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Compilation of Some VK Tweets

A true performer performs , not because he wants to sell X number of tickets

But for the sake of performance
For, he is devoted towards his craft
He performs to explore what lies beneath him
And arises beyond him
Such, is nature of a master

Look out for subtle hints in the conversions

You'll notice the taints of jealousy and disdain
A method to reveal this is to force the speaker to speak more
The probability that they'll demonstrate their remorse is high in that regard

Sometimes a man becomes a foe by speaking words that are unpardonable

The more you indulge

The more you lose yourself The search for meaning
Is futile if external
The means to attain
Is already within
The desire is lacking
To seek the concealed

Sometimes you need to play naive

By playing naive, you get the chance of observing the true behaviour of people. Only
in a position where they feel superior to you in any regard, do they reveal who they

Freedom is only valued in its absence

Identifying your fear and anxiety shows what you are truly afraid of. Running away
just exaggerates the problem. Only Confronting your fear provides you with an option
to solve it. Facing what you don't want to face will lead to a Path of self-discovery
and mastery

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Failure teaches man what success cannot. Mesmerized by the sweet nectar of
victory, man leisures himself, unknowingly, into steady downfall. For he, does not see
that sustaining his place on peak requires him to be much more resilient and resolute
in character

Do not reveal your true beliefs and intentions so casually

If they insist, use a decoy to lure them into believing that you accept something
which you actually don’t
You never know when it can be used as a leverage against you

When your craft becomes a part of you

At that moment, you achieve Mastery

Words are sugar coated

Illusion, Details of Action
Conceal the Truth
Conscientiously Observe
It will be revealed

If You have an opinion on everything, then your opinion is worthless

Even the most cunning are deceived by the power of flattery. The wise understands
that the truly noble action is often performed, not spoken.

Fearlessness is an innate quality. But it can be developed to a certain extent, by

constantly engaging with the task which causes fear in the first place.

The process of Cultivating fearlessness is gradual. It requires sustained effort, and

taming of your mind. But it is worth it in the end

Learn and then write. Not write and then learn

Most people won't understand how powerful that sentence is

Only, in the state of no-mind

Can you achieve the excellence, of all minds

Almost every action of a human

Is dictated by his will
To preserve his self-image

Any civil society understands the difference between debates and discussions

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A debate is usually conducted for publicity, where other person has to be proved
wrong, and no conclusion is achieved

Whereas discussions lead to fruitful results which benefits the listener

Existence of time is based on the existence of thought

When thought recedes, existence of time fades away

The day a prisoner realizes that he is in prison

Is the day, the enlightenment settles inside and he truly awakes

This message is not about prisoners

Incompetence, is death
Mediocrity, is death
But you shall not accept
For you understand
The truth
For it is the ultimate

Patterns of human mind are fairly predictable

It is the very nature of mind to preoccupy itself with constant thoughts

However, the attempts to assassinate thoughts is fruitless and you'll fail the moment
this desire arises
The realization and truth is dwelled by awareness

If someone is not reciprocating , or showing genuine interest in you, move on

This sounds obvious but I see this happening with people all the time
If your relationship with them was damaged due to trust issue, no matter how hard
you try, you can't win them back
If the issue was due to some misunderstanding, it is highly probable that they'll never

Move on

Most gatherings are a place for hiding oneself, trying to win someone else, cutting
yourself to create a sparkle that has no relevance to your existence

Making jokes in desperation so that you could gather some laughter and feel better
about yourself. Why?

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This age belongs to cults

Pro establishment is a cult

Anti-establishment is a cult

Thoughts create resistance in journey

A true performer performs , not because he wants to sell X number of tickets

But for the sake of performance

For, he is devoted towards his craft
He performs to explore what lies beneath him
And arises beyond him

Such, is nature of a master

You're feeling miserable because you chase happiness

Happiness is a fleeting state, misery is a by-product of chase

Instead, seek the peace that lies in pure awareness

Most people support a justification of circumstance which suits their view of reality

Anything, that is forced, is a chase, and a non permanent state

It is useless to try to stop thoughts, for mind will strongly retaliate

However, it is far more effective to observe, and with awareness, will you truly
understand the nature of mind

Human beings are always on the lookout for next big thing

Chasing the next event, placing hope that it will give them the required happiness

Seldom they realise, that it is all the same

The only comfortable place a human being can reside in is the moment

However, I'll warn you, if you chase the moment, you'll not attain it

"The Moment" is an effect, not a cause, therefore chasing it is useless

It is less effective to try to tame the mind, and far more effective to merely observe
and see all its trickeries for what they are

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Mind is a frolic instrument. It is not meant to be tamed, or forced, the mere attempt is
often futile, and is a chase, an endeavour of non-permanence. For, it strongly
retaliates. It is far more effective to "observe", and align. An action, which isn't an
empty societal construct

Only when you lose yourself

You gain Everything, you
Ever desired, for, the self
Is lost, within the moment

Each field contains dogmas and some core beliefs

Every individual who enters the field, believes them, without carving his own thought
and asking why is it even present

He succumbs to the prevalent mentality and forgets his own uniqueness which he
could have brought up the table and shaken things for good

When your life finally halts

When death, finally knocks the door

Will there remain, any hope

Will there remain any anxiety

Will there remain stress, about the everyday mundane dramas

Will you lament, the time wasted

Will you, still complain

Can you experience anything without sticking labels to it

Without classifying it into categories

Without naming the experience

Is there anything left that is not artificially induced within you

A human thrives on assigning meaning

Whenever he sees anything, he tries to classify it into categories

Explanations give him comfort

Patterns give him solace

He is terrorized by the idea, that something cannot be explained at all

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Thus, he never truly sees

Compress multiple dots while collecting them

Expand once collected

The issue is we are chasing temporary hacks and techniques in order to cure our
Take the example of anxiety, if you're trying to "feel" better, it won't last long enough

No one tries to find the source, everyone is trying to chase some methods to numb
the pain

Conforming with the disoriented society, perpetually devaluing your integrity bestows
upon men a self inflicted curse, which never ceases to exist

"To be normal" in current times is to give into the influence of educational systems
and institutions
That restrict independent mind and produce mass cognitively functioning slaves for
goverment and corporations

Conformity is the deadliest fetish of man

All "isms" are conditioned patterns of thinking

A positive thinker will "force" himself to see an image which is an incorrect

representation of what the thing/situation exactly is

Similar conclusion can be drawn for negative thinking

See the things as they are

There are no rules, no methods you can follow in order to achieve what you want

No system is personalized for an individual

You have to create ones for you, which guarantee your efficiency, and produces
consistent results, the endless possibilities are hidden behind experiment

When conformity is incentivised by the public system

The society depreciates and crumbles like a domino

Anything that leads to totalitarianism is embraced eventually by masses

If sufficient fear is induced

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Preservation of Manufactured self image
How much is it costing you?

Introspection often unveils the true nature of things as they are. Self-created
illusionary worlds can make a person succumb to their captivating influence.
Tangibility is frequently disregarded when confronted with the truth because it
requires courage, a propensity for action, and careful scrutiny

The truth regarding the flow state (Zone)

First, let us define what is flow-state

Flow state is a state of "no-mind"

"In this state, there is a sense of fluidity between your body and mind, where you are
totally absorbed by and deeply focused on something, beyond the point of

Time feels like it has slowed down. Your senses are heightened.
You are at one with the task at hand, as action and awareness sync to create an
effortless momentum

Many people describe it as the Zone”

Understand this fact, about the flow state

That it is a state, where there is "no self"

A state of "no-mind"
There is no fixed duration as to when it is induced.

People, including my friends, think that it requires 2+ hours of working, 7+ hours of

working continuously
I want to ask them, sincerely, respectfully

Have you seen the top athletes perform?

They only have a few minutes, or even a few seconds

They're not working for more than 2 hours

In those few minutes, they must get into flow state in order to achieve the best
possible results

Often, they are successful in achieving the target, and get into the zone

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When Usain Bolt runs, he is in the "zone"
He is in the "flow state"
This implies it has nothing to do with duration and time

And has everything to do with immersion and no mind

Positive thinking is a scam

It is a comfort zone, designed by humans to ignore reality
An Optimist sees the glass as "half - full"

Similarly, Negative thinking is also a scam

A pessimist sees the glass as half empty
All of these thinking patterns involve filtering reality though a pre-conditioned lense

They provide inaccurate view of reality

"Forcing oneself" to see the thing in a certain way

Can't you see the glass, as it is? Half full, and half empty?
The truth lies in seeing the things as they are, without distortion

A word about debates and discussions

Understand this fact, that most exchange of "views" and arguments between
individuals are often based on the matter of pride

Most conversations often turn from a discussion, to a debate

A discussion is pursued, so that a beneficial conclusion can be drawn

Whereas debates often resort to proving the other person wrong, using Ad hominem
Definition of Ad hominem- When instead of addressing someone's argument or

You irrelevantly attack the person or some aspect of the person who is making the
Each Discourse involves majorly 3 types of individuals

1. Emotionally attached individuals

These individuals are emotionally invested in their ideologies, opinions and beliefs.
It is often fruitless to even have a conversation with such individuals.

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However, I am not dismissing the fact that you can learn something even from their
The world is not black and white.The reality often resides in a grey area.

All I am asking you is, understand this pattern, of human nature.

1. "Rational" and "Intellectual" conversationalists

These individuals are not emotionally invested, however, they are instead
"intellectually" invested
They often twist the statistics, intentionally mis-represent logic so that it suits their

They often believe in providing absolute argument

1. Sincere thinkers

These are humble individuals, who seek the truth.

They do not cling to any ideologies, and are open for a logical discussion.
Often, they are willing to sacrifice their pride, so that they can pursue the truth.
Identify these individuals, and revere them.

Try to engage in discussions with them, instead of the above 2.

Note that you can learn something from everyone, however, understand that your
time is limited.

Thus, I suggest you to pursue the diamond, instead of trying to forcefully observe the
beauty in a carbon coal.

In public debates, you need to guard your reputation

Distort facts, misrepresent statistics, use ad hominem and other fallacies

Do whatever is necessary, to ensure that your image is maintained

However, in case only two individuals are debating
Then ensure that you are the one, who appeals to pride of other individual

Especially if the person is superior to you, or can be used as an ally

Next time you read gender dynamic “facts”

Ask yourself

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Is it not a projection from someone, who desires a certain quality in others, while
masking his own nature under the veil of honour and grace

Is it an incentive, to reward compliance?

To truly observe

Is to become a Detached Rational

Dispassionate observer of life itself
So that you may see the things, as they are

Gradually, you will feel

That life bends to your will, my friends

Abandonment of judgement, opinion, belief breeds dispassion

Dispassion creates the space for understanding Truth

However, there is no compulsion to pursue this course of action

A permanent cure is based on the grounds of understanding

Any solution devoid of understanding will eventually cease to exist

Society wants to classify human beings

Categorise them into socially acceptable states and norms
A destruction of the inherent creative ideal that we embody
Vehemently opposes the individual who does not "fit" into rigid boundaries of the

The idea of an alarm, I reject. I don't think anybody needs an alarm. Our biology has
an inbuilt alarm system, ready to wake us up when we really want to. Haven't you
noticed that when you firmly make up your mind, you automatically wake up at the
desired time? Natural way ftw

The masses are not interested in seeking direction

The masses are interested in entertainment

They are interested in that which does not cure the complication
But makes them feel that complication would be cured by it.

Makes them feel good about it.

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Life advice, if you are unable to understand a concept or an idea, before you
abandon it, make sure to constantly expose yourself to similar concepts. The
underlying theme is that things do eventually seep into you, the understanding is
sudden, spontaneous and erratic in nature.

In an ocean of noise where opinions are constantly generated to get auctioned for
attention and money
It is the task of a sane man to find the authentic voice and abandon the old norms
Find the company which can move and transform him

Find the truth to live a truly valuable life

The truth is, what you chase, what you really want, is not X, but the by-products of X.
What you want are the feelings associated with the achievement of X.

You may want to develop the ability to change your frame of mind according to social
Any individual, who wishes to present an "ideal" case in front of society, must put up
a "mask"
You preserve your own nature, while reaping the rewards from social acceptance

There is often no point in proving anything to anyone

You just cannot change how people perceive you irrespective of the evidence you
provide, try it out for yourself.

Ask yourself, does it really matter?

A serious person moves on for the true path is ultimately a journey in solitude.

You have not confronted your greatest insecurities and fears

They are deeply rooted inside your subconscious

Often perpetuating and even revealing themselves in dreams

They act as a major barrier in your quest to attain true equanimity
They are stopping you from living life.

You may want to categorise your relationships based upon the assessment of
honour and integrity

You may want to maintain transactional relations with those who don't possess

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Breaking relationships is often not the wisest course of action, this cannot be
stressed enough

It is the emotional attachment which leaves the soul of a human being decimated.
It is the emotional attachment that causes immense suffering and pain

It does cause pleasure.

However, it is soon followed up by pain, misery and suffering.
What if you abandon it altogether?

It is the attachment to emotions that lead to suffering. This does not mean that one
should repress emotions, control emotions, because that would lead to exaggeration.
Emotions are meant to be understood.
It also does not mean that one must initiate detachment because that is forced and
might even lead to even greater suffering.

It is all about understanding the source of turbulence

It has nothing to do with "efffect"
And has everything to do with "cause"

We as human beings are always on the lookout for "that"

We search for "that" in relationships

We search for "that" in books
We search for "that" in friends

"That" is essentially a connection with soul/heart.

We are always trying to fill interal void through external means.

If you ever feel the need to react, especially in a situation where you feel angry
You may wish to give yourself 24 hours
There is a fair probability that it will either cease to exist
Or your reaction would not be as dramatic as it would have been if you had reacted.

"Why do I carve for validation?"

"Why do I carve for social acceptance?"
It is because you are not complete within yourself

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It is because you carry prestige for your self image.

You worship your self image

These are the reasons why you want to get acknowledged

Let's suppose we have two individuals, X and Y

Z tells them that their tongues must be kept in check

Y "tries" to maintain silence in situations/while talking to people. He is able to hide

info. but at the cost of self conflicts and encounters mental stress since he is forcing
himself to maintain a state
Whereas, X understands deeply the futility of unchecked tongue, so he does not pay
"attention to it". His ability to remain silent, comes naturally from within as an effect
since he understands fruitlessness, and focuses on cause rather than the effect. He
encounters no resistance, no self conflicts and is able to preserve information.

