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Build Resilient Applications on SAP BTP with Amazon Web

Week 1 Unit 1

00:00:05 Hello, openSAP learner. Welcome to week one of our openSAP course:
00:00:09 Build Resilient Applications on SAP BTP with AWS. My name is Marius Batrinu,
00:00:15 and I'm the EMEA head of the SAP Technical Alliance at Amazon Web Services.
00:00:20 In my current role, I was involved since the beginning of 2022 in the development of the
SAP BTP and AWS co-innovation play.
00:00:29 The co-innovation play includes a set of unique value differentiators
00:00:33 that AWS brings to SAP Business Technology Platform, a collection of reference
00:00:39 that are organized based on the SAP BTP pillars, such as application development,
00:00:43 automation, integration, data analytics, and artificial intelligence,
00:00:48 to explore the other possibilities when building applications on SAP BTP with AWS,
00:00:54 and examples of real-world use cases to show you how the reference architectures work in
00:01:02 You'll be learning about all of this in the upcoming units. Joining me today is one of the
00:01:07 it's Sivakumar, vice president, Cloud Adoption and Advisory at SAP.
00:01:14 As part of unit one, Innovating with SAP BTP and AWS, you will gain a deeper
00:01:19 of the major milestones that shaped the 15 years long partnership
00:01:23 between SAP and Amazon Web Services. We'll take a look at some examples
00:01:28 of customers that adopted RISE with SAP on AWS, and build innovation with SAP BTP and
00:01:35 Additionally, you will learn about the complexities that multi-cloud introduces,
00:01:40 such as security, application performance, cost, GDPR, and how SAP, along with AWS, are
working together
00:01:47 through various engineering engagements, in order to overcome them.
00:01:55 AWS helped pioneer the concept of cloud services, and is today the world's most
00:02:00 and broadly adopted cloud platform, offering over 200 fully featured services
00:02:06 from data centers globally. This reminds me of a statement from Andy Jassy,
00:02:10 president and CEO of Amazon, that there's no compression algorithm for experience.
00:02:16 Experience is irreplaceable when it comes to successfully running mission-critical
00:02:21 like SAP in the cloud. AWS has been supporting SAP in the cloud since 2008,
00:02:27 and SAP customers in the cloud since 2011. Over the 15 years journey,
00:02:31 we have consistently worked backwards from customer challenges,
00:02:35 and broke new grounds for SAP in the cloud. Our guiding star has been to bring flexibility
00:02:41 and agility of the AWS platform to SAP workloads. SAP has consistently leveraged AWS
00:02:47 for their products and services over the years. Some examples include Concur, Qualtrics,
00:02:53 HANA Enterprise Cloud, and the SAP Business Technology Platform portfolio,
00:02:57 comprising of SAP Cloud Platform, and the newer offerings,
00:03:02 like SAP Analytics Cloud, SAP HANA Cloud, and SAP Datasphere.
00:03:08 Over five years ago, SAP and AWS partnered together, first to support SAP HANA, the
public cloud.
00:03:14 We have come a long way in our partnership, and opportunities keep growing.
00:03:18 A logical evolution of this longstanding partnership is to ensure joint success of our
00:03:23 in RISE with SAP. Thank you, Marius.
00:03:28 My name is Siva. I'm vice president at SAP's Platform Adoption Engineering Team.
00:03:34 I'm the co-presenter for this unit. RISE with SAP is our latest go-to market initiative,
00:03:41 where we help our customers move their workload to public cloud environments,
00:03:46 through guided transformation journeys. We know every customer is at a different point
00:03:53 and has a unique path forward. Digitally grown startups and other innovators
00:03:58 have embraced standardized process and cloud architecture, but need applications that can
scale and grow.
00:04:08 Companies with longer heritage and history are facing complex, and often highly
00:04:15 on-prem system architecture. Systems that have been built over decades
00:04:21 carry a high cost under limiting their ability to adapt and innovate quickly.
00:04:28 The point is, there is no singular path forward. This is where RISE with SAP on AWS comes
00:04:36 Irrespective of where our customers are at, RISE offers guided journeys for
00:04:42 business process redesign, migration tools, and services to get them onto
00:04:47 public cloud infrastructures, such as AWS. And once they have moved successfully,
00:04:54 they can apply the power of Business Technology Platform
00:04:57 to blend process and data. Not just SAP data, but also data residing in AWS.
00:05:06 Now this Business Technology Platform, plays a pivotal role in helping customers
00:05:12 adopt the clean core model. A testimony to the continuing engineering innovation
00:05:19 between SAP and AWS is the adoption of AWS Graviton3 processors by SAP HANA Cloud.

00:05:26 The project was announced at the beginning of 2021 by Christian Klein, CEO of SAP.
00:05:31 AWS Graviton processors are custom-designed to deliver the best price performance
00:05:37 for a wide variety of workloads on Amazon EC2. AWS Graviton3 processors
00:05:42 are the latest in the AWS Graviton processor family. They provide up to 25% better compute
00:05:49 up to two times higher floating-point performance, and up to two times faster
00:05:53 cryptographic workload performance, compared to AWS Graviton2 processes.
00:05:58 Graviton3 is 60% more energy efficient. In simple words, you will get the same computer
00:06:04 with 60% less energy. As of July 2023, the SAP team
00:06:10 has successfully deployed an SAP HANA database container on AWS Graviton in SAP
HANA Cloud,

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00:06:16 as part of the first end-to-end proof point. AWS has the concept of a region,
00:06:25 which is a physical location around the world where we cluster data centers.
00:06:30 We call each group of logical data centers an availability zone.
00:06:33 Each AWS region consists of multiple isolated and physically separated AZs
00:06:38 within a geographic area. AWS customers focus on high availability,
00:06:43 can design the applications to run in multiple AZs to achieve even greater fault tolerance.
00:06:50 AWS infrastructure regions meet the highest level of security compliance
00:06:54 and data protection. AWS maintains multiple geographic regions,
00:06:58 including regions in North America, South America, Europe, China, Asia Pacific,
00:07:04 South Africa, and the Middle East. An availability zone is one or more discrete data centers

00:07:10 with redundant power, networking, and connectivity in an AWS region.

00:07:15 AZs give customers the ability to operate SAP systems
00:07:18 that are more highly available, fault tolerant, and scalable
00:07:22 than would be possible from a single data center. All AZs in the AWS regions
00:07:27 are interconnected with high-bandwidth, low-latency networking,
00:07:31 over fully redundant, dedicated metro fiber, providing high-throughput, low-latency
00:07:36 All traffic between AZs is encrypted. The network performance is sufficient
00:07:41 to accomplish synchronous replications between AZs. The synchronous replication
00:07:47 is the reason AWS can offer a recovery point objective of zero
00:07:51 for RISE private cloud edition customers. When it comes to BTP,
00:08:00 SAP leverages the global AWS infrastructure through nine regions.
00:08:05 As of July 2023, the SAP Discovery Center
00:08:08 displays 83 services available on AWS, building a cohesive operating environment
00:08:13 by running your RISE with SAP in the SAP BTP services used most in AWS,
00:08:19 reducing landscape complexity, data sovereignty issues,
00:08:22 security surface area, and latency. We'll further explore the full synergies
00:08:28 of running RISE with SAP and SAP BTP on AWS towards the end of the unit.
00:08:35 For now, let's have a look at some customer examples that adopted RISE with SAP on
00:08:40 and also built innovation using SAP BTP on AWS. Let me highlight a few customers
00:08:47 who have successfully leveraged RISE with SAP for their business.
00:08:53 As an existing partner of SAP, Manchester Airports Group
00:08:57 has chosen RISE with SAP in collaboration with AWS as a first step on its digital
00:09:03 across many key areas, from finance to people. The group, which operates Manchester
00:09:10 and many other airports in the UK, collectively saw over 60 million passengers
00:09:17 fly through its airport in 2019, and employed more than 40,000 people on site.
00:09:24 MAG went live on RISE recently, making the organization's first step
00:09:30 on the road to transformation with SAP over the next five years.
00:09:36 The next customer is Revlon. Revlon, which recently saw e-commerce net sales
00:09:42 soar approximately 40%, remains focused on enhancing its
00:09:47 end-to-end digital capabilities to support continued accelerations in this channel.
00:09:54 By tapping SAP, or specifically RISE with SAP on AWS infrastructure,

