (1-2) at Indiana (1-2), 7:30 goalies: Seattle, Stefan Frei, Stefan Cleveland; Colora- Life Christian Academy at DeMatha, 7
Makoto Ninomiya and Eri Hozumi (2), Japan, def. Benfica............................. 1 0 0 1 0 2 0 Mt. Zion Prep at St. Michael the Archangel, 7
SUnDAY’S gAmeS UCF (3-0) at Kansas State (2-1), 8 do, Marko Ilic, Abraham Rodriguez.
Katarzyna Piter, Poland, and Anastasia Detiuc (3), Czech PACE at Maret, 7
SOUTHweST Yellow cards: Tolo, Seattle, 40th. A: 12,548. weDneSDAY’S ReSUlTS
Buffalo (-61/2) at Washington, 1 Republic, 6-2, 4-6, 10-7. Potomac School at Landon, 5
Seattle, Stefan Frei; Yeimar Gomez Andrade, Jackson
Indianapolis at Baltimore (-81/2), 1 Auburn (3-0) at Texas A&M (2-1), noon Ragen, Nouhou Tolo (Reed Baker-Whiting, 81st); Josh Salzburg 2, at Benfica 0 Riverdale Baptist at Paul VI, 7
Atlanta at Detroit (-3), 1 SMU (2-1) at TCU (2-1), noon Atencio, Leo Chu (Nicolas Lodeiro, 81st), Joao Paulo at Real Sociedad 1, Inter Milan 1 Rock Creek Christian at Malvern Prep (Pa.), 7
Sam Houston State (0-2) at Houston (1-2), 7 pARmA lADIeS Open (Xavier Arreaga, 86th), Alex Roldan, Cristian Roldan Severn at SEED, 4:30
Denver at Miami (-61/2), 1 TUeSDAY, OcT. 3
Nevada (0-3) at Texas State (2-1), 7 (Obed Vargas, 65th), Albert Rusnak; Jordan Morris. St. Albans at John Paul the Great, 7
Houston at Jacksonville (-81/2), 1 Southern Mississippi (1-2) at Arkansas State (1-2), 7 At Tennis Club President; in Parma, Italy Salzburg vs. Real Sociedad, 12:45
Purse: $106,585 Colorado, Marko Ilic; Moise Bombito, Andrew Gutman, St. Mary's (Annapolis) at John Carroll, 7
L.A. Chargers at Minnesota (-11/2), 1 Texas (3-0) at Baylor (1-2), 7:30 Inter Milan vs. Benfica, 3
Surface: Red clay Andreas Maxso, Keegan Rosenberry; Cole Bassett, Stone Bridge at Good Counsel, 7
New England (-21/2) at N.Y. Jets, 1 UNLV (2-1) at UTEP (1-3), 9 Virginia Academy at Bullis, 7
Connor Ronan (Diego Rubio, 62nd), Sidnei Tavares gROUp e
New Orleans at Green Bay (-11/2), 1 weST SIngleS — QUARTeRfInAlS (Ralph Priso, 46th); Kevin Cabral (Luis Diaz, 63rd), Calvin gp w D l gf gA pts SATURDAY’S gAmeS
Tennessee at Cleveland (-31/2), 1 Colorado (3-0) at Oregon (3-0), 3:30 Katarzyna Kawa, Poland, def. Jessica Bouzas Maneiro, Harris (Braian Galvan, 63rd), Rafael Navarro (Darren Feyenoord ........................ 1 1 0 0 2 0 3 mARYlAnD
Carolina at Seattle (-61/2), 4:05 UCLA (3-0) at Utah (3-0), 3:30 Spain, 6-2, 4-6, 6-3; Anna Bondar (7), Hungary, def. Yapi, 87th). Atletico Madrid ............... 1 0 1 0 1 1 1
Chicago at Kansas City (-121/2), 4:25 Centennial at Atholton, 1
Montana (3-0) at Northern Arizona (0-3), 4 Viktoriya Tomova (4), Bulgaria, 7-5, 6-4; Ana Bogdan (2), Lazio ................................ 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 Great Mills at St. Charles, noon
Dallas (-121/2) at Arizona, 4:25 Northern Colorado (0-3) at Idaho State (0-3), 6 Romania, def. Jaqueline Adina Cristian (5), Romania, Glasgow Celtic................. 1 0 0 1 0 2 0 Southern at Richard Wright, noon
Pittsburgh at Las Vegas (-21/2), 8:20 Appalachian State (2-1) at Wyoming (2-1), 7 4-6, 6-1, 7-6 (7-1); Anna-Karolina Schmiedlova (1),
mOnDAY’S gAmeS Oregon State (3-0) at Washington State (3-0), 7 Slovakia, def. Kaja Juvan (6), Slovenia, 6-1, 6-7 (7-4), Fc dallas 3, Real Salt Lake 1 TUeSDAY’S ReSUlTS pRIvATe
Arizona (2-1) at Stanford (1-2), 7 6-4. at Feyenoord 2, Glasgow Celtic 0
Philadelphia (-41/2) at Tampa Bay, 7:15 James Madison (3-0) at Utah State (1-2), 8
Late Wednesday at Lazio 1, Atletico Madrid 1
Bishop O'Connell at Annapolis Area Christian, 1
DOUBleS — ROUnD Of 16 Flint Hill at St. Stephen's/St. Agnes, 1
L.A. Rams at Cincinnati (-3) , 8:15 Western Illinois (0-3) at Southern Utah (0-3), 8 McDonogh at Archbishop Carroll, 2
DAllAS 0 3 3 weDneSDAY, OcT. 4
Montana State (2-1) at Weber State (2-1), 8 Sara Errani and Nuria Brancaccio, Italy, def. Dalila Spiteri Mission Viejo (Calif.) at St. John's, 2
ReAl SAlT lAKe 1 0 1 Atletico Madrid vs. Feyenoord, 12:45
Kent State (1-2) at Fresno State (3-0), 10:30 and Giorgia Pedone, Italy, walkover. St. John’s Catholic Prep at Bishop Ireton, noon
first Half: 1, Real Salt Lake, Arango, 5 (Ojeda), 43rd Glasgow Celtic vs. Lazio, 3
49ers 30, Giants 12 Southern Cal (3-0) at Arizona State (1-2), 10:30
California (2-1) at Washington (3-0), 10:30 DOUBleS — QUARTeRfInAlS minute.
Second Half: 2, Dallas, Arriola, 2 (Pomykal), 56th; 3, gROUp f
Trinity Episcopal at Episcopal, 2
Amina Anshba, Russia, and Emily Appleton, Britain, def.
n.Y. gIAnTS ............................. 3 3 6 0 —12 SUnDAY’S gAme Eleonora Alvisi and Jennifer Ruggeri, Italy, 7-5, 6-2; Irina Dallas, Ferreira, 11 (penalty kick), 62nd; 4, Dallas, gp w D l gf gA pts
SAn fRAncIScO ..................... 3 14 3 10 —30 weST Khromacheva, Russia, and Dalila Jakupovic (3), Slove- Ferreira, 12 (Obrian), 71st. Paris Saint-Germain........ 1 1 0 0 2 0 3 THURSDAY’S ReSUlTS
New Mexico State (2-2) at Hawaii (1-3), 12 a.m. nia, def. Camilla Rosatello and Angelica Moratelli, Italy, goalies: Dallas, Maarten Paes, James Maurer; Real Salt Newcastle........................ 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 BOYS’ SOcceR
fIRST QUARTeR 6-2, 7-5; Kimberley Zimmermann, Belgium, and Anna Lake, Zac MacMath, Gavin Beavers. AC Milan .......................... 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 mARYlAnD
San francisco: FG Moody 28, 8:44. Bondar (1), Hungary, def. Sara Errani and Nuria Brancac- Yellow cards: Kreilach, Real Salt Lake, 20th; Silva, Real Borussia Dortmund ......... 1 0 0 1 0 2 0 Bowie 2, Laurel 0
n.Y. giants: FG Gano 44, 3:18. cio, Italy, 7-6 (7-2), 6-2; Eva Vedder and Isabelle Salt Lake, 60th. A: 17,842. Broadneck 5, Southern 0
GO LF Dallas, Maarten Paes; Marco Farfan, Sebastien Ibeagha,
Haverlag, Netherlands, def. Katarzyna Kawa, Poland, Crossland 2, Central 0 (2OT)
SecOnD QUARTeR and Elixane Lechemia (4), France, 6-1, 6-0. Nkosi Tafari; Paul Arriola, Liam Fraser, Illarramendi at AC Milan 0, Newcastle 0
San francisco: Bell 9 pass from Purdy (Moody kick), 7:49. at Paris Saint-Germain 2, Dortmund 0 Fairmont Heights 4, Largo 0
(Facundo Quignon, 66th), Paxton Pomykal (Jose Antonio International Largo 2, CMIT North 0
San francisco: McCaffrey 4 run (Moody kick), 1:40.
n.Y. giants: FG Gano 57, :13.
dP World Tour Martinez, 86th), Ema Twumasi (Sam Junqua, 66th); weDneSDAY, OcT. 4 Oxon Hill 3, Douglass 2
Jesus Ferreira (Jesus Jimenez, 79th), Jader Obrian
Open De fRAnce ATP (Dante Sealy, 86th).
Borussia Dortmund vs. AC Milan, 3 Potomac (Md.) 3, Friendly 2
THIRD QUARTeR Newcastle vs. Paris Saint-Germain, 3 Severna Park 3, Chesapeake 2
At Le Golf National ZHUHAI cHAmpIOnSHIpS Real Salt Lake, Zac MacMath; Justen Glad, Bryan
n.Y. giants: Breida 8 run (pass failed), 10:00. Oviedo, Marcelo Silva; Maikel Chang (Andres Gomez, pRIvATe
In Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, France gROUp g
San francisco: FG Moody 21, 4:08. purse: $3.25 million At Hengqin International Tennis Center; in Zhuhai, China 69th), Bode Davis, Damir Kreilach (Anderson Julio, gp w D l gf gA pts Bullis 3, Jackson-Reed 3
Yardage: 7,247; par: 71 purse: $981,785 69th), Braian Ojeda, Nelson Palacio (Jasper Loffelsend,
fOURTH QUARTeR Surface: Hardcourt outdoor
Leipzig ............................. 1 1 0 0 3 1 3 DeMatha 7, Archbishop Carrol 0
San francisco: FG Moody 36, 12:47. 69th), Jefferson Savarino (Diego Luna, 84th); Cristian Manchester City .............. 1 1 0 0 3 1 3 Flint Hill 5, St. James 0
SUSpenDeD fIRST ROUnD Arango (Rubio Rubin, 84th). John Paul the Great 4, Bishop Ireton 2
San francisco: Samuel 27 pass from Purdy (Moody SIngleS — ROUnD Of 32 Red Star Belgrade ........... 1 0 0 1 1 3 0
Tom Kim, South Korea ...................... 30 34 — 64 -7 Young Boys...................... 1 0 0 1 1 3 0 St. Andrew’s 2, Potomac School 1
kick), 5:58. Joakim Lagergren, Sweden ............... 31 30 — 61 -6 Marc Polmans, Australia, def. Dane Sweeny, Australia,
St. Mary’s Ryken 6, Bishop O’Connell 1
Alfredo Garcia-Heredia, Spain .......... 34 31 — 65 -6 6-3, 6-1; Kimmer Coppejans, Belgium, def. Aleksandar TUeSDAY’S ReSUlTS
nYg Sf
Richard Mansell, England .................. 34 31 — 65 -6 Kovacevic, United States, 7-6 (7-4), 6-1; Aslan Karatsev, Timbers 2, Earthquakes 1 The Heights 3, Bishop McNamara 0
First Downs .......................................... 10 26 Leipzig 3, at Young Boys 1 Washington International 5, Jewish Day 0
Matthew Southgate, England ........... 31 34 — 65 -6 Russia, def. Matteo Arnaldi, Italy, 6-7 (7-5), 7-6 (7-5), Late Wednesday at Manchester City 3, Red Star 1
Total Net Yards ................................... 150 441
Louis De Jager, South Africa ............. 33 33 — 66 -5 6-2; Alex Bolt, Australia, def. Diego Schwartzman, gIRlS’ SOcceR
Rushes-Yards ................................. 11-29 39-141
Passing ................................................ 121 300 Ewen Ferguson, Scotland .................. 31 35 — 66 -5 Argentina, 6-3, 4-2, ret; Tomas Martin Etcheverry (5), SAn jOSe 0 1 1 weDneSDAY, OcT. 4 mARYlAnD
Simon Forsstrom, Sweden ................ 31 35 — 66 -5 Argentina, def. Luke Saville, Australia, 6-4, 6-4; Cristian pORTlAnD 1 1 2 Leipzig vs. Manchester City, 3 CMIT North 3, International Largo 0
Punt Returns ....................................... 1-3 3-22
Kazuki Higa, Japan ............................ 32 34 — 66 -5 Garin, Chile, def. Yi Zhou, China, 4-6, 6-4, 6-2; Andy first Half: 1, Portland, Paredes, 2 (Acosta), 45th+3 Red Star Belgrade vs. Young Boys, 3 Glen Burnie 3, Old Mill 0
Kickoff Returns ................................. 1-16 0-0
Ryo Hisatsune, Japan ........................ 33 33 — 66 -5 Murray (7), Britain, def. Yecong Mo, China, 7-5, 6-3; minute. Long Reach 4, Centennial 0
Interceptions Ret. ............................... 0-0 1-8 gROUp H
Rasmus Hojgaard, Denmark ............. 33 33 — 66 -5 Alexandre Muller, France, def. Rinky Hijikata, Australia, Second Half: 2, Portland, Evander, 9, 58th; 3, San Jose, Marriotts Ridge 3, Reservoir 0
Comp-Att-Int ............................... 22-33-1 25-37-0
David Law, Scotland .......................... 31 35 — 66 -5 6-3, 6-2; Mackenzie McDonald (6), United States, def. Hoppe, 1, 60th. gp w D l gf gA pts River Hill 2, Wilde Lake 0
Sacked-Yards Lost ............................ 2-16 2-10
Adrian Otaegui, Spain ....................... 33 33 — 66 -5 Juncheng Shang, China, 6-4, 6-7 (7-3), 6-3. goalies: San Jose, Daniel, JT Marcinkowski; Portland, Barcelona......................... 1 1 0 0 5 0 3
Punts .......................................... 6-52.667 3-42.667
Fumbles-Lost ...................................... 0-0 1-0 Jordan L. Smith, England .................. 32 34 — 66 -5 David Matthew Bingham, Hunter Sulte. Porto ................................ 1 1 0 0 3 1 3 pRIvATe
DOUBleS — ROUnD Of 16 Shakhtar Donetsk ........... 1 0 0 1 1 3 0
Penalties-Yards ................................ 6-37 6-71 Andrew Wilson, England ................... 32 34 — 66 -5 Yellow cards: Marie, San Jose, 32nd; Gruezo, San Jose, Bullis 2, Madeira 0
John Axelsen, Denmark .................... 33 34 — 67 -4 Nathaniel Lammons and Jackson Withrow (3), United Antwerp........................... 1 0 0 1 0 5 0 Elizabeth Seton 9, D.C. International 1
Time Of Possession ......................... 20:50 39:10 States, def. Toshihide Matsui and Yoshihito Nishioka, 35th; Paredes, Portland, 41st; Espinoza, San Jose,
Dan Bradbury, England ...................... 33 34 — 67 -4 90th+2; Bingham, Portland, 90th+9. TUeSDAY’S ReSUlTS Episcopal 7, Bullis 3
pASSIng Daniel Brown, England ...................... 35 32 — 67 -4 Japan, 7-5, 6-4. Potomac School 6, Holy Child 0
San Jose, Daniel; Carlos Akapo (Miguel Trauco, 59th), at Barcelona 5, Antwerp 0
n.Y. giants: D.Jones 22-32-1-137, Taylor 0-1-0-0. Laurie Canter, England ...................... 35 32 — 67 -4 Tanner Beason, Paul Marie (Ayo Akinola, 86th), Rodri-
San francisco: Purdy 25-37-0-310. Maximilian Kieffer, Germany ............ 33 34 — 67 -4 gues (Jonathan Mensah, 62nd); Cristian Espinoza, Car-
Porto 3, at Shakhtar Donetsk 1 vOlleYBAll
Hugo Le Goff, France ......................... 34 33 — 67 -4 T RAN SA cT i ON S los Gruezo (Niko Tsakiris, 59th), Jamiro Monteiro (Cade weDneSDAY, OcT. 4 D.c.
RUSHIng Zander Lombard, South Africa .......... 34 33 — 67 -4 Cowell, 60th), Jackson Yueill; Jeremy Ebobisse, Mat- KIPP def. Paul Public Charter, 3-0 (25-18, 25-19, 25-7)
Antwerp vs. Shakhtar Donetsk, 12:45
n.Y. giants: Breida 4-17, D.Jones 2-5, Brightwell 4-5, Renato Paratore, Italy ....................... 35 32 — 67 -4 thew Hoppe. Porto vs. Barcelona, 3 mARYlAnD
Taylor 1-2. Yannik Paul, Germany ....................... 34 33 — 67 -4 Portland, David Matthew Bingham; Claudio Bravo, Zac
San francisco: McCaffrey 18-85, Mitchell 11-42, Mason
mlB Glenelg def. Oakland Mills, 3-0 (25-10, 25-7, 25-12)
Connor Syme, Scotland ..................... 34 33 — 67 -4 McGraw, Juan David Mosquera, Dario Zuparic; Bryan
3-11, Juszczyk 1-3, Samuel 1-2, Darnold 1-(minus 1), Marc Warren, Scotland ..................... 35 32 — 67 -4 cleveland guardians: Recalled RHP Hunter Gaddis from Acosta, Sebastian Blanco (Antony, 65th), Evander Mt Hebron def. Hammond, 3-0 (25-9, 25-9, 25-9)
Purdy 4-(minus 1). Andoni Etchenique, France ............... 36 28 — 64 -3 Columbus (IL). Optioned RHP Michael Kelly to Colum- (Yimmi Chara, 64th), Santiago Moreno (Dairon Asprilla, Paint Branch def. Blake, 3-0
David Horsey, England ...................... 32 32 — 64 -3 bus. 78th), Cristhian Paredes; Franck Boli (Felipe Mora,
English Premier League Reservoir def. Marriotts Ridge, 3-0 (25-13, 25-15, 25-17)
ReceIvIng Kiradech Aphibarnrat, Thailand ........ 34 34 — 68 -3 Detroit Tigers: Named Jeff Greenberg general manager. 64th). gp w D l gf gA pts Sherwood def. Springbrook, 3-0
n.Y. giants: Campbell 6-24, W.Robinson 4-21, Slayton Nick Bachem, Germany ..................... 34 34 — 68 -3 Kansas city Royals: Promoted Danny Ontiveros to vice Man City .......................... 5 5 0 0 14 3 15 Wootton def. Watkins Mills, 3-0 (25-10, 25-18, 25-12)
3-32, Waller 3-20, Breida 3-1, Brightwell 2-31, Bellinger Hennie Du Plessis, South Africa ....... 34 34 — 68 -3 president of scouting. Named Brian Bridges director of Tottenham....................... 5 4 1 0 13 5 13
1-8. amateur scouting. Jim Cuthbert director of pro person-
Sebastian Garcia Rodriguez, Spain ... 36 32 — 68 -3 Galaxy 4, minnesota United 3 Liverpool .......................... 5 4 1 0 12 4 13
San francisco: Kittle 7-90, Samuel 6-129, McCaffrey Lukas Nemecz, Austria ..................... 36 32 — 68 -3 nel & strategy and Daniel Guerrero director of interna- Briar Woods def. Stone Bridge, 3-0 (25-16, 25-11, 25-15)
Arsenal ............................ 5 4 1 0 9 4 13
5-34, Mitchell 3-2, Jennings 2-31, Bell 2-24. Marcel Schneider, Germany .............. 35 33 — 68 -3 tional scouting. Sent LHP Daniel Lynch IV to Omaha (IL) Late Wednesday Heritage def. Loudoun Valley, 3-0
Brighton........................... 5 4 0 1 15 7 12
Joel Stalter, France ........................... 34 34 — 68 -3 on a rehab assignment. West Springfield def. Robinson, 3-0
mISSeD fIelD gOAlS West Ham........................ 5 3 1 1 10 7 10
Marcus Armitage, England ............... 33 36 — 69 -2 Tampa Bay Rays: Reinstated RHP Jason Adam from the mInneSOTA 3 0 3 Aston Villa....................... 5 3 0 2 11 10 9
None. lOS AngeleS gAlAxY 1 3 4 pRIvATe
Matthew Baldwin, England ............... 36 33 — 69 -2 15-day IL. Optioned LHP Jalen Beeks to Durham (IL). Nottingham Forest.......... 5 2 1 2 7 7 7 Bishop O’Connell def. Bishop McNamara, 3-0 (25-8,
Christoffer Bring, Denmark ............... 34 35 — 69 -2 cincinnati Reds: Released RF Hunter Renfroe. first Half: 1, Los Angeles Galaxy, Sharp, 4, 16th minute; Crystal Palace.................. 5 2 1 2 6 7 7 25-19, 25-9)
Julien Brun, France ............................ 34 35 — 69 -2 San francisco giants: Recalled RHP Tristan Beck and INF 2, Minnesota, Pukki, 4, 19th; 3, Minnesota, Hlongwane, 7 Fulham............................. 5 2 1 2 5 10 7
Marco Luciano from Sacramento (PCL). Selected the Flint Hill def. Battlefield, 3-0 (25-16, 25-23, 25-15)
Alejandro Del Rey, Spain ................... 34 35 — 69 -2 (Dotson), 41st; 4, Minnesota, Hlongwane, 8 (Pukki), Brentford ......................... 5 1 3 1 8 6 6
nfc leADeRS OJ Farrell, England ............................ 35 34 — 69 -2 contract of INF/OF Tyler Fitzgerald from Sacramento. 45th+5. Newcastle........................ 5 2 0 3 8 7 6
Good Counsel def. John Paul the Great, 3-0 (25-12,
Through Thursday’s game. Optioned RHP Sean Hjelle to Sacramento. Placed INF 25-16, 25-16)
John Gough, England ......................... 36 33 — 69 -2 Second Half: 5, Los Angeles Galaxy, Sharp, 5 (Yoshida), Man United ...................... 5 2 0 3 6 10 6 Holy Cross def. St. John’s, 3-0 (25-16, 25-16, 25-18)
Julien Guerrier, France ...................... 34 35 — 69 -2 Brandon Crawford on the 10-day IL. Released INF Paul 63rd; 6, Los Angeles Galaxy, Sharp, 6 (Edwards), 71st; 7, Chelsea ............................ 5 1 2 2 5 5 5
pASSIng ATT-cmp pcT YDS TD InT RATe Billy Horschel, United States ............ 35 34 — 69 -2 DeJong. Los Angeles Galaxy, Fagundez, 1 (Boyd), 82nd. Bournemouth .................. 5 0 3 2 4 8 3 fIelD HOcKeY
Love, GB ...................... 52/29 55.8 396 6 0 118.8 Daan Huizing, Netherlands ............... 33 36 — 69 -2 goalies: Minnesota, Dayne St. Clair, Clinton Irwin; Los Wolverhampton .............. 5 1 0 4 5 11 3 mARYlAnD
Cousins, Min ............... 88/64 72.7 708 6 1 114.2 Kristian Krogh Johannessen ............. 35 34 — 69 -2
Angeles Galaxy, Jonathan Bond, Novak Micovic. Sheffield United .............. 5 0 1 4 5 9 1 Broadneck 9, Southern 1
Goff, Det ...................... 70/50 71.4 576 4 1 109.0 Nathan Kimsey, England ................... 33 36 — 69 -2 Buffalo Bills: Signed LB A.J. Klein to the practice squad. Yellow cards: Tapias, Minnesota, 27th; Gregus, Minne- Everton ............................ 5 0 1 4 2 9 1 Marriotts Ridge 2, Reservoir 0
Purdy, SF ..................... 91/61 67.0 736 4 0 105.4 Jeong-Weon Ko, France .................... 35 34 — 69 -2 Announced the retirement of LB Christian Kirksey. sota, 28th; Boxall, Minnesota, 29th; Bristow, Minne- Burnley ............................ 4 0 1 3 4 12 1 Sherwood 2, Springbrook 1 (OT)
Mayfield, TB ................ 68/47 69.1 490 3 0 104.4 Min Woo Lee, Australia .................... 35 34 — 69 -2 Houston Texans: Promoted DE Derek Rivers from the sota, 54th; Boyd, Los Angeles Galaxy, 55th; Sharp, Los Luton Town...................... 4 0 0 4 2 10 0 Whitman 2, Churchill 1 (2OT)
G.Smith, Sea ............... 67/48 71.6 440 3 0 104.1 Maxime Legros, France ..................... 34 35 — 69 -2 practice squad to the active roster. Signed CB D’Angelo Angeles Galaxy, 67th; Delgado, Los Angeles Galaxy,
Alexander Levy, France ..................... 33 36 — 69 -2 Ross to the practice squad. 81st; Tajouri-Shradi, Minnesota, 89th; Edwards, Los SATURDAY’S mATcHeS vIRgInIA
Thorbjorn Olesen, Denmark .............. 35 34 — 69 -2 los Angeles Rams: Signed CB Michael Ojemudia to the Angeles Galaxy, 90th+2. Crystal Palace vs. Fulham, 10 a.m. Colgan 2, Woodbridge 0
John Parry, England .......................... 33 36 — 69 -2 practice squad. Traded RB Cam Akers to Minnesota. Minnesota, Dayne St. Clair; Michael Boxall, D.J. Taylor; Luton Town vs. Wolverhampton, 10 a.m. Falls Church 4, Edison 3
Afc leADeRS Freddy Schott, Germany ................... 35 34 — 69 -2 new York jets: Signed OL Cedric Ogbuehi to the practice Hassani Dotson, Jan Gregus, Emanuel Reynoso (Ismael Man City vs. Nottingham Forest, 10 a.m. Meridian 3, Hayfield 0
Through Sunday’s games. Marcel Siem, Germany ...................... 34 35 — 69 -2 squad. Released OL Ryan Swoboda from the practice Tajouri-Shradi, 46th), Joseph Rosales (Ethan Bristow, Brentford vs. Everton, 12:30
Johannes Veerman, United States ... 36 33 — 69 -2 squad. 36th), Miguel Tapias, Wil Trapp; Bongokuhle Hlongwane Burnley vs. Man United, 3 pRIvATe
pASSIng ATT-cmp pcT YDS TD InT RATe Nicolai Von Dellingshausen .............. 34 35 — 69 -2 San francisco 49ers: Released CB Anthony Brown. (Sang-bin Jeong, 77th), Teemu Pukki (Mender Garcia, Bullis 4, Potomac School 3
Wilson, Den ................. 66/45 68.2 485 5 1 108.5 Promoted CB Shemar Jean-Charles and WR Chris Conley 77th). SUnDAY’S mATcHeS St. Stephen’s/St. Agnes 3, Madeira 1
Tagovailoa, Mia ........... 75/49 65.3 715 4 2 102.9 DID nOT fInISH from the practice squad to the active roster. Signed CB Los Angeles Galaxy, Jonathan Bond; Kelvin Leerdam, Arsenal vs. Tottenham, 9 a.m.
Herbert, LAC ............... 74/50 67.6 534 3 0 102.0 Joakim Lagergren, Sweden Tre Swilling. Chris Mavinga, Maya Yoshida; Edwin Cerrillo, Marky Brighton vs. Bournemouth, 9 a.m. gIRlS’ TennIS
Jackson, Bal ................ 55/41 74.5 406 2 1 99.5 David Horsey, England Seattle Seahawks: Re-signed LB Tyreke Smith to the Delgado, Riqui Puig, Oriol Rosell (Diego Fagundez, 47th); Chelsea vs. Aston Villa, 9 a.m. pRIvATe
J.Allen, Buf .................. 78/60 76.9 510 4 3 94.5 Andoni Etchenique, France practice squad. Released OL Greg Eiland from the Tyler Boyd (Daniel Aguirre, 87th), Raheem Edwards Liverpool vs. West Ham, 9 a.m. Georgetown Visitation 4, Bullis 3
Stroud, Hou ................. 91/58 63.7 626 2 0 91.2 practice squad. (Julian Aude, 87th), Billy Sharp (Dejan Joveljic, 86th). Sheffield United vs. Newcastle, 11:30 a.m. St. Gertrude 7, Bishop Ireton 2
EZ CLASSIFIED zone EZ | 2023-9-22 | D 7 | BLACK




