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Tertiary volcanism during extension in the Andean foothills

of central Chile (338159–338459S)

Jan Olov Nyström†

Swedish Museum of Natural History, SE-10405, Stockholm, Sweden
Mario Vergara‡
Diego Morata
Departamento de Geologı́a, Universidad de Chile, Casilla 13518 Santiago, Chile
Beatriz Levi
Kallforsv. 8, SE-12432 Bandhagen, Sweden

ABSTRACT and 11.6 (lower, middle, and upper Farel- GEOMIN, 2002). Volcanic rocks with an ac-
lones members). cumulated thickness of 10–20 km totally
This lithologic and geochemical study The bimodal composition of the Abanico dominate the western Jurassic–Cretaceous se-
treats two Tertiary volcanic formations in Formation and the lower Farellones mem- quences in the Coast Range, but are less abun-
the Andean foothills of central Chile depos- ber indicates that volcanism took place dur- dant in the 4–8-km-thick coeval eastern se-
ited during and after an inferred culmina- ing episodes of extensional conditions. Ex- quences of the Andean Range (Charrier and
tion of crustal attenuation. The Abanico tension with subsidence is independently Muñoz, 1994; Vergara et al., 1995; Vergara
and Farellones Formations, which are de- shown by the burial metamorphic pattern. and Nyström, 1996). The central part of the
scribed in their type localities just east of Voluminous pyroclastic flows, structural synclinorium—comprising the Central Valley
Santiago, formed from volcanic arcs in con- relationships, and other evidence suggest graben and the Andean foothills—is occupied
tinental basins during the Oligocene and recurrent caldera collapse. The first exten- by Tertiary volcanic rocks. The geologic rec-
Early Miocene, respectively. Aphyric basic sional episode ended with contraction and ord shows that periods of extension and vol-
lavas of tholeiitic affinity, acid pyroclastic folding of the Abanico rocks, and the sec- canism alternated with short periods of con-
rocks, and lacustrine deposits constitute the ond episode resulted in uplift of the lower traction (Charrier, 1973; Vergara et al., 1995;
.3100-m-thick Abanico Formation. The and middle Farellones members, followed Charrier et al., 2002).
overlying .2100-m-thick Farellones For- by a more passive tectonic regime. Sequenc- On the basis of geochemistry and geologic
mation consists of calc-alkaline lavas (ba- es showing many similarities with the setting, Vergara et al. (1995) concluded that
salts absent) with thick pyroclastic deposits Abanico and Farellones Formations occur the crust below the Coast Range between
at the base. along the Andean foothills of Chile. They 328309 and 348S became progressively atten-
Both formations have Nd-Sr isotope sig- decrease in age from Late Cretaceous– uated during Jurassic and Early Cretaceous
natures within the mantle array; the Aban- Paleocene at 238S to Early Miocene–late extension and island-arc volcanism, interrupt-
ico rocks («Nd ø 15.7) plot closer to N- Miocene at 358S and might be explained by ed by Late Jurassic contraction. A back-arc
MORB (normal mid-oceanic-ridge basalt) oblique subduction of oceanic ridge. setting was proposed for coeval rocks in the
than the Farellones rocks («Nd 5 13.9 to Andean Range (Charrier and Muñoz, 1994;
15.1). The REE (rare earth element) pat- Keywords: Chile, Andes, Tertiary, volca- Vergara and Nyström, 1996). The depositional
terns indicate greater depth to the mantle nism, extension, geochemistry. environment alternated between marine and
source and a smaller degree of partial melt- continental and was continental from the Late
ing with time. The Abanico lavas segregat- INTRODUCTION Cretaceous on. After folding and uplift at the
ed within the stability field of spinel, where- end of the middle Cretaceous, a new stage of
as the lavas of the upper Farellones The geologic structure of central Chile can intense volcanism took place during the Oli-
member show residual garnet in their be described as an ;150-km-wide, north- gocene. Nd-Sr isotope data for volcanic rocks
source. Geochemical changes with time are trending synclinorium whose western and from both the Coastal and Andean Ranges in
systematic: the greatest contrast is between eastern flanks crop out in the Coast Range and the same sector of central Chile define trends
the middle and upper Farellones members the Andean Range, respectively (Fig. 1). The toward and then away from N-MORB (normal
in 1–2 m.y., e.g., for basaltic andesites, La/ synclinorium consists of several stratigraphic- mid-oceanic-ridge basalt), interpreted to indi-
Yb increases from 4.3 (Abanico) to 5.6, 6.0, structural units of Jurassic to Tertiary age sep- cate that the attenuation culminated during the
arated by regional unconformities, and both Oligocene with eruption of lavas of tholeiitic

E-mail: flanks overlie Paleozoic or Triassic basement affinity and was followed by calc-alkaline vol-

E-mail: (Aguirre, 1985; Levi et al., 1988; SERNA- canism (Nyström et al., 1993).

GSA Bulletin; December 2003; v. 115; no. 12; p. 1523–1537; 14 figures; 2 tables; Data Repository item 2003179.

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q 2003 Geological Society of America 1523
NYSTRÖM et al.

The purpose of this paper is to describe the

geology and geochemistry of two Tertiary vol-
canic units that were deposited during and af-
ter the inferred culmination in crustal attenu-
ation and then to discuss their origin. These
units, the Abanico and Farellones Formations,
are situated in the foothills of the Andean
Range, 30–60 km west of the present volcanic
arc. The area treated in this study (338159–
338459S; Figs. 1–2) includes their type local-
ities just east of Santiago. The Abanico and
Farellones Formations belong to a discontin-
uous belt of Late Cretaceous–Tertiary rocks
that extends for ;1300 km along the Andean
foothills of northern and central Chile between
lat 238 and 358S. The different sequences
composing the belt consist of 2–6-km-thick
piles of volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks de-
posited in a series of continental basins. The
sequences are generally divided into two
units: a lower folded unit characterized by ba-
sic lavas and an upper subhorizontal unit with
lavas of less basic composition; pyroclastic
flows are common in both units.


FORMATIONS AT 338159–338459S

Jorge Muñoz Cristi (in Hoffstetter et al.,

1957) proposed the names Abanico and Far-
ellones Formations for the uppermost part of
the Porphyritic Formation, a term introduced
by Darwin (1846) for the pre-Quaternary se-
quences in central Chile. Both the Abanico
and Farellones Formations consist of interfin-
gering packages of continental volcanic and
volcaniclastic rocks. Lithologic characteris-
tics, such as proportion of basic and interme-
Figure 1. Location of the study area in central Chile. (A) Main physiographic features. diate lavas, pyroclastic flows, and volcaniclas-
The Central Valley is a graben that separates the Coast Range and the Andean Range tic deposits, can be followed north-south for
south of Santiago. The stars represent Quaternary volcanic complexes (shown in more tens of kilometers in both formations, in spite
detail in C) belonging to the SVZ (from 338S to 468S, referred to as the northern part of of lateral facies changes and intraformational
the SVZ [NSVZ] between 338S and 348309S and the central part of the SVZ [CSVZ] disconformities (Thiele, 1980; Thiele et al.,
between 378S and 418309S, separated by a transitional zone). (B) Schematic west-east pro- 1991; Vergara et al., 1993). Pyroclastic rocks
file from the Pacific Ocean to westernmost Argentina at the latitude of Santiago (vertical are abundant in the lower parts of both for-
exaggeration 5 2.5; modified from Levi et al., 1988). Pz—Paleozoic basement. The mations. Local presence of an angular uncon-
Mesozoic–Cenozoic sequences, which predominantly consist of volcanic and volcaniclastic formity at the base of the Farellones Forma-
rocks, are indicated by the following abbreviations: J—Jurassic, LK—Lower to middle tion and differences in structural style,
Cretaceous, UK—Upper Cretaceous, Tcv—Oligocene–lower Miocene rocks in the Central lithology, and color, reflecting contrasts in sec-
Valley graben, Tab—the Oligocene Abanico Formation, Tfa—the lower Miocene Farel- ondary minerals in altered parts, were the rea-
lones Formation, Tabe—Oligocene rocks usually referred to as the Abanico East For- sons for the division of the Tertiary volcanic
mation (not treated in this paper), and Q—Quaternary volcanic complexes. Regional un- pile into two formations. On the basis of li-
conformities and major faults are indicated with thick lines (normal faults delimit the thology, each formation was then subdivided
Central Valley graben, and reverse faults [designated r] occur in the High Andes of Ar- into members. Such subdivision involves gen-
gentina and contiguous parts of Chile). (C) Distribution of the Abanico and Farellones eralizations. To work out the problematic cor-
Formations in the western foothills of the Andean Range (modified from SERNAGEOM- relations in multisource volcanic fields, de-
IN, 2002; Vergara et al., 1988; Rivano et al., 1990). Rı́o Blanco–Los Bronces and El
tailed mapping is required. However, we think
Teniente are giant porphyry copper deposits.
that the subdivision into members is valid for
the area treated here.