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00:10:01 Revlon expects to bolster its digital infrastructure in order to help its e-commerce operations

00:10:08 become more nimble and innovative. Revlon also plans to use
00:10:13 the SAP Analytics Cloud solution to incorporate predictive analytics
00:10:17 across its business process. American Air Filter
00:10:23 has been delivering clean air for a hundred years. It is now a critical capability
00:10:30 for all businesses across the US. At the onset of the Coronavirus pandemic,
00:10:37 the AAF air quality system became critical for many customers
00:10:42 to maintain operations. That's why a AAF recently committed
00:10:47 to new RISE with SAP offering, SAP's holistic business transformation as a service,
00:10:54 offering designs to address the true needs of companies like AAF,
00:10:59 as they embark on their digital enterprise journeys. The next customer is Ballance.
00:11:07 Ballance, in partnership with SAP, set an ambitious target to move to RISE with SAP,
00:11:14 an e-commerce cloud to leverage the latest technology and simplify the customer journeys
00:11:20 through the SAP and MyBallance platforms. Getting the timing right was essential.
00:11:27 Ballance wanted to offer new innovations on, and on Geo, and...
00:11:40 The next customer is Ballance. Ballance, in partnership with SAP,
00:11:44 set an ambitious goal, to move to RISE with SAP and Commerce Cloud,
00:11:49 to leverage the latest technology, and simplify the customer journeys through SAP.
00:11:56 Getting timing right was essential. Ballance wanted to offer new innovations
00:12:02 and other services to their farmers. SAP, together with AWS,
00:12:09 help Ballance to move to RISE with SAP on its AWS public cloud infrastructure.
00:12:18 I also wanted to highlight a few customers who have been very successful.
00:12:23 On the BTP side, I want to highlight two customers, Zalando and Frucor Suntory.
00:12:30 Zalando payments leverage SAP's Business Technology Platform
00:12:35 and AWS cloud services as part of their ERP cloud transformation.
00:12:41 The combination of SAP BTP and AWS resulted in benefits that exceeded cost reduction,
00:12:49 delivered as a result of sharing IT infrastructure, using cloud visualization capabilities.
00:12:57 When looking at these key business benefits in detail, there are three that stand out,
00:13:04 that drove the business value for the customer. The first is extension, the second is
00:13:14 and third is data and analytics. You can find more details about this customer's journey
00:13:21 in our portal. Frucor Suntory have recently been through
00:13:28 full business transformation, including an upgrade from ECC to S/4HANA,
00:13:34 both cloud hosted. Wanting to get the best out of SAP investment,
00:13:40 Frucor Suntory sought to innovate with SAP S/4. As a result, MySH, which stands for My
Sales Hub,
00:13:50 was developed to assist the sales teams and sales growth teams,
00:13:56 and address Frucor Suntory's customer experience. MySH leveraged BTP
00:14:05 to provide a seamless platform to consolidate data from Frucor Suntory's
00:14:11 on-prem and cloud backend systems. There are many such examples of customers
00:14:17 who have leveraged SAP BTP. And more information can be found on
00:14:24 A question that I hear a lot during customer engagement is about data residency and data
00:14:30 Especially in Europe, when we speak about data protection,

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00:14:32 we speak about GDPR. GDPR requires that personal data
00:14:36 must be processed securely using appropriate technical and organizational measures.
00:14:41 AWS has created the shared responsibility model. AWS is responsible for the security in the
00:14:46 In the RISE context, this is SAP's inherited security,
00:14:51 while customer SAP, as a tenant of AWS and the RISE, is responsible for the security in the
00:14:58 GDPR is a joint responsibility of AWS, SAP, and the end customer. Through an engineering
00:15:05 SAP and AWS work together and build the SAP BTP EU Access region,
00:15:10 which is 100% GDPR compliant. Applications built using
00:15:15 services pan app on this region are 100% GDPR compliant,
00:15:20 meaning the data doesn't leave the European economic area or Switzerland,
00:15:25 and is only touched by resources located in the European Economic Area or Switzerland.
00:15:31 One complexity that multi-cloud introduces is application performance.
00:15:35 Imagine you are in a retail store, wanting to pay for a product,
00:15:39 and having to wait for the POS to validate a transaction.
00:15:43 After more than five seconds of waiting, you give up. The retail store loses business.
00:15:48 One of the factors involved in application performance is network latency.
00:15:53 How do we make sure your application remains performant
00:15:55 when the network traverses multiple clouds? By running your RISE with SAP workloads,
00:16:01 S/4HANA, ECC, CRM, and so on, on AWS, together with using BTP services pan app on
00:16:08 this isn't a problem. The way AWS network is built at hardware level,
00:16:12 the devices, such as network routers, will check the source and target of the request.
00:16:19 If it's two public IP's is running on AWS, then the traffic will be routed
00:16:23 via the AWS backbone network. That is valid for bringing your own IP, or otherwise.
00:16:29 And regardless if one of those is a SaaS, this statement has deep implications
00:16:34 for any customer that consumes SaaS services deployed on AWS, together with
00:16:39 enterprise workloads sitting on AWS. Other benefits of traffic going
00:16:43 via the AWS backbone network are less cost, less security exposure.
00:16:50 We'll explore these two benefits in weeks and units to come.
00:16:55 Another question I hear a lot is how to uplift the security posture.
00:16:59 Connecting services from SAP BTP and AWS. AWS PrivateLink provides
00:17:05 private connectivity between VPCs, AWS services, and on-premise networks,
00:17:10 without exposing traffic to the public internet. It's easy to connect services
00:17:15 across different accounts and VPCs to significantly simplify your network architecture.
00:17:20 With PrivateLink, you get the ability to apply endpoint policies.
00:17:24 An endpoint policy is a resource-based policy that you attach to a VCP endpoint control,
00:17:30 which AWS principals can use the endpoint to access an AWS service.
00:17:36 Functions similar to a firewall. Then another one is reduce attack service
00:17:41 by using only private IPs, no public IPs. The ERP clean core strategy
00:17:49 helps organizations use the latest release, minimize or eliminate modifications,
00:17:55 and run the cloud-compliant extension and customizations.
00:18:00 By adopting the clean core strategy, customers can accelerate innovation,

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00:18:05 streamline operations, and get business insights and value
00:18:09 from their SAP systems faster. S/4HANA public cloud
00:18:14 or S/4HANA private cloud edition running on cloud infrastructures like AWS
00:18:20 will serve as the foundation layer. This layer has been the business process backbone
00:18:27 for enterprises for decades, and will continue to play a pivotal role in innovation.
00:18:33 With the foundation taken care of, enterprises can focus on innovation,
00:18:37 and building business differentiation. This is enabled by SAP's Business Technology
00:18:44 complemented by AWS services. BTP with complementary AWS service
00:18:52 helps in rapid development of new applications, and extensions to S/4HANA, integration,
and data analysis.
00:19:02 This results in lower operational overhead, through better automation, shorter time to value,
00:19:09 and a faster innovation cycle. We have covered a lot of ground already.
00:19:18 Scan the QR codes for additional resources on how SAP and AWS
00:19:23 can be leveraged by your business. This concludes the first unit for this week.
00:19:30 In the next unit, we will present an overview of SAP BTP capabilities,
00:19:35 like integration, extensibility, and data to value. We'll also learn how to set up
00:19:42 BTP free tier environment on AWS.

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Week 1 Unit 2

00:00:05 Hello, everyone. Welcome to this openSAP course on building applications

00:00:11 on SAP Business Technology Platform with AWS Services. My name is Madankumar
00:00:19 and I'm very excited to take you all through this journey of learning SAP BTP and AWS.
00:00:29 We are in week one, unit two, and in this unit, we are going to cover the basics
00:00:35 of SAP BTP, or the Business Technology Platform. The agenda for this unit
00:00:44 would be learning the basics of SAP BTP, understanding the suite qualities of SAP BTP,
00:00:53 and also understanding how SAP BTP runs on hyperscalers. In this unit,
00:01:00 we will also be creating our SAP BTP trial account, which we'll be using in the future weeks
for our exercises.
00:01:11 We will end this unit with some reading materials and other openSAP courses,
00:01:16 which are great resources for learning more about SAP BTP. So what is SAP BTP?
00:01:25 It is a platform that brings together application development, automation, data management,

00:01:34 analytics and planning, integration, and AI capabilities. And all of these features are brought

00:01:41 under a single unified environment, to make it very easy for the developers.
00:01:51 It is an intuitive and a modern development environment for both professional IT and citizen
00:02:01 There are pre-built data models, integrations, workflows, app templates, and AI business
00:02:09 With self-service data discovery, modeling, planning, and analytics for business users.
00:02:16 And SAP BTP is available on all major hyperscalers. As depicted in this picture,
00:02:27 SAP BTP is the underlying platform for all development activities for SAP-related solutions.
00:02:37 It has many interesting suite qualities like making the user experience seamless
00:02:44 and it provides a consistent security and identity management, one workflow inbox,
00:02:52 and aligned domain models and integration content, embedded and cross product analytics,

00:02:59 coordinated lifecycle management, and end-to-end process blueprints.

