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Vol No. Agustus 2023 Hal 1-17 http://ejournal.



Rabiyatul Hasanah Putri 1 , Monry Fraick Nicky Gillian Ratumbuysang 2 , Ananda
Setiawan 3 , Maulana Rizky 4
Economic Education , Faculty Teacher Training and Education , University of Lambung
Mangkurat , Indonesia

Becoming a nation with character has become the goal of the Indonesian people.
Although character education is an optimal form of education when applied to early
childhood education, character education is also education that must exist when someone is
studying at a university. This research aims to know the development process , feasibility and
influence entrepreneurship learning modules based on the problem-based learning (PBL)
model on formation character work hard student FKIP University Social Sciences
Department Stomach Mangkurat.The type of research used is research and development with
the ADDIE development model . The product developed is the entrepreneurship learning
modules based on the problem-based learning model. The subjects were validated by media
experts, material expert and respondents were 50 students from 2 study programs from IPS
majors who took eye studying entrepreneurship that is Education History Education
Economy. The instrument used is sheet observation, media expert validation sheet and
materials, student response questionnaires, and questionnaire variable. And for count
influence entrepreneurship learning modules based on the problem-based learning (PBL)
model against character work hard use T test.Diligence study by material experts got a score
of 4 with good criteria and 80% eligibility was categorized as feasible, media experts got a
score of 3,9 with criteria very good and eligibility 78.5% categorized as feasible. The results
of the small group trial response got a score of 3.9 with good criteria and got 86% feasibility
categorized as very feasible. The results of the large group trial response got a score of 4.2
with very good criteria and got an eligibility of 81% categorized as very feasible. Results In
this study , it was found that the significance value of the entrepreneurship learning modules

Rabiyatul Hasanah Putri 1 , Monry Fraick Nicky Gillian Ratumbuysang 2 , Ananda Setiawan 3 , Maulana Rizky 4 ISSN: 2654-8623 E-ISSN : 2655-0008

based on the problem-based learning (PBL) model on hard work was 0.00 <0.05, meaning
that the independent variable and the dependent variable had an influence. The PBL (x)
model-based entrepreneurship learning module influences hard work (Y). For future
researchers, they should be able to develop learning modules using other factors that
influence the character of hard work researcher thorough .
Keywords: Module Learning ; Problem Based Learning ; Work hard ; Entrepreneurship.

Menjadi bangsa yang berkarakter sudah menjadi tujuan bangsa Indonesia. Walaupun
pendidikan karakter merupakan suatu bentuk pendidikan yang optimal jika diterapkan pada
pendidikan usia dini, tetapi pendidikan karakter juga merupakan pendidikan yang harus ada
ketika seseorang sedang menempuh pendidikan di perguruan tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan
untuk mengetahui proses pengembangan, kelayakan dan pengaruh modul pembelajaran
kewirausahaan berbasis model Problem Based Learning (PBL) pada pembentukan karakter
kerja keras mahasiswa Jurusan IPS FKIP Universitas Lambung Mangkurat. Jenis penelitian
yang digunakan adalah penelitian dan pengembangan dengan model pengembangan ADDIE .
Produk yang dikembangkan yaitu modul pembelajaran kewirausahaan berbasis model
Problem Based Learning . Subjek uji coba adalah 50 mahasiswa dari 2 program studi dari
jurusan IPS yang diambil mata kuliah kewirausahaan yaitu Pendidikan sejarah & Pendidikan
Ekonomi . Instrumen yang digunakan adalah lembar observasi, lembar validasi ahli media
dan materi, angket respon mahasiswa, dan angket variabel. Dan untuk menghitung pengaruh
modul pembelajaran kewirausahaan berbasis model PBL terhadap karakter kerja keras
menggunakan uji T. Hasil penelitian uji kelayakan oleh ahli materi mendapat skor 4 dengan
kriteria baik dan kelayakan 80% dimasukkan kelayakan, ahli media mendapat skor 3,9
dengan kriteria sangat baik dan kelayakan 78,5% diabaikan sangat layak . Hasil respon uji
coba kelompok kecil mendapat skor 3,9 dengan kriteria baik dan mendapatkan kelayakan
86% yang dinilai sangat layak. H asil respon uji coba kelompok besar mendapat skor 4,2
dengan kriteria sangat baik dan mendapat kelayakan 81% yang dinilai sangat layak. Hasil
penelitian memperoleh nilai signifikansi modul pembelajaran kewirausahaan berbasis model
PBL terhadap kerja keras 0,00 < 0,05 berarti variabel bebas dengan variabel pengaruh
memiliki pengaruh. Bagi peneliti selanjutnya kebanyakan dapat melakukan pengembangan
modul pembelajaran kewirausahaan menggunakan faktor lain yang berpengaruh terhadap
karakter kerja keras yang tidak peneliti teliti .
Kata Kunci: Modul Pembelajaran; Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah; Kerja Keras;

