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. .

·. 9E - ~ bsen+ · 90(2
8. Hiralall


Grade 9
T e rm l

Learner Guide

-_- _ -
' '·

Table of Contents ·
Whole Numbers ................................................................................····· ························· ····················
Num ber Systems ..................................................................................... ······ ............................. .··················3
·························································································································•• 8
. T h .
Cal cu Iat 10n ec n1ques ........................................................................... ···································· ····· ........... 10
Problem Solving .......................................................................................................................................... 11
Ratio ........................................................................ ................................................................................ 11
Rate ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ......................................................... 14
Proportion ............................................................................................................................................. •.... 15

Directly Proportion ................................................................................................................................. 15

Graphical representation of two variables in Direct Proportion ............................................................ 17
Indirectly Proportion ............................................................................................................................... 18
Integers ....................................................................................................................................................... 20
Exponents ................................................................................................................................................... 25
Exponential Exponent ............................................................................................................................. 28
Scientific Notation ................................................................................................................................... 30
Number and Geometric Patterns............................................................................................................... 35
Arithmetic Patterns ................................................................................................................................. 35
Geometric Patterns ............................................................................ ..................................................... 39

Exercise 2 Whole Numbers
From the list ofnumbers: -3; I ; -fi.; ✓9; O; 2; ../4, write down aU the
(1) natural numbers (2) whole numbers (3) integers Number Systems
(4) rational numbers (5) iITational numbers (6) real numbers
A real nomber is either
a rational number or on
irrational number.
Whole Natural
Number Real Non-Real Rational Irrational Integer 25
Number Number 4; -7; 0;5 ;{TT
,Is ✓ ~ I
r-s ~
R0flonals Irrationals
-7 ✓ V ✓ A rational number is any A real numbef Is either o
0 ✓ ✓ ✓ -,/"" number tha1 can be put In rational number or an irraflonal
~ ~ the form E. where p and q ore
5 ~
lnte~ and qr;. o
12 5 1 8
/,rr: ~-ff ;0,121231234..• ;{fJ
3+7 \_/""" L,/ 6: 6 ;2 ; 4 7 ; 13
-4.5 V. ~ I I

~ ~ Non-Integer Frocllons Integers
A norHnteger fraction Is o The Integers consist of the
-./9 ~ ~ fraction whose numerator natural numbers. O and the
is not c multiple of the opposites of the natural
denominator. numbers.
1 . § , 03 ... -2; -1;0; 1; 2; 3...
2 •4•"7

I 1

➔ ~o(\ (ect\ ... -5; -4; -3: -2: -1

Whole Numbers
The whole numbers
consist of the natural
numbers and 0.

0;1;2; 3; 4 ...


Nalu'al Numbers
The natural numbers ore
0 also referred to as the
GhS we.Jr counti'lg numbers.
1;2; 3: .....

i VY~ · IQ 11.e-0
7 I{)u ~---e.,r 3


Exercise 1
State whether the following numbers are rational, Irrational or neither:
(a) 0,25 (b) -4 (c) 1t+8 (d) ✓
1, Decide whether the·following numbers are rational or irrational numbers:
(e) (f) ✓9 (g) ~ (b) 5
(i) -ltlt G) 0,3232323232323232...
,fis ;-65,2;-,/sf ; '2;; 3,14 ;1t; 3fil; 5../-27
(le) 0,6820045370518346...
2. Given the 11st of numbers -7,7; 5; -1=6; 8; v'3s; 36; ~1 ;
(l) ~ (m) V7i (n)
-3 (o) write down: ·
a) a prime number
(p) 2it (q) 011 (r) ~ (s)
b) an irrational number
~111Y!l1111!! c) a factor of32
(a) Rational (Tenninating decimal)
d) a 5Quare number
(b) Rational (Integer)
(c) !national (The sum of an irrational number and a rational mnnber is always inational) e ) an unreal number.
(d) Irrational (11 is not a perfect square, thcrofurc the square root of I I is irrational)
(e) Neither (Square root of a negative is non-ru!)
(f) Rational (9 is a perfect square, therefore the square root of 9 is rational) 3. dasslfy each number below as an integer, fraction, mixed number or
(g) Rntional (Any common fraction is rational)
{h) Neither (Division by Ois undefined)
- decimal number:
Rational (This equals I, which is an integer and therefore rational)
Rational (Recurring decimal)
a} !~ b ) -0,67
(Jc) Irrational (Non-terminating, non=riDg decimal)
(l) Rational (!'hill equals -2 since~ is the cube of- 2. -2 is an integer and therefore rational) c) 5416 d) 6.!
(m) Irrational (It is real, because cube roots of negatives are real, but, since 7 is not a perfect 18
cube, the cube root of-7 is irrational). e) 45 f } 0,375
(n) lrratio.nal (Any fraction of an irrational number is irrational)
2. Whole Numbers: N0 ={0;1;2;3;4;5; ...J
g} 1,397 h) -Sf9
I ) 6903 651 27
3. Integers: Z ={...;-3;-2;-1;0;1;2 ; 3; ...} J) 9l8
4. Rational Numben: Q ={!!..
b.·ae .Z·be
, Z·' bcto} k) -436,029 I ) 121
- Integers
- Proper Fractions
• Improper fractioru and mixed numbers 4. Write each of the rational numbers below as a common fraction In Its
• Terminating decimals
- Recurring decimals --:Simples t form (without the use of a calculator):
5. Irrational Numbers: <:/ 20
a) b) 48
- Non-termm'ating, non-recurring decimals. 24 -so
- Square roots of number.I that are not perfect squares, cube roots of numbers that are not 5
perfect cubes etc, c) 240 d ) _7....li_
e) 5§. 85
f ) 170