Trustees Sale - DC 840
Trustees Sale - DC 840
Trustees Sale - DC 840
Trustees Sale - DC 840
Trustees Sale - DC 840
Trustees Sale - DC 850
Montgomery County 850
Montgomery County
201 East Pine Street, Suite 500 1800 M STREET, NW SUITE 450N 1602 VILLAGE MARKET BLVD. SE, SUITE 310
needed to deliver Orlando, FL 32801
202.659.6800 703-777-7101
Unit Owners Association, 2401 H Street, NW, Unit 205, 10729 Gloxinia Drive
1250 22ND STREET NW WASHINGTON, DC 20037 Washington, DC 20037. Pursuant to the District of Columbia Rockville, MD 20852
Condominium Act of 1976, as amended, the Condominium Under a power of sale contained in a Deed of Trust from
SSL ID# 0050-0085 SSL ID# 0050-2002 Declaration recorded August 24, 1979 as Instrument No. TIMOTHY R. KENNEY, dated April 18, 2007 and recorded
Excellent part-time income 28219, and the Bylaws relating thereto recorded on August in Liber 34215, folio 731 among the Land Records of
AMENDED NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 24, 1979 as Instrument No. 28219 among the Land Records MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MD, default having occurred
opportunity! TD SUITES 54658.0055-0065 of the District of Columbia, and any recorded amendments thereunder (Foreclosure Case docketed as Case No.455237V;
thereto as of the date hereof, and pursuant to D.C. Code Tax ID No.04-02151086 ) the Sub. Trustees will sell at
Transportation required YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT SUSANA CRISTINA GARCIA, ESQ., GREENSPOON MARDER LLP AS SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE (“Trustee”) UNDER THAT CERTAIN DEED OF Section 42-1903.13, establishing that the Executive Officer public auction at the MONTGOMERY COUNTY COURTHOUSE,
TRUST EXECUTED IN FAVOR OF HILTON RESORTS CORPORATION (“Creditor”) DATED (See Exhibit “A”) AND RECORDED AS INSTRUMENT NO. (See Exhibit “A”) IN THE shall be the Trustee to conduct the foreclosure sale, notice located at 50 MARYLAND AVENUE, ROCKVILLE, MD 20850,
FORECLOSURE SALE TO BE HELD ON SEPTEMBER 28, 2023 AT THE OFFICES OF ALEX COOPER AUCTIONEERS, 4910 Massachusetts Ave NW, Suite 100, Washington, public auction on Thursday, September 28, 2023 at 1:55 OCTOBER 3, 2023 at 1:30 PM
BY SAID DEED OF TRUST AS OF THE DATE HEREOF IS (SEE EXHIBIT “A”), WHICH INCLUDES PRINCIPAL, INTEREST, AND LATE CHARGES DUE THEREUNDER. A Vacation Massachusetts Avenue, NW, #100, Washington, DC 20016, thereon situated in MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MD and more Ownership Interest consisting of an undivided fee simple tenant in common interest in perpetuity in and to Phase I of TD Suites and in the Condominium Common the following described premises situated in the District of fully described in above referenced Deed of Trust.
Elements appurtenant thereto in the Condominium Declaration, as defined below, said interest being in a commercial condominium and subject to (i) the Declaration Columbia:
of 1250 22nd Street Commercial Condominium, dated May 6, 2016 and recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds in the District of Columbia on May 18,
Part of Lot 17 in Square 30 in a subdivision made by Meyer THE PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO AN IRS RIGHT OF REDEMPTION.
2016 as Instrument No. 2016049678 (“Condominium Declaration”) and (ii) the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions and Vacation Ownership
Trustees Sale - DC 840
Trustees Sale - DC Instrument for TD Suites dated August 23, 2016, and recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds in the District of Columbia, on August 29, 2016 as Instrument
and Bessie R. Siegel, as per plat recorded in Liber 140
COHN, GOLDBERG & DEUTSCH, LLC No. 2016088120, and all exhibits attached thereto, as amended from time to time, (“Timeshare Declaration”). The Condominium Declaration and the Timeshare
at folio 49, in the Office of the Surveyor for the District of The property will be sold in an “as is” condition and
ATTORNEYS AT LAW Declaration, as each may be further amended form time to time, are hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Declarations;” Together with the following: (a) Columbia. subject to conditions, restrictions and agreements of record
1099 WINTERSON ROAD Vacation Ownership Interest: Undivided Interest in Phase I of the Project: (SEE EXHIBIT “A”) Undivided Interest in 29% of the Common Elements: (SEE EXHIBIT “A”) The Part of the land conveyed being more particularly affecting the same, if any and with no warranty of any kind.
SUITE 301 Suite Configuration: (SEE EXHIBIT “A”) Season or Event: (SEE EXHIBIT “A”) Recurring Use Right: (SEE EXHIBIT”A”) Internal Interval Control Number: (SEE EXHIBIT designated as Unit No. 205 and The Limited Common
LINTHICUM HEIGHTS, MARYLAND 21090 “A”) and (b) Membership in the Hilton Grand Vacations Club. The Condominium Unit and appurtenant undivided Percentage Interest (as such term is defined n Elements appurtenant thereto, including Limited Terms of Sale: A deposit $50,000.00 will be required at
the Condominium Declaration, defined below) defined and described below, known as Unit 2, which Condominium Unit is part of the condominium project known Common Element Parking Space No. N/A of the “BON the time of sale, such deposit to be in CERTIFIED CHECK
TRUSTEES’ FORECLOSURE SALE OF as the 1250 22nd Street Commercial Condominium (The “Condominium”) comprised of the land described below (the “Land”) and the building located thereon WIT CONDOMINIUM”, according to the Declaration of OR BY CASHIER’S CHECK, CASH WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
IMPROVED REAL PROPERTY (the “Building”), being commonly known as 1250 22nd Street NW, Washington, D.C., which Condominium was established by the certain Declaration made by HLT Condominium dated August 23, 1979 and recorded August Balance of the purchase price to be paid in cash within
DC Owner, LLC under the Condominium Act of the District of Columbia, dated May 6, 2016 and recorded May 18, 2016 in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds in the 24, 1979 as Instrument No. 28219, and the By-laws relating ten days of final ratification of sale by the Circuit Court for
1401 EMERSON STREET, NW District of Columbia as Instrument No. 2016049678 and all exhibits attached thereto, as amended from time to time, (the “Condominium Declaration”). The Land is thereto, dated August 23, 1979 and recorded August 24, MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Time is of the essence as to the
WASHINGTON, DC 20011 more particularly described as follows: All of that certain lot or parcel of land together with all improvements thereon located and being in the District of Columbia 1979, as Instrument No. 28220, and further amended by purchaser. If the purchaser defaults, the deposit shall be
and being more particularly described as follows: The Condominium Unit designated and described as “Unit 2” in the Declaration of 1250 22nd Street Commercial the First Amendment to the By-laws dated November 8, forfeited and the property shall be resold at the purchaser’s
The undersigned Trustees will sell at public auction at Alex
Condominium dated May 6, 2016 and recorded My 18 2016 as Instrument No. 2016049678 (the “Condominium Declaration”), the related Bylaws adopted May 6, 2016 1982 and recorded November 8, 1982 as Instrument No. risk and expense. The purchaser waives personal service
and recorded May 18, 2016 as Instrument No. 2016049679 and per Plat and Plans of Condominium Subdivision recorded among the Condominium records of the 28939, respectively among the Land Records of the District and accepts service by first class mail and certified mail
Coopers Auctioneers, Inc. 4910 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W. Office of the Surveyor of the District of Columbia in Condominium Book 90 at Page 23 (Collectively as amended from time to time, the “Condominium Documents”).
Suite 100, Washington, DC 20016, on of Columbia, and as per plat of Condominium subdivision addressed to the address provided by said Purchaser as
Being part of Lot 85 in Square 50 in a subdivision made by Oliver T. Carr, Jr., and George H. Beuchert Jr., as per plat recorded in Liber 172 at folio 118 in the Office of recorded in Condominium Book No. 23 at page 8, in the identified on the Memorandum of Sale for any Motion or
the surveyor for the District of Columbia. NOTE: At the date hereof the above described land is designated on the Records of the Assessor of the District of Columbia
September 28, 2023 AT 2:12 P.M. Office of the Surveyor for the District of Columbia. Show Cause Order incident to this sale including a Motion
for assessment and taxation purposes as Lot 2002 in Square 50. SUBJECT, HOWEVER, to all the provisions, restrictions, easements and conditions, as contained in
the Condominium documents. The Condominium Declaration allocates to the aforesaid Condominium Unit an undivided interest (stated as the percentage) in the
NOTE: At the date hereof, the above-described land is to Default Purchaser and for Resale of the Property. In the
THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY AND IMPROVEMENTS Common Elements of the Condominium (hereafter called the “Percentage Interest”). The Percentage Interest of the aforesaid Condominium Unit is set forth in the
designated on the Records of the Assessor of the District event of a resale, the defaulting purchaser shall not be
THEREON situated in Washington, DC and more fully Condominium Declaration. THIS SALE DATE IS SUBJECT TO POSTPONEMENT FOR A PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED THIRTY (30) CALENDAR DAYS FROM THE ORIGINAL DATE OF of Columbia for assessment and taxation purposes as Lot entitled to receive any benefit from the resale, including,
described in a Deed of Trust from Parris Development FORECLOSURE SALE, AFTER WHICH THIS NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SHALL EXPIRE. Please be advised that in the event that you fail to pay the total balance due on 2008 in Square 30. but not limited to, additional proceeds or surplus which
Projects LLC dated July 25, 2022, recorded in the Office the Promissory Note secured by the Deed of Trust as set forth above, (including the payment of any fees incurred by Trustee in commencing this foreclosure process) TOGETHER WITH all of the appurtenances incident to said may arise therefrom. Interest to be paid on the unpaid
of the Recorder of Deeds for the District of Columbia at prior to the date of the Foreclosure Sale, Trustee shall proceed with the sale of the Property as provided in the Deed of Trust and D.C. Code § 42-815 to satisfy the Unit, as continued in said Declaration of the Condominium. purchase money at the rate pursuant to the Deed of Trust
Instrument Number 2022081096 on August 1, 2022 with an amounts owed under the Promissory Note and secured by the Deed of Trust. Should you wish to pay the total balance due on the Promissory Note as set forth above The Condominium Declaration allocates to the Note from the date of sale to the date funds are received
original principal balance of $1,214,968.00, and an original please contact HILTON RESORTS CORPORATION at 1-800-579-3919 for an exact payoff amount as the amount you actually owe varies from day to day due to interest, Condominium Unit and undivided interest (stated as a by the Substitute Trustees. There will be no abatement
interest rate of 8.990% per annum with a default rate of and late charges. I hereby certify that a Notice of Foreclosure Sale was sent to the present owner(s) of the real property encumbered by the Deed of Trust by certified percentage) in the common elements of the Condominium. of interest in the event additional funds are tendered at
18% per annum, default having occurred under the terms mail, return receipt requested on the date hereof and I further certify that applicable law prohibits any foreclosure sale under a power of sale provision contained The Percentage Interest of the Condominium Unit is set the time of sale or any time prior to settlement or if the
thereof. in any deed of trust, mortgage or other security instrument until the owners of the real property encumbered by said Deed of Trust has been given written notice of forth in Condominium Declaration. settlement is delayed for any reason. In the event that the
All the following described land and premises, with the such sale and the Recorder of Deeds, District of Columbia has received a copy of such notice at least thirty (30) days in advance of such sale. This is a non-judicial TERMS OF SALE: Sold subject to real estate taxes, and Secured Party executes a forbearance agreement with the
improvements, easements and appurtenances thereunto foreclosure proceeding to permit HILTON RESORTS CORPORATION to pursue its in rem remedies under District of Columbia law. THIS COMMUNICATION IS AN ATTEMPT subject to other superior liens, encumbrances and municipal borrower(s) described in the above-mentioned Deed of Trust,
belonging, situate, lying and being in the District of
TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. BANKRUPTCY NOTICE IF YOU HAVE FILED A BANKRUPTCY CASE UNDER THE assessments, if any. The Association is foreclosing on the or allows the borrower(s) to execute their right to reinstate
UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY CODE, PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THIS LETTER IS BEING SENT TO YOU ON BEHALF OF HILTON RESORTS CORPORATION TO PERMITHILTON balance of the Association’s statutory lien against the or payoff the subject loan, prior to the sale, with or without
Lot numbered 1 in Square numbered 2710 in B.F. Saul and Property. Other oral information regarding 2401 H Street, the Substitute Trustee’s prior knowledge, this Contract shall
HILTON RESORTS CORPORATION IS NOT SEEKING TO OBTAIN AN IN PERSONAM JUDGMENT, DEFICIENCY JUDGMENT, OR ANY OTHER TYPE OF MONEY JUDGMENT AGAINST NW, Unit 205 may be disclosed at the time of the sale. A be null and void and of no effect, and the Purchaser’s sole
at folio 18 in the Office of the Surveyor for the District of deposit of $10,000.00 shall be required at time of sale and remedy shall be the return of the deposit without interest.
such deposit shall be a certified check, cashier’s check, or Purchaser shall pay for documentary stamps, transfer taxes
in such other form as the Association, in its sole discretion, and settlement expenses. Taxes, ground rent, water rent,
Columbia - 20011 EXPRESSLY RESERVED. requires. All conveyancing, recording, recordation tax, condominium fees and/or homeowner association dues, all
APN 2710-0000-0001 transfer tax etc. shall be at the purchaser’s sole expense. public charges/assessments payable on an annual basis,
ADDRESS EXHIBIT “A” – NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 54658.0055Owner(s)/Address, TS Undiv Int, ICN, Tenant Int, Recurring Use Right, Season, Suite Type, DOT Date, The balance of the purchase price, together with interest including sanitary and/or metropolitan district charges,
1401 Emerson St., NW DOT DOC Number, Total Amount Due;SHANTELE SOWELLS & JERRY SOWELLS 18022 BLUE RIDGE SHORES DR CYPRESS, TX 77433-7056, 0.0149665633727170%, at the rate of 10% per annum from date of sale to date of if applicable, shall be adjusted to the date of sale and
Washington, DC 20011 906-43, 0.0149665633727170%, YEAR, PLATINUM, ONE BEDROOM, 4/6/2017, 2017066414, $27,777.86; TOSHIHIRO OGURA & HITOMI OGURA 2-10-5-506 MITA receipt of the balance of the purchase price, must be paid by assumed thereafter by the purchaser. Purchaser shall
The property will be sold by Trustee’s Deed “as is” without MINATO-KU, TOKYO 108-0073 JAPAN, 0.0149665633727170%, 909-50, 0.0149665633727170%, YEAR, GOLD, ONE BEDROOM, 6/8/2018, 2018079246, $29,181.88; cashier’s check or certified check, and all other terms shall be responsible for obtaining physical possession of the
any covenant, expressed or implied, in fee simple subject to be complied with within 30 days. Otherwise, the deposit is property. Purchaser assumes the risk of loss or damage to
conditions, restrictions, easements, and all other recorded EXHIBIT “A” – NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 54658.0056Owner(s)/Address, TS Undiv Int, ICN, Tenant Int, Recurring Use Right, Season, Suite Type, DOT Date, forfeited and the property may be re-advertised and resold the property from the date of sale forward. If the Substitute
instruments superior to the Deed of Trust referenced above. DOT DOC Number, Total Amount Due;MICHAEL HOWARD SHAPERO & CHRISTIE KAY SHAPERO 39 DEXTER TER TONAWANDA, NY 14150, 0.03036866697517966%, at the discretion of the Trustee and at the risk and cost of Trustee(s) are unable to convey insurable title for any
TERMS OF SALE: 835-38, 0.030368666697517966%, YEAR, PLATINUM, TWO BEDROOM PREMIER, 12/18/2016, 2017031991, $49,291.86; MARY JEANNINE FOOSE CROMPTON 9586 the defaulting purchaser. The Trustee shall convey a deed reason, the purchaser(s) sole remedy in law or equity shall
A deposit of the lesser of $85,000.00 or ten percent (10%) BRENTWOOD WAY UNIT A WESTMINSTER, CO 80021-5333, 0.0149665633727170%, 723-1, 0.0149665633727170%, YEAR, GOLD, ONE BEDROOM, 11/27/2018, pursuant to D.C. Code Section 42-1903.13, and makes no be limited to a refund of the aforementioned deposit without
of the winning bid amount will be required at time of
2019008943, $28,095.53; further representations or warranties as to title. The Trustee interest. In the event the sale is not ratified for any reason,
sale, in cash, certified check, or other form as Trustees cannot guarantee clear title or the purchaser’s ability to the Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is the return of
EXHIBIT “A” – NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 54658.0057Owner(s)/Address, TS Undiv Int, ICN, Tenant Int, Recurring Use Right, Season, Suite Type, DOT Date, obtain title insurance. For this reason, the purchaser may the deposit without interest. (File # 18-700257)
may determine. The deposit required to bid at the auction DOT DOC Number, Total Amount Due;GARY LEE GINN & TIFFANY BECKER GINN 5335 HARD SCRABBLE ROAD BLYTHEWOOD, SC 29016, 0.03036866697517966%,
is waived for the Noteholder and any of its successors or not be able to obtain financing but must be able to pay the
735-36, 0.03036866697517966%, YEAR, GOLD, TWO BEDROOM PREMIER, 8/7/2017, 2017111479, $25,678.71;
assigns. The Noteholder may bid up to the amount owed entire purchase price balance, in any case, within 30 days JAMES E. CLARKE,
on the Note plus all costs and expenses of sale on credit EXHIBIT “A” – NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 54658.0058Owner(s)/Address, TS Undiv Int, ICN, Tenant Int, Recurring Use Right, Season, Suite Type, DOT
from the date of auction. In the event of the failure on the HUGH J. GREEN,
and may submit a written bid to the Trustee which shall be Date, DOT DOC Number, Total Amount Due;WILLIAM FRA WHEATLEY & BARBARA B. WHEATLEY 581 BUTLER LN HAWESVILLE, KY 42348, 0.0149665633727170% &
part of the Trustee to convey such deed, the purchaser’s sole CHRISTINE M. DREXEL,
announced at sale. The Balance of the purchase price to be 0.0149665633727170%, 940-20 & 820-33, 0149665633727170% & 0.0149665633727170%, YEAR & YEAR, PLATINUM & GOLD, ONE BEDROOM & ONE BEDROOM, remedy shall be the return of the deposit. BRIAN THOMAS,
paid in cash within 30 days of the sale. At the Trustees’ 6/6/2017, 2017088901, $26,074.19; SOUA LOR 2305 PLAZA BLVD APT 1349 RICHARDSON, TX 75082-4043, 0.00748328168635848% & 0.00748328168635848%, SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES
discretion, the foreclosure purchaser, if a corporation or 907-28 E & 903-41 O, 0.00748328168635848% & 0.00748328168635848%, EVEN NUMBERED YEAR & ODD NUMBERED YEAR, PLATINUM & PLATINUM, ONE BEDROOM Contact: Ellen M. Moroney, at (202) 836-8472,
LLC, must produce evidence, prior to bidding, of the legal & ONE BEDROOM, 9/19/2019, 2019122684, $39,405.38; LESLIE STUART HOLDER & MARIA LORRAINE HOLDER 10 WOODCREST DR CUMBERLAND, RI 02864-4221, Attorney for the Bon Wit Plaza Unit Owners Association.
formation of such entity. 0.0149665633727170%, 824-50, 0.0149665633727170%, YEAR, GOLD, ONE BEDROOM, 8/2/2018, 2018099400, $29,969.17; JOSEPH ANTHONY BONACQUISTI &
TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE. If purchaser fails to settle within PENCHAN MURPHY 21 DIGITAL DR UNIT 312 NASHUA, NH 03062-4554, 0.0149665633727170% & 0.0149665633727170% & 0.0149665633727170%, 814-1 &
the aforesaid thirty (30) days of the sale, the purchaser 814-4& 814-7, 0.0149665633727170% & 0.0149665633727170% & 0.0149665633727170%, YEAR & YEAR & YEAR, GOLD & GOLD & GOLD, ONE BEDROOM & ONE
agrees to pay the Trustees’ reasonable attorney fees, plus BEDROOM & ONE BEDROOM, 10/29/2018, 2018130437, $75,676.26; ROBERT JAMES SEPIELLI & ALLISON MATZ SEPIELLI 11880 NW 7TH ST FORT LAUDERDALE, FL
33325-1837, 0.0149665633727170%, 818-8, 0.0149665633727170%, YEAR, GOLD, ONE BEDROOM, 3/29/2018, 2018050570, $15,540.12;
all costs incurred, if the Trustees have to resell the property. Sep 15,22,29 2023 0012432664
If the purchaser fails to go to settlement the deposit shall EXHIBIT “A” – NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 54658.0059
be forfeited to the Trustees and all expenses of this sale Owner(s)/Address, TS Undiv Int, ICN, Tenant Int, Recurring Use Right, Season, Suite Type, DOT Date, DOT DOC Number, Total Amount Due; Sep 18,22,27 2023 0012435628 884
City of Charlottesville 265
Home & Garden
(including attorney fees and full commission on the gross SCOTT ROBERT JOHNSON & SARAH EMILY LEPHARDT JOHNSON 21655 ASTOLAT DR BROOKFIELD, WI 53045-1641, 0.014966563372710%, 712-30, Eliminate gutter cleaning forever!
sales price of the sale) shall be charged against and 0.0149665633727170%, YEAR, PLATINUM, ONE BEDROOM, 11/12/2016, 2017020504, $18,953.18; GARY LEWIS JACKSON & TONI SHARON RODGERS JACKSON 9300
Montgomery County 850
Montgomery County LeafFilter, the most advanced
paid from the forfeited deposit. In the event of resale, the AMBERWOOD CT COLLEGE STATION, TX 77845, 0.03036866697517966%, 737-31, 0.03036866697517966%, YEAR, PLATINUM, TWO BEDROOM PREMIER, 5/11/2019,
1014 Coleman St Apt B,
debris-blocking gutter protection.
Schedule a FREE LeafFilter estimate
defaulting purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus 2019066831, $61,085.59; NANCY E. TAMM 3203 PORTOFINO PT APT B3 COCONUT CREEK, FL 33066, 0.0149665633727170%, 910-10, 0.0149665633727170%, Charlottesville, VA 22901 today. 15% off Entire Purchase.
proceeds or profits resulting from any resale of the property YEAR, PLATINUM, ONE BEDROOM, 3/18/2019, 2019051493, $17,583.84;
City of Charlottesville 10% Senior & Military Discounts.
Call 1-844-566-3227.
regardless of any improvements made to the real property. In execution of a Deed of Trust
Interest is to be paid on the unpaid purchase money at EXHIBIT “A” – NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 54658.0060 in the original principal amount
of $100,000.00, dated November
Sporting Goods
the rate of 18% per annum from the date of sale to the Owner(s)/Address, TS Undiv Int, ICN, Tenant Int, Recurring Use Right, Season, Suite Type, DOT Date, DOT DOC Number, Total Amount Due; 17, 2004 recorded in the Clerk’s
& Services
date the funds are received in the office of the Trustees. In ALETA LAURENE STADEL & GLOYD FREDERICK STADEL III 3402 NE APPALOOSA ST ARCADIA, FL 34266-5812, 0.0149665633727170%, 834-25, Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid & Crane, LLC
Office of the Circuit Court of the
City of Charlottesville, Virgin-
the event that the settlement is delayed for ANY REASON 0.0149665633727170%, YEAR, PLATINUM, ONE BEDROOM, 3/13/2017, 2017059948, $38,568.71; CHARLES N. GAYLES & LINDA J. GAYLES 10754 HILSHIRE AVE
11900 Parklawn Drive, Ste 310 ia, in Document No. 007688, in
WHATSOEVER, there shall be no abatement of interest. BATON ROUGE, LA 70810, 0.0149665633727170%, 818-7, 0.0149665633727170%, YEAR, GOLD, ONE BEDROOM, 10/19/2017, 2017132599, $24,589.28; MATTHEW
Rockville, MD 20852
Book No. 1005, at Page 735, at
the request of the holder of the
TENT - 12 foot vendors tent, $75, with
sides,1 10 ft vendors or camping
Taxes, water rent, condominium fees and/or homeowner PAUL DRAFAHL & BRIDGET MARY DRAFAHL 3013 CLEMENTINE COURT #3201 SARASOTA, FL 34240, 0.0149665633727170%, 832-5, 0.0149665633727170%, YEAR,
844-442-2150 Note, the undersigned Substi- tent, $20 703-328-8046
association dues, all public charges/assessments payable GOLD, ONE BEDROOM, 4/23/2018, 2018065270, $24,846.98; RICARDO ANTONIO DEAN & GAY YVETTE DEAN 12 SEAHORSE DRIVE NASSAU, EE17319 BAHAMAS, tute Trustee will offer for sale at
0.0149665633727170% & 0.0149665633727170%, 939-47 & 929-49, 0.0149665633727170% & 0.0149665633727170%, YEAR & YEAR, GOLD & GOLD, ONE TRUSTEES’ SALE OF public auction at the entrance to 355
Garage Sales, VA
on an annual basis, including sanitary and/or metropolitan VALUABLE FEE SIMPLE PROPERTY the Circuit Court, 315 East High
district charges, if applicable, to be adjusted for the BEDROOM & ONE BEDROOM, 8/20/2018, 2018109264, $39,108.27; MICHAEL S. LISOWSKI 4337 N 16TH ST MILWAUKEE, WI 53209-6924, 0.00748328168635848%, Street, Charlottesville, on Octo-
711-48 E, 0.00748328168635848%, EVEN NUMBERED YEAR, GOLD, ONE BEDROOM, 9/12/2019, 2019116864, $20,641.21; ANGELA M. KING 85 BROKAW BOULEVARD KNOWN AS ber 18, 2023 at 10:00 AM the
current year to date of sale and assumed thereafter by the 13339 FOXHALL DRIVE property described in said deed, ANNANDALE - Multifamily. Sat 9/23,
PLAINFIELD, NJ 07063, 0.00748328168635848%, 839-36 E, 0.00748328168635848%, EVEN NUMBERED YEAR, GOLD, ONE BEDROOM, 10/17/2021, 2022017462,
purchaser. Purchaser shall be responsible for the costs of $15,917.17; SILVER SPRING, MD 20906 located at the above address and
briefly described as:
8a-12p. Antiques, garden & house,
all transfer taxes, documentary stamps and all other costs Under a power of sale contained in that Deed of Trust dated Parcel B-2, containing 6.926
furn, Volvo ski rack, fabric, tools,
household, clothes. 8527 Pappas Wy
incident to settlement. Purchaser shall be responsible for EXHIBIT “A” – NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 54658.0061 May 11, 2009, and recorded in Liber 37561, folio 055, of the square feet, as shown on plat
physical possession of the property. Purchaser assumes Owner(s)/Address, TS Undiv Int, ICN, Tenant Int, Recurring Use Right, Season, Suite Type, DOT Date, DOT DOC Number, Total Amount Due; land records of MONTGOMERY COUNTY , with an original
recorded in Deed Book 673,
Page 33, with any improve-
Dogs for Sale
the risk of loss from the date of sale forward. The sale KURT NYKJAER HOLLUFGAARDSVEJ 202 ODENSE, 05220 DENMARK, 0.0149665633727170%, 740-31, 0.0149665633727170%, YEAR, PLATINUM, ONE principal balance of $124,000.00, default having occurred ments thereon
is subject to post sale audit by the Mortgage holder to BEDROOM, 10/9/2017, 2017132580, $3,989.56; STACY A. MAURIALA & JONATHAN I. MAURIALA 210 RUBY AVE N APT 213 THIEF RIVER FALLS, MN 56701-2839, under the terms thereof, the appointed Substitute Trustees Subject to any and all cove- BOXER PUPPIES - AKC, 2 females,
determine whether the borrower filed bankruptcy, entered 0.00748328168635848%, 825-14 O, 0.00748328168635848%, ODD NUMBERED YEAR, PLATINUM, ONE BEDROOM, 5/16/2018, 2018068370, $19,285.68; will offer for sale at public auction at THE MONTGOMERY nants, conditions, restrictions,
easements, and all other
1 male, ready now, dewormed,
into any repayment/forbearance agreement, reinstated, or ZITA LAZZARINI & DENICE L. HALLSTEIN 90 WOODLAND DR FLORENCE, MA 01062-9620, 0.0149665633727170%, 813-13, 0.0149665633727170%, YEAR, COUNTY COURTHOUSE LOCATED AT 50 MARYLAND AVENUE, matters of record taking pri-
1st shots. $1500. Call or text for
more information 717-830-5880
paid off prior to the sale. In any such event the Purchaser PLATINUM, ONE BEDROOM, 11/28/2017, 2018004496, $11,356.73; WILLIAM T. DIANA & DOROTHY E. O’KEEFE-DIANA 320 BAY LANE MANTOLOKING, NJ 08738, ROCKVILLE, MD 20850 ON, ority over the Deed of Trust,
if any, affecting the aforesaid
agrees that upon notification by the Trustees of such event 0.00748328168635848%, 715-18- O, 0.00748328168635848%, ODD NUMBERED YEAR, PLATINUM, ONE BEDROOM, 5/27/2017, 2017077903, $17,543.37; FRANCIS OCTOBER 11, 2023 at 1:45 PM property.
the sale is null and void and of no legal effect and the M. HINER 99 OLD AMBOY RD OLD BRIDGE, NJ 08857, 0.00748328168635848%, 932-6 E, 0.00748328168635848%, EVEN NUMBERED YEAR, GOLD, ONE BEDROOM, ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND together with TERMS OF SALE: CASH: A de- GERMAN SHEPHERDS - AKC, shots,
deposit returned without interest. Additional terms may be 11/3/2018, 2018130449, $17,760.53; ROGER KISTLER 7751 LA SOBRINA DR DALLAS, TX 75248-3136, 0.0200974397377695%, 933-19, 0.0200974397377695%,
any buildings or improvements thereon situated in posit of $20,000.00 or 10% of the wormed, microchipped. 10 weeks
announced at sale. CGD File #: 460405 YEAR, PLATINUM, ONE BEDROOM PLUS, 2/6/2020, 2020047730, $30,665.60; PATRICIA MARIE LEWIS & SALLY ADAMY MCMULLEN 9138 COTSWALD WAY NEW PORT
MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MD, located at the above address sales price, whichever is lower, old $750. 5 month old male $300.
Call only 301-478-5094
cash or certified check will be
Richard E. Solomon, Richard J. Rogers, Michael McKeefery, RICHEY, FL 34655-1319, 0.0149665633727170%, 816-47, 0.0149665633727170%, YEAR, GOLD, ONE BEDROOM, 10/2/2021, 2022007172, $32,322.71;
and more fully described in the aforementioned Deed of required at the time of sale, but
Christianna Kersey, Kevin Hildebeidel, Kyle Blackstone, and Trust. no more than $10,000.00 of cash
EXHIBIT “A” – NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 54658.0062 will be accepted, with settlement
Kathleen Young, Substitute Trustees 13-01390987 within fifteen (15) days from the GOLDEN RET AKC & GOLDEN /
Owner(s)/Address, TS Undiv Int, ICN, Tenant Int, Recurring Use Right, Season, Suite Type, DOT Date, DOT DOC Number, Total Amount Due; date of sale. Sale is subject to LAB RET CROSS PUPS & ADULTS
LINDA SUE RAWSON 301 HARBOUR TOWN DR UNIT 401 MADISON, WI 53717, 0.00748328168635848%, 815-24 E, 0.00748328168635848%, EVEN NUMBERED The property and improvements will be sold in an “AS IS” post sale confirmation that the 8 weeks - 5 yrs. Vet checked, parents
YEAR, PLATINUM, ONE BEDROOM, 10/1/2021, 2022047123, $28,883.38; LEANN HAZEL DOBBS & CRIS JON DOBBS 2472 NE 10TH AVE HILLSBORO, OR physical condition without warranty of any kind and subject borrower did not file for protec- on prem, health guar. 240-620-2013
tion under the U.S. Bankruptcy
97124, 0.0149665633727170% & 0.0149665633727170% & 0.0149665633727170% & 0.0149665633727170%, 725-33 & 912-33 & 914-6 & 818-45, to all conditions, restrictions and agreements of record Code prior to the sale which af-
0.0149665633727170% & 0.0149665633727170% & 0.0149665633727170% & 0.0149665633727170%, YEAR & YEAR & YEAR & YEAR, GOLD & GOLD & GOLD & affecting the same. fects the validity of the sale, as
well as to post-sale confirmation
GOLD, ONE BEDROOM & ONE BEDROOM & ONE BEDROOM & ONE BEDROOM, 3/19/2018, 2018044090, $88,274.97; of the status of the loan with Golden Retriever Pup AKC/ English
TERMS OF SALE: A non-refundable bidder’s deposit of the loan servicer including, but cream, shots/ worming, vet checked,
Male, $1800, ready, will meet, call or
not limited to, determination of
Sep 18,20,22,25,27 2023 0012435626 EXHIBIT “A” – NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 54658.0063 $9,500.00 by cashier’s/certified check or such other form as whether the borrower entered text 540-392-9707
Owner(s)/Address, TS Undiv Int, ICN, Tenant Int, Recurring Use Right, Season, Suite Type, DOT Date, DOT DOC Number, Total Amount Due; the Substitute Trustee may determine, in their sole discretion, into any repayment agreement,
Cars 820
Official Notices ANDREA CLARE CHERY & EUGENE KENNY CHERY 14774 SW 177TH TER MIAMI, FL 33187, 0.00748328168635848%, 707-40O, 0.00748328168635848%, ODD required at time of sale except for the party secured by the reinstated or paid off the loan
prior to the sale. In any such
Sweet Virginia Care of DC, LLC,
NUMBERED YEAR, PLATINUM, ONE BEDROOM, 5/22/2018, 2018074145, $18,022.99; SARA E. CONNOR-JAMES & GARY P. JAMES 6216 N BLACK OAK CT PEORIA, Deed of Trust. Risk of loss on purchaser from date and time event, the sale shall be null and Great Dane Pups, variety of colors,
great bloodline, mom, dad on premis-
IL 61615-2255, 0.03036866697517966%, 827-12, 0.03036866697517966%, YEAR, PLATINUM, TWO BEDROOM PREMIER, 9/19/2018, 2018115112, $68,509.24; of auction. The balance of the purchase price together with void, and the Purchaser’s sole
LINCOLN d/b/a BrightStar Care of Wash-
ington DC is applying for a
Certificate of Need to establish
IVOLYN D. GREY 25524 148TH RD ROSEDALE, NY 11422-2808, 0.0149665633727170%, 934-44, 0.0149665633727170%, YEAR, GOLD, ONE BEDROOM, 11/25/2018, interest thereon at 4.750% per annum from date of sale
remedy, in law or equity, shall be
the return of his deposit without
es, ready for their forever homes
10/10, Call Sharon 301-660-0266
LINCOLN 2011 TOWN CAR a home health agency. A Let-
2019013750, $9,851.85; to receipt of purchase price by Substitute Trustees must be interest. Additional terms may
be announced at the time of
Black/Black, good condition.
$4,750. Call 202-409-9325
ter of Intent will be filed with
the District of Columbia State
paid by cashier’s check within 10 days after final ratification sale. Pursuant to the Federal Fair
EXHIBIT “A” – NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 54658.0064 LAB Black and chocolate Lab Mixed
Health Planning and Develop-
Owner(s)/Address, TS Undiv Int, ICN, Tenant Int, Recurring Use Right, Season, Suite Type, DOT Date, DOT DOC Number, Total Amount Due;
of sale. The noteholder shall not be obligated to pay interest Debt Collection Practices Act,
we advise you that this firm is a puppies for sale $800. Ready 10/01.
MERCEDES-BENZ ment Agency (SHPDA). The fa-
cility will be located at 2440 M JAMES CHARLES TOMLINSON & DANIEL MURRELL MCCARTHY 5448 N GLENWOOD AVE FL2 CHICAGO, IL 60640, 0.0149665633727170% & 0.0149665633727170%,
if it is the purchaser. There will be no abatement of interest
due from the purchaser in the event that additional funds
debt collector attempting to col-
lect the indebtedness referred
St NW, Unit 411, Washington, DC
918-36 & 907-51, 0.0149665633727170% & 0.0149665633727170%, YEAR & YEAR, GOLD & GOLD, ONE BEDROOM & ONE BEDROOM, 10/31/2018, 2018125383, to herein and any information
MERCEDES-BENZ 2003 - 99,500 miles,
20037, in Ward 2. For additional
information, contact SHPDA at $47,814.56; are tendered before settlement or if settlement is delayed for we obtain will be used for that LAB PUPPIES - AKC, F.C., champion
garage kept, very clean, must see 202-442-5865. any reason. All real estate taxes and other public charges purpose.
SAMUEL I. WHITE, P.C., Substitute lines, M/F, S/W. Yellow & black.
to appreciate. $9500. 240-440-1373
EXHIBIT “A” – NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 54658.0065 and/or assessments to be adjusted as of the date of sale Trustee Credit cards accepted.
$500. Call 540-582-5769
1408 Antiques & Classics Owner(s)/Address, TS Undiv Int, ICN, Tenant Int, Recurring Use Right, Season, Suite Type, DOT Date, DOT DOC Number, Total Amount Due; and thereafter assumed by purchaser. If applicable, any This is a communication from a
BRIDGET M. MAYNE 190 KUMP RD SCHOHARIE, NY 12157-4516, 0.0200974397377695%, 905-46, 0.0200974397377695%, YEAR, GOLD, ONE BEDROOM PLUS, condominium and/or homeowners association dues and debt collector.

