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Unit Focus/Content Area: Basketball

Lesson # 1 of 5

Date of Lesson: September 25th

Grade Level: Highschool 9/12

Collaborating Teacher (CT): Kelly Champion-Smith

University Supervisor (US): Dr. Nieman/Dr. Flory

Prepared by: Alex Thompson

Central Learning Focus/Objectives: Dribbling/Close Shooting

● Psychomotor

State- PE.912.M.1.16 Apply the principles of training and conditioning to accommodate

individual needs and strengths.
National- Standard 1: Demonstrate competency in many, and proficiency in a few, movement
forms from a variety of categories
Objective- Students will be able to dribble a ball 5 times in a row without stopping before the
class period ends.

● Cognitive

State- PE.912.C.2.17 Assess physiological effects of exercise during and after physical activity.
Interdisciplinary Focus- N/A
National- Standard 2: Identify, analyze, and evaluate movement concepts, mechanical
principles, safety considerations and strategies/tactics regarding movement performance in a
variety of physical activities.
Objective- Students will be able to discuss why performing exercise/physical activity is
important before the class period ends.

● Affective

State- PE.912.R.5.3 Demonstrate sportsmanship during game situations.

National- Standard 5: Exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and
others in physical-activity settings.
Objective- Students will be able to celebrate their own physical accomplishments throughout the
class period.
Assessment Plans:

● Psychomotor

● be able to dribble a ball 5 times in a row without stopping before the class period ends.


● During Task 2


● Teacher Observation

● Cognitive

● be able to discuss why dribbling is an important skill to learn in basketball.


● Throughout class activity.


● Teacher Observation

● Affective


● Celebrating physical accomplishments while displaying sportsmanship


● Throughout class activities.

● Teacher Observation

Materials/Equipment Needed (specific types & amounts):

- 5-7 Basketballs
- 5 Poly Spots.

Pre Class Setup:

Graham, G., Holt/Hale, S.A., & Parker, M. (2012). Children Moving (9th. ed.). New York:

How will you differentiate instruction for students who need additional language support
- If a student/students need additional language support, students may be placed

with another classmate who speaks the same language. Students who need

additional language support may also need additional instruction and or support

from myself.

How will you adapt/modify instruction and activities for students with disabilities?

- A smaller and or softer ball can be implemented into our 2 activities. Also providing the

students with the opportunity to shoot closer to the basketball if they are having

difficulties shooting from the poly dots.

Instructional Plan
Set Induction- Today is our basketball day, we will always begin with our lap around the
hallway or outside depending on how hot it is outside, We will then do our skill activity which
will then bring us to our game.

Introduction- We will first start off with our lap around the school as our warmup. After we
finish our warmup, we will work on a dribbling activity where we will focus on controlling the
ball while dribbling and then we will play a shooting game called Around The World.

Task 1:Warmup
Time: 10 Minutes
Materials/Equipment: None
Description: Students will begin with their usual laps around the hallways as it is too hot to our
lap’s outsides.
E: Having the students take a longer or shorter route for their lap.
R: Walking with the students to make sure they are staying on track.
A: Applying this warm up before performing any physical activity.
Transition to the next task: Now that we are warmed up, we will now head back towards the
gym and begin our next 2 basketball tasks.

Task 2:Line Dribbling

Time: 6 Minutes
Materials/Equipment: Basketball’s, Cones If Needed.
Description: Students will get into 2 lines. Students will then dribble the ball to a line on the
court. Once the students pass that line, students will then dribble back to their original spot and
hand their ball to the next student in line. Cones can be used in this if a student has trouble seeing
where the line is on the court. Students will emphasize keeping the ball controlled during this
E: Dribbling a further or shorter distance, dribbling with another basketball.
R: Assisting the students if they are struggling.
A: Applying dribbling to future basketball games/activities.

Transition to the next task: Now we will move onto our game, we will be playing around the

Task 3:Around The World

Time: 15 Minutes
Materials/Equipment: Basketball’s, Poly Spots
Description: 5 poly spots will be placed around the interior ( see the attached picture under
classroom set up). Students will begin at a spot that is located close to the right side of the
basket. One student will go at a time and shoot from that spot until they make it. Once the
student makes it from that first spot, they will move onto spot 2. Spots 2 through 5 are different
as if a student misses from spot 2 or 5, they have a chance to chance it which means if they take
the shot and miss, they go back to spot 1 but if they make it, they move onto the next spot.
E: Shooting from a further or shorter distance.
R: Assisting the students if they are struggling, implementing a different ball.
A:Applying the skill (shooting ) used from this game into future activities.

Closure: Everyone did a great job today with dribbling and our shooting game! If you had any

difficulties today it is okay as we will continue to practice and continue to get better.

