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Preamble is one of the most significant parts of people. Constitution is made by the representative of
constitution as it enlightens us about the vision of our the people.Democracy believes that the source of power
constitution makers. Member of Constituent Assembly is people. Therefore the voice of people is known as the
H. V. Kamath argued that Preamble to begin in the voice of God. Constitution is the supreme of law of
name of God. However, Madabhushi Ananthasayanam the land but people made the constitution therefore
Ayyangar felt that Preamble should start with an people are supreme. Thus sovereignty lies in the people.
invocation to Mahatma Gandhi. But, Dr. Ambedkar
and Hridya Nath Kunzru did not support the idea of 2. Ideals
Kamath and Ayyangar. Therefore, Preamble begins
with ‘We the people of India’. Preamble indicates towards the ideals of the constitution.
Dr. Ambedkar said that political democracy is began in
The Preamble of Indian Constitution is inspired by India after Independence but social and economic
constitution of United State of America. Preamble democracy is yet to be attained. Preamble visualizes the
incorporates the fundamental objective and ideals of goal of social economic democracy. Granville Austin
the constitution. Preamble wasapproved by constituent says that Indian constitution is a Social Document
assembly on 22nd January in the form ‘objective rather than a legal document and preamble fulfill social
resolution’ which took resolve to bring about social, objective in a following way -
economic and political justice in India. Preamble tells
about philosophy of the constitution and it is also • Justice: Preamble is looking towards social
considered as horoscopes of constitution. Friedrich economic and Political Justice. Social justice
said that Preamble Manifest the public opinion and means just distribution of Social goods in society.
constitution draw its power from the people. Nehru There shall be no discrimination on the basis of
said that preamble synthesizes the ideals of two great caste, Gender, religion or race with the people.
revolutions. Ideals of French Revolution namely Social Justice does not mean the distribution of
liberty, equality and fraternity included in the equal amount of property, house and land.
preamble. However the ideals of social and economic Social justice believes in providing basic
justice are drawn from the Russian revolution. Nani minimum facilities of education, health for all
Palkhivala said that preamble is introduction of the the citizens. Economic justice does not mean
Constitution. The preamble informs us about the depriving the rich section of society from
following - property but empowering the people living below
the poverty line. Political justice ensures the
1. Source of Power equal participation of the people in political
system. Every citizen is entitled to form union,
Preamble begins with the phrase we the people of association and political parties.
India, made the constitution and constituent assemblies • Liberty: Preamble envisages the freedom speech
enacted, adopted and given to our self. We the people of expression, thought, belief, faith and worship.
of India mean the citizen who have completed the age Each and every citizen enjoys the liberty which is
of 18 years. This indicated that constitution is not associated with freedom of conscience, which is
made by any individual, monarch or the group the other name of religious freedom. This hints that



the belief and worship is the personal choice of 1. Form of Government

individual and will never be dictated by the
government. This is the Crux of Secularism. • Sovereign: Preamble tells about the form of
• Equality: Equality of stauts and opportunity is government to be adopted for realizing the goals
an integral part of preamble. mentioned in the preamble. Sovereign denotes
• Constitution provides equality for that government of India is supreme in the
everyone. Feudal society does not permit territory of India. The government is free to
equality of status. Therefore no discrimination choose it’s economic, social and defence policies.
is possible with anyone on the ground of The government cannot be dictated by any other
caste race, religion or Economic status. For state. Therefore India preferred autonomous
constitution dignity of every citizen is foreign policy. India is no longer subordinate to
important. All the appointment and the British government.
employment under state is equally open for • Socialist: The term socialism is incorporated in
every citizen. Citizens are free to choose the preamble by 42nd constitutional amendment in
their profession and occupation. Equality 1976. Indira Gandhi Government included
of opportunity is different from equality socialism in preamble. In 1936 Nehru declared at
of outcome, which believes in equality of the Lucknow session of Indian National Congress
social conditions. However equality of that the solution to India’s problems lies in
opportunity believes in equal opportunity, adopting socialist policies. Through the 1955
which means basic minimum facilities, is Avadi resolution of Indian National Congress a
available for everyone. But effort and choice socialist pattern of development was presented as
of person determines his position in society. the goal of the party. And Indira Gandhi said that
• Fraternity: Fraternity means the feeling of our socialism is different from Soviet Union.
brotherhood or belongingness. Fraternity Soviet Socialism supported state control overeach
denotes psychological unity among the people. and every segment of economy. There was no
Fraternity is essential for unity and integrity of scope for private sector in soviet socialism. India
the nation apart from protecting the dignity of preferred the mixed economic model. Soviet
the individual. Preamble includes unity and Union adopted one party government however
integrity of the nation. Nation reflects India adopted the multiparty democratic system.
psychological unity. It is sentiment and physical
unity is possible through psychological integrity. Socialism involves eradication of exploitation and
Without unity and integrity of the nation liberty, inequality in society, Ensuring basic minimum
equality and justice cannot be realized. After facilities for everyone. State shall not control every
independence India faced various security industry but nationalization will occur when it
Challenges like- requires. Professor K. T. Shah in the Constituent
• The accession of princely states. assembly requested to include the term socialism in
• Naga secessionist movement in North-East. preamble. Dr. Ambedakar was not agreed with shah
• Communal partition of India. because social economic Justice is other name of
• Tribal invasion over Jammu and Kashmir socialism. Dr. Ambedkar tried to avoid the debatable
supported by Pakistan. terms like socialism and secularism.


• Secular: The term ‘secular’ was also added in constituent assembly and finally it is given to us by the
constitution by 42nd amendment. Although the assembly.
spirit of secularism was inherent in the
constitution. Preamble contains the freedom of Preamble - Part of the Constitution or Not
speech of expression, belief, faith and worship.
Thus every individual is free to choose his faith Preamble is enacted by constituent assembly therefore
and belief. State has nothing to do with the belief it is part of the constitution. Supreme Court said that
and faith of individual. This denotes the preamble is not part of the constitution in Berubari
separation between religion and state which is case (1960) Berubari is a name of village which was
basic tenets of secular state. State is neither located in West Bengal. Union government tried to
against religion nor will it promote any religion. transfer this piece of land to Pakistan according to
State is neutral to the religious activities. Secular bilateral agreement. People of Bengal demanded for
state promotes the material well-being of the referendum. They justifiedtheir demand on the basis of
people. And therefore State does not believes in preamble which says that we the people of India are
any religion. Secular state is need of the multi supreme. Supreme Court said that parliament is
religious and plural society like India. entitled to make a law therefore rejected the demand of
• Republic: Literal meaning of republic is the head referendum Supreme Court also said that Article - 3
of state shall be elected. Head of state should not does not apply on the transfer of land to any external
be hereditary likewise of Britain. Broader state like Pakistan. The parliament can change the
meaning of republic is, power lies in the people. boundary of the state. Thus Article - 3 is applicable
And each and every office of the constitution is within the India. Article - 368 is needed for the transfer
available for any citizen including the office of of any piece of land to external state. Supreme Court
the President. Republic believes in equality among said in Kesavananda Bharati case (1973) that
the citizens. Therefore people are sovereign. The preamble is an integral part of the constitution.
framers of US constitution prefer the term Therefore dispute came to an end.
republic but Britishers were in favour of the
term democracy. Preamble synthesis both Interpretation of the Constitution
republic as well as democracy. The democracy
is often associated with the government by Supreme Court said that constitution is not merely the
majority. Although democracy and republic is collection of articles, in famous Kesavananda
interchangeable terms which is based on elected Bharati case (1973). Constitution incorporates
government, constitutional government and various ideologies and theories. Court said that these
responsible government. ideologies are paramount while interpreting the
constitution. Court propounded the spirit of the
2. Adoption constitution which is written in the preamble. It also
said that context is more important than written words
Preamble is adopted by the constituent assembly on 26 or text of the constitution. Preamble is utilized in the
November, 1949. Constituent assembly is written first interpretation of the constitution. Supreme Court
time in preamble in the last line. Preamble does not extended the meaning of right to life under Article -
mention date of enforcement of the constitution, but it 21. It said that right to life means, the right to life with
carries the date of adoption. Preamble is enacted by dignity which is written in the preamble. Indira Gandhi



government tried to override the Fundamental Rights Soul of the Constitution

in the name of implementation of directive principles
of state policies. Supreme Court said that there should Preamble is the soul of the constitution said by Thakur
be harmony and balance between Fundamental Rights Das Bhargav in constituent assembly. Preamble is like
and DPSP in Minerva Mills’ case (1980). Court ruled an extract of the constitution. Preamble includes ideals
in S. R. Bommai case that secularism is basicstructure and philosophy of the constitution. It also contains the
of India constitution which is written in the preamble. form of government. Aims and ideology of the
Court interpreted Article - 356 in association with constitution is visible in the preamble. It is also
preamble, this article does not include the term important to be noted that Dr. Ambedker said that
secularism. Article - 32 is heart and soul of the constitution.
Basic Structure of the Constitution Preamble is moral in nature which tells about the goal of
the constitution. It cannot be enforced in court of law.
Supreme Court is of the view that heart and soul of the Horoscope of the Constitution
Indian constitution cannot be amended. Constitution is
like a body of human being in which some organs are K. M. Munshi said that preamble is the horoscope of
more important than other organs. Principle of Basic the constitution. Entire constitution is an extension of
structure is made by Supreme Court in 1973 of preamble. Preamble includes democratic republic
Kesavananda Bharati case(1973). Various elements government therefore president is elected and council
of the basic structure propounded by Supreme Court of minister is responsible towards the Lok Sabha.
are mentioned in preamble- Fundamental Rights contains the freedom of
• Democratic republic government. conscience which reflects secular value. Preamble
• Secularism. believes in socialism, Article - 39
• Sovereignty.
• Unity and integrity. (b) (c) of Directive Principles of State Policy (DPSP)
• Harmony between liberty and equality. says that operation of economy should be carried out
for the well-being of community. Economic resource
Supreme Court said that right to privacy is a should not be concentrated in few hands.
Fundamental Rights which is an extension of right to
life and dignity in Puttaswamy case (2018). Social, economic justice is similar to the ideals of
Preamble includes the term dignity. Thisvisualizes socialism. Unity and integrity of the nation is primary
the importance of preamble. It appears that basic goal of the nation, thus Fundamental Rights are
structure and preamble are complimentary with each curtailed on the ground of unity and integrity of the
other. nation. Fundamental Duties also promote the unity and
Non-Enforceable integrity of the nation. Preamble is a microcosm of
Indian constitution. It is like a map of the constitution.
Since preamble is philosophy of the constitution, Philosophy of the Constitution
therefore it is moral in nature. Nobody can approach
Supreme Court for enforcement of any provision of Pandit Nehru said “Democracy has been spoken of
the preamble. No law enacted by the parliament can be chiefly in the past, as political democracy, roughly
challenged on the ground of violation of the provision represented be every person having a vote. But a vote by
of the preamble. itself does not represent very much to a person who is


down and out, to a person, let us say, who is starving or morality. Constitutional morality is broader than
hungry. Political democracy, by itself, is not enough principle contained in the preamble. Supreme Court
except that it may be used to obtain a gradually increasingsaid in Manoj Nirula case (2014) that entry of
measure of economic democracy”. Dr. Sarvepalli criminals in parliament is against the constitutional
Radhakrishnan has put it: “Poor people, who wander morality. Deciding the dispute between union
about, find no work, no wages and starve, whose lives are government and national capital territory of Delhi,
a continual round of sore affection and pinching poverty, Supreme Court said that the constitutional authorities
cannot be proud of the Constitution or its law”. should respected basic provisions of the constitution,
disrespecting the spirit of the constitution amounts to
Dr. Ambedkar in his concluding speech in the violation of constitutional morality.
Constituent Assembly: “Political democracy cannot
last unless there lies at the base of it Social Democracy. Preamble
What does social democracy means? It means a way of
life which recognises liberty, equality and fraternity WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, are having solemnly
which are not to be treated as separated items in a resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN
trinity. They form a union of trinity in the sense that to SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and
divorce one from the otheris to defeat the very purpose to secure to all its citizens:
of democracy”. A fitting commentary on the foregoing
contents of the Preamble to our Constitution can be JUSTICE, social, economic and political;
best offered by quoting a few lines from Prof. Ernest
Barker “there must be a capacity and a passion for the • LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and
enjoyment of liberty-there must be sense of personality worship;EQUALITY of status and of opportunity;
in each and of respect personality in all, generally • And to promote among them all FRATERNITY
spread through the whole community. “He also saidthat assuring the dignity of the individual and the
“In a brief and pithy form the argument of much of the unity and integrity of the Nation;
book; and it may accordingly serve as a key-note”. • IN OUR CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY this twenty-

Constitutional Morality sixth day of November, 1949, do HEREBYADOPT,

Preamble introduces new and modern constitutional CONSTITUTION.
morality. Liberty, equality, fraternity and justice are Conclusion
basic moral principle of constitution. Our society is
not democratic but our constitution believes in Preamble is gist of Indian Constitution. But
democratic moral values. Social morality can be administration and political forces should abide by the
against the constitutional morality. ideals of the preamble. It is a code of good governance.
Philosophy of the preamble should be implemented in
Supreme Court in Sabrimala case (2018) said that letter and spirit.
social morality should be subordinate to the
constitution morality. Therefore restricting the entry
of women in the temple is against the constitutional