The MedStar National Rehabil-

3/22/2022, 2022077073, $34,913.32; ROBERT A. CHIDESTER, INDIVIDUALLY, AND AS TRUSTEE OF THE ROBERT A. CHIDESTER REVOCABLE TRUST DATED FEB 2, assessments that may become due after the date of sale FOR INFORMATION CONTACT:
CLASSICS - Especially Mercedes, itation Hospital is applying for 1999 829 HICKMAN LN WOODSTOCK, IL 60098, 0.0149665633727170%, 914-46, 0.0149665633727170%, YEAR, GOLD, ONE BEDROOM, 3/27/2018, 2018050326, shall be purchaser’s responsibility. Purchaser shall pay 448 Viking Drive Suite 350 9 weeks old, ready to go, tails
docked, dewormed, 1st set of shots,
Porsche, Jaguar. Lexus, Datsun Z, a certificate of need to establish
ambulatory physical therapy ser-
$11,861.95; LORRE MICHELE TAYLOR 1028 CENTRAL PONDS DR SUMMERVILLE, SC 29483-8279, 0.00748328168635848%, 722-6 O, 0.00748328168635848%, all transfer, documentary and recording taxes/fees and Virginia Beach, VA 23452
757-457-1460 - Call Between vet checked, $2000. 717-552-8141
Highest prices paid for the very
vices when indicated in patients’ ODD NUMBERED YEAR, GOLD, ONE BEDROOM, 8/31/2018, 2018115070, $17,292.78; SHANNEN D. WEEDEN & CHARLES D. WEEDEN 1767 E ST NE WASHINGTON, DC all other settlement costs. Purchaser is responsible for 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
best examples.
Call Bob 703-966-0122 homes. A letter of intent will be
filed with the District of Columbia
20002-4609, 0.00748328168635848%, 939-34 O, 0.00748328168635848%, ODD NUMBERED YEAR, GOLD, ONE BEDROOM, 11/2/2019, 2019132991, $19,260.10; obtaining possession of the property. Time is of the essence or visit our website at
1447 Autos Wanted State Health Planning and Devel- for the purchaser. If purchaser defaults, deposit will be Sep 18,19,20,21,22 2023 0012435311
opment Agency (SHPDA). For ad-
ditional information contact the
forfeited and property resold at the risk and cost of the BENGAL KITTENS - 5 avail. 9 wks old.
SHPDA at 202-442-5875. defaulting purchaser who shall be liable for any deficiency DC H NORTHWEST Mother is rosette. Father is
Lutheran Mission Society of MD
in the purchase price and all costs, expenses and attorney’s Houses snowy white. $500-$800 each.
Call 703-868-9781
Compassion Place ministries 825 Bids & Proposals fees of both sales. If Substitute Trustees do not convey title
help local families with food,
clothing, counseling. Tax deductible.
for any reason, purchaser’s sole remedy is return of deposit NW Takoma Park,
Pet Services
MVA licensed #W1044. Sep 18,20,22,25,27 2023 0012436148 without interest. This sale is subject to post-sale audit of 4 BR, 3 BA garage $3900 Plus utils,
410-228-8437 the status of the loan secured by the Deed of Trust including 301-203-0115 but not limited to determining whether prior to sale a
1485 Vans
JICA is conducting bidding for
sovereign risk analysis ser- bankruptcy was filed; forbearance, repayment or other
Antiques Are you a pet owner? Do you want
to get up to 100% back on Vet
vices. For more information, agreement was entered into; or loan was reinstated or paid Bills? Physicians Mutual Insurance
Resource/usa/english/office/top- off. In any such even this sale shall be null and void and DC BIG FLEA Company has pet coverage that
can help! Call 1-888-928-1656 to
Sport van, Slate metallic, loaded, ics/business.html purchaser’s sole remedy shall be return of deposit without SAT 9-6 ADM $10 SUN 11-5
get a free quote or visit
exc cond, 90k miles, orig owner.
$12,000/obo. Call 703-629-1280
interest. File No. (20-072643) SHOP FOR BARGAINS
Legal Notices
Give a

Did you hear The Post today? Keith Yacko,

David Williamson,

gift that
Cellco Partnership and its con-
trolled affiliates doing business Substitute Trustees
as Verizon Wireless (Verizon
delivers Washington Post podcasts
Wireless) proposes to install
wireless communications an- FREE high-speed internet for those
tennas at centerline heights of

every day
that qualify. Government program
114 and 119 feet side-mount-
ed to a building with an overall
height of 119’-3” at the approx.
go with you everywhere for recipients of select programs
incl. Medicaid, SNAP, Housing Assis-
tance, WIC, Veterans Pension, Sur-
vicinity of 441 G St NW, Wash-
ington, DC 20005, Lat: [38-53-
vivor Benefits, Lifeline, Tribal. 15 GB
internet service. Bonus offer:
56.68], Long: [-77-01-03.18].
Gift subscriptions Sep 22,29,Oct 6 2023 0012433636
Android tablet FREE with one-time SERVICES
Public comments regarding
potential effects from this site Politics • History • Culture • More $20 copay. Free shipping & handling.
Call Maxsip Telecom today! DENTAL INSURANCE from Physicians
on historic properties may be 1-888-592-5957 Mutual Insurance Company. Cover-
submitted within 30 days from age for 350 plus procedures. Real
the date of this publication to: dental insurance – NOT just a dis-
S0108 4x2

Trileaf Corp, Elsie, e.boone@, 8600 LaSalle Road,
Suite 301, Towson, MD 21286, Switch to DISH and get up to a $300 count plan. Do not wait! Call now!
gift card! Plus get the Multisport Get your FREE Dental Information Kit
pack included for a limited time! with all the details! 1-855-337-5228
410-853-7128. Hurry, call for details:
S0390-1x2 1-855-407-6870

D 7 | EZ
EZ CLASSIFIED zone EZ | 2023-9-22 | D 8 | BLACK


Trustees Sale - DC 840
Trustees Sale - DC 840
Trustees Sale - DC 850
Montgomery County 850
Montgomery County 855
Charles County 855
Charles County 857
Howard County 857
Howard County 857
Howard County
1201 Pennsylvania Ave., Suite 1200, 7470 Technology Way 3501 Char Lil Ct, Ellicott City, MD 21042
Washington, DC 20004 STATE OF MARYLAND
Suite P
(202) 465-8414 MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TO WIT: Frederick, MD 21703 Trustee’s Sale of valuable fee simple property improved
(470) 480-1820 by premises known as 3501 Char Lil Ct, Ellicott City, MD

By virtue of a Writ of Execution issued by the Circuit Court for Mont-
SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES’ SALE gomery County, Maryland, and to me as Sheriff of said County, directed 21042. By virtue of the power and authority contained in
12-STORY COMMERCIAL OFFICE BUILDING at the suit of Lydia Priyadarshini Selva vs. Benjamin Selva in the Circuit TRUSTEE’S SALE a Deed of Trust, dated April 10, 2006, and recorded in Liber
Court for Montgomery County, Maryland Case No. 157393FL have this
WITH GROUND FLOOR RETAIL 15th day of February 2023, seized and taken into execution all the right 4269 PIPER LANE 9960 at Page 646 among the land records of the County of
Howard, in the original principal amount of $115,800.00.

a gift
and title, claim, interest, and estate, at the time the judgment became
a lien on the property, both at law and in equity of the said Benjamin
Marbury, MD 20658
Located in the Dupont Circle Historic District Selva, of, in, to, and about the following described property to wit: Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Upon default and request for sale, the undersigned trustees
Trust dated December 6, 2012 and recorded in Deed Book will offer for sale at public auction at the Courthouse for
Real property of Benjamin Selva, located at 15612 Good Hope
1201 Connecticut Avenue, NW Road, Silver Spring, MD 20905 and further described as Lot num- 8026 at Page 0072 among the Land Records of CHARLES the County of Howard, located at 9250 Judicial Way, Ellicott

Washington, DC 20036 bered SEVEN (7) in Block lettered “EE” in the subdivision known COUNTY, Maryland, default having occurred under the terms City, MD 21043, on October 5, 2023 at 10:00 AM, all that
as “GOOD HOPE ESTATES” as per plat thereof recorded in Plat
Book 101 at Plat no. 11491 among the Land Records of said Mont- thereof, the Substitute Trustees will sell at public auction property described in said Deed of Trust including but not
Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust, Assignment gomery County, Maryland. at the CHARLES COUNTY, 200 CHARLES STREET ( IN THE limited to:
of Leases and Rents, Security Agreement, and Fixture Filing dated as of July 12, 2019, and BREEZEWAY BETWEEN CIRCUIT AND DISTRICT COURTS ), LA

Being the same property conveyed unto Benjamin Selva by deed
recorded with the District of Columbia Recorder of Deeds (“Land Records”) as Instrument recorded in Liber 22924 at Folio 375 among the land records of PLATA, MD 20646, on Tax ID# 02-306573
Montgomery County, Maryland.
No. 2019073946 (the “Deed of Trust”), the holder of the indebtedness secured thereby, BRSP SEPTEMBER 26, 2023 AT 12:00 PM
1201 CT, LLC, ultimate successor-in-interest to BrightSpire Credit 6, LLC (formerly known Purchasers should be aware that they are purchasing Benjamin Selva’s ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with the Said property is in fee simple and is improved by a dwelling

interest only. The described property will be sold subject to reserva-
as CLNC Credit 6, LLC) (the “Beneficiary”), having appointed John T. Farnum as Substitute tions of title, subject to liens of records, and to all claims known and buildings and improvements thereon situated in CHARLES and is sold in “as is condition” and subject to all superior
Trustee by instrument duly executed, acknowledged and recorded among the Land Records unknown. To obtain clear title, the cost of conveyance and outstanding COUNTY, Maryland, located at the above address and more covenants, conditions, liens, restrictions, easement, rights-
senior liens must be paid by the purchaser.
as Instrument No.: 2023024319, and having also appointed Emily K. Devan as Substitute fully described in the aforementioned Deed of Trust (the of-way, as may affect same, if any.
Trustee by court order granted September 12, 2023, in Superior Court of the District of “Property”).

I hereby give notice that I will sell all the right, title, claim, interest and
estate both in law and in equity of the said Benjamin Selva, and, of, in,
Columbia Case No. 2023-CAB-001731, default having occurred under the terms of said to, and about the above-described property to the highest bidder for TAX ID#: 10-004411 TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of 10% of the sale price, cash
Deed of Trust and at the request of the Beneficiary, the undersigned Substitute Trustees will cash at the Maryland Avenue entrance of the Judicial Center, 50 Mary- TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of $18,000 by cashier’s/certified or certified funds shall be required at the time of sale. The
land Avenue, Rockville, Maryland on October 11th, 2023 at 10:30 am.
offer the following property for sale at Public Auction: check or such other form as the Substitute Trustee may balance of the purchase price with interest at 6.00% per
TERMS OF SALE: allow, in their sole discretion, required at time of sale except annum from the date of sale to the date of payment will be
Sale to be held at the Offices of A deposit of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) of the purchase price
will be required at the time of the sale, balance due within 10 days after for the party secured by the Deed of Trust. Risk of loss on paid within TEN DAYS after the final ratification of the sale.
Alex Cooper Auctioneers, Inc. ratification from the courts. Deposit and remaining balance must be purchaser from date and time of auction. The property and Gift subscriptions
4910 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Suite 100 paid in U.S. currency, certified check, or cashier’s check. No personal or
business checks will be accepted. To be eligible to bid you must have a improvements will be sold in “as is” physical condition Adjustments on all taxes, public charges and special or
Washington, DC 20016 government issued photo ID (i.e., Driver’s License) and five thousand without either express or implied warranty of any kind and regular assessments will be made as of the date of sale and
On Thursday, October 19, 2023 at 11:30 a.m. dollars ($5,000.00) deposit in hand.
subject to all conditions, restrictions and agreements of thereafter assumed by purchaser.
In the event of default by said purchaser and at their risk and expenses, record affecting the same. Balance of the purchase price to
Such property also being known as 1201 Connecticut Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20036. the Sheriff may declare the deposit forfeited and resell the premises.
In such event the defaulting purchaser will be liable for payment of all be paid in cash within ten days of final ratification of sale. If applicable, condominium and/or homeowners association
PROPERTY DESCRIPTION (the “Real Estate”): costs and expenses of both sales. The forfeited deposit, less expenses, Interest to be paid on the unpaid purchase money at the dues and assessments that may become due after the
ALL OF THOSE LOTS OR PARCELS OF LAND LOCATED IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA AND will be credited towards the judgment after the final ratification. This
sale will be final after ratification from the courts. rate of 3.25% from the date of sale to the date funds are time of sale will be the responsibility of the purchaser.
MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: received in the office of the Substitute Trustees. There will Title examination, conveyancing, state revenue stamps,
Montgomery County, Maryland
be no abatement of interest in the event additional funds transfer taxes, title insurance, and all other costs incident
SUBDIVISION OF SQUARE ONE HUNDRED FIFTY-NINE (159), AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN LIBER are tendered before settlement or if settlement is delayed to settlement are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is of
Sep 22 2023 0012436447
NO. W.B.M. AT FOLIO 21 OF THE OFFICE OF THE SURVEYOR FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA; for any reason. the essence for the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be
Prince Georges County 851
Prince Georges County TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment forfeited and the property may be resold at risk and costs of
LOTS IN SQUARE ONE HUNDRED FIFTY-NINE (159), AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN LIBER 12 the defaulting purchaser. If the sale is not ratified or if the
AT FOLIO 173 OF SAID SURVEYOR’S OFFICE RECORDS, ALL OF SAID PARCEL BEING MORE MCMICHAEL TAYLOR GRAY, LLC of all real property taxes, including agricultural taxes, if Substitute Trustees are unable to convey marketable title in
PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: 7470 Technology Way applicable, and any and all public and/or private charges accord with these terms of sale, the purchaser’s only remedy
BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWESTERLY CORNER OF LOT 12, BEING THE INTERSECTION OF THE Suite P or assessments, including water/sewer charges and ground is the return of the deposit. Trustee’s File No. 22-292397.
NORTHERLY LINE OF RHODE ISLAND AVENUE WITH THE EASTERLY LINE OF CONNECTICUT Frederick, MD 21703 rent, to be adjusted to date of sale and thereafter assumed
AVENUE; THENCE (470) 480-1820 by purchaser. Condominium fees and/or homeowners William M. Savage, et al., Substitute Trustees. S0390-1x5
NORTHWESTERLY WITH THE LINE OF CONNECTICUT AVENUE, A DISTANCE OF 87.22 FEET; association dues, if any, shall be assumed by the purchaser LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP,
THENCE TRUSTEE’S SALE from the date of sale forward. Cost of all documentary 10021 Balls Ford Road, Suite 200, Manassas,
EASTERLY AND PARALLEL WITH THE LINE OF RHODE ISLAND AVENUE, A DISTANCE OF 80.80 7501 BELGRAVIA LANE stamps, transfer taxes and settlement expenses shall be Virginia 20109
FEET TO THE WESTERLY LINE OF LOT 50; THENCE Hyattsville, MD 20785 borne by the purchaser. Purchaser shall be responsible (410) 769-9797
NORTHERLY WITH SAID WESTERLY LINE OF LOT 50, A MEASURED DISTANCE OF 22.03 FEET TO Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust for obtaining physical possession of the Property. If the
THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT; THENCE dated September 24, 2004 and recorded in Deed Book 21938 Substitute Trustees are unable to convey title for any
EASTERLY WITH THE NORTHERLY LINE OF LOTS 50 AND 49, BEING ALSO PARTLY ALONG THE at Page 713 among the Land Records of PRINCE GEORGE’S reason, the purchaser’s sole remedy in law and equity shall
SOUTHERLY LINE OF AN ALLEY (CLOSED), A DISTANCE OF 100.00 FEET TO THE WESTERLY COUNTY, Maryland, default having occurred under the terms be limited to a refund of the deposit without interest. If the

LINE OF AN 18-FOOT PUBLIC ALLEY; THENCE thereof, the Substitute Trustees will sell at public auction at Purchaser defaults, the deposit shall be forfeited to the
OF LOT 49; THENCE MARLBORO, MD 20772, on the above-scheduled foreclosure sale. In the event of default, Sep 15,22,29 2023 0012434280

a gift
WESTERLY ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF RHODE ISLAND AVENUE, A DISTANCE OF 180.00 OCTOBER 3, 2023 AT 1:45 PM all expenses of this sale (including attorney’s fees and the
FEET TO THE SOUTHWESTERLY CORNER OF LOT 12 AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING. full commission on the gross sale price of this sale) shall 4700 Dorsey Hall Drive #103, Ellicott City, MD 21042
NOTE: AT THE DATE HEREOF THE ABOVE-DESCRIBED LAND IS DESIGNATED ON THE RECORDS buildings and improvements thereon situated in PRINCE be charged against and paid out of the forfeited deposit.
GEORGE’S COUNTY, Maryland, located at the above address

OF THE ASSESSOR OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA FOR ASSESSMENT AND TAXATION The Trustees may then re-advertise and resell the Property Trustee’s Sale of valuable fee simple property improved by
PURPOSES AS LOT EIGHT HUNDRED FIFTY-FIVE (855) IN SQUARE ONE HUNDRED FIFTY-NINE and more fully described in the aforementioned Deed of at the risk and expense of the defaulting purchaser or may
Trust (the “Property”). premises known as 4700 Dorsey Hall Drive #103, Ellicott
(159). avail themselves of any legal or equitable remedies against City, MD 21042. By virtue of the power and authority
FIXTURES TAX ID#: 13-2955763 the defaulting purchaser without re-selling the Property.

TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of $38,000 by cashier’s/certified contained in a Deed of Trust, dated December 16, 2013,
Pursuant to the Deed of Trust, Beneficiary holds a security interest and lien on all of the In the event of a resale, the defaulting purchaser shall and recorded in Liber 15399 at Page 53 among the land
tangible and intangible assets of Borrower and will sell at public auction on the same date check or such other form as the Substitute Trustee may not be entitled to receive the surplus, if any, even if such
allow, in their sole discretion, required at time of sale except records of the County of Howard, in the original principal
and at the same time and place, ALL OF THE FIXTURES of Borrower located on or about the surplus results from improvements to the Property by said amount of $185,085.00. Upon default and request for sale,
for the party secured by the Deed of Trust. Risk of loss on

Real Estate (that is subject to the security interest and lien of Beneficiary and not owned defaulting purchaser and the defaulting purchaser shall the undersigned trustees will offer for sale at public auction
by any third party). purchaser from date and time of auction. The property and be liable to the Trustees and secured party for reasonable
improvements will be sold in “as is” physical condition at the Courthouse for the County of Howard, located at 9250
TOGETHER WITH any and all buildings, structures, improvements or appurtenances now attorney’s fees and expenses incurred in connection with Judicial Way, Ellicott City, MD 21043, on October 5, 2023 at
erected on the Real Estate, including, without limitation, all equipment, apparatus, without either express or implied warranty of any kind and all litigation involving the Property or the proceeds of the

subject to all conditions, restrictions and agreements of 10:00 AM, all that property described in said Deed of Trust
machinery and fixtures of any kind or character forming a part of said buildings, structures, resale. This sale is subject to post-sale audit of the status including but not limited to:
improvements or appurtenances and located in, upon or about the Real Estate and any record affecting the same. Balance of the purchase price of the loan secured by the Deed of Trust including, but not
buildings thereon all as more particularly described in the Deed of Trust (collectively, the to be paid in cash within ten days of final ratification of limited to, determining whether prior to sale a bankruptcy
sale. Interest to be paid on the unpaid purchase money at Tax ID# 02-331063
“Property”). The Property does not include any personal property owned by any tenants. was filed; forbearance, repayment or other agreement was
CONDITIONS OF SALE: the rate of 8.4% from the date of sale to the date funds are entered into; or the loan was reinstated or paid off. In any
received in the office of the Substitute Trustees. There will Said property is in fee simple and is improved by a dwelling
The Property will be sold in an “AS IS/WHERE IS” condition without any representations or such event, this sale shall be null and void and Purchaser’s and is sold in “as is condition” and subject to all superior Gift subscriptions
express or implied warranties of any nature whatsoever. In particular, neither the Substitute be no abatement of interest in the event additional funds sole remedy shall be return of deposit without interest.
are tendered before settlement or if settlement is delayed covenants, conditions, liens, restrictions, easement, rights-
Trustees nor the Beneficiary make any representation or warranty with respect to, without of-way, as may affect same, if any.
limitation: (1) the existence, nonexistence, or continued existence, validity, scope or nature for any reason. DIANA THEOLOGOU, GREGORY THORNE,
of any zoning, land use, development, site plans, occupancy or other governmental permits ADRIAN JACBOS, BRIAN CAMPBELL, TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of 10% of the sale price, cash
or approvals; (2) fitness for any particular purpose or use; (3) flood zone designations; TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment CHRISTINE COTTON,
of all real property taxes, including agricultural taxes, if or certified funds shall be required at the time of sale. The
(4) compliance with any and all zoning or building laws, regulations and ordinances; Substitute Trustees balance of the purchase price with interest at 6.00% per
(5) the fitness for habitation or the structural integrity or condition of any buildings or applicable, and any and all public and/or private charges
or assessments, including water/sewer charges and ground annum from the date of sale to the date of payment will be
improvements; (6) ingress, egress or access to the Property or any portion thereof, whether File No.: 23-000170-01 paid within TEN DAYS after the final ratification of the sale.
vehicular, pedestrian or otherwise; (7) the rights of parties in possession, if any, or the rent, to be adjusted to date of sale and thereafter assumed
existence, validity, terms, conditions or other matters with respect to any lease of all or any by purchaser. Condominium fees and/or homeowners
association dues, if any, shall be assumed by the purchaser Adjustments on all taxes, public charges and special or
portion of the Property; (8) the existence of any security deposits or rental payments; (9) regular assessments will be made as of the date of sale and
compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act; or (10) the condition of the Property, from the date of sale forward. Cost of all documentary
stamps, transfer taxes and settlement expenses shall be thereafter assumed by purchaser.
either patent or latent, of any nature whatsoever, including environmental contamination.
Neither the Substitute Trustees nor the Beneficiary shall have any obligation to obtain borne by the purchaser. Purchaser shall be responsible
for obtaining physical possession of the Property. If the If applicable, condominium and/or homeowners association
possession of the Property. It shall be the purchaser’s obligation, at the purchaser’s sole dues and assessments that may become due after the
cost, to obtain possession of the Property. Substitute Trustees are unable to convey title for any Sep 8,15,22 2023 0012433591
reason, the purchaser’s sole remedy in law and equity shall time of sale will be the responsibility of the purchaser.
AND AUTOMATICALLY AT THE TIME OF SALE. Neither the Substitute Trustees nor the be limited to a refund of the deposit without interest. If the
Frederick County 856
Frederick County Title examination, conveyancing, state revenue stamps,
Purchaser defaults, the deposit shall be forfeited to the transfer taxes, title insurance, and all other costs incident
Beneficiary shall have any obligation to obtain or maintain any insurance coverage with to settlement are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is of
respect to the Property. Substitute Trustees for application against all expenses,
attorney’s fees and the full commission on the sale price of the essence for the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be
The Property shall be sold subject to: (1) any easements, restrictions, declarations, site forfeited and the property may be resold at risk and costs of
plans, and restrictive covenants of record affecting the same, including, but not limited the above-scheduled foreclosure sale. In the event of default, GREENSPOON MARDER, LLP
all expenses of this sale (including attorney’s fees and the 201 International Circle, Suite 230 the defaulting purchaser. If the sale is not ratified or if the
to any and all condominium restrictions, declarations, bylaws and plats and amendments Substitute Trustees are unable to convey marketable title in
thereto; (2) any and all disclosures and conditions on any plats of record affecting all full commission on the gross sale price of this sale) shall Hunt Valley, MD 21030
be charged against and paid out of the forfeited deposit. accord with these terms of sale, the purchaser’s only remedy
or any portion of the Property; (3) any encroachments, overlaps, boundary line disputes is the return of the deposit. Trustee’s File No. 22-290899.
and other matters which could be disclosed by an accurate survey of the Property; (4) The Trustees may then re-advertise and resell the Property SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE
at the risk and expense of the defaulting purchaser or may OF IMPROVED REAL PROPERTY

any matters which would be disclosed by a physical inspection of the Property; (5) any William M. Savage, et al., Substitute Trustees.
and all environmental conditions, problems and/or violations, if any, that may exist on, avail themselves of any legal or equitable remedies against KNOWN AS
the defaulting purchaser without re-selling the Property. 7295 COACHLIGHT COURT, UNIT C LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP,
affect or relate to the Property or any buildings or improvements thereon; and (6) any and 10021 Balls Ford Road, Suite 200,
all zoning laws, regulations, PUD overlays, and ordinances or governmental permits or In the event of a resale, the defaulting purchaser shall Frederick, MD 21703

a gift
not be entitled to receive the surplus, if any, even if such By virtue of a power of sale contained in a Deed of Trust Manassas, Virginia 20109
approvals affecting the Property (including without limitation any housing or building code (410) 769-9797
violations, the existence of any lead paint, asbestos or radon or any other hazardous or toxic surplus results from improvements to the Property by said from ALTA L. TOMS, dated December 7, 2007 and recorded
substances). defaulting purchaser and the defaulting purchaser shall in book 6828 , page 0803 among the Land Records of
WAIVERS: be liable to the Trustees and secured party for reasonable FREDERICK COUNTY, Maryland, default having occurred

The purchaser waives and releases the Substitute Trustees and the Beneficiary and each attorney’s fees and expenses incurred in connection with thereunder (Foreclosure Case docketed as Case No. C-10-
of their respective affiliates, agents, successors and assigns from any and all claims all litigation involving the Property or the proceeds of the CV-22-000604; Tax ID No. 01-000411) the Substitute
the purchaser may now have or may have in the future relating to: (1) any environmental resale. This sale is subject to post-sale audit of the status Trustee will sell at public auction FREDERICK COUNTY
of the loan secured by the Deed of Trust including, but not courthouse located at 100 W. PATRICK ST, FREDERICK, MD

condition or violation affecting all or any portion of the Property; (2) any existing or future
building or zoning code problems or violations, and (3) the accuracy or validity of any limited to, determining whether prior to sale a bankruptcy 21701 .
was filed; forbearance, repayment or other agreement was OCTOBER 10, 2023 at 9:00 AM Sep 15,22,29 2023 0012434277
information described herein.
IMPROVEMENTS: entered into; or the loan was reinstated or paid off. In any ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND and improvements

The Property is believed to be improved by a 12-story office building containing approximately such event, this sale shall be null and void and Purchaser’s thereon situated in FREDERICK COUNTY, MD and more fully
174,493 square feet± of gross leasable area. The Substitute Trustees believe, but make no sole remedy shall be return of deposit without interest. described in above referenced Deed of Trust.
representations, that the Property is zoned MU-21/DC.
The property will be sold in an “as is” condition and

This advertisement, as amended or supplemented by any oral announcements during ADRIAN JACOBS, BRIAN CAMPBELL, subject to conditions, restrictions and agreements of record
the conduct of the sale, constitutes the Substitute Trustees’ entire terms upon which the CHRISTINE COTTON, affecting the same, if any and with no warranty of any kind.
Property shall be offered for sale, sold or purchased. The Substitute Trustees reserve the Substitute Trustees
unqualified right to postpone the sale, withdraw the Property from sale, in whole or in part, Terms of Sale: A deposit of $ 21,000.00 will be required at
at any time before sale or to release the Property, in whole or in part, from the Deed of Trust File No.: MD2022-00069 the time of sale, such deposit to be in CERTIFIED CHECK
at any time before the sale. If the Substitute Trustees determine that the final bid is not OR BY CASHIER’S CHECK, CASH WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Gift subscriptions
commensurate with the value of the Property, they may reject the bid and withdraw the Balance of the purchase price to be paid in cash within
ten days of final ratification of sale by the Circuit Court
Property from sale. If any dispute arises among the bidders, the Substitute Trustees shall
have the sole and final discretion either to determine the successful bidder or to reoffer and for FREDERICK COUNTY. Time is of the essence as to the
resell the Property. A cash deposit or certified check made payable to either of the Substitute purchaser. If the purchaser defaults, the deposit shall be
Trustees (or as otherwise instructed by the Substitute Trustees) in the amount of $1,000,000 forfeited and the property shall be resold at the purchaser’s
will be required of the purchaser at the time and place of sale. The purchaser is required to risk and expense. The purchaser waives personal service
Sep 15,22,29 2023 0012435314 and accepts service by first class mail and certified mail
increase its deposit to five percent (5%) of the bid price within two business days from the
date of the auction. All cash deposits or certified checks shall be delivered to the Substitute addressed to the address provided by said Purchaser as
Trustees c/o Miles & Stockbridge P.C., 1201 Pennsylvania Ave., Suite 1200, Washington, identified on the Memorandum of Sale for any Motion or
DC 20004, Attn: John T. Farnum and shall be held by the Substitute Trustees in a non- Show Cause Order incident to this sale including a Motion
interest-bearing account to be applied to the purchase price at the time of settlement. The to Default Purchaser and for Resale of the Property. In the
Beneficiary, or its nominee, if the successful bidder, shall not be required to post a deposit. event of a resale, the defaulting purchaser shall not be
The balance of such purchase price, together with interest at the rate of ten percent (10%) entitled to receive any benefit from the resale, including,
per annum on the unpaid purchase money from the date of sale to date of settlement (as but not limited to, additional proceeds or surplus which may
hereinafter specified) must be paid in cash or by certified check on the date of settlement. arise therefrom. Interest to be paid on the unpaid purchase
All outstanding real property taxes shall be the sole responsibility of the purchaser. All other money at five percent (5%) from the date of sale to the date
taxes and assessments, including, but not limited to, rents, if any, ground rents, other funds are received by the Substitute Trustee. There will be

no abatement of interest in the event additional funds are S0390-1x5

public charges, sewer charges, water rents, regular and special assessments and utilities
payable on an annual or any other basis shall be adjusted as of the date of the foreclosure tendered at the time of sale or any time prior to settlement or
sale and paid by the purchaser at settlement. The purchaser shall pay all expenses and if the settlement is delayed for any reason. In the event that
costs required for or incident to its settlement, including, without limitation all, state and the Secured Party executes a forbearance agreement with the
local transfer taxes, documentary taxes, recording taxes and fees, title examination costs, borrower(s) described in the above-mentioned Deed of Trust,
title insurance premiums, and attorneys’ fees. or allows the borrower(s) to execute their right to reinstate
The purchaser shall settle and comply with the sale terms within thirty (30) days after entry or payoff the subject loan, prior to the sale, with or without
P litics?

of a court order ratifying the sale unless said period is extended by the Substitute Trustees, the Substitute Trustee’s prior knowledge, this Contract shall
their successors or assigns, for good cause shown. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE. be null and void and of no effect, and the Purchaser’s sole

If the purchaser defaults, in addition to any other legal or equitable remedies available to remedy shall be the return of the deposit without interest.
them, the Substitute Trustees may declare the entire deposit forfeited and resell the Property Purchaser shall pay for documentary stamps, transfer taxes
at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser. The purchaser shall not be entitled to any and settlement expenses. Taxes, ground rent, water rent,
surplus proceeds or profit resulting from any resale of all or any portion of the Property. condominium fees and/or homeowner association dues, all

a gift
Neither the Substitute Trustees, the Auctioneer, or the Beneficiary or its affiliates are liable public charges/assessments payable on an annual basis,
individually or otherwise for any matter relating to the sale or to the Property, except that including sanitary and/or metropolitan district charges,
if title to the Property cannot be transferred in accordance with the terms hereof for any if applicable, shall be adjusted to the date of sale and
assumed thereafter by the purchaser. Purchaser shall

reason, such liability is limited solely to the return of the purchaser’s deposit. There shall
be no other rights or remedies against the Substitute Trustees, the Auctioneer and/or the be responsible for obtaining physical possession of the
Beneficiary or its affiliates, either in law or equity. property. Purchaser assumes the risk of loss or damage to
NOTE: The material contained herein describing the Property has been obtained from the property from the date of sale forward. If the Substitute

sources believed to be reliable; however, no express or implied warranty is made as to the Trustee is unable to convey insurable title for any reason, the
accuracy of any description. All dimensions or areas referred to herein are approximate. Purchaser’s sole remedy in law or equity shall be limited to a
For further information regarding the sale and the Property, please contact the offices or refund of the aforementioned deposit without interest. In the
event the sale is not ratified for any reason, the Purchaser’s

visit the website of the Auctioneer.
sole remedy, at law or equity, is the return of the deposit
JOHN T. FARNUM without interest. (File # 68612.0064)

Substitute Trustees SYDNEY E. ROBERSON,
Substitute Trustee (s)

Gift subscriptions
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D 8 | EZ
the washington post . friday, september 22, 2023


the fall at
a festival
Corn mazes, hayrides and more. 15

MaanSi SrivaSTava for The WaShingTon PoST

on the town on the town Stage

raise a stein to oktoberfest in one reporter’s valiant attempt With ‘evita,’ young director
D.C., where you’ll find Bavarian to drink a chocolate milkshake Sammi Cannold follows in a
food, music and beers. 6 as big as her head. 21 Broadway icon’s footsteps. 22

Fri, Sept 29
Modern African music

Alun Be
rooted in tradition

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Season Sponsors: Chevron and Lockheed Martin Corporation | Lead Sponsor: Boeing
Sponsors: The Home Depot and Meta

. friday,

Artwork based off of photos of Maynard Jackson by Bud Smith and the flag of Atlanta, Georgia, courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.

He beat leukemia. But then Doors

the washington post

things got really bad… A six-part podcast | No-knock warrants can destroy lives.
Why are they so easy to obtain and carry out?
Read “Medical Mysteries,” Tuesdays in Health & Science.
Listen wherever you get your podcasts

N0229 2 x 7
Best Bets noteworthy events this week ez

i nsi DE to be boozy to be best: its funky,

flavorful Kentucky Common,
aged in both heaven hill and
Woodford reserve bourbon
barrels, was a mere 4.1 percent
aBV. Denizens faces atlas Brew
Works, DC Brau, hellbender, port
City and right proper in the 10th
edition of this friendly, delicious
competition. tickets include a
five-ounce pour of each
competitor, passed hors
Music d’oeuvres, a pint of Denizens and
priests’ Katie one vote for the people’s choice
alice greer award.
works it out when: tuesday from 5 to 9 p.m.
solo. 8
where: Boundary stone, 116
rhode island ave. nW.
Tickets: $65.

