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REVISÃO: 19/02/2022 
While writing this series, the author has often been supported by
his family and encouraged by God.

I dedicate this labor to my dad, Nagibe Rosti, who has always

inspired me with his words of motivation and faith. I also
thank my Heavenly Father who has been giving me the gift
of love for teaching, and for life itself.

Sincere thanks are also due to all my friends who were around
while I was involved with this project.

Teaching is such a great and amazing work and that’s “my

thing”, for sure.

Nagibe Rosti

Life is a gift, and it offers us the privilege, opportunity, and

responsibility to give something back by becoming more.

Tony Robbins
Discovering English

É hora de voar mais alto e já que você domina os três tempos ver-
bais, presente, passado e futuro, é hora de aprender a ter mais
flexibilidade em se comunicar, e aprender a utilizar os modals.

All rights reserved. No part of this work may be produced or used in any form or by any means
- graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, web site distribution or information
storage and retrieval systems - without the written permission of the author.
Four Skills
Producing sentences according to the vocabulary, using for this activity most
of the time in class. More than 50 % of the time. Be careful with the correct
pronunciation of the words. Encourage the students to produce the senten-
ces aloud and with enthusiasm.

Since the very first moment the student has a contact with this skill,
reading will improve as the lesson will be presented. By making the
translations according to the material you’ve received in class, no
further. Translate the sentences in «chunks», not word by word, becau-
se it may be a serious problem in the next books.

It takes it part with the reading as well. Translating in the same way you’ve
done from English to Portuguese, now on the contrary. Translate the
sentences in «chunks» not word by word.

Here it goes! This is the most important activity of all. The better you listen,
the better you speak. I’ts been proved that who listens well has greater
chances of speaking better too. So pay attention carefully to the teacher as
he says the sentences by the end of the classes.

SELF CORRECTION: You don’t have homeworks to be done in the book 1 and 2, but you have
classwork, and the corrections for those exercises is done in class with the teacher’s supervision.

1 2 3 4
Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson
One Two Three Four
Page 7 Page 9 Page 11 Page 13

5 6 7 8
Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson
Five Six Seven Eight
Page 15 Page 17 Page 19 Page 21

9 10 11
Review Lesson Lesson Lesson
1-8 Nine Ten Eleven
Page 23 Page 24 Page 26 Page 28

12 13 14 15
Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson
Twelve Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen
Page 30 Page 32 Page 34 Page 36

16 17
Lesson Lesson Review Chart
Sixteen Seventeen 9-17 Chunks
Page 38 Page 40 Page 41 Page 42

Modal Verbs
Page 43

Extra Verbs
To run - correr To say - dizer
To call - ligar/chamar To apologize - desculpar-se
To guess - adivinhar To believe - acreditar
To forget - esquecer To learn - aprender
To ride - montar To get a job - conseguir um
To tell - dizer/contar emprego
To bring - trazer To ask - perguntar / pedir
To wear - usar (roupas) To try on - experimentar
To walk - andar roupas
To change - trocar/mudar To recycle - reciclar
To get thinner - emagrecer To prepare - preparar
To fly - voar To stand - ficar parado em pé
To invite - convidar To meet - encontrar
To touch - tocar To get a promotion - ser pro-
To mean - significar movido
To show - mostrar To bother - incomodar
To rain - chover To send - enviar
To join - juntar To wake up - acordar
To sit - sentar To go on strike - entrar em
To raise - aumentar greve
To reduce - reduzir To become - tornar-se
To apply - candidatar-se To explain - explicar

1 Lesson
The use of the modal verb can, can’t, can? • Verbs reviews • Conversation practice

2. I can’t go home now.
Can ___________________________________________
Listen and repeat. 3. I can’t see my car from here.
I can drive 4. I’m a good student. I can speak English.
I can’t drive ___________________________________________
Can you drive? 5. I don’t know if I can guess your age.
6. I can’t bring a dog to my school.
2 Interesting ___________________________________________
7. My mother can’t listen to rock music.
sabe ___________________________________________
Você consegue 8. I can’t forget to call my friend tonight.
pode ___________________________________________

3 Verbs 5 Conversation
Give oral answers or replies and write them
Repeat the verbs in the Present and Past tense.
To run To tell
1. Can you help me tomorrow with my homework?
To call To bring
2. I can’t play the piano, but I can play the flute. And you?
To guess To wear
3. Can you play soccer?
To forget To walk
4. Can you bring me a glass of water, please?
To ride To change
5. Can I go to the supermarket in the afternoon?
6. Can you buy a new dress for my mother? It’s
Attention her birthday today.
If = Se 7. Can you tell me why you didn’t go to the club?
If I could I would help you. 8. How many books can you buy with R$200,00?
Se eu pudesse eu ajudaria você. 9. Can you change R$100,00 to me?
10. When can your sister bring my car back?
11. I can’t talk to you right now, I’m busy. Sorry.

