Word Notes

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Session1 Session9

Session2 Session10
Session3 Session11
Session4 Session12
Session5 Session13
Session6 Session14
Session7 Session15
Session8 NetAcquire
Session 1: Computer Softwares used in
recording and Managing of laboratory
Total Session Time: 120 minutes

Module Code MTL 04209: Basic Computer Skills and Information Management

Leaning Objectives
By the end of this session, students are expected to be able to:
1. Define the terms : (Record, Laboratory Record Management, Database and Electronic
2. Explain application of computer in recording and managing of laboratory information
3. Explain the advantage and disadvantages of using computer software in documentation and
record management of laboratory operations
4. List different types of computer software used in recording and managing of laboratory
information (word processing, spreadsheet, database)
5. Explain the function of different types of computer software used in recording and managing
of laboratory information

Resources Needed
 Flip charts, marker pens, masking tape, black /white board and chalk/whiteboard markers,
LCD projector and computer/laptop

Steps Time Activity/Method Content
1 05 minutes Presentation Introduction, Learning Objectives
2 15 minutes Definition of terms
Explain application of computer in recording
3 25 minutes and managing of laboratory information
Explain the advantage and disadvantages of
25 minutes Presentation
using computer software in documentation
4 10 minutes Presentation List different types of computer software
used in recording and managing of laboratory
Explain the function of different types of
computer software used in recording and
5 25 minutes Presentation
managing of laboratory information

6 05 minutes Presentation Key Points

7 10minutes Presentation Evaluation
Step 1: Presentation of Session Title and Learning Objectives (5 minutes)
 READ or ASK students to read the learning objectives and clarify.
 ASK students if they have any questions before continuing.

Step 2: Definition (15 minutes)

Activity: Brainstorming (5 minutes)
 ASK the students the following question
 Define the following terms; Record, Laboratory Record Management, Database and
Electronic records
 INVITE responses from students
 RECORD their response on the flip chart or chalk board
 SUMMARIZE their responses with information below
 A record can be either a tangible object or digital information: for example, birth
certificates, medical x-rays, office documents, databases, application data, and e- mail.

 Laboratory Records Management, or LRM, is the practice of maintaining the records

of a laboratory from the time they are created up to their eventual disposal. This may
include classifying, storing, securing, and destruction (or in some cases, archival
preservation) of records. Laboratory records management is primarily concerned with the
evidence of a laboratory’s activities, and is usually applied according to the value of the
records rather than their physical format.
 A database is an integrated collection of related data records, files, and other objects.
 Electronic record is a digital record that can be manipulated, transmitted or processed by
a computer.
Step 3: How can we apply computer in recording and managing of laboratory information?
(50 minutes)
Computerized record management is a key driver in increasing laboratory efficiency and offers
significant advantages.
These advantages are significant in;
o Improving the use of staff time by reducing the time spent looking for information.
The reduction is achieved because information can be retrieved quickly and reliably.
o Facilitating the sharing of information, thus facilitating easy flow of information.
o Reducing the unnecessary duplication of information. By reducing the amount of
unnecessary information held it is easier for users to concentrate on managing the
necessary information for which they are responsible.
o Identifying how long records need to be kept before they can be destroyed, or
transferred to the Laboratory Archive and by doing so it reduces the costs associated
with retaining unnecessary information, such as storage costs, server costs and costs
associated with servicing information requests for information that the laboratory does
not need to keep.
o Identifying how long records are needed and by doing so identifies those records that
are needed in the medium and long term. When those records are held in electronic
format it is crucial that they are identified as soon as possible to protect them from loss.
Alternatively there exist disadvantages of using computer software in documentation and
record management of laboratory operations. These include being:
o Expensive in Installment and maintenance of computer softwares
o Requires good infrastructure (Air condition rooms free from dusts) which are expensive
and requires special care.
o Requires reliable power source and thus may be costly if no reliable power supply
o Technical knowhow is needed so as one to be able to use the software
o Poor security may jeopardize the authentisity of the records as malicious users may alter
the records to their desire.