Natural N tor Natural For example, if two number are in a ratio, 5:2 we can let the first number equal SK and
. ~atural numbers are counting numbers ( l, 2, 3, ... 1(N 1) and the positive :-
the second 2K.
integers of the whole numbers (0, 1, 2, 3, ... ) (Nol, Mathematicians use the
term "natural" in both cases. Examples
Express 0,2 : 0, 15 as a ratio between whole numbers, mm sunp11:l11 Lu1w•.
,Whole numbers
The natural numbers are also referred to as the counting numbers (1, 2, 3>'.:.}. ~
Look at the number with the most decimal places (in our example, this is 0, 15).
To make this a whole number, we need to multiply by 100.
;l~teger (Z forZahlen ('numbers' in German))
Now multiply both parts by I00:
Integers are the natural or whole numbers and their negatives(. .. -3, -2, -Lo, 0,2x100 : 0,15xl00
--1, 2, 3, ..• ).
= 20 S
Now simplify this by dividing both parts by the HCF:
Rational (Q for Quotient) 20 15
Rational numbers are numbers that can be expressed as a traction of an 5 5
i nteger (that is a ratio of an Integer). Rational numbers can be added,
~~btra~ted, multiplied and divided. Eg.½ = 0,5 or½::a 0,333 ... Rdtlonal decimal
expansions end or repeat. · Example6

A shop sells two soft drinks: Fizzy Cool and Berry Sparlc. Their prices are m tnc raIJo:
Price of Fizzy Cool : Price ofBerry Spark.. 3: 4. .
These numbers cannot be written as fractions of whole numbers. l;afional
You buy 5 Fizzy Cools and 7Berry Sparks a total ofR52,89.
decimal expansions neither end nor repeat. What is the price of each drink?
Real (Rfor Real) . Solution
Real numbers are all the numbers (all the points) on the continuous, infinitely Let the price of Fizzy Cool be 3.t and the price ofBerry Spark 4k
long number line with no gaps. It is a collection of every possible_infinite Sx3k+1x4k=52,89
decimal expansion. Real numbers may be rational or lrratlonal, anq .algebraic :.15k+28k = 52,89
or non-algebraic (franscend&ntal), The numbers rr = 3.14159 ... and e = .•. 43k = 52,89
2 71828 ... are transcendental. A transcendental nu~ber con never be :. le= 52,89
written as on exact fraction of a whole number, it requires on Infinite series of 43
terms. =1,23
:. Fizzv Cool costs 3XR1,23 = R3,~~-- _ Berry Spark costs 4xR1,23 =R4,92

4 12

If there are 20 boys, how .many girls are there
• • '(
(f) The ratio ofboys to girls at a party is 4 ; 3. sport s bar is 2:5. lfthe re are 35 people',
orters in a
Exam ple 7 (g) The ratio of Lions supporters to Sharks supp
in the bar, how many aro Sbar b supporters?
ratio of ifs length to its breadth 1s :, : j,. in a 3 : 5. What is the ratio between their squares?
The perimeter of a rectangle is 280 m. The (h) Two numbers are ratio
er and its cube is I:3. What is the aumbetl
The ratio between the square of a numb between
Detennine the area of the rectangle. (i) the side ofsquare B. What is tbe ratio
0) The length of square A is twice the length of
Solution the area of square A and square B?
8. What are the angles?
Let the length be 5k and the breadth 2/t The angles of a triangle are in a ratio 1 : 3 :
(k) s of a triang le is I : 2 : 6. What is the ratio between the
The ratio betwi:en the interi or eng.le
Perimeter = 2 x Length+ 2 x Breadth (I)
exterior angles? cities are 8 cm apart on the map, how far are
:.28 0=2 x5k+ 2x2 k (m) The scale on a lIIIIJ> is 5 cm= 10 km. If two
:. 280 = l0k+ 4k apart ln reality?
:.28 0=1 4k
.-.k= 20
: . Length =5X 20:I U0m
chan ges in comp ariso n to anoth er.
Brea dth= 2x20 = 4-0 m • Rate is a meas ure of how one quan tity
Area =Leng th X Breadth • Two quan tities usual ly have diffe rent

