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**Lecture 2: Defenses and Criminal Procedure**

**Inchoate Offenses:**
Our exploration extended to inchoate offenses, crimes initiated but not completed. The intricate
legal consequences surrounding attempts and conspiracies were elucidated. This section offered
insights into the challenges of determining criminal liability for actions that fall short of completion.

Insanity, duress, and intoxication were scrutinized as viable defenses in criminal cases. An in-depth
analysis highlighted the impact of these defenses on the assessment of criminal culpability,
emphasizing the delicate balance between individual responsibility and mitigating circumstances.

**Introduction to Criminal Procedure:**

The lecture transitioned into the constitutional framework that governs criminal investigations and
trials. An overview of the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Eighth Amendments provided students with a
foundational understanding of the legal parameters guiding the criminal justice system.

**Search and Seizure:**

Detailed discussions on rules and limitations governing government searches and seizures ensued.
The concept of a reasonable expectation of privacy was explored, illuminating the evolving landscape
of how the law grapples with balancing individual rights and law enforcement needs.

**Miranda Rights and Confessions:**

Turning our attention to procedural safeguards, we delved into the rights of the accused during
police interrogations. The admissibility of confessions in court and the delicate balance between
effective law enforcement and protecting individual rights were focal points of our exploration.

**Punishment and Sentencing:**

The final segment of the lecture centered on the theories and goals of criminal punishment. Students
gained insights into sentencing guidelines and the role of mitigating and aggravating factors in
shaping judgments. This multifaceted discussion provided a nuanced understanding of the broader
implications of criminal sentencing in society.

These comprehensive notes offer a condensed yet detailed overview of the two lectures, capturing
the key concepts and discussions that unfolded during the exploration of criminal law at Harvard Law

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