Step 4: Types of computer software used in recording and managing of laboratory

information (10 minutes)
As such, there are several computer softwares that are used in recording and managing of
laboratory information. These softwares differ depending on the volume of records to be
recorded and stored.
They start from simplest softwares e.g.
o Word processing,
o spreadsheets and
o simple database application (Ms Access) to
o complex tailor-made database application such as laboratory information system or
laboratory records management.
We shall constrain ourselves to word processing, spreadsheets and simple database application
consequently looking on a LIS system in brief.
Step 5 : Functions of different types of computer software used in recording and managing
of laboratory information (25 minutes)
 Word processing – the main function of word processing software (e.g. Ms Word 2003) is
to create simple summarized reports that are un-mathematical in nature.
 Spreadsheets – this class of softwares are used for recording and manage data that has
calculations and requires the use of formulas.
 Database - is application software that organizes data that has been inputted into it,
facilitates its storage, retrieval and output in varied ways for use with different applications,
and mainly used for performing analysis.
 Laboratory information management system (LIMS) is a software-based laboratory and
information management system that offers a set of key features that support a modern
laboratory's operations.
Step 6: Key Points (5 minutes)
 Define Record, Laboratory Record Management, and Electronic records
 Advantages and disadvantages of using computer software in record management
 Types of computer software used in recording and managing of laboratory information.
 Functions of various types of computer software used in recording and managing of
laboratory information.
Step 7: Evaluation (10 minutes)
 How does word processing differ from spreadsheet in record management?
 Why use computer software in recording and managing of laboratory information.
 Describe software in recording and managing of laboratory information.

1. Morris M & Charles, M. (2003). Logol Computer Designer Fundamentals. Prentice
2. O’leary, T. J, O’leary, L. I. (2006). Computing Essentials, Introductory Edition.
Arizona State University: Boston Burr Ridge.
3. Steven Sagman (1999), Microsoft Office 2000 for Windows: Visual Quick Start
4. Farr, J. Michael; Laurence Shatkin (2004). Best jobs for the 21st century. JIST
Works.p. 460.ISBN 1563709619. http://books.google.es/books?
Session 2: Utilization of Word processing to
capture laboratory Information
Total Session Time: 120 minutes

Module Code MTL 04209: Basic Computer Skills and Information Management

Learning Objectives
By the end of this session, students are expected to be able to:
1. Uses word processing software
2. Demonstrate word processing software in capturing laboratory information
3. Application of word processing software in capturing laboratory information

Resources Needed
 Flip charts, marker pens, and masking tape
 Black/white board and chalk/whiteboard markers
 Computer

Step Time Activity/Method Content
1 05 minutes Presentation Introduction, Learning Objectives
2 15 minutes Uses of word processing software
Demonstrate on how word processing
3 30 minutes Presentation software is used to capture laboratory
Application of word processing software to
4 50 minutes Practical
capture laboratory information
5 5 minutes Presentation Key Points
6 15 minutes Presentation Evaluation

Step 1: Presentation of Session Title and Learning Objectives
 READ or ASK students to read the learning objectives and clarify.
 ASK students if they have any questions before continuing.