Most are interested to teach the the Y approach, while I'm interested in the X

You are now an embodiment of recycled experiences

Do you understand how detrimental it is to the creative free spirit that you inherently

This could be a reason behind your constant suffocation and frustration.

The spirit seeks liberation from these chains of bondage.

There are some truths

That are so shocking

That a mere contact can leave you wishing

That you had never seen or came into contact with them in the first place.
You cannot unsee them even if you desperately want to.
They can be dangerously disturbing for quite some time.

Some of the most honourable men, who possess integrity

Are those who have witnessed the depths of hell

Masses gravely underestimate the extent of state sponsored propaganda

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When vested interests of corporations unite with politician's desire for authority and
It is criminal to ignore the possibility that ripples are prevalent in every single sphere
of life

It begins with your food

And it ends with your mind

A creative free spirit is the most dangerous threat to the society

Because the very foundation of society is based on falsehoods to induce dullness
A dull defeated individual can efficiently, effectively function as a mechanised
machine for serving the lords and corporations.

In the swirl of moment, when passion and desire intertwine

The perplexing patterns of mind cease to exist
The soul majestically paints on canvas as the drifter of the pure expression
As the self drowns itself in the elixir of other realm.

"Over-stimulation" of mind
Through any medium
Books, videos, podcast, music games, pleasure chase, even searching for genuine
Induces dullness

Prolonged repeated monotonous unchecked exposure to anything

Destroys the inherent essence of magic and wonder present in it

The state will continue its psychic warfare as long as we are surrounded by the
masses who are more interested in outrage rather than the understanding

Knowledge can also be fundamentally limiting when richness of experience itself is

compared with it.
The influence of knowledge gives our mind a sense of superiority, and takes one
away from the feeling that invokes awe and wonder, while we believe that to
experience we 'need' more.

The Avenue Within

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Inside every human being, lies an avenue, comprising of endless possibilities. It is
the pure dome, of limitless expression. The over-stimulation of mind through the
monotonous consumption of content and information, patterns and ideas, creates
benumbed part of you which calls upon you to cling yourself to ideologies and
concepts. The mind always feels satisfied as long as it holds you into its tight grip.
There exists, an another world, where each second, is felt as if it is unreal. It is this
world, where you are born, as a human being again. Each moment, is viscerally felt.
Each sight is experienced as if you had seen it for the very first time. The
surroundings, began to grow into you, as if you and your environment were not
An unspeakable, unimaginable force of existence draws you into the moment, where
your identity, is one with the experience. Each entity is a spur for you to dissolve into
the infinitude. This place, is not for he who cannot let go of his self image. Who
cannot let go of his attachment to concepts and the knowledge he possesses. It is
not for him to who seeks to confine it within the boundaries of definitions and
language, for it is a perplexing endeavour to engage in. It is only for he who
abandons the celebrated notions of this world. It is for he who abandons the chases
and sedimentary preferences. For the enticing nature of the illusionary reality we
surround ourselves with, is so antagonistic to its majestical feeling and sense, that it
would be erroneous to consider that it can be attained within the prevalent

Everything, loses value in front of death.

The temporary material Illusions are but a way for one to spend his entire life in fake
Enticed by the superficiality, entrapped by ignorance, one begins to lose his real self
as he drowns in the pleasures, the world has to offer.

If a person continues ignores you, it is not necessarily the case that they wish to
disrespect you.
Most probably, they are not interested in you, and that's fine.
Life goes on. The truth is, your over reliance upon anyone is going to hurt your

Accept it for what is is, move on.

The universe contains a plethora of secrets and knowledge

You seem to desire a part of it, isn't it?

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Why should universe grant you this wisdom?

What qualities do you possess which are distinct from other human beings?
What makes you special if you wish to receive it?

Society creates the imprisonment, in which one signs a pact to live an unrealised life.
The conscious individuals, who somehow become aware of the trap, are ridiculed for
questioning the prevalent ways and norms.
They are labelled as wierd for refusing to comply with the psychological ideals of the
Such a structure will always create external to internalise the internal.

You have focused your whole life, on an external enemy

While the real enemy, the internal one, has escaped your sight

Sometimes, people become excessively fond and attached to the image they
harbour in their minds instead of reality and it creates tremendous suffering because
their fantasies are not fulfilled.
It would be inappropriate to blame them, for they do not understand the truth.

What they see, is what they believe.

It is absolutely crucial and essential to maintain and enforce your boundaries.

There is no reason to give people a lease.
Most people are highly impulsive, the moment you give them a chance to cross their
limits, they will.
This requires ruthlessness on your part.

There lies an unfathomable, an inexplicable peace in solitude.

You may wish to observe, that loneliness and solitude are fundamentally different.

In loneliness, our consciousness is directed towards outside.

Since there is nothing truly fulfilling, which can contain its wholeness, the being
becomes restless.
In solitude, the consciousness is directed inside.
The internal is complete, the external is always unable to fill the void a human being

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If you are a man, then you have no choice, except to become strong
If you are not, then you will get tortured by life unless you become one

Only by critical thinking and constantly challenging one's own viewpoints

Can one form an opinion which is worthwhile for public discussions/debates.

There are times in life, when nothing seems to be going the way we want it to be.
At such times, it is not wise for one to go into oblivion and lose sense of reality.
The need is to collect oneself, and evaluate situation, by accessing it from detached
rational position.

Life advice: Your sleep, is much more significant than you think it to be.
Lack of sleep can cause even a sane person to go insane. This is generic advice, not
my usual nuanced view.
This is common sense, yet there are intelligent people who choose to ignore this.

If you are a man, then your complains and cries would not be tolerated by society.
They are despised by everyone.
Your friends will begin to disassociate with you if you continue like this.
This may seem cynical at first. However, lies glory in embracing this fact as well. It
can provide you peace.

Resistance breeds stress, while acceptance breeds serenity

I'm genuinely interested in people who deeply want to examine their lives.
Who seek the truth that lies beyond superficial layers designed by society.
Who have desire to know, instead of show.
These people, wherever they dwell, are a blessing to this planet.

There are people who cannot be saved. There are those who cannot be helped.
If you try to entangle yourself into their matters, you will get wrecked. Your time and
energies are limited, thus precious.
It is not wise to waste it on someone who does not wish to understand. Your
sympathetic behaviour to help everyone can get you in trouble and end up wasting
your time.

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Debates seldom lead to conclusions. Those who believe in lies are so much
emotionally invested into their beliefs and opinions that arguing with them is to hoist
oneself with his own petard.
Strategically proceed to charm instead, that is more suitable and rewarding than
proving them incorrect (if the debate is not public)

Very few people, truly care about you. It is almost a certainty, that these people, are
from your family.
Most of your friends will ditch you, the moment they see the tides of your life or
situation turning into something chaotic that lies beyond their expectations. Society
will leave you on road to rot.

It takes conscious effort to at first identify the delusions, and then detach from them.

Most people would never agree to spend this much energy in their pursuit of truth,
hence live their whole lives in the comfort of lie, only to regret their actions on the

We are so indulged in our everyday activities, that we often tend to overlook why we
are even doing some in the first place.

We are constantly trying to repeat certain patterns and behaviours. Wise is he who
zooms out, and observes, how all of what he does, has permeated his centre of
being and how even minute details leaves an impressionable impact on his life.

A creative, free, rebellious spirit is the most dangerous threat to the society, because
the very foundation of society is based upon falsehoods to induce dullness.

A dull, defeated individual can efficiently, effectively function as a mechanised

machine for serving the interests of state and corporations.

The modern man is now a mere hollow reflection, of what was supposed to be a
glorious container for higher consciousness.
Having traded his ethics, values, principles and tradition for the pleasures offered by
technology, he stares blankly, at the new nihilistic figure.

People really need to get a life outside of this bubble.

So desperate to be heard by someone, so thirsty for validation, so attached to

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Why don't you go just out in the wild, and stare blankly, silently, at the magnificent
beauty of the sky?

Silence break the obstacles you have in the flow. Higher consciousness or flow
states are mass producers of ideas and wisdom.
Tapping into that realm requires you to step back, and feel the moment.

Don't force the thought of idea production, because that happens on its own accord.

A man is severely attached to his opinions and beliefs. He never considers the
possibility that most of the things, he spoke or wrote, could be false and not based
on the grounds of reality and truth. This deviates him from the path which leads to
wisdom and prosperity, and pushes him towards one in which due to his false sense
of confidence, he encounters suffering and confusion

People constantly talk about "think positive" etc. however, there are real benefits in
evaluating negative outcomes and scenarios. Suppose you imagine the worst
possible scenario in every case, and somehow make peace with it or find a solution.
This way, serenity can thrive and calmness can be induced, since you mentally
confronted it before it actually occurred or surprised you with punches.

If you are competent in your craft, then what you produce, is an art. art is not limited
to our rigid definitions, labels and categorisations. creativity is an endless fountain
that fills every domain of life with splendid colours, and one's goal is to harness it in
all aspects.

Translation: anything that does not suit my agenda or presents a view that is
opposite to the ongoing narrative in which I'm emotionally and intellectually invested
in. Anything that threatens to challenge what is deemed to be acceptable by the
"experts", state

The most lame, and uninspiring thing is rise of cancel culture. If you don't agree with
someone, disagree and counter with valid criticism instead of using ad
hominem/trying to shut their voice down.
To those who promote cancel culture: why are you so much obsessed and insecure
about your views, that you constantly need to defend them by attacking others?

The problem with this whole situation of racism is that you are giving more power to
the words by constantly talking about them/mentioning their occurances.

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It seems as if these words contain some magical properties, that can shatter your
whole sense of self if used against you. Don't be so weak. History has been very
harsh with weak men. Stay strong.

If you really want to examine everything in life at its face, with true desire to know the
truth, you will see how interwoven nuance is into small things we casually neglect.
subjects like discipline, hard work are actually extremely nuanced topics that require
sincere dissection. Take for instance the concept of discipline. If you don't know
"what" to precisely work on, you won't have the sufficient internal motivation to
pursue it. Another case. Suppose your biochemistry is fucked up. No matter how
hard you try, no matter how hard you curse yourself or suffer, unless you fix it, you
won't see drastic progress. There is so much nuance that you ignore, that can have
a life changing impact on you.

If you are not obsessed with what you're doing, you won't make it big.
You may become good at it, but certainly not world class in that endeavour.
Obsession also has to be genuine. Fake one disintegrates rapidly.
Genuineness is not enforced, it is inherent.
It is or it is not.

Creativity in the beginning is iteration over accumulation with mutation.

There is no such thing as getting second place. It is either, the winner, or the loser.
Humans worship the former, and reject latter. Polarising and extreme facets like it
reveal that laws of nature were not written in our favor. Either you can have outrage
over this, or you can bend it to your will.

The modern man in fanatic search for new religion makes false ideals as his gods
and worships the state which brainwashes him to sacrifice everything he stands for
in his life.

Let people steal and copy what they want to. Let them have a false sense of glory
and achievement. Deep down they know they aren't competent enough to create
something of value. They know they can't think of innovative ideas. That is actually
robing them of actual joy, thrill and happiness that stems from creation of substance
in real time.

A source of motivation and drive can arise from continuously denying the desires of
the mind. David goggins embodies this philosophy. significant dullness in behaviour

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is induced if you continue to give into the wishes of your mind. However,
understanding and alignment triumph this technique.

Sense of security breeds compliance.

Take some time out for yourself if you want to

and have a sincere conversation with your inner being, your very own soul
very silently, without judgment, evaluate where your life is going
don't blast your mind with music or podcasts
constant exposure to stimulation induces dullness in the mind
ask questions that are often buried deep within you, that don't surface due to
constant external distractions
I would recommend that you pursue this activity while you're walking in the lap of
nature to gain absolute clarity
under the sky, on top of terrace/in the middle of a forest
Note: something like this has to be done genuinely.
If you're following these words because they will do you "good", then you don't
understand the theme of my messages
forcing yourself to do this is a waste.
you don't need to have a zombified robotic experience like most people
it will ruin the moment, happiness and joy which arises from pursuit of purity.

“VK, I don’t have the confidence to talk to opposite gender, how can I get enough

If I light your house on fire, and your family is inside that house, would you sit around
and ask people, "how will I get enough confidence to go inside". By asking such
question, you indicate that you're not really serious about getting it (signalled by the
presence of "how" in the question). I don't believe in the societal notion of
confidence. These are all cope up mechanisms a man creates in order to deceive
himself. Also, don't just read about it all the day, Go out and talk to them. They are
human beings, not some alien creature. This is the best way to learn. If you're really
struggling, then find some funny/ interesting anecdotes from your life and initiate
conversation with that. It helps to gain instant attention. ask questions from them,

Compilation of Some VK Tweets 21

Q. What's the one thing (or things) all people should consider spending their time
Ans. There is no improvement
There is only evaluation
Improvements are a chase
Evaluations are transformative.

Q. What is love ?
Ans. Often, it is attachment

Q. What's the meaning of life? Why should we live?

Ans. Life has no meaning.

Life alone is a reason enough for living.

Q. How do I discern my ultimate path in life? What systems, rituals or habits shall I
put in place today to help me with the discernment? Thank you.

Ans. There are no rules, there are no rituals

No system is personalized for an individual
You must seek for yourself
Through rigorous experimentation

Q. How does not get disappointed and believe in the process when not seeing
results? Might seem a trivial question but your insight would be appreciated.
Ans. Only your destination has to be defined with clarity
If you are devoted enough towards your destination
You will carve the process, overcome all disappointments
Nothing else works.

Reality becomes complex and wearisome when things go against your own nature.
Inevitably, the occurance of such events/situations are frequent in life.
In order to incorporate yourself into this new paradigm, you may change.
However, if the induced change in your behaviour/logic/action is a direct
consequence of a newer understanding, at a much deeper level, then life becomes
effortless and pleasant.

Compilation of Some VK Tweets 22

Otherwise it's an endless loop of new sufferings.
All life complexities can collapse towards simplicity, if alignment or understanding is
given the preference.

Imagine your whole life flashing before your eyes

And all you see, are missed opportunities and wasted time.

Individuals lacking combat experience frequently hold the most steadfast and vocal
convictions regarding matters of warfare.

The dynamics of good vs evil

Is what inherently people long for, deep in their hearts.

Your problems, are luxurious problems my friend.

Was just walking down the street where I saw a man who could not speak.
He was trying his damn hardest to communicate something but in vain.

Imagine his pain.

Visit a hospital once every month if you complain about your life.