4 Group Playing 12. I can’t see very well at night, because I wear glasses.
13. Can you ride a horse? I don’t ride horses.
Repeat after your teacher, then give oral 14. Can you buy an Eminen CD for me tomor-
answers or replies to the sentences and write
them down. row when you go downtown?
1. I can walk, but I can’t run. 15. I can’t talk to the teacher now, he’s busy. Can
___________________________________________ you talk to him for me, please?
1 Lesson

6 Grammar Strategy
Give oral answers or 1. I can’t forget to call my mom.
replies to the senten- 2. Can I talk to you at home?
ces below and write 3. I don’t know if I can help you today, sorry.
them down at home. 4. Don’t forget my birthday party tomorrow.
5. John can’t drive very well. I can’t drive very well but I can run.
6. I’m not sure if I can be there next week.
Orally, translate these 1. Você pode me ajudar amanhã de manhã?
sentences to English 2. Quando você pode comprar um vestido para minha mãe?
and write them down 3. Sua mãe sabe tocar piano?
at home. 4. Eu prefiro jogar futebol, eu não sei jogar basquete.
5. Eu não posso trabalhar amanhã, eu tenho que estudar Inglês.
6. O que eu posso fazer? Eu não sei falar Francês.

7 Listening
Listen to your teacher and write down the sentences he/she will say.

Tell your teacher

3 things you
learned today:

2 Lesson
The use of modal verb could • Verbs reviews • Conversation Practice • Modal verb
could, couldn’t, could...?

Can Attention to the Uses of Could

I could tell him the way. (CONDIÇÃO)

Repeat after your teacher.
He could speak English when he was 7. (HABILIDADE)
I could dance.
Could you pay me today? (PEDIDO)
I couldn’t dance.
Could you dance? He couldn’t go to NY. (DEDUÇÃO)

2 Interesting
Could = Poderia
5 Conversation
She could come. Answer the questions or give responses
orally to your teacher.
3 Sentences 1. Could you answer these questions, please?
2. Could you close the door please?
Reply or answer the sentences orally.
3. I couldn’t sleep last night.

4 Group Playing 4. Why couldn’t you come last week?

5. Could you tell me your name?
Repeat after your teacher, then reply or 6. Could you please bring me some vinegar?
answer the sentences orally and write them
down at home.
1. I could walk if I had time.
2. What could you do with R$ 100.00?
3. Could you talk to my mother tonight?
4. I could talk to him.
5. I don’t know what I could do.
6. Could you please come here now?
7. I could sing well when I was 6 years old.
8. How could you forget my birthday?
2 Lesson

6 Grammar Strategy
Give oral answers or 1. I couldn’t forget to call my mom last week.
replies to the senten- 2. Could I talk to you for a moment? Yes, you can. How can I help you.
ces below and write 3. I don’t know if I can help you today, sorry.
them down at home. 4. Don’t forget my birthday party tomorrow.
5. John can drive very well.
6. I’m not sure if I can be there next week.
Orally, translate these 1. Você pode me ajudar amanhã de manhã?.
sentences to English 2. Quando você pode comprar um vestido para minha mãe?
and write them down 3. Sua mãe sabe tocar piano?
at home. 4. Eu prefiro jogar futebol, eu não sei jogar basquete.
5. Eu não posso trabalhar amanhã, eu tenho que estudar Inglês.
6. O que eu posso fazer? Eu não sei falar Francês.

7 Listening
Listen to your teacher and write down the sentences he/she will say.

Tell your teacher

3 things you
learned today:

3 Lesson
The use of modal verb should • Verbs reviews • Conversation Practice • Modal verb
should, shouldn’t, should...?

3 New Verbs
Repeat after your teacher.
Repeat the new verbs and then make sentences.
I should go to the doctor. To reduce To invite
You shouldn’t watch TV so much. To apply To ask
Should I drive? To say To try on
To apologize To get thinner
You look tired. You should go to bed now. To believe To throw a party - dar
The government should do more to reduce crime. To learn uma festa
Should we invite Susan to the party? To get a job
Do you think I should apply for this job?
4 Sentences
2 Focus
Reply or answer the sentences orally.
Attention! You can use “should” to give advice
or to give an opinion. 1.
1. I shouldn’t say bad words. 2.
2. You should apologize. 3.
3. You shouldn’t believe in everything. 4.
4. Your brother should study more. 5.
5. Do you think I should drive? 6.
6. You shouldn’t go to work today. 7.
7. I should go to the bank now. 8.
8. You shouldn’t work so hard.

5 Conversation
Make sentences with the words given.
1. You are in a shop. You are trying on a new jacket. (buy?)
You ask your friend: ______________________________________________________________________
2. You can’t drive. (learn?)
You ask your friend: ______________________________________________________________________
3. You don’t like your job. (get another job)
You ask your friend: ______________________________________________________________________
4. You are going to throw a party. (invite Gary)
You ask your friend: ______________________________________________________________________
3 Lesson

6 Grammar Strategy
Give oral answers or 1. I think we should go home now. Why? The party is so good.
replies to the senten- 2. Do you think I should learn how to drive?
ces below and write 3. You should sell your car, and buy a new one.
them down at home. 4. What should I do to get thinner?
5. Should I go now?.
6. He shouldn’t drive so fast.
Orally, translate these 1. Você não deveria falar com ela hoje?
sentences to English 2. Eu não deveria trabalhar aos domingos.
and write them down 3. Você deveria aprender a dirigir.
at home. 4. Você deveria dormir aqui hoje.
5. Você não deveria estar aqui hoje?
6. Você acha que eu deveria comer mais frutas?

