4to Año Video Guide Book 1 Primer Lapso

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CULTURE To protect their homes against crime, people in North America sometimes do one or more of the following: * keep their doors locked * leave lights on when they go out + have a”peephole’ (or holein the door) to see whos outside + have an alarm system that makes noise if someone tries to. a door or window + buy adogto guard their home Which types of neighborhoods have more crimein your country: suburbs, rural areas, or cities? How do people protect their homes in your country? B VOCABULARY Physical appearance @) A GXENTEN write the words and phrases in the chart. (One word can go in two places.) an you add two mare words or phrases? average blond earlyforties latethirties middle-aged tall {bald curly elderly tong short teens Ez a (3 cuess THe story Watch the first minute of the video with the sound off. ‘Answer the questions 1. Who do you think is in the car? 2. Do you think the couple is expecting visitors? Watch the video GET THE PICTURE A Look at your answers to Exercise 3. Did you guess correctly? B what really happens? Check (V) your answer. Then compare with a partner. © sarah is afraid of the police. © The people in the carare escaped prisoners. DD The people outside are driving Sarah’s car. © The people outside are George's relatives. (@ warcrt ror veraus Put the pictures in order (1 to 6).Then write the correct sentence under each picture. Compare with a partner. George is calling the police. Y Sarahis writing, and George is pouring coffee. Sarah and George ate greeting their visitors. The visitors are getting out of the SUV. Sarah is looking at the SUV. The visitors are standing outside their SUV. Satahiawritdna,and Gearae.ls, nourina.coffee, Unit9™ 35 ‘© Cambridge University Press 2019 ee ee tee SHILIALLIY OCIA 8 DESCRIBING SOMEONE 9 A Circle the correct answers. Then compare with a partner. 1. Age twenties forties twenties forties 2. Hair color light dark light dark short long short long 3. Hair description straight curly straight curly 4, Height tall short tall short baseball cap no hat baseball cap no hat 5. Other glasses no glasses glasses no glasses B what else can you add about Harry and Alexis? Compare your descriptions. Vi THE RIGHT DECISION? (CTE sarah and George decide to call the police, What do you think isthe best thing to doin a situation like this? D aallthe police. © Don't open the door, but ask, "Who is it?” © Runandhide. © other. (@) war Happens next? A GEE what do you think happens when the police arrive? Write out the conversation between Sarah, George, Harry, Alexis, and the police. Start like this: Officer: Is there a problem here? George: Well, actually... B GESTED Act out your conversation for the class. 36" Unit © Cambridge University Press 2013 = Language close-up ® (wear pw tuey say? Watch the video and complete the conversation. Then practice it. Sarah describes the visitors to George. George: Sarah, Would YoU nulls another cup of . ? Sarah: thanks... HOMEY, enssnmani we know. who hasan SUV? George: An SUY? The Thompsons an SUV. A sen son ONE. Sarah: This not green. George neon 1 Rot? What sit Sarah: | s tell. t's red, orbrown. It’s... i George: non iS H? Sarah: It's parked in front of the ... . And a ee inside. GeOIGE! eanenenennn ? Sarah: Uh-huh. now theyre getting out of it. do they emvnnronisunnnson HE? Sarah: One man’s ..and he's got on hair, and he's sunglasses. George: And 1 ABOU the rn one? MODIFIERS WITH PARTICIPLES AND PREPOSITIONS © A Lookat the picture. Match the information in columns A,B, and C. A B c is the heavier man wearing an open jacket. George isthe young one Harry isthe older woman wearing a blue shirt. Alexis isthe tall one wearing a baseball cap. B GME what else do you remember about the people in the video? Write sentences of your own, Tease . 7 . 