Jason Kempin/getty images

The legendary Chic — featuring Kimberly Davis, Nile Rodgers, Audrey Martells and Jerry Barnes —
Dining will play a midafternoon set Saturday at the free, three-day Artscape festival in Baltimore.
Fire pit lures
diners with its
smoky Brazilian Artscape
barbecue. 12 take a road trip (or convenient train ride) up to Baltimore for the free, three-day artscape
festival, which returns to the city for the first time since 2019. Festivities are once again
centered on the Bolton hill neighborhood, with multiple stages, public art exhibitions, kid-
friendly activities and outdoor bars taking over streets around penn station, but artscape is
also spreading for the first time into station north, where you’ll find hands-on art classes, Fritz hahn/the Washington post

burlesque shows, pop-up markets, music and food. Featured performers include DJ pee .Wee Julie Verratti of Denizens
Brewing holds the trophy
(a.k.a. anderson .paak) on Friday; a midafternoon set by the legendary nile rodgers and from last year’s competition.
Chic on saturday, with sets by garage-punk duo teen mortgage and Fishbone frontman
angelo moore and his band Dr. madd Vibe after dark; and DJ Ultra naté and the Baltimore ‘Love Letters’
On the town
“the West Wing” co-stars martin

national zoo is symphony orchestra on sunday. in between, you’ll find fashion shows, the maryland Film sheen and melissa Fitzgerald
sending off its
giant pandas in
Festival shorts Fest and much more, so make sure you leave time to explore. reunite on the Kennedy Center
stage, to the delight of
style. 14
when: Friday through sunday. Washingtonians who still queue
where: streets around mount royal avenue and Charles street, Baltimore. a map is available at up the White house television
Admission: Free. drama a decade and a half after
it ended. sheen and Fitzgerald
debuted the two-person show
“Love Letters” virtually in 2020,

the washington post

Fotos y Recuerdos reservations needed. soprano’s longtime friend Big and these four D.C.
Festival pussy. performances will be the first
in Conversation with when: saturday at 7 p.m. (doors time they’ve performed this
the national portrait gallery ‘The sopranos’ open) epistolary play about friendship
celebrates hispanic heritage
spend saturday afternoon where: the theatre at Capital and missed connections in
month with a fiesta just for kids
Movies binging “the sopranos” in turnaround, 770 m st. se. person. Both actors are
and families. the Fotos y
“expend4bles” preparation for a live 90-minute committed advocates for
recuerdos Festival takes place in
combines old conversation with actors from treatment courts for those who
the museum’s light-filled Kogod Tickets: $55-$80.
mercenaries, the acclaimed hBo mafia drama, struggle with substance abuse,
Courtyard, featuring books and
new faces. 26 and their reunion performance
story times courtesy of bilingual and bring all your questions and Battle of the Barrel- coincides with national recovery
. friday,
book company Lil’ Libros. View burning theories about the Aged Beers
series’s cryptic ending to a Q&a month.
select portraits from the
at Capital turnaround. one of the local beer scene’s when: thursday through oct. 1.
collection, take a museum tour,
“sopranos” fans might already annual highlights is Boundary where: Kennedy Center, 2700 F
and join in during a salsa and
wEE k En D know about the “talking stone’s Battle of the Barrel-aged st. nW.
september 22, 2023

bomba workshop with members

sopranos” podcast from michael Beers, which asks breweries
of the Washington Ballet. Tickets: $69-$109.
imperioli and steve schirripa from D.C., maryland and Virginia
when: saturday from 11:30 a.m. to create one-off brews aged in
l Email: (Christopher and Bobby Bacala
to 3 p.m. wooden barrels, and bring them on the show, respectively), and
l Telephone: 202-334-6808 where: Kogod Courtyard at the duo will share their to the Bloomingdale pub for a
l Advertising: ron Ulrich, national portrait gallery, eighth tasting. the defending champion On the cover Families navigate
memories and photos from the
and g streets nW. is Denizens Brewing, which the vast corn maze at great, show onstage along with Vincent
Admission: Free; no proved last year you don’t need Country Farms in Bluemont, Va.
202-334-5289 pastore, who played tony
eZ Plan Ahead noteworthy events over the next few weeks

Oct. 7 ‘african and other works by 50 artists will “modernism Between africa and reservations suggested.
modernism in america, be on display in “african america.” a commissioned work by
1947-67’ modernism in america, 1947-67.” nigeria-based artist ndidi dike is Oct. 10 Fall wreath-
the cross-cultural connections the show is divided into four featured in part of the exhibit making workshop
between african artists and the sections, including “modernism called “the Politics of selection.” decorate your door for the new
american art community will be Within africa,” which documents Through Jan. 7. Phillips Collection, season at Plntr, a colorful
illuminated in this upcoming collaboration by artists on the 1600 21st St. NW. boutique dedicated to houseplants
exhibition at the Phillips Collection. continent, and a section about $12-$20; free located between adams morgan
more than 70 paintings, sculptures transcontinental exchanges called for ages 18 and under. Advance and dupont Circle. using dried
flowers and greenery, you’ll learn to
make a fall wreath that will last
through thanksgiving and beyond.
the ticket price for this workshop
includes all supplies and a glass of smithsonian’s national Zoo and
Conservation Biology institute
wine or nonalcoholic beverage to
sip while crafting. 5 to 7 p.m. PLNTR, Boo at the Zoo returns to the
1825 18th St. NW, second floor. National Zoo from Oct. 20-22. $55. Children can trick-or-treat at
30 decorated locations, watch
Oct. 14-29 ‘look Both animal demonstrations and
Ways’ visit buildings including the
Kids 8 and up are the target Small Mammal House.
audience for “look Both Ways,” a
world-premiere adaptation of d.C.
“GORGEOUSLY REINVIGORATED... author Jason reynolds’s award-
winning book, co-produced by the
mammal house and reptile
discovery Center to see zoo
EVITA HAS NEVER BEEN MORE THRILLING.” Kennedy Center and the theater residents during this after-hours
alliance. the school dismissal bell party. 6 to 8 p.m. National Zoo, 3001
–Peter Marks, The Washington Post rings at the beginning of the Connecticut Ave. NW.
production, setting up 10 distinct $35; all guests
“STUNNING.” tales as the students head home —
one story per block, each told from
age 2 and older must have a ticket.
$30 parking passes.
–Talkin’ Broadway a different character’s perspective.
the opening show oct. 14 includes Oct. 22 ‘two Cathedrals:
Baroque splendor from
a post-performance Q&a, where
theatergoers can hear behind-the- mexico City’
–BroadwayWorld scenes stories from the cast and When the Cathedral Choral society
crew. Various times. Kennedy Center, and Washington Bach Consort

2700 F St. NW. perform at Washington national
$20. Cathedral this october, they’ll pay
–Georgetown Dish tribute to another soaring
Oct. 20-22 Boo at the cathedral: mexico City’s
Zoo monumental metropolitan
the kids might still be debating Cathedral, which dates to 1573
what to be for halloween, but now and was constructed by spanish
is the time to snag tickets for the conquistadors on the site of an
national Zoo’s ever-popular Boo at aztec temple. the baroque music
the Zoo event, which tends to sell heard during the afternoon
out quickly. little ones can fill a performances includes influences
souvenir tote bag with candy while from indigenous cultures and
trick-or-treating at 30 booths works from composers Joan
stationed around the zoo. the zoo’s Batista sanxo, ignacio de
main pathway, olmsted Walk, will Jerusalem and manuel de Zumaya.
be tricked out with halloween 4 p.m. Washington National
decor, and animals’ habitats will be Cathedral, 3101 Wisconsin Ave. NW.
dressed up with pumpkins and
september 22, 2023 $20-
treats. you can also step into the $98.
elephant Community Center, small


. friday,

the washington post | 202.547.1122 Shereen Pimentel in Evita.

(DJ Corey Photography)
Colin Johnson

The Cathedral Choral Society and Washington Bach Consort will

perform “Two Cathedrals: Baroque Splendor from Mexico City.”
On exhibit Ez

mus eu m s

The following special exhibitions are on view at

area museums. For a complete list of all
permanent, indefinite and long-term
exhibitions, please consult individual museum
websites. Museums marked with an * are free.
Note: The National Museum of Women in the
Arts, the Folger Shakespeare Library, the
National Geographic Museum and the
Smithsonian’s Arts and Industries Building are
temporarily closed for renovations.

*AmeRICAN uNIVeRsITY museum AT Gift of Gary wolkowitz

“lost Europe: on the Edge of Memories,” “Cowboy and ‘Indian’ Film,” by Raphael Montañez Ortiz, is on view in the Smithsonian American Art Museum exhibition “Many Wests:
through Dec. 10. Black-and-white Artists Shape an American Idea.” The show runs through Jan. 14 and includes the work of 48 modern and contemporary artists.
photographs by three Czech photographers:
karel Cudlín, Jan Dobrovský and Martin
wágner. women of color have become leaders in the museum AND TeXTILe museum the centennial of american artist Ellsworth tahiti and elsewhere interspliced with
“Cushner,” through Dec. 10. a selection of environmental justice movement. 1901 fort “Handstitched worlds: the Cartography of kelly (born 1923 and died 2015) is on view archival footage of coal mines, polluted
work by area artist Steven Cushner, ranging Pl. SE. Quilts,” through Dec. 23. a selection of in the Pavilions. the exhibition reflects lakes and factory labor, an hour-long
from woodcut prints and other small works works ranging from traditional early- kelly’s expansive practice with a wide range immersive video installation and meditation
on paper to large paintings. CAPITAL JeWIsH museum “Notorious american quilts to contemporary sculptural of media and includes paintings, works on on climate change.
“rachel rotenberg,” through Dec. 10. after rBG: the life and times of ruth Bader assemblages, drawn from the collection of paper, photography, sculptures and “Jessica Diamond: wheel of life,” through
showing in and around Baltimore for several Ginsburg,” through Nov. 30. a look at the life the american folk art Museum. multipaneled reliefs. June 2. this display of 15 text- and image-
decades, this sculptor moved to israel in and career of the late Supreme Court “wiener werkstätte: from Nature to “Barbara Chase-riboud,” through March. based works is the american conceptual
2015. Her recent work, made from cedar justice. the museum also features two abstraction,” through Nov. 5. a small display three metal sculptures exemplify the artist’s largest museum installation to date.
planks and other material, will be shown to ongoing exhibitions about Jewish history, of fabric samples from the pioneering american artist’s engagement with global Seventh Street and independence avenue
DMV viewers for the first time. from 1790 to today, and how to build a designers of a Viennese workshop. histories, music and spirituality. 12100 Glen Sw.
“franklin white: an american in Venezuela,” better future in the National Capital region: “the New Naval and Military Map of the rd., Potomac.
through Dec. 10. a showcase of paintings “what is Jewish washington?” and United States,” though Nov. 18. a small *LIBRARY OF CONGRess “Not an ostrich:
inspired by the beauty and culture of “Connect. reflect. act.” 575 third St. Nw. focus exhibition about a rare map of North HILLWOOD esTATe, museum AND and other images from america’s library,”
Merida, Venezuela. america during the Civil war, embellished GARDeN “Glass: art. Beauty. Design.,” through fall 2024. four hundred images
“lillian klein abensohn — Song of Songs: with portraits of political and military through Jan. 14. this exhibition showcases from 1839 to the present day, selected from
fruitful relationships,” through Dec. 10. *DumBARTON OAKs “Brier Patch,” leaders, nationalistic scenes and statistical pieces from Hillwood’s collection of more the library’s collection of 14 million
Using the techniques of the Dutch masters, through Monday. Contemporary artist Hugh charts. than 1,600 glass artworks dating from the photographs, trace the medium’s evolution
this painter explores the theme of human Hayden’s outdoor sculptural installation in “Classical washington,” through Nov. 18. 17th to the 20th centuries, placing historical from daguerreotypes to digital images with
relationships through still lifes. the museum’s gardens features 100 the exhibition explores how the public creations in dialogue with contemporary an emphasis on the range of subjects in the
“Nature’s tapestry,” through Dec. 10. wooden school desks, from many of which architecture and monuments of washington ones. 4155 linnean ave. Nw. collection and moments in history described
Photographer Bernis von zur Muehlen’s gnarled branches protrude wildly. evoke the city’s political roots. as glorious, gut-wrenching and more.
images explore the intersection of the “Contemporaries: 20th-Century Painting at “anne lindberg: what Color is Divine light?” “Join in: Voluntary associations in america,”
everyday and the spiritual. 4400 Dumbarton oaks,” through Dec. 3. ten through Dec. 23. an immersive installation *HIRsHHORN museum AND sCuLPTuRe through Dec. 31. a history of volunteerism
Massachusetts ave. Nw. paintings from the museum’s permanent of light and thread is a site for GARDeN “a window Suddenly opens: and voluntary associations in america.
museum collection are organized into five pairings on contemplation and reflection. 701 21st St. Contemporary Photography in China,” thomas Jefferson Building, 10 first St. SE.
the themes of exteriors, interiors, Nw. through Jan. 7. a showcase featuring 186
*ANACOsTIA COmmuNITY museum “to landscape, group portraits and figure photos and related artworks from 1993 to
live and Breathe: women and studies. 1703 32nd St. Nw. *GLeNsTONe “Ellsworth kelly at 100,” 2022. museum OF THe BIBLe “Scripture and
Environmental Justice in washington, D.C.,” through March. a comprehensive “John akomfrah: Purple,” through Jan. 7. Science: our Universe, ourselves, our
through Jan. 7. the show explores how local *GeORGe WAsHINGTON uNIVeRsITY presentation of more than 70 works marking Showing vulnerable landscapes in alaska,
see exhIbITS on 10



the washington post

Ask About Text2Quit
Make the DC Quitline your lifeline.
. friday,


september 22, 2023

• HABLA ESPAÑOL (202.233.4488)

eZ On the Town
How to celebrate Oktoberfest around D.C. (dachshunds included)
BY F RITZ H AHN acters most weekends, as well as a
petting zoo on oct. 22 and local
With racing dachshunds, stein- favorite the Great Zucchini, who
holding contests and crafting ac- hosts the oktoberfest for Kids on
tivities for kids, oktoberfest par- oct. 8, with a moon bounce, face
ties around the D.C. area often painting, and arts and crafts.
have a different vibe than you’d Free.
find at Munich’s legendary festi-
val. sure, there’s plenty of amber- Lovettsville oktoberfest
colored lager, served in hefty Friday-Saturday
mugs, often to the sound of a Lovettsville is a small town
traditional German group play- proud of its German heritage,
ing “ein Prosit.” But over the next which is reflected in its oktober-
few weekends, there’s truly a taste fest, held since 1994. events are
of Bavaria for everyone. Here are held across the historic town,
the essential oktoberfests, from including music and dancing on
brewery parties to small-town the Town Green on Friday night
celebrations. and all day saturday, a saturday
morning pancake breakfast at the
Wunder Garten elementary school, a kid-friendly
Through Oct. 15 fun run in the community park,
The full month of parties at the and dachshund races at “Wiener
noMa beer garden covers a wide dacha Beer Garden Dog stadium” in Zoldos square.
spectrum: live music and DJs on bavarian beers, pork schnitzel and kartoffelpuffer (German potato pancakes) are all on the menu With authentic German music,
weekends; “Bavarian olympics” during Dacha beer Garden’s 10th anniversary oktoberfest in shaw, which runs through oct. 1. dancers and beers under tents, as
with events like stein holding and well as stands with local craft
races; sunday afternoon “Dogto- menus. Free. actually taking place at the more dog-centric Puptoberfest (sept. breweries, it’s one of the most
berfest” yappy hours with treats spacious location across from na- 30), which includes a costume con- immersive parties every fall. Fri-
and pet costume contests; and, on Dacha beer Garden tionals Park. There will be live test. Through oct. 1, shaw offers day from 5 to 11 p.m., Saturday
sept. 28, the annual Pridetober- Through Oct. 1 entertainment and special events German beers and Bavarian food, from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. Free.
fest LGBTQ+ party. Look for Ger- Dacha Beer Garden celebrates every weekend in navy Yard, in- including pork schnitzel and pota-
man and local oktoberfest beers 10 years in shaw during oktober- cluding an appearance by the nats’ to pancakes. Free. Port City brewing
on tap, and sausage-focused fest, but most of the action is Riley Adams (sept. 24) and the Saturday
Prost Alexandria’s Port City is best
Through Oct. 14 known for year-round beers like

Maryland Renaissance Festival

At Mount Vernon Triangle’s optimal Wit, a Belgian-style wit-
German-focused beer hall, look bier, but the brewery’s rotating
for the weekly dog-focused Pup- lager series has become a favorite
toberfest (Mondays); giveaways among in-the-know beer drink-

Time Travel from German breweries; and live

traditional music, complete with
alphorn, on sept. 29 and oct. 14.
ers. The outdoor Wunderfest is a
chance to sample multiple Ger-
man-style beers, including

to... Free.
Cafe berlin
Pilsener, helles, hefeweizen and,
of course, oktoberfest, while lis-
tening to live music and partici-
Through Oct. 15 pating in contests such as a sau-
It’s always oktoberfest at the sage toss, a yodeling competition
Capitol Hill restaurant and beer and best dressed. (entry for all
garden, thanks to a seasonal games is first-come, first served.)
menu and beers, but it’s extra- Food comes from various food
special on certain days. There are trucks. Noon to 6 p.m. Free.
two saturday afternoon pig
roasts (sept. 23 and oct. 7) that Zinnia
september 22, 2023

include spit-roasted pig, sides, Saturday

dessert and beer for $83.45 per The silver spring restaurant,
All tickets person. sunday Bavarian brunch-
es (oct. 1 and 15) mix German
adored for its sprawling back
garden, hosts its second oktober-
sold online breakfast dishes, appetizer or
desert, coffee, and beverages with
fest party with “free-flowing” fest-
biers. Tickets cover all beers for

live music and a best-dressed one of two two-hour sessions, as
contest, beginning at noon, for well as a souvenir glass. Food is
$54. Too much commitment? on available to purchase from a spe-
sept. 24 and oct. 8, there’s live cial German menu, and lawn
. friday,

German music in the beer garden games are free to play. Noon to 2

with no cover. Prices vary. p.m. and 2 to 4 p.m. $45.
shipgarten oktoberfest at the boro
the washington post

Through Oct. 22 Saturday

Buy Ea There’s a different theme each Activities stretch throughout
rly weekend at this sprawling Tysons the Tysons development, with
to Avo
Saturdays and Sundays
beer garden, constructed from seasonal craft beers from both
id shipping containers, which offers Germany and northern Virginia
Sold O
u a playground, fenced dog park featured at the sandlot beer gar-
thru October 22 Weeke t and stage for live music. satur- den; a polka band; a stein-hold-
nds! days include Dogtoberfest (sept. ing competition; food trucks sell-
30) and the game-packed Beer ing German food; and a kids’ area
800-296-7304 | olympics (oct. 14). sundays are
for families, with costumed char-
with crafting, face painting and
see oktoberfest on 7
On the Town eZ

oktoberfest from 6 ebration, held at the frederick Vienna oktoberfest ing; a food court; and dozens of recent years, according to orga-
fairgrounds, has two different Oct. 7 vendors and local organizations. nizers. The draws include multi-
glitter tattoos. 2 to 5 p.m. Free. vibes. friday is a 21-and-over par- The town of Vienna closes his- 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Free. ple stages of live music and Ger-
ty, with folk music from the Al- toric Church Street for this block- man dancing; a marketplace with
fort belvoir oktoberfest penländers and cover tunes from party-style festival. Look for three Gaithersburg oktoberfest local artists and makers; “fall-
Thursday-Oct. 1 the Dan mcGuire Group, beer stages of music; a dedicated kids’ Oct. 8 themed activities” for families;
This is the 25th year for fort tents with local craft brews and zone with pumpkin painting, more than 30,000 people have food vendors; and a beer garden
Belvoir’s oktoberfest, a celebra- German imports, and a menu games and activities; a beer gar- come to Gaithersburg’s Bohrer with beer, cider and mead. Noon
tion that allows any adult with a heavy on brats and schnitzel. Sat- den sponsored by Caboose Brew- Park to celebrate oktoberfest in to 5 p.m. Free.
state-issued driver’s license to ac- urday is more family-oriented,
cess the Army installation. over starting with a 5K or 10K volks-
four days, the program includes march organized by the Seneca
traditional German and contem- Valley Sugarloafers Volksmarch
porary cover bands, including a Club. There’s a kids’ zone with live
German armed forces band on music and arts and crafts all day,
friday; German dancers; a carni- as well as polka and country
val with rides for all ages; 5K and music on indoor and outdoor
10K volksmarches, or public stages, and a sports tent showing
walks, on Saturday; and German college football. No matter when
and American food and beer. Ad- you come, ticket sales benefit
mission to the grounds and the local nonprofit organizations.

A Giant Farewell
volksmarches is free; rides and Friday from 6 to 10 p.m., Satur-
drinks require tickets. day from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. $6-$22
for adults, $5 for children ages 3
Döner bistro to 12, and free for ages 2 and
Sept. 29-Oct. 1 younger. Free admission for any-
“This is our 16th annual okto- one wearing “authentic” lederho-
berfest and it will be the last for a sen or a dirndl.
while,” Döner Bistro owner Timo
Winkel says in an email. The the roost
Leesburg shopping center where Sept. 30
the restaurant is located is being from the same team behind
redeveloped, and Döner Bistro Navy Yard’s Bluejacket comes an
will close at the end of october. oktoberfest celebration at the
But first, there’s the little matter roost food hall in Hill East. Look
of a three-day party, with the Lost for at least 10 German beers on
Lederhosen Band performing tap at the Shelter beer bar, with
each day, DJs, oktoberfest kara- commemorative mugs to take
oke on friday and Saturday home, plus German-inspired
nights, at least 10 German-style food specials from the European-
beers on tap, contests, and plenty style cafe Leni, red Apron Butch-
of German food under a big tent. er and Slice Joint pizzeria. The
As for what’s next, Winkel says, Lost Lederhosen band provides a
“We bought a boat and need a Bavarian soundtrack from 1 to 4
longer break after the pandemic p.m. Noon to 6 p.m. Free.
and the situation in the restau-
rant industry at the moment. We Piketoberfest
will sail the Caribbean for a while Oct. 1
and then we will see.” Friday from The seasonal gathering at
6 to 11 p.m., Saturday from noon North Bethesda’s Pike and rose
to 10 p.m., Sunday from noon to 8 development features a craft beer
p.m. Free. garden run by owen’s Tavern, live
music, a makers market, outdoor
frederick’s oktoberfest games and family activities. Noon
Sept. 29-30 to 4 p.m. Free.
This long-running two-day cel-

the washington post

Cele-bear-ate Sept. 23 – Oct. 1.
Free! Reserve entry passes online.
. friday,
september 22, 2023

Wunder Garten

At Wunder Garten’s oktoberfest celebrations, which run through

oct. 15, guests can take photos in giant themed barbie boxes.
eZ Music

Kathryn Vetter Miller

Priests’ Katie Alice Greer dives into chaos alone

BY C HRIS K ELLY the material I was working with, trying to Greer embraced the solitude — and a After D.C. punk rockers Priests broke
wrangle these really crazy-sounding songs self-described lack of technical proficiency up, Katie Alice Greer found new tones

t the end of 2019, after nearly a into something that could be on a record, as a musician (“I play different instruments and tenors on solo album “Barbarism,”
decade together, D.C. punk rockers ‘Barbarism’ felt like the right title.” poorly”) — and opted for a sound collage with its layers of uneasy dissonance.
september 22, 2023

Priests announced that their mem- It’s indeed a fitting title for the album, approach, uniting voice, instruments and a
bers had made the collective deci- with its layers of uneasy dissonance and range of samples, from old Looney Tunes
sion to take a break for the foreseeable experimental left turns. Throughout, Greer cartoons to a Bernie Sanders floor speech songs in more of a straightforward rock-
future. While they kept the door open for finds new tones and tenors for her expres- to Dorothea Lasky’s reading of her poem and-roll way has been fun,” she says.
possibly playing together again, they were sive voice as she sings about familiar “Porn.” The approach allowed Greer to Playing music with other people still
ready to pursue individual projects and anxieties and vulnerabilities around — to work in an intuitive way, incorporating brings her great joy, and by getting back on
relate as friends, not bandmates, for a quote a Priests EP title — bodies and sounds that interested her into a sonic the road, Greer is returning to something
while. “We’ll bid a very warm and celebra- control and money and power. Here, the canvas. that was central to her identity before the
tory farewell as this decade ends,” they voice that powered Priests’ punk attack is “I wanted so much of the album to exist pandemic disrupted normal life. And while
wrote at the time, “and welcome whatever now engulfed in sonic collages where el- as its own world and to have these charac- she imagines her next project will be a
. friday,

the next chapter may bring each of us ements accumulate and disintegrate in ters coming in and out and for it to feel hybrid collaboration somewhere between
together and separately.” wall-of-sound songs with the propulsion surreal, like a hyper-exaggerated version of a solo effort and a group one, channeling
What happened next is a familiar story: and danger of a runaway train. reality, but also something totally differ- the tumult of the last few years into
In just a few months, the world would be “Barbarism” is Greer’s first full-length ent,” she says. “Barbarism” is something she needed to do.
the washington post

upended by the pandemic. For her part, solo record, entirely written, performed, Bringing the world of “Barbarism” to the “I realized I had to make this incredibly
vocalist Katie Alice Greer had just relocat- produced and mixed by the musician. The stage is also a departure for an artist used introverted record where it’s just for me in
ed to Los Angeles when lockdowns took solo approach represents a drastic change to working collaboratively. While Greer has order to be able to go back to what I
hold, compounding a discombobulation from previous collaborative efforts that tried versions of a stage show where she consider to be making more extroverted
that manifested itself in her new music. grew from shared interests and creative remixed the album live or sang while music,” she says. “I’m really happy when
“I was so devastated when Priests broke visions. someone DJed the tracks, the result felt people say that they like it — that’s great.
up, and it kind of felt like my internal world “The entire time, I just kept thinking, static. On this tour, Greer is singing and But at the same time, when people don’t, I
was collapsing on itself, coupled with what ‘I’m alone.’ Sometimes it would be like, ‘Oh, playing guitar with a drummer, which she get that.”
happened six months later with the exter- I’m alone, I can do whatever I want,’” she calls “the really stripped-down, Velvet Un-
nal world collapsing on itself as the pan- explains. “And then sometimes, it was derground version” of the album. Wednesday at 7 p.m. at rhizome DC, 6950
demic hit,” Greer says. “With the chaos of existential dread: ‘I’m alone!’” “Trying to reinvent it and reinterpret the Maple St. nW. $20-$35.
Music eZ

Japanese rockers Boris join forces with Melvins

The Tokyo musicians got their name from the U.S. band; now the two groups are coming to D.C. on their tour together

BY M ARK J ENKINS proposed playing a few joint

shows with Melvins to that
When some Tokyo musicians band’s singer-guitarist, Buzz os-
started a rock band three dec- borne. “We said, ‘We’d love it if
ades ago, they took their name you could you perform the album
from a song by a group from ‘Bullhead,’ since it’s the album
Aberdeen, Wash. no, not nirva- that has the song ‘Boris’ from
na, but a nirvana precursor, the which we took our name.’ Buzz
proto-grunge Melvins. kindly agreed, and then it be-
so was born Boris, which has came a full tour.”
maintained its devotion to Mel- “We’re watching them perform
vins ever since. now the two and absorbing their show every
groups are touring together for night, and that reflects in our
the first time, playing a nearly own show,” Atsuo added. “We’ve
two-month U.s. tour that arrives already learned so much from
in D.C. this weekend. their working methods and their
“It’s quite an honor,” according playing.”
to Boris drummer Atsuo, who “every night we resonate off of
like guitarist-bassist Takeshi and each other.”
guitarist-keyboardist Wata uses Boris is using the album’s two
only his given name. “When slightly different versions to keep
Boris first started out, they were things fresh, Atsuo noted. “on
our biggest influence. To think this tour, we’re alternating night-
that we’re touring the U.s. to- ly between performing the Japa-
gether, it’s an unbelievable nese version and the overseas
thing.” version, including the order of
Atsuo made his comments by songs. some songs have also been
email through a translator to arranged and extended” into Bo-
avoid any stumbling over lan- ris’s present-day style.
guage barriers. Although the Comparing the response to
band often uses english in its Boris in its homeland and
lyrics and song titles, the words miki matsushima abroad, Atsuo distinguishes not
Takeshi and Atsuo include when boris will highlight the first u.S. release of its 2002 record “Heavy Rocks” at the Howard Theatre. between the audiences but be-
they write songs are always ones tween the broader contexts. “We
that have been assimilated into have enthusiastic fans both in
everyday Japanese, Atsuo ex- in a long string of the Japanese sessions and a reliance on elec- But this tour won’t feature any of Japan and overseas, but the re-
plained. “We use a lot of words band’s collaborations. Boris’s tronic timbres and textures. “ef- it. Instead, the concerts highlight spective music scenes are com-
like that. That said, you could say repertoire includes heavy metal; fects pedals themselves can yield the first U.s. release of a 2002 pletely different,” he said, be-
our lyrics are almost entirely raw noise; minimalist drone; and songs,” Atsuo said before turning record, one of three the band has cause Japan has no intrinsic rock
written in Japanese.” dreamier, more melodic material mystical. “Without the feedback released with the same title, culture. “In a sense, you could say
The wildly prolific Boris has that often features Wata’s sopra- produced by the mega-volume of “Heavy Rocks.” Long available as we’re an American band.”
released three albums in the last no. (All three members sing.) our amps, we could not be con- an import only, the album has
13 months, one made with Uni- The band’s various styles are nected to this world.” just been issued stateside by Jack friday at 9 p.m. at the howard
form, a new York industrial-rock linked by a common composi- With three new albums, the White’s Third Man Records. theatre, 620 t st. nW.
trio. That record is just the latest tional approach, rooted in jam band has plenty of fresh material. To celebrate, Atsuo said, Boris $35.

Bully cares too much — but not about what people think of her

the washington post

BY O LIVIA M C C ORMACK Alicia bognanno, who performs could really write about,” she said.
as bully, channels her excess of Bognanno, 33, grew up in a busy
“We’re just so mean to our- empathy into her music. household and felt like she didn’t
selves,” explained Alicia Bognan- always fit in with her peers, but
no, the musician known profes- with Mezzie she felt uncondition-
sionally as Bully. al love and acceptance: “I felt
she came up with the name to this year touring with the Pixies secure and protected and empow-
represent the battle we all wage and Franz Ferdinand. Which ered, and I had just never experi-
. friday,

with our inner bully, fighting neg- doesn’t mean her life is all rain- enced feeling like that before.”
ative thoughts and attempting to bows now — just that she’s mas- Bognanno’s emotions don’t
shield ourselves from an inces- tered the art of turning angst into just overflow for her canine com-
sant internal tormentor. bangers. panion; she has an overabun-
september 22, 2023

“I probably just went by Bully nothing is more rock than lov- dance of compassion and is con-
so that if it sucked and wasn’t ing your dog. Bognanno’s latest stantly affected by the world
received well, I could save my- album, “Lucky for You,” centers around her. “I feel like I am, just
self,” Bognanno joked in a phone on the grief of losing her “soul as a human being, way too sensi-
interview. mate” dog Mezzie. Bognanno had tive and burdened by unneces-
she needn’t have worried. the mixed-breed pup for 13 years sary empathy,” she said. This un-
Bognanno has gained a legion of before Mezzie died in March of bridled wealth of feeling pours
fans while putting out music as 2022. “When that happened, into her music from all direc-
Bully for a decade now, earlier alysse Gafkjen there was nothing else that I see bully on 10
EZ On Exhibit
EXHIBITS FROM 5 legacy of pioneering aviators Wilbur and Sketching in Clay,” through Oct. 9. This is the Currents of Our Time,” through Oct. 1.
Orville Wright with the 1903 Wright Flyer as the first exhibition in more than 50 years to This is the last leg of a traveling exhibition
the centerpiece; “Nation of Speed,” which *NATIONAL ARCHIVES MUSEUM “All focus on the terra-cotta sketches of Antonio organized by the U.S. Department of State’s
Place,” through Jan. 25. An examination of explores America’s efforts to become a fast American: The Power of Sports,” through Canova (1757-1822), an Italian sculptor Office of Art in Embassies.
the impact of the Bible on science. 400 nation by air, land and sea with vehicles Jan. 7. A look at the history of sports and known for his marble works. “Presente! A Latino History of the United
Fourth St. SW. such as Mario Andretti’s Indy 500-winning their power to unite citizens, teach values, “The Land Carries Our Ancestors: States.” The Molina Family Latino Gallery is
racecar; and “Destination Moon,” which bridge social divides, aid diplomacy and Contemporary Art by Native Americans,” the first gallery space of the new National
*NATIONAL AIR AND SPACE MUSEUM builds on the museum’s Mercury, Gemini protest inequality. 701 Constitution Ave. NW. through Jan. 15. Curated by Indigenous Museum of the American Latino and tells
Eight galleries are open, including “The and Apollo artifacts and traces how humans artist Jaune Quick-to-See Smith, this group U.S. history from the perspective of
Wright Brothers and the Invention of the made it to the moon. Sixth Street and exhibition of nearly 50 living artists includes members of the diverse Latino community
Aerial Age,” which celebrates the life and Independence Avenue SW. *NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART “Canova: weaving, beadwork, sculpture, painting, and covers themes such as immigration,
printmaking, drawing, photography, identity and legacy.
performance and video. Sixth Street and “Entertainment Nation” features an ever-
Constitution Avenue NW. changing selection of objects and
interactive experiences exploring how for
*NATIONAL MUSEUM OF AFRICAN over 150 years entertainment has been an
AMERICAN HISTORY AND CULTURE expression of our national character.
“Reckoning: Protest. Defiance. Resilience.,” “Treasures and Trouble: Looking Inside a
ongoing. The exhibition focuses on the Legendary Blues Archive,” on indefinite
Black Lives Matter movement and art that view. A selection of artifacts — interview
depicts resistance and protest. transcripts with Black blues artists, writings,
“Afrofuturism: A History of Black Futures,” photographs, recording contracts,
through March 24. A look at the history of instruments, correspondence and more —
Afrofuturist expression, a movement from a recently acquired, one-of-a-kind
exploring the Black experience through music archive compiled by folklorist Robert
science fiction, technology and other “Mack” McCormick (1930-2015), who futuristic elements. 14th Street and
Constitution Avenue NW.
worked during the 1960s and early 1970s
on the Smithsonian’s annual Folklife
Free and Open Late on Thursdays *NATIONAL MUSEUM OF AFRICAN ART
Festival. Constitution Avenue NW, between
12th and 14th streets.
“From the Deep: In the Wake of Drexciya
with Ayana V. Jackson,” through April. Artist

September 28
Ayana V. Jackson uses animation,
immersive video, installation, sound and INDIAN “Why We Serve: Native Americans in
scent in an exhibition inspired by the 1990s the United States Armed Forces,” through

techno band Drexciya, whose albums Nov. 30. Personal stories of Native
imagined a mythical aquatopia populated Americans, Native Hawaiians and Alaska
by descendants of pregnant African women Native veterans who have served in the
thrown (or who jumped) overboard into the armed forces of the United States.