7 Listening
Listen to your teacher and write down the sentences he/she will say.

Tell your teacher

3 things you
learned today:

4 Lesson
The use of modal verb would • Conversation Practice •
Modal verb would, wouldn’t, would...?

I’d = I would
I would help you if I could, but I can’t.
Eu te ajudaria se eu pudesse, mas eu não posso.
Repeat after your teacher.
Attention to the Uses of Would
Would you go now?
Would you like to have some coffee? (OFFER) I wouldn’t go now.
Would you like to go for a walk? (INVITE)
I would go but...

2 Role Playing
Write the answers.
1. Would you like to have a chocolate?
2. What time would you like to have dinner?
3. Would you study with me tonight?
4. What would you like to eat now?
5. Would you like to play soccer tomorrow?

3 Conversation
Make sentences with the verbs given.
1. You want to go to the movies tonight. (go)
You ask your friend: ______________________________________________________________________
2. You want to play tennis, invite Gary to go with you.
You ask your friend: ______________________________________________________________________
3. Offer something to drink to your friend Mary.
You ask your friend: ______________________________________________________________________
4. Invite Julie to go to the park with you.
You ask your friend: ______________________________________________________________________
4 Lesson

4 Grammar Strategy
Give oral answers or 1. I would never do that. Do you think I should learn how to drive?
replies to the senten- 2. Would you help me tomorrow?
ces below and write 3. You would never study English with my brother.
them down at home. 4. What would you like to eat now? I would like to eat pizza if I could.
5. Would you give me a ride tomorrow?
6. I would go with you, if I could, but I can’t, because I have to work.
Orally, translate these 1. Você gostaria de ir para o parque comigo amanhã?
sentences to English 2. Eu não estudaria Português com ela.
and write them down 3. Você gostaria de comer algo?
at home. 4. Você gostaria de trabalhar aqui ?
5. Eu te ajudaria, mas eu não posso.
6. Quando você viria aqui em casa?

5 Listening
Listen to your teacher and write down the sentences he/she will say.

Tell your teacher

3 things you
learned today:

5 Lesson
Conversation Practice • New verbs

1 New Verbs
Repeat the new verbs orally after your teacher. 2 Word Bank
To reduce To get a job
To apply for To invite Repeat the words after your teacher and then
To say To ask make sentences.
To apologise To try on Sky Meeting
To believe To get thinner Lobster To change jobs
To fly To touch Floor
To learn

3 Conversation
Give answers or replies to the sentences below.
1. Would you like to start? 7. Would you buy a computer for R$ 20.000,00?
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
2. Are you afraid of dentist? 8. Where do you work/study?
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
3. Are you as tall as your mother? 9. Where would you like to work if you could
___________________________________________ change jobs?
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
4. Would you like to be taller than you are? ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ 10. Would you like to have dinner at Pampa Sul
___________________________________________ restaurant?
5. Would you like to watch a baseball game in ___________________________________________
the USA? ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ 11. What do you do when you have fever?
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
6. Where would you like to live? ___________________________________________

4 Conversation
Produce sentences with your teacher.
1. I would like to talk to you. 4. I would like to go to the park.
2. I would like to write a book. 5. There’s a meeting tomorrow.
3. I work on the first floor.

5 Lesson

5 Grammar Strategy
Give oral answers or 1. If I could fly, I’d touch the sky.
replies to the senten- 2. Can it be true? Yes, it can because I talked to her about it.
ces below and write 3. You should never do it again.
them down at home. 4. Would you eat a lobster if you could?
5. How would it be if you could be the president?
6. What should you do if you had fever?
Orally, translate these 1. Você gostaria de ir para São Paulo, agora?
sentences to English 2. Você poderia me ajudar com o meu dever de casa?
and write them down 3. Você almoçaria comigo hoje?
at home. 4. O que você poderia fazer para me ajudar?
5. Eu te ajudaria, mas eu tenho que trabalhar agora.
6. Você não deveria ir para casa agora.