There is a cost involved in not understanding the truths of all situations in life.
Assume for a moment, that you are diagnosed with a rare ailment, and the only
treatment is made possible by an equally rare herb, found at some distant location
on the top of an unknown mountain.
Notice, that everything apart from that herb, is "at best", mildly effective.
Certainly, not efficient or worthy of being considered as a permanent cure.
Similar is the case with truth. Can you now see how everything, apart from truth, is
almost complete jargon (or atleast not the most efficient)?

Debates are fundamentally a waste of time, and a game of self image. note:
discussion is different from debate. in discussion, participants can be motivated
enough to pursue path of truth. however, in debate, the only goal is to prove oneself
right (most people won't admit this). even if you are trying to convince the other
person, you are essentially brainwashing him with your own viewpoint. why do you
need to do that? why do you need to convince? If what you say is truth, and if the
other person is serious enough to consider the possibility of it, he will. there is no
need to convince. most debates are just for intellectual entertainment of the masses.

Compilation of Some VK Tweets 23

Narcissism isn't good or bad, but one thing I've observed is that as people age, they
become less narcissistic and more humble. one reason behind this change is
enhanced perception and experience. as you accumulate more experiences and
encounter hell, life automatically humbles you down.

Human mind is attracted to what it cannot grasp, what it cannot fit inside
conventional definition and model. It is enticed and allured by something, which
cannot be easily explained and operated upon. Mystery arouses suspicion, creates a
sense of curiosity to know unfathomable.

How many individuals, are devoted to pursue the truth in all situations?
Perhaps handful.

Even those who are world class in their respective fields, fail to pursue the truth in
other domains apart from their field.
One may ask, why is it essential?
Let's assume that you are a world class swimmer. But, you're also a father.
Now, don't you wish to know the truth about parenting so that your child may benefit
from it?
At one plane, ALL fail.
Degree of failure however varies.

There lies a real benefit in documenting your most dreadful moments or negative
Because the nature of human mind cannot be trusted
It often distorts past reality's harshness to give you a sense of comfort in current time
Therefore, a wise man trusts words over his own mind

You can document the pitfalls, so that in future, you don't repeat the same mistakes
The whole point, is you equip yourself with suitable weapons, before going to war
Here, weapon is analogous to lessons and experiences of dreaded mistakes and
reality from the past
It makes you feel how bad that was
It warns you to prepare accordingly, so you don't face such situations ever again
Or even if you do, you know how to tackle them.

Compilation of Some VK Tweets 24

Be wary of who you choose to spend your time with.
There are people out there who would assume that you are in love with them or you
like them simply because you choose to talk to them.
When you try to explain your position, they simply refuse to listen.
They instead place blame upon you for making them feel important or significant.
Understand, that such people are highly insecure human beings.
They desperately try to make themselves feel as if they are important in your eyes,
even when they're not.
What is this behaviour if it's not insecurity?
They project their own views upon you so that they feel as if someone cares for them
even when that is not the case.
They are afraid of confronting the absolute truth about their situation or
They know within their heart, that they lie to themselves, but they don't have the
sufficient courage to let it speak for itself.
Such people often live terrible life of endless projections.
They're constantly on search for someone who can fill the inner void of their soul.
They don't realise that no one is coming to save them unless they try to save
themselves and genuinely put an effort to seek the truth of their situation.
They don't realise that their external search for satisfying internal thirst is an endless
They don't understand that they need to confront their innermost being in the mirror
and ask it some of the toughest questions their soul is hiding.

In moments of despair, where there seems to be no hope

You got to believe in something much bigger than you
All the cloak of rationality will subside, once you confront your true mortal fear or
come face to face with a situation where survival is threatened
Outsource existential fear

It's your mistake if you are unable to control the urge to react

You may pretend that you understand the situation but you do not
Because if you truly did, you won't even have to force yourself to control it

Compilation of Some VK Tweets 25

Lost virtues..........

I cannot stress this enough

I cannot help you if you do not understand this absolute fact
Not everybody can be helped
Help only those people who carry the desire for improvement in their condition

Who are willing to do what it takes to get where they want to go

You're not a messiah.
You cannot help everyone.
Be extremely cautious while choosing the person on whom you are going to spend
your time and energy on

Most people truly don't want to get help, they want either reassurance for their
condition, or they want someone to vent their frustrations on
Most people don't deserve help
Don't ignore those who genuinely do deserve help if it's possible for you
Note: I wrote the line, "if it's possible" because you are not a messiah and your
energies and time are limited.

Attune your ears, mind and heart to the frequency of truth

You already have a fair idea of what you have to do in order to arrive at your
You know what you need to work on in order to drastically improve your situation
You already know enough

What's stopping you from achivement is your own mind's complacency

Compilation of Some VK Tweets 26

The inner voice of intuition is often harsh when it tries to convey absolute truth about
the situation
Your complacency and ignorance has diluted the intensity of it's guidance
What you need to do, is to start listening to your own voice that sits inside of you and
provide it the respect it deserves
I bet you will see a drastic transformation very soon
All it takes is development of sensitivity to your own soul's voice
Is this too difficult? Certainly is if you're not willing to try
However, the good news is that it becomes easier and easier to catch the signal
once you start to walk on that path
Try for a month if you may.
Best wishes

There are people out there who constantly perform attention grabbing theatrics and
stunts in order to capture your attention and extract from you their share of
validation. DO NOT react, that is what they want the most. Become completely
detached in such a situation. Ignoring them as much as possible is the only potent
solution that neutralizes their madness and stupidity.

Perhaps one of the most significant things a man can realise in his life is that he is
seperate from his mind, and that his mind, is essentially false. He is not the mind.
Creation of this distinction gives the birth to a completely new human being.

The "self" is an illusion that creates almost all of the human suffering.
Detachment from the identity called "self" is the end of most miseries a man

Those who don't believe that state manufactures propaganda should be left alone. In
all seriousness, these people absolutely have no hope. They are not worth wasting
your time on. Don't fall into the trap of "I'll convince them to see the reality". NPCs
are lost cases. Beyond repairable.

Strive to live an unscripted life.

Practice personal integrity and be a man of your words.
Discontent with mediocrity, you must courageously pursue your ambitions.
Fearless approach is essential in order to overcome limitations

Compilation of Some VK Tweets 27

And that is often, best tested in sorrow and rejection.

Reminder: DO NOT try to convince people who don't possess the desire to
Life is too short to waste your time, energies and effort on such people
It is not a matter of intelligence
Many "seemingly" intelligent people carry a great deal of retarded views along with
themselves because they are struck in echo chambers and repeat blindly without
researching what the narrative says
It is a matter of intellectual attachment to opinions and grave lack of awareness
Shun these people. Discard them. They are not worth your time, especially when you
are explaining something they are not ready to receive
Understand, that you CANNOT convince zombies that they are not alive

A life without devotion

A life without the desire to achieve mastery in a particular craft
A life without the goal of becoming the highest possible version that a human being
can be
Is a life devoid of essence

It can be called anything, but life

Only a handful can truly escape from the societal brainwashing and conditioning
Sincerity is a prerequisite for escaping the clutches of deep conditioning
Be genuine with yourself, if something is not working
Don't curse yourself endlessly

Instead abolish fixed patterns of thinking and behaviour

Conclude through experimentation the potential solutions.

Schooling systems have programmed kids to conform and adhere to prevalent rules
Removing the layers of independent thinking from future individuals

Everyone believes that their version of reality is accurate

Consistency is a mark of strong and resilient character.

Compilation of Some VK Tweets 28

It demonstrates the hunger for passion, or a goal.
The effects of consistency are cognate with compound interest.

The rewards are showered lavishly, but you have to prove your worth in order to
attain them.
However, this is not a rule.
In modern times, you can also use the philosophy of working in sprints
Do whatever works the best. Find what is suitable for you specifically.

School are criminals.

They systematically disintegrate the unique individuality and identity of the child, and
forces him to mimic idealistic goals that are externally placed upon him.
They don't understand at all how the human mind really learns.
Curiosity and passion are murdered.

If you wish to pursue the path of truth then understand this very well. You have to
abandon your self image and transcend in the space above your fragile ego because
it allows you to independently evaluate facts for what they are, irrespective of the
source they're coming from.

You hurt your fragile ego if you admit the truth about something that you don't want to
face or acknowledge. That is it.
That is legitimately the only cost.
However, if you don't admit the truth, then you create delusional beliefs and illusions.
The problem is that they perpetuate in order to sustain themselves.
They end up consuming you because they are parasitic in nature.
You may decide for yourself now.

Do you want to grow old and regret not living life to the fullest?
Do you want to grow old and regret how you wasted all that time which could have
been utilised for making the world a better place(or atleast doing something positive
for you and your family)?
Security is comforting, but it corrupts soul.
Be rational, but don't forget to live.

Compilation of Some VK Tweets 29

Handful truly understand how mind actually learns.
If the instruction is in the form of a recipe, mind either absorbs it completely like a
sponge, with no originality, or it blatantly rejects.
Such is the state of our systematic approach that you often either quit or become a

You have endless preferences on how things should be.

Have you imagined a scenario where you had no preference?

What would that life feel like?

It is in general attachment in disguise, attachment to ideas, concepts, belief, opinion.
It snatches away true freedom.

What is the worth of your life if you cannot gift the world what you are already
blessed with?
You have to understand, that your mediocre surrounding, is stopping you from
seeing what you are truly capable of.
Your vision, is being reduced to ashes.
Correct it if you may.

As man becomes involved in the affairs of society he starts to optimize his life for
survival rather than fulfillment.
Are you going to get a second chance at this life? Is this false sense of security really
worth it if it does not nourish your soul?
If yes, then for how long?

The absolute truth about your situation is so subtle, that it is barely noticeable.
Such details are often overlooked.
There is a possibility that just a shift in your perspective or lens could alter your
Concealed is often the obvious, one cannot notice.

You must reassess your situation to understand what precisely is going on

underneath the fabric instead of just repeating same ideas again and again.
Genuineness has to be there. If something does not work, then instead of getting
trapped in an endless loop, verify effectiveness of your steps.

Compilation of Some VK Tweets 30

State basically has waged a war against you.
This is not just limited to propaganda which affects the mind.

Corruption is so deep that even food isn't spared.

How many of you actually stop and take a look at what you eat?
Artificial ripening through ethylene gas, use of fluoride in water etc.

Not everyone who supposedly speaks truth can be trusted

Many people use the veil of truth to propagate their own falsehoods
Con-artists can easily win your trust if they sprout "some" truth
Just saying something "true" should not make one worthy of your trust
Be attentive at all costs.

You need to have almost a psychopathic level of obsession with your goal in order to
ensure that it gets executed successfully
Your eyes have to reflect that divine spark, that endless desire for achievement
Also, note that it is extremely critical to take into account all the long term
consequences of your actions
Prioritising your decision to factor in the later development is an arduous task
Keen observation, detachment and discipline are a prerequisite to get that mindset
properly functioning
It requires calculated deliberate effort
You have to completely submerge your fragile ego in pursuit of your destination
Say for instance you encounter someone who is placed higher than you but you
disagree with him or his statements in general

Instead of demonstrating your discontentment or disagreement, strategically proceed

to charm them
Most people are too fragile emotionally and intellectually to handle your points of
disagreement rationally
See it this way
They know something that you don't
Get that information out
That absolute psychopathic level of determination is a necessity.

Compilation of Some VK Tweets 31

It is inevitable that you will suffer betrayals, in relationships or in friendships
Instead of resenting your choices and regretting the actions you took, derive lessons
and learning from your experience and move on
If you create the feelings of bitterness in your heart, then only you are going to suffer
Your body, mind and heart is going through those rough negative emotions, not
anyone else's
There is a strong possibility that the betrayal happened due to your own naivety
You trusted someone who is not worthy of your trust
Understand, what caused this circumstance, and pledge that you will never let that
event happen, ever again
Please understand that everything in life is about "interests" for people
Honour, dignity, integrity, these virtues are lost
Also, you can't really blame people all the time if you are a victim of somebody who
is seeking his own interest
Why should they sabotage their own interests for your sake?
Just because they're your "friend"?
If you believe in this emotional rhetoric, then please note that your delusion is
No one cares about you my friend, apart from your family

Very few people actually go on to become your true friends or allies

A good metric for judgment: if you had a car accident at night, ask yourself,
How many of your "true", "best friends" would come to save you?
You already know the answer, right?

Probably even the "close" ones you are spending countless hours on aren't actually
worthy of your time and efforts
Side note: ruthlessly weed those out who encourage and promote mediocrity
They are snakes in disguise
Reality is extremely nuanced, there is nothing purely black or white
Therefore you must understand all of these points

You don't have to cut ties from all of your friends or allies

Compilation of Some VK Tweets 32

Never display the feelings of hurt, resentment and betrayal even when you are
feeling pain
There is no need to create unnecessary enemies, it is counterproductive for your
own interests
You don't know in what way they can be of your use. Wait for the right opportunity to
If they can pursue their interests, why don't you?
Purely altruistic approach to life will destroy you.

This is not an exaggeration.

Ideal situation is where you don't have to play these games anymore
That is a consequence of self reliance.
Reduce your external needs, and become self sufficient in as many aspects as

Expectations from others can only lead to disappointment.

I would like to coin a new term

"Second Degree Observer"
It refers to the observer within the self.

The one who is observing you, and present within your own system
This, actually, is also the essence of third eye, which entire world has misinterpreted
or never understood.

"Why am I not serious enough?

Why don't I change?
Even when I'm trying hard to?"
You will become serious when you have no other choice left except to become
You will change when the pain exceeds a certain threshold and you cannot "afford"
to remain same
If you wish to avoid such circumstance, stimulate a visual representation of such
situation in your brain and try to feel it
Feel in your veins that moment of misery

Compilation of Some VK Tweets 33

And realise what must to done to avoid that.

True divinity is relentless devotion towards one's craft with utmost purity and
He who completely surrenders himself to his craft is given the status of god in his
His facial expressions change.

Tonal quality shifts, the way he interacts changes.

His body undergoes a very subtle, yet fundamental transformation.
The divine spark from his eyes, becomes distinctly recognisable.

When your death finally arrives

Will you be able whisper

"I won"

Public intellectuals cannot deviate from their takes.

Because they have to retain their audience.
Many of them are intelligent enough to recognise that they're promoting delusional
Still they continue their endeavours.
Why? Because who will buy their tickets if they start speaking truth?