Since India is a democratic state therefore Fundamental and liberalization is initiated in India since, 1991.
Rights (Articles - 12 to 35) are essential feature of the Consequently the functions of state minimized. Private
democratic polity. It is fundamental because paramount players entered in education, health, transportation,
for the development of personality of citizens. It is right Banking Sectors. Fundamental Rights is not available
which means a claim by citizens and individual against against the private sectors. There is no provision of
the state. Rights are not gift of the state or government reservation in private companies. It means
but it is Gift of the Constitution which is made by privatization is shrinking the scope of Fundamental
people of India. Fundamental Rights put the limitation Rights.
over Power of State and Government. Fundamental Special Protection of Fundamental Rights
Rights are supreme and cannot be violated by the state.
Fundamental Rights envisages the primacy of citizens Article - 13 provides the protection of Fundamental
over the state. It guarantees constitutionalism and rule Rights it is only given for Part - III of constitution.
of law. Fundamental Rights are incorporated in Part - Article - 13 contains following varieties of law-
III of Indian constitution it is most debated part in the Pre-constitutional laws
constituent assembly. J. B. Kripalani committee was
constituted consideration over for Fundamental Rights The laws made and came into force before the
in constituent assembly. commencement of this constitution. Simply it means
Meaning of State the law existed before 26 January, 1950. In case of
conflict between pre-constitutional laws and
Part - III of the constitution begins with Article - 12 Fundamental Rights of Part - III, Fundamental Rights
which incorporates the definition of state. shall eclipse the pre-constitutional laws. It is also
known as doctrine of eclipse. Therefore pre-
Fundamental Rights are available against the state. constitutional laws shall be eclipsing likewise Clouds
According to Article - 12 States includes- eclipse the sun. Pre-constitutional laws shall not
become null and void but it will become in operative,
• Government and parliament of India. says Article - 13(1) of the Part - III.
• Government and legislature of every state.
Priority of Fundamental Rights
• All local and other authorities.
• Within the territory of India or under control of State cannot make any law which take away or violates
government of India. the Fundamental Rights included in Part - III. Laws
enacted by state shall be declared null and void if it
Supreme Court interpreted the meaning of state in encroach the Fundamental Rights. There may be
various cases. Delhi University, all India institute of various segments of a law, and one part of law goes
Medical science are other agencies of state. Authorities against the Fundamental Rights. Entire law shall not
funded by the state come within the domain of state. be declared ultra-virus but only that part becomes null
Nature of function also determined the definition of and void which is inconsistent with Fundamental
state thus board of Cricket control of India comes Rights. This is known as Principle of Severability.
within the meaning of state. Policy of privatization Supreme Court makes separation between legal and


illegal part of the law and only illegal part is declared 1. Right to Equality (Article – 14 to 18)
null and void, (Article - 13 (2)). • Fundamental Rights begins with right to equality.
Definition of Law Article - 14 says that each and every one are
equal before law and there shall be equal
Article - 13(3) of the Fundamental Rights defines law. protection of law. Article - 14 contains two
Law includes ordinance, bylaws, regulation, custom variety of equality-
and notification. Administrative Office, are authorize i. Equality before law.
to make supplementary law. It is known as delegated ii. Equal protection of law.
legislation. By laws is secondary legislation, made by
the executive. Ordinance is a law made by president. i. Equality before Law: The notion of equality before
By laws is a Supplementary Law. Regulation is a law is taken from the British law. It is propounded
medium essential for implementation of law. by the British Scholar Dicey. This implies equal
Notification implies the publication of law in a treatment for everyone. Same set of law is
government gazette. And customs is a form of law applicable over every one. This creates the rule of
prevails in tribal society. law or supremacy of law. Nobody is above the law.
Individual office, status, property does not matter
Difference between ordinary Law and in the eyes of law. Similar punishment is
Constitutional Law prescribed for everyone. No discrimination is
permitted between individuals while enforcing the
Parliament can make a law over union list and state law. Equal treatment for each and every one
enacts a law over state list under Article- 246. appears Negative Idea. Social condition is not
Parliament need simple majority for making a law. But identical for every individual. Thus same set of
parliament can amend the constitution while exercising law cannot maintain equality but helping hand of
Constituent Power under Article - 368. Amendment of state is required for the marginalized sections of
the constitution requires special majority. By applying society. Article - 14 includes the positive meaning
its Constituent Power parliament can amend of equality borrowed from the U. S. A. Constitution.
Fundamental Rights. Article - 13 (4) is added in 1971
by 24th Constitutional Amendment. It gives power to ii. Equal Protection of Law: It means law will
parliament for amendment of Fundamental Rights. protect the under privileged sections of society.
Thus restriction of Article - 13 (2) is not applicable on Different law is required for different people. For
Constitutional Amendment. Fundamental Rights are protection of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled
not beyond the amending power of parliament. Tribes Parliament enacted Separate Laws.
Women and Children are also protected from
Types of Fundamental Rights the positive law. Same law should not be
applicable for men and women because social
• Right to Equality (Article - 14 to 18) conditions are adverse for women. Parliament
• Right to Freedom (Article – 19 to 22) can make discrimination but it should be
• Right against Exploitation (Article – 23 to 24) Rational and Logical. The ground of
• Right to Freedom of Religion (Article – 25 to 28) discrimination is not mentioned in Article - 14.
• Cultural and Educational Rights (Article – 29 to 30) Supreme Court told the various grounds for
• Right to Constitutional Remedies (Article - 32) discrimination in different cases.



S. No. Equality before law Equal protection of law ii. Equality in Public Places
1. Equal treatment Differential treatment
2. Negative Positive No citizen shall be subject to any disability, liability,
3. Derived restriction on ground only of religion, race, caste,
Taken from U.S.A. constitution.
4. Same law for everyone
sex, place of birth or any of them. With regard to-
Protective law for deprived
section • Access to shops, public restaurant, hotels and
places of public entertainment or,
The Base of Discrimination • The use of wells, tanks, bathing Ghats, roads and
place of public resort,
Any law made by the parliament or state legislature • Maintained wholly or partly out of state fund or,
becomes null and void if the law violates Article - 14. • Dedicated to the use of general public, describes
Supreme Court said that following grounds may be in Article - 15 (2).
• Geographical Ground may be a fit case for Each and every word connotes the wider meaning,
discrimination, for example same set of law like shop includes Barber shop and clinic of doctor too.
cannot be applied over the resident of Delhi and Use of general public and state fund is significant
North-East. which means this is not available in private domain.
• Profession may be a logical base for Nobody can demand equality in private swimming
discrimination likewise the armed personal pool. British government reserved some hotel
received Alcohol on duty but it is not available restaurant for Britishers only. It was not open for
for doctors. Indians. The Fundamental Right forbids the state to
• Social Educational Background came be considered carry out any discrimination in public places. Even
as a base of differentiation. Reservation is allowed no citizen is entitled to practice discrimination in
for the marginalized sections of society. It is not public domain. Race is determination on the bases of
available for rich persons. Above mention base of physical character of any citizen like hair or the shape
discrimination is not absolute and Supreme Court of nose. India is a home of all races of the world like
can propound any other bases from time to time. Nordic and Mongolied.
This proves that Supreme Court protect the
Fundamental Rights. Balance Between Rights and Justice

i. No Discrimination by State Fundamental Rights are not absolute but it is kept

under various limitations. Article - 15 (3) is an
State shall not discriminate with citizens only on the exception of right to equality and provides to special
ground of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth. protection for women and Children. State shall make
Only indicates that discrimination is possible on the some special provision for the empowerment of women
other grounds like physical fitness or educational and children. It is similar to the notion of social justice.
qualifications. Citizen means this right is not Special provision includes better education facility,
applicable for aliens or foreigners. Equality does not reservation and other welfare policies.
mean absence of all discrimination but elimination of
irrational discrimination according to Article - 15 (1). i. Special Provision for Socially and
Educationally Backward Classes


Under Article - 15 (4) says that state will provide • Reservation is not applicable in minority
special provision for the advancement of- educational institutions.

• Socially and educationally backward classes of Central educational institutions included IIT, IIM and
citizens. central universities. Private Educational Institutions
• Scheduled caste and scheduled tribes. including Amity University, whether they are
receiving fund from the government or not funded by
Article - 15 (4) was inserted in the constitution by the the government. Minority educational institutions
first constitutional amendment in 1951 due to ruling of mean institution which is set up by the minority
Supreme Court in Champkam Dorai Rajan case. community under Article - 30.
Supreme Court declared null and void the reservation
given by Madras government in Medical College. iii. Economically Backward Class (EWS)
Constitution does not explain the meaning of socially
and educationally backward classes of citizens. Economic backwardness is introduce by 103rd
According to Article - 340 President shall appoint a Constitutional Amendment in 2019, which allow the
backward class’s commission. In 1953 Kaka Kalelkar state to make-
Commission was appointed. Bindeshwari Prasad • Any special provision for the advancement of
Mandal commission was appointed in 1979 by Janta any economically weaker section of citizens.
Party government. Mandal Commission said that the Reservation is given to economically weaker
socially and educationally backward class means the section of society.
backward caste. Therefore caste and class are • Special provision includes admission in education
interrelated in India. Class denotes the economic and institutions.
modern stratification of society. However caste is a • Admission in private education institutions,
traditional parameter to stratify the society. funded by government or not receiving fund
Technically caste and class are different, but from the government.
practically it is similar in India. Term scheduled caste • Special provision is not applicable for the minority
and scheduled tribes are included first time in the educational institutions.
government of India act 1935. • Reservation in educational institution should not
be exceeded to 10 Percent.
ii. Reservation in Educational Institutions
Constitution does not define economic backwardness.
Then human Resource Minister Arjun Singh announced Government is eligible to determine economic
for reservation in educational institutions in year, 2006. backwardness, under Article - 15(6).
Consequently 93rd Constitutional Amendment put forth
in the constitution and Article - 15 (5) is inserted in Equality in Public Employment and Appointments
Part - III. According to Article - 15 (5) reservation for
socially and educationally backward classes of citizens Equality of opportunity is available for all citizens
and scheduled caste and scheduled tribes is- relating to employment or appointment to any office
• Central educational institutions. under the state. Employment deals with the terms and
• Private educational institutions, aided or non- condition of the job. Appointment means entry in the
aided. job. The promotion is related to employment. Office



under state tells that equality of opportunity is not The state can provide reservation of appointment or
applicable in private jobs. There is difference between post in favour of any backward class of citizen.
equality and equality ofopportunity. Equality reflects Reservation is allowed when state feels that the
equal treatment but equality of opportunity provides backward class of citizens does not have Adequate
equal opportunity to become unequal. Every citizen is Representation in services of state. Article - 16 (4)
given the equal opportunity to appear in civil services provides reservation which is very much debatable in
exams. The result of exam cannot be same for every public domain. Reservation in appointment began in
candidate. This right is available only for citizens not year, 1955 in form of reservation for scheduled caste
for aliens. (Article – 16 (1)). and scheduled tribes. They got 22 percent reservation
in the appointment under the state. Further V. P.
i. No Discrimination Singh government introduces 27 percent reservation
for other backward classes in year, 1990 for central
Employment or appointment under state shall not be and all India services. Therefore the quantum of
discriminated only on the grounds of religion, race, reservation has gone up to 49.5 percent. By 103rd
caste, sex, descent, Place of Birth, residence or Constitutional Amendment 10 percent reservation is
any of them. Article - 16 incorporates two new provided for economically weaker section. Percentage
grounds, descent and residence which are not of reservation is now reached up to 59.5 percent. Ratio
mentioned in Article - 15. Descent means origin or of reservation in terms of percentage under state
background of the person in terms of family or differs from state to state. However the ceiling of
nationality. Residence refers to home or house of a reservation is 69 percent in Tamil Nadu and the
person. Term only prescribe that discrimination is reservation in Maharashtra has gone up to 78 percent.
possible on the other grounds like marks in Thus debate is bound to emerge. And various issues
examination or physical fitness. regarding reservation can describe as follows-

ii. Discrimination on the Bases of Residence • Meaning of Backwardness

Residence may be criteria for employment and Bindeshwari Prasad Mandal commission (1979)
appointment under state, Union territory or under applied three criteria for Identification of
local authority. Regarding the appointment on the backwardness-
basis of residence, parliamentary law is needed.
State legislature is not empowered to make of law. i. Social.
Appointment on the ground of residence can be made ii. Economic.
for any classes of employment. It is determined by the iii. Educational.
parliamentary law. Article - 16 (3) this article is base
of the regionalism in India which is known as sons of Mandal commission said that backward caste is
soil movement too. Regional disparity exist in India backward class. Supreme Court said that
therefore residence as a ground can protect the interest backwardness means social and educational
of backward states. backwardness in Indra Sawhney case which is
popularly known as Mandal case. Scheduled Caste is
iii. Reservation in Appointment also backward. Therefore backward class is consider
other backward classes, other means other than