Unit Focus/Content Area: Lawn Games

Lesson # 2 of 5
Date of Lesson: September 26th 2023

Grade Level: Highschool 9/12

Collaborating Teacher (CT): Kelly Champion-Smith

University Supervisor (US): Dr. Nieman/Dr. Flory

Prepared by: Alex Thompson

Central Learning Focus/Objectives: Tossing

● Psychomotor

State- PE.912.M.1.16 Apply the principles of training and conditioning to accommodate

individual needs and strengths.
National- Standard 1: Demonstrate competency in many, and proficiency in a few, movement
forms from a variety of categories
Objective- Students will be able to successfully participate in at least 2 different lawn games
during class activity.

● Cognitive

State- PE.912.C.2.17 Assess physiological effects of exercise during and after physical activity.
Interdisciplinary Focus- N/A
National- Standard 2: Identify, analyze, and evaluate movement concepts, mechanical
principles, safety considerations and strategies/tactics regarding movement performance in a
variety of physical activities.
Objective- Students will be able to discuss why performing exercise/physical activity is
important before the class period ends.

● Affective

State- PE.912.R.5.3 Demonstrate sportsmanship during game situations.

National- Standard 5: Exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and
others in physical-activity settings.
Objective-Students will be able to demonstrate sportsmanship by congratulating other students
throughout the class period.

Assessment Plans:
● Psychomotor

● be able to successfully participate in at least 2 different lawn games during class activity.


● During Task 2


● Teacher Observation

● Cognitive

● Be able to discuss why performing exercise/physical activity is important before the
class period ends.


● Throughout class activity.


● Teacher Observation

● Affective

● be able to demonstrate sportsmanship by congratulating other students throughout the
class period.

● Throughout class activities.

● Teacher Observation

Materials/Equipment Needed (specific types & amounts):

- Corn Hole Boards

- Bean Bags

- Ladder Golf

- 2 Mats

Pre Class Setup:

Graham, G., Holt/Hale, S.A., & Parker, M. (2012). Children Moving (9th. ed.). New York:

How will you differentiate instruction for students who need additional language support
- If a student/students need additional language support, students may be placed

with another classmate who speaks the same language. Students who need

additional language support may also need additional instruction and or support

from myself.

How will you adapt/modify instruction and activities for students with disabilities?

- For students with disabilities, standing closer to either lawn toss or cornhole can be

allowed. Also implementing a larger area to throw the objects would benefit the students.

Instructional Plan
Set Induction- Today's class will focus on tossing. We will begin the class with walking laps
around the hallway/gym. We will then move over to our 2 lawn games ( Ladder Golf and Corn

Introduction- We will begin our class with our laps. We will still be doing our laps around the
school because it is still too hot outside. Once we come back from our laps, we will get right into
our 2 lawn games (Ladder Golf and Corn Hole). I will explain the rules of the games before we
begin them. We will also swap places as one group of students will start at Ladder Golf while the
other will start at Corn Hole. The groups will switch after 10 to 12 minutes of game time.

Task 1:Warmup
Time: 10 Minutes
Materials/Equipment: None
Description: Students will begin with their usual laps around the hallways as it is too hot to our
lap’s outsides.
E: Having the students take a longer or shorter route for their lap.
R: Walking with the students to make sure they are staying on track.
A: Applying this warm up before performing any physical activity.
Transition to the next task: Now that we have finished our warmup, we can move over to our 2
lawn games.

Task 2:Ladder Golf

Time: 10 Minutes
Materials/Equipment: Ladder Golf Game, Mats.
Description: Prior to game play a line must be set 5 paces from the ladder. This is called the
toss line. The official toss line is 15 feet away but most players measure 5 paces from the
game ladder to set the toss line. This allows for a closer toss line for children’s games.
Ladder Golf is played in rounds, each round consists of all players tossing 3 bolas. The first
player must toss all 3 bolas before the next player is able to toss his or her bolas. Bolas can
be tossed in anyway the player chooses, as long as they are tossed individually and can be
bounced off the ground. The winner of the round earns the first toss in the next round. Games
are played to an exact total of 21. Mats will be placed under the game to keep the floor from
being damaged. If students are struggling, they can move closer to the game setup.
E: Having the students stand closer or farther from the game.
R: Assisting students with form and tossing skills.
A: Applying strategies learned in this game to other activities.

Transition to the next task: We will now switch sides, whoever was playing Ladder Golf will
switch over to Cornhole and vice versa.