1524 Geological Society of America Bulletin, December 2003


Abanico Formation

The type locality of this unit, the Cerro

Abanico area, includes the mountain with this
name and Cerro San Ramón (Fig. 2). Aguirre
(1960) first described the Abanico Formation
in a region situated 75 km north of our area;
he considered the formation to be the contin-
uation of the Cerro Abanico strata. There is
no type section of the Cerro Abanico area in
the literature with the exception of a schematic
lithologic profile in Vergara et al. (1993). In
many publications treating the 348–358S sec-
tor, where the proportion of sedimentary rocks
is higher, the alternative name Coya-Machalı́
Formation (Klohn, 1960) is used. A more
tightly folded volcanic sequence, not treated
in the present study, occurs in the High Andes
east of the Farellones Formation (the Abanico
East formation; Fig. 1B). Lithologically, it re-
sembles the Abanico Formation, although it
has a higher proportion of volcaniclastic rocks
(Drake et al., 1982; Charrier et al., 2002).
The Abanico Formation is characterized by
asymmetric, open concentric folds with wave-
lengths of the order of 10 km, north-striking
axes, and limbs dipping ;458 (Thiele, 1980).
A syncline with north-plunging axis is present
in the Cerro Abanico area. As a rule, the base
of the formation is unexposed owing to a cov-
er of alluvium and faulting. Major normal
faults (Thiele, 1980; Sellés, 1999a) separate
the Abanico Formation from the Central Val-
ley graben that contains volcanic rocks and
Oligocene–Miocene volcanic centers, including
eroded stratovolcanoes, plugs, and acid domes
(Vergara, 1985; Gana and Wall, 1997; López-
Escobar and Vergara, 1997; Sellés, 1999a) as
well as Quaternary alluvium (Fig. 1B).
The ;3100-m-thick Abanico Formation is
divided into two members: a lower one com-
posed of basic lavas, acid pyroclastic rocks,
and lacustrine sedimentary intercalations, and
Figure 2. Geologic sketch map of the study area that includes the type localities of the an upper one characterized by basic lavas
Abanico (Oligocene; dark pattern) and Farellones (lower Miocene; light pattern) For- (Fig. 3). The basic lavas are generally aphyric
mations east of Santiago, central Chile (white—alluvium, crosses—Tertiary granitoids). with autobrecciated tops, passing into flow
Modified from Thiele (1980), Beccar (1983), Villarroel (1990), Thiele et al. (1991), and breccias where autobrecciation is more exten-
Vergara et al. (1993). Santiago is situated at an altitude of ;600 m, and Farellones sive. The upper 400–500 m of the lower mem-
village at 2450 m above sea level. The numbers show the localities of the 26 samples ber is dominated by welded pyroclastic flows
analyzed chemically for this study. Only one unaltered sample from the Cerro Abanico (20–50 m thick) and fallout tuffs. Surge de-
area, a paleo–geothermal field, was analyzed; otherwise, the volcanic rocks here are the posits have also been recognized (Elgueta et
same as in their northern continuation in the Mapocho Valley. The structural relation- al., 2000). The sedimentary intercalations
ship at the contact between the Farellones and Abanico Formations is illustrated sche- occur as 1–20-m-thick beds of conglomer-
matically in cross section for three localities (A–C; the wavy line in A represents an ates and debris-flow deposits and as matrix-
unconformity). supported volcaniclastic sandstones at places
grading upward into claystones with mud-
cracks interpreted as lacustrine turbidites by
Vergara (1985) and Vergara et al. (1993). The
depositional environment was subaerial with
lacustrine interludes. Radiometric dating in-

Geological Society of America Bulletin, December 2003 1525

NYSTRÖM et al.

dicates an early to late Oligocene age of the

formation (Fig. 3).

Farellones Formation

The type locality of the formation is situ-

ated 30 km northeast of Santiago (Fig. 2).
Klohn (1960) used the formation name infor-
mally for a sequence of lavas, pyroclastic de-
posits, and lacustrine sedimentary rocks oc-
curring in the Farellones area. The first
published descriptions of the formation were
made in areas more than 80 km from the type
locality during mapping in the northern
(Aguirre, 1960) and southern (Klohn, 1960)
continuations of the Farellones sequence. The
geology and stratigraphy in the type locality,
treated briefly by Thiele (1980) and Thiele et
al. (1991), were described by Beccar (1983).
Rivano et al. (1990) discussed the distribution
of the formation between 328 and 348S.
With the exception of the uppermost hori-
zontal member, the rocks of the Farellones
Formation are subhorizontal with gentle folds
of 5–8 km wavelength and north-striking axes.
The limbs generally dip less than 158 except
at contacts with the Abanico Formation where
strata of moderate to subvertical dip are found.
Thiele et al. (1991) showed that the contact
between the two formations in some places is
a distinct unconformity (Fig. 2A) and in other
places is marked by north-striking normal
faults or fault systems of subvertical dip to-
ward which the Farellones strata locally pinch
out and become tilted in flexure-like folds
(Figs. 2B–2C); in still other places the contact
appears conformable. Compared to a predom-
inance of dull green to reddish brown colors
for the Abanico rocks, bluish green and pink
pastel tints are common in the Farellones
The Farellones Formation is ;2100 m thick
in the type locality. It is subdivided into three
members: a lower member with pyroclastic
rocks and lacustrine sedimentary intercala-
Figure 3. Generalized lithostratigraphic column for the Abanico and Farellones Forma- tions, a conformably overlying middle mem-
tions in their type localities east of Santiago, central Chile (location of type localities shown ber characterized by basaltic andesites, and an
in Fig. 2; subordinate rock types within parentheses), with approximate positions of the upper member with acid to basic lavas and
analyzed samples of this study and published radiometric data. All samples are from lava acid domes (Fig. 3). Co-ignimbrite lag-fall de-
flows except those marked with d—dike and p—pyroclastic material (from ash flows). The posits occur locally at the base of the lower
capital letters in parentheses specify composition: B—basalt; BA—basaltic andesite; A— member (Thiele et al., 1991). The breccias are
andesite; D—dacite; and R—rhyolite. Wavy horizontal line—unconformity; unbroken well exposed in the Mapocho and Maipo val-
line—conformable contact; and dashed line—fault. Lithology and subdivision into mem- leys, where they form up to 300–500-m-high
bers are based on Beccar et al. (1986), Vergara et al. (1988), Villarroel (1990), Thiele et cliffs composed of several 20–150-m-thick
al. (1991), Vergara et al. (1993), and this study. The minimum thickness of the Abanico sheets with intercalated tuffs and volcanogenic
Formation is ;3100 m (its base is covered by alluvium), and the thickness of the Farellones sedimentary rocks, cut by acid intrusions and
Formation is at least 2100 m (its top is an erosional surface). dikes. Half the volume or more of the poorly
sorted, matrix-supported breccias consist of
fragments of pumice and lavas. The ash-flow
sheets (20–50 m thick) are generally welded.