scheduled caste and scheduled tribes. Supreme Court government brought about 77th constitutional
said that backward class is not homogenous category amendment act in year 1995. It inserted Article - 16
and introduce the notion of creamy layer in Indra (4A) which provides benefits of reservation to
Sawhney case in 1992. Creamy layer is only applicablescheduled caste and scheduled tribes in jobs. They will
for OBCs not for reservation of SC and ST’s, People get benefit of Consequential Seniority. Supreme
belonging to creamy layer are not eligible for Court again blocked the reservation in promotion in
reservation. The notion of economic backwardness is Nagrajan case in year, 2006. Supreme Court said
also included in the constitution by 103rd Constitutional
that reservation in promotion can be allowed, if it
Amendment. fulfill the following criteria-
• The members of scheduled caste and scheduled
• Upper Limit of Reservation tribes are still backward.
• Their representation is still inadequate in services
Supreme Court in Mandal case said that ceiling of under state.
reservation should not be exceeded to 50 pescent. • The efficiency of services shall not be
Court said that more than 50 percent reservation compromised.
will hamper the concept of equality of
opportunity. It is also again the idea of efficiency Therefore Supreme Court said that reservation in
in services. Article - 335 of Constitution says promotion is allowed with certain conditions. But
that while providing reservation for scheduled debate is going on over the issue till today. Demand of
caste and scheduled tribes, Efficiency of services application of creamy layer for reservation of SC/STs
should not be compromised. According to 103rd is growing, because the benefit of reservation is
Constitutional Amendment Article - 16 (6) is appropriated by the well of section in SC/STs.
inserted in the constitution. It gives 10 percent
reservation for economically weaker section, thus • Reservation for Backlog Vacancies
decision of Mandal ase automatically overruled
by the parliament. Ceiling of reservation is gone Supreme Court said that carry forward rule is
up to 59.5 percent in central services and all India constitutional. Court allowed the government to carry
services; although 103rd Constitutional forward unfulfilled vacancies of reserve category.
Amendment is challenged by youth for equality in Unfulfilled vacancies are known as backlog vacancies,
Supreme Court. Decision of Supreme Court is which will be added in vacancies of next year. But court also
awaited till today. said in Mandal case that ceiling of reservation should not
be exceeded to 50 percent. It means 50 percent limitation is
• Reservation in Promotion applicable for backlog vacancies too. Eventually it was
eating benefit of reservation thus backlog seats should be
The candidates belonging to scheduled caste and reserved 100 percent for reserve category. Therefore 81st
scheduled tribes are enjoying the reservation in amendment in year, 2000, inserted Article - 16 (4B) in the
promotion too. Supreme Court in Mandal case said constitution which stipulates 100 percent reservation for
that reservation is applicable for the initial backlog vacancies. Ceiling of 50 percent is not applicable
appointment. Reservation in promotion is ultra-vires for the backlog seats.
said by Supreme Court in Mandal Case. It is against Equality in Religious Institutions
the efficiency and equality of opportunity. However



Article - 16 (5) authorized any religious are • Any restriction in the entry of public places like
denominational institution can appoint in their office, shops and restaurant.
a person belonging to a particular religion on • Forbidding entry in hospitals.
denomination. Management of a temple shall employ, • Discrimination over the use of pond, road or
person, belonging to their own religious faith. drinking water supply.
• Justifying untouchability on philosophical ground.
i. Abolition of Untouchability • Disrespecting any one on the basis of caste
amounts to untouchability.
Positive meaning of equality denotes equality of
opportunity. Equality also refers the absence of ii. SC/STs (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989
irrational discrimination. Untouchability is the
worst kind discrimination which believes that human Act is made by parliament for protecting the cause of
beings are impure, or polluted. Article - 17 said that SC/STs. Act came in limelight due to decision of
untouchability is abolished. Its practice in any form is Supreme Court in Subhas Kashinath Mahajan vs
forbidden. Untouchability is a punishable offence, State of Maharashtra. Primarily court said that act
according to law. Generally fundamental rights are is misused but later Supreme Court change her own
available against the state. But Article - 17 is applicable decision an admitted that the people belonging to
against individual too. Untouchability is not defined in Scheduled caste and Scheduled tribes need special
the constitution. Generally Fundamental Rights in protection.
Indian constitutionare not absolute. Rights are subject
to various limitations but Article - 17 is absolute right. iii. Separate Legal Procedure
Therefore untouchability is not allowed in any
condition or any ground. It is available against state as Criminal law is based on presumption of innocence.
well as against individuals too. Fundamental Rights Court presumes that a person, against whom charge
can be classified on the following grounds too- sheet is filed by the police, is innocent. It is the
• Self-operative Fundamental Rights which responsibility of police to prove that person is guilty.
means parliamentary law is not needed for Under SC/ST Prevention of atrocities act, judiciary
enforcing the Fundamental Rights. Article - 14, does not follow the principle of Presumption of
15 are self-operated Fundamental Rights. innocence. No anticipatory bail is permitted under
• Article - 17 requires parliamentary act for act. Person is arrested at once after the FIR.
enforcement of right against untouchability. Preliminary inquiry is not required. However in
Because Article - 17 envisages that it is punishable other cases preliminary inquiry is needed before the
offence. Parliament made untouchability arrest.
prohibition act, 1955 for enforcement of
Article - 17. It is not self-operative right. iv. Abolition of Titles
• Parliamentary act of 1955 is changed in to civil
rights protection act, 1976. Act does notdefine Titles are privilege practiced in undemocratic societies.
the meaning of untouchability but it includes British government awarded titles for making
various examples such as- hierarchy in society. Title gives privilege or nobility.
• Nobody can be denied in the entry of temple of Titles are antithetical to the notion of equality.
public character. Constituent assembly decided for abolition the title. J.


B. Kriplani said that titles are against the Socialist • Restriction of accepting present, emolument
Society. Article - 18 seeks for abolition of title. or office
British government maintained an aristocratic class
by providing titles like Rai Bahadur, Rai Saheb, and A person holding office of profit or trust under
Taluqdar. It incorporates the following issues- state, Person shall not accept any present,
emolument or office from foreign state without
• Restriction over State consent of president.

According to Article - 18 (1) No title shall be 2. Freedom of Speech and Expression (Article
conferred by the state. But military and - 19 to 22)
educational titles shall be conferred. By the
Military titles like Param Vishist Sewa Medal, Article - 19 protects various rights regarding freedom
educational title like Doctor is permitted. of speech and expression. It is available only for
Government of India introduces awards like citizens. Article - 19 covers the following rights-
Bharat Ratna, Padma Vibhushan, Padma • To freedom of speech and expression.
Bhushan and Padma Shree in 1954. Supreme • To assemble peaceably and without arms.
Court said that these are awards not titles. • To form associations or unions by 97th
Therefore government can give awards said by constitutional amendment co-operative
court in 1996 Balaji Raghavan case. Court societies also included.
observed that equality does not mean equal • To move freely throughout the territory of India.
treatment. Equality and Efficiency are not • To reside and settle in any part of territory of
against to each other. Supreme Court also India.
instructed that the award like Bharat Ratna • To acquire and dispose property. It is deleted
should not be used as a prefix or suffix in the from Part - III by 44th constitutional amendment,
name of person. Although no law exists, which 1978. It no longer exists.
prevent the person to use awards before or after • To practice any profession, or to carry on any
his/her name? occupation, trade, or business.

• Restriction over Foreign Title Issues Related to Freedom of Speech and

Citizen of India shall not accept any title from
foreign state. The awards received by artist is • Freedom of press
not prohibited says Article - 18(2).
Freedom of press is inherent in freedom of speech and
• Consent of President expression. It is not explicitly written in the
constitution. Freedom of press included print media
Article - 18 (3) allowed that any person is not and electronic media both. Unique feature of
citizen of India, While holding any office of democratic government is debate, dialogue,
profit or trust under the state. Person shall not disagreement and dissent. Without freedom of press
receive any titles from foreign state without debate is incomplete. Press reflects the opinion of the
consent of the president. people. Press play role of opposition and give voice to



opposition. Therefore press is considered fourth over freedom and speech and expression. More
pillar of democracy. Press maintains check and over Indian penal code (IPC) also restrict the
balance over the activities of the government. Freedom scope offreedom of speech and expression. Section
of speech and expression is not absolute in India. - 124 (A) of IPC says that whoever attempt to
Freedom is subject to sovereignty and integrity of spread hatred, contempt towards the state,
India, security of the state, Friendly relation with Showing disloyalty and feeling of enmity
foreign state, public order, decency, morality, towards state amount to sedition. Government
contempt, defamation or incitement to an offence. often misuses the provision of sedition. It becomes
These restrictions are mentions in Article - 19 (2). tool in hand of government to suppress the
Therefore freedom of press is not unlimited. Now a opponents. Criticizing government becomes
day’s press is run by corporate houses. And they want the basis of sedition. It discourages thefreedom of
to fulfill their own business interest. Media trial is a speech and expressions. It does not allow the
new tendency developing in India, Media pronouns a disagreement. Raising the Slogans, not singing
person guilty before the decision of court of law. Need the national song is considered as sedition. Unity
of hour is to make balance between freedom of press and integrity of the nation is paramount. But
and unity and integrity of the nation. freedom is equally important in democracy.
Destruction of nation is different from the
• Freedom to make movies criticism of the government. Human rights
activist and the leaders of opposition are framed
Speech simply means speaking but medium of in charge of sedition, law enacted in 1860. It is
expression are multiple. Press movies, writing books, already abolish in democratic nations like
Social media are the various dimensions of expression. England, New Zealand, USA and Australia.
Impact of every medium is different. Films are IPC also incorporates the provision of waging
screened in a dark closed theatre, thus the impact of war against India, which is sufficient for
films over the people is more-deep. Visuals always protecting unity and integrity. Therefore law
create more influence than any books. The freedom to regarding sedition is not required.
make a movie is not an absolute right. Limitations
inserted under Article - 19 (2) are applicable over ii. Defamation and Freedom
films too. Parliament is already setup the central board
of film certification which is responsible for scrutinize
Liberty is also curtailed on the ground of sedition.
the film before its release. Now a day’s people are
Section - 499 of IPC tells that defamation is punishable
opposing the screening of movie because they don’t
offence. In addition to that monetary compensation
like it. They are blocking the movie on the name of
can be demanded due to defamation. Defamation is
moral policing. Films can’t be banned because both civil as well as criminal offence. Journalist
majority is disagreed with movie. Democracy should
opposes the defamation laws, which goes against
not be allowed to become mobocracy. freedom and speech and expression. Several countries
like England, Sri Lanka, USA, have decriminalized
i. Sedition and Freedom of Speech defamation made it a civil wrong. Journalist said that
anyone is free to harass them on the basis of
Fundamental Rights in Indian constitution are defamation. Most of the report of journalist is based on
not absolute. Article - 19 (2) puts limitation the presumption. Supreme Court said that defamation


is violation of right to life under Article - 21 which internal movement within the territory of
includes rightto reputation. Defaming anyone is more India. External movement is also a part of
dangerous than physical assault. Now a day any freedom of movement. Therefore citizens are free
person can be defamed in an age of social media. to go abroad too. It is under limitation of
Reputation is acquired by the hard work and in a sovereignty and integrity of India, public order
longer time but it can be ruined in overnight. Freedom or morality. For example during communal
of speech promotes toleration. It gives a right of violence freedom ofmovement can be hold up.
disagreement. It doesn’t allow anyone to attack over • Freedom of Residence and Settlement:
reputation of others, In case when it becomes a Civil Residence denotes staying for short term.
Offence. Its means any rich person is free to attack Settlement implies that citizen is choosing the
over others reputation, because the person iscapable to permanent residence. It can be curtailed in the
pay Monetary Compensation. It is important to be interest of general public for the protection of
noted that fraternity is equally important apart from the interest of any Scheduled tribes. Nobody can
liberty. be allowed to settle in scheduled areas.
• Freedom of Profession, Occupation, Trade
iii. Other Component of Freedom and Business: Every citizen is allows choosing
• To Assemble Peaceably without Arms: This is hisprofession. Profession is work which indicates
most important right in a democratic country the expertise of a person. Occupation is associated
like India. Citizens are entitled to organized and with livelihood. Business is oriented for
assembly for any common purpose. They have appropriating profit. Trade is the name of
right to organized protest against the exchange of goods. Various limitations like
government. Supreme Court said that there is no professional or technical qualification are
Fundamental Rights to go on strike. Assembly essential for profession and occupation.
with arms is not permitted. Calling Bandh is Government can own any trade, business
not a Fundamental Rights. Bandh means total industry or services. It can be excluded partially
closer of shops, transport, schools and movement. and completely for citizens.
It hampers the right of others to move freely. • Reasonable Restrictions: The various freedom
Protest should not hamper the movement of mentioned in Article - 19 (1) (a) (g) is not
others. Place of protest should be designated. absolute. Limitations are imposed under Article -
• Form Union are Association: Every citizen is 19 (2)(6). Ground of restriction is written in the
empowered to make union or association. constitution. Government can enact laws for
Various unions like Student union, labour union, restricting the Fundamental Rights. However
peasant union exist in India. Political parties can Supreme Court examine the reasonableness of
also be formed for contesting elections. In the restriction, which means-
absence of union and association democracy
cannot flourish. This is not absolute right by 16th i. It is not objective, it depends upon the medium of
constitutional amendment, 1963 it is restrictedon expression and time and space of restriction. For
the ground of sovereignty and integrity of example reasonableness for film is different
India. from book. Because impact of film is more over
• To Move Freely: Every citizen is allowed to the people than impact of book. What was an
travel across India. Freedom of movement means unreasonable in 1960 may be reasonable today.