I. Introduction among friends, to a decline in appreciation

The tendency of the nation's moral and respect for parents and lecturers as
decline is almost felt in all strata of life. figures who should be respected and
This is in accordance with the opinion of respected. respected. Lasmita (2020) states
Sulastri et al (2020) , especially among that there are 18 characters that must be
students, this social-moral problem is instilled in students, one of which is hard
characterized by an attitude of arrogance, work. Hard work is an activity that is
low social awareness, slandering each other carried out in earnest without getting tired

Rabiyatul Hasanah Putri 1 , Monry Fraick Nicky Gillian Ratumbuysang 2 , Ananda Setiawan 3 , Maulana Rizky 4 ISSN: 2654-8623 E-ISSN : 2655-0008

or stopping before the work target is This is also in line with the facts in
achieved and always prioritizing or paying the field that the hard work character values
attention to the satisfaction of results in of Lambung Mangkurat University students
every activity carried out. This means that tend to be low, this can be seen during the
hard work is a business that is carried out in learning process when students are
earnest in order to get optimal results. From engrossed in playing mobile phones and do
this it can be seen that educational not pay attention when the lecturer
institutions have an important role in the explains, they are not serious in doing
formation of the character of hard work. something such as a lack of effort or effort
in doing assignments, from these
From the facts, in the learning process assignments it can also be seen that there
our education system seems to have not are still many students who are not careful
fully implemented the character value of with the assignments they are doing, that is,
hard work, it can be seen in the statement of there are still sentences that have not been
Asmara & Bakar (2020) stating that there replaced so they are caught copying and
are still many students who have not seen pasting. Low self-confidence when
what forms of hard work have been done in conveying ideas and opinions, there are still
realizing the character of hard work in the many students who do not record the
learning process. Such as the lack of material being explained, and low
accuracy of students with assignments seriousness in learning, namely when they
given by lecturers, absolutely not wanting come they don't immediately open the
to try first by expecting cheat-sheets from material being studied but chat with each
their friends and not wanting to look for other. The learning process is still centered
reference sources to solve problems in on the lecturer, the lecturer explains the
learning, many students do not pay material and the students only listen, then
attention by busy playing cellphones when when the lecturer offers students to ask
the lecturer is explaining material, and there questions, most students are silent and don't
are still many students during lectures or want to ask unless the lecturer asks the
during the learning process have a feeling students first.
of lack of enthusiasm in realizing the value
of the character of hard work. Meanwhile, Based on this, it is necessary to
according to Rahmawati (2019) the current develop learning media that can overcome
phenomenon that occurs with the character the problem of the character of hard work in
of hard work is low self-confidence, lack of students, namely through teaching materials
enthusiasm in learning, and low discipline in the form of modules by applying learning
and sense of responsibility. According to models that can overcome character
Yuniarti & Sukestiyarno (2020) there is a problems in these modules. The presence of
lack of seriousness in students' seriousness the module facilitates learning in order to
in solving problems. create quality learning and students are able
to study learning objectives in a coherent