00:03:04 The platform underlies our major SAP solutions, like the cloud ERP, and covers many of the
00:03:14 like human capital management, spend management and business network,
00:03:18 and our customer relationship management. In this next slide,
00:03:25 we can see the main capabilities of SAP BTP like app development, automation, integration,

00:03:34 data and analytics, and AI. We will go through them one by one.
00:03:44 In this slide, we can see the five pillars that we discussed, and the underlying features under
each pillar.
00:03:55 Let's pick app development to begin with. With SAP BTP, development of new applications,

00:04:05 or extension of existing solutions, is made very simple for developers of all skill levels.
00:04:16 SAP's application development is made faster with prebuilt components.
00:04:23 And it also delivers a personalized experience to unmatched integration and connectivity
with SAP,
00:04:31 and also third-party applications. When we come to application development,

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00:04:37 we have many interesting tools being offered as services in BTP.
00:04:44 SAP Build is a tool that lets us build with a low-code technology.
00:04:55 And we have also for core developers, the pro-code development that can be offered
00:05:01 by the SAP Business Application Studio, with many services underlying it
00:05:07 like the document management services, mobile services. All these applications can be built

00:05:14 on many of the major application frameworks like our UI5 technology,
00:05:21 Cloud Application Programming Model, which we will learn more about in the upcoming
00:05:27 and also consume RESTful services. The runtimes of SAP BTP
00:05:37 could be Cloud Foundry, Kyma, and ABAP. And it covers all the major use cases
00:05:49 and user roles like business users, LOB experts, developers, admins, and so on.
00:05:59 And SAP BTP makes it seamless to integrate with any of SAP's solutions like S/4HANA,
00:06:08 Customer Experience, Fieldglass, Concur, Ariba, and not just SAP solutions, but also third-
party software.
00:06:19 Moving on to automation. With SAP Build automation,
00:06:25 we will be able to automate business process visually by simple drag and drop, and with
built-in AI capabilities.
00:06:35 These applications can be built even faster with pre-built workflows, bots, and connectors
00:06:43 for SAP and non-SAP systems. And this environment allows all developers
00:06:50 to collaborate securely in an agile fashion. Under automation, we have the process builder
00:07:01 and also the option to access the store content. On the UI layer, we will be able to create
00:07:12 use the process workspace, and also connect to the task center.
00:07:19 We have the no-code process design studio where we can create forms, approval forms,
00:07:25 make decisions and actions out of those decisions, and increase the visibility.
00:07:36 And we will also be able to create workflows, business rules, and document processes that
are automated with embedded AI services.
00:07:51 Integration. Integration is a very important part of SAP BTP.
00:07:56 The Integration Suite is being offered as a service and it'll enable us to integrate with the
outside world
00:08:03 and also other SAP solutions. Accelerate connectivity for faster time to value
00:08:12 with thousands of proven integration built and maintained by SAP. And these integrations
can be made real time
00:08:23 with awareness and also scalable with high performance. Under the integration module,
00:08:32 we can see the SAP Integration Suite, which offers cloud integration, API management,
00:08:39 business-to-business integration, non-SAP application connectivity,
00:08:43 and also event-driven integration. There are tools for integration strategy and governance
00:08:53 and tools to migrate from SAP Process Orchestration. Here, we will also have the access
00:09:01 to SAP Business Accelerator Hub, and we will be able to consume business events, APIs,

00:09:08 and pre-built integrations like lead to cash, recruit to retire, source to pay, and so on.
00:09:17 There are many APIs to be consumed and many integration flows
00:09:24 from our partner community as well. Data and analytics.
00:09:33 At SAP BTP, we want to give data a purpose. We will be able to deliver meaningful data
00:09:42 to every data consumer, with business context and logic intact,

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00:09:48 with a business data fabric. We will be able to leverage pre-built content packages
00:09:56 with unified SAP data models. And aligning on strategic, financial, and operational planning

00:10:04 with collaborative tools for use cases like budgeting, forecasting, and analysis
00:10:12 to drive better business results. Under data and integration, we have the SAP Analytics
00:10:23 which has reporting capabilities with business intelligence, enterprise planning,
00:10:30 and augmented analytics. With business data fabric
00:10:36 that includes our SAP Datasphere, which in turn includes or covers SAP Data Warehouse
00:10:44 and SAP Data Intelligence Cloud. SAP Master Data Governance also falls under this layer.

00:10:54 We will be able to connect to different databases, the main one being the SAP HANA Cloud,

00:11:00 but also connectivity to other databases in other hyperscalers, including AWS.
00:11:12 For data that lives outside SAP, we have the option to federate the data
00:11:18 without replication and also do it in real time. SAP BTP and AI.
00:11:26 We want to infuse intelligence into our business process. AI is being offered as an
00:11:36 into many SAP BTP services, and many more to come in the future.
00:11:42 We will be able to optimize, automate, and reimagine end-to-end business processes
across all LOBs.
00:11:49 We'll be able to extend business processes by deploying AI pre-trained and custom models

00:11:56 built for business use cases across all SAP applications. With SAP BTP, we always run AI
responsibly and transparently,
00:12:10 and always compliant with SAP's guiding principles and SAP's AI ethics policy.
00:12:20 Under AI, we have the AI Core, which offers integration to machine learning models, to
other hyperscalers, and also AWS.
00:12:38 With the AI Core, we also have the option to embed AI into any custom applications
00:12:47 that are being built in SAP BTP. We have also other SAP AI business services,
00:12:54 like the document information extraction, personalized recommendation,
00:13:00 and data attribute recommendations. With this introduction to SAP BTP,
00:13:12 now we will see a short demo on how a trial account can be created.
00:13:20 Let's go into the demo. In this short demo, we'll cover the steps involved
00:13:26 in creating a new SAP BTP trial account. We will start at the Web site
00:13:32 and here, we will click on Products and choose Business Technology Platform.
00:13:38 This is a very good place to explore SAP BTP and also learn about its features and
00:13:47 Here, we need to scroll down a little bit into the page and click on this button
00:13:52 called Try SAP Business Technology Platform. This will take us to a new page,
00:13:58 where we'll have the option to click on this button, New SAP BTP users' Go to SAP Store.
00:14:05 And this will take us to and here, we will have to click on the Start Selection
00:14:16 and then answer this question, where we will choose the option "a student".
00:14:22 And this will let us click on this button, Register Now. This is where you can choose to log in

00:14:31 with an SAP account if you have one already, or create a brand new account.

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00:14:38 When you create a new account, you would have to, for the first time,
00:14:43 go back to your e-mail inbox that you enter and verify your e-mail account.
00:14:50 Me, being an SAP employee, I can directly log in. When you have successfully created your
00:14:57 and you are logged in, you will be shown this page where it confirms your user ID
00:15:05 and you'll be able to click on this button to start your trial.
00:15:14 Here, you will be prompted to pick a region for your BTP trial account.
00:15:22 And here, please choose US East AWS option and click on Create Account.
00:15:31 This process will take a few minutes, and when it's done, we will be able to access our trial
00:15:41 Now let's wait for this process. When the account creation process is complete,
00:15:47 you will be shown this popup and you can click on continue, and then click on the button,
Go To Your Trial Account.
00:15:58 This will help you navigate to your trial account. And here, you will be able to confirm
00:16:05 the region that you have selected, and you will be able to click on your trial account,
00:16:13 and explore all the features. This is the account we'll be using
00:16:18 for all the future exercises in this course. There you go, friends.
00:16:24 Congrats on creating your BTP trial account. Welcome back.
00:16:29 So we have come to the end of this unit, and in this unit, we have learned
00:16:35 about the basics of SAP Business Technology Platform. We have looked into all the
00:16:42 and the suite qualities that are offered under the Business Technology Platform.
00:16:47 We have seen how all the services offered under SAP BTP run on hyperscalers like AWS.
00:16:55 We have also seen the demo on how to create a trial account at SAP BTP. And also we
have seen how SAP BTP
00:17:05 accelerates application development, leveraging open-source technologies and partner
00:17:16 Here are links to further readings where SAP BTP is covered more in depth with exercises,
00:17:25 and also links to other openSAP courses where you can go to learn more.
00:17:30 That concludes our unit, see you in the next one.