Now Censor over movies is more liberal in January, 2019 cannot be enforced from January,
comparison to the past. 2018.

ii. Procedure of restriction should be fair. Nobody ii. Double Jeopardy Law: It is taken in Indian
can disallow the realise of movie without constitution from the United States. No person
screening the movie. Nobody can be forbid can be prosecuted and punished twice for same
without being heard. offence in criminal law. Person committed
multiple crime can be prosecuted multiple times.
iii. The purpose of restriction is to prevent the misuse But same person for same offence cannot be
of freedom. Thus quantum of restrictions should prosecuted and punished twice. The
not be more. Freedom of speech and expression administrative punishment is not counted in
cannot be suppressed because of dislike of others. double jeopardy. It is applicable only for criminal
offence in court of law. Administrative officer
iv. Approach of Supreme Court is more liberal in suspended from the department and later
terms of restrictions on the base of decency, punished by court of law is not protected under
morality. Therefore films cannot be challenged double jeopardy.
on these grounds like decency and morality.
However court adopted strict view over the issues iii. Freedom from Being Witness against Himself:
of harming of unity and integrity and sovereignty Nobody shall be compelled to be witness against
of the nation. himself. It is responsibility of police to show the
evidence of crime. Nobody can be forced to admit
v. Therefore each and every law and policy can be his guilt. Blood sample, figure print or the voice
challenged before Supreme Court. And court sample is not considered as compelled to be
examines reasonableness in every new witness against himself. Therefore Fundamental
circumstance afresh. Rights is available in court of law and after
punishment too.
Protection against Conviction of Offences
Protection of Life and Personal Liberty
Article - 20 protects the people from any criminal act
which provides the procedure and amount of Article - 21 guarantee right to life and personal liberty.
punishment. It says that nobody can be punished Although it is not absolute right which can be violated
without violation of law. It also forbids- through procedure established by law Right to life
and personal liberty has always been the subject of
i. Ex-Post Facto Law: It is a Latin term which debates begins from 1950 till today. Interpretation of
prevents the application of any criminal law right to life is dynamic therefore it is changing from
from back date, No criminal law cannot be time to time. First landmark case regarding right to
applied retrospectively. Civil law can be enforced life and personal liberty was delivered in 1950.
retrospectively. It means a criminal law made on


S. No. Procedure established by law Due process of law

1. Term mentioned in Article - 21 of the Fundamental Rights. Evolved by judiciary not written in constitution.
Procedure written in law should be followed, while encroaching Procedure should be just, fair and reasonable it
the right to life and personal liberty under Article-21. should not be arbitrary.
3. Power of parliament is more important. Power of Judiciary becomes vital.
Procedure should fulfill the norms of natural
Procedure is enacted by parliament; Judiciary cannot raise the
4. justice. Thus judiciary can raise the question over
question over wisdom of parliament.
reason of parliament.
i. Gopalan Case, (1950) strictly followed the principle of procedure
establish by law and refuse to protect the
A. K. Gopalan was leader of Communist party was Fundamental Rights. It was criticize as a black
arrested and detained under preventive detention act. dayfor Supreme Court.
And it was challenged in Supreme Court. Therefore
Article - 21 was explained by Supreme Court- ii. Maneka Gandhi Case (1978)
• Right to Life and Personal Liberty: Supreme • Liberal Interpretation of Right to Life:
Court said that right to life and personal liberty Supreme Court expended the meaning of right to
means protecting the organs and limbs of life. Court said that right to life is not merely and
individual. It protects the individual from animal existence. Right to life means right to
arbitrary arrest. Right to life and personal life and personal liberty with dignity. Maneka
liberty under Article - 21 and various freedoms Gandhi was denied to overseas visit and
in Article - 19 is separate with each other. It governments snatch her passport. Government
was narrower interpretation of right to life followed the procedure of passport act, 1967.
and personal liberty. Supreme Court overruled her decision of A. K.
• Procedure Establish by Law: Court said that Gopalan case (1950). Court said that right to life
right to life and personal liberty is available and personal liberty should be combined with the
against the executive or police. It is not right of Article - 19. Article - 19 and Article -
available against the law made by parliament. 21 are complimentary and like two organs of
Parliament makes law which incorporates body. Therefore right to life include right to
procedure too. Gopalan was arrested by the travel outside of India. 7 Judges Bench delivered
parliamentary act and procedure was followed a historical verdict because Supreme Court said
too. Therefore he was put behind the bar legally. that various rights are inherent in right to life
Court said that it can protect the right of and personal liberty. Court said that Spirit of the
individual when, procedure prescribe in law is constitution should be kept in the mind while
violated. Police cannot arrest anyone without interpreting the letter or words of the
the violation of any law or procedure in law. constitution.
• ADM Jabalpur vs Shivkant Shukla Case • Due Process of Law: Maneka Gandhi case is a
(1976): It is popularly known as habeas corpus historical Supreme Court said that Parliament is
case. During emergency to 1976 Fundamental powerful enough to enact law and decided
Rights were suspended. It was suspended bylaw procedure established by law. But procedure must
and prescribes procedure too. Supreme Court be reasonable, fair and just. Procedure should



not be arbitrary and unreasonable. This also ● Choice of sexual relation.

known as due process of law; it is the feature of ● Marriage.
American constitution. Court said that ● Dressing.
procedure of passport act 1967 is unreasonable. ● Right to privacy also available in public
Therefore declared it null and void. Supreme Court domain.
applied the principle of reasonableness in Article ● Nobody can be frisked publically or openly.
-21 too. It became reality because court said that ● Court also said that right to privacy is not
Article - 19 and Article - 21 or complimentary. absolute right.
The term reasonable restriction is mention in ● Right to privacy can be curtailed on the
Article - 19. Reading out Article - 19 and Article ground of social justice and security of the
- 21 together means the principle of reasonableness country.
is applicable for Article - 21 too.
Extended Meaning of Right to Life In the current age of social media the right to privacy
becomes cardinal right. Nine judges of Puttaswamy
Since Maneka Gandhi case onwards Supreme Court case were unanimous over the issue of privacy. Any
said that constitution is not static document. It is law and policy can be challenge on the base of
living document. Therefore the interpretation of the encroachment of privacy Supreme Court also directed
constitution shall change according to changing of the government to make sure protection of data. Right
circumstances. Expansion of right to life should be to privacy requires a private zone of individual life
visualizes in light of public interest litigation (PIL). where nobody is allowed to interfere.
And Supreme Court propounded the notion of PIL in
1980s. The broader meaning of right to life includes- ii. Right to Life is not absolute
● Right to livelihood.
● Right to education. Right to life is not an absolute right. Therefore nobody
● Right against sexual harassment. is allowed to end his/her life. Nobody can waive
● Pollution free environment. fundamental rights it is known as principle of
● Right against arbitrary arrest and detention. waiver. Supreme Court said in Gain kaur case
● Right against solitary confinement. (1996) that individual can kill himself under right to
● Right to privacy. life and personal liberty in Article - 21. Now Supreme
● Right of reputation. Court overruled its earlier decision and said that right
● Right of speedy trail. to life does not mean right to die. In 2018 Supreme
Court pronounced landmark judgment in Aruna
i. Triumph of Fundamental Rights Ramchandra Shanbaug case. It said that passive
euthanasia is permitted which is popularly known as
Fundamental Rights are the sign of vibrant democracy. mercy killing. Now a person under medical treatment
Supreme Court propounded a landmark judgment in can decided for give up life support. Court said that a
K. S. Puttaswamy case, (2018), and said that right to person must be given right to die with dignity. Passive
privacy is an integral part of right to life and personal euthanasia implies that withdrawal of medical
liberty. Court gave its decision while hearing the issue treatment from ill patient. Right to life is also subject to
of compulsory use of Aadhar. Judiciary did not define the procedure established by law. Therefore parliament
meaning of privacy but said that privacy includes- can penalize any person procedure established by law.


iii. Protection against arrest and detention act, 1968. Act defines enemy is a country which
● Right Against Arbitrary Detention: Article committed an act of aggression against India and it
- 22 (1) said that no person shall arrested citizens. This automatically means China and
and detained in custody without been Pakistan can be categories as an enemy state.
informed. The ground of arrest must be told
S.No. Preventive Punitive Detention
to the person. Person can be arrested on the Detention
ground of violation of law. But arbitrary 1. Detaining anybody before Detaining anybody after
detention means arresting a person without the breach of law. violation of law.
information, And without any valid reason.
2. Detained by police. Detained by the order of
Arbitrary detention deprives individual right court of law.
to life and personal liberty.
3. Detained merely on the Detained after committing
● Consultation with Legal Practitioner:
basis of suspicion. crime.
Everyone is allowed to consult a legal
4. It promotes police state. It is according to rule of law.
practitioner of his own choice. And person
shall be defended by legal practitioner 5. Police can detain beyond Police cannot detain after
24 hours, without 24 hours, without
(advocate). It means constitution prescribe
permission of Magistrate. permission of magistrate.
for fair trails because police can frame
charge against any innocent person too. And i. Rights for Detenu: Article - 22 (4) (7) provides
person is entitle defend himself in court of law the right of person under preventive detention.
with help of lawyer, written in Article - 22(2). And no person can be detaining for longer period
● Permission of Magistrate: Any person who is than three months without a decision of
arrested and detain shall be produce before the advisory board. Advisory board is comprised of
nearest magistrate within 24 hours. It means persons who are judge of High Court, or a person
police cannot detain any one beyond 24 hours qualified to appoint as judge of High Court.
without permission of magistrate. 24 hours does Normally person cannot be detains for more than
not include the time of journey from place of three months in absence of sufficient cause.
arrest to the court of magistrate. It guarantees
rule of law and prohibits the possibility of police ii. Representation against Detention: Authority
state, according to Article - 22 (2). shall communicate the ground of detention to that
person. Detenu shall be given an earliest
iv. Preventive Detention opportunity of making representation against
the order. In public interest the ground of
Article - 22 (3) allow preventive detention. Preventive detention may not be disclosed.
detention means detaining any person without
committing crime. It prevents the person against iii. Detention for More than Three Months:
committing the crime in future. Therefore it maintains Article - 22 prescribe three types of detention-
an exception of arbitrary detention. Enemy alien is ● Less than three month.
also deprived from the right against arbitrary ● More than three month, which requires the
detention. Alien means person who is not citizen of permission of advisory board?
India, although the term enemy alien is not defined in ● Parliament by law shall determine period of
the Constitution. Parliament enacted enemy property detention for more than three months.



iv. Ground of Preventive Detention Law i. National Security Act, 1980 (NSA)
Entry number -3 in concurrent list mention
about preventive detention in seventh schedule. Indira Gandhi government enacted NSA. NSA was new
Reasons behind preventive detention may be addition of MISA. NSA was revival of MISA. NSA is
connected to security of state. Maintenance of applied India till today.
public order or the maintenance of supply and
services to the community is the base of ii. Terrorist and Disruptive Activities
preventive detention law. Union government (Prevention) Act, 1985 (TADA)
and state government both are entitled to make
a law related to preventive detention/origin of The famous actor Sanjay Dutt was detained in act.
preventive detention law is dated back to Bengal Rajiv Gandhi Government brought about TADA for
act, 1818. British government enacted Defence of regulating militancy in Punjab. It became the first act
India Act, 1939. which defines terrorism in India. National human
right commission criticized TADA which detained
v. Preventive Detention Law in Independent India person up to one year. Commission said that it was
The first preventive detention act was enacted by draconian law, there after it was repealed in year, 1995.
parliament on 26 February, 1950. A. K. Gopalan,
famous communist leader was detained by the iii. Prevention of Terrorism Act, 2002 (POTA)
same act.
Parliament was under attack in December, 2001.
vi. Maintenance of Internal Security Act, 1971 Subsequently national democratic alliance (NDA)
(MISA) Government enacted POTA in 2002. United progressive
Parliament enacted Maintenance of Internal alliance (UPA) government came in to power in 2004.
Security Act (MISA) in 1971 during the Same government repealed act in 2004.
premiership of Indira Gandhi. It was heavily
misused by Indira Gandhi government during iv. Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 2008
Emergency period between 1975-1977. Leaders (UAPA)
of opposition were put behind the bars. On the
name of national security opposition was India is facing the threat of cross border terrorism.
suppressed. There after it was repealed in 1978 Thus strict law is essential for prevention of terrorism.
by Janta party government. It was the first UAPA is enacted way back in 1967. Later various
non-congress government in union after Amendments were incorporated in the act. Recent
Independence. amendment is brought about in 2019. First time
government can designate person as terrorist. Any
Conservation of Foreign Exchange and person is associated with the terrorist activities, can
Prevention of Smuggling Activities Act, 1974 be designated as a terrorist. Designation of
(COFEPOSA) organization is not sufficient because they often
change the name of organization. It also strengthen
It is aimed for prevention of money laundering. It is national investigation agency (NIA). Which is
also against the smuggling of various articles. It is allowed to seize the property of designated person?
still applicable at present time in India.


