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Biology Course Syllabus

Mrs. Mora
Room 205

Welcome to Biology! This year we will learn about the world around you! This is a hands-on course with
lots of real life connections. We will use the scientific method to think critically and solve problems.
What topics will we learn about this year?

 Part 1: Chemistry, Cells, Plants, Photosynthesis, Cellular Respiration, Mitosis, and Meiosis
 Part 2: Genetics, DNA, Biotechnology, Origins of Life, Evolution, Classification, and Comparative
 Part 3: Ecology
How will grades be earned?

 Daily Work 25%

o Classwork (other than labs and projects)
o Bell Work Composition Book
o Homework
 Labs & Projects 25%
 Assessment 50%
o Quizzes
o Tests
What supplies will be needed?

 Composition Book
 1” Three Ring Binder
 Pencils
 Notebook Paper
Which textbook is used for this course?

 Biology; Pearson/Prentice Hall, Inc. 2012 (Miller-Levine)

Grade Reports

 Grade print outs will be given out every three weeks (three times a quarter). These will serve as a
means of communication between school and home. Extra Credit will be awarded to those who return
their Grade Reports! 1 extra credit point if signed by student only. 2 extra credit points if signed by
BOTH student and parent/guardian.
Class Structure

 Arrive in class on time.

 Pick up your composition book on the way to your seat.
 Complete the bell work.
 Complete the day’s activities.
 Clean up & wrap up!
Lab Safety Agreement

 The lab safety agreement needs to be completed, signed, and returned. Students must have a
completed lab safety agreement in order to participate in lab activities.
End of Course Exam (EOC)

 The Florida Department of Education has implemented the Biology EOC to measure student mastery of
the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards in Biology.
 This is a computer based test that is taken by every Biology student in the state of Florida.
 The EOC will count for 30% of the final course grade.
 You must receive a passing score on the EOC in order to receive “Scholars” designation on your high
school diploma.
Class Environment


Class Expectations

 Be on time, ready to work when the bell rings.

 Remain in your seat until excused to leave. It is considered a sign of disrespect to line up at the door.
 Come to class prepared.
 Show respect for yourself, others, and your school at all times.
 Follow instructions the first time they are given.
 Cell Phones need to be off and away unless you have permission to use them.
 During Assessments - Access to unauthorized materials will result in a failing grade and a disciplinary
referral. You are not allowed to listen to music during tests/quizzes.
 20/10 rule – students are not allowed to leave class during the first twenty minutes or last ten minutes
of class.

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