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Week 1 Unit 3

00:00:06 Hello and welcome to week one, unit three of our openSAP course, Build Resilient
Applications on SAP BTP with Amazon Web Services.
00:00:14 My name is Diego Lombardini and I'm a partner solutions architect with AWS.
00:00:19 In this unit, you will learn the basics about Amazon Web Services
00:00:22 and how you can set up your free account. Let's get started.
00:00:29 In our agenda for today, I'm going to first start with an overview
00:00:33 of the AWS key capabilities and then I'm going to show you
00:00:36 how you set up your AWS free account, including a minimum security deployment and
budget control.
00:00:46 AWS provides a more secure, reliable, and extensive global infrastructure.
00:00:51 Securities are a number one priority, and we talk about a shared responsibility model
00:00:56 when it comes to security. This means AWS is responsible for the security of the cloud
00:01:02 and you're responsible for the security in the cloud. What does this mean?
00:01:07 Well, we protect infrastructure. This is the physical infrastructure and the services
00:01:11 that run within our data centers and we give you the tools and the services for you
00:01:16 to secure your workloads and your data. We also have the highest degree of reliability
among cloud services providers.
00:01:24 Our regions are a fully isolated set of data centers that are composed of availability zones.
00:01:29 We will have multiple per region, at least three,
00:01:32 with load latency and fully redundant infrastructure. Our extensive infrastructure footprint
00:01:38 goes across the world. We have 32 regions and more than 100 availability zones,
00:01:44 where you can deploy your applications and your services. Within all this infrastructure,
00:01:49 we provide more than 200 services that span across computing analytics, generative AI
00:01:55 and also satellite computing, and quantum computing. Today sustainability is in every
organization's priority,
00:02:08 and AWS is not an exception. We have ambitious goals.
00:02:12 By 2025 our objective is to be fully renewable when it comes to energy consumption.
00:02:20 And by 2040 we want to reach net zero carbon. This means that by you running your
workloads in AWS,
00:02:28 you are reducing your footprint. So we help you achieve your goals.
00:02:33 But not only these, we also provide you the widest rates of services,
00:02:37 for you to track and monitor your emissions, building applications,
00:02:42 and being able to meet your sustainability objectives. Compliance is another very important
topic amongst organizations.
00:02:55 With AWS, you inherit the most comprehensive compliance controls. We support 143
security standards
00:03:03 and compliance certifications, and we're constantly certifying for more.
00:03:08 You can see in the slide just a subset of them. These standards and certifications help our
00:03:16 certify compliance requirements around the world. And this allows you also to reduce the
cost and time
00:03:23 to run security compliance and checks. Now let's talk about setting up our account,
00:03:32 we're going to go through a couple of points before we do so. What is an AWS account?
00:03:38 Well AWS accounts are a fundamental part of accessing our services. An account is an
equivalent of a container,

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00:03:45 where services and virtual infrastructure is provisioned. We also provide it with an explicit
security boundary.
00:03:52 What does it mean when accounts do not share resources by default, you need to enable
sharing them.
00:04:00 When it comes to an organization and operational organization,
00:04:03 you will most likely not run just one account. Most organizations run multiple accounts
00:04:08 and this allows you to do a number of things. First of all, segregate environments,
00:04:13 for example, development, test, production, and also segregate workloads,
00:04:18 for example, data and analytics IOT or SAP infrastructure. And what is the benefit of running
multiple accounts?
00:04:25 Well, first of all, security. You can have different security in each account,
00:04:29 depending on your requirements. And this applies both for workloads but also for teams.
00:04:33 Different teams need different access, across different services.
00:04:38 The other important thing is isolation of workloads. In the case of a risk or a threat,
00:04:43 you are not going to be compromising your whole infrastructure. This allows you also a
better degree of segregation within your data.
00:04:52 Not all the data needs to have the same classification. And having multiple accounts allows
you to segregate the data.
00:05:00 And lastly, when it comes to billing and cost management, you can allocate the cost to
different business units
00:05:06 by managing different accounts. Another important topic around AWS accounts is the
00:05:16 which is how we're going to manage our accounts. The key thing before you start
00:05:20 is to plan how you're going to set up the accounts. We have a number of services
00:05:24 that will help you manage these. One of them is organizations,
00:05:28 which allows you to manage multiple accounts and also set up blueprints and templates
00:05:32 on how you create the accounts and how you manage them. Another service is AWS
Control Tower,
00:05:38 where you can centralize control and define guardrails. Guardrails are policies that can
00:05:43 across all your accounts, where for example, you can define
00:05:47 that nobody's able to delete logs or nobody's able to make any APIs public over the internet.

00:05:54 The Control Tower also facilitates the creation of what we call the landing zone, which is a
multi-account AWS environment.
00:06:02 based on AWS best practices. Control Tower also uses AWS organizations
00:06:09 and can communicate, so you can actually automate the creation of your accounts.
00:06:14 Lastly, for main identity and user management perspective, it is also good practice to
manage this centrally.
00:06:19 Although the access is going to be provided in each individual account,
00:06:23 managing the users centrally has a lot of benefits. Now, before we go into the demo to
create our account,
00:06:34 let's go through a few topics. First of all, before you start creating the account,
00:06:39 there's a few things you need to take note of, you need to define your AWS account
00:06:44 how many accounts and who are going to be the owners. You need to define if you want to
use Control Tower
00:06:49 or if you don't want to use Control Tower. You also need to have handy, who are the key
contacts and who they will be.

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00:06:57 Make sure you document that. And lastly, when it comes to billing and payment methods,
00:07:02 you need to define how this is going to be handled, making sure your accounts payroll
00:07:06 is across what you're doing. Now for the exercises
00:07:10 that we're going to follow through these units and weeks, we're going to keep it simple.
00:07:14 So we're going to have one account and we're going to access that with our personal email
00:07:18 But when it comes to production or using this in a real environment,
00:07:22 you should take this into consideration. Now when we create the account,
00:07:28 we're going to need to provide billing contact, security contact, and operational contact.
00:07:32 The other best practice is to utilize prescriptive naming convention, across the accounts and
00:07:38 and that makes it easy to tag and then allocate costs down the track. Another important
thing is to set up a support plan.
00:07:45 In our case, we're going to start with a basic support plan, which is free, but we have five
levels of support,
00:07:50 which go from developer to business, enterprise on ramp, and enterprise. These different
levels of support
00:07:56 provide a higher level of attention and they come as a pay by the month,
00:08:02 with no long-term contract requirements. Now, when you create your AWS account,
00:08:09 the first thing you do, you need to create what is a root account, which is based on the e-
mail that you register with.
00:08:15 It is very important to secure this account. In a productive environment,
00:08:20 you would not use your root account for everyday activities. It's only used for exceptional
00:08:27 It is very important to document the processes and when you should use the root account,
to avoid misuse.
00:08:34 You should also enable multifactor authentication, and this applies not only to the root
00:08:38 but to all accounts. And you should also turn on all our notifications,
00:08:42 using Amazon xxx bridge. So when someone logs in using the root account,
00:08:47 a group of users get notified about this event. And lastly, do not create access key pairs for
your root account.
00:08:55 Access key pairs allow you to programmatically access AWS, via API or CLI and should not
be used for the root account.
00:09:07 Another key topic, before we go into the demo is the granting access to services in AWS.
00:09:14 AWS utilizes a service called identity and access management that helps you manage and
secure your AWS services.
00:09:22 What you can create in IAM, are users, which is the users you can use to connect
00:09:27 and to access the services. And then we're going to define policies.
00:09:30 Policies are where you define what type of service and what actions you can perform over
00:09:36 Now, policies can be associated directly to users, but the best practice is to associate them
to groups
00:09:42 and then groups are associated with the users. In our scenario, we're going to create a user

00:09:52 and we're going to allocate policies directly. And now I will show you how to create your free
AWS account.
00:10:00 Alright, I'm now going to show you how to create your free AWS account.