v. Drawback of Preventive Detention Act Supreme Court expanded the meaning of exploitation
in famous Vishaka case is 1997. Courtsaid that sexual
Critics said that preventive detention act destroy the harassment is more dangerous than physical assault.
liberty of Article - 19 and right to life ofArticle - 21. It Sexual harassment is violation of right to life with
is against the democracy because liberty and right are dignity. Court also gave guidelines for prevention of
fundamental elements of democracy. It negates the sexual harassment at workingplace.
concept of rule of law and promotes police state in
India. It is a kind of permanent emergency which ii. Compulsory Service
suspend the Fundamental Rights. It is true that
preventive detention is an evil. But in absence of unity State can impose compulsory service for public
and integrity nobody can enjoy the liberty. India is purposes. It is not consider as a forced labour. While
victim of cross border terrorism. Now crime is imposing compulsory service state shall not make any
becoming organized. Therefore it is necessary because discrimination on ground only of religion, race,
it secure the unity and integrity of country. Evil means caste or class or any of them, under Article - 23 (2).
it is harmful for liberty.
Right of Child against Exploitation
3. Right against Exploitation (Article - 23 to 24)
Article - 24 prohibits of employment of children-
Right to life means right to life with dignity. An • Factories,
exploitation means the potential and strength of a person • Mines,
should be utilize for the wellbeing of others. Article - 23 • Hazardous Employment.
recognize following forms of exploitation-
• Traffic in human being. Article - 23 and 24 are not self-operated but
• Beggar. parliamentary act is needed for enforcing the right.
• Similar forms of forced labour. Parliament enacted various acts for prevention of child
labour. Parliament enacted a law in 1986 which was
Traffic in human being is not permitted. It means further amended in year, 2016. Act addresses the
Prostitution is prohibited and trade of human organs is drawback of Article - 24, which prescribe that
not allowed. Illegal trafficking of child is a part of children shall not employed in factories, mines, and
traffic of human being. Article - 23 says that the hazardous industries. It means children can be
violation of these provisions is punishable offence. But employed in other occupations. New act has completely
parliament did not enact the law for prohibiting the banned employment of children below age of 14 years.
prostitution till today. Act permits only one exception because children below
Broader Meaning of Exploitation age of 14 can be employed in enterprise run by his own
family. But education of children should not hamper.
Supreme Court said in the case of People’s Union for
Democratic Rights (PUDR) 1981 that paying less Article - 24 prohibits the employment of children
wages to workers amount to exploitation. below age of 14, which implies that the children
between Ages of 14 to 18 can be employed in any
i. Sexual Harassment occupation. This lacuna is removed in new act. New
act define a new category of persons known as



adolescent. Children between Ages of 14 to 18 defined refers to educating others about religious
as adolescent. And they are prohibited in any hazardous teachings. Freedom of religion insures the division
employment, although the number of hazardous between state and religion. Because state shall not
occupation is reduced to 3 from 83. determine profess and practice of religion.
Restrictions over Religious Right
Relation between Article - 24 and Article - 21 (A)
• Public Order, Morality and Health: Religious
Article - 24 prohibits the employment of children rights are not absolute. Article - 25 (1) says that
below the age of 14 therefore it is negative in character. freedom of conscience is limited from public
Article - 21 (A) is inserted in the constitution by 86th order, morality and health. State is allowed to
amendment in 2002. According toArticle - 21 (A) state interfere in religious right on the ground of
shall provide free and compulsory education to all public order; which is basic responsibility of
children of age of 6 to 14 years. State shall enacted law state. Nobody is allowed to practice of
for free and compulsory education. Therefore right to obscenity on the name of religious right.
education act is made by parliament in year, 2009. • Secular Activity: Article - 25 (2) puts
additional limitation over religious right. State is
allowed to make a law for regulating any
4. Right to Freedom of Religion (Article - 25 to 28) economic, financial, political or other secular
activity. It can be associated with religious
It was debatable subject in constituent assembly. One practice. Therefore State is allowed to intervene
of the prominent member of constituent assembly, in religious matters but religious priest or
Rajkumari Amrit Kaur raised objection over institution is not permitted to interfere in
inclusion of religious right as a Fundamental Rights. secular activity, run by state.
Kaur said that religious right will prove an obstacle in • Social Reform: State is empowered to make a law
path of social reform. But religious rights were for social welfare. It cannot be challenge in court
incorporated in Part - III which proves that Indian state of law on the ground religious right. State can
is secular. Although majority of the population is make a law for reforming the society. Therefore
Hindu. Religious right is written from Article - 25 to child marriage act is prohibited and instant triple
Article - 28. divorce is declared as unconstitutional. State shall
insure entry of all classes and sections of Hindus.
Freedom of Conscience: Clause - 1 of Article - 25 But Hindu religious institution should be of public
states that all persons are equally entitle to freedom of character.
conscience and right freely to-
• Profess. i. Religious Conversation
• Practice.
• Propagate religion. Constitution neither mentions about religious
conversation nor it prohibits religious conversation.
Profess is associated with religious belief. Every Due to mass religious conversation Odisha became
person is free to choose his belief because it is first state to enact law to curb religious conversation
conscience of person. Practice is related to in 1967. Madhya Pradesh also made law for preventing
wearing and carrying Kripans. Propagate religious conversation in 1968. Arunachal Pradesh


enacted law in 1978, Chhattisgarh (2000), Thereafter • To manage its own affairs in matters of religion.
Gujarat (2003), Himachal Pradesh (2007), Jharkhand • To own and acquire movable and immovable property.
(2017), Uttarakhand (2018), Also enacted the same • To administer such property in according to law.
law. It is important to be noted that Tamil Nadu enacted
a law in 2002 but it was repealed in year, 2004. This right is also subject to restriction of public
order, morality and health. Thus it is not
ii. Essential Features of Religious absolute right. It is interesting to be noted that
right to property as a Fundamental Rights, no
Supreme Court said that slaughtering animals is not longer exist for citizens. Because by 44th
essential feature of religion. Use of loud speaker is amendment (1978) Fundamental Rights to
unessential feature of religion. Banning entry of property is deleted from Part - III. Article - 26
women in temple is not essential feature too. Bursting still provides right to property as Fundamental
fire crackers may not be integral feature of religion. Rights for religious institutions.
None essential feature can be regulated by the state.
ii. Secular State
Right to Life and Personal Liberty and Religious • Freedom from Payment of Taxes: Constitution
Freedom is supreme law of the land which is enacted by
human being. India is not governed by religious
Some Fundamental Rights are more fundamental than or divine law. State levy taxes for running the
others. Right to life and personal liberty which is government and for welfare of the people. But
associated with various freedoms too, is core and state shall not impose taxation for promotion of
epicenter of Fundamental Rights. Therefore right to any particular religion or religious
life is more important than religious right. The institutions, under Article - 27. Citizens are
followers of Jainism practice Santhara. Santhara is a bound to pay the taxes. Taxes shall not be levied
renunciation of life willingly. Critics say that Santhara for maintenance of any particular religious place
is a form of suicide. Nevertheless Jainism believes that of worship.
Santhara is spiritual experience. The supporter of • Freedoms from Religious Instructions or
religious rights said that they have right to use fire Worship: Indian state is a secular because
crackers on festivals. However right to life involves Article- 25 provides person the freedom of
pollution free environment. In case of clash between conscience. State shall not promote any religion
right to life and religious freedom, right to life should through educational institutions Article - 28
be given more importance. contains following varieties of educational
i. Freedom to Manage Religious Affairs
i. Wholly Maintained by State: Central
Religious right is available not only for individuals but universities, central schools are an example of
for religious institutions too. Article - 26 incorporates educational institutions wholly maintained by
religious freedom for religious institution. Fundamental state. No religious instruction is allowed in
Rights of religious institution are mentioned below- these institutions. Teaching Buddhist study for
• Establish and maintain institutions for religious academic purpose is not considers as religious
and charitable purposes. instruction.



ii. Institution Established by Trust: DAV school, automatically promotes rule of majority. ‘Minorities’
Saraswati shishu Mandir is an example of right protects minority from Undemocratic decisions
educational institutions, establish by trust. of majority. Majority cannot impose language and
There are free to impart religious instruction culture on minority.
because religious right is a Fundamental
Rights. State shall not prevent trust to impart Minorities Rights to Establish Education
religious instructions. Institutions

iii. Institutions Recognized by State: Education All minorities shall have right to establish and
institution recognized by state means administer education institution of their own choice.
recognition of UGC and CBSE. Education Article - 30 (1) Mentions two types of minorities-
institution receiving aid out of state fund
includes any private educational institution. It i. Religious;
is partly associated with state and partly ii. Linguistic.
related to private person. Therefore religious
instructions are allowed in these institutions But Article - 30 does not define the minorities-
with consent of students, If student is minor
than consent of guardian is needed. • Definition of Minorities: Parliamentary act of
5. Cultural and Educational Rights (Article - 29 to 30) 1993 defines that Muslims, Christians, Sikh,
Buddhist, Jain and Parsis are recognized as
Protection of Interest of Minorities minorities. But parliamentary act does not
mention base of identification of minorities.
Article - 29 says that any section of citizens President by notification can include other
residing in the territory of India or any partentitle to communities as minorities. Supreme Court said
have distinct- that identification of minorities should be
• Language; classified on the basis of state. Court said that
• Script; States in India is reorganized on the linguistic
• Or culture. basis, in TMA Pai foundation case (2002).
Of its own, they shall have right to conserve their Therefore minorities cannot be recognized on all
own language, script and culture- India bases. Although supreme court never
propounded any criteria for identification of
i. No Discrimination in Educational minorities. The most crucial question still exist
Institutions India, who is minority?

Article - 29 is available for citizens only. Citizens shall According to the census of 2011, Muslim
not be denied admission in to any education institution Constitute-14.2, Christians-2.3, Sikh-1.7,
maintained by the state or receiving aid from the Buddhist-0.7 & Jain-0.5 are percent. However
state fund. State shall not discriminate on ground only Muslims are in majority in the union territory of
of religion, race, caste, language or any of them, Lakhsdweep, Jammu & Kashmir, Laddakh.
according to Article - 29 (2). Rights of minorities are However Christians are majority in Nagaland,
significant in constitution, because democracy Mizoram and Meghalaya. Sikhs are the majority in


Punjab. It seems that determination of minority is education institutions-

more rational on the basis of state. Hindus constitute
majorities in entire India, but they are minorities in • Donation is not allowed because education
few state and UTs. Problem still persists because the institutions are not profit institution.
criteria of minorities is not Propounded by Supreme • They are bound to follow academic standard and
Court too. Minorities may be defined from numerical academic qualification of teachers.
point of view. Who so ever is less than 50 percent is • In academic session should be based on the
minority. It means we should have exact quantification regulation of the government.
of benchmark like 5 percent, 10 percent of 15 percent • Various Cases related to minorities is settled by
may be the number for identifying minorities. Apart Supreme Court like Unnikrishnan case, Saint
from numerical strength, economic status may be a Stephan case earlier.
base for recognition of minorities. For example people • Right to Property and Right to Establish
belonging to Jain religion are less in numerical Education Institutions: Educational
strength but economically they are well off. institutions established and administered by
minority still enjoy right to property. Compulsory
• Minorities Educational Institutions: acquisition of any property belonging to minority
Constitution does not define minority educational education institutions is restricted by law made
institutions. Supreme Court in 2002 said that by the state.
minority education institutions means the Right to Property in Original Constitution
institution which is establish by minority
community. Educational institution belonging to Right to property was incorporated as a Fundamental
minority community may be non-aided by the Rights Article - 19 (1) (f) which said that any citizen
government. Institution may be funded by the can acquire and dispose property. Article - 31 (1) also
government does not lose its minority status. provided right to property. Any person can be deprived
Article - 30 (2) states that state shall not from right to property according to procedure establish
discriminate any educational institutional under by the law. State was empowered to acquire the
the management of minorities. property of any person provided that-
• Right to Establish and Management: TMA
foundation case Supreme Court delivered landmark • Property is acquired for public purposes.
judgment. And said that right to establish and • State shall give adequate compensation.
management includes the following rights-
• Determined fee structure, government shall not In order to enforce Directed Principles of State
determine fee structure. Policy (DPSP) government tried to curtail right to
• Appointment of teachers and staff of their own property. Indian state is welfare state, therefore
community. launched the program of land reform after 1950.
• Determined the percentage of admission for non- India is a federal state and land belong to state
minority community. subject thus various state government enacted law for
land reform. Act related to land reform of land reform
Since the job of state is to maintained education was challenged in Supreme Court on account of
standard therefore shall have right to regulate violation of right to property.



