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Summary of Agile written by one of my students.

"Initially we create a product vision and the product vision is broken down into small
stories known as user stories, we categorize different user stories, a combination of user
stories is known as product backlog then the product owner prioritizes the user stories
is known as grooming then developer team take those user stories and work on it
during the time period is known as a sprint, In Agile scope is not fixed but cost and
schedule are fixed, coming to Daily stand up meeting where the team can discuss the
progress of work and upcoming work to be completed this meeting will be conducted
by the scrum master and then the product owner will review it which is called sprint
review after that then team will have a meeting of a lesson learned the which is known
as sprint retrospective.
Agile Planning consists of Vision, Road map, Release, Iteration, and Daily, and also Agile
is derived from Lean concept which means waste removal coming to scrum for Scrum
Product Owner, Scrum Master, and Development team. When we prioritize the product
backlog and special user story is called as Risk spike, In Agile Risk spike is considered as
Negative Risk spike and Architectural Spike, Refinement of the backlog is known as the
product backlog. We discuss Velocity of Sprint which means the number of story points
to be completed during the sprint (2-4 weeks) and categorize into three i) Ideal Day ii)
Affinity- Size of user stories) Fibonacci - effort of user story increases which implement
story point technique i) Planning Poker ii) white band Delphi technique
Information Radiator which consists of Task board where it gives a complete projection
of work to be completed in the particular sprint period, Kanban board- Implement Pull
Methodology and working on the flow base to do the product backlog, Limiting the WIP
(No of user stories) not to let to stop the work and easy to control the work, Entry and
Exit criteria and Board reflects the best way to work
Agile process, scope is not fixed but time and cost are fixed and explained about
Minimal Valuable product (Produce in Sprint and product is kept on Next Iteration)
Explain the concept about Minimum Business Increment. Agile Iteration consists of
Artifacts (Document) and Ceremonies
Project Charter- Primary objective, Key features of products and cautions and risks
Explained about Agile manifesto (Individual and Interactions, Working Software,
Customer Collaboration, Responding to changes)
12 Agile Principles (Satisfy the customer, Welcome change, deliver frequently, Work
together, Trust and support, Face- Face conversation, Working software, Sustainable
development, Continuous Attention, Maintain Simplicity, Self-Organizing teams, Reflect
and Adjust)
Kano Model- Theory of satisfaction and Blackout and go live and coming to XP
Metaphor- Continuous Integration and Test-driven development, Escape Defect and
Kick-off meeting and explained about Performance Tools"

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