=10 0m x 40m Spe ed, dist anc e and tim e will work with in real life Involve speed ,
2 Some of the most comm on rates that you
= 4000 m time and distan ce.
ce, speed and time are:
The formulae that we use to calculate distan
Exercise 1

Spee d= distance
time IA
Express the following !IS a ratio in its lrimp
(1) 18 to 12 (2) 24
lest form:
to 32 (3) 15 to 25
Dista nce= spee d x time
Time= distance
This triangle can help
(5) 9tol 5to2 l (6) 1000 to JO to JOO • speed
(4) 30to 20 0,01 to 0,00001 In the triangle, d repre sents distance.
you to reme mber these
(8) 0.,36 to 0,06 (9)
(7) 1,6 to 1 6 kg to 600 g to 3000 g s repre sents speed and t repre sents time. formu lae.
(1 I) 30 cm to 1,5 m (12)
(IO) 2,4 to 0,8 to 0,16 • f 1

Example 1
Calc ulate the miss ing D1UI1ber: If a car drives 200 Jan in 2 hours, delermine
7 : 3 =? : 9 (3) ]5:? =5: 3 . speed 1n km/h.
(I) 3 : S = 30 : ? (2)
(6) ?: J000 =40 0: 1000 0
(4) 200 00: ?"" 1000: 1 (5) ? : 400 =4: 100
dista nce
(7) ? ; 0,2= 7:6 (8) 8om :lm =?:2 50 ,spee d =
20 seconds: 2 minutes= 1 : ? (10) 30 g:? mg" ' 40: 1 time
(9) 200 Ian
c. 100 lcm/h
Div ide the num ber 720 into the following (3) 2:1 :3
(1) 5 :4 . (2) I :9

10 20 30 40
I run at 6 mis. How far can I run In a minute?
30 60 90 120
distance speed x time y _ 30 _ 60 _ 90 _ 120 _ X JO 20 30 40 1
Notice: 3 or ---:=r-=-c-=-
== (6 mis) x (60s) X 10 20 30 40 ' y 30 60 90 120 3
The Is a positive constant ratio between the two variables
Exercise 1

You may use a calculator in this exercise. Assume that the rates remain constant.
(a) A car travels at 80 km/h.
(1) How long does it talce to travel 320 km? Example2
(2) How far will the car travel in 10 hours? 1
(3) Convert this rate (80 km/h) to a rate measured in mis. !fit takes you I 5 minutes to staple 90 booklets, bow many booklets can you stRpJe iD 20 minutes?
(b) If you can consistently run 80 min 16 s, Solution
(I) how long will it take you to run 400 m?
It would be reasonable to a&mne that the number of book.lets you staple .ill directly proportional tc
(2) bow far can you run in 1 minute and 4 seconds? the time taken. The more booklets you staple, the ionger it takes.
(c) A car consumes fuel at a rate of 80100 km. Letx be the munber of booklets you stapJe and y the time you take in minutes..

How many litres is needed to travel 400 km?
How far you can tzavel with 50 fl
Water is drained from a tank at ara1e of25 litres per minute. .
/ N_umber of~~ets s;&;ied (x) taken m lD.!.n~)
15 _
20 .
(1) If there is 3000 litres in the tank, how long will it taJ_ce ~ the t3?1'
1s eJll!lty? Since the constant ratio .is the same for all ratios in this example we can write:
15 20 ,
(2) How much water was in the tank if it could be emptied 111 10 IIIUllltes?_._ . .
90 a
.-. I Sa= 1800 [cross-multiplyJ
:. a::::120
i'ou can staple 120 booklets in 20 minnt,,.•
Proportion Example3

Directly Proportion The following table shows the voltage (in V for volts) connected to a fil re.sister and tho CllT'T'ent ('
• When two variable quantities change in such a way that the ratio between them A for amperes) that is measured flowing through it
remains constant and is positive.
60 h
• If one variable increases (or decreases), then the other variable will decrease ( or
12 15
increase) Calculate the value of a and b.