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00:10:07 Before we start, you can see at the bottom the different types of offers. There are free trials,
which are some services that you can access for free for a period of time.
00:10:15 There's 12 months free, for which you can access some services for free for 12 months.
00:10:21 And then lastly, there's some services that are always free, no matter how long you had
your account for.
00:10:27 So if I was going to click on Create a Free Account, I need to enter an e-mail address, for
my root account.
00:10:35 Again, this is an account that you should not use in a productive environment for any
00:10:52 Then account name. So I'm now going to receive an e-mail.
00:11:07 First, I need to enter this code. So now I'm going to receive an e-mail,
00:11:12 with the code that I need to enter. You'll be able to see a sample of this screenshot in the
00:11:25 Enter verification code. Now I need to enter the password for my root account.
00:11:31 It's very important to keep this password safe. So then enter the password.
00:11:42 Now from here, there are a few steps that I'm not going to go through, but you'll see the
examples on the exercise.
00:11:48 So first of all, you're going to enter your information, your details, your address, your full
name, and your phone number.
00:11:55 And in this case you're going to select personal. The next step will be for you to select your
payment method.
00:12:03 So your credit card number, we're going to keep it to $0. So we're going to set a budget, to
make sure that you don't go over $0.
00:12:11 However, your credit card is mandatory information. Then you're going to need to validate
your identity,
00:12:17 by entering a code that you'll receive via SMS. And then lastly, you're going to sign up for a
support plan,
00:12:25 for which we're going to use the free basic support. So you can see all those steps in the
00:12:32 I'm not going to go through them now. So once the account is active,
00:12:37 you'll be able to access the console. So I'm going to jump to an account,
00:12:46 which I've already got up and running. I'm going to the console, which is this screen over
00:12:55 this is the main AWS account console. This is an account that I've got
00:13:00 that is already in some services that I've been using. But in here you, can see the most
recently visited services
00:13:06 and there's a few different tiles, that you can move around and change
00:13:11 and configure to your preference. In the top section here, there's a favorites bar,
00:13:18 so when I select a service, I can add them to favorites. And then here, we have a search bar

00:13:24 where we can search for different services. So for example, you can see here that I have
00:13:28 So if I search S3 here, you will see that it's got this star.
00:13:33 This means that it's going to be added to my favorites. So I can have the multi-access
services in here.
00:13:39 Now what we're going to do now, is we're going to review our spend and when you start
with your account,
00:13:46 of course the spend is going to be zero. This account that I have here, I've been using for a
00:13:51 so there's going to be some spend, so it's good because we can see that. So I'm going to
go to the billing dashboard

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00:13:57 and here in the billing dashboard you can see where I've been spending, how many
services I have active,
00:14:04 current month forecast, current month today, and a few other pieces of information around
the spend.
00:14:13 Now you can also see your free tier usage by selecting the free tier option, here on the left.

00:14:20 And here you can see what I've been using. So there's 22 services,
00:14:24 and here you can see how much I've used, what is the forecasted usage,
00:14:29 what is going to be my usage compared to the free tier access. So by using this, you can
track through the month,
00:14:39 how much you're using from your free tier. Now we're going to start putting some controls.
00:14:47 So the first thing we're going to look at is the billing preferences. Within the billing
00:14:51 we can actually trigger some alerts for free tier. So you can see here, that I have this
00:15:01 but I can tick on the option to receive free tier usage alerts. And I can put my e-mail
00:15:08 This is optional, because the root account will receive this. So let's turn this on,
00:15:15 so I'm going to receive now free tier alerts. Now the next step we're going to do,
00:15:25 as we mentioned earlier, is set up some budget, to make sure that we have control of the
00:15:31 So we can create multiple budgets, within our accounts, in this case, I'm going to create a
basic budget.
00:15:38 So there's two types of budget we can set up. I can set up a customized advance, with
different rules,
00:15:44 but there's also simplified or basically using template, which allows me not only to set the
00:15:50 but also will automate sending alerts at different times, depending on my consumption.
00:15:56 When I do a customize, I can select what percentage, I will get an email,
00:16:00 but in this case, we're going to go ahead and select simplified using a template.
00:16:05 So because we're using a free tier account and we want to keep the spend to the lowest,
00:16:10 we're going to create a budget for $0. So basically this means that when it exceeds one
00:16:20 I'm going to get a notification. If we wanted to set up a budget for let's say $5
00:16:27 or a $100, we can do that with a monthly cost budget. I can provide a description and here I
can put the amount.
00:16:36 And I can define who will receive these notifications. Now, what this is going to do,
00:16:42 because this is a simplified template, it's going to send me an e-mail when I reach 85%
00:16:47 and then I'm going to receive another e-mail when I reach 100%. And then I'm also going to
receive an e-mail
00:16:53 if the forecast of my spend is expected to reach $100. In this case, I'm just going to leave it
to be one cent.
00:17:05 And here I can enter my e-mail addresses, and then you click Create Budget.
00:17:23 Now I have my budget created. So when I click in here, I can see what I define.
00:17:42 And this is how you create a budget for your account. Now the next thing I'm going to do is,

00:17:49 I'm going to create a user that we're going to be using in the next unit,
00:17:53 to set up our SAP CAL S/4HANA system. So I'm going to navigate to IAM, by clicking on
this button,

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00:18:07 or you could search in the bar here, by searching IAM or identity and access management.

00:18:19 So the first thing I need to do is create a user. So I'm going to go ahead and create a user,
00:18:30 let's call it CALUSER. In this case, because I'm not going to access AWS using the console,

00:18:43 I'm going to just set up this user server, so I can provision my S/4HANA system from the
CAL side.
00:18:50 I'm not going to tick this box. And what I'm going to do is,
00:18:57 I'm going to attach the policies directly, or we could also create a group,
00:19:00 but in this case I'm just going to attach the policies directly. So the policies that we need are
00:19:14 I also need to do full access. I also need Amazon VPC full access.
00:19:24 So VPC full access will give me access to provision a server, a virtual server within AWS.
00:19:31 VPC will give me access to create or utilize VPCs, which are the equivalent of a network
within AWS.
00:19:47 IAM read-only access, so I can have access to identity access management.
00:19:55 And one more AWS account is report access. So we can see the usage of AWS
00:20:06 from the SAP CAL side. So I've now selected four policies,
00:20:12 but we also need to create a specific policy for encryption, which is a KMS service.
00:20:20 So I'm going to click on create policy, and I'm going to utilize JSON definition.
00:20:29 So we can define the policies, via navigation by selecting the services.
00:20:33 But in this case I'm going to do it by JSON. And we provided the JSON policy within the
00:20:40 so you can copy and paste it from there. So what it's going to do is we can allow our SAP
CAL site
00:20:48 to encrypt and decrypt the EC2 instance and communicate securely.
00:20:58 Now I'm going to select the name for this policy. And here we can see that,
00:21:05 although I entered the JSON, it identifies, what type of access I'm providing.
00:21:09 Service is KMS, which is key management service for encryptions and read permission
management and write.
00:21:18 I'm going to create a policy. So now if I go back to my user,
00:21:31 I'm going to refresh this, see if I search for CALKMS, I can see the policy that I just created.

00:21:40 So you can see the difference, it does have the little box. This is because it's customer
00:21:44 The others are AWS managed, the ones that have this little box.
00:21:49 So I have five policies, the four that were provided by AWS and the custom that I've just
00:21:57 And now we're going to go to the next, and I'm just not going to create the user now.
00:22:09 So now you can see that this user doesn't have any access or any password. And the next
step is for us to create an access key,
00:22:19 it's effectively a combination of a secret and a key, for programmatic access.
00:22:25 For that I'm going to click on the username and then I'm going to go to security credentials.

00:22:34 And in here, I'm going to create the access key. So I can then define what is my access.
00:22:49 In this case, this is just for information. So I'm going to select application running outside of
00:22:59 and I'm going to select a tag. This is just purely for tagging, but it's optional.