i. First Amendment iii. Issue of Compensation

Bihar government became first state in India which After first amendment right to property was limited by
enacted land reform act. Land reform act of Bihar the Article - 31 (A) and Article - 31 (B). But Article -
government first time challenged in Supreme Court in 31 also provides for compensation, Supreme Court in
Kameshwar Singh case. Supreme Court nullified land Bela Banerjee case said that compensation should be
reform act. For protecting land reform act parliament adequate. Therefore 4th constitutional amendment
brought about the First Constitutional Amendment. (1955) added in the constitution. According to 4th
Article - 31 (A) inserted in the constitution, which constitutional amendment judiciary cannot inquire
restricted right to property therefore- about the sufficiency of compensation.
• State is given the right to acquisition any estate or
modification of such right or abolition of this right. iv. Repealing of Compensation
• State can take over the management of any
property. Indira Gandhi brought about 26th constitution
• The amalgamations of two are more corporations amendment (1971) and abolished the privy purses.
and management of corporation. Compensation means compensation at market rate
• Changing or abolishing the ownership and voting paid by Supreme Court in R. C. Cooper case which is
rights in corporation. popularly known as Bank nationalization case.
• Modifying is abolishing agreement, lease or Consequently 25th Constitutional Amendment Act
licence related to mines. (1971) passed by parliament and the term amount is
inserted in Article - 31 (2). Term compensation is
In nutshell Article - 31 (A) established the foundation repealed from the Article - 31. Compensation denotes
of welfare state. It was an attempt to promoting the payment due to damage of the person by the
socialism in India. Before Independence the made of government. But amount does not indicate any harm to
economic development in India was capitalist. Jagir, individual. It depends upon the government to pay
inam, Ryotwari was various types of estate. It was amount to the person.
curtailed by 1st constitutional amendment.
v. Abolishing of Right to Property
ii. 9th Schedule
Janta party government in 1978 passed 44th
Schedule is needed for extension of an article. Article Constitutional Amendment. Therefore Article - 19
- 31 (B) is incorporated in the constitution resulted in (1) (f) and Article - 31 (1) (2) is deleted from Part -
the inclusion of ninth schedule. It means original III of constitution. It means Fundamental Rights of
constitution kept only 8 Schedule, because 9th property is no longer available for the citizens.
schedule was added by first Constitutional Consequently Article - 32 cannot be utilized for
Amendment. It is created exclusively for protection of protection of right to property. Today right to property
land reform act. Land reform act were kept away from is a legal right under Article - 300 (A), which says
judicial review. Any act included in ninth schedule that no person shall be deprived of his property save by
shall not be challenged in court of law on the basis of authority of law. Any personcan approach High Court
violation of Fundamental Rights of Part - III. under Article - 226 for protection of right to property.


vi. Left out Element of Right to Property It is a Latin term, which literally means have our own
body. Article - 21 gives right to life and personal liberty.
Although right to property is deleted from Part - III by Person can approach Supreme Court in case of arbitrary
44th constitutional amendment (1978). But ironically arrest and detention. Court examines the reason behind
Article - 31 (A) and Article - 31 (B) still exist in Part arrest. Court can realize the person in case of arbitrary
- III of the constitution. Therefore some exceptional arrest. Habeas corpus is available against the state and
element of right to property is left out in constitution- it can be utilized against any person too. For search of
missing person, we can approach Supreme Court. It is
• If government want to acquire property of any obligation of police to search the person. Habeas corpus
minority educational institution government shall is not available in following matters-
provide amount to the institution at market rate. • Person is under arrest due to conviction by
• Government is acquiring agriculture land within judiciary.
the limitation of ceiling government is bound to • Person arrested because of contempt of court.
pay the amount on market rate. • Person arrested under preventive detention.

Right to property is abolished from the constitution in ii. Mandamus

order to implementation of DPSP (Directive Principles
of State Policy). It is also a Latin term which literally means we
command. It is an order issues by Supreme Court to
6. Right to Constitutional Remedies (Article - 32 to 35) any sub ordinate authority. By and large Fundamental
Rights is available against the state. Therefore a person
Article - 32 is Fundamental Rights is in itself, in heading a public office is bound to fulfill his duty.
addition to that Article - 32 enforce other Police commissioner is responsible for maintaining
Fundamental Rights too. Without Article - 32 other public order. Any person can approach Supreme Court
Fundamental Rights become meaningless, because against police officer. Mandamus cannot be utilized
Article - 32 allow Supreme Court to issue direction against any private person. There are two public
order or writs for enforcement of Fundamental Rights. offices, who are given immunity from mandamus-
Supreme Court exercise following writs-
• President,
• Habeas Corpus; • Governor,
• Mandamus;
• Prohibition; President and governor act according to aid and advice
• Quo-Warranto; of Council of Minister. Therefore they are kept away
• Certiorari. from the domain of Mandamus.

Parliament by law can empower any other court to iii. Prohibition

exercise writs mention, above without limiting power
of Supreme Court. Rights guarantees in this article Literally means it prevents subordinate court over the
shall not be suspended. hearing of any case pending before subordinate court.
Article - 21 says that right life and personal liberty
i. Habeas Corpus shall be deprived according to procedure establish by



law. District court is bound to follow procedure, law for curtailing theFundamental Rights of following
while adjudicating any case. Supreme Court can stay persons serving under the state-
the matter pending before subordinate court. Popularly • Members of arm forces like army, navy, air
it is known as stay order. Prohibition is exercise in force.
the first stage of case, when it is pending before the • Members of forces charge with the maintenance
subordinate court. Logically it is not available against of public order. Police and Central Arm Forces
private persons. like BSF, CISF.
• Persons employed in any bureau or other
iv. Quo-Warranto organization established by state for purposes
of intelligence or counter intelligence.
A Latin term which means by what an authority. Various intelligence agencies operate in India
Fundamental Rights includes right to equality in like intelligence bureau (IB), research and
employment and appointment under the state. analysis wing (RAW), and Military intelligence.
Therefore any unauthorized person is not illegible for • Persons employed in connection with
appointment in public office. For example junior telecommunication systems setup purpose of
police officer is not entitled to hold the office of any force, bureau or organization mention above.
Director General of police. Quo-warranto is not
applicable against any private office. For example It means freedom of speech and expression is restricted
the appointment of chief executive officer (CEO) of for member of arm forces. Religious freedom is also
TATA Company is not fit for use of quo-warranto. curtailed and parliament enacted Army act (1950), Air
Force act (1950) and Navy act (1950). Parliament also
v. Certiorari passed police force powers limitation act 1966 and
Border security force 1968. Martial Law.
A Latin term denotes certification. Criminal and civil
matters originated from district court or subordinate Article - 34 suspends Fundamental Rights in a
court. But subordinate court shall act according to particular geographical area. Law related to martial
procedure establish by law. In case of violation of law is enacted by the parliament. Martial law is
procedure Supreme Court issues certiorari. Supreme imposed for maintaining or restoration order in any
Court also examines, whether subordinate court area within the territory of India. Persons responsible
exceeded its jurisdiction. Certiorari is issued in later for maintaining martial law shall be given exemption.
stage of any case, when subordinate court already Parliament can validate any sentence or punishment
delivered its decision. given by the person employed for maintaining law and
Restriction over Fundamental Rights order. Parliament passed Armed Forces Special Powers
Act, 1958, which is known as AFSPA. It is first time
Fundamental Rights are not absolute in the enforced in Assam and Manipur in 1958. It is also
constitution. Certain limitations are imposed in every implemented in Jammu & Kashmir in 1988. It is also
article. Apart from that, Article - 33 and Article - 34 come into operation in Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya,
put further restrictions over the Fundamental Rights. Mizoram and Nagaland. AFSPA can be imposed by
Article - 33 maintain a balance between Fundamental home ministry notification. Ministry notify the
Rights and discipline for members several classes of disturb area, therefore enforce AFSPA. Disturb area
services. Article - 33 empower parliament to enact means civil administration is unable to maintain public


order, thus arm forces or central arm forces can be Arm forces said that condition in disturb areas are still
deployed for maintaining public order. Arm forces are grim. Without some exemption member of arm forces
given special power under Armed Forces Special will unable to perform their job. They are working in a
Powers Act, 1958 (AFSPA) like- war like condition. They are facing a kind of proxy
war. Indian Arm Forces are known for less collateral
• They can check any person and restrict the damage across the world. Arm forces are also deployed
movement of person. for various humanitarian acts they provide schooling
• Arm forces can shoot any person. and sports activities thus they are not only for applying
• They are capable to demolish any building. force.
• Arrest any person without warrant and enter in
any house at any time. iv. Supreme Court in Armed Forces Special
• For these acts they are not accountable to any Powers Act, 1958 (AFSPA)
Supreme Court said that exemption given to member of
i. Armed Forces Special Powers Act, 1958 arm forces under Armed Forces Special Powers Act,
(AFSPA) and Human Rights 1958 (AFSPA) is not absolute. Court said that in case
of blatant violation of human rights blanket immunity
Human rights activist said that Armed Forces Special to member of arm forces is not allowed it means FIR can
Powers Act, 1958 (AFSPA) is an example of state be registered against the member of arm forces deployed
terrorism. It negates the Fundamental Rights available under Armed Forces Special Powers Act, 1958 (AFSPA).
in Article - 19 and Article -21. It is against the notion Court observed that Armed Forces Special Powers Act,
of rule of law and promotes the concept of police 1958 (AFSPA) cannot be imposed for 30 years.
state. Citizen should be empowered in democracy Conclusion
rather than state. It is draconian and undemocratic law,
which is misused bythe arm forces. Armed Forces Special Powers Act, 1958 (AFSPA) is
like a shock therapy which should be used in
ii. View point of Government exceptional cases. Prolong continuation of Armed
Forces Special Powers Act, 1958 (AFSPA) is not
Unity and integrity of the nation is still under threat. It is justified. In a democratic country like India problems
not permanent therefore in April, 2019 Armed Forces should be solved by the ballot not by thebullet. Political
Special Powers Act, 1958 (AFSPA) was partially removed problems should be solved politically rather than
from three of nine district of Arunachal Pradesh. through violence.
Armed Forces Special Powers Act, 1958 (AFSPA) is also Amendment of Fundamental Rights
removed from Meghalaya and Tripura too. Nobody can
enjoy liberty without protection of security of nation. i. Primacy of Parliament
Kashmir is still facing problem of cross border terrorism.
Therefore Armed Forces Special Powers Act, 1958 Parliamentary form of government adopted in India
(AFSPA) is a necessary evil. and parliament is given the task of socialjustice. Nehru
government tried to amend of fundamental rights for
iii. The Approach of Arm Forces seeking of social justice. Fundamental Rights is only
part of the constitution which is protected by special



Clause. Article - 13 states that any law enacted by the Article - 13 (2)-
state, violate the Fundamental Rights, shall be declared
null andvoid. Parliament passed the first constitutional • Court observed that the law mention in Article -
amendment act in 1951. Parliament amended 13 (2) also includes Constitutional Amendment
Fundamental Rights and inserted the Article - 15 (4) Act.
and Article - 31 (A) and (B). Parliament encroached • It means Fundamental Rights cannot be amended
the Fundamental Rights, which is heard by Supreme either by ordinary law or by constitutional
Court in Shankari Prasad case (1951). amendment act.
• It implies that Fundamental Rights are beyond the
• Shankari Prasad Case amendment power of parliament.
• Supreme Court said that there is no difference
Parliament settled the conflict between Fundamental between ordinary law and constitutional
Rights and constitutional amendment act. Supreme amendment act.
Court said that first constitutional act is valid • Court observed that Article - 246 is source of
because- power both for ordinary law making and for
• Law included in Article - 13 (2) is not referring constitutional amendment act.
towards constitutional law. • In interesting case court said that Article - 368
• Law in Article - 13 (2) is an ordinary law made only tells about the procedure of Constitutional
by parliament or state legislature. Amendment not power of constitutional
• The restriction mention in Article - 13 (2) does amendment act.
not apply over constitutional amendment act. It is • For Supreme Court Fundamental Rights are
applicable for an ordinary law. sacrosanct and most important parts of the
• Thus Fundamental Rights included in Part - III constitution. Therefore it cannot be amended.
cannot be amended by an ordinary law.
• But Fundamental Rights can be amended by Golaknath case created numerous problems before
constitutional amendment act. Indira Gandhi Government. Indira Gandhi government
• Supreme Court admitted the differences tried to amend of Fundamental Rights for the
between ordinary laws of parliament enacted implementation of DPSP. Thus parliament brought
Article - 246 and constitutional amendment act about 24th constitutional amendment for over ruling
enacted under Article - 368. the decision of Supreme Court in Golaknath case.
• Parliament play dual role it enacts an ordinary Parliament was committed to restore previous power of
law by simple majority and it also amend the parliament, when parliament was entitled to amend the
constitution with special majority. Fundamental Rights. Article - 13 (4) is inserted in
the constitution, which believes that Fundamental
ii. Triumph of Fundamental Rights Rights can be amended by Constitutional Amendment.
24th constitutional Amendment also restores the
• Golaknath vs State of Punjab (1967) difference between ordinary law and constitutional
amendment act. This amendment is again challenge in
Supreme Court over ruled the decision of Shankari Supreme Court in Keshavanand Bharti case.
Prasad case. Court again interpreted Harmonious Relation


1. Keshavanand Bharti Case (1973) 2. Basic Structure and Fundamental Rights

Supreme Court over ruled the decision of Golaknath Parliament play dual role it enacts an ordinary law by
Case and validated 24th constitutional amendment. simple majority and it also amend the constitution
Supreme Court again restored pre 1967 scenario. with special majority. Supreme Court said that
Therefore court said that- Fundamental Rights can be amended but basic
• Law included in Article - 13 (2) is not referring structure of the constitution cannot be amended,
towards constitutional law. although what is basic structure of the constitution
• Law in Article - 13 (2) is an ordinary law made shall be determined by Supreme Court. Court said that
by parliament or state legislature. right to privacy is basic structure of the constitution.
• The restriction mention in Article - 13 (2) does Therefore Article - 21 is basic structure of the
not apply over Constitutional Amendment constitution which shall not be amended. Article - 21
• act. It is applicable for an ordinary law. and Article - 19 are complimentary with each other.
• Thus Fundamental Rights included in Part - III Therefore Article - 19 also appears as basic structure
cannot be amended by an ordinary law. of the constitution. For Supreme Court secularism is
• But Fundamental Rights can be amended by the basic structureof the constitution thus Article - 25
constitutional amendment act. is also part of the basic structure. Article - 14 is the
• Supreme Court admitted the differences between soul of right to equality and rule of law therefore it is
ordinary law of parliament under Article - 246 also part of basic structure. Supreme Court itself said
and constitutional amendment act under that Article - 32 is the basic structure of the
Article - 368. constitution because it is the base of judicial review,
which is basic structure.