1526 Geological Society of America Bulletin, December 2003


High up in the member, above intercalated ba- 3). The analytical procedure and results are there are distinct differences between the units
saltic andesites, ash flows contain enclaves of listed in Table 1. Basic lavas (basalts and ba- (Fig. 7). The three age groups form well-
basic lava indicating magma mixing (Thiele et saltic andesites) are overrepresented among defined populations that together compose a
al., 1991). Coarse, clast-supported conglom- the samples except for the lower member of linear array where the oldest lavas (Abanico)
erates (well-rounded, 20–40 cm clasts) inter- the Abanico Formation. The basic lavas of this point toward the tholeiitic field and the youn-
calated with porphyritic lavas high up in the member occur predominantly in its lower and gest (upper Farellones member) almost reach
middle member are interpreted as torrential middle parts, which do not crop out in the the shoshonitic field. The seemingly more en-
flow deposits. Mapocho valley but are well exposed in the riched nature of the Farellones lavas in the
Available radiometric data from the study Cerro Abanico area. However, unaltered rocks diagram, especially those of the upper mem-
area show that the middle and upper Farello- are difficult to find in the latter area because ber, is an artifact due to their low Yb values
nes members are Early Miocene (Fig. 3). The it is a paleo–geothermal field (Vergara et al., (Table 1).
upper Farellones member was earlier regarded 1993). MORB-normalized multielement diagrams
as a separate formation (the Colorado–La Par- The chemical analyses, combined with mi- of basic lavas, represented by basaltic andes-
va Formation; Thiele, 1980) because of the croscopic studies of all the collected samples, ites as basalts are absent in the Farellones For-
presence of an angular unconformity at its show that there is an overall shift toward more mation, are given in Figure 8. Two character-
base. The rocks of this member occur in sev- acid compositions with time. The Abanico la- istics of volcanic arc lavas (Pearce, 1983) are
eral separate areas, some of which are eroded vas are basalts and basaltic andesites with sub- shown by the Farellones Formation and upper
volcanic complexes, e.g., Cerro La Parva (Fig. ordinate andesites, and associated ash flows member of the Abanico Formation: (1) There
2) and Cerro El Plomo ;10 km farther north. are rhyolites having low SiO2 contents. In the is significant enrichment in the large ion lith-
The horizontal strata at Cerro El Plomo are Farellones Formation, basalts are absent. The ophile elements (LILEs) K, Rb, Sr, and Ba and
situated up to 1500 m above those at Cerro lavas are basaltic andesites and dacites in the in Th, U, and Pb relative to high field strength
La Parva and indicate that the uppermost part lower member, whereas they range from ba- elements (HFSEs) such as Ta, Nb, Zr, Hf, Ti,
of the member does not crop out in the study saltic andesite to dacite in the middle member Y, and Yb and (2) there is a marked trough
area. and to rhyolite in the upper member. Farello- defined by Ta-Nb. In each sample the nor-
nes ash flows are rhyolites of generally higher malized values of Ta-Nb and Zr-Hf are quite
The Central Valley SiO2 contents than those in the Abanico For- similar to each other and higher than corre-
mation. The volcanic rocks of the Abanico sponding Y-Yb values. With time, the Ta-Nb
The Tertiary volcanic suites within the Cen- Formation and the lower Farellones member trough typical of subduction becomes deeper,
tral Valley in the Santiago area (Sellés, 1999a; show a bimodal distribution in contrast to the and a curve through Ta-Nb, Zr-Hf, and Y-Yb
Yáñez et al., 2002) lack continuity with the younger Farellones members. changes from slightly (Abanico) to strongly
Tertiary volcanic rocks east of this graben as The volcanic rocks of both formations de- concave down (upper Farellones). The oldest
they are separated by a major system of nor- fine a medium-K to high-K calc-alkaline trend lavas generally have the highest values of
mal faults. No lithologic comparison of coeval on a K2O vs. silica diagram (Fig. 4). However, HFSEs and P, and the youngest lavas have the
rocks in the two belts has been reported, on the AFM diagram (Fig. 5) the Abanico la- lowest. The contrast is especially large be-
though a genetic link between them has been vas show a tholeiitic trend and position, tween the middle and upper Farellones mem-
suggested by Vergara (1985). Vergara pro- whereas the lower and middle members of the bers. The Abanico lavas are the least enriched
posed that some of the eroded volcanic com- Farellones Formation plot in the calc-alkaline in LILEs, but otherwise, no temporal trend is
plexes in the Central Valley were feeders for field close to the Abanico rocks. The upper displayed by these elements.
Abanico and Farellones lavas, which is sup- Farellones member has a clear calc-alkaline All the analyzed samples are enriched in
ported by the present study. The oldest (Oli- character. Thus, the AFM diagram suggests light rare earth elements (LREEs) and show
gocene) volcanic rocks in the Central Valley a change with time from tholeiitic to calc- concave-up patterns with respect to middle
consist mainly of welded tuffs overlain by alkaline compositions. and heavy REEs (MREEs-HREEs). Basaltic
aphanitic basalts, coinciding in age and pe- Changes with time are also seen in the var- andesites and andesites of the Abanico For-
trography with the Abanico Formation de- iation diagrams (Fig. 6). The Abanico samples mation are richer in REEs and have patterns
scribed here. Younger (Early Miocene) lavas define one trend, the lower and middle mem- that are less concave up than successively
are porphyritic, less basic, and similar to the bers of the Farellones Formation constitute a younger lavas of corresponding composition
basaltic andesites and andesites of the lower second trend, and the upper member of this (Fig. 9). The LREE/HREE and MREE/HREE
and middle Farellones members. The youngest unit defines a third, even more contrasting ratios increase with time owing to a decrease
rocks (up to middle Miocene) in the Central trend. For example, the Al2O3, MgO, and Ni in the HREEs. Also here, the contrast is larg-
Valley are mainly andesitic and dacitic stocks values increase, and the FeO, TiO2 and Y val- est between the middle and upper Farellones
that resemble the upper Farellones rocks. ues decrease with time in the basic to inter- members. The REE patterns for volcanic rocks
mediate lavas, and the three trends differ in of different SiO2 content in the Abanico For-
GEOCHEMISTRY shape for several elements (e.g., Al2O3, TiO2, mation are subparallel though more concave
P2O5, and Sr). Major element trend differences up for acid rocks, which show only a slight
A total of 150 samples was collected in the support a shift from tholeiitic to calc-alkaline negative Eu anomaly, and the REE contents
investigated area. Based on studies of thin sec- sequences. Ratios between trace elements of increase with SiO2 (Fig. 10A). In the Farel-
tions, complemented with X-ray diffraction petrogenetic interest also support a systematic lones Formation (Figs. 10B–10D), basaltic an-
analysis, 26 representative samples of volca- change with time. For example, a Th/Yb vs. desites to dacites have subparallel REE pat-
nic rocks with only a minimum of alteration Ta/Yb diagram shows that although all the ba- terns, but the rhyolites have patterns that differ
were selected for chemical analysis (Figs. 2– sic rocks of this study plot as calc-alkaline both from those of coeval lavas and from the