If you are someone who has suffered extensively in his life, who has faced the pangs
of destiny, the assaults of mind, countless rejections and found a way to defeat all
obstacles then you are an ideal candidate for a writer. World needs such people who
can guide from experience.

There lies immense value in guidance. Understand that if you are running in a
direction where the race isn't supposed to be headed towards, then you are
consciously setting yourself up for failure. It is an arduous task to find someone who
is competent enough to guide you, but it is worth it.

Visualise like this: you have to cross a jungle, and you have 100 paths in front of you.
Now, no one knows the precise path(absolute truth), which leads you out of it.
What is useful to know in such a situation? If you know the paths that surely are not
true, then eventually you will figure out those that are.

Compilation of Some VK Tweets 34

On other paths, you may encounter wild animals like tigers.

Note: Some people may survive these situations to warn you against walking on that
Remember when had no clue about the correct answer to a question in a MCQ, you
chose the method of elimination?
Eliminating answers that are not true to reach the one that indeed is true?
Similar is the case with life. It is far more critical to know the paths that surely do not
lead you to your destination, if you haven't figured out the one that is true.
This in turns automatically aligns you to true path(absolute truth).

Society humiliates you. It conditions you to be mediocre. It systematically

disintegrates your dreams, because they themselves never had the undeniable urge
to fulfill it. It vehemently discourages out of the box thinkers by assigning them
labels. Capitulate. Discard them and their ideals. Discard their thinking of just
surviving if you may.

The bar of psychological ideals and substructure is painfully low in the society. True
ambition, is extinct. Some of the most brilliant minds are content with writing
algorithms that fundamentally disintegrates collective and produces addicts. The
collapse is undeniable.

The truly immortal legends of any given domain had an irresistible obsession
towards their craft, a level where they even dreamt about it. You cannot artificially
force something like this. It is inherently present for the thing to which you align.
Experiment, explore to find.
A good metric to find this out. Ask your parents what you were good or what you
gravitated towards when you were a child, if you can't remember. Innocent, pure
pursuit of something is almost always in line with your natural talents and curiosity.

Those who create

Are respected
Those who want

Are despised
Those who depend
Are thrown away
Those who realise their own value

Compilation of Some VK Tweets 35

Don't advertise and self talk themselves into believing it

True inspiration, which makes your eye sparkle with divine curiosity and passion is
derived from the honest "pursuit" of infinitude.

Men who are not capable of being ruthless or threatening are often weaklings who
will give up their honour lest they find themselves in situations that test their integrity
and resilience.
Realise the immense dormant potential that lies in your shadow. Integrate it.

When your skill becomes your second nature

You become a Professional
When your skill becomes a part of you

You become a Master

It is often fruitless and futile to talk about nothingness, because inadvertently, you will
create a construct to explain the concept. Any construct-based explanation would
turn nothingness into something, negligently destroying its true nature.

The place from where anxiety, nervousness, stress and worry originates
Before I begin, please understand that if humans cannot eliminate something, they
find ways to cope with that or justify it in terms of jargon their mind constructs.
Anxiety, stress, and worry aren't helpful (at least in the long term)
They aren't natural at all.
The natural state of a human is to live a carefree, serene life, filled with equanimity
and peace.
My friend
Your natural state is of absentia and flow, but you've forgotten those.
Why? Because society tells you it is okay to be anxious.
It is okay to be nervous.
It is okay to be stressed about situations.
This is not for people who believe in the proclamations of society.
My message is for those who wish to eliminate this constant anxiety that holds them
back, this monotonous chattering of the mind that induces worrying at all costs.

Compilation of Some VK Tweets 36

Let us begin by seeing what you've tried till now.

You've attempted breathing techniques, stress management, hacks etc.

Has your anxiety vanished?
Has your stress reduced significantly?
No, right? Then what's the use of all these theatrics?
Truth is the only thing that works. If something does not work consistently, then it is
false and not worth wasting your time on.

Stress, anxiety, nervousness, all arise from the place of expectation of an outcome,
or by the way of your lens you use to view the reality.
This is the truth.

1. In order to eliminate the above listed, you have to understand how exactly your
anxiety, stress, and worrying stop you from achieving your true inner potential.

Don't do this just because I said it. Something like this has to be realised within the
innermost core of your being. From that point, the process of elimination can be

1. You use a lens to view your reality. You must realise that this lens, is probably
blurry due to the accumulation of dirt from society. By dirt, I refer to concepts or
ways of thinking that are not true. That distort a pattern that can be beneficial to
you and your endeavours.

The way you think or how you view things has to change as well.

You just cannot stop worrying unless you realise how pointless it is. How it inhibits
your drive and efficiency.
Understanding will pave the way for eliminating this.
Any solution devoid of understanding will eventually cease to exist.
Optimising your biology can help, because it is intricately linked to how we respond
to certain situations. Optimise your cortisol and testosterone.

How many people are interested in seeking the truth?

How many people are interested in genuine expression?
How many people are interested in mastery of their craft?
How many people are interested in seeking everlasting peace?
How many people question the purpose of existence?

Compilation of Some VK Tweets 37

Your biology plays an intricate part in how you conduct yourself, how well you
perform, what confidence levels do you exuberant. Optimise it. Beating yourself all
the day does not work. Optimising testosterone does. Stress management does not
work. Optimising cortisol does.

A humble man shows off his humility

A courteous man shows off his grace and manners
An intellectual shows off his knowledge and articulation
Are there any genuine human beings left at all?
Who truly want, to know, instead of "show"

Be obsessed with eliminating worry, anxiety and stress, and you will be successful in
your pursuit

Ask yourself
"What purpose does this constant chattering serve"
"What am I truly going to gain from worrying about this or that"
"What instead am I losing on by becoming distracted by these issues"
"How is stress and nervousness stopping me from achieving my potential"
"Is anxiety going to get me better results? If not, then what's the use of being anxious
all the time"
"Why am I stressed out if stress impacts my health in a negative way"
Ask yourself these questions every time you are worried, stressed or anxious.

The path that is true, can be approached through: Elimination and Exposure.

Know from a man who has "not made it" What paths you should avoid to "make it".
This is the way of elimination.
Know from a man who has "made it", to tell you "what to do". This is the way of

You will face immense hardship in life at times

Situations where you may lose control of what you should or should not do
Where you lose clarity, where you feel the world coming down on you.
Do you know what will help in such a situation?
Courage and strength.

Compilation of Some VK Tweets 38

It requires guts to be courageous.

It requires immense strength to say I will make this work no matter what.
It requires courage to stand up against those who try to suppress you.
It requires strength to detach from outcome and focus on pursuit.
It requires strength to face the challenges this life throws at you.
It requires courage to think differently, to be different.
It requires courage to say no to ideals that inhibit you.
It requires courage to face life and say, I got this.
It requires strength to resist the temptations one may find himself attracted towards.
It requires courage to deny and reject the desires of your mind.
It takes courage to go against the grain.
It takes courage to reject the narrative.

A man who possesses strength and courage, will find a way, no matter what.
Courage and strength, will hold your hand when this world betrays and abandons
you and leaves you on the road to rot.
Life bends to acknowledge the man who faces it head on.

The words will distract you from the way my friend

For the mind loves to grapple with the language
while the experience silently slips away

Language and words are a construct of the mind

As long as you are attached to them
Your mind is content because it has something to grapple with
To fully experience existence and reality
Drop your attachment to words and language
Experience that I speak of is beyond the language, and direct
Constructs like words and language may enhance the "perception" of an experience

But they do not enhance the "experience" itself

That, is only possible when you move beyond intellectualisation layers of your mind
And pursue pure observation and being

Compilation of Some VK Tweets 39

Attachment to objects or people in general will bring you incalculable suffering and
misery my friend. To embrace the temporary nature of reality, you have to pursue the
path of understanding. I will not tell you, "Do not be attached" for it is a rule that leads
nowhere. Truth, lies in seeing through the attachment, seeing how it decimated you
and robbed you of serenity and equanimity. If you realise the extent of havoc it has
caused in your life, you automatically will become detached. True detachment can
only be attained by the way of realisation and understanding.

Selfishness comes at a cost, but that does not mean you have to be selfless all the
time. An intricate balance has to be made. Be purely transactional and you will miss
the bliss and trust. Be purely selfless and you will get fooled by the world. Everyone
misses nuance.

Every desire, comes at a cost. But that does not mean you have to drop all of your
desires, for, that also is a desire (paradox). It is about taking into account the
consequences of your desires, and understanding which are the essential ones you
cannot dismiss.

Relentless pursuit of perfecting the craft......

Unmatched obsession........
Complete surrender and devotion to the moment........
Placed in the laps of nature.......
Meditative, in a state of pure flow.....
Desire, to become the only....

A true master....warrior

Why does extreme ownership work?

Perhaps in your life, your situation may not be how you always wanted it to be
Perhaps the circumstance is not even entirely a direct consequence of your own
action or behaviour
However, taking complete ownership of what has occurred is the way forward
That will transform your path and give you the necessary clarity and space
To proceed and act with full force towards your goal
Or to choose a completely new route and devote yourself to it.
Why does this work?

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Because by taking complete or extreme ownership

You force your mind to stop venting its frustrations out

And instead direct its energies and potential in pursuit of a worthy solution
Note that there are many attributes which we annotate and use as excuses indirectly
One might say
"Well, my problem is not an excuse or a complaint
I did this.....
I even did that......
Still, it did not work.....etc "
But in reality, that's all they are
Just endless excuses and complaints,

If you see them from a place of complete detachment and absolute, pure
The ability to do the above listed observation is spawned
And further developed when you start to become brutally honest with yourself
Most people gravely lack self awareness
As they shift the blame to external attributes and entities as soon as they get a
chance to
Because they've conditioned their minds into complacency
And that eventually becomes their modus operandi
Let's also deconstruct why the mind defaults to venting the complaints or frustrations
And how subtly it is tied to excuses and self expression
Understand, the reason why you express these negative feelings or emotions
or why you vent your frustrations out is because somewhere inside
You feel that the act of expression or complaints
Will give you relief and will help you to deal with that particular situation -

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This however, is detrimental and hazardous in the long run because it inhibits your
ability to find answers and solutions
You dedicate and direct your energies in self expression
When you could have channeled it internally and used it to arrive at a solution.
Now, I'm not saying everything is an excuse.
However, most things are and you know that, don't you?

Let your heart speak that truth out for you my friend.
Another reason why you may vent your frustrations out
Is because, you feel that someone who is in a similar situation as you are
Would understand and sympathize with you
This, often is not the case.
Note that people often like to be around those who make them feel good
Who makes them feel nice, warm, cosy and joyful
They despise those who complain and present excuses and their frustrations
This is the truth
See it in this way
Your behaviour will rob you of opportunities as well, in terms of those that might
come in the form of a relationship
Please note that I'm not asking you to endlessly start blaming yourself
Because such an endeavour is also fruitless and unnecessary
It all really is about seeing what one does and how it affects him in a certain way
Self awareness of actions and being

Combined with deep introspection thus is critical and utmost necessary,

If you wish to eliminate these negative patterns and break the negative spiral
feedback loops
Would also like to add that
If you are really, genuinely frustrated with your situation
You will find a way to get out of it

Without giving permission to your mind to wander and find new excuses as it
procrastinates into oblivion

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Perhaps you are not uncomfortable enough

Perhaps you are just lurking in the middle territory, which is neither too
uncomfortable nor comfortable
This is hell, and you will soon realise it
Better to act before it consumes you alive.
Again, I'm not dismissing your genuine concerns or problems

I'm only warning you against the endless bs your mind creates to delude and deceive
And how it is stopping you from achieving what you really want in your life.
Best wishes.

Evaluate the criticism, instead of discerning the source of criticism.

Most people are emotionally fragile, and they become agitated as soon as they
encounter a statement that carries semblance with the harsh truth about their
situation or behaviour.
Make sure to avoid this trap.

As your consciousness increases, you begin to see the multitude of layers this reality
encompasses. For instance you begin to see the divine interplay of cosmological
order even in the chaos.

The greater your sensitivity to feel the emotions

The more vulnerable you become
It does not mean you should abandon your emotions
It means you understand and realise the above listed so you do whatever is
necessary to prevent manipulation from occurring in the first place.

Offer such invaluable contributions that your significance becomes undeniable, as

our society rewards prodigious value creation handsomely

Do not blindly buy into someone else's philosophy or way of thinking. Learn what
works for you by experimentation and exposure, discard what does not.
Each individual's experience is vividly different and unique. Do not reduce nature's
complexity to a set of rules or philosophy.

If you are "trying", then you are using the intellect

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If you feel "effortless", then you are using the instinct

The shift from intellect to instinct is what manifests ultimate human performance

Only a free mind is capable

Of true rebellion.

One must abstain from constant projection to sincerely look inwards.

Society has systematically crushed the soul of men. They have made men who were
supposed to be warriors a sloth who dreams of nothing but comfort, luxury and
security. You're meant for much more. Ruin their plans by raising your testosterone
and mastering craft.

Man's search for religion and something to believe in is seldom unending.

If he discards ancient texts, then he will regard modern scriptures as his holy grail,
that is peer reviewed paper and pious words of the experts.

A lesson that I personally learnt the hard way

Helping others.
Help only those who truly deserve your help. Most people don't
What they truly want is someone to vent their emotions and frustrations on
Or they want someone else to encourage their victim mentality
Or they entirely want something else from you, and delude you in the name of
seeking help
Most also want reassurance that it'll be alright (hope)
Very few are looking for the solution and cure to their problems
Ruthlessly weed those out who don't deserve your help
Also, help often is not valued to the extent that it would have if it was a paid service
Most people carry almost no gratitude, since they have no integrity.
Remember: Don't waste a single second on one who does not show the promise of
improvement in his/her condition.

"Public opinion" : you mean the one manufactured through propaganda?

Do not get lost in this ocean of philosophy, advice and information.

Always, make sure to perform directed ruthless action. No doubt these pursuits are

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transformative in a certain way, however, action, is the most supreme virtue. Use
them to select a path, then execute ruthlessly.

The fact that everybody can vote, should scare you and give you chills.

No one cares about the means in the end, or about the "journey" or process. Only
result matters in the end. Destination matters. Don't let anyone convince you
otherwise. Spiritualists and self help have deluded millions into believing that they're
getting somewhere, endless hope.