Fundamental Duties were incorporated in the Part – law can be challenged in the court of law on the ground
IV (A) of the constitution by 42nd Constitutional of violation of Fundamental Duties.
Amendment. Indira Gandhi appointed Swarn Singh
Committee for reviewing the constitution original. Fundamental Duties and Power of State
Constitution does not mention the part of fundamental
duties, because duty and rights are two parts of the Fundamental Duty enhances the power of state. It is citizen
same coin. Fundamental Rights were incorporate in duty towards the state. State becomes more important due
the constitution. Inherent limitation over the to fundamental duties. It manifests no limitation over the
Fundamental Rights necessitated the demand of power of state. Fascist state in Italy and Germany
Fundamental Duties. For example right to freedom of commanded absolute power over the citizens.
speech and expression put restrictions over the
freedom of everyone should have toleration towards Classification of Fundamental Duties
ideas of others. Fundamental rights are not absolute
but subject to numerous limitations. Fundamental Fundamental duties mention in Article – 51(A) can be
Rights of one becomes duty for others. seemed up as follows:Duties related to;

Fundamental duties were not included in the original i. Nation and national struggle
constitution, due to liberal democratic constitution. • To abide by the constitution and respect the
Fundamental rights are considered primary in the ideals and institutions, national flag and
democratic political system. However fundamental national anthem.
duties are professed in the socialist countries. Part • To cherish and follow the noble ideals which
of fundamental duties does not find any place in the inspired our national struggle for freedom.
constitution of democratic countries like USA, U. K., • To uphold and protect the sovereignty unity and
and Japan is the only liberal democratic country integrity of India.
which elucidates fundamental duty. Socialist • To defend the country and entire national service
constitution like China contains the part of when called upon to do so.
Fundamental Duties. Fundamental duties are not
mentioned in the original constitution. Gandhiji ii. Duties Associated with Social Unity
rightly said that there is no need right if everyone • To promote harmony and the spirit of common
follows his duties. Family, educational, institution and brotherhood amongst all the people of India
religious denominations inculcate in the citizens transcending religious, linguistic and regional
duties. or sectional diversities to renounce practices
Nature derogatory to the dignity of women.
• To value and preserve the rich heritage of our
Fundamental duties are applicable for citizens only. composite culture.
It is moral in nature. It is not enforceable in the
court of law. Nobody can take the help of court and iii. Promote Scientific Temper and
compelling others for obeying fundamental duties. No Environment


• To protect and improve natural environment In absence of fundamental duties, nobody can enjoy
including forests, lakes, rivers and wildlife and the fundamental rights. Anarchy is an outcome
to have compassion for living creatures. without duties. But disappearance of fundamental
• To develop the scientific temper, humanism and rights shall promote authoritarian government.
the spirit of inquiry and reform. Citizens will become slaves in absence of fundamental
• To safeguard public property and to observe rights. Therefore fundamental rights and fundamental
violence. duties are complementary with each-others.
• To strive towards excellence in the all spheres of Fundamental duties strengthen the power of state
individual and collective activity so that the because it is right of state against citizens. However,
nation constantly rise to higher levels of fundamental rights empower the citizens. It is
endeavour and achievement. individual right against the state. Thus, Fundamental
Rights promote democratic states. Fundamental Duties
iv. Duties for Guardians are likely to enhance the fascist states. In short
fundamental rights and duties are two parts of same
An additional fundamental duty was added by 86 coin. Fundamental rights included in Part - III are not

Amendment, 2002. Who is a parent or guardian to absolute. Limitation over fundamental rights becomes
provide opportunities for education to his child or, as the fundamental duties. Rights of one citizen become
the case may be, ward between the age of six and the duty of next one.
fourteen years. Expansion of Fundamental Duties
Enforcement of Fundamental Duties
Although Fundamental Rights is included by 42nd
Fundamental Duties are non-enforceable, but Amendment part of fundamental duties incorporated
practically it becomes binding. The prevention of during national emergency in 1976. Critics said that
insults to national honour Act, 1971 is an act of the government has imposed duties over citizens.
Parliament. It prohibits insult to the country national Government suspended the Fundamental Rights during
symbols including national flag, national anthem and emergency thus government attacked the spirit of the
contempt of Indian constitution. Supreme Court also constitution. Now it is accepted fact that fundamental
said that constitution is an organic document therefore duties are relevant in present society. National
fundamental duties should read out with fundamental Commissions for reviewing of the working of
rights. Court opines that in case of violation of constitution (NCRWC) was set up by National
fundamental duties, citizen fundamental rights can be Democratic Alliance (NDA) in 2000. It is headed by
curtailed. Freedom of speech and expression shall be Justice M. N. Venketchelliah and commission
restricted on ground of destroying the public property. recommended for inclusion of following new
Various classes of Indian panel code incorporate that Fundamental Duties;
violation of dignity of women in punishable offence. • Compulsory voting.
Disturbing communal harmony and religious • Paying taxes.
sentiment is also punishable offence. It shows that • Intellectual and moral will being of children.
violation of fundamental duty amounts to violation of • Employees of the industrial organisation should
law, which attack punishment by court of law. arrange the education of children of employees,
Relation between Fundamental Rights and Duties working in the organisation. Various
observations the importance of fundamental



duties. Supreme Court also supported the including forests, lakes, rivers and wildlife and
expansion of fundamental duties in various to have compassion for living creatures.
Judgements. 8. Develop scientific temper, humanism and the
Fundamental Duties spirit of inquiry and reform.
9. Safeguard public property and to abjure violence.
1. Abide by the Indian Constitution and respect its 10. Strive towards excellence in all spheres of
ideals and institutions, the National Flag and the individual and collective activity so that the
National Anthem. nation constantly rises to higher levels of
2. Cherish and follow the noble ideals that inspired endeavour and achievement.
the national struggle for freedom. 11. Provide opportunities for education to his child
3. Uphold and protect the sovereignty, unity and or ward between the age of six and fourteen
integrity of India. years. This duty was added by the 86th
4. Defend the country and render national service Constitutional Amendment Act, 2002.
when called upon to do so.
5. Promote harmony and the spirit of common Conclusion
brotherhood amongst all the people of India
transcending religious, linguistic and regional or Indian state is still facing various challenges, like
sectional diversities and to renounce practices insurgency terrorism and military.
derogatory to the dignity of women. Fundamental Duties are essential for protecting
6. Value and preserve the rich heritage of the unity and integrity of the state.
country’s composite culture.
7. Protect and improve the natural environment



Various committees were formed for making the includes welfare state under Article - 38. State
constitution. Fundamental Rights sub- committee is shall promote social order based on social,
set up for enacting the list of Fundamental Rights. economic and political justice. State strives to
Committee was headed by J. B. Kripalani, which minimize the equality, inequality income, and
presented extensive and detailed documents of endeavor to eliminate inequalities status,
Fundamental Rights. Latter advisor of the constituent facilities and opportunities.
assembly B. N. Rau suggested the bifurcation of • Basis of Socialist State - Indian constitution
Fundamental Rights in to two parts. First part is combines the features of liberal democracy with
justifiable rights and second segment is categorized as socialist principles. Although, the term socialism
Directive Principles of the State Policy (DPSP). is included in preamble by 42nd amendment 1976.
Since Fundamental Rights are available against the But spirit of socialism is inherent in Part - IV of
state. Therefore government required huge financial the constitution that is of Directive Principles of
resources for applying the Fundamental Rights. Thus, the State Policy (DPSP).
some Fundamental Rights were kept in Part - IV of the
constitution, which is known as Directive Principles of Article - 39 (b) describes that ownership and control
the State Policy (DPSP) It is extension of Fundamental of the material resources of community shall be
Rights. Directive Principles of the State Policy (DPSP) distributed for the promotion of common good. Article
is taken from the instrument of instructions of - 39 (c) explain that economic systemdoes not result in
Government of India Act, 1935. Part of Directive the concentration of wealth and means of production
Principles of the State Policy (DPSP) is also influenced against the interest of common good. Since
by the constitution of Ireland. Irish constitution independence India opted for mixed economic system.
borrowed the Directive Principles of the State Policy Commanding heights of public sector, was
(DPSP) from Spanish constitution. strengthened by the government. India is adopting
Features of Directive Principles of the State economic model of privatization in 1991. Indian
Policy (DPSP) economy is no longer socialist now. But market
economy is preferred in the longer interest of
• Fundamentals of Governance - Article - 37 of efficiency of economy without strong economy the
constitution state that Directive Principles of the goal of social justice shall be not obtained. Therefore
State Policy (DPSP) is not enforceable in court of market economy does not undermine the importance
law. It is Fundamental of the Governance of the Directive Principles of the State Policy (DPSP) but
country. It shall be duty of the state to apply these market economy is a mean to attend the objective of
principles in making laws. Therefore it shows that Directive Principles of the State Policy (DPSP) China
Directive Principles of the State Policy (DPSP) is synthesis between market and socialism. Market
not seen against the state. Application of the promotes better production and socialism advocate
Directive Principles of the State Policy (DPSP) about just distribution.
depends upon the will of state. • Social Economic Rights - Directive Principles
• Welfare State - Directive Principles of the State of the State Policy (DPSP) ensures rights of
Policy (DPSP) is only part of constitution, which groups. Article - 41 provides right to work and



right to education. States shall also provide i. Promote international peace and security.
public assistance cases of unemployment old age, ii. Maintain just honorable relations between
sickness. It shall also give help in case of nations.
disablement and other undeserved want. State iii. Foster respect for international law and treaty
shall endeavor to provide early childhood care obligation in the dealings organized people with
and education for all children until they complete one another.
the age of six years, under Article - 45. State iv. Encourage settlement of international dispute by
shall promote the educational and economic arbitration. Therefore Indian foreign policy is
interest of the weaker sections of the people. It guided by principles of peaceful co-existence.
is for protection of scheduled caste and India stood against all forms of exploitation and
scheduled tribes from social injustice and all hegemony.
forms of exploitation. Non-enforceable, Non-Justiciable
• Gandhian Principles - Directive Principles of
the State Policy (DPSP) visualizes the tenets of Directive Principles of the State Policy (DPSP) is not
liberal principles, Uniform Civil Code under enforceable in court of law unlike Fundamental Rights
Article - 44. States shall take the steps of separate of Part - III of the constitution. Article - 37 states that
the judiciary from executive in Article - 50. it is duty of the state to in enforce the Directive
Directive Principles of the State Policy (DPSP) Principles of the State Policy (DPSP). Nobody is
also subscribes the features of socialism. allowed to approach the Supreme Court for
enforcement of Directive Principles of the State Policy
Apart from that Directive Principles of the State Policy (DPSP) any law made by state cannot be challenged in
(DPSP) includes Gandhian futures too. Article - 47 the Supreme Court on the ground of violation of
mentioned that state shall regard the raising of the Directive Principles of the State Policy (DPSP) Critics
level of nutrition and standard of living off its people; also said that Directive Principles of the State Policy
Improvement of public health the primary duty of state. (DPSP) is like a cheque on a bank payable when
State shall also endeavor to bring about prohibition of able. Due to non-enforceability of Directive Principles
the consumption of intoxicating drinks and drugs of the State Policy (DPSP) it is criticized by various
injurious to health. State shall endeavor to organize members of Constituent Assembly. Tiruvellore
agriculture and animal husbandry on modern and Thattai Krishnamachari (T. T. Krishnamachari)
scientific lines. It shall also take steps for and said that Directive Principles of the State Policy
preserving and improving the breeds, prohibiting the (DPSP) is a veritable Dustbin of Sentiment. H. N.
slaughter cows and calves other milch and draught Kunzru did not attach any value to Directive
cattle, under Article - 48. Article - 40 says that state Principle. Scholars like Sir Ivor Jennings said that
shall take steps to organize village Panchayat and it is pious aspiration. Directive Principles denotes
endow then with such power and authority may be Fabian socialism without the socialism.
necessary to enable them to functions as units of self-
government. On the other hand Directive Principles is defended by
• International Peace – Article - 51 of Directive the various members of Constituent Assembly.
Principles of the State Policy (DPSP) tells that Panikkar says that it is socialism in economic sphere.
state shall endeavour to- It is different from political democracy, since it stands
for economic democracy said by Dr. Ambedkar.