Atlantic during the Middle Passage. 950 “Robert Houle: Red Is Beautiful,” through
Independence Ave. SW. June 2. The first major retrospective of the
artist’s work celebrates more than 50 years
*NATIONAL MUSEUM OF AMERICAN of his career. Fourth Street and
HISTORY “¡De última hora! Latinas Report Independence Avenue SW.
Breaking News,” through March. This
bilingual exhibition showcases the work of
Hispanic Heritage Latina journalists.
“A More Perfect Union: American Artists and


Danzón Demonstration
and Interactive Dance Culture
Conversation her right / But the whole world’s
tions: When she feels something caught on fire / And I don’t wanna
deeply (as she often does), she teach a kid to fight.”

Native Art Making in Place

wants to process that experience “I was, [along with] a bunch of
lyrically. other people, feeling really terri-
After the fall of Roe v. Wade in ble and sad about the whole
Thursday, September 28, 2023 • 3:00–4:30 pm the summer of 2022, Bognanno thing,” said Bognanno, who was
wrote “Ms. America,” in which she stunned by not just the loss of
National Museum of the American Indian, Rasmuson Theater laments the constitutional loss of abortion protections but what it
abortion rights for her and other meant for women’s rights as a
Join us for a film screening and conversation as current women, singing: “I guess every- whole. “I feel like, having been in
and former recipients of the NEA National Heritage thing falls apart / Finding hope in
a broken heart / All I wanted was
the music industry for 10 years,
I’ve always been trying to prove
Fellowship share stories of place and belonging as
SEPTEMBER 22, 2023

a daughter / Try my best to raise myself a little bit as a woman. And

understood through their life’s work as traditional and I just felt maybe that I wasn’t
actually taken seriously or we
community-based artists. haven’t been taken seriously as a
This event is free and open to the public.
TOP PRICES gender.”
She understands that audienc-

PAID es share different opinions but

will not water herself down to
please those who disagree with
for your Records
and CD’s her. “I just don’t really care what

(33, 45 and other people think. This project is

just an extension of me, and I
12” singles) don’t want to silence any part
Ed Eugene Anita Fields Karen Ann Roen Hufford Elizabeth TahNibaa Francis P. Sinenci Wayne Valliere
Carriere (Osage/Muscogee) Hoffman (Native Hawaiian) James-Perry Naataanii (Native Hawaiian) (Lac du Flambeau Ojibwe) about myself to cater to what

(Suquamish) (Oneida Nation of (Wampanoag Tribe of Gay (Navajo/Diné)

Wisconsin) Head, Aquinnah) somebody says,” Bognanno con-
TOO SMALL tinued. “I’ve already dealt with
people saying really horrible
or LARGE things, and I almost feel like
WE BUY something like abortion is more
EVERYTHING! than a political issue.”
The film will also be livestreamed at
Call STEVE Sunday at 7:30 p.m. (doors open) at
PHOTO CREDITS. Ed Eugene Carrierie: Stuart Isett; Anita Fields: Tom Fields; Karen Ann Hoffman: Jim; Roen Hufford: Lynn Martin Graton; Elizabeth at 301-646-5403 the Black Cat, 1811 14th St NW.
James-Perry: courtesy of the artist; TahNibaa Naataanii: courtesy of the artist; Frances P. Sinenci: Holani Hana Inc.; Wayne Vallierie: Tim Frandy or e-mail: $20-$25.
On Exhibit EZ


“Words of Wisdom: Buddhist Calligraphy

From Japan,” through Feb. 25. This
exhibition brings together different types of
script presented in various formats to
illustrate a journey of objects, knowledge
and cultural identity.
“Anyang: China’s Ancient City of Kings,”
through April 28. The first major U.S.
exhibition dedicated to the capital of China’s
Shang dynasty.
“The Art of Knowing in South Asia,
Southeast Asia and the Himalayas,”
ongoing. A showcase of works from the
permanent collection that explore religious
and practical knowledge.
“A Collector’s Eye: Freer in Egypt,” ongoing.
An exhibition showcasing Egyptian art
collected by the namesake of the Freer
Gallery of Art, one of the museum’s two
“Palace Life Unfolds: Conserving a Chinese
Lacquer Screen,” through Jan. 28. Not
exhibited since 1976 due to its fragile
condition, this newly restored screen —
dated to 1672, but revealing previously
obscured new details — is the centerpiece of
a display highlighting the museum’s
research and conservation efforts. 1050
Independence Ave. SW.
HISTORY “Sea Monsters Unearthed: Life in
Angola’s Ancient Seas,” through 2023. A
look at the fossil-packed cliffs of Angola,
which was once home to real-life sea
monsters, and how evolution, geology and
the environment have shaped ocean life
there in the past and present.
“Cellphones: Unseen Connections,” through
2026. Featuring more than 750 objects
from around the world, multimedia
installations, an interactive group chat and
a graphic novel spanning three gallery walls,
the show explores the unseen personal, RICK COULBY/COURTESY OF JESSICA DIAMOND
cultural and technological connections of
the ubiquitous cellphone. 10th Street and Installation view of “Jessica Diamond: Wheel of Life,” on view through June 2 at the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden.
Constitution Avenue NW.
*NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY and ephemera. Burdens: Renwick Invitational,” through “Composing Color: Paintings by Alma explores the resonances between recent
“Kinship,” through Jan. 27. More than 40 “Duty, Honor, Country: Antebellum Portraits April 7. A showcase of 55 works by six Native Thomas,” through June 2. An intimate view video art and popular music.
works by contemporary artists such as of West Pointers,” through June 9. A American or Alaska Native artists who of Thomas’s evolving painting practice “Many Wests: Artists Shape an American
Njideka Akunyili Crosby, LaToya Ruby Frazier showcase of pre-Civil War photographs express the honors and burdens that during her most prolific period, 1959 to Idea,” through Jan. 14. Works by 48
and Jess T. Dugan, who explore personal representing notable people who trained at connect people to one another. 1978, drawn from the museum’s holdings — modern and contemporary artists offer a
relationships, intergenerational bonds, and the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, Pennsylvania Avenue and 17th Street NW. the largest public collection of the broader and more inclusive perspective on
the way our connections endure and including Ulysses S. Grant, George Washington artist’s work in the world. the oft-mythologized American West. G and
change. Armstrong Custer and “Stonewall” Jackson. “Musical Thinking: New Video Art and Sonic Eighth streets NW.
“1898: U.S. Imperial Visions and Revisions,” Eighth and F streets NW. *SMITHSONIAN AMERICAN ART MUSEUM Strategies,” through Jan. 29. This exhibition
through Feb. 25. The exhibition examines
the War of 1898 (often called the Spanish- *NATIONAL POSTAL MUSEUM “Baseball:
American War), the congressional joint America’s Home Run,” through Jan. 5,
resolution to annex Hawaii, the Philippine- 2025. A postal perspective on the national
American War and their legacy. pastime that looks at the unlikely ways the
“One Life: Frederick Douglass,” through
April 21. This single-gallery show examines
the legacy of one of the 19th century’s most
mail service and baseball are intertwined.
2 Massachusetts Ave. NE. Celebrate the 2023 NEA
influential writers, speakers and
intellectuals through prints, photographs *RENWICK GALLERY “Sharing Honors and
National Heritage Fellows
“Mesmerizing! Captivating! Sizzling!”
Awards Ceremony
—Washington City Paper Friday, September 29, 2023 • 5:30–6:30pm


Coolidge Auditorium, Thomas Jefferson Building, The Library of Congress
Join us as we honor the 2023 National Heritage Fellows, recipients
of the nation’s highest honor in the folk and traditional arts. The
ceremony will include a performance by Irish flute player and
2021 fellow Joanie Madden.
This event is free and open to the public.

Photo of Louis E.

Davis, Jonathan
Feuer and Renee

Elizabeth Wilson
by Chris Banks.

R.L. Boyce Ed Eugene Michael A. “Little Joe” Roen Hufford Elizabeth Nick Spitzer Luis Tapia Wu Man
Hill Country Blues Carriere Cummings Hernández Kapa Maker James-Perry Folklife Presenter, Sculptor, Hispano Pipa Player
SEPTEMBER 22, 2023

Musician Suquamish African American Tejano Music Wampum & Fiber Educator, and Radio Woodcarving

Basketmaker Quilter Performer Artist Producer Tradition


The ceremony will also be livestreamed at
PHOTO CREDITS. R.L. Boyce: John Branch; Ed Eugene Carriere: Stuart Isett; Michael A. Cummings: courtesy of the artist; “Little Joe” Hernández: Catalina Cruz; Elizabeth
James-Perry: courtesy of the artist; Roen Hufford: Lynn Martin Graton; Nick Spitzer: courtesy of Tulane University; Luis Tapia: Tom Pich; Wu Man: Call the Shots Photography
eZ Casual Dining

Where there’s smoke, there’s Fire Pit

Let your nose lead you TOP: Chef and co-owner Gui
Gonzalez. LEFT: Picanha with
to Brazilian barbecue farofa, black beans, white rice
and the signature pit sauce.
september 22, 2023

BY T IM C ARMAN drivers will be idling near the

intersection and suddenly find
Most days, you’ll find gui gon- themselves getting hungry. “a lot
zalez on the back end of his Fire of people come and say, ‘Man, i
pit Brazilian Barbecue truck, was stopped at the traffic light and
standing over a grill loaded with i could smell it. i saw the smoke,
St. Louis-cut spare ribs, wrapped and i had to come try it.’”
in foil, and thick slabs of short My introduction to Fire pit
ribs, their flat bones protruding came not from smoke signals
. friday,

from the edges of the fatty beef. along the pike, but from a text
even if you can’t see gonzalez, he’s from Rudy Zamora-Herrera, the
easy to locate. Just look for the chef and owner of el papi Real
smoke billowing around Rockville Street tacos in camp Springs, Md.
the washington post

pike and First Street. or better yet, For those without a solid grasp of
stick your nose in the air and take Maryland geography, camp
a deep breath: You might get a Springs is a long way from Rock-
whiff of the eucalyptus lump char- ville. i would later learn that
coal that the gaucho burns, its Zamora-Herrera was working on
aromas clean, cool and conifer- a second location in pike Kitchen
ous. and making runs to Rockville on
gonzalez’s grill is something of the regular, occasionally catching
an olfactory magnet. the Brazil- glimpses of the Fire pit truck dur-
ian native tells me that sometimes PhoTos by deb Lindsey for The WashingTon PosT continued on next page
casual Dining eZ

from previous page vegetarian, which apparently

doesn’t view fire pit as a mortal
ing his drives. He, like others be- enemy disfigured by its own lust for
fore him, finally couldn’t resist. animal proteins. The two business-
Zamora-Herrera sent me photos es have something of a comple-
of his visit, including a shot of gon- mentary relationship, gonzalez
zalez at the grill, the wood smoke so says. sometimes when a car pulls
thick i could barely see the gaucho’s up, half the passengers will head to
face. Zamora-Herrera then sent me Yuan fu, the other half to fire pit.
a picture of his spread: containers You’ll usually find Leorato work-
of beef ribs, black beans, white rice ing the front window at the truck.
and these morsels of sirloin cap, she’ll take your order; her son will
called picanha, with an outer layer prepare it. The menu at fire pit is
of semi-rendered fat that helps short, sweet and straightforward.
keep the meat moist and flavorful. There are four meat options: pork
if i could have transported myself ribs, short ribs, chicken and pican-
to rockville that instant, i would ha, all of which you can order fresh
have. from the grill or have slipped into
my first visit to fire pit, however, an eight-inch italian sub roll with
wouldn’t occur until nearly two melted mozzarella, arugula, pit
months later, on a scorchingly hot sauce and chopped vegetables driz-
day in July, when the mercury was zled with vinaigrette. The smoki-
just a few degrees short of the cen- ness of the meat is forceful enough
tury mark. it was the kind of day to cut through the fat and acid of
when no one should be standing the sandwich’s condiments and
over glowing coals, let alone sur- garnishes, which do what they’re
rounded by the urban heat islands supposed to do: add depth and
of rockville pike, which reduce all contrast to the main ingredient,
living creatures to puddles of water. not detract from it.
But there gonzalez was, tending But truth be told, i prefer the
meats and relying on a single fan in barbecue straight. Like the pican-
the outdoor corner of his truck to ha, the beef short ribs are seasoned
keep him cool — and to keep the only with coarse sea salt, but unlike
flies at bay. The guy knows how to the sirloin cap, the bones are first
suffer for his craft. cooked for hours in a commissary
His particular craft is southern smoker, which gonzalez built him-
Brazilian churrasco, a style of bar- self, before they’re finished over
becue that specializes in picanha, a charcoal on the truck. The short
cut more common to Brazil than to ribs are designed for those who
the united states. The cut’s very appreciate the pleasures of the
name tells you something: Trans- flesh: With the bones removed, the
lated into english, picanha means beef pulls apart in thick, gooey
“rump steak” or “rump cap,” strands, as the meat, salt, fat and
carved from the hind end of the smoke meld into something great-
steer. picanha boasts a thick fat er than the component parts.
cap, which gonzalez trims before The chicken and pork ribs are
searing the whole cut on the grill to marinated before hitting the grill,
give it a good crust. He’ll slice the and as such, they land with more
picanha, then throw the bite-size force and refinement than the
portions into a grill basket. if you grilled beef. The chicken and i, in
don’t tell him what temperature particular, have become fast
you desire, you’ll get your picanha friends. i love the way its two-bite
medium. pieces, the dry spices still clinging
i got my picanha medium, if only to the flesh, supplement the smoke

the washington post

because i didn’t realize i had the with more assertive notes, includ-
option to request the meat a shade ing garlic and onion powders. i
or two pinker. No matter. seasoned could eat that chicken daily with
with only coarse sea salt — and i do gonzalez’s sides of white jasmine
mean coarse — the Black angus rice or black beans, each scented
beef relies on its own meatiness, with the gentle pungency of garlic. i
supplemented with smoke, to se- have even developed a taste for that
duce you. Crusty, juicy and chewy deb LindSey fOR the WaShingtOn POSt Brazilian favorite farofa, a dish of
in all the right ways, the picanha The beef rib sandwich with pit sauce, mozzarella cheese and arugula at Fire Pit Brazilian Barbecue in toasted cassava flour whose sandy
can be dipped into a mayo-based Rockville. The smokiness of the meat cuts through the fat and acid of the condiments and garnishes. consistency needs every last mol-
pit sauce, but i rarely took advan- ecule of rendered bacon fat.
tage of the condiment. The meat, restaurant. This is no coincidence. lawn care. He eventually opened Less than a year into his new
. friday,

like Texas barbecue, doesn’t need it. rio grande do sul is where the his own landscaping business. venture, gonzalez is already plan-
The sauce, in fact, detracts from the Fire Pit brazilian hardscrabble gaucho traditions of But he never stopped thinking ning a second location at the
elemental nature of picanha. every barbecue previous centuries have been trans- about Brazilian barbecue, or open- forthcoming solaire social food
ingredient and every technique 804 Rockville Pike, Rockville, formed and elevated into an identi- ing a shop of his own. finally, last hall in downtown silver spring.
september 22, 2023

matters here: the meat, the trim- Md.; 301-789-8709. Order ty. gonzalez grew up with gaucho year, he set about fulfilling this and why not? His version of chur-
ming, the salt, the charcoal, the grill online at culture and churrasco. They are, as dream, with the help of his mom rasco aligns better with modern
method. gonzalez nails it all. he tells me, part of his DNa. He and and his wife, fabiana redondo life than those pricey Brazilian
it probably won’t surprise you to Hours: 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. his mom, gladis Leorato, moved to gonzalez. He had a rig custom- steakhouses and their endless pa-
learn gonzalez hails from porto tuesday through Saturday. the D.C. area about 20 years ago, built in Texas; secured the permits; rades of all-you-can-eat meat. fire
alegre, capital of the state of rio Prices: $1 to $16.90 for all after she went through a difficult and found an ideal spot in the gold- pit is casual. it’s affordable. it
grande do sul, and the same city items on the menu. Meats can divorce. gonzalez was just 14 years en arcade shopping Center, where doesn’t dare you to eat like a 16th-
where fogo de Chão opened its first also be ordered by the pound. old, and he quickly found work in the only other restaurant is Yuan fu century royal.
Pg On the Town
Say farewell to the National Zoo’s pandas during a 9-day festival
BY F RITZ H AHN yard and the Asia Trail are a focus
of the celebrations, there are ac-
For almost 23 years, Tian Tian tivities happening around the
and Mei Xiang have been two of zoo. A conservation scavenger
Washington’s most popular celeb- hunt for all ages makes 10 stops
rities. A generation has grown up throughout the grounds. The
watching the giant pandas eat, Great Meadow Stage, near the
sleep, play and sleep some more great ape house, hosts a kid-
at the National Zoo, and gleefully friendly crafting station and soft
welcomed cubs Tai Shan, Bao play area, as well as yoga sessions
Bao, Bei Bei and Xiao Qi Ji. at 11 a.m. on Saturdays and Sun-
But giant pandas are the prop- days.
erty of China, and the zoo’s agree-
ment with the China Wildlife Check out movies and music
Conservation Association means The visitor center near the
that Tian, Mei and Xiao Qi Ji will Connecticut Avenue entrance in-
return to China no later than Dec. cludes screenings of the animated
7. (A zoo spokesperson says the film “Kung Fu Panda” and the
zoo cannot “make public the ex- documentary “The Miracle Pan-
act date of departure for security da,” which features actress Lucy
reasons.”) There has been no an- Liu narrating the story of cub
nouncement about new pandas Xiao Qi Ji, who is now 3 years old.
coming to replace the current Throughout the weekend, there’s
family; the last time the zoo was music on multiple stages at the
panda-free was between Novem- Great Meadow and Lion-Tiger
ber 1999, when Hsing-Hsing, one amanda andRade-Rhoades FoR the Washington Post Hill, with performers including
of two pandas given to the United Xiao Qi Ji holds on to his mom, Mei Xiang, during the 50th anniversary celebration of the Smithsonian Afrobeat musician J. Addo, pre-
States after President Richard M. National Zoo’s giant panda program in 2022. The pandas will return to China no later than Dec. 7. teen D.C. rapper Fly Zyah, WKYS-
Nixon’s 1972 visit to China, died, FM DJ Little Bacon Bear and DJ
and December 2000, when Tian here’s what you need to know. date is “full,” more passes will be yond the Chinese snacks at the Bobby Bristol.
and Mei arrived. released at midnight one day be- panda house, vendors around the
To send the pandas off, the zoo Free passes are required fore and again on the day of. zoo will have panda-themed food Most events take place on
is hosting Panda Palooza: A Giant The most basic thing to know if and drinks, including a Panda weekends
Farewell from Saturday through you’re heading to the zoo this or The Chinese Embassy is Espress espresso martini cocktail To make the most of the cele-
Oct. 1: nine days of panda-themed any weekend: Free daily entry bringing snacks and activities from the Vintage Views pop-up brations, plan to be there on a
activities for all ages, ranging passes are still required, even for They may be taking the pandas bar; a panda cookie at Dolci Gela- Saturday or Sunday. During the
from music to film screenings to children and infants. Passes are back, but they’re trying to be nice ti; and a black-and-white panda week, the schedule is limited to a
yoga, as well as daily activities not timed, and allow holders to about it. The Embassy of China shake at Ben and Jerry’s, com- display of panda-made artwork
featuring the guests of honor. If enter the zoo anytime between 8 will be at the zoo each Saturday plete with Oreos for ears. (see above) and daily enrichment
you’re going to celebrate our fa- a.m. and 3 p.m. They are released with calligraphy activities on the activities (between 9 a.m. and 1
vorite black-and-white bears, on a rolling basis, so if a certain Asia Trail and free sweet and Don’t miss the panda p.m.), which might feature toys,
savory Chinese snacks (while sup- paintings scents or puzzle feeders to stimu-
plies last) at the panda house. The National Zoo uses painting late the pandas. Zoo members
Other attractions include a dress- as an enrichment activity for its also have access to a panda-
up station with traditional Hanfu animals, from naked mole rats to themed lounge.
clothing (Sept. 23) and a mask- great apes. All three giant pandas
making craft station (Sept. 30). have tried their paw at this cre-
national Zoo, 3001 Connecticut ave.
ative endeavor, using water- nW. open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily.
There will be treats — for based pigments and a paintbrush all events free.
humans, too attached to a PVC pipe. A gallery
or To start the party, Tian Tian,
Mei Xiang and Xiao Qi Ji will
along Olmsted Walk displays
three paintings created by each of

boots? receive special ice cakes — a pan- the pandas. Call-out to readers
september 22, 2023

da favorite made with frozen fruit

juice and usually decorated with Explore more than the panda as the zoo prepares to say
fruit and bamboo — at 9 a.m. house farewell to the pandas, we’d love to
Saturday. Don’t feel left out: Be- While the panda house and hear from their millions of fans
about their favorite memories
related to our black-and-white
stay one step ahead of the weather with the bears.

Capital Weather Gang did you fall in love with Ling-Ling

and hsing-hsing and take your kids
. friday,

to see tai shan? did you propose

at the giant panda house? did you surreptitiously keep a browser
window open during meetings to
watch Bei Bei or Bao Bao playing in
the washington post

the snow, or stay up round-the-
s0141 2x4

clock hoping to see mei Xiang give

send us your panda tales, and
What’s for dinner? we’ll publish a selection of
recollections in a special edition
Search our database of tested recipes.
before the family leaves d.C. email with
Tian Tian eats bamboo at the National Zoo. The zoo’s giant pandas the subject line “Pandas.”
S0115-2x1 will get to gnaw on ice cakes made with frozen juice on Saturday.
From the Cover 15

MaanSi SrivaSTava For The WaShingTon PoST

Say goodbye to
Jessica Holthus goes apple picking with her daughters Lianna and Emilia and husband Nick Holthus at
Great Country Farms, where the Fall Pumpkin Harvest Festival attracts families to Bluemont, Va.

make the most of them, too, 15-acre challenge, billed as and a percentage of cupcake sales

summer, hello
thanks to apple cider doughnuts “Southern Maryland’s largest will also be donated to the fund.
and late-night flashlight tours cornfield maze,” has two distinct Open Saturday and Sunday-
that make mazes more difficult — sections: a shorter, easier one to from Oct. 1-29.
and even a little spooky. every- start, and a more arduous path $15; free for children 3 and young-

the washington post

one, no matter their age, can for those who want to keep going. er.

to fall festivals
enjoy the challenge of finding the once you’ve found your way out,
most perfect pumpkin in the there are wagon rides, a barn full Butler’s Orchard
patch. of animals, a farm-themed play- Location: 22222 davis Mill
We’ve scoped out some of the ground with slides, straw jump- Rd., germantown. about 18 miles
best farms in the not-too-far- ing pits and a pick-your-own from the Beltway.
from-d.c. area. note that most pumpkin patch. grab something The basics: Butler’s orchard’s
farms strongly recommend reser- to eat at the Farmer’s daughter 43rd annual pumpkin Festival is
Find pumpkin patches, petting zoos and even a vations, especially for weekends, cupcake shop. each weekend has already chockablock with spots
when walk-in tickets frequently a different event, including a clas- for kids to run free — such as a
fairy forest at these 10 farms not too far from D.C. sell out. the attractions may also sic car show (oct. 8), antique straw-filled hayloft and a 70-foot-
close due to weather, so check the tractor pulls (oct. 14-15) and a long jumping pad — in addition
. friday,

BY F RITZ H AHN trying to find our way out of a policies before purchasing tick- “trunk or treat” early Halloween to the popular mazes, hayrides
AND A DELE C HAPIN multi-acre corn maze before set- ets. and enjoy your day at the party with the Jeep club of South- and barnyard petting areas. Most
tling down to drink cider and farm! ern Maryland (oct. 22). activities are included in the price
after a blistering, occasionally roast marshmallows around a Standout attraction: the corn of admission, but others are not,
september 22, 2023

brutal summer, the crisp days and bonfire. Bowles Farms maze has a “think pink” theme to including pony rides, pumpkin
cooler nights of autumn are lur- the farms around the Wash- Location: 22880 Budds creek support women with breast can- cannons, and a chance for con-
ing us back outside. Sometimes ington area are magical places for Rd., clements, Md. about 45 cer. $1 from each ticket sold on struction-obsessed kids to dig ac-
that’s to celebrate the harvest by children at this time of year, full of miles from the capital Beltway. opening day will be donated to tual holes using mini-digger ma-
picking apples and pumpkins and bounce pads and giant slides, The basics: this is the 23rd the Stereotactic Breast Biopsy chines shipped from Sweden. on
decorative gourds, or to spend a hayrides and animal friends to year that tina and tommy Bowles Renovation Fund at MedStar St. the way out, drive to the pumpkin
few hours roaming, laughing, and meet and feed. But adults can have created a corn maze, and the Mary’s Hospital in Leonardtown, continued on next page
16 17
eZ eZ

frOm prEvIOus paGE barn and an Old West town. adults will appreciate live music
Open Thursday through Mon- — think singer-songwriter types
patch to pick your own pumpkins day through Nov. 6, plus Tues- performing country and classic
for 75 cents per pound. day, Nov. 7. rock covers — and a pop-up for
New this year: Weekend visi- $10-$25, depending on day; chil- Henway Hard cider at the farm’s
tors will find a new location and dren younger than 24 months on-site roosteraunt. While the
route for the busy hayrides, and a free. fall pumpkin Harvest festival
“bigger and better than ever” doesn’t officially begin until Oct.
corn pool — think a ball pit for Great Country Farms 1, the farm’s play areas, corn maze
kids to jump in, but filled with Location: 34345 snickersville and other activities are open as
dried corn kernels. tpk., Bluemont, va. about 45 part of the corn maze and apple
Standout attraction: tractors miles from the Beltway. Harvest, which runs through
are big on the farm: One area The basics: this popular fam- sept. 30. (see the farm website for
features pint-size pedal tractors, ily attraction’s annual fall pump- more details.)
while last year brought the addi- kin Harvest festival offers a 11/2- Standout attraction: It’s hard
tion of a tractor pull, where visi- acre corn maze with an “apples to tell what kids cheer for more:
tors have to use their strength to and cider” theme and a 12-acre little piglets racing in the Oinkin-
tug an antique tractor over the play area with an 80-foot-long tucky Derby — held three times
finish line. mega slide and two giant 2,800- per day on weekends — or the
Open Wednesday through Sun- square-foot jumping pillows, as p-rex dinosaur that chomps
day from Sept. 23 through Oct. 29, well as mini golf, obstacle cours- down on pumpkins, turning them
plus Oct. 9. es, cider press demos and wagon into orange-colored pulp.
$10-$15 online, $12-$17 at the rides to the pick-your-own pump- Open daily from Oct. 1-31.
gate; children younger than 24 kin patch. (pumpkins are sold by $12-$18;
months free. the pound.) On the weekends, free for children 2 and younger.
Clark’s Elioak Farm
Location: 10500 clarksville
pike, Ellicott city. about 22 miles
from the Beltway.
The basics: It’s hard to say who
will be more excited to visit
clark’s on a sunny fall weekend:
children who’ve been promised a
petting farm with sheep and don- PhoToS by MaanSi SrivaSTava For The WaShingTon PoST

keys, a wagon ride, and a pump- ABOVE: Families ride in wagons to the apple orchards at Great Country Farms in 2022. LEFT: Near-
kin patch, or parents and grand- ripe apples grow in the farm’s orchards, which attract large crowds on weekends. The Corn Maze and
parents who grew up in the area Apple Harvest lasts through Sept. 30, after which the Fall Pumpkin Harvest Festival officially begins.

and remember the now-closed free. $2.50-$5 additional charge Larriland Farm 4:30 p.m. $4 or covered in cinnamon sugar.
Enchanted forest amusement for certain rides. Location: 2415 Woodbine rd., per person. Open Saturdays and Sundays
park, full of fairy tale-themed Woodbine, md. about 30 miles from Sept. 30 through Oct. 29.
attractions. many of the buildings Cox Farms from the Beltway. Miller Farms $14.95;
and characters from the Enchant- Location: 15621 Braddock rd., The basics: Larriland farm is Location: 10140 piscataway $16.95 on select “peak” Satur-
ed forest, including the Old centreville. about 18 miles from known as one of the area’s biggest rd., clinton. about eight miles days; free for children younger
Woman’s shoe, the three Bears’ the Beltway. pick-your-own farm operations, from the Beltway. than 2.
House, Little toot the tugboat The basics: cox farms is with dozens of varieties of fruits The basics: miller farms has
and Willie the Whale, have been stocked with farm-themed activi- and veggies, from apples to sweet been owned by the miller family Montpelier Farms
relocated to clark’s and now ties, including a cornundrum corn, sold by the container. In fall, since 1879, and it’s billed as the Location: 1720 crain Hwy., up-
charm a new generation of fans. corn maze, a goat village petting the focus switches to fields filled largest vegetable grower in per marlboro. about eight miles

the washington post

september 22, 2023

take a ride on the Enchanted zoo, a tractor museum, tunnels with an array of pumpkins, as prince George’s county, with from the Beltway.
Express train (which, we should made of straw and a plethora of well as autumn crisp and Golden more than 200 acres dedicated to The basics: there are two corn
warn you, doesn’t run on tracks) slides. Kids can even learn about Delicious apples growing in or- production. county residents mazes at upper marlboro’s mont-
to get an overview of the farm. milking cows, pumping water chards. Of course, there’s more know miller farms’ clinton mar- pelier farms: a seven-acre maze
New this year: On weekends in and other traditional farm here than a DIY harvest: there ket as a go-to place for a variety of with an alien invasion theme,
October, “playing With ponies” chores. the live music stage fea- are weekend hayrides; a Boo Barn goods — produce and meat, sure, which can also be explored by
allows kids and adults to visit, tures blues and country bands as with not-so-scary attractions for but also a full-service bakery, soft- flashlight after sunset, and a
brush and hang out with the well as family-friendly perform- the youngest visitors; and, in- serve ice cream, a nursery full of smaller, family-friendly maze
farm’s ponies; pony rides are ers. caramel apples, kettle corn stead of a corn maze, a straw mums and, in early summer, pick- that tells the story of spookley,
available on weekdays and week- and apple cider doughnuts are maze with walls made from bales your-own strawberries. come the square pumpkin. the farm,
. friday,

ends. among the fall treats found at this of straw. fall, the farm opens its fields and which opened in 2008, also in-
Standout attraction: Kids will festival, and there’s a chance to Standout attraction: On sat- barn to the community on satur- cludes hayrides; hay bales to

. friday,
love exploring the Enchanted sample apples and cider from urdays and sundays, a tractor days and sundays for fall family climb; a petting zoo with alpacas,
forest pine tree maze and the local orchards. tickets include a pulls a wagon covered with hay fun, with hayride tours of the horses and barnyard animals;
the washington post

fairy forest, which features min- pumpkin to take home. bales on a 20-minute trip around fields, a corn maze, jumping pads and slides of various sizes. Bon-
iature fairy houses and a story- Standout attraction: Nothing the farm, across a stream and and slides, games, and meet-and- fires are held on weekends, with

september 22, 2023

book circle with boxes of books. says autumn like a hayride, but through woods decorated with greets with farm animals. s’mores and marshmallows for
Wings and wands are welcome. cox farms takes the usual “wagon characters. No reservations are Standout attraction: Beyond sale. Be aware that some activi-
Open Tuesday through Sunday to the pumpkin patch” excursion required. the hayrides and piglets, the day ties, such as the new super mega
PhoToS by MaanSi SrivaSTava For The WaShingTon PoST in September and daily in Octo- to a new level, as an antique Open Tuesday through Sun- isn’t complete without a taste of slide, jumping on the pumpkin
TOP: Owen Black runs across a tire hill at Great Country Farms in Bluemont, Va. ABOVE: Groups ber. $8; in- tractor pulls a wagon through day. Hayrides offered Saturday miller farms’ signature apple ci- pad and rubber duck races, have
roast marshmallows at the farm, where festivities include a corn maze and giant jumping pillows. fants younger than 12 months scenes including an enchanted and Sunday from 9:30 a.m. to der doughnuts, available glazed cONtINuED ON NExt paGE

frOm previOus page

additional charges, unless you

purchase a “Next Level” or vip
admission ticket.
Standout attraction: Kids who
like sports can try pumpkin-
themed bowling, kick a soccer
ball around the “penalty pad-
dock” and shoot baskets at the
“barnyard basketball” area. pedal
carts are another way to let chil-
dren burn off some energy.
Weekend Fall Festival runs
Friday through Sunday through
Nov. 5. Weekday Playdays, which
do not include the seven-acre corn
maze or bonfires, run Tuesday
through Thursday in October. Weekends
$19-$38; weekdays $14-$19.
Reston Farm Garden Market
Location: 10800 Baron Camer-
on ave., reston. about seven
miles from the Beltway.
The basics: The reston farm
garden market express Train
snakes around the property in
reston, traveling past the fall
fest’s pumpkin displays and
moon bounce houses. after kids
take a ride, they can play at the
festival and visit a petting zoo
with pigs, goats and chickens.
Leave time to visit the market,
which will be stocked with chry- MaanSi SrivaSTava For The WaShingTon PoST

santhemums and pansies, and ABOVE: Families ride tubes down a giant slide at Great Country Farms. BELOW: Goats peer out of a barn on a rainy day at Summers
decadent pantry items from ba- Farm. The farm’s new, larger location has plenty of space for the five-acre corn maze, plus zip lines, slides and fireworks displays.
con to apple cider doughnuts.
Standout attraction: When it’s saturday nights starting sept. 29.
time to leave, children can pick New this year: a gravity wag-
out a pumpkin to take home. on — a piece of farm equipment —
(Don’t worry about a hard sell, has been converted into a basket-
parents, as it’s included in each ball game. The sweet shoppe now
child’s ticket.) serves apple cider floats, which
Open Saturday and Sunday summers describes as “mixing an
from Sept. 23 to Oct. 29, plus Oct. apple cider slushie with creamy
september 22, 2023

9. $20 per child vanilla ice cream.”

and $5 per parent or guardian; Standout attraction: The corn
free for children 2 and younger. maze, which received national
attention in 2015 for its Taylor
Summers Farm swift theme, features 21/2 miles of
Location: 7503 Hollow rd., trails. On friday and saturday
middletown, md. about 40 miles nights, in addition to fireworks,
from the Beltway. visitors have the option of explor-
The basics: families have visit- ing the maze by flashlight.
ed summers farm for fall fun for Open Wednesday through
. friday,

more than a quarter century, Monday through Oct. 31. sum-

though it moved to a larger loca- $15.50-$19.50 on-
tion last year, just four miles up line, $19.50-$23.50 at the gate;
the road. The new space near free for children 2 and younger.
the washington post

frederick is set up for wagon

rides and a five-acre corn maze, as
well as other kid-friendly activi-
ties like zip lines, slides, jumping
pillows and tug of war. The pump-
kin patch and fall festival run
through Halloween, with fire-
works displays on friday and KaTherine Frey/The WaShingTon PoST
Ask Tom excerpts from Post food critic
Tom sietsema’s online discussion

Q: our book club has about 20 feedback from readers about the touring. Could you please excellent, welcoming service. spanish small plates, which is
members. We meet monthly for splashy Italian restaurant, recommend four nights of Thanks in advance for your time. five minutes away; Ris for
dinner and have members from L’ardente, created by French restaurants within walking a: Your wish is my command. In American, 15 minutes removed;
D.C., Maryland and northern chef David Deshaies, whose distance of the Mayflower? no particular order, you should and mariscos 1133 for Mexican
Virginia. Usual attendance is 12 most recent gift to the city is Favorite cuisines include, but check out kaz sushi Bistro for with a focus on seafood, about
to 14 in person and several on Love, Makoto nearby. are not limited to, sushi, tapas, Japanese from a veteran chef, 20 minutes from the Mayflower.
Zoom. We have used Dante in American and Mexican. Budget about a 10-minute walk from the shoto — five minutes away — is
Great Falls and the Irish Inn in Q: Hi, Tom, thanks for doing the is secondary to great food and hotel; Boqueria Dupont for see ask tOm on 20
Bethesda/Glen echo. Do you chat and your great
know of other options with good recommendations! I’m taking off
food, easy access for drivers, a Friday in october and looking
convenient or free parking, to treat myself to a really nice
private room, and available WiFi lunch that day. Where would you
for members on Zoom? You’re recommend in Bethesda, silver
probably up for the challenge. spring or Takoma Park? no

Thanks! cuisine preference or price limit.
a: That’s quite the order! The I have been to Zinnia and All set
steak-and-seafood source J. repeatedly and am hoping to
Gilbert’s in McLean checks off a find somewhere else. Thank you!
number of boxes, as do tavira in a: I’d be inclined to belly up to
Chevy Chase, one of the few the bar at the new salt Line in
sources for Portuguese, and the Bethesda and get a fish
American Ris in Washington’s sandwich or lobster roll. The
West end (well, save perhaps for lunch menu offers a “half roll

easy parking). Good luck with combo” — take your pick from
your search. crab or lobster — with a salad
and a bowl of clam chowder. The
Q: We have guests coming in a crab is $21; the lobster is market
few weeks and wanted to check price. enjoy your day off.
in on your opinion on L’Ardente.
still great or not so much? Q: Hello, Tom. My wife and I will
Thank you! be visiting D.C. at the end of
a: I continue to get good october to do some museum

The wait is over! Be amongst the

Open House This Sunday
first and discover the refined
from 11:00AM to 2:00PM
interiors, inspired amenity spaces,

the washington post

deb Lindsey for The WashingTon PosT
Tour Our New Models incredible views and convenient
aBOVE: shrimp tempura, featuring rock shrimp, sriracha yuzu
sauce and napa cabbage slaw, at the american restaurant Ris in the lifestyle that Dylan offers.
West End. BELOW: Grilled sugar cane shrimp at mariscos 1133,
about a 20-minute walk for guests staying at the mayflower.