Geological Society of America Bulletin, December 2003 1527


Abanico Formation (Oligocene) Farellones Formation (Early Miocene)

Lower member Upper member Lower member Middle member Upper member
Sample† RB-9 M-8 M-12 M-5 M-26 M-23 M-19 M-25 F-71 M-41 M-33 F-128 F-123 M-38 F-115 F-1 F-9 F-107 F-24 F-35 F-76 F-74 F-78 F-90 F-87 F-12
Type‡ B A R, p R, p B B BA A BA BA D, p R, p R, p R, p R, p BA BA BA BA D BA BA A A D R
SiO2 51.72 60.49 68.70
71.13 48.20 51.27 53.77 58.82 54.21 54.88 66.23 70.57 74.06 75.97 77.16 53.61 53.97 55.68 56.09 63.32 53.77 55.65 57.58 61.05 64.54 74.24
TiO2 1.59 1.26 0.67
0.69 1.42 1.58 1.73 1.38 1.33 1.14 0.68 0.45 0.15 0.14 0.31 1.06 0.92 1.38 1.12 0.94 1.10 1.08 0.99 0.82 0.75 0.25
Al2O3 16.68 16.39 15.13
14.56 20.06 17.62 15.13 15.51 17.43 17.40 15.50 14.48 15.06 12.92 12.27 18.04 17.22 16.71 17.77 16.72 18.17 17.81 17.86 17.41 16.89 13.56
Fe2O3 4.42 2.73 4.42
2.46 4.92 6.36 4.08 4.78 3.90 3.14 4.00 1.58 1.60 1.18 1.88 5.32 4.57 3.19 6.97 4.67 3.25 4.23 4.67 3.87 4.95 1.87
FeO 7.96 4.44 0.25
1.33 6.40 5.33 8.58 4.73 6.09 6.83 1.58 1.93 0.13 0.50 0.30 3.98 5.05 6.50 2.55 1.33 4.56 3.19 2.22 1.82 0.56 0.28
MnO 0.23 0.19 0.11
0.12 0.23 0.20 0.25 0.22 0.21 0.19 0.13 0.09 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.23 0.23 0.22 0.18 0.13 0.12 0.13 0.09 0.11 0.11 0.05
MgO 3.86 2.32 0.40
0.84 4.19 3.47 3.38 2.17 3.28 4.06 1.27 0.87 0.12 0.10 0.03 4.51 4.21 3.24 2.56 1.60 5.57 4.12 3.54 2.65 1.28 0.20
CaO 8.99 5.34 1.15
1.56 10.27 9.42 7.91 5.50 7.60 6.93 3.41 2.37 0.02 0.44 0.87 8.12 8.87 7.65 6.64 4.27 8.29 7.54 6.80 5.51 2.92 1.47
Na2O 3.63 4.45 5.65
5.23 3.41 3.18 3.59 4.02 3.70 4.15 4.52 4.50 2.98 3.67 3.53 3.33 3.37 3.97 3.99 4.51 3.88 3.93 4.25 4.11 3.57 2.85
K2O 0.55 1.99 3.33
1.92 0.58 1.19 1.11 2.44 1.86 1.12 2.51 3.13 5.76 5.01 3.58 1.49 1.34 1.16 1.84 2.17 1.09 2.15 1.83 2.48 4.31 5.19
P2O5 0.36 0.39 0.17
0.15 0.32 0.38 0.47 0.44 0.38 0.17 0.18 0.02 0.05 0.04 0.02 0.32 0.27 0.30 0.30 0.34 0.18 0.17 0.16 0.15 0.11 0.04
H2O1 2.51 1.31 0.92
2.52 2.88 1.48 0.90 1.48 1.80 1.84 2.73 2.46 1.70 0.88 0.79 1.87 1.78 1.70 1.61 1.96 1.59 2.20 1.56 1.54 2.18 2.25
CO2 0.51 0.07 0.05
0.13 0.07 0.17 0.04 0.17 0.12 0.09 0.08 0.84 0.11 0.07 0.19 0.20 0.56 0.10 0.18 0.08 0.11 0.12 0.10 0.14 0.17 0.64
Rb 11 37 50 35 12 24 10 48 38 14 59 55 142 148 112 21 33 29 45 52 23 42 44 66 84 142
Sr 511 345 135218 500 505 398 364 502 329 194 157 52 109 70 500 308 545 360 364 738 765 717 494 320 79
Ba 437 459 563411 220 312 327 521 458 291 519 494 778 790 603 505 259 340 388 484 341 396 491 498 517 590
Cs 0.41 0.20 0.14 0.57 0.62 2.10 1.49 0.30 0.45 1.49 0.67 0.59 0.43 1.62 1.37 1.49 1.22 3.87
V 319 117 57 27 292 342 262 127 261 270 97 84 8 6 ,10 243 235 240 190 80 224 222 183 131 97 22
Ni 1 19 4 3 9 1 1 20 25 4 4 3 64 34 48 18 18 2
Cr 3 22 1 1 4 3 2 72 99 6 1 1 119 84 112 30 24 1
Co 2 31 25 15 20 1 1 45 27 20 20 8 27 24 21 15 17 3
Sc 39.9 12.3 34.5 38.4 27.1 27.9 3.5 2.9 25.8 30.1 24.9 20.4 15.4 16.8 14.6 12.5 10.8 3.3
La 13.0 25.6 12.2 14.8 15.9 19.5 17.2 19.1 23.7 20.8 14.9 11.6 16.5 14.5 20.9 12.5 14.6 16.4 16.2 17.5 19.5
Ce 39.0 57.0 29.7 34.6 38.0 45.5 39.3 42.1 42.7 36.0 33.3 26.6 37.8 33.2 46.8 28.2 31.9 35.0 36.1 42.6 41.0
NYSTRÖM et al.

Nd 18.6 31.0 19.8 19.9 23.9 28.0 23.1 19.2 17.3 16.0 17.9 15.3 21.0 19.2 25.1 16.0 16.8 18.4 18.0 21.6 13.5
Sm 5.03 7.10 5.27 5.15 5.89 6.48 5.64 4.34 3.39 3.30 4.34 4.15 4.82 4.94 5.99 3.44 3.50 3.35 3.95 4.44 2.52
Eu 1.39 1.91 1.67 1.53 1.91 1.96 1.57 0.95 0.44 0.48 1.24 1.19 1.47 1.49 1.79 1.08 1.08 1.04 1.03 1.01 0.55
Gd 4.95 6.23 4.73 4.50 5.56 5.68 5.05 3.90 3.10 2.81 3.67 3.56 4.51 4.13 5.06 2.76 2.85 2.63 2.88 3.55 2.09
Tb 1.07 0.80 0.85 0.96 0.77 0.52 0.48 0.62 0.61 0.67 0.73 0.86 0.39 0.40 0.39 0.50 0.59 0.32
Dy 4.91 6.74 5.23 4.63 5.68 6.14 4.55 3.78 3.08 3.10 3.71 3.81 4.00 4.34 5.16 2.33 2.23 2.26 2.70 3.57 2.01
Er 2.84 4.02 2.83 2.66 3.59 3.57 2.84 2.31 2.04 1.96 2.09 2.17 2.39 2.64 2.91 1.21 1.16 1.20 1.55 1.91 1.16
Yb 2.70 4.70 2.96 2.75 3.69 3.88 3.08 2.73 2.61 2.59 2.24 2.47 2.24 2.76 2.98 1.17 1.16 1.11 1.71 2.06 1.54
Lu 0.58 0.70 0.48 0.38 0.57 0.61 0.48 0.42 0.41 0.42 0.32 0.36 0.33 0.44 0.53 0.21 0.17 0.18 0.27 0.35 0.23

