Capstone Update 3

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Capstone Update #3

To meet the requirements, It is ESSENTIAL THAT YOU INCLUDE DETAILS in your updates along
with MULTIPLE pictures or video of your progress.

What I have accomplished so far

I’ve accomplished a lot, and it makes my day even more exciting when I get to spend time with the
seniors. Since I've been volunteering for more than 4 weeks now and even longer, many residents ask
about me if I'm coming back the next day because it makes them so happy that they get to see me.
I’ve gone to both sides of the senior home (Magnolia Gardens) which is a long-time care and the
independent side. I’ve adapted myself because when you go to the long-term side its one-one
meaning the residents need help on a daily basis. On the long-term side, I have helped with pushing
the wheelchair to their room, painting their nails, knocking on their rooms and introducing myself
again because they don’t remember me, but they know my voice. Some residents would yell, and say
come here due to they like me want to talk. I acknowledge that everyone on the long-term side has a
different condition with that being said you have to change how you act towards each person. My
mentor has continued to say that I should get a job as an activity coordinator of how a good job I do
and that all the residents like me. My mentor also tells me on a daily basis of how I just go up to the
residents without backing down and just give it all to the table. Many residents I've talked to on the
long-term side who can continue to speak tell me that they are lonely and isolated. So, for me I took
that in and remembered those specific people on my next visit and checked up with them each time I
was there. For each resident that was lonely, I tried my best to do something weather that was
playing a small card game that I didn’t know but they teached me how kind of and just went with the
flow. Another resident I just went in a book that they have all the residents in and read information
about them and made small talk with them, that it was their personal life before going into long term.
I realized during all of this is never take a day for granted because we never know when we will see
the resident again. I’m saying that because one of the residents who was on the long-time side that I
connected with and spent time with them. Unfortunately, they passed away all of a sudden which
made me realize that never take a day for granted and spend the time with them.

What I plan to accomplish by the end of the week

I go to Magnolia Gardens 3 times a week, which is Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, because I don’t
have work during those times, so I already volunteered this week. My goal was to go back to the
independent side because my mentor told me that they miss me so much and asked my mentor when
she's coming back. All the little things I do which to me are little things but for the residents it’s a big
part of their day. For example, this Monday a resident asked me to help him scratch a lottery ticket
because he struggles during that and that made his day when I helped him. I hope to accomplish
spending more time with them even though I spend on average 1.5 hours a day it seems too little.

My needs (materials, time, space, mentor et

Challenges I encountered and how I have overcome them

I have encounter one challenge on the long-term side due to a resident getting upset at me because she
was trying to give me a tip and I told her to keep it because the residents on the long-term side don’t
really know what they are doing, and I have to follow the rules of being a volunteer. That Resident was
getting very upset as to why I wouldn’t take it, so I just took it and gave it to the care aid that takes care
of her, and the care aid gave it back to her.

Pictures/Video evidence of my progress

This is evidence because every time I go to
Magnolia Gardens, I put the time I arrived at and what time I finish at with the date. You can see how
much time I have already spent on this project and the progress towards it.

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