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00:23:04 And then I'm going to create the access key. So now I have my access key here and the
secret access key,
00:23:11 which I will be able to copy and you should do this once you create this.
00:23:15 And then in the next unit, when we create the CAL instance, you're going to use these
details to provision your system.
00:23:27 And that's it, that's how you create your AWS account. And now you'll be able to use this
00:23:32 in the exercises to come in the next few weeks and units. Thank you.
00:23:43 Now it is your turn to try it out. You can follow the steps on the exercises
00:23:47 and create your own free AWS account. And if you want to learn more about AWS,
00:23:52 here are some useful links you can follow. So in this unit, you have learned about the AWS
basics and the key components
00:24:01 and how to get started by creating your own free AWS account. In the next unit, you're
going to learn about SAP RISE
00:24:09 and how to keep the core clean. Thank you.

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Week 1 Unit 4

00:00:05 Hello and welcome to week one, unit four of our openSAP course,
00:00:09 "Build Resilient Applications on SAP BTP with Amazon Web Services".
00:00:13 My name is Diego Lombardini, and I'm a partner solutions architect with AWS.
00:00:18 In this unit, you will learn about keeping a clean core on RISE with SAP, leveraging BTP
and AWS.
00:00:25 Let's get started. So today, we're going to cover what is RISE with SAP on AWS.
00:00:32 We're also going to learn about what is the clean core strategy,
00:00:36 some guiding principles, and why this is important. And we finish off with setting up an
S/4HANA system on AWS
00:00:43 using the SAP Cloud Appliance Library, or CAL. Now, what is RISE with SAP?
00:00:51 It's a comprehensive offering that includes S/4HANA Cloud in its core.
00:00:56 By running S/4HANA on AWS, you get all the benefits that AWS brings,
00:01:01 and this enables you to be an intelligent, sustainable enterprise in the cloud.
00:01:05 It comes with a large number of best practices, covering a variety of business processes
and industries.
00:01:11 These best practices have been put together by SAP with the experience of running SAP
customer systems
00:01:16 for a very long time. And it also comes with built-in analytics
00:01:20 and process insights. By utilizing Signavio, for example,
00:01:24 you can get insights before you transition into RISE with SAP, and it also helps you
throughout your journey
00:01:30 and as you evolve to become more efficient. Now how did we get here?
00:01:38 When it comes to clean core, what was the evolution towards the clean core?
00:01:42 Well, SAP provides end-to-end business processes to help you run your organization,
00:01:47 but every business has this nuances and the differentiators. So everyone needs to create
custom applications or enhancements
00:01:54 to fit these business processes. Traditionally this been done by using ABAP development.
00:02:00 What this means is a large amount of code is being built into the core.
00:02:05 And what this means is every time we need to do an upgrade, we have to test a lot of these
00:02:10 and that means we have very long test cycles, which means our projects take a long time
00:02:15 and the cost increases. And this also means that we're slow
00:02:18 in a go-to market because we cannot adopt innovation
00:02:21 as fast as we would like to. Now with a clean core methodology with BTP and AWS,
00:02:28 you can leverage the benefits of the BTP and AWS platform by extending your processes,
utilizing them.
00:02:35 This means that you don't put code in your core, you build it around it.
00:02:39 What this also means is you can accelerate deployment because you can leverage fit-for-
purpose technologies,
00:02:44 such as low code and no code with SAP Build Apps, and you can build applications a lot
00:02:49 And you can automate a lot of your processes by using process automation, for example.
00:02:54 And you can also utilize AI and ML technologies in AWS to complement this functionality.
00:03:02 Now, what is a clean core strategy? Well, the clean core strategy is a mindset and a

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00:03:08 that sets up a governance and guidelines around your system, so you can build a
foundation and flexible, future-ready ERP.
00:03:17 It's a modern approach to extend functionality and provide differentiators.
00:03:21 As we said, every business has its own differences, and you want to be able to pass on to
your customers
00:03:26 and you want to do it fast enough. By utilizing the clean core strategy,
00:03:30 you get faster development, and you reduce the complexity of your upgrades,
00:03:34 which means you can upgrade more frequently, and hence adopt new innovation that
comes in S/4HANA.
00:03:42 And you're also reducing tech debt because you adopt new technologies
00:03:45 and you become a more flexible enterprise. Now what are the clean core guiding principles?

00:03:54 Well first of all, we talk about avoiding customization where not necessary.
00:03:59 When you start an implementation or when you migrate, you want to look at what your
business processes are
00:04:04 and what are the SAP best practices, and try to adapt to the business process best
00:04:09 that SAP provides. You've got to be aware of your tech debt
00:04:13 throughout your whole journey, create a register and establish a governance framework to
control this.
00:04:19 And with time, review this and try to reduce. The less tech debt, the more flexible you're
going to be.
00:04:27 Then get yourself cloud-ready, implement a zero-modification policy,
00:04:32 extend and integrate your systems by utilizing APIs and standard functionality.
00:04:39 If you already started your journey and you have modifications,
00:04:43 it is not too late to get started with a clean core. You can stop that today,
00:04:47 and you can start extending and leveraging BTP and AWS technologies. And you do this by
leveraging, decoupling
00:04:54 your processes from your applications. You do this by utilizing APIs and events in the core

00:05:02 that you can then consume from BTP and AWS. Now, if you want to try an S/4HANA
00:05:11 you can provision one using the SAP Cloud Appliance Library, or CAL.
00:05:16 What this gives you is a fully configured system that is ready to use with data
00:05:20 and all the processes are ready to test, and includes scenarios that you can test
00:05:24 and test scripts. You can get this up and running in AWS within hours.
00:05:28 Now let me clarify, you're not going to need this for this course,
00:05:32 but if you want to try it, you can go ahead.
00:05:38 And now Marius is going to do a demo. He's going to show you how to set up
00:05:41 your SAP CAL system on AWS. Thanks, Diego.
00:05:47 I'm just going to go ahead now and demo the SAP Cloud Appliance Library.
00:05:52 So in order to get access to the SAP Cloud Appliance Library,
00:05:54 you have to navigate to On the landing page, you have a Log On
00:06:02 To be able to log in, you will need your S-user account and the password.
00:06:06 So I'm just going to go ahead and click on it now, log on. So as you can see, this is the
landing page,
00:06:14 this is the solution page. So this is the place where you can actually

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00:06:19 choose what you want to do within the Cloud Appliance Library. So as you can see,
00:06:24 you have the option of creating an appliance template or building a product.
00:06:29 For this demo and for the benefit of the training course, we will go ahead and create an
appliance template.
00:06:37 As you can see on appliance, it's used for testing, for demo, and for the exploration
00:06:44 and it will contain a business content and a demo scenario in most cases.
00:06:49 And it is available on Amazon Web Services. So I'm just going to go ahead and click on
Create Appliance.
00:06:59 Now, as you can see on the top of the screen here, you have several filter criteria.
00:07:05 So let's just go ahead and use Type. So type, you have several options.
00:07:11 I'm just going to go ahead and choose Pre-configured. And then cloud providers,
00:07:17 obviously I'm just going to go ahead and click on Amazon Web Services. And then the
status is going to be Available.
00:07:24 So as you can see, the filtered list contains 38 out of 50 appliance templates available.
00:07:35 Make sure that you choose one which has the license type Trial.
00:07:41 So this solution could be used as a trial for the free period configured.
00:07:47 And as you can see, this will give you a fully activated appliance with S/4HANA 2022.
00:07:52 So I'm just going to go ahead and click Create Appliance. Now this is the basic mode, as
you can see.
00:08:02 You also have the option of advanced mode. We're going to explore both of them.
00:08:07 So in the account details, just give Account1. And then cloud provider,
00:08:14 you'll give Amazon Web Services. Now for you to connect to Amazon Web Services,
00:08:21 you'll need to get the access key ID and the secret access key,
00:08:25 and the two you pretty much created in the previous unit when you set up your AWS
00:08:34 So I'm just going to go ahead and show you the access key ID and the secret access key.

