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Narrator: It started out like a normal summer day, well, a normal summer day for a private detective.

Heart just received a call about the mysterious deaths of a married couple. The answer to what caused it is still a
mystery, so he’s off to find it all out.

*** SCENE 1: Detective meets the Police Woman in the Crime Scene ***

Detective: Ok, Police Officer Phila. What’s the scoop? And don’t hide anything; I want all the facts.

Phila: Well, the man fell there (points to the spot) and the woman fell there (points to the spot). My
forensics team is saying that the man died about three hours before the woman, then was dragged off. Later the
woman came here, and she was killed too. Probably the same men took her body away. I don’t think that there is any
question about it. It was murder.

Detective: *nods his head* Well, then I’m glad I came. What were the names of these people?

Phil: The man was named Ananias and the woman was Sapphira. They’re married.

Detective: Ok, Ms. Phila, you’ve been a big help, but I’ll need some other witnesses.

(there is a knock on the door)

Detective: Go ahead and let them in.

(Phil opens door. Naomi and Leah enter in all black with handkerchiefs)

Detective: (gruffly) Who are you, and why are you here?

Naomi: I am Naomi

Leah: and I’m Leah. We aren’t suspects, are we?

Phil: Ma’am, everyone is a suspect…except me.

Leah: Well, we did know them, but we aren’t suspects. We just went to church with the two of them
before they… before they…

Naomi and Leah: Died! (both begin to cry)

Narrator: The couple’s two friends were telling the detective how the couple are a devout member of the
church and just recently sold all their properties and gave the money to the church. They had come here to give their
money to Peter, the leader of the church.

Detective: So who’s this Peter guy?

Naomi: Well, this is Peter’s house; they came here to give him the money.

Leah: Wasn’t that good of them to give their money away like that?

Naomi and Leah: They were so noble! (both sob)

(a knock on the door)

Phil: Come in!

(Two neighbors enter)

Martha: Hello, we are neighbors of Peter, are you the police?

(detective and phil nodded)

Mary: Well, we came because we have some information that might have a bearing on what happened, and why
Ananias and Sapphira might have…

Naomi and Leah: Died! (both begin to cry)

Martha: Exactly. And we thought that we should tell you that when Ananias and Sapphira had sold their house and
land very recently they really only gave part of the money to the church.

Phil: How do you two know this?

Mary: Well, I can’t speak for everybody, but I know everyone on our street has lied in the past week. Jullean even
told the class that she didn’t study but got a perfect score in our physics quiz—

Detective: I think what Phil meant was how do you know that Ananias and Sapphira only gave half their money.

Martha: Oh. The clay walls in these 1st century houses are paper thin. You can hear right through them.

Lenny: Do you think that someone killed them for that money, boss?

Naomi and Leah : Oh, that’s awful! (NAOMI and LEAH begin to cry)

Detective: Or maybe because they didn’t give all of the money (PETER enters)

Peter: What’s going on here?

Phil: I’m sorry to have to tell you this, but this is a crime scene. Ananias and Sapphira have…

Naomi and Leah: Died! (both begin to cry)

Peter: I already know that. I’m Peter.

Detective: Interesting. Tell me: what do you know about this incident?

Peter: I was there when they were killed.

All: *GASP* Really?

Detective: Did you see who did it?

Peter: No, but I know who did it: God

Phil: We don’t understand.

(everyone nods)

Peter: Let me explain.

Narrator: Everyone sits and watched Peter portraying a flashback. Ananias was meeting Peter to give all their money
to the church, but Peter knew that he kept some to himself and broke his covenant to God.

Peter: Ananias, why have you devised to do this wickedness against God? You could have kept the money; no one
made you offer up your money. But in your pride and selfishness, you have lied to the LORD God.

(Ananias grabs his throat as if choking and drops dead, and the other characters drag him out.)

Narrator: Three hours later…

Sapphira: Oh, hello Peter. Did Ananias give you the money from the sale?

Peter: The money? Sapphira, did you give all of your money?

Sapphira: Oh, yes of course, Peter.

Peter: Sapphira, because you have lied to God the men who have now buried your husband are now at the doorstep
to carry you away.

(Sapphira drops dead and characters carry her out)

Naomi: So, you’re telling me that God struck them dead for breaking his holy law?

Detective: Yep, a verse in—uh—where is that verse, Lenny?

Lenny: Romans 7:13, Boss.

Leah: Yeah. That verse says, “Sin, that it might appear sin, working death in me by that which is good; that sin by the
commandment might become exceeding sinful.” Sin is not sin because we feel that it is generally wrong. Sin is sin
because God says that it is sin in His word.

Peter: And God sees sin as exceeding sinful: gross and disgusting. Sin is not to be messed around with, even “little”
sins. When you break His covenant or any covenant you made with him, there will be consequences.

Detective: The Bible says that “when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth
forth death.” You know what that means? It means that playing with sin will eventually lead sinners to…


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