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In the past few years, countries and organizations have
become more open and flexible in terms of recruiting diverse
members .they have been embracing the concept of diversity,
by creating a work force composed of people from different
races, religions ,genders ,physical abilities and beliefs.
The idea of diversification appeared strongly during the
1970’s in USA, it was mandated by the federal government in
response to the civil rights act, and the employers at that
time viewed the diversification as something that was
imposed on them and was not necessarily good for the
business. However, diversity is a voluntary movement among
employers and is viewed as a positive activity that is good for
the organization, and the employers have to consider it as a
positive trend in the society.
Many believe that diversity is crucial, and Adolph Coors
Company is one of the famous firms which adapt this
concept. Adolph Coors employs between 600 and 800 people
with disabilities and has trained managers to accommodate
the different disabilities. The goal and importance of
recruiting diverse members is to help blending all the
individuals in the society, leading to a more effective society
and more effective companies.

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