00:08:42 So access key copied, this one, and then the secret access key copied, this one.
00:08:50 And just go ahead and click Test Connection. Okay, as you can see, this has worked
00:08:57 and this enabled actually some additional information on the screen. On the right-hand side
is the interesting part,
00:09:04 where it shows you the actual cost per hour, so that's $3.26 per hour.
00:09:11 And then there's an interesting warning box here, telling you that the appliance will get
suspended after eight hours,
00:09:22 so that you don't incur costs. Just in case, if you want to use it the whole month,
00:09:26 you'll pay this amount over here. And once we go into the advanced mode,
00:09:32 you'll see some ways where you can tweak the cost, pretty much, you know, lowering the
00:09:43 as you are adjusting some of the options in advanced mode. So let's just go ahead and add
the additional details here.
00:09:50 So in Appliance Details, you just want to name it appliance1.
00:09:57 For the region it's us-east-1, there's no other region. And as a password, I'm just going to
use welcome123
00:10:05 for the benefit of this demo. So now what you want to do is click on Create.
00:10:10 I'm not going to do that because then this will just go ahead and build the appliance
00:10:16 using the default settings. Instead, I'm just going to go ahead

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00:10:23 and click on Advanced Mode. So advanced mode, again, step one is account details.
00:10:30 We've already done that. I'm just going to click on Test Connection again.
00:10:35 And as you can see, the connection with the cloud provider is valid.
00:10:39 In step two, it will show you the username, the user ID, and the role.
00:10:44 And then in step three, again it's the name appliance1, we already added this name.
00:10:52 And then some additional information, which is region,
00:10:56 we already established there's just one region. The network is the default one.
00:11:00 Subnet is this default VPC. And you don't need to play around with the DNS settings,
00:11:05 especially in the demo version. So let's just go ahead and click on step number four.
00:11:10 So this is where the interesting part comes, because we can see the virtual machines
00:11:15 and what they contain. So this appliance comes with the BusinessObjects BI Platform,
00:11:21 a NetWeaver 7.50, and then the S/4HANA 2022.
00:11:25 And you'll also get a Windows remote desktop if you want to log in to it
00:11:29 and use different clients to connect to your S/4HANA. Now, in the middle here, you have the
00:11:36 and this is pretty much the size of each virtual machine. And again, I told you that by playing
around with this,
00:11:43 you can increase or decrease the cost, right? So if you go ahead and click on the next one,

00:11:48 for example 2xlarge, you can see the cost has increased.
00:11:51 But now if you want to go back, it's 3.26. And now if you go to an HDD, it's 3.25.
00:11:58 So it's actually cheaper. And the only difference is SSD and HDD.
00:12:03 So let's just go and leave it to the default. And now you can choose what you want to
00:12:10 So as you can see, two of the tick boxes are grayed out, because, you know, these are
pretty much the core elements
00:12:18 to the appliance, which is the NetWeaver, the application server, and also the product
00:12:25 But you can deactivate BusinessObjects. So for example, if you deactivate it,
00:12:29 then you can see this will have a major impact on the cost because pretty much you take
away one virtual machine
00:12:36 and then the next one, and again you bring the cost even further down.
00:12:41 And then if you want to add additional space, you just click here and say, okay, give me 100
GB extra.
00:12:49 But again, the cost will increase. So you don't want to play around with it, especially in the
00:12:55 This is not a production environment. So you want to leave everything default as it is.
00:13:01 Maybe just deactivate the BusinessObjects and the Windows Remote Desktop.
00:13:07 So once this is done, you just go ahead and click step five,
00:13:11 Appliance Template Password. This is already input from the previous basic mode,
00:13:18 so it's welcome123. And then step number six, it's some additional details,
00:13:27 such as the time zone, then scheduling options. Okay, so you want to suspend it on an
exact date,
00:13:33 and this is the date and this is the time. You can also click the termination date upfront if you
know it.
00:13:39 So I'm just going to leave the default, but you can play around with it.
00:13:43 And then once this is done, you just click on Review, and you just have a final look at it, and
then click Create.

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00:13:52 I'm not going to click Create in this demo. This should give you in a couple of hours
00:13:58 a complete S/4HANA with these components, with these virtual machines
00:14:04 that you can immediately start using to build your application on SAP BTP with AWS.
00:14:13 With that, I'm just going to conclude the demo. Thank you very much.
00:14:20 If you want to know more about RISE with SAP and the clean core strategy,
00:14:24 you can follow the links on this slide and continue your learning journey.
00:14:29 So what we learned today, we learned about what is RISE with SAP on AWS,
00:14:35 we learned what the clean core strategy is, its benefits and its guiding principles.
00:14:40 And we also learned how to set up your S/4HANA system on AWS for testing purposes
using SAP CAL.
00:14:47 Thank you.

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Week 1 Unit 5

00:00:05 Hello and welcome to week one, unit five of our openSAP course:
00:00:10 "Introduction to SAP BTP and AWS Joint Reference Architecture." In this unit, we will share
how you can benefit
00:00:17 from the best of SAP BTP and AWS services. There are many use cases where BTP
00:00:23 and AWS complement each other and this will help you to provide a holistic solution
00:00:28 for all of your business requirements. With this approach, you can achieve faster time to
00:00:33 and lower total cost of ownership when modernizing and innovating in your SAP landscape.

00:00:40 My name is Ferry Mulyadi. I'm a principal partner solution architect

00:00:43 with AWS Singapore presenting together with SAP colleague Sivakumar, vice president
00:00:48 of platform adoption and architecture at Palo Alto, USA. Let's get started.
00:00:55 This is our agenda for unit five, which includes topics such as:
00:00:58 what is SAP BTP and AWS Joint Reference Architecture, or JRA; how to innovate with JRA;

00:01:04 and integration and platform architecture examples. Together with our other SAP and AWS
database colleagues,
00:01:11 you'll also experience developing some of these examples yourself to make them practical
for you to use in your day-to-day activities.
00:01:20 So what is SAP BTP and AWS joint reference architecture? It started with questions from
customers and partners
00:01:26 on how they can benefit from both SAP BTP and AWS solutions. We built this JRA to
ensure customers
00:01:33 can achieve faster time to value and lower total cost of ownership
00:01:37 to innovate on SAP customers. We have more than 90 SAP BTP services
00:01:42 and over 200 AWS services. So to make it simpler,
00:01:46 we write the JRA with solution recommendations based on foundation, data, and
00:01:50 integration and application development capabilities. We also provide guiding principles so
you can make decisions
00:01:57 on which SAP BTP services and AWS services to use and combine to address any of your
business need.
00:02:04 Depending on the application development paradigm, you have a spectrum of development
patterns that you can leverage,
00:02:11 from the most flexible to the most open patterns. At the flexibility end of the spectrum,
00:02:17 you can use cloud native experience, where you will use many tools such as
00:02:22 Cloud Foundry, Kyma, Gardener, and the support of many development languages such as

00:02:27 Java, Node.js, Python and Go. In the midsection, you'll then have SAP BTP
00:02:34 where you can see tooling that is built with SAP's pre-built domain model,
00:02:38 pre-configured integration flows and pre-built contents. This will accelerate your app
00:02:44 as you will not have to build these contents from the ground up. Lastly, you can leverage
AWS partner services,
00:02:51 such as AWS cloud-native services where you can leverage more than 200
00:02:56 AWS services to build capabilities where it complements SAP BTP services

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00:03:02 such as AWS Internet of Things; AWS Managed Blockchain; and Amazon Artificial
Intelligence and Machine Learning Services,
00:03:09 which includes generative AI capabilities. So how do we create innovation with SAP BTP
and AWS?
00:03:18 Let's review the solution recommendations. First, let's start
00:03:22 by accelerating SAP S/4HANA Cloud Private Edition, which is also called RISE with SAP.
00:03:28 With clean core methodology, SAP customers are advised
00:03:31 not to develop any custom development or custom integration within the S/4HANA core,
00:03:37 but rather to develop this innovation side by side using SAP BTP and AWS services.
00:03:44 With this approach, you can reduce the TCO in the long run. Second is application
00:03:50 automation, and integration. With the low-code and no-code platform of SAP Build,
00:03:55 we can enable citizen development to build solutions on their own by leveraging easy-to-use
00:04:02 to consume the resources available in SAP BTP and AWS services. Third is data and
00:04:09 Many innovations start when you combine SAP data and non-SAP data.
00:04:14 In this recommendation, we have SAP HANA Cloud as storage layer,
00:04:17 SAP Datasphere as data governance and federation, and SAP Analytics Cloud as analytics
and planning.
00:04:24 Combined with AWS analytics services such as S3 Data Lake and Redshift,
00:04:28 together with Athena, you can combine SAP and non-SAP data in one big construct so you
can uncover new insight
00:04:36 and new possibility for your organization. And fourth is Platform Foundation.
00:04:42 These services provide the integration, security, and reliability
00:04:45 that you will need to achieve a Well-Architected Framework when combining SAP BTP and
AWS services.
00:04:53 JRA has been grown under three major pillars based on the key business benefit to
maximize the return
00:04:59 on customers' investment. There are data capabilities,
00:05:03 app capabilities, and foundation capabilities. The architecture diagram depicts a typical data
00:05:09 across different layers for an SAP on AWS setup. These architectures can be enhanced
00:05:14 by customers to feed their business needs. In terms of data capabilities,
00:05:18 data is one of the most valuable assets of any business, and increasingly,
00:05:22 customers are adopting a hyperscale storage data strategy while their critical business data
lies in SAP sources.
00:05:30 By securely federating and planning the data from SAP and non-SAP sources,
00:05:34 such as Amazon Redshift, S3 and Athena through SAP Datasphere of SAP BTP platform,
00:05:40 we are enabling use cases for efficient analytics planning; machine learning; and in general,
for use
00:05:46 in the application layer. For the app capabilities,
00:05:49 SAP CAP or Cloud Application Programming model framework has been widely adopted by
many customers
00:05:55 to build enterprise-grade services and applications. Many times, customers face situations
00:06:00 where these CAP application must consume not only SAP data, but also non-SAP data
00:06:06 in other databases like Amazon Aurora. A CAP application with SAP S/4HANA data

