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30 years management experience which includes: *15 years in higher education administrative positions *11 years progressive experience in the hospitality industry with 8 years as a property general manager. *4 years NCO in U.S. Army 22 years progressive faculty and administration experience in higher education at both the community college and university levels. Includes work as Vice-President, Dean, Division Director, Department Chair, Faculty President and instructional faculty. 4 years U.S. Army, including 3 years as Non-commissioned officer. Vietnam Era Veteran.

Full accountability for budget planning, development and administration in both public and private sectors. Creating positive climates for organizational change. Business turnaround and distressed property experience. Strategic planning background. Innovative marketing strategies. Collaborative management style. Collective Bargaining negotiating experience for both management and labor. Grievance and conflict resolution experience. Curriculum design and reform experience. Accreditation process and program review experience. Experience with Educational Master Planning. Experienced at developing student learning outcomes, program outcomes, and institutional effectiveness and assessment plans. Facilities planning, renovation and project management in both public and private sectors. Economic and workforce development program creation and oversight. Grants project development, management and reporting experience. Strong community partnership and resource development experience.


Moorpark College 2009 Present
Executive Vice-President: Serve as Chief Instructional Officer, Chief Student Services Officer, and Accreditation Liaison Officer, and member of collaborative District governance committees. Responsible for all instructional and student service operations of the college in an integrated model of operation. Moorpark College is a learning college that has an administrative team of 14 members, which includes 6 Deans; a full-time faculty of 155, part-time faculty of over 400; a classified staff of nearly 200, and an annual operational budget of $50 million. Accomplishments: Initiated governance process for General Education Reform, Outcomes and Assessment Planning Established and lead taskforce to develop comprehensive Enrollment Management plan Instituted electronic-only scheduling, and scheduling protocols that maintained productivity, identified curriculum core inventory, and course sequencing that maintained enrollments during significant budget reductions Instituted Curriculum Review Cycle and Prerequisite enforcement Created collaborative, operational management advisory group Successful Accreditation cycle and reaffirmation without restriction

Bakersfield College 2002 2009

Vice-President, Academic Affairs: (2006-2009) Chief Instructional Officer, overseeing 250 full-time faculty, 400 adjunct faculty and 300 classified staff in serving over 18,000 students per semester, delivering a full range of lower division transfer and career and technical education programs, workforce training and preparation and community service offerings. Responsible for an instructional budget for both general and restricted funds in excess of forty million dollars. Represent the administration on all college-wide committees and councils, and serve as Co-Chair on all instructionally related councils. Further serve as Accreditation Liaison Officer, Articulation Officer, and was an original member of the college Assessment Committee. Served on ACCJC site visit team Spring semester 2008. Accomplishments: Complete revision of the General Education program, outcomes and assessments. Revision of Course Scheduling and sequencing protocols and policy to increase student access and retention. Assisted in the development of a Strategic Planning Process, that links budget, planning and assessment. Realigned College Instructional Departments to increase management efficiency and effectiveness Non-Credit program development for enhanced funding and workforce preparation. Dean of Economic and Workforce Development: (2002-2006) Responsible for the fiscal and instructional operations of the program areas of Agriculture, Apprenticeship, Industrial Technology, Business, Computer Studies, Corporate and Community Services, Small Business Development Center, Environmental Compliance, and College Food Services. Previously, as Dean of Student Learning,, additionally responsible for the instructional departments of Allied Health, Life Sciences and Physical Sciences, and for the coordination of the offerings at community campuses and for the evening and weekend programs. Duties include planning, budgeting, budget management, program development, evaluation and review, outcomes and assessment development, and the hiring, professional development, supervision and evaluation of faculty and staff. Accomplishments: Partnerships with industry for program reform

Developed partnership network to build affordable housing in NRSA with City Integrated workforce and career and technical education programs


Principal Investigator and Project Manager for HUD HSIAC Grant 2003-2006 Grant Reviewer: National HUD HSIAC Grant Applications, Washington, DC 2005, 2006 State Chancellors, Industry Driven Regional Collaborative Grants 2004, 2006 Project Manager for grants management and reporting for: o VTEA (Perkins) for all BC programs o TechPrep (Perkins) for four colleges in Kern/Tulare Consortium o Employers Training Resource (WIB) contract o FIPSE (Congressional earmark for Planetarium upgrade) o Participation with InSites Co of Colorado in NSF grant project o General oversight for Chancellors Center of Excellence, Workplace Learning, Small Business Development (both state and federal funds) and Regional Environmental Business Assistance Center (REBRAC)

Kern Community College District: Chief Negotiator: 2003-2007: Collective bargaining for full contract negotiations, contract re-opening issues, grievance resolution and contract admininstration for the three colleges, district agreement with California School Employees Association (CSEA). Successfully negotiated two complete contracts, and settled mediation. Special Project Director: 2004-2005: Developed Education and Training Master Plan for Mammoth and Bishop Centers of Cerro Coso College. President, KCCD Professional Management Association: (2004-2008). Selected by district managers to serve as the President in the inaugural year of a district-wide professional management association. Reelected for an additional two-year term.