45 15 b .l5
a 3 -=--
15 3
.·.J5a=I35 :.3b =225
.::~a ==9 :.h=-15

15 16
Graphical represen tation of two variables in Direct Proportion
The following table shows 1hc voltage (in V for volt) oonncctcd t
Indirectly Proport ion

SCl ·
A for ampere) that is measured flowing through it: 0
a resistor and tho current (i

E l½ l ;s \ :o \ :s I !; l-~~ I Two variable quantities are said to be Indirectly Proportional if they are
change in such a way that their product remains constant.
Sketch~ gra.!'11 of voltage Vs. current, placing voltage on tha y-axis (vertical axis) and cwrent
the x-axis (honzontal axis). · 01
Soltttloo. y Example 1
As you can see, the graph is a positively-sloped A fixed mass of gas ill kept Inside a large container at a fixed temperature. The capacity of
straight line, passing through the origin. container, and hence the volume of the gas, is 'Y!lriablc. The following table shows the volume
m3.) of the gas in the container and the pressure (In kPa for ldlopascal) inside the coutain&,r.
€6 I
i 4,:>+--- • Volume f;t) I
_ Pressure_ a) _ 300
0,4 I I I I
_ 100 _ 75 _ 40
1,6 b

~ 3u-t-- -
Do the two variables appear to be directly or invmcly proportional? Motivate.your amwt
As.,uming that the two VIIIiables are In fact inversely proportional, calcolatc a and b.
(a) Inversely proportional. 0,4X300=-1 ,2xl00 = 1,6x75=120
. The product of the varial
remains constant
3 9 12 15 (b) 0.8a="'(0,4)(300)
Cunent<A) bx40=(0,4) (300)
:. 0,8a=l20 :.40b-=120
The graph showing two directly proportiona l variables is a positive sloped straight line :.a=lSO :.b=3
passing through the origin.
In the tol1owmg tables, the two VBnDbles x and y am dire<:tly proportional. In each case:
(i) Find fhc values of a and b.
(ii) Draw a graph of y vetSUs x, using an appropriate scale on each of the axes (not
necessarily the same scale on both.)
(1) x
12 ('2) 1 s_.___!____!_~

(3) ; ~~ 0~8 b (4)11---..::;' ---+-.;;.;

'-0'-jt---':-:-- 1
(b) If 15 sandwiches are sold for R12, what would 12 sandwiches' be sold for?
{c) If 6 mco can dig 4 ditohc:i in an hour. How many men would be required to dig 6 ditches ln an

17 18

Ii-----..,, ease



3z = 27 x!=7.7
• aO = 1 • Vofn = ai
_.. 1
• a ... =-

Graphical representation of two variables Indirectly Proportion
The following tablo shows the number of mon working on a job and the time in hours it tabs
oomplete tho job:
Number of men 1 2 4 5 10 20 hours 20 10 4 2 l 5
Sk_etch the graph of time in hours vs. number of men, placing time in hours on the y-axis (vertii
llXIS) and number of men on the x-axis (horizontrd axis).
20 -(1;20)

j Tho type of curve we ·have here is called a

15 hyperbola. When aketcbing an hyperbol a we always
l use tho same scale on both axes.
(Notice that we don•t draw a solid curve, since
fractions of men atc not possible and thcrefotc not
j 10 \ (2;10)
all points on the curve are possible).
•.s The graph showing two inv6I'8ely proportional
! .5i-f.-4~- -=- (4. S)
variablcg is a hyperbola.

4 c,; 4)

........ (10;2) _.._______
............ (10;1)

++-1-4- -1-~-_,.
. -t--+-li-15
'-t~2H3+ +5-t-+-t- t---+ x
10 0
N••bcrol mea

Exercise 1

1? the fo~owing tables, the two variables x and y are .inversely proportional. ln each case:
(L) · Find the values of a and
(ri) Draw a graph of j> versus x, using an appropriate scale.
(Use the same ~oalc on both

I; I! I: !&1 00
I : I ~:; I I : I c)1 02
t--~ ; ____;!~J_;;:_~--1f

(b) Use the concept of indirect proportion to answer the following questions:
(1) Two mothers each buy the same pack of 1'wects. The one mother has 3 children and
can give each child 12 sweets. How many 8\"Wets oan the other mother give to each
child if she has 6 children?
(2) If 6 men can dig a ditch in 2 hours. How many men would be required to dig tho ditch
in.3 hours?
(3) Jfyou travel at I 00 km/h a journey taka!J 40 minutes. How long does the same joumoy
take ifyou travel at 80 km/h?