6 Listening
Listen to your teacher and write down the sentences he/she will say.

Tell your teacher

3 things you
learned today:

6 Lesson
The use of May and Might • New vocabularies •
Conversation Practice • May and might

May & Might

2 Verbs
Focus Listen and repeat.
To mean To sit
Listen and repeat.
To show To learn
He might go to New York.
To rain To ask
(= it is possible that he will go to New York)
To join To raise
It might rain
(= it is possible that it will rain)
3 Word Bank
May and Might show the same meaning. Listen and repeat.
They mean “possibility.” May can also be used Watch outSentences
Move Task
in a polite way to ask for something: Over here Fever Then
Birthday Aspirin Half
Can I go on? / May I go on? I’m not sure Coin Hour
Polite Lottery Lost
While Ticket Way
Rent Luck

4 Role Playing
Practice the conversation below giving replies and/or answers.
1.If you go to school everyday, then you may learn. 7. I’m not sure but I might go to Italy.
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
2. I‘ll go out for dinner tonight. Would you like 8. Excuse-me, may I sit here?
to join me? ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ 9. Buy a lottery ticket, you might get lucky.
3. Mom’s upstairs working. She might be on the phone. ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ 10. It might rain today.
4. George is half hour late. He might be lost. ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ 11. May you help me with this task over here?
5. I may buy a CD tomorrow for dad’s birthday. ___________________________________________
Could it be? 12. May I ask you a question?
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
6. Watch out, Jane is playing with a coin, she
might eat it.
6 Lesson

5 Grammar Strategy
Give oral answers or 1. I don’t know, she might call you this morning.
replies to the senten- 2. May I stay while you study here?
ces below and write 3. May I have a word with you?
them down at home. 4. Take the umbrella, it might rain.
5. Sue may not come to the party. What could it be? She might be sick.
6. What should you do if you had fever? I might take an aspirin.
Orally, translate these 1. Eu talvez precise de você.
sentences to English 2. Você talvez não entenda, mas eu nunca faria isso.
and write them down 3. Posso me sentar aqui?
at home. 4. Posso falar com você um minuto, por favor?
5. Meu aluguel talvez aumente. Eu talvez tenha que me mudar.
6. Eu realmente não sei, mas talvez eles se mudem para a Venezuela.

6 Listening
Listen to your teacher and write down the sentences he/she will say.

Tell your teacher

3 things you
learned today:

7 Lesson
The use of have to and must • New vocabularies •
Conversation Practice • Have to and must

Have to & Must

He must pay his bills. (OBLIGATION)
You must not talk during the test. (PROHIBITED)
Repeat after your teacher.
I must leave now. (NECESSITY)

Have to and Must are similar, except when

talking about an obligation. We use “have to”
to say what someone is obliged to do.
2 Verbs
To say To be aware
To recycle To oblige

3 Role Playing
Write the answers.
1.You must recycle your bottles and cans.
2. I must wear my glasses for reading.
3. She mustn’t touch the pictures on the wall.
4. George has to go now, he’s late.
5. Be happy! You mustn’t be sad.
6. Watch out, Jane mustn’t play with a coin, she might eat it.
7. We had to leave the party earlier yesterday.
8. Must I go with you?
9. You must buy a lottery ticket, you might get lucky.
10. It mustn’t be like this. I told her that she should be here at 8:00.
11. I don’t have to do it.
12. You mustn’t drink and drive.
7 Lesson

4 Grammar Strategy
Give oral answers or 1. Do you think she shouldn’t smoke here?
replies to the senten- 2. I’m sorry but you mustn’t smoke here.
ces below and write 3. I have to work from 8am to 5pm.
them down at home. 4. Job applications must be here tomorrow.
5. Sue must not be aware about the party, it’s a surprise.
6. What must be done about it?
Orally, translate these 1. Eu tenho que pagar minhas contas hoje.
sentences to English 2. Você talvez não entenda, mas eu devo ir agora, desculpe.
and write them down 3. Mark é uma pessoa muito legal, você tem que conhecê-lo.
at home. 4. Posso falar com você um minuto? Você pode trabalhar amanhã?
5. Eu devo pagar meu aluguel hoje, ou talvez eu tenha que me mudar.
6. Você deve escrever as respostas a tinta.

5 Listening
Listen to your teacher and write down the sentences he/she will say.

Tell your teacher

3 things you
learned today:

8 Lesson
The use of the verb there to be & to have •
Conversation Practice • There to be and to have

Fluency Practicing

There to be X to have

1 Role Playing
Give orally replies to the sentences below as in the examples given:
I take my kids to school everyday.
Oh, I see, you take your kids to school everyday.

1. I should go to the party but I was sick.

2. There’s a supermarket on this street.
3. I’m going to talk to my father.
4. He can play the piano very well.
5. I should study English harder.

Is there a car I can use?

I’m sorry but I think there isn’t a car you can use.

1. Is there a good restaurant anywhere near here?

2. Are there any shops open in the evening?
3. Is there a good movie on TV tonight?
4. Is there anybody waiting for me at the airport?
5. Is there anything to drink?
8 Lesson

2 Grammar Strategy
Give oral answers or 1. I’m glad to hear you were never late for class.
replies to the senten- 2. I’m pleased to hear that you bought a larger house
ces below and write 3. It’s hard to believe that he can play the flute.
them down at home. 4. It’s a pity that you can’t go to Miami tomorrow.
5. Unfortunately I’m unable to wait for her.
6. I didn’t know why she is always late for school.