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00:06:13 along with non-SAP data stored in Amazon Aurora can be made more durable and resilient

00:06:18 by implementing a replica at the database level especially for read operations.
00:06:25 As for the foundation capabilities, once the application has been built,
00:06:29 they have to be hosted in a stable environment. SAP BTP platform foundations, such as
Work Zone can act
00:06:35 as the face or entry point of these applications and by combining SAP BTP services
00:06:40 and AWS services like Route 53, will ensure that applications are highly resilient.
00:06:46 In the next slide, my colleague Siva will dive into these JRAs in more detail.
00:06:51 With that, let me hand over to Siva. Siva, over to you.
00:06:55 Thanks, Ferry. Let's double click on these architecture patterns.
00:07:00 Starting with distributed resiliency of SAP CAP application with Amazon Route 53 and
Aurora DB cluster.
00:07:09 In the ever-evolving landscape of digital solutions, SAP CAP application plays a pivotal role,

00:07:15 predominantly emerging in scenarios with SAP backend.

00:07:19 While integration of Aurora is not mandatory, its application is determined by specific use
00:07:27 For instance, when there is a need to house custom data outside of SAP,
00:07:32 Aurora becomes very useful. The role of Amazon Route 53 is to increase the availability
00:07:39 of the application layer, ensuring uptime and accessibility. Meanwhile, the redundancy and
high availability
00:07:48 of the Aurora database layer are managed through primary and secondary configuration
00:07:53 within the AWS console. Connectivity to the database is made seamless
00:07:59 by Cloud Connector's master shadow mechanism. A notable element in this architecture
00:08:05 is the Health Monitor app, a showcased sample use case. This application continuously
scrutinizes the health
00:08:15 of other services and applications, serving as a watchdog
00:08:20 for system performance and reliability. You will learn more in later weeks.
00:08:29 The next architecture pattern is about leveraging Amazon's Simple Notification Service
00:08:34 in SAP CAP application. Leveraging Simple Notification Service in conjunction
00:08:40 with SAP CAP offers a robust, event-based notification system.
00:08:47 Serving as a backend or as an extension, CAP applications present themselves with SAP
Fiori UI.
00:08:57 Enhanced with the capability to incorporate iFlows, and business custom roles,
00:09:03 this application ensures a rich customizable experience for users.
00:09:09 One of the key security measures in place is careful filtration of the payload
00:09:14 from SAP CAP application to SNS, ensuring all sensitive data is stripped before
00:09:23 The flexibility of the system shines when setting notification recipients,
00:09:28 as the "To", CC, and BCC fields can all be configured based on the custom rules set within
the CAP application.
00:09:38 Moreover, the architecture is designed with scalability at its core, ensuring that it can
accommodate growth
00:09:45 and increase demand effortlessly. Authentication with SNS is secured
00:09:51 through either standard or system user credentials which are safely stored
00:09:56 within the CAP application properties, ensuring both functionality and security.
00:10:06 The next architecture pattern shows how to set up multi-region

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00:10:10 for SAP Build Work Zone using Amazon Route 53. SAP Build Work Zone has emerged as a
paramount hub
00:10:18 in enterprise landscape, functioning as a single point of entry
00:10:22 that hosts all vital business applications. To extend its reach and enhance its availability,
00:10:30 Amazon Route 53 is used to provide multi-region support, ensuring continuity and
accessibility across many zones.
00:10:40 Furthermore, when the need arises to replicate the same Work Zone environment
00:10:45 across two sub accounts, the transportation management service can be used,
00:10:50 ensuring seamless and efficient transfer. Establishing a custom domain for your Work Zone

00:10:56 can also be achieved with a simple service ticket. The joint reference architecture stands as
a guiding light
00:11:08 for businesses seeking a comprehensive and integrated solution by offering holistic solution
00:11:15 tailored for utmost integration and efficiency. JRA ensures that enterprises experience
00:11:23 rapid value realization. This is amplified
00:11:29 with its expansive support of SAP BTP and AWS services. More than just streamlining
00:11:37 JRA strategically amplifies performance and optimizes cost.
00:11:46 To aid in the seamless transition and integration, many materials and guides have been
made available
00:11:52 for our customers. Customers can also engage with SAP, AWS,
00:11:57 and our partner teams to build architecture to address their specific business problems.
00:12:06 As businesses embark on this transformative journey, it is important to pinpoint specific
needs and challenges.
00:12:13 By strategically identifying and prioritizing immediate opportunities, or the low hanging fruits,

00:12:20 organizations can swiftly capitalize on the benefits of SAP-AWS JRA.

00:12:28 In essence, the JRA not only offers powerful technology alliance,
00:12:33 but also a clear roadmap for businesses to navigate and benefit from.
00:12:41 Let's have a quick look at what is coming up in the next few weeks.
00:12:46 In week two, you'll get an introduction to low-code/no-code application development on SAP
00:12:52 and all the capabilities of SAP low-code/no-code product, SAP Build. Additionally, you will
get an introduction
00:13:01 to serverless capabilities in AWS. We will share business use cases that you'll be
00:13:08 in this week. In week three,
00:13:13 you will learn how to create full stack applications with SAP CAP and Fiori UI,
00:13:19 deploy this full stack application on SAP BTP, and integrate it with Amazon Simple
Notification Service.
00:13:30 In week four, you'll have a deep dive on building SAP CAP application
00:13:35 with SAP S/4HANA via private link connectivity. This application will be set up
00:13:42 for high availability scenarios using Amazon Route 53. You'll also see how to configure
00:13:49 and perform lifecycle management to achieve business continuity from two different regions.

00:13:57 In week five, you will get an introduction to SAP Integration Suite and you will learn
00:14:03 how to create integration scenarios using SAP Integration Suite and AWS services.
00:14:11 Get an insight into the event-driven architecture and services available

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00:14:16 to rapidly develop event-driven applications. You can also find links about SAP JRA
00:14:28 and many more contents that are available today. SAP and AWS will continue to add more
00:14:36 on the joint reference architecture. All of these will be available
00:14:40 in the PowerPoint deck that's available to you. From this unit, you have learned about SAP
00:14:48 and AWS joint reference architectures, their value propositions,
00:14:53 and how to innovate using these services. In the upcoming weeks, we will deep dive into
00:15:00 of these architectures and various deployment models for this joint reference architecture.
00:15:09 This also concludes week one. This week, you have learned about AWS and SAP
00:15:17 how to set up BTP accounts and AWS trial accounts, and how to configure these accounts

00:15:24 to enable specific services that are required for subsequent learning.
00:15:29 You have also learned about the various deployment options for SAP on AWS, and lastly,
00:15:36 you learned about SAP and AWS joint reference architecture. In the coming weeks, you will
00:15:44 about how to develop applications using SAP Build, CAP and also integrate them with
Integration Suite,
00:15:52 as well as integration with AWS services like Amazon S3, Amazon SNS, as well as Route
00:16:01 Good luck with your assignments and I look forward to seeing you in the discussion forum.
00:16:08 Thank you for joining us and happy learning.

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