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0 Bot\t palr:1 ol opposJc~ siuc& a,e 11uri1!


0 Both palrB of opposite aldei

ate 4<1.ual In

Li Bath pllin bf oppoilte an11lca .ar~ equal in size.

The d\llSOJ\t.ll5 bisect each other (but they are

not ni,cessarily ~WI!),

Summary of Pl'Of)Oftlq of a Rhombu»

D All four sides ore ~ual ln l~b.

D Both 11ltirs of oppo!ilc ,Ides are perll!lel . .

u .
Both. palr~ of oppolrite a ~ ve equal in silie.

The diqo~ b ~ the verux at!ile,,

The diagonals hllicd: each oth« at tight anw~.
Sus, -.-., nry cf Prupert'les •f II klto

l'wo-pain of adjucent ,Idea aro Ollllll but oppo!he ilda
arc not i:qulll.

¢ Tho dlagnlllll.s iutt:ra~'l at rlQht a.nglea. Tiu main

dlqonal bltccu the rutnoa- dllaoruii.

<I> Th~ CW13onal whlch joins the pointa of Jntenectloo o(

the llQUal slclc, biscctt. the vwttx ~

A t:a~um has ex.actly one piJ r of

opposn:e Jidiil parallel.

12~1 Ctas~ification of quadrilaterals
A quadrilateral is a closed plane figure bounded by four straight
lines. · ,. ,
[ ·. -'\,,

A ·trapezium is a quadrilateral with one and only one pair of
opposite ·sides parallel.
A parallelogram is a quadrilateral. with botli pairs of _opposite
sides parallel. ·
\ ·.
A rhombus is a parallelogram with one pair -of adjacent sides
• =
eqµal, but its angles are not right angles.

A rectimgle is a parallelogram with one angle equal to a right
· angle.

A square is a rectangle with one pair of adjacent sides equal.

A kite is a quadrilateral consisting of 2 isosceles triangles having
a common base. ·

$11mmary of propllrtics of a rcetangl,:, o.od a ,;
,; Square

· ·•-

Alt four aides of a .square are equal ln length.

:!ff. ; The opposite &:ides of 11. 1·ectar~i : _ i':,
' I , :,
I ,,;;;-:: length.
. !' .t;~, - -- -


AIi f®r allilcs ore 90°


D AU four a.ogles are 90° .

The &re eqaal in JEnrth.
The two diagonals
porpendic:ularly •
l7lscct each ot.her
C8J The diagonals are eg11al in length .
The diagonala l>isect each other.

.' ;,.. . The dlagcmals blseat the angles of the sq~.

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