Geological Society of America Bulletin, December 2003

Y 27.6 42.0 45.2 40.2 34.6 35.3 35.4 37.6 29.1 23.0 29.6 25.7 21.0 20.1 20.3 28.5 23.6 23.7 26.8 30.4 13.2 16.2 12.5 17.0 20.6 11.9
Zr 109 176 213 263 86 132 124 169 135 73 141 183 148 155 134 147 123 119 141 200 78 109 96 159 176 159
Hf 6.71 3.57 4.39 6.04 4.87 4.78 4.83 3.92 3.12 4.13 3.68 5.01 2.90 2.85 3.45 5.83 4.54 4.54
Nb 10.4 4.8 4.6 5.8 4.5 5.7 5.4 4.1 2.9 4.6 4.1 6.3 2.9 3.6 3.4 4.0 4.3 4.3
Ta 0.83 0.27 0.34 0.47 0.35 0.71 0.69 0.26 0.25 0.37 0.36 0.53 0.22 0.22 0.28 0.37 0.42 0.53
Pb 10.9 5.8 7.3 12.2 41.4 36.9 12.6 5.9 7.0 6.7 7.6 10.3 5.4 5.4 10.7 14.1 15.3 14.0
Th 5.48 2.11 2.15 3.89 4.45 14.40 13.00 3.33 3.23 3.21 4.48 5.98 2.22 3.11 3.87 6.37 7.13 14.20
U 1.54 0.58 0.72 1.17 1.29 2.53 3.78 0.98 1.08 0.99 1.34 1.79 0.63 0.95 1.37 2.06 2.02 3.09
Notes: Major elements and Sc were determined with ICP-AES (inductively coupled plasma–atomic-emission spectrometry) and wet-chemical methods (FeO, H2O1, and CO2); trace elements in 18 samples with
Hf-U data were determined with ICP-MS (inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry) (with ICP-AES in 8 samples) at the Centre de Recherches Pétrographiques et Géochimiques, Nancy, France. Major
elements are given in weight percent (recalculated as anhydrous) and trace elements in parts per million.

M—MAP, and F—FAR. See Figure 2 for sample locations.

B—basalt, BA—basaltic andesite (53–57 wt% SiO2), A—andesite, D—dacite, R—rhyolite, and p—pyroclastic.

with the exception of two Rb-rich ash flows

in the lower member of the Farellones For-
mation (Fig. 11A; ash flows are especially
sensitive to mobility of alkalies during alter-
ation). No clear trend with time is shown by
the Farellones Sr ratios. A temporal trend is
more evident in the Nd data. The «Nd values
for the Abanico Formation are very uniform
(15.6 to 15.8) and higher than the Farellones
values; the lower and middle Farellones mem-
bers group together (14.4 to 15.1), and the
values for the upper Farellones member are
Figure 4. K2O vs. SiO2 diagram for basic to intermediate lavas from the Abanico and even lower in spite of some overlap (13.9 to
Farellones Formations. Divisions between different series—averages of the boundary lines 14.6; Table 2; Fig. 11A). The volcanic rocks
given in Rickwood (1989). of both formations have Sr-Nd signatures
within the mantle array; the Abanico rocks
plot closer to N-MORB (Fig. 11B).
Slight correlations can be discerned be-
tween initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios and contents of
SiO2 and Sr for the Abanico lavas: the initial
ratio increases with SiO2 and decreases with
Sr (Table 2). The Farellones samples are un-
correlated in this respect. In addition, none of
the formations show distinct correlation be-
tween «Nd and SiO2 (Table 2).
Lead isotopes were determined in 11 sam-
ples of basic and intermediate lavas (Table 2).
The following ranges are obtained: 206Pb/204Pb
5 18.453–18.570, 207Pb/204Pb 5 15.548–
15.610, and 208Pb/204Pb 5 38.262–38.478. The
samples define a linear array from Pacific
MORB to river-mouth sediment values in a
Pb/204Pb vs. 207Pb/204Pb diagram (Fig. 12).
The Abanico lavas have a narrow range of ra-
tios, whereas the Farellones lavas show a wide
range. The rocks of the middle Farellones
member constitute the lower half of the array,
Figure 5. AFM diagram (A 5 Na2O 1 K2O, F 5 total Fe as FeO, M 5 MgO; in wt%) followed by those of the upper member. A ba-
for volcanic rocks from the Abanico and Farellones Formations; the tholeiitic–calc- saltic andesite in the lower member associated
alkaline boundary line is after Irvine and Baragar (1971). The dashed lines are the trends with rhyolitic ash flows plots in the uppermost
for Quaternary lavas from the northern and central parts of the SVZ (Fig. 1): NSVZ— part of the array; both rocks are very rich in
the volcanic complexes shown in Figure 1C (data from López-Escobar et al., 1985; Hickey Pb (Table 1). The Abanico lavas occupy an
et al., 1986; Hildreth and Moorbath, 1988; and seven unpublished analyses of the authors) intermediate position. No systematic temporal
and CSVZ—Llaima, Villarica, and Puyehue between 388309 and 408309S (data from Hick- trend can be discerned.
ey et al., 1986; Gerlach et al., 1988; López-Escobar et al., 1995).1

Recurrent Caldera Formation

Abanico rhyolite (Fig. 10A). In contrast to all ISOTOPE DATA
the other rocks, the Farellones rhyolites (an
The voluminous pyroclastic flows (400–
ash flow and a lava) have distinct, negative Eu Sr and Nd isotope ratios were determined 500 m total thickness) in the lower member
anomalies; they are relatively poor in REEs, for all the 18 samples analyzed with ICP-MS of the Abanico Formation suggest caldera-
except La-Ce, and show strongly concave-up (inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrom- forming eruptions. A history involving cal-
patterns. etry) (Table 1), and the analytical procedure deras is supported by the intercalation of la-
and results are given in Table 2. The initial custrine deposits in the pyroclastic sequence,
Sr/86Sr ratios of the volcanic rocks of both and the lateral changes in secondary-mineral
GSA Data Repository item 2003179, seven un- formations are low and fall within a quite nar- assemblages reflecting steep temperature gra-
published analyses of the authors, is available on
the Web at
row range (0.7034–0.7039; Table 2). The dients in paleo–geothermal fields. The occur-
ft2003.htm. Requests may also be sent to editing@ Abanico samples have slightly lower initial rence of yugawaralite and wairakite in the 87
Sr/86Sr ratios than the Farellones samples Cerro Abanico area is typical of intracaldera

Geological Society of America Bulletin, December 2003 1529

NYSTRÖM et al.