Excuses distract you. Brutal honesty with one's own self about the nature of the
situation and what caused it is always more potent than constant manufacturing of
complaints because they don't force your mind to look for solutions unlike extreme

The collapse of western civilization is imminent. Easy access to quality education,

water, food and shelter has given rise to ungrateful creatures who have never faced
true hardship in their life, who just complain all day about the most mundane and
menial things.

Write in a way, such that if you were to gift your current work to your older self, it
would weep and beg you for more. This is how exemplary writing stands out from the
crowd. The most personal lessons are what moves people.

The rare man must recognise that he is rare in his ways, in his thinking, in his
approach and his actions, lest he will succumb to the societal ways of thinking
patterns, opinions and beliefs of the masses. Many have lost their way because they
didn't realise this.

Learn as much as you can. Even people you think don't know "enough" can say
something that can change your life. Everybody has unique experiences and
Entertain their ideas and thoughts, play with them, no need to "believe" or subscribe
unless verified by yourself

People tend to "follow" philosophies or tenets in an instructional way. No

genuineness at all. Even texts that offered great truths are processed through their
machinery and converted into instructions for consumption. Truth will evade them at
all costs.

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Catalyst for true change: When something is no longer acceptable to you at any cost

People are not human beings anymore.

They are converted into zombies by the society and the culture. They're told to
"act" in a certain way, "behave" in a certain way, "speak" in a certain way etc. They
are not as free as they think they are. They've lost their "feelings".

If a man recognises that there is no time left, he may die at any given moment,
mortality is not a distant phenomenon, then he will also understand by default that he
simply cannot waste his time on the guess work. He needs the truth, nothing else.

Physicality is deeply intertwined with mentality. You cannot gain complete mastery
over your mental self if your physical self is getting neglected in the process. The one
which is relatively easier to master, is physical (your body). Align them to access a
new you.

Your association with people speaks a lot about you

In any domain, you will find that people on top, associate with those who are at their
level, or mostly, above them.
This is done very deliberately.
Your surroundings, eventually seep into you.
One has to be aware that this osmosis is bound to take place, someday or the other.
This, however, does not mean that you "should" leave everyone who is not at your
It just means that you are hyper aware of the qualities that may seep into you.
Do not, associate with people, who talk incessantly, or those who give excuses, or
those who play endless blame games.
You, as a sincere person, must discard associations with them
Your brain automatically mimics the patterns it observes
Why direct its energies towards something that does not involve solving problems?
Take a given situation or a circumstance. You'll find people who "make it", regardless
of the issues.
Observe such kind of people.
Associate with those who have great ambition in life.

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Many people have been robbed of their ambition.
Become a source of inspiration for them as well.
Be attentive at all costs about your company and who you let your mind get
programmed by.

Often, to induce momentum, you need an initial push. That could be a function of
anything. If it is a function of motivation, it generally fades away.
If it is a function of calling or a deep desire, it sustains. Similar is the case if it is a
function of sincere introspection.

If you cannot understand the situation from the pov of the other person, or at least
cannot feel to a certain extent, then you most probably have a luxury opinion on that
matter, especially if life and death is involved in it. That imo is a consequence of low

Man wants to feel good. His entire life's actions are in alignment with this feeling.
This however does not mean that he should strive to feel bad. It is more about
understanding how this constant "need" to feel good is annihilating his serenity and

It is crucial to engage daily in tasks that are intellectually and physically demanding.
By the way of exposure and sufficient stimulation, you build a certain resistance to
the stress and learn how to handle diff. reactionary responses. Necessary for the

I cannot stress how important it is for you to get in your best form if you are
physically fit. You never know when, which particular situation demands peak,
physical strength and prowess from you. IT IS A MATTER OF LIFE AND DEATH.

People have no regard at all for their eyes. The doors which enable you to see this
colorful world, are ignored. Increasing trend of all work being shifted online, means
people spending copious amounts of time in front of a screen. As usual, it won't
matter to most people unless pain occurs or case escalates to severity.

Visiting a hospital, critical care facility truly shifts your perspective. It is like a tight
slap on your face. It instantly shakes you from the ground up, compels you to
consider how beautiful your life currently is, how wonderful it really feels to be alive
and breathing.

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Society wants servants and slaves. It desires not human beings, who have their own
free will and a sense of self, but programmed drones that repeat a certain narrative
and function the way they want them to. Obedience and compliance is encouraged
and even promoted. Reject them and their propaganda.

You are allowed to blame genetics, surroundings, people, nationality, situations, IQ

only when you have dedicated your entire soul in pursuit of something but still the
results evade you. Self perpetuated limitations are much more common than you

Feel in your veins that you are destined for something greater than yourself. Every
second, contemplate on the fact that you have a unique purpose here. Consider
yourself a legend if you may, and now, get to work. It is impossible, not to note the
stark differences.

Let people live on with their delusions and fantasies. For it's all they have that gives
them a semblance of meaning and reasonable objectivity. People who propagate
truth and rationality are hated, but that's for a reason. They don't detach themselves
from the need to convince the other.

Encountered many who speak the truth. Encountered very few who sacrificed their
self image for it.
Reason why those who relentlessly pursue truth, despise group settings.
Self image and its implications are bound to influence the way you think and react in
some way or the other.

Greatest wars are not fought in a battlefield

Will not explain

Development of your product is much like the development of your child. You get to
see how intricately the form develops, in a beautiful, gradual way.
How everything come together to form a coherent pattern. It is a sight to behold. It
provides deep satisfaction.

Strength and courage are the most crucial virtues a man can possess. It is inevitable
that the clouds of despair would circle around him, if he desires to achieve anything
significant. These act as guards against the acidic rain of misery as one endures the

Drive beats everything. But once a person figures this out, he begins to wonder what
more can he optimise.

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For instance, excitement, awe, and curiosity are fundamental to human beings. Any
task that takes leverage of this, by design will efficiency succeed.

To summon the latent potential and creativity of one's mind, the voice of the craft, the
essence, the beauty of the underlying principles must be arranged in such a fashion
that it captures the human mind. This initiates the process by discovery through self,
leading to mastery.

Do not entertain limitations for even a fraction of a second. For instance, society will
tell you, "X" can only get completed in "y" amount of time.
Reject that notion instantly. Why?
Because what if your capacity/ability is much more than the normal threshold? What
if you could figure out a new way to do it which takes much less time?

Men have fundamentally disappeared from the equation. To be more precise,

systematically removed. They indulge in petty pleasure seeking, partying. No sense
of purpose at all. No desire for conquest. They don't have that warrior blood running
in their veins anymore.

Self imposed limitations are much more common that you think they are.
The mind fabricates such blatantly untrue yet convincing lies, that you succumb to its
play. Have you given your soul to your endeavour? Have you visited hell to get what
you wanted?

Imagine if you don't give your mind a choice. It has no say in the matter whatsoever.
Just contemplate on this possibility. 180° shift in the game. A potent way to achieve
what "YOU" want, by transcending the mind. Your brain, by any means, will make it

When the craft becomes a part of you

At that "moment", you achieve mastery.
Professionalism is when it becomes your second nature
Elite performance and mastery is when you are no longer a separate entity that does
"X" itself is a part of you.

Man makes multiple errors and mistakes in his life.

They are, inevitable if one is pursuing anything, of significance in general.

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If he is unable to fix them, even after innumerable desperate attempts, then he
becomes miserable and is tormented by the possibility that he may never figure it
What really sets a man apart, is his ability to recognise the underlying patterns.
He must seek to understand, what is the nature of circumstance or a situation.
He must ponder on what he is not able to see, what is he missing, why is he trapped
in this vicious circle from eternity.
Only this can ensure that he breaks free from the eternal loop.

People don't seem to appreciate or understand at a real core level, how subtle
algorithmic influences program them, at a much deeper, subconscious level. The
effects can even be seen through minuscule changes in your daily activity and
behaviour. Critical to recognise this.

Stay true to your word, for the sake of yourself at the very least.
The words you speak, and the promises you make, leave a subconscious imprint on
your mind.
If you say you would do "X" if "Y" occurs, and you don't fulfill that
What you're essentially doing, is that you're teaching your subconscious mind
That this is who I am. A caricature of false imprints. It subtly registers these details,
without you even realising it.
Refrain from indulging in such an activity. Stay true to your words, like a warrior of
honour who is even willing to die for it lest he is unable to fulfil the promise.

Replace your lens of

"Everybody is trying to manipulate me"
"Everybody is operating in accordance with their own self interest"
And the world will make more sense.

People would accuse you of causing them trouble, making them feel sick or bad, or
for causing grave emotional imbalance within them, if you expose them to the truth
when they don't want to understand it. Politely leave those who wish to live in their
own delusion.

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Instead of constantly romanticising the past and its glories, and dissing how
deplorable modern times are, can you all trad accounts just focus on creating
something of actual value? Can you all stop shouting like a 5 year old into the void
and instead discuss innovations?

No amount of convincing is sufficient for he who refuses to understand or entertain

the possibility of something to be true. Convincing somebody else of your own
viewpoint, is a "farce". If what you state, is the truth, then there is no need to engage
in this endeavour.

Human nature remains the same. No matter how much we advance from a
technological perspective, our vices, urges, temptations, biologically hardwired
desires remain the same.
These are preyed upon by these algorithms and subtle manipulators.
He who understands this deeply, wins.

There is no logical reason as to why anyone would stay with someone who isn't
displaying any significant interest in them or their endeavours. Severe attachment
can only lead to emotional turbulence. Why bother so much, when the other party
doesn't care?

As long as a human being is a slave to this device, he will remain nothing but a
zombie. For he will not know what the glorious immersion feels like, he will not hear
the chirping of the birds, he will not feel falling of water on his hands. Oblivious to
nature's calling.

As man begins to disassociate from nature, he inevitably wishes to find solace from
this painful separation in the lap of technology. As he begins to immerse himself in it,
he finds that a part of him silently continues to disintegrate. The end result of this
endeavour is a human-like figure.

The default state of a human being in this modern world is incessant, constant
chasing. This creates a certain type of emptiness within him, a void, therefore to fill it,
he begins to fall into the pit of over indulgence and distraction. He loses life as he
lives on.

Life is like an eternal, everlasting chess tournament

You have multiple games which constitute a tournament

Let's draw some parallels to see the similarities amongst them

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In chess, we inevitably are confronted with various challenges and obstacles
If you lose a piece or make a wrong move(metaphorically speaking, make wrong
decisions), then what choice do you have?
If you lose control over yourself, if you become excessively reactive or emotional
about it, you would end up losing the game
You must see the bigger picture at play.
You must see from a zoomed out perspective, from a long term timeline
Note: Even if you did that earlier, there is no need to worry.
Because this is the beauty of it. Life is not a single game tournament.
It consists of multiple games, and you will have multiple opportunities to rectify your
However, you should not take things for granted, and appropriately value this.
You have to think of what next move you can make.
You cannot change the move that has already occurred.
And there is no benefit in regretting the actions you took at that point of time(in the
Because you will lose sight of what lies "ahead"
Also, you must realise that venturing into territory of meta implications has
unfavorable consequences
For instance, by reading this, you must not think
"I should not worry at all, I should not be anxious at any cost etc"
Because this leads to forcing ideals upon yourself
As opposed to making yourself a conduit for these ideals to embody you.
This is an essential distinction to understand.
If you become anxious about "being anxious", i.e. a meta implication as I like to call
it, then you will induce panic attacks and your situation will only get worse.
If you get "nervous" about "nervousness" then you will panic and react from an
extremely emotional standpoint.
The greatest players are those who deeply understand the game itself.
If you understand something, as opposed to knowing it or enforcing it by force
You will not create self conflict and dissonance and this leads to serenity

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Which gives space to your own mind to think more creatively
When you are worrying, or overthinking or becoming anxious or stressed
Think about
"Can I do something about my situation, can I change it for the better"
If yes, then do that.
It is all about maximization, strategy and implementation
Analyse your past games with genuineness to see what mistakes you repeat.
Mistakes are often common dysfunctional patterns that we don't comprehend or
Find patterns. Discover yourself. See what kind of tactics work for you.
For instance, see if attacking strategy gives you more wins, or defensive strategy
combined with other skills.
It is all about pattern recognition in this case.
Also, when you're going to war(life and chess, metaphorically speaking, are
essentially wars), find who is worthy of accompanying you.
Who are your allies. People who are considerably worthy of your trust.
You need to have a network, an army, pieces who guard the king or lead with it.
These grids create a plethora of positive loops, and a sustainable environment, for
you to improve upon and face challenges.
Sort your true allies, and discard the rest
It does not mean you should end the relationship, for you may need them too

It is a possibility, so do not eliminate it, but take your time away from them since time
and energies are present only in finite quantities
Lastly, do not slip into oblivion or depression.
Life as I said before, life gives you multiple opportunities. It is a tournament.
You have many more games left. Checkmate does not mean death.
Checkmate means your strategy, your philosophy, your actions, or a cumulative
"YOU" have some issue.
Focus on changing that status quo and see the bigger picture.
See that you have more games left to play, and you can win.

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You must have this irrational sense of belief in your abilities.
Not delusional, but a subtle, quiet feeling, backed with real results.
I wish you the very best.

Some people's internal tuning is built for greatness. Anything less than that feels to
them like basic or average. Maybe they fit in with what they get but they constantly
have this feeling that something is off. They must quench this inner fire to feel "life".

If you are not able to control yourself, then it entirely is your problem and you are
responsible for it. It is inevitable that you will encounter people in your life, who will
try to provoke a reaction from you or would waste your time. It is your duty to not fall
into the trap.

People naturally lower their guards against those who either expose various scams,
or those who speak words that carry some semblance to truth. This later is used by
these people to exploit them and make them enrol in frauds or various other pyramid
schemes. Be attentive.

In the name of convenience and safety, solutions are promoted which actually aren't
unique solutions that everybody requires, but are tools of mass control and
manipulation in disguise. In the name of moral good, steps are implemented to
snatch away from people even the most basic freedom.

You cannot make someone understand who does not want to understand in the first
place. Convincing anyone of anything is a grave waste of your own effort and time.
State what you feel is true, and leave. If a person wants to, they will. If not, they

Stoicism is an effect. The idea that you can try and become stoic is a farce. You
cannot embody it mechanically. You cannot follow instructions and force it artificially,
for it will be short lived. It is an effect, not a cause. It arrives when you begin to
understand the truth.

The mind does not prefer dissonance. It wishes to think in terms of absolute. In
terms of black and white. This is a trap that most aren't even aware of. Life is
extremely nuanced. What you may think of as something definite, a certainty, may
turn out to be an entirely different thing altogether.