Exercise 1
1. PRODUCT RULE: To multiply when two bases are the same, write the base and ADD the e1tponents. Simplify:
:,:"' • :x" =:x"'+n x-•
Examples: 1. 3.43 15. x•~ 27. :r--
A. x3 . xs = xn B. 24. 22 = 26 2. 4,r3. 2x3 x•y•

3. XS •X3
2. QUOTIENT RULE: To divide when two bases are the same, write the base and SUBTRACT the
4. 2xJ.2,r2 cu•yr
17. Uey4
29. r3C/ZJ<r3J


B. v=32 C. x•:r =xy2
s. ;.

18. csryr
2oxy• 31.~
A . r• 3
~=x u' 6. ;-; 19.y- 7

Arfl/ base (except 0) raised to the zero power is equal to one.

7. ao 20. 7- 2
r'= 1 8. -(9X)O 21. ..!..
33. (2.r3y- 3 r 2

Examples: x-• iz"y-4

9. (y4)3 1 34. RJC'r
A. y 0 =1 8. 6° =1 10. (X2y) 4
35. (4x4y-•)3
23.x 5 -r- 1
4. POWER RULE: To raise a power tD another power, write the base and MULTIPLYthe exponents. 11~
. 2.r' 36. Sx 2y(2.r 4y- 3)
(r")• = x-·• 24. r-6
Examples: 12.u>
25. x 9 • x-7 37.~
(-1a•b•:;i- 4
A. (xl)2 =x6 13. (2cd 4) 2(cd) 5 26. u- 13
)U 4 )U 6 ) (-za'&2 c~-l:
14. (2/g4)4(Jg) 6

Examples: Exercise 2
A. (2a)
"" 2 3 a3 = aa3 (a) Simplify the following:
B. (6r3)2 = 6'(xl)2 = 36x6 (1) 2x3 x2.r3 (2) 2.x-3 + 2.x3
(3.r3x2x3)-+-(3x +zxl) (4) 3x3x2.r 3
(b) Simplify 1he following, leaving your answer with positive exponents:
bar, the sign -x:-7 a6h-8c
Ii. NEGATIVE EXPONENTS: If a factor in the numerator or denominiltOr is moved across the fraction x-12
of the exponent Is changed. (1) x-7 (2) x-12 (3) a-8b6c-3

(c) Simplify the following, leaving your answers with positive exponents:
Examples: (1) (x-3 )4 (2) cx2r' (3) (x-2 )-2
C. --4xsy-2 = -;:• (4) 3
(--4x- )3 (5) (-2-x:3)4 (6) (x4 )2+(x2)4

(7) 2(-x:
4 2
) +4(.r)4 (8) (-.r3)2.(-xZ)3 (9) 2(-x·4)2x4{- x2)4
E. (3x-2y)(-2xy -3) = -6.r-ly-2 = ~
(10) (3x4 )2-(U) 4 (11) 3(-2a3 )2-2(-3a2 )3
(12) (3x4)2. (2x2 )4 (13) 3(-2a3 )2 x2(-3a2 )3

26 27
(d) Simplify the following, leaving your answers with positive exponents:

(l) ( ;: J (2) (1~;i J (3) (-t)- J 2 (e)

(4) ( ~~:
r (5) ( !1a~;1J
- 3(ak1b2f3 x(ab)-s 9
(6) ( ~
x+ y
::: J [write 4 to base 2]

[rewrite _!._ as r 2
by using the rule a-" = -
(7) x3 y-6 (8) (-3b-s)2 ( ) x-1 + y_,
;, 2-lr =2 {multiply exponentB]
:.2-2.z ='l: [write 2 as 'l:]
Exponential Exponent :.-2x=l [equate exponentsJ
~ 11 mp1e1.,
32x =:9

ss =_!__

2-1'-4 ""1

(¼J =2
(c) 5.5'1' =125 ---·
Exercise 3

Solve 1he following equations:

~t 25
(1) ZX=2 (2) ZX=4 (3) ZX=8 zr =16
~lotions (4}
f~)· 32.r =9 (b) 2x-4 =1
ZX =l
3x ==3
JZ c:l
4" =64
(8) :JZ=Zl
... 32.r - 3 2
[write 2510 base S] .-.r .. 2° (1 =: 2°1 (13) s• =25 (14) s.r =125 (15) 10"' =100
S" =l
11• =121
:.2x=2 [equate exponents] ;.x-4=0 [equate exponents] (17) 6.r--l =36 (18) ~ I =64
:.x=l [divide by 2) : . .r=4 [solve]
(19) -t-z=49 (20) F2=1
(21) 32(.,,...I) =81 (22) 2.z" =32 (23) 3.3.,=9 (24) S.5.r-5=5
(25) 2.3" =162 (26) 7'b, 7z =7 (27) 8".2 =128 (28) 9.3"=~
5.5" =125 (b) Solve the following equations:
~etbod 1 Method2 2"=.!.
(1) ('l) 3.1:=.!. (3) 4.1:=.!. (4) 6.1:=.!.
:.5" =25 [divide both sides by 5] 51.5" =]25 [add cxpollCllls oflike base8] 2 3 4 6
.',5x =52 [write 25 to base 5] :. 5l+x =125 [add c,xponcn1s of like bascs] (5) z.r =.!. (6) 3" :.!. 3'•=...!..
4 . 9
(J) (8) 4" =..!.
:.x=2 [equate exponeol3] ;. 5l+x =53 [write 125 to base SJ 27 16
:.1+x=3 (equate exponents]
(9) sx:a_l
(10) 7x-l ::_!_
(11) (½T .. 2 (12) (½T ~4
= ..!_
(d) S"

=..!_ [cxpreas 25 88 5 2
(13) (½T =9 (14) (¼T =1 (15) (¼T =16 {16)
ar= 9

..!. as s-4 by uaing the rule a..,, .. ..!.. in reverse]
= 2~
(18) 3(½T .. 31 (19) 3 (tr' =t '(20) l8 ' i2"-1
:.5" =s- 2
51 a"
:.x=-2 fequate e:xponootsl

28 29
(c) Solve the following equations:
(1) 4"=16.r-l (2} 144.t =12 (3) 13• 32.t -]
- (4)
Gr=;7 1,49597870691x1011 km (b) 6,0268Xl0.1 m
(5) 4% =16.:--1 (6) 9"'"1 =27"'+1 (7) (3ttl)3 =9"'"3 (8) (½fl =4-•
73 500 000 000 000 000 000 000 kg

1 2
(9) 3• ·9"'"1=81 (11)
(10) 0,4" =0,064 (12)
(¾r 8
= 21 When large are written in scientific Notation , the exponen t ofthe 10 will
always be Positive.

Scientific Notation
~ g amau numoen 1n sg~Dllc :o~nog . .
Negative exponents allow for tmng sc1entifio nollltion to represent very small numbers. For example.
Scientists and mathematicians write very large or very small numbers In scientlffc ~-,23-><_10-14 =l,23+100 000 000 000 000 = 0,000 000 000-000 0123
notation, which makes the numbers easier to work with. A number written in
sclentiftc notation ls written as a significand multiplied by a power of 10. The ~,o,o,o,o,o,o o,o ooooo 3
stgnlficand must be a number between 1 and 10: 1 :SA< 10. .; :

Shift the comm.a ·14 places to the left.

Any number written in scientific notation will look like: When writing a small number In scientific notation, the number before tbe comma must be greater
equal to I, but less than 10. This means that you must make sure there is exactly one digit (but not 0)
slgnificand ➔ AX1 on (- power of 10
t,efore the So, to write a small lillD!ber in scientific notation:
·· Move the comma to the right, till right after the first non-zero digit
Count the number of digits after between the new position of the comma and the original
Writing large 11umben in scientific notation position of the comma
Write x10- (Dlllllber ofdigils cowded)
When writing a large mnnber in scientific notation, the number before the comma must be
equal to 1, but loss than I0. This means that you must make sun: there is only one digit
(but no! Examples
before the comma. So, to wrire a large number in scientific notation:
• Move the comma from the left to right after the first non-zero digit. (a) The mess of an elec1ron is 0, 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 911 g . Write this
• Cotmt 1he number of digits after between the new position of 1he coIIIIIUI and the origir
position of the comma. number in scientific notation.
• Write xlo1111111berofdigits C01111ted '(b) The probability of winning the lottery is approximately 0,000 000 071 511. Write this
number in scientific.notation.
Examples (c) The charge of an electron is -].6xl0-19 (C is the symbol for coulomb, the unit fur charge.)
Write this as a normal number.
(a) The distBnce between the earth and the sun (also known as an astronomical unit), is
149 597 870,691 km. Write this in scientific notation. Solg(ions
(b) The radius ofthe planet Saium is approximately 60 268 000 m.
Write 1his In scientific noflltion.
(a) 9,llx10-28 g (b) 7,151lxl0-s . (c) --0,00000 00000000 0000016C
(o) The IllllS8 of the moon is appro~ ly 7,35xla22 kg. Write this as a normal number.