Rabiyatul Hasanah Putri 1 , Monry Fraick Nicky Gillian Ratumbuysang 2 , Ananda Setiawan 3 , Maulana Rizky 4 ISSN: 2654-8623 E-ISSN : 2655-0008

manner so that they are able to master all to undergo an informed learning process,
competencies in an integrated and intact without having to spend energy, time and
manner. The module contains components money on learning resources. Modules can
of material, methods, discussion and be used as alternative learning media,
evaluation which are arranged in a because the contents of the modules have a
systematic and interesting way to create variety of languages that are different from
appropriate competencies its complexity the contents of textbooks which tend to be
and has the advantage of being a teaching monotonous. Module development using
material that is complete, easy to carry, and the Problem Based Learning (PBL) model
learns at any time independently by is expected to give students a more
students . This is appropriate for dealing meaningful learning experience (Vera et al.,
with limited time allocations (Kartika et al., 2021) . Malikha (2018) argues that Problem
2020) . Currently there are various types of Based Learning is not designed to help
learning models, but the learning model to lecturers provide as much information as
shape the character values of student hard possible to students. However, Problem
work is to use the Problem Based Learning Based Learning is more directed at helping
(PBL) model. The Problem Based Learning students develop their thinking skills and
model can invite students to associate problem solving skills and intellectual
concepts with problems in everyday life. skills, learning the role of adults through
various real situations or simulated
This is in accordance with research situations so that they become independent
(Putri et al., 2021) which states that the students. This stage can encourage students
Problem Based Learning model-based to bring up character education such as
learning module developed is valid and working hard for investigations or finding
practical. This is also in line with research solutions to problems presented by
(Harefa & Gumay., 2020) which states that lecturers.
the developed Problem Based Learning
module teaching materials are valid and This is in accordance with the results
practical. Then (Damayanti et al., 2021) put of research (Aqil et al., 2022) which show
forward the results of validation and that there are differences in student hard
practicality by material experts, teaching work before and after using problem based
material development experts, field learning , problem based learning can
practitioners, and students showing that the shape the character of student hard work.
Problem Based Learning -based module Then from the results of the study (Susanti
developed is valid and practical so that it et al., 2017) stated that all respondents
can be used as teaching material. stated that discussions using problem based
learning were effective. And this is in line
Module is a teaching material that is with the results of Taufikin's research
arranged in a certain form for learning (2017) which states that solving problems
purposes as revealed by Agustina & Adesti requires hard work. Especially if the
(2019) through modules, students are able problem is complicated, it certainly requires

Rabiyatul Hasanah Putri 1 , Monry Fraick Nicky Gillian Ratumbuysang 2 , Ananda Setiawan 3 , Maulana Rizky 4 ISSN: 2654-8623 E-ISSN : 2655-0008

extra energy, both emotionally and that this research can help raise student
intellectually, to make it happen. Therefore, awareness of the importance of having good
problem-based learning can foster the character, especially the character of hard
character of students' hard work. Student work.
hard work can be formed when students
collaborate to identify relevant information, II. Research Methodology
strategies, and learning resources to solve This research uses Research and
problems(Wagiran et al., 2017). According Development , namely research used to
to the advantages of the problem based produce certain products, and to perfect a
learning model Need(2019) including product according to the references and
developing students' thinking skills through criteria of the product being made so as to
problem solving processes, fostering produce a new product through various
student motivation, developing stages and validation or testing. The
interpersonal relationships through group research subjects on developing
work, encouraging student creativity, and entrepreneurship learning modules based on
making learning more meaningful. the problem-based learning model on hard
work character formation consisted of
This module uses the material experts, media experts, and 50
Entrepreneurship course. Entrepreneurship students from 2 study programs from IPS
courses teach how to become entrepreneurs majors who took eye studying
with business ideas or ideas into business entrepreneurship that is Education History
fields and by understanding the situations Education Economy.
and conditions that occur around them can
create successful entrepreneurs and can III. Results And Discussion
create jobs for others. This course is also an Results
implementation of various theories taught A. Research Description
in Entrepreneurship, with the hope that
students will become new entrepreneurs 1. Validator Description
who have ideas, work hard and implement
The developed learning
new business fields that can improve
modules are validated by media
individual, business, religious and national
experts and practitioners. The
validator data is presented as follows:
Based on the description above, the
Table 1. Learning media validator
writer is interested in further researching
the character formation of students' hard
work. This formation is intended to foster No Validator Name Validator
the character of hard work through Type
1. Zaudah Cyly Media
entrepreneurship learning modules using Arrum Dalu M.Pd Expert
problem-based learning models . It is hoped 2. Monry Fraick Material