3 Would
To be glad to hear = Ficar feliz em ouvir
Practice the dialogue with your teacher. To be pleased to hear = Ficar lisonjeado (a)
em ouvir
A: Why didn’t you go to the party yesterday?
Hard to believe = Dificil de acreditar
B: I think I should, but unfortunately I couldn’t... Pity = pena
A: Why? Unfortunately = Infelizmente
B: I had to... To be able to or not = Poder ou não fazer algo
A: Oh I see... Not to know = Não saber de algo

4 Listening
Listen to your teacher and write down the sentences he/she will say.

Tell your teacher

3 things you
learned today:

Review 1-8
Lembre-se: Procure as informações no seu livro e pergunte a seu/sua professor(a):

Complete com a forma correta dos verbos modais:

1) I did everything that I _______________ but we lost the match.

2) You _______________ take this job. It’s perfect for you!
3) I wish I _______________ buy this new car, but it’s only a distant dream.
4) If I had your number, I _______________ call you tomorrow.
5) The show _______________ go on.
6) If I could, I _______________ help you, but unfortunately I have a lot of things to do.

Complete o texto abaixo com os verbos modais que melhor encaixarem

nas frases de maneira a dar sentido ao texto:

Yesterday I was walking in the streets of my city and the day was really hot, it is summer now, so I
decided to stop at a restaurant and drink a soda. When I was almost asking it I decided that I
_______________ take care of my health. I ___________ drink this but it ___________ be so unhealthy…

Then I tried to control myself and I said:

“_______________I get an orange juice, please?”

The guy answered me:

“Ok. _______________ I put ice and sugar?”

Then I started to think like: “I like sugar, but it _______________ be so unhealthy!”

So I said: “No, thanks.”

A few minutes later I got my orange juice. That sensation made me a winner! I said to myself: “Con-
grats, you _______________ do it”!

9 Lesson
Learn the months of the year • to say how is the weather •
Practice conversation with new words

How’s the weather today?

1 Role Playing Sunny

Practice the conversation below using the examples given, Windy
orally with your teacher: Cloudy
I can’t go to Miami with you in December.
It’s a pity that you can’t go to Miami with me in December.

1. I don’t like my present job.

2. My coworkers smoke a lot in my office.
3. I can’t stay one more week. January
4. I was late for the wedding.
5. It was rainy at the beach last weekend.
_________________________________________________________ April
I work from 8am to 9pm everyday.
It’s hard to work from 8am to 9pm. June
1. I travel every week. July
2. My brother works ten hours a day.
_________________________________________________________ September
3. I study during the day and work at night.
_________________________________________________________ October
4. I go to work by bus everyday.
_________________________________________________________ November
5. My sister has four children in school.
_________________________________________________________ December

9 Lesson

2 Grammar Strategy
Give oral answers or 1. I’m glad to hear you liked to stay for class tonight.
replies to the senten- 2. I’m pleased to hear your sister is better now.
ces below and write 3. It’s hard to believe that he could play the flute.
them down at home. 4. It’s a pity that you can’t go to Miami tomorrow.
5. Unfortunately, I’m unable to help you tomorrow.
6. I didn’t know why she was there with you.

Make oral sentences using the words below and write them down at home.

1. I’m glad to hear

2. I’m pleased to hear
3. It’s hard to believe that
4. It’s a pity that
5. Unfortunately, I’m unable to
6. I didn’t know

3 Listening
Listen to your teacher and write down the sentences he/she will say.

Tell your teacher

3 things you
learned today:

10 Lesson
Practice conversations

Fluency Practicing
1 New Verbs
Listen and repeat after your teacher.
To bother To send To prepare To meet
To go on strike To wake up To stand To get a promotion

2 Role Playing
Give orally replies to the sentences below as in the examples given:
Everybody went to her party last Sunday.
I’m glad to hear that everybody went to her party last Sunday.

1. He is not married.
2. Kathy got a promotion.
3. I’m going to meet you at the airport.
4. I was late for the wedding.
5. I was never late for class.

My sister is better now.

I’m pleased to hear that your sister is better now.

1. I travel all week long.

2. My family liked the trip.
3. We’ll travel to the States next July.
4. I’m going to try again.
5. I met her at the airport.
10 Lesson

3 Grammar Strategy
Give oral answers or 1. They wouldn’t bother him.
replies to the senten- 2. We shouldn’t go on strike.
ces below and write 3. She couldn’t send me the product.
them down at home. 4. He can’t prepare dinner tonight.
5. He wouldn’t wake up so early.


Translate the senten- 1. We should stand near the window.

ces below from 2. He can come here after lunch.
English to Portuguese: 3. We should talk to her about it.
4. I would like to meet her again.
5. She would like to get a promotion.


4 Listening
Listen to your teacher and write down the sentences he/she will say.

Tell your teacher

3 things you
learned today:

11 Lesson
Practice conversations

Fluency Practicing
1 New Verbs
Listen and repeat after your teacher.
To become To explain
To apply

2 Role Playing
Give orally replies to the sentences below as in the examples given:
I can wait for her.
Unfortunately I’m unable to wait for her.