Figure 7. Th/Yb vs. Ta/Yb for basic lavas

from the Abanico and Farellones Forma-
tions. All boundaries between tholeiitic
(TH), calc-alkaline (CA), and shoshonitic
(SH) compositions as well as directions for
subduction-zone enrichment (s), crustal
contamination (c), within-plate enrichment
(w), and fractional crystallization (f), after
Pearce (1983). MORB-WPB array—basalts
from nonsubduction settings (mid-oceanic-
ridge basalts and within-plate basalts). Leg-
end is given in Figure 5; see also Figure 5
and Tormey et al. (1991) for sources of data
for the Quaternary rocks (the NSVZ field
is based solely on basaltic andesites because
basalts are absent in this segment).

deposits of tuff or even ash occur within some

of the structures. Elgueta et al. (1999, 2000)
inferred caldera structures between Rı́o Colo-
rado and Rı́o Maipo. High lateral paleo–ther-
mal gradients defined by mineral associations
typically reported from intracaldera geother-
mal fields occur locally at the faulted basal
contact of the lower Farellones member (Levi
Figure 6. Variation diagrams for selected oxides and elements vs. silica in volcanic rocks et al., 1989; Thiele et al., 1991).
from the Abanico and Farellones Formations (oxides in wt% and elements in ppm). The The structural relationships at the contact
dashed lines are the trends for Quaternary lavas from the northern and central parts of between the Farellones and Abanico Forma-
the SVZ (NSVZ and CSVZ, respectively; see Fig. 5 for sources of data). tions, described as ‘‘a paradox’’ by Godoy et
al. (1996) because the relationships vary from
unconformable to seemingly conformable to
geothermal fields. Vergara et al. (1993) in- in). The extensive, thick pile (;700 m) of py- structural (Thiele et al., 1991; Charrier et al.,
ferred a caldera structure here, whose western roclastic flows and fallout tuffs with interca- 2002), support a history involving calderas.
margin coincides with the normal faults sep- lated lacustrine deposits and basic lavas that Such variation is exactly what should be ex-
arating the Abanico Formation from the Cen- compose the lower member indicates recurrent pected in caldera settings, where structures of
tral Valley. caldera formation. Circular, 5–10-km-diameter a dual fault/unconformity nature are observed
More evidence for calderas is found in the structures reported by Thiele et al. (1991) are (e.g., Lipman, 1984; Lipman et al., 1996). Un-
Farellones Formation. The co-ignimbrite lag- situated in the western part of the Farellones conformities with the lower Farellones mem-
fall deposits at the base of its lower member Formation close to its contact with the Aban- ber deposited on Abanico rocks could reflect
(Thiele et al., 1991; Elgueta et al., 1999, 2000) ico Formation. They are in part bordered by outflow deposition of the former (Fig. 2A).
is a near-vent facies. Such deposits typically steep walls exposing sections through the vol- Co-ignimbrite lag-fall deposits and welded
form along caldera-collapse fracture systems canic sequence; in other places, subvolcanic ash-flow sheets in the lower Farellones mem-
(Cas and Wright, 1987, and references there- intrusions are emplaced at their margin. Thick ber separated from Abanico rocks by normal

1530 Geological Society of America Bulletin, December 2003


Figure 8. MORB-normalized multielement diagrams for representative samples of basaltic

andesites from the Abanico and Farellones Formations. Normalization factors for N-
MORB after Pearce and Parkinson (1993); SiO2 contents (wt%) of the samples in paren-
theses; the y-axis is expanded to separate the samples.

Figure 9. Chondrite-normalized REE pat-

faults probably represent proximity to caldera tion in a subsiding extensional basin (Aguirre,
terns for representative samples of (A) ba-
margins (Fig. 2B). Tuff deposits and lacustrine 1999; Zurita, 1999; Charrier et al., 2002).
saltic andesites and (B) andesites from the
strata in the lower Farellones member that are These authors inferred a high subsidence rate
Abanico and Farellones Formations (nor-
tilted and pinch out toward faults at the con- from the thermal state of organic material. The
malization factors after Boynton, 1984).
tact with the Abanico Formation suggest la- thermal maturity indicates a high to very high
SiO2 contents (wt%) of the samples in
custrine intracaldera deposition during subsi- heat flow during burial (Charrier et al., 2002).
dence (Fig. 2C). Reverse faulting reported by Nyström et al. (1993) concluded from the geo-
Jaros and Zelman (1969) and Godoy et al. chemistry of the Abanico lavas that they
(1996, 1999) can complicate the contact rela- erupted onto thin crust during extension, dle Farellones members. The almost continu-
tionship. Resurgence in a caldera setting (Lip- which is supported by a considerable degree ous north-south outcrops of the Abanico and
man, 1984) can also give rise to reverse faults. of partial melting during their formation (see Farellones Formations suggest volcanic arcs
next section). within grabens. Subsidence in these basins
Episodes of Extension The extensional regime that prevailed dur- was controlled by extensional fault systems
ing the Oligocene Abanico Formation volca- (Jordan et al., 2001). The Miocene extension
The bimodal composition of the volcanic nism in the study area was terminated by an was probably milder than the extension during
rocks of the Abanico Formation and the lower episode of contraction and deformation, ex- the Oligocene. Gentle folding of the lower and
Farellones member indicate that volcanism pressed by the folding of the sequence (Thiele, middle Farellones members indicate a second
took place under extensional conditions. Re- 1980). Small or no measurable differences in episode of contraction. The coarse conglom-
current caldera collapse is consistent with ex- age between the uppermost Abanico Forma- erates in the middle member, and an exhu-
tension. Extension with subsidence is inde- tion and the lower Farellones member report- mation episode between 19.6 and 16.2 Ma af-
pendently shown by the imprint of burial ed south (348309S; Charrier et al., 2002) and fecting the La Obra granitoid pluton south of
metamorphism (cf. Frey and Robinson, 1999). north (;338S; Fuentes et al., 2002) of the Cerro Abanico (Fig. 2; Kurtz et al., 1997), are
The metamorphic grade increases with strati- study area indicate that the contractional epi- consistent with uplift. The upper Farellones
graphic depth in the Abanico and Farellones sode was of short duration and took place ear- member formed during a passive tectonic re-
Formations, though with breaks between the lier in the north. Thermal maturity data sug- gime or mild contraction. East of the study
two formations and between the middle and gests uplift (Charrier et al., 2002). area, in the Argentinean Andes, the coeval
upper Farellones members (Levi et al., 1989). A return to extensional conditions during rocks record thrusting and uplift (Giambiagi
Structural studies and facies analysis in the the Early Miocene was expressed by vigorous and Ramos, 2002).
Maipo Valley south of Rı́o Colorado give ev- volcanism that deposited the thick piles of py- The burial-metamorphic pattern supports
idence for deposition of the Abanico Forma- roclastic rocks and lavas of the lower and mid- the outlined changes in tectonic conditions.

Geological Society of America Bulletin, December 2003 1531

NYSTRÖM et al.