True creativity is not a function of the mechanised thought process. It is a by-product

of a constantly evolving set of ideals and vision. It is chaotic in the expression of its

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content. It does not follow defined modes of evaluation. It is spontaneous, capricious
and erratic.

When you say you support one politician over the other, what you are essentially
saying, is that you prefer one conman over the other. Your preferences do not
change the underlying fact that you only get to “choose” con-artists and scamsters.

Navigating the turbulent waters of life is what the function of wisdom truly is.
Metacognition is quintessential for acquiring the necessary sight needed to look into
the patterns that no one dared to examine before you. Rough road that leads to a
worthy destination.

Your experiences and conditioning dictate who you are, and what preferences you
have. Maybe you prioritise something over the other, unlike most. So it is natural for
you to not relate to them. Understand, that all perspectives are based upon
experiences. Do not react, let go.

Your energies are finite. The world is fighting to seek your attention. It wants to
absorb all that you have. Therefore, you must learn to preserve it and dedicate it only
to those who have proved themselves worthy of receiving it. Evaluate, then

In a society where individuals and corporations alike, seek your constant attention, it
is your responsibility to discern which ones are worthy of it. It is invaluable and finite,
therefore it must be distributed with delicacy and backed by rational decision making.

True mastery of any field occurs when you spend genuine time in the domain, not by
force, but by organic need to find the hidden beauty that lies in its exploration. It is
just like a relationship, where you spend time getting to know everything about the
other person.

These algorithms and screens will make you a plastic being. A human
like figure. You would abandon your critical thinking for narratives, feelings for
materialism, peace for endless engagement and life for mundane involvement. A
zombified existence.

Thinking is a holistic activity at the highest echelons. It is an art. It isn't about being
merely rational and logical, it isn't about being a textbook materialist. It is about
taking into account the possibility of everything and including all in a nuanced way.

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The void inside a human being is spiritual in nature. Materialists may deny that, but if
they take a look at their own life, they will find that their need to fulfil a purpose isn't
material. It is a deeply spiritual endeavour. The sanctity of life cannot be denied at all.

Not much in your life will change unless your defaults change
Who you are as a person dictates very much of what you will eventually get
In order to get what you truly want, you need to change this default state
You can predict a man's level of success he's going to achieve to an accurate degree
just by looking at what he defaults to
In stressful situations, everybody performs to their limits or atleast tries to
It is during the moments of lack of external stress where you truly get to know what
kind of an individual you are
You get to see what is your default programming, what your nature defaults to
In order to change this, pursue the way of understanding
Because it is the only process that leaves a lasting impact.

Your mind is truly afraid of sincere introspection and lack of external stimuli
To avoid this, it manufactures compelling self deceptions at an astounding pace
It creates all forms of narratives that you buy into without you even realising it
Also, if you are a logical or a creative person, then you need to take extra care to
protect yourself from this form of deception
Logical and creative people are more susceptible to a greater degree of self
deception since their mind's ability to rationalise and create distractions out of thin air
is far more superior than the rest
Mind will do anything in its power to keep you deceived and distracted, and then will
justify it by manufacturing all sorts of statements and explanations
For instance, if you're trying to break away your phone addiction, it might say
"Oh, it's alright. Nothing cataclysmic will happen if I use it for another 5 minutes"
"Oh, I'm an intellectually curious person, I need a constant flow of new information
that keeps me engaged, otherwise I get bored, and see, at least I'm doing something
fruitful unlike the rest of them"
and the list goes on. The ability of mind to distract you and keep you deluded is
nothing less than remarkable.

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Before I continue, I want you to understand the fact that you, are not your mind.
This, is a distinction that you must remain aware of.
Your mind fears lack of sufficient external stimuli, lack of constant distractions,
sincere introspection and awareness.
These combined have the power to shatter most illusions, fantasies and narratives.
These possess the strength required for you to break free from the puppet master
and live life on your own terms.
This is also helpful if you want to get rid of procrastination and internal resistance
encountered while doing something.
You need to remove all sources of distractions that keep you engaged in other tasks,
remove external stimuli, and then channel your awareness onto your being.
This is the antidote that neutralises the poison and gives control back to you.

Attachment and constant "need" rob you of equanimity, freedom and peace
You are attached to your belongings. You are attached to success. You are attached
to your partner.
You are attached to your ideas and your notions of reality and how it functions
(Ever wondered over the possibility that what you might have accumulated till now
could have been a complete lie, or at least a good part of it can be?).
You are attached to your self image(these two are probably the biggest of them all).
Similarly, you need someone to love you. You need someone to revere you.
You need someone to caress you. You need someone to praise you.
You need someone to approve you of your perception about the reality of the
situation, or even reality in general.
You need someone to quench your loneliness. You need someone to motivate you.
You need someone to inspire you. The list can go on...
Notice that I'm not suggesting that you should drop all of your needs and
attachments. This is not what I do. This is what deluded spiritualists do. This is what
society tells you to do.

"Don't be attached". "Don't fall into the trap of this constant need". You must have
seen such messages across various texts, or narrated by various speakers and
accounts who preach "spirituality" or "truth" on our side of twitter.

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In all honesty, such messages are disingenuous. Why? Because they are like
Human beings are not machines who execute instructions. Ask yourself, do you
really become detached when someone tells you not to be attached, or you become
one when you see it for yourself?
The truth is, that one becomes truly detached when he sees the extent of destruction
that attachment has caused in his life.
A wise is he who "sees through the eternal loops of attachment", who notices how
results become negatively impacted by this constant need and attachment.
See how one who plays for the love of the game beats one who plays because he
needs the "win" or a "medal". Retrieval of skill becomes a breeze when one is not
attached to the outcome.
Observe the reality, and if you are really sincere towards understanding truth, you
eventually will.
One may ask. "Well what is wrong with attachment or need". "What is wrong with
constant need"
The issue is that it keeps you blinded. It keeps you in an unnatural state. It is
cataclysmic to your existence.

It creates anxiety, unnecessary expectation which when not fulfilled leaves you
empty, brittle and hollow.
It induces suffering that is not worth enduring. It creates more and more problems. It
keeps you away from discovering truth.
But don't take my word for it. Don't "believe" me. You must see this for yourself.
Do not assume anything. Assumptions are the breeding grounds for falsehoods.
Verify everything that is being said through your own experiences.
Another key point that I would like you to keep in mind is that one must remain
aware, attentive that he does not have this "image" of a person in his mind that is
Many who pursue this journey end up having a self image of a person who is "stoic",
who is not affected by anything at all in his life.

Realise that this is false. This is a very subtle self deception mechanism of the mind
to keep you entrapped in its narratives.
If you "wear" the demeanor of detachment, it will soon slip off.

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This is very much like how some people say, "look, how compassionate, gentle,
sweet, altruistic, humble I am"
All lies. They are lying not only to others, but more importantly, to themselves and
they don't even take notice of it.
Note how everything that you do, every action you take, is dictated by the need to
maintain this self image.
Preservation of self image is really the greatest obstacle in your search for truth and
a pure living.
The greatest takeaway here would be to not force anything upon yourself.
Everything discussed here must be pursued by the way of understanding.
The truth is, that detachment will arrive on its own accord when you are ready for it.
Your goal is to make yourself conducive for its arrival.

Do you yearn for something significant in your life?

If not, then how can you expect motivation to remain persistent?
How can you remain sure that you will not fall into petty pleasure chases and
incessant procrastination?
Life is a miracle. It is an extraordinary gift. Every. Single. Moment. Is special
Your constant chases, indulgences, monotonous existence have robbed you of your
life force
To break this cycle, you must realise once again how beautiful it is to be alive, to feel
the rain, to experience the sight
You must fall in love with life again
Pursue something that you genuinely love. If you don't know what you love, iterate
over multiple options to find out what that thing/domain is
And devote yourself to it
Duration doesn't matter, as long as you are genuine towards its pursuit
It is futile, to chase hacks for bad habits and broken routines
Find something that makes you "transcend" them
You are not even remotely using the unique divine creative potential that you have
been bestowed with

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Do not let it go to waste. There is much to give back, once you accomplish
Honour your life, and you shall find true bliss and satisfaction.

Many people disassociate or end their relationship with somebody on a negative

When they leave a boss/place that they hate, a person they are no longer interested
in, they tend to create a dramatic emotional rhetoric to vent their frustrations out
It is a sheer projection of their hollowness, their broken attachment
For if you are truly detached, if you truly detested the old experience, then why would
you do something like that?
Even our smallest behaviours like this tend to reveal a lot about our personalities and
how we handle things in general
Rejoice in the fact that what was not for you, has gone
And what was coming for you, has arrived
Feelings of bitterness, anger and resentment feed on your own energy
Abandon them.

A man who plays because he is devoted towards the game, will always outplay one
who plays just for the sake of winning, for the former will have all of his talents and
skills available to him, without the interference of nervousness, stress and anxiety
which itself is a by-product of this notion of attachment to the outcome and the win.

A man who plays because he is devoted towards the game, will always outplay one
who plays just for the sake of winning, for the former will have all of his talents and
skills available to him, without the interference of nervousness, stress and anxiety
which itself is a by-product of this notion of attachment to the outcome and the win.

Creating enemies unnecessarily is counterproductive and harmful to your own

prospects in the long run
Create them in your head if you want to, for the sake of motivation or drive, but do
not display the feelings of resentment or hatred. Wear a mask
If you dislike somebody, the easier path is to manufacture an enemy out of him
However, this path is surely not beneficial for you in the long run

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Because maybe sometime in the future, you may need his assistance
It is always easier to fall prey to your ego and try to show people their place
It is far more difficult and subtle to suppress the ego and play the long term game
Even if you want revenge, don't seek it instantly
Punishment and rebuttal that you levy must be deployed strategically
A blow that comes unexpectedly
This is why psychopaths succeed. They don't let their ego dictate their choices
They wait, patiently, even for years to strike or make use of them instead
Think rationally, with your head. Make calculated moves.

Whenever you want to start something, you often encounter a feeling of inertia,
friction or resistance
To let go of it, you need to force yourself to start the activity for a while, regardless of
how you're feeling about it at the moment, because after a few minutes/hours, you
will enter into a state of flow and things will become effortless
Remember: This is not a permanent solution. Ideally, you should not be doing
something where you need to force yourself on a regular basis
You must have a playful attitude towards your pursuit (but this too isn't a rule)
Life is extremely nuanced. There are no black or white answers to any problems
The main idea is that resistance/inertia tends to decrease with the passage of time
Also, try to find a specific time zone where this friction is at its least
For instance, early mornings
At that time, you are refreshed after a good sleep, and your senses aren't yet
bombarded with a plethora of stimuli
Distractions and external noise are at their minimum as well. Utilise it to get ahead.

Many pop culture intellectuals disagree for the sake of disagreement

For showing off to people or to attain a self image of a person who is "civilised and
listens to all sides of arguments"
Or to subconsciously gain a false sense of superiority
They don't do it for the sake of understanding or exploring the hidden truth or a valid

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No genuineness at all.

The mind prefers to jump to conclusions, without considering additional possibilities

and viewpoints or perspectives. Nuance is rare. The framework required to observe it
and process it is even more scarce. It is best to always keep an assumption in the
back of your head that you could be entirely incorrect.

If there is anything a man would like to constantly remain wary of

It is not something out there
It is not something external

It is his very own mind

For the mind is the one which creates most falsehoods and deception
Which succumbs to narratives, ignores nuances and reality

If you want to change a system

You have to get your hands dirty
Do not be deluded enough to think that ideals alone can change the world
Obtain power to subtly influence your control
No one caters to the powerless
Once you acquire it, you can then utilise it for betterment.

Masses are easily swayed by fancy sounding words

Sprout intellectual jargon
Combine it with a strong sense of confidence
And they will blindly believe anything that you say
And mistake it for truth
They are not interested in evaluations for it requires "actual" thinking
They are not interested in understanding real, raw, pure, unfiltered truth
Aesthetics with regards to words concern them
Not the matter of the argument or a dissection of a situation.

Most philosophy in general is cope and perpetuating self delusions through

elaborative pretenses

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It gives excess importance to "thought" and not to the "being"
Ironically you can arrive at the latter only when you have pursued the path of the
former with a desire to know the truth.

When emotional people transition from being emotional to logical, they start to see
everything by the lens of
"Everything that invokes emotions is incorrect, and everything that invokes logic is
correct, by default"
This is a highly flawed lens. Reality is nuanced. It involves both in appropriate ratios.
They become emotional about "being logical".
Nothing's changed.

Masses get swayed away by narratives easily because they don't use their own
brains for processing information, at all
Easily polarised by either an appeal to emotions, or to logic
They can't realise that logic itself can be twisted and misrepresented to justify

If you don't know who you are

How can you be so sure of what you want?
Most likely, what you want, is dictated by societal conditioning
Which is, what it "should" be.
This is the origin point of all inner conflict, inefficiency, inadequate creativity and

You do not leave your lower self by becoming detached from it. This way is difficult
for most people.
You leave your lower self by becoming attached to the higher one. This is way of
When the joy of being in higher self exceeds the lower, you abandon the lower

People on both spectrums of ideology firmly believe that they are the ones who are
not brainwashed. Truth is, both are captured by ideological lens and dogma. Only a

Compilation of Some VK Tweets 63

handful are able to escape from the clutches of ideology, without succumbing to
extreme ends.

It becomes appealing to critique the system endlessly once you have taken full
advantage of it. Most people don't appreciate the role that system played in their
lives. All of this doesn't mean that systems are flawless. It implies you don't value
them as much due to your ignorance.

There are various meme bubbles in the society that are constantly fighting against
one another for dominance. They include bubbles of spirituality and science, art,
philosophy, religion and ideologies etc. Enlightenment begins once you become
deeply aware of this phenomenon.

Get to know the person you are. Have a deep longing to explore your own
connection, and form a companionship with yourself. Be authentic, and admit flaws.
Immerse within yourself and you will soon find how effortlessly external need and
dependencies are minimised.

Anger is a projection. When you are insecure about losing something, or you are
insecure about your perceived image, you seldom like to admit to yourself that you
got hurt. This is why you act angrily, to hide your own true self away from this painful
realisation. An act you put up to hide your emotional vulnerability.

Man spends time studying how other people are trying to manipulate him, but he
never bothers to see how his very own mind is manipulating him all the time. And this
is precisely what the mind wants. It is satisfied, at peace as long as focus is directed
away from it.