Step 2: Uses of word processing software

A word processor is a computer application used for the production (including composition,
editing, formatting, and possibly printing) of any sort of printable material.
Word processing typically implies the presence of text manipulation functions that extend
beyond a basic ability to enter and change text, such as automatic generation of:
o batch mailings using a form letter template and an address database (also called mail
o indices of keywords and their page numbers;
o tables of contents with section titles and their page numbers;
o tables of figures with caption titles and their page numbers;
o cross-referencing with section or page numbers;
o footnote numbering;
o summary reports of records that are un-mathematical in nature
Microsoft Word is the most widely used word processing software. We shall restrict ourselves to
Ms Word 2003 as a requirement of our syllabus, although there exist other types of word
Within the laboratory scenario, word processors are extremely useful tools. Typical uses include:
o enter clients records
o produce summary reports of records
o legal copies
o letters and letterhead
o memos around different departments
o Production of reference documents
Step 3: Demonstrate on how word processing software is used to capture laboratory
In MLT 04209, we learned Ms Word and Ms Excel as primary application softwares for word
processing and spreadsheet respectively. Now we shall look their application in laboratory record
management and further learn a new database application Ms Access which is a constituent of
Ms Office package.
Recall Session 11: Demonstration on Creating Tables in Word Processor in MLT 04209;
where records can be best presented and stored in tabular form in word processing software.
Starting Ms-Word
o Click start menu / Programs / Microsoft word
o Microsoft word window will appear

Inserting Table in your Document

o Place the cursor where you want to insert a table
o Click Table / Insert Table
o Enter Number of Columns and Rows you want / Click ok
o Enter the respective data
o Save your records

Example: Sample extract of records of a day’s clients visit at a laboratory




0830 Masusu HD/GH/157 Mbulu 67 M Malaria Negative


0945 Asha HD/GH/909 Katesh 45 F Typhoid Positive


1037 Dina HD/GH/095 Babati 23 F Brusella Positive


1167 Suraiya HD/GH/610 Endasaki 17 F HIV Negative


1406 Kalinga HD/GH/234 Endeshi 53 M Syphilis Negative


Since the records are confidential in nature, it is therefore prudent to protect the data by putting a
password. The steps include;
Adding a Password
o Open the file you want to add a password
o Click file/Save As/tools/general option
o In the password to open box, Type your password e.g. mac & click ok
o Retype your password e.g. mac , Click ok & Click Save
Also in removing the password the procedure entails;
Removing a Password
o Open the file you want to remove the password
o Click file/Save As/Tools/General option
o In the password to open box, delete the password & ok
o Click Save
Note: To see your Operation, close the file & open again you will not ask your password

Step 4: Practical application of word processing software to capture laboratory

The students should practically practice the below activity for the Tutor to ascertain their
practical skills.

Activity 1.
Represent the following data in a well summarized tabular format.
On 5th Jan 2012,the books of Mvumi laboratory displayed the following records:where fields
were recorded beginning with: ID, CLIENT NAME, SEX, AGE, PHYSICAL
ADDRESS,TEST and RESULTS respectively.

Clients tested for Malaria were;

SN: 254/87 John Kapembwa, Male, 35yrs, Chamwino,positive
SN: 254/04 Rama Joel, male, 48yrs, 22yrs, Jamatini, negative
SN:254/99 Rose Macha,Female,69yrs, Kibaoni, positive
Clients tested for Typhoid were;
SN: 254/134 Cyrus Muindi,male,14yrs,Majengo,negative
Clients tested for TB were;
SN:254/532 Mramba Mac, male, 26yrs, Maili Mbili, negative
Enter the above data in Ms Word 2003 and Save the file as TESTS and create a password to the
document to protect it. The password name is labmvumi.

Step 5: Key Points

 Uses of Word processing
 Application of word processing software to capture laboratory information

Step 6: Evaluation
 Explain uses of word processing
 Describe the application of word processing

1. Herniter, M.E. (2000). 2nd Edition, Personal Computer Fundamentals for Students,
Hardware Windows 2000 Application. Prentice Hall.
2. Joos, I. Whitman, N. Smith, M. Nelson, R. et al. (2006). 4 th Edition, Introduction to
Computers for Healthcare Professionals. Jones & Bartlett’s Publishers International, Barb
House, Barb Mews: London.
3. Morris M & Charles, M. (2003). Logol Computer Designer Fundamentals. Prentice Hall.
4. O’leary, T. J, O’leary, L. I. (2006). Computing Essentials, Introductory Edition. Arizona
State University: Boston Burr Ridge.

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