1. I can help him this afternoon.

2. I can go back with them.
3. I can stay here for two more weeks.
4. I can be there for the meeting.
5. I can see them this time.

She’s always late for school.

I didn’t know that she is always late for school.

1. They’re very nice kids.

2. He’s going back to his old job.
3. He always drives fast.
4. He gets angry easily.
5. She bothers me all the time.
11 Lesson

3 Conversation
Give oral answers or replies to the sentences below and write them down at home.
1. I didn’t know you were a student here.
2. Could you please tell me your name?
3. What would you do if you could change something in the school?
4. Can you already speak English fluently?
5. Do you believe we should study English harder?
6. I’d like to study English three times a week, if I could. And you?
7. Do you work all day long, and study at night?
8. It’s a pity that we can’t study five hours a week, isn’t it?

Translate the sentences below from English to Portuguese:

1. Would you like to apply for a job where I work?
2. Would you like to become the president of Brasil?.
3. I will explain it one more time.
4. She can bring you the original document.
5. She would like to get a promotion.


4 Listening
Listen to your teacher and write down the sentences he/she will say.

Tell your teacher

3 things you
learned today:

12 Lesson
Practice conversations

Conversation Practicing
1 Role Playing
Answer the questions below using all the material learned until now.
When was the last time you got a raise in your salary?
Unfortunately I’m unable to say. I believe it was last year.

1. What foreing languages can you speak?

2. What kind of music would you listen at home?
3. What was the best thing that happened to you this year?
4. Do you believe we should work harder?
5. What could you do to learn how to play the piano?
6. Would you like to talk about Brazil?
7. What makes you nervous? Why?
8. What do you do when you are nervous?
9. Are you afraid of dogs?
10. What do you do when you are happy?
11. Are you worried today?
12. What makes you happy? Why?

2 New Verbs
Give oral replies to the sentences below.
I’m glad to hear It’s a pity that
I’m pleased to hear Unfortunately, I’m unable to
It’s hard to believe that I didn’t know
12 Lesson

3 Grammar Strategy
Give oral answers or 1. Can you help me tomorrow with my homework?
replies to the senten- 2. I can’t play the piano, but I can play the flute. And you?
ces below and write 3. Can you play soccer?
them down at home. 4. Can you bring me a glass of water, please?
5. Can I go to the supermarket in the afternoon?
6. Can you buy a new dress for my mother? It’s her birthday today.

4 Listening
Give oral answers to the questions above and at home write them down.

5 Listening
Listen to your teacher and write down the sentences he/she will say.

Tell your teacher

3 things you
learned today:

13 Lesson
Practice conversations

Conversation Practicing
1 Role Playing
For numbers 1-5, repeat after the teacher
For numbers 6-9, answer the questions.

1. I might not go to work tomorrow. | It’s a pity you might not go to work tomorrow. Why?
2. George is an hour late. He might be lost.
3. Since you need money, you could buy a lottery ticket.
4. The eye doctor said I must wear glasses.
5. Do you believe we should study harder? | I’m afraid we could practice harder.

6. We might have a test on friday. It makes me nervous.

7. What should I do if I get nervous?
8. Are you afraid of tests too?
9. Do you know if there’s a good movie on TV tonight?

Oh I see!
I’m glad to hear
I’m pleased to hear
It’s hard to believe that
It’s a pity that
Unfortunately I’m unable to
I didn’t know

13 Lesson

2 Conversation
Give oral answers or replies to the sentences below and write them down at home.
1. Could you please talk to him about the car?
2. When can you attend English classs in here?
3. I’m afraid I’m going to need your help this afternoon. Could you help me?
4. Is there anything I can do?
5. They took 20 hours to learn how to speak using modals. What do you think about it?
6. They take 20 minutes to finish the test. Would you do it in less?
7. I shouldn’t go to work tomorrow. It’s my birthday.
8. Should we invite the teacher to eat a snack with us tonight?
9. My mom always says that I shouldn’t believe in everything.
10. Would you give me a ride after class?
11. I would like to make a question for you. Would you change jobs if you could? Why?
12.I’m afraid I’m going to wear glasses.

3 Listening
Listen to your teacher and write down the sentences he/she will say.

Tell your teacher

3 things you
learned today:

14 Lesson
Practice conversations

Conversation Practicing
1 Making Questions
Make oral sentences with the words given.
1. What can you do to prevent accidents?
2. What can be done to prevent bathroom accidents?
3. What can you do if...

- you cut your finger preparing food?

- your child drinks a poisonous liquid?
- the toilet is flooding the bathroom?
- a pan on the stove is on fire?
- your child falls off a chair and is bleeding?

1. Can you sleep during a trip?
2. Can you play soccer?
3. Can you paint?
4. Can you drive?
5. Do you think Ronaldo should stop playing?