30 31
When small are writte n in scientific Nota tion, the
expo nent of the 10 will
always be Negative. (a) (2,Sx3)x(l04 x101) [commutative and associative properties]
= 7,Sx1012 [add exponents oflOJ
(b) (6+3)x(H>1° +lo" ) [divide numbers and divide powcn of lOJ
Exercise 1
t'I. Write eacn numo er m correct sc1ent1t1c notation: = 2x106 [subtract exponents of l O]
)!;_ a} 7 324 589 000 b} 53 000 000 c ) 0,000
0801 1581002 (c) (-9x- 5)x(J 0_, xta1 1)
\l Write each numb er In decimal form:
a) 9px1 01 b) 7,32x lo-4
=45X 10 6
c) 1,32X 101 d) ·8,06 3XlD ° =4,5xJa1x106
3. Write the followlng numbers in ascending order of size: =4,SxI0 7 [write in standard scientific notation]
o,2 x 10
3,25 x 107 0, 0156 x 109
4, Write 365 billion in scientific notat ion.
(d) (2 _;8)X(1012 +1015 ) (f) (3,6+ 4)x(l o-10 + 10-5)
s. Write 45 millio nth in scientific notat ion.
l = o,2sx10-3 = o.9x1 0-1o-<-5J
== 2,sx1 0-1 x10- 3
Multiplication and division of Scientific Notation = 0,9x10-s
Calculate the following, without using a calculator, !IDd leave
= 2,5xl 0-4 = 9x10 -1 x10-s
your answer in scientific notation.
'.e) (3,2X 2,5)x (Hr10 x10-n )
{a) (2,Sxt a4)x(3 x108 ) = 9xlo45
(b) x 4 21
3 10 ·-·•··•-····:::i·-8x l0- ___ _ ---··-·- --···-·· -- -- .
(c) (- 9Xl0-! l)X(- 5Xlol )1
2xte>12 Addition and subtraction ofnum ben in 1cientiflc notatl
sx1015 og
When adding or subtracting numbers in scientific notation,
3,6x10-10 we need to niwritc the nmnbers so 1hcy
(c) (3,2X1 Q- IO)X(2,5 X10- 11 ) (f) have tho same power of 10 and then add or subtract them as
we do like terms in Algebra.
4x10-5 Remember tho following when doing this:
· When multiplying or dividing numbcts in sclontific notation, we rely on the exponent laws • When increuing the ex.ponwt of the 10, we move
the comma af the number to the Jeft
to deal compensate for this. Move the comma 1he same number
of plaoes as the number by which >
: with the powe!S of 10: ho"'x10" = to-'! end hO" +10" ==lo-"! increased the ~xponcnt oftho 10.
• When decre asiq the exponent of the 10, we move
the comma of the number to the right
compensate for this. Move the comma the same numbe
r of places as the number by which }
decreased tho exponent ofthe 10.


Calculate the follow
.-s ing, without wing a calculator and lca.v
e your answer in scientific nor.ation·
Number and Geometric Pat tern s
(a) 3,2xiv - +2xl08 (b) 2,5xlot4 2 x 1013
- ()
c 3xl0, +2x108 •
(d) -2,lxl O-u +3x1 0-13 (e) (-3,2x 10-1O)+(-2,Sx10-11) A numbe r sequence ls o set of numbers formed by
using a rule to establish each term. number
so1uuons In o sequence Is known as a term. The name of the term
reflects the number's position In the
(a) 3,2x108 +2xto8 sequence. Term 2 is the second number In the sequence,
{d) -2,1x1 0-11 +0,03x1<>2x10-13 and so on_
1 The rule must be true for every tenn of the sequence.
=5,2X 10 =-2,lx lo-ll + 0,03Xl0-11
(b) 2,5x1014 -0,2x 1014 = -2,07x 10-ll ~pe of i Description Examples
=;2,3xla14 iiquonce i
(e) (-3,2x 10-10 )+(- 2,5xl0 - 11) ' ~ etic_l .An arithmetic sequence is I; 11; 7; 10; 13; 16; 19; 22 ...
(c) 3xlo-5 +2xto B = -3,2x1 0-1O - 0,25x l 01 x10-11 equence crealed by adding o constant The pattern is continued by oddlng 3 to the
· value each time. previous number each lime.
=0,003><103 x105 + 2xl08 =-3,2 x10-1O -o,2sx 10-1O
'Geometric A geometric sequence is mode 9; 27; 81; 243; 729; 2 187 ...
=0,003X108 t2Xl08 "'-3,45X10-IO i llq_uence by multiplying by some volue The pattern is continued by muNlplying !he
i: eochttme previous term by 3 each lime.
=2,00 3x108
Arith metic Patterns