3 - 7 2, DESCRIBING SOMEONE A GUE take turns asking and answering questions about a classmate. Try to guess who the persons. A: [sita tall person with curly hair? B: No, the person is short and has © Canbridge University Press 2013 Fe al B write five sentences describing your classmates. Two of your sentences should be false. Then read your sentences. Your partner should say "True" or’False” and correct the false sentences. A; Steves the tall quy wearing a blue shirt. B: False, He's wearing a white shirt. Unit9 = 37 re What took you so long? Ce CULTURE InNorth America, people usually like others to be on time some occasions it's OK to be alittle ate. For exam alivays arrive on time or alittle early for a busin ‘work, ora class. However, when they meet a someone invites them to dinner, it OK to arti ) mi For an informal party, its OK to arrive 15 to 30 minutes late, ‘Are people usually on time for appointments, work, or aclass in your country? Isit OK to arrive late when you meet a fiend for dinner or go toan informal party? When are some other times when itis OK to arrive a little late? How late is too late? ® VOCABULARY Past tense of verbs Complete the chart with the past tense of these verbs. iia @ (E cuess THe story Watch the first 30 seconds of the video with the sound off. What do you think happened? Check (¥) your answer. © The woman arrived very early. © The man arrived very late 38 = Unit 10 = Watch the video ® (0 Ger THE PICTURE 3) What really happened? Check (¥) the correct answers. Then compare with a partner. 1. What wasthe problem 2, What wasthe problem 3, What did Jacob forget? with Jacob's car? with Jacob's wallet? C8) He forget his cell phone. O itdidn't start. © He leftit in the car. He forgot to bring his neighbor. O He locked his keys init. ©) He lostit. C] He forgot where he parked. © Itwas the wrong car. CO He had no money init. WATCH FOR DETAILS ©) A Putthe pictures in order (1 to 6). Then write the correct sentence under each picture. Compare with a partner. Jacob noticed that his neighborneeded help. _Jacob saw his keys inside the car. Jacob paid the locksmith. Jacob told Linds the story. Jacob realized he didn’t have his wallet, Jacob tried to call Linda. slacob.naticed that hie neighbor ne e i . needed help, B What else happened in the video? Can you add two things? 1 2 Unit 108 39 (© Cambridge University Press 2013 Content from Interchange 1, © Cambildge University Prece 2013 WHAT'S YOUR OPINION? (GAEEIED complete the chart. Check (/) the words that describe Jacob and Linda. [raid ea Helpfol”Emborrassed Understanding Worried Jacob 5 ia o g Linda 5 t 5 yi) QUESTION GAME A Write three more questions about the story. Use the past tense and how, why, how much, who, or where, 1, Why. did Jacek aat.eutof his. ” 2, hen dled aga leckubia beaten dea B ‘Answer your partner's questions. If you don’t think the answer was in the video, say, “It didn't say” TELL THE STORY Write out the story using frst, after that, next, then, end finally. Include one mistake.Then tead your story to another pair. Can they find the mistake? Firafadacekw lathes he. AM A NIE. GA essai anguage close-up WHAT DID THEY SAY? 3 3) Watch the video and complete the conversation. Then practice it Jacob has justarrived atthe restaurant. Jacob: Linda, I'm really ...- 220% WS Jacob. Ive only srw here fora little senses IS allright? Jacob: Yes, itis .. wo , but youwont .. what just happened to me happened? Jacob: Well, of all, was leaving my apartment, so Ihad to 7 -Then, just I got in my caf, | esas my neighbor, Mrs Flanagan, Shehad a heavy trash - , and she couldn't move it very easily. So, lissssncressuscus het Linda: That was... of you. Jacob: Yeah, but, after, there was a problem. Iwent back to my : couldn't get .. sss Linda: Did you lock your «. inthe car? Jacobs . sous YOU believe it? ee Jacob: First, | to call you, but | got your voicemail Then, | called a locksmith, PRESENT PERFECT © A GLYMTLD write questions using Have you ever...? and the correct, forms of the verbs in parentheses. Can you add three questions to the list? 1 eave yo et OK a (lock) your keys in the car? 2 _ (call) a locksmith? a . (leave) your walletin the car? 4, . (arrive) late for an important appointment? Shas . (go) to a restaurant without money? 