2 Role Playing
Practice this conversation with your teacher.
1. Children need a lot of attention. | As a matter of fact...
Oh I see!
2. I’d like to see a doctor. | I’m sorry to hear that... I’m glad to hear
I’m pleased to hear
3. What do you think about cable TV? | I’m afraid I... It’s hard to believe that
It’s a pity that
4. I never cry. | If I were you I’d never... Unfortunately I’m unable to
I didn’t know
5. Education is very important. | Maybe it should be different in...

14 Lesson

3 Conversation
Give oral answers or replies to the sentences below and write them down at home.
1. Is there anything I can do to help you today?
2. When was the last time you’ve gone to the beach?
3. I’m afraid I’m going to have to study English. Could you help me?
4. If you could work for a large company, what company would it be?
5. Would you like to apply for a job where I work?
6. Are there many jobs available for students in Brazil?
7. When was the last time you got a promotion?
8. I’m sorry but I’m afraid I can’t go to Miami with you.
9. My brother shouldn’t work ten hours a day. What do you think about it?
10. Would you go to the movies with me after class?
11. I would like to work in another country. And you?
12.What’s the best way to find a job?
13. What may happen after the party?
15. Do you think that having a lot of money can make you happy?

4 Listening
Listen to your teacher and write down the sentences he/she will say.

Tell your teacher

3 things you
learned today:

15 Lesson
The use of used to • Practice Conversation

I used to... when I was a child.

Eu costumava... quando eu era criança.

1 Making Questions
Give oral answers or replies to the sentences below.
Can I talk to you for a moment?
Of course you can. How can I help you?

What do you know about cable TV?

I don’t know, my brother told me it’s good, and I think he is not right.

Do you like basketball?

It’s hard to believe that you used to play soccer.

What’s wrong with your job?

2 Role Playing
Practice with your teacher the sentences below.
1. Can you tell me why you didn’t go to the club last weekend?
2. How many books can you buy with R$ 200,00.
3. Can you change R$100,00 to me?
4. When can your sister bring my car back?
5. I can’t talk to you right now, I’m busy. Sorry.
6. I can’t see very well at night, because I wear glasses.
7. Can you ride a horse?
8. Can you buy an Eminen CD for me tomorrow when you go downtown?
9. I can’t talk to the teacher now, he’s busy. Can you talk to him for me later, please?

15 Lesson

3 Conversation
Give oral answers or replies to the sentences below and write them down at home.
1. Can you help me tomorrow with my homework?
2. I can’t play the piano, but I can play the flute. And you?
3. Can you play soccer?
4. Can you bring me a glass of water, please?
5. Can I go to the supermarket in the afternoon?
6. Can you buy a new dress for my mother? It’s her birthday today.
7. Can you tell me why you didn’t go to the club last weekend?
8. How many books can you buy with R$ 200,00.
9. Can you change R$100,00 to me?
10. When can your sister bring my car back?
11. I can’t talk to you right now, I’m busy. Sorry.
12. I can’t see very well at night, because I wear glasses.
13. Can you ride a horse?
14. Can you buy a video game for me tomorrow when you go downtown?
15. I can’t talk to the teacher now, he’s busy. Can you talk to him for me, please?

Oh I see! It’s hard to believe that
I’m glad to hear It’s a pity that
I’m pleased to hear Unfortunately I’m unable to

4 Listening
Listen to your teacher and write down the sentences he/she will say.

Tell your teacher

3 things you
learned today:

16 Lesson
Practice conversations

Conversation Practicing
1 Conversation
Practice the conversation below with your teacher.
A: Can you go to the supermarket with me tomorrow?
B: I don’t know, I might not have time.
A: Ok, I must call someone to go with me, because I’ll need
B: You know what? You should lose weight, rs.
A: It’s hard to believe that I should lose weight.
B: Oh I see, so you think you’re in shape.
A: As matter of fact, I’ve been working out lately.
B: You must be kidding me.
A: Unfortunately I’m kind of busy, and if I could I would,
but right now I can’t! Anyway, I gotta go now.
B: See ya’.

2 Role Playing
Make a new dialogue - First orally and then at home write it down.

16 Lesson

3 Grammar Strategy
Complete the sentences orally and write them down at home.

1. I’m glad to hear

2. I’m pleased to hear
3. It’s hard to believe that
4. It’s a pity that
5. Unfortunately, I’m unable to
6. I didn’t know

Orally, translate these 1. Eu nunca poderia dizer isso a ela.

sentences to English 2. Boa tarde, você poderia me ajudar amanhã com meu carro.
and write them down 3. Onde você estaria agora, se você pudesse?
at home. 4. Você deveria conversar com ele sobre isso.
5. Eu deveria prestar mais atenção.
6. Eu não faria isso se eu fosse você.

Get rid of that old car. It’s lemon!