Rabiyatul Hasanah Putri 1 , Monry Fraick Nicky Gillian Ratumbuysang 2 , Ananda Setiawan 3 , Maulana Rizky 4 ISSN: 2654-8623 E-ISSN : 2655-0008

Nicky Gillian Expert 1. Analysis

a. Curriculum Analysis
(Source: Processed by researchers, Based on the results of
2022) implementation observations
Entrepreneurship learning is known
Zaudah Cyly Arrum Dalu M.Pd as the curriculum used is the
is a teacher in the Educational Rancangan Pembelajaran Semester
Technology Study program, she is an (RPS). Material used is about
expert in the field of learning media. Marketing. The indicator in the RPS
Meanwhile, Monry Fraick Nicky for this entrepreneurship course is
Gillian Ratumbuysang M.Pd is a that students are expected to be able
Lecturer in Entrepreneurship Courses to know what marketing is and its use
in several study programs at FKIP in business. Students are also able to
ULM, an expert in learning materials distinguish between marketing and
related to entrepreneurship learning. sales. And how technology plays an
important role in the marketing
2. Description of Respondents
process. That way, students are able
The selected respondents were 50
to cultivate the character of hard work
students from 2 study programs in the
through entrepreneurship learning
Social Studies FKIP ULM major who
modules that use a curriculum in the
took entrepreneurship courses,
form of RPS on marketing materials.
namely economics education and
b. Student Needs Analysis
historical education as test subjects
for learning media, both to find out From the observation results, it
student responses to learning modules was found that the learning module
or to find out the feasibility of needed at this time was an
learning modules being developed. entrepreneurship learning module
Table 2. Details of respondents based on a problem-based learning
No Responde Class Necessity model that could support learning so
1. 9 students History Field trials that the character of students' hard
Education work was formed maximally.
2. 41 Economic Field
students Education implementati
on test
3. 41 Economic Implementat x 100%
students Education ion of the
use of
modules = x 100%
(Source: Processed by researchers,
B. Research and Development Results

Rabiyatul Hasanah Putri 1 , Monry Fraick Nicky Gillian Ratumbuysang 2 , Ananda Setiawan 3 , Maulana Rizky 4 ISSN: 2654-8623 E-ISSN : 2655-0008

In the observations made there student activities, answer keys,

are still many students who do not discussions, evaluation and
have the character of hard work. assessment questions and the
closing section contains a
c. Material Analysis bibliography. The evaluation is in
From the results of observations the form of multiple choice
that have been made by researchers, it questions contained in the
is necessary to develop media in the learning module.
form of problem-based learning
b. Device
modules for entrepreneurship to 1) Selection of Learning Media
shape the character of students' hard Learning media can
work in marketing materials. Have simply be formulated as
knowledge and skills regarding anything that can provide
marketing and its use in business to convenience to students in
foster the character of students' hard an effort to obtain some
work. information, knowledge,
d. Formulating Goals experience, and skills in the
The media developed is an teaching and learning
entrepreneurship learning module process. Learning media that
based on a problem-based learning facilitates the achievement
model that can shape the character of effective, efficient and
of students' hard work. owned learning objectives
by lecturers and students are
2. Design modules. Modules are an
a. Product design planning important component in
Researchers designed learning because they can
learning modules based on help students obtain
problem based learning models. important information about
Problem based learning is a learning materials, learning
learning approach that organizes modules are the smallest
curriculum and learning by using study program units that
floating structures and real-world students learn independently.
problems. In addition, learning 2) Format Selection
with problem based learning is Format selection in
active, integrated, and connected. media development is in the
In the learning module there are form of learning modules
learning objectives, introduction that follow the steps or
to material, materials, summaries, syntax of the Problem Based
assignments in the form of Learning (PBL) model. The