Task 3: Corn Hole

Time: 10 Minutes
Materials/Equipment: Corn Hole Boards, Bean Bags
Description: 2 Teams will consist of 2 players. Teams will stand at opposite sides of the boards.
team members stand at opposite boards and alternate throwing bags at the opposite board.A bag
that goes through the hole is worth 3 points, and a bag that stays on the board is worth 1
point.The team with the higher score in each round gets the difference in points.The game
continues until one team reaches 21 points. If students are struggling, they can move closer to
the game setup.

E: Having the students stand closer to the boards
R: Assisting students with form and tossing skills.
A: Applying strategies learned in this game to other activities.

Closure: Everyone did a great job today with our lawn games!
Unit Focus/Content Area:
Lesson # 3 of 5

Date of Lesson: September 27th 2023

Grade Level: Highschool 9/12

Collaborating Teacher (CT): Kelly Champion-Smith

University Supervisor (US): Dr. Nieman/Dr. Flory

Prepared by: Alex Thompson

Central Learning Focus/Objectives:

● Psychomotor

State- PE.912.M.1.32 Apply sports specific skills in a variety of game settings.

National- Standard 1: Demonstrate competency in many, and proficiency in a few, movement
forms from a variety of categories
Objective- Students will be able to successfully hit the ball over the net 3 times before the class
period ends.

● Cognitive

State- PE.912.C.2.17 Assess physiological effects of exercise during and after physical activity.
Interdisciplinary Focus- N/A
National- Standard 2: Identify, analyze, and evaluate movement concepts, mechanical
principles, safety considerations and strategies/tactics regarding movement performance in a
variety of physical activities.
Objective- Students will be able to discuss why performing exercise/physical activity is
important before the class period ends.

● Affective

State- PE.912.R.5.3 Demonstrate sportsmanship during game situations.

National- Standard 5: Exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and
others in physical-activity settings.
Objective- Students will be able to demonstrate sportsmanship by complimenting a fellow
classmate during class activity.

Assessment Plans:

● Psychomotor

● Be able to successfully hit the ball over the net 3 times before the class period ends.


● During Task 3.


● Teacher Observation

● Cognitive

● Be able to discuss why performing exercise/physical activity is important before the
class period ends.


● Throughout class activity.


● Teacher Observation

● Affective

● Be able to demonstrate sportsmanship by complimenting a fellow classmate during class
● Throughout class activities.


● Teacher Observation

Materials/Equipment Needed (specific types & amounts):

- Volleyball Net

- Soft Bouncy Ball

Pre Class Setup:

Graham, G., Holt/Hale, S.A., & Parker, M. (2012). Children Moving (9th. ed.). New York:
How will you differentiate instruction for students who need additional language support

- If a student/students need additional language support, students may be placed

with another classmate who speaks the same language. Students who need

additional language support may also need additional instruction and or support

from myself.

How will you adapt/modify instruction and activities for students with disabilities?

- Students with disabilities can be assisted by implementing a different kind of ball if they

are struggling to hit the big bouncy one. The net can also be lowered for students who

may be struggling to hit the ball over. Also allowing the students to stand closer to the


Instructional Plan
Set Induction- Today’s class is Volleyball. Students will go through a warm up then will move
over to a quick skill activity then lead to a game.

Introduction- Today is our Volleyball day. We will begin the class with our usual walk around
the school. Once we return from our walk, we will then go into a quick passing activity then we
will finish up class with our volleyball game.

Task 1:Warmup
Time: 10 Minutes
Materials/Equipment: None
Description: Students will begin with their usual laps around the hallways as it is too hot to our
lap’s outsides.
E: Having the students take a longer or shorter route for their lap.
R: Walking with the students to make sure they are staying on track.
A: Applying this warm up before performing any physical activity.

Transition to next task: Now that we have finished our warmup, we will now move onto our

bumping/passing activity.

Task 2: Setting/Bumping
Time:10 Minutes.
Materials/Equipment: 4-5 Volleyballs or Different Balls
Description: Students will be placed with a partner and engage in a passing activity where they
will either bump or make a set to their partner.
E: Having the students take a longer or shorter route for their lap.
R: Assisting students with form during the activity.
A: Applying this skill to our next game or volleyball classes in the future.

Transition to next task: Everyone did a great job with our skill activity. We will now move
onto our volleyball game.

Task 3: Bounce Game

Time: 15 Minutes
Materials/Equipment: Volleyball Net, Bouncy Ball
Description: Students will be placed with a partner and engage in a passing activity where they
will either bump or make a set to their partner.
Extending/Refining/Application: We will now play our game. Students will be spread out into 2
teams. The rules of volleyball will be explained briefly as students have played this before.
Instead of stopping after the ball touches the ground, we will allow the game to continue to be
played as long as the ball is still bouncing. We implement a bigger and bouncier ball for the kids
so it is easier to hit and for safety purposes.
E: Having the students take a longer or shorter route for their lap.
R: Assisting students with form during the activity.
A: Applying this skill to our next game or volleyball classes in the future.