Seek to understand, than to blindly judge and confine others within the boundaries of
your limited cognition. People are complex. Their behaviours are varied and can be
attributed to multiple reasons, not always malice.

If your philosophy, concepts, ideas don't work for whatever reason, then do not
hesitate to shift to the other one. Do not become attached to a single school of
thought. Iterate to see which one yields consistent optimal results. That is closer to
the truth.

When you need something, when you are desperate for attention, praise, validation
or approval, what you're essentially communicating to your subconscious, is that you
are not valuable in yourself. Because the one who truly is, needs no such

Compilation of Some VK Tweets 64

Society operates on collectively agreed illusions. Some are useful, most are not.
When the wall of these illusions collapse under its own load(faulty system/material),
the weight of the falling structure is borne most by ones at the bottom of the

You become what you are devoted towards. What you surround yourself with. What
you consume. What your environment is. What reaches your subconscious since it
always registers these patterns in the background whether you realise it or not and
influence your thinking and behaviour.

Performance at the highest echelons

is a consequence of devotion and detachment from the outcome. As long as one is
attached to the results, one cannot be completely immersed in what "is", since it
induces nervousness which in fact hampers retrieval of skill.

Why seek to grow? Why should one even try? Why one must search for truth? Why
discover wisdom? Why try to understand life? Why strive towards ascension? To
experience the ultimate state of consciousness, the greatest possibility that can be. A
goal in itself.

Truth is inexpressible. At its core, it is a heartfelt realisation or a feeling that

penetrates the bone. An attempt to even articulate it, is futile. The wise seek to only
be guided towards it. This way, its essence isn't lost and the one who truly seeks to
understand, arrives.

Fundamentally reject the concept of debates. Majority of them are keenly focused on
speaker finding evidence that further supports his claim, as opposed to finding out
the truth. Discussions however are often civil, and strive to reach to a conclusion.

High IQ does not necessarily have a strong correlation with realism. Many high IQ
people use their cognitive abilities to justify the stupidity that they want to believe in,
or they do not apply that computational power in areas that lie outside of their

One can only engage in interminable addictions as long as he is not aware of them.
The pattern in the recurrence of addictions is the lack of awareness, goal as well as
stimuli. For where there is awareness, activity which one does not wish to engage in
ceases to exist.
For instance, consider alcohol addiction. The goal is to lose yourself, and numb
down your senses and your awareness, but it is the stimuli too. You cannot continue

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to consume it if you are not losing awareness. This is the key to stop addictions.
While doing the activity, or even before it, don't let your awareness dwindle. Shower
your "being" with awareness. Become obsessively self aware and continue to do
that. The addiction would cease to exist, immediately. You don't need elaborative
methods and techniques. Just one simple key to understand from where the
addictions stem and you get rid of them.

Set difficult objectives for yourself. Constantly seek to breach your own perceived
limitations by creating scenarios that require you to deal with challenging tasks.
Benefit: Your threshold for dealing with stress increases and the actual situations
begins to seems far easier.

Overthinking is the most convenient self deception in the sense that you can
convince yourself that you are doing something intellectually rigorous and essential
even when you are not. It gives you the perfect excuse to distract yourself from
pursuing the supreme virtue that is, taking action.

Great writing is a side effect. The prerequisite for it is living out life. Most people don't
actively live life. They just function like mindless drones, repeating processes that
they need to do over the years. You cannot pursue writing as a "task" because it
happens on its own volition when, while living, you intensely feel an insatiable fire, an
undeniable need to convey the lessons derived from your most personal

The trees are analogous to real world problems, while axe, is to the brain. Blindly
attacking trees with axes isn't going to help. You need to sharpen the axe for
efficiency. You must indulge in brain training to strengthen your neural connections
and rewire the internal circuitry.

All of your philosophical constructs and ideals are pointless if you leave them behind
when times are dark and gloomy. It is easy to manufacture constructs, what is
difficult is checking how reliable they are, and how disciplined you are, upon
adhering to them when hell is on you.

Once you start to become more conscious and aware of your surroundings and
reality, you sign a contract with your existence where you can no longer afford to
ignore your problems. This may be disconcerting at first, however eventually you will
thank yourself for acknowledging it.

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Imagine if you were locked up in a room with speakers playing music incessantly
without a break in the background. That is an unfortunate state of existence for
almost all of the population. The mind takes on role of speakers, and chattering is the

Work life balance is only for those who haven't found life in their work. If one pursues
what he thinks is meaningful, that carries some impact, is significant for his
ambitions, or is something that needs to be done no matter what, then he won't even
entertain this idea at all.

One must make himself a conduit for the universe to flow through. The ether of
ideas, permeate through the cosmic layers, to reach the mind of a being who is
available to receive it. Incessant stimulation removes that impetus by which one is
transformed into a vessel.

When you begin any activity, you encounter friction, a sort of resistance. Many
succumb to this and become distracted, giving up the activity altogether. One way to
get over it is to go ahead with it regardless for a while, since that induces momentum
which gets one into a state of flow.

Strive to understand everyone because all perspectives are based upon an

individual's experiences. In analysing the perspectives of others, you get to
understand components of your own psychology. This is essential if you wish to
elevate your consciousness, since higher states of consciousness are linked to a
greater, holistic understanding of reality.

What genuinely nice people fail to understand is that being overtly nice with
everybody arouses more suspicion than reciprocation because people think all
humans are selfish all the time and you must have a hidden motive or agenda to act
in this way with them.

Many are deeply misguided by the idea that they are "saving the world", that they are
the only "saviours of the truth". Under the guise of believing that they are doing the
right thing, they ignore their own divisive actions, biases, judgments and ignorance.

Those who tolerate their relationships are living a life of quiet desperation. They think
they can do this for long, but at what cost? Constant clashes and fights, daily cortisol
spikes and a turbulent state of mind? You decide for yourself whether it's worth it or

Compilation of Some VK Tweets 67

This is a nuanced topic in itself which involves multiple variables. It also depends
upon the intensity of clashes, their frequency, the limits their partner is willing to
cross to prove the other right or wrong. One should have a spectrum of experiences
to comment on this.
Sometimes you see people who have gone through a lot, clashed with each other on
multiple occasions, still got together in the end when the entire picture was
considered. Was it worth it for them? They have to decide. Often, the variable of kids
comes into play here.
If the kids succeed, the couples think that maybe their struggle, clashes, or mental
apprehension was worth it. Because results are what matter at the end. If the kids do
not succeed, then surely, all that struggle meant nothing for them, speaking from a
result oriented perspect.
It also depends on whether both individuals are striving towards something or not,
with respect to their careers, whether that is creating the conflict, and if that is worth
the pain or not. If both are working towards a common goal, then it will work out for
them in the end.
The state of tolerance, isn't something that needs to be celebrated, nor is it
something that needs to be dismissed and rejected straightaway. The factors behind
why anything is happening in the first place needs to be evaluated. Cost benefit
analysis needs to be done.
Some variables regarding why they are worth it, are discussed above. Why are they
not worth it? Because you are not only impacting your own efficiency, but you are
also impacting the psychological development of your child and this can shape his
future to an extent.
A child needs an environment that is encouraging, that moulds his brain in a certain
way, because his brain is highly plastic. It will shape itself according to what it
absorbs. And since it's a sponge at a young age, it will absorb everything. Including
your clashes.
Kids sometimes create their own psychological armour in response to the stress that
they encounter in their environment. This can impact their ability to succeed. For
instance, kids of parents who constantly clash generally rank higher in neuroticism.
Are those constant clashes worth it? Given it directly impacts your child's brain and
your own material success? One needs to think through all of this. This is serious
business, not a joke. People need to act rationally and think through everything so
they may not have regrets.

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Those who have immediate opinions on such complex topics clearly have not
experienced the spectrum of marriages and the issues people have in them. Neither
have they dedicated time to think deeply about it.
You see western degenerates who have the divorce settlement ready even on the
smallest of issues. You see eastern zombies who tolerate everything, including
extremely violent behaviour, constant cortisol spikes, degrading their mental and
physical health for it.
One can do a thesis on such complex topics, because they require sincere
dissection. Why? Due to the nature of the problem. These decisions are not
something that should be made in a fit of anger or in other emotional states. One has
to be logical about it.
You are not only dealing with your own life, but with the life of your kids as well. They
are perhaps the biggest variable at play here. If the situation takes place before kids,
then it becomes painstakingly easy compared to the situation after kids.
Think about all of the factors, the ones that are listed, and the ones that are not.
Make sure to consult someone who is trustworthy, knows both of you, and is ready to
convey the ruthless truth of the matter to you without any hesitation whatsoever.

Because most of the time, people are trapped in their own echo chambers, and
seeing the situation from a third person's perspective may alleviate the issue
altogether. If you don't have someone like this, consult an expert. This is not a trivial

Everybody is manipulative, except you. Everybody is deceitful, cruel, evil, non

reciprocative, cunning, except you. Can you spot the issue with this? The mind loves
to point fingers at everyone except itself, because it knows that such questioning
dilutes its narrative.

Most people do not participate in spirituality to search for truth. They do so because
they are allured by its aesthetic notions of offering a divine experience or are
enchanted by the mesmerising phrases that may help them to cope with life in

If you have never intensely felt the vis vitae of a descending leaf in the season of
autumn, amidst utterances of a bird's warble, then you presumably have numbed
down the receptivity of your senses by inundating them in piquancy of electronic

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Much suffering is manufactured directly by the mind. One creates a large portion of
his suffering and he is not even aware of that. He also constantly identify with the
suffering. He thinks he is the one who is suffering. Suffering is real, but distinguish
between fake and real.

An ultimate understanding of reality, complete realisation invokes awe and

astonishment. You see how delicately the fragments must be arranged to function as
a complete unit, how things must be in a certain way before they can be changed
and tinkled with.

Learn to specify and enforce your boundaries. Make sure everyone around you
knows what is acceptable to you and what is not. If you do not specify, people will
feel obliged to cross them, mostly due to ignorance. Define. It is for your own sake

Many often deploy silence as a tool for shifting the frame of the conversation and
taking control on their side. Do not get appalled by it. Do not give into the temptation
of filling the void. Instead, you must learn to embrace and yield it.

Any action that is pursued with the intention of receiving a reciprocation or a specific
outcome is based upon projection of your own expectation and it leads to attenuation
of its purity, thus causing discontentment and deprivation of serenity and tranquillity.

One needs the anchor of spirituality to not get adrift by the conditioning this world
provides. One needs it to see through his own lies, and to not fall prey to the self
deception of his own mind. Being truly spiritual means to elevate state of your

There lies a certain kind of pleasure and relief in incessant worrying and
consternation. Counterintuitive to think about, but it is the case. It often is created by
you, instead of happening to you, because the alternative is to immerse silently in
the action and endure the suffering.

Seek no body's approval. To seek validation, is to insult the astounding creation of

divine that you are. Let no man be an absolute judge of what you are, and what you
could be. You must refuse to entertain the idea that there exists a limitation you
cannot breach

Choose a mission, and get your finances right. Most of your anxiety, psychological
problems, constant fear, worrying about the future etc will be taken care of. Do not

Compilation of Some VK Tweets 70

directly jump into other higher pursuits without getting these right, otherwise you may
get deluded.

Accept the truth, for what it is. The alternative is to live a life of eternal lies. Lies do
not come back to bite you immediately. They are instead like a slow poison that rot
you off, and make you susceptible to problems. Truth, however, eventually grants

Endless consumerism is a deliberately crafted illusion designed to keep you

entrapped for sustaining its structure. Do not get enamoured by its appeal. You can
see for yourself if it ever, is able to fulfil you or not. Then decide

Your interpretation matters, the view of the situation matters. Lens which you use to
see the world with. Some see a particular situation, as empowering, while others
view it as a limiting factor. You must upgrade or change this lens to better equip
yourself for the reality.

Silence is channeling the divine within. Whenever you project, the awareness is
pointed away from the being, and when one abstains from it, this very awareness is
dwelled within. It is a subtle escape by people from facing their inner dialogue and

Man is so disconnected from nature and his natural state, that he needs an app to
remind him to drink water, to tell him, when he should sleep and for how long. Can
you not feel, when are you genuinely thirsty or sleepy? The former eventually only
creates complications.

Aim for understanding and truth rather than creating notions of glorifying suffering,
resisting suffering etc. For he who knows, understands that resisting suffering
creates additional suffering, glorifying it limits efficiency. One then does what needs
to be done.

Establish a clear mode of communication in your relationships. Sometimes due to

lack of context or information, people tend to assume things up and confusion keeps
building up recursively and suspicion arises etc. It is best to be upfront and precise
about as many aspects as possible to reduce all of this. Maybe it can be
uncomfortable, maybe it can hurt the other in some way, but in the long run, it's
beneficial for all.

Trust in your ability to trust others is what fails you. Before you begin to point the
fingers outwards, examine within. It is not that people fail you, for they always will. It

Compilation of Some VK Tweets 71

is often your own judgement and surety in this ability is what leads you down to
begin with.

Most are content with knowledge because it provides an illusion of knowing.

Construct a structure for your life. Creation at the highest echelons is structureless,
however to reach a point where you can execute it effortlessly, you need to begin
with a structure. The same ironic theme of life applies to many aspects, from
meaning to rules.

One must become acutely aware of his innermost dispositions as well as the
external patterns that have come to inhabit his mind and life. Choosing to disregard
this, is a sin he must atone to, for it will persist to influence the degree of divine he
gets to experience.

Man seldom admits that he simply does not know. It is difficult for him to accept this.
Even when he does not know, he will try to come up with some semblance of an
answer instead of admitting his ignorance. And this is why he will forever remain

Cultivate a voice of truth within you, if you don't have one already. When you are
confronted with a decision, or a situation, care to ask this tiny voice it's opinion. The
more you listen, the more it will grow. Soon enough, it will grow big and your life will
also change 180°.

With the advent of more sophisticated language models, mediocrity is coming to an

end. It is the mediocre who is appalled, masters just see it as a new tool to improve
their efficiency. They know something beyond intelligence is at play in the execution
of their craft.

You think doing good is noble. But what makes you do it? You do good because you
expect a reciprocation from society or the person you are helping, or you are trying
to maintain the self image of yours? Is it a self deceptive narrative your mind
manufactured? Ponder over this.