Rabiyatul Hasanah Putri 1 , Monry Fraick Nicky Gillian Ratumbuysang 2 , Ananda Setiawan 3 , Maulana Rizky 4 ISSN: 2654-8623 E-ISSN : 2655-0008

syntax of the Problem Based problems, and Analysis and

Learning model can go evaluation of the problem solving
through 5 stages, namely process. As the following table
problem orientation, learning below:
organization, analyzing or
defining problems, guiding c. Validation
individual/group student 1) Validation Score
investigations, developing a) Material Expert Validation
and presenting problem Table 3. Results of
solving results, and validation by material experts
analyzing and evaluating
No Aspect Analysis Validators
problem solving processes. Σscore 12
3. Development Score Max 15
The stages carried out in the 1 X 4
development process are as follows: Percentage 80%
a. Making Learning Modules Criteria Worthy
Σscore 28
In making learning
Score Max 35
modules, it must be able to attract Content
2 X 4
students' attention to study so as Eligibility
Percentage 80%
to be able to form character and
Criteria Worthy
improve student learning
Σscore 16
outcomes. Therefore, module
teaching materials must have an Score Max 20
attractive appearance and 3 X 4
complete material that is easy for Percentage 80%
students to understand. Criteria Worthy
b. Creating Syntax Σscore 8
Score Max 10
In the syntax of the Closing
4 X 4
problem-based learning model , it Eligibility
Percentage 80%
must be based on the stages that
Criteria Worthy
must be in accordance with the
(Source: Processed by
problem-based learning model
researchers, 2022)
theory , namely problem-based
The results of the
learning orientation, learning
material expert validation
organization, analyzing or defining
show that the total score of the
problems, guiding
four eligibility above is worth
individual/group student
4, namely the preliminary
investigations, developing and
aspect, the content feasibility
presenting the results of solving

Rabiyatul Hasanah Putri 1 , Monry Fraick Nicky Gillian Ratumbuysang 2 , Ananda Setiawan 3 , Maulana Rizky 4 ISSN: 2654-8623 E-ISSN : 2655-0008

aspect, the evaluation Percentage 95%

feasibility aspect and the Criteria
Worth it
closing feasibility aspect. To
Σscore 43
determine the feasibility of the
Score Max 55
learning module based on the Content
3 X 3,9
validation of material experts, Eligibility
the average value of the Percentage 78.2%
content aspect is 4 with good Criteria Worthy
criteria and with 80% (Source: Processed by
feasibility it is categorized as researchers, 2022)
feasible. Meanwhile, in the The results of the
linguistic aspect, the learning media expert validation show
media which is validated by that the total score for the
material experts gets a score graphical feasibility aspect is
of 4 with good criteria and a 3.1 with sufficient criteria and
percentage of 80% is 62.2% is in the appropriate
categorized as feasible. And category, the language
for display feasibility, an feasibility aspect is very good
average value of 4 is obtained and 95% is in the very feasible
with good criteria and a category, and the content
percentage of 80% is feasibility aspect is 3.9 with
categorized as feasible. From good criteria and with
these results there are still eligibility 78.2% categorized
various comments and as feasible. From these results
suggestions for improving the there are still various
developed learning media. comments and suggestions for
improving the developed
b) Media Expert Validation learning media.
Table 4. Validation results by 2) Validation Suggestions and
material experts Comments
a) Material Expert Validation
No Aspect Analysis Validators
The material expert
Score Max
validator, Mr. Monry Fraick
Graphic Nicky Gillian Ratumbuysang,
1 X 3,1
Eligibility M.Pd, gave a comment in the
Percentage 62.2%
form of a suggestion to add a
Criteria Worthy
journal link to the reference
Σscore 19
Language source because previously it
2 Score Max 20
Eligibility was not in the bibliography and
X 4,8
the addition of a Semester

Rabiyatul Hasanah Putri 1 , Monry Fraick Nicky Gillian Ratumbuysang 2 , Ananda Setiawan 3 , Maulana Rizky 4 ISSN: 2654-8623 E-ISSN : 2655-0008