6 - (weit) a long time for someone in a restaurant? Wie 8 B Go around the class and interview at least three classmates. Try to find out who answered”yes” to the most questions, Unit 10" 41 © Cambridge University Press 2019 CULTURE San Francisco attracts more than sixteen milion visi ieee thee ‘are many things to do in the city from shopping at Fisherman's Whar towaking over the Golden Gate Bridge. While vistors come all yea, the summer is the most popular time. It never gets: paren ao) ‘San Francisco, butit can be fairly cool much of the time. Have you heard of any other interesting places to visit in or around San Francisco? What is one of the most interesting cities to visit in your country? What do tourists do there? e ies) VOCABULARY Toking a tri (GEES Match the pictures with the words in the glossary below. aquarium a museum for fish and other animals and plants that live under or near water Y architectural details the things that make buildings special bayan area of water thatis partly enclosed by land, butis open to the sea 42 = Unit 11 @ Cambridge University Press 2013 Oe ee ete ak ene aencona en: cable car a type of public transportation that is pulled bya moving cable under atrack on the street monuments buildings or structures built to remember an important person or event in history wharf a structure that is built on the water for boats, fishing, business, or tourism kj) GUESS THE STORY Watch the video with the sound off. What do you think Dr. Smith is most interested in seeing? 1. Alamo Square 2. Golden Gate Bridge 3. Japanese Tea Garden = Watch the video GET THE PICTURE 3) What places does the hotel clerk tell Dr. and Mis. Smith about? Circle them. Then compare witha partner. ‘Alamo Square Fisherman's Whart Japanese Tee Garden Alcatraz Ghirardelli Square Lomberd Street Coit Tower Golden Gate Park Muir Woods A WATCH FOR DETAILS >) Why does the clerk say the Smiths should go te the places below? Complete the sentences Then compare witha partner. 1. You should visit Fisherman's «0 2. Alamo Square isa small nnn Surrounded by You can find a litle bit of seu there, really wonderful . ‘We call them Painted ..... 3, Lombard Street isa very steep .. 4, The Most snersnsssm Way to drive to San Francisco with a lot of - is across the vo Bridge. Unit 17 = 43 © Cambridge University Press 2018 Gontert from injerchanae 1. @ Gambridne University Press 3013 v OJGIA (@) cometere THE storY @=) Complete the paragraph below. Choose words from the lis. Then compare with a partner. Alamo Square Fisherman's Wharf Lombard Street Alcatraz Island Golden Gate Bridge # Northern California boat ride Golden Gate Park Painted Ladies cable car Highway 101 Tea Garden The Smiths arrived in San Francisco from ..Nerthern.Califcaia.. .They entered the city by driving OVEF THE voensnnenennnnesnanne They decided to start their visit with a ride on a Next, they tooka boat ride to - Then, they walked through . and saw the Japanese . wun «After that, they wenttto .. vss 1040 some sipping, The net dy, they crow down cay -vnnsnaneee Very slowly, and then they went to to see the colorful Victorian Houses. SAN FRANCISCO Imagine you have two days in San Francisco. Plan your itinerary. You can use these tourist attractionsand any other places from this unit. ered ACCC COU Ma tet ASan Francisco ne The chocolate festival rere rs Peete’ Eee ee YOUR CITY A Now, imagine the Smiths are B Share your Visiting your city. Plan theiritinerary. Give at information with the class. least six suggestions, like this: A: First, | think they should go to. es, and they should also visit the... 44 = Unit 11 (© Cambridge University Press 2013 b ocreset ts aa Rice bs oad OP Se uae WHAT DID THEY SAY? ©} Watch the video and complete the conversetion. Then practiceit. The Smiths are checking out of their Northern California hotel. Clerk: Thank you. .....Hete....... Is your card anda copy of the cnenenneees YOU Coy Your Stay With .. ? Yeah, it was .. thank you. ss are you traveling to sass 2 1 We've heading ..-.snnessennnun tO San Francisco. San Francisco is... neve We're going to there for justa couple of Clete ie nernnee YOU werner there before? Dr. Smith: Well, I've been meee ONCE, When | was & se But Mona, SReS snsannsnnanann been there, Clerk: What are You enn 10.40 -» you're there? ‘Mrs. Smith: No plans. We just wantto ... [want to see all the ... {9 sHouLp ann SHOULDN'T Giving advice ©) A Complete these sentences with should or shouldn't. Then compare witha partner. 1. When you visit a foreign country, you ....2heuld.... learn a few words of the local language. 2. YOU -nsnsesuem find out about the weather before you travel. 3. Tobe safe, you carry lot of cash when you travel. 4. You ._ do some research on interesting places to visit. 5. YOU ssnnnenenne be afraid to ask local people questions. B Give advice for things visitors to your city should or shouldn't do, White three suggestions in each column one eee Unit 17 = 45 © Cambridge Universty Press 2073 b-

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