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● Infrastructure refers to “Economic and Social” overheads .These are the basic
services which facilitate production, consumption, distribution and exchange.
● Infrastructure is the set of basic facilities that help an economy to function & grow
such as energy, irrigation, roads, railway & telecommunication.
● There is a huge relation between infrastructure development and economic growth.
While infrastructure development facilitates economic growth, economic growth, in
turn, increases demand for more infrastructure.
● The National Statistical Commission headed by Dr. C. Rangarajan, attempted to
identify infrastructure based on some characteristics. The Rangarajan Commission
indicated six characteristics of infrastructure sectors.

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● Energy is a critical aspect of the development process of a nation. Beside industrial
uses it is also used on a large scale in agriculture and related areas like production and
transportation of fertilisers, pesticides and farm equipment. To sustain economic
growth one of the important components is energy

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● Power is an essential constituent of infrastructure affecting economic growth and
welfare of the country. In the last two
decades, India's power generation
capacity has increased considerably. This
is mainly due to the delicensing of power
generation in 2003, which enabled
unlimited participation of private
● As an economy which is energy
import-dependent, fossil-fuel-based
India must balance between the rising
demand for energy and an unhealthily
strong linkage between this demand and
environmental pollution.

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● Coal is variously referred to as the ‘black gold’, ‘black diamond’ etc. in reference to its
value in driving the economy. Coal is the most important and abundant fossil fuel in
India. It accounts for 55% of country's energy needs. The country's industrial heritage
was built upon indigenous coal.

History of coal sector in India

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Oil and Gas sector
● India is a rapidly developing nation with a growing population and a surging demand
for energy. The oil and gas sector is essential for powering industries, transportation,
and households, making it a vital component of the country's energy security and
economic stability.
● It encompasses the exploration, production, refining, distribution, and marketing of
petroleum and natural gas resources.
● The sector is characterized by a mix of public and private players, with the government
of India playing a significant role in its regulation and management.

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Renewable Sector
● The renewable energy sector in India has emerged as a critical pillar of the country's
energy transition and sustainability efforts. It encompasses various renewable energy
sources, including
solar, wind, hydro,
biomass, and
geothermal energy,
which are harnessed
to generate
electricity and meet
the growing energy
demands of the
● India's commitment to renewable energy has been underpinned by its ambitious goals
and policy frameworks. The
country has set ambitious targets
to increase the share of
renewable energy in its energy
mix, reduce carbon emissions,
and enhance energy security. The
growth of the renewable sector
has been fueled by government
support, technological
advancements, and private sector participation.

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Energy efficiency
● Energy efficiency in India refers to the concerted efforts and measures taken to
optimize energy consumption while maintaining or enhancing the same level of
output or service. It
involves reducing
energy waste and
improving energy
utilization across
various sectors,
including industry,
transportation, and
● Energy efficiency is a
crucial component of
India's energy policy and
sustainability goals, aiming to
balance the growing energy demand
with environmental concerns and
economic development.

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Transport Sector
● The transport sector in India encompasses various modes of transportation, including
road, rail, air, and water transport. It plays a critical role in facilitating the movement
of goods and people across the country and is essential for economic development,
trade, and connectivity.
● The sector is known for its
diversity, as it includes
everything from traditional
bullock carts and bicycles
to modern high-speed
trains and airplanes.
● The transport sector in
India is witnessing
continuous growth and
transformation as the
country strives to create a
more efficient, sustainable,
and well-connected
transportation network to support its economic and social development.

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● Road network provides the arterial network to facilitate trade, transport, social
integration and economic development. It is used for the smooth conveyance of both
people and
goods. The road
sector in India
accounts for the
largest share in
the movement of
both passengers
and freight.
● For the purpose
of construction
roads are
classified as,
Highways (NH),
State Highways
(SH), Major
District Roads, and Rural Roads.

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● With a modest beginning in India from 1853, the Indian Railways has emerged today as
the main vehicle for
development of the
country. It is the
backbone of India, and
provides low fare
transportation to
passengers as well as to
agricultural and industrial
trade. Apart from an
important means of
transport the Indian
Railways have been a
great integrating force for
more than 150 years.

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Civil Aviation
● Airways play a vital role as modern means of transportation and is important for the
growth of trade and commerce.The significance of airways multiplies during war time
situation, natural calamities and management. Travel and aviation sectors contribute
significantly to the GDP of most countries and thus, it is critical to ensure economic
growth and development.

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Shipping and Ports
● India has a rich maritime history and is strategically located along major international
trade routes, making it an important player in global shipping. The country's shipping
industry operates both
domestic and
international shipping
services, facilitating
the transportation of
goods and
commodities between
Indian ports and ports
around the world. The
sector encompasses
various aspects,
including ports,
shipping lines,
logistics, and related

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● Rivers, lakes, canals, backwaters and reservoirs primarily constitute the source for
inland Waterways.A stretch of water, not part of the sea, over which cra of carrying
capacity not less than 50 tonnes can navigate when normally loaded is called
navigable inland waterways.Inland waterways have been accorded a central role in
maritime development in India. Navigation in rivers, lakes and other water bodies by
smaller vessels connecting places has been the mainstay of our inland
waterways.Especially near ports and coastal areas, this has also evolved to
large-scale, commercial shipping.

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Logistics Sector
● Logistics comprises a network of services that supports the physical movement of
goods from point of production to point of consumption.
● It includes: transportation (rail, road, shipping, air services), inventory management,
warehousing & cold storage, integrated facilities (eg. industrial, multimodal logistic
parks), materials handling & packaging, integration of information etc.

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