Learning Plan (RPS) because 1) Material Expert Validation

the previous learning media did The conclusion
not contain a plan Semester from the validator regarding
Learning (RPS) . the learning module is
b) Media Expert Validation feasible for further use in
The media expert learning according to
validator, Ms. Zaudah Cyly suggestions and revisions.
Arrum Dalu , M.Pd, gave 2) Module Expert Validation
comments in the form of The conclusion
suggestions, namely that the from the validator regarding
presentation of the material in the learning module is
the module is better developed feasible for further use in
into several formats, not learning according to
entirely in text format. The suggestions and revisions.
learning content format is 4. Implementation
adapted to the In this implementation step ,
type/characteristics of the trials were carried out on students in
material. Add a back cover and historical education and economic
spine, Improve the front cover education study programs. The tryout
design so that the identity of the was carried out in two stages, namely
module is more clearly a small group tryout and a large
understood and more attractive limited group tryout to find out
to readers, Endorsement can be student responses to the problem
added as a form of based learning model-based learning
reinforcement and allure for module.
readers, Cover tongue can be
added which contains photos, a. Small Group Trial
biography of the Learning modules that
author/contains a summary of have been developed, validated
the book, Illustrations/pictures and revised. Next is to conduct a
that used must include the small group trial on 9 students of
original source, the learning the history education study
activities in the module have program who are taking
not shown the use of a problem entrepreneurship courses. The trial
based learning approach, design was conducted to determine
and revise the layout of each student responses to the learning
page so that it is more modules being developed. From
interesting and does not bore the student response questionnaire
the reader. data, it can be seen in the
c) Conclusion Validation following table.

Rabiyatul Hasanah Putri 1 , Monry Fraick Nicky Gillian Ratumbuysang 2 , Ananda Setiawan 3 , Maulana Rizky 4 ISSN: 2654-8623 E-ISSN : 2655-0008

Table 5. Results of Student Learning Modules that

Responses in Small Group Trials have trials were carried out group
Average small then tested in groups _ big
No Aspect Criteria % Category limited to the study program
1 Feasibility of 3.98
education economy which take eye
Well 88 Very
Learning % Worth it studying entrepreneurship . Trial _
Design this involved 41 students from
2 Operational 3.83 Well 86 Very trials _ group big limited this
Feasibility % Worth it obtained results response student
to module learning could seen in
3 Visual 3.83 Well 86 Very the table following .
Communicatio % Worth it
n Feasibility Table 6. Results of Student
(Source: Processed by researchers, Responses in Large Group
2022) Trials
Based on the table above, Average %
the results of student responses to No Aspect Criteria Category
the learning module were obtained
1 Graphic 4,19 Very 82 Very
based on small group trials on Eligibility good % Worth it
history education study program
students who took
2 Operational 4,16 Very 81 Very
entrepreneurship courses. . Student Feasibility good % Worth it
responses to learning modules on
3 Visual 4,13 Very 81 Very
the feasibility aspect of learning Communicat good % Worth it
design obtained an average of 3.98 ion
with good criteria and obtained Feasibility
eligibility at a percentage of 88% (Source: Processed by researchers,
in the very feasible category. 2022)
While the operational feasibility Based on the table above,
aspect obtained an average of 3.83 the results of student responses to
with good criteria and 86% the learning module were obtained
feasibility with a very feasible based on large group trials on
category. While the feasibility students of the economics
aspect of visual communication education study program who took
obtained an average value of 3.83 entrepreneurship courses. . Student
with good criteria and 86% responses to learning modules on
feasibility in the very feasible the feasibility aspect of learning
category. design obtained an average of 4.19
with very good criteria and
b. Large Group Trial received eligibility at a percentage

Rabiyatul Hasanah Putri 1 , Monry Fraick Nicky Gillian Ratumbuysang 2 , Ananda Setiawan 3 , Maulana Rizky 4 ISSN: 2654-8623 E-ISSN : 2655-0008

of 82% in the very feasible 9 invalid question items. So the

category. While the operational question item is discarded.
feasibility aspect obtained an Based on the data above, it is
average of 4.16 with very good known that the data for hard
criteria and 81% feasibility with a work data collectors in this
very feasible category. While the study consisted of 13 questions.
feasibility aspect of visual
communication obtained an 2. Reliability Test
average score of 4.13 with very Table 7. Hard Work Character
good criteria and 81% feasibility Questionnaire Reliability Test
in the very feasible category. Results
Reliability Statistics
5. Evaluation Cronbach's
Based on the results of Alpha N of Items
learning module research .786 28
entrepreneurship based on the
(Source: Processed by
Problem Based Learning (PBL) researchers based on SPSS,
model from results assessment of 2022)
validators and respondents could is From the results of the above
said to be very feasible and has a calculations, it is known that the
positive effect on the formation of the Cronbach's Alpha value is 0.786. It can
character of student hard work. be concluded that the hard work
C. Data analysis measurement tool in this study is
1. Validity test reliable in the high category.
Results of the Hard Work Table 8. Results of the Problem
Character Questionnaire Validity Based Learning (PBL)
Test Questionnaire Validity Test

