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Chicago Manual of Style Notes and Bibliography Style

CMS Notes and Bibliography style is most often encountered in the humanities.
UPF prefers notes to be short form and all works to be included in the bibliography.
An alternative method is to provide full publication details at first mention of any work cited in a note,
and subsequent references can be short form.
If a note is citing a journal or newspaper article, full publication details can be given in the note and an
accompanying entry in the bibliography is not needed.
Be sure to consult chapter 14 in The Chicago Manual of Style (16th edition) for further examples and
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Basic examples
Full citation in a note
1. Newton N. Minow and Craig L. LaMay, Inside the Presidential Debates: Their Improbable
Past and Promising Future (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2008), 24–25.
Shortened citation in a note
4. Minow and LaMay, Presidential Debates, 138.
Entry in a bibliography
Minow, Newton N., and Craig L. LaMay. Inside the Presidential Debates: Their Improbable Past and
Promising Future. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2008.

Book with single author or editor

Full citation in note
1. Michael Pollan, The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals (New York:
Penguin, 2006), 3.

Florida A&M University ּ◌ Florida Atlantic University ּ◌ Florida Gulf Coast University ּ◌ Florida International University
Florida State University ּ◌ New College of Florida ּ◌ University of Central Florida ּ◌ University of Florida
University of North Florida ּ◌ University of South Florida ּ◌ University of West Florida
Shortened citation in note
6. Pollan, Omnivore’s Dilemma, 3.
Entry in a bibliography
Pollan, Michael. The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals. New York: Penguin,

Chapter in an edited volume

Full citation in note
1. Glenn Gould, “Streisand as Schwarzkopf,” in The Glenn Gould Reader, ed. Tim Page (New
York: Vintage, 1984), 310.
Shortened citation in note
7. Gould, “Streisand as Schwarzkopf,” 310.
Entry in a bibliography
Gould, Glenn. “Streisand as Schwarzkopf.” In The Glenn Gould Reader, edited by Tim Page, 308–11.
New York: Vintage, 1984.

Journal article
Full citation in note
23. Judith Lewis, “ ‘’Tis a Misfortune to Be a Great Ladie’: Maternal Mortality in the British
Aristocracy, 1558–1959,” Journal of British Studies 37, no. 1 (1998): 32,
Shortened citation in note
26. Lewis, “ ‘’Tis a Misfortune to be a Great Ladie,’” 32.
Entry in a bibliography
Lewis, Judith. “ ‘’Tis a Misfortune to Be a Great Ladie’: Maternal Mortality in the British Aristocracy,
1558–1959.” Journal of British Studies 37, no. 1 (1998): 26–53,

Article in a newspaper or popular magazine

Full citation in note
1. Daniel Mendelsohn, “But Enough about Me,” New Yorker, January 25, 2010, 68.
Shortened citation in note
9. Mendelson, “But Enough about Me,” 69.
Entry in a bibliography
Mendelsohn, Daniel. “But Enough about Me.” New Yorker, January 25, 2010.

Full citation in note
1. “Google Privacy Policy,” last modified March 11, 2009,
Shortened citation in note
1. “Google Privacy Policy.”
Entry in a bibliography
Google. “Google Privacy Policy.” Last modified March 11, 2009.

Archives and manuscript collections

Citation in note
38. James Oglethorpe to the Trustees, 13 January 1733, Phillipps Collection of Egmont
Manuscripts, 14200:13, University of Georgia Library.
Entry in a bibliography
Egmont Manuscripts. Phillipps Collection. University of Georgia Library.

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