Granville Austin said that “By establishing these to property as Fundamental Rights deleted from Part -
positive obligations of the State, the members of the III of the constitution, due to implementation of
Constituent Assembly made it is the responsibility of Directive Principles of theState Policy (DPSP). Indira
future Indian Governments to find a middle way Gandhi laid down greater focus one DSPS various
between individualliberty and the public good, between elements were incorporated by 42nd constitutional
preserving the property and the privilege of the few amendment which strengthen socialism in India like.
and bestowing benefits on the many in order to liberate
the powers of all men equally for contribution to the 1. Article - 39 (A) - States shall promote equal
common good.” justice and free legal aid. Parliament enacted
national legal services authority Act, 1987
Enforcement of Directive Principles of the State (NALSA) ensures free legal aid for people
Policy (DPSP) belongs to below poverty line. Lok Adalat in India
is the contribution of NALSA.
Directive Principles of the State Policy (DPSP) is not 2. Article - 43 (A) - Allows participation of
enforceable in Court of Law accordingto Article - 37 of workers in management of industries.
the Constitution. It is conscience keeper for the future 3. State shall endeavour to protect and improve the
Government working in India. But D. D. Basu said that environment and to safeguard the forest and
Directive Principles of the State Policy (DPSP) can be wildlife of the country. Article - 48 (A) Ministry
enforced under Article- 365. It says that when state for environment, forest and climate change is
fails to comply the direction of Union Government. It setup in 1985. Various state governments banned
deems to fit to apply Article - 356, because Government slaughtering of cows and made it punishable
is not carried on accordance to Constitution. offence. Bihar government banned the production
Disobeying instruction of the Union Government and sale of liquor for implementation of DSPS.
implies that state government is not running according Gandhian vision of Panchayati Raj is also
to the Constitutional Machinery. Practically Article implemented through 73rd Constitutional
- 356 has never been applied on the ground of the Amendment. Therefore, Directive Principles of
violation of instruction of human government under the State Policy (DPSP) not merely, dustbin of
Article - 365. sentiment. Government is running various
scheme of social justice and welfare of the people
Implementation of Directive Principles of the like MNREGA UJJWALA, PM AWAS YOJANA,
State Policy (DPSP) and AAYUSHMAAN YOJANA. Therefore DSPS
is more important for people than Fundamental
Dr. Ambedkar rightly defended importance of Rights.
Directive Principles of the State Policy (DPSP) and
said that will of the people is more important than Importance of Directive Principles of the State
court of law in democracy. No elected government want Policy (DPSP) in Age of Liberalization
to defeats in the election, therefore, it shall never
neglect the Directive Principles of the State Policy • Liberalization & privatization is merely change
(DPSP). First Constitutional Amendment was of strategy of economic development the
introduced in the constitution for implementation of objective is remain the same i.e. social justice or
Directive Principles of the State Policy (DPSP) right wellbeing of people.



• For successful operation of welfare state there is the State Policy (DPSP) came in Champakam
need of distribution of resources and efficiency, Dorairajan case (1951) in Supreme Court.
productivity of economy automatically enhances Supreme Court struck down the act of then
in the capitalist form of economy. Madras government related to reservation in
• The ambitious schemes for implementation of medical College. Nehru government brought
DPSP like MGNREGA, PM housing scheme, about the first constitutional amendment act. It
UJJWALA Scheme, AYUSHMAN Bharat is restores the implementation of Directive
carried after 1991 which proves that Privatization Principles of the State Policy (DPSP) and
and welfare state is not opposite to each other. nullifies the decision of Supreme Court.
• Liberalization means government will more
focus over wellbeing of people & social justice B. Supremacy of Fundamental Rights - In 1967,
and business of government is not to do business. Supreme Court said that Fundamental Rights are
• Ruchi Sharma a well Known economist said supreme and sacrosanct. Fundamental Rights
that the welfare facility & subsidy is given by cannot be amended by the parliament too.
government of India is more in quantity than Supreme Court gave its decision in landmark
welfare facility is provided by the newly (Golaknath Vs Punjab State). Therefore
industrialized State like Singapore & South government was unable to implement the
Korea. Directive Principles of the State Policy (DPSP)
• Neerja Gopal is having contrary view and She due to decision of Golaknath Case.
said that in edge of Liberalization the role of state
is being diminished because state incorporate the C. Primacy of Directive Principles of the State
principle of socialism but economy is privatized, Policy (DPSP) - Indira Gandhi government was
secularism is the basic structure of constitution willing to over-rule the verdict of Supreme Court.
but commensalism is on rise and more importantly Parliament passed the 25th Constitutional
in age of liberalized & privatized economy Amendment. It was the first occasion, in the
marginalized section of society are paying the constitutional history, when Directive Principles of
price of economic development. the State Policy (DPSP) was given primacy over
Fundamental Rights. Article - 39 (b), (c) of
Relation between Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles of the State Policy (DPSP) was
Directive Principles of the State Policy (DPSP) given superior position to Article - 14, 19, 31 of
Fundamental Rights. For implementation of Article
Granvil Austin said that fundamental rights and - 39 (b) (c) of Directive Principles of the State
DPSP is the conscience of Indian constitution. Subhash Policy (DPSP). Article - 14, 19, 31 Fundamental
Paliskar says that Indian political system comprised of Rights can be violated. By 42nd constitutional
ideals, institution and process. amendment act, position of DSPS was further
strengthened. It provided that any Article of
A. Harmony - Fundamental Rights are enforceable Directive Principles of the State Policy (DPSP) not
in court of law under Article - 32. Thus Supreme only Article - 39 (b) (c), is superior to Article - 14,
Court is bounds to protect the Fundamental 19, 31 of Fundamental Rights. Therefore entire
Rights. First case related to the dispute between DSPS can be implemented and supersede article of
Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles of Fundamental Rights of 14, 19, 31.


D. Harmonious Construction - Supreme Court part of Fundamental Rights and Directive

settles the dispute in historical Minerva Mills Principles of Constitution tells about the objective
Case(1980). Court said that Fundamental Rights of Indian Constitution.
shall not be undermined on the name of welfare of
the people. Preamble maintains balance between Fundamental Rights established a base of liberal
liberty and equality. Supreme Court observed society, where dignity of each and every individual
that only Article - 39 (b) (c) more important recognized equally. However, Directive Principles try
than Article - 14, 19, 31. But relation between to maintain equal social economic conditions. It
other Article of Fundamental Rights and creates a base for enjoying liberty incorporated in the
Directive Principles of the State Policy (DPSP) part of Fundamental Rights. Fundamental Rights tells
must be harmonious. Thus both are about right to live which is not possible without right
complementary, no part is more important than to education and health which is mention in the
other. Directive Principles.
Uniform Civil Code (UCC)
E. Active role of Judiciary and Directive
Principles of the State Policy (DPSP) - Implementation of DSPS is satisfactory but
Supreme Court introduces Public interest enforcement of uniform civil code is still awaited. Civil
litigation (PIL) in 1980s. Thus expanded the Code means some set of marriages, divorce adoption
meaning of right to life and personal liberty law for all the citizens. Although criminal law is same
under Article - 21. Court said that right to life for every citizen but civil law is not uniformal. It is
includes, right of free and compulsory education. different for every religious faith. Hindu Marriage
Right also includes pollution free environment. It Act, 1955 is applicable for Hindus, Sikh, Jain,
also incorporates right of minimum livelihood. Buddhists. Muslim personal law, 1937 is applied for
Muslims, separate set of law also exist for Christians
Liberal interpretation of right to life includes major and Paris. Marriage and divorce law is different for all
component of Directive Principles of the State Policy religious community. According to Article - 44, it is
(DPSP). Thus Directive Principles of the State Policy duty of state to enforce Uniform Civil Code. Following
(DPSP) is an extension of Fundamental Rights. Thus issues are related to the questions of Uniform Civil
dispute between Fundamental Rights and Directive Code (UCC)-
Principles of the State Policy (DPSP) becomes
meaningless; they are today complementary with A. Equality before Law - Supreme Court in a
each other. landmark case ruled that uniform civil code is
Conscience of the Constitution essential for upholding rule of law. Shah Bano
case (1986) Court said that positive law made by
Granville Austin says that Indian Constitution is not a people law is more important than religious law.
legal document moreover it is a socialdocument. It is Indian panel code is more important than
an instrument for a bringing about social revolution Shariat. Therefore Criminal Procedure Code
in India. Structure of Indian Constitution is taken (CrPC) should be given primacy in case of
from the Government of India 1935. Parliamentary dispute between Criminal Procedure Code
form of Government, Federal Government is (CrPC) and Shariat. Woman is entitled to receive
instrument to fulfilling the goal of social justice. The maintenance according to Criminal Procedure



Code (CrPC), in case of divorce. However, F. Constitutional Provision - Since DPSP is non-
Shariat does not prescribe maintenance for justiciable on non-binding. It is the duty of state
divorce Muslim women. Court said that same law to enforce DPSP. Here state includes both union
is applied for all women, irrespective of their government as well as the state government. Goa
religious belief. is only state of Indian union which has already
implemented the DPSP till today no union
B. Secular State - Secular state deals with material government prepared draft of proposed Uniform
world. Therefore social, economic and political Civil Code (UCC). In year of 2018 Supreme
issues of the state should be governed by secular Court, declared the provision of instant Triple
law. Due to lack of uniform civil code, every Talaq (Talaq-e-biddat) as null and void (Shayara
religious sect follows its own customs and Bano Case). It true that Supreme Court is in
practice of marriage, adoption and divorce. favour of Uniform Civil Code (UCC) but
Religious based laws and secular state appears politically it is debatable issue.
antithetical to each other. Conclusion
C. Women’s Empowerment - empowerment of Uniform Civil Code (UCC) is essential for social
women is objective of state. Each and every reform and women’s empowerment. As of now it
woman is entitled to receive the maintenance in becomes an issue of vote bank.
case of divorce. Polygamy is against the dignity
of women. Polygamy is permitted according to Comparison between Fundamental Rights and
Shariat. It is not allowed in Hindu Marriage Act. Directive Principles of the State Policy(DPSP)

D. Religious Rights - Religious right is Fundamental Rights are justifiable under Article - 32.
Fundamental Rights under Article - 25. But Directive Principles of the State Policy (DPSP)
Therefore marriage, divorce and adoptions are not binding under Article - 37 Supreme Court can
associated with religious practices. Act for issue various writs for enforcement Fundamental of
making uniform civil code violates Fundamental Rights. But same writs are not applicable for Directive
Rights of the Part - III according to critics. It is Principles of the State Policy (DPSP)-
worth mentioning that religious right is not • Fundamental Rights are civil rights like speech and
absolute. For social reform and welfare expression. Freedom of conscience and right to life
Fundamental Rights can be curtailed. on the other hand Directive Principles of the State
Policy (DPSP) incorporates social rights and
E. Uniformity - Constitution permits for keeping economic rights. For example right to education,
of their own customs, related to marriage. Assam, work and better working conditions for workers.
Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram are put under • Fundamental Rights, restricts the activities of
6th schedule. Under Article - 371(A) Naga state, therefore it is negative. State is not
Tribes is also empowered to keep its own permitted to curtail the liberty of citizens on
marriage customs. Therefore, uniform Civil Code unreasonable grounds. Directive Principles of
goes against the spirit of diverse society. Unity the State Policy (DPSP) directs the state to do
is not uniformity but Unity implies for unity in something. Thus Directive Principles of the State
diversity. Policy (DPSP) is positive in nature.


• Fundamental Rights can be suspended during Conclusion

national emergency but, Directive Principles of
the State Policy (DPSP) is suspended, until and Apart from the above mention technical differences
unless it is not enforced. Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles of the
• State refers to Union Government, State State Policy (DPSP) are complementary with each
Government and level government under other. Directive Principles of the State Policy (DPSP)
Fundamental Rights. Directive Principles of the is kept away from Part - III of Fundamental Rights due
State Policy (DPSP) denotes nation of welfare to lack of financial and administrative resources of the
state. state.
• Part of Fundamental Rights indicates towards
liberal democratic ideology but Directive
Principles of the State Policy (DPSP) synthesis,
the liberal, socialist and Gandhian ideology.


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