Sample Rock Age Rb Sr Sm Nd Sr/86Sr

Initial «Nd Pb

type† (Ma) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) Sr/86Sr


Farellones Formation
Upper member
FAR-76 BA 16.6 23 738 3.44 16.0 0.70376 0.512838 0.70374 14.0
FAR-74 BA 16.6 42 765 3.50 16.8 0.70385 0.512832 0.70381 13.9 18.565 15.601 38.463
FAR-78 A 17.3 44 717 3.35 18.4 0.70385 0.512844 0.70381 14.2 18.570 15.576 38.389
FAR-90 A 17.3 66 494 3.95 18.0 0.70378 0.512869 0.70369 14.6 18.513 15.590 38.407
FAR-87 D 17.3 84 320 4.44 21.6 0.70389 0.512842 0.70371 14.1
FAR-12 R 18.4 142 79 2.52 13.5 0.70501 0.512864 0.70370 14.6
Middle member
FAR-1 BA 19.1 21 500 4.34 17.9 0.70385 0.512862 0.70382 14.5 18.552 15.571 38.367
FAR-9 BA 19.1 33 308 4.15 15.3 0.70395 0.512862 0.70387 14.5
FAR-24 BA 21.6 45 360 4.94 19.2 0.70400 0.512878 0.70389 14.8 18.484 15.553 38.291
FAR-35 D 21.6 52 364 5.99 25.1 0.70375 0.512856 0.70363 14.4 18.453 15.548 38.262
FAR-107 BA 21.6 29 545 4.82 21.0 0.70369 0.512888 0.70364 15.0 18.471 15.560 38.299
Lower member
FAR-123 R, p 22.0‡ 142 52 3.39 17.3 0.70576 0.512882 0.70337 15.0
FAR-71 BA 22.0‡ 38 502 5.64 23.1 0.70388 0.512862 0.70381 14.5 18.541 15.610 38.478
MAP-38 R, p 22.0‡ 148 109 3.30 16.0 0.70470 0.512887 0.70351 15.1
Abanico Formation
Upper member
MAP-25 A 25.0‡ 48 364 6.48 28.0 0.70373 0.512918 0.70360 15.6 18.467 15.585 38.365
MAP-23 B 25.0‡ 24 505 5.15 19.9 0.70355 0.512923 0.70350 15.7 18.492 15.582 38.358
MAP-19 BA 25.0 ‡
10 398 5.89 23.9 0.70357 0.512927 0.70355 15.8 18.459 15.581 38.334
Lower member
MAP-5 R, p 25.4 35 218 7.10 31.0 0.70375 0.512916 0.70359 15.6
Notes: Isotopic ratios determined on a Finnegan MAT 261 multicollector mass spectrometer at the Swedish
Museum of Natural History. Sr ratios were fractionation corrected to 86Sr/88Sr 5 0.1194; eight determinations of
the NBS 987 standard gave a mean of 0.710244 6 0.000042 (2s). Nd ratios (fractionation corrected to 146Nd/
Nd 5 0.7219) are reported relative to a value of 0.511854 for the La Jolla standard; 14 runs of the standard
gave a mean of 0.511753 6 0.000026 (2s). Individual runs of Sr and Nd commonly had a precision better than
0.00001 (2sm). Typical 2s errors for Pb are 60.20%; Pb ratios were corrected for mass discrimination on the
basis of repeated measurements of the NBS 981 standard at conditions similar to those during sample runs.

B—basalt, BA—basaltic andesite, A—andesite, D—dacite, R—rhyolite, and p—pyroclastic.

Estimated age (no radiometric data available).

ready outlined herein are not necessarily ap- changes in the depths at which the magmas
plicable outside the study area. Different tec- formed and segregated, degrees of partial
tonic regimes occurred synchronously in melting, and crystallization histories.
different parts of the active margin according The positions of the samples in Figure 7
to Charrier et al. (2002), who suggested that indicate that the mantle sources were enriched
contractional and extensional conditions fluc- relative to N-MORB, consistent with the Nd-
tuated on a rather local geographic scale (cf. Sr isotope data (Fig. 11). The enriched nature
Kay and Mpodozis, 2002). Jordan et al. (2001) of the mantle beneath both formations is also
proposed that extension was a necessary condi- seen in a diagram for mantle-derived elements
tion to the subsequent building of the modern that shows that the Abanico lavas were gen-
Andes mountains, because the active-margin erated from a slightly more enriched source
Figure 10. Chondrite-normalized REE pat- lithosphere was weakened by intervals of ex- than the upper Farellones lavas (Fig. 13). We
terns for representative samples of lavas of tension followed by contraction, folding, and suggest that the partial melting producing the
different silica content and two rhyolitic uplift. Abanico lavas is responsible for the subse-
ash flows, indicated with p after the sample quent depletion.
number, from the Abanico and Farellones Source and Evolution of Magmas The REE patterns of the Abanico lavas with
Formations. SiO2 contents (wt%) of the a flat slope for the HREEs (Fig. 9) indicate
samples in parentheses. The geochemical and isotopic results of this that the magmas segregated within the stabil-
study fit a stratigraphic subdivision of the in- ity field of spinel. A spinel lherzolite mantle
vestigated rocks into three units deposited in source is also likely for the lavas of the lower
The breaks in secondary-mineral assemblages successive volcanic arcs: (1) the Abanico For- and middle Farellones members. However, the
at unconformities between the Abanico For- mation, (2) the lower and middle members of low HREE values characterizing the basaltic
mation and the lower Farellones member, and the Farellones Formation, which together oc- andesites of the upper Farellones member
between the middle and upper Farellones cupy an intermediate position in most dia- (which have even lower LREE contents than
members (Levi et al., 1989), coincide with the grams, and (3) the upper Farellones member. corresponding Abanico lavas) result in high
alternation between extension and contraction. The different geochemical and isotopic sig- La/Yb ratios (Fig. 14) and require residual
The episodes of extension and contraction al- natures of the three volcanic suites indicate garnet in their source. The influence of resid-

1532 Geological Society of America Bulletin, December 2003


Figure 12. Plot of 208Pb/204Pb vs. 207Pb/204Pb for lavas from the Abanico and Farellones
Formations. The NSVZ and CSVZ fields (northern and central parts of the SVZ, respec-
tively) are based on data sources given in Figure 5 and Harmon et al. (1984). The Pacific
MORB field is from Hickey et al. (1986). The values for river-mouth sediments from Rı́o
Aconcagua and Rı́o Maipo (locations of rivers in Fig. 1C) and the values for upper crust
are based on data in Hildreth and Moorbath (1988).

garnet between upper Farellones rocks and canic Zone (SVZ; Fig. 12). Hildreth and
older units, the basic lavas in the various units Moorbath (1988) attributed the isotopic en-
show an overall chemical similarity that points richment in the SVZ to a northward-increasing
to a quite homogeneous mantle source. The contamination of mantle-derived magmas by
degree of partial melting was considerable for crustal material. The nature of the contami-
the monotonous, thick sequence of aphyric ba- nating material and the mechanism of contam-
salts and basaltic andesites that dominate the ination are open to discussion (Stern, 1991;
Abanico Formation, but smaller for the upper Tormey et al., 1991), but whatever the process
Figure 11. «Nd vs. initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios for member of the Farellones Formation (Fig. 8). might have been in the SVZ, the contamina-
(A) lavas and ash flows (indicated with p) The Abanico values for Y-Yb are somewhat tion was less for the middle Farellones and
from the Abanico and Farellones Forma- higher than the values for N-MORB that are Abanico rocks than for rocks in the northern
tions. In (B) the Abanico and Farellones based on 15% partial melting. Considerable part of the SVZ farther east.
Formations are compared with fields for partial melting would consume the garnet in The parallel REE patterns of the entire basic
Cretaceous and Quaternary lavas (NSVZ— the mantle source of the upper Farellones la- to acid range of Abanico rocks and their pro-
northern part of SVZ) at the same latitude; vas and be inconsistent with their REE gressive enrichment in REEs with increasing
the field for CSVZ (central part of SVZ) patterns. SiO2 (Fig. 10A) indicate that they are related
lavas is given for comparison. Data sources: Source contamination by fluids and by by crystal fractionation. This conclusion is
SVZ lavas—Figure 5 and Futa and Stern melts from the subducting slab (Pearce and supported by the uniform Nd-Sr and Pb iso-
(1988), Lower and middle Cretaceous lavas Peate, 1995) is the favored explanation for the tope data for the rocks (Figs. 11A, 12) that
from the Coast Range—Vergara et al. enrichment in LILEs and in Ce, Sm, P, and suggest a minimal crustal contribution. The
(1995), and the High Andes—Vergara and Th, respectively, and is shown by the basaltic REE patterns of the Farellones rocks (Figs.
Nyström (1996). Lavas from the Central andesites of both formations (Fig. 8). Within- 10B–10D) also suggest crystal fractionation as
Valley at the latitude of Santiago—Vatin- plate contribution of Ce and P cannot be ex- a major control for their composition. The
Perignon et al. (1996) and López-Escobar cluded. The rather high contents of Pb, Th, concave-up patterns show that amphibole was
and Vergara (1997)—plot in the same area and U in the lower Farellones member (Table a fractionating phase, in agreement with its
as the Abanico lavas. 1) might be a crustal contribution or attributed occurrence as phenocrysts in the andesites, es-
to subducted sediments. The 208Pb/204Pb vs. pecially in the upper member. The negative Eu
Pb/204Pb diagram shows how the samples of anomalies of the Farellones rhyolites are due
ual garnet is supported by the weak negative both formations define a good mixing line be- to plagioclase fractionation. The limited Nd-
Sc anomaly displayed by the Farellones lavas tween the fertile end member of Pacific Sr isotopic contrast seen in the basic to acid
(Fig. 13). MORB and river-mouth sediments and lavas volcanic rocks of the Farellones Formation
Despite the differences related to residual from the northern part of the Southern Vol- (Fig. 11A) is consistent with a relationship by

