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Bantayan National Highschool

Bantayan Tabaco City

“Digital Literacy Proficiency Among Senior Highschool Students of Bantayan National Highschool”

Presented to the Faculty

Of Bantayan National Highschool - Senior Highschool

Bantayan, Tabaco City

In partial fulfillment

Of Requirements In (Practical Research 1)

Submitted by :

Jenny Maduro

Sarah Brequillo

Karl Cañega

Joel Bonavente

Submitted to :

Mr. Sherwin Buella

Background Of The Study

With the advancements in technology and the expanding digital landscape, digital literacy has
become an essential skill for individuals to navigate the modern world effectively. This research
study aims to delve into the level of digital literacy proficiency among Grade 11 CSS Senior High
School students of Bantayan National High School. Understanding the digital literacy skills of
these students can shed light on their preparedness to thrive in the digital age and identify areas
where improvements or interventions may be needed.

Within an educational context, developing digital literacy skills is essential for students to
participate fully in digital learning environments. Students equipped with strong digital literacy
skills can engage with educational resources, leverage technology for research and information
gathering, and effectively present their ideas. It strengthens their ability to adapt to evolving
tools and technologies, preparing them for future academic and professional pursuits.

Digital literacy facilitates better learning for the students. Many students, entering in educational
settings, make the learning process meaningful by using digital devices in digital environments
(Yamada-Rice, 2011; Potter, 2012). Tamoria (2016) pointed out that above all, teachers and
school administration have a significant role in preparing the future generation of a rapidly-
changing global society. However, failure to handle and manage digital and technological tools
may lead students to risks such as believing in fake and invalidated information, and their
involvement in other cybercrimes. (Hazel B., TeodolynDeanne G., Danilo V., 2020).

The objective of this research is to assess the proficiency of Grade 11 CSS Senior High School
students in digital literacy. The study aims to know how proficient are senior highschool students
of Bantayan National Highschool in using common digital tools like word processor, email, and
online search engine. By examining these aspects, the research intends to identify strengths and
areas that need improvement, paving the way for tailored educational initiatives to enhance
students' digital literacy competencies.

The study on digital literacy proficiency among Grade 11 CSS Senior High School students of
Bantayan National High School holds significance in understanding the current digital literacy
landscape and identifying areas for improvement. Ultimately, the findings of this study may help
facilitate a more effective integration of digital literacy into the educational curriculum, fostering
the growth and preparedness of students in the digital age.


To assess the digital literacy proficiency among senior highschool students of Bantayan National


1. How proficient are senior highschool students of Bantayan National Highschool in using
common digital tools like word processors, email, and online search engine?
2. What challenges do Senior Highschool students in Bantayan National Highschool encounter
in using the common digital tools?
3. What tailored approaches can be implemented to improve the digital literacy skills of the
The study has a specific scope that focuses on evaluating the digital literacy proficiency of Grade
11 students who are specializing in Computer System Servicing (CSS) at Bantayan National
Highschool. The primary objective of this study is to assess the students proficiency in using
common digital tools such as word processor, email, and online search engines. The researcher
choose the grade 11 CSS students as their respondents since it is relevant to their specialization.
The other grade levels, specializations, and external factors that may affect digital literacy
proficiency are excluded.


Significance of the study on the digital literacy proficiency of senior highschool students in
Bantayan National Highschool focusing on digital tools like word processor, email, and online
search engines, involves various stakeholders including :
Students. Improving digital literacy ensures that students are better prepared for their academic
and professional futures. It equips them with essential skills for academic assignments, effective
communication, and information retrieval.
Teachers. Understanding the digital proficiency of students enables teachers to tailor instruction
to meet student's specific needs, enhancing the quality of education. It also helps educators adapt
their teaching methods to promote digital literacy.
Parents and Guardians. Parent play a role in supporting their children's digital literacy
development. Awareness of their children's digital skills allows parents to provide guidance,
resources, and encouragement.
School Administrator. Findings from the study guide school administrators in making data-driven
decisions about curriculum enhancement, resource allocation, and educational policies. This
ensures that the school's digital education strategies are aligned with student's need.
Future Researcher. The study's significance for future researchers is in evaluating the digital
literacy proficiency of senior high school students at Bantayan National High School (11-CSS). By
understanding their digital skills, it helps shape targeted educational strategies, ensuring students
are well-equipped for the digital demands of both academia and the workforce.


Digital Literacy. The proficiency in utilizing digital tools and technologies, encompassing skills
such as navigating digital landscapes, using word processors, email, and online search engines

Grade 11 CSS Senior High School Students. Refers to students in the eleventh grade pursuing the
Creative Industries track at Bantayan National High School, serving as the focus of the study.

Digital Literacy Proficiency. The level of competence and skill that Grade 11 CSS Senior High
School students possess in using common digital tools like word processors, email, and online
search engines, as the primary focus of the research.

Educational Context. The environment within which students develop digital literacy skills,
emphasizing the significance of these skills for full participation in digital learning environments.