Exercise 2 Identifying a relationship between consecutive terms

(1) (2,Sx t1 )x(4X l012 ) (2)

9xla1 8 Example 1
3x109 Formulate a rule to genera te the next three terms in
the numbe r pattern:
(3) (-1.3:><1014 )x(-2 Xl!)-8) (4) (5X10-a)(4Xl0-9)
2; 4; 7; 11; _ ; _ ; _
2x10 -3 (l.5x1 0-7X4x1 020 )
(5) (6) Solution:
-sx10 -15 3xl0 ~
(7) 4 2xl012 +3xl 013 14
2,05x l0 -3xl0 12 The first term in the sequence Is 2.
• (8)
If you odd two you will get the second term.
(9) 4,3x1 0-11 +5,6x l0-u (10) l,3xl0 -19 + 2,3x1 0-20
Then you odd 3 to ftad the third term.
3,576 32XI0 - -2,32Xl0"'. 14
(12) -3xtOS +5xl 06 +2 +3 +4
...------.,._ ,...-------.... ,,.,..---...
3xto -9 +2x1_0-10 2,03><1017 -3x101s 2 4 7 11
(13) (14)
7,9xl 0-20 + 1x10-21 4x1W To find the next three terms you continue the pattern:
add three to the second, odd 4 to the
2,sx10-14 -sx1 0- 15 10 third term.
(15) (16) 8,19><1011 + 8,lx 10 +5 +6
2xlo- 4 x4x10 -6 ,,..,---...... ........---..._,,---+7
11 16 22 29
So, the next three terms in the sequence will be
16; 22 and 29.

34 35

Example 2 Example3 Exercise 1
Formulate a general rule for the number Consider this sequence;
pattern; Determine fhe next three terms of each of the number patterns.
-2; -5; -8; -11; ...
2; 6; 10; 14; ... a) I; 2; 4; 8; 16; 32; __ ; __; __
1. a) Write down a rule to describe the
relationship between the numbers in the b) 180; 360; 540; 720; _ ; _ ; _
2.Calculate the 10th term. sequence.
c) O; 10; 21; 33; 46; 60; _ ; _ _~
b) Use your rule to determine the 20th term
Solution In this sequence. d} I; 3; 6; 10; 15; 21; _ ; _ ; __
lt ls helpful to lay the sequence out ln a table. e) I; 10; 100: I 000;_; _ _ ; __
Poaltlon In · I 2 3 4 f) 16;8;4; 2; I ; _ ; _ ; _·
sequence (tenn a) Represent the sequence in a table;
number, or n) g) 5; 10; 17; 26; 37; _ ; _ ; _
Position In I 2 3 4
Value of terin 2 6 10 14 seq_uence (tenn . h) -7;-14;-21 ;_; __ ; __
(T,,) number, n) .
Value of term -2 -5 -8 -II
T2-TI =6-2 Look at the number sequences and complete the next two tenns.
The constant difference is -3. :General number sequence types Examples
The constant difference is 4. The vQJue of each term ls calculated by a) Repeated addition of a number 54; 63; 72; 81; __; _
TA= 4n gives us n = 4 for the first term. multiplying the term number by -3 and
b) Repeated multiplication 12; 36; 108; 324; 972; __; _
adding 1.
But Tl= 2 c) Repeated dMslon I) I 000; 100; 10; I ; _ ; _
Therefore, the rule can be represented by
ii) 2 000; 100; 5; _ _ ; - -
T. =-i3n+ 1 di Doubling each time I) I; 2; 4; 8; 16; 32; 64; _ ; _
Check the rule: b) T0 =-3n + 1 H) 10; 20; 40; 80; 160; _ ;--
T 2 = 4(2)- 2 = 6 iii) R50; RIOO; R200; _ ; _ _
So the 20th term
e) Halvlng eoch time i) I 800; 900; 450; 225; _ ; _ _
T 3 = 4(3) - 2 = 10 "'-3(20) + 1 II} 16; 8; 4; 2; I;__; _ _
So the genera.I rule is T. = 4n - 2 =-59 ih) $400; $200; $100; $50; $25; _ ; _
f) Repeated pattern I) O; 15; O; 30; O; 45; _ _; _
2. II) 17; A; 34; B; 51; C; 68; _ ; _

:. T10 = 4{10)+2=42

36 37

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