Closure: Everyone did a great job today with our volleyball activity today. Next week we will
continue to work on our Volleyball skills and I look forward to seeing how you implement the
skills you used today for the next time we practice Volleyball.
Unit Focus/Content Area: Manipulative Striking Skills.
Lesson # 4 of 5

Date of Lesson: September 28th 2023

Grade Level: Highschool 9/12

Collaborating Teacher (CT): Kelly Champion-Smith

University Supervisor (US): Dr. Nieman/Dr. Flory

Prepared by: Alex Thompson

Central Learning Focus/Objectives: Kicking

● Psychomotor

State- PE.912.M.1.23 Demonstrate proficiency of critical elements when striking with objects,
implements or body parts.
National- Standard 1: Demonstrate competency in many, and proficiency in a few, movement
forms from a variety of categories
Objective- Students will be able to successfully kick the ball at least 2 times during our kickball
game before the class period ends.

● Cognitive

State- PE.912.C.2.17 Assess physiological effects of exercise during and after physical activity.
Interdisciplinary Focus- N/A
National- Standard 2: Identify, analyze, and evaluate movement concepts, mechanical
principles, safety considerations and strategies/tactics regarding movement performance in a
variety of physical activities.
Objective- Students will be able to discuss why performing exercise/physical activity is
important before the class period ends.

● Affective

State- PE.912.R.5.3 Demonstrate sportsmanship during game situations.

National- Standard 5: Exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and
others in physical-activity settings.
Objective- Students will be able to demonstrate sportsmanship by complimenting a fellow
classmate during class activity.

Assessment Plans:

● Psychomotor

● be able to successfully kick the ball at least 2 times during our kickball game before the
class period ends.


● During Task 2


● Teacher Observation

● Cognitive

● Be able to discuss why performing exercise/physical activity is important before the
class period ends.


● Throughout class activity.


● Teacher Observation

● Affective
● Be able to demonstrate sportsmanship by complimenting a fellow classmate during class

● Throughout class activities.


● Teacher Observation

Materials/Equipment Needed (specific types & amounts):

- Bases

- Soft Kick Ball

Pre Class Setup:

Graham, G., Holt/Hale, S.A., & Parker, M. (2012). Children Moving (9th. ed.). New York:

How will you differentiate instruction for students who need additional language support
- If a student/students need additional language support, students may be placed

with another classmate who speaks the same language. Students who need

additional language support may also need additional instruction and or support

from myself.

How will you adapt/modify instruction and activities for students with disabilities?

- To modify this activity, students can kick a ball that is much larger than the standard

kickball we will be using. The bases can also be moved closer together in case a student

has trouble moving.

Instructional Plan
Set Induction- Today's lesson will focus around striking a ball with the feet. We will engage in
the warmup laps and then move onto a skill activity and then to our kickball game.

Introduction- We will begin

Task 1:Warmup
Time: 10 Minutes
Materials/Equipment: None
Description: Students will begin with their usual laps around the hallways as it is too hot to our
lap’s outsides.
E: Having the students take a longer or shorter route for their lap.
R: Walking with the students to make sure they are staying on track.
A: Applying this warm up before performing any physical activity.

Transition to the next task: Now that we have finished our laps, we will now break you into
partners to work on our kicking.
Task 2:Kicking To A Partner
Time: 10 Minutes
Materials/Equipment: Kickball
Description: Students will be separated with partners. Students will then kick the ball to their
partner. Students will focus on controlling the ball and kicking the ball with accuracy as we want
to make sure the ball is going to their partner.
E: Having the students kick the ball to their partner from a farther or shorter distance.
R: Assisting students with their kicking form.
A: Applying the kicking/passing to a different game such as soccer.

Transition: Everyone did a great job with our skill activity, we will now move onto our game.

Task 3:Kickball
Time: 10 Minutes
Materials/Equipment: Kickball, Bases
Description: After practicing kicking to a partner, we will now move onto our kickball game.
Students will be spread out into 2 different teams. Each member of a team will have the chance
to kick and once everyone kicks, the sides will continue to switch until the class period ends.
There are no outs during this game.
E: Having the students kick a larger ball and moving bases closer together.
R: Assisting students if they are struggling to kick the ball.
R: Assisting students with movements to the bases.
A: Applying kicking to other games like soccer.

Closure: Everyone did a great job today with our skill activity and our kickball game! We will
be doing soccer eventually this year so the skill we used today can be implemented once we
begin playing soccer this year!

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