Linn-Benton Community College: 1993 - 2000:

Division Director, Business and Computer Systems, 1998 - 2000: Responsible for the direct management of division operations, including personnel, budgetary and curricular functions; providing leadership in academic affairs, and participating in divisional and institutional planning and management. Develop division policy and procedures, goals and budget themes consistent with college Institutional Effectiveness directives. Accomplishments: Developed Cisco Academy for Computer Systems Department Curriculum and Program Reform Course Scheduling and Sequencing Plan for enrollment management Department Chair, Business Management, 1996 - 1998: Senior faculty position, which in addition to regular teaching requirements is responsible for course scheduling, budget management, curriculum development and coordination, supervision of part-time faculty and classified employees. Faculty 1993 - 1998: Responsible for teaching courses in business disciplines to include quantitative methods, management science, accounting, marketing, management and economics. Also provided academic advising for 200+ students per year. Coordinated cooperative work experience for business management students. Additionally, active in department leadership, faculty association, and on college-

wide committees. Served as Faculty President 1997-1998.

The University of Georgia: 1992-1993

Faculty: Responsible for undergraduate and graduate student advising, and for teaching upper division courses in Hotel and Restaurant Administration.

Oregon State University: 1989-1992

Faculty: Responsible for teaching upper division courses in Restaurant Operations and Club and Resort Management. Served as an advisor to undergraduate student organization and on the Affirmative Action Planning Committee for the College of Business.

Adjunct Faculty Positions 1990 - 2001

Chemeketa Community College 1990-1998 Western Oregon State College 1991- 2001 Linn-Benton Community College 1991-1992 Oregon Coast Community College 1991.


Assessment Planning and Programs Outcomes Planning and Implementation Association of California Community College Administrators, Annual Conference, February 2009. Contextual Basic Skills for the Workplace California Community College Economic and Workforce Development (CCCEWD) Annual Conference, Newport Beach, CA April 2008. California Community College Association of Occupational Educators (CCCAOE) panel discussion, Workplace Learning Initiative Centers, Susan Scaffidi lead presenter. October 2007. Using Grants and Partnerships to Build Career Ladder Opportunities National HACU Conference, Denver CO, October 2008. Center for Teaching Excellence Annual Conference, Clark Atlanta University, January 2008. Annual Housing and Urban Development HSIAC Conference, April 2007, Houston, TX. Community College League of California (CCLC), November 2006, San Jose, California Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT), National Congress October 2004, New Orleans, LA, California Community College Association of Occupational Educators (CCCAOE) October 2004, Long Beach California. Effectiveness Audits and Outcomes Assessment Planning, Association of California Community College Administrators (ACCCA), February 2004, Oakland, California. Toward Global Workforce Management. Co-authored, Ms. Patti Hagopian, Eastern Michigan University. Presentation and Proceedings Cultural Diversity Conference University of Houston 1994 Presentations and Proceedings International CHRIE Conference Chicago, IL, 1993. Strategic Plan for Tourism Development for Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde in Oregon. International CHRIE Conference, Chicago, IL 1993. Minimum Wage Impact Study International CHRIE Conference, Orlando FL 1992. Marketability Study for Conference Center, commissioned by the City of Corvallis and Benton County. Completed June 1989.

Summary of Courses Taught

*Marketing (Lower /Upper Division) *Operations Management (Upper Division) *Management (Lower/Upper Division) *Principles of Accounting (Financial/Managerial) *Organization Behavior (Upper

Division) *Business Quantitative Methods *Money and Banking (Upper Division)

*Principles of Economics (Micro and Macro) *Services Management (Upper Division)

*Operations Research (Upper Division)


Progressive experience managing facilities; working through the hotel ranks from Catering and Sales, to Food and Beverage Director, to General Manager of full service properties. Highlights include: Distressed business turnaround planning and implementation Negotiated national franchise and returned profitability for a property in repossession Supervised and trained 200 employees in a rapid start-up of a high volume seasonal property Market planning and staff training resulting in a 300% increase in revenues in 6 month period Facilities planning, remodeling, renovation, new construction and project management Training Officer for multiple property company. Prepared training manuals and instruction Development of policy, procedure, organizational goals, and budget processes Full profit/loss accountability and cash flow management Golf professional for public and private facilities. Full course management responsibility, pro shop operation, event management, and profit/loss accountability

1990 1990 1977-78 1970-72


Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon December. 1990

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE: Business Administration

Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon. March 1990 General Business University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho


Kern County Workforce Investment Board 2007-2009 Youth Council Planning and Program Committee Bakersfield College Foundation Board of Directors 2006-2009 Leadership Bakersfield: Bakersfield Chamber of Commerce . Advisory Board, 2005-2009 WESTEC Board of Directors 2004-2009 Bakersfield Vision 20/20 Education Taskforce California Community College Chief Instructional Officers 2006-present California Community College Chief Student Services Officers 2009-present Association of California Community College Educators (ACCCA) 2002-present California Community College Association of Occupational Educators (CCCAOE) 2002-present Central Region Consortium Statewide Construction and Building Trades Committee 2003-2004 California Partnership for the San Joaquin Valley: Higher Education and Workforce Development Group Established by gubernatorial executive order to develop workforce solutions for the San Joaquin Valley Rotary International: Service began in 1983 Bakersfield Breakfast Rotary Club: President 2007-2008 President-Elect 2006-07 Board of Directors: 2004-present.

Rotary Club of Albany, OR

Board of Directors 2001-2002.

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