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Clasa a VII-a
3 martie 2018

SUBIECTE Varianta 1

I. Correct the mistakes. (10 points)

1. They are usually starting work at 9 o’clock.

2. Sheila is typing twenty letters so far this morning.
3. Look! That man is having blue hair!
4. Shall you do the shopping for me, please?
5. Peter will help you when he will finish his dinner.
6. How`s the new swimming pool like?
7. Dan, a fifteen-years-old schoolboy, won the surfing championship last summer.
8. I am sure that the money I am looking for are in your pockets.
9. The town is much more noisier today than yesterday.
10. What are you doing in the weekend?

II. Choose the right answer: (15 points)

1. The problem of pollution …………………worse these days.

A. will get B. got C. is getting
2. ………….some spare time, Tom went for a walk.
A. Having B. Have C. To have
3. Look at the sunshine! It ……………….. a beautiful day.
A. will be B. is going to be C. is being
4. She’s a very clever woman, …………..?
A. is she B. doesn’t she C. isn’t she
5. I turned ……………the volume to hear my favourite song.
A. on B. up C. down
6. I wore the …………...clothes I could find.
A. smart B. smarter C. smartest
7. Jason ………………Amanda since he was five years old.
A. has known B. has been knowing C. knows
8. I often …………….games with my sister when I was a child.
A. was playing B. have played C. played
9. If you ……………the money, where would you go?
A. have B. would have C. had
10. I bought ……………….bread at the baker’s this morning.
A. one B. some C. a
11. She hasn’t done ..................bad.
A. anything B. nothing C. none
12. Just put the blame on ...........
A. she B. hers C. her
13. learn , you won’t pass the exam.
A. if B. when C. unless
14. He gave me. ………………… phone to keep.
A. the boy’s B. boys` C. the boys
15. …………………butter is good for cooking
A. - B. the C. this

III. Read the text and answer the following questions. (25 points)
David Jones
Computer programmer David Jones makes 35,000 pounds a year designing new computer games, yet he
cannot find a bank prepared to let him have a cheque card. Instead, he has been told to wait another two years,
until he is 18.
He works for a small firm in Liverpool, where the problem of most young people of his age is finding a
job. David’s firm releases two new games for the expanding home-computer market each month.
But David’s biggest headache is what to do with his money. Despite his salary, earned by inventing new
programs with bonus payments, he cannot drive a car or obtain credit cards.
He lives with his parents in their house in Liverpool, where his father is a bus driver. David`s company
has to pay 150 pounds a month in taxi fares just because David cannot drive. David got his job four months ago,
after working for a time in a computer shop. “I got the job because the people who run the firm knew I had
already written some programs,” he said.
“I hope it will come to more than 35,000 pounds this year. But most of my spare time is spent working.
Unfortunately, computing was not part of our studies at school. But I had been studying it in books and
magazines for four years in my free time. I knew what I wanted to do. I would like to earn a million.”

1. Why can`t David have a cheque card?

2. What problem do most young people of his age have?
3. What is David’s biggest problem?
4. Why did the firm hire David?
5. How long had he been studying computing?

IV. Write a story beginning with the following sentence: (50 points)
“I was in Brașov and I thought it was just another boring day, but......”

Write 120-150 words on your answer sheet. Do not forget to give your story a title.

Notă: Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii. Timp de lucru: 90 minute.

Clasa a VII-a
3 martie 2018


Subject I 10 points = 1 point x 10

1. usually start 2. has typed 3. has 4. Will 5. finishes

6. What 7. year 8. is 9. much noisier 10. at

Subject II 15 points = 1 point x 15

1. C 6. C 11. A
2. A 7. A 12. C
3. B 8. C 13. C
4. C 9. C 14. A
5. B 10. B 15. A

Subject III 25 points = 5 points x 5

Answers 1-5:
- information correctness (2p);
- grammatical correctness (1p);
- word order and accuracy (1p);
- spelling (1p)

Suggested answers:

1. David/He can`t have a cheque card because he isn`t 18. / He has to wait another two years, until he is 18.
2. The problem of most young people of his age is finding a job.
3. David’s/His biggest problem / headache is what to do with his money.
4. The firm hired him because the people who run the firm knew he had already written some programs.
5. He had been studying computing for four years.
Subject IV 50 points

Marking Scheme for the Narrative Composition 7 th form

Analytical Excellent Good Adequate Limited Incomplete/

Criteria 10 p 8p 6p 4p Poor 2 p
Content The story is The story is fairly The story is The story is faulty, The story is
completely relevant completed with all partially completed including serious incomplete, the
to the topic, the sequencing with slight logical logical impediments sequencing of the
describing elements of a impediments in in the sequencing of narrative moments
places/events/charac narrative. sequencing the events. being inconsistent.
ters/atmosphere/rea moments of the
ching climax, narrative.
including the final
reactions of the
Organization/ There is complete There is a fairly There is partial There is serious Paragraphs are
Cohesion logical connection completion of completion of the inconsistency in the incomplete, both
of paragraphs due to paragraph task. Paragraphs are organization of the linking devices,
a judicious use of organization due to partially complete paragraphs due to mechanics and
linking devices, scarce misuse of due to unfinished the misuse of the length requirements
mechanics and linking devices, ideas and scarce use linking device, having been
length requirements. mechanics and of linking devices, mechanics and disrespected.
length requirements. mechanics and length requirements.
length requirements.
Vocabulary/ A wide range of A range of The range of A limited range of A very narrow
Spelling vocabulary is used vocabulary is used vocabulary is vocabulary is range of vocabulary
appropriately and appropriately and adequately used in present within the is present; errors in
accurately accurately in the the story; errors in story; less common word
throughout the story; occasional word items of vocabulary choice/formation
story; precise errors in word choice/formation are rare and may be predominate;
meaning is choice/formation are present when often faulty; spelling errors can
conveyed; minor are possible; more sophisticated spelling errors can make the story
errors are rare; spelling is well items of vocabulary make text obscure at times.
spelling is very well controlled with are attempted; understanding
controlled. occasional slips. spelling can be difficult.
faulty at times.
Structures/ A wide range of A range of A mix of complex A limited range of A very narrow
Punctuation grammatical grammatical and simple grammatical range of
structures is used structures is used grammatical structures is present grammatical
accurately and accurately and with structures is present along the story; structures is present
flexibly throughout some flexibility throughout the complex language is within the story;
the story; minor along the story; story; errors are rare and may be errors predominate;
errors are rare; occasional errors present when often faulty; punctuation errors
punctuation is very are possible; complex language is punctuation errors make the text
well controlled. punctuation is well attempted; can make text obscure at times.
controlled with punctuation can be understanding
occasional slips. faulty at times. difficult.
Register and Style The register of the The register of the The register of the The register of the The register used in
/ narrative narrative narrative narrative the narrative
Effect on target composition is composition is composition is composition is composition is
reader totally relevant to relevant to the task partially relevant to inconsistent due to inappropriate for
the task, being with slightly the task, with a the mixture of this type writing.
organically incongruent lapses narrow styles. The effect on the
integrated all along within the inconsistency of The effect on the reader is non-
the discourse. discourse. style, leading to reader is non- relevant.
The interest of the The text has a good halts in the logical relevant.
reader is aroused effect on the reader. development of
and sustained ideas.
throughout. The effect on the
reader is

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