Digital Learning Environments. Platforms and spaces where educational activities occur digitally,
highlighting the essential role of digital literacy in engaging with educational resources and
leveraging technology for research and information gathering.

Preparedness in the Digital Age. The readiness of students to navigate and thrive in a
technologically driven world, reflecting the importance of digital literacy in preparing for future
academic and professional pursuits.

Tailored Educational Initiatives. Customized interventions or programs designed to address

specific strengths and weaknesses identified in the digital literacy skills of Grade 11 CSS Senior
High School students.



According to Ba, Tally & Tsikalas (2002), a broad definition described digital literacy as routine through
which students interact and share information using technologies for the betterment of their education,
career, and life. As student make their way in the 21st century decade, society become expose to digital
culture. New generation learners are entitled to be fit with this kind environment which is new to 20th
century learners. It is both a necessity and privilege of citizens to become digital competent in order to
be functional (Ferrari, 2012). Due to wide range access to technology, the 21st century learner has the
privilege to be called as digitally literate. Every educator must know that digital literacy is important in
today’s modern world.

According to the study “The level of Digital Literacy of senior highschool students” (Maria Rebecca B.
Talledo) Digital literacy entails the ability of the students to use, analyze, evaluate, and create
technology driven media and materials. The digital literacies of the senior high school students are
sustained and enhanced through the varied engaging activities designed by their teachers. It is expected
that learners acquire better learning when how they are taught the way they learn.

According to the UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), this includes
competencies such as using ICT, processing information, and engaging with media. However, digital skills
do not exist in a vacuum and interact with other capabilities such as general literacy and numeracy,
social and emotional skills, critical thinking, complex problem solving, and the ability to collaborate.

Digital literacy, like other competencies, should start at school. But many education systems are not
equipped to teach children these skills because they lack the proper infrastructure, technological
equipment, teacher training, curriculum, or learning benchmarks. This gap is further pronounced in
developing countries. A 2020 study conducted in Chile, Ecuador, Mexico, and Peru assessed teachers’
digital skills and readiness for remote learning, finding that 39 percent of teachers were only able to
execute basic tasks, 40 percent were able to perform basic tasks and use the internet to browse or send
email, and only 13 percent of teachers could do more complex functions.

In relation with the study digital literacy proficiency among senior highschool student, Senior high school
students need to learn digital literacy because it equips them with essential skills for the modern world.
It helps them navigate online information responsibly, critically evaluate sources, understand digital
security, and prepares them for future education and careers in an increasingly digital and
interconnected society. Digital literacy involves the skills in creating and evaluating information wherein
it uses technology that utilize the skills in technology literacy. Thus, it works together to enhance
student’s skills and literacy. In the field of media education, media literacy has been a critical notion of
literacy. Media literacy involves reading and writing and presents some imperative challenges in digital
technology (Jenkins & Deuze, 2008).


In this chapter the researcher will explain how and what are the procedure that will be taken in
gathering and analyzing the data that is needed in the study.

Research Design

The study used a descriptive-survey research design with survey questionnaires as the main instrument
in gathering the required data. The present study surveyed the digital literacy proficiency of senior
highschool student at bantayan national highschool. According to Koh and Owen (2000), the most
common descriptive research method is the survey, which comprises questionnaires, normative surveys,
open-ended surveys, and phone surveys. This implies that through the gathered data analysis, the
quantifiable information can be utilized for statistical inference on the target audience. The use of
survey design enables the researchers to easily collaborate with diverse respondents in comparatively
minimal expenditure, numerous variables can be measured by a single instrument.

Research Locale

The study will be conducting at Bantayan National Highschool within the school year 2023-2024

Respondents Of The Study

The Grade 11 students specializing in Computer System Servicing at Bantayan National Highschool will
be the respondents for this research. They are the most suitable source of data for this study.

Research Instrument

In this study, the researcher will be using the survey-questionnaire for instruments. The questionnaire is
a set of orderly arranged questions carefully prepared to answer by a group of people designed to
collect facts and information. The first part of the survey-questionnaire is a likert-scale which tackles
how proficient are senior highschool student in using common digital tools. The second part is the
questions about the challenges that the students encounter in using the common digital tools. The last
part the researcher conducted a random interview to have ideas about the possible tailored approaches
that can be implemented to improve the students literacy skills. The researcher used likert scale method
in the survey questionnaire to specify the level of the respondents to the statement.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers underwent several phases in order to gather the necessary data for the analysis and
interpretation. The researchers initially developed the research instrument. They evaluated the content
of the Digital Literacy Survey questionnaire and reviewed how items were constructed based on the
level of the respondents’ understanding. Next in the process, the researchers secured the approval for
the conduct of the study. Prior to the day of the conduct of the survey, the researchers secured
necessary approval from concerned offices. Thereafter, the researchers underwent the research survey
to the Grade 11 CSS students. The researchers conducted a random interview to support the data
gathered and summarized the key findings, linked with the significance of the study and recommended
what actions must be taken as a result of the findings.

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