After testing the validity of the Reliability Statistics

28 questions, there were 9 invalid Cronbach's
question items. So the question item Alpha N of Items
is discarded. Based on the data .740 22
above, it is known that the data for (Source: Processed by
hard work data collectors in this researchers based on SPSS,
study consisted of 19 questions. 2022)
problem based learning
Results of the Problem Based measuring instrument in this study is
Learning (PBL) reliable in the high category.
Questionnaire Validity Test 3. Normality test
The test results above show
After testing the validity
that the significance value of PBL data
of the 22 questions, there were

Rabiyatul Hasanah Putri 1 , Monry Fraick Nicky Gillian Ratumbuysang 2 , Ananda Setiawan 3 , Maulana Rizky 4 ISSN: 2654-8623 E-ISSN : 2655-0008

and hard work is 0.200 > 0.05 (error analysis (analysis), design (design),
rate), so it can be concluded that the development (development),
distribution of the two variables is implementation (implementation) and
normal. evaluation (evaluation).
4. Linearity Test
The table above shows that the Problem based learning model
results of the linearity test obtained a entrepreneurship learning module is
significance value of PBL for hard designed based on the Rancangan
work of 0.07 <0.05 meaning that the Pembelajaran Semester (RPS). The
relationship between the independent problem-based learning model-based
variable and the dependent variable is entrepreneurship learning module
linear. contains real problems, learning
materials about marketing in
5. T test
Based on the data above, it shows entrepreneurship courses, learning
that the results of the T-Test test activities that contain the syntax of the
obtained a significant value of PBL on problem-based learning model . This
Hard Work 0.005 <0.05, meaning that module is complemented by 5 stages or
the independent variable and the syntax of the problem-based learning
dependent variable have an influence. model as outlined in the module,
Which means that H 0 is rejected and H namely problem orientation, learning
organization, analyzing or defining
1 is accepted, namely the learning
module based on the problem-based problems, guiding individual/group
learning model affects the hard work of student investigations, developing and
students majoring in Social Sciences presenting the results of problem
FKIP, University of Lambung solving, and analysis and evaluation of
Mangkurat. the settlement process. problem. The
problem based learning model was
chosen not only based on the problems
found in the field, but also has several
1. Problem Based Learning (PBL) advantages. One of the advantages is
Model-Based Entrepreneurship that problem solving can challenge
Learning Module in the Formation students' abilities and provide
of the Hard Work Character satisfaction to discover new knowledge
This research and development for students, and through problem
aims to develop an entrepreneurship solving can shape students' ability to
learning module based on the PBL think critically and grow their ability to
model in the formation of students' work hard. In addition, through the
hard work character. The procedure problem-based learning model, it can
used to develop this learning module is make you proficient in solving and
ADDIE. Development steps include taking solutions to a problem, so that

Rabiyatul Hasanah Putri 1 , Monry Fraick Nicky Gillian Ratumbuysang 2 , Ananda Setiawan 3 , Maulana Rizky 4 ISSN: 2654-8623 E-ISSN : 2655-0008