To get rid of = livrar-se | It’s lemon = furada

4 Listening
Listen to your teacher and write down the sentences he/she will say.

Tell your teacher

3 things you
learned today:

17 Lesson
Practice conversations

Conversation Practicing
1 Role Playing
Practice the conversation below with your teacher. To be concerned - Estar preocupado (a)
A: Can I talk to you for a moment? Attractions - atrações
To make up (someone's) mind - Decidir
B: Sure. What can I do for you? To be afraid - Achar, pensar
A: What do you know about The USA? In mind - na mente
B: Not much actually. Why? Take care - Se cuida
Actually - na verdade
A: I was wondering if you could give me an advice. Could you?
B: Sure, why not. Tell me, exactly, what do you want?
A: I’m gonna travel next week and I’d like to know which would be the best state to visit.
B: I’m afraid you should take a look at the attractions it offers.
A: Hum... thanks a lot. Do you have any state in mind?
B: No. I’m still concerned about it, but I’ll make up my mind until then.
A: Ok, see you soon then.
B: See ya’! I’ve gotta go now. I have a lot of things to do.
A: Take care.

2 Conversation
Give oral answers or replies to your teacher.
1. People are not always reliable. 4. If I were you I’d never.
2. I am a sad man. 5. Maybe it should be different in...
3. What should I do to choose a good place to go?

3 Listening
Listen to your teacher and write down the sentences he/she will say.

Tell your teacher

3 things you
learned today:

Review 9-17
Lembre-se: Procure as informações no seu livro e pergunte a seu/sua professor(a):

Faça sentenças orais com os verbos abaixo e depois escreva-as e envie

ao seu professor (a):

To raise To recycle
To reduce To stand
To apply To meet
To apologize To get a promotion
To believe To bother
To learn To wake up
To get a job To go on strike
To try on To become

Faça comentários e ou responda as perguntas abaixo oralmente e depois

escreva-as e envie ao seu/a teacher:

1. What would you do if you could fly and touch the sky?
2. Can it be true?
3. You should never do it again.
4. Would you eat a lobster if you could?
5. How would it be if you could be the president?
6. What should you do if you had fever?

Traduza as frases abaixo para o Inglês oralmente e depois escreva-as e

envie ao seu/sua teacher:

1. Você gostaria de ir para São Paulo, agora?

2. Você poderia me ajudar com o meu dever de casa?
3. Você almoçaria comigo hoje?
4. O que você poderia fazer para me ajudar?
5. Eu te ajudaria, mas eu tenho que trabalhar agora.

Chart Chunks

I’m glad to hear - Estou feliz em ouvir

I’m pleased to hear - Estou lisonjeado em ouvir
It’s hard to believe that – É difícil de acreditar que
It’s a pity that - É uma pena que
Unfortunately, I’m unable to - Infelizmente eu não posso
I didn’t know - Eu não sabia
Oh I see! – Entendi!
As a matter of fact - A propósito
I’m sorry to hear that - Sinto muito em ouvir isso
I’m afraid I - Eu acho que
If I were you I’d never - Se eu fosse você eu nunca
Maybe it should be different in - Talvez seja diferente em
What’s wrong with - Qual o problema em
I was wondering if - Eu estava pensando se
I’m still concerned about it - Eu ainda estou preo-
cupado sobre
Chart Modal Verbs
Ele significa que algo pode sim ser feito, que a pessoa consegue fazê-lo.
“I can do it today” – Eu posso fazer isso hoje.

“Could” é como o “can”, mas como uma possibilidade normalmente associada a uma condição.
” I could do it today, but I forgot” – Eu poderia ter feito isso hoje, mas eu esqueci.

O “should” é usado para algo que deveria ser feito, mas ainda não foi.
“I should do it but I still haven’t had the time” – Eu deveria fazer isso, mas eu ainda não tive tempo.

Mostra a possibilidade de algo ser feito, normalmente associada a uma condição, a um “se”.
“I would do it, if I had time to” – Eu faria isso, se eu tivesse tempo.

Além de ser o nome do mês de maio, “may” tem os sentidos de que algo pode ser feito e de dar
permissão para que algo seja feito.
“I may do it today” – Eu devo fazer isso hoje, com aquela “vibe” de “Talvez eu faça isso hoje”.
“You may do it today” – Você pode fazer isso hoje.

“Might” é o passado de “may”, por isso carrega o mesmo significado de possibilidade, mas, por ser
passado, trazendo o sentido de menos probabilidade. É como se algo pudesse ser feito, mas talvez não seja.
“I might do it today. I’m waiting to have time for it” – Eu deveria fazer isso hoje. Eu estou
esperando ter tempo para isso.

O “must” mostra obrigação, a certeza de algo tem que ser realmente feito.
“I must do it” – Eu tenho que fazer isso.
Uma associação a ser feita é com as peças “must have” da moda, que são as peças que uma pessoa “tem que ter”.

O “have to” é uma afirmação, é o nosso “tem que”, que diz que você deve fazer algo. Ele se
assemelha ao “must”, mas sem aquele peso da ordem.
I have to go home at 10pm – Eu tenho que ir para casa às 22h.
You have to buy new shoes – Você tem que comprar sapatos novos.
She doesn’t have to follow your rules – Ela não tem que seguir as suas regras.

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