Geological Society of America Bulletin, December 2003 1533

NYSTRÖM et al.

mas; even the most primitive of the analyzed Similarity with the Southern Volcanic
samples reflects evolution prior to eruption. Zone and Crustal Thickness
The variation diagrams (Fig. 6) show that such
evolution must have involved large-scale early Several authors have pointed out similari-
fractionation of olivine in order to attain the ties between the temporal development of Ter-
low Mg and Ni contents of the basic Abanico tiary volcanic sequences in central Chile and
lavas. Early removal of clinopyroxene or Cr- south to north changes in lavas from the SVZ
rich spinel is also indicated by the low Cr (López-Escobar et al., 1991; Kay and Kurtz,
values (Fig. 13). The Fe-Ti enrichment in the 1995; Stern and Skewes, 1995; Kay et al.,
basaltic range, without fractionation of mag- 1999). As shown in the present study, there
netite, is characteristic of tholeiitic differenti- are many similarities between the Abanico
ation (cf. Fig. 5). The lack of magnetite frac- Formation and rocks of the central part of the
tionation suggests parental magmas of low SVZ, and the upper Farellones member some-
oxygen fugacity, consistent with only limited what resembles rocks of the northern part of
contamination during passage through the the zone. A conspicuous similarity is the over-
Figure 13. Fertile MORB mantle (FMM) crust. all shift toward less basic compositions with
normalized diagrams for mantle-derived el- The evolution of the magmas of the upper time for the Tertiary rocks and northward
ements in basic lavas from the Abanico Farellones member, derived from a more de- within the SVZ. Examples of other similarities
Formation and the upper member of the pleted mantle source than the Abanico mag- are illustrated in variation diagrams (Fig. 6;
Farellones Formation. Normalization fac- mas, followed a different path (Fig. 6). Frac- similar evolutionary paths), the AFM diagram
tors from Pearce and Parkinson (1993). tionation of olivine also took place in the (Fig. 5; tholeiitic vs. calc-alkaline trend), and
SiO2 contents (wt%) of the samples in parental magmas of the upper Farellones diagrams of trace elements of petrogenetic in-
parentheses. member prior to eruption, although on a terest (e.g., Fig. 14). However, there are also
smaller scale. Relatively high Cr and Ni val- dissimilarities, for example, ratios involving
ues are indicative of less fractionation than in Ta and Nb.
the Abanico case (Fig. 13). The variation di- Hildreth and Moorbath (1988) regarded the
geochemical changes in the SVZ to be due to
agrams and petrography show that titano-
a northward increase in crustal thickness. Ac-
magnetite crystallized together with olivine,
cording to Kay and Kurtz (1995) and Kay et
pyroxene, and plagioclase in the basaltic an-
al. (1999), the match of trace element patterns,
desites of the upper Farellones member. The
particularly the REEs, between volcanic rocks
rocks define a calc-alkaline trend without Fe
in the El Teniente region south of our area and
enrichment. Compared with the Abanico la-
SVZ lavas is quite good. On the basis of this
vas, higher oxygen fugacities that increase
similarity, those authors concluded that the
with time can be inferred for the Farellones
crust thickened dramatically during the Mio-
magmas on the basis of the Fe2O3/FeO ratio
cene as a consequence of horizontal failure of
for unaltered basaltic andesites of comparable
Figure 14. La/Yb ratios vs. age for basaltic ductile, magma-injected lower crust. Plotting
SiO2 content (;54 wt%): Abanico 5 0.48, our data in the Ce/Sm vs. crustal-thickness di-
andesites of the Abanico and Farellones lower Farellones 5 0.64, middle Farellones 5
Formations (this study) compared with agram of Hawkesworth et al. (1994) gives an
0.91, and upper Farellones 5 1.32. A similar increase in thickness from ;30 km for the
those for the Quaternary volcanic arc at the trend of increasing oxygen fugacity with time
same latitude (NSVZ—northern part of Abanico Formation to ;35 km for lower and
was reported by Garrido et al. (2002) for Ter- middle members of the Farellones Formation.
SVZ), and farther south (CSVZ—central
tiary intrusive rocks in central Chile. No estimate can be made for the upper Far-
part of SVZ); average and one standard de-
The geochemical trends with time for the ellones lavas because their Ce/Yb ratios (;26)
viation shown by dot and vertical line, re-
Tertiary rocks in the Central Valley (Sellés, place them in the category of high Ce/Yb arcs
spectively; number of samples in parenthe-
1999a; Yáñez et al., 2002) and for the Aban- of Hawkesworth et al. (1994) in which too
ses. See Figure 5 for sources of SVZ data.
ico and Farellones Formations are similar. The much scatter makes a correlation meaningless.
Oligocene tholeiitic basalts in the Central Val- There is a fair agreement between the crustal-
crystal fractionation. Melting of crust that is ley are enriched in incompatible elements, thickness estimates of Kay and Kurtz (1995)
isotopically similar to the mantle melts could have a La/Yb ratio of 2.1–3.3, and are similar and Kay et al. (1999) and our somewhat lower
have contributed to the voluminous Farellones to the Abanico lavas although they include values for the older units, taking into account
rhyolites. Subduction erosion of forearc con- more primitive compositions. The Early Mio- the younger ages in the south and differences
tinental crust (Stern, 1991; Kay and Mpodoz- cene lavas (La/Yb 5 3.9–4.8) and the younger in lithology that do not allow a direct corre-
is, 2002) is also a possible mechanism. The stocks of mainly andesitic to dacitic compo- lation. The Abanico volcanic rocks erupted in
absence of a negative Eu anomaly in the Far- sition (La/Yb 5 7.7–26.7) are calc-alkaline an arc underlain by thin crust that was sub-
ellones rocks of intermediate composition and and chemically resemble the lower to middle sequently thickened during the episode of con-
the curvilinear variation diagrams (Fig. 6) ar- and upper Farellones rocks, respectively. The traction and deformation marking the end of
gue against magma mixing as the major con- youngest rocks show evidence of residual gar- the Abanico deposition. However, we attribute
trol for their formation. net in their source region in contrast to the the doubling of the La/Yb ratio from the mid-
All the sampled rocks record evolved mag- older lavas (Sellés, 1999a; Yáñez et al., 2002). dle to the upper Farellones member (Fig. 14)

1534 Geological Society of America Bulletin, December 2003


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