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I. Objectives
At the end of the sixty-minutes session, 80% of the pupils are expected to:
a. identify the adverbs of frequency;
b. construct sentences using the adverb of frequency; and
c. understand the importance of adverbs of frequency in a sentence.

II. Subject Matter

Topic : Adverbs of Frequency

Reference/s : Building Effective English Skills Textbook 6 (Page 122)

Progressive Integrated Language Learning and Reading Series
(Page 378-382) , English page 188, Code: ENG6-Ig. 4-4.1

Materials : Tarpapel, Spinning Wheel, Chalkboard, Cartolina

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Pupils’ Activity

A. Preparation
a. Greetings

Good morning Class!

Good Morning Ma’am Ann!
How are you today?
We’re in a good condition, Ma’am!
That’s great!

b. Checking of Attendance

Is there anyone absent for

today? None, ma’am!

Very good class! You’re all

present today.

Now, give yourself a heart heart

clap. 1,2,3 - 1,2,3 Very good! Very good!
Heart heart!

c. Opening Prayer

Everybody please stand for our

opening prayer, to be lead by
John Michael. (The pupils will stand and pray.)

d. Classroom Management

Before you seat, kindly please

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pick up the pieces of paper
under your chairs. (The pupils will pick up the pieces of
paper under their chairs.)

Before we proceed to our

discussion, what are the rules to
follow? 1. Avoid talking with your seatmates.
2. Raise your hands if you want to
3. Participate during the discussion.
4. Listen to the teacher attentively.
5. Avoid going to the Comfort Room.

Very good!

For those who will participate

during the discussion, will
receive a sticker reward which
is equivalent to a plus points.

Is that clear? Yes, ma’am!


e. Review

Before we proceed to our new

lesson, let’s have a short recap
about our past lesson.

What was our lesson yesterday? About adverbs of manner, ma’am!

Very good!

What is adverb of manner? Adverbs of manner are words that tell

the manner in which an action is done.
It answer the question “how”
Great answer!
Will you give an example of
adverbs of manner and use it in Carefully ma’am.
a sentence. My father drove carefully along the
Very good!
What else? Gracefully, ma’am!
Sheena dances gracefully during the

Class, let us give them a heart

heart clap!
1,2,3 - 1,2,3 Very good! Very good!
Heart heart!
Always remember that adverbs
of manner is important because
it clarify how an action is
carried out.

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B. Motivation

Class, I will read the conversation

first. And then afterwards, you will
read this. I need three pupils who will
volunteer to represent the characters.

(Some of the pupils will volunteer.)

(The pupils will read the conversation.)

Reading Across Subject Areas for

Better Academic Student’s
Achievement (RASA – BASA)

Okay let see if you listen and

understand the conversation.

1. Who are the characters in the

Monica, Carlo and Albert, ma’am!
2. Where did it happened?
At school, ma’am!
3. What was their topic all about?
About how often they use their
computers at home.
Very good!
How about you, do you always use
your computer at home?
Yes, ma’am!
Sometimes, ma’am!
Always, ma’am!

Are you allowed to use the computer
at home?
Yes, ma’am, but only in a limited time.
Do you listen to your parent’s
Yes, ma’am, we always listen to their

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advice, because we know that it is for
our own good. Because using the
computer has advantages and
That’s great! disadvantages, ma’am.
What do you think are the advantages
and disadvantages of using a
The advantage of using computers is
that we can easily access or gather
Nice answer!
How about the disadvantage of
always using a computer?
Time sink and lots of distraction
It can cause eyestrain.
Very good!
That’s why we need to limit
ourselves in using computer.

Class, based on the conversation that

we had read, will you give me the
words that shows how often they
used the computers.

How often does Monica uses her

Always, ma’am!

How about Carlo? And also Albert?

Often, ma’am!
Seldom, ma’am!
That’s great!
Let us give them a heart heart clap!
1,2,3! 1,2,3! Very good! Very good!
Do you have any idea what do we Heart heart!
call these words?

Great answer! Adverbs of Frequency, ma’am!

C. Lesson Proper

Our topic for today is about Adverbs

of Frequency.

What is your idea about adverbs of

Adverbs of frequency tell how often an
Very good! action takes place.

Who can give good examples of

adverbs of frequency?
Sometimes, daily, never, ma’am!
Here are some examples of adverbs
of frequency,
Class, will you please read them.

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Do you have any idea what is meant Never
by the word always?
Always means, all the time, ma’am!
Very good!

Will you use the adverb of frequency

always in a sentence?
I always pray every night.
I always wake up at six o’clock.
We always eat our breakfast before
Nice answer! going to school.
Next, how about the meaning of
More often than not, ma’am!
Great answer!

Will you use the word usually in a

sentence? I usually sleep at 8pm in the evening.

Next what comes to your mind when

you hear the word often/frequently? Done over and over again, ma’am!

Will you use the word

often/frequently in a sentence? I often hear my brother play the guitar.

Nice answer!
How about the meaning of
sometimes? Every now and then, ma’am!

Okay nice!
Will you use the adverbs of
frequency sometimes in a sentence? Christine sometimes visit her
I sometimes play basketball on the
Great! weekend.
Next, what do you mean by yearly?
Once every year, ma’am!
Will you use the adverb of frequency
yearly in a sentence? Our family is planning for our yearly
Great answer!
Next, who can share his/her idea
about the word “monthly”? Once every month, ma’am!

Very good!
Will you use the word monthly in a
sentence? My mother pays our house rent

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Very good!
How about daily? Every day, ma’am!

