6.3 Assignment - Calculate - GPA

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3 Assignment

Look at the chart below showing the calculation for Grade Point Average (GPA) on a 4.0 Weighted Scale

Assignment Instructions: Use the GPA calculator at the following link:


Input your current course grades for all classes you are taking this semester. Then, click SUBMIT.

Answer the following questions:

1. Is your GPA where you would like it to be? Yes or N

2. My GPA is almost where I want it to be
3. What are some strategies from Module 5 that may improve your grades (study habits, test taking strategies,
listening skills)? List at least (2) two strategies (things you can do) to improve your grades.
4. Get better at studing and be relaxed
5. Think about how your grades can improve if you use the strategies in number 2 and set a goal to end the
semester with a higher grade. Input the grades you think you can achieve in the GPA calculator. I think I can
reach 92+ in every class f i use these stratages
How much did your GPA change when you input the higher grade? Do you think you can make the higher grade
by the end of the semester?

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