you have your own learning strategy assessment of the validators and
and have the skills to participate in student responses, it was concluded
discussion groups. that the entrepreneurship learning
module based on the problem based
2. Feasibility of the Problem Based learning (PBL) model was very good
Learning (PBL) Entrepreneurship and very feasible. Although previously
Learning Module in the Formation several revisions had been made
of the Hard Work Character according to the suggestions given by
Entrepreneurship learning the validators.
module based on the problem based
learning (PBL) model, was validated This is also reinforced by
by material experts and media experts. previous research that is relevant to the
In addition, small group trials and large author's research. Research belonging
group trials were also carried out. to Putri & Saptari (2021) states that this
Based on the results of the research on development uses the ADDIE model,
the feasibility test of the Problem the results of the research show that the
Based Learning model-based modules developed are valid and
entrepreneurship learning module, the practical. This is also in line with
material expert got a score of 4 with Damayanti & Rohman's research
good criteria and 80% eligibility was (2021) stating that this development
categorized as feasible. Meanwhile, uses the ADDIE model, the results of
media experts got a score of 3.9 with the research show that the Problem
good criteria and 78.5% eligibility was Based Learning -based module
categorized as feasible. developed is valid and practical so that
it can be used as a teaching material
Learning modules that have medium. And this research is also in
been declared feasible are then tested line with the research of Kartika., et al
on students to find out the practicality (2020) stating that this development
of the module through the data uses the ADDIE model, the results of
obtained in the trial activities. the research state that the development
Practicality data was obtained from a of the Problem Based Learning module
student response questionnaire. Based is stated to be very valid and very
on the results of the small group trial practical. From the several studies
response, a score of 3.9 was obtained above, it is stated that problem based
with good criteria and 86% was learning model-based learning modules
categorized as very feasible. And from are appropriate for use as learning
the results of the test response the large media.
group got a score of 4.2 with very good
criteria and got 81% feasibility 3. The Effectiveness of the Problem
categorized as very feasible. Based on Based Learning Model-Based
the results of the validation, namely the Entrepreneurship Learning Module

Rabiyatul Hasanah Putri 1 , Monry Fraick Nicky Gillian Ratumbuysang 2 , Ananda Setiawan 3 , Maulana Rizky 4 ISSN: 2654-8623 E-ISSN : 2655-0008

in the Formation of the Hard Work results of Taufikin's research (2017)

Character of Social Sciences which states that solving problems
Department Students of FKIP, requires hard work. Especially if the
University of Lambung Mangkurat problem is complicated, it certainly
The character of hard work is an requires extra energy, both emotionally
action/behavior that tries and intellectually, to make it happen.
wholeheartedly and seriously in facing Therefore, Problem Based Learning
all learning and assignment obstacles can instill the character value of hard
and efforts to get the desire to achieve work. Supriyanti, et al (2022)
maximum results. suggested that there was a significant
interaction between learning strategies
Based on the results of the study, on students' critical skills. This means
it was shown that the results of the T- that together learning strategies affect
Test test obtained a significance value students' critical thinking skills. So that
of the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) from critical thinking makes students to
model-based entrepreneurship learning work hard in learning. From the several
module on hard work 0.00 <0.05 studies above, it is stated that the
meaning that the independent variable problem-based learning model has an
and the dependent variable have an effect on the formation of the character
influence. Which means H 0 is rejected
of students' hard work.
and H 1 is accepted, that is, the
entrepreneurship learning module IV. Conclusion and Suggestion
based on the problem-based learning Conclusion
model influences the hard work of
students majoring in Social Sciences The procedure used to develop
FKIP, University of Lambung entrepreneurship learning modules based on
Mangkurat. the problem based learning model in the
formation of students' hard work character
This is in accordance with the is to use the ADDIE research model.
results of research (Aqil et al., 2022) Development steps include analysis
which show that there are differences (analysis), design (design), development
in student hard work before and after (development), implementation
using the problem based learning (implementation) and evaluation
model , problem based learning can (evaluation). This module is complemented
shape the character of student hard by 5 stages or syntax of the problem-based
work. Then from the results of the learning model as outlined in the module,
study (Susanti et al., 2017) stated that namely problem orientation, learning
all respondents stated that discussions organization, analyzing or defining
using problem based learning were problems, guiding individual/group student
effective. And this is in line with the investigations, developing and presenting

Rabiyatul Hasanah Putri 1 , Monry Fraick Nicky Gillian Ratumbuysang 2 , Ananda Setiawan 3 , Maulana Rizky 4 ISSN: 2654-8623 E-ISSN : 2655-0008

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Rabiyatul Hasanah Putri 1 , Monry Fraick Nicky Gillian Ratumbuysang 2 , Ananda Setiawan 3 , Maulana Rizky 4

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