Will you use the adverb of frequency
daily in a sentence? I take a bath daily.

Nice answer!
Next, what is seldom? Not often, ma’am!

Okay, will you use the adverb of

frequency word seldom in a
sentence? I seldom put salt on my food.

That’s great!
Another, what do you mean by
rarely? Hardly done at all, ma’am!

Very good!
Will you use the word rarely in a
sentence? I rarely see a rainbow.

Great example!
Lastly, do you have any idea about
the word never? Not even once, ma’am!

Will you use the word never in a

sentence? I never listen to a rock music.

Very good answer class!

Let us give yourself a heart heart
clap! 1,2,3! 1,2,3! Very good! Very good!
Heart heart!
Adverbs of Frequency are placed
either before the main verb (if it is an
action verb), after the main verb (if it
is linking verb), or between the
helping verb and the main verb.

Will you read the examples. (before the main verb)

She often consults her doctor for her
health problems.
What is the main verb in the
sentence? Consults, ma’am!

Very good!
So, what is the adverb of frequency in
the sentence? Often, ma’am!

Very good!
Next, please read… We usually go to my father’s clinic
after school hours.
What is the main verb in the
sentence? Go, ma’am!


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So, what is the adverb of frequency in
the sentence? Usually, ma’am!

That’s great!
Let us give him a heart heart clap! 1,2,3! 1,2,3! Very good! Very good!
Heart heart!

Next, (after the linking verb.)

Will you give an examples of linking
verb based on our past lesson? Is, Am, Are, Was, ma’am!

Very good!
Let us read the another one.
He is usually intense in his work.
What is the linking verb and adverb
of frequency in the sentence? The linking verb is Is and Usually is
the adverb of frequency ma’am!

Please read the another example.

. Missy is seldom late for volleyball
What is the linking verb and adverb if
frequency in the sentence?
Is and seldom, ma’am!
Very good!

Next, (between the helping verb and

the main verb)
I have always thought of going to
Camarines Sur.

What is the helping verb in a

sentence? Have, ma’am!

Very good!
What is the adverb of frequency in
the sentence? Always, ma’am!

How about the main verb? Thought, ma’am!

Very good!

Another, please read…

They have often gone that way before.
What is the helping verb in the
sentence? Have, ma’am!

What is the adverb of frequency and
main verb? Often is the adverb of frequency and
gone is the main verb.
Very good!
Let us give him a heart heart clap!

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1,2,3! 1,2,3! Very good! Very good!
Heart heart!
Guided Practice

Class, will you go in front of the

blackboard and underline the adverbs
of frequency in the sentence.

1. He is always walking ahead of me. 1. He is always walking ahead of me.

2. Pia seldom complains about the 2. Pia seldom complains about the long
long walk to school. walk to school.
3. She never forgets my birthday. 3. She never forgets my birthday.
4. I often read in bed at night. 4. I often read in bed at night.
5. She rarely left her room. 5. She rarely left her room.

Very good!
I have a spinning wheel, you will spin (Pupils will construct a sentence based
it and construct a sentence based on on the given adverbs of frequency –
the given adverbs of frequency. SPIN THE WHEEL.)

Always remember that adverbs of
frequency allow us to express how
regularly something happens.

They are the part of the sentence that

adds more detail and information to
it, especially when we are
constructing sentences.

Do you understand? Yes, ma’am!

That’s great!

D. Application

I will group you into three (3) for our


Group I – Underline the adverb of

frequency in each sentence.

Group II – Write a sentences using

the given adverb of frequency in each

Group III – Provide an appropriate

adverb that is asked for in each

I will give you five minutes to answer

the activity.

(The pupils will answer the given

Okay! Let’s begin. tasks.)

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Times up!

Let us check your work.

Group leaders please go in front and
present your activity,

E. Generalization
Class let me see if you really
understand our lesson today.

What is our lesson for today? About adverbs of frequency, ma’am!

Very good!
Words that tell how often an action
What is adverbs of frequency? takes place are adverbs of frequency.

Great answer!

Fixing Skills
What are the most commonly used
adverbs of frequency? Always, sometimes, frequently,
monthly, often, seldom, yearly, daily,
ever, generally, never, rarely and
usually, ma’am!

Very good!
Who can give me the importance of
adverbs of frequency? They are important because they are
the part of the sentence that adds more
detail and information to it, especially
when we are constructing sentences,

Very good!
I’m glad that you understand and
learned our lesson about adverbs of

You really deserved a heart heart

clap. Let us give yourself a heart
heart clap! 1,2,3! 1,2,3! Very good! Very good!
Heart heart!

VI. Evaluation

A. Construct a sentence using adverbs of frequency based on the following phrases

below. Write your answer on the line below. (10 points)

1. go to church


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2. play a sport


3. fixed my room


4. read a book


5. chat with my friends


6. help mother in the kitchen


7. brush my teeth


8. watch television


9. going to market


10. eat junk foods


B. Write the correct adverbs of frequency on the blank provided. (5 points)

1. Mr. Samson always attend to the class on time. He is ______ late for his lesson.
2. My sister smiles everyday. She is _______ happy.
3. My family _______ go to restaurant. We go there once a month.
4. Every year, Karen travels abroad. She visits her friends _______.
5. Mother prepares the breakfast everyday, sister _______ helps her in the kitchen.

IV. Assignment

Construct at least two (2) sentences using the given adverbs of frequency.
(10 points)

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1. yearly - _______________________________________________________________
2. sometimes - ____________________________________________________________
3. always - ______________________________________________________________
4. never - __________________________________________________________________
5. daily - ________________________________________________________________

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