7 3 7 S WA N N AV E N U E , A L E X A N D R I A , VA 2 2 3 0 1 | 5 7 1 . 9 7 0 . 0 0 6 8
. friday,


september 22, 2023

© Copyright 2023 Dylan. Renderings, building elevations, depictions of amenities, drawings and floor plans of the condominium and units are for marketing/illustrative purposes only and are not part of the basis of the contract
between Seller (i.e., the Declarant) and Purchasers. They do not necessarily reflect actual dimensions and configurations. Features, finishes, and prices are subject to change without notice. Certain features are available in
select units and are subject to change. The specifications, room dimensions, and features shown in the unit floor plan are approximate and are for marketing/illustrative purposes only. Square footage totals and room dimensions
provided may not be relied upon as definitive, are subject to modifications without notice, and may differ from the actual square footage and dimensions delivered. Actual layout, room dimensions, window sizes and locations, and
steps to grade may vary and are subject to modifications without notice. The units, as constructed, may differ somewhat from the floor plan. The actual dimensions of condominium units will be as described in the condominium
declaration and as shown on the Condominium Plats and Plans, recorded or to be recorded among the Land Records for the City of Alexandria, Virginia. References to ‘FORTIS’ and/or ‘The Fortis Companies’ refer to The Fortis
Companies LLC. The Fortis Companies LLC’s development affiliates build homes in Virginia and across the Washington, DC metropolitan area. Individual projects are developed by FORTIS-affiliated partners and/or entities, and
all representations regarding the development, construction, or sale of any project or property refers to those affiliates. Dylan is being developed and sold by 2551 Main Line LLC, the “Declarant” of the condominium project.
No representations regarding the development, construction or sale of any portion of the Dylan community is made by The Fortis Companies LLC or any FORTIS affiliate except 2551 Main Line LLC. Sales of Units in the Dylan
Condominium shall be managed by The Mayhood Company, agent for 2551 Main Line LLC. Buyers should
carefully review their purchase and sales agreement before purchasing. The condominium was registered by the
Common Interest Community Board in May 2021.
scoTT suchman for The WashingTon PosT
eZ Ask Tom
ASK TOM FrOM 19 Q: My wife and I agreed that Grill. I see it recommended go to Old Ebbitt Grill on my
you’ll be the tiebreaker. We have consistently for tourists, but I own dime. Sure, there are
one of the city’s splashiest family coming into town, first- am unsure that it’s a worthy tourists — look at the central
Japanese draws, but time visitors and on her side. We destination (she disagrees). For location. But there are plenty of
reservations are tough. Go early have all the appropriate touristy the activities we have planned, locals in the mix (you might spot
and aim for a stool at the bar, things planned, but we are not it’s the perfect location that day, me at the bar, eating oysters),
which makes great drinks, and in agreement on one dining but is it really worth the visit? and the menu has something for
graze away. destination — the Old Ebbitt A: YES. Let’s put it this way: I’d everyone.

Q: Hi, looking for chicken-fried

steak recommendations in the
F E W E R T H A N 1 2 R E S I D E N C E S R E M A I N - A L L W I T H G R E AT V I E W S DMV. Thanks.
A: I think the last time I
encountered chicken-fried steak,

I was reviewing a Cracker
Barrel in Virginia for a feature
in which I rated the country’s
top casual dining brands. For

what it’s worth, I gave Cracker
Barrel an “A,” the only chain that
got that grade — and the only

one from which I took home

Q: Hello, Tom, I have a long Caitlin Romeo, left, and Jade

commute into D.C. and on my Paul enjoy dinner at Melina, a
in-office days like to bring home Greek-themed favorite in North
dinner (there are virtually no Bethesda that also has a patio.
non-chains near our house).

ICONIC Unfortunately, most food doesn’t

travel super well. I’ve had good
success with build-at-home
options like tacos and ramen. I
outside at Zinnia, but given the
potential for rain that day, we
are hoping for a backup
was wondering if you have any recommendation. Any favorite
takeout favorites in D.C. proper casual date night spots in MoCo
EXPLORE MONARCH’S THREE MODELS DESIGNED BY that you think may hold up well with an opportunity to enjoy
after about an hour in a car? I’m being connected to the outside
THE ESTEEMED MARY COOK ASSOCIATES, ROCHE BOBOIS, up for almost any price point even in the rain (maybe
AND BROOKE MORAN. since it’s only once a week. something with a covered patio,
Thank you! large openable windows, etc.)?
A: Think Chinese (Chang A: The Greek-themed Melina,
Chang), Indian (Bombay Club, one of my fave draws in North
Karma Modern Indian, fast- Bethesda, has a patio with
From $1,678,000
casual Rasa) or something
hearty from Unconventional
umbrellas and a light-filled bar
(can you tell I like sitting at
Diner, including meatloaf. counters?).
2 Bedrooms + Den Stunning Views
11:00AM TO 2:00PM Q: Tom, I have a date night with  Tom Sietsema hosts a weekly
2.5 Bathrooms Large Private my wife scheduled for this Q&a on Wednesdays at 11 a.m. at
Chef-inspired Balcony Saturday. Our plan was to sit
Exquisite New
Condominiums in Tysons Wardrobes
Experience Exceptional
Luxury Living Today
september 22, 2023


. friday,

7887 Jones Branch Drive
McLean, VA 22102
the washington post

PhoToS by ScoTT Suchman for The WaShingTon PoST

The open kitchen and sushi counter at Shoto, one of the city’s
splashiest Japanese draws, where reservations are hard to come by.
On the Town 21

CraZy Mason Milkshake Bar

The extravagant milkshakes at the Crazy Mason Milkshake Bar in Old Town Alexandria cost $16 and come in a 16-ounce Mason jar that customers can take home.

Was I ready for this giant chocolate milkshake? Is anyone ready?

BY Z OE G LASSER nut-butter-flavored Build Me Up later heard uttered aloud by an- uses real chocolate ice cream rath- Bruce Bogtrotter, I was destined
Buttercup. other patron — was, “How on er than vanilla ice cream with to consume my chocolate alone.
The lure is the photos: thick The picture that drew me in earth do I start?” So I started with chocolate syrup. I sat for about Unlike poor Bruce, I had the liber-
milkshakes topped with whole was of the Fudgin’ Best, a choco- photos — the phone eats first, half an hour, gazing out at King ty of putting my spoon down when
slices of cheesecake, doughnuts, late milkshake mixed with mini after all. Then I picked up my Street and at the “Treasure Chest” my stomach reached capacity.
giant cookies, s’mores and even chocolate chips and crowned with long-handled spoon and tasted claw machine in the corner of the Because I had no one to help
caramel apples. And, of course, a dense brownie drizzled with hot the chocolate mousse. As I worked shop, as I took sips of chocolate me, I brought the rest of my milk-
sprinkles everywhere. fudge, chocolate mousse and half my way through the layers of and more chocolate interspersed shake, plus the brownie, choco-
The images are part entice- a king-size Hershey bar. Like all mousse, brownie and chocolate with bites of chocolate. late mousse and chocolate bar,
ment, part challenge. the other Crazy Masons, it costs bar, I was reminded of the scene Just under halfway through, I home. Though I enjoyed my ex-
But I was ready. Well, when I $16 and comes in a locally from Roald Dahl’s “Matilda” admitted to Robert that I didn’t perience, I don’t think I can return
left the house that morning, I was themed, 16-ounce Mason jar that where Bruce Bogtrotter has to eat think I could finish the shake in to the Crazy Mason without an-
ready. Then, as I approached the customers can bring home as a Miss Trunchbull’s entire choco- one sitting. “That’s possible,” he other person. As Bruce Bogtrotter
newly opened doors of the Crazy souvenir. late cake — delicious, but intimi- nodded, unsurprised. and I can both attest: A dessert of
Mason Milkshake Bar in Alexan- Once my shake was served to dating, and also quite messy. As delicious as it was, and as this magnitude is meant to be
dria, I grew antsy, as if the sugar me, I found that Robert was right. After a few bites, I decided to much as I love chocolate, it was shared.
rush had already hit me. I’d never The dessert looked almost identi- move the toppings aside to test rich. I could’ve used some help
been nervous about eating choco- cal to what I had seen online and the main attraction, and Robert from a friend. As a kid, I would the Crazy Mason Milkshake Bar, 716
late before, but can anyone ever what was depicted on the diner- gave me a to-go box to bring them have loved sharing this with a king st., alexandria. hours: 2 to 9
really be ready to consume an style menu. home. The milkshake was one of parent. As I sipped, I thought of p.m. Monday through thursday, 2 to
oversize dessert blended with a Armed with a straw and a the better chocolate shakes I’ve the laundry list of loved ones who 10 p.m. Friday, noon to 10 p.m.
different dessert topped with yet spoon, my first thought — which I tasted, in large part because it would enjoy this with me. But, like saturday and noon to 9 p.m. sunday.
more dessert?
Still, I was on a mission: It was
the eve of National Chocolate RIGHT: Robert and Erin
Milkshake Day (Sept. 12), and my Studer operate the local Crazy
goal was to get my hands on the Mason’s. BELOW: The Fudgin’

the washington post

most extravagant chocolate shake Best milkshake is topped with a
I could find. brownie, hot fudge sauce,
The Crazy Mason Milkshake chocolate mousse and half a
Bar was opened this month by king-size Hershey bar.
Robert and Erin Studer, who also
operate an outpost of the fran-
chise in Ellicott City. The couple
fell in love with the concept of the
restaurant — in which colossal
shakes are served in Mason jars —
during a 2021 visit to the flagship
store in Myrtle Beach, S.C.
. friday,

Robert welcomed me into the

narrow shop in a prime location
on Old Town’s main drag and ex-
plained that one thing he and Erin
september 22, 2023

loved about the Crazy Mason is

that “the pictures you see on the
menu line up with what you get.”
Milkshake flavors range from
Oreo cheesecake to banana pud-
ding and come with punny names
— the mint chocolate chip shake,
for example, is called Mint to Be.
Or perhaps you’d prefer the pea- Zoe glasser/the Washington Post CraZy Mason Milkshake Bar
eZ On Stage

dJ COrey pHOTOgrapHy

Don’t cry for director Sammi Cannold

At age 29, she’s already shown a knack for interpreting the shows of Broadway icon Harold Prince
september 22, 2023

BY T HOMAS F LOYD Forty-four years after Prince oversaw the

original Broadway production of “evita,” An-
If you go

ammi Cannold was a Tony Awards in- drew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice’s seminal Evita
tern a decade ago when Harold Prince, musical about former Argentine first lady eva The shakespeare Theatre
the director behind “sweeney Todd,” “evita” Perón, a Cannold-directed revival will Company’s Harman Hall, 610 f st.
“Cabaret” and “The Phantom of the grace the shakespeare Theatre’s Harman Hall nW. 202-547-1122.
opera,” arrived for the ceremony’s dress re- through oct. 15. Later this fall, Cannold will
. friday,

hearsal and was unceremoniously turned helm her own first Broadway production: Dates: Through Oct. 15.
away by a staffer who didn’t realize she was in “How to Dance in ohio,” a new musical Prince Prices: $35-$175.
the presence of Broadway royalty. was developing before his death.
That was, until a teenage Cannold inter- “I think a lot of people have sort of created
the washington post

vened. this narrative that I was his protégé,” Cannold

“I said, ‘excuse me, I’m sorry — he’s allowed says. “I didn’t really know him. I just wor- TOP: Shereen Pimentel as the
to come in. It’s fine. I vouch for him,’” Cannold shiped him from afar.” title character in the
recalls. “And he winked at me and said, ‘Thank even if Prince didn’t knight Cannold as his Shakespeare Theatre
you so much.’” heir, she’s still making a name for herself in the Company’s “Evita.” LEFT:
That was the only time Cannold and Prince theater community. The new York-based wun- Director Sammi Cannold, who
crossed paths before his death in 2019 at age derkind has already left her mark on the D.C. has already left her mark on the
91. But Cannold, now 29, has since become a scene, directing Kennedy Center productions D.C. scene helming Kennedy
generational directorial talent in her own right of “sunset Boulevard” in February and “Rent Center productions of “Sunset
— with a particular knack for following in in Concert” in July. In between, she staged the Boulevard” in February and
Prince’s footsteps. COurTesy Of sammi CannOld see EviTa on 23 “Rent in Concert” in July.
On Stage eZ

Evita from 22

first leg of this “evita” co-produc-

tion at the American repertory
Theater in Cambridge, mass. —
circling back to the musical she
directed as her undergraduate
thesis at Stanford in 2015.
“To be completely honest, I’ve
never stopped to think about her
age or her experience at all,” says
Alejo Vietti, the Argentine-born
costume designer on “Sunset
Boulevard” and “evita.” “I mean,
she came so prepared to this proj-
ect. She was more knowledgeable
than anyone else in the room
about the life of eva Perón.”
Cannold’s expertise has long be-
lied her age. The daughter of Holly-
wood producer mitchell Cannold
and Broadway producer Dori Ber-
instein, Sammi Cannold fondly re-
calls observing how “Legally
Blonde” and “Thoroughly modern
millie” came to fruition onstage.
(Her mother produced both.)
When Cannold was 13, she directed DJ Corey photography

her first show: a summer camp

production of Lloyd Webber and “I feel like my 10,000 hours reconsidered after three weeks Omar Lopez-Cepero, duction of “natasha, Pierre & the
rice’s “Joseph and the Amazing started when I was a kid,” Cannold and ultimately majored in drama front, as Che Guevara, Great Comet of 1812.” In 2019,
Technicolor Dreamcoat.” reflect- says. “I was very lucky because and history, followed by a master’s with Shereen Pimentel, forbes magazine named her to its
ing on her rapid rise with gratitude, directing is usually something in arts in education from Har- center. “Evita” director 30 Under 30 list in the Hollywood
she cites malcolm Gladwell’s theo- that people come to a lot later.” vard. She was just 22 when she Sammi Cannold gives the and entertainment category. That
ry that it takes at least 10,000 hours Cannold originally planned to worked under Tony winner ra- show a more feminist same year, she directed a gala
of practice to become an expert in study education, policy and inter- chel Chavkin as the associate di- interpretation than version of “evita” for new York
any endeavor. national relations at Stanford but rector of the 2016 Broadway pro- many other productions. See Evita on 25

the washington post

. friday,
september 22, 2023

Thru Oct 1 A priest and parishoner are caught be- GALA Theatre In Spanish
BAÑO DE LUNA Thurs - Sat at 8 pm tween their faith and desires. A tantalizing 3333 14th Street NW $25 - $48 with English
by Nilo Cruz Sun at 2 pm 202-234-7174 surtitles
Heart of the The Magpie Sisters are sleuthing on KKIL
Oct 7 - Nov 4 Radio. Their favorite playwright has been Dinner/Dessert/Beer The-
Mummy Time varies by venue found dead. It’s mummies, mystery, & atre at popular NoVA venues $25 - 70 571-477-9444
Murder Mystery mayhem in this radio play murder!

Bach’s Johannes-Passion evokes dramat-
Bach’s St. John ic intensity and impact, highlighting the National Presbyterian
$25–$79 Free
Passion extremes of human emotion and experi-
4101 Nebraska Ave, NW 18 & lecture,
Washington Bach Sunday, October 1, ence. Featuring: Gene Stenger, Evange-
2023, 4 PM list; Jonathon Adams, Christus; Enrico Washington, DC 20016 under: $10 Free parking,
Consort Reception
Dana Marsh Lagasca, Pilate; Elijah McCormack,
soprano; Reginald Mobley, countertenor;, 18–38 pay to meet the
Artistic Director Jacob Perry Jr., tenor 202.429.2121 your age Artists

Violinist Andrew Fouts and harpsichord- Friday: Live! At 10th & G
Fantastic Bach! Friday, Sept. 22, 2023 ist Justin Wallace present path-breaking 945 G St, NW, DC General Fri: $10 Ga-
Stylus Fantasticus 7 PM, DC works by Bach’s virtuosic German prede- Saturday: St. Paul’s Episco- Admission rage Parking
Washington Bach cessor—Dietrich Buxtehude, Johan Paul pal Church $40
Consort Saturday, Sept. 23, 2023 228 S. Pitt St, Alexandria, VA Sat: Garage/
Dana Marsh Heinrich Biber as well as Bach’s brilliant 18 & under
7 PM, VA Street Parking
Artistic Director Sonata for Violin and Harpsichord in E, $10
Major, BWV 1016. 202.429.2121
Tchaikovsky’s 4th Sat. Sept. 30 at Tchaikovsky’s 4th Symphony and Brahms For more information and to $20-89
7:30 p.m. & Violin Concerto with Elissa Lee Koljonen, purchase tickets: Senior &
& Brahms Violin Sun. Oct. 1 at opening with a newly commissioned
$5 Youth
James Ross, conductor 3:00 p.m. work, “Toast” with Lester Green on piano 703-548-0885 Discounts
New World Sat. Nov. 4 at Dvorak’s New World Symphony and For more information and to $20-89
7:30 p.m. & Ellisor’s Blackberry Winter with Stephen purchase tickets: Senior &
Symphony Sun. Nov. 5 at Seifert on mountain dulcimer, excerpts
$5 Youth Military
James Ross, conductor 3:00 p.m. from Bonds’ Montgomery Variations 703-548-0885 Discounts
Celebrate the Sat. Dec. 16 at Holiday favorites including Anderson’s For more information and to $20-89
7:30 p.m. & A Christmas Festival and featuring jazz purchase tickets: Senior &
Season Sun. Dec. 17 at baritone Joshua Banbury and World
$5 Youth Military
James Ross, conductor 3:00 p.m. Whistling Champion Chris Ullman 703-548-0885 Discounts

The Apollo Cultural Arts Center of

Montgomery College 7995 Advanced
Orchestra September 24 at 4:00 concert of the season with cellist Hai-Ye Georgia Ave. Silver Spring, ticket registra-
Presents PM Ni, conducted by David Neely. This free MD 20910 Free tion highly rec-
concert features Wagner, Barber, and https://www.apolloorches- ommended.
David Neely and Brahms. Free parking.
Hai-Ye Ni ber-24/

Handle’s Sat 9/23 at 7:30pm; Sun
9/24 at 2:30pm This Musical play by Handel blends the Dupont Underground WORLD
ALCESTE Sat 10/7 at 7:30pm; Sun surprising and transcendent with actors, and GALA Hispanic Theatre $35 - $65 PREMIERE
Euripides-Hughes-Plath 10/8 at 2:30pm baroque choir and orchestra. STAGING

Dance Drama 110 Minutes
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The Kennedy Center with a 20-min-
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september 22, 2023

4 Performances Only! in her pursuit of love & peace. ute intermis-
MULAN sion.
The Guide to the Lively Arts appears: • Sunday in Arts & Style. deadline: Tues., 12 noon
• Monday in Style. deadline: Friday, 12 noon • Tuesday in Style. deadline: Mon., 12 noon • Wednesday in Style. deadline: Tues., 12 noon
• Thursday in Style. deadline: Wed., 12 noon • Friday in Weekend. deadline: Tues., 12 noon • Saturday in Style. deadline: Friday, 12 noon
For information about advertising, call: Raymond Boyer 202-334-4174 or Robin Wilkerson 202-334-7089
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. friday,

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the washington post

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On Stage eZ

“To be completely honest, I’ve never stopped

to think about her age or her experience at all.
… She was more knowledgeable than anyone
else in the room about the life of Eva Perón.”
Alejo Vietti, costume designer for “evita,” on director Sammi Cannold

EviTa from 23 talent, including a pair of elite

Buenos Aires-based tango danc-
City Center’s “Encores!” series ers, and encouraged her designers
that set the stage for this year’s full to layer the show’s visuals with
production. historically accurate minutiae.
Although Perón, who died in “It’s such a fun, welcoming cre-
1952 at age 33, is typically depict- ative process,” says Gabriel Bur-
ed onstage as a social climber who rafato, the Argentina native who
sleeps her way to the top of Juan plays magaldi. “When we see her
Perón’s regime, Cannold has so passionate about it, we can’t
posed a more feminist interpreta- help but follow her.”
tion. In a concept explored in her Having remounted “Evita” for
thesis and deepened with each the Shakespeare Theatre, which
subsequent staging, her Perón is continues to stretch the boundar-
portrayed as a victim of abuse — ies of its programming beyond the
particularly when it comes to her classics, Cannold will pivot this
first dalliance, as a 15-year-old month to the workshop for an
bedded by the 36-year-old musi- unannounced new musical. from
cian Agustín magaldi. there, she’ll two-step into rehears-
“my excitement about it came als for “How to Dance in ohio,” a
out of conversations around #me- stage adaptation of a 2015 docu-
Too,” Cannold says. “How do we mentary about a group of autistic
evaluate the legacy of somebody young adults preparing for a
who is often called a slut and a spring formal. And Prince’s cre-
whore but whose journey started ative energy will pulsate through-
as a 15-year-old being taken ad- out her “How to Dance” staging,
vantage of by a 36-year-old? And which Cannold says was influ-
how did that color the relation- enced by recordings of discus-
ships or interactions that she had sions he had about the show be-
with men throughout the rest of fore his death and copies of the
her life?” script with his handwritten notes
“Hal Prince’s version [of ‘Evita’] in the margins.
is revelatory,” adds Shereen Pi- Coming off one Prince-involved
mentel, the actress starring as production and bracing for an-
Evita. “But I think being able to other, Cannold looks back at that
have a woman’s perspective on chance encounter before the To-
the piece really changes the lens nys with particular poignancy.
we look at it through.” That interaction, it turns out, was
After first traveling to Argenti- as fortuitous as it was fleeting.
na as part of her thesis project, “That’s the only time we ever
Cannold has returned several met,” Cannold says, “but I feel
times to dig deeper — polling there’s some cosmic something

the washington post

citizens on the street, perusing there.”
the Evita Perón museum and in-
terviewing the nurse who looked
after Perón on her deathbed.
(Cannold plans to also use that Naomi Serrano, front, as
research in a Perón-focused docu- Mistress and Shereen Pimentel
mentary.) She populated her cast as Evita in the Shakespeare
and creative team with Argentine Theatre production of “Evita.” DJ Corey photography

. friday,

september 22, 2023

Stories of the past, rediscovered.
eZ Movies
Expend4bles 

eX4 ProduCtions/LionsgAte

No time 4 subtlety in this lively thriller

The fourth installment for Stallone’s Barney Ross. But The one other significant addi- “Act of Valor” with a cast of active From left, Dolph Lundgren,
Christmas soon teams up with tion to the lineup is Iko Uwais, the Navy SEALs) are more invested in Randy Couture, Curtis “50
boasts more explosions, one of the many first-time cast dazzlingly athletic hero of such retail than wholesale destruction. Cent” Jackson, Levy Tran and
new faces like 50 Cent members, Thai action star Tony
Jaa (playing an Expendable-type
Indonesian action flicks as “The
Raid.” He eventually gets to dem-
Admittedly, the distinction be-
tween the two blurs as the movie’s
Jacob Scipio in “Expend4bles.”
The plot involves a mad scheme
operative temporarily retired into onstrate his skills in a one-on-one body count burgeons. But most of to profit by blowing up much of
september 22, 2023

BY M ARK J ENKINS Buddhist-style repentance). Then battle, but most of the time he’s the victims die in intimate ways — the world — but the premise
the pair reunite with the other wasted in a role familiar from a a knife to the throat is perhaps the isn’t meant to be taken too

he band of international freelance warriors, led by Gina, dozen James Bond movies: the most common one — rather than seriously. This is essentially an
mercenaries known as with whom Christmas has an un- psychopathic arch-villain with a in impersonal explosions. R-rated cartoon, with absurd
the Expendables are bru- settlingly savage off-and-on rela- thick accent. In smaller-budget movies setups and comedic violence.
tal, brazen and messy, yet tionship. For these two, hand-to- That “Expend4bles” would made in their homelands, Jaa and
they ultimately get the job done. hand combat is foreplay. have such a figure is to be expect- Uwais have exhibited the sort of
Much the same can said of Gina is played by Transformers ed, since the movie’s action turns physical dexterity best captured funny, and are often lost to battle
“Expend4bles,” whose position in veteran Megan Fox, another new- on a mad scheme, typical of 007 in long, unbroken takes. But noise or mush-mouthed delivery.
the franchise’s 13-year chronology bie. The other major newcomers flicks, to somehow profit by blow- Waugh takes a typical Hollywood But then the film’s humor comes
. friday,

is embedded in its title. The movie are British actor Jacob Scipio ing up much of the world. (The approach, cutting frequently and more from violence that verges on
is unsurprising and not especially (playing a junior version of “Ex- plan’s mastermind, whose identi- spinning the camera so that it slapstick and setups that are
ambitious, but it’s agile enough to pendables 3” star Antonio Ban- ty isn’t hard to guess, is cutely appears more calisthenic than the amusingly absurd, such as a mo-
vault over most of its flaws. deras); Vietnamese American code-named “Ocelot.”) The tick- performers it’s filming. The effect torcycle race that zooms from a
the washington post

Reportedly the last “Expend- model-actress Levy Tran; and rap- ing time bomb on the ship where is not elegant, but it is lively. If the ship’s bowels to the top deck of the
ables” to feature series co-founder per Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson, a much of the action transpires is a movie never soars, it also never vessel the villains are piloting
Sylvester Stallone, the film is wooden actor whose best mo- nuclear warhead. drags. toward a planned international
structured in part as a solo for ment as a performer comes when The less thought given to this Essentially, “Expend4bles” is a incident. Locations flash on the
Jason Statham. His character, Lee one of his songs plays from a premise, the better. It certainly comedy. Its plot isn’t meant to be screen to place the movie’s events
Christmas, is banished from the boombox. Returning from previ- doesn’t seem that the writers — taken seriously, and the heroes in real-world sites on three conti-
team by its oily CIA handler (Andy ous installments are aged beef- four are credited — paid much mutter tough-guy quips as they nents, but the universe in which
Garcia) after a failed mission in cakes Dolph Lundgren (now with attention to it. They and director dodge bullets and break bones. the Expendables go to work is an
Libya that doesn’t go all that well a moptop) and Randy Couture. Scott Waugh (who made 2012’s These gags usually aren’t very R-rated cartoon.

R. At area theaters. Contains strong, bloody violence throughout, coarse language and sexual material. 103 minutes.
Movies eZ

Invisible Beauty  Ratings guide

Very good

Also reviewed
It Lives Inside
A teenage Indian
American girl
harbors a demon in
a jar. 28

New movies and
shows to stream 29

Common Sense
Media 30

Opening next
John David
Washington stars in
the artificial-
sci-fi thriller The
bruCe Weber/MAgNOlIA PICTureS
The Irish drama

A portrait of a fashion revolutionary

Flora and Son tells
the story of a single
mother trying to
connect with her
delinquent teenage
eng, the director of “Halston” and career and life — with a focus on Bethann Hardison, the subject son.
Documentary about several other fashion documenta- racial reckoning — that “Invisible and co-director of “Invisible
ries, is a person whose ambitions Beauty” dutifully covers. Hardi- Beauty,” was a model in the Saw X is the 10th
Bethann Hardison shows run high. After breaking into the son, who is now 80, is shown at 1960s and ’70s before becoming installment in the
representation matters fashion industry in the late 1960s work on an as-yet-unpublished an agency owner and activist. horror franchise.
as a model for designer Willi memoir, and this film at times
Smith, Hardison — skinny, an- feels like a cross-promotion for A meteor lands in

the washington post

BY M ICHAEL O ’ S ULLIVAN drogynous and darker-skinned that book. In addition to Beck- ann: She had an agency.” Adventure City in the
than most other Black models of ford, testimonials come pouring So what does she want? Late in animated film Paw
Supermodel and actor Tyson her day (and there weren’t many) in from model Naomi Campbell, the film, she makes her objective Patrol: The Mighty
Beckford has a warning about — became one of a small group of writer Fran Lebowitz, photogra- plain: to change not the fashion Movie.
Bethann Hardison, the model runway pioneers, along with Bev- pher Bruce Weber, fashion critic industry, but the world. As
turned modeling agency owner erly Johnson, Iman, Pat Cleveland Robin Givhan of this newspaper Givhan says in one interview clip,
and activist who’s the subject of and others in the 1970s, eventual- and others. fashion isn’t just about wearing
the documentary “Invisible Beau- ly transitioning into model man- On camera, Hardison is frank, nice clothes. It’s a template for the
ty,” and who was once his mentor. agement in 1980. speaking of her romantic rela- judgments we make about people,
“Once you meet this person,” After a short stint with the tionships and a complicated rela- for the power and the jobs and the
Beckford says, “it’s going to agency Click, Hardison opened tionship with her son, the actor respect that we give — or with-
change your life.” Coming early in her own shop in 1984, focused on Kadeem Hardison — for whom hold from — them. In short, repre-
. friday,

a film that sets out to do just that advancing the careers of a more she was not the most attentive or sentation in fashion matters.
— introduce you to a person who racially diverse talent pool. She present mother — with at times By the end of “Invisible Beauty,”
will change the way you see the accomplished that goal but closed surprising candor. it’s obvious from all the accolades
world, if only a little — it’s still a Bethann Management in 1996. But it is Hardison’s work — the that she made a difference in the
september 22, 2023

bold claim to make about some- Hardison had bigger fish to fry fight for greater representation lives of a new generation of Black
one we haven’t yet met. But by the yet: In 2013, she famously re- and equity for people of color in models. About that, however, she
end of the film, you might not be leased an open letter accusing the fashion — that is the film’s, and does not care. “I’m not trying to
surprised that Beckford says it so fashion industry — and several Hardison’s, true focus. “I ain’t just help Black people,” Hardison says.
confidently. designers by name — of racism. an agent,” she says, noting that “I’m trying to educate White peo-
Hardison, who co-directed “In- Those milestones are but a few the last thing she wants carved on ple.” For that audience, this film
visible Beauty” with Frédéric Tch- of the highlights of a remarkable her tombstone is “Here lies Beth- should be required viewing.