When you say you made sacrifices for someone else, you are essentially
lying to yourself. You expected a reciprocation for that sacrifice in return, otherwise it
is highly likely that you wouldn't have done it in the first place, and you hide this truth
under elaborative pretence of love. This is one of the reasons why when someone
rejects you, you are left heartbroken and you begin to curse the other person for not
loving you back for your "selfless deeds". You are not ready to accept the fact that

Compilation of Some VK Tweets 72

you did those acts only because you expected love in return, so it was not a
"sacrifice" for that is done without expectations.

One should remain aware of this truth that it is not people who have ideas, it is ideas
who have people. Separate the art from the artist, for if you fail to do so, you will lose
sight of brilliance, and instead cling to worst of even the best.

Whenever you are anxious, do not suppress that feeling. Resisting it creates
additional anxiety, a meta effect. Compression creates more pressure. Allow yourself
to feel it in your bones while also doing what is necessary, and it will soon dissipate.

Never let anything have an exorbitant level of power over yourself. If it is that "one
deal" or that "one thing" which you simply cannot live without, then realise that it has
too much power over you and the lack of healthy space, lack of detachment will incur
some serious cost in multiple forms. For instance, if you are too dependent on that
one thing, you might become more nervous, and that might hamper your
performance, ultimately interfering with the mission of attaining that thing. The
message here does not mean that you should not go all in while pursuing "that
thing", it just means you have prepared yourself even for the worst case scenario,
and can adjust and execute accordingly if that does not go in your favor.

To have this human experience, is an absolute honour. Imagine the range of

emotions you can feel, experiences you can gain, derive lessons from your pain,
discover what is true, and share the memories. If you cannot feel this divinity, then
something's off. Identify.

A truly realised man, occupies the paradoxes. He doesn't confine his existence to a
linear dimension, and embodies dissonance by accepting it. Idealistic yet pragmatic,
kind as well as ruthless, impassive yet expressive, serene yet tempestuous. Yin and

When you cease to escape, all that remains is to accept. And when you accept, what
you tried to escape from, ceases to exist.

Feeling hurt is not a problem. Not reflecting on why you felt hurt, is.

When someone rejects your advances, you instantly develop a sense of hatred for
the same person that you claimed to love unconditionally. What you know, is not
love. It is attachment.

Compilation of Some VK Tweets 73

Man has become addicted to his incessant thoughts. These thoughts create
turbulence within him, but he is unfazed in his quest and allows them to affect him,
since he does crave the spectrum of emotions due to his attachment to the self. He
fears the silence, thus peace evades him.

The true aim of meditation isn't to make you feel like you can get 20 minutes of
peace and then be done with it. Its true purpose, is to make you transcend it, and
experience it in each moment of your day. This is meditativeness, the state of
interminable tranquility and bliss.

When one fails to examine what he has imported, he begins to identify with it. This
creates a perpetual cycle of suffering. The primary origin, is this misidentification. But
this never occurs as a possibility to examine, because the investment into believing it
is deep.

Man can only feel alive when he is on the edge, when something consumes him up
entirely, and nothing remains between him and the thing he seeks.

As man begins to peel off the layers of reality and himself, he is guaranteed to
become overwhelmed at some point. One must understand how leaving this journey
of self and external exploration midway, will only lead to a turbulent state. It is wise to
continue this process so you may develop subsequent clarity, which further leads to
an enhanced state of existence.

Asking philosophical questions makes you understand how much depth there is in
every facet of reality. A true philosopher has a deep appreciation for life, since he is
able to wonder at the number of layers anything encompasses. They give you new
insights and immense perspective.

The greatest red flag in any young man is the lack of ambition. If he does not strive
towards something that seems to be unattainable, indescribable, then he is abusing
the divine potential bestowed upon him and the universe justifiably punishes him for
this sin.

Self improvement is a chase. These cultural notions of trying to get better, and all of
these concepts are largely a farce. If you know precisely where you wish to arrive,
you might stumble, but you will eventually arrive. However improvement being a goal
in itself will fail instantly.

The mind requires clarity for proper processing. Giving it vague instructions won't
lead to a change in its state. It will return to its default. To trigger the required

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response, divide the tasks into chunks to conquer, and visualise the desired output
with all the details.

"Trying" to be stoic, "trying" to become detached, "trying" to be present, these are all
scams that are prevalent in the society. These are all "effects" of understanding great
truths and not merely something you can emulate, for such "acts" are often "short

The mind creates the projection of self image. Man's entire existence revolves
around maintenance of this projection. Insults, compliments, misery, joy, they all act
as triggers for changing its state. If one identifies the illusory nature of it, he
understands life itself.

Telling others to do this or that, be like xyz, is all absurdity of the highest order.
Human beings are not some machines that can follow instructions you tell them to
adhere to line by line. They need a systematic understanding that guides them
towards this by itself.

A significant mistake people who are interested in truth, make is that they assume
everyone would benefit from hearing it. That's incorrect. They won't because they
don't have that affinity for it to begin with. They will instead resent you for exposing it
to them most likely. Think carefully before you proceed.

You do not see the other person. You talk either to their image, of what they show to
you, what they reveal of themselves or you talk to the projection of that person that
your own mind generates based upon preconceived notions. This is also why you
don't feel interested in them.

The subtle incessant turmoil in one's life cannot be quenched by ointments, for they
are but temporary solutions. Improvement, chases are all futile. Cure lies in acting on
the innermost desire one's heart has held on to, for years, which the mind has

Man thinks he will find "that" in his work, he feels he might find "that" in his
relationship, amongst like-minded individuals, perhaps in improvement. But "that"
continues to evade him, for he simply fails to realise, he knows "that" already yet
chooses to ignore.

Acknowledgement of the presence of a disease is the first step towards

eradicating it

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If one does not acknowledge that he is suffering from a disease, how can the
treatment even be initiated?
If one gets angry in response to an insult, then he has to at least admit that he felt
hurt, and that his anger was a reaction meant to hide the feeling of hurt
Without admission, how can the disease be identified and treated?
If one yells at his wife or coworkers because he is unable to manage his finances
right, then at least he has to be sincere enough to admit the true reason of his anger,
instead of placing blame upon them for his own inadequacy
If one is messaging his friends all day, continuously in hope of a response, then he
must at least admit that he fundamentally is afraid of loneliness and aloneness and
most likely is excessively attached to them
If one is getting distracted, then he must atleast admit he lacks a purpose that moves
Unless there is admission and acknowledgement, there is no hope of receiving the
treatment to cure it
The glorious fact, of how the universe operates, is that upon the very admission,
most or all of the problem is already resolved and tranquility settles within
Nothing can save a man except truth. Honest admission of his problems, of what
really bothers him.
It is not that he does not know, but that he willfully chooses to ignore, for he is afraid
of what might happen to the elaborative self deceptive lies he created to fool himself
upon the strike of truth.

Changing thoughts often won't do much if you have trained and conditioned yourself
to behave in a certain way. You must change the behaviour, and train your brain to
adapt to the new patterns. That's how true change is produced. Constantly thinking
and replacing old thoughts with new thoughts won't help as much as you think they

How to stop thinking

First of all, you must ask yourself
Why do you want to stop thinking?
What is it that you seek from this pursuit?
Are you trying to stop the thinking because it is directing you repeatedly towards
something that you have ignored for eons

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Or is it because you have seen the futility of the constant chattering of the mind and
you wish to move beyond it?
Understand the working of the mind, that is the only way to make it "still"
You cannot "stop" the thinking
"Stopping" is an "action" that again stirs it, agitates it
Your mind, is like a monkey trapped in a room full of furniture and belongings
Who is causing chaos by throwing things around
Any attempt, against it, will agitate it, it will generate a recoil
Here is a great truth about yourself: you actually enjoy the monkey causing tantrums
(Ruminate on this deeply)
Be a dispassionate, detached observer. Observe the monkey, without interference
Rotating the spoon anti-clockwise won't stop the stirred coffee
Allow the stillness to reside by itself through non interference
Have no judgements, for or against. Simply watch it for what it is
Even if the thoughts that you deem to be unworthy arrive
Simply observe them. Realise, that you, are not those thoughts. You are the one,
who is watching them as they pass by
The waves will settle, the storms will subside, as you continue.

Micro-control to elevate your levels of functioning

If you are someone who is genuinely struggling with discipline, then this is for you
Before we can address the whys of discipline, we need to focus on hows of inducing
discipline so we may reach a level where we can ponder over it's nature, and truly
understand it to its core
Here's what you need to do
You need to continuously deny your irrational urges and impulses
You can gamify this process by creating a counter in your head, where each time you
successfully do that, your score is incremented by one
And at the end of the day, upon reaching a hypothetical limit you will set for yourself,
you sufficiently are rewarded for it (incentivised mechanism)

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When you continuously deny these urges, what you're communicating to your
subconscious, is that your rational decision making capability should be prioritised
over these sudden impulses
Suppose you get an irrational urge to comment on somebody's attire
Suppose you get an urge to rest even though you don't deserve it yet
Suppose you get an urge to say something to someone
Resist them. Deny yourself to act upon these impulses.
It can be achieved, but it requires grit, and practice in this case. It will continue to
become easier as you go on
You will have to sit with your feelings as they torment you, but realise the true value
of this process, and how not going through this will ensure you get wrecked by some
irrational spontaneous feeling
This is becoming disciplined on a micro-level. This will give you enough space in
your end, and sufficient rational thinking ability, to figure out the real question
*Why were you not disciplined in the first place*

Do not jump to macro-aspects without gaining control and mastery over micro-
Also, if your biology isn't aligned, there is nothing much you can do with these mental
models and abstractions
Optimise your biology before you pursue this. For instance, if you are a man, get
your testosterone levels checked
Make sure your cortisol levels are regulated, dopamine receptors are not fried etc.
Cursing yourself endlessly if your biology isn't right is not going to help you
Get enough sunlight exposure. This is all basic knowledge which one should know
about. Look into grounding. Research for yourself, don't expect anyone to tell you

That which takes one closer to understanding the fundamental dissatisfaction that
lies within every being, is spiritual by definition.
Anything else, provides an alluring illusion of that which does not last, rendering the
very chase, nugatory, empty and meaningless in the end.

To compensate for our own inherent inadequacies, we bring the skies of heaven
down to the floors of hell.

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Your refusal to move on from a disappointing situation, is equivocal to the admission
on your part that you accept the consequences, your lack of movement brings with
itself. One cannot sit around and passively wait for life to happen. You are actively
choosing your destruction.

The more he tries to downplay himself, the more important he is. This does not mean
that by trying to downplay himself, he achieves importance. It is not the act that
assigns the significance to the man, it is the significance of the man that compels
him to act in this way.

Examine the music you've been listening to when you find yourself trapped in a loop
of negative emotions. The mind often maps and reinforces negative emotional states
through similar kinds of music, as the allure of experiencing those feelings is strong.
Refrain from indulgence.

The pursuit of power is an imperative that should not be dismissed, as it is a

necessity. The reason why spiritualists forsake this pursuit is not because they have
transcended it by achieving and then assigning insignificance to it but rather due to
their inability to attain it.

No one person has the authority, or the knowledge to dictate how you should live
your life, and what you must believe in. Everyone is deeply flawed, even those who
appear to be flawless. No one person's model of reality is the absolute truth. Thus
adopt what you think is right.

If you think deeply, you will suffer

If you continue to think deeply, you will be liberated.

Mission is the cure for loneliness.

You must embody the potential for cunning, malevolence and strategic ingenuity,
while steadfastly avoiding their temptation. Employ these qualities judiciously in
service of righteousness, directed only towards those who employ unethical means.

Man is readily agitated when he feels someone lied to him, yet he chooses to
conveniently ignore the fact that he has been lying and fooling himself for all these
years and feels no sense of remorse or guilt for harbouring this poison which
destroyed his own life.

Identification with thoughts is what prevents one from getting rid of them.

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Man has to keep his purpose above everything else in his life. What matters, is his
mission. It either falls into the category of what truly fulfils him, or what he must do,
for it is the right thing. Much in his life falls in place when he devotes himself to attain

People reveal their true nature when you don’t possess power over them or you
could not be of their use. This is why it is crucial to play dumb/naive sometimes, in
front of them, so you may see them for who they really are.

Man’s true character is revealed in tribulation. Everybody can sprout some fancy
moral values and elaborative philosophies when everything’s going for them, but only
a handful uphold to their ideals when things take a downturn and they are confronted
with arduous choices.

If you suffer too much there is a risk that you might began to enjoy it, thus to some
extent rendering the suffering meaningless in the end. It only makes sense when
enduring it transforms you, for that’s its sole purpose, to let you reevaluate the
mistakes and error you’ve made.

Seeking peer approval often has societal benefits but can erode personal identity.
When you conform, you risk becoming an echo of collective norms rather than an
authentic individual. It's crucial to weigh this loss of self against the societal gains to
determine if its worth it.

Monitor the inner dialogue that shapes your days. The words you whisper to yourself
don't just echo in the halls of your mind, they construct the reality you inhabit. Be
vigilant about your mental rhetoric, for your external world is often a reflection of your
innermost thoughts.

Creativity in general can only flourish if survival is guaranteed or atleast assured.

You cannot expect a man who wants to put food on the table to function in a creative
Similar is the case with search for truth. You cannot expect the path before fulfilling
basic needs.

People look out for their own self interest

You look out for your own
If you don’t, then you are getting in their way, since you are not being decisive about
what you want

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This naivety gives them a pass to trample over you without repercussions
Know what “you” want.

To know, is to question. If what you want to believe in, or what you’re being asked to
believe in, prevents you from questioning the fundamental aspects of it, then you are
not dealing with the manifestation of truth. It is merely dogma disguised as virtue and

What one must figure out for himself at any cost is his purpose
His mission in life
Dive deeper into 3 fundamental aspects

1. What

2. Why

3. How

Answer these three, in order, and preoccupy yourself with it

If you don’t find it, then still go about your tasks, while running this in the back of your
Solve a societal problem. Solve problems for customers, clients. Design products
and provide services.
Once you start, don’t look back, and keep going.
What implies what you want to work upon, what you want to solve or improve
Why implies why you want to do what you want to do, the reasoning, the motivation
behind it. Without a strong why, you won’t have enough will power to see through the
how, which involves most of the work
How implies how you can do what you want to do. If you wish to develop or design a
product, or provide a service, become proficient at the necessary skills
Master these skills. Become an embodiment of them and provide value directly
through their application
Devote your very own existence to this purpose, your mission.
Much of your life will become sorted. Your endless escapism will cease to exist. And
most of your problems regarding your life, or your personality, will automatically be

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