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Virtual Reality simulation for immersive

automation training

The rise of Virtual Reality Enabling VR in CIROS®

Virtual reality (VR), in which CIROS® is the universal, 3D
• Real-time, interactive, 3D computer-generated environ- virtual commissioning software
simulations ments simulate real experi- program for factory automation
• Leverages VR for efficient ences, opens the way to excit- and robotics.
and motivating learning ing new applications in educa-
• Virtual commissioning tion. Thanks to the VR simulator
enables quick familiariza- integrated into CIROS® soft-
tion training Life-sized, digital twin repre- ware, a simple button-click
• Pre-configured training sentations, enhanced with pro- sends learners to a 3D world,
equipment and scenarios cess information that is gener- simulating complex factory
• Interfaces to all major CAD ated in real-time, create innova- automation equipment,
and 3D geometrical files tive, immersive learning envi- mechanisms, and processes –
• MES4 and cyber-physical ronments. without any risk to people or
systems are optional equipment – and allowing
VR allows learners to visualize location-independent learning.
and understand complex and
unfamiliar technologies and
systems, easing the acquisition
of concepts that often elude
learners in classical teaching
Virtual Reality simulation for immersive
automation training

Industry 4.0 and VR CIROS®: Professional training in virtual learning environments Hardward specs:
By its very nature of bridging Recommended specifica-
digital and physical worlds, VR tions to run the CIROS® VR
is particularly well-suited for simulator at high fidelity (90
Industry 4.0 training. Qualifica- fps):
tion for Industry 4.0 is made • Intel Core i5 7th Generation
even easier and more stimulat- or equivalent
ing when combining VR with • 8 GB, 200 GB SSD or bet-
cyber-physical systems from ter
Festo Didactic. • NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1060
(for normal environments)
Not only does it allow visualiza- • NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1070
tion of virtual images of the (for large environments)
MPS systems, as well as CP Lab • Windows 10 64-Bit
and CP Factory (CP product • HTC Vive VR-Headset
family is optional), but learners (tested and recom-
face virtual, yet full-scale mended)
equipment, real-life process • CIROS® supports OpenVR
and component behavior, and through Steam
the ability to examine and virtu-
ally interact with equipment
from different points of view to
perform various tasks.

Expand learning to MES CIROS® can be used as a com- Contact your sales represen-
The CIROS® VR interface pro- plement to actual laboratory tative to get a quote for a
vides an information exchange equipment, or as a stand-alone CIROS® 6 license. Upgrade
with the virtual environment. product for completely virtual prices (from CIROS® 5.1 to
training. 6) also available.
Due to the consistent system
approach, the VR simulator has CIROS® 6 includes online inter-
a complete MES4 connection faces to PLCs, EtherCAT, MAT-
via an ERP, making learning LAB, and many more.
more comprehensive.
Two options for license man-
Flexible licensing agement are available:
CIROS VR is available with all
• USB dongle license for physi-
CIROS® 6 licenses as a free, cal use or concurrent license
pre-installed plugin available via network server
for both CIROS® Education and • Cloud-based software license
Studio editions. through a Festo-hosted portal

Festo Didactic SE
DID1165en 03/2018 Festo Didactic SE

Rechbergstraße 3
73770 Denkendorf

Order hotline:
Tel: +49 (0) 800/5600967
Fax: +49 (0) 800/5600843

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