Unrated. At the Angelika Film Center Mosaic and the Cinema Arts Theatre. Contains strong language and nudity. 115 minutes.
eZ Movies
It Lives Inside 

Debut uses horror as a metaphor for the immigrant experience

BY L UCAS T REVOR cultural disconnection and as-
similation. Elevated horror is a
“It Lives Inside” opens with an thorny term, but it’s undeniable
unnerving sequence. Hot red that Dutta has gone beyond
lights and dark hallways lead to an stereotype to create something
immolated body lying on a base- interesting on a metatextual lev-
ment floor. There are no clues as to el.
what we are seeing or how it will He’s just as inventive in the
fit in with the rest of the film. director’s chair, creating a sense of
Screams mix with a building score intimacy, where appropriate,
until the tension is finally broken through both performance and
with a title card. camerawork, and using what ap-
Written and directed by Bishal pears to have been a modest budg-
Dutta, “It Lives Inside” is carried et to conjure memorable imagery
by innovative horror imagery, a and effective scares.
well-constructed script and great “It Lives Inside'' is not without
central performances that hold flaws: The middle third of the film
the emotional heart of the story. is poorly paced; horror gimmicks
It’s not a perfect film, but it will that initially shock are, at times,
keep you on the edge of your seat overused; and the visuals can
from those opening shots until the sometimes feel two-dimensional
closing credits. neon and bland. But none of that ulti-
Samidha (Megan Suri) is a high- Megan Suri stars as a Los Angeles high-schooler navigating both culture clashes and supernatural mately matters. The scares work
schooler living in Los Angeles. She attacks in “It Lives Inside,” the innovative first feature from writer and director Bishal Dutta. when they need to, and the most
struggles with the usual problems important sequences are well shot
of an American teenager: trying to the film’s secret weapons, espe- is equally well equipped. Their blends the lived reality of Indian and dynamic.
pass her driving test, courting the cially Suri, who is asked to do a lot scenes together are gripping, and immigrants with the classic Most surprising? This is Dutta’s
cute boy in her English class, fit- here yet never fails to impress. when they’re both on-screen, it’s structure of a summer horror first feature. Like other recent hor-
ting in with the popular girls. She’s great both as a romantic lead difficult to look away. flick. The character of Samidha is ror debuts — “Skinamarink,” “Talk
Samidha (or Sam, as her non-Indi- and as someone who must endure The supporting cast delivers simultaneously specific and uni- to Me,” “Barbarian” and “Bodies
an friends call her) is also the child what turns out to be a supernatu- small but impactful perform- versal. Anyone who has struggled Bodies Bodies” — “Inside” heralds
of immigrants. Throughout the ral attack. The film hinges on her ances, particularly Vik Sahay and to find friends and maintain con- a unique voice in the genre. It’s an
film, Samidha deals with the di- ability to provide context for the Neeru Bajwa, who as Samidha’s nections through their teen years exciting time for horror, and “It
vergent cultural influence of her stories of a number of supporting father and mother provide emo- will be able to relate to her story. Lives Inside” is a great addition to
friend group and her parents. characters, and Suri does just that. tional warmth and weight. Bajwa The tree-lined streets and high an unfolding new canon. Whatev-
Tamira (Mohana Krishnan) is a In one pivotal early scene, she has energizes the final act of the film, school hallways evoke classics of er Dutta or the directors of those
classmate of hers who begins act- to turn on a dime, emotionally increasing the stakes in terms of the high school movie genre, other films do next, this reviewer
ing strangely and carrying around speaking. Watching her move both story and character. Despite while the dynamics of an Indian will be first in line.
an ominous-looking Mason jar. from empathy to disgust in a split the pair’s limited screen time, they immigrant family in suburban
It’s up to Samidha to figure out second is genuinely exciting, hint- are complete characters with an Los Angeles are wholly original. Pg-13. at the angelika Film Center
what’s going on with Tamira and ing at the complex emotional arc interior life that far surpasses Dutta’s story doesn’t just com- Mosaic. Contains terror, violence,
whether something sinister may her character will ultimately go what is expected from the horror bine elements but elevates them, bloody images, brief strong
be lurking inside her. through. genre. using a familiar trope — the de- language and teen drug use. 99
These two young actresses are Krishnan has an easier task but Dutta’s screenplay expertly monic entity — as a metaphor for minutes.

Also opening A Lso PL Ay In g  bLuE bEEtLE

Xolo Maridueña charms as a
Mexican american superhero in
september 22, 2023

the first dC Comics movie with a

Star ratings are from Post reviews; Latino actor in a title role. (PG-13,
go to 127 minutes)
goingoutguide/movies for the full-
length reviews. For showtimes and  bottoMs
directories, see the Movie rachel Sennott and ayo edebiri
directory. star in this irreverent yet politically
relevant queer-centric high school
farce. (r, 88 minutes)
 AfIrE
. friday,

Inspired by the films of Éric  CAssAnDro

rohmer, the German film is a as Saúl armendáriz, a gay wrestler
quietly atmospheric study of known as the Liberace of lucha
artistic isolation and ego. (Unrated, libre, Gael García Bernal will win
the washington post

103 minutes. In German with you over. (r, 107 minutes)

 DuMb MonEy
 bArbIE david-vs.-Goliath GameStop
Greta Gerwig’s meta-movie asks: Is comedy paints the battle lines in
Jordan Cronenweth/a24 the famous Mattel doll a broad strokes. (r, 104 minutes)
From left, Tina Weymouth, Ednah Holt, Lynn Mabry, David Byrne and Alex Weir in “Stop Making Sense.” contradictory cultural touchstone
or just a fun, nostalgic toy? (the  ELEMEntAL
“Stop Making Sense” is the rerelease of director Jonathan Demme’s 1984 concert documentary about the answer is yes!) (PG-13, 114 a Fire gal embarks on a romance
Talking Heads, which The Post called a “dynamic rock film, as suited to its place in history, musically and minutes) with a water guy in Pixar’s
visually, as ‘Woodstock’ was to the ’60s.” PG. At area theaters. Contains brief suggestive material. 88 minutes. SEE MovIES oN 32
Movies Ez

New movies and shows to stream

nEtflix VErtical EntErtainmEnt

Mike Veeck is the subject of the documentary “The Saint of Second Hilary Swank in the murder
Chances,” from Morgan Neville and Jeff Malmberg. mystery “The Good Mother.”

aPPlE tV PluS roBErt rodriguEz/nEtflix SamuEl taylor/nEtflix

Antonia Thomas in “Still Up,” a comedy series about two insomniac From left, Gina Rodriguez, Everly Carganilla, Connor Esterson and Ncuti Gatwa in Season 4 of the
friends who stay connected until the wee hours of the morning. Zachary Levi in “Spy Kids: Armageddon,” the franchise’s fifth film. teen series “Sex Education.”

B Y W ASHINGTON P OST S TAFF about underage secret agents. In

the new film, the titular kids — the
offspring of grown-up clandestine
Barbie operatives played by Gina Rodri-
A whipped confection of canon- guez and Zachary Levi — must put
ical faithfulness, knowing humor their skills to work when a com-
and bitterly pointed irony, Greta puter virus threatens their parents
Gerwig’s live-action meta-movie and the world. (PG)
based on the iconic doll plays like a Where to watch: Netflix
TED Talk about the patriarchy
covered in glitter. Barbie (Margot
Robbie) embarks on a quest from Still Up
her hot-pink Dreamhouse to the Bonded by insomnia, two best
real world, where she discovers friends (Antonia Thomas and
that she and her fellow agents of Craig Roberts) stay connected un-
Mattel-approved empowerment til the wee hours of the morning as
have not, despite the marketing their relationship deepens in this
hype, solved the problem of sex- comedy series. (TV-14)
ism. (PG-13) WarnEr BroS. PicturES Where to watch: Apple TV Plus
Where to watch: Apple TV Margot Robbie stars in “Barbie,” Greta Gerwig’s live-action meta-movie based on the famous doll.
Plus, Google Play, Prime Video,
YouTube The Super Models

the washington post

only a bit — of prestige to this reputed to have the power of hu- (TV-14) This four-part docuseries ex-
mediocre murder mystery, in man speech. (PG-13) Where to watch: Netflix plores the careers of supermodels
Cassandro which the two-time Oscar winner Where to watch: Apple TV Naomi Campbell, Cindy Crawford,
In this wrestling biopic, Gael plays a journalist who teams up Plus, Prime Video, Google Play, Linda Evangelista, and Christy
García Bernal plays Saúl Ar- with the girlfriend (Olivia Cooke) YouTube Sex Education, Season 4 Turlington, looking at how they
mendáriz, a gay amateur wrestler of her murdered son to investigate The raunchy teen series that dominated the modeling world
from El Paso who created the char- the killing. (R) covered everything from alien and formed bonds that would shift
acter Cassandro, known as the Where to watch: On demand No One Will Save You erotica to asexuality is coming to the power dynamic of the indus-
“Liberace of lucha libre.” (R) Kaitlyn Dever (“Booksmart”) an end after four seasons. With try. (TV-MA)
Where to watch: Prime Video plays an anxiety-prone young Moordale Secondary closed, Otis Where to watch: Apple TV Plus
Lift woman who faces off against an (Asa Butterfield) has moved his
Executive-produced by balleri- extraterrestrial who has invaded under-the-table sex-advice clinic
. friday,
The Continental: From the na Misty Copeland, this dance her home in this sci-fi thriller. to Cavendish Sixth Form College. Superpower
World of John Wick documentary centers on young (PG-13) Eric (Ncuti Gatwa) faces culture Co-directed by Sean Penn and
Diving deeper into the lore of beneficiaries of the New York Where to watch: Hulu shock in the new environment, Aaron Kaufman, this documentary
the John Wick universe, this mini- Theatre Ballet’s LIFT scholarship and Maeve (Emma Mackey) is began in 2021 as a profile of comedi-
september 22, 2023

series explores the Continental, program for at-risk youth. (PG-13) thriving across the pond at Wal- an-turned-Ukrainian-president Vo-
the secretive network of hotels Where to watch: Prime Video The Saint of Second Chances lace University. (TV-MA) lodymyr Zelensky. But when early
that serve as a safe haven for hit Mike Veeck, known for his out- Where to watch: Netflix shooting in Kyiv coincided with
men. Nandor Fodor and the Talking rageous promotions as the owner Russia’s attack on the capital, the
Where to watch: Peacock Mongoose of the minor league baseball team film morphed, over several visits,
Simon Pegg and Minnie Driver the St. Paul Saints, is the subject of Spy Kids: Armageddon into a larger examination of a coun-
star in this British drama, set in this documentary by Morgan Nev- From Robert Rodriguez comes try at war. (TV-MA)
The Good Mother the 1930s and inspired by the leg- ille (“20 Feet From Stardom”) and the fifth (yes, fifth) installment in Where to watch: Paramount
Hilary Swank lends a bit — but end of Gef, a mongoose that was Jeff Malmberg (“Marwencol”). the director’s family film franchise Plus
ez Movies

Common Sense Media What parents need to know

Barbie: A Touch of adapting White music and eating
sandwiches rather than
Magic (TV-Y7) enchiladas at work — to being
Streaming proud of what he represents as a
age 6+ person of color and migrant
Enchanting series about a worker going into space. He
Pegasus; lots of product helps his wife open a Mexican
placement. restaurant and works there in his
“Barbie: A Touch of Magic” is a spare time. Mexican children
TV series based on classic Mattel who help their parents work the
characters. It follows Barbie fields in the United States fall
“Malibu” Roberts (voiced by asleep in school, get teased, miss
America Young) and Barbie out on classes and have bandages
“Brooklyn” Roberts (Tatiana on their fingers. A beloved
Varria) as they try to get their relative is killed, and a shootout
Pegasus friend, Peggy, back to is mentioned. A space shuttle
her magical home. Each 23- explodes on launch, killing all
minute episode explores a new those on board. Astronaut
part of the friends’ adventure. training includes some scary
Malibu Barbie and Brooklyn situations, mostly underwater.
Barbie are best friends who Adults drink beer and tequila
depend on communication skills, regularly, and there’s some
teamwork and fun to achieve flirting and kissing. (121
their goals. The show includes minutes)
some reckless teen behavior, Available on Prime Video.
including a car chase and hiding
a Pegasus from their parents. You Are So Not Invited
Mattel created an accompanying to My Bat Mitzvah
Touch of Magic toy line that’s
featured throughout the show. (PG-13)
(13 22-minute episodes) Streaming
Available on Netflix. age 13+
Book-based coming-of-age tale
Spy Kids: Armageddon roberT roDriGuez/neTflix
has language, crude humor.
their parents and sometimes lie “You Are So Not Invited to My
Streaming to or disobey them. (97 minutes) Bat Mitzvah” is a Jewish tween
age 7+ Available on Netflix. tale with language and some
Video-game-inspired sequel has mature themes. Among those
kids in peril, violence. A Million Miles Away themes are crushes and first
“Spy Kids: Armageddon” is (PG) kisses, as well as middle school
part of the kid-friendly Spy Kids friend groups and betrayal and
franchise and features some Streaming the importance of the coming-of-
positive messages despite its age 10+ age ritual of the bar and bat
action violence. These come Positive messages in migrant- mitzvah in the Jewish
mostly through Patty (Everly turned-astronaut underdog tale. community. There’s drinking at a
Carganilla), the daughter of the “A Million Miles Away,” based party, kissing and sex talk, which
Latino family that’s at the heart on the autobiography of José M. includes discussion of crushes,
of the series. She gives her Hernández, is the story of a being “straight,” a “make-out
brother (Connor Esterson) and Mexican migrant worker who closet,” “hooking up,” cheating,
parents (Gina Rodriguez and became an astronaut. It depicts a touching a girl’s “under boob,”
Zachary Levi) a lesson in family achieving the so-called dating apps, “gay TikTok,” hitting
integrity by showing them that American Dream. The main on a mom, some jokes about
playing fair, being honest and character — played as an adult periods and their “flow” (a crude
september 22, 2023

treating others kindly will always by Michael Peña — demonstrates Daniel Daza/Prime viDeo/aP scene involves a girl’s bloodied
bring better results than lying, tenacity and perseverance in his maxi pad floating in water in
cheating or opting for work ethic, not giving up in the front of classmates), and tween
unnecessary violence — and face of rejection and humility in girls primping and posing for
could even bring peace and managing discriminatory guys and/or social media posts.
harmony to the world. Violence behavior from people around Language includes “s---,” “damn,”
is pretty constant, but while kids him and remembering his roots. “goddamn,” “hell,” “a--,” “a--hole”
are often participants and His close-knit extended Mexican and a whole bunch of milder
sometimes victims, the villains family makes sacrifices to insults. The families are wealthy,
are cartoonish characters from a support him. He goes from and their kids expect expensive
. friday,

video game world, and it’s clear trying to hide his culture — and elaborate parties thrown on
that the central family will be their behalf. The moral of the
fine in the end. Still, young story is the value of friendship
children do find themselves in all and community and learning
the washington post

kinds of potentially fatal TOP: Everly Carganilla, left, from selfless acts. (103 minutes)
situations, and kids and parents and Connor Esterson in “Spy Available on Netflix.
have to watch one another get Kids: Armageddon.” CENTER:
hurt or be put in danger. This Michael Peña in “A Million
could prove intense for very Miles Away,” based on the life common Sense
young or sensitive viewers. of astronaut José M. media helps
Expect falls, sword fights, slaps, Hernández. BOTTOM: Adam families make smart media choices.
chases, crashes or near-crashes, Sandler, left, and Idina Menzel Go to for
apparent electrocutions, in “You Are So Not Invited to age-based and educational ratings
hackings, threatening creatures, My Bat Mitzvah,” a Jewish and reviews for movies, games, apps,
and more. Kids also outsmart tween coming-of-age tale. ScoTT Yamano/neTflix Tv shows, websites and books.

MOVIE DIRECTORY (!) No Pass/No Discount Ticket

Friday, September 22, 2023

DISTRICT The Equalizer 3 (R) 12:00-

My Big Fat Greek Wedding
3 (PG-13) CC: 1:40-4:20-
The Equalizer 3 (R) CC:
Teenage Mutant Ninja
Turtles: Mutant Mayhem
Cassandro (R) 1:10
Dumb Money (R) 3:45
Jawan (Hindi) 1:20-5:40-
Expend4bles (R) 11:30-
The Equalizer 3 (R) CC:
The Nun II (R) CC: 1:10-
AMC Georgetown 14 A Haunting in Venice 6:40-9:10 The Nun II (R) CC: 1:15- (PG) 10:55-1:45-5:00-7:40- Landmark at A Haunting in Venice 5:20-6:00-7:00-8:00-9:00- Expend4bles (R) CC: Talk to Me (R) CC:
3111 K Street N.W. (PG-13) 11:30-2:20-5:00- It Lives Inside (PG-13) CC: 4:00-6:45-9:30 10:20 (PG-13) 11:50-2:40-5:30- 9:40-10:40 12:00-2:30-5:00-7:30- 4:40-7:10
Annapolis Harbour Center
Barbie (PG-13) CC: 2:05- 7:40-10:20 2:00-4:45-7:15-9:45 A Haunting in Venice (PG- Oppenheimer (R) 10:30- 2474 Solomons Island Rd. Unit H-1 8:10-10:50 The Equalizer 3 (R) 11:50- 10:00 My Big Fat Greek Wedding
4:45-7:25-10:05 Bottoms (R) 11:00AM AMC Columbia 14 13) CC: 12:45-4:30-7:15 2:30-6:30-10:35 My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3:50-6:50-9:50-10:20 A Haunting in Venice 3 (PG-13) CC: 1:40-4:10-
Blue Beetle (PG-13) 12:30- Barbie (PG-13) 1:25-4:10- 3 (PG-13) 4:30-6:50-10:10 A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) CC: 12:30-3:00-
Oppenheimer (R) CC: 1:45- Dumb Money (R) 11:10- 10300 Little Patuxent Pkwy. My Big Fat Greek Wedding 7:05 6:40-9:10
5:05-6:30-9:05 12:50-1:50-3:30-4:30-6:10- 3 (PG-13) CC: 2:45-5:15- 3:35-6:40-9:45 It Lives Inside (PG-13) (PG-13) 12:50-4:30-7:40- 5:30-8:00-9:30 Bottoms (R) CC: 7:40
7:10-8:50-9:50-10:20 Barbie (PG-13) CC: 2:00- 7:45-10:15 Meg 2: The Trench (PG-13) Teenage Mutant Ninja 1:40-4:20-7:20-10:00 10:30 My Big Fat Greek Wedding
The Equalizer 3 (R) CC: Turtles: Mutant Mayhem It Lives Inside (PG-13)
2:20-5:00-7:35-10:10 Oppenheimer 70mm (R) 4:45-7:30 2:05-5:00-7:55-10:55 Bottoms (R) 12:30 My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3 (PG-13) CC: 12:00-2:20-
It Lives Inside (PG-13) CC: (PG) 1:50-4:25 CC: 1:30-6:30-9:00-10:00
Expend4bles (R) CC: 3:00- 12:10-4:10-8:10 Teenage Mutant Ninja Tur- 12:00-2:30-5:00-7:30-10:00 Expend4bles (R) 2:35-8:00; Miss Shetty Mr Polishetty 3 (PG-13) 12:45-3:30- 4:40-7:10-10:40
tles: Mutant Mayhem (PG) Oppenheimer (R) 1:00- Dumb Money (R) CC:
5:30-8:00-10:30 Barbie (PG-13) 11:40-2:30- Barbie (PG-13) 7:30 11:30-2:10-4:50-7:30- (Telugu) 1:50-5:50-9:30 6:20-8:50 It Lives Inside (PG-13) CC:
CC: 1:30-4:00-6:30-9:10 10:10; 11:00-1:40-4:20- 3:30-6:55 It Lives Inside (PG-13) 2:00-4:30-7:00-10:30
The Nun II (R) CC: 2:40- 5:50-8:40 Teenage Mutant Ninja Antarjal 1:30-5:20-9:00 7:20-9:20-10:00
Blue Beetle (PG-13) CC: 7:00-9:40; 11:30-2:10-4:50- Expend4bles (R) 1:20-2:00- 11:30-2:10-4:50-7:30- Dumb Money (R) CC:
5:15-7:55-10:30 Expend4bles (R) 11:00- Turtles: Mutant Mayhem 4:30-6:45-7:30 The Great Indian Family The Retirement Plan (R)
My Big Fat Greek Wedding 12:00-1:30-2:00-3:00-4:40- 6:00 7:30-10:10 12:50-4:40-8:30 10:10 11:55-2:35-5:10-7:50-
(PG) 2:15-4:45 The Equalizer 3 (R) 1:30- CC: 4:40
3 (PG-13) CC: 2:30-4:50- 5:30-6:00-7:30-8:30-9:00- Expend4bles (R) CC: 1:45- The Equalizer 3 (R) 10:40- Expend4bles (R) OC: 4:10 Dumb Money (R) 11:40- 10:25
4:30-7:15-9:45 Expend4bles (R) 1:00-3:45- 4:00-7:15 Coco (2017) Disney100
7:10 10:30 6:30-9:15 11:45-1:30-4:15-5:15-7:10- The Nun II (R) 2:00-4:50- 2:30-5:10-7:50-10:40 AMC Hoffman Center 22 (PG) 2:10
The Origin of Evil (L'origine The Equalizer 3 (R) CC: 9:55-10:40 RRR #encoRRRe 1:15-7:00 7:40-10:30 Barbie: The IMAX 2D
It Lives Inside (PG-13) A Haunting in Venice (PG- 206 Swamp Fox Rd. A Haunting in Venice
du mal) (R) 3:50-10:15 11:20-2:10-4:50-7:35-10:10 1:30-4:15-7:00-9:40 Gran Turismo: Based On a Smoking Causes Coughing Experience (PG-13) 12:10-
13) 10:15 5:00 Regal Hyattsville Royale The Matrix (R) CC: 3:45 (PG-13) CC: 1:20-2:30-
Bottoms (R) CC: 1:10-3:30- The Nun II (R) 11:50-1:10- Jawan (Hindi) 2:20-6:00- True Story (PG-13) 11:50- 3:10-6:10-9:10
9:00 My Big Fat Greek Wedding A Haunting in Venice (PG- 6505 America Blvd. Expend4bles (R) OC: 4:10-5:00-7:00-9:45
5:50-8:10-10:35 2:50-4:20-7:20-9:10-10:10; 3 (PG-13) 12:00 3:00-6:50-10:00 The Nun II (R) 12:20-4:00-
The Nun II (R) CC: 1:40- The Nun II (R) 11:05-1:15- 13) 1:40-4:20-7:20 Barbie (PG-13) 12:15-3:30- 7:10-10:00 1:00; 7:00 Blue Beetle (PG-13) 4:15
Dumb Money (R) CC: 6:05 Barbie (PG-13) CC: 1:00- Expend4bles (R) CC:
4:05-9:10 4:20-7:05-9:45 AMC Magic Johnson 1:55-4:45-6:45-7:40-10:30 Cassandro (R) 4:15-6:50 6:20-9:20
Regal Westview & IMAX 3:00-6:00-9:00 2:00-7:15-10:00
It Lives Inside (PG-13) CC:
MARYLAND Oppenheimer: The IMAX
2D Experience (R) CC:
Capital Center 12
800 Shoppers Way
A Haunting in Venice (PG-
13) 10:35-11:35-2:15-4:05-
My Big Fat Greek Wedding
3 (PG-13) 1:10-4:40-7:10
Teenage Mutant Ninja Tur-
tles: Mutant Mayhem (PG) 5243 Buckeystown Pike Get Out (R) CC: 7:00 It Lives Inside (PG-13)
AFI Silver Theatre 2:00-8:40 Barbie (PG-13) CC: 4:55-7:35-9:35-10:15 1:30-4:20-7:10-10:00 Oppenheimer (R) 11:40AM Teenage Mutant Ninja OC: 4:00
A Haunting in Venice Old Greenbelt Theatre
Expend4bles (R) 11:20- Turtles: Mutant Mayhem Dumb Money (R) OC:
(PG-13) CC: 1:30-2:25- Cultural Center My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2:00-4:45 Talk to Me (R) 2:20-4:55- 129 Centerway Oppenheimer (R) 12:50-
8633 Colesville Road 3 (PG-13) CC: 2:15-4:45- Teenage Mutant Ninja 7:30-10:05 5:00-9:00 2:10-4:50-7:45-10:30 (PG) CC: 1:30-4:00 2:20
3:05-5:00-5:35-6:35-7:30- Cassandro (R) 5:45-8:15
8:05-10:00-10:35 Radical (!) 7:00 7:10-9:30 Turtles: Mutant Mayhem My Big Fat Greek Wedding Blue Beetle (PG-13) 12:10- The Equalizer 3 (R) 11:10- Oppenheimer (R) CC: 2:00- Expend4bles (R) OC:
Bottoms (R) 5:30-8:00 3:20-6:30-9:40 1:50-4:40-7:30-10:20 4:30-8:30 4:45; 9:45
Expend4bles (R) CC: 1:30- Dumb Money (R) OC: (!) It Lives Inside (PG-13) CC: (PG) CC: 2:15-4:45-5:30- 3 (PG-13) 11:00-2:00-4:40-
4:00-6:30-9:00 11:45AM 1:45-4:15-6:45-9:15 7:15-8:05-9:45-10:35 7:15-9:45 Phoenix Theatres Expend4bles (R) 12:20- A Haunting in Venice (PG- Blue Beetle (PG-13) CC: AMC Shirlington 7
My Big Fat Greek Wedding Fremont 12:25 Dumb Money (R) CC: 1:50- Blue Beetle (PG-13) CC: It Lives Inside (PG-13) Marlow 6 1:20-2:20-3:10-5:10-6:00- 13) 1:00-3:40-6:30-9:10 1:00 2772 South Randolph St.
3 (PG-13) OC: 9:30 Invisible Beauty (!) 3:25-4:25-6:00-7:00-9:35 1:30-4:30-7:30-10:30 11:00-1:40-2:30-4:20- 3899 Branch Avenue 7:00-8:00-8:50-9:50 My Big Fat Greek Wedding Strays (R) CC: 1:00
7:05-9:50 Teenage Mutant Ninja The Equalizer 3 (R) 12:30- 3 (PG-13) 11:30-2:00-4:20- Expend4bles (R) CC: 2:30- Barbie (PG-13) CC: 1:20-
Alamo Drafthouse Cinema - 2:25-7:00 The Retirement Plan (R) Expend4bles (R) CC: 1:40-
Turtles: Mutant Mayhem 1:40-3:15-4:30-6:10-7:20- 7:00-9:40 5:10-7:45-10:30 4:10-7:00-9:45
DC Bryant Street Rotting in the Sun (!) 9:40 CC: 9:40 2:40-4:15-5:15-6:50-7:50- Bottoms (R) 11:30AM The Equalizer 3 (R) CC:
Dumb Money (R) (!) 2:00- 9:30-10:30 Dumb Money (R) 10:45- (PG) 1:00-3:30 9:10-10:05 It Lives Inside (PG-13) The Equalizer 3 (R) CC:
630 Rhode Island Ave NE Barbie: The IMAX 2D 1:50-4:30-7:10-9:50
4:50-7:20-9:20 Experience (PG-13) CC: The Equalizer 3 (R) CC: 11:35-1:35-2:20-4:25-5:05- Blue Beetle (PG-13) 1:50- A Haunting in Venice (PG- 12:00-2:40-5:10-8:00- 1:00-3:45-6:30-9:15
The Nun II (R) 3:30 4:40-7:35-10:20 13) 1:10-4:00-6:50-9:35 10:40 Jawan (Hindi) 1:15-5:00 Expend4bles (R) CC:
AMC Academy 8 4:00-9:30 1:45-4:30-7:15-9:55 7:15-7:50-10:05-10:35 12:00-2:30-5:10-7:50-
The Equalizer 3 (R) 12:30- The Retirement Plan (R) Expend4bles (R) 2:00-4:35- It Lives Inside (PG-13) Barbie: The IMAX 2D Gran Turismo: Based On
2:00-5:00-6:30-8:00-9:30 6198 Greenbelt Road Stop Making Sense: The The Nun II (R) CC: 1:30- 2:10-4:50-7:30-10:15 Experience (PG-13) 11:00- a True Story (PG-13) CC: 10:20
IMAX 2D Experience (PG) 4:15-7:00-9:45 11:40AM 6:00-7:00-8:30-9:30
Dumb Money (R) 12:00- Barbie (PG-13) CC: The Equalizer 3 (R) 2:45- Expend4bles (R) OC: 4:10 1:45-4:30-7:15-10:00 1:15-3:30-6:30-9:30 The Nun II (R) CC: 11:40-
CC: 1:30-7:00 A Haunting in Venice Camp Hideout (PG)
3:00-6:00-9:00 1:10-7:20 11:55AM 5:15-7:45-10:15 The Nun II (R) 12:00- Barbie (PG-13) 3:30-6:15- The Origin of Evil (L'origine 2:20-5:00-7:40-10:25
Bottoms (R) 12:45-3:45- Blue Beetle (PG-13) CC: Expend4bles (R) CC: 2:45- (PG-13) CC: 3:00-5:30- 1:00-2:50-3:50-5:40-6:40- 9:00 du mal) (R) 5:30 A Haunting in Venice
5:30-8:15 8:10-10:45 Creation of the Gods I: The Nun II (R) 2:35-5:20-
6:45-9:45 4:10-10:00 Kingdom of Storms 12:15- 8:00-10:35 8:30-9:30 Expend4bles (R) 12:30- The Nun II (R) CC: 1:00- (PG-13) CC: 12:10-2:40-
It Lives Inside (PG-13) Meg 2: The Trench (PG-13) A Haunting in Venice Talk to Me (R) CC: 7:30- 1:10-3:10-4:00-6:45-8:30- 3:45-6:30-9:15 5:20-8:00-10:30
(PG-13) CC: 1:50-4:30- 10:00 3:40-7:05-10:30 A Haunting in Venice (PG- Regal
1:15-4:15-7:15-10:15 CC: 1:50-4:45-7:50-10:40 7/G Brindavan Colony (NR) 13) 2:30-5:00-7:30-10:00 Laurel Towne Centre 9:30-11:10; 5:50 Talk to Me (R) CC: My Big Fat Greek
Dumb Money (R) 1:30- Expend4bles (R) CC: 1:45- 7:10-9:45 It Lives Inside (PG-13) CC: The Nun II (R) 11:50-2:30- 6:30-9:00 Wedding 3 (PG-13) CC:
2:45-5:15-7:45-10:15 5:30-9:30 Regal Cinemas Majestic 14716 Baltimore Avenue
4:30-7:30-10:30 2:45-4:20-7:00-8:30-9:45 AMC Expend4bles (R) XD: Barbie (PG-13) 11:50-2:45-
5:20-8:15-11:00 My Big Fat Greek Wedding 12:15-2:35-5:00-7:20-
A Haunting in Venice (PG- The Equalizer 3 (R) CC: DINE-IN Rio Cinemas 18 The Outlaw Johnny Black Stadium 20 & IMAX
Xscape Theatres 3 (PG-13) CC: 2:00-4:15- 9:40
(PG-13) 1:20-7:10 11:00-1:40-4:20-7:00-9:40 900 Ellsworth Drive 5:30-8:15
13) 1:00-4:00-7:00-10:00 1:20-4:00-6:40-9:30 9811 Washingtonian Ctr.
Jawan (Hindi) 11:55-3:25- Brandywine 14 7:00-9:30 Dumb Money (R) CC:
Teenage Mutant Ninja
Angelika The Nun II (R) CC: 1:30- The Matrix (R) CC: 12:30 The Retirement Plan (R)
CC: 4:35-10:20 6:55-10:25
Barbie (PG-13) 11:55-2:50-
Turtles: Mutant Mayhem 7710 It Lives Inside (PG-13) CC: 11:30-2:10-4:50-7:30-
Matapeake Business Dr.
Pop-Up at Union Market 4:30-7:30-10:10 Barbie (PG-13) CC: 12:45- Barbie: The IMAX 2D 5:45-8:40 2:00-7:00-9:30 10:10
Haunted Mansion (PG-13) Teenage Mutant Ninja (PG) 1:00-3:50 Barbie (PG-13) 10:15-
550 Penn St. NE - Unit E A Haunting in Venice 3:30-6:20-9:15 10:50-1:50-4:50 Oppenheimer (R) 1:15 12:55-3:35-6:35-9:25 Bottoms (R) CC: 4:30-9:20 AMC Tysons Corner 16
Experience (PG-13) CC: Turtles: Mutant Mayhem Dumb Money (R) CC:
The Origin of Evil (L'origine (PG-13) CC: 2:00-4:45- Get Out (R) CC: 4:00 1:00-4:00-7:00-10:00 Antarjal 3:15-6:35-9:55 (PG) 1:20-3:55 Blue Beetle (PG-13) 12:10- Teenage Mutant Ninja 7850e Tysons Corner Ctr.
du mal) (R) 2:00-7:00-9:40 7:40-10:20 Teenage Mutant Ninja Coco (2017) Disney100 3:10-6:15-9:30 Turtles: Mutant Mayhem 1:00-2:00-3:30-4:30-6:00-
Oppenheimer (R) 12:10- 7:00-8:30-9:30 Expend4bles (R) 6:10
A Haunting in Venice (PG- Expend4bles (R) 5:45 Turtles: Mutant Mayhem AMC Montgomery 16 (PG) 11:40AM Expend4bles (R) 11:40- (PG) 11:25-1:45-4:25-
13) 2:25; 4:45-7:20-9:35 AMC Annapolis Mall 11 (PG) CC: 11:00-1:30-4:10 7101 Democracy Boulevard Creation of the Gods I:
1:30-2:20-4:10-5:10-6:00- 6:45-9:15 The Outlaw Johnny Black Barbie (PG-13) CC: 1:35-
Blue Beetle (PG-13) 12:20- (PG-13) 6:00-9:15 4:20-7:05-10:00
Bottoms (R) 2:15-4:25- 1020 Annapolis Mall Road Blue Beetle (PG-13) CC: Barbie (PG-13) CC: 2:30- Kingdom of Storms XD: 7:00-8:00-9:00-9:40-10:40 Blue Beetle (PG-13) 10:05-
7:10-9:25 6:40 5:15-8:00-10:45 12:35-4:00-7:25-10:50
The Equalizer 3 (R) 11:30- 1:05-4:00-7:05-10:05 Sound of Freedom (PG-13) Mission: Impossible -
Barbie (PG-13) CC: 4:00- The Equalizer 3 (R) 12:40- CC: 1:00-8:45 Dead Reckoning Part One
Avalon Theatre 6:50-10:10 Expend4bles (R) CC: Teenage Mutant Ninja The Great Indian Family 4:00-6:50-9:40 2:10-4:50-7:45-10:30 My Big Fat Greek Wedding (PG-13) CC: 3:50
12:00-3:00-6:00-9:00 Turtles: Mutant Mayhem 7:50-10:50 Gran Turismo: Based On a 3 (PG-13) 11:45-2:05-4:45- The Retirement Plan (R)
5612 Connecticut Ave. Teenage Mutant Ninja Expend4bles (R) 11:00- CC: 4:15 Teenage Mutant Ninja
Turtles: Mutant Mayhem The Equalizer 3 (R) CC: (PG) CC: 5:30 Cinépolis Gaithersburg 11:35-12:55-1:35-2:15- True Story (PG-13) 12:30- 7:15-9:35 Turtles: Mutant Mayhem
Golda (PG-13) 12:15-4:45 11:00-1:45-4:30-7:15-10:00 Oppenheimer (R) CC: 2:05- Expend4bles (R) 11:10- Creation of the Gods
Afire 2:30-7:10 (PG) CC: 10:40-1:10-3:40 629 Center Point Way 3:40-4:15-6:25-7:10-7:50- 3:40-6:45-9:50 (PG) CC: 12:40-5:55
Jawan (Hindi) 12:15- 6:00-10:00 A Haunting in Venice (PG- 11:50-12:30-1:30-2:20- I: Kingdom of Storms
Dumb Money (R) 12:00- Oppenheimer (R) CC: Barbie (PG-13) 2:40-5:40- 8:30-9:10-10:00-10:35 2:00-8:30 Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem
2:30-5:00-7:30 6:20-9:40 4:15-8:15 Blue Beetle (PG-13) CC:
8:40 Jawan (Hindi) 1:15-5:00- 13) 1:45-4:30-7:10-10:10 3:00-4:10-4:50-5:30-6:35- Kahaani 3:25-10:15
Gran Turismo: Based On 2:45-5:45 My Big Fat Greek Wedding 7:20-8:00-9:10-9:50-10:30 Barbie: The IMAX 2D
Blue Beetle (PG-13) CC: Expend4bles (R) 12:40- 8:45 Experience (PG-13) CC: Expend4bles (R) CC:
Landmark a True Story (PG-13) CC: Expend4bles (R) CC: 2:15- 3 (PG-13) 12:00-2:30-5:00- The Equalizer 3 (R) 11:00-
Atlantic Plumbing Cinema 10:00-1:00 12:25-3:30-6:35-9:45 3:30-6:15-7:45-9:00-10:30 1:40-3:40-4:40-6:40- Gran Turismo: Based On a
7:30-10:20 11:40-1:40-2:10-4:20- 4:00-9:30 1:45-4:30-7:15-10:10
807 V Street Northwest Expend4bles (R) CC: 7:40-9:40 True Story (PG-13) 11:00- Blue Beetle (PG-13) 4:00 The Equalizer 3 (R) CC:
The Nun II (R) CC: 11:30- The Equalizer 3 (R) CC: It Lives Inside (PG-13) 5:10-7:00-7:40-9:30-10:10
10:00-12:30-3:00-5:30- A Haunting in Venice (PG- 2:05-5:30-8:50 Relax, I'm from the Future 1:15-4:05-6:50-9:35
Barbie (PG-13) 1:30-4:20- 7:00-8:00-9:30-10:30 2:15-5:00-7:45-10:30 2:30-5:15-8:00-10:45 13) 12:20-3:20-6:20-9:20 A Haunting in Venice 11:20-2:00-4:40-7:20-10:00 The Nun II (R) 10:10- Jawan (Hindi) 2:00-6:00-
7:00-9:30 The Outlaw Johnny Black 11:20-12:40-2:00-3:10- 2:00-7:00
The Equalizer 3 (R) CC: Oppenheimer: The IMAX Jawan (Hindi) 2:10-6:00- (PG-13) 11:15-2:00-4:40-
Expend4bles (R) 2:10-5:00- 11:00-1:40-4:20-7:10-9:50 2D Experience (R) CC: 7:00 9:45
It Lives Inside (PG-13)
(PG-13) 5:20-8:30 4:40-5:40-7:30-8:10-10:00 Stop Making Sense: The 9:50
11:00-2:00-5:00-8:00 7:30-10:15 IMAX 2D Experience (PG) Gran Turismo: Based On
7:50-10:10 The Nun II (R) CC: 11:40- Talk to Me (R) CC: 9:45 Gran Turismo: Based On Dumb Money (R) 11:20- My Big Fat Greek Wedding The Nun II (R) 12:20-3:00- A Haunting in Venice CC: 1:30-7:00 a True Story (PG-13) CC:
A Haunting in Venice (PG- 2:20-5:00-7:40-10:20 My Big Fat Greek Wedding a True Story (PG-13) CC: 3 (PG-13) 12:30-3:20 6:30-9:15 (PG-13) 10:40-1:10-4:05-
13) 1:50-4:40-7:40-9:50 2:20-5:20-8:20 6:50-9:20 A Haunting in Venice 12:15-7:00
A Haunting in Venice (PG- 3 (PG-13) CC: 12:15-2:45- 8:15 Barbie (PG-13) 11:40AM Bottoms (R) 6:30-9:05 Regal Rockville Center (PG-13) CC: 1:00-1:45- The Nun II (R) CC: 1:00-

the washington post

It Lives Inside (PG-13) 5:15-7:45-10:15 The Nun II (R) CC: 2:00- It Lives Inside (PG-13)
13) CC: 11:30-2:10-4:50- The Equalizer 3 (R) 1:20- It Lives Inside (PG-13) 199 E Montgomery Ave.
10:50-12:20-1:50-2:50- 3:30-4:30-6:15-7:00- 3:45-6:35-9:30
2:00-4:50-7:30-9:40 7:30-10:10 It Lives Inside (PG-13) CC: 4:45-7:30-10:15 11:30-2:10-4:45-7:20-9:55
Bottoms (R) 1:40-4:30- 4:20-7:20-10:15 Barbie (PG-13) 1:10-4:10- 4:30-5:20-7:10-7:50-9:40- 9:00-9:30 Oppenheimer: The IMAX
My Big Fat Greek Wedding 12:30-3:00-5:30-8:00-10:30 A Haunting in Venice The Nun II (R) 1:00-4:00- Dumb Money (R) 11:00- 7:10-10:45 Expend4bles (R) CC: 3:45- 2D Experience (R) 12:05-
7:20-9:20-10:00 Bottoms (R) CC: 9:45 (PG-13) CC: 2:55-4:15- 10:20
3 (PG-13) CC: 11:10-1:30- 7:00-10:00 12:00-1:40-2:40-4:20-5:20- Oppenheimer (R) 11:40- 6:30-9:10-9:30 4:00-7:50
Reptile (R) 1:15-4:10-7:10 4:10-6:40-9:10 Dumb Money (R) CC: 7:00-9:45 iPic Pike & Rose
My Big Fat Greek Wedding 7:05-8:05-9:50 4:00-8:10 11830 Grand Park Avenue
It Lives Inside (PG-13) My Big Fat Greek
Landmark E Street Cinema It Lives Inside (PG-13) CC: 11:15-2:00-4:45-7:30-10:15 Golda (PG-13) CC: 2:20 3 (PG-13) 12:00-3:00- Antarjal 12:50-4:50-8:20 Expend4bles (R) 11:30- OC: 4:30 Wedding 3 (PG-13) CC:
555 11th Street NW 10:15-12:45-3:15-5:45- The Retirement Plan (R) My Big Fat Greek Wedding 6:00-9:00 Coco (2017) Disney100 1:00-2:20-3:40-5:10-6:40- Mission: Impossible - 1:40-4:25-6:55-9:25
3 (PG-13) CC: 2:45-5:10- AMC Potomac Mills 18
RRR #encoRRRe 12:00- 8:15-10:45 CC: 7:00 Dumb Money (R) 11:00- (PG) 12:15-3:00-5:40 8:00-9:40-10:50 Dead Reckoning Part One It Lives Inside (PG-13)
7:35-10:00 2700 Potomac Mills Cir.
6:30 Dumb Money (R) CC: Coco (2017) Disney100 10:30 Creation of the Gods I: The Equalizer 3 (R) 12:40- (PG-13) 3:45-6:00-9:15 The Matrix (R) CC: 4:20 CC: 1:05-6:05-8:35
Smoking Causes Coughing 10:00-12:30-3:00-5:35- (PG) 11:00-1:40-4:15 It Lives Inside (PG-13) CC: Kingdom of Storms 11:00- 3:30-6:30-9:30 Expend4bles (R) (!) 4:00- Bottoms (R) CC: 1:25
2:00-7:00-9:30 Landmark Barbie (PG-13) CC: 1:10-
3:45-10:00 8:10-10:45 Barbie: The IMAX 2D Bethesda Row Cinema 2:30-6:00-9:40 A Haunting in Venice (PG- 7:00-10:00 4:00-6:50-9:40 Dumb Money (R) CC:
The Origin of Evil (L'origine Camp Hideout (PG) CC: Experience (PG-13) CC: Bottoms (R) CC: 8:45 7235 Woodmont Avenue Barbie: The IMAX 2D Expe- 13) 2:00-4:40-7:40-10:30 The Equalizer 3 (R) 2:30- 12:00-1:20-2:50-4:10-
Teenage Mutant Ninja
du mal) (R) 3:45 11:20-2:00-4:30 11:00-4:30-10:00 Dumb Money (R) CC: rience (PG-13) 3:50-9:40
Barbie (PG-13) 1:30-4:30- Stop Making Sense: The My Big Fat Greek Wedding 6:30-10:30 Turtles: Mutant Mayhem 5:30-7:05-8:15-9:45
A Haunting in Venice (PG- AMC Center Park 8 Stop Making Sense: The 2:15-3:30-5:00-6:15-7:45-
7:45-10:00 3 (PG-13) 11:50-2:30-5:00- The Nun II (R) 4:15-7:15- (PG) CC: 1:50-4:30- Coco (2017) Disney100
13) 12:00-2:30-7:15-9:45 IMAX 2D Experience (PG) 9:00-10:30 IMAX 2D Experience (PG) 7:50-10:40 11:00
. friday,
4001 Powder Mill Rd. Mission: Impossible - Dead 1:10-7:00 7:10-9:50 (PG) 3:10
Fremont 1:45-4:30 CC: 2:00-7:30 The Retirement Plan (R) It Lives Inside (PG-13) A Haunting in Venice (PG-
Barbie (PG-13) CC: Reckoning Part One (PG- Expend4bles (R) OC: 5:05 13) (!) 2:45-6:15-9:45 Oppenheimer (R) CC: Barbie: The IMAX 2D
Cassandro (R) 7:20-9:50 Expend4bles (R) CC: CC: 9:40 1:50-4:30-7:20-9:50 Experience (PG-13) CC:
1:00-7:20 11:30-1:30-2:30-4:10-5:10- The Inventor (PG) CC: 3:00 13) 8:45 My Big Fat Greek Wedding 9:30
Bottoms (R) 1:25-3:35- The Nun II (R) 11:40-2:20- Bottoms (R) 12:10-3:00- 3:15-8:45
Blue Beetle (PG-13) CC: 6:45-7:45-9:30-10:30 Creation of the Gods Oppenheimer (R) 1:00- 5:10-6:10-8:00-8:50-10:40 3 (PG-13) 3:00-7:45-9:30 Get Out (R) CC: 7:30
7:10-9:40 4:10-10:10 3:55-7:00 5:50-8:20-11:00 Stop Making Sense: The
Invisible Beauty 1:30-4:15- Expend4bles (R) CC: 2:15- A Haunting in Venice (PG- I: Kingdom of Storms Dumb Money (R) (!) 3:30- Blue Beetle (PG-13) CC:
RRR #encoRRRe 1:15-6:30 Regal Germantown Creation of the Gods I: 1:15-8:00 IMAX 2D Experience (PG)
13) CC: 11:20-12:20-1:30- 5:30-8:50 Kingdom of Storms 12:00- 6:45-10:15
september 22, 2023

6:40-9:15 20000 Century Blvd.

Dumb Money (R) 12:30-
3:30-5:00-7:30-9:00-10:00 2:00-3:00-4:10-4:45-5:45- Relax, I'm from the Future Smoking Causes Coughing 3:20-6:50-10:20 Reptile (R) (!) 3:15-7:30- Meg 2: The Trench (PG-13) CC: 12:45-6:15
The Equalizer 3 (R) CC: 4:45-10:00 Barbie (PG-13) 12:40-3:40- CC: 1:45 Expend4bles (R) CC:
1:30-4:20-7:00-7:45-9:30- 1:15-4:00-7:00-9:40 6:50-7:30-8:30-9:30-10:15 4:50-7:15
6:40-9:40 The Nun II (R) 12:20-3:10- 10:45 12:35-3:20-9:10
10:15 It Lives Inside (PG-13) Cassandro (R) 3:30-6:00 6:10-9:10 The Equalizer 3 (R) CC:
Amerikatsi 1:25-4:00- Gran Turismo: Based On
a True Story (PG-13) CC:
AMC Loews
St. Charles Town Ctr. 9 OC: 4:30 A Haunting in Venice (PG- Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem
13) 2:00-5:00-7:30-9:50 Kahaani 1:00-5:00-8:50 Regal VIRGINIA 1:00-3:40-6:20-9:15 A Haunting in Venice
Expend4bles (R) CC: 1:00- (PG-13) CC: 12:55-3:40-
7:30-10:00 11115 Mall Circle Expend4bles (R) 5:00 Waugh Chapel & IMAX AMC Courthouse Plaza 8 3:30-6:00-8:30 6:20-7:25-9:00-10:05
6:00 My Big Fat Greek Wedding Oppenheimer (R) 12:20
Regal Gallery Place The Nun II (R) CC: 2:30- Barbie (PG-13) CC: 10:00 Cinemark 3 (PG-13) 1:00-3:00-5:00- Expend4bles (R) 11:40- 1419 South Main Chapel Way 2150 Clarendon Blvd. Jawan (Hindi) 2:15-6:00- Oppenheimer: The IMAX
701 Seventh Street NW 5:10-7:45-10:20 Blue Beetle (PG-13) CC: Egyptian 24 and XD 7:00-9:00 1:10-2:20-3:20-5:10-6:00- Barbie (PG-13) 1:00-7:20 Barbie (PG-13) CC: 1:40- 9:40 2D Experience (R) CC:
Blue Beetle (PG-13) 1:25 A Haunting in Venice 1:30-3:15-6:15-9:15 7000 Arundel Mills Circle Dumb Money (R) 1:00- 7:00-8:00-8:40-9:50-10:40 Oppenheimer (R) 12:30- 4:35-7:20-10:10 Gran Turismo: Based On 9:05
Expend4bles (R) 1:00-4:00- (PG-13) CC: 1:30-4:20- Expend4bles (R) CC: Barbie (PG-13) 10:30-1:35- 1:45-4:30-6:00-7:15- The Equalizer 3 (R) 12:00- 4:40-8:40 Oppenheimer (R) CC: 1:00- a True Story (PG-13) CC: It Lives Inside (PG-13)
7:00-10:00 6:50-9:20 12:15-2:45-5:30-8:00 4:30-7:20-10:10 8:30-9:45 3:00-6:20-9:10 Blue Beetle (PG-13) 4:10 3:00-6:50-9:35 10:00 OC: 3:35
eZ Movies
about this third installment of the
comedy franchise is that it’s not as
bad as the second film. (Pg-13, 91

 tHe nun ii

taissa Farmiga’s sister irene once
again must confront the devil in a
black habit, Valak the Profane. (r,
110 minutes)

 oPPenHeiMeR
in this three-hour biopic about J.
robert oppenheimer, the father of
the atomic bomb, cillian Murphy
brings the tragic figure at its center
to fascinatingly paradoxical life. (r,
180 minutes)

 stRAys
lowbrow talking-dog comedy,
orion Pictures inc./orion releasing rob youngson/20th century studios starring Will Ferrell and Jamie Foxx,
From left, Rachel Sennott, Havana Rose Liu and Ayo Edebiri in “Bottoms,” a raunchy Kenneth Branagh in his third outing as makes “beverly hills chihuahua”
exploration of queer expression and online culture from director Emma Seligman. Hercule Poirot in “A Haunting in Venice.” look like shakespeare. (r, 93
moViES from 28  GoldA pretty good time at the movies. (Pg- (Pg-13, 103 minutes)
helen Mirren’s portrayal of israeli 13, 135 minutes)  tAlk to Me
ambitious and (literally) steamy prime minister golda Meir during  Mission: iMPossiBle indie ghost story mixes the truly
immigrant love story. (Pg, 102 the yom Kippur War never gets  HAunted MAnsion — deAd ReckoninG, PARt one shocking with moments of genuine
minutes) under the skin. (Pg-13, 100 disney’s ghost-themed film based this ridiculously entertaining spy connection. (r, 95 minutes)
minutes. in english and some on the amusement park ride is a thriller lives up to star tom cruise’s
 FReMont hebrew and arabic with subtitles.) boring mess. (Pg-13, 122 minutes) notoriously high standards. and the  teenAGe MutAnt
babak Jalali’s black-and-white best news? it isn’t even over yet. ninjA tuRtles
drama is a polyglot parable of  GRAn tuRisMo: BAsed  A HAuntinG in Venice (Pg-13, 160 minutes) the funny and visually innovative
dislocation. (unrated, 91 minutes. on A tRue stoRy agatha christie’s famed belgian animated film examines what it’s
in english, dari and cantonese with inspired by the story of Jann detective investigates a death at a  My BiG FAt GReek like to be a 15-year-old boy through
subtitles.) Mardenborough, gamer turned séance in this whodunit, made less WeddinG 3 the lens of a pop culture
real-life racecar driver, this film is a gloomy by a vivid supporting cast. the best thing that can be said phenomenon. (Pg, 99 minutes)

MOVIE DIRECTORY (!) No Pass/No Discount Ticket

Friday, September 22, 2023
AMC Worldgate 9 The Origin of Evil (L'origine Camp Hideout (PG) Blue Beetle (PG-13) 12:15 Teenage Mutant Ninja It Lives Inside (PG-13) It Lives Inside (PG-13) It Lives Inside (PG-13) Expend4bles (R) OC: 5:50 Expend4bles (R) 10:50-
13025 Worldgate Drive du mal) (R) 2:35-7:35 12:35-3:15 Expend4bles (R) 2:10-4:50- Turtles: Mutant Mayhem 11:30-2:10-4:45-7:15- 11:35-2:10-4:45-7:20- 11:35-2:10-4:45-7:20- Regal Springfield Town Center 1:20-4:10-7:00-9:50
Barbie (PG-13) CC: 12:45- Fremont 11:00-5:20 Cinema Arts Theatre 7:30-10:10 (PG) 12:30-3:20-6:00 10:00 9:55 9:55 6859 Springfield Mall Gran Turismo: Based
3:45-6:30 Invisible Beauty 11:10- 9650 Unit 14 Main St. My Big Fat Greek Wedding Oppenheimer (R) 8:40 Expend4bles (R) OC: Miss Shetty Mr Polishetty A Haunting in Venice On a True Story (PG-13)
1:55-4:35-7:15-9:55 3 (PG-13) 10:35 Blue Beetle (PG-13) 12:00- 3:15 (Telugu) 11:40-3:15-6:50- (PG-13) 11:25-12:40-2:00- Barbie (PG-13) 11:10-1:55-
Oppenheimer (R) CC: My Sailor, My Love 9:45- 4:45-7:40-10:30 12:40
It Lives Inside (PG-13) 3:10-6:20-9:10 The Nun II (R) 11:45-2:20- 3:25-4:40-6:20-7:30-9:00-
12:40-3:05-5:35-8:00- 12:10-2:40-4:55-7:15-9:20 Oppenheimer (R) 6:30 Expend4bles (R) 11:20- 4:55-7:30-10:10
10:15 Teenage Mutant Ninja The Nun II (R) 11:30-2:20-
Expend4bles (R) CC: Antarjal 1:30-5:50-9:50
12:00-2:30-5:00-7:30 10:20 A Haunting in Venice Cinemark
1:20-4:10-5:10-7:00-8:00- The Great Indian Family Turtles: Mutant Mayhem 5:00-7:40-10:15
(PG-13) 10:00-12:20-2:25- Fairfax Corner and XD Regal Fairfax Towne Center Mark Antony (Tamil) (PG) 12:50-3:40-6:20 My Big Fat Greek Wed-
The Equalizer 3 (R) CC: The Inventor (PG) 12:15 9:50-10:40 2:00-8:30 12:05-3:30-6:55-10:25
4:45-7:20-9:30 11900 Palace Way 4110 West Ox Road
Oppenheimer (R) 9:00 ding 3 (PG-13) 11:10-
1:30-4:15-7:00 Expend4bles (R) 12:00- The Equalizer 3 (R) 12:40- The Great Indian Family Expend4bles (R) 11:30-
Jawan (Hindi) 12:00- 2:30-5:00-7:30-10:00 Golda (PG-13) 2:15-4:40 Barbie (PG-13) 12:55- 3:40-6:40-9:20 Barbie (PG-13) 12:30-3:20- 12:20-2:20-3:10-6:00-8:00- Blue Beetle (PG-13) 11:50- 1:40-4:20-7:10-9:40
My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3:50-6:45 6:20-9:20 11:05-2:30-6:05-9:30 3:00-6:30-10:00 It Lives Inside (PG-13)
3:30-7:00 A Haunting in Venice Jawan (Hindi) 11:00-2:40- 8:50-10:30; 5:10
3 (PG-13) 10:05-12:25- Oppenheimer (R) 12:35 Oppenheimer (R) 1:00- Barbie: The IMAX 2D The Nun II (R) 12:00-2:45- Expend4bles (R) 11:40-2:10-4:50-7:20-
The Nun II (R) CC: 12:00- (PG-13) 12:25-2:40-4:55- 6:10-9:40
2:20-4:35-7:10-9:10 Expend4bles (R) XD: 5:00 Experience (PG-13) 12:00- 5:30-8:15 10:50-11:30-1:30-2:20- 10:00
2:45-5:20-8:00 7:10-9:25 Gran Turismo: Based On a
Invisible Beauty 9:45- 11:55-2:35-5:15-7:55- True Story (PG-13) 12:20 Expend4bles (R) 11:30- 3:30-7:10-10:30 4:20-5:10-7:00-8:00- Camp Hideout (PG)
A Haunting in Venice Dumb Money (R) 11:30- Regal Manassas & IMAX
12:05-2:35-7:40-9:50 10:35 A Haunting in Venice (PG- 12:20-1:20-3:10-6:10-7:10- Expend4bles (R) 11:20- 9:40-10:40 12:30-3:20-5:50-8:20-
(PG-13) CC: 12:30-3:00- 1:15-2:00-3:45-4:30-6:15- The Eternal Memory 9:55- Jawan (Hindi) 2:00-5:45- 8:50-9:50 2:00-5:00-7:40-10:20 11380 Bulloch Drive
5:30-8:00 7:00-8:40-9:30-10:25 13) 1:30-4:20-7:10-10:10 The Equalizer 3 (R) 12:20- 10:40
september 22, 2023

12:15-5:05-7:00-9:00 9:30 The Equalizer 3 (R) 11:50- My Big Fat Greek Wedding Barbie (PG-13) 11:40-2:40- A Haunting in Venice
My Big Fat Greek Wedding CMX Village 14 It Lives Inside (PG-13) 5:45-8:40 3:20-6:10-9:30
Dumb Money (R) 9:50- The Nun II (R) XD: 12:00- 11:30-2:10-4:40-7:20- 2:30-5:10-7:50-10:30 3 (PG-13) 11:45-2:20-4:50- A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) 11:00-1:30-4:00-
3 (PG-13) CC: 1:15-3:45- 1600 Village Market Boulevard 12:00-2:30-5:00-7:30-9:40 2:50-5:40-8:30 Jawan (Hindi) 2:20-6:00- 7:30-10:00 Blue Beetle (PG-13) 12:00-
6:15 Barbie (PG-13) 12:45-4:05-
3:15-6:25-9:35 (PG-13) 1:00-3:50-6:40- 7:30-10:10
Cinemark Centreville 12 Miss Shetty Mr Polishetty Antarjal 11:10-2:50-6:30- 9:40 Barbie (PG-13) 11:00-5:35 9:20 Expend4bles (R) 12:20-
It Lives Inside (PG-13) CC: 7:15-9:55 (Telugu) 9:35 A Haunting in Venice Expend4bles (R) 12:20-
12:15-2:45-5:15-7:45 6201 Multiplex Drive 10:00 Expend4bles (R) 12:20- My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3:00-5:30-6:10-8:00-8:50-
Mission: Impossible - Blue Beetle (PG-13) 12:40- Expend4bles (R) OC: 2:20 (PG-13) 11:20-2:00-4:50- 3:10-6:00-8:50 1:20-3:10-4:10-6:55-
Alamo Drafthouse Cinema - Dead Reckoning Part Talk to Me (R) 12:10-3:00- 3:45-6:50-10:05 8:30-9:40 3 (PG-13) 11:40-2:10-4:40- 10:30
The Nun II (R) 1:10-4:30- 7:30-10:10 The Nun II (R) 11:50-2:50-
One Loudoun One (PG-13) 11:00-2:30- 5:35-7:10-10:30 The Equalizer 3 (R) 12:35- 7:10-9:50 Smithsonian -
The Equalizer 3 (R) 12:00- 7:30-10:30 My Big Fat Greek Wedding 5:45-8:40
20575 East Hampton Plaza 6:00-9:45 The Great Indian Family 3 (PG-13) 11:10-1:40-4:20- 3:20-6:10-9:00 It Lives Inside (PG-13) Airbus IMAX Theater
Oppenheimer (R) 11:05- 1:05-4:30-7:50-9:20 Regal Dulles Town Center 7:00-9:30 Regal Kingstowne & RPX Jawan (Hindi) 11:20-3:00- 11:20-2:20-4:50-7:30- 14390 Air & Space Museum Pkwy.
Barbie (PG-13) 12:40- Gran Turismo: Based On a 10:20
3:40-5:40 2:55-6:40-9:30 Barbie (PG-13) 1:10-4:00- True Story (PG-13) 12:20- 21100 Dulles Town Circle
It Lives Inside (PG-13) 5910 Kingstowne Towne Ctr. 6:40-9:10 Journey to Space (NR)
7:00-9:50 Barbie (PG-13) 6:50-9:30 11:40-2:10-4:40-7:20- A Haunting in Venice Dumb Money (R) 1:10-
Oppenheimer (R) 1:30-6:20 Blue Beetle (PG-13) 3:30-6:40-9:50 Barbie (PG-13) 12:30-3:40- 10:20-1:05-3:50-5:00
Oppenheimer (R) 12:30- (PG-13) 11:10-4:30- 4:10-6:50-9:55
The Equalizer 3 (R) 12:20- 6:20-9:20 The Nun II (R) 4:40-7:30- Oppenheimer (R) 11:05- 10:00 6:40-9:30
. friday,

3:20-6:40-9:40 Expend4bles (R) 11:15- 3:40 10:20 3:00 The Retirement Plan Oppenheimer (R) 11:45- 7:10-9:50 The Nun II (R) 11:00-12:00- Aircraft Carrier: Guardian
Expend4bles (R) 1:00-4:00- 12:15-1:00-1:50-2:50-3:35-
Blue Beetle (PG-13) 3:55- My Big Fat Greek Wedding Blue Beetle (PG-13) (R) 9:00 3:50-7:45 My Big Fat Greek Wedding 1:40-2:50-4:30-6:00-7:20- of the Seas 12:25-4:25
4:25-5:25-6:10-7:00-8:00- 7:20-10:25 3 (PG-13) 11:05-1:30-4:00- 9:10-10:10 To Fly! (1976) (NR) 10:55-
7:00-10:00 3 (PG-13) 12:25-2:55-5:25- 12:30-6:40 Expend4bles (R) OC: 4:10 Blue Beetle (PG-13) 11:50-
The Equalizer 3 (R) 1:40- 8:00-10:30 6:45-10:05 1:45-3:15
Jawan (Hindi) 1:20-8:40 8:45-9:35-10:30 4:25-7:40-10:40
Jawan (Hindi) 12:45- The Nun II (R) 1:30-4:30- 2:55-6:05-9:10 Regal Virginia Gateway & RPX Blue Planet (Il pianeta
The Nun II (R) 1:15-4:15- The Equalizer 3 (R) 11:35- It Lives Inside (PG-13) 4:30-8:15 7:40-10:20 Expend4bles (R) 1:20-4:10- It Lives Inside (PG-13) 8001 Gateway Promenade Place azzurro) (NR) 11:30AM
2:10-4:45-7:25-10:10 Gran Turismo: Based On a 11:55-2:35-5:15-7:55- Expend4bles (R) 12:15- 11:30-2:10-4:45-7:20-
the washington post

7:15-10:15 True Story (PG-13) 12:25- 10:35 Regal Fox & IMAX 7:00-9:45 Barbie (PG-13) 3:40- The Dream is Alive (NR)
The Nun II (R) 11:25-2:00- 1:15-4:15-6:00-7:00- 10:10
It Lives Inside (PG-13) 8:10-9:45 22875 Brambleton Plaza The Equalizer 3 (R) 12:10- 6:40-9:20 2:25
1:45-4:35-7:30-10:25 4:35-5:45-7:10-8:30-10:25 Dumb Money (R) 12:05- 8:45-9:40 Miss Shetty Mr Polishetty
3:00-5:45-8:30-10:45 Teenage Mutant Ninja
A Haunting in Venice A Haunting in Venice (PG- The Nun II (R) 1:00-3:50- 1:50-2:50-4:35-5:35-7:20- The Equalizer 3 (R) 12:00- Sukhee 12:05-3:25-6:40- (Telugu) 11:15-2:50-6:30- University Mall Theatres
6:40-9:30 10:05 Jawan (Hindi) 11:40-7:10 9:20 Turtles: Mutant Mayhem
(PG-13) 12:00-3:00-5:20- 13) 12:05-1:10-2:40-3:55- A Haunting in Venice
8:20-10:15 2:45-5:15-7:45-10:20
The Equalizer 3 (R) 11:10- Jawan (Telugu) 3:20 (PG) 10:55-1:15-3:45 10659-A Braddock Road
6:00-8:20-10:30 5:15-6:30-7:45-9:05-10:15 Expend4bles (R) 1:15-3:55- Gran Turismo: Based Antarjal 11:00-2:30-6:00-
(PG-13) 12:20-2:40-5:20- 6:35-9:15 1:55-4:40-7:30-10:15 Gran Turismo: Based On a 9:30 Oppenheimer (R) 11:20- Elemental (PG) 12:20
Expend4bles (R) 2:00-5:00- My Big Fat Greek Wedding 8:00-10:45
On a True Story (PG-13)
Expend4bles (R) 1:20-4:10- True Story (PG-13) 11:55- Barbie: The IMAX 2D 3:10 I Can (PG) 12:30-2:20-
8:00-9:00 3 (PG-13) 11:20-1:40-4:15- A Haunting in Venice (PG- 3:30-9:50
6:50-9:15 Expend4bles (R) 12:00- A Haunting in Venice 7:00-9:45 3:15-6:30-9:40 Experience (PG-13) 12:30- Blue Beetle (PG-13) 4:30-7:00-9:00
Angelika 13) 12:10-3:10-5:50-8:30 The Nun II (R) 1:40-4:25- 6:50-9:45 Oppenheimer (R) 12:45-
It Lives Inside (PG-13) 12:50-3:30-6:10-8:50 (PG-13) 11:00-1:30-4:00- Jawan (Hindi) 11:30- 3:40-6:50-10:00
Film Center Mosaic 12:00-2:30-5:00-7:30- My Big Fat Greek Wedding Regal Ballston Quarter 6:30-9:00 3:45-8:00 7:15-10:00 A Haunting in Venice (PG- Sukhee 12:10-3:50-6:30- 4:00-7:30
2911 District Ave 10:00 3 (PG-13) 2:45-5:15-6:50 671 North Glebe Road My Big Fat Greek Wedding A Haunting in Venice My Big Fat Greek Wedding 13) OC: 1:50 9:30 My Big Fat Greek
Barbie (PG-13) 12:25-2:55- The Retirement Plan (R) Gran Turismo: Based On a Barbie (PG-13) 3:50- 3 (PG-13) 11:15-1:35-3:55- (PG-13) 12:10-3:00- 3 (PG-13) 12:15-2:50-5:20- The Nun II (R) 12:40-3:30- The Equalizer 3 (R) 12:00- Wedding 3 (PG-13) 2:30-
5:25-7:55-10:25 12:25-3:45 True Story (PG-13) 3:20 6:50-9:30 6:15-8:35 6:00-9:20 7:50-10:20 6:20-10:20 2:50-5:20-